#hope dealer
dwuerch-blog · 5 months
Resolution or Resolve?
Which do you have?A RESOLUTION is a decision to do or not do something.RESOLVE is a firm determination to do something. Resolution is wishful thinking. A fleeting moment in time.Resolve involves ongoing action with a fixed purpose. A dedication to the process. Anyone can make a resolution. Not everyone has resolve. One of my “goals” with an end date of on or before December 31, 2024 is to…
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onegirlmanytales · 14 days
Eddie’s really good at math. His grades don’t seem to reflect it, but it’s true. It’s impressive how quickly he can solve things in his head.
He helps Wayne manage the finances. Not that Wayne can’t do it. Eddie can just do it faster.
During Hellfire sessions if any members are having trouble with the math he’s always willing to help. It’s almost scary how fast he’s able to calculate damage against his players.
The only reason his grades in math are low is because he finds it boring. Doing math while playing dnd is fun, and while managing the bills isn’t it still gives him a chance to spend time with his uncle and that’s fun.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steve felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. The TV at Family Video was turned on to the news station (the tiebreaker when he and Robin couldn’t agree), and a reporter was saying something about a gruesome murder, limbs snapped, teenage boy suspect, and it all swirled and came together until Steve saw the trailer in the background.
Oxygen evaded him. He gasped, trying to remember how to breathe, how to stay grounded, because freaking out wasn’t going to help anything right now-
“Steve!” The front door banged open and Dustin ran in. “How many phones do you have?”
Steve blinked at Dustin. Managed a breath, another one. His brain still felt like it was swimming through molasses. “Why?”
Dustin rolled his eyes like it should’ve been obvious and gestured to the TV. “I’m gonna call Eddie. And, like, everyone. You know what situation this is, right? And that’s Eddie’s trailer. And he doesn’t know anything about this.”
“I know,” Steve murmured, thinking. “Okay, let’s go.” He spared a glance Robin’s direction. She nodded.
Dustin frowned. “Go where?”
“To go find Eddie. I know where he’ll be.”
“How? Steve? Steve, you don’t even know him. Steve?”
Steve ignored the questions. “Get buckled. You got your radio?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Good, keep it on you.” Still ignoring all of Dustin’s questions, he peeled out of the parking lot, making his way to the place he and Eddie had promised each other they’d go if shit hit the fan.
He pulled up to the shed and gestured for Dustin to follow as he cautiously walked inside.
“Eddie?” Dustin asked. “Eddie, it’s Dustin, are you here?”
Steve should’ve said something, should’ve let Eddie hear his voice, but it’s too late because he touched the tarp Eddie’s under and suddenly his back was against the wall, a broken beer bottle against his neck. “Eddie,” he murmured calmly, even as his pulse skyrocketed. He vaguely heard Dustin saying something about his mother. “Eddie, put down the bottle, please. It’s okay. It’s just me and Dustin. No one followed us here. I know what you saw, I know what happened. I know you didn’t kill Chrissy, Eddie. I know you’re scared and don’t know what’s going on, but we’re gonna help you, okay? You’re not alone.”
Eddie dropped the bottle with a slight gasp, eyes widening as he realized who he’s looking at. “Shit,” he whispered, gently placing his hands on Steve’s shoulders. They were shaking. “Steve. Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine,” he promised, his own hands finding Eddie’s waist. “And you? Are you okay?”
“Christ, Steve, I dunno.” He let out a weak laugh and dropped his head to Steve’s shoulder. “She just… she was sayin’ she thought she was crazy, paranoid, and then she’s in the air, and the sound, Steve, Jesus fuck, I’m never gonna forget it as long as I live, and then she- she’s dead, and-”
“I know,” Steve promised quietly, pulling him into a hug. “I know. It’ll be okay. C’mon, my house is safe. We can go there, lay low. Want me to get Wayne too? The trailer’s a crime scene right now, he’s gotta go somewhere else anyways.”
“Yeah. Please. Just… gimme a minute.”
“I’ll give you all the minutes,” Steve promised nonsensically. “We’ll get everyone together, figure out how to beat it. We’ve done it before.”
“Um,” Dustin said, “what the fuck?”
“Watch it,” Steve warned, tracing Eddie’s spine with his palm. “Did you really think the former king of Hawkins High didn’t buy from the best dealer in town?”
Dustin stared at him, disbelieving. “You’ve never gotten high in your life. I don’t think you’ve ever relaxed in your life.”
Eddie murmured something in Steve’s ear that caused him to roll his eyes and pinch Eddie’s side, smiling when he twitched. “You shush,” he admonished before turning back to Dustin. “I have gotten high. I stopped when I started watching you and the rest of the ankle-biters.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Okay, so explain this. Explain how cuddling your drug dealer is normal behavior.”
Steve tapped Eddie’s back, who tilted his head up again to whisper into Steve’s ear. “You sure?” Steve asked, and Eddie nodded.
“‘S fine.”
“M’kay. If you say so.” He stroked a hand down Eddie’s back again before returning his attention to Dustin. “Eddie’s not just my drug dealer. He’s my boyfriend.”
Dustin blinked. “You’re not gay.”
“Nope. It’s called bisexual. ‘S when you like both guys and girls.”
Dustin narrowed his eyes. “But… Robin?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Platonic, like I’ve told you a million times before, you twerp.”
Dustin shook his head. “Wait. You and Eddie?”
“Christ, I’d have better luck talking to a brick at this point. Yes, me and Eddie. Is that gonna be a problem for you?”
“Well, yeah,” Dustin said, like it was obvious, unaware of the way Steve and Eddie and both stiffened at his words. “You’re, like, my brothers or some shit. I don’t want my brothers dating each other. Besides, you both could do so much better.”
Eddie snorted and looked up at Dustin. “Not sure that’s how that works, bud.”
“Sure it is,” Dustin shrugged.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Not the point,” he reminded them both. “Eds, c’mon, let’s get you to my house. Dustin, can you walkie everyone? Tell them to meet us there?”
Dustin shook his head, but brought the walkie up to his mouth anyways. “Uh… guys? We’re meeting at Steve’s house ASAP. Over.”
“That’s not proper form, dipshit. Over.”
“Shut the fuck up, how about that? Over.”
“Fucking hell,” Steve murmured, grabbing the walkie from Dustin. “Listen up, twerps, my house, twenty minutes, move it. Over and out.”
Eddie began to grin at Steve. “‘S kinda hot, Stevie.”
“Oh, god,” Dustin said, screwing up his face. “No. Nope. We’re not going there. Just… let’s go. Before I try to bleach my brain.”
Steve chuckled, smacking a kiss to Eddie’s cheek and ruffling Dustin’s hair through his hat. “Glad you’re safe, Eds. Let’s go.”
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smollmilly · 2 months
Achievement unlocked!
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Congratulations, you successfully confused the Dealer!
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liyazaki · 7 months
my downstairs neighbor (a saint who’s decided to adopt me): do you think you could pick me up some butter while you’re at the store?
me (thrilled she’s finally letting me do SOMETHING for her): ON IT 🫡
cut to me giving her the butter & her handing me a bag before basically running off into the night before I could give it back to her (she’s slick).
inside the bag? two sweaters she randomly bought because she thought I’d like them (I do) & she knows I’m about to go to Europe where it’s chilly, plus a freaking $20 bill.
neighbor: 1000 points; me: negative 10/🥺😭💀
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arabiidhound · 1 month
Can I lay in the palm of the dealer’s hand? I had a rough day 😞
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smoresie · 3 months
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Back again with more work doodles from the foh!
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sungam-supo · 5 months
So apparently the creator of Buckshot Roulette just launched an official Dealer plushie campaign.
No seriously- this is real.
I'm curious to see just how accurate and silly this is gonna luck if fully funded. I'm more curious to see how the floating hands are gonna be done.
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dissentersbedamned · 2 months
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never smoked in my life
art commissions
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bebemoon · 8 months
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look for the name: GÜLSEREN
a.w.a.k.e. mode asymmetric faux-fur trimmed jacket in grey
gerald lajoie "arrow" maroon and teal baroque jacquard mini skirt
toga pulla black leather hard oxfords w/ perforated and serrated detailing throughout
tom ford "café rose" eau de parfum
jwr co. antique edwardian-era german chainmail coin purse bag
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cursed-princess-club · 4 months
(ikemen banned for this poll)
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teenagesublimefan · 1 year
say it to my face,, prologue
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pairing: ellie williams x fem!neighbor!reader
summary: reader moves into her new apartment, bumping into the irritable yet irresistible next door neighbor
warnings: allusions to drugs if you squint, other than that none i think (see masterlist for series and reader warnings)
word count: 573
masterlist series masterlist will be linked soon
The boxes were starting to get heavy in your arms as you slowly trekked up the 4th flight of stairs. The new apartment building you just moved into currently has no working elevators. When you questioned your new landlord, grouchy looking Mr. Tanner, who by all means is just as grouchy as he looks, he met you with an eyebrow raise and an added humph and shoulder shrug for extra pizazz. You took that as a definite, don't ask again it'll happen if it happens, type deal.
Your apartment was on the 5th floor, 5c to be exact. And by the time you got to your floor on just your second trip up out of many, your lungs were gasping for air, your calves burned, and you felt just about ready to die.
As you shuffled into your open doorway with the two large boxes you heard the door adjacent to the right open. You quickly put the boxes in the hallway of your new apartment, urgent to meet your new neighbor. You skipped out of the perched open doorway with a smile bright on your face, you raised your hands to adjust the straps of your overalls attempting to look at least half as decent as you could in the moment.
When your eyes met the girl in front of you, you could've sworn the world would stop. Your breath hitched and your hearing started to ring, a fuzzy feeling overtook your chest and you raised your hand to your necklace in an attempt to slow your racing pulse.
She stood perched against the wall, left foot raised to rest against it. She held a tin container and green lighter in one hand and her cellphone in the other intently reviewing whatever was on the screen. She looked completely uninviting yet you couldn't help but stand still admiring her features. Her auburn hair was cut short into semi choppy layers, the splattered dark freckles looked beautiful in contrast to her pale skin. You could still see the soft green to her eyes despite the glare of her phone.
Your eyes were intently locked on the way her slender fingers slid rapidly across the screen, completely missing how they stopped abruptly and her head had turned to face you, meeting you with an annoyed yet slightly amused look.
She snapped her fingers bringing you out of your daze and up to meet her eyes. Your skin instantly became hot and tingly, embarrassment spilled from every pore. Her slightly amused look was gone before it even came, pure irritation littered her face and the butterflies in your stomach turned sour.
You swallowed hard and forced a smile on your face, sticking your hand out for her to shake, "Hi there I'm your new neighbor, y/n". Your voice shook and you knew your lack of confidence was as plain as day. She looked you up and down not bothering to shake your hand, her eyes fleeting back up to meet yours.
"Ellie." And with that she kicked off the wall, torn converse scuffing across the floor as she made her way down the stairs and out of sight. You let out a chuckle and shrugged your shoulders, not knowing what else to do. Putting your head down with a shake you began to make your way back inside to put the boxes in their respective rooms, muttering a 'bitch' under your breath as you went.
a/n: my first fic on tumblr yayy! this part is short but i swear future ones will be 2k or longer, i'm shooting for like 3 parts but i'm not really sure yet. there will we slow updates, i work full time and have very little down time but i'll get them out as fast as i can. until next time !! :)
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basslinecal · 11 months
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happy birthday ashton irwin ! 🪕💌🪷🥥
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crossover-enthusiast · 2 months
first things first, obviously, the cult.
lets go to skiddad first.
ok. so, lilas husband. my guess is that throughout the years, he has been raised into cults. i imagine he became rather rebellious of this, and tried to abandon that life.
though, became too caught up, and eventually tried to get lila involved, POSSIBLY resulting in his death from fear from lila that he'd try to involve skid. my guess is skiddad is the right hand man of eyes.
theres not much i can grab there, BUT i think its worth noting the mannequin and the spiders, and how theyre probably related to skiddad. the mannequin is seen moving and/or trying to prevent people from escaping or hurting lila (sm6, sm5 where bob tries to catch her)
but, thats all i really got for him.
now, bob velseb
judging by this picture, i like to think bob came from a more wealthy family. though, this can just be him in a business meeting, or some other formal event.
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my personal idea, is that he was raised in a wealthy family, and eventually left home to go venture outwards and find some quiet peace in wherever-the-fuck-sm-takes-place. small town n stuff.
there, he worked at boys & grillz, selling to kids all around town, and specifically lila. now, to me, its not exactly clear how or why bob got into cannibalism. from what i see, its not exactly a metaphor for anything (besides like, idk, the fact his name is a pun on beezlebub, gluttony) and my only guess can just be the cult. or he was just.. hungry LMFAO
but, what i find the most interesting, is that bob couldve been a family figure (or family friend) to lila. which could explain the theory i have, that lila is the one who caught bob and put him in jail in the first place. theyre close, and lila accidentally digging too deep or stumbling upon bobs secretive cannibalistic tendencies can explain why he went out to kill her (sm1). once thrown back in prison, having help of the cult, he escaped again and tried to hurt lila AND her child, but once again, failed. (and ended up getting fucking killed in the process)
also, i like to think that bob was.. probably found at a low point with his cannibalism, and given a chance out to join the cult. idk. he probably escaped on his own in sm1 though
his role does not seem clear to me, but i like to think he was skiddad's right hand man, and once he died, bob took his place. i mean, in my eyes, he must atleast be in some high authority.
mr clown
not even gonna lie, not too much on this guy lmfao 😭😭
though, it is known very well that he kidnaps and kills kids (unlike frank, who most likely.. just holds them for ransom tbh.) as suggested in pelos doodles (obv theyre not usually canon, but i feel like.. this one kinda is)
hes most likely of high authority/ranking in the cult, but is then killed off by jack. oops! (jesus, jack has a streak of killing cult members.)
my favorite one to explore so far, eyes. i love eyes, specifically because of the fact we know NOTHING of their ability and their reasoning of why they inhabit this earth. to me, theyre a parasitic alien. sent, or either just out of hunger to drain the planet. i like to think that they desire to grab the human race, and put it under their control. whether it be hatred, for sadistic fun, or just for their own satisfaction. maybe controlling humans factor into their feeding. who knows.
anyway, thats where the cult comes in. tricking and playing with humans, eventually getting skiddad to lead all these people along.
my idea of eyes powers, really comes down to this. this is only what we have seen throughout sm2-sm6
-stunning, dazing.
as seen to pump, kevin, hatzgang, and gregor.
-changing humans eye color when an inhumane presence is spotted or near.
this isnt tooo important, but i think it should be added. though, unknown why bobs eyes changed. could just be his relation to the cult.
-spectating through the stars
eyes is seen throughout the episodes looking out through the sky, this could be that they are fond of skid and pump, and want to see what danger they could be in. or, theyre just curious of the two little guys' lives.
-manipulation, brainwashingggg, hypnotizing?
this is kind of a stretch, but in the end credits, and in the end of the episode itself, gregor bows to eyes and most likely put under their control. end credits wise, gregor is seen with moloch, being held up while the cult is around them. gregor could be used as a tool to summon demons and eldritch creatures alike to help take over the planet. or wreck havoc. or whatever.
but other than that, thats my idea of eyes. thumbs up.... i wonder if they can die? otherwise everyones screwed lmfao
john and JD (johns daughter)
johns daughter is teased through pictures and drawings. it is either thought she died in the housefire in sm4, or was kidnapped, and is currently being held hostage. i like the held hostage situation better, because it adds greater stakes.
we dont know much about her, but she seems to be a bubbly young girl, and john is grief-stricken once he loses her. also, i feel its implied that he is divorced.
my idea, is that multiple cult members helped with the operation, and kidnapped JD while she was sleeping.
see, this is good (on the cults end) for multiple reasons.
while it doesnt remove john off their trail, it does deteriorate him with the loss of his child. though, if anything this makes him more determind to stop the cult.
BUT, they burned the evidence too, he is now rather powerless unless he gains all his evidence back, which would take a while.
idk. i imagine the cult try to bargain with john. and why i think of this, is because of the little poster thats likely to be a spoiler/hint for future episodes.
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i mean, long hair, tealish smoke.. it could be JD being possessed? and john having to pick and choose between getting off the cults ass, or having his daughter back (and alive). shrug. thats just my theory.
heavily implied to be with the cult, and implied to be the one who burned down the house, its also likely he called the cult on gregor.
also, if anything, ignacio seems to be of somewhat.. high ranking or authority. or in the medium range, as he was assigned to burn johns house down. he is the one of only cult member(s) that we know of alive. others include candy dealer, the thieves, and possibly gregor.
not much about him tbh. old ass man.
not much with him either, but its likely hes brainwashed to be apart of the cult and help along with their goals and stuff.
skid (and a little bit of lila)
now, this is awesome because theres a very clear tie to skid and the cult. especially with skiddad and stuff.
we know from sm2, that skid is immune to eye's stun/dazing, so this can easily lead us to the fact that skiddad was connected to the cult a little before skid was born.
also! i wanna make it super clear with how lila tries to erase skiddad from everything. countless photos torn apart (specifcally of skiddads face), even ones in the attic.
lila seems to be awfully protective of skid, fearful of the cult in its entirety, but also mournful of what her husband had become. and having to possibly murder him in fear and protection of her and her son being involved.
the thieves and candy dealer
now, holy shit, i was NOT expecting the thieves to be apart of the cult, but it does make sense. my idea is that they were sent to rob lila's house specifically so that they could retrieve anything of skiddad and cult related stuff.
their failed attempts seem to be irking candy dealer, and he gives them a good warning before going away. tbh. these guys are silly dumb dumbs. i love them.
ALSOO, that spider. right. do you think that was skiddad trying to scare them away....
candy dealer, i have no idea what the fuck is going on with him, (besides him. like. being a drug dealer obviously) but hes definitely of good importance. its nice to see him ^_^
the cult necklaces
i feel its worth mentioning these, as they seem like a bind to those in the cult.
i think me and @deadbatzz talked about this, but we had this idea that if anyone was bound to the cult (whether by necklace or just joining), theyd be like. sent into purgatory, no release from life, just frozen in this half dead and half alive state. yeah. (though, dexters another story, as he was like. possessed and then murder in their own body. AND not to mention the happy fella dolls, but those arent part of the cult.)
closing, and one final theory.
i saw this a while back on a comment, and for the life of me i dont think i can find it. i know it was probably on a video that pelo didnt make, but related to spooky month.
the theory is, is that the cult is powered, or just has some significance with candy.
eyes is seen eating candy in sm2, and bob is seen stopping multiple times in sm5 to eat candy. while this could just be him having a sweet tooth, i like the idea of it being much more. he even gives up literal victims for candy.
woofh. but yeah, thats... all i kinda have? sorry jf this didnt help for anything of trying to figure out whats going on with lore, but it was fun to spill my knowledge.
Oh my god dude this is fucking sick!!!! I love everything about this! I don't really have much except
Eyes/the cult having a thing with candy?? That... makes far more sense than it should, especially now that we know the CANDY Dealer is part of the cult. I like this a lot
Also the thing with Bob. The idea of him coming from a wealthy family is honestly really interesting, especially with how his house is in such a state of disrepair in Tender Treats
Him being a father figure to Lila is honestly the most gut punching, because like?? Imagine learning this man you looked up to for years is a serial killer! AND IS NOW TRYING TO KILL YOU!!!
Genuinely I want to know what the fuck happened with Gregor at the end, bc according to the ARG hub he went "missing". Apparently he wasn't even in the town for that long anyway, so like??
Just. A lot to think about.
ALSO I was thinking of them using John's daughter as a bargaining chip!! That makes too much sense! Though tbh I just don't want her to be dead-
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lividmorbidity · 2 months
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My own design for the Dealer alongside a personalized name. Idk I really like him(I'm normal about him I swear)
Spine is exposed usually which produces a lot of spooky demon smoke, alongside screams and wails. Barbed wire, electrical wire is usually seen in his spine, but I was too unbothered to show it. Generally, his theme is revolved around barbed wire, demonic gore, and gnarled features.
I'll go more in-depth about the lore I've given this game, but again, it's a work in progress alike many other of my projects.
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smoresie · 3 months
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buckshot roulette memes made by their publisher critical reflex channel!
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