#homeopathy healthcare
By: Henry Samuel
Published: Mar 23, 2024
French Senators want to ban gender transition treatments for under-18s, after a report described sex reassignment in minors as potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.
The report, commissioned by the opposition centre-Right Les Republicains (LR) party, documents various practices by health professionals, which it claims are indoctrinated by a “trans-affirmative” ideology under the sway of experienced trans-activist associations.
The report, which cites a “tense scientific and medical debate”, accuses such associations of encouraging gender transition in minors via intense propaganda campaigns on social media.
Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, an LR senator who led the working group behind the report, concluded that “fashion plays a big role” in the rise of gender reassignment treatments.
If this factor and the risks involved are underestimated, she added, “the sexual transition of young people will be considered as one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine”.
LR senators now want to table a Bill by the summer that would effectively ban the medical transition of minors in France by halting the prescription or administration of puberty blockers and hormones to people under the age of 18.
Sex reassignment surgery could also be banned for minors.
Reacting to the report, Ypomoni, a French parents’ group, said: “We welcome this return to reason.”
Maud Vasselle, a mother whose daughter underwent gender transition treatment, told Le Figaro: “A child is not old enough to ask to have her body altered.
“My daughter just needed the certificate of a psychiatrist, which she obtained after a one-hour consultation. But doctors don’t explain the consequences of puberty blockers,” she added.
“My daughter didn’t realise that life wasn’t going to be so easy with all these treatments... She was a brilliant little girl but now she’s failing at school. And she is far from having found the solution to her problems.”
Shocking and ideological
Transgender activists and certain health professionals expressed alarm at the report.
Clément Moreau, the clinical psychologist and coordinator of the mental health unit of the association Espace Santé Trans (Trans Health Space), said the report was “shocking” and called the move “ideological”.
“Using blockers if necessary or hormones before coming of age reduces the rate of suicidality, depression and anxiety,” he added.
The French report comes after the NHS banned children from receiving puberty blockers on prescription earlier this month.
France’s health regulation body, the Haute Autorité de Santé, was already examining a similar move.
The LR senators want to accelerate the process following the report.
Citing British, Swedish and American studies, the report said that the number of children identifying themselves as trans has exploded over the past decade.
One hospital in Paris receives around 40 new requests from minors every year, with 16 per cent of those under the age of 12 and the report points out that many suffer from other issues.
A quarter of the children seen at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital for gender dysphoria have dropped out of school, 42 per cent have been victims of harassment, and 61 per cent have experienced an episode of depression. One in five has attempted suicide.
Their conclusions are in line with those of British experts called in to investigate London’s Tavistock clinic over its use of mass gender reassignment surgery on minors.
David Bell. a British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, found that a third of the children consulted at the Tavistock suffered from autistic disorders, and many were victims of family violence or had difficulty in accepting or expressing homosexuality, yet they were rushed into gender transition regardless.
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greatmotivation · 2 months
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Negative motivation corrodes the spirit, transforming ambition into anxiety. It erects barriers to progress, replacing hope with apprehension. Like a dark cloud, it obscures the path to success, casting shadows of doubt and hesitation. In its grasp, potential withers, suffocated by the weight of pessimism and despair.
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When non-licensed healthcare providers hurt you with their treatments, what recourse do you have?
In the US, when a licensed healthcare professional makes a mistake, you can pursue legal action or seek to have their license revoked. I've known people who have had mistakes in surgery fixed for free, received monetary compensation for malpractice, and had their doctors' licenses revoked. None of these systems for justice/repair are perfect, or possibly even adequate, but you have options (and oftentimes you can hire a lawyer for no upfront costs).
The allure of CAM and homeopathy is powerful if you've been abused by a traditional Western healthcare provider or don't have health insurance but if you get hurt, genuinely wondering, what can you do? Would you go back to the same alternative healer and ask them to fix their mistake?
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homeonestindia · 2 years
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Anxiety and Panic attacks - Types and Treatment
Learn the most dominant types of anxiety and panic attacks. The sad part of anxiety and panic attacks is:
They have become very common
Life becomes diffocult as symptoms can be very disturbing
Anxiety can cause palpitations, chest pain, sweating and a cold feet
Cam affect gut health causing burping, bloating and acid reflux.
Many cases are resistant to medications
The good part of getting anxiety and panic attacks is: -
These psychological problems can be treated
Alternative medicines like homeopathy provide good treatment for anxiety without side-effects.
Following are the types of anxiety and panic attacks
Generalized anxiety disorder
Social phobia
Performance anxiety
Panic disorders
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acehomoeopathy · 13 days
Breathe Freely Again: Exploring Homeopathy Options for Breathing Problems in Gurgaon
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health-homeopathy · 23 days
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A patient can have various types of anxiety problems and symptoms. Patients who search for a homeopathic clinic for anxiety treatment in Mumbai, report the following complains to Dr. Mehta.
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thorodinson111111 · 27 days
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brahmhomeo · 2 years
Adenomyosis uterus treatment
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By: Bernard Lane
Published: Mar 25, 2024
Not good medicine
The dominant “gender-affirming” treatment approach—which promotes puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and mastectomy for minors—is “fundamentally incompatible with competent, ethical medical practice.”
That is the conclusion of a new paper by academic psychiatrist Andrew Amos in the journal Australasian Psychiatry.
Dr Amos says treatment guidelines from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) “assert without evidence that pathology plays no part in the development of gender diversity,” which is said to be part of nature.
“If it is admitted there are some pathological causes of gender diversity, then it becomes necessary to assess the health or illness of all presentations [of gender identity],” Dr Amos says.
But the gender-affirming model insists that self-declared gender identity be affirmed, not interrogated for underlying mental illness.
“The emergence of non-binary and fluid genders means there are no boundaries to self-reported gender identity, which may include a gender consistent with one of the two biological sexes; a combination of features consistent with both sexes; the absence of features of gender; an identity as a voluntarily/involuntarily castrated eunuch; or arbitrary and rapidly changing variations,” Dr Amos says.
“From a psychiatric perspective, the proposition that psychopathology plays no role in gender diversity is absurd.
“The most detailed personal description of the experiences of psychosis is that of Daniel Paul Schreber, a German judge who minutely described his belief that God had turned him into a woman and was sending ribbons from the sun through his body to impregnate him and repopulate the earth.
“It is difficult to imagine a more pathological aetiology [or cause] for gender diversity, yet the [gender-affirming model] provides no framework for assessing such a patient, and does not view Schreber’s case as an absolute contraindication to social, medical or surgical transition.
“As Schreber illustrates, it is certain that pathology causes some cases of gender diversity. Differentiating between healthy and pathological gender diversity, or, more likely, gauging the relative contribution of healthy and pathological processes originating within or in the environment of each patient, can only be achieved by the comparison of an individual’s patterns of behaviour with patterns of normal and pathological development.
“While [gender-affirming] advocates have argued transition is safe in patients with psychosis because it is easy to differentiate psychotic from non-psychotic aetiologies of gender diversity, they have provided no guidance on how to do so, and no empirical evidence that it is safe to try.
“To the extent they discuss the role of psychosis or severe personality pathology in the development of gender diversity at all, it is only to deny that either might prevent transition.”
RCH Melbourne’s treatment guideline—promoted as “Australian standards of care”1 and used by children’s hospital gender clinics across the country—states that psychosis in a minor “should not necessarily prevent medical transition.” It does not explain how to discern those cases when psychosis should indeed rule out transition.
In the leaked WPATH Files, clinicians were revealed debating how to manage “trans clients” with dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities or alters) in which “not all the alters have the same gender identity.”
Dr Amos argues that gender-affirming treatment guidelines “abandon the clinical discipline of diagnosis and make treatment contingent upon the unconstrained subjective experiences of children and potentially disturbed adults.”
“This is unethical, because modern medicine relies upon accurate diagnosis and evidence-based clinical reasoning to ensure that treatment is likely to help and not harm patients.”
Dr Amos notes tension in the 2023 gender dysphoria policy of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists between a traditional mental health approach and the unevidenced assertion that, “Being trans or gender diverse does not represent a mental health condition.” This policy area has occasioned sharp divisions within the college since 2019.
“Although it is clear that this [2023 policy] compromise balances the concerns of different stakeholders, the medico-legal implications for psychiatrists and their patients may be too important to long defer a conclusive position on the aetiological role of mental illness in gender diversity,” Dr Amos says.
He points out that the lack of evidence for the gender-affirming model has led an Australian medical defence fund, MDA National, to restrict coverage for private practitioners facing claims because of their involvement in the medical transition of under-18 patients.
[ Video: England’s NHS has radically restricted puberty blocker drugs, but it’s business as usual for Australia’s gender medicine lobby ]
“A patient should be more than a number, but detransitioners [who regret gender medicine treatments] can’t even get that. Reclaiming one’s biological gender after a gender transition is so taboo, that there is no way to document it in a medical record with an official diagnosis code.”—FAIR in Medicine fellow Aida Cerundolo, opinion article, The Hill, 15 February 2024
“International Classification of Disease diagnosis codes label patients’ medical issues and electronically shuttle them through the US healthcare system. These letter-number combinations facilitate communication, help prevent medical errors and signal insurance companies to reimburse for treatments. 
“Codes exist for patients ‘struck by orca, initial encounter,’ or who have ‘problems in relationship with in-laws’ and even for those ‘sucked into [a] jet engine, sequela.’ However, detransition remains an unrecognized medical entity because it has no corresponding diagnosis code.”
Taking cover
On May 9 last year, GCN reported that MDA National planned to restrict cover for private doctors assessing minors as eligible for medicalised gender change or initiating cross-sex hormones for them.
The insurer cited “the high risk of claims arising from irreversible treatments provided to those who medically and surgically transition as children and adolescents.”
The news appears to have alarmed the lobby group LGBTIQ Health Australia (LHA)2, whose access to federal Health Minister Mark Butler produced an “URGENT one day turnaround” brief from his department on the issue, according to documents obtained under Freedom of Information law.
These documents suggest Australia’s federal government is focused not on the international debate about safety concerns and the lack of evidence for youth gender medicine, but on expanding access to gender-affirming treatment as requested by well-connected LGBTQ lobbies.
On May 23, LHA chief executive Nicky Bath—who sits on the government’s LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing 10 Year National Action Plan Expert Advisory Group—alerted Mr Butler’s office to MDA’s proposed restriction of insurance cover. (By market share, MDA is the second largest medical defence fund.)
That same day, the Department of Health and Aged Care3 secured a detailed account from MDA chief executive Ian Anderson of the insurer’s rationale for the change to take effect from 1 July 2023.
In its urgent brief sent to Minister Butler on May 30, the department relayed Mr Anderson’s explanation that—
While MDA itself had not received any claims arising from gender medicine, the insurer was aware of claims emerging with other indemnifiers in Australia and overseas
Members of MDA had expressed concerns about growing demand pressuring general practitioners (GPs or primary care doctors) to prescribe cross-sex hormones for minors
Those concerns included whether the usual consent would be sufficient for children, given the life-changing, permanent effects of such treatment; and reliance on medical opinion influencing that treatment decision in the event of a claim brought by a former patient
For these reasons, MDA had investigated the underwriting risk of claims arising from gender treatment of minors and concluded that it was unable to quantify and price the risk, quantum and frequency of claims; nor was it able to source appropriate data
MDA members with experience in gender medicine had stated their view that the best model for assessment and treatment of gender-distressed children involved a multi-disciplinary team backed by “a significant hospital”
In its brief, the minister’s department makes no reference to systematic reviews overseas showing the evidence base for paediatric transition to be very weak and uncertain.
However, the note suggests that if the regulatory Medical Board of Australia had to intervene in a case involving gender treatment of a minor, it would use the treatment guideline issued in 2018 by the gender-affirming clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) and badged as “Australian standards of care.”
“In determining what is safe clinical care and what is the best available evidence, doctors should have regard to relevant Australian standards of care,” the briefing note says.
There is no hint of the controversial status of the RCH treatment guideline.
The department’s note says the RCH guideline “clearly outlines the role of GPs in the assessment and care of adolescents with gender dysphoria”, which the note says includes prescription of puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones “in collaboration with a paediatrician, adolescent physician or paediatric endocrinologist.”
However, towards the end of 2023, the RCH gender clinic changed precisely this section of the guideline consistent with a campaign by the gender-affirming lobby to ramp up GP provision of cross-sex hormone treatment for minors—the very issue that MDA was concerned about.
Gender-affirming clinicians see the mainstreaming of hormones through local medical practices as one answer to long waiting lists at children’s hospital specialist gender clinics, where older adolescents may age out before treatment.
The current, version 1.4 of the RCH guideline still says a multidisciplinary approach is “the optimal model of care” but adds new advice that, “GPs with sufficient expertise and skill in initiating and monitoring [cross-sex] hormone therapy can consider initiating and optimising hormone therapy for [minors].”
“This would typically be within a primary care-led multidisciplinary team tailored to the patient’s needs and availability of services…” (Emphasis added.)
It is not explained how GPs will know when they can go ahead without a multi-disciplinary team. Version 1.3—still available on the RCH website—did not recommend that GPs initiate cross-sex hormones without the precaution of specialist back up.
In November 2023, gender-affirming GPs keen to mainstream hormones for 16- and 17-year-olds without specialist back up complained of mixed messages as to whether or not they would be covered for this4 by the country’s largest medical defence fund, Avant.
Avant, which is understood to be defending psychiatrist Dr Patrick Toohey against a 2022 claim by detransitioner Jay Langadinos, told GCN it had not changed its cover. The fund did not answer the question whether it would cover claims arising from GP members initiating opposite-sex hormones for 16- or 17-year-old patients without the backing of a multi-disciplinary team.
Version 1.4 of the RCH guideline did not cite any new evidence supporting the practice of GP-led hormones, nor was the opportunity taken to cite fresh data reported since the guideline was first issued in 2018.
The RCH document makes no reference to systematic evidence reviews in Finland, Sweden and England since 2019. These reviews, undertaken independently, found the evidence base for hormonal treatment of minors to be very weak and uncertain.
"Gender affirming care" is pseudoscientific faith-healing quackery.
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5 Mental Health Problems treated with Homeopathy
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discoverybody · 2 months
Fascinating Process of Making Homeopathic Medicines
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Homeopathy is an alternative medicine technique based on the premise of 'like cures like'. It entails employing diluted chemicals to activate the body's inherent healing mechanisms. Homeopathic medications are made by selecting source materials and using advanced dilution and potentization methods. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, believed in the body's power to heal itself and developed the law of similars, which holds that a chemical that causes symptoms in a healthy person may be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
Potentization and succussion are essential aspects of homeopathy that strive to increase the power of the drug. In the United States, homeopathic pharmaceuticals are controlled by the FDA, which recognizes the unique production process and has special labeling requirements. Homeopathic medicines are made by a process called as potentization, which includes dilution and succussion.
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greatmotivation · 2 months
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Negative motivation can create a toxic cycle, eroding self-esteem and fostering a sense of resentment. It undermines intrinsic motivation and can lead to burnout and disengagement. Over time, it may result in a mindset focused solely on avoidance rather than growth and fulfillment.
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