#hollow head photoshop
sahdevvala · 10 months
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Hollow Head
#Adobe #Adobephotoshop #photoshop #kshitijvivan #sahdevvala #artwork #Photoshoptutorial #photoedit #photoediting #graphics #graphicdesigner #designer #creativegraphics #creativedesigner #creativedesign #educationvala #education_vala #parthsir #educationvala.com #educationvalanews #creativeagency #socialmediabanner #socialmediabannerdesign #socialmediapost #realestate #realestatesocialmediapost #socialmediapostrealestate #socialmediapostdesign #socialmediapostlayout #creativesocialmediapost #creativegraphicdesign #creativedesign #socialmediapostfor #socialmediapostforrealestate #movieposter #moviebanner #filmposter #filmbanner #clipmask #clipmasking #layermask #layermasking #hollowhead #hollowheadeffect #hollowhead #terminator effect
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alibaracnik · 1 year
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hand in unlovable hand i hope you die i hope we both die
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drasilfaemir · 8 months
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My entry for the Unsounded Fanworks Contest and tribute to the bestest girl Pantoffel! If you like it please give it a vote!
Edit: Holy shit you guys! I won?! Thanks to all who voted and hope you enjoyed it!
In the meantime, here are some detail photos and a breakdown of the work that went into making it under the cut, featuring the bestest boi and model, my pupper Sharky. Scroll to the end for a special treat!
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The saddle is real leatherwork at a tiny scale. Everything patterned, wet-shaped, dyed, finished, and assembled by yours truly. The saddle blanket is custom-made to match as well. The seat of the saddle is stitched to the base just at the front and back to allow the pieces to move in relation to each other for a more comfortable fit.
The pommel and backrest are both modeled and 3D printed by yours truly as well, with sports tape for the fabric on the pommel. Both are attached using rivet backings set through hollow points in the prints.
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From the back more detail can be seen for the backrest. It is wet-shaped and stretched over the base, and then flathead pins were cut short and turned into the tiniest nails to nail it in place. No glue was used at all in it's construction.
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The collar was constructed so that it fit around Sharky's head and then the tension in the straps under his legs pulled it tight. Those straps are attached to loops placed in the stitching with lobster clasps. Much of the construction is hidden in his majestic chest fluff, but a good chunk of it can be seen here.
And now on to his co-star, Captain Emil Toma!
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This was a Finn action figure that I did heavy modifications to. Original details were mostly sanded off for a vaguely person-shaped base thar I then sculpted details back onto with epoxy-putty. Even his face recieved a bit of shaping to change the underlying bone structure to match Emil better. All of the original joints still move save for his left wrist, which needed to be sealed in place lest his hand fall off. The gun the figure was holding was replaced by his sword. I decided to stick to mostly early/mid-comic designs, picturing this as a toy a Crescean kid might play with before the events of the comic take place.
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From the back we can see the leather pouch which was hand-stitched together and attached with a rivet back. It's fully functional and can store approximately 4 quarters in it. The scabbard was 3D printed with a peg for attachment purposes and the parts that 'hold' it to the sash are clothing tags.
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The sash itself is fabric and held in place with fashion tape. Edges were melted to seal them and then folded under to allow me more control over how they wrinkle. The badge is hand-sculpted from the same epoxy-putty used to modify the body. It's about as tall as my thumbnail and I have never wished for a resin printer more ardently than when I was sculpting it with a straight pin.
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Proportionally the two of them are nearly perfect together! But, regrettably, the figure was too heavy to sit in the saddle on his own. Especially on a dog that can out-run a dalmatian! Hence why they were photoshopped together for the final image.
I hope you enjoyed this tour of the utter insanity that has been my free time for the last few months. I actually started this before the contest was announced...and through some setbacks and bad timing of life events still didn't get done until the last minute. As promised, here is your special treat!
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His Star - His Queen [Longfic of Across Stars and Time] - Chapter Index
Yes, a full story, not a Part 2. There was just no way in my head I could cram all of this into a Part 2 and justify it to myself. You will get your fill of Ascended vs Spawn fighting over Tav, with plenty of plot twists.
My editing/photoshop skills are barely passable you get what you get and you don't get upset
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Summary: When Ascendant Astarion intercepts you and Your Astarion on your way to murder Cazador, he steals you away to his world. Where your other self has perished, and it doesn’t take you long to see why. He makes it clear you will rule at his side, his obedient, loyal queen. And he will “train” you until you comply.
But not all is lost. Already in pursuit with the aid of a mysterious Elven man and woman, your vampire spawn was coming to the rescue. Without you, his newfound freedom from Cazador was hollow. You were more than a treasure. You were his star. And he was yours. You’d done more for him than you would likely ever realize. You saved him from himself. Now it was his turn to save you.
His Star.
His Queen.
Whichever one will you be?
Link to AO3 page here
Chapter 1 [Originally a One Shot] - Across Stars and Time
Chapter 2 (more of a prologue) - You Beckoned the Stars and they Beckoned Back
Chapter 3 - Tithes To The King
Chapter 4 - What Was / What Is / What Will Be
Chapter 5 - A Lesson in Submission
Chapter 6 ‐ Your Eyes–My Mirror
Chapter 7 - Impromptu Rendezvous
Chapter 8 - Changes
Chapter 9 - Think Twice
Chapter 10 - Hunted / A Heart of Darkness and Shadow
Chapter 11 - [Drafting/Outlining]
A friendly heads up that if you're actively reading here on Tumblr, or are from AO3 and following/checking for updates, to bookmark or save the link to this post. I use it like an order tracker and will update/edit it to keep you up to date on where progress on the next chapter is
Warnings/Advisories: Violence, a ruthless, sadistic joker level tyrant, ascended astarion will do a lot of questionable/noncon/straight up wrong things because he believes he has to "teach you" and "show you sense", references to prior suicide, references to prior SA, implied SA, suicidal ideation (did your past self leave a spare disintegrate scroll behind for you to use too?), this will be less "scary violent smack you around" Ascended Astarion and more a twisted, creepy, "cute little princess, thinking you can say no" soft yandere
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Hope this lives up to the high expectations. I'm posting it now because I'm an impatient undercooked, plain with no syrup pancake
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zkylearnstherope · 24 days
Because everyone is reacting to Dark being short, here's something that I did on February 28th.
Hollow Heads and their Posture plus Character Analogy #studies
I never posted it here, but I did this intense research thingy where I became obsessed with properly getting the Hollow Head's posture.
This was my last project before I moved from Adobe Photoshop CS6 to Krita. I completely forgot about it, to be honest.
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From left to right: Dark, Chosen, Second, victim, and H I added my tall boy H (Hangman) in there too, 'cause why not.
So what were my conclusions?
Second is the tallest one. His legs are longer and he's more slouched than the rest of them. He notably has a wide leg stance, but his shoulders are the most relaxed. Having a weak stance like this implies that he's mostly in a peaceful or at least safest environment compared to the rest of them.
Chosen has the most tensed posture. His arms look as if he's always ready to block any attack, and his legs look as if he's always ready to run at anytime. What does this mean? He's never relaxed. There's always this fear at the back of his mind, that someone is out there to get him.
victim is the most fragile out of all of them. He moves as if he has this plan in his mind that he's replaying over and over again, like anticipating every variable. His stance is very narrow, with his limbs barely leaving his main body. Not a fighter at all. He knows he's weak so he makes up for it with the smarts and resourcefulness.
Dark is the most confident. His legs look as if he has strong stance, yet his arms look very relaxed. He knows he's strong and isn't afraid of what his opponent might do. The way his head moves while in combat, imply that he's also very observant, and can likely anticipate the moves of his opponent. And yes, he's the shortest one (because victim is slightly slouched while Dark is standing straight).
H is mostly an OC at this point. He evolved so much that you can't even recognize that he's the Hangman.
Main inspiration came from:
Second - AvPhysics Also had some help with Nova on getting the head just right.
victim - The Box
Chosen - Wanted
Dark - Showdown I drew Dark's head thinner, unlike the Showdown which has thicker strokes. Although someone pointed out that I should've used the King Orange vs. The Dark Lord - An Actual Short as reference for the body.
The heads were manually redrawn and was not traced at all. The reason for this was I had to make them the same thickness.
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nicoforlifetrue · 1 month
chapter three
read part two here
read it on ao3 here
and read it on tumblr below!
Getting into the shut-up cafe was shockingly easy; Green could only assume it was because fake-Second came here semi often. The front windows and door were boarded up, but there was a back window with a tarp over it that you could lift and slip inside. The broken down space had Second written all over it— somewhat literally, considering the sketched approximation of a cat that bound over and started purring against Red’s legs upon entry.
The entire space was filled with doodles, and was oddly clean for somewhere that was supposed to be condemned— a pile of real blankets and pillows covered in sketched cat fur sat in one corner, with a note written into the wall beside them claiming they were for “friends + Mia the shop cat”. Sketched vines crawled across the walls and ceiling, blossoming with black and white flowers. A cup sat on what used to probably function as the counter, a photoshop brush, a paint pencil, and various assorted animation tools sticking out of it, with an eraser carelessly thrown just beside it.
The few remaining tables were covered in sketches that didn't move, and as the group explored the space a woodpecker in Second’s distinct style fluttered down from the rafters and settled on one of them, head tilted as it watched everyone before flying over to a sketched jukebox and pecking at it until a soft classical melody floated through the space.
“Well, if he isn’t Second he’s damn good at pretending,” Green couldn't help but joke, and a few of the others chuckled before going back to the uncomfortable silence because they all knew the truth. Only Second could do this. He was the only one whose drawings came to life so easily— others had tried to replicate it, but that just hadn’t worked, the drawings would remain lifeless and still until Second added his own touch and willed it to come to life.
So either this other Second had been right, and they had somehow— what, changed universes? Or a person exactly like Second had somehow gained the power. Somehow both possibilities seemed equally unlikely, but with that poster Red found… well, there’s only so many options, and he's not entirely sure how cloning would work with the hollow heads. In fact, he doesn't even want to think of multiples of them running around the same world. Just Cho and Dark had done enough damage,, but if there were more of them?
He felt a shiver run down his spine.
“Well it’s time to play the waiting game,” he hummed with a clap of his hands, grinning at the worried faces of the group that quite quickly turned into a myriad of grins, Red grabbing a blanket and spreading it across the floor as everyone gathered into what was basically a circle.
No one pointed out they had left a space open for Second.
“Alright, inventory, what we got?” Green asked, already looking over his own. “I’ve got a full tool set, a half stack of note blocks, some string, and for some reason twenty sponges.”
“Half stack of most passive spawn eggs, twenty iron blocks, some wheat, full tool set, and a stack of leads,” Red shared next; Mia the shop cat made home in his lap with a disgruntled mew.
“Two stacks of netherwart, full tool set but no shield, enough potions to create god himself, and a stack of golden carrots,” Blue hummed, chewing on a piece of the aforementioned netherwart.
“The staff of course, two stacks of redstone, just my pickaxe, and a half stack of pistons,” Yellow basically waved off, having said staff out and fiddling with the command block inside with a concentrated expression. “You know I don’t carry much on me when I have it.”
“Just a couple stacks of fireworks and some steak, I didn’t think I’d be hanging out for too long,” Purple admits with a shrug, looking just a bit embarrassed.
“Well that works.. alright, so that's our supplies, we’re in a world where apparently Cho joined rocket really early on, Second doesn’t know us but is willing to help, and we know it’s Second because, well, obviously. And the only hint we have to what happened is a heat haze dome… dumbest theory wins, go!” As he says that he pulls out his phone and starts a timer, for five minutes— Purple, who’s seated next to him, looks extremely lost before Yellow speaks while still fiddling with the staff.
“Obviously Second’s father forgot to clean the heat sink and this is all just a very strange dream as we wait for him to wake up and fix this mess.” It’s spoken in his normal deadpan, the only thing giving away his participation a faint smirk. “That’s why it was a heat haze that did this, it’s quite literally scrambling our brains like an egg.”
“No, obviously this is Cho’s idea of a prank,” Blue cut in, leaning on Yellow with a grin. “Him and Second have been planning this for actual months, made an entire city on the drawing tablet just to mess with us— clearly they wanted something so ridiculous we’d only believe it if they really sold it, you know Cho, he doesn't do that silly thing called moderation.”
“Cho is the terrorist The Chosen One?” Purple whispers in his ear; he nods, watching them pale even further. “And Cho is Second’s brother?” 
“Oh please you two,” Red scoffs, leaning back, arms crossed in faux superiority. “You’re fools if you don't think we haven't managed to simply successfully fall asleep in the nether! This is why it’s so dangerous, it connects you to the hivemind and shows you the impossible!”
“Yeah obviously, Alan makes them sturdy, duh,” Green whispers back, watching Blue gasp in false offense.
“Of course you'd go with the possessed option, don't you see you fool, Sec and Cho are finally getting back at you for the cake incident, the rest of us are in on it too!”
“He didn't use thermal paste on the heat sink, it’s hot glue,” Yellow quipped, grin growing at the conjoined rebuttal. “I’m just saying, he built the PC on his own this time, perhaps we should have stayed in the harddrive a bit longer.”
Green can’t help but smile when he hears Purple giggle under his breath— the waiting game was something from back before Second had freed them, a way to pass the time while waiting for something new to happen. First you take stock of your surroundings, then make a scenario out of those surroundings! It used to be about what the users were doing, or about the last stick to pass through their home…
And now it’s about their current situation— five minutes to come up with the stupidest, most unbelievable, but still somewhat logical, course of events that could lead them here. The last bit had to be tacked on after the color monster bit went on for Eight. Hours.
…They had been very bored before Second came along.
“Nope, Blue just left the potion maker running until the potion turned to steam and now we’re here,” Purple finally added, giggling even more when horrified “NO”s turned onto them. Red wins the first round, after pulling out the idea that the reason everything was extra weird was because the piglin tribe Blue had befriended were attempting to treat them with mushrooms, obviously making things significantly worse.
It goes on like that for hours— new, impossibly dumber situations being pulled for various other things, like why Blue had enough netherwart to not eat in a millisecond, or why the only one without a full tool set was Yellow, before finally they end up just chatting, timer forgotten, musing about this world’s version of people.
“Think Minecraft actually got destroyed this time? Or like, did Cho stop him?” Red hums, gesturing at the ceiling. “Or did you like, stop him on your own, Purp?”
“Eh, probably on my own, we can still use craft stuff here so it’s gotta exist, right?” Green’s being used as a pillow, Purple’s cheek squishing into his back as the stick’s wings flex sleepily. “Speaking of Cho, what happened to his partner in crime, that red hollow?”
“Ugh, Dark,” Blue huffs with a shiver, nods spreading throughout the group in agreement with the noise. “If we’re lucky? Dead. If we’re not? Highly injured but still a threat, and we’re screwed.”
“Well then, consider yourselves properly fucked,” a voice growls from above them, so familiar and horrifying it has Green leaping to his feet with weapons out in less than a second, the others all doing the same as they look up— bright red glowing eyes that match Chosen’s twinkle down at them from the darkness of the rafters, and light catches on a sharp-toothed grin just before he jumps down, form revealed in the soft light of the diner.
“Hello children,” The Dark Lord purrs, “miss me?~”
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paz-45 · 3 months
EE Lyrics Study: teeth/bones/nails
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Hello! This is my first "lyric study" for the band Everything Everything and the topic is: BONES/TEETH/NAILS.
Basically, when listening to their music, I kept noticing words related to this topic and I was curious if the topic actually existed across their discography. I marked every lyric that included key words:
bone, skull, teeth, vertebrae, fossil, etc.
I did a little research to see the cultural significance or any other meaning/symbolism of these words. I didn't want to dive too much into the actual meaning of the lyrics*** or the greater context of the song, but instead looked at the overall patterns of the key words.
I notice that in EE's lyrics, bones/teeth are mostly used to evoke images of graphic things being done to a body or to liken humans to other animals/creatures. There's mentions of bones both inside a living human and in someone/something that's dead.
Personally, I interpret these uses as a more shocking or uncomfortable way to refer to those parts of the body (e.g. teeth instead of smile, clavicle instead of collar, skull instead of head), which is pretty on-brand for EE's provocative lyrics/themes.
And half the street was under my nails -MY KZ, UR BF
Cos even now, there's a bone snapping -Leave the Engine Room
My teeth dazzle like an igloo wall, I inhabit, I inhibit ya'll -Photoshop Handsome
But right above my clavicle, the world becomes so laughably old -Wizard Talk
Teeth and nails your little anatomy -Luddites and Lambs
Past-tense -- what's a trilobite to anyone? -Kemosabe (marked because it only exists in fossil form)
Coiled heart, eye-tooth, feral child -Torso of the Week
And cloudy with potential, muscle mass and vertebrae begin... -Choice Mountain
While Princes fly drones that can see through your bones - Undrowned
The street is a boneyard she glances -Armourland
And now who's the fossil who gets the girl? -The House is Dust
Bic your head and show your teeth to them honey -Don't Try
And sweat runs up his neck and spine -Awe/Arc
You take the poleaxe out of your spine, push your shoulder back in its place -A.D.
Canine, fangs up out my throat -Distant Past
Teeth on a wire -Get to Heaven
Swing the hammer, the fragments, a skull exploding -Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread
Bone, to the blade -The Wheel is Turning Now
Bones in a bowl like a toad-in-the-hole, take the shape out of the mould -No Reptiles
And your spine is a glass spire -President Heartbeat
I can feel my bones screaming out -Yuppie Supper
Yet the concrete burns at the back of your skull -Night of the Long Knives
I'm just a knuckle dragger with a knuckle dragger grin -Desire
If my bones just fall away -Good Shot, Good Soldier
Skeleton boy with the skeleton girl souvenir -Big Climb
As fresh as my bouncing bones -Arch Enemy
The bones snap into place -Black Hyena
Stretching my lips over my teeth -SUPERNORMAL
I want the teeth of the enchanter - I Want A Love Like This
Drinking from a hollow skull -Cut UP!
But the seed inside your skull is now a watermelon -HEX
You can sing you can play my ribcage like piano -My Computer
***I feel like we'll never know exactly what Jonathan means when he writes (lol seems like he doesn't know sometimes either) so I didn't want to get caught up in guessing what he meant. I find it tiring to try to figure out 'why did he say that?' and instead just enjoy and find my own meaning :)
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kogarashi-art · 2 months
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It's the last previews for Falling Into Darkness!
Important note before I go into some details on the pictures: I will, in general, not be doing this for other fanfics I post. The main reason I did this series of illustrations was as something of a treat for finally crossposting this 10-20-year-old story to my AO3 account. I don't really plan to draw a ton of illustrations for other fics I do.
That being said, I may do occasional images that will be posted with future stories on AO3 (I have a quick one for the first chapter of the next fic I plan on posting, for one), and if I do other fanart, related to a fic or not, I still plan to post art here.
But I'm glad for all the kind comments and everyone enjoying this series of illustrations with me. :D You guys are awesome.
With that, description-stuff (including more behind-the-scenes than usual) below the cut. 'Tis long; be forewarned.
First up, arguably the easiest illustration to do in the whole set. It's a silhouette, so the foreground wasn't really an issue (other than trying to get the edge glow just right, and I still don't think I quite managed but I'm definitely telling myself not to mess with it any further). The background was already painted for the second illustration in the whole set:
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I just fixed up the paths and the treetops and added a little lookout stand to the building on the right, now that Sonic and Sally weren't blocking those spots. After all, it's supposed to be the same view anyway, so I figured I'd make it easy on myself and not have to completely repaint the scene.
The second image employs some little cheats here and there. Here's the original sketch from my sketchbook for comparison:
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Very loose, lacking detail. Straight lines are more like suggestions. The robots are spiky blobs. I have a literal note next to a stick figure and a hollow shape telling me to get some references. There's the barest hint of the alcoves the robots are standing in.
I didn't show this level of behind-the-scenes off with other illustrations in this series (though I suppose if anyone's ever interested, I could do a process post about how I worked on these), but one of the first things I did with this series of illustrations was sift through the roughly fifty individual sketches I'd drawn to illustrate various parts of the story (not counting redraws of portions), ranging from vague shapes to much more detailed drawings, to narrow it down to the ones I was actually going to finish for this project. I ended up with 27 total images, including the two I'm previewing today, focusing on having at least one but no more than three images per chapter.
Once I'd determined which sketches, like the above, were going to become a finished piece, I then went through each and every one of them in Photoshop with a sketch pencil brush and filled out the sketches to a point where I could reliably ink them. That meant things like swapping out figures that didn't work with redraws of them or making size adjustments, like so:
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The first image is the second illustration, and you can see I redid Sonic because his initial pose didn't work. The redraw was actually a pose of him I did to draw his post-Mobianization robotic elements from the end of the story, but the stance was actually good for what I needed, so I Photoshopped it in and then sketched the rest of the replacement drawing digitally. The second image is Sally watching Knuckles walk away, and you can see that I changed her left arm, and also reproportioned her body prior to inking (bigger head, smaller body).
And for pieces like the final one in this illustration series, I sketched in all the details that were missing from the initial sketch (which, as I said, was pretty barebones; in my defense, it was the last one I drew, and by that point I was pretty tired of drawing robot hedgehogs so Sonic was something of a stick figure in most of the last chapters' sketches).
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And here's where one of the cheats comes into play. I drew one robot hedgehog. Specifically the one you see the most of, near the tip of Robotnik's cape by the drafting table. I drew it on its own layer in Potoshop, then copied and pasted it into all of the other holding bays, erasing parts that wouldn't be visible as I went along. I also went and found those references I needed for Robotnik and Snively and drew the two of them properly.
And then, because I much prefer physical pen-to-paper inking over digital (my tablet is not one of the fancy screen ones, and I've yet to really get comfortable digitally inking with it, despite owning it for nigh on twenty years), I colored all of the sketches red, assembled them in groups on letter-sized images, and printed them out onto cardstock (my preferred medium when I'm going to be traditionally inking). I inked them with my various inking pens (some Sakura Microns, some Faber-Castell PITT pens), scanned each sheet back into my computer, and cleaned up the lines in Photoshop (the reason for the red printout was to make it a bit smoother removing the sketch from the inked lines, though it wasn't as clean as I would've liked; oh well).
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That left us with the above. Because I inked them each by hand individually, the robots don't look copy-pasted, because it was the underlying sketch that had been, not the ink work. The tables and holding bays also have straighter lines thanks to using a proper ruler for those (though I didn't concern myself too much with things like perspective and right angles), and after drawing the straight line, I went back freehand over spots to give them a bit of that hand-inked wobble.
From there it was a matter of laying down the flats in Photoshop, then shading, adding effects, etc. I like the cold yellow light I've got on the robots, and the overall shading on the yellow cape. Also that sense of satisfaction when I called this one done, because it was the last one. Huzzah.
I'll see you on Monday for the last chapter!
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treasure-mimic · 11 months
Felt like messing around in photoshop today, so, what started as a want to create some franchise icons for Smash turned into full character mockups, so I put together my 10 most wanted characters for Smash Bros., whatever the next game looks like, and I’d like to post them and talk about them a bit.
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Quote is I think my most wanted newcomer to Smash, I really like and appreciate everything Cave Story has done, and I think if you’re talking about indie games, Cave Story has probably had the most influence on the industry. Kids today probably don’t know much of anything about this game, but trust me when I say there’d be no Hollow Knight, no Ori, no Celeste, without Quote.
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This one might be a little obvious nowadays, but I am fully behind the Waluigi train. Just one point of contention, I think people undersell his potential by just having him reference different sports games and spin-offs. I think the real play is to come up with a wholly original kit based around being a dirty cheater and trickster with a penchant for explosives.
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I’d much rather have Paper Mario than Dr. Mario if I’m being entirely honest with you.
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This one’s a bit weird, because I don’t have a huge fondness for Excitebike the game or Excitebiker the character, I’m just enamored with this concept of a fighting game character who fights entirely from the back of a motorcycle. I just think that’s wicked as hell. I’ll take it in whatever form I can.
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Metroid Dread is in strong contention for my favorite Metroid game ever, and it did finally give us a character with a body plan and toolkit that lends itself to Smash, outside of Sylux and the Hunters, whom I’m not the biggest fans of. I’ve had some contentious history with the way Smash fans talk about Metroid, so I guess I’ll put it out now that I think if, at this point, you’re not vouching for Raven Beak, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Love me some DS VNs, Professor Layton I think at this point has the strongest ties to Nintendo and, since Phoenix Wright got to play in Marvel 3, it should be his time to shine, though I wouldn’t be opposed to any of them.
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Honestly, every generation of Pokemon there’s a couple of new mons that I think would make sick Smash characters, and will inevitably get passed up for a lame starter. Nihilego deserves a spot, dammit, she’s more plot important than any number of fire/fighting muscleheads. But if we’re shilling for the most recent gen, you can’t go wrong with a giant hammer.
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The Heavy is commonly in talks around Smash Bros. wishlists, especially here in the West, but the obvious problem rears its head pretty quickly. He’s a giant, lumbering, immobile mass whose main weapon takes several seconds to start up and then chews through anything it hits. This is my counterproposal, I think the Scout is just as iconic as the Heavy, comes with a lot of fun weapons and abilities, and actually has some mobility. Imagine using a downward Force-A-Nature shot to recover while spiking someone into the blast zone!
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This is for sure a weird one, but once the idea came to me I started getting really attached to it. The number of Enderman variants from Minecraft Dungeons gives the Enderman a surprising amount of variance to pull from, and the Ender Dragon could be its Final Smash.
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For the final suggestion, this is for sure a “there’s no chance in hell” but also “it would be really funny”. Scorpion, I think, best represents the aesthetics of Mortal Kombat, a ninja with fire, bladed weapons, and the ability to teleport, which centers him more than Sub-Zero who uses ice, Raiden who uses lightning, and Liu Kang who’s just a martial artist. Leaning heavy on the fire aspect is also a good way to nerf MK’s hypergore for a Rated E10+ game, though that really is the central appeal of Scorpion, trying to shove this edgelord into a kiddy cartoon beat-em-up.
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zettaflake · 1 year
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How about we approach these retrospectives grab-bag style? Watch as I demonstrate how to keep y'all on your toes... for example, BAM! Surprise Niko!
What's really unique about this particular piece of fanart is... how every element was drawn in one layer. Everything from the city, the windows, Niko themself, and the shading and highlighting from every source! How could this be achieved you ask?
One technique is simply planning ahead, especially for the background elements. Drawing the background last (as most character artists do) on the same layer would've been a pain, as I'd have to actively avoid all of the foreground elements or repaint them afterward (and we ought to work smarter, not harder!). As for the lighting, in Adobe Photoshop, not only can layers be set to different effects (like multiply, screen, color dodge/burn, etc.), but the brush can also be equipped with these effects! For example, if I were to switch my brush from Normal -> Multiply, mode, then anywhere I drew would draw the color as if it were in a Multiply layer, although it sticks to the selected layer like any other normal stroke.
Initially, this was a simple challenge from a fellow Hollow Knight Discord member to mitigate my overuse of layers (justified, as I had separate color and lineart layers for each body part in another piece, more details later when it is revealed). Some part of me kicked into overdrive, and my sheer flexibility ended up making this one of my favorite fanarts to date! (even though it was drawn over 2 years ago)
Oh, but many of my early quirks become apparent to the experienced eye. The perspectives of the buildings and the cafe floor aren't matching up, especially when looking at the square-corrupted bridge. Niko's head is quite large, but their hair doesn't scale with it. There is shading on the bottom of Niko's left sleeve, despite the Sun being right below! Phew... this is all urging me to give fanart another go!
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abarbaricyalp · 1 year
Angel in the Centerfold
Rated E // 8.6k words // AO3
Professional baseball player Sam, professional rugby player Bucky, a sports magazine Body Issue, lots of unresolved history
The dummy copies came in a few days before the debut and dinner. These were the kinds of things people could point out a misspelled name or complain about a bad photoshop job. It was also where publicists could leak out interview details and athletes could accidentally post a snippet of a picture to social media. It may seem like a parasitic relationship with the magazine, but that early-access attention and buzz helped sell more copies than the prestige and history of the issue.
Sam hadn’t looked at it yet. He’d grabbed the mail before running out to a practice and left it in the kitchen. He was not surprised to come home and find Riley flipping through it. Well, flipping might be generous. He was staring at one page with a fine eyebrow raised intently.
“Did they edit out the gap in my teeth?” Sam asked, setting his things aside and dumping his keys and earbuds by the door. 
“You made such a fuss out of it the one time it happened, I don’t think anyone else will ever make that mistake again,” Riley said drily.
“And I’ll throw a fit again if it ever does.”
“Can I go to the dinner with you?” he asked suddenly.
Sam looked up at his friend with, first, delight and then apprehension. “Why?”
“Well, you just said everyone would be there, right?”
“Should be. It’s part of the contract. Minus, y’know, professional commitments or whatever.” Sam eyed him warily and tried to see what Riley was staring at. Riley snapped the magazine shut.
“Good. Let’s go. You’re right. I should see some of the guys again.”
“Give me the magazine,” San demanded, swiping for it around Riley’s shoulders.
Riley kept it out of his reach for a few seconds before he hissed and ducked his head out of the way, handing the magazine off in favor of getting an ice-pack brace for his neck. “You’re on page 43.”
Sam flipped to the page. Stared at himself, blushed, then stared some more. They’d used both pictures that Sam liked, one on each page of the spread while the interview ran down the center columns. He skimmed that for inaccuracies too, though he had a publicist for that.
“This looks fine. Why are you…” He flipped the page and came up short.
Grinning back at him was a ghost from the past. Sam’s brain was only supplying thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs as a running monologue, so he wasn’t sure he was really staring at his first college boyfriend. Except that wasn’t really true either. He’d know Bucky with his eyes closed probably.
Bucky’s professional career was even more twisty-turny than Sam’s was next to Riley. He’d moved across the world to play rugby of all things, had played professionally for a few years, had an accident that lost him his arm, played in a para-league for a few years, and then petitioned to be allowed back into the professional league. He’d moved more to keep playing rugby than Sam had moved to play baseball.
They hadn’t kept up with each other. The break up was…not bad. The fully-expected couldn’t be bad, could it? But maybe that was the issue. Maybe neither of them really expected the other to go pro or to move so far away. Maybe they’d been hoping it could all work out for them. But it hadn’t and they’d parted a little coldly and distance and fame were a hell of a thing. Sam had thought about reaching out when he’d heard about the accident, but it felt hollow. Bucky didn’t reach out with Riley’s a few years later.
And now he was staring up at Sam with a wide grin and a wink. The image was longways across both pages, like a damn centerfold poster, and it made him look even taller than Sam remembered him being. He was broad as hell. He’d always been muscular, but in a contained way. Now he looked like a tree. In the image, he was wearing his shiny metal prosthetic. Two straps criss-crossed over his chest to hold it in place. It made him look like a gladiator. He was holding the ball over the important bits, but that absolutely did not hide any part of his thighs.
He had not had thighs like that in school.
“Yeah, that was approximately my reaction too,” Riley agreed and Sam startled back into awareness. He didn’t want to know how long he’d been staring at the picture or how slack-jawed he’d been the whole time. “You have to take me to meet him.”
“No way. I had no idea he’d be there. I mean, I didn’t even know they brought in international players for this. Hang on, maybe I can convince someone to have batting practice with me that night.”
“Nuh-uh. No way,” Riley said quickly, snagging the magazine back from Sam. “You’re going to that dinner and you’re gonna talk to him.”
“I don’t want to talk to him,” Sam said, reaching for the magazine again, though he wasn’t sure why.
“You’re the one always talking about how healing it’ll be for me to talk to the guys. To put some closure on my past and open a new doorway for the future.”
Sam grimaced. “It just sounds corny when you say it.”
“Trust me, Sam, it sounds corny when you say it too,” Riley laughed. He rolled the magazine up and stuck it in the back of his waistband. “Call Mel. Tell her you’re bringing a guest after all. She’ll be happy to hear my name.”
“She hears your name all the time,” Sam grumbled. “When I’m complaining about you.”
“Call,” Riley said. “I wanna hear you say it. I wanna hear the confirmation that we’re going.”
Sam glared at Riley for a few extra seconds before he snagged his phone from his pocket and called the publicist.
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megaman AI box art
there’s a pretty big discussion around AI art, it seems i’m not super-familiar with The Discourse but if my programming experience has taught me anything it’s that random generation has to springboard off of something (usually called a seed), and you have to feed stuff in to an AI to get material to build off of that springboard so i’ve got several big goddamn questions as to where t f these guys would get their seeds and material from
but me being me, the first thing on my mind is “can you draw megaman with it?” so i decided to insert in "megaman box art" to a handful of different ones, see what happens
first off is a place called Nightcafe Studio, which allows you to pick one of three styles to make art in: cosmic, matte, and cyberpunk. nacho cheese and cool ranch were out, sorry.
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this is "megaman box art" as done in its cosmic style and it certainly looks cosmic megaman got a nose guard to defend against space pollen, i guess and either his arm got detached and is floating down there or he's got a vacuum cleaner attached to his shins but it sure is cosmic
6/10, pretty colors but not very megaman
next style was matte, and
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this actually looks pretty fucking cool! you've got a rad cityscape in the background, lighting’s really neat, and background to the MGA AIN MGATAN logo as sponsored by pepsi is cool
i guess that's kind of sort of Model ZX aile if you squint and tilt your head, but she’s the main part that turns the entire thing sinister. did you know that when you’re dealing with the fae shapeshifted as a human, you should count the features to make sure everything’s accurate? count the knuckles, count the fingers, count the shadows... oops, six fingers hah hah hah hah hhhhhhhhhhhh this is not Model ZX aile, this is not your friend.
7/10 you’re not stealing my goddamn teeth today, oberon
last to go is cyberpunk style and
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holy shit this is a fucking WWE poster roman reigns dressed in pink and got a fucking beam tonfa??? or something a very distorted vince mcmahon puts on a power glove while brock lesnar looks disappointed to the side, and fiery font tells us that the meemen meeaiiaininaihiniahin is gonna happen at 2 / F' / 20 i could imagine you could probably print this out, put it through photoshop for edits, and then try to pass it off as an official poster for a synthwave megaman reboot. if you were a moron who wanted to get fired, i mean. fantastic way to commit career suicide.
1/10 coolest shit i've ever seen but very bad megaman art tbh
still, i'll give cyberpunk another shot. maybe it was confused, thinking it was going to have men that were mega, rather than megaman
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fuckin AXE DADY megaman over here this has it all it's got the dictator cam, looking up like it's hitler it's got the stance, holding a black vylon slinky to the side while he contemplates shooting above it it's got the logo sleekness, i've never seen MEEMN AXE DADY rendered so well it's got the color contrast, bright blue city in the left while a goddamn laser rips through time and space on the right and it's got a cool robot that actually kind of has a buster arm, though the computer is clearly confused as to what megaman’s buster actually looks like maybe should’ve let an artist handle that?
10/10, great megaman art, fucking amazing, would play, would watch, would let axe dady shoot things
next up is deepai's Machine Learning Model doesn’t seem to have any parameters, just put in a text box and go, so i did
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thanks i've been wondering how it would be possible to turn megaman into a horror icon i didn't think hollowing his face out and replacing it with a fucking skull would be the answer but this is a pretty handy way to ensure my insomnia persists through the night
0/10 i
hate it
hastily getting the fuck away from that abomination unto both god and man, next up is dream.ai it seems to be a service mostly for developing and providing NFTs, but it's actually completely free with a little finagling so i don’t get where the value is supposed to come from
anyway, there's a lot of different options to provide a customized art style for the prompt, and you can even see it with different things it's got a lot of options too many to safely delve into, in fact, so i'm going to do the game journalist thing and generate maybe a handful of things and judge it entirely off that
first off is a comic art style generated without a seed
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and at first glance this looks partially like the megaman 1 box art characters decided to pvp with each other at second glance as you look closer, though, you can clearly tell it's an i don't know what the fuck
4/10 colors look cool at least
maybe weird shit is the best part of it, though maybe weird shit is what it specializes in so let's try psychadelic
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well, that's psychadelic all right i guess the dude in the middle is kind of sort of vaguely megaman but i don't know what the fuck else there is, there's actually less sensible shit going on here
2/10 i like listening to shpongle too, dude
but it's safe to say this system needs a bit of help let's go back to comic style and feed in some nice art from existing megaman
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in my opinion, this poster is the peak megaman experience. it’s the quintessential representation. this pretty clearly dictates what megaman's about guy in blue shooting things robots getting shot at ominous shitbag in the background castlevania for some reason
favorite promo art, hands down. so let’s see how the AI works with this.
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all right, finally, we're getting somewhere. guess this AI just needed to copy from someone else’s homework first. wow, that brings up a lot of questions about the nature of the materials AI art generators use to build their random images. well, that’s goddamn horrifying to contemplate. am i a monster unwittingly contributing to a system of artistic exploitation for the sake of making a shitpost on a megaman shitpost blog? fucked up.
anyway, we got a robot dude, he's got a gun, he's even got a little strut i like this guy a lot, he's got moxie and a rad face-visor thing
all right, i'm feeling generous 6/10 you fucked up but now you're getting better
let's go once more for comic style and
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all right, holy shit, you're learning fast yeah this is undeniably megaman he's even got the weird helmet and weird boots and everything
there's a cool cityscape, a sci-fi sky, and he's trying to give the underside of a ship the highest of fives he doesn't look like he's standing very well on his taco bowl of destiny, though but i can't fault him with his dildo leg, must be difficult to stand on and judging by his pants, he's got trouble with testicles the size of texas growing in after kicking wily's ass 69 times understandable problem, really, after you go through 10 games that’s when you turn from a mega boy to a real mega man
9/10, good box art
you know, i'm feeling confident, i think dream's got a good idea as to what's going on with megaman let's take a risk and go for a different art style synthwave looks good, it's all about that retro shit and megaman's a retro series
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this doesn't look like a new picture that just looks like you took the original picture and put a shitty smear on it
god fucking damn it
0/10, apply yourself, pick up a goddamn pencil and then see me after class
getting away from that, next up is stable diffusion, apparently a state-of-the-art AI generator hosted by Hugging Face, which i hope is a legitimate company and not a front for xenomorphs
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on the first go we have some actual fucking box art good background, very clear, we've got a skyline with a forcefield pyramid in the background i guess wily's a space egyptian now? rad.
napalm bomb megaman's doing some fucking pelvic thrusts ready to spread war crimes all about bit distressing for our sweet friendly superhero boy but i'll admit i'd react the same way after getting a fucking napalm gun for an arm.
we've even got a rating on the bottom right, indicating that it's suitable for ages Video Game and up got a clearly-defined line for letting the publishers rub their dick all over, filling it with logos or titles or other corporate information
i feel confident about this, i like our MEAAN game, shit's looking pretty good
10/10, good box art. real good box art. little timmy would probably be confused seeing it on the shelf but this strikes me as something Bob Capcom would reasonably okay after five lagers and an existential crisis.
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getting a little concerned here, looks like crisis on infinite megamans
i don’t want to imagine how many official variants of rock there are, especially if you count all the fangame/indie game knockoffs, but having them all collide together into a single Enter the Megaverse sounds like it'd be effectively impossible to handle do you want to play megaman, megaman x, megaman volnutt, megaman.exe, star force, zx, x over flavored? dos-flavored? bad box art flavored? captain n flavored? pachinko-flavored?
NGL though if rockman taisen ends up being some sort of dumb megaman battle royale then i would actually punch a cactus out to be able to play as ruby spears megaman frankly, huge missed opportunity that they're not even in X Dive the tagline even writes itself, "I knew you'd pull for Mr. Lincoln!"
oh yeah i was rating the cover uhhhhhhhh i dunno, there's dudes i don't know, they're doing poses, ominous guy in the background i guess it's serviceable? this doesn’t really tell me anything about the game, there’s just guys.
6/10 i'd pass it over and look at something else
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holy shit are you okay? either he's (she's? they're?) taking a dump and all their lower intestines got caught in it, or something is burning out in the thinkpan and won’t be coming back
that dead-eyed glare is actually legitimately haunting this is the expression someone makes in anime after they realize you stabbed them and you were never their friend i've only seen that gaze in my life twice before and let me tell you, you remember things
1/10 someone call the police
all right, i’m moving away from that before i bring up more questionable ground our final contestant for the night is hotpot.ai, a website for general purpose game asset AI generation. they’ve got AI-handled copywrite, too, which strikes me as risky ground. if i can’t trust a machine with megaman, can i trust a machine to legally cover my ass? i would never trust a machine with my pants, ass or no. we’ve already firmly established that robot masters are always a pants-on debacle.
anyway, let’s give this a shot
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aaaaaand hit “Generate”, and
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cryptid-manor · 9 months
FAQ, Q&A, Resources
Hi, I’m new in town and you lot have been very kind to follow me.
Here’s a little blog post that I update occasionally.
Do you have any technique or app recommendations?
If I’m on-the-go, on my tablet or phone, I use a lot of different applications. Procreate w/ an Apple Pen, Midjourney, Dalle, Glitché, Filmm, GlitchCam, Groovo, Canva, PicsArt, VSCO. I’m getting into Lightroom, Photoshop and Adobe Express editions. Save and edit and save and edit and save and edit and save and edit.
If I’m at my desk, I use GIMP a lot. I use or add a few old school glitch art techniques that can only be done on my Mac or on my PC. Versions tend to jump from phone to laptop to phone to laptop.
Here are two tutorials if you’d like to learn some, ever more seemingly, old school techniques for yourself. I’d be utterly pleased if this was your first entrance to “glitch art” —
Do you sell prints or shirts or any fine, fine merchandise anywhere?
Not of anything I make with MidJourney. Well, technically, no merchandise of anything right now. If you see it sold online, it’s a fake. If you see anything of mine go viral somewhere other than this Tumblr account, it’s fake.
Maybe I’ll make postcards, some day, out of sheer novelty. But, honestly, right now, a lot of this blog is going to turn into behind the scenes, drafting, etc.
i.e…. “~•*•THE PROCESS•*•~”
At 800 followers, I feel like I’ve cultivated a scene that I can trust with feedback on my other passion projects.
Wait, other projects?
Oh yeas. Have you ever read House Of Leaves? That’s what the inside of my brain looks like if I don’t Make Things.
Ok cool.
Yeah, for sure, of course.
Can you recommend any fandoms or other accounts that you like?
I like stuff. Stuff is good. Have you seen some of the stuff out there? It’s everywhere. Stuff is all over the place, and I love it. And I love that for me. And I love that for you.
Stuff for everyone, stuff for all, I say, at times when I’m going from here to there.
Here’s some of the stuff I like. Do you have any stuff you like?
— Degenesis (TTRPG)
— Trevor Henderson (@slimyswampghost on IG)
— Plastiboo (Artist)
— @louceph (seriously, a truly amazing artist)
— @hannahorca (wow wow wow)
— Mayfair Watchers Society (Podcast)
— Quiet Part Loud (Podcast)
— Welcome To Scarfolk (Book)
— Uzumaki & Gyo (Manga)
— Elden Ring (Video Game)
— Lovecraft Country (Series)
— Blasphemous (Video Game)
— Berserk (Manga)
— Oats Studio (Series, Netflix)
— District 9 (Movie)
— Love Death + Robots (Series)
Any more?
Sure but they might be “off-brand” for the aesthetic.
— Hollow Knight (Game)
— The Long Dark (Game)
— Frostpunk (Game)
— Nausicaä (Movie)
— Princess Mononoke (Movie)
— Scavenger’s Reign (Series)
— Raised By Wolves (Series)
— This War Of Mine (Game)
— Midnight Gospel (Series)
— The Beginners Guide (Game)
Okay, so hey I’ve fallen in love with one of the Monsters on here. Can I adopt it and name it and feed it and call it mine?
Listen your head-canon is your head-canon but for god’s sake remember that I have to read the fic and you have to write the fic. A curse on both our houses if ever used for PvP combat.
Do you sell NFTs?
Okay…have I thought about it? Yes. Sure. Whatever. But I don’t sell NFTs. No “legitimate” NFTs of my work exists. If you see it, it’s fake.
I’ve told myself there’s only one way I’d use an NFT or Ethereum — if someone would like to “legally” adopt one of my OC critters. I would literally draw up the novelty adoption papers. That sounds like so much fun.
Thanks for hanging out and reading my words. This kind of came to an abrupt end, didn’t it? Yeah, pacing isn’t something I’m good at yet. But am I not deserving of love, simply as one voice amongst the many spiritual echoes singing the tune of our grand eternal choir of life? Am I not worthy of perhaps a little treat?
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sollucets · 10 months
9 people you'd like to know more tag game, for @troubled-mind
i didnt forget!! its just been hectic around here lately. thank u for tagging me, kat 💜
last song: ari abdul babydoll, from my dear friend cynn @catbiodolor's only friends playlist. ive been going through it for lyric edit fodder, and it fucks!!
currently reading: no real books, sorry. i finished reading sarah @firstkanaphans’ what dreams may come recently (what a soft ending im still sobbing days later. i promise i'll still leave a comment it's just, again, been hectic)
currently watching: i keep up with be my favorite (i didnt watch today’s yet so it still counts), hidden agenda (sort of, sorry OTL) and laws of attraction right now. im not in the middle of anything. thats it!
next in line on watch list: i want to watch he’s coming to me! i'm also interested in gay ok bangkok & she loves to cook / she loves to eat
starting soon: oh god only friends tomorrow morning. oh god oh god. holy fuck?? [head in hands]
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and…. soon is maybe a stretch, but 23.5 eventually maybe
current obsessions: only friends brainrot lockdown just like its been for the last month. photoshop stuff; i'm working on my eclipse anniversary edits and something for first & khao’s birthdays in sept and october. my own akkaye longfics (both existing and unwritten) + doing prompt fills. im real into laws of attraction, too, that lawyer bitch has captivated me. look at him
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i've also also kind of fixated on the pantheon of hollownest, in hollow knight, while i've been on vacation (lots of car rides and plane time to work on it since i play on switch). i wanna at least see absolute radiance someday
the original tag says 9 people, but you know we don't do that here. i'll tag @akkpipitphattana & @sommmnus & @chickenstrangers, plus sarah and cynn in the body of the post (if you want to tell me what you've been up to! no pressure)
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I taught myself how to use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash and Adobe Illustrator in high school, so why am I having so much trouble even following tutorials about how to use Nomad Sculpt to sculpt a doll??? I have the sculpting ability to create facial features in the "sculpting" mode, but outside of that I'm just clueless. When I try to start making joints or hollowing out the head I just get frustrated and give up.
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shnowbilicat · 1 year
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While I had my emotional breakdown, a friend of mine suggested to go out to a park or something. Since I wasn't sure if the weather would be nice or rainy, like it has been all week, I decided to go to the library yesterday and experiment around with my newest art style or creepy, uncanny shit.
In all honesty, I adore that art style. Not only because I love drawing creepy and uncanny stuff, but also because I just need to turn off my brain for once and just draw whatever I want without any rules. Or heck, even break some rules in the process snrrk
I had this weird, creepy realistic smile in my head that I wanted to draw and Rick seemed to be the perfect candidate cuz of his ghost form. Soooo combining my current love for drawing uncanny creepy stuff, plus some inspiration from the Corpse piece I did earlier and some calligraphy (I admit, I used photoshop to reference the font cuz my handwritting SUCKS) and BAM! Creepy af Rick that I actually really love X'D
And while I drew creepy Rick I also had the idea of making a creepy Keith! He needed the love and tbh I had the idea of him sowing his mouth shut and cutting the string with scissors for AGES. Like, it's his thing okay? And he also got the cool creepy, forgotten and abandoned look and it fits him so well :'33
Also wanted to draw hollow eyes and Keith's cut open throat because again, he didn't get enough creepy factor and love since his creation, and FNAF is all about creepy uncanny and scary ewe
Tbh this has been such a blast to do and I swear I will visit my library more often for this X'D
(Mostly cuz it was just open for 2 hours and then I had to draw the rest of Rick n all of Keith at home :33)
Anyways, have fun sleeping tonight owo
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