#his head) but it's also just cold and calculated and murder
beachesgetpeaches · 6 months
grant ward i hate you but i love you
2 notes · View notes
tightjeansjavi · 8 months
common tongue of your loving me
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A/N: so, I first just wanted to say that I am not responsible for the content that you choose to engage with. This is a very dark fic with triggering themes that may be disturbing for some readers. This is dead dove do not eat. Please heed the warnings with caution. I understand that this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but for my first truly dark fic, I feel pretty good about it. It’s taken months of personal healing for me to become comfortable with writing/engaging with these kinds of fics. That being said, it is important to remember that SA survivors often use dark fic to cope from their own traumatic experiences, but also, dark fics can be enjoyed by anyone and no explanation for enjoying them is needed! Reading and writing dark fic does not mean that you condone this type of behavior. Please be kind.
~word count: 9.1k~
Summary: Joel finds you wandering through his territory and decides that he’ll take you in to be his little lamb. You don’t go with him so willingly.
pairing | raider!Joel x f!reader
Dubcon/noncon, the lines are blurred regarding to what the reader consents too, Joel is sick in the head, coercion, manipulation from both Joel and the reader, Stockholm syndrome vibes, he can kill easily you if he wanted to but he won’t, dom/sub, dark! Joel, feral! Joel, raider! Joel, rough unprotected sex, possession, degradation, age gap: Joel is 40 the reader is early 30’s, power imbalance, fear tactics, mind games, praise kink, pet names: little lamb and sir, rough unprotected piv, choking/breath play, knife kink, blood kink, voyeurism, hand job, mutual masturbation, cock warming, oral (male and female receiving) cum play, mutilation of a body part (not done to the reader) misogyny from Joel’s men, implied rape as threat/coercion, Joel is not a morally good person, touch deprivation, humiliation, graphic depictions of violence, submission on the means of survival, foul language, +18 minors dni!
main masterlist masterlist
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The Cordyceps Outbreak changed you in a plethora of ways. Survivor turned cold-blooded murderer; not of your own doing. Desperate times call for desperate measures after all. Your saving grace happened to be a man. Brooding in strength, a quick tongue, and an even quicker aim. Calculated movements built up over years of tireless days and nights enduring whatever hell-scape the world had to offer. Grit, stubbornness, chapped lips, aliquine nose, paired with a wicked grin.
“Y’lost?” Gruff, gravelly, never ending pit of deepness. Joel Miller was crouched down between what you believed was an inconspicuous hiding space. You caught wind days out that a group of raiders had been silently stalking you. You were alone, with a limited supply of weapons in your reach.
“No.” Your voice trembled as you clutched your precious pocket knife to your chest.
“That so? What’re you doin’ hidin’ back there?” His head cocked curiously as his boot scraped along the tattered floor of the long since abandoned gas station.
“None of your goddamn business.” You hissed, teeth gritted as your eyes squeezed shut.
“Cute.” He mused. “Take it that you’re alone then? Y’got anythin’ on ya?”
“Are you going to kill me, or not? Cause if so, just get on with us for both our sakes.” You nearly pleaded.
He tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Ain’t gonna do that. Woulda dragged you outta there myself if that was the case. Besides, I enjoy it more when they run.” He spoke so casually you could feel your blood quickly turn to ice from his tone alone.
“What the hell do you want then? I have nothing to offer. Just some measly scraps, and a dull pocket knife.”
I’m gonna die. That’s it. It’s all over. All that fighting for fucking nothing.
“Ain’t that a shame.” You could feel the smirk rise on his face as bile tried to force its way up your throat. “You’re in luck, my dear. Feelin’ a bit generous. Been lookin’ for a pet. Someone to keep my bed warm at night. Clean my gun. Be at my side. The offer stands, but expires in approximately..” He looked around as if there was a working clock in sight, “one minute.”
“Wait, wait! Are you saying you want me to be your slave?! Fuck no! I’d–”
“Temper, I see. My slave? Not at all, darlin.’ You’ve got it all wrong. Ain’t gonna force ya, although, you were the one to stupidly go waltzing into raider territory. More specifically, my territory. So, you either swallow that fuckin’ tongue of yours and accept your fate, or i’ll let my men have their way with ya. N’trust me, doll. They’ll tear you apart the second they get their hands on you.”
“You sick fuck! I’m not going anywhere with you!” You pushed your body further between the two aisle shelves that had collapsed over.
“You’re insane!”
“Eight.” He droned with mock enthusiasm.
“C’mon, you ain’t got anywhere else to go. I won’t touch you unless you want me to. Don’t make this fuckin’ harder for yourself than it needs to be. My patience is runnin’ thin, and the clock is tickin’ away, little lamb.”
“I am not your little lamb, you fuckin’ monster!”
His eyes rolled in pure annoyance as you listened intently to the unmistakable clicking sound of his gun cocking.
What other choice did you really have? Allow yourself to be violated, and god knows what else by this man’s men, or accept your fate and become his ‘pet.’ Just the thought alone sent a wave of nausea knocking through your system.
“Wait, wait! Please!” You nearly begged as you pulled yourself free from your hiding spot. You dropped your pocket knife to the floor with a clink as you held your hands above your head.
His smirk was nothing short of menacing as he took immediate notice to the terrified glassy look in your eyes.
“Don’t be frightened, little lamb.” He crooned
“You’re safe, and no harm will be done to you. However, my men will be deeply disappointed to hear that I have decided to take you as my own.”
God, this man was sick, but there was no turning back now. No escape route. No plan. No hope. Maybe he was just bluffing. Maybe his plan was to kill you when you’d least expect it. Maybe this was all just a game of cat and mouse for him; you being the helpless little mouse.
“You swear that you’re not going to touch me?” You eyed his outstretched hand warily.
“My darlin’ little lamb, you have my word. Although, I will have to pat you down. Y’know, to make sure you ain’t have anythin’ on ya. Oh, and don’t think I'm playin’ stupid either. Cus’ if you try’n kill me? I’ll make you wish that you had never been born. You have no idea what I am capable of, and my token of kindness only can stretch so far. Jus’ be good, and I won’t have to send a pretty thing like you six feet under. Got it?” His tone was sharp and straight to the point as his brow raised in your direction. You couldn’t even begin to fathom what this man was capable of.
You reluctantly took his hand as he hoisted you up from the grime infested floor. Not a second later did he have your back pinned securely against his broad chest as he held the sharp tip of your knife expertly against your jugular. All he would have to do was apply a tad bit of pressure in order to make a fatal incision. You could feel his lips ghosting against the shell of your ear. His voice dropped an octave as he whispered, “Oh, and if you even think about tryn’ to run from me? I will hunt you down. Do I make myself crystal fuckin’ clear, little lamb?”
You struggled considerably in his constricting grip. A hiss slipped past your lips when the tip of the blade pricked your skin, blood beaded along the surface before slowly trickling down the column of your throat. “Fuck you, asshole.” You nearly whimpered when the blunt ends of his fingernails dug fiercely into your hips. He was unmoving like a mountain, or a slab of concrete. (whichever you prefer)
“That ain’t my name, little lamb.” He tuts before dipping his head down along the clavicle of your neck. His curls gently tickle your chin before you feel his hot tongue poke out and lick up the droplets of blood from your skin. You involuntarily inhaled a harsh breath as his lips harshly sucked on the entry wound. You heard a tiny grunt rumble up his chest before he uttered, tone thick and raspy, “It’s Joel.”
Joel fucking Miller.
His teeth nipped and scraped at your torn skin as his grip around you tightened. “Silly, silly, little lamb. You’ve gone and nicked yourself. Be good, and I’ll let you breathe.”
“Please, please let go of me, Joel. Please. You’re hurting me.” Your voice came out strained as you ultimately gave up on struggling in his steel-like grasp.
“There ya go. That’s a good little lamb.” He cooed as he loosened his grip around you. He had forgotten all about needing to pat you down as he slowly lowered your knife from its present position on your neck. He tucked it away in his own backpack for safe keeping. You were dumb to think that he’d let you have it back.
“Now that we’ve gotten the painfully hard stuff outta the way, y’can relax. So stiff.” He tsked as he nudged you forward. “You’ll be pleased to hear that I’m not a complete barbarian. Got a cabin with workin’ plumbing! Imagine that.” He chuckled amusedly.
You were far from amused as you crossed your arms over your chest protectively as he nudged you forward. Your feet worked on autopilot as his domineering presence was close behind you. “That’s nice, Joel. I could frankly fucking care less where you live.” You snapped in a sharp quick tone.
“Oh? Well, perhaps you’d rather fuckin’ sleep outside, chained to a tree like a goddamn dog.” he snapped back, quicker than you had expected.
“Yeah?” You scoffed. “Well, maybe I would much rather be chained to a fucking tree than breathe the same disgusting air as you.” So much for not pushing this man's buttons.
He laughed, and you could feel his hot breath tickling the hair along the back of your neck.
“As tempting as that sounds, how am I supposed to protect you if you’re chained to a tree?” He was smirking rather sadistically. You couldn’t see his face, but you just knew he was grinning through his teeth. “Besides, wouldn’t you much rather sleep in a warm, cozy bed, little lamb? I bet it’s been awhile since you’ve experienced that kinda comfort, hmm?” He knew he was toying with you and it was becoming increasingly difficult to not stand your ground.
“I don’t need your protection. I don’t want anything to do with it, and for the love of God, would you stop fucking calling me little lamb?”
“Y’know, the more you fight this, the worse it’s going to be. You oughta be thankin’ me. Y’know why? I could fuckin’ take you right here, right now. I can shove you to the ground and have my way with you, little lamb. You can scream and cry all you want, but there’s not a goddamn thing you could do to stop me. You’re defenseless, and apparently missing quite a few marbles in that brain of yours. I suggest you shut the fuck up, and keep movin.’” In the midst of your quarrel, he had silently removed his gun from the holster around his hips, and you could feel the cool metal of the barrel pressing into the back of your neck.
You froze purely out of fear as your mouth went dry. No words fell from your once confident tongue as he nudged you forward once more.
“Yeah, that’s what I fuckin’ thought.” He hissed.
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You were in fact shocked to see that Joel and his men didn’t live in filth and grime like you expected. Even moreso, it didn’t appear that they had stowed away any prisoners in their camp. This newfound knowledge was both comforting, and unsettling. Joel’s cabin was the furthest from the rest of the group. Tucked away in a grouping of evergreens. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d think he was just some lone survivor too. You surveyed the surrounding area silently as he unlocked the front door. You could run..but how far would you manage to get? He’d hunt you down no doubt. Your body was already running off pure adrenaline. It had been weeks since you had a proper meal.
“Home sweet home.” He chimed as he gave you a rough jolt forward. Your legs nearly buckled from the surprised movement as you stumbled inside. The heavy wooden door swung shut as he locked it behind him.
“I imagine you must be starvin’ huh?”
He rolled his eyes as he slung his backpack along one of the hooks on the wall. “Uh-huh. You ain’t all that of a liar, little lamb. Look, if I were in your situation, i’d suck it the fuck up and be grateful for my generous hospitality. Y’wanna starve? Be my fuckin’ guest, but don’t say I didn’t try to feed ya.” He huffed as he strode past you, shoulder brushing yours roughly as he disappeared into the kitchen.
You stood there dumbly in the middle of the entryway as you subconsciously scratched at your arm. “Hey..uh, Joel?” You sounded timid and unsure of yourself but given the present circumstances, that was to be expected.
His head peeked around the corner as he made eye contact with you. “Yes, little lamb?”
Can he fucking quit it with that nickname already?
“So, I was wondering if it was possible for me to uh–shower? I’ve been traveling for weeks and I just figured you probably wouldn’t want me stinking up your bed? Just want to make sure I'm being a good pet for you.” You nearly gagged from your compliant words, but if you played your cards right, maybe you’d make it out of this alive.
His slow growing smirk was a tell-tale sign that he was buying your faux submission. Ruthless or not, he was still a man at the end of the day.
“Sure. S’not a problem at all. Y’need help findin’ your way? Jus’ down the hall n’to the left. I’ll leave some clothes out for ya as well. Think you’ve worn those things to ruin.” He casually gestured to your tattered clothing.
“Yeah, well..beggars can’t be choosers now can they?”
“No, they can’t.” He agreed.
You stared at one another a moment longer before you padded off down the hall. You could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head until you turned the corner. You paused momentarily to listen for his footsteps. Only when you were convinced he didn’t follow you, did you finally release a shaky breath. Just be good, and you’ll get out of this one way or another.
Joel’s bathroom was insipid in decor, but that came as to no surprise. It’s not like he had any reason to embellish the space with flowers or any other domestic shit. At least the towels looked fairly clean, and the shower head looked durable. You could have shed tears of joy when you turned the faucet handle and a steady stream flowed through the shower head. The water had a slightly oxidized odor from the well, but it wasn’t ice cold; more like room temperature. You wasted no time to shred your thin layers of clothing and discard them to the cool tile beneath your feet. Your nipples pebbled and grew taught under the cooling stream of water along your skin. You feel the filth and grime slowly wash away and stain the water a murky brown color from the debris. You were pleasantly surprised to find a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo that was undoubtedly expired, but it would suffice.
The towel you wrapped around your body was a bit coarse and itchy from being utilized so many times. You kept your hand firmly wrapped around the front of the towel to prevent it from slipping down your still damp body. As you reached for the door handle you found shortly after that there was something blocking your ability to open it all the way. You took a deep breath as you prepared yourself for the inevitable..clothes? There just outside of the door, folded nicely in a pile, was a shirt and pants waiting for you.
Joel was busy putzing around the kitchen as he prepared a well-deserved meal for the two of you. He was already convinced that you were warming up to him (finally). Or, perhaps you were just too exhausted to put up a solid fight. Either way, he was going to continue to use his generous hospitality to his advantage. Match point.
“Well, don’t you clean up nice.” He mused from where he was standing as you appeared from down the hall.
“Shower was pretty decent.” You mumbled in response.
“Go on and make yourself at home.” He gestured to the small kitchen table with two handcrafted wooden chairs. “Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes.”
“I already told you, I'm not hungry.”
“Still playin’ the stubborn game, are we? What happened to the whole ‘I want to be a good pet for you, Joel?’” he dropped the kitchen knife he was presently holding onto the countertop as he made air quotes with his fingers.
“Why the hell would you think for a second that I'm going to trust you all of a sudden? I don’t want shit to do with your food.”
“Mmm. I see. S’you jus’ thought oh, i’ll just use his shower and shit will be all peachy keen? Sit your fuckin’ ass down at that table right now.” He wasn’t asking, he was demanding.
“Oh, gee. You’re too kind! Giving me somewhere to finally rest my fucking feet.” You muttered sarcastically under your breath as you plopped down onto the chair finally.
Seconds later a plate was placed down in front of you. The smell was absolutely mouthwatering. Seared venison, potatoes, gravy and bread. This was a real hearty meal that you could only dream of having. It reminded you of Sunday dinner’s back at your parents when you were struggling to pay your rent off every month. You’d have leftovers for days thanks to them.
You suspiciously eyed your captor as he took the seat across from you and began to indulge in the meal he had prepared. You remained skeptical as your arms crossed over your chest defiantly.
“It ain’t poisoned if that’s what you’re thinkin.’ Why the hell would I be eating poisoned food? Besides, how are you supposed to keep my bed warm if you’re fuckin’ dead, little lamb?” He grumbled as he pointed his fork in your direction.
“I don’t know. Maybe a sick fuck like you is into that sorta thing. You don’t actually expect me to believe that you have a moral compass, do you?”
“Oh, you’re right on the head with that one. Just below your feet I have bodies stashed for safekeeping. Oh, and some are buried out back in the woods. You’ll find bones scattered about the property.” he stated nonchalantly as he leaned over the table with his eyes locked on yours. “Y’know what I love most? I love it when they scream and beg for their pathetic little lives to be spared. They all try to escape, but they never get very far. I give them all a fair head start jus’ to give them that false hope that they’re going to make it out of this alive.” He stabbed a piece of venison with his fork before popping it into his mouth.
Your blood curdled like rotten milk as you went to push your chair back. You were startled from the sound of his knife being embedded into the wood with a harsh thud. “Don’t you even fuckin’ think about it.” He hissed.
“Are you fucking serious?! You have dead bodies under the fucking floorboards?! So, this was your plan all along?! Make me play house with you till you get bored and decide to butcher me?!”
“No.” he deadpanned. “I was not bein’ serious. But, since you think i’m some sick fuckin’ monster that stashes women away to murder them, I decided to play into your little scenario. Now, fuckin’ eat your goddamn food. Or by God I will fucking pin you down and shove it down your throat.”
You truly could not tell if he was bluffing or not, but by the darkened appearance of his pupils, your brain was literally screaming at you to just pick the fucking fork up and eat. So, that’s exactly what you did. Fuck, this was the best thing you tasted in a long time.
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When the sun began to set and cast a soft orange glow through the cabin windows, your nerves were on high alert when you faced the realization that you’d have to sleep in the same bed as this man. Your plate was nearly licked clean as he removed it from in front of you. He could sense your unease from a mile away. It was as if he could smell the fear leaking from your pores.
“Go on and get some rest, little lamb. I’ll be there in a few. Oh, and by the way, I prefer to sleep naked. I hope that doesn’t pose a problem for you.” He shot a flirty wink in your direction before you were immediately pushing your chair back.
Fucking peachy.
It wasn’t difficult to find his bedroom as it was the only other room in the mid size cabin. You would have much rather have slept on the uncomfortable hardwood floor than to share a bed with him. However, based on how he acted at the dinner table..you really didn’t want to stretch your luck, if you’d even call it that, any further.
The semi-comfortable mattress brought instant relief to your aching back and shoulders. A comfort short lived as you listened attentively to the faint footsteps approaching the door. Joel was surprisingly quiet as he slipped into the room like a shadow in the night. He barely acknowledged your presence as he shuffled to the unoccupied side of the bed. The mattress creaked beneath his weight as he sank down along it.
You laid there unmoving, quiet like a mouse as your eyes squeezed shut from the familiar shrill sound of the metal clasp of his belt clinking. His jeans hit the floor with a soft thud as a silent tear slowly rolled down your cheek. He yanked his shirt over his head in one swift movement before he kicked his boxers down his ankles. You heard him let out a faint sigh as he scrubbed his hand down his patchy beard. You waited for the moment that he would pounce..but it never came as he slowly swung his legs onto the mattress with a soft grunt as he settled back into the pillows. His cock hung heavy between his thighs as he shifted positions ever so slightly. “G’night, little lamb. Sleep tight.” He crooned softly.
Wait..that’s it? No no. What the hell was going on? Didn’t he say he would–
“Goodnight, Joel.” You whispered as you rolled over so your back was facing him. You were on the very edge of the mattress, as far away as you possibly could be from him.
Joel was more than willing to play the long game with you. He was in no rush, and toying with your already fragile mind was part of the fun. He did swear that he wouldn’t touch you without your consent, but he never said anything about not touching himself. He was, after all, a lonely man in some capacity. Perhaps that’s why he had no shame to slowly wrap his fist around the base of his cock while you were laying just a few feet away. He trapped his lower lip between his teeth as he dragged his thumb across the ruddy head, collecting a bead of precum that had weeped from the narrow slit. He twisted his hand slowly as a grunt bubbled up his throat. He pulled his hand back only to filthily spit on it in order to create some lubrication. His head tilted back against the pillows as his mind ran rampant through his filthy desires. “Fuck, that’s it little, lamb.” He hissed between his teeth, digging his heels into the mattress as his cock grew hard and swollen in his grasp.
You could vaguely hear the rustling of the sheets through your light slumber. You thought maybe you were experiencing some vivid dream when you detected Joel’s soft grunt and the unmistakable sound of him spitting into his hand. It felt like your body was betraying you and riding off into the deep end as your thighs subconsciously clenched together. His sounds of gratification only seemed to spur your now awake body to relieve itself in some capacity as your hand slowly snaked down between your thighs. It had been longer than you could remember since you last shared a bed with someone. Perhaps this was all based purely on animalistic instincts as your fingers dipped beneath your panties. Your clit was throbbing for attention as your fingertips skated across it. You bit down on the inside of your cheek hard to suppress a whimper from slipping out, but it was audible enough for Joel to hear it. Once you started, there was no going back as your fingers worked your clit in slow circular motions.
Joel was shocked to say the least. So much so, that his hand had stilled around his cock as he listened to your pathetic little whimpers that you were desperately trying to suppress. You being so unpredictable to him was an absolute turn on. He couldn’t believe that his dirty little lamb was shamelessly playing with herself. Maybe you and him weren’t so different after all. His cock twitched against his stomach as he imagined just how tight your little pussy would hug him, and that’s all it took for him to shred his remaining morale. “What’re you doin’ over there, little lamb?” He whispered through the pale moonlight that casted shadows across the bed frame.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
You scrambled to remove your hand from between your thighs as a sense of embarrassment and dread washed over you. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks from the excitement and adrenaline rush of being caught.
“Don’t stop on my account, dirty little lamb. You sounded so desperate to come. Why deprive yourself of that pleasure?” He hummed through his teeth as he gave the base of his cock a firm relieving squeeze. “Or are you seekin’ some assistance? I’d be happy to help..can’t leave your pussy hanging on the edge for that long, little lamb. She deserves better treatment than that.” He tsked disapprovingly.
it was as if a lightbulb had suddenly flashed in your brain. Yes, use this to your advantage. This is what he wants, right? Give it to him. Make him think that you’re submissive. Fuck him stupid and leave when he’s sleeping. Play his game better than he is.
“It hurts.” You pouted as tears of frustration began to slowly drip down the corners of your eyes. You did have to sell the part after all.
“Oh, baby. Don’t cry. I know it hurts..bet it’s been so long since your cunt has been properly taken care of, hmm? When’s the last time she’s been stretched out by a cock?” He asked softly as you felt the mattress dip down from him slowly roll over onto his elbow so he was facing you.
“It’s been too long, sir. I can’t even remember the last time I was properly filled up by a cock. I miss that feeling so much. Will you help me, please? I want you to take care of me, Joel.” You nearly moaned out a plea as your thighs rubbed together beneath the sheets.
Joel’s rough exterior had seemingly melted into a puddle of liquid as you nearly begged him. Who was he to say no to a person in need? Here you were, so willing, so compliant, so submissive, and right where he wanted you to be. “Oh, my poor little lamb. It’s been that long for you? Perhaps I’ll just have to remind your cunt just how good it feels to be properly filled up by a cock, hmm? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Please, Joel. Please remind me how good it feels to be filled up by a cock. I want you to stretch me out..I want to feel you everywhere..think you can handle that, sir?” You were already reaching for his hand as he scooted closer to where your body was laying. You guided his hand between your thighs so he could feel just how wet you were for him. “Please, can’t you feel how wet I am? Please make me feel good, sir.”
His eyes nearly rolled back into his skull from your desperation and neediness as his fingers lightly traced the seam of your panties where he could feel the wetness pooling through the fabric. “I’ll take real good care of you, little lamb. You’re in good hands. We’ll have to take these off so I can get a good look at ya. Bet she’s so fuckin’ pretty. Dyin’ to have a peek.”
He’s a goner.
She’s a goner.
“Take them off, please.” You whimpered as his hands grasped the hem of your panties and slowly pulled them down your thighs. His pupils dilated from the sight of the fabric sticking to your puffy wet pussy. His mouth watered from the sight alone as he discarded your ruined panties to the floor. You felt the warm embrace of his hand wrap around the inside of your thigh as he coaxed it across his lap so he could spread you nice and wide. “Oh, fuck. Look at how swollen she is. Must hurt so much.” He pouted with furrowed brows. “Such a pretty fuckin’ pussy. I cannot wait to ruin her, my little lamb.” At this angle you were entirely exposed to his greedy eyes as you watched his hand travel southward once more. He used his middle and forefinger to spread your folds open so he could get a better view of your swollen little clit. He appeared to be mesmerized as your tight wet little hole involuntary clenched inwards.
Your moans were anything but fake as his thumb slowly worked your clit into tight circles. He wasn’t lying about the fact that you certainly were in good hands. You were wet enough as it is, but he felt that extra lubrication couldn’t hurt as he spat a glob of saliva between his fingers and rubbed it in. He soon had two fingers knuckle deep inside of you as he slowly curled them inwards. “Gotta get you nice and relaxed for me, baby. I don’t wanna hurt ya, and you’re being such a good little lamb for me. I think I’ll just have to reward you for that. How does that sound?” His eyes drifted upwards so he could see your face twist with pleasure as your toes curled inwards.
“Oh, sir.” You moaned wantonly. “That feels so fucking good. Please don’t stop. I promise I’ll keep being your good little lamb. Can you show me your cock, Joel? I want to see it. I bet it’s so big..what if it doesn’t fit?”
He shifted his hips upwards so you could get a good look at his dick. He watched your eyes widen the slightest at the sight of him. Heavy set balls, dark coarse hair, and by far the thickest cock you had ever feasted your eyes upon. “Shh, we’ll make it fit. It’ll feel so fuckin’ good once I’m stretching you out, little lamb. You just gotta trust me. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you trust me?”
“Mhmm. I can trust you, sir. I know you’ll take extra good care of me. Please don’t make me wait much longer..please be good to me.”
He pressed a reassuring kiss to your temple as he felt the walls of your pussy clench down around his thick digits. The squelching sound sent blood quickly flowing southwards as his cock twitched against his thigh. As soon as he slipped his fingers out of you, he knelt between your thighs with one hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock as he twisted his wrist a couple times. His freehand was wrapped around the underside of your thigh as he brought it around his shoulder with your heel resting along his firm shoulder blade. “Good little lamb. I’m goin’ fill this pretty little pussy up just the way that she deserves, okay? See, I told you that bein’ my pet wasn’t gonna be so bad. I knew you’d warm up to me eventually.” He mumbled under his breath as he slowly dragged his tip between your folds, rutting his hips forward slowly. The tip of his cock bumped against your already sensitive clit with each gentle thrust.
Your brain felt like a scrambled egg that was being mentally toyed and fucked with. This sick man could have easily fucked you like a rag doll into his mattress, and instead he was choosing to take things slow. Why? You couldn’t wrap your head around his reasoning, or if this was truly just another piece to his game, but Jesus fuck, there was no denying that it felt fucking incredible.
Your words came out like slurred jarble as your mouth slowly felt open when you felt him slowly start to sink inside of you, stretching you open, filling you up just like his promise. It felt like his cock was splitting you in two the further he pressed into you. He coaxed you gently when you clawed at his forearms. Shushing you with featherlight kisses to your cheekbones when he had bottomed out. Your leg fell limp around his shoulder when he had slowly pulled his hips back before jutting them forward.
He was fucking you deliciously deep as the matress squeaked from the movement. He was watching your face for any signs of discomfort as you struggled to figure out where he started, and where he ended. Your pussy hugged him tight as it drew him in deeper with each thrust. His hand nearly engulfed your hip as his thumb lightly pressed down along your lower abdomen where he could feel the tip of his cock just barely kissing your cervix. “Can you feel me right there, little lamb? You’re doing so good for me. So fuckin’ good. Tightest little pussy I’ve ever had. She’s huggin’ me so good.” His grunts mixed with your sharp moans as you struggled to not completely throw your plan out the window. In this position it was hard to gain any sense of control; it was time to switch things up.
“Joel, baby.” You mewled softly as your hips rolled forward to meet his thrusts. “I wanna try something that I think you’ll really like..I wanna be on top. You must be so exhausted from dealing with me all day..why don’t you lay back and I’ll do all the work?” You suggested with a harsh breath as he leaned down over you. You could feel the broad weight of his chest pressing down against you as his lips brushed across the shell of your ear, “that’s the best idea you’ve had all goddamn day, little lamb.”
Even after your handsome offering, he wasn’t quite ready to slip out of your warmth just yet. Now that he had a taste, there was no way in hell that he was about to let you go from his grasp. He had consumed you completely to the point where it felt like you were being suffocated by his sheer mass and the way he managed to hit that spongy spot inside of you with every profound intense induced thrust. His wiry patchy beard scraped at the soft skin of your cheek as he drove himself further. “Jus’ gimme a little more time with ya like this. You feel so fuckin’ good around me. Jus’ a little longer.” He stuttered between harsh jagged breaths that fluttered across the shell of your ear. His teeth nipped, scraped at the skin as the musty scent of his sweat melded into yours. Skin on skin: with no point of relief.
When he finally began to slowly slip out of your tight wet walls, it appeared that your body was reluctant to let go of him based on the way your pussy clenched around him tightly like a fist. He chuckled low and deep as he watched a mixture of your release and his own leak out of your tight fucked out hole. It glistened along the apex of your thighs, trailing down your skin, dripping along the once unsoiled comforter.
“My my, little lamb. You’ve gone and made quite the mess of yourself hmm?” He teased as he slowly dragged his pointer finger through the mixture of fluids as if he was creating an erotic painting, and his finger was the steady brush.
Focus. Focus. Focus. Your brain chanted at you relentlessly.
“Hnngh..mhm..i’ve made such a mess of myself, sir. Will you please clean me up?”
He smirked cruelly through the pale moonlight that danced across your skin as he scooted himself back on his knees, his cock brushing against the comforter and creating just enough stimulation for him to be satisfied for the time being. “Well, since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can give you an itty-bitty reward.” He mused as his eyes locked in on your glistening pussy just begging to be kissed. Your lashes fluttered when you felt his hot breath fan your core. Might as well get all the use out of him that you could get.
He pressed open mouth kisses to the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Sucking, licking, kissing around where you craved him most. The second those sinful lips latched onto your swollen clit, a carnal need washed over both of you as he devoured you whole. His tongue worked you in languid strokes as he made sure to lick up every last drop. Your orgasm was steadfast approaching as the coil in your stomach tightened. Your thighs clamped firmly around his head like a stubborn shell. If it were any other situation, you’d let him eat you for hours, days even, but you had to stick to your plan.
He wasn’t letting up easily as you used all your strength to push his head from between your thighs. His beard and lips were coated in your slick as he finally released you from his death grip. There was no time to catch your breath as his strong arms were already hosting you into his lap as he lazily rolled over onto his back with a soft grunt.
“Keep bein’ my good little lamb, and you’ll wake up every mornin’ with my head between your thighs.” He nearly purred as his hands anchored themselves around your hips. You could feel the head of his cock notching at your entrance as you slowly sank down against his bulky strong thighs. It took a mere moment for you to snap back into character and keep up with your charades as you wrapped your hand firmly around the base of his cock. “I’m going to take care of you now okay, Joel? You’ve been so good to me. I’m so grateful for your generous hospitality and your cock. I just want you to sit back and relax..can you do that for me, baby?” You held all the control in the palm of your hand as you slowly slid his tip between your slit. Your little noises of appreciation had his head spinning in circles as he squeezed your hips firmly.
“M’gonna keep you forever, just like this. Stuffed full of my cock. Filled to the fuckin’ brim.” He hissed between his teeth as you slowly inched yourself around him till he had filled you to the hilt. “M’so lucky to have a good little lamb like you, baby. My good little cockslut. It ain’t so bad, is it? Mmm..maybe you and I are more alike than you think.” He murmured with a lazy grin etched on his face as he gazed up at you through thick lashes.
“Of course i’ll be your good little lamb forever and ever, sir.” You played along as you slowly rolled your hips forward. “I’ll be so good to you just like you have been to me.” Now you had him right where you wanted him and it was only a matter of time. You affectionately played with his sweat stained curls, licked the musk from his neck as you inhaled his masculine aroma that seeped from his pores. You nipped at his flesh and left little love bites speckled across his skin. You fucked him the best way that you could, spending what was left of your dwindling energy to convince this man that you were submitting to him entirely. Each roll of your hips, and smack of your skin transported him to a new state of pure ecstasy. He didn’t last very long considering he was fairly spent himself. He let out a deep guttural animalistic grunt that ruptured from deep within his chest as he spilled his seed into you. He could feel both yours and his release drip down between where your bodies were connected. He praised in a soft tone, mumbling about how he was going to fall asleep just like this. “Y’stay right there, little lamb. Gonna keep you stuffed full of my cock all night.” He rasped as his lashes fluttered shut.
By all means, sir. Keep me stuffed full of your cock, because come morning, you’ll be waking up to an empty, cold, miserable bed. You fucking idiot.
He dozed off, still buried deep inside of your cunt as you sat there obediently. You listened to the sound of his breathing return to a normal rate as soft snores slipped past his parted lips. Only when you were certain that he wouldn’t awake from his sex induced slumber, did you finally slip off of his lap. You could feel the sticky residue of his come latching onto your thighs as his cock went soft. You gathered up the clothes he had given you as you rushed to dress and get the hell out of there. You were as quiet as a mouse as you crept out of his room. Your eyes zoned in on the rifle hanging along the hook next to the door.
You were so close to freedom you could almost taste it as you unlatched the door and began to slowly push the handle down–
“Where are you runnin’ off to, little lamb?” His tone was low and menacing as you felt the hardness of his chest press against your back. In one swift movement he had pulled the door shut with a heavy slam that rattled your bones to the core. You went to reach for his rifle but he was on you in a flash as he twisted your arms painfully behind your back. He knocked you forward against the wooden door with your cheek pressed firmly into the rough texture of the wood. When you didn’t respond to his original question, he asked again, but a lot less nicer.
“I said, where the fuck do you think you’re runnin’ off to, little lamb? Y’think you can play me for a goddamn fool?!” He bellowed. His harsh words bounced off the walls of the cabin as you struggled in his painful grip. “After I fed you, put clothes on your back and fucked you dumb, you think you can jus’ fuckin’ leave?!”
“Sir, I'm so sorry! You have it all wrong! I—just wanted to get some fresh air! I was going to come right back, I swear!” You took the pleading route in hopes that maybe he’d show you just a smidge of mercy. “I’d never leave you!”
He laughed darkly as he shoved you further into the door, creating little to no space for you to breathe. “Fuckin’ save it. You’re a goddamn filthy liar, little lamb! You were leavin’ me! What a fuckin’ shame too because you were being so so good. Pity, because I was actually thinking of letting you go myself.” He lied straight through his teeth as he forced his knee between your thighs and spread them apart. His hand that wasn’t holding your wrists painfully together wrapped around your middle as he yanked you roughly against his chest. His lips were right at your ear now. “You were being such a good little lamb for me, that I was beginning to feel sorry for taking you away..I was going to let you go first thing in the morning, but you just had to go and fuckin’ ruin it for yourself, huh?” He tsked
Fresh tears began to cascade down your face as you continued to try and break free. Your hope was quickly diminishing like a candle being blown out as he twisted your wrists at an unnatural angle. “PLEASE!” You begged, “I’m so sorry, sir! Please don’t kill me! I–I–can make it up to you, I swear!”
“Kill you? Oh, my dear sweet little lamb, you really haven’t been payin’ attention, have you? I’m not going to kill you. You’re far too pretty to be feasted on by some critters. That simply won’t do.” His hand that was securely wrapped around your middle snaked upwards as he roughly groped your breast through the fabric of your shirt. “Quit your fuckin’ squirming. You ain’t gettin’ yourself outta this one, little lamb.”
“Please, please let me go! I’m–I'm sorry for not being a good pet! I can do better! Please, Joel! You’re hurting me!” You cried out for mercy.
“Now, you’re gonna sit still and be a good little lamb, or I'll feed you to the wolves just outside my door.” He whispered harshly as he dropped his hand from around your breast only to then find the button on your pants before he yanked them down your thighs. Your pussy was sore and overstimulated when he pressed the ruddy head of his cock between your thighs. “Can’t you hear ‘em howlin?’ Bet they’re fistin’ their cocks right now thinkin’ about how your pretty little cunt would hug them so tight. S’only for me, right? This cunt belongs to me. Don’t fuckn’ gimme a reason to share.” He hissed as he harshly thrusted up into you, knocking the air from your lungs as his hand wrapped around your throat.
Your words came out as strangled cries as he continued to ram into you. “Can’tcha hear ‘em now? Beggin’ for this cunt. C’mon, little lamb. Scream for me. Let them know just how good daddy is treatin’ ya. Don’t you fuckin’ hold back.” His thumb and forefinger pressed firmly against your trachea making it harder for oxygen to reach your brain as your body went into distress mode. The more you fought, the tighter he held you. When you could begin to see stars dancing behind your eyelids, and your breath came out in a weak wheezing sound, he finally released you from his death grip.
You buckled over, gasping for air as your knees hit the floor with a sickening thud.
“Don’t you ever try to outsmart me again, little lamb.” He was standing over you like an ominous shadow as choked sobs raked through your body.
“Now, get the fuck back to bed, or i’ll drag you there myself.”
You took his threat seriously as you scrambled to your feet and scurried back to his room.
You never crossed him again, and for good reason. He apologized for his actions the next morning over breakfast. You weren’t very hungry, but forced yourself to eat for your own sake. Now you were his broken and submissive little lamb.
He did keep his promise of keeping you safe from all harm. Once enough trust was instilled, he allowed you to accompany him outside. He taught you all that he knew during those months. You found it hard to not begin to fall for him when he showed you his gentler side. It felt wrong, but right at the same time to love a man who was so cruel. He stripped you of your autonomy, and then stitched it right back together with his own needle and thread. You adapted to his lifestyle as if it was the back of your hand. Accompanying him on raids, torturing helpless individuals for the sheer thrill it felt to hold another person’s life in the palm of your hands.
Maybe you were sicker than he was.
This winter was proving to be unforgiving. Supplies and rations were low, and Joel’s men were growing antsy. Their leader was spending too much time tucked away in his cabin with you, and it was only a matter of time before someone would lash out. You were still fast asleep tucked away cozily in Joel’s warm bed while he called a meeting with the rest of the group.
“I say we head west. There ain’t nothin’ left here for us.” One of his men stated, and heads began to slowly nod in agreement.
“West? Why the hell would we go and do that? We got a decent territory here, and I'm this close to gettin’ us into the QZ. Jus’ have to twist a few more fingers to get us there. This ain’t the worst winter we’ve had. Don’t go and act like a bunch of fuckin’ pussies just because you’re afraid that your dicks are gonna freeze off.” He snapped.
“Easy enough for you to say, Miller. You’re the one who’s got a cockslut keepin’ you warm on the cold nights. What about the rest of us, huh? Can’t be bothered to share your prize?”
Joel could feel his blood begin to simmer as he slowly turned his head to the side. His eyes were narrowed into slits as his fists clenched tightly at his sides. “What the fuck did you jus’ call her?” His tone was eerily calm as he did his best to keep his temper at bay. You were off limits; end of story.
“You heard me. Bet that cockslut of yours was the one who suggested we stay here. That’s why it ain’t good to keep women around for long. They talk and talk and think that they have the answer for everything! Well, you know what I gotta say to that? Keep ‘em around to keep your cock warm and toss ‘em when they grow smart. That’s all they’re good for anyway. Jus’ a tight wet hole to fuck.”
The prominent veins in Joel’s neck bulged to the surface of his neck. His skin was so hot that the swirling flurries that landed on him immediately melted. His face grew red with rage. You were far more than just a hole to fuck. You were his little lamb, and god help any motherfuckers that dare disrespect his little lamb.
“I should fuckin’ carve your tongue out for that. She is not my cockslut.” If Joel’s men were smart, they’d back off while they still had the chance, but men will be men after all.
“Oh, please! Is her pussy really all that? Look at how soft you’ve gone, Miller! I say you dispose of her while you still have the chance. Oh, but before you do that, bring her out for a spin. We’ve been dyin’ to see what her cunt is all about.”
It was as if something inside of Joel had suddenly snapped and he found his hands constricted around the man’s neck. Joel had him pinned to the snow covered ground as the man thrashed around violently. No one dared to try and stop their leader until they heard the crunching of snow beneath boots as your voice drifted through the brewing blizzard like a rumbling echo
Joel’s head snapped in the direction of your voice as he loosened his grip around the man’s neck slightly. “Baby, what the fuck are you doin’ out here? It’s freezing! Get back inside–”
You were quick to cut him off as you approached the scene that was laid out in front of you. You ignored his present concern for your wellbeing as you crossed your arms over your chest. “What the fuck is going on here, Joel?”
“Seth said some shit that he really oughta have kept to himself. S’alright. I got this one handled. Why don’t you go on back home where it’s warm.”
“No. I want you to tell me what he said.” You stood firm
Joel eyed the rest of his men who were all looking much like sheep themselves. “He called you a cockslut, and that all a woman is good for is a tight wet hole to fuck.” He deadpanned.
You appeared unfazed sans the slight arch of your brow. “Really?” You scoffed. “How original. Don’t you think that strangling him is a bit too merciful?”
“Well, before you came out here, I threatened to carve his tongue out.”
“Oh?” You asked with a lopsided grin. “Now that is more your style, baby. Wanna use my knife? I just sharpened it the other day.”
Seth was nervously looking between yours and Joel’s sadistic grins as he struggled to escape. All Joel had to do was snap his fingers once for two of his men to then force Seth down by his shoulders, and physically pry his jaw open as he thrashed wildly on the ground.
“My little lamb, you’re so sick..y’know that?” He was already reaching for your outstretched knife before his hand encased around your wrist and gently tugged you down into the snow. “Front row seat jus’ for you, baby. Don’t worry, he’ll never say another word about you again.” he sealed his promise to you against your lips before he was pulling away to finish off the job.
“S’matter, Seth? Cat got your tongue?” Joel crooned as grabbed the back of his head and yanked it forward. “This oughta teach ya to respect women.”
“Joel–wait! Please don’t do this! I’m sorry! I’m–” Seth’s pleas were violently cut off when Joel sliced right through his tongue. Blood spattered and squirted from the gushing wound as his once attached muscle now laid limp in the snow.
“Oh, what was that? You’re sorry? It’s a bit too late for that, pal.” Joel spat before he picked up the chunk of Seth’s mutilated tongue and tossed it right into the nearby fire pit.
“Get him outta my sight before I decide to rip his throat out too. Tie him up to a tree a few miles from here. Leave him to the wolves. They’ll finish him off.” He demanded his men as he wiped the blood from your knife along Seth’s shirt.
His hand reached for yours to help you up from the ground. You held no shame to admit that watching Joel mutilate someone in front of you so willingly sent a wave of arousal gushing between your clenched thighs, and you probably would have fucked him right then and there and let his men watch because none of that really mattered anymore. You opted to pull him behind a cluster of trees instead as you dropped to your knees ceremoniously in the bitter cold snow that instantly bit at your exposed bare skin. Your hands clawed for his belt as you desperately unlatched it and shoved his jeans down his thighs swiftly. Your cheeks felt cold to the touch as Joel’s hand affectionately held your face in his warm palm as you pulled his stiff cock free. His heart swelled with pure pride for his good little lamb.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 🤍
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akixxsstuff · 2 months
Dating L would be like...
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Death Note L Lawliet x gender neutral reader
(I'm aware that the picture says girlfriend but the gender of the reader is not specified in the fic. The pictures were also edited by me).
Fluff // One shot
Summary: L was more like a machine than a human, he was cold, calculated and a "no fun and games" type of person aside from the occasional sarcastic or dry humored comment. L never lost his composure and would repress any emotion he had has a intimidation tactic. He was blunt and wouldn't allow anything or anyone to dethrone him.
However around you, L wasn't quite that...
The task force had suspected you and L were a couple, but whenever anyone asked about it, L would quickly shut down the conversation and went back to his work, saying that it wasn't any of their business. You and L were a couple but he just wanted to keep things secretive and professional since doing otherwise made him feel vulnerable.
He couldn't let his suspect Light know how much you meant to him just in case he used it against him, plus it was just in L's nature to be serective.
However as soon the doors were closed and the task force was gone, he would be nuzzling into your shoulder, whining for attention. He would never stop clinging onto you until he got he's way because in his own words, "I'm also childish and don't like to lose".
Like today for instance:
"Not now Lolly, I've got an appointment to book", you said sighing while L continued kissing your neck and nibbling your ear from behind. "I love you but I do not appreciate your lack of cooperation" L then grumbled.
Lolly was your main pet name for L since it sounded like it was short for lollipop, (and we all know how much L loves those) and sounded similar to his real name, Lawliet. Panda was also another common one since he reminded you of one with his dark eyes and pale skin.
He then kneeled in between your legs with his head resting on your thigh, looking up at you in annoyance in an attempt to guilt trip you, (however he couldn't mask he's pleading eyes). "Lolly I already told you I'm busy, just 10 more minutes okay my love?" you cooed while stroking his cheek. But L didn't care, he picked you up bridal style from your chair and tossed you onto the bed. "Lawliet, you should know of all people how important it is to not have any distractions from your work" you said rasing an eyebrow. "You make a fair point" L says with his thumb on his lip, "But I'm not feeling very empathetic tonight" then he proceeded to smother you with kisses.
Your dates were either cafe hopping, picnics in the park, or L trying to teach you tennis. You would always try to get him to wear shoes but he would refuse, saying "I don't like how they feel". "I know but I don't want you to step on a piece of glass and hurt yourself" you would say while kissing his forehead. "I'm sure I'll live" L would say while kissing you back. You would then sigh and take off your shoes, "Fine. If that's how you want to play" and you both would walk around barefoot.
Another thing L wouldn't budge on is removing all the cameras and wiring taps from your room, if someone broke in and tired to hurt you he needed to know immediately who was responsible so he could toss them in jail forever. He valued your life way more than his, afterall, he did challenge Kira to kill him live on broadcast.
L absolutely loved when you taunted his number one suspect Light, in fact it was his love language.
"I'm not Kira!" Light would yell.
"You're not a very convincing actor Light, but hey! Maybe they'll give you an academy award in prison just for trying. Light Yagami! Mass murderer tries playing innocent victim!".
As a detective, L would always be analysising people's behaviour and you were no expectation.
"How was your day darling?" L cooed.
"Fine. I'm going to my room".
You say that you're fine Y/N yet you're tone and lack of physical affection would indicate otherwise. Could you be trying to deprive me of your attention as an indirect punishment? What could have I done?
However, you did mention how your work load has increased because of the lack of empyoees, were you stressed from that and simply avoided me to avoid talking about it? I should confront you instead of making any assumptions, it could make matters worse because you might believe that I am deliberately ignoring you.
"Love, I believe I have done something to upset you, please tell me what it is was so I can correct my behaviour. Will you accept this piece of cake as a initial peace offering? If I'm not to blame then please tell me who's bothering you so I can potentially sue them".
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dathen · 7 months
Then my friend's wiry arms were round me, and he was leading me to a chair. “You're not hurt, Watson? For God's sake, say that you are not hurt!” It was worth a wound—it was worth many wounds—to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain. All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation.
I have yet to see an aromantic analysis of this but now my brain and heart is overflowing with Many Thoughts brace yourselves
Look at the wording of this. This is not a character development moment for Holmes, but for Watson--a realization it took him far too long to come to, a glimpse that made him realize how deeply Holmes has cared for him all along. All his years alongside him culminating in a moment of revelation.
But to guage the significance of the revelation, we have to go back to the start--particularly, the start of this "Holmes is an unfeeling machine" viewpoint Watson has expressed so often.
In The Sign of Four, when Holmes admits to not noticing if Mary was attractive, Watson replies, "You really are an automaton-a calculating machine! There is something positively inhuman in you at times." Aromantic Holmes fans have talked about how deeply relatable this moment is--which of us haven't been compared to a machine for lack of the feelings we're supposed to have, or felt inhuman because of our alienation? It's painful to see Watson say this so bluntly, but their relationship doesn't stop there.
Over time, Watson understands that Holmes cares for and feels affection for him, but he seems to see himself as rather inconsequential to Holmes' life, no matter how many times Holmes insists he cherishes his company, no matter how many ways Holmes demonstrates how much he loves him. They're speaking different languages about what love means. This is also intensely relatable to aromantic people, especially neurodivergent ones like Holmes clearly is. (side note: It's been wonderful reading these stories alongside other nd fans who easily spot those demonstrations of love)
And then there's this moment is when Watson finally UNDERSTANDS. It takes Holmes trembling with fear over him being hurt, snarling with protective ferocity for it to hit how important he is to Holmes. We've been staring at what feels obvious the entire time, because he's like us, and then Watson says "For the one and only time I caught a glimpse" of it. Holmes isn't the one framed as needing to change--whether what his love is, or how he shows it. It's that Watson needs to understand and realize it's always been this way.
Swapping to Holmes' side: this line often comes up in conjunction with Holmes saying he's never loved in The Devil's Foot, as a way to disprove it or show that Holmes was lying for some reason. But I feel that Holmes' side of things is that he is not a murderous person. As this story shows, he had a gun to a man's head, his most beloved friend gets SHOT, and instead of pulling the trigger he just hits him with the gun instead. In Devil's Foot, Holmes is musing over this urge to kill out of revenge and concludes that his hesitation to kill is because of something he lacks: he's never been In Love, never been swept up in all the irrational impulsive floods of emotion he's observed stem from that. He's also never seen Watson shot and fear this deeply for his life.
For Holmes, the realization of this moment isn't being surprised at how much he loves Watson, but the realization that his own kind of love is capable of this murderous ferocity. It's not something inherently tied to the way Normal People (tm) fall in love--this is his Watson and his dearest friend and companion and confidant and life partner and he WILL tear someone limb from limb if they managed to kill him.
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
For Yulian since he is a lawyer. WHAT IF reader who he never met or see suddenly just arrives at his office without an appointment wearing all black and a black veil asking for his help to get their previous spouse money after their death (maybe maybe not reader was the reason for spouse death..)
"I am pleasantly surprised to know that your husband was a considerate man for having a life insurance that amounts to quite the... generational wealth." Yulian rounded his way around your seat, his emerald eyes scanned over the black veil that shielded your face from prying eyes.
Instead of him coming to find and whisk you away as usual, it turned out that someone had whisked you away earlier than he expected.
Yet his beloved had also come forth to him by themselves.
"I heard that you are a reputable lawyer though I am not sure if liquidating insurance is your forte." Your expression was not visible but he could hear the indifference in your voice. Calm, calculating,
and just so cold.
' Not the first time you ended up as a murderer, I suppose. '
"But of course, I am sure you have heard of my reputation. I do not take the title 'Prodigious Lawyer' lightly, my dearest."
At the endearing term did you cock your head slightly.
"Pardon me," Yulian quoted, "but I might have to take more time than expected to investigate the flow. Might you be inclined to invite me into your house to allow me to retrieve all the information I need from your husband's safe myself?"
If anything, he had to be careful around you for just in case he became your next victim. But he was fine with it, for he loved just every bit of you, white or black.
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turtlelioni · 8 months
Krisnix has the potential to be so deliciously fucked up hear me out
We always talk about Kristoph's influence on Phoenix, how it drove him to be this secretive, conniving sleazebag that we see in AA4, how Phoenix had to bear this man watching his every move for seven years and put up the friendship front at least every day every week. Can we talk about how resilient that is of him I couldn't stand to suffer that in silence with all my loved ones away from me. And to pretend you're that bitch's friend without bitching about it to anyone later? self inflicted torture.
but also
Phoenix, for however long he suspected Kristoph of ruining his career, never suspected him as capable of murder. And I don't believe that he was capable, not of the hands-on kind that he commited with Zak, but Kristoph was driven to the edges of his sanity with Phoenix as well. We know that he attempted to poison Drew and Vera Misham almost at the same time he got Phoenix disbarred, and while it was vile, it was all calculated. Flawless. Clean.
Which is why the way he murdered Zak is so fascinating. Kristoph Gavin, the coolest defense in the west, the gentleman attorney, hit this man with a bottle over the head. It's messy. It's desperate. It's his last shred of composure being obliterated, because during the seven years that he stalked and manipulated Phoenix, he was under his scrutiny as well.
He knew that Phoenix suspected him to some extent. Aside from the loose ends that he hoped would be resolved in time, he knew that this man had friends with inexplicable "bring back the dead" powers and that his best friend was Miles Edgeworth, whom he most likely has gone up against. He knew that Phoenix was only playing dumb with him, because whoever could best him at poker every single time could not be a complete fool.
Phoenix drove this cold, calculated killer into a barfight murderer. He brought him to the brink of desperation in trying to cover his mess and they only knew half of the shit each other were doing during those seven years.
Just the poison as symbolism for their whole relationship, man. Phoenix trusting Kristoph at first, slowly realizing what he's really done to him, him poisoning himself in return by being around him- the drinking, the dishevelled appearance, the backroom poker playing, Kristoph becoming more paranoid, more desperate, more risky.
Phoenix was aware of the fact that the man he was hanging out with had the potential to turn him and his loved ones out on the streets, but to find out that he was also a murderer? Capable of both the insidious kind and the hands-on kind? the betrayal. the anguish. just when you build a tolerance to him, he attacks you again.
I could easily see Phoenix develop an even deeper paranoia, having all of his house and belongings tested for poison after AA4.
I could see it actually being there.
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diejager · 1 year
Run, Rabbit Run! Pt.2
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Cw: implied smut, DARK, yandere, murder, blood and gore, Ghostface is a menace, betrayal, canon typical violence. Wc: 1.4k
Note: pt 3??
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He loved the look of fear on your face, the dread that sunk into your skin, and the slight shaking in your hand. Your face drained, seeming so frozen that he thought you stopped breathing and died, heart seizing frightfully; but he knew that expression when your brain calculated the risks for fight or flight. On this occasion, it was flight.
You bolted, legs swinging you over a window and through the tall grass (or corn, was it a corn field? It didn't matter to Ghostface). In your instantaneous act of terror, you chose a random direction, unaware that you were leading him to a corner. He followed behind you, neither too close nor too far, just at the right distance to have your heart beat frightfully and not hear his breathing.
He loved it, running after you as he did before, one step behind you and so close to having his hands wrapped around your pretty neck. He wondered if you'd let him in again, to bite your neck and shoulder with red kisses, to take you apart in his arms, and to let him talk to you about the things he did - only this time, he wouldn't shy from sharing the gruesome stories he painted for the world to see.
He turned sharply at the corner, determined to cut you off before you left the walls of this weirdly shaped maze. He flashed his knife, the one he intended to gut you with, and jumped at you. You caught the glint of his knife too late, gasping for air when his body tackled you, rolling on the floor. You groaned in pain, cheek laying on the rough, dirt ground of the farm. Ghostface's body was warm and heavy, and strong, he straddled you and cooed.
"Missed ya, doll," he didn't have a distorted voice, he had no use for a voice box in the Entity's world. He couldn't be fought, he couldn't be stopped, and he couldn't be killed. "Didja miss me?"
His voice was familiar, too familiar to be normal. The drawl in his words and the soft, yet raspy tone of it reminded you of home: Pennsylvania. You knew he started there, killing off the people you knew before ultimately choosing you and failing to kill you. It was the cataclysmic event of your life, it festered fear and paranoia of everyone you knew and met.
His gloved - they were also warm - fingers played with your sides, moving upward to knead the flesh of your shoulders and pinch your nape. You flinched at every touch, even the softer, appreciative ones from the killer made you jump. He threaded through your locks, locking with the base of your hair and pulling your head back. You yelped at the harsh motion, feeling your hair being pulled from its seams with the force of his grip.
"I asked you a question, (Name)," he hissed in your ear, his mask kissing your cheek. "It's impolite to ignore your boyfriend."
You gasped, his use of words sent chills down your arched back. It couldn't be, could it? The thought of Ghostface and Jed being the same person made your heart drop. Tears blurred your sight, threatening to spill the second you connected the dots he placed for you.
Jed was a tease, but he was loving and caring, he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered in his world. Although he found interest in the murders since the start of your move, his words made the twisted truth into a dark fantasy that people got hooked on. That never stopped him from loving you, spending the night in your bed, comforting you when your paranoia and nightmares hit you so strongly that you crashed. He was the light in your life, a pillar of reassurance and comfort.
Unlike the reaper, renamed Ghostface by Jed, was a cold, calculated killer that found pleasure in blood. He murdered as he loved, mixing both in a perverted need. He stabbed with passion, he killed with devotion, and he drew stories up with fascination. Ghostface was the killer you ran from, he was your demon as you were his obsession.
"N-no- no-," you cried, nails digging into the ground. You felt frustrated, angry, and betrayed. Were you being lied to by the killer or was he telling the truth? You wanted to ignore him, block out his familiar voice and the words he kept singing to you. "You're not-"
"Not Jed, hmm?" you could hear the mocking pitch in his voice, his head tilted forward, letting his nose touch your cheek. "That's mean, doll. I thought we had something going on. Really, I really thought we had something, didn't you?"
"Shut up!"
Your enraged outburst earned a scoff from him, he crawled off your body and moved you to face him just as you were planning on pushing off the ground and running. He cocked his head left, straddling you once more with his hand mockingly waving his knife. The threat hung on a thin string, and Ghostface had an unpredictable pattern of instantaneous and planning acts. If he wished to gut you where you laid, he would, but if he wanted to watch you run, he'd let you go with a cackle echoing in the eternal sunset.
You wished you could move, hit him, dig your fingers into his clothes until you got to his skin and claw him bloody, you wanted to hurt him as he hurt you, but your hands were pinned beneath his knees.
"What? Can't run now, can ya?" he chuckled, voice light with perverted mirth. "You had me running all 'round since Pennsylvania. Home's real far now, isn't it?"
Your teary eyes glared at him, lips pulled in a toothy sneer, you hated him. (Did you really hate him? He was Jed, wasn't he? If his words were truthful then you felt torn in two.) Dirt smeared your face and your hair formed a messy halo around your head like the angel Ghostface spent years hunting.
His thumb brushed the smudged brown on the apple of your cheek, but you turned to bite him, teeth clicking when they didn't bite any skin. He clicked his tongue, quickly taking his hand away from your volatile mouth. He knew you were a biter, he remembered you biting into his shoulder when he got rough, begging for him to bite back. You were a little minx when you were comfortable.
Though you were adorable, denial wasn't something he appreciated from you, that glint of doubt in your eyes almost felt insulting. You were so attentive, eyes following his every movement, he liked the attention. You followed his hand, reaching for his mask, eyes widening when he tilted the ghostly face up and peered down at you with hazel hues.
You gaped like a fish out of water, shocked into silence. New tears brimmed the corners of your eyes, rolling down your temple in quiet submission. Your breath stuck in your throat, body trembling beneath him.
"Da-Danny?" you whispered, voice so quiet he almost missed your words. God, he loved the stutter in your words, a nervous little wreck he mended as Jed.
"Good eyes, but look closer, babe. I know you can do it," he lowered his head, breath mixing with your panicked ones. Panic looked good on you as fear and dread did, he wanted to eat you alive. "C'mon, (Name)."
"You-you're Jed too?"
He rolled his head back, chuckling at your meekness, you made yourself smaller, wanting to hide from him. The bubbly personality he grew up knowing turned into an introverted and paranoid survivor. He was drunk on the knowledge of the change he brought, changing you into the person you were, he broke your cocoon and clipped your beautiful wings. He wanted you to himself before, and now still.
"Bing! Bing! Congrats, babe! I knew you were smart, " he chuckled, fingers digging into your neck. He watched you gasp for air, struggling to free yourself from his hold. "Oh, don't worry, we'll see each other again."
He raised his knife over his head, the sharp edge gleaming gold with the setting sun. A crazed glint crossed his eyes, flashing darkly in his beautiful face (you always found Danny pretty, the dark-haired introvert was handsome, and Jed's hazel eyes reminded you of Danny. Your liking of Jed probably stemmed from your little crush on the dark boy from your neighborhood) when he finally swung his trusty weapon.
"We'll have eternity together, doll."
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Bracket 2: Round 1, Match 3
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Propaganda under the cut! Please be aware that some may contain spoilers.
Gwen Cooper:
She's the bisexual Welsh queen of my heart. Honestly though it is so rare to have a female character who's both the emotional centre of her story and who gets to be complicated, and dark, and make bad decisions, and yet keeps doing the right thing, no matter how hard it is and how much she loses, over and over and over again. More Gwen Cooper appreciation!
She lives in Wales. She left the police to join a secret alien hunting Institute. She is a bisexual disaster. She is fierce. She has the best good boy golden retriever like husband.
Arthur Lester:
This guy is continuously underground/falling off cliffs for no reason at all, it's just always happening. He has an eldritch entity in his head named John who stole his eyes and currently has control of said eyes, most of his left arm, and also his left toes. He's a piano composer. These two are constantly swearing and saying each other's names every five seconds. They're basically a package deal at this point. He's commonly headcanoned as aromantic. He's almost died several times. He was walking through a ruined city in another world with the intent to go through a gate to get back to Earth, and immediately abandoned the plan bc he heard someone playing the song he composed for his daughter on piano. They are regularly in situations where a possible solution is murder, and generally the eldritch horror is not the one advocating for them to kill someone, especially in the beginning of the story. While investigating the horrors, they came across a random baby, and both of them immediately decided they couldn't let anything bad happen to this baby and were just carrying her around for a bit. He bit off part of his own finger (technically it was John's finger). Early on, John says he has a cold, calculating demeanor and then when Arthur asks if he still has it way later he says Arthur looks like he'd be 80 pounds sopping wet. Also he's a private investigator in 1930s Massachusetts, how could I have forgotten. There's 2 eldritch gods relevant to the story, one of them wants him dead because John is a piece of him and he wants him back, and the other is watching what he does for entertainment.
Feel free to add your own in the tags!
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suzannahnatters · 5 months
I've cranked through the first half of Love Like the Galaxy in under a week and I REGRET NOTHING: how fast can I put myself outside this gloriously mature and well written Jane Austen style comedy of manners with intermittent murder. Reactions to the first 12 eps under the cut because wow I verbose when I happy
I'm 3 eps into Love Like the Galaxy and while "becoming thoroughly absorbed by Chinese Jane Austen" was not on my bingo list I'll take it.
I have trust issues with cdramas after watching GOODBYE MY PRINCESS which was the drama equivalent of the kind of dude who says 'heh heh I like a girl with spirit' but I do really love what they're doing with Niao Niao and how she's had to survive her awful aunt and grandmother (who are like Mrs Norris and Mrs Bennet, respectively) by becoming calculating, distrustful, selfish and utterly devoted to her own cause
LOVED the moment in ep3 where she tries to show her mother, who's this strict Confucian parent, the sort of nonsense she's had to put up with for years by subjecting her to the evil wiles of Aunt Norris and Grandma Bennet, she just outright pointed out the double standards her mother is operating by
anyway we shall see how things turn out! I'm finding the grounded visuals very nice too - everyone's not caked in makeup and jewels all the time, they look very comfy and believable.
oh my the softly besotted look on Torture General's face when he sees her carriage going by
he hasn't seen her face yet, he just knows she's cold, unfilial, and utterly calculating and he's fallen for her for all the reasons that everyone else reproaches her for
episode 6 of LLTG: a dispute over a writing desk has made me cry. what
This whole scene with the dreadful mother holding court and Niao Niao defending herself - so ably that she beings her brothers and cousin to take her side against her mother - GAH this is AMAAAAAZING
I adore that they don't have anyone fingerwagging at our girl to tell her that actually her mother is doing these toxic things because she deep down cares about her (aHEM, My Journey To You) - they're just being really clear that it's all dreadfully unfair.
I also love that the toxic mother is a sword-wielding warrior woman. She's so heroine-coded??? while also being a terrible person? amazing! I love the unexpectedness of it!
snerk I love this celebrity scholar deciding to Bestow a Mark of His Favour upon our girl and she tosses it right back at him
this Prince Xiao enters twirling moustaches he doesn't even have, wow
laughing my head off at the Big Romantic Rescue complete with cape SWOOOOOOOSH
this is great. I feel like I'm watching a faintly swoony BBC adaptation of a lost Jane Austen novel
also I take it back, Niao Niao isn't selfish at all - she's just realised that if she doesn't fight for herself then no one else will.  But she's not making it an excuse to be unfair or horrible to her perfect cousin, even though it would be the most understandable thing in the world
I love her, she deserves the world
ep7: I've only known Wan QiQi two minutes and I would die for her
is it just me or is this smug scholar precisely the type of man we've all come across??? NN not giving him the time of day is EVERYTHING
Third Aunt giving Third Uncle a shave: what a scene. God bless cdramas. Also, the extent to which there is a whole epic romance cdrama happening somewhere in the backstory here is AMAZING
Also: QiQi is a showy kind of BFF to have - showing up late to the party in a bright red dress and instantly pillaging the birthday gifts she brought the princess to deck you out in earrings? chef's kiss - but I'm also SO appreciative of how they're treating Yang Yang! That moment at the banquet early in the episode where Niao Niao, who can't even read, says, somewhat hurt and pettish, "I don't need to learn ANYTHING! I'm good just as I am!" and Yang Yang says, "Yes, you are!" despite being a bookworm since birth? I LOVE THEM
ahaha NN gives a speech shaming the snobby aristocratic girls for looking down on the daughter of a general, and being extravagant, and don't they know all this bounty is due to the emperor and his generals? feels like the show is buying the right to critique filial piety by kissing up to the state
the statism is the one thing I've disliked about the show so far (also didn't think much of NN snitching on her great-uncle) but that's pretty much a constant in Chinese media except for one wuxia novel I read years ago (BaiFa MoNu Zhuan/Legend of the White Haired Maiden), so onward…
"I'm Eleventh Young Master who has admired you for a long time" sHriEKing
he looks so happy too
Deeply enamoured of the way General Wan has the features and mannerisms of an animated Disney villain
"why is that unlucky person still here? he seems like a lingering ghost" impeccable "Lizzie Bennet wonders why she keeps bumping into Mr Darcy on her daily walk, after she specifically told him this was where she walked daily" energy
well I did not think the show could make me sympathise with the toxic mum, but it did, by dint of showing that the dad is intentionally playing good cop so he can enjoy his daughter's adoration while he encourages her mum to beat her???
I really hope the cruddy dad experiences the consequences of his actions here but even more than that, I'm amazed that the show has found a way to make us sympathise for the bad mum as a person without trying to make her less bad
I'm just in awe of the writing here - it's SO deft and able.
ah, this must be the bamboo forest where they store action scenes - and I LOVE that the band of lady bodyguards gets to stomp the bandits when a lesser show would use this opportunity to bring on the hero and his army of goth henchmen
aw yess! our girl is strategising their way out! It's so delightful to me - this is precisely the kind of leadership/strategy role asian dramas rarely allow to their female characters
now she's getting to command a siege!?!?! all on her own?
and then castigating herself for not being able to save everybody! BABY
on to ep12, which I have heard people cite as the Point Where The Show Gets Good, and given the fact that I've already been elmo on fire dot gif for eleven episodes I'm not entirely sure what everyone else has been drinking but sure! let's see what lies herein
oh this is the GOOD stuff
yes yes, the big rescue, the arrow pulling, all good…what really gets me is that when our girl wants to see the mass execution and Murder General holds her back, it's not bc he's patronising her, it's bc he knows she needs to hear that AhMiao's death was not her fault
this show is justifying tropes I didn't even know COULD be justified…inCREDible
Third Uncle has two braincells and my whole heart
the only thing better than the look of sheer naked yearning on Murder General's face every time he sees Niao Niao or anything tangentially related to her is his determination never to let on how he feels to his two henchmen, who have known since episode two and are eager to help
Murder General hoarding hankies, bits of string, and pencil-ends that belong to Niao Niao like Harriet Smith hoarding Mr Elton memorabilia in EMMA
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Nameless Danny au: Parenthood
Concept: Danny is both damians twin and the ghost king. Not much actual danny and damian in this. We'll see their pov in the next post in the au. I wanted to focus on Danny's parents.
(Also thank you to @bluerosefox for talking to me as I write. Their work is really good. Go give them some attention)
Both Bruce and Talia noticed her standing slightly to the side. Holding the soon to be young kings hand was a slightly taller women. Her hair was red and her kind but calculating eyes reminded Bruce of Barbara. For a moment she. had stared at them, four very living people standing among ghosts and spirits. Then she squeezed the boy beside hers hand.
Talia didn't know why she did it. It felt almost like instinct, but she rolled her eyes like a irritated teenager. She was sure if it was that the girl was coddling the boy about to take the throne. (Though a small part of her knew it was that she was mad that that strange very living girl was in that place. It didn't feel right. She tried to bat away the thought.)
Looking towards were her father had been standing she almost sighed in frustration. He was wading threw the crowd towards the very shut castle doors. As nimbly as he could. She wasn't surprised. Ras had done the dirty work of killing the unnamed child himself. Furthermore if anyone knew what a ghost king was capable of it was him.
But still to run like a coward. She couldn't lie to herself that it didn't anger her. If it wasn't for her father they wouldn't be out of the ghost kings favor to begin with.
The thought stopped her for a minute. Would this boy have become the ghost king say she didn't abandon him. Say ras didn't kill him.
Yes the boy should be thankful of the opportunity given to him. She watched the white haired boy recite a promise to his people. In English then Latin then a language she didn't understand. She was sure with a little work she could get into his good graces. They were blood after all.
Bruce could see the gears working in Talias head. He repressed a sigh. Someway somehow he would have to get his son on his side first. It's not that he wanted to turn him against his mother perse. But Talia with the power of a queen mother would be a disaster. He already saw that smirk of hers.. the same smirk Damian throws on when he had the upper hand in an argument. He glanced at ras who was now trying to play cool. Bruce briefly wondered if he would have to stop a possible murder. Obviously with how ras was acting he had been the one to initially murder the young ghost king.
The ghost king had just finished his oath to his people. The red headed young woman standing carefully beside him. Bruce couldn't help but hope that she inherited the queen mother status. She would be easy to get close to if she was like Barbara. Of course he would have to figure out what exactly made her tic.
He hated to do this, to be so cold when he was seeing his son for the first ever time... but he couldn't be without a contingency plan. He didn't know how much the league had damaged him. He didn't know if the boy, apparently crowned king Danny Phantom, would take his frustrations with his family (Which was clear as day by the way he looked at them. There must have been a mixup with invitations) out on the living.
The crown was dusted and held above Danny's head. Just then the knight from earlier gestured for them to cover their ears.
Just as the crown was placed on his head, Danny screamed out in pain. In agony. The hero in Bruce wanted to charge threw the crowd. To soothe the seething pain in him, but he was paralized. Threw the blood curdling screams a young girl (a living breathing human girl) put her hand on his shoulder. She clearly had ear plugs in. Slowly she mouthed the words
"It'll be ok"
She was in almost all black. The boy behind her (also living) looked uncomfortable in general. With his suit, with his ear plugs, and Bruce had to assume with what was happening his friend, as they were around damians age as well, and the two were the only living beings there besides the people he arrived with and the woman next to the new king.
As the screams faded and the crown seemed to bind with Danny the women next to him popped her earplugs out and wiped her tears, next to him he could feel Talia smirk again at her weakness.
Yes Bruce needed to work fast...
At least Ras hadn't immediately covered his ears.
Tags: @bluerosefox @fisticuffsatapplebees @skulld3mort-1fan @samgirl98 @itshype @thegatorsgoose @ladythugs @stargirl1331 @betinaplayingwriter
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ghostatas · 7 months
I know angst is great and all but I dont think Fit will hurt Pac.
Don't get me wrong, he is DEFINATELY regressing into old ways (which will definately be exciting to see and break down later) but he's not completely the same. Think about how Cell and Cellbit currently act the same, but different- he is out on a rampage, killing in cold blood but he can recognise his allies this time and knows who not to hurt, hence why he backed away from ilha chume labs after he saw the 'prohibited cell' signs.
I think today, mainly the Philza kill, was a product of adrenaline of being put into a situation so similar to his past randomly. There'll probably be a few chances he'll let him go next time, but not always. He's not very close with many other islanders so I don't think he'll care too much about the kill. To Fit right now, he might even only be vaguely recognising his friends as, well, his friends. Right now they're just points to add to the scoreboard.
It's hard to explain because there's a very fine line here. Yes he's gonna go batshit crazy on people. Yes he will care little for their deaths. Yes he is fully regressing into his 2b2t self and that is very, very dangerous.
But it feels more... controlled here, I guess? After he killed Tina, although he didn't feel remorse or guilt he still felt a little conflicted- something he never would have felt before (though it could be due to him still trying to 'stabilise' in a way before he tips over the edge). You could argue that he didn't grief their base after, but that could be written off due to it being etoiles request not to.
Also this doesn't change that all this is for Ramon. Pac is also the person Fit cares for the most after Ramon. He's a little too into it right now, but the moment he is reminded of Ramon, or sees Pac, that bloodlust will turn into something a little colder and more calculated- meaning he will be more aware of what he is doing. I think seeing Pac will cool his head a little, not enough to get rid of the murder absolutely everyone, but to approach Pac amicably.
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pinkcherryblossom18 · 1 month
Charles Xavier/Reader
TW: Fluff, angst, mentions of murder
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New York, 1962
The trees of the forest are your element. Just as the mind is Charles’ and metal is Erik’s. The leaves ring out to you in waves even the speed of light can’t match. The branches reach out to caress your cheeks and the bark of them whispers their sights to you. The roots reach up every now and then to trip you as you meander around the forest because they’re playful. 
You tilt your head towards them, humming in content. It’s a beautiful thing that wraps around you like a warm blanket in freezing cold temperatures. 
Training should be important to you but that’s in Charles’ eyes. But just like him, you’ve been surrounded by what you control. You’ve been able to play with it and wrap yourself in it and immerse yourself in the good and the bad. 
A smile spreads over your face as you roll your head towards Charles. He looked calm—always did. “Can you blame me?” You ask, raising out a hand to brush a bright green leaf against your palm. “These woods are calm. More so than any I’ve ever been in before.”
A quizzical expression comes over his face. It’s also a normal one because the professor is continuous in searching for information. “How come?”
You shrug and cross your arms. The leaf brushes the top of your head in protest. “They’ve been left alone I suppose. They haven’t experienced any wars or fights. No hatred for them to soak up.” A confused frown mars his face and you laugh. “You have a content little forest in your backyard, Charles. I’d be grateful.”
“And if I didn’t? If it wasn’t happy?”
“Loose roots or strong ones depending if you wanted to tear them out.” He nods and you step forward. “It’s like people I suppose. If they’re happy they’ll leave you alone. If not then they will fuck up your property.”
A smirk comes onto his face. “Perhaps but some people will also do it whether they are happy or not.”
A silence comes over the both of you. It’s comfortable and you break it when you grab Charles hand and lead him to the bigger tree in your vicinity. 
“What are you planning?” He asks. 
You only giggle and plant his hand on the middle of the tree trunk. Between his fingers you can feel the slow and steady heartbeat coming from the tree. It isn’t the powerhouse of the forest but it’s still pretty strong compared to the others around it. 
Charles looks behind at you, an eyebrow raised as you press his fingers into the bark more. “What am I looking for?”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Can you not feel it?”
“Feel what?”
“It’s heartbeat. It’s stronger than the others around us but I haven’t found the mother yet,” you say. Still, Charles looks confused and you remove his hand from the bark and place it on your chest instead. 
His eyes go wide but soon enough they narrow, trying to calculate what he is feeling. “Your heartbeat is slower than average.”
“Because it isn’t mine own.” You press your fingers in the bark more and close your eyes, feeling everything settle in your chest. “It’s this one’s.”
Shaking his head, Charles looks at the tree before looking back at you. “That’s impossible. If your heartbeat was matching this tree’s heartbeat then you would be dead.”
“I’m not because it does have one.” You drop your hand from the tree’s bark and you feel your heart return to its normal beats. Charles looks even more confused than before. “Every living thing has one. Just because you can’t feel it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.”
He nods and looks at the branches above you. “I haven’t seen trees act like this either.”
You laugh and look up, squeezing your eyes shut when a leaf tickles your nose. “They seem to think that I’m one of them. Roots and all.”
“I know,” you answer with a wide smile before looking back at him to see his bright blue eyes trained on you. 
You cough and suddenly feel a coldness on your chest from where his hand had been resting. “You should be training,” he says instantly. 
A groan comes out gravely through your throat. You had come into these woods to avoid training. You should have known it would’ve been all for naught. “I don’t need to train Charles,” you point out. “I lived in the mountains, remember? I can handle myself.”
“In normal circumstances, not battle.” He sighs and steps closer. You step back to give him space to step further. “You need to hone your skills so that you can—
His words are suddenly cut off when a branch wraps around his ankle and hangs him upside down in the air. “What was that you were saying again?” You call up to him.
A bland laugh meets you along with a glare. “Hilarious.”
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New York, 1963
The woods behind the school feel cold, lifeless even. No longer do they produce the warmth you remember them having or the friendliness that they once emitted. 
It’s your fault; you can admit that. You had screamed and raged in these woods and each root and leaf had soaked it up with the tenderness of a mother and now they were paying for it. It was still green, yes, but it didn’t feel nice to be in anymore. 
It is with a sigh that you reach up and pet one. It’s a pretty auburn color now in comparison to the rich green it had been last time you had seen it. The leaf rests in your hand like a forlorn pet who’s too old to go on but still has enough fire in them to last a few more months. 
“I didn’t come here to fight,” you whisper into the autumn breeze, knowing that he would hear you regardless. “I just wanted to say goodbye.”
The sound of Charles’ wheelchair fighting against the ground was both a pitiful sound and feeling. The roots below you transferred their pain of his wheels into the skin of your bare feet. You had shed your shoes only a few seconds after entering the woods and now you were paying for it. 
You deserved it—truly you did. 
With a simple tick of your finger, the roots straightened out and went into the ground as Charles passed. They gave him a good path towards you. 
“You have said it,” he responds curtly and you wince at his words. “Now leave.”
You sigh and look towards the bark of the tree. This one is the mother. The powerhouse of this forest and its heartbeat is no more different than its little heir that sits closer to the school than you felt comfortable being close to. 
“The roots are loose. I would be careful during storms and other things until they become stronger again.”
“Thank you.”
“I never agreed with Erik’s beliefs. Too violent and that isn’t who I am,” you say, still refusing to turn around. “I just wanted you to know that.”
Silence. Uncomfortable and nauseous silence. 
“I’m going home. To one of my mountains,” you inform him. Just in case he ever wants to find you. 
Not that he actually does. 
“Which one?” He asks. 
“Not sure yet but I’m thinking of snow for now. It’s been too hot recently.” You tap your foot against the ground. The fight between not wanting to see him so you don’t feel guilt in your throat and looking at him just so you could soak in every pore and fact about him before you leave for good is strong. “I was thinking of Mount Bear to start.”
“Not Denali?” He asks. “Nothing grows in Mount Bear, you know that.”
You shrug. “I like a challenge.” A sigh comes through you and in the corner of your eye, you look at Charles for the last time. “Goodbye, Professor.”
“Goodbye, Atropa.”
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Alaska, 2000
It comes in a whisper in your brain. A small little pin prick while you tend to the fire in your small home in Mount Bear. 
“Hello again,” a long lost voice says in your head. Whispering your name with a softness that you can still feel whispered against the flesh of your cheek when you close your eyes.
“Hello again, Professor,” you whisper back.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I get a yandere Albert Wesker but in DBD
Sure! He may be a bit different than normal Wesker, due to this technically being an AU.
Yandere! Albert Wesker (DBD) Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, God complex, Obsession, Attempt at mindbreak, Possessive behavior, Murder, Sadism, Forced "relationship", Degrading behavior, Manipulation, Choking mention.
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It's clear in his DBD lore he still exhibits a god complex like he does in Resident Evil 5.
He doesn't think much of the survivors in this realm.
It's pitiful to watch them scurry around like pests.
It's up to him to exterminate them.
Wesker is not a sympathetic man.
To get him to obsess over you would mean you'd have to prove yourself.
Prove to him you're worthy of Uroboros.
Most yanderes like a darling weak enough to submit to them.
Wesker prefers something in the middle.
Too weak is not worthy to him in this universe.
He wants you to submit to him like a god, but not be so weak he could easily squash you.
He'd like a darling who can hold their own in this universe enough to have some strength.
For example, you're able to elude him, slam pallets down, unhook/save others, and overall stand up to him.
That behavior he considers worthy enough for him.
He'll weed out the weak from the strong.
Chasing you becomes a game to him.
Some trials he only ever hunts you, wanting to push your limits.
Who cares if he loses? He wants to test you.
He doesn't care what the Entity thinks....
Other trials, he's killing your fellow survivors.
He'll exterminate these pests... then play with his favorite toy.
As expected of him, Wesker is cruel.
He infects you with Uroboros to make you slower, the Entity having nerfed his greatest creation.
Then it makes it so much easier to toy with you.
Unlike many other killers, who are predatory or deranged in nature, Wesker is different.
He's cold, calculating....
He knows exactly what he's doing.
He knows how to outsmart you, manipulating you into his grasp.
Wesker is not affectionate towards his darling in a loving way.
He does it to reward you, to encourage you to continue being the best performing survivor in this realm.
However, it's hard to listen to his praise with his hand wrapped around your throat... pressing you to the wall and staring you down through his glasses.
"You're more worth of Uroboros than any of these lesser beings."
He will not leave you alone.
It's clear whenever he's in a trial with you, he wants you to know he's after you.
He'll chase you off generators just to cut you off.
He looks forward to chasing you to get you alone.
Everything he does to you is because he's determined to get you to worship him.
He's let go of his humanity to become something greater.
He encourages you to do the same.
If/when he finds a way out of this realm... he'll take you and only you.
That way he can continue to toy with you while purging the world of genetic impurities.
Wesker will never see you as an equal.
You will always be under him.
Although, with all his targetted torment and obsessive attention towards you... you can tell you're the favorite.
Wesker isn't one for teasing.
Although... as OOC as this is... he'd probably mark you with his Uroboros and play with your feelings.
Normally he doesn't give a damn about emotions.
Not like he has any visible ones himself.
He may get a strange sense of satisfaction when he sees you fluster or cower against him.
Wesker's not a jealous man.
He doesn't like anyone near you, though.
They're impure and he's working his hardest to purify you.
For that reason... they die at his hands.
Wesker would also be one to degrade you.
Breaking you is a hidden desire for him, all so he can fill your head with thoughts of him.
He's possessive in the sense that he wants all your attention on him.
He's a god... you shouldn't focus on anyone but him.
Your fate in these trials depends on what you do.
You may die on a hook... maybe perish by his Uroboros.
Or if he's merciful... he'll let you go.
Only if you deserve it.
Overall, Wesker is similar to how he was in Resident Evil.
It's just now he serves as your god and tormentor... killing those around you and forcing you to kiss the ground he walks on.
He's determined to make you focus on only him...
Even if it means breaking your fragile body.
"Your resistance is cute... even if it's futile, pet."
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
A Little Distraction
Pairing: gn!reader x Pelle
Word Count: 559
Warnings: Nothing I don't think? Pure fluff. Cursing. Reader is mentioned having like chin length/longer hair.
Summary: It's cold as fuck. Fr.
A/N: So, I know this character isn't nearly as popular as Carlisle, but I have an insane thirst for this man that just must be quenched. Also I don't know if it's unreasonably cold where y'all are, but here in the south, we're struggling. So, I came up with this little one shot/drabble while crying myself to sleep under 3 blankets.
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When Pelle looked up from his sketchbook, he wished he could have taken a picture of what you looked like. A throw blanket was wrapped around your shoulders, and it was obvious that you were never giving his hoodie back. A solid pout was stuck on your face, and he would have laughed if you didn't look so pissed off.
"It's cold." You grumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around you.
"Pants might help." He quipped, setting his book and pencil on the stand next to the bed you two shared, and sat up to take in the sight better.
Ugh, pants?
It was freezing, and the wood floors and the thin walls of your apartment did not make your situation better. In the ten seconds you spent outside, the cold has gone past your skin and had infected your bones, you had tried eating hot food, and a scalding shower still hadn't drawn out the bite. But you would rather perish from the cold than wear pants to bed. You rolled your eyes at him, and gasped, a merciless smile replacing the pout.
"Don't you dare." He warned quietly. "Stay away from me."
You stalked your way closer to the bed, completely ignoring his warnings.
"I'm just getting into bed, Pelle, why are you so uptight?" You feigned innocence, but you both knew what you were about to do. He watched you with a close eye, calculating your movements. You got into bed, and as if on instinct, he stretched his arm out so you could lay your head on his chest.
"You're so warm." You cooed, running your hands over his shirt.
"Yes, my love, and I would like to stay that way, so please-." Pelle couldn't finish his sentence before you latched your feet on his upper thigh. "Oh, you little demon!" He tried to push you away, but it was no use. He sighed in defeat as you moved yourself as close to him as you could, sliding your hand under his shirt.
"The neighbors would think you were getting murdered from the way you cry." You taunted, deciding to push your limits a little more. Not that Pelle was ever the type to get angry, he would always go along with your little games. You had asked him once if you were annoying, and he had laughed, engulfed you in a tight hug, and kissed the top of your head before answering, "Absolutely."
"And yet I survive." He lifted your chin so you could look up at him, but you kissed him before he could pull you in. His facial hair scratched lightly against your face, and you smiled into the kiss. You shifted your weight on top of him, and his hands rested on your waist. When you pulled back, he tucked your hair behind your ear.
"Don't even tell me to get up, because it's not happening." You warned, and he chuckled while circling his thumbs on your thighs.
"Well, I would love to stay here, but," He glanced toward the open suitcases on the floor. "We have to finish packing."
"No, five more minutes." You groaned, and let your head fall into his chest.
"Min kärlek, I promise, my family will love you." He patted your thigh, and hooked your chin with his finger. "Come on, Sweden is waiting for you."
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do you plan on watching the hunger games prequel? it's got rachel zegler and viola davis, though it sees like the latter is playing the antagonist
I am planning on seeing the sequel even though I don't agree with casting Viola Davis as Dr. Volumnia Gaul. Like don't get me wrong here because it's been two years since I read the book but I don't remember her being Black?
The problem with Dr Gaul being Black imho is that she's basically the one that mentors Coriolanus Snow. Like I'm not saying she makes him the monster he is in the later series... that's all on Snow.
Like here's my headcanon on how Dr. Gaul got to be so cold and calculating. She's a scientist right? Got her doctorate and everything. To me she seemed more like Johanna Mason where she'd already lost everyone and then you add the civil war to the mix maybe she just lost all sense of compassion???
This is gonna get long and there's gonna be discussions of spoilers from the book and the movie below the cut. Please know that there's discussions of torture and child murder appropriate to the hunger games franchise also below the cut.
I'll start at the beginning here. the wiki describes Dr. Gaul as being the indirect creator of the Hunger Games because crassus snow and casca highbottom only came up with the proposal for the hunger games as an assignment. (I'm not getting into specifics here please reference the wiki if you want to place blame on just one person), Like the hunger games were a group effort to be sure.
The real problem here is the phrasing of the ask. Dr. Gaul may be partly responsible for the Hunger Games and for mentoring Coriolanus Snow but she's not the antagonist. The real antagonist was and is the state which implemented and continues to perpetuate the hunger games.
To phrase Dr. Gaul (Davis) as the antagonist washes Coriolanus Snow of his instincts which are entitlement and believing he deserves the good life. its what leads him to cause the death of his friend and take his place in his family.
we know that Dr. Gaul is called a cruel woman but we don't know what makes her cruel or how she arrived at that cruelty. She's certainly not evil incarnate and it's actually Crassus Snow who turned in that assignment he didn't have to you know? I'm not absolving Dr. Gaul at all but I know people are going to woobify Coriolanus because the actor is white and blond.
They're going to blame everything Coriolanus Snow does on Dr. Gaul's mentorship. But like... Corio was already messed up and he could have chosen a happy life in district 12 with Lucy or run away even but he didn't want that he wanted a life of power and wealth.
I'm basically seeing this movie in theaters because I want to see if the movie makes the misogynoir implicit in Dr. Gaul's casting explicit. And by that I mean, will the movie absolve Corio of his own motivations for turning on his friend and Lucy and instead make Dr. Gaul responsible for it? because I can already tell you that's what the fandom is gonna do.
anyways its gonna be a shit show and the casting directors shouldn't have cast a darkskinned black woman as Dr. Gaul even if I forgot that she was written that way. (which tbh I'm not sure if she is Black in the book), Its a very colorblind racist way of casting.
mod ali
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shiftingparadise · 2 years
I read(red) your fic ‘no string attached’ so i'm here to request a lemon, Illumi x reader. It's okay bae if you can't (all tho i'd be sad. Don't want you to feel guilty; just being honest.)
I hope you like the way I portrayed him, since it's my first time writing a fic with Illumi. (I also hope you like it and that I didn't make you sad lol 🥺🤍). Thank you for your request!
Any kind of feedback is always welcome! Enjoy reading 🤍✨
Word Count: 3325
‘Who’s there?’. 
‘He knows I’m here?’, your mind started to consider every possible outcome. Were you going to fight, hide or run? You weren’t going to fight. You couldn’t possibly defeat him… What about tricking him? Right, as if you could trick a member of the Zoldyck family. Hide? But where? His current hiding spot may have the exterior of a luxurious penthouse, but it was still a penthouse… This meant that running wasn’t an option either, as the floor he lived on was way too high for you to just jump out of the window. 
‘I know you’ve been watching me the past few days’. 
What? He knew you were watching him? But you were one of the most skilled nen-users, how could he sense you? 
‘But because I’ve visitors later to talk about something that doesn't concern you.... Let's just say I'm done with this game of hide-and-seek’. 
He may sense me, but he doesn’t know where I am, right? 
‘If you show yourself, I won’t kill you… But if I must drag you out of your hiding spot…’. 
‘S-shaking? I’m shaking?’, you widened your eyes as your breath hitched. You tried to calm down, to stop your hands from shaking. ‘It’s been a couple of minutes… This means he doesn’t know where I am’, a smile on your face when you realized it was a waiting game until he convinced himself he was just being paranoid. ‘If he leaves… I’m never coming back. Fuck the money-‘. 
You froze as you felt his presence. It was awful, unlike anything you ever felt. The bloodlust that was dripping from his aura as you saw him walking towards the vent you were hiding in was terrifying. 
You knew your hiding spot had its flaws, but you never had to worry about being found. No one ever noticed your presence. Had you gotten too cocky, too confident? There was nowhere to run, so one option left. Fight. 
‘There’s the little mouse. What’s a mouse doing in my bedroom?’, he easily dodged the iron, little door of the vent you were hiding in, ‘Talk’. 
‘Talk?’, you frowned as you focused your aura on your hands. You were going to hit him, as hard as you can. There was no point in dragging out this fight. It was best if you hit him with 100% of your strength. 
‘Who’re you working for?’, darkness appeared around him, his hair floating in the air, causing you to freeze. You were scared, too scared. This wasn’t the aura of a normal assassin, no. This was the aura of a murderer, of someone who loved to kill and torture people. 
You did your research. You watched every member of the Zoldyck family, and none of them had this much bloodlust oozing from their aura. 
‘Oh?’, he coldly tilted his head as he watched you fall onto the ground. ‘P-please’, you begged once you had your back pressed against the wall, ‘D-don’t hurt me, I-I won’t tell anyth-‘. 
‘Who? Whom are you working for?’. 
You could feel the ground shake every time one of his feet hit the ground when he walked towards you. 
‘N-no one’, you whimpered as you closed your eyes. 
‘You think I’m a fool?’, he raised his voice as he lowered himself, ‘I know who you are’. 
Fear. That’s all you felt. Your eyes were wide open, body shaking… This wasn’t like you. You were fearless and calculated. 
‘Please-‘, you prayed that your tears, which were relentlessly rolling down your cheeks, would somehow cause him to pity you. 
‘Don’t have time for this’, he mumbled to himself as his black eyes pierced through your soul, ‘We’ll see how long a little mouse lasts before it drowns’. 
‘D-don’t-‘, you tried to protest once you felt his cold hands grabbing your arm, pulling you towards his bed. 
‘W-wait’, you nervously giggled, as you saw him searching for something in his closet. 
‘Ah’, he coldly sighed as he closed the closet, his grip tightening around your arm. 
‘W-what are you doing?’. ‘Tying you to the bed’. 
‘N-no, let me go’, you tried, with all your strength, to resist, to break free from his grip. 
‘As I said’, his cold voice washed over you once he finished tying you up, ‘There’ll be some visitors later in the evening, but if I somehow even can hear you breathing… A sigh that’s a little too loud, a yawn that you can’t hold back… I’ll kill you’. 
And so, he left. You could easily untie the rope, but to what use? There was nowhere to run. Hours passed, and familiar voices could be heard from the kitchen. 
‘What about here?’, a silky, teasing voice. ‘No, think this one’s better’, a cold voice answered. 
Hisoka, Chrollo… Former clients who paid good money for you to spy on someone. What if you yelled? Would they help you? Hisoka wouldn’t, he’d probably join Illumi if he decided to torture you. Maybe Chrollo? No, trying to ask for help from those criminals was too big a risk. 
‘Huh?’, you slowly opened your eyes as reality hit you again. ‘Wake up little mouse, it’s time for a game’. 
Illumi hovered over you, his hands untying the rope around your wrists. 
You hissed in pain as he roughly pulled the rope away from your reddened skin. ‘See this?’, he wasted no time as he coldly showed you a needle, ‘I’ll keep finding awfully painful pressure points until you tell me what I want to hear’. 
You didn’t respond. The adrenaline that rushed through your veins somehow managed to close off your lungs. 
‘Who do you work for?’. 
Were you going to confess? You could feel teeth grinding as he gently placed the needle on your skin. 
‘Last warning’, he traveled the tip just underneath your ear, ‘Whom are you working for?’. 
Was this worth it? 
‘Fine’, he sighed as he looked at the ceiling, ‘Try not to faint’. 
‘Oh?’, he mechanically tilted his head, ‘Did the little mouse change her mind?’. 
‘Y-yes’, you turned your head to the side, knees safely tucked against your chest once he backed away. 
‘N-no one hired me’. 
‘Liar’. The room went dark as he spoke, bloodlust flowing from his aura again. 
If you didn’t confess, your life would be over within a couple of seconds. This wasn’t how you wanted things to work out, but you didn’t have any other choice.  
‘I-I’m not!’, you hastily raised your voice, ‘I-I just wanted you to teach me’. 
‘Teach?’, he widened his eyes as the mood in the room completely changed. 
You quickly lowered your head, cheeks blushing in embarrassment. 
‘I-I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my teacher. I want to be as strong as you, but I didn’t find the courage to ask you’. 
‘Hm’, he clicked his tongue, as if he didn’t make up his mind already. He may be cold and emotionless, but even a guy like Illumi couldn’t look past your pretty face. 
‘You’re pretty skilled’, he sighed as turned around, ‘I’ll think about it’. 
‘Again’, Illumi watched you from his couch, ‘Longer this time’. 
‘L-longer?’, you ignored the drops of sweat that fell onto the floor. 
‘5 hours, no break’. 
A few months passed, and under Illumi’s watch, you grew stronger each day. It wasn’t easy, but his techniques worked. By now, you’d changed apartments at least six times. Every single one of them just as luxurious as the previous one. 
‘Tch’, he clicked his tongue, ‘You’re messing up my carpet’. ‘O-oh sorry’, you caught the towel he threw you. 
He normally would never spend this much time with someone, but he grew to like (even adore) you. You were so submissive, so shy and sweet. A fool would think you were naïve and helpless.
‘Where are you going?’, you quickly stopped drinking water when you noticed he made his way to the door. 
‘B-but-‘, ‘5 hours, no break’, he repeated himself before closing the door. 
‘I did it!’, you sighed as you fell onto the ground, ‘But he isn’t here to see –‘. 
You quickly sat up straight as you heard the door unlock. 
’30 seconds left’, the tiniest smile appeared on his face when he saw your drenched top and shorts. 
‘What’s that?’, you ignored his remark when you smelled ramen. ‘Food’, he coldly seated himself on his knees before you on the carpet. 
‘N-no, don’t sit on the ground. Wait, I’ll get you a pillow-‘. ‘It’s fine’, a softer tone than usual when his hand met yours. ‘But you’re my master, you can’t sit on the ground’, your eyes locked on the carpet, cheeks burning. ‘I said it’s fine’, he slowly let go of your wrist before handing you your takeaway ramen. 
Was something to happen? Was he going to tell you that you had to leave? 
‘Thank you’, you bowed before sitting back down again. 
It was quiet for a couple of minutes as you both enjoyed the hot broth of the ramen. 
‘Good job today’. 
Your eyes immediately lit up, a content smile on your face. This was the first time he praised you. 
‘Thank you master’, you once again bowed your head. ‘Don’t call me that. My name’s Illumi’. 
Your brows drew together at his strange behavior. He wasn’t like this. 
‘Oh’, he abruptly walked to the kitchen, ‘Almost forgot’. 
If you had a tail, you’d be wagging it like a little puppy that was waiting for a treat. 
‘It’s your birthday, isn’t it?’, he loosely held the bottle of wine while staring out of the window.
If you didn’t know him, you’d say he looked insecure, but Illumi would never bother to feel such a waste of emotion, right? 
‘It doesn’t matter’, you turned your head, ‘Thank you for the ramen’. You stood up, bowing once again before walking towards your room.
He didn’t understand it. He thought you’d be happy that he’d remembered. He wanted you to smile, to throw your arms around him, only to apologize for doing so. He’d practiced what he was going to do over and over again: Don’t apologize’, he would pull you closer by your waist, let the tip of his thumb brush over your cherry-red lips, and then he’d kiss you. 
‘Hm’, he sighed while placing the bottle on the kitchen table. He hated this, the way you made him feel. He never felt like this. So unsure, so foolish… He almost detested you for doing this to him… But he loved seeing you in your gray sports bra, drops of sweat gliding from your soft skin… He envied them. 
He could hear the familiar sound of the shower in your room. This was his favourite part of the day, because not too long from now, you were going to walk out of your room in your gray sweatpants and another one of your sports bras, and you’d join him for a game of chess. 
‘Hm?’, he looked at his phone. You’d normally leave your room around 6. 
He softly knocked on your door. No response. 
‘Y/N?’, he gently opened your door after knocking a couple more times. 
You were sleeping? Were you so worn out from today’s training? 
‘Are you okay?’, he quietly walked to your bed, his hand grazing over your sheets. 
‘Huh?’, he widened his eyes when your tiny hand grabbed his wrist, your head buried into your pillow. 
‘It’s my birthday, right?’. 
‘It is’. 
‘Can I ask something? A present?’. ‘Whatever you want’. 
‘Hold me, please’. 
His heart skipped a beat at the sound of your fragile voice, but how did you want him to hold you? He never did something like this. He wasn’t the affectionate type. He’d slept with women, but he never held them or cuddled with them. He never cared about their feelings or how they felt, but he cared about you. He would never want to hurt you. 
Illumi gently took place next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist while his forehead rested against yours. 
‘Why are you shaking? Am I hurting you?’, he immediately let go of your waist, his eyes wide open in concern. 
‘I want another present’, you buried your head into his chest, your hands tugging at his shirt. 
‘W-whatever you want’, he replied softly. 
‘B-be my first’. 
Your first? What did you mean? 
‘Y-you’re my master. I-it’s fine if you teach me things, right?’. 
‘What do you mean?’, he pulled away from you, his eyes studying yours. 
‘I-I’ve never …’, you turned your gaze away from him, hating how embarrassed you felt. 
‘Oh’, he finally understood what you were talking about, but how could he be your first? He didn’t know how to be gentle, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. 
‘Forget it’, you hastily turned around, wanting to run away. 
‘No, I’ll do it’, he grabbed your hand, ‘If you still want me to’. ‘I-I do’, you slowly sat back down again, ‘Even though I’m kind of scared’. ‘I won’t hurt you, I promise’, he placed himself behind you, slowly stroking your arms as he placed a soft kiss in the crook of your neck. 
The scent of your hair was enough to drive him crazy. You somehow always managed to smell like caramel. 
‘You want me to teach you, right?’. ‘Hm’, you loudly swallowed as you felt his hands travel to your breasts, his hot breath against your ear sending shivers to your spine. ‘Turn around for me then’. 
You obeyed. Nerves took over your body as you saw the look in his eyes. He looked cold as usual, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Something you never saw before. 
‘Here’, he softly grabbed your hand before placing it on his crotch, ‘If you want to make a man feel good, you can start by touching this’. 
‘L-like this?’. 
He nodded in response before taking off his shirt. 
‘D-does it feel good?’, you shyly asked when you felt his member getting hard. ‘It does’, he chuckled at your innocence, ‘Let’s take things a little further, okay?’. 
You watched as he stood up, now fully removing his clothes. 
‘Don’t worry’, he smiled when he saw the scared look on your face, ‘It’ll fit’. 
Is he crazy? You may be inexperienced, but he was big. 
‘Let’s get rid of your clothes too’, he gently pushed your back against the sheets. 
He placed soft kisses on your neck while pulling down your sweatpants.
‘O-oh?’, he widened his eyes as he saw your cherry-red slip with a little bow in the middle.  ‘Sorry, I thought it looked pretty and-‘, ‘It does’, he cut you short, ‘Is it okay if I…?’, he looked at your breasts. 
‘O-oh’, you turned your gaze away, ‘O-okay’. 
You slowly sat up straight, so he could take off your bra. 
‘Can’t believe you never slept with someone’, he mumbled as he let his eyes wander over your perfect body, ‘Men must throw themselves at you’. 
‘What now?’, your head was still turned to the side, insecurities rushing over you. ‘Now I want you to look at me and relax’, he gently cupped your cheek as he turned your head, so his eyes met yours. 
He usually never kissed a girl, but it felt as if your lips were aching for his. 
‘You’re so cute’, he broke the kiss when he heard your cute moans, ‘Can you open your legs for me?’. 
You shyly obeyed, the tip of your thumb resting in between your teeth.
‘Relax, okay?’, he pushed your panties aside before he carefully slid one finger into your entrance.
‘That’s it’, he kept his pace slow and steady, ‘Your body’s ready, are you?’. 
An empty question. The way you arched your back told him plenty, but he still needed you to say it. 
‘I-I am’, you nervously replied. 
How was he going to do this? He didn’t know how much he could control himself. A part of him wanted to ruin you, to fuck you so dumb that you couldn’t walk tomorrow.
‘Tell me if it’s too much’, he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead before he gently pushed the tip in. ‘H-hm’, you closed your eyes, already feeling the stretch. 
He was losing it. He really was. The thought of him being your first drove him crazy. 
‘Ssh’, he slowly stroked your cheeks as he felt your body tensing up, ‘It’ll feel good soon. Just a c-couple of minutes’. 
You were so tight. The way your body welcomed him was better than anything he’d ever felt before. 
‘Good girl’, he praised you once he bottomed out, ‘Tell me if I can move, okay?’. ‘I-it burns’, you looked at him with pleading eyes. ‘I know’, he stroked some strands of hair from your cheek, ‘But I promise it’ll feel good’. ‘O-okay’, you closed your eyes again, ‘You can move’. 
Illumi slowly started thrusting in and out of you. With each thrust, it got harder and harder to control himself. 
‘Fuck’, he let his nails sink into the soft flesh of your waist, ‘So tight. Tell me how it feels’. ‘I-it feels kind of good-‘, ‘Kind of?’, a frown in response. 
‘A-ah’, you arched your back as his thumb slowly started drawing circles on your little nub. ‘Does it still feel kind of good?’, he coldly tilted his head. ‘I-illumi-‘.
Illumi? This was the first time you called him by his name. 
‘Tch’, he chuckled, ‘The only time I wouldn’t mind being called master, and you decide to call me by my name’. 
‘S-sorry master’. 
There it was. You finally started clenching around him, signaling you liked being submissive. 
‘Thank me for taking my time to make you feel good’, he softly wrapped his hand around your neck as he left dark marks on your breasts. 
‘Thank you m-master for-‘. 
What’s happening? Why’s your stomach all warm and tingly? 
‘Oh?’, Illumi tilted his head, ‘Is this your first orgasm?’. ‘H-hm’, you pressed your eyelids together. ‘Let me help’, he once again started playing with your little nub. ‘M-more, please’.
‘You’re being so good’, he praised you, ‘Taking my cock like this, already begging for more like a little slut’. 
What was happening? Your whole body was shaking, heat rising to your stomach… 
‘Good girl’, Illumi placed a kiss on your cheek as you tried to catch your breath, ‘One more time, okay? I’ll join you next time’. 
‘I-illumi-‘, ‘Ah ah ah’, he shook his head, ‘What did I tell you?’, he roughly grabbed your jaw. ‘From now on, you’ll call me master when I’m making you feel good’.  
‘Shit’, Illumi pressed his lips against yours, ‘Play with yourself’. ‘L-like this?’, you shyly opened your legs a little more, your hand sliding between them. ‘Faster, want you to make yourself come’. 
Art. You were art. The way your lips were slightly parted, little moans escaping your mouth, your breasts bouncing with every thrust… 
‘Since you’ve been such a good girl, I’ll make sure that you’re feeling full’, he started to feel you clenching around him, ‘Beg me to come inside you, and don’t stop playing with yourself’.
He grabbed your wrist, making sure your hand stayed between your legs. 
‘Pl-please master, want you to come inside me. Please’, you arched your back as you felt your orgasm growing closer.
His thrusts got sloppier, breathing heavier… 
‘S-shit’, Illumi let out a sigh as he still felt you clenching around him, ‘A-are you okay?’. ‘More than okay’, you smiled before placing a swift kiss on his cheek. 
‘Want me to teach you something else?’. 
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