#hes very funky
no reference Yosuke
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its been ten thousand years since ive draw shoulders and necks
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zero-is-nebulous · 1 year
The artist
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Funny creature Gloom belongs to @sonicexelle-junkary !!
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odeu-m · 4 months
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quick sketch of these 2 from @celestialalpacaron's delightful overlord au
wip but i dont trust myself to finish stuff and i like the sketch well enough so <3
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fiskael · 4 months
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First prototype of a green lizard plushy I made sometime in august-september 2022. It’s made of filt and its back is lined with wire so it’s pretty posable.
Looking back at it there is a lot I would want to change to make better but I still really like it.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Does Robbie miss social cues a lot? (Doesn't realize when the mood is intense, oblivious to flirting, etc.)
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Oh yeah definitely, he’s not very good at reading rooms and often times find himself saying/doing things he definitely shouldn’t be doing for that moment. Mostly it’s a comic-relief sorta thing but also just him genuinely not knowing and often will feel bad for it later even though he can’t help it-
plus with flirting? Someone ACTUALLY liking him and flirting with him? Will go over his head straight up LMAO he will just think “wow! This person is so friendly and cool!” Not realizing they are trying so hard to make it as obvious as possible (without directly saying it) that they like him-
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Some goofy ass doodles of him- art block is REALLY selective rn for some reason-
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nb-n0v4 · 3 months
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Rewatched the 2004 Phantom of the Opera bc I remembered it existed but I spent like the whole movie getting increasingly dismayed over how normal Erik looked so I decided to draw a more, eh, lore accurate version? at least according to his description in the novel
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Drinking Buddies :)
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spllwys · 2 months
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endless ghifs 3/? ⛧ source — "Through the spillways of your soul!"
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ccarrot · 10 months
Im telling ya Chuuya does NOT live in one of those minimalist, modern interior design, grège-ass apartments. I need yall to stop writing it that way.
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echooefrost · 2 months
uh-oh Who gave Hyde a scythe?!
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Do not fear, the sickles aren't gone! I just wanted to draw him with a big ass Scythe. Orignally I did not intend to do a background but things happen and I think it actually looks pretty good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I haven't drawn a proper illustration in a while so I'm sorry, but I promise I have something to do with the au coming very soon! In the meantime, take this while you wait
I noticed there's a lot of new people in the fandom (Hallo!) so if you don't know what this is refer to my orignal post here
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Bruce was being watched. Again.
He didn’t know where it was coming from, and that was a problem at the moment. He was hosting another gala, intent on putting on the “Bruice Wayne” mask for the public. None of his children were attending, unfortunately, but everything was going okay so far.
Then he kept feeling a cool breeze on the back of his neck. His hairs stood on end, and he shivered randomly. Someone mentioned that he looked cold. But Bruce wasn’t cold. He was Batman! Batman is never bothered by something stupid like the temperature. It just felt like there were multiple pairs of eyes staring at him from all directions.
Bruce tried to catch whoever it was, but when he looked, there was no one there. He even made extra laps around the room, easily slipping between socialites and chatting his way through the crowd. He scanned the tables, checked the stairs, peeked outside, and even snuck at glance at the chandeliers for fuck’s sake! There was nothing. No cameras, no lingering eyes, nothing.
Bruce could feel his heartbeat quicken. There was something in the room. Something dangerous.
Eventually, the source of his anxiety came to him. The gala was small, being in the middle of the off-season for social events. It was a relatively quiet gathering. Still, Bruce flinched when someone tapped his shoulder from behind when he was making another waltz around the room. He turned, and was faced with a boy no older than 16, but no younger than 14. It was hard to tell his age. He wore an ill-fitted navy suit and scuffed dress shoes. His tie was no where to be seen, and the boy had a platter of finger foods balanced in one hand. He hadn’t heard anyone approach at all.
What made Bruce freeze, however, was the fact that the boy looked exactly like the portraits of the young Thomas Wayne that were hanging innocently in the Wayne family home. His crystal blue eyes seemed to glow in the overhead lights as they bore into Bruce. It felt like the boy could see his soul. The air was more chilled than it had been all night, and everything in Bruce’s mind was screaming DANGER!
“Y’know…” Bruce’s breath caught in his throat as the boy spoke. His midwestern accent was heavy, and the boy took a slow moment to polish off a baked feta bite before continuing. “You look like the kinda guy to have a secret basement. The bloody kind. Nice party, though!” With that, the boy disappeared back into the crowd, taking the cold air with him.
Bruce never got out a word.
Danny sees all the wandering souls and shades attached to Bruce Wayne, and comes to the obvious conclusion that the billionaire is a serial killer.
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maalidoesart · 1 year
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casino manager lifestyle
based on this tweet: https://twitter.com/leafdarling/status/1638577529572282369?s=46&t=rgrqd0uE0eOp-oGkBhiPTA
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dailymothanon · 1 month
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Some southern sayings just don't make much sense 🤨 ik well that Alaska ain't getting it any better than anyone else, this boy is a lost cause... someone (Maine) please save him please 🙏 "Well butter my butt and call me a bisuit!" okay but why 🤔 you're confusing him Texas. Explain yourself.
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milksetters · 1 month
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murr hart
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marblerose-rue · 20 days
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halsin (as a warrior cat)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 8 days
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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