#hes totally not been wondering for years and years what ever came of billy hargrove after he saved the world no no
ariesbilly · 5 months
actually i think billys the type that in 20 years he would be found living on a houseboat in the florida keys, a string of men coming in and out but never settling down because billys never found The One (he compares every man to his high school rival and they never quite stack up)
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magniloquent-raven · 3 years
soulmate au part 3!!!!
(read part 1 and part 2 here)
it takes three weeks for anything to happen.
they see each other at school, exchange glances in class, brush past each other in the hallways, fingers grazing as their shoulders bump, incidental touches that wouldn’t draw attention but still leave billy tingling and giddy and embarrassed at himself but…
he’s still getting used to having a soulmate. a real, tangible person he can reach out and touch.
and maybe he’d get used to it faster if he could touch him more, but life keeps conspiring against them. they can’t seem to get a second alone. when it isn’t steve’s kids are crawling all over him 24/7 it’s neil breathing down billy’s neck because he ran out on one fucking class.
well, and then had to lie to neil about why, which was probably what put neil on high alert, but still.
three goddamn weeks.
and neither of them have been patient about it. steve keeps writing billy notes. in the middle of class scrawling things like you have nice eyes and i wanna spend time with you and billy can fucking feel how smug steve gets about making him blush. it’s all he can do not to make a scene in front of half their peers. sometimes he’s not sure if he’d punch steve for being an asshole or kiss him for being sweet.
or both. he can do both.
but mostly he wants time, and somewhere to just...be. with steve.
and he gets that, three weeks after their conversation in the parking lot. steve’s parents will be out of town, and his kids have some stupid game night planned. max keeps asking to go but pretending she isn’t, badly feigning disinterest, and best of all, neil and susan are planning a weekend trip to visit susan’s bedridden aunt a few hours away.
billy is determined to take full advantage of those thirty-six hours. neither of them will acknowledge it directly, but he knows max will tell neil he was home all weekend if she has to. he has no reason to be nervous about being caught, or anything else. it’ll be fine.
it’ll be fine.
he tells himself that over and over but it doesn’t stop him from checking every corner of the house in case neil’s hiding behind a door somewhere before he can even think about getting ready to leave.
he checks again after he’s showered and dressed.
thankfully max is already gone, so she’s not there to see him pacing around like a neurotic rat in a maze.
it almost worse that he isn’t just anxious, he’s excited. and it’s making him twitchy.
there’s no plan. they aren’t going on a date or anything. he’s just...going to steve’s house. steve’s empty house. he’s going to be alone with his soulmate. the list of reasons why that scares him is endless.
and he’s not sure if he’s more terrified of the possibility that steve won’t ask about the makeup thing or the possibility that he will.
knocking on the harringtons’ front door is. an experience. it shouldn’t be. it’s just a fucking door. but billy’s palms are sweating and suddenly he has no idea what he’s even going to say, and he keeps glancing over his shoulder even though he doesn’t really know what he’s looking for, and it feels like he’s been standing on the porch for a fucking eternity but—
his worries don’t exactly melt away when steve opens the door but there is a warm flutter in his chest that’s...new. and distracting.
and steve smiles at him all sunshine and chocolate, and the second the door closes behind them he grabs billy’s hand, wide-eyed, questioning, watching billy’s reaction.
his palm is just as sweaty as billy’s and it’s gross, but also kind of comforting.
“hello to you too,” billy snickers, and steve visibly relaxes, lacing their fingers together properly.
“hi,” he breathes quietly, his gaze soft, but intense, focused. “waiting sucked, okay. i’ve been wanting to do that forever.” he shakes their joined hands for emphasis.
“...that all you were waiting to do?”
steve’s grin turns sly, and his gaze drops a little. “no.”
billy wants to kiss him. he wants to be kissed. he wants steve’s mouth on him, somewhere, anywhere, right now. it’s a nice mouth. he’s spent a lot of time looking at it, and thinking about it, about the way the steam from the showers turned his lips so, so red, wet and slick and both too close and too far away, wondering what he’d taste like—
but steve turns away, taking all the air in billy’s lungs with him. it’s so jarring a shift that billy actually sways a little before he gets ahold of himself and lets steve tug him by hand and lead him upstairs.
the wallpaper in steve’s room has to be some kind of hate crime, but billy doesn’t have time to dwell on it, because there’s a beige bag sitting conspicuously on top of steve’s neatly made bed. the clear plastic top is zipped shut, dusty with age and spilled powders, but billy can still make out tubes of lipstick and eyeliner pencils through the haze.
he stops in the doorway and stares at it, thoughts at a stand-still.
steve’s still clutching his hand, tighter now, and no longer pulling him along. “i—uh. the bag was my mom’s, i think. found it crumpled up under the sink, so, like. she probably doesn’t even remember it exists. and the stuff in it is...new.”
“...new,” billy echoes faintly.
“yeah. yeah, i—i bought it. had no idea what i was looking for though, so i hope i did alright.”
billy blinks at him.
“was—was that okay? i know maybe isn’t exactly a yes, but i kinda hoped it could be, y’know? it’s—it’s totally cool if it isn’t. if you’re—if you’re not up for it. or…” he trails off awkwardly and grimaces.
billy takes a breath. “i’m up for it,” he assures steve with more confidence than he feels.
and steve absolutely beams at him. “yeah?”
turns out steve not knowing what he was looking for meant he bought...everything.
as billy pokes through the mess he tries not to feel too apprehensive. or at least tries not to let it show. too much. he chews his thumbnail, picking up an eyeliner pencil with the other hand. it’s good shit, all the products are, with fancy names for colours and designer labels. it’s all leagues better than the drugstore clearance shelf crap he lifted as a kid. which doesn’t make this any less nerve-wracking.
“it’s been a while since i did this, so. don’t expect it to be, fucking, art or anything.”
steve shuffles closer from his spot at the foot of the bed and touches billy’s knee. “the eyeliner earlier this year…?” he gestures vaguely at his own face, eyebrows raised.
“friend of mine did that,” billy mutters.
and then his whole goddamn life came crashing down around him because of it.
his anxiety spikes, and he drops the pencil back into the pile, shoving the bag away. “i can’t fucking do this,” he snaps, and he’s halfway standing already when steve reaches for him, alarmed.
“billy, wait—” the hand on his elbow is soft, gentle, but he still flinches away. steve withdraws, fingers curled, lips parted, shock and hurt at war on his face. “i’m sorry. i—shit, i’m sorry—”
“don’t.” billy shakes his head, pulling away further. his lungs hurt. there isn’t enough air in this room. “just—forget it. this was a mistake.”
he’s through the door and heading down the stairs before he can think about it, before steve can respond. he wouldn’t have heard him anyways, not over the echoes of his father’s voice that follow him no matter how fast he flees.
but he stops just short of leaving. stands on the ugly little mat by the front door and stares down at it, his forehead inches away from resting against the wooden doorjamb.
he doesn’t want to leave.
he doesn’t want to go anywhere but back upstairs.
and...he kind of hates it. he has no reason to want that. he barely fucking knows steve, and he certainly doesn’t owe him anything. not a look at his authentic self or even a fucking apology. nothing.
so why does he want to give him all of that and more.
it’s fucking terrifying and ridiculous and confusing and…
“billy?” steve calls out tentatively, far enough away that billy doesn’t startle. he’s making his way down the stairs.
if he’s gonna run, it’s now or never.
he turns around, and leans back, his shoulder thudding heavily as he hits the wall. his eyes itch, and rubbing them doesn’t help.
“billy…” steve’s right in front of him now, hovering just shy of being close, worry etched into every line of his face. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have pushed, i’m sorry—”
“not your fault,” billy mumbles, muffled against his palm. “stop apologizing, harrington.”
steve sucks his bottom lip between his teeth. “i...uh.”
“you were gonna do it again weren’t you.”
billy snorts quietly, head falling against the cold wallpaper at his back. “fuck,” he exhales, hand dropping to his shoulder. “look, this is...threatening to be the best fucking thing that ever happened to me, and good things don’t just—it never lasts. it always blows up in my face, and you should know that before you get caught up in it too.”
there’s an awful, drawn-out pause while steve purses his lips and tilts his head and looks billy up and down, his gaze gentle despite the scrutiny.
“i want to touch you,” steve says quietly. he waits for billy’s hesitant nod before he wraps his arms around and tucks his face into the crook of billy’s neck. “i’ve been waiting for you my whole life, hargrove, you’re not scaring me off that easily.”
and...billy always wanted to believe in the romantic notions people wrote about in songs. soulmates being destined for each other. epic, unconditional love. he never had any reason to believe it was real, but he clung to it anyway. despite the part of him that was wary, afraid of putting too much stock in something that might break his heart later on.
so for steve to just outright say it like that…so matter of fact. the reality of the situation smacks him in the face a little.
he puts his hands on steve’s waist, slipping under his shirt to rest against soft bare skin. touching him feels...right. when he lets himself feel, lets himself be here, in the moment. the sweet scent of steve’s hair, the warmth of his breath, the soothing pressure of his fingertips smoothing the wrinkled fabric of billy’s shirt. it all adds up to a feelings that billy can only describe as home.
not home like the place, but home like the warmth of sunlight and sand between his toes, ocean spray on his lips. a feeling he’s always had to chase to capture, but somehow it’s...here. quiet and still, and nothing like he’s used to, but it’s here.
and his touch seems to put steve at ease as well, he practically melts into billy’s embrace, which does strange and addictive things to billy’s heart.
but he can’t just shut his fucking mouth and enjoy the moment.
“bet i could, though. scare you off. i might, some day.”
“billy,” steve sighs, and pulls back enough to look him in the eye. “trust me when i say, you’ll never even make the top ten scariest things i’ve seen.”
and he wants to scoff, or feel insulted, or push the issue, start a fight, but. there’s a hollow look in steve’s eye. it’s not the face of some sheltered rich boy who thinks he’s a big man, no, there’s truth there. billy believes him.
stopping the tide of questions is almost physically painful, but he knows there’s no going down that road today. he’s hiding enough of his own skeletons to be sure they aren’t ready for that yet.
he might just be ready for something else though.
“i wanna try again.”
steve blinks at him, confused for a beat, two, and. “oh!” his lips part around the exclamation, distracting billy for a moment. “the—the makeup? you don’t— you don’t have to.”
“i want to.” he hesitates, and then presses a brief kiss to the tip of steve’s nose, startling a smile out of him. billy grins back. “i want to.”
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billy-the-hurricane · 3 years
200 harringrove
Hi sorry it took me a ridiculously huge amount of time to do this, but here we gooo
200. "He loves you, you know? He's just afraid of admitting it"
Steve and Billy's friendship was.. complicated to say the least. Admittedly, Hargrove having punched the shit out of the other boy last November was probably not helping their case. Before that fight, it had been rivalry, mainly fueled by Billy while Steve tried his best to just ignore the guy. After that, they kept their distance for a while, and Steve found out from Dustin that Maxine had threatened her brother with a nailed bat to leave them alone. But the whole thing felt off to Harrington. It's a good thing Hargrove wasn't trying to fight with him anymore, but it seemed everything else was gone with it. His fire died down. Billy came back to school with a black eye Steve knew for a fact he wasn't the one responsible for, and alarmingly quiet. Him who usually was loud and obnoxious was just trying to stay quiet. After interrogating Max (god forbid he'd ask the guy himself), he wasn't given much of an answer, but it seemed Mayfield definitely felt somewhat of an embarrassment when the question dropped. This only concerned him more. The real turn however was one time Steve drove the redhead back to Cherry Lane. Both Neil and Billy's vehicles were parked here and as soon as they got out of Steve's beamer, they could already hear some fighting was going on inside.
"Steve, you should leave now" Max had told, despite the concern written across her face.
"why? What's happening?" Harrington asked with a worried frown that only deepened as Neil's voice raised even louder. They could hear him like he was simply in the room next to them and not outside the house. Max bit the inner side of her cheek, swallowing hard.
"Please, you really sho-" The girl had started before their discussion was cut short by the most haunting pleading Steve's heard. At least in a while. It was clearly Billy screaming, with the sound of a vase breaking right after. He couldn't make up the exact words, but it was obvious the blond was begging for this to stop.
And things kind of clicked. Why Billy was behaving the way he did. Despite Max trying to avoid this being known, because Billy doesn't want it to be known he's guessing, Steve knows now. No matter how much his guts are telling him to storm inside, to just do something, anything, he leaves. He feels extremely gross for days afterwards, spent the weekend wondering if complying to the redhead's request had been a good idea at all. When Billy showed up at school with a scar forming on his eyebrow, having split it in a way that probably would never grow back, Steve had no doubt about the situation.
So he tried finding small ways to somehow approach Billy, befriend him. It was clear the guy's behaviour was stemming from his life at home, but Steve was certain that with some help, he could give the blond a more healthy outlet than knocking people out. This was definitely easier said than done, with Billy being very hostile at the idea of ever hanging out or even being seen with the guy. But one step at a time, one meaningless small talk at a time, they started actually hanging out at lunch. Then after school. Shared joints and deeper conversations ensued over the course of a few months and although this didn't fix Billy's issue, it was obvious he wasn't as agitated anymore.
The main turning point for them was a night of April. In which Steve confided in his own insecurities. Brought up his failed relationship with Nancy, the fact that his parents themselves didn't know him more than on an acquaintance type of level. He felt alone in a stupidly big fucking house all the time, stuck with nightmares he couldn't describe to the blond. For a second he thought maybe Billy would mock him, or flee his way out of the conversation but he did not. He listened. Hargrove let Steve talk and although it was clear the Californian native wasn't used to give advices, he genuinely tried and it showed. Then he opened up too. Billy seemed really hesitant for a hot minute, but he confessed to the abuse at home. The fact that it's been happening for so long and gradually getting worse. The fact that it took an awful turn when Neil caught him with a guy.
Holy shit.
That wasn't expected for sure, caught him off-guard for sure and judging by Billy's face, it showed. The guy looked like he was seeing someone dying. It hit him now. Just how much trust Billy has in him now, to even just share this.
"Nevermind, I'll just go" Hargrove blurted out, getting up with a reddening face. An awful sense of embarrassment coursing through his body. He just made a fool of himself. Again. As he walked out, Steve ran after him, grabbing his wrist but Billy instantly moved it away almost mechanically.
"Listen man, it's okay, I just didn't expect it" Harrington awkwardly let out, watching Billy's back still turned towards him. "It's a bit of a lot to process at once that's all. I think I figured out for your dad, but I didn't know you.." the brunet went on, earning a chuckle that held no joy from Hargrove. "It's okay. That doesn't change anything for me. I'm sorry this happened to you, you don't deserve any of it. Just know you can always come over if you need to sleep away from your house"
And just like this, Billy's sexual orientation was never brought up again. Steve was supportive and offered him a roof more than anyone has in YEARS. He was always stupidly kind, never asked for anything in return. Billy finally had a safe space and someone he could count on. Billy laughed harder than he ever had with him, and the experience was mutual. It was just. Easy. Stress free. Well until he caught feelings. Until he came to realize just to what degree Harrington mattered to him. He'd rather die than admit it, of course, but they were there. The stupid fucking butterflies. Whenever Steve smiled too bright of showed too much care. Usually Billy found a way to distract them both with something totally different, just so he can focus on something else than the way he feels. But with time, it became harder and harder and the fear of slipping up grew bigger and bigger. As much as it pained Billy, he slowly tried distancing himself. Just to avoid this disaster.
However, what Billy hadn't anticipated was just how much this would hurt Steve. He just couldn't understand what the hell he did to upset Billy. And whenever he asked, Hargrove would assure nothing happened and they're fine.
After weeks of useless back and forth, Steve asked Max. Asked what the hell was wrong with Billy. And apparently that was a really stupid question, judging by the stare she gave him. She shook her head with a whispered "boys" before looking around them to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
"You really have no idea?" the redhead asked, crossing her arms.
"Not really, no" the teenage boy reiterated with a sigh.
"He loves you, y'know? He's just afraid to admit it" Maxine explained. "He's changed a lot since you guys made peace. It's obvious he cares a lot for you, so please don't let this destroy your friendship. Just give him time to move on-" she started, cut by Steve that was finally processing the words.
"He's in love with me?" Harrington questioned, although the answer was given to him even before he spoke. Well, damn. He didn't even add anything else, just left with Max calling him behind him.
He just hopped into his beamer and drove off, later realizing he probably scared her to death, she probably thought he was about to fight with her brother over it. But he just had to see Billy. It's now been weeks since he's been questioning himself over this, over how much he cares about the blond. Over the implications of it. But hearing Billy loved him was like all of his thoughts now made sense. He parked into the public pool's parking lot, knowing Billy was on his Saturday shift. He walked in, ignored the girl at the entrance, vaguely explaining he was there to see Billy and headed to the lockers, finding him there.
"The hell are you doing here?" Billy told, putting his sweater on properly as Harrington was just walking towards him in an overwhelmingly confident manner. Now dragged into a changing room, he's really starting to freak out.
"Jesus man, what's your issue?!" Hargrove insisted as the brunet locked the door behind them. "What do you want?"
Steve just found himself speechless once locked in here with the other, now only fully understanding what this was. "You're in love with me" he let out, quite breathless sounding. And Billy turned white like a ghost. The guy that usually dripped in confident was losing all of his arrogance in seconds.
"No" Hargrove mumbled out, his voice now slightly shaky. There were no fucking way out. Both of the discussion and physically.
"You're not a good liar" Steve smiled, watching the blond embarrass himself like a twelve year old.
"Fuck off" Billy replied, trying to move Steve out of the way, just to get his arm pulled even closer into Harrington's space, chest pressed against chest. Steve had this dumb smile on his face, and Billy felt like this was a joke at his expense. Couldn't be anything else. "That's not funny. Just beat the shit out of me, get this over with already"
"I want you to tell me. Say it to me, please" Steve said, completely ignoring Billy's previous words.
"Are you serious?"
"Please" Harrington asked again.
"I.." he looked away, swallowing tightly. "I'm in love. With you"
In response, Steve gave him one of those beautiful bright smiles of his, his hand sliding up to cup Billy's cheek. "You're beautiful" he told before leaning in to kiss that fucking idiot.
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missroserose · 3 years
Fic Writer Question Meme!
Thanks for the tag, @venhedish—I love stuff like this! I'd apologize in advance for how long this is likely to be, but I suspect we share that tendency, haha.
How many works do you have on AO3?
20 total. I've been publishing there since late 2018, so about three years now. That sounds right for me—I'm way too perfectionist to ever be prolific.
What's your total AO3 word count?
125,744! Apparently it takes me three years to write a novel's worth of words I feel are worth publishing...which also sounds right.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three, primarily: The Lost Boys, Stranger Things, and Supernatural. Mostly Stranger Things, since I was pretty enmeshed in the Harringrove community for about a year and a half, though these days I'm hanging out more with the SPN crowd. We'll see if that translates to more fics.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.) Sunflower (524) 2.) Quickly, look away (506) 3.) We'll Become Who We Meant To Be (383) 4.) Too Young To Fall In Love (333) 5.) When the Waters Start to Cross (283)
First, what's not surprising: all are Stranger Things/Harringrove works. I'm a little surprised to see that "Sunflower" had edged out "Quickly" as my most-kudosed story, for years it was the other way around—but maybe that's actually not that surprising—part of the reason I haven't been as active in the fandom is that I really love the darker and more complex renditions of Billy Hargrove's character (a la "Quickly") and since S3 aired it seems like the fashion has moved more towards more lighthearted fluff (a la "Sunflower"). Still, both are pretty undemanding smut, so it makes sense that they're on top; similarly, I'm not surprised to see "Too Young To Fall In Love" in the top five either.
I am a little surprised that "We'll Become Who We Meant To Be" is #3—it's honestly close to genfic, there's only the tiniest moment of hinted-at attraction in there. I'm not mad about it, I honestly feel like it's one of my better efforts; on the other hand, "Wake Me Up" was in a similar vein and it's close to the bottom. I guess there's just no telling what's going to catch on...in fairness, a 25K outsider POV novella is a much bigger ask than a 3K short story.
Honestly, I'm probably most surprised at "When the Waters Start to Cross" cracking the top five—it's a 52K+ WIP and a profoundly complex atmospheric existential horror/romance, which is, like, five strikes against it. I'm not mad about it, though—I love that fic, even if it is a huge time and energy suck, and it definitely contains some of my best writing.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I genuinely appreciate people taking the time to leave feedback (even if it's just a string of emoji!). And every once in a while I'll get really thoughtful or incisive comments that spark whole conversations—that's one of the best reasons to write fic!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...to be honest, nothing immediately comes to mind; I love angst but tend to want it to serve a purpose, i.e. it gets a character closer to who they want to be. So most of my endings are at least hopeful. *checks list* It looks like probably my angstiest ending is also my first fic posted, "Blue Masquerade". Poor Michael.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I don't currently write crossovers; I wouldn't rule it out, but frankly I haven't come across an idea that appeals to me. Waaaaaay back in the mists of time I had a Daria/Harry Potter crossover that I was actually pretty proud of, but I got about as far as getting them to Hogwarts and then kinda ran out of ideas, so I never posted it.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I can think of? I'm not big-time enough to get hate, haha. Worst I ever got was some rando asking for top or bottom tags, which I just ignored, and one person on "We'll Become" who was like "I don't like this pairing but you did a good job", which kinda had me like ??? thanks, I guess? I did get one comment on "Quickly, look away" from someone who felt like it was in a different headspace from the fic I wrote it as a sequel to, but that didn't strike me as hate, it's a perfectly fair observation.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
So first off, yes, and second...I recently came across this great Garth Greenwell quote that really gets at what I'm trying to do when I write smut:
In America in 2019 we are inundated with images of bodies to an absolutely unprecedented degree—images of eroticized bodies, images of sexual bodies; the Internet makes all our fantasies visible, and it trains us in new fantasies. And yet it also seems to me that our culture suffers from a dearth of representations of embodiedness, by which I mean of bodies imbued with consciousness. I’m not at all antiporn, but sometimes pornography (maybe especially Internet pornography, with its arms race of extremity) seems to want to evacuate bodies of personhood, to present them as objects. I think literature is the best technology we have for representing consciousness, and so I think there’s a kind of intervention that literature can perform in representing sex explicitly: it can reclaim the sexual body as a site of consciousness.
"Embodied porn" is probably the best description I can come up with—I love writing sex precisely because it's such a charged form of communication (Greenwell's words again), because there are things a character can do and say in that context that they never would normally. Like, sex acts are great and all, but what really does it for me is what's going on in their head, what's the history that brought the character to this point, how're they handling the inherent vulnerability and intimacy of this incredibly risky but potentially rewarding moment. Kink (whether through roleplaying, props, costumes, or whatever) is really just another way of adding to that personal meaning, since without the characters' reactions any trappings are meaningless.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, although I'd love to work with a translator someday (whether with fic or another context)—I'm fascinated by the inherent puzzles in translating between languages, especially with informal speech and its many idioms and cultural references.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I'd be open to the idea, but it definitely has to be with the right person...
What's your all time favorite ship?
Isn't that basically like asking a mom to choose her favorite kid? Seriously, I like different things about all of them...which one's getting the most attention depends entirely on mood and headspace and other effectively random variables.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don't have any I've given up on entirely, yet. Even Waters, as beastly complicated as it is, I've been ruminating on and adding to and arranging in my head lately...
What are your writing strengths?
Atmosphere, character, dialogue. I've said it before, I'm a capital-R Romantic at heart: I love writing settings that reflect and reinforce a character's headspace—while also implying what said character might be missing in their viewpoint.
Something I've noticed—my husband worked for years as a penetration tester, which meant he would regularly have to talk his way past people on a moment's notice. So, unsurprisingly, we both notice people, but he tends to observe their presentation (clothing, accessories, especially ones that're markers of social class and group belonging that allow him to tailor his approach), whereas I notice what they say and how they say it—and, often, what they don't say.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I suddenly feel like I'm in a job interview, haha. Perfectionism is a big one—I have a tendency to feel hopeless and quit if something's taking too long, rather than persisting until I get it sorted, even though some of my best work is stuff where I persisted. Also, I'm big on emotional intensity—which isn't a bad thing, necessarily, but I sometimes read back over my stuff and I'm like "geez, Ambrosia, ease up a bit"...I could definitely use some comic relief in my writing sometimes, but I think I'm often too insecure to try it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't have any in particular—I rarely do it myself, because I don't trust myself to do it properly. (Perfectionism again!)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Daria, way back in the day. My work is still up on FF.net...sometimes I wonder if anyone's ever going to dig it up and confront me with it, haha. (I doubt anyone will ever care that much...I guess I'm more just curious if my style from twenty years ago is recognizably me.)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
If we're talking about finished fics, probably either "Wake Me Up" or "Young At Heart"—they're both pretty oddball, but both required a fuckton of work and both came out pretty close to what I wanted. But "Waters" is my biggest baby...maybe I'll open up Act III to work on today...
Thanks again for the tag, Ven! I'm going to tag @ihni, @redmyeyes, @twobrokenwyngs, @skybound2, @sambrosia, @shewritesdirty, @introvertia, @coffeeandchemicals, and @anarchist-billy—if you're up for some rumination, I'd love to hear your thoughts on your writing!
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. “Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. “Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
120 notes · View notes
He didn't have a lot of friends. That required trust, and trust just wasn’t something Billy Hargrove did. Except with Steve Harrington, apparently. Steve was his friend, which was fine. Billy would have preferred a lot more, but that did not seem particularly likely. Not for lack of trying on Billy's part, honestly. At this point, Billy was so overtly flirty with Steve that he was worried he had overshot genuine interest and was fast approaching the realm of parody. He had spilled his beer on Steve no fewer than four times in the past several months in the hopes that Steve would go to change out of his wet clothes and realize halfway through that just...hanging out in his underwear would be totally fine. Instead, Steve always disappeared into Billy's bedroom, completely at home in Billy's space, and came back wearing Billy's clothes. And that was somehow worse?
And the thing was—the thing was!—Steve clearly wasn’t uninterested. He blushed when Billy teased him. His breath hitched when Billy touched him sometimes. His pupils went wide when Billy stretched or flexed or did that one thing with his tongue. And he didn’t avoid touching Billy, like just about everybody else did, or touch him like he was something fragile or broken. He touched Billy casually all the fucking time. He hugged him when he arrived, and fell asleep against his shoulder, and tucked his feet under Billy’s thigh on the couch, and kissed him on the cheek before he left. He even kissed him on the fucking forehead sometimes, which made Billy feel small and blushy and unbearably cared for.
Billy wondered sometimes if he should just be honest with Steve, but that was tricky, wasn’t it? Because in this particular case, he couldn’t be honest with Steve without betraying a little too much about himself. And it’s not like he had all that many secrets left. Neil was gone and his treatment of Billy was common knowledge, at least among the people who knew what had actually happened at the mall. So, the vast majority of the people Billy actually talked to anymore. It turned out that competent doctors could tell the difference between recent monster trauma and years of physical abuse, and Steve's little group of nerds and their various hangers-on were around enough and had overheard enough to put it together. The fact that Billy was not actually into girls was also common knowledge among that same subset of people, but only because Billy had been in a coma, so he hadn't been able to mention to Eleven that she might not want to share that little tidbit with her friends. Billy wasn’t mad—couldn’t be, not at her—and with Neil gone, he supposed he had a little less to fear on that front. Besides, it wasn’t like he was going to do anything about it, aside from continuing to flirt shamelessly with Steve. So he only really had the one big secret left.
Here's how it was: Billy Hargrove, at the time that he was impaled by a massive interdimensional flesh monster, did not have a whole lot to live for. He had a shitty father and a mother who had fucked off quite a while back and a stepsister who had not yet given up on him for some reason, but who was also probably better off without him. He had a hopeless crush on a gorgeous, oblivious straight boy; several delightful mental images of that same straight boy in a frankly pornographic sailor outfit that he somehow had to wear for work; and treasured memories of California, but not quite enough money or guts to fuck off back to the beach where he came from, with or without Steve Harrington. All of that stuff was good, and it got Billy through the day sometimes, but none of it was actually something to live for. Steve Harrington in that sailor outfit came the closest, but Billy was never going to get to take it off of him, so what was the fucking point?
And Billy knew, even though he didn't exactly remember it, that it had gotten pretty bad for him a few times as he was recovering. Like, 'they were sure they were going to lose him' bad. And people had said a lot of fucking stupid things to him, both while he was in the hospital and after he got out, about fate and love and redemption. About holding on for the sake of the people you cared about. About not knowing what you had until you lost it. About how he must feel so lucky to be alive. And Billy hated all of it so fucking much. He wasn't alive because he had had some big epiphany about how precious life was, or because fate had spared him, or because he thought anyone on the planet would spend more than about thirty seconds being sad if he died. What he did have, what had actually kept him going when it got bad, were these...well, they weren’t anywhere close to clear enough to be called memories.
They came from that long, hazy period when his body was gradually knitting itself back together. When the boundary between being asleep and being awake hadn't seemed real at all. When he had almost no visual memories, aside from brief flashes of fluorescent lights or the shadows of people moving around above him. He had a handful of half-remembered phrases in various voices: Max whispering sorry, El whispering I won't tell. And these...other sentences. These promises, in Steve Harrington’s low, husky voice.
Billy was in no way certain that they were real. He didn't know how much of anything from that time was real. What they were was meaningful, which made it fucking impossible to talk about them. Unlike all the bullshit about fate and family and redemption, they had helped him. Had helped a lot, actually. Had given him something tangible to live for when it would have been so much easier to just let it all slip away. But that was the other thing--they weren't exactly things that Steve Harrington would actually, conceivably say to him. They were things he would have killed to hear from Steve, would still kill to hear from Steve, but Steve was sweet. Goofy, affectionate, kind. Unfailingly supportive. An invaluable friend throughout Billy's recovery. An invaluable friend who consistently, gracefully deflected Billy’s obvious flirting. It hardly seemed possible that he had said those things, and Billy really didn’t want to find out that he hadn’t. It was too awful to contemplate. Because, shit, they still kept him going sometimes, a year and a half later.
The first one came to him from far away, like he was hearing it from the bottom of a well. “I swear to God, Billy, if you make it through this I’ll let you choke on my dick whenever you feel like it.” So, like, there was a fair amount to unpack there. First of all, Steve almost never actually called him Billy, even now. And secondly, literally everything else about that sentence. It wasn't possible that it was real. Billy had to have made it up, given himself a fucking reason not to move toward the light or whatever. And if that had been the only one, he would have dismissed it as an obvious fabrication of his own mind without a second thought. But it wasn’t.
The second one was a little clearer, though all of them were maddeningly hazy. Had he actually felt Steve’s breath against the shell of his ear while he'd said it? It was impossible to say. “Hey gorgeous, hang in there, ok? Wouldn’t want you to die before I get the chance to fuck you so hard you forget your own goddamn name.” It was true—he absolutely did not want to die before that happened. That one had gotten him through some bleak nights, even after he woke up. He still got half hard every time he thought about it.
The next one was maybe Billy’s favorite. Although, honestly they were all his favorite. He wasn't sure he had ever treasured anything more. The third time, he was almost sure he could feel the warmth radiating off of Steve’s body as Steve leaned in next to his ear. “Come on, tiger, you gotta get through this so you can show me absolutely everything you can do with that tongue.” A little less filthy, maybe, but no less motivating. He did want to do that, very much. He had thought about it quite a bit while he was in the hospital. He still thought about it just about every time Steve came over to his apartment, which was often.
The fourth one changed it up a bit. “We’re going to sit there on the sand and watch the sun set over the ocean, and I’m going to make you cream your swim trunks right there on the beach.” And goddamn, that was quite the mental image. Fuck a bunch of holding on for the people you cared about; that was worth living for.
The fifth one was ragged, a little desperate. “You can’t die, baby. I’ve never let anybody put their dick in me before, and you have to live so you can do it.” That one came with the gentle sensation of a hand in his, the phantom press of lips to his temple. He was pretty sure he woke up just a few days after that one. And rightfully fucking so, honestly.
So yeah. He still had the one secret. And there was no fucking way to talk about it without revealing way too much about himself. So he didn't talk about it, and he was never going to talk about it, and he was going to go to his grave not knowing if any of it was real, and he was going to be fine with that because there weren't any other options. Until Steve slipped up.
It was far too early on a Saturday morning. Steve had arrived at an even more ungodly hour and had dragged Billy out of bed for some weekend trip. He wouldn't say where they were going, but he promised it was going to be great, and Billy could sleep in the car, and they were going to have the time of their lives. So Billy was slouched grumpily in the passenger seat, nursing an enormous coffee and periodically glaring at everything out the window for having the audacity to exist at this hour. He didn't glare at Steve. All of this was Steve's fault, but Billy couldn't be mad at him when he looked all sleepy and his hair was a mess and he was wearing his fucking glasses instead of his usual contacts. Billy couldn't be mad at him under any other circumstances either, but he deliberately didn't think too much about that, so it was fine.  
Billy watched out of the corner of his eye as Steve sipped his own coffee and stifled a yawn. Steve had spent the first half hour of the drive not talking at all, but the coffee was apparently kicking in, so now he was trying to get Billy excited about his mystery plan.
“Come on, tiger, you’re going to love it,” he finally said. Billy wasn’t fully awake, so it took a second for it to land. Come on, tiger. When it did, Billy’s head snapped up, eyes wide. It could easily have been a coincidence; Steve would have been fine if he had just played it off, but that's not what happened. When Billy looked up, Steve was staring intently out the windshield, resolutely not looking at him. But his shoulders were creeping up around his ears and his face had gone scarlet. Billy felt a grin spreading across his face. Suddenly, he was on top of the goddamn world; this was shaping up to be the best day of his life. He stared at Steve’s profile for a long moment as the flush from his face spread down his neck. The atmosphere in the car was electric. Billy took a deep breath and tried to get himself under control. Steve's entire demeanor had hope beating wildly in his chest, but there was still room for this to end in disappointment.
“Absolutely everything, huh?” Billy said it quietly, carefully, deliberately, and then he held his breath. Steve made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, and Billy felt giddy. Steve had been right--they had only been on the road for forty minutes, but Billy was already having the time of his life on this trip. Steve didn't say anything, but after a few long moments of silence, he pulled the car over onto the shoulder. After he carefully put the car in park and turned it off, he dropped his forehead to the steering wheel. He didn't lift his head when he spoke.
“I didn't think you remembered," he said slowly. Billy didn't say anything and after a moment, Steve gave a little sigh and continued, still talking mostly to the floor. "The first time, it was a fucking Hail Mary. You were declining fast and nothing was working, and I just...I had a hunch. So I waited until everyone else had left the room and I tried it." Billy was absolutely delighted picturing it, Steve flushed bright red, leaning down to whisper stuff about his dick into Billy's ear. "They kicked me out right after that, at about four am. They told me to go home and get some rest, and to be prepared for bad news. But when I got back to the hospital a few hours later, you were doing better.” Steve cleared his throat. “Apparently you started improving shortly after I left. I told myself it was probably a fucking coincidence, but part of me thought that maybe it had actually worked." He huffed out a laugh. "I could barely fucking believe that you weren’t dead; it was bad. And then a couple of weeks later, it got bad again. So I tried it again. And you started doing better again. And then it was like this secret that we had. That I had,” Steve corrected himself. He sat up and dropped his head back against the headrest, but he still wouldn't look at Billy. He stared out the windshield instead. His  face was still bright red. “And then you actually woke up. I didn’t know if you remembered any of it, and I didn’t want to be the kind of person who would come onto you while you were in a fucking coma and then act like you owed me something afterwards, so I kept my mouth shut.”
"Steve," Billy said softly. Steve rubbed his hands over his face.
"I'm sorry," he said, and Billy stopped breathing for a second.
"Don't," he said quietly. They sat in silence for a long moment, and then Billy decided that he had to know what exactly Steve was apologizing for. “Did you...” he started to ask, but he found that he couldn’t finish the sentence. Steve glanced at him and his face softened before his eyes shied away again.
“Mean it? Yes. Fuck yes. Every word.”
“Then what the fuck, Steve?” Billy had been beyond obvious for months. Steve sighed. His hands came back up to his face, and then he sat up straighter and squared his shoulders.
“You just...you went through something so awful, and it was like...your world got so small. You were trapped in the hospital, and now you're trapped in Hawkins until they clear you to leave." Steve glanced over again, and his voice got smaller. "I just...I really wanted you, but I didn't want you to do something you'd regret just because I was there, you know? And I still don't want you to feel trapped into something just because you can't leave this goddamn town. I would never want you to be with me just because you don't have any other choices."
Ok, so there was plenty to unpack there, and all of it was wrong. Except the part where Steve said he wanted Billy--that part was the best thing he had ever heard. Well, the sixth best thing he'd ever heard. There was a silence while Billy thought about what he wanted to say. He took a breath to psych himself up.
"The first thing you should probably know is that I was into you well before any of the Mindflayer stuff even happened. So there's that." Billy cleared his throat, watching Steve out of the corner of his eye. "And the second thing you should know is that I got cleared to leave Hawkins over a month ago." Steve's head whipped around, wide eyes on Billy's face.
"Then why..." Steve trailed off. Billy had considered leaving, but only briefly. He wanted to go back to the beach, he did, but not by himself. Not anymore.
"Steve," Billy said again, giving Steve a look. "You know why." After all, Billy had been the opposite of subtle about it. Steve just stared at him, eyes going impossibly wider as Billy deliberately took off his seatbelt and moved into Steve's space. "But fine, if you need me to spell it out, I'm definitely not in this car with you right now because I don't have any other options."
He leaned in and pressed his lips to Steve's. Steve responded immediately and enthusiastically, and something that had still been wound tight in Billy's chest eased. By the time they broke apart to breathe, Billy was practically in Steve's lap, both of his hands up under Steve's shirt. Steve had one hand at Billy's lower back and the other buried in his curls. They sat panting a little, their foreheads pressed together. Billy smiled wickedly.
"I would just like to point out that you made a lot of promises about what was going to happen if I didn't die, Harrington, and I held up my end of the bargain." Steve's answering smile was bright and just a little cocky.
"I'm looking forward to keeping every single one of those promises, Hargrove. We can start as soon as we get where we're going." Billy frowned at him.
"I survived being impaled by a giant flesh monster because you promised me--"
"My giant flesh monster?" Steve cut in, cracking up halfway through. Billy snorted, but did not further dignify that with a response.
"As I was saying," he said instead, "I am alive today because you have a really nice dick and a filthy mouth, and I have been waiting on both of them for months, and I am definitely not waiting three more hours to get started." He punctuated this declaration by reaching for the top button of Steve's pants. He had it and the next two buttons open before Steve reached out to stop him.
"Billy," he hissed, "we are parked on the side of the highway! We are not doing this here. Literally anyone could look over at any time and get a fantastic view of exactly what we're doing." Steve had a point, but Billy didn't have to like it.
He sighed and kissed Steve one more time, hard, before he reluctantly clambered back over to the passenger seat.
"Fine," he said. "We can compromise." He leaned over and grabbed Steve's wrist to look at his watch. Then he smiled at Steve, sharp and a little predatory. "I'm going to start sucking your dick in twenty minutes, if not before. We're still in fucking Indiana, so that should give you plenty of time to find some deserted back road somewhere." Steve was already starting the car.
He grinned over at Billy as he pulled back into traffic and made his way to the next exit.
"So you're going to start at the top and work your way through them, huh?"
"Maybe. We'll just have to see," Billy said. He paused. "I gotta say, pretty boy, I'm legitimately fuckin' impressed. I didn't know you had it in you." Steve smirked at him.
“Hey, give me some credit. I knew you well enough to know that if I had mentioned feelings, or called it making love, you would have immediately chosen the sweet embrace of death.” Billy laughed along with Steve because Steve was right: at one point, Billy absolutely would have done that.
Not anymore, though. Not if it was Steve. But he wasn't about to just blurt that out, so. He could still have one secret. For now, anyway.
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
New Harringrove WIPs
Because I'm obsessed and just love these two
1. Jawbreaker
“Steve. It's fine. I know you’re queer.” She gestures at herself before saying, “takes one to know one. Now can we move past that part?”
He swallowed. His voice still felt tight. “Happily.”
“Great. His name’s Billy. He’s as gay as me, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk about boyfriends. So if that's what you’re looking for, you're barking up the wrong tree."
Steve shook his head. A relationship was the last thing he was looking for right now. A flashback of tires screeching and glass breaking before total silence played hauntingly in his ear. He wondered how many more years would go by before he stopped hearing the accident in his brain when he thought of her.
“Well great, because he’s a big slut. So it probably won’t be a hard lay. I’d start with the tattoo first though. It’s etiquette.”
Steve snorted, appreciating the sudden topic change. Yes. Tattoos and no strings attached sex was exactly what he was looking for right now.
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2. Empathetic Asshole
When Steve met his own reflection in the mirror, his hand flew out for purchase, reaching for anything that would keep him from collapsing once more on the floor. Answers came flying at him faster than he could process. Things started making sense while simultaneously not at all. That man wasn’t his father, because this wasn’t his house. The honey-brown eyes he was expecting to see in his reflection were replaced with a haunted, empty blue because, this wasn’t his body. And Max, was more than likely the girl he had met all those weeks ago. Billy Hargrove’s sister. Which meant, that Demogorgon in a person-suit must have been Billy’s father.
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3. Ride With U
Steve was home, alone, and really damn bored. Since Nancy ditched him for Byers and Tommy ditched him for Hargrove, Steve found himself on many nights in this exact spot. Bored, drunk, sunk in the middle of his overpriced couch. No one to call a friend except a couple of preteens that were honestly more trouble than they were worth sometimes. Which is why the knock on the door at 12:37 am came as a surprise. For a moment he panicked, thinking it could be someone from the lab. But they were all gone, right? That little short haired girl defeated the monster and all those bad people went to jail. But even the pep talk wasn't calming Steve down as he approached the door. His heart was hammering like a battering ram in his chest. When he pulled open the door, the last person he thought he’d ever see was standing in front of him. Albeit a little unsteady on his feet.
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Harringrove April Days 3, 7, & 22: Spring Break, Daisychain, & Yellow
Spring break was Billy's favorite school holiday.
He didn't like winter vacation because that meant Christmas, and Christmas meant mean Grandma Hargrove, and pretending not to be bored listening to all the old people talk, and lots of yelling and his mom crying afterwards.
Summer was okay, because as long as his chores were done he got to play with his friends and spend more time at the beach.
But spring break was the best, because he got to spend time alone with his mom while his dad was at work.
Sometimes they'd stay home. They'd go to the park a few blocks away, then she'd read him his favorite stories and play toy cars and teach him how to make cookies.
Sometimes they'd go to the beach to swim and walk along the sand, looking for shells or rocks or sea creatures. When he started learning to surf, she'd watch, cheering him on. They'd usually stop for ice cream on the way home.
Sometimes they'd go for walks. She would point out the plants and flowers they passed in neighbors' gardens or along the hiking trails. Once they found a meadow full of wildflowers and she taught Billy how to make daisy chains. She smiled when he proudly set the lopsided daisy crown he'd made all by himself on her head, and she wore it the whole time they sat there watching clouds drift lazily across the sky.
No matter what they did it was nice, and every year Billy looked forward to spring break.
Until the day Neil came home early and found them in the yard, laughing as they blew on dandelion puffballs and making wishes on the tiny, feathery seeds.
"Scattering goddamn weeds everywhere," he shouted. "Do you know how hard I work to keep this lawn looking nice?"
Billy snuck off to his room but he could still hear his dad yelling about goddamn weeds and turning the boy into a pussy with that goddamn hippie shit.
His mom stopped wishing on dandelions after that.
And Billy stopped looking forward to spring break.
They moved when Neil married Susan. This house was bigger but had no yard, just a cracked concrete driveway with an old basketball hoop at the end.
Billy spent hours out there, practicing. Neil didn't mind, because real men were supposed to be interested in sports and cars and girls. And he was good at basketball. Liked it even. It was better than baseball at least.
He hated the dandelions that sprang up in the cracks though.
Max ran over them with her skateboard, not even noticing. But Billy noticed every time another little yellow flower popped up, and made sure to stomp on them when he ran and jumped for the net.
Part of him ached every time he squished one. He wondered if they felt pain, if they knew what it was like to be crushed and smothered, yanked up and thrown away.
But a bigger, louder part of his brain sneered that those kinds of thoughts were for faggots and pussies, and he wasn't a faggot or a pussy.
So he smothered those thoughts, crushing them down like his feet crushed the dandelions.
They had a bigger yard in Hawkins, and Neil made it clear that Billy was old enough now to take responsibility for keeping the yard maintained. He discovered he hated shovelling snow, longing for sunny skies and ocean waves as he cleared the walkways and the driveway. But slowly the snow melted, and his next task was raking up all the dead grass and leaves, tidying up last fall's debris to make sure the lawn looked good for summer.
When the first dandelions poked up through the grass, little bits of sunshine dotting the lawn to announce the coming of spring, Billy went out with the weedkiller.
He sprayed the poison over the plants, soaking them in it, making sure not a single one survived.
At the dinner table that night, he blamed his red-rimmed eyes and hoarse voice on the chemical fumes. Luckily Neil believed him.
Spring turned to summer, and suddenly everything he ever knew was uprooted.
It was October when they finally released him from the hospital. By then the world was gray again, the plants and trees and flowers dying off for the long Indiana winter.
There were a few bright spots though.
He was staying at Joyce Byers' house. It was crowded, since Hopper and El had moved in too. But he shared a room with Jonathan, who was a surprisingly understanding roommate and didn't even expect him to talk if he didn't want to.
He passed the days doing his exercises and whatever household chores he could manage. He spent time with El and Will, and with Max, who visited as often as she could.
And sometimes Steve came over.
The entire group had formed deep, lasting friendships as they all healed together, and Billy still couldn't quite believe he was part of that group now. But he'd apologized, and meant it, and they were willing to give him a chance.
At first he'd just join in when Steve and Robin brought the rest of the kids for movie nights. Then they'd started hanging out without the kids, occasionally going to Steve's house, or to a movie, or the diner. Jonathan and Nancy had even come along a few times.
But, as winter turned to spring, there'd been a few times when it ended up being just Steve and Billy. And the more time Billy spent with Steve, the more he realized he couldn't deny his feelings anymore.
He was in love with Steve. And he had to tell him. It might cost him everything - Steve himself, all the people who'd taken him in and given him a home, who he'd begun to trust and care about - but he couldn't keep lying to himself or anyone else.
He got his chance when Steve came over on an unseasonably warm April day. Hopper and Joyce were at work and the kids were at school, so they had the house to themselves.
"Hi," Steve said when Billy answered the door. "I'm off today so I thought we could, um. Hang out. If you want. It's such a nice day, it'd be a shame to waste it, right?"
"Yeah," Billy said. "You want to sit outside for a bit?"
"Yeah, okay," Steve said.
With his sunny smile and a yellow T-shirt Billy had never seen him in, he looked like a personification of spring. He was beautiful.
Billy pulled the door closed and they settled onto the old porch swing that creaked when it rocked. Steve's arm bumped Billy's, and their thighs were almost touching.
They rocked on the swing slowly, not talking.
And then Steve spoke.
"They're kind of pretty," he said.
Startled, Billy turned to him. "What?"
"The dandelions." Steve gestured towards the Byers' front lawn, dotted with the little yellow flowers, some already gone to seed. He chuckled. "I know most people think they're weeds - my parents hate them - but I don't know. I kind of like them."
"Me too," Billy blurted, before he could stop himself. He looked down. "My mom - she always said if you blew on the seeds and made a wish it would come true."
Steve's voice was soft. Billy was too scared to look at him.
"Well, my grandma said if you blow on a dandelion and all the seeds come off, the person you love loves you back."
Billy tried to laugh. It came out as more of a wheeze.
"Maybe they're both right," Steve said. "Your mom and my grandma."
"Maybe," Billy said quietly.
"Do you want to, uh - ?" Steve took a deep breath, lacing his fingers together, then untwining them and laying his hands flat on his thighs. "Find out?"
"Okay," Billy whispered.
They stood up in unison and walked down to the grass. They both plucked a dandelion and faced the road.
Billy closed his eyes and blew as hard as he could. He hesitated before opening his eyes, almost afraid of what he'd see.
He was holding an empty dandelion stalk that matched Steve's, the little white seeds mingling, dancing away on the breeze.
"Did your wish come true?" Steve asked softly.
Billy kissed him in response, just a brief, tentative touch of his lips to Steve's. He drew back immediately, expecting Steve to scrunch his face up in disgust, shove him away, and run.
Instead Steve took his hand and drew him in for another, longer kiss.
Billy didn't even realize he was crying until they parted and Steve's thumb was on his cheek, gently wiping away his tears.
He put his arms around Steve, hesitantly at first, tightening his hold when Steve hugged him back.
"I guess your mom was right," Steve said.
"I think your grandma was right too," Billy said, when he could speak again.
"Yeah," Steve said, eyes soft and smile warmer than the sun. "Totally."
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Live Wire Part 1 (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Disclamer: Hey everybody thank you all for your sweet feedback on the teaser for this story. It actually motivated me to finish this quicker than I thought I would. But there isn't anything better to do in quarantine anyway. Hope you'll enjoy!
Note: This will most likely consist of 2 (maybe 3) parts (so let me know if you wanna be tagged in the second part when I upload it)
Warnings: language, underage drinking (at least for now)
Being Vicki Carmichael's sister clearly was enough of a burden to begin with. Luckily you were almost a year younger and therefore didn't share any classes with her. Most people didn't even know that you were related. And you both made sure to keep it that way.
You ignored each other at school, almost never left the house at the same time and only spend time together when it really had to be or because your parents forced you to. Like tonight.
When it came to your parents, Vicki clearly was their favorite. Or at least the more presentable child. Everything Vicki was interested and engaged in was amazing. Whether it were stupid horses in elementary school or that Cheerleading bullshit she did now. However, your drums had been banned to the basement where you were only allowed to play them when nobody was home and when you got sent to detention for punching a guy that slapped your ass, this suddenly wasn't an achievement they'd tell the neighbours about.
Same thing counted for boys. The guys Vicki dated were always „such nice guys“,yet you didn't even dare to think about introucing any of the guys you'd slept with to your family. But it wasn't like anybody ever asked you to do that anyway. Judging by the Mötley Crüe posters in your room they'd propably rather not know who would enter their precious home in that case.
Vicki's newest addittion to her collection of „nice guys“ had just recently moved to Hawkins and was sitting at the kitchen table across from you right in this moment.
„So Billy, where did you meet Vicki, again?“,your mom tried to fill the awkward silence while all of you pretended that eating dinner together totally was something you did every night.  
This whole Brady Bunch atmosphere, combined with Vicki's stupid giggles made you wanna throw up.
Since your sister seemed to be very busy drooling over her new boyfriend, who clearly had absolutely nothing in common with her, you decided to answer that question for them instead: „Well there would be Tina's Halloween Party, the car, propably that one dumpster behind school and let's not forget the countless times Vicki asked me to make sure to not come home unti-“
„Y/N!“, your mother interrupted you. Oh boy if looks could kill.
„Oh you said meet! Damn I'm sorry. Wonder how I could get that one wrong.“,you chuckled sarcastically, moving your eyes towards Vicki at your last words.
„I think you're done with dinner, honey.“, your dad intervened with a calm but stern voice.
„I think so too.“, you replied with the sweetest smile as you got up from your chair, „Well Billy it was nice meeting you but if you'll excuse me, I'll withdraw myself to the basement where I'll continue to be the dissapointment of the family.“
„Nice to meet you too.“, the boy replied while following you with his piercing eyes. He almost looked like he was very much enjoying the situation.
„Baby you don't have to be nice to her. Just ignore her.“,Vicki chimed in with a voice sweet as sugar, while grabbing his chin and forcing him to kiss her.
„Also it's really nice to finally have a face to match those noises that keep me up at night.“, you quickly added before leaving the room.
„Y/N! Shut up!“
Not as sweet anymore, are we sis?
You could still hear her going on about how much of a loser you were to your parents, as you entered your room. Okay maybe you had been a bit extra snarky today but she deserved it. You didn't ask to join this amazing family event anyway. However,you couldn't stop thinking about what a guy like Billy could see in Vicki. She was a shallow bitch and usually the guys she dated were complete airheads. But this new kid? He seemed different.
However, if you hadn't been that busy trying to make your sisters night as miserable as possible you'd might have realized that Billy had been watching you the whole time. The two of you had met before. A fact that you couldn't possibly admit in front of your parents since it occured about a week ago when they were out of town. Vicki had invited Billy over to watch some movies and basically forced you to stay in your room. However, you obviously hadn't listened to that. You had caught Billy's attention right away, the moment you entered the kitchen, ignoring both of them, while you grabbed a can of beer from the fridge. You had been wearing nothing but a Metallica shirt and some black lace panties underneath.
„Dad's gonna kill you if he finds out you took his beer.“
„He's gonna kill you first if he finds out that you're not staying at Carol's.“
„Shut up, loser! Also put on some clothes you look like a cheap groupie.“
„Try to keep yours on until after I'm back in my room, loser.“
If Billy had met you at school he would have never figured that you were Vicki's younger sister. You really were one of a kind. But getting to know you could be a tough one. You had a sharp tongue and didn't seem like the kind of girl that would fall for his tricks which made you even more interesting.  
„Hey y/n?“
You had to admit you were rather surprised as you looked up and were greeted by the face of Billy. You hadn’t really spoken since you officially met at your house a few weeks ago. And you definitely wouldn’t have expected him to just walk up to you in the schools parking lot like it was nothing.
„Hey boyfriend number 27 of the year. How can I help you? Need a last minute escape plan?“, you greeted him cynically.
You could see that Billy was kinda taken aback by your repartee. However, he quickly regained his composure and chose to ignore your comments. He seemed to be in quite a rush, his dirtly blonde curls falling into his frowning face as he took a pack of Marlboro Reds out of his denim jacket.
„Have you seen a girl? Tiny. Red hair. Bit of a bitch.“, he came straight to the point while lighting a cigarette.
„Yeah, I think Vicki is waiting at your car.“
„Not your sister. I'm looking for my stepsister Max.“
„No idea who that is. Didn't even know you had a sister.“
„Stepsister. And ditto.“
„Well I'd be surprised if Vicki had told you anything about me. We like to keep that unfortunate fact between us. Now if you'll excuse me you're blocking my car door. And we don't wanna let Vicki wait any longer, do we? I'm sure she can't wait to help you with all that homework.“, you commented dry with a nod towards the books he was carrying in his hands.
„This is yours?“, Billy sounded rather surprise as he examined the rusty 1970 Ford Falcon, you could barely tell that it once used to be perfectly shiny grabber green. “Never seen it around your house.“
„That's because my parents make me park it a few blocks away. Wouldn't want the neighbours to see that rust bucket, you know?“
„You do band as an after school activity?“, the curly haired boy chuckled while rasing his eyebrows, propably having spotted the drumsticks lying on your backseat.
„Hell no! Do I look like a fucking virgin?“,you scoffed while raising your eyebrows as well.
„Well... no. I just figured from the stuff Vicki keeps telling me-“
„Well note that: you shouldn't believe most of the bullshit that my sister has to say about me. Speaking of the devil you might not wanna let her wait any longer. Wouldn't want your study session to fall through, right?“
You hadn't left school right away. If Vicki and Billy were planning to hook up at your place you'd rather give them some advance. Also, Vicki had her way of making it very clear to you that you’d better stay away from home whenever she had a guy over. And since she had threatened to tell your parents where you hid your booze and other things, you were more than happy to oblige.
You were just driving off the schools parking lot when you spotted a small redhead by the side of the road. She seemed rather distressed, kicking against an old Skateboard.
„Hey kid, is everything alright?“, you asked as you pulled over.
„Uhm yeah...it's just..my stupid brother was suposed to wait for me but he didn't and now I have to skate home.“
„Yeah I know, he drove off with my stupid sister. Get in the car I'll drive you.“
„Yeah sure I don't wanna be at home now anyway.“
„I can imagine. I hate when Billy has girls over. It's like he doesn't even like them. But I still have to stay in my room.”, the girl stated with an eye-roll as she sat down on the passengers seat, ” I'm Max by the way.“
„Nice to meet you. I'm y/n. And just for the record: next time a stranger asks you to get in their car, don't do it!“
„I'm not stupid.“, Max clarified within a heartbeat.
„You're a tough kid, aren't you? I like that.“ you laughed. Her upfront attidude and tomboy-ish apperance reminded you a lot of yourself at that age.
„And I like your car.“
„You do? Well thanks I bought it myself.“
„Yeah it's really cool. They used the same one in Mad Max, you know?“
„'Course I do.“
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I'm thinking about Steve is forced to work for his father because he can't get in any college. So he's in the company as his secretary, and he is treated like shit. So he's going to submit some papers for his father's Boss Billy Hargrove and when he sees the Man he can only think about the words Power and Dominate
We’re gonna combine some schtuff.
Anonymous asked:
Hmm What about Steve meeting Billy who’s this rich business man because he wants to work for him. There’s a lot of sexual tension when they’re talking and then they end up fucking 👀👀👀 (++ Daddy Kink)
This is modern, but it’s not totally mentioned.
On ao3 too.
“Steven, I need you to take these up to the eighth floor.”
Mr. Harrington dropped a stack of files on the corner of his desk.
After Steve didn’t get into college, his father pretty much forced him to work at his office. He had, of course, downgraded the original offer, moved him from Company Representative to fourth-floor secretary.
He has to file things, take messages, and do everything for the entire floor.
By the time he looked up from the message he was taking, his father was already down the hall, halfway to his office.
“No problem, sir.” He huffed, picking up the stack of files, heading to the elevator.
The eighth floor was the executive floor, where the bosses of the bosses were.
It was clean, and quiet, the woman in the desk positioned the same way was smiling prettily at him.
“Can I help you?”
“I have these files from the fourth-floor form Mr. Harrington for, uh,” He looked at the post-it on top of the manila folder. “Mr. Hargrove?”
“Third door on your left.” Steve nodded, hefting the stack to the corner office, the big one. He had to shuffle awkwardly to knock on the door.
“Come in.” He pushed the door, nearly dropping the files in the process.
He had to shuffle with them to get them back in his arms before looking up.
His breath hitched when he saw the Mr. Hargrove.
He was in a bespoke suit, a dark sleet grey over a crisp white shirt, a dark red tie. His chest was broad, his arms thick. His hair was short, but curly and wild. But his eyes are what truly got Steve, a gorgeous bright blue.
“Can I help you?”
“Hi, I’m Steve Harrington. I have, I have the files you requested from Mr. Harrington?”
Hargrove smiled at him, standing up and gesturing at the chair on the other side of his desk, relieving Steve of the stack of files.
“So, Steve Harrington, huh? That you’re father who works down on four?”
“Yes, sir. I’m the fourth-floor secretary.” Billy raised his eyebrows at him, nodding slowly as he settled on the edge of the desk, facing Steve.
Steve was staring at his thighs, so fucking thick in his slacks. Steve wanted them to crush his fucking head. Hargrove leaned forward over Steve, placing each hand on either armrest.
“See something you like?” Steve’s eyes went wide as he looked back at Billy’s face.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hargrove, sir-”
“Please, call me Billy.” He fucking purred it at him, made a chill run down Steve’s spine. He smirked, his tongue poking out between his teeth. “Why’d he put you at a desk? If he was gonna pull strings for his son, you’d think he’d make you a higher up.”
Steve looked down at the floor, he could feel his face getting hot.
“I was supposed to be a rep but I, I didn’t go to, to college so this was the best he could do.” Billy pulled back, frowning.
“You don’t need college to be a rep. You just need to be good at schmoozing. Kissing ass. You’re pretty enough to make it really work for you.” Steve glanced back up at him as he went around his desk, filling out a memo. “You’re under me now. I want you up on eight, you’re gonna start repping.” He pulled it off the pad with a flurry, heading out to give it to the floor eight secretary.
Steve had no idea what in the fuck had just happened.
“Your father should be getting that soon. Let me take you out to lunch. Celebrate your big promotion.”
“Sorry, but I don’t think I understand.”
“I just promoted you. You’ll report directly to me now, but you’re a representative, gonna be out making connections.” Steve just blinked.
“But, why?”
“I like you. I can see potential.”
Billy took him to some nice place a block down from their building, a place with a separate menu for all the fancy scotch they had. Billy tried two, Steve got a lemonade.
Lunch was nice. The food was excellent, and Billy was wonderful company, would tell Steve you’ve GOT to try this and feed him bites of his own food from his own fork. Steve was hot under the collar the entire meal.
As Steve transitioned to working under Billy, their lunches remained consistent, meeting up each day unless one of them had an important client they were meeting with.
Steve was okay at his job, could chit-chat well with potential clients, did a good job of getting them interested enough to meet with someone higher up to hammer out details. He made connections, but he had no passion for the work, wasn’t all that savvy at it, and straight-up wasn’t even totally sure what the company even did.
But he stuck it out, wanted to be able to see Billy every day, to tell him what he’d accomplished during the week, have Billy smile at him and tell him he was good.
Steve may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knew enough about himself to understand a few things: 1. When a hot, beefy guy tells him he’s good, that really fuckin’ does it for him. 2. He wants said hot, beefy guy to tell him he’s good while doing, other activities. 3. He has serious daddy issues.
He realized the third one when he woke up one night in his small apartment, from a dream in which Billy was just like, taking care of him, was holding him and telling him that’s he’s precious, sat him down and reminded him to eat, made sure he drank water. There was literally nothing sexual about it, but he still woke up sweaty and panting, the word daddy on his lips.
And then came the Christmas party.
It was for the whole company, to celebrate the holiday, and a booming fiscal year, a reward for a job well done, an incentive for a continued job well done.
Steve was drunk.
He had necked about five lemon drop shots early on, had topped it all off with a few beers and more cocktails.
He was in Billy’s office, trying to get his shit together enough to call someone to give him a ride home when he heard the door open.
“You okay in here?” Billy was smirking, leaned against the wall next to the closed door, smirking as Steve’s head lolled over on the back of the chair.
“Heyy, Bill!” Steve giggled to himself. “How's your Christmas party?”
“It’s not looking quite as fun as yours in here.” He dropped into the chair next to Steve’s. “You need a lift home?”
Steve’s eyes were big as he looked at him.
“Yeah. I would like that.”
Billy’s car was sleek, vintage, and gorgeous. Steve was sitting low in the passenger seat as Billy navigated the way to Steve’s little apartment.
“You wanna come in?” Billy had to help Steve walk to the door of his apartment, had to help him with the keys at each door. “I want you to come in.” Steve slapped at the wall a few times before finding the light switch.
Billy smiled at the cozy little studio, the soft bed in the corner, covered in pillows and blankets, the squashy couch against one wall, the fridge covered in pictures and letters.
Steve was struggling out of his nice clothes, wiggling his way awkwardly into pajamas, slamming into the bathroom to poke at his eyes until he got his contacts out. When he returned, in a too-big t-shirt, soft little shots, and these big amazing glasses, Billy was very nearly in love.
“You want a drink?” Steve opened the fridge. Billy peered inside over his shoulder, seeing a six-pack of beer, a bottle of mustard, one-half stick of butter and an avocado.
“What in the hell? Aren’t you like a grown-up? What is this fridge?” Steve just turned around, looking at him blankly.
“You do know I’m like, barely twenty, right?” Billy blinked.
“You said that you didn’t go to college.”
“I meant I didn’t get in to college. I really fucking stupid.” He grabbed a beer, settling himself on the couch, tugging a blanket onto his lap. It looked hand made.
“You’re not stupid at all. I work with you, I know how smart you are.” Steve just shrugged. Billy joined him on the sofa, taking the beer out of his hand and taking a drink. “But you’re seriously that young?”
“Yeah, turned twenty like, a week and a half ago.” Billy choked on his beer.
“I didn’t even know it was your birthday? Why the hell didn’t you say something?” Steve shrugged.
“Didn’t want to make a big deal outta the whole thing. My dad forgot about it, so why cause a stink.”
“Your dad sucks. I’ve worked with him for the past six years, and I can’t fucking stand him, can’t really imagine him as a parent.”
“That’s cause he wasn’t. He and my mom would leave me alone in the house most of the time. She would travel and he had an apartment out here by the office. The house was in a small town about two hours south. He would come home every few months, tell me I was stupid, and an embarrassment to him, and be on his merry way.”
“I’m sorry, Stevie. My old man was really awful too. Second I graduated high school, I was outta there. Left him a letter telling him that he’s an awful person, that I’m a big ol’ homo, and that I never want to see him ever again. It was fucking amazing.” Steve had inched closer to him on the couch, his knees pressed into Billy’s thigh under his blanket.
“I wish I could do that. Just tell him every way he’s been a horrible father, that I don’t want to work at his stupid company.”
“Then quit.” Steve gave him a Look. “I’m serious. If you don’t like it, then what’s the point?”
“I need money. Fucking look at this place. My dad cut me off when I didn’t get into college, said my salary was the only money he would be giving me anymore. I’m fucking broke.” Steve sniffed.
Billy reached up, stroking his jaw with one hand.
“I’m so sorry he treats you the way he does. You’re so precious, deserve the fucking world.” It sounded like Steve’s fucking dream, the one with Billy looking at him softly, taking sweet care of him.
Steve leaned forward, catching Billy’s lips with his own, keeping it slow and gentle.
“Stay. Stay the night with me.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Baby. You’re drunk.”
“Don’t wanna have sex yet, just wanna sleep with you. You look like you’d be a good cuddler.” Billy laughed lightly into the kiss.
“I’m an excellent cuddler, Pretty Boy.”
Steve slept so fucking peacefully wrapped up in Billy’s strong arms, the heat of his body pressed against his back.
He woke up to the smell of coffee, the sizzle of eggs and bacon. Billy was standing over the stove, wearing stolen clothes and cooking him breakfast. Steve plastered himself to his back, pressing a kiss to Billy’s neck.
“Where’d you get all this?”
“I went to the grocery store. Because I’m a grown-up.” Steve bit his neck lightly in retaliation.
“I’m kind of a grown-up.”
“Yeah, but you just need to be taken care of a little bit more.” Steve went red as he loaded up his plate, eating quickly. “I could do that. Take care of you.”
Steve looked up at him, mouth full of scrambled eggs, open just a little bit.
“What do you mean?”
“I wanna take care of you, Stevie.” Billy used one foot to move Steve’s chair, scooted it until Steve was facing him, leaning down into his space. “You ever thought about findin’ yourself a daddy?”
Steve’s face began going hot. Of course he had fuckin’ thought about it, ran his fingers over his cock while choking out Daddy to images of faceless, Billy-esque men in his fantasies.
He nodded.
Billy grinned, wide and sharp.
“Get undressed. Get on the bed.” Steve stood on shaky legs, feeling like a newborn deer, just learning to walk. He stripped slowly, never once breaking eye contact with Billy. He sat on the bed, legs spread a little, arms by his sides. “Do you want this, Steve?” Billy was moving slowly towards him, had turned off the stove as he left it behind. “You can say no at any time. Can tell me to fuck off and I won’t mind, won’t judge. Do you want this?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Daddy.” Billy was standing in front of Steve, placed two fingers on his chest, pushing him back slowly.
“Pick a word. One you’ll only say if you want me to stop. Tell me your word.” Steve’s eyes darted around the apartment.
“Tangerine. Tangerine is my word, Daddy.” Billy leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Now let Daddy take care of you.” Steve was spread on the bed, his legs open to Billy. “Good boy.” Steve whimpered. Billy smiled at him. “You like that, Baby? Like being a good boy for Daddy?”
“Yes, Daddy. Wanna be good.” Billy smiled. He settled on his knees between Steve’s legs, leaning forward to lick up Steve’s cock. He flicked his tongue against the slit, making Steve’s breath hitch.
He cried out when Billy took him into his mouth. He sank down all the way to the root, Steve’s cock bumping against the back of his throat. He pulled off, leaning down to mouth at Steve’s balls, making his back arch.
Steve threaded one hand into Billy’s hair, just holding onto the soft curls, free of the usual product he used to tame them in the office.
Billy was looking at him through his long lashes, moved his attention back to his cock, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked, curling his tongue along the underside of his cock.
His mouth was hot, was velvet soft around Steve. He pressed until his nose was in the hair on Steve’s pelvis, he didn’t even choke as his cock slid into his throat.
“Daddy, Daddy I’m gonna cum.” Steve tugged softly on his hair, whining and writhing and he drew closer and closer.
His back arched as he choked, cumming in Billy’s mouth, gripping his hair roughly.
“Fuck, Daddy. Made me feel so good.” Billy pulled off his cock, pet up Steve’s shaking thighs as he smiled up at him.
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alias-b · 4 years
Eros & Psyche: SOMY drabble
Billy Hargrove x Evie Fenny: Whump with a Happy Ending Drabble
~Evie contemplates her past relationship after getting together with Billy. ((No real fic spoilers, it’s no secret that Billy & Evie are soulmates & Endgame. Just some extra words for them to touch.)) TW: Talk of past grooming/Abusive student& teach relationship.
Whew, I wrote something, guys. Lol named is sorta after an existing chp bc I'm shameless. xoxo askbox open. Goodnight! :)))
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He’s perfect.
Heaven carved her a prince from all her favorite fairy tales. Dash of charming. Sprinkle of classical good looks. A darling smile. Enough to melt any girl. Evangeline had no chance.
Fredrick always included Evie in his life. Well, the part of it no one else was involved in. That counted. She told herself it did.
Hawkins couldn’t know how much he loved her. She was sure that truly ached him. 
She was pretty sure.
Fredrick included Evie in what was under his mask. She told herself that was what mattered most of all. His true self and it was bared. All hers and hers alone.
She told herself.
Evie was telling herself lots of things these days. Fredrick called her a classic over-thinker. She didn’t need to think, she had him. He’d guide her along. Being wise and experienced of course. All she needed to do was let go and trust him.
But, he was perfect.
Fredrick took her to parties with other thirty year olds. Always held her hand. Said the right thing. Brought her under one arm. Introduced her as if he was thrilled and proud she was with him. Showed her off like a new designer watch. Fredrick liked to buy Evie designer things too in lace.
Things that made for a better pose in cotton sheets. Pictures she claimed she was too shy to let him take. 
He’d press a tight smile. Telling her it was enough to have her trapped in his thoughts. 
The, he’d unzip his pants. The sound prickled under her skin.
“This is Evangeline,” he boasted at parties, “my girl.”
Men and women extended their hands. Fussed over her. She just looked so youthful. She must have secrets.
“For now,” Fredrick said in the car once, “just tell anyone who asks that you’re nineteen.” He smiled and caressed her cheek. Fredrick always said the right thing. “You’re too beautiful. I love you so much.”
Slowly, he unzipped his pants.
All Evie wanted to do was please him. See that smile. See the lights behind it because he was hers and she was a moth drawn to them. Fredrick liked most that she was his too. He came to her upon a deathly white horse with a silken, red cape upon his back. Bought her lace and flowers.
Fed her only a certain amount and took plates away before she was finished. 
“There’s this silk nightie I want to buy you, but it’s just a smidge too small. Couple pounds should do it. Not that I think you need to lose it.” He cared so much. Evie welled and drank her cool water down. Swallowed the ice cubes when he went to the kitchen. 
They drank quite a bit. He liked her swaying and loose. Not alert. Not overthinking too much. Cause he cared. More than anything.
Evie always said no to coke lines. Yes to shots. Yes to the occasional pill that lit shit up inside her. Let her see the night sky in living color. 
Fredrick kept close. He always did. Especially if other men approached her. His arm pulled her back into his orbit. One sharp snap. Another prickle that made her skin pulse.
Europa trapped circling Jupiter and its great red storms. Clinging desperately maybe cause she’s scared and she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t have anywhere to go and no planet will love her or hold her like her Jupiter.
Fredrick could storm too. Could get snappy. Grip her too hard. Leave marks she had to hide from her mother and classmates. It’s all passion. That’s what he said. He loved fierce and unyielding. Just like a prince would, they’re supposed to love hard. 
Evie’s terrified to disappoint him. Terrified to leave the narrative because who would she be without it? She figured that was normal, growing up with the same dynamic in her household. Children wetting the bed cause their parents build these anxieties into them. Phantoms that never leave.
“Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness.” She often repeated that to the mirror. Repeated it when Fredrick was slamming things around. Pretending he’s fine until she’s crawling to unzip his pants and then all is forgiven.
Evie loved being forgiven. Gentle pats and warm embraces into the night. Fingers to swipe her loose tears. Fredrick gave her everything she needed.
Even if he was the one telling her she needed it.
Prince Charming knew to force his kisses and wake the princess. Now she owed a debt. He knew she needed saving from her tower or dragon. She was too helpless to decide her own path. He knew that she had to love him in return to break the curse. She doesn’t get a choice, it’s destiny.
Evie believed in destiny when she met Fredrick. He certainly murmured it into her ear enough. Hushed tones that made her feel cradled. Made her feel found. Made her float.
But, she can’t tell people, “This is Fredrick, my prince.”
Once he screamed at her for even signing a little heart above the “i” in her name during class. All because he cares. Because he’s the prince who knew better. Because no one would ever understand them.
Maybe that was why she loathed Billy upon meeting him that windy autumn day.
Billy Hargrove was the exact opposite. He never pretended to know better. Not as far as Evie’s soul was concerned. Evie didn’t grovel. Didn’t beg his forgiveness for the slightest misstep or incorrect thought. They nipped at each other, but it was an equal exchange.
Billy’s not a prince. He didn’t try to be either.
He didn’t shake her hand when they met. Not until Neil made him. He doesn’t always hold doors. Doesn’t constantly have to have Evie under his arm. Under his eye.
Especially doesn’t start slamming things when she laughs at Tommy’s stupid jokes or shares her drinks with Steve. He didn’t tell her she couldn’t hang out with Heather or Carol without him. Didn’t steer her from her mother or friends. He also didn’t pry for secrets out of mistrust.
He doesn’t care what she does as long as she isn’t getting herself into deep shit. Without him. His words. He’s not perfect and he doesn’t try to be.
Billy drove like shit. He smoked too much. He got into fights. He could be a total sourpuss grump, but he doesn’t grab Evie to leave bruises over it.
He fucked hard though, he always made sure Evie got off. Never unzips unprompted. Girls hit on him and he says that he’s seeing someone. Easy enough. Sometimes gesturing to Evie if she’s in the room. No need to bother her with pointless shit.
They were always aware of each other even if they didn’t interact. Something magical there neither could place.
Billy knew things Fredrick didn’t care to remember about Evie as well. How she’s a talented roller skater. What she liked on her cheeseburger. Her favorite movie snacks. Her order when they grab Chinese. The articles of clothing that always comforted her on bad days. How to gauge her mood by the song she’d hum or the book in her hand.
How she tapped the rhythm of songs she wrote into flesh and hard surfaces. How she wanted to turn the radio up when her favorite song was on, but politely doesn’t always. Billy does it for her.
He doesn’t comment when she eats and doesn’t care what she wears out or to bed.
He’s often trying to piece together the bits of songs he hears her humming and creating. She’ll share them with him one day, he won’t make her.
Billy’s not a prince. He’s probably beaten up a few in his day. But, he remembers. He pays attention. He lets Evie exist as her own soul and take up her own needed space. 
They’re two equal stars twinkling pleasantly in the same shared constellation.
There’s plenty he didn’t tell her. About himself. About his life. Things he wanted to share, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Maybe one day. She needed to trust him enough in that light. And she did.
Before getting together, Evie thought of Billy too often when she was with Fredrick. Especially when she was under him. Counting the seconds before he finished with her. She hadn’t been warmed up enough and her prince was hurting her with his passion. 
She wondered about asking him to stop. If he would. If he’d ignore her and chase his end. If he’d bruise her wrists again. A lot could be said about Billy, but he’d stop.
He wouldn’t ignore this beautiful star he’s so well attuned to. Billy wouldn’t hurt Evie and call it passion. He’d own his shit.
But, they tell her Billy isn’t the prince and the princess always was supposed to end up with her prince. Billy was a lone, glittering god with his own marble pedestal. Unobtainable. Eyes that watch the mortals below.
Maybe he’ll grace them with his presence and a fresh set of shiny arrows. Messy, little Eros with a laundry list of issues and vices he’ll never outrun. Evie didn’t mind to carry a few vices if he’d watch hers too. She was just a mortal girl with dreams higher than stars could go. Piled with dead weight as Fredrick collapsed into her. Smothering her. 
And Evie’s first thought was always the shine of Billy’s eyes blaring into her after Fredrick dropped her at the end of Cherry Land so she could walk home. Defeated and wanting for more. They broke her heart.
Fredrick pushed down. Crushed her until Evie was gasping herself awake in her own bed. Eons later after she left him. After he shattered her already.
“Squirming more than usual.” A voice in the pillows next to her muttered. Billy groaned, turning over like he was annoyed. 
Evie knew he wasn’t. She didn’t feel her heart give an unpleasant clench like she’d upset him. One arm slung over her stomach as Billy stretched back out on his front, facing her. A barely there glow from the moon trickled between the curtains showing his lashes fluttering.
“Just a dream.” Evie reached out and traced a line into his shoulder. Let her finger trail up to tap his nose. Made him scrunch and look sorta adorable.
“Well, it’s over.” Billy closed his eyes. Nestled into her heat. “Try rolling for another.”
“I like this better.” She caught his lip twitching up. Billy remained silent for a while there. Almost lulling back to sleep. He shifted up. Revived Evie with a simple, cathartic kiss. Mapping more across her cheek as lazy as can be. 
They still felt carefully packaged. Billy had a way with careless affection that was still so striking and beautiful. Flaming arrows through her heart. 
They don’t hurt. So few things hurt with Billy. Evie liked to think she returned that.
His arm tightened.
“I’ll roll this time.”
And Evie could let him without sacrificing her own agency. Her own narrative.
Fingers reached up to draw select gold curls aside. She decided princes were small and overrated. Billy had wings and he had light and he had a swelter of carefully exposed nerves that he trusted Evie to pluck. A heart he let her guard. He wouldn’t ask but she’d give that back.
Love cannot exist without soul. Without trust. 
Evie pushed up to meet his oncoming kiss. Brought him back down to touch the soft earth with her. Where they felt safe together.
She realized it then as Billy shifted up to see her there. Fredrick never made her feel safe, he just used her to save himself. Sunk his teeth in to suck her dry of vitality so he could have it. 
She didn’t ask Billy if he trusted her. Didn’t tell him in this moment that she trusted him. That was destiny. Not the draining of your soul until you’re forced to give it over.
Sometimes it was just knowing the obvious placement of stars. Glittery dust might sprinkle delicately over them.
“Let’s roll later,” Evie nudged her head into his, “always time for dreaming. But, I think I want to be wide awake right now. Hope that’s not too disappointing.” Hands shifted around his shoulders. A fuller smile crossed and Billy matched it. Blue eyes glinting almost iridescent. He hummed in thought. Seemed to agree. 
“Evangeline,” he sounded out with some lazy amusement, “you couldn’t disappoint me if you tried, you know that?” Billy settled himself against her. Continued to map his euphoric paths. Stroking her cheek and hair. Sparking. Hushing. “Hope you know that much, Angel.”
“I know, Billy,” she sighed out to the forgiving cloak of night, “I do.”
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sweetingly · 5 years
My Darlin’
A Billy Hargrove Imagine (a short series)
Third Person POV:
“Come on Y/N, we have to go! Every single senior is going and we can’t seem like total losers.” Steve, her best friend, whined while tugging on her arm.
Y/N laughed at her friend’s childish behavior, slamming her locker shut. “I wish I could go Steve, but I already told you my family and I have plans for the tonight.”
His brown eyes stare at her pleadingly, and she lets out a low groan. Every time he gave her the same look he was giving now, she couldn’t turn him down. “Alright, alright! You better give me the best damn lie to tell my family though.”
“Oh trust me, I won’t let you down, buddy.” He teases before leaving her alone at locker and heading towards his class.
Taking that as her cue to get to her fifth period, she begins walking the opposite direction. Checking if she had everything she needed for Calculus, her eyes were searching over the book and supplies in her arms. Without a warning, her body collides into another person, their arms wrapping around her waist to keep her from falling.
“Woah there, darlin’.” A deep, husky voice catches Y/N’s attention and she’s met with a new face. A new hot face.
His low chuckle brings her back to reality, and she clings onto her belongings tighter. “For future preferences, you should probably keep your eyes up.” The newbie tells her before letting her go and walking in the other direction.
Y/N can’t help, but watch as he stops to speak to a group of other students. All of them laughing at something real quick then he continued walking down the hallway. Her daydreaming was interrupted once the late bell rang loudly, causing her to race to her class on the second floor.
The bell rang signaling the students that the school day was finally over and their Friday festivities could begin. Stuffing her belongings in her backpack, Y/N stalks out of the classroom following the rest of her classmates. She had got everything she needed out of her locker so all she needed to do was meet Steve at his car.
“Hop in dipshit!” Steve pulls up in front Y/N before she could go look for his car in the lot. She rolls her eyes at the new nickname, climbing in the vehicle and throwing her bag into the backseat. “I was thinking we could hang at the mall until the party starts.”
Y/N nods, “Sounds fun, just take me home first. I hope you came up with the best lie ever that you’ll be telling my parents.”
“Oh trust me, it’ll probably be the best one I’ve made up.” Steve smiles happily, and with that they begin to make their way to Y/N’s house.
The radio in Steve’s car plays music on a low volume so the two could hear one another if they were to speak. However, while Y/N sat in the front seat her mind still wondered about the newbie who she had ran into earlier.
“Hey, did you know we had a new kid?” She questions breaking the silence. “I bumped into him before fifth.”
Steve shakes his head while keeping his eyes on the road. “No. You know how it is at our school when we get new people, no one really cares. If they do then that means they must be someone like you.”
“Like me? What’s that suppose to mean?” She lightly chuckles, feeling confused.
“Oh come on, don’t play dumb. As soon as people heard that the mayors daughter would be moving here- literally the whole town wanted to get to know you. Open your eyes, Y/N, we all see you as the most perfect person ever.” He explains and Y/N thought about it for a second, realizing he was actually correct.
Even though the newbie was unexplainably hot, Y/N noticed how no one- not even the troublesomes spoke about him in her classes.
With no more words exchanged on the topic, Steve parked the car once they arrived at her house. They both climb out of the car and Steve locks it behind them as they begin to walk towards the huge house.
“I’m home, Daddy!” Y/N happily announces when they get inside. Before her and Steve got a chance to go speak to her parents, two little children came running towards them.
“Stevie!!” The kids singsonged as they wrapped their arms below his waist. “Are you joining us for family night?” Tony questioned.
Steve sends them a sad frown, “I won’t be tonight, I actually wanted to know if I could steal your sister for the night. What do you guys think?”
Kate happily claps her hands once she lets go of Steve, clinging on to the hem of Y/N’s shirt. “Are you finally going on a date? This is great!”
Steve and Y/N look at each other before laughing, Y/N bending down to her sister‘s level. “Oh no, we’ll just be hanging out with each other as friends- nothing more.”
As Y/N explained that to Kate, Steve wanted to jump and finally admit that he didn’t Y/N see as a friend anymore. He’s liked her every since he first laid eyes on her, but she’d never see him in that type of way. So he kept his mouth shut, her Dad and Stepmom making their way to the front entrance.
“Oh what a surprise!” Winnie’s smiles when she sees the two teens at the door with the youngins. “Steve, will you be joining us tonight?” Larry questions, his hand sinking down into his pockets.
Steve shakes his head, “Not tonight, sir. I was wondering if I could steal Y/N for night? We’ll just be going to the mall and then back to my house, since a few us are getting together for study session.”
Her eyes widen when she hears study session. This really was NOT his best one yet, she thought. But of course, with her parent being airheads half of the time, they believed him and his charming personality.
“I don’t see why we’d say no to that.” Winnie proudly stated, “Y/N, why don’t you go freshen up before you guys head out.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, telling Steve she’d meet him at the car before she ran upstairs to change. Throwing her bag on her bed, she races over to her closet choosing a outfit for a party, but also making sure it was something she’d “study” in. Once she found a simple white tee and a denim skirt she threw it on along with her slightly dirty white converse. Grabbing her purse and shoving her wallet and other personal items into it, she ran back downstairs.
“Love you guys, have a goodnight!” She shouts, and runs out the door before more words could be shared.
Getting into the car, Steve noticed that Y/N was actually dressed in something different aside from her normal jeans and graphic tees. Not that he had a problem with her normal style- it was just nice seeing the girly side of his best friend every now and then.
“You going to drive or just stare at me the whole time, creep?” She teases, breaking him away from his daze.
He shrugs it off by playful rolling his eyes, “Let the fun begin.”
Some teens would be super excited to go to parties considering it involved drinking, drugs, sex, and dancing. However, Y/N wasn’t enjoying it one bit. The girl had been left alone about twenty minutes ago when Steve had been invited to play a game in another part of the house. Y/N being her usual self, she decided to stay on the couch alone while drunken laughter and horrible singing surrounded her.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N?” Someone questioned from beside her, and she made eye contact with someone, whom she didn’t exactly recognize.
Her brow raises as she turns to the unfamiliar face. “I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong one, dude.”
The person chuckles, “How could you forget your ole’ buddy from the eighth grade?”
“Oh my god! Logan, what are you doing here?” She happily gives him a friendly hug, pulling away after a second.
“I’m just visiting a friend for the weekend. He told me about this party and I didn’t wanna come at first, but I’m glad I did now.” He winks, causing her to blush a little.
“You must be exhausted from your drive from Chicago. How long did it take you?” Y/N asks, sipping on her drink from the red plastic cup.
Logan shakes his head, “Not long, besides I’d rather drive hours than stay in that hellhole back in Chicago.” He tells her and she sends him a slightly sympathetic expression.
“Damn, I’m sorry to hear you still have to deal with your shitty parents. Just know that you have this school year to get through and then you can finally move out.” She assures him and he agrees.
“Yeah, I can’t wait- hoping to move someplace on the west coast. I need something new.” He explains. “Enough about my sob story though, how does it feel to be known as the Mayor’s daughter? I heard you became popular quick once you moved down here.”
Y/N lets out a light laugh, “I guess you could say that, but it honestly feels pretty normal to me. I really just want everyone to treat me like they treat others so that’s what they do. I do appreciate being here more than Chicago- I feel more welcomed by my Dad and his family.”
Logan knew what she meant by the last part and he felt sympathy for her too. Scooting closer to her he places a hand on her thigh which Y/N doesn’t take too well, causing her to pull away instantly. She sends him an awkward smile before losing eye contact with him.
“Who’s your friend that you’re visiting? I might know them since it’s such a small town.” She changes the subject.
“His name’s Tommy- I’ve heard he’s known as the biggest dick in this town.” He says.
“Oh I’ve heard that too...I’ve never really spoken to him, but I hear lots of rumors and they’re not good ones.” She admits, instantly knowing who his friend was.
Once that was said, silence floats between the both of them. Without saying anything else, Logan felt the need to place his hand on her thigh again. Y/N’s breath hitching, and it wasn’t because she liked it- she actually felt uncomfortable.
“Logan...” Her sentence stops once she turns to him only to realize how close his face was to hers. “Could you-“
“Relax, Y/N.” He whispers and that’s when she smells the beer in his breath.
He was drunk this whole time and she hadn’t even noticed.
Before she got a chance to speak, his lips press to hers. The kiss he wanted to last forever only lasted for less than second, especially since she pushed him away. Her fist instantly colliding with his left eye as soon as she got the chance.
“What the absolute fuck?! You’re such a dickhead!” She shouts, getting up and running upstairs, making sure he didn’t follow.
Running to the first bedroom, she swings the door open making sure to close it and lock it behind her. She had no clue where Steve was, but she was staying in here until it was time to go.
“What’s got you in such a hurry?” A voice says from behind her, almost giving her a heart attack. Spinning around she’s met with the newbie from school, a lit cancerous stick was placed in between his lips.
“Damn,” He chuckled as he took the cig out. “Cat got your tongue again?”
Y/N breaks away from her thoughts, completely forgetting they were the only two in the room and he was obviously talking to her.
“I’m sorry,” She manages to speak up, heavy breaths still escaping from her as she tried to recover from the sprinting she had just did. “Umm, I was just playing around with a friend- a little game of hide and seek.”
“Well it doesn’t seem like a game, considering that your arm is bleeding.” He points the cig to her right arm.
“Huh?” Her eyes then glance down to where he was looking and she finally saw it. Logan must’ve scratched her in the process, but she was too busy worrying about getting him off her to where she didn’t even notice it until now. “It’s fine...I’m fine.”
Newbie chuckles once more, “No you’re not, let me clean it up for you, darlin’.” Without giving her chance to respond, he grabs a hold of her hand, taking her into the bedroom’s bathroom.
Y/N hops on the counter as he opens the top drawer for the first aid kit. She can’t help but feel somewhat shy as she sat there.
“You really don’t talk much, do you?” He breaks the silence, getting out the alcohol and the wrapping bandage.
She shrugs, not really knowing what to say. “I do talk, I just don’t know you...that’s all.”
Not giving a warning he rubs alcohol on the the three scratches and she jumps, hissing at the same time.
“My bad, I meant to give you a heads up.” He apologizes, fanning the area so it’d dry quicker. “Billy.” He simply says after a few minutes, causing her to raise her eyebrow in confusion. “My name’s Billy. See, now you know me so you can talk more.”
Y/N chuckles, “You’re still a complete stranger to me. For all I know, you could be the town’s serial killer.”
“Well I’m not,” He states as he finishes up wrapping up the cuts. “Plus a serial killer wouldn’t help their victims clean up their wounds. If I were then you’d be dead be now.”
“Mm, I guess you’ve got a point.” Y/N begins, swinging her legs back and forth. “Y/N, my name’s Y/N by the way.”
Billy eyes her for a second as he still stood in between her legs, his arms then set themselves on both sides of her. The smell of smoke and cologne filled Y/N’s nostrils, but for some reason she didn’t mind it.
“I remember bumping into you during school, but I didn’t know you were the famous Y/N.” He says after a few seconds of silence, his body still close to hers. “You’re nothing like who I imagined.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow, as she crosses her arms over her chest. “What did you imagine me as?”
He shrugs, fixing the position his legs were in. “Bitchy.” He simple says, a small smirk making its way onto his lips.
“Wow I don’t know if I should be offended or not.” She tells him, a teasingly.
Billy lowly laughs, backing off of her. He then digs into his back pocket pulling out another cig and lighting it.
“You know smoking’s bad for you.” Y/N sasses as she watches him blow out a puff of smoke. “Oh yeah? Who would’ve thought that.” He sarcastically answered, walking out of the bathroom.
Following behind him, she watches as he grabs his jacket and car keys off the bed.
“Are you leaving?” She questions, pausing him in his tracks. “Or going back down to the party?”
“There’s no way I’m going back down to that lame ass party.” He tells her, putting the cig into his mouth.
“Take me with you.” She blurts without thinking, Billy raising an eyebrow in her direction. “Please?”
“You thought I was a serial killer earlier and now you want to join me on ditching some party?“ He asks and she happily nods.
“I’d rather not be here anyway and I can’t find my friend- I just wanna get out of here too, especially after what happened.” She explains, referring to the small incident that happened with Logan earlier.
Billy scans over her face, and he notices that she seemed somewhat afraid. He figured that whatever traumatic event occurred then it be on her mind for awhile. Having some sympathy for her, he sighs, letting out a puff of smoke once again.
“Alright.” Billy simple says, “You can join me.”
“Oh thank god.” She smiles, following him out of the room. “Where are we going?”
Billy stares down at her, “Just trust me- it’ll be someplace better than here, darlin’.”
My apologies this is just my first imagine so it’s not the best, but I promise the next part will be better! Anyway, I’m a new blog and I’ll be writing imagines for Dacre Montgomery/Billy Hargrove, Joe Keery/Steve Harrington, Tom Holland/Peter Parker, any of the Why Dont We boy, and Dylan O’Brien. So if you have any requests then send them to me and I’ll try my best to get to them soon. Much love!! <3 <3
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cocastyle · 5 years
Pairing - Steve Harrington x platonic!reader
Word Count - 5,997
Warning - none
A/N - this is my first request and I couldn’t be more excited about writing it! if anyone would like to request something, I write for so many different fandoms that can all be found under my master list! some that I write for haven’t even been added yet so always feel free to ask! for this request I have decided to explore a Steve and Y/N brother/sister bond much like the one seen in my In-Between series (this is in no way connected to the series though and will showcase a little Dustin Henderson x reader) anyways, I really hope everyone likes this!
Request - I love the fact that Steve and Y/N have a brother sister relationship in the In-Between and I was wondering if you could do something on that like him being protective of the reader during the tunnels scene in ST2 @nerdy-collector-festival
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Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N didn't have the best parents in the world. With neither one of their parents ever home and an empty house most of the time, the two were often left to fend for themselves and it had been like that from a young age.
The only source of comfort either of them had was each other. Y/N and Steve's parents had been best friends since college, so since the day Y/N was born Steve was always by her side. Neither of them even minded the five year age gap between them and still considered the other to be their best friend and the person they hung out the most with.
Or that was how it used to be before the events of 1983 where the two witnessed some horrific events that were sure to be in their nightmares for the rest of their lives. It was that night when Y/N was fighting to save one of her other best friends Will Byers and Steve was trying to protect Y/N from a demogorgon that the two realized just how much the other meant to them.
And that realization was almost too much for either of them to handle. After having practically no family for their whole lives and then realizing that their best friend, the person who they cared about most in the world, was their family was enough to make them both take a step back and away from each other.
They didn't know how to handle this new realization and neither wanted to harm their friendship, even if by the two pulling away it meant exactly that.
So the year after the events of 1983 was tough for the two. It's not that they never hung out with each other cause they did, but their normal hangouts just weren't as frequent, the two finding new people to hang around more often. For Steve that was Nancy Wheeler, his girlfriend who he put all of his time and love into. For Y/N that was the members of the Party or more specifically Dustin Henderson who she had grown to develop a small crush on over the past year.
But then Halloween in 1984 hit and the two were thrust back into each other's lives, both of them realizing how stupid and ignorant they had been over the past year but still knowing that nothing had changed. Steve was still the protective brother — or mom as Y/N liked to say — that he was and Y/N was still just as loving and protective as any other sister.
However, the year they spent semi-away from each other made Y/N realize just how much she had depended on Steve. She had expected him to keep her steady when she needed it most, to protect her from everything bad, and to cheer her up whenever she felt down. It annoyed her when she thought about it and she felt guilty and ashamed for having put such a big responsibility on Steve for all of these years, wondering if all he had ever seen her as was just that—a responsibility.
So when the Party had all decided to head to the tunnels that connected to the Mind Flayer, the latest antagonist who currently had control of Will and who Eleven was trying to defeat, Y/N knew that Steve was only tagging along to make sure that she was safe and to keep her out of trouble. This was enough to make her frustrated and even upset, especially when she saw Steve get beat up by Billy Hargrove just because of her.
"Guys," Steve's voice rang through her ears causing the young girl to snap out of her thoughts as she continued to get supplies out of the back of the car, the others all roaming around her as they too got ready to enter the tunnels down below. "Oh, no. Guys."
"Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now," Steve yelled almost deliriously as he looked around at the kids. His eyes flickered over to Y/N and Dustin who were busy putting goggles on and bandanas over their faces. He gave them a pointed look and said, "I made myself clear."
Y/N rolled her eyes and continued to struggle putting her goggles on while Steve babbled on beside them, slowly coming more and more to his senses as he managed to pull himself up onto his feet.
"Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!" Steve yelled in frustration, but everyone continued to ignore him.
Dustin told his eyes at the boy and turned to Y/N, gently grabbing her goggles and fixing them on her face as he looked back at Steve.
"Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance," Dustin said, not noticing the small blush on Y/N's face as he finished fixing her goggles and gave her a small smile.
Y/N quickly cleared her throat and looked to the older boy who furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the two before shaking his head and locking eyes with her. "Listen, Harrington, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe," Y/N said as she grabbed a backpack that had Steve's bat poking out of it. She shoved it into his hands a little roughly before saying, "So man the fuck up and do your job."
She then gave the boy a sickly sweet smile and pulled her bandana over half of her face and grabbed a crowbar and a container of fuel before walking away without another word. Dustin smiled after her before noticing Steve looking at him. "She's amazing," Dustin said almost dreamily before he hurried along after the girl leaving Steve frowning and mumbling to himself.
Y/N didn't hesitate to jump down into the tunnel, the others surrounding her as they looked down the dirt tunnel that had floating pieces of decay in the air. The young girl grimaced before someone landing beside her had her turning to see Steve standing there. His head moved towards her and they both stared at each other for a moment before she nodded her head at him, the boy returning it almost instantly.
Steve then looked away before letting his eyes flicker over the scenery around him. "Holy shit," he breathed out, the fact that the decaying place they were in was supposed to be the ground underneath a pumpkin farm seeming totally wrong.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way," Mike called out as he glanced up from the map he was looking at, an X marking the spot that they had determined to be the best place to set up their trap.
"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin called out from where he was looking just a little ways away.
"I'm 100% sure!" Mike replied. "Just follow me and you'll know."
Y/N glanced at Dustin and the two shrugged before beginning to walk after Mike who had started down one of the paths. Steve looked at them as if they were crazy, which was hard for them to see because of the mask, and he quickly stopped Mike before saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so."
"What?" Y/N asked annoyed as she turned to look at the boy.
"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame," Steve explained. "Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. L/N, you stick by my side, okay? Come on, let's go."
Steve began to walk forward, but didn't go far because Y/N wasn't by his side. He threw his head back in her direction as if to give her a pointed look and Y/N huffed before reluctantly leaving Dustin's side to go walk beside Steve.
It was only when she was by his side that the boy began to walk forward, knowing that if she was by his side he would be able to see if anything was going to happen to her. Steve glanced back at the others and gestured in front of him as if to tell them to hurry up.
"Come on. Hey, a little hustle."
- - -
The further the group got into the back of the tunnels, the grosser it became. Y/N felt as if she were going to puke by the time they reached these decaying flower looking things, the way they moved and the sound it made making her stomach churn.
"God," she muttered as she held a hand to her stomach.
Steve instantly glanced over at her. "You okay? Do you need us to head back?" he asked worriedly, the action making Y/N groan inwardly as she was once again reminded by how much of a burden and responsibility she was.
"I'm fine," she grumbled, but that seemed to be enough for Steve who looked back ahead as he led the group forward.
"What is this place?" Max questioned, her nose crinkling up underneath her bandana.
Steve ignored the girl seeing as he didn't know the answer to her question and just said, "Guys, come on. Keep moving."
The kids all shared a look before following after the older boy, none of them noticing Dustin who had paused to look up at one of the pulsing flower buds above him. "What the hell?" he muttered, but the words had barely left his mouth before the thing was suddenly shooting something through the air at him, the decay and dust hitting Dustin right in the face and causing the boy to scream.
Y/N was the first to hear Dustin scream and she instantly perked up before turning and realizing that the boy was no longer with them. "Dustin!" she cried out before running back in the direction they came.
"Y/N!" Steve yelled as he tried to grab her, but the girl was already gone.
"Shit! Help! Help! Help!" Dustin yelled as Y/N turned a corner to find the boy stumbling in her direction. His body collided with hers almost instantly and he gripped onto her arms while she tried to steady him.
"Dustin," she breathed out as her eyes scanned him for any injuries, but it was hard for her to tell when he was moving around frantically  and still screaming slightly out of terror.
"Shit!" Dustin screamed.
"Dustin!" Lucas, Max, Mike, and Steve exclaimed as they came running back over to them.
"What happened?" Y/N asked worriedly as she gripped onto the boy.
Dustin whimpered slightly before saying, "It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" The boy pulled away from Y/N to have a coughing attack all while the five of them stared at him worriedly. Y/N backed into Steve slightly in fright, the older boy placing a hand on her shoulder to tell her that he was there.
Dustin continued to cough for a bit longer and even pulled his bandana down before he suddenly went quiet, his body freezing before he turned his head to them and said in a totally normal voice, "I'm okay."
"You serious?" Max asked as the group all relaxed, Dustin just staring up at them through his goggles as he gave them a nervous smile.
"Very funny, man. Nice. Very nice," Steve muttered before he turned and began to walk away. "Jesus, what an idiot."
Everyone began to walk away except for Y/N who just stared at Dustin with her arms crossed in front of her body. Dustin stared at her in silence before whispering out a questioning, "I'm sorry?"
Y/N couldn't stop herself from chuckling softly as she went over and held a hand out for the boy. Dustin quickly took it and she helped him up onto his feet, the boy stumbling slightly into her so that they stood face to face.
"You idiot," she muttered as she stared at her, her eyes flickering over his face while he just gave her a small smile. "I thought you were about to die before my eyes or something."
"I would never," Dustin replied making Y/N chuckle before she pulled her bandana down and leaned forward to press a small kiss to his cheek.
Dustin's smile instantly fell, his whole face being covered by an expression of shock while Y/N put her bandana back over her face. "Good," she said all while Dustin looked to her and let a goofy grin appear on his face.
"Y/N L/N, why is there any empty spot by my side?" Steve's voice echoed through the tunnels making Y/N groan and lean her head against Dustin's shoulder for a moment.
"I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist," Y/N yelled back before she chuckled and held a hand out for Dustin, the boy smiling at her and taking her hand before the two ran to catch up with the others.
- - -
"Alright, Wheeler," Steve said as he looked at the room around them that had multiple tunnels attaching to it, "I think we found your hub."
"Let's drench it," Mike announced as he looked to the Party, the kids all nodding in response. Y/N picked up her container of fuel and was about to start dumping out its contents when Steve stopped her.
"Yeah, you and flammable liquid? Not a good idea," Steve muttered as he took the container from the girl's hand and shoved it towards Max who took it, but not without giving Y/N an apologetic look.
"Steve," Y/N sighed in frustration, her eyes flickering up to the boy who she knew was just trying to protect her. "I can help."
"I'm just trying to keep you safe. That's why I'm here, isn't it?" Steve questioned as he glanced at the girl. He noticed Y/N's shoulders slump and sighed before squeezing her shoulder. "I know you can help, squirt. But right now, it's my responsibility to make sure you're safe."
Then the boy walked away to make sure the other kids weren't being idiots, leaving Y/N staring after him practically shaking in anger.
A presence beside her had the girl turning to see Dustin standing there with his head tilted to the side. "You okay?" he asked, his voice soft and laced with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just frustrated is all," Y/N replied as she glanced back over at Steve. "I'm not just some responsibility of his, you know?"
"Y/N, Steve doesn't think of you as just some responsibility. You're-" Dustin began, but the girl shook her head.
"Sorry, Dustin. I just. . .I need to be alone for a couple of minutes," she muttered before walking away, obviously still upset and frustrated much to Dustin's dismay.
Dustin sighed and went back to drenching the area around him, the others all working silently as they could practically feel the tension radiating off of Y/N towards the unsuspecting Steve.
They drenched every inch of that place while Y/N watched from the side, her scowl hidden by the bandana over her face. It was only when the place was covered that they joined the girl at the edge of the tunnel they had come down a couple of minutes before.
Y/N shook off her anger and reached into her pocket for the small lighter, a smile beginning to grow on her face as she realized maybe she wasn't going to be completely helpless.
"You ready?" Steve asked, his eyes staring at the place before him, still not having noticed Y/N holding the lighter.
Dustin glanced at Y/N and gave her a small nod before saying, "Light her up."
Y/N smirked under her mask before opening her lighter, a flame instantly becoming visible and finally drawing Steve's attention. The boy's eyes widened and he was quick to reach out and try and stop the girl.
"Yeah, no. Someone else is doing this, not you," Steve demanded as he tried to grab for the lighter, but Y/N was quick and held her hand away, making the others back away from the flame in her hand.
"What? Why?" Y/N asked in a panicked voice.
"Cause I don't want you getting hurt, you got that?" Steve muttered angrily as he tried to reach for the lighter again. "Y/N."
"Can you stop worrying about me for one second and let me help out?" Y/N asked a tad bit aggressively. "Since we've gotten down here all you've done is baby me! I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
Steve's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows even though no one could tell. They did see him cross his arms, however, and heard him say, "See, this is where you're wrong. All I'm trying to do is protect you."
Y/N scoffed and Steve tried to reach for the lighter again. "I'm trying to keep your ass from getting hurt, got that? I've been taking care of you since day one, L/N! You've gotten into so much shit that I can't even count it anymore!" Steve groaned in frustration.
Y/N froze slightly before turning to the boy in anger, her eyes blazing with a fire more intense than the one in her hand. "Well, quit taking care of me! If I'm such a burden then why don't you just leave me the hell alone, huh? You didn't even have to come here, asshole!" she yelled.
Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You know I did," he said.
"No, you didn't. I'm not your fucking responsibility! So quit acting like that's all I am," Y/N hissed, her eyes pricking with tears and making Steve freeze.
A silence fell among the group and Steve was frozen for a second longer before he glanced at the others who had all looked away. It was then that he realized that Y/N actually did believe she was nothing more than a responsibility to him. This made the boy frown and he went to place a hand on her shoulder as he whispered, "Y/N, you're not-"
Y/N was quick to shove the boy away, a determined look on her face as she turned back to the tunnel. "Not right now, Harrington. It's time to light this motherfucker up," she muttered before tossing the lighter into the pit.
The room instantly went up in flames and their eyes widened before Y/N began to whack Mike and Dustin who were closest to her. "Go, go, go!" she yelled as a loud shrieking sound filled the air, the ground popping up and flailing around them, finally exposing the parts of the Mind Flayer.
Y/N stumbled slightly as she tried to get up, but Steve didn't hesitate to grab ahold of her jacket and pull her onto her feet. Y/N glanced back at him, but he wouldn't meet her eyes as he shoved her forward and in front of him, the fire beginning to make its way towards them as he yelled, "Let's go, let's go!"
Y/N felt a feeling of guilt wash over her and she frowned slightly as she realized that she might have been a little harsh on Steve. However, the boy didn't give her time to do or say anything before he was shoving her again and yelling, "Move, Y/N!"
The girl nodded and began to rush forward along with the others, Steve right behind them. All Y/N could hear as they ran was the shrieking coming from the small cave and Dustin beside her yelling, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"
It was only when they were a little over halfway of the way back to where they had come in that something grabbed ahold of Y/N's foot, instantly yanking the girl to the ground while the others all ran forward.
A scream escaped her lips, her arms outstretched as she yelled, "Help! Help!" Steve was the first to react and it was like his instincts kicked in making him run faster than he ever had before. Steve was back by the girl's side within seconds, his bat raised in the air before he began hitting the slimy tentacle that was wrapped around Y/N's leg.
"Steve!" Y/N cried out in a panic as the thing began to drag her, but then Mike and Lucas were behind her and pulling her back while Steve continued to whack the tentacle.
It took a few more hits before the tentacle thing broke in half, instantly letting go of the girl. Y/N was screaming at this point, the part still attached to her leg squeezing her ankle so hard it felt like it was cutting off the circulation. Steve had the thing off of her leg in a matter of seconds before he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto her feet.
Y/N gripped onto the boy's arm frantically while he stared at her with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Y/N, are you okay?" he asked as he tried to calm the shaking girl down. All Y/N could do was bury her face into the boy's side while Steve just held her tightly.
"Guys, we gotta go! We gotta go now!" Dustin exclaimed as he tried to shove the group forward, but a growl suddenly had the group freezing in place.
Standing behind them, in the direction that they needed to go was a demodog. However, this one seemed to be a little different than the others.
"Dart," Dustin breathed out as he took a step towards the creature, an action that had Y/N quickly reaching out for the boy and patching onto his arm before pulling him back to her.
"Dustin, get back!" Y/N exclaimed as she held the boy close to her, her body leaning against Steve for support while the group all looked at the boy like he was crazy.
The demodog made some sort of noise that sounded like chatter and Dustin stared at him for a minute before glancing at Y/N. "It's okay, Y/N. Trust me," he whispered. Y/N was wide eyed as she stared at Dustin, but she eventually let her hold on him drop as she put all of her trust into the boy.
Dustin nodded slightly at Y/N as if to say thanks and to assure her that he would be fine before he turned and took a step closer to the demodog. "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right?" he said as he pulled the goggles up onto his forehead and the bandana down from his face. He smiled softly at the creature before kneeling down in front of it. "You remember me? Will you let us pass?"
Dart suddenly snarled in Dustin's face, its own face opening up like a flower to showcase its teeth making the group all jump back and Y/N gasp in fright. Dustin didn't seem fazed and just sighed, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?"
The group watched as Dustin began to take his backpack off with the intention of pulling food out of it for the demodog. Lucas raised his eyebrows and muttered, "He's insane."
"Shut up," Y/N and Steve hissed at the boy making Lucas hold his hands up in surrender.
"I've got our favorite," Dustin announced as he pulled a small candy bar out of his backpack. "See? Nougat." Dart grunted in reply and Dustin took that as a good sign before breaking off a piece and tossing it onto the ground. Dart leaned forward and sniffed the candy before slowly beginning to eat it which made Dustin smile.
"Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy," Dustin said before tossing the rest of the candy onto the ground. He then stood up and glanced back at his friends before nodding at them to go ahead.
"Come on. Come on," Steve whispered as he began to walk forward, his hand intertwined with Y/N who wouldn't let go. "Let's go."
The group slowly snuck by Dart and watched as Dustin smiled at the creature, "There's plenty. I've got more." Dustin threw one more bar onto the ground before staring down at the demodog. He smiled sadly before whispering, "Goodbye, buddy."
He then turned and his eyes locked with Y/N who merely held a hand out for him. Dustin took it and the group began to move forward again, leaving Dart behind to eat his nougat while Steve's voice echoed in the air.
"Let's go, let's go!"
- - -
The group hadn't been walking for long before they soon realized that the demodogs were after them, the roaring behind them being enough evidence to prove the fact. Steve was pulling Y/N along at this point, the other kids all stumbling behind them as they ran through the tunnel.
"Run! Run! Let's go! Let's go!"
"There!" Y/N yelled as she pointed a little ways ahead of them where the rope they had used to get down into the tunnels could be seen hanging in the hole.
The group picked up their speed and made it to the rope where Max instantly began to climb up with the help of Steve. Lucas went next and then Mike before Dustin quickly followed.
That left Steve and Y/N, the later shoving the boy towards the rope and saying, "It's easier if you go up and then pull me up from there! Now move!" Steve didn't have time to yell back because the growling was only getting closer and the kids were all yelling at him to hurry up.
"Come on! Let's go. Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! Come on!" Lucas and Mike yelled as they struggled to help the boy up. Y/N felt herself relax once she saw that Steve made it, but as soon as he had turned to help pull her up, the growling had reached them and Y/N could see the demodogs barreling towards her.
It was like everything moved in slow motion at that point, her head moving so that her eyes locked with Steve's, a panicked look on her face as she screamed out, "Steve!"
"No!" Steve yelled, but it was too late, the demodogs were there. Y/N gripped onto the rope and squeezed her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than a peaceful and quick death, but before she knew what was happening, there was a soft thud in front of her before two arms wrapped around her.
Y/N blinked her eyes open before gasping at the sight of Steve holding her protectively as he held his body like a shield for the girl. Y/N knew it wouldn't do much to keep the demodogs away, but she didn't think too much of it as she just gripped onto the boy and dug her face into his side.
The demodogs pounced at them, but to their surprise, they only seemed to move around them, their destination being something behind them. The two pulled away from each other to watch the demodogs rush by, both of them confused as to what was going on before they heard Mike whisper from above, "Eleven."
It was when the demodogs were gone that Y/N finally allowed herself to look to Steve, her eyes wide with surprise at the fact that he had just tossed himself in front of her to protect her. Steve was breathing heavy and he pulled the bandana off of his face before tossing the goggles off and letting his eyes lock with the girl.
A heavy silence fell among the two and all Steve could do was stare at the girl who was staring back at him with teary eyes filled with confusion.
"You're not just my responsibility," Steve finally said, his eyes flickering over the girl's face as he watched her inhale sharply. "I've known you since you were just a baby, L/N. I care about you more than I care about anyone else in this shitty town."
He paused for a moment before whispering, "You're my family, Y/N." The words were enough to make her breath catch in her throat, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she just stared at the boy in surprise.
Steve gulped and ran a hand through his hair as he gave her a nervous smile, "And it's my responsibility to keep my family safe."
Y/N's mouth fell open slightly as if she were about to say something, but nothing came out. Luckily for her, she was saved by Max yelling out, "Guys, come on!"
Steve nodded and quickly picked Y/N up before pushing her up so that she could grab onto the hands of her friends. She was instantly pulled into Dustin's arms, the boy gripping onto her tightly as the others all joined in on hugging the girl who they thought had been a goner only moments before.
While this happened, Steve managed to climb his way out of the hole, letting out a small grunt as he pulled himself up onto his feet. He took in a deep breath before turning his head, his eyes instantly locking with Y/N who gave him a small smile.
Steve couldn't help but smile back before he nodded at the girl and began walking back towards the car. And all Y/N could do was stare after him with unspoken words on the tip of her tongue.
You're my family too.
- - -
"Holy shit, aren't you looking gorgeous tonight," Steve teased as he leaned against his car, his eyes on Y/N who was walking towards his car in a navy dress, her hair back in a messy braid while her navy converse squeaked against the ground.
Y/N blushed and tugged at her dress slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable and wanting nothing more than to be in her favorite pair of sweatpants right at that moment. "Shut up," she muttered, her cheeks heating up even more when Steve let out a small laugh.
"Oh, come on. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I can't compliment you?" Steve questioned, his eyebrows raising as he stared at the girl with a small sparkle in his eyes, his smile so wide that his cheeks had begun to hurt.
He couldn't help but feel like a proud older brother in that moment as he stared at the girl before him. It felt like only yesterday she was still learning to tie her shoes and now here she was all dressed up and about to attend the big dance at school with a boy.
"No, I just. . .I don't know. I feel weird," Y/N muttered as she stared down at her feet.
"Don't be. You look beautiful and I'm sure Dustin is going to love it," Steve teased, the girl blushing even more at the mention of the boy who had asked her to the Snowball dance only a couple days prior. It had taken him two weeks to build up the courage to ask her and, with the help of Steve, the two were now going to be attending the dance together with Steve being their chauffeur.
"Speaking of Dustin, we need to go pick him up," Steve muttered as he glanced at the time on his watch. He pushed himself off of his car before opening up the door for the girl and smiling at her. "Come on, Princess. Let's go pick up your Prince Charming."
"Steve!" Y/N complained, but all the boy could do was chuckle in response as the girl hopped into the car.
The two sang along to their favorite songs all the way to Dustin's house, but by the time they reached the place and were waiting on said boy to come out, a silence had fallen among the two that made them both shift uncomfortably in their seats.
The two hadn't spoken about what Steve had said that day in the tunnels, neither of them knowing how to address it or what to even say. Their friendship was finally back on track, now with the exception of Y/N spending some more time with her other friends and allowing the two to have the necessary space away from each other that they needed in order for their relationship to grow.
But something was different and it mostly had to do with what had happened in the tunnels. Y/N knew she needed to address the situation, but she was still unsure on how to bring it up. Luckily for her, her nerves from having to see Dustin in a couple of minutes had her blurting out her feelings on the spot, making her predicament a whole lot easier.
"I think of you as family too, you know."
The words falling from her lips were enough to make both Steve and Y/N freeze almost instantly. Steve was the first to move and he let his eyes flicker over to the girl who blushed and looked down at her hands as she shrugged.
"You're all I've ever had since day one," she whispered as if it were obvious. "You're the only family I really know. I don't even care that we aren't blood related. You're more of a family to me than my own parents and sometimes I don't always show it. And I just. . ." Y/N paused before looking to the boy. "I really am thankful for you, you know?"
Steve was silent as he stared at her and Y/N couldn't help but feel like time was ticking by at an excruciatingly slow pace as she awaited some sort of response. But finally, a smile appeared on the boy's face and he softened slightly as he looked at her before he whispered, "I'm thankful for you too, squirt. I love you."
Y/N smiled almost instantly and whispered, "I love you too."
Steve chuckled and reached out to ruffle the girl's hair. "Hey!" Y/N cried in protest and she quickly tried to fix her hair, however, that was the moment that Dustin decided to walk out and she let out a small scream before smoothing out her hair the best she could. This only seemed to make Steve laugh louder and Y/N glared playfully at the boy before she quickly got out of the car to go and meet Dustin.
Steve sat there for a moment with a smile on his face before finally letting himself watch Y/N as she walked over to Dustin who had paused in his front yard, his eyes locked on the girl who was walking towards him as a look of shock crossed his face.
Steve couldn't help but smile as he watched the girl, his heart swelling with pride for the person who was his sister even if not by blood. And when she began to wall back to the car with her hand intertwined with Dustin, her eyes locked with his and she gave him a small smile.
It was in that moment that the two both realized just how blessed they were to have each other. They really were like family. They were the brother and sister that the other never had.
Steve and Y/N may not have the best parents in the world, but with each other as family, they couldn't have been luckier.
* * *
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: Let the Days Go By
SO. I FEEL I SHOULD BOTH WARN YOU AND APOLOGIZE. MY ATTEMPT AT A FUCKING SAD ENDING HERE. We all know I don’t do angst / sadness well at all, but.. When I realized that the words you sent might have come from one of my favorite angsty Bush songs, well.. This kinda happened. Also, I’m going to apologize yet again, because yet again, I chose to do another character from Stranger Things, Billy Hargrove.
And idk how I feel about this.
Obligatory Warnings: character death / spoilery if you haven’t seen ST3 , swearing. loss of a loved one. ANGST. or my attempt at it. Flashback warning - the first bit of this, italicized, is a flashback to when they first met. 
The Squad:
@rampagewriting - bb, I apologize in advance for this. I feel like shit that my mind even went this way but alas, here we are. Pls remember I love you and that if I ever did write anything for Billy, this would be the very thing I fixed. | @chasingeverybreakingwave - I’m going to warn you bb. Sadness here. 
[ multifandom tag list - if you don’t add yourself, I will not tag you in things. ]
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Remember that || I'll never forget where you're at
Master of Puppets played at full blast from the Trans Am in the space next to mine and despite myself, I hummed along, even thrashing my head around a little bit. What I didn’t realize was that as I did this -and tried to dig around in the mess I called a backseat, I was being watched.
Rather intently too.
Finding the damned notebook I needed for homeroom, I shot up in triumph and promptly whacked my head on the roof of my car. “Shitbag.” I glowered up at the roof and held up my middle finger, and I happened to glance over to that blue Trans Am to notice Billy Hargrove standing there, just kind of quietly observing me and laughing as he shook his head. I tried to tear my eyes off him but apparently, there’s at least a little truth to what the girls keep saying about him.
He’s got these magnetic, downright hypnotic blue eyes.
I stuck out my tongue at him as I pulled myself over the seats in my car and hopped out, hurrying to grab all the crap I’d thrown out in the parking lot while digging around for the notebook.
I felt a tap to my shoulder and I whirled around really fast, a brow raised. “Yeeeessss?” I dragged out the word and suck popped a bubble with my gum as I tapped my foot against the pavement. My hand raised, catching in my messy hair and I twisted the ends around my fingertips. “You know Megadeth is better… Right?” I nodded to his car, which was still blaring Metallica for the world to hear.
Billy chuckled and rubbed his chin as if he were going to respond to my dig at his music taste but then he decided not to. Instead, he held out a red lace bra. “I’d ask why that came flying at my face, darling, but.. Honestly, I’m fine with it. I’m assuming this belongs to you?”
I eyed him up and down, sizing him up and cracking a mischief filled grin as I suck popped another bubble and reached out, snatching the bra that I’d thrown out of my backseat to take it back from him.
 “Is this the part where I’m supposed to faint on the goddamn ground, Billy Hargrove? Because meh.” I shrugged as if I were unimpressed and then I turned away quick and started to walk back towards my car to shut the doors so that my smile over his attempt at a line stayed hidden. I had to do something. If I didn’t, I’d probably stand there and stare at him like a fucking goofball.
I could practically feel him pouting at my retreating back, but to my surprise, he caught up to me just as I finished cramming the last of the menagerie of things I’d thrown from my backseat back into my car.
“You’re wrong, by the way… about Megadeth being better.”
I turned and stared up at him with a blank look. “You have your opinion and I have mine, Hargrove. Did the analysis of your pickup line really bug you that much?” I wondered aloud, laughing softly as I backed away when he tried to step a little closer. 
“I mean, it was fucking smooth, darling.”
“Yeah. For an amateur.” I rebutted, stepping back again when he stepped closer.
“You’re playing hard to get. You do realize that eventually, I win… right?”
“There’s a first time for everybody to lose, Billy Hargrove.” I shrugged solemnly as I grabbed for the beaten up skateboard that I’d had propped against the side of my car.
“You skate?”
“Occasionally. Never claimed to be very good though.” I stepped onto the board and kicked off with my foot, taking off towards Hawkins High.
When he caught up to me and kept up with my pace, I finally halted the board and kicked it up beneath my hand, raising the other hand to shield my eyes from the sunlight being aimed directly into it. 
“What’s your deal anyway, Billy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh my god, you’re totally following me.” I smirked up at him when he scowled at what I’d said.
“I’m not following you. That’s a pretty strong statement coming from a closet Metallica fan.”
“I never said I didn’t like Metallica. I simply said that Megadeth is better.”
And this was the first encounter of many that I had with Billy through that year… But somehow, nothing prepared me for what happened that night at Starcourt Mall. When I finally saw through the bullshit and the real Billy Hargrove came out for the world to see...
I'm never alone || I'm alone all the time
I didn’t even realize I was screaming his name, his sister hugging against me and hiding her face in my patched denim jacket until everything went deathly quiet and Max took off at a run towards where he’d fallen.
I ran over too, sliding up to him after I hit my knees on the floor.
“Billy, no. C’mon.” I could feel my eyes starting to burn. Max was sobbing and we shared a look.
“Goddamn it, Billy. You don’t get to do this, you fucking toad. Come back.” I leaned down against him on one side and Max did the same on the other, pleading and begging softly.
Billy’s hand gripped my forearm and I bit my lip, trying not to scream or cry. He grabbed hold of Max’s arm too and in a weak voice that nearly killed me because it was not like him at all, he muttered, “I’m.. Sorry.” as he faded out.
“Billy, come back, please. You can’t leave us. Everyone always leaves. You don’t get to leave too, damn it. You’re supposed to be stuck with me!” I choked out the words through my sobs and Max crawled around to where I sat on the floor beside him, leaning against me, the two of us sharing a long and sad look before bursting into sobs again.
Everything was settled so everyone came out of hiding. I can’t remember who did, but I think it was Lucas and Dustin who managed to help Max and I off the floor and we stood there next to Billy, for the longest time, refusing to leave.
And that was the last time I ever saw Billy Hargrove. But the first time I ever really and truly saw him for the guy he could’ve been. 
When I realized that the cops were coming in and roping everything off with caution tape, I leaned down one last time. “Hey... I love you. You had a fucked taste in music but I really love you. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, okay?” I paused, laughing and crying at the same time as I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, and I kept going. “It fucking sucks. I wasn’t supposed to figure out that I love you this way.” after promising to watch out for Max I stood again and I hugged myself, turning to walk away, letting Max have time to say something to her brother before they made us leave the area for good.
I think after that I just kind of went numb. I’m still numb, even now.
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dacrethehalls · 5 years
Wonder Palace
Billy Hargrove x OC
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Summary: Billy gets a summer job as a life guard at a water park in the next town over. He never expects to find a family in the rag tag group of people who work with him. Word Count: 15k+ Warnings: Physical Abuse, Abuse mention, Drug use, language, slight Smut A/N: Off Cannon! Season 3! Billy because baby boy deserves all the love and happiness in the world. This is based on State Champ’s music video for the song Losing Myself. This is my first fic in forever and it has taken me WEEKS to finish it. I’m rusty, so be nice!
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Summer in Arbor Pines, Indiana was my absolute favorite time of year. Not only did it mean school was out, it also marked the opening of Reynolds’ Wonder Palace, a seasonal water and mini amusement park on the outskirts of town. 
I spent almost every summer since I was 14 working there becoming a somewhat dysfunctional but loving family with the rest of the staff. 
My best friends; Geoff, Maggie, Issac and Derrick were among the group of people I worked with along with our  pseudo big brother, Tyler Reynolds, or as we called him, Naldo. Who’s family owned the Amusement Park.
Arbor Pines was a smaller town right outside of Hawkins, and Naldo’s Palace, as we all called it was right in the middle of both cities.
I blew my horn at the blue camaro who cut me off at the gas station sticking my middle finger up at the driver as I pulled my jeep into the gas station. I was already running late, but that never stopped me from grabbing the world’s best breakfast burrito from the world’s shittest corner store.
“Is it opening day already Daph?” Francis, the clerk beamed as I sat a cup of coffee and my burrito on the counter. I hummed pulling out a wad of cash from my pocket. 
“The best day of the year!” I mused as Francis placed my items in a bag. 
“I’m thinking of bringing Sydney and the kids next week. Do you give any friends and family discounts?”
“Of course! I work everyday, I’ll be sure to leave tickets at admissions for you.” I chortled grabbing my things off the counter. I gave a quick wave goodbye as I headed back to my Jeep.
“Daph, have you seen the new life guard?” Maggie asked as I climbed over the pool float rental counter. “His name is Billy, he’s from Hawkins” she continued as I punched my clock in card. 
“It’s opening day and you’re already looking at the new meat?” I mused pulling my staff shirt over my head and hoisting myself up on the counter. Maggie’s mouth curved up into a smile, “of course, I’m a planner.”
I let out a snorty laugh swinging my legs a little, kicking the pool floats in front of me, “You think he’s as cute as Robin? I’m really sad that she got a job at Star Court and isn’t here with us.”
I pushed my bottom lip out, dramatically frowning at the thought of not being able to work next to one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. “Well, he’s blonde and you have a thing for people with light colored hair. He’s a solid ten out of ten.”
I rolled my eyes playfully pushing her. 
“... and this is Daphne and Maggie! Ladies, this is Billy Hargrove.” Naldo mused banging on the counter-top to get our attention.
Maggie and I’s head jerked over in the direction the boys were standing. I kicked my legs over to the other side of the counter grinning. 
“I’m Daphne.” I chirped offering my hand for Billy to shake. 
Maggie wasn’t kidding, the boy was a complete work of art, from his blonde curls that adorned his head to his torso with well defined muscles. My heart instantly fluttered when the two of us made eye contact.
He was beautiful. Until he opened his mouth. 
I could tell by the way he deepened his voice, eyeing both Maggie and I with hungry eyes that he was a complete bonehead.
“Daph, you have training duties with Billy today. First rotation will be The Serpent.” Naldo grinned nodding his head towards the giant water slide. “You mind introducing him to the rest of the staff on your way over there?”
I nodded giving a toothy grin. “Of course!” 
I hopped off the counter saluting Naldo and Maggie, than looking over at Billy “Let’s go Fabio.” I mused Strolling backwards placing my heart shaped sunglasses on my face.
Billy followed quietly behind me as I introduced him to the rest of the staff.
 I knew he wasn’t paying attention to me at all by the occasional “Mmmhm.” and “uh huh.” I got as we made our way to The Serpent. I switched from talking about the park over to mine and my friends latest campaign, to talking about the latest centerfold in playboy, laughing to myself noticing he still wasn’t paying attention to me. 
I felt arms wrap around me picking me off the ground. “You missed the morning roundup. You know what that means. SUPER SOAK!” Geoff yelled as our friends Issac and Derrick came out of the bathroom spraying me down with their water guns. 
“Don’t you losers have anything better to do than hide in the shadows and attack an innocent bystander?”
“Poor Princess Daphne, is in distress with nobody to help her.” Derrick grinned shooting me again. Geoff flipped me over throwing me over his shoulder, carrying me towards my post. 
I didn’t even try to protest Geoff carrying me. This was a usual occurrence not only being bullied by my best friends, but also being called Princess Daphne from the video game Dragon’s Lair.
All three boys eyes lit up when the game was released, having more ammo other than Daphne from Scooby Doo to poke fun at my name. Dragon’s Lair give them an inch and they take a mile.
“Well, I wouldn't have been late if an asshole in a blue camaro wouldn't have tailgated me, making me go twenty under the speed limit. I wasn’t going to not stop and Syd’s Gas Station and get a steak and egg burrito.” I chortled.
“You left the neighborhood before any of us and you were still the one that was late.”
I rolled my eyes looking up at the boy behind us.  “Billy, these three idiots are Geoff, Issac and Derrick.” I grunted as the other two boys fell back behind Billy, still spraying me with water. 
“And if you miss morning roundup, you’ll get sprayed with a water gun.” I huffed as Geoff sat me on my feet on the stairs.
“Our girl Daphne is always late. Don’t be like her!” Issac mused as Billy pushed past us heading up the stairs.
The four of us watched silently before I cleared my throat. “I think Naldo sticking me with him is some form of punishment. I’ve known him for about fifteen minutes,” I gestured my hand up the stairs watching the blonde boy climb up the third flight.  “And I already want to fight him.”
The three boys started laughing as the park horns blew indicating the park was now opened. 
“Try not to let anyone drown.” I quipped snatching the water gun out of Issac’s hand winking at the boys before heading up to the top of the slide.
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Later That Morning
“So you’re from California?” I questioned as I helped a father and his daughter into their tube. “I’ve always wanted to go there, I love the beach.” I added looking over at Billy who wasn’t paying attention to me at all. 
I rolled my eyes looking down at the duo in front of me, “You ready kiddo?” I Sang, placing my whistle in my mouth. 
She nodded as her father held on to her tightly, “3...2...1..blast off!” I yelled blowing my whistle and stepping aside as the tube started its small plummet to the swirling bowl below.
Billy and I traded places for the next set of people as I continued to make conversation with the boy who was completely uninterested  with everything I had to say.
“You’re not very nice” I finally, muttered watching as he pushed a kid in his tube down the slide, I was counting down the moments until our first rotation was over.
“I don’t have to be nice, princess. I’m just here to make money so I can leave this shit stain of a state.” He chided leaning on the railing looking down at me.
“Oh my god, you can talk!” I beamed clapping my hands.
Billy rolled his eyes as he helped another kid into a float pushing him down before he was actually prepared to slide.
  “Come on, lighten up Billy. We don’t have to be friends, but I can promise you work will be a lot more bearable if you drop the bad boy facade” I stepped down the little ledge switching place with Billy again, ignoring the kid getting into the tube behind me.
 “How about you stop acting like you know me, prin-”
“Call me Princess again and you’ll be the next one to go down this slide” I warned, cutting him as the kids snickered behind us.
“I’d listen to her, dude. I pretended I was drowning so she would give me CPR last year and sh-” I grunted snatching the float from under the boy kicking him down the slide. “I can still taste the peanut butter sandwich he had for lunch.” I complained, as the last of the queue took their place on our slides.
“You’re not very nice” He mocked suppressing a laugh, turning from me so I couldn't see him smile. I felt a warmth grow in my chest, watching the boy in front of me. I contorted my face in disgust at the feeling that smile gave me. 
“Believe me, he deserved that.” I grinned watching as Billy relaxed his posture a little. “I have to admit, you may have won me over a little with that one” 
“I’m a very likable person.” I chortled as he smirked stepping closer to me. “And you’re really pretty too”
I stepped back feeling the blood rush to my cheeks while looking at Billy like he was a complete nut Job. 
“I have watched you flirt with every single girl who has crossed your path today. It’s not going to work on me.” I stammered.
“I like it when I have to work for a girl.” He smiled devilishly making me feel even more flustered. 
If it wasn't for us being on the clock and a bunch of children surrounding us, I would have totally let him take me right then and there. But I had enough self control to know how bad of a decision that would have been. 
Never get your honey where you get your money.  I repeated the words my mother told me on my very first day of working here to myself as I tried my best not to seem completely flustered.
I cleared my throat as Isaac and Geoff approached us. 
“You two can go on break now, and then you have lazy river duties.” Issac Hummed looking between Billy and I, giving me a look that I prayed only Derrick noticed.
“Oh thank god!” I praised shoving my rescue float at Isaac. I looked over Billy, smiling at him, pretending that the last five minutes didn’t happen.
“Let’s go, Fabio. We might as well stick together if we have the same duties for the next rotation.” 
“Not a chance Princess.” He smirked as one of the many girls who flirted with him this morning shuffled up to us once we made it down the steps. “I have lunch plans already.”  He eyed the girl, Victoria, hungrily. 
What a pig.
I scrunched my nose, looking up at him. “Have fun with that.” I muttered as he took her hand, pulling her to the direction of the employee entrance. 
I turned on my heel making my way back towards the rental booth, where Maggie was still stationed. 
“How was first rotation?” Maggie questioned as I climbed over the counter and grabbing my lunch box from the cubby beneath it. 
“Billy is a complete bonehead.”
I hoisted myself up on the counter, crossing my legs under one another and putting my lunchbox in my lap. 
“He’ll fit in perfectly with the boys then.” She chuckled making me grimace at the thought of Billy being part of our group. 
 “Mags, he would one hundred percent make fun of us for playing D and D.”
“But I bet you he’s never played Drunk Dungeon and Dragons before.” she grinned.
I chuckled taking a bite out of my ham sandwich. 
“Where is Judd Nelson at any way?”
“Eating lunch with Victoria Andrews.” I snorted using finger quotes around Eating Lunch
Maggie’s face contorted up in disgust. “He went off with Hickey Vicky?”
“I asked if he wanted to eat with me but he told me he isn’t here to make friends, so I see it as a lost cause.” I spoke, cringing at how bitter that sounded after I had said it.
Maggie let out an excited gasp, slamming her hands down on the counter on either side of me. “You’re crushing on him aren't you!?” She mused leaning in and taking a bite from my sandwich.
“No! I am not. I called him a bonehead for a reason.” I sputtered, eyes growing wide knowing that Maggie, the girl I had known since I was seven years old could see right through my bullshit.
She smirked at me crossing her arms. “Getting small flutters in my stomach is not a crush Margaret.” I jeered saying her full name.
“It totally is,” she retorted. “And you’re blushing!”
I sat my sandwich on my knees as I touched my cheeks with both hands. “He’s just flirty and was trying to pull a move on me and then he went off with Victoria.”
I avoided Maggie's gaze turning my focus on the rest of my lunch.
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I made towards my new station, stopping and saying hello to some of the park’s regular customers. The lazy river was probably the most boring part of the water park. 
It consisted mostly of the parents who brought their kids to the park and let them run loose, along with the occasional shithead kids who got joy out of taunting the life guards with water guns. 
I started gathering the floats that people had left at the end of the lazy river, putting them back into the bin they belonged in. 
“Hey, princess.” 
I turned looking over at Billy disapprovingly. “How was lunch?” He questioned as I grabbed another float tossing it into the bin. 
“I ate a ham sandwich, an apple and some chocolate pudding. And I sat at the rental booth with Maggie.  How was your lunch?”
A smile spread across his face as he placed his whistle in his mouth, “It was great.”
“Just so you know, Hickey-”  I closed my eyes suppressing my laugh at the nickname we all dubbed the poor girl when we were all twelve years old.  “-I mean Vicky is a little on the loony side...and is probably already planning your wedding.”
Billy grimaced, as he helped me clear the rest of the floats out. 
“You couldn’t have warned me?”
“I didn’t warn Issaac when he hooked up with her and he’s one of my best friends.” I mused, struggling to push the ben. Billy bumped his hip into mine moving me as he started pushing it without ease.  
“The lazy river is the most boring but easy duty. Beginning of rotation we clear out the tubes from the gathering pool and same with the end. And then we just sit thirty feet apart and hope nobody will drown”
Billy hummed as we walked together to the start of the lazy river.  
“So, I was an asshole this morning, and I wanted to apologize for that” Billy uttered. “I just need money and I don’t need any attachments.” 
I raised my eyebrow looking over at him. “Flirting with me this morning and hooking up with a girl on lunch break isn't an attachment?” I questioned
Billy nodded his head pushing his lower lip out. “Touche.”
“I’m just saying, if you’re going to have vehicular sex on break, you might as well at least try to be friends with some of the staff. It doesn't even have to be me,”
I brought my whistle up to my mouth blowing into it and looking over at two kids who were running. 
“Do you dweebs not know how to read?!” I yelled pointing to the NO RUNNING sign that was posted on almost every pole around the water park.
“Sorry, Miss Daphne!” One of them yelled as both boys slowed their gait. 
I turned back looking at Billy with a smile, “Derek, Issac, Maggie, and Geoff are my best friends, so if you’re friends with one of us, your friends with all of us.”
He chuckled to himself quietly. “I figured that much. And what about Tyler?”
“You mean Naldo? He’s like the mom in the group. He’s five years older than all of us. He makes sure we don’t ever get ourselves killed. Or kill each other.” 
Billy nodded. “My little sister has a friend like that. I think it’s weird but you know, it’s whatever.”
I shrugged. “He’s probably like a role model to her. My dad is an ass and I’m an only child, so having Naldo to go when I had problems was great.”
Billy nodded in agreement, “Kinda wish I had someone like that.” he muttered. “I mean, as long as you work here, you’ll have Naldo. Everyone needs a Naldo in their life.” 
“I mean, I guess you’re right.” He shrugged as we stopped in front of the steps to the lazy river. 
“I know I am.” I grinned earning a laugh from Billy.
We unloaded all the floats we gathered, Billy mostly telling me about himself, where he was from and how he was working as much as he could to go back.
Second rotation seemed to drag on after Billy and I went to our separate. I was dreaming of a cold shower after sitting out in the sweltering afternoon heat. 
I signed slumping down in my chair kicking my legs over the railing. Discreetly looking over at Billy and laughing at how un interested he was in the conversation that Victoria was trying to have with him. 
I turned my attention back to the water watching as a few people floated by me. 
Suddenly feeling cold water being poured over my head, I gasped, turning  to see who the culprit was seeing two middle school age boys laughing at me. 
I jumped off my chair hitting one of them in the back of the head with my rescue float. 
“YOU LITTLE SHITS ARE GOING TO WISH YOU HADN'T DONE THAT!” I fumed running after them and tackling them to the ground behind Billy’s lifeguard chair.
I sat on both boys hitting them both in the head with my life raft. “You twerps ever do that again you will be banned for life from this entire park!” I screamed hitting them again.
“Hey, relax.” Billy spoke lifting me off the boys, who were starting to cry as I struggled against Billy’s arms that was locked around my waist.
 “That’s right, you cry for your mommy you shit stains!” I yelled kicking my legs at them as Billy carried me away from the two boys. “Uh,” he mumbled quietly as he set me down on my feet. 
“Although that was probably the hottest things I have ever seen, but In my experience, trying to bring harm to middle schoolers will only bring harm to yourself.”
“Those two always like to pull shit with me.” I grunted as Naldo ran up to us. “Daphne would you like to tell me why the Erikson boys are crying right now?”
“Yeah, they poured water on me...again I guess hanging them up by their trunks to the light pole last year didn’t teach them anything.” I chided only to have Naldo  shake his head angrily at me.
“Daphne, this-”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s my first and last warning.” I rolled my eyes cutting him off before adding “ I’m off lifeguard duties for the season, blah blah blah.” I chided as Naldo shook his head again in disappointment. 
“I’m not that mean Daph. But I’m upset, just don’t act out so fast when they mess with you and let me handle it. Promise me you’ll come to me? That’s what the walkie talkies are for.”
I sighed in defeat, “I’m sorry, Naldo. I’ll go apologize to the boys too. And I’ll- uh sanitize the floats and snorkel gear tonight.” 
A smile grew across his face, accepting my apology“Toot it and boot it Daph,” Naldo exclaimed holding his hand out. We high fived then bumped our fists together. 
“Ok, you two can get back to your posts now.” he spoke, turning on his heal and heading back from where he came from.
“Toot it…..and boot it?” Billy questioned raising an eyebrow. 
“He makes everyone do that. So get use to it Hargrove.”
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I trudged out the back gate to my car noticing the blue Camaro from this morning parked next to mine, and Billy laying back on top of the hood. “Billy?” I questioned, approaching both vehicles.
He lifted his head looking over at me as I stood beside him. 
“What are you still doing here? Everyone is gone.”
“I’m just avoiding going home,” He admitted. “Why?” I questioned throwing my bag in the back of my Jeep  then laying next to Billy on top of his car. He grunted in response to me pushing him over a little to make room for myself. 
“I just don’t want to go home.”
I could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't a subject I should push. “You want to spend the night at my place?” I offered
Billy looked over at me raising his eyebrows at me, a smirk forming on his lips. 
“Uck, You wish, Fabio. I’m just being nice. I have a pullout couch in my room.”
Billy chuckled nervously, “I guess I can take you up on the offer.”
I sat up, sliding off of his car, “Okie dokie then, I’m starving so just follow me home.” I chirped turning around and climbing into my jeep.
“Oh and by the way, You drive like an asshole.”
Billy rolled his eyes as he slid off the hood of his car. “You’re the one that goes twenty under the speed limit.”
“Yeah, well I wouldn't have if you didn’t ride my ass like you were doing.” I chortled as I started my car. 
“I’ll see you in a little bit, Fabio.”
It didn't take long for us to arrive at my house, I pulled into my driveway getting out as Billy parked his Camaro behind me
“Your parents will be okay with this?” Billy questioned as we went up the front steps of the house.
“Mom is a nurse over at Hawkins Memorial. She won’t be home until the morning,” I assured stepping into our home. “And besides, she wouldn’t care, she loves all of my friends. Maggie and the boys stay over all the time.”
“What about your dad?” Billy questioned.
“Doesn’t Live here.” I grinned dropping my bag by the door before kicking my shoes off. 
“Billy, this Tatoonie my cat. She’s an asshole and will probably either pee on your shoes or sleep on your head tonight.” I giggled as we made our way to my bedroom. 
Billy paused backing up looking at a framed photos of me and my mother hung up on the wall. 
“Santa Monica Pier.” He whispered looking over at me. 
“My mom took me there for my fifth birthday, paid for surfing lessons. We went every year until she left my dad and we couldn't afford it anymore” I frowned looking at the 8 photos of my mom and I standing happily together on the beach.
“You can surf?” Billy questioned looking over at me.
“Yeah, but I’m awful at it, if you were paying attention to what I was saying this morning you would have known that.” I crossed my arms jokingly glaring at him. 
“I’ve been saving money so I can go back and visit. It’s been a while and I really miss the ocean.” I added looking back at the pictures and some of the best memories I had with my mother. 
“I want to go back also,” Billy spoke softly not taking his eyes off of the center portrait of the Santa Monica Pier. 
“Well if you play your cards right, I might let you come with me.” I winked 
grabbing Billy’s hand pulling him away from the photos and to my room.
 He looked around taking in my room and the various posters and photos that adorned my walls.
“Make yourself at home, I’m going to shower.” I quipped grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from the mound of clean clothes sitting on top of my bed I hadn’t bothered to fold then padding into my bathroom.
I quickly washed the work day off of me, taking the time to shave the areas on my body that needed it, - you know just in case. I stepped out of the shower, pulling a t-shirt over my head and wrapping my hair up in the towel to dry it.
I went back into my room right as Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent filled my room. Billy was sitting in front of my record player, thumbing through my collection of vinyls. 
“You have great taste in music.” 
I chuckled sitting next to him. “Thank you, there is a record store here in town that has a killer selection.”  
He pulled Black Sabbath's Paranoia album out of my collection placing the needle precisely at the beginning of the song Iron Man. I laid back kicking my legs up and resting them on the wall in front of me. 
Billy followed my motion laying the opposite way, placing his head next to mine.
“Hey, Princess?” 
“Call me that again and you’ll sleep outside with the family of unfriendly gophers that live in my backyard.” I grunted. 
He sighed loudly. “Daphne.” He corrected turning his head looking over at me. I hummed in response, closing my eyes, focusing on the music that was humming through the speakers.
“Thanks for letting me stay tonight. Even if we just met.” Billy whispered. I turned my head, smiling at him.
 “It’s not a problem. I figured you didn’t want to talk about why you didn’t want to go home so I didn’t press it.”
He didn’t respond, he kept his focus on me. I rolled up on my side propping myself up on my elbow, looking down at him. “But if you ever want to talk, just know I’m here. I’m a good listener.”
 Billy looked at me sitting up and pressing his lips to mine I stared wide eyed at him as he placed his hand on the side of my head, his fingers gripping some of my hair. My heart started to flutter after the shock of being kissed wore off.  
 Billy pulled away looking at me, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” He apologized. 
I tried my best to hide the shock of being kissed on my face, feeling my cheeks grow incredibly warm.
“I-I mean y-you could have -a-asked. I would've said y-yes, but that’s b-beside the p-point.” I stammered, rolling back on my back and trying to regain my composure. Normally when I was kissed, I didn't get so flustered. I was able to play it cool, but this kiss was different. 
I cleared my throat looking back over at Billy who hadn’t taken his eyes off of me. “Can I kiss you again?” Billy questioned softly, any trace of the bad boy facade completely gone. He reached over gently caressing my cheek. 
I could have melted into him right then and there without any hesitation. But playing hard to get would be more fun. I wanted to see how flustered I could make him, just like he had just done to me now and earlier on in the day.
“I’m actually really fucking hungry. Come on, Fabio lets raid the kitchen for some grub” I stood up putting my hand out to help Billy up. He took it with a smile, not even needing my counter weight to help him up. 
“...so is that a no on the kissing you thing.” Billy questioned stroking my cheek with his hand.
“Yes, that’s a no.” I chuckled lightly grabbing onto his wrist. “Let’s go, lover boy.”
I lead Billy into the kitchen. “Mom and I made meatloaf last night. We have leftovers from that ooooor,” I hummed looking in the freezer, “We have pizza, pot pies ooooor,” I sang again looking in the small cookie jar on our counter we kept our money in for take out. “We can order Chinese.”
I turned facing Billy who was leaning against the counter. “You’re the guest so you can choose” I mused.
 “Pizza is fine” 
“Done deal.” I grabbed a cheese pizza from the freezer turning on the oven so it would start to preheat. 
Turning back to the fridge I grabbed two beers, tossing one over to Billy, who continued to stare at me silently. “What’s your deal, Billy?” I questioned raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Nothing- it’s nothing. I just- it’s-” He sputtered popping the can open. I chuckled stepping around the counter and standing by him. 
“Now that we have decided on dinner, I suppose that you can kiss me. If you still want-”
Billy pressed his lips against mine cutting me off mid sentence, softly placing his hand on my cheek. I stepped closer to him, standing between his legs as his hand found its way to the back of my head, fingers knotting in my hair has he deepened the kiss.
I had never been kissed like this before, it almost felt like time came to a complete stop as our lips moved against each other. It wasn’t until the oven’s timer went off alerting us that the pizza was finished cooking that I had noticed it’d been a whole half hour that we stood in my kitchen making out.
I cleared my throat stepping back, “The Pizza is ready.”
Billy let out a small throaty laugh -- trying to hide the fact that he was just as flustered as I was. “I didn’t really peg you as that good of a kisser.” He mused earning an eye roll from me.
“Better than Hickey Vicky?” I joked winking at him as I sauntered over to the oven grabbing oven mitts and pulling the pizza out and sitting it on the stove.  
Once it was cooled, I brought the tray over to the counter Billy was at sitting it on the bar and finding a place next to him. 
“I would say you’re definitely in the top five.” 
I contorted my face in disgust. 
“I don’t know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment.” 
Billy hummed in response looking over at me, he opened his mouth then promptly shutting it opting to shove a slice of pizza in his mouth than telling me what he was thinking.  
We sat in comfortable silence eating our dinner. 
“I need to wash my uniforms, if you want to give me yours too I toss them in with my dirty laundry.” I spoke, finally breaking the silence. Billy got up and made his way back to my room emerging with soiled clothes and handing them over to me.
I threw Billy and I’s dirty uniforms in the washer pressing start before walking back out to the kitchen, smiling at him as I watched him clean up the small mess we made from dinner. 
“Ok, uniforms are in the wash, Mom will probably put them in the dryer when she gets home, So I’m going to pass out.” I nodded my head towards where my room was.
“Uh, you’re welcome to sleep on the couch out here or in my room. The latter would probably be the best option so my mother doesn't come home from work to a man-child with a mullet asleep in her living room.”
Billy chuckled following me to my room. 
“I want to thank you again, Daph, for letting me stay here.”
“Oh, it’s honestly no problem, You’re a bone head, but I enjoy your company.”
Billy plopped down on my couch pulling his shirt off over his head. I grabbed a blanket from the top shelf of my closet, unfolding it and draping it over Billy. He smiled up to me sleepily, “You’re going to steal my heart from me” He muttered as I grabbed a pillow handing it to him.
“I don’t take hearts, I break them.” I joked leaning down and pressing a small kiss on Billy’s cheek then switching off the lights in my room. 
Billy let out a soft chuckle, repeating the words I had just spoke to him. I rolled my eyes climbing onto my bed and getting under the covers.
“Goodnight, Princess.”
“Goodnight, Fabio.”
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I rested my cheek on my hand watching as all the people in the park passed by the shaved ice stand I was assigned to for my shift. 
Most of the customers opted for actual ice cream or frozen lemonades over the shaved ice truck, which didn’t bother me too much, not only was I able to sit in an air conditioned trailer, but my stand was also located close to Billy’s lifeguard post.
We were about a month and a couple weeks into the season. And Billy and I had grown pretty close, especially since he stayed at my house a few times a week.  
The boys and Maggie, of course,  welcomed him into our group with open arms and he begrudgingly became the Barbarian in our DND party.
The fuzzy feelings I felt in my chest when I was around him and the fact that my mother absolutely adored him didn’t help my situation either. 
And that made me feel gross, seeing how he was always flirting with me and all the girls around him. Especially since we spent ninety percent of our lunch breaks making out in the backseat of my Jeep.
It was gross.
He was gross.
“Are you crushing on Billy?”
I rolled my eyes turning my attention to Naldo, who was leaning on the counter behind me, with a huge shit eating grin plastered across his face. “No, Tyler I’m not crushing on Billy!” I growled.
“Then where did that come from?” He questioned poking at the red mark on my neck.
“I got bit by a spider,” I lied. 
Naldo pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head. “I know when you’re lying Daphne Louise.”
I grimaced at the use of my full name. Naldo undoubtedly making a dig at me for calling him Tyler moments before. 
“Hypothetically speaking, if I were to be crushing on Billy. And he left Hickeys on my neck even when I have repeatedly asked him over and over not to would you be angry with me?”
Naldo let out a guttural high pitched laugh startling the people who were walking by. I was almost certain Billy had heard him also, I nodded at the startled customers then looking across the way at Billy who lifted his arm up in a what the fuck kind of way. I gave him a shrug before turning back to Naldo.
“What the fuck was that!?”  I hissed as Naldo failed to regain his composure.
“I knew it!” He exclaimed, “You’ve been a lot nicer than usual.. And,” He grabbed my leg making me lose my balance falling into the counter. “You’ve been shaving your legs.”
“You’re such a weirdo.” I fumed as he dropped my leg.
“Happiness looks so good on you, Kid.” he chortled 
I smiled to myself eyeing Billy has he waved sheepishly at me. I waved back at him. Not turning back to Naldo, who started singing Billy and Daphne sittin’ in a tree. 
I finally turned to him, sighing. “Yes, I like him. Will that make you shut up?” 
Naldo looked at me, smugly. “Like I said, Happiness looks good on you. But how about you two eat lunch with all of us today instead of eating lunch in your jeep.” 
I rolled my eyes at him, “Okay, Naldo.” 
I held my fist out to him as he we did our not so secret toot it and boot it hand shake.
“I’m serious, I better see you in the food court!” He chirped as he stepped out of the shaved ice stand. I gave him a small salute before he turned and skipped away.
Our first shift felt like it lasted forever and I was hungry for some actual food instead of the ice I had been grazing on all morning. The person who came to relieve me was late, per usual, so I was late meeting up with him for our daily lunch break. 
“There’s a party everyone is going to tonight Billy, are you going?” I overheard as I made my way up to Billy and the girls that had flocked around him.
“Please, and hang around the losers that work here?” Billy quipped once I was standing behind him.
“You work here too, Hargrove, so that makes you a loser by association.” I chimed in, poking him in the back. 
Billy rolled his eyes before pushing his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose and turning back to the girls.
“Have a good lunch break, Jackass.” I quipped grabbing the cigarette from behind his ear and placing it between my lips heading towards the burger post. 
I wasn’t even half way there before Billy caught up to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. 
“You know I was just kidding right? About you and the others being losers?” Billy spoke, quickly obviously hiding the anxiety that he actually pissed me off in his voice.
“Sure you were, Fabio” I smirked as we reached the doors to small cafeteria. He dropped his arm  that was draped around my shoulder to open the door for me. 
“I’m serious Daph.”
I rolled my eyes rising up on my toes pressing my lips to his cheek. “Billy, I’m just fucking with you. Don’t you worry that pretty little face of yours.”
 Billy ducked down quickly kissing my nose. I beamed up at him grabbing his hand as we shuffled into the building. 
“There’s a party tonight Billy, are you going? You can crash at my place after.” Issac offered leaning back in his chair.
“Please, Issac, Billy is way too cool to be seen at an Arbor Pines party. Apparently we’re all a bunch of losers.” I quipped looking over at Billy hinting at the conversation he had had earlier with some of the girls that crowded around him at the pool during shift change. 
Billy's lips twitched up as he dug his fork into his potato salad. It was small and quick and I was almost certain that I was the only one who saw it.
“We weren’t a bunch of losers when we kicked Hawkins High’s basketball team at nationals.” Geoff smirked.
 “And you made that Tommy kid cry.” I chortled taking a bite of my hamburger.
This time Billy didn’t suppress his laugh, it bellowed out of him as he threw his head back, eyes watering. “You  were the one that made Tommy cry?” Billy asked between laughs trying to catch his breath.
“Jesus, Hargrove, in through your nose and out through your mouth.” I insisted, flinging a french fry at him. 
“Tommy H cries all the time.” Billy sputtered causing all of us to start laughing along with him.
I felt the warmth creep across my chest again, watching as Billy was generally getting along with our little group. His asshole behavior and blunt attitude fit in perfectly with the rest of our personalities. 
“When we were little, all of us were on a soccer team together, and he cried because he got beat by a team with girls on it.” I sat back rolling my eyes. 
“Back to the party, you in Hargrove? We’ll have a few kegs, different kinds of alcohol and some special baked goods. You can’t say no, It’s your girlfriend’s birthday party.” Issac coaxed, winking at Billy. 
Without a beat, Billy turned to me, eyebrows raised. “It’s your birthday?” Ignoring the fact that Issac referred to me as his girlfriend.
The look on his face was a mixture of embarrassment and panic, for either forgetting, not remembering my birthday.
“Relax, Billy, It’s tomorrow, and don’t think I ever told you my birthday.” I chuckled watching as his rigid posture became more relaxed.
He bit down on his lip trying to regain his composure.
 “If there is a keg, you can count me in.” Billy grinned.
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I wiped my mouth shooting my two middle fingers up at Billy. He stood there staring at me in disbelief after I beat his keg stand time by 30 seconds. I smirked at him blowing a kiss as I placed a cigarette in my mouth. 
“It’s okay Fabio, You’re still the keg king in Hawkins” I quipped patting him on the chest. 
 “That was…..sexy.” He blurted as I passed my cigarette to him. He drew it in tilting his head up blowing the smoke in the air before passing it back to me. 
“I almost forgot! I got you something!” Billy grabbed my hand pulling me through the crowd and out to his car. 
“Billy, you didn’t have to get me anything.” I giggled as he dug through the back seat of his car. “Well you’re my best friend and the fact that I didn't know your birthday is so bad. So here you go!” He shoved a badly wrapped package into my hands smiling down at me. 
My heart fluttered at how excited he was, and how he referred to as his best friend. I tore at the paper chuckling as it revealed a half eaten bag of cherry licorice and a small stuffed animal obviously taken from the carnival games at work.
“I will cherish these for the rest of my life.” I beamed pulling Billy into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me picking me off my feet. “Thank you.” I whispered into his shoulder as he placed me back onto the ground. 
“It’s no problem, Princess.”
The night continued on with more and more people showing up for the occasion. We danced, and sang and drank the night away as everyone wished me a happy birthday. 
Half way through the party I decided to try and start sobering up so I wouldn't be completely hungover on my actual birthday.
I made myself a home on the front law where it was pretty quiet. I laid back watch the stars before Billy plopped down next to me in the grass. 
“Has anyone told you that you’re kinda scary?” He coaxed causing me to laugh. 
“How high are you right now?” He shrugged laying back looking up at the sky. 
“Only, a little,” he grinned sheepishly at me before continuing. 
“You’re one of  the sweetest people I have ever met. Your love and compassion for people-even the ones you hate is so genuine. You bring light into people’s lives, Daphne. And that scares me.”
I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging my arms around me in an attempt to keep my heart contained in one place as I looked down at the boy.
 “Why would that scare you?” I questioned him as he closed his eyes drawing in his cigarette, than offering it to me. 
I took it placing it in my mouth. 
“The last person that was a light in my life left me alone in the dark.”
I frowned watching as he was fighting whatever thoughts were crossing his mind. “I lose myself in the best possible way when you’re around,” Billy opened his eyes, looking over at me as he sat up. I bit down on my lip, looking at him. 
“I’m in love with you.” Billy spoke leaning in and pressing his lips to mine hungrily, our teeth clicking together as he knotted his fingers in my hair. 
“Do you want to go inside?” I muttered on Billy’s lips. He opened his eyes slowly looking down at me through his lashes. 
I lead Billy through the house and to the empty guest room, Maggie and I would always use when we stayed the night with Issac. I closed the door behind us, turning the lock  then looking up at Billy. 
He stepped towards me hooking his fingers into my belt loops pulling my body to his connecting our lips together. He backed me into the door as his fingers found their way to the hem of my of my shirt. He broke our kiss momentarily to pull my shirt over my head.
I rose up on my toes, to kiss him better pushing him backwards until he fell on the bed. I stepped out of my flats as Billy all but threw his boots across the room. I unzipped my shorts letting them fall to the floor as I climbed on the bed and on top of Billy connecting our lips once more.
His hands traced up my spine finding the band of my bra. “It unhooks from the front.” I chuckled 
after a small grunt came from him.  
“Why would you buy a bra that unhooks from the front?” he groaned has his fingers fumbled to get it unclasped.
“Because it was cute and on sale.” And I also got joy out of watching boys work hard to see my bare chest. I gave Billy a hand throwing my bra to the ground as he looked up and admired my topless form.
He grabbed my hips flipping us over so he was hovering over me, connecting our lips together. His hand that wasn't wrapped in my hair slowly brushed down my body, his fingers finding their way inside of me. I let out a small squeal at how cold his touch felt
. “Sorry,” He chuckled as he continued to move his fingers. 
“You could have warned me that your hands were cold.” I giggled pulling his face back to mine.
I let out a small breathy moans while Billy kissed down my jaw, slowly making his way between my legs, kissing the inside of my thighs.  He pulled my undies all the way off pressing more kisses on the inside of left my thigh before his mouth made its way to my clit.
My fingers instinctively ran through his hair knotting it in my fingers as he continued to hit all the right places with his tongue. 
It didn’t take long for the electrifying sensation I hadn’t felt in so long to take over my entire body completely. 
 “Uh.. Um..B-Billy.” I spoke softly, voice shaky, as the electric sensation slowly left my body. He hummed unbuttoning his pants with one hand while placing small kisses up my body until our lips met once more.
“You have a condom right?” I questioned as he pulled away from me frowning. 
“No, but we can still do it.” He muttered looking down at me.
 “Uh, no we can’t. No condom, no sex.”
His head dropped on my shoulder, an annoyed grunt coming from him. “Do you have one?” he whispered nuzzling his nose into my neck.
 “No,” I lied knowing that I had one hidden away in my wallet, Something my mother had always taught me, to keep one on me as a backup plan for if and when a boy tells me he didn't have one.
Billy sat up crossing his arms glaring down at me. “You’re lying.” I sat up on my elbows frowning, Billy had been around me long enough to pick up on my tiny mannerisms I subconsciously did when I told a lie. 
“I have one in my wallet, but I really don’t feel like doing it anymore.” I mumbled reaching out to touch his face. “I love you too,” I cooed, responding to his confession from earlier. 
“And I don’t want our first time together to be when we both are cross faded in someone else’s house.”
Billy finally rolled off the bed angrily buttoning his pants reaching down and grabbing his shirt. Not even looking at me. 
“Billy, I want to, but I just don’t think its the right time for us to have sex.” I apologized earning a grunt from him as he left the room leaving me alone.
I got up, getting dressed quietly trying not to let the tears that were stinging in my eyes to completely fall.
I took a deep breath and headed back out to the party, where Billy and I didn’t speak for the rest of the night.
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“Good morning, my darling birthday Girl!” My mother cheered as I hoisted myself onto the counter next to where she was standing. I smiled at her leaning over dipping my finger into the blueberry muffin batter she was preparing.
“Daphne Louise, that has raw eggs in it!” She scolded as I fished out another blueberry from the mix. 
“That never stopped us from eating cookie dough while watching The Facts of Life” I giggled as my mom swatted at my hand. 
“How was the party last night?” She questioned scooping spoonfuls of the mix into the muffin tin. 
“I think Billy was trying to tell me that he loves me.” I crossed my legs under one another laughing nervously. 
My mother’s eyes lit up as she looked over at me. “Annnnnnd?” She sang.
I dipped my fingers in the batter once again grabbing another blueberry, “We almost had sex. But I stopped it and he got mad and wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the night”
She knew I wasn’t a virgin, I hadn't been since the ninth grade when I lost it to Joseph West in the back of his Cadillac DeVille. It was way less than satisfying. I asked my mother if it was supposed to be - that bad she laughed at me and told me the first time for everyone was pretty bad. My mother and I had a very close relationship, I was able to tell her things whether she approved of them or not, and she would always offer advice to me when I had any kind of problems.
She gave me a confused look, “Why did you change your mind?” She questioned moving the batter from out of my reach quietly giving me a “tsk.” as a popped another batter covered blue berry in my mouth.
 “I don’t know, I just- want to make sure he’s in it for the right reasons.” I muttered.
“I like him, mom. I actually more than like him, I love him,” I admitted with a sigh. “And I want to protect my heart if the feelings aren’t mutual. What if he was just telling me the things I want to hear from him just so he can get me in the bed.”
My mother sighed wiping her hands down her apron.  
“Honey, that’s just something you will have to decide for yourself. I personally think he really likes you, especially with all the time you two spend together. He never seems to go home. And he stopped sleeping on your couch weeks ago.”
I grinned sheepishly at my mother, knowing that she knew that Billy and I cuddled in my bed the nights that he stayed with me.
Hell, we would even cuddle the nights we both stayed with Maggie or one of the boys.
“Your father called last night. He wants you to come over for dinner to celebrate your birthday.” 
My mother informed me changing the subject, Although we were open with each other she still preferred to not hear about my sex life.
I groaned grabbing and licking the last of the batter off of the spatula. “He’s going to be upset that I haven't applied to any schools still. He won’t even humor the idea of me taking time off of school and living,” I frowned. “I don’t even want to go to college.” I continued looking up at my mother.
My father was the complete opposite then my mother, he was harsh and cold where she was loving and accepting. When I was seven years old, my mother finally had enough of his anger and his hatred that she left with me, finding a home in Arbor Pines.
 Growing up, there was a lot of stress and expectations put on my shoulders from him, from being forced into dance classes when I had to spend the summer with him, to having to go to after school tutoring when I wasn’t meeting his standards of grades.
I finally humored him when I was in high school taking advanced classes as well as being on the cheerleader squad and that still wasn’t enough. What I didn’t tell my mother was the abuse she endured before she got the courage was now put upon me. He promised that he’d never lay a finger on me but that complete changed the older I got, and the more of a failure he found me to be.
My mother cupped my chin in her hands pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Baby girl, no matter what you do, or where you go, you will accomplish wonderful things. I couldn’t be more proud of the young lady that you have become.”
I smiled softly at her as I wrapped my arms around her body hugging her. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too my sweet girl.”
I spent the rest of my morning eating and cleaning the kitchen with my mother and avoided going to Hawkins until I absolutely had to.
“I’ll probably hang out with Robin after dinner then come home.” I announced prancing out of the hallway to the living room where my mom was sitting. I pressed a kiss on her cheek. 
“No parties while I’m gone.” I joked as I headed out the door with a wave.
It took less than an hour to get to Hawkins from my house, it was one of my favorite drives to take, a two lane road with a vast amount of trees, on the days I had to go to Hawkins to spend with my father, I would always take the top off of my car letting the wind and smell of pine surround me as I sped down the road.
One of my biggest dreams was to be able to travel the country, looking for hidden back roads that would twist and turn. Ones that I could zoom down listening to my music as loud as it could go.
I noticed a familiar blue car parked on the side of the road and as much as I didn’t want to stop and check up on the stupid owner with his stupid amazing hair, I did any way because, I’m a nice person that was in love with a asshole.
I pulled up behind Billy honking my car horn at him. He looked up from his flat tire, wiping his forehead, before standing up and stomping towards my jeep. 
“Hiya, Princess.” Billy smirked leaning on my window. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the fact that I would never not be called princess by Billy.
“Come on, I’m heading into town. I can drop you off at the mechanic and they can bring a tow out here.” I smiled nodding to my passenger seat.
Billy took my offer, lumbering around to the passenger side climbing into my jeep. I took off once he was settled humming to myself to make up for the silence between us. 
I wasn’t sure if he remembered the night before or not, which I was really hoping it was the latter. That he didn’t remember the kiss we shared or me rejecting him after us almost having sex.
I made a right turn onto the main road that took us to Hawkins, pushing my latest mix tape into the radio pressing my foot down heavily on the gas.
“AHHH AH!! WE COME FROM THE PLACE WITH THE ICE AND SNOW,” I yelled turning the volume to Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song. 
“FROM THE MIDNIGHT SUN, WHERE THE HOT SPRINGS FLOW,” I looked over at Billy as he clung onto the grab handle above him as we zoomed down the winding roads towards town. 
“The Hammer of the Gods!” I smirked returning my attention back to the road swerving my jeep back into my lane.
“Are you sure you’re allowed to drive?” Billy questioned trying but failing to mask his genuine fear in his voice. 
I laughed easing up on the gas, “What, never been a passenger to someone who drives like you before?” I smirked eyeing the boy next to me. 
He grunted in response as I drummed my thumbs on the steering wheel. “Billy, if I wanted to kill you, vehicular manslaughter wouldn’t be my first choice.” 
I could feel his harsh stare boring into me as I brought the jeep to a stop at a light. “I’m serious. I’d poison you and then get Maggie or Issac to help me hide your body.”
Billy rolled his eyes looking away from me. “Remind me to never eat anything you ever give me.”
“You always seem to enjoy the muffins I bring to Naldo’s every morning.” I mused earning another grunt.
“Ok, what gives Hargrove, I understand you being grumpy because you got a flat tire but did Issac piss in your Cheerios this morning?”
Billy muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t quite understand. I reached over to my radio turning the volume completely down. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” I questioned, finally pulling into the parking lot of Hawkins only mechanic.  
“If I wanted you to know what I said, Princess, I would have said it louder” Billy grunted opening the door to her car hopping out of it. I sat back in my seat, staring at him.
“Are you seriously angry at me because you didn’t get laid last night?” 
Billy let out another grunt slamming my jeep door shut. I felt my cheeks grow red from anger as I watched the boy stride away angrily. I placed my car in park getting out and chasing after him.
“You’re such a prick, you know that. Huh?” I yelled pushing his shoulder.
 “Was you telling me that you love me last night just some bullshit ploy to get into my pants?!” I jeered as he turned around staring down at me, straight faced.
“What if it was? Huh? What are you going to do Daphne?”
I squeezed my fists into tight balls digging my nails into my palms. “Nothing. I won’t do anything but be completely disappointed in myself for letting some asshole into my heart. There’s a reason I didn’t want to sleep with you and this is it.”
Billy bit down on his lip before sighing and reaching down for my hand. I stepped back crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for him to respond. 
“I’m sorry,” he began stepping towards me, and sign  of anger he had slowly leaving as his composure relaxed. “I meant everything I said to you, Daph.” 
Billy reached out stroking my cheek, “I’m an asshole..and a bonehead and anything else you want to call me.”
I rolled my eyes lightly grabbing  his wrists as his hands found their way to the back of my head.
“I love you” he muttered before closing the space between us and kissing me.
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“Who lives here?” Billy asked as I pulled into a driveway of a bright blue house. Billy and I spent most of the afternoon waiting for the Camaro to be repaired. After, I followed Billy to his home where he dropped off his car and got into mine so we could go and eat.
“My father and his wife.” I growled turning to my back seat and digging through the mound of growing cloths, settling on a dress. I pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it in the back seat and replacing it with the dress. Billy just sat there staring at me wide eyed as I traded my doc martens with a pair of white flats. 
 “My father isn’t a big fan of how I dress,” I explained running my hands down the length of my dress. “He’s honestly not a big fan of anything that I do. Probably won’t like you either.” I muttered leaning over and buttoning two of his buttons. 
Billy frowned, “Your mom likes me.”
I chuckled taking my hair down from the messy ponytail it was in. “Yeah well, my dad is an asshole. So we’re not going to stay very long.” I cringed looking at the front door, dreading the monster that was behind it.
We both sauntered inside, Billy following me to my room. “Wow… it’s so…”
“Boring,” I cut him off looking around at the bare walls of my room. “I don’t stay here often, so there's no point in making it homey- especially since my dad will sell my things he doesn't like or want me to have.”
Billy frowned as I shut the door behind us. “Don’t worry we won’t be here for long. Just have to show my face because it’s my birthday.”
I rose on my toes pecking Billy’s slips making him smile.
“Wanna make out?”
I pushed his shoulder playfully as he scooped me up bridal style, pressing his lips to mine.
I could hear the rumble of my father’s car from outside my window. “Uh.. Billy,” I mumbled with a shaky voice as hummed against my neck. 
“I need you to get into my closet” 
Billy looked down at me confused as I slide from underneath him.  
“My dad is home. And you being here is something he won’t like” I dug through my bag grabbing my powder compact, patting down the area where Billy had left a hickey. I groaned at how red the mark had remained. 
“Daphne! Are you here?!”
“Baby, he can’t be that bad.” Billy spoke plodding towards me. 
I turned to him frowning “Billy, please. Just get in my closet and stay there.” I begged pushing him towards the doors. 
I turned around grabbing a book of my bookshelf climbing on my bed and laying down opening it. “DAPHNE!” my father boomed busting into my room. 
“Hiya, Daddy!”I beamed smiling up at him. 
“You didn’t show up for the first day of work at the post. We had to hire Karen Wheeler’s bimbo daughter.” My father growled.
 I closed my tattered copy of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath sitting beside me on the bed 
“Daddy, I told you I was working at Wonder Palace for the summer.” I mused only to earn a grunt of disapproval from him.
I stood up giving him a small hug before sheepishly stepping back eyeing my closet to make sure Billy could not be seen.
 “Can we please not do this right now? It’s my birthday, I came to eat dinner, not fight about my future.”
My father grabbed my arm pushing me hard against the wall. “I’m so sick of you running up and down the street with all the riff-raff you hang around.” I bit down on my lip, breathing heavily 
“You haven’t even given them a chance, dad. They aren’t as bad as you think they are.”
“I told you about these people. Smoking marijuana and drinking at that rundown amusement park isn't a job, It’s about time that you grow up Daphne. You’re 19 years old now. Did you apply to the schools like I asked?”
I looked away seeing Billy looking at me with terror in his eyes from my closet. “No, I didn’t. Mom said that I-“ his hand smacked across my face as he grabbed a hold of my face pinching my cheeks hard. 
“I don’t care what your mother has told you. You’re going to go to college. I didn’t raise a failure did I?” I averted my gaze as tears started to well up in my eyes. 
“Dad- I just graduated. I want to take time off of-” His grasp tightened around my jaw, forcing me harder into the wall.
“No sir,”I said through gritted teeth breathing heavily. 
“You didn’t raise me at all. Mom did, and she’s proud of me. She’s proud of the person I am and who I may become in the future.” He lifted his hand to hit me once again but Billy caught him by the wrist, staring angrily at my father.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” He bellowed pushing him away from me. I dropped to the floor finally letting the tears fall from my eyes. Billy stood in front my me guarding me from my father as he stormed back over to the both of us. 
“You’re not going to amount to anything. Just like your whore of a mother.”
I stood up balling my hands into fists, “And you’re going to die sad and alone.” I growled as Billy remained in front of me. 
“I’m not letting you near her.” He spoke harshly reaching back and placing his hand over mine, squeezing it in an attempt to show me I was safe. 
“And who are you?” Dad challenged bowing his chest up to Billy.
“My name is Billy Hargrove, and I’m in love with your daughter. We work together at Wonder Palace.”
My father squeezed his eyes shut in frustration, a huge knot growing in the pit of my stomach. Billy squeezed my hand again as I stepped up to stand by his side rather than behind him. 
“Really, Daphne? You bring this trash into my house when you know better not to? You let him do this shit to you?” My father pushed Billy roughly away making him fall into my small vanity grabbing my chin, hard, pushing my face away from him so he could get a better look at the marks Billy had left on my neck.
“You’re disgusting.” He barked squeezing my cheeks as Bill pushed him off of me winding back to punch my father in the face. “Hey,” I spoke softly grabbing on to Billy’s arm. 
“Let’s just go.”
Billy looked between my father and I before giving me a small nod. I turned to my dad. “I’m never coming back here again.” I declared as Billy grabbed my hand pulling me out of my room and to the front door, my father not even protesting us leaving.
 I grabbed the keys out of the pocket of my dress. Pushing them into the ignition reeving my car to life and pulling out of the driveway.
“Daph, please pull over let me drive.” 
I Ignored him, pushing my foot down harder on the gas pedal as we zoomed down the street. “Daphne,” Billy reached over caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. I let out a shaky sigh as I pulled over on the side of the road, resting my head on the steering wheel, finally letting out a sob. 
“Daphne,” Billy repeated as he started rubbing my back. 
“My father treats me the same way.” Billy whispered. My head shot up looking over at him. 
“That’s why you never want to go home, isn't it? It’s where, all of your bruises come from?” I wiped my nose with the back of my hand as Billy slumped back in the seat. 
“Yeah. My dad expects a lot from me, and no matter what I do, it’s not good enough.”
“What about your mom?” I questioned. 
“She left when I was young, and she didn't take me with her. But if she did, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up just like you.”
“Cute with a bad attitude? Oh wait…” I joked winking at him. 
“I’m serious,Daphne.”
“Are you going to be ok?” Billy questioned he as pulled into his driveway.
“I have a friend that works at Star Court, I’m going to go and visit her.” I leaned over pressing a kiss to Billy’s cheek. 
“Thank you for today.” I continued as he turned looking at me, placing a small kiss on my nose. 
“Anytime Princess.” Billy climbed out of my Jeep and striding over to the passenger side, opening my door for me. I slid out of my seat, Billy placing his hands on either side of my hips.
“Can I come over tonight?” He murmured leaning down and pressing his lips to my neck. 
“There’s a slice of ice cream cake with your name on it.” I gasped as I felt his teeth lightly graze my neck.
“Uck, can’t you slobber over your girls somewhere else?” 
Billy grunted resting his head on my shoulder as I looked over at the small redhead standing in front of us. 
“You’re Max!” I beamed pushing Billy away from me and stepping towards her. Billy made another grunt of disapproval as I stuck my hand out to his little sister.
“I’m Daphne, Billy’s girlfriend.” I chirped as she reluctantly shook my hand. 
I looked down noticing the skateboard she held in her hand. 
“I have the same one but mine is blue. Me and my friends always hit the skate park in Arbor Pines when we have time. Next time you should tag along, you can spend the night if you want to!” 
Max looked between Billy and I lifting an eyebrow. “He wouldn’t be invited if that’s what you’re worried about.” I chuckled as Billy slumped against my Jeep. I turned and looked at him angrily. 
“Don’t be rude William.” I smirked earning a laugh from Max as I turned back to her. 
“I’m serious, I don’t have any younger siblings. I am always game for a skateboarding session and a sleep over!”
Max gave me a huge smile before trying to shrug off her obvious excitement. 
“Sounds like fun,” She looked over from me to Billy, who was still throwing a fit that I was talking to his little sister.  “Try not to be a jackass and mess things up. I like her.” She quipped before excusing herself and going inside.
“Daphne, why?” Billy groaned as I turned to face him. 
 “Because if we’re going to be together, I want to try and have a relationship with your family- the ones that matter any way. Did you see how I instantly won her approval because I acknowledged her existence?”
He huffed crossing his arms. 
“Stop being such a grump. Or I’ll make you sleep on the couch tonight.”
Billy sighed in defeat. “Fine. Thank you for caring…..about my little sister.” He spoke through gritted teeth, faking a smile.
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I skipped into Scoops Ahoy leaning on the counter as a string of cuss words came from the back room. I hit the bell a few times before a boy with fluffy hair strode out. 
“Ahoy there! Are you ready to be a passenger on the SS Butterscotch? Let me help you and your taste buds to set sail! I’m Steve Harrington.” He exclaimed  running his fingers in his hair smiling at me. 
I lifted an eyebrow at him as Robin opened up the back window to watch the boy fail miserably at flirting with me. 
“This is what you left us for, Buckley?”  Her eyes lit up as she ran out to the front of the store pulling me into a huge hug.
“What are you doing here Daphne!?” 
“I had to come to Hawkins to visit my father for my birthday.” I mumbled with an eye roll. 
Robin cringed contorting her face up in disgust.  “And how did that go?” She questioned as I leaned back on the wall next to the counter. 
“The usual, him being an asshole and hitting me. But my boyfriend came between him and I and my dad kicked us out.”
Robin knew most of what happened at my father’s house, after things got bad and I wasn’t able to go back home to my mother, I would find solace and safety at the Buckley household. Away from my father and whatever he had been drinking that night.
An exasperated sigh came from the boy, Steve standing behind the counter. I turned to him giving a confused look. 
“You okay over there?” I questioned making him wince a little.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by that- it’s just of course you have a boyfriend, you’re too pretty not to have one.” 
I laughed at Steve as he awkwardly averted his gaze from mine. “Thank You. You’re very pretty also.” I complemented. 
“I’m Daphne Collins.”  I added offering my hand to the boy for him to shake. He gladly shook my hand reintroducing himself as Robin took me to the back room for us to hang out.
We spent the rest of the day catching up and hanging out until it was time for her to help Steve start closing the store. 
“I love you, Buckley.” I beamed giving the girl a hug before telling her and steve goodbye.
I wandered to the food court noticing a familiar tall blonde haired boy standing incredibly close to a tiny brunette, smiling down at her as he rubbed his hand against her cheek. I marched up behind him tapping him on the back of his shoulder. He grunted turning around
 “I told you to go away Max!” the color in his face completely drained as he looked down at me. 
“Billy who is this?” The girl spoke peeking from behind him as he stood there stifled 
“Yeah Billy, who am I?” I crossed my arms as he regained his composure.
 “She’s just one of the losers I work with. Are you stalking me?”
I didn't even resist punching him in the face, the blow threw him off balance. He turned looking at me holding his cheek in surprised. “You’re an asshole.” I seethed through gritted teeth. I looked at the girl still standing behind him.
 “He’s not worth the heartbreak.”
I turned around seeing that most of the food court had their attention on us. 
“The Show is over, assholes!” I yelled. Before making my way back to the parking lot and to my car.
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Billy pointed his rescue float at me before bringing it to his mouth, using it as a makeshift microphone. 
“TOO RA LOO RA TOO RA LOO RA AYE.” Billy sang as he started dancing like a complete dork running into a few people in the process. I stared at him as he started using his float as an air guitar. 
I rolled my eyes pushing my sunglasses up my nose as Billy made his way dancing towards me and the skeeball carnival game I was in charge of. 
“You know you’re making a complete ass out of yourself in front of the entire park.” I scoffed crossing my arms. 
Billy shimmied pointing his rescue float at me once again as he kept singing along to the rest of the song. 
“Come on, Princess, you can’t stay mad at me forever.”
“You tell me that you love me, twice might I add, and then you turn around and you flirt with any girl that looks your way. Do I only exist to you when you’re not in Hawkins?” I sneered crossing my arms.
Billy frowned dropping his arms to his sides. “Come on Daph, it’s not like that- It’s just,” He paused, thinking of a way to say what he wanted without pissing me off more. 
“You have an image to keep in Hawkins and if you’re seen with the weird stoner chick who likes girls as well as boys people will think less of you.” I blurted leaning back on my stool.
“Life isn’t a popularity contest Billy. If you really loved me than you wouldn’t actually care what people think. And that’s the difference between us, I don’t have to put on this front to get people to like me.”  I sneered as Geoff strolled by doing a double take at both Billy and I.
“Everything ok, Daph?” He questioned looking between us.
 “Do you mind covering for me? I don’t feel very good.” Geoff nodded eyeing Billy skeptically as I grabbed my things and made my way towards the front office.
The knot in my stomach only growing bigger, the more I thought about the past few days I had shared with Billy.
I stepped into Naldo’s office not even bothering to knock, making my way over to and sitting on the sofa he kept in the tiny room.
 “What’s on your mind, Kid?” He questioned, turning his chair around and facing me. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
Naldo smiled softly at me, out of our group of friends, him and I were the closest. He genuinely thought of me as his little sister and was probably the closest thing to a loving father figure I had.
“Hargrove, eh?”  He stood up, taking a few steps over to the couch sitting next to me. 
“I hate myself for feeling this way. I hate it, Naldo. It seems like every time me and him get close, he finds a way to mess things up. Is it me? Am I the issue here?”
I was never the type of girl to question why I got treated badly by who I dated, I would normally end things with the person and move on. But with Billy it was completely different. With Billy, it wasn’t just an infatuation that would only last for the summer. With Billy, I could easily see us together, with a family.
Before him, the only future I saw was me traveling alone finding a beach somewhere to call my home. But now, I wanted the same kind of future but I couldn’t picture it without him. And I hated that.
I hated how I let this complete mess of a boy blow through my entire being like a natural disaster, leaving a permanent imprint in his wake.
“Sometimes, people do really stupid things because they don’t know how to react to the way the person who they love, makes them feel. But Daph, I promise you, by the way Billy just looks at you, He’s in love.”
I frowned looking up from my hands at him, “what do you mean by that?” I questioned. 
Naldo gave me a half smile. “When you’re not looking he looks at you like you’re his entire world.”
“Toot it and boot it.” Naldo mused as I pulled him into a hug. 
I chuckled rubbing my nose on his shirt. He grimaced looking at the snot and tear stain on his shirt. “I love you, Daph.”
“I love you too, Naldo.”
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“Daph, your bonehead is here!” My mom called as I stumbled out of the kitchen seeing Billy standing in the foyer next to her. 
“I do not claim ownership to this bonehead you speak of.”
I grunted putting my hands on my hips. 
“Can we talk? Please?” He begged, biting down on his lip, a noticeable bruise forming below his eye. 
“Please tell me you ran into a wall and Geoff didn’t punch you in the face” I grumbled stepping up to him and taking his face in my hands, examining his eye.
 I looked over at my mother who was still standing next to us. Eyeing me with a smile. “Billy will probably stay for dinner, so grab something extra.” I sighed reaching down and grabbing his hand.
Okay, Fabio. Let’s go.” I spoke pulling him to the kitchen as my mom called out her departure to the store. I sat Billy down sauntering over to our refrigerator grabbing a bag of peas wrapping it in a dish towel and handing it to him.  
I grabbed his chin examining the dark purple that had formed around his entire left eye. 
“I don’t think Geoff, Issac or Derek likes me very much.” He muttered earning a laugh from me.
 “They get protective. We all do. All for one and one for all y’know.” 
“I’m sorry,” Billy spoke sitting back in his chair as I took my place on one of the bar stools across from him. 
“I just, I don’t know how to react to these feelings I have. It’s new and scary, and nobody has made me feel like you do.” He blurted averting his gaze from me.
“You being in love with me is no excuse for being an asshole. You can’t just treat me one way and then the next you laugh at me telling people I’m the weirdo you work with.”
He frowned chewing on the bottom of his lip. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“Billy, you are an asshole. But you’re very lucky that I love you and that Naldo talked me into giving you another chance.”
A smile spread across his face as he stood up. “Really?”
He stepped towards me, sitting the bag of peas on the counter next to me before grabbing my face and pulling it to his. I pulled back shaking my head. 
“You’re still in trouble, Fabio. You’re not winning me back that easily.”
He groaned dramatically placing his head on my shoulder.
“You’re an asshole.” I repeated making him look at me. I rubbed my thumb over the bruise that started forming under his eye. 
“I’m going to make you wait until the end of summer,” I started as he closed his eyes from my touch. 
“No making out on lunch, or cuddling in my bed. You can still spend the night, I’m not going to make you stay with your father. We’re friends. Just Friends. Until I say so.”
Billy looked down at me, tears brimming his eyes. “But you promise, that eventually you and I will have a future?” he questioned making me nod.
“I’m not ready to give you another chance as a boyfriend, Billy. But I do love you. I really really love you, so yes we will eventually have a future.”
Billy rested his head against mine. “For you, Daph, I’m willing to wait.”
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The remaining months of summer flew by in a complete blur. Billy spent most nights over at my house or he stayed with one of the boy’s house floating around until he eventually stopped going back home all together.
The two of us fell into a comfortable routine of being together but not officially together. I was still withholding myself from him with only a few slip ups when the sexual tension between us got to be too much.
We’d lay in a mess of blankets and tangled limbs on those days, seemingly not letting each other go as we held onto one another. Eventually, I didn’t even bother protesting him sleeping in my bed with me. My absolute favorite time of the day was right before Billy woke up in the mornings.
He was so completely ...Soft when he was sleeping. And I completely loved it. His unruly blonde curls poking out of the quit we were under. Every morning he’d wake up, cuddling into my side. He’d mumble a good morning and a I love you before falling asleep again. 
I was completely head over heels in love with this boy and had him wrapped around my finger. And the best part about it was that he didn’t care what people thought about him anymore. Spending the five summer months with me and my group of friends changed him for the better.
He had a group of guys that befriended him because they wanted to and not because they had something to gain in their social status. 
He was loved and then in return learned how to love and let people in again. He finally had a family who accepted him, flaws and all.
I woke up next to Maggie, who was sprawled out on my bed, leaving little room for me to actually be comfortable. 
We had an end of summer slumber party with Max and her friend El, both girls passed out on my pull out couch. 
Max almost instantly took to me after our first meeting, when she wasn’t with her group of friends she was hanging out with me and Maggie. Sometimes all of her friends would pile into my truck, much to Billy’s dismay as we hauled the load of children to Naldo’s Palace. 
The kids would spend the duration of mine and Billy’s shift running around the park, or they’d be picked up by Steve and taken back home.
“When did you get here?” I questioned hugging Billy from behind. He turned his head slightly peeking down at me.
 “Right before your mom left for work. She told me that everyone was still asleep so I didn’t go into our room.”
“Our room?” 
“Your room.” He chuckled correcting himself. 
“It can be our room, if you want it to be. Y’know, stop bouncing between mine and the boy’s houses. Move here permanently?” I offered as he turned from the stove and the breakfast he was attempting to cook to pulling me into his arms.
“Moving in with you? That sounds so official.” He beamed leaning into me pressing a kiss to my lips.
I smiled into the kiss, “Guess that makes us official.”
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“Have you seen Billy?” I asked Maggie as I took a look around to see if I could find him.
 “I went to the bathroom and then ended up talking to Victoria Andrews for twenty minutes.”
Maggie nodded her head up to the top of The Serpent where I could see my boy. Smoking a cigarette.  
“Why is he up there?”
Maggie shrugged, “I don’t know, but he mentioned if I ran into you to tell you to go up there.”
“...Okay?” I muttered reaching down grabbing two beers. 
“Thanks Mags.” I beamed as I made my way to The Serpent.
Once I finally made it to the top, I sat next to Billy swinging my legs over the railing watching as the party boomed below. 
“Whatcha doing up here?” I questioned handing him the can of beer I had grabbed for him..
“Just thinking.” Billy placed his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him, I instinctively leaned into him as he pressed a kiss to my head.
“About what?” I questioned reaching up to his hand that was around my shoulder, and intertwining our fingers.
 “What I wanted out of life eight months ago compared to now.”
I gave him a confused look, waiting for him to continue whatever he was thinking about. “Eight months ago, my only plans were to work my ass off and save every penny I made so I could move back to California.Back to my home.”
I felt a tinge of pain pierced through my heart, I had the same plans for myself, but they fell through after we expectancy lost Tyler in a car accident that involved his car being hit by a drunk driver. 
All of us were completely devastated at the lost of our pseudo big brother and one of our closest friends.
I just assumed that after Wonder Palace closed for the season that Billy still had plans to leave and go back to California, even when I made it clear I was staying in Arbor Pines. 
After Tyler passed, we learned that he had left the entire theme park to the five of us, and of course we almost instantly took the offer to make sure that Naldo’s spirit lived on in his theme park he had loved so much.
“But now?” 
He smiled looking away from me, as some of his curls fell into his eyes. Billy took his arm from around me stuffing his hand in the pocket of his jacket pulling out a small velvet box. He opened it exposing a beautiful diamond ring. 
“Now, my home is here with you. And I can’t picturing being anywhere else but where I am right now. I love you, Daphne, and I know we both are young but when you know, you know. Will you marry me?”
I could feel a fire spread inside of me. The butterflies that had made a home in my stomach from the moment I had met the boy in front of me trying  to burst out of my body. 
I looked down at the box Billy held- his hand trembling waiting for me to answer the question he had just asked. I looked up at him giving a soft smile.
 “I thought you wanted no attachments working here.” I joked earning an eye roll from him, completely killing the serious mood Billy had tried to set. 
“I didn’t plan on having any attachments, until I fell in love with an absolute pain in my ass. Now answer the question before I change my mind.” 
“Well at least I a cute pain in the ass.” I fell into a fit of giggles as Billy glared down at me, waiting for me to answer the question he already knew the answer to. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, Billy.” I finally replied feeling my cheeks grow warm as a smile spread across his face. Billy slipped the small ring on my finger placing a kiss on my hand  before pressing his lips to mine. 
“Where did you get this, B? It’s beautiful.” I lifted my hand up looking at my engagement ring, wiggling my fingers out in front of me. 
“I used all of my graduation money from my relatives I have never met and all the money I have saved from working here.” 
Billy placed his arm back around me, as we fell into the same comfortable position we sat in when we were together. We sat up in the tower of the slide where we shared our first shift together until we decided to go to rejoin the party that was growing below.
“Daph, did you say yes!?” Issac beamed as everyone ran up to us. 
“They knew?!” I sputtered turning to look at Billy with wide eyes. “You actually told these idiots you were proposing and trusted them to keep it a secret from me?”
“Of course I told them, Daph. They’re our best friends. I needed their approval.” Billy chuckled pulling me into his side.
 “Wait, So you’re staying here?” I questioned making Billy nod.
“I just told you that I spent all of the money I saved for Cali on your ring. And I just proposed to you so why the hell would I go back to Cali when you and our friends live here?” Billy snorted
“I mean, I guess you're right.” I admitted, slightly embarrassed at the stupid question I had just asked.
“I’ve learned that home isn’t just a place, it’s also the people you surround yourself with. Home for me isn’t in Cali anymore. It’s right here with all of you, right here with the absolute love of my life.” Billy spoke, a small smile growing on his face as Maggie and the boys attacked both of us in a group hug.
Billy was completely right, home wasn't just a place, it was the people that you surround yourself with, the ones that when you felt completely alone, they would be there to catch you when you were falling and remind you that you weren’t alone.
And with us, Billy never had to worry about feeling alone again. He had us, and we had him. And all of us had Reynolds’ Wonder Palace.
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soaimagines · 5 years
six months
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Gifs not mine, credit to owners/creators.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
Warnings: grief, mourning, loss, depression, language.
Grief plays pretty heavily through out this so please be cautious.
Authors Note: maaaan it has been so long since I’ve written something. I’m still convinced this is trash but I’m gonna post it before I yeeeeeet my laptop out the window. A huge thank you to @littleblogontheprairie , @harringtonhargrovethings and @justabasterd for reading through and encouraging me, I truly appreciate it.
Tagged For:  @yoinkpeter - @samiel-maurice455 - @total-fucktrash - @fangirlinganditswonders - @please-lives-are-at-stake - @house-in-charmingtown-imagines - @blood-on-my-french-fries - @goodiesintheclosetlove - @inlovewithagreaser - @crystalbaby12 - @fairytale-believerxx - @eternalmikaelson - @avahodge - @gingersearchingforsoul - @supernaturallymarvel - @spider–guy - @missblasphemy - @knightwolfdixon - @potatoe69fan -
I used by tag list from when I wrote for Billy ages ago so if you want to be removed/added let me know.
The trees lining the road blurred into an endless green, your eyes unable to focus as the car moved along the road.
Every now and then your mother would glance over at you, her brows furrowed with concern.
You knew the radio was on; it was always on. Your mother was a sucker for the latest pop hits. But you didn’t hear the music. A dull buzz seemed to take over and it wasn’t til your mother spoke your name for the third time that you actually heard her.
“Y/N? Honey?”
You couldn’t bare to look at her, to see the sympathy and worry in her eyes.
A grunt left your lips in response. You weren’t trying to be rude, you just couldn’t seem to find words.
“Do you want me to pick you up some lunch?” She pressed on gently.
You shook your head, though the movement was subtle. “I’m not hungry.”
Your mother watched as you shifted your body away from her to face the window.
The days events drifted through your mind. The funeral. There was a big turn out, which you’d expect for the ‘King of Hawkins’. The rows had been littered with girls you went to school with, and their mothers, all clad in black. Tears streamed down each of their faces, mascara staining their skin  and you knew if Billy was here he would have rolled his eyes and laughed, though a smug smile would have lingered on his lips.
You wondered if any of them had ever actually spoken to Billy. Probably not.
They didn’t even know him.
They didn’t know that he loved the hair at the back of his neck being played with, or that he liked his coffee black. They didn’t know he knew every fucking word to every Motley Crüe song and that he had an irrational fear of circus clowns. They didn’t know of the bruises that littered his body or the scar on his thigh. They didn’t know about his mother, or his father, and they didn’t know that all he ever really wanted was to be loved. They didn’t know that his laugh, his real laugh, was like summer rain and every time you heard it, no matter the weather,  the sun seemed to shine brighter.
No, they didn’t know him.
Because those things were hidden behind the walls he’d only let down for you.
And so you’d sat next to Max, ignoring the chorus of sobs that echoed through the room and you stared at the coffin, the familiar sense of numbing that you’d felt over the past room intensifying.
The service was a rush, a muddled blur. A few people spoke, droning on about some bullshit that Billy would have hated and before you knew it the door was closing on the hearse and Billy’s body was driven away.
You were brought back to reality when the car engine shut off.
Before your mother could ask how you were doing you slid out of the car and walked to the front door.
Your feet carried you to your bedroom and once the door closed behind you you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding.
Bloodshot eyes scanned your room. It was the same as you’d left it this morning, but your eyes lingered on the bed.
Suddenly it seemed so.. big.
Your legs carried you forward and you slowly climbed onto the mattress.
As you lay down you closed your eyes and memories washed over you like a wave.
Images of Billy, his hair splayed against the pillow, golden curls framing his head.
The morning sunlight pouring in like marmalade, the trees outside casting shadows across his bare skin and the way his Californian tan contrasted against the white sheets. His lips pressing to your forehead when he woke, before slipping out the window before your parents came in.
His mischievous grin as he climbed through the window nearly every night and dove into the bed.
“Shhh, Billy!” You would hiss.
He would chuckle and grab your hands, pulling you towards him.
“Come here, princess.”
Your eyes flickered open and landed on the empty space next to you.
The space that would no longer feel the weight of his body.
You grabbed the pillow and hugged it tight.
It was faint, the scent of him, but it was there and you breathed it in as the tears began to flow.
The start of senior year wasn’t anything like you had imagined.
“One more year” Billy had told you. “As soon as you graduate we are going to California.”
You held on to that, it’s what pushed you to keep going when all you wanted was to give up. Maybe it was silly; it’s not like he’d be by your side when you crossed that state line, but you knew that you had to do it. For him.
And so you kept going to school, sinking into a familiar routine and drifting through the days as they all blurred into one.
The hallways were the worst. The whispers, the sympathetic looks. Even the laughter; not that it was directed at you. But how could anyone be that happy when the world was so cold and empty.
Many mornings now you had been late, your mind still not registering the fact that you didn’t have your own personal chaperone anymore. You walked into school alone, no arm around your shoulder or hand tucked into the back pocket of your jeans.
The jealous stares from the girls replaced with sad eyes and sympathetic smiles.
You caught the bus and you drifted through the hallways like paper moving in the wind.
Today was no different and you rummaged through your locker as the bell rang out, signalling the start of class.
With a sigh you pulled out the books you needed and slammed the locker shut  before heading to the classroom.
Desks were already filling and you eyed the rows before spotting one at the back of the room.
You stepped over bags and ignored the eyes on you as you made your way before slumping down into the chair and shifting your focus to the window. It’s not that the scenery was particularly interesting; it wasn’t. You just didn’t want to see any more apologetic smiles, as if they could possibly know what you were going through.
After a minute or two of listening to the teachers monotone voice you shifted in your seat and glanced down at your desk.
Almost immediately something caught your eye, and a breath caught in your throat.
In the corner of the desk was a carving.
A jagged ‘B.H’ with an equally messy carving of your initials underneath.
Your thumb brushed over the carving and you closed your eyes.
He had sat right here, in this seat, in this class.  
You could almost picture it, Billy, slumped in the chair with his legs stretched out, a bored expression on his face.
Billy, sitting next to his friends and laughing as they tossed pieces of crumpled paper into a girls hair.
Billy, huddled over the desk with his pocket knife, etching his initials into the wood before adding the initials of the girl he loved.
Billy, laughing, breathing, living.
A tear spilled from your lashes and you stood abruptly, snatching your bag and rushing out of the classroom.
The teacher called after you but you didn’t stop.
You didn’t stop till you’d left the school grounds and you didn’t stop til you’d reached your street.
You didn’t stop til you’d slammed your bedroom door shut and fallen onto your bed and sobs ripped through your chest.
The change in weather was causing havoc on your lips and you searched your room frantically for your chapstick. You searched the dresser and rummaged through your school bag with no luck before kneeling in front of the bedside table.
The drawer squeaked as you pulled it open and you rummaged through the contents.
You grabbed the tube of chapstick and were about to shut the door when you stopped.
The pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes stared back at you and you gingerly lifted the pack.
They had been stashed away for months, shoved to the back of the drawer and forgotten about.
“Just in case.” He winked and slid the drawer shut.
Your breathing quickened as rage took over and you crumpled the packet in your hands.
Without a second thought  you yanked the drawer out of its place and threw it to the corner of the room. It’s contents went flying and scattered across the floor.
You were shaking now, and tears fell steadily as you let out a jagged scream.
You swiped your arm across your bedside table, sending your lamp and alarm clock  crashing to the floor.
Leaping to your feet, your fingers tore at the posters littering your walls and you crumpled them in your hands.
You couldn’t stop,’couldn’t control yourself and the laundry hamper was flung across the room before you set your eyes on your dresser.
The lipsticks, your hairbrush, the bottles of perfume he’d brought you on Valentine’s Day.
All of it went flying as you tore through your room, demolishing anything in sight. Eventually your eyes fell on the mirror.
You stared at your reflection.
Loose strands of hair fell from your ponytail and hung around your face. Mascara stained your cheeks and there was a wild look in your eyes that you didn’t recognise.
An ugly sob tore from your throat and before you could stop yourself you clenched your first and swung.
The mirror shattered almost as fast as your heart had and the shards began to fall as you hit the glass over and over.
With bloodied knuckles and an aching heart you collapsed to the floor, your body curling up into a ball.
The crumpled pack of cigarettes lay next to you and you grabbed them, clutching them to your chest as the sobs took over.
Music bellowed out into the street, disrupting the otherwise peaceful night.
You stared at the house, various Halloween decorations were scattered across the lawn and an orange glow came from every window.
Why did you let your friends talk you into this?
Before you could change your mind and run home to the comfort of your bedroom, you took a deep breath and walked into the house.
A couple were already making out, pushed up against the wall of the hallway. You shuffled past them, trying not to make any contact.
Scanning the faces of the crowd you searched for your friends.
When your eyes landed on a leather jacket you froze, for a moment, instantly mistaking the stranger for Billy.
His leather jacket had always been a regular feature of his outfits.
He had draped it over your shoulders last October, when the weather was getting colder and you had sacrificed comfort and warmth for the sake of your outfit. You had walked down the street hand in hand, laughing together about the movie you had just seen at the local cinema. But before the two of you could reach his car he had pulled you into the alleyway behind the florist.
A wicked smirk crossed his lips and you had bitten your lip as you leant against the cold bricks. He placed his hands either side of your head and leant in close and leant his forehead against yours.
You remembered how he'd kissed you, so soft and yet so rough, a sense of urgency in his lips. His hands immediately gripping your waist as he pulled you closer and your hands tangling in his hair.
You sighed and scanned the rest of the room, your eyes finally landing on your group of friends.
Shoulders brushed past you as you made your way across the room to the kitchen.
Your friends greeted you and you smiled sheepishly.
“Good to see you dressed up!” Molly said, her voice flat with sarcasm.
“I’m a mouse,” You pointed to the ears on your head. “Duh.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled, “Im glad you came.”
You smiled back at her and grabbed a red cup from the stack on the counter.
“Hey, we’re gonna go dance. Do you wanna come?” Molly asked.
You raised an eyebrow as you lifted the ladle and poured some punch into your cup. “Absolutely not. But go ahead, I'm fine.”
Molly nodded and headed off to the dance floor with the rest of the group.
You took a sip from the cup and grimaced. Whoever had spiked this punch had done an awful job, and you wondered just how many stolen bottles of liquor had been added to the bowl.
But you shrugged and took another sip. If you were gonna get through this night, you sure as hell weren't going to do it sober.
The majority of the evening you had spent perched on the edge of the sofa, watching your friends dance. They had tried to drag you onto the dance floor and you had refused each time, though you smiled at them and laughed at their goofy moves.
You were actually enjoying yourself, which surprised you, but you assumed it was mainly because of the punch you had been sipping on all night.
A large commotion outside caught your attention and you looked out to see a group of boys cheering, as they watched Tommy doing a kegstand
You remembered last year, last Halloween at Tina’s party. When you had watched Billy doing a keg stand from the sidelines, rolling your eyes at his bravado. You remembered how a trail of beer had run down his chest, gliding over his toned muscles. How he had caught you looking at him and winked, “You like what you see, Princess?”
You sighed and stood up from the sofa and you made your way to the bowl of punch.
The music was loud and you sung along to it as you filled your cup once more.
Closing your eyes you lifted the cup to your lips, your brows scrunching together as you tasted the concoction.
You didn't want to remember him. Not tonight.
Tonight you wanted to forget.
A cold wind sent a shiver down your spine and you pulled your coat tighter around your body.
Your friends laughed beside you and you forced a smile on your face, though you had missed the punchline of the joke.
Molly was sharing with the group how her date with Tommy had gone and you listened half heartedly.
She had been crushing on him for months and you were happy for her, but you didn’t want to hear about anyone else’s love life. Not when yours had ended so tragically.
Another cool gust of wind sent your hands delving deep into your pockets and you frowned slightly.
In the left pocket of your coat you felt a piece of paper and you pulled it out slowly before unfolding it.
As soon as you laid eyes on the  familiar handwriting scrawled across the page your breath caught in your throat.
Tears stung your eyes almost immediately, threatening to spill over but you held them back and read the words.
‘I cant wait to see what you buy, baby. I’ll come over tonight so you can show me. Leave your window open xx’
A smile crossed your lips and you traced over the writing with your finger.
He had slipped the note into your locker on a Friday, and he'd kept true to his words, slipping into your window in the dark of the night with a hungry look in his blue eyes.
The day before you had spent at Billy’s house, listening to music in his room.  You had stood in front of his dresser, studying the bottles of cologne and the photos from his youth. You had told him about your plans to take Max shopping to find a dress for the Snow Ball and he had rolled his eyes, “She’s got a whole wardrobe full of clothes.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes and you’d shook your head. “She needs a dress, Billy. She needs something.. special.”
Billy groaned and sat up. “You’re really gonna hang out with my sister when you could be hanging out with me?”
“Don’t be so jealous.” You snickered. “Besides, maybe I’ll pick something up for myself. Maybe..” Your voice fell off and you stepped in front of him, your hands laying on his shoulders. “Maybe something I can wear just for you.”
His eyes lit up and his tongue ran across his lip as he pulled you into his lap.
“Don’t tease me, princess.” He’d whispered before crashing his lips against yours.
Together you’d fallen back against the sheets and it wasn’t long before you were lost in hushed moans and heavy breathing, your bodies tangled together.
“(Y/N)? You okay?” Molly’s voice interrupted your daydream and you snapped back to reality.
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat and shoved the note back into your pocket. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
And you weren’t lying, not entirely.
As you held back tears the memories washed over you and you smiled.
You were okay.
Christmas Eve. Even from your bedroom you could hear the carollers singing at the front door. You sighed and rolled over, turning the radio on your bedside table up louder.
You used to love Christmas. Loved waking up to fresh snow and wearing your pyjamas all morning. Drinking hot cocoa in front of the fireplace while your mother cooked up a feast in the kitchen.
But you didn’t feel the usual festive spirit this year.
He should be here.
You couldn’t help but think of last years Christmas.
How Billy had come over after dinner,
How he’d kissed you under the mistletoe, his hand tangled in your hair.
His smile, and the way his eyes had sparkled with love, or maybe it was just the reflection of the Christmas lights.
And you’d fallen asleep in his arms, your legs intertwined  and your head resting on his chest, his heartbeat your own personal lullaby.
At that memory you sat up, the full realisation that you’d never hear that sound again hit you like a truck and you clutched at your chest. Begging and pleading for God, or anyone that would listen to stop this ache that consumed you. To bring him back.
You took a deep breath and slid off the bed.
A walk would do you good. So you slipped on your boots, pulled on your coat and left the house, without a destination in mind.
Your legs seemed to make up their own mind as they carried you along the road.
Maybe deep down you knew where you were going. You’d wanted to go there for a while now but you had been scared. Scared that it would only remind you of how much you had lost.
The night was quiet and it wasn’t long before you reached your destinations
4819 Cherry Lane looked almost the same as you’d always seen it. But you couldn’t help but notice the absence of Billy’s camaro parked in the driveway. Now his usual parking spot sat empty, only a few oil stains on the concrete remained.
You took a deep breath and as quietly as you could, you walked around the side of the house, stopping in front of the third window.
You closed your eyes and for a moment the weather changed.
For a moment it was a warm summers night and the window in front of you was glowing with light. You could hear Mötley Crüe coming from his radio and the familiar scent of his cologne mixed with his cigarettes drifted out the window. His shadow cast over you as he moved across the room, cigarette pressed between his lips as he smiled at his reflection in the mirror.
And just like that he was gone.
It wasn’t summer. It was the middle of winter and you stared up at the dark window.
Sadness washed over you but you pushed on, carefully shifting a few blocks of wood to stood on top of them.
Laying your fingers on the window you took another deep breath.
It was silly to think you could actually get inside without the strength of his arms hauling you up.
But that didn’t stop you from reaching up and pushing the window open.
As quietly as you could you clambered through the window, your feet hitting the floorboards with a dull thud.
You waited patiently, listening to see if your sudden presence had been noticed.
But only silence met you and you stared sound the room as your eyes adjusted to the dark.
You tiptoed over to his lamp that sat next to his bed and you flicked the switch.
Everything was the same.
The bed was made, sheets pulled up with close to zero effort and your fingers brushed over the wrinkles in the fabric.
Cigarette butts sat in the ashtray and a small smile crossed your lips.
You walked around the room, wiping the layer of dust from the surfaces you touched and you stopped in front of the dresser.
His favourite cologne sat closest to you and you lifted it carefully. Your finger pressed down on the pump and the scent sprayed into the air.
Memories flooded you as you breathed it in, all the nights you’d spent with your head buried in his neck.
You sprayed it once more onto your neck and placed the bottle down carefully.
You stepped in front of his wardrobe and bit your lip, remember the doors had always creaked.
But you opened them anyway and ran your fingers over the fabric of his shirts.
The red shirt, that was torn from his fight with Steve yet he’d refused to throw it out.
The black shirt, that he’d worn when he first met your parents.
And the blue shirt, that he had worn last December when he told you he loved you for the first time.
Finally your fingers fell on the leather jacket and let out a breath. With careful movements you removed it from its hanger and pulled it over your shoulders.
You pulled the leather to your face and breathed in the scent, the faint hint of his cigarettes still lingering.
A tear rolled down your cheek but you didn’t notice as you closed the wardrobe doors and walked to the bed.
You pulled the sheets back and slipped in beneath them.
Moonlight shone through the window and you reached over to turn the lamp off before falling back against his pillows.
God you missed him.
But in that moment, as you laid amongst the sheets in the bed you’d spent so many nights, basking in the scent of the boy you loved, you swore you could feel him.
You could feel his arms wrapped around you, the warmth of his breath ghosting over your skin.
And as you drifted off to sleep, with tears rolling down your cheeks, you felt safe.
For the first time in six months you didn’t feel so empty.
For the first time in six months, you were home.
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