#hes so papa i want him to adopt me fr
jrueships · 11 months
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hes so funny to me
#OF COURSE HE STILL DOES BOOMERANGS LMAO#who taught him the space before punctuation lol?????#bronny 😭??#hes so papa i want him to adopt me fr#i read his shooting stars book and it gives some good insight on his personal thinking#he loves his mama.. he faced massive hurdles early on so the ones he faces later dont feel as big#he fought to play with his team again in court bcs the board wouldnt let him contact them at all#he wrote a personal letter to the president of the ohio board or smthin trying to explain and plead his case as a kid to let him play#with his friends again.....they used it as evidence in court against him#lebron was very hurt that his school waited until it looked like he was winning the court case to back him#so he was introduced to the cruelty of business at a young age#he just had to live his little kid life treated as an adult A Lot#but he was used to it bcs hes been doing that all his life#so hes not hurt by the circumstances.. but by the people personally#he thinks about being disappointed and mistreated by grown ppl and their grown expectations a lot#but again. he thinks he should be used to it bcs his father already introduced that concept to him early on with his absence#when he had to sit out a game he got worried his team forgot abt him bcs they wouldnt acknowledge him#(they werent allowed)#but he just wanted some sign that they missed him even tho they did give it before the game#he needs constant reminders to be comforted/consistency to start being comfortable#idk lol lebrons always just been a kinda person i feel bad for#sports are always applauded for helping kids grow up... but idk maybe sometimes it can be too fast#i never liked people making fun of him too much bcs ive always just felt some weird pang of sympathy for him#very unpopular opinion in chicago lol#idk anyways this is funny and cute and also i can understand#having adults around you not act like adults can come across as a shocking pain to expectations#realizing later that they shouldnt have acted like that and that they could be Wrong can hurt growing up#but again lebron tries to ease it. with the fact that it's merely only disappointment again#he should be used to it and he is#and maybe that hurts more
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
"Excuse me?" Mariano asked coldly as he glared down at Alma who was trying to denounce him as a beast to the town.
"You wanna call us monsters? Cause I'd say abandoning your five year old granddaughter and ignoring and neglecting her for ten years makes you the monster. Not to mention everyone here knows that Mirabel was told to take care of Antonio when she was ten because his supposed parents were too busy. And you wanna call me the monster?" Mariano asked his voice a powerful growl and the town was already aware of this.
It was hard for them to not see or hear him adopting Mirabel and later Antonio. They openly called him papa and his mother their tita and have for years.
"Besides if I'm a monster then why are you the one so desperate to marry off your eldest granddaughter, to me no less?" Mariano asked and Alma glared at him while the town murmured.
"Oh and just in case I wasn't clear enough before....there is no way in hell I'd marry into your family and give you another child to neglect and abuse. Because near starving a five year old? Ignoring her existence? And completely ignoring Antonio until AFTER he got his gift at MY home mind you?" Mariano shook his head.
"You don't care about people or your family, you just want more magical slaves and everyone here knows it. So kindly take your bullshit and FUCK OFF!"
No but Fr, even after he was revealed, I doubt the town would do anything about, because he makes valid points that are 100% true 🏃‍♀️💨💨 you can’t deny it when there’s no much evidence
Mariano every time Alma comes with within a 10 ft radius:
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
hi 😊 me again so difh hmm 🤔where do i start I don't think oc is even 49% not culprit she 100% guilty. She has her flaws as a sweet person bt nah nah he did not come across initially as that manipulative. She just wanted to unconsciously 1) save her marriage with a kid (things did seem to be going in troubled waters due to prolonged distress with the og couple) & 2) not ruffle any feathers with him incase he gets too angry with them and cuts them off financially soso ------ There's no way someone says just that and I'll be opening my legs sir you'll be eating with a straw for a long long time 🍼🧊
Also my heart doesn't believe for a second jk is not hitting a younger escort/clg gal at side for no strings emergency service hotline. He totally seems the type and He's emotionally invested in OC at this point there's a huge difference in the highs he gets from both🌶☕
and i love you but i don't think for a second anyone's getting divorce or therapy in that household for a long time. There's no way he'll LET og couple divorce split custody AND LET EVERYONE IN SOCIETY KNOW he fathered 2 kids. It's neither going to be a public thing nor is it going to feature even in hush hush high society gossip radar. 🧐🤣🤣
They'll be caught soon by the husband with how sloppy jk is bt i just don't see any open clear air or therapy or new beginning for the son. Jk's the kind to rub his disability in his face both bodywise, familywise and workwise (like plz how do u come home and tell ur papa i missed my impy flight, are u like 5?? call ur fucking secretary arrange charter plane, reach that fucking meeting in style) how son's so deficient at everything he HAD to make new heirs who are more great like him (can u imagine though if kids especially the boy turns to be 100% jk) he doesn't shows those murderous symptoms but you never know with the kind of psychopath jk is his son might even be in a car crash 😉😉 and then starts the court drama of oc trying to leave but this is fucking Korea and he's richie rich. Hell probably even house her in his mansion and adopt kids as his heirs legally all the while abusing her in private (hiding initially and then in front of his wife) while cashing on brownie points from public. (Maybe even OC was pregnant with their 3rd kid) such sadness on the family and the new kiddo who never got to meet his daddy 🥲🥲
My heart feels for OC though the mental stress she's constantly under and it's good that this is a fic atleast here things can end with her leaving bit i fr don't think she CAN leave EVER if u think about it realistically. She's trapped for life and he's hooked for life on her (third time's the charm😇)
Now I'll completely understand if u dint reach to the bottom of this kyle richards style msg but i have a couple of scenarios do u care that i share?? In the next one they are😊
Hey so I really do appreciate the analysis of the story but in your previous ask telling me or any writer "you're wrong" about their own story or that they're not being they're not "Think(ing) about it realistically" when it come to some of the choices made comes off as extremely rude.
I think/hope you didn't mean it that way so please try to figure out a way to reword that statement. You said "I don't think" or something to that equivalent throughout this whole ask and you are totally entitled to think anything you would like about anything but saying things like "I love you but..." in any context is very hurtful since it's showing your love is conditional.
You can totally give constructive criticism and I'm not super pressed about what you said but I would just say for future reference just because you think something should go one way or was the wrong decision doesn't mean you were right and the person who created the story and put time and effort into releasing it for free is wrong.
At the end of the day the writer has the last say and it's their story. Only they know the full details and true thoughts and feeling of their character and what they would or wouldn't do.
Imagining the story going a different way is fine but maybe keep those thoughts and feelings to yourself if you're telling them that they've made multiple wrong choices throughout the story.
Now I'll start responding to your analysis
I do agree that she is 100% in the wrong and she never said she wasn't in the wrong. In Drabble 1 she admitted to herself "I've backed myself into a corner, and there really is no one else to blame but myself. Jungkook might've pressured me into this but the choice was ultimately mine, and I chose wrong" so she knows that she fucked up.
This might've not been something that you read or noticed but she does think about these things and has been for years. Sometimes it's easy to put the blame on someone else so it would be seen that way but she is self aware it's just hard for her to have Jungkook around and throwing things in her face.
He might've seemed very manipulative at the beginning but he caught her at a time where she was feeling vulnerable and desperate and so people sometimes don't make the best decisions when they're in that sort of headspace and Jungkook knew that and used it to his advantage.
She didn't make those decisions "unconsciously" because she knew exactly why she said yes and therefore knew that although this wasn't the right thing to do it would be the easiest way for everyone to get what they wanted. And just like the title of part three says "I Did It For You" and thought of how much pressure this would take off of him.
Although people might've been able to say no to him some people might've said yes. There were multiple factors to this story and sometimes people aren't as strong willed as some others are. She's all talk at this point because of the fact that she doesn't want her husband to find out.
Not because of the fact that she doesn't want people to know what she's done (ofc that is a factor in it) but because she really truly does love her husband and she knows just how much this will shatter him and she doesn't want to see that happen and that's why it went on for so long.
People think differently and that's what makes life and stories more interesting because if we all thought and felt the same way then things wouldn't be all that interesting and very predictable.
I mean he definitely gets hit on and flirts with other women but he does have self control. In Drabble 1 he says "Darling it's your fault, you've ruined sex for me with other women. Nothing about them compares to you" so he doesn't find pleasure in it anymore because he's 1) obsessed with her and 2) obsessed with the power trip and how he can have her as much as he wants as long and she still wants to keep this all a secret.
Like you said he's emotionally invested in oc and so he feels like theres' no point if it's not with her.
In terms of divorce there's no real reason why anyone with need to know that he's the father. It might be something that comes out later but as far as the public knows he's still just their grandfather.
There are a lot of dirty secrets in high society that no one finds out about and couples get divorced all the time and it's not seen as uncommon these days so it's not taboo.
Plus the secret could still come out whether she was still married to her husband or not. The people that she wanted to keep the secret from already know so she doesn't care if it goes to the press if that's the only way to get away from them.
If anything that would be the best way that she could get her revenge and Jungkook at that point would see the divorce as necessary because what person in their right mind would go around keeping the family together once everyone knows the truth.
Oc doesn't want revenge though because she's not like that and she wants to keep her kids out of the press as much as possible and doesn't want people to treat them any differently.
Will it put a ding in the families reputation if she tells everyone? Sure but Jungkook doesn't have the power to nor have the desire to stop the divorce. Jungkook's manipulation stops when he loses oc.
He's not someone who wants to get revenge on someone in this situation because although he lost her, this is something he's always gonna be able to hold over her head and that's humiliation enough.
No one needs to LET oc do anything because this isn't the dark ages and woman decide what they can and cannot do. He wouldn't lock her in a dungeon and hold her captive because if he did then her mother in law would be the one to go to the press.
Her mother in law is actually very understanding and keeps in contact with oc throughout all of this. Even though what oc did was majorly fucked up her mother in law knows Jungkook and what he's capable of and understands why she did it.
Although you think they'll get caught by the husband that's not what happens.
It might be seen that in that situation her husband was being irresponsible but people make mistakes plus he was being run ragged and this time he didn't want to put in the effort to make things right even though he knew there would be consequences.
He honestly saw this as a way he could majorly fuck up so Jungkook would stop making him go on so many trips. Like who wouldn't be upset that he has to leave his wife and kids all the time? He truly loves them and wants to be there for them all the time and be there for those important milestones.
This was a way to kind of push back and wanted to seem like he was incompetent and that Jungkook needed to find someone else to do that kind of work for him. Someone who might be seen as more capable and qualified. It didn't end up working out that was because Jungkook just assigned an additional colleague to help him so it wouldn't happen again.
It's not his son's fault that he couldn't have kids so let's just get that part out of the way. Just because one slip up was mentioned doesn't mean that that's how he handles things all the time. The reason why he's sent on all of these trips is because he's successful and does convince a lot of clients to sign.
It would be way too suspicious to everyone in the company and be way to obvious and confusing to her husband if he was shit at his job was still was sent to go take care of extremely important matters and sign big clients pretty much monthly in most cases. Like he would give the company a horrible reputation if he was that "so deficient at everything"
Creating heirs is important for a corporate family so it wouldn't have mattered if his son was competent or incompetent, it's something that needed to happen anyways. Of course you want your heirs to be better. Who would want to hand over your legacy to someone who can't do their job or improve upon the company? The goal is to make things bigger and better so therefore you need your successors to be better than the one that came before him.
Saying that Jungkook would go so far as to murder someone does not match his character at all. He's manipulative and if he had those murderous tendencies he definitely would've made that known and gotten his son out of the way a long time ago.
No Jungkook's youngest son won't be like him. Just like Jungkook's first son his mother will be raising him right so that won't be happening. He's more or the artsy easy going, kind hearted type of guy but he will put on that suit and tie and take over the company when the time comes if his sister doesn't want the company instead.
That situation is something that you're allowed to make up ofc but as the writer I can tell you that that doesn't happen. It would be crazy but it doesn't fit well with the storyline and no theres no possibility of a third child.
She realistically CAN leave and she DOES but she knows full well that she'll still have dealings with the family since she does indeed have 50/50 custody of the children.
Again I appreciate the analysis but next time think about the way that you're phrasing things and just because you think something is wrong doesn't mean that it is. We're all entitled to our own opinion but telling the writer of the story that they wrote it wrong is majorly disrespectful.
I feel like you were creating a whole different story with the way you were talking about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
Glamrock Freddy for character thing?
Papa bear!!
First impression:
Visually, i really liked the new design for him! The previous versions were ok never really thought much about it but the glamrock version just works for me! Maybe it’s cos he has actual fangs this time or maybe its because he’s colourful and i like colourful things maybe a mix of those but either way yeah my first thought on seeing his new design was ‘oh heck ye!’
Now as for Freddy as a character, when i first heard him talk i instantly knew he was going to be a gentle giant, his voice was so SOOTHING and he had such a gentle demeanor and i instantly thought ‘oh yeah this guys gonna be a dad’ especially when Gregory came into the picture xD
So first impression was visually - love it! Character - i predict this will be a new fandom dad figure.
I was not wrong.
Impression now:
PROTECT HIM!! I love him. I love the dad energy he radiates and how KIND HE IS and how he wants to help this poor lost child and the way he panicked when he learned Gregory was in his chest compartment because he didn’t want him to get hurt and he goes against his programming to not tell Vannessa that he knows where Gregory is or that he is helping him because he believes what Gregory is telling him which is a BIG THING because adults so often don’t listen to kids but Freddy does he listens and wants to help and just AHHH-
And the way he calls Gregory his superstar?? Like he straight up gave this boy a father/son nickname (like the equivalent of a dad referring to his son as sport or something) and Gregory just GOES WITH IT he never questions it and also how sad Freddy sounds when Gregory is displeased with the mr hippo magnet free gift like how a parent might sound when they’re trying to bond with their kid and it goes wrong like HE’S TRYING BLESS HIM AND JUST AHH-
He’s peak character and i love him.
Favorite moment:
Gotta go with the same as my answer for Gregory here and say all the good endings cutscenes! The good ending with Vanessa especially tho because it has such good found family potential and i LOVE SO MUCH the idea that Vanessa fixes up Freddy and they both adopt Gregory it’s so wholesome and makes me cry everytime because YES!!!!
Idea for a story:
Once again, pretty much the same as my Gregory answer which i’ll just copy and paste here to save me having to basically retype the same answer xD
‘Boi i could think for days on how i’d give this boy a family with Freddy and Vanessa as the parental figures and Sun and Moon being there too as the gremlin/funky jester uncles or psuedo-parents (local orphan adopts parenal figures more at ten-) but i’ve seen so many good au’s of people doing just that already and my soul is satisfied and my heart is complete because of it!
But even so i might poke around a bit with some art of my own with it one day who knows. ~’
Unpopular opinion:
Once again, i have no idea how unpopular this opinion actually is, but i’m not really on board with the idea of Freddy having the soul of Michael (William Afton’s son) within him. :’D Not because i dislike Michael, but i just feel like his story was pretty much concluded with the end of Fnaf 6. Even Glitchtrap/Burntrap i don’t think is actually William himself, but just a corrupted code formed from his evil intentions (think Demise’s Curse from the Legend of Zelda series - Demise is long gone, but his influence lives on in the reincarnations of Ganon)
Favorite relationship :
Boi do you even have to ask x’D
Once again my answer from the previous prompt with Gregory feels pretty fitting here:
‘Hands down, 100% the parent/child relationship he has with Freddy! It kind of speaks for itself, but it is just so heckin wholesome!! And i love?? How Freddy is just like… i guess i’m dad now, and HECKIN GOES WITH IT!! AND GREGORY IS JUST ‘I’VE KNOWN FREDDY FOR 2 AND A HALF MINUTES AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HIM I WILL TORCH THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND’ AND HOW FREDDY CALLS HIM SUPERSTAR AND- *SCREAMS*
So yeah i love their dynamic a lot.‘
Favorite headcanon:
Apologies for all these repeat answers LOL but once again it’s the same as the Idea for a Story section xD
I’m weak for found family and this fandom has really provided for it LOL
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sunriserose1023 · 4 years
Merry & Married {3}
SUMMARY: It’s been almost a year since the most humiliating moment of your life. You’ve done your best to move on—by literally moving across the country, starting a new job, and you’re finally starting to feel settled. That, of course, is when your bubblehead cousin sends you the invitation to her wedding—which is exactly one year to the day that you were left at the altar. You have to go, but you don’t have to go alone. Enter Bucky Barnes, the best friend you’ve ever had. You fill him in, and of course he agrees to go home with you. What are friends for? Never mind the fact that he’s desperately in love with you. And if you hadn’t sworn off men forever, you might just find him … attractive. So there you are, surrounded by love, bridesmaid dresses, champagne, and no less than one hundred sprigs of mistletoe. What could possibly go wrong? WORD COUNT: 1686 WARNINGS FOR THE SERIES: Emotional angst, presumably unrequited love, friends to lovers, fluff, happily ever after, written for the @heamarvel​​ Holiday Movie Challenge
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“Fuck, New Orleans is bright.”
You giggled to yourself as Natasha frantically slid her sunglasses on. Beside you, Bucky made a face as he shrugged out of his coat and you nodded. 
“And humid. I don’t even want to think of how my hair’s going to look.”
Natasha shook her head.
“Home sweet home, right, Y/N?”
You nodded, swallowing hard as Bucky laid a hand on your shoulder. You closed your eyes and lifted a hand, gripping his for just a moment before you sighed. Natasha stood beside her suitcase, scrolling through her phone and you turned to look up at Bucky, a soft smile coming over your face when he smirked down at you, sunglasses hiding his blue eyes. 
“What?” “Nat, did you call a car?” “Yep. Should be pulling up any minute now.”
You broke the staring contest you were having with Bucky to smile over at her. 
“Think we can change the travel plans?”
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Bucky groaned, shaking his head as he took another bite. You laughed at the powdered sugar in his beard and covering the front of his shirt. Natasha rolled her eyes, sitting back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest. 
“It’s just fried dough.” “No, it’s a delicacy.”
You laughed again, at the words muffled by the bite in Bucky’s mouth. He looked to you, leaning in closer. 
“What’s it called again?” “A beignet.”
Natasha blew out a breath. 
“Yes, we are the quintessential New Orleans tourists, having beignets at Cafe Du Monde.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at Natasha. 
“Don’t be such a Grinch, Romanoff.”
You laughed as her green eyes narrowed, and you shook your head, sliding the plate away before Bucky was wearing more powdered sugar than he already was. You nodded to him. 
“Have you dunked it in the coffee yet?”
He nodded. 
“Thank God your cousin’s wedding isn’t here. I’d gain—“ “Diabetes.”
You laughed at Natasha’s knowing comment, as she picked up her coffee cup and took a sip. Bucky shook his head, taking another bite, passing the rest of the pastry towards you. You smiled and picked it up, dipping it in the pile of powdered sugar on the plate before taking a bite. You giggled when powdered sugar went all over your face and shirt, but you made no move to wipe it away when you saw the grin on Bucky’s face. He nodded to Natasha. 
“Take our picture.” “Oh, Buck—“ “You’re gorgeous, hush.”
You felt your cheeks warm as Natasha smiled, lifting her phone and snapping a pic of you and Bucky, powdered sugar all over your faces and clothes, lips curled in cheesy grins. 
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The town you grew up in was about a three-hour drive from New Orleans. Natasha had ordered a car to take the three of you to the lake house, and you stared out the window as you drove over the long bridge out of New Orleans. Bucky sat across from you, Natasha beside you, both of them watching you. Natasha widened her eyes at Bucky and he gave a nod before he leaned forward. 
You turned to face him and he smiled at you. 
“Tell me about the fam.”
Natasha gave a quiet laugh. 
“There’s a can of worms you don’t know you’re not ready to open.”
You smiled at her. 
“It’s too late. He’s already on the way to them.”
Natasha sighed, shaking her head. You smiled as you looked back to Bucky. 
“Well, the first person I’ll seek out is my mom.” “Don’t worry; you’ll love her. You’ve already met her, because she’s Y/N, just older.”
You rolled your eyes as Natasha smiled, then nodded. 
“Then we’ll have to find Nana.”
You looked to Bucky and grinned. 
“You’ll love Nana.”
Natasha vehemently nodded, leaning forward. 
“She’s as tall as I am—“ “Which isn’t saying much.”
You dodged the elbow Natasha tried to hit you with and you giggled. She rolled her eyes, then continued. 
“She’s also the one who taught me to take no shit.”
Bucky pursed his lips as he nodded. 
“Oh, good. A pre-Natasha Natasha.”
You nodded your head. 
“Everyone says Nat acts just like Nana did back in the day. But Nana can still hold her own.”
Bucky nodded and Natasha fluffed her hair as she spoke. 
“Nana and Papa had five daughters. Hence the reason our family is so big. I’ll take some, then Y/N can take over. First there’s Aunt Janet and Uncle Hank. They have Hope, who’s married to Scott Lang. Scott has a daughter named Cassie from a previous marriage, and Hope’s pregnant right now. They also have Carol.”
Bucky nodded. 
“Is she married?”
You and Natasha exchanged a glance. You shook your head as Natasha spoke out loud. 
“No, she’s a lesbian.”
Bucky flicked his eyes to you, and you lifted a shoulder and an eyebrow at the same time, almost like you were daring him to say something. He smiled back at you and you rolled your eyes, smiling as you looked to Natasha. 
“Do you think she’s bringing a plus one?” “Uh, it’s Carol. I’ll almost guarantee it.”
You looked back to Bucky. 
“Carol’s a bit of a … how can I put this politely?”
Natasha snorted. 
“Carol’s a hoe.”
Bucky barked out a laugh and you shook your head. 
“I love her to death, but she’s had more girlfriends than any sane person should have.” “She’s very intelligent, but has the worst taste in women.”
You nodded at Natasha, making a face. 
“Remember Sharon?”
Natasha groaned. 
“She was the human equivalent of watching paint dry. But she was better than Jessica.”
You widened your eyes and nodded your head. 
“Jessica was batshit insane.” “Bobbi was normal.” “Now, I liked Bobbi.” “But ever since …”
Natasha let her sentence trail off and you sighed as you looked to Bucky. 
“Carol was in the Air Force. She met Maria and they fell in love. They were in a terrible plane crash and Carol even had amnesia for a while. I thought that was just a plot point for soap operas, but it’s real.” “And it’s awful.”
You nodded. 
“When she finally did get her memories back, we had to tell her that Maria died and it … god, it was horrible.”
Bucky shook his head and you met his eyes again. 
“We love Carol. We’ve been through a lot with her, and we’re kind of protective.”
Bucky smiled and nodded. Natasha let out a breath, then picked her story back up. 
“Then there’s my mom. Good luck with her.”
You giggled. 
“I love Aunt Nadia. She’s such a bad bitch.”
Natasha nodded, and you leaned forward. 
“And Uncle Phil is the greatest.”
Natasha rolled her eyes and you laughed. 
“He’s the polar opposite of Nat and Aunt Nadia, but it just works somehow.”
Natasha shook her head, turning back to Bucky. 
“Then there’s Y/N’s mom. The light of her world and all that.”
You elbowed Natasha before she could dodge it and she laughed as you took over the story. 
“Next is Aunt May, who’s Darcy’s mom. She also has Peter. Uncle Ben had a little brother, Peter’s dad, and when Peter’s parents died, Ben and May adopted Peter.”
Natasha glanced down and you sighed as you looked at your hands in your lap. 
“Uncle Ben died a few years ago. Cancer.” “God, I’m sorry.”
Bucky reached over to take your hand, and you smiled as you laced your fingers through his. You glanced through the window, then back to Bucky. 
“The baby of the family is Aunt Pepper. Her real name’s Virginia, and I honestly have no clue where the nickname Pepper came from.” “Mom said it’s because she was spicy as a kid.” “But Aunt May told me that once Pepper discovered the spice pepper, she ate a ton of it on all her food. And one day Papa said ‘that's enough pepper,’ and I think my mom thought he meant Pepper as a nickname and not the spice. Then they all started calling her Pepper after that.”
You and Natasha shrugged as you exchanged a look, and you turned back to Bucky. 
“Pepper’s married to Tony and they have little Morgan.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow and you smiled. 
“Pepper was sort of an unplanned surprise in the family, so she’s closer to our age than our moms’. Aunt May’s ten years older than her. And Pep and Tony had some issues getting pregnant, but they finally had Morgan.”
Bucky nodded, blowing out a breath. 
“That’s a lot.” “Oh, just wait until they’re all in the same room.”
You nodded at Natasha’s statement and Bucky leaned back in his seat. You smiled, kicking your foot out, your toes barely brushing his leg. He smiled when he looked to you and you smiled at him. Natasha slid over to the window, pulling her phone out and acting interested in it. Bucky leaned forward as you did and you let out a breath. 
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
You sighed. 
“I don’t know. I’m nervous. I haven’t seen most of them since my wedding.” “Well, just from what you told me, it’s clear there’s a lot of love here.”
You nodded. 
“I’m just being stupid.” “You’re not stupid.”
You sighed, lifting your eyes to meet his. He took hold of your hands, giving you a soft smile. 
“If at any time you need a break or an escape or whatever, just look at me. I’ll get you out of there.” “But—“ “No buts. I don’t need to know the story, Y/N. If you need a minute to catch your breath, I’ll sneak you outside. No worries.”
You shook your head, a soft smile on your lips. 
“You’re too good to me, Bucky.”
He shook his head, staring at the top of yours when you glanced down at the hands he was still holding. 
“Well, what are friends for?”
The words tasted vile in his mouth, but the way you looked up and met his eyes, that soft smile on your lips almost made it worth it. 
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TAGS: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​, @walkingchemicalfire​​, @eileenalone​​, @mrsalh32611​​, @alexxcorona113​​, @ivoryhazlewood​​, @chaoticfanatic​​, @rhapsody-in-flannel​​, @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall​​, @captainchrisstan​​, @ninaminaromina​​, @geeksareunique​​, @allsortsofinterests​​, @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​, @misplacedorphan​​, @chrisevansgirl​​, @whimsicalatbest​​, @buckybarneshairpullingkink​​, @isaxhorror​​, @redhairedfeistynerd​, @n3rdybird​, @the-ss-acklestan​, @moonlessnight14​, @geeksareunique​
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
In The Hills
Fandom: The Hills Have Eyes Character: Chameleon, others mentioned Relationship: Chameleon/reader Request: chameleon x reader. I don’t have a plot in mind but if you could write something to do with his tongue, that would be awesome Your heart was beating hard against your chest as you ran across the rough terrain. When you finally slowed down, you looked around, trying to train your eyes to find the person you were looking for. Although it wasnt easy. The part you had stopped in was surrounded by large, yellowish rocks on the outside of the mines. Your breathing was harsh and your cheeks flushed red as you turned in a circle, your eyes scanning the rocks. Little did you knew as you overlooked one rock and turned away from it, someone was camouflaged against the surface and as soon as you back was to him, he leaped at you. You gasped as an arm wrapped around your waist and picked you up. “Damn it!” You cried out as you heard your oldest friend Chameleon chuckle as he threw you up so you were perched on his shoulder, his hands holding onto your ankles to make sure you didn’t fall. “How do you do that?” You demanded, crossing your arms. You weren’t talking about the camouflage because you knew that was due to his unique skin. You were meaning how he always managed to be hidden so close to you without you knowing. “Practice.” He said, holding his chin up with pride. Cursing, you knew you had lost the bet which was that you could get to the foot of the hill before Chameleon could catch you. You were part of Jupiter’s clan which you were grateful for because they were a little more family orientated that Hades. You had been adopted as a small baby into Mama care and had always been apart of the family. Part of the reason for them adopting you was because you had two different coloured eyes. They saw that as a mutation and decided they couldn’t kill one of their own. Plus, Mama was pregnant with Ruby at the time and refused to let any baby be harmed. But you never knew anyone outside of your clan till you were 8. --------------flash back ----------------- When you were about 8 years old, you had been playing hid and seek with Lizard and Pluto when you had run into the mines. That was where you met Chameleon. He was only a year older that you and had instantly been drawn to you. He followed you around the mines, even diverting a few of his own clan away from you despite knowing his father would be cross and probably hit him for it. He had seen you playing with the other clan but he had also seen you running from them. He hadn’t known you had been playing a game. You had turned around and seen him switching hiding places, using his skin to blend into the surroundings. But because of your connection with your clan, you weren’t afraid of him much to his surprise. “You’re good at hide and seek.” You giggled, running over to him and bouncing on the ball of your foot. He didn’t speak but simply nodded. “Can you help me? My brothers are trying to find me and I need a good place.” You asked, glancing around as if to draw inspiration. Of course he helped you. In fact, he found a place at the side of the hills and away from the traps which you could hid and even see over into your own area. The two of you stayed hidden for a while. But the time flew. You two talked and giggled, not loud enough to be heard. Until you noticed 2 men, 1 woman and 2 boys walking along. You winced when you saw the two men and woman had guns and you heard Chameleon hiss. As they got closer, you saw it was Papa, Cyst, Pluto and Lizard and they all looked ready for war. You jumped and when to start running down the side of the hill to them, worried you were in trouble but a hand caught you. “They’ll hurt you.” Chameleon hissed, trying to pull you back but you shook your head. “No they wont. That’s my papa and mama and uncle and brothers.” You said, pointing to the group. The two of you had hurried down the side of the mountain. You had thought he wouldn’t come with you but when he saved you from falling more than once, you were grateful. “Hades!” You heard your father screaming, his voice filled with anger as they approached the opening of the mines. As you got closer, you saw a group of new mutants come out from the mines, lead by a large and rather fat man. “Brother.” The fatter one growled, obviously insulted by the weapons in their hands. “You give me back my daughter.” Papa had growled, signalling to the others to stand back as he went up to the man. Just then, you and Chameleon jumped down the final distance and landed no so far from them. Both groups heard you and turned to the source of the noise. “[y/n]!” Mama had called out, running over and wrapping her arms around you. When she pulled back, she had cupped your face in her hands. “Did they hurt you?” She demanded, making you frown, thinking she meant Pluto and Lizard since they could get a little rough. “No, Chameleon helped me hid.” You said, earning a grown from Papa. “Why were you hiding?” He spat, more at the other man than at you. “We were playing hide and seek. And Lizard always says im rubbish at hiding so Chameleon helped me win.” You said, pointing to your brothers who were looking rather sheepish. Mama had took your hand and pulled you over to your brothers as Chameleon went to stand with two other boys around about the same age. Papa had told Mama to take you, Pluto and Lizard home while he stayed and spoke to the man who you later found out was Hades. It was agreed that day that Hades couldn’t lay a finger on you. Later on in life, you found out that Hades keeps females for breeding purposes which kinda made your skin crawl but they never touched you. In fact, you helped them a lot. You would lead people into the mines because they trusted a young girl. You also helped with the care of the new-borns, Unfortunately, very few survived more than a few months due to their mutations and their births. But you did your best to try and find out why that could be. It was through your research and curiosity that lead to a few babies living for a few days which for Hades, was a break through since most died a birth. You had also found out that the clans had been split for a number of years but it seemed your and Chameleons friendship had started a repairing process between them. Hazel, Pluto and Ruby were very good friends due to their softer nature and Lizard had taken a liking to Letch and Stabber because of their shared knack for violence. The older ones still didn’t always get along as well as the younger generation but they put that aside. you were and still are, surprised that Hades had grown to protect you. He was like an uncle to you now and always made sure you were okay. It had surprised Papa as well, considering he sometimes treated you better than his own sons. But you were like Ruby. You could do no wrong in anyone’s eyes, including Hades. You helped everyone in their own way. You read to Grabber because he couldn’t see properly. You helped Hansel organise his collections into piles so his room wasn’t so cluttered. Letch and Stabber used you as practice. They would chase you through the mines to keep them on their toes. This was done by having the word “Victim”. You would call it out at any time you desired when you were in the mines and they had to catch you before you got to the foot of the mines. This game normally ended up with most the clan joining in and you laughing your head off. You took care of their wounds and mutations. You grew to be as part of their family as you were your own. -----------------------------back to present ----------------------- You were finally put down onto a rock by Chameleon near the entrance to the mines. “Papa says I can stay out till the sun sets but then they need my help with a car that’s broken down.” You smiled, looking at your friend. He had grown up to become incredibly handsome to you. You never understood why no one else thought so. He was so unique, so strange and you loved that. He had stopped wearing shirt a while ago and you didn’t mind, especially when he would hug you or even make the slightest bit of physical contact with you. As you looked at him, you noticed slight bruising on the good side of his face. Reaching out, you gently ran your fingers over it, knowing exactly who did this to him. That was one thing you resented about Hades. How he treated Chameleon. “What happened?” You asked, seeing him flinch a little. “Someone got away. My fault.” As he spoke, you kinda understood. It was dangerous to let people escape but you didn’t agree with Hades hitting him. Sure, Lizard got very aggressive, but he never lay a finger on you. He would sometimes punch Pluto but Pluto would get his own back. “I hate seeing you hurt.” You mumbled, moving closer to him. He was so sweet to you, so caring and loving so you didn’t understand how anyone could be mean or violent to him. To be honest, you didn’t know how anyone could mean or violent to any of your family. You only killed out of either necessity or fear. The first time Chameleon had ever killed, it was because you were in danger. A man had been about to shoot you when Chameleon had jumped down from a bolder and started to beat the man with a rock. He had proven since that day he would go to the ends of the earth for you and you for him. You felt an arm wrapping around your waist as Chameleon gave your side a slight squeeze as he looked down at you. You loved looking into those beautiful eyes, seeing the emotions swirling in them. You realised you had started to caress the side of his face with your hand while your free hand was resting on his lap. It felt so nice having these close encounters with each other. It only made your heart long for him more. You wanted to feel his hands on your side, feeling his hot breath on your lips and his skin on yours. You knew about his tongue and just the thought of it made your mind spin with lust. You wished you could lie to yourself and say you had never thought of him as more than a friend. But the truth was, it was something you longed for. You couldn’t even count how many times you had lay in your bed and thought of him while doing other things to yourself. It was this thought that drove you to lean forward and press your lips against his in a surprising kiss. You felt him jump then stiffen. You would have pulled away but you were too engrossed in the kiss, even if it was one sided. His lips were surprisingly soft and welcoming. He had more than enough strength to push you away. In fact, if he wanted to end the kiss, all he had to do was sit up straight and due to his height and your lack of, you wouldn’t be able to continue the kiss. But he didn’t. He just stayed frozen. Due to kiss lack of response, you pulled back, your cheek glowing a dark red. You had expected him to kiss you back after some amount of time but he didn’t. “Chameleon, i-im sorry.” Was all you could mutter as jumped off the rock and started to run. Tears began to pool in your eyes as you tried yourself to run down the side of the hills. You couldn’t believe you had been so stupid. Chameleon had never shown any signs of wanting anything more from you. Apart from the lingering gazes, the soft touches, the warm embraces. You shook your head as you went to run down the side of the hills but tripped and lost your footing. You braced yourself for the inevitable hard ground but it never came. You had been caught in mid air and pull against a hard chest. You blinked rapidly and looked up, seeing Chameleon was staring down at you. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking but your stomach was doing back flips as you tried to think of how to explain your actions to him. But then he ducked down and pressed his lips to yours, taking you totally off guard but you quickly responded to the kiss, not wanting him to feel that the first kiss was a mistake. You found your kneeling going weak as he kissed you. Especially when he let out a low groan that you could feel from his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his slip to your lower back and pull you against him. He then moved you so you were pressed between him and rock but you didn’t mind. You felt he was about to deepen the kiss but then stopped. You took his lower lip in between your teeth and playfully bit down, not hard enough to hurt. Chameleon pulled away from the kiss, his eyes seeing the smirk on your lip and he relaxed. You were panting slightly and your eyes were hungry with lust for him. You saw him tilt his head slightly, his eyes now focusing on your lips like he was trying to get the courage to dive back in for another kiss. You noticed a small strand of saliva from the previous kiss was on his lips and trailed down to his chin. Taking the opportunity, you leaned forward and licked from his lips to his lips, latching onto them for a quick kiss before pulling back. You saw Chameleon smile before he opened his mouth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he stretched his long tongue. Instantly, you took it in your mouth, moaning at the feeling as he began to push it further into your mouth. You moaned, unable to control yourself as his lips finally met yours. “[y/n]!” A voice buzzed from your radio, making you both jump apart, panting. You fumbled with your Radio from your back pocket. “yeah?” You called dover the radio as Lizards voice came back on. “Big brain wants yah back now. Said to go out earlier.” Lizard told you. “Okay, I’ll head back the now.” You confirmed and the radio went dead. You took a deep breath and looked back to Chameleon. You saw there was a sadness in his eyes. “I have to go.” You said, panting slightly still. Chameleon looked up to your eyes and you saw there was a silent question in them. But you couldn’t tell what it was. You sighed and turned to walk down the side of the hill but someone caught your wrist. Turning, you saw Chameleon. “Come back?” He practically begged you and instantly, you knew he didn’t just mean to come back and see him. It was a hidden question of that kiss. “If you want me to.” You smiled, turning and stepping closer to him. Instantly, he let go of your wrist to wrap his arms around your body. You felt at home in his arms. “Always.” He mumbled before ducking down for another quick kiss. You kissed him back but had to pull away before things got too heated again. You didn’t think you could pull yourself away another time. “Meet me here after dark?” You panted, looking up at him through your eyelashes. He nodded, beaming at you before kissing your forehead and stepping back. You started to run down the side of the hills, your heart racing. The rest of the day, you couldn’t stop smiling. Neither could you wait for night to fall. So you could return to the hills.
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