blunts-n-horchata · 8 months
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Saturdaze 😗💨
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gostonerlife · 7 hours
Happy Monday all. Come join me on yt https://youtu.be/T5IQ1YREw4E?si=vIp0MhBE2IFRdYJY as we check out the May @hemperco goodies and we chat a little about soup dumplings... if you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about😜 what is your favorite soup dumpling place in your city? Hope you all enjoy and have a great start to your week.💚
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nycannabistimes · 1 year
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#Repost @lacannabisnews ・・・ Lots of poorly managed #marketing decisions in the cannabis industry.... "It didn’t take long for the first #marijuana #advertisements on #Twitter to get shut down. On the first day the #socialmedia platform accepted #cannabisads in February, #Hemper Co. Chief Marketing Officer Angel Ferrer set up an account and posted an ad for the Las Vegas-based company’s #subscription boxes filled with a variety of #cannabis #accessories. Twitter disabled the account three hours later. “I wasn’t running anything that I thought should have been disabled,” said Ferrer, whose company sells boxes filled with everything from #bongs and #dabrigs to #rollingpapers and cleaning supplies. “We weren’t showing smoke – we had a #product with a box. It’s not like they even reached out and offered direction.” Despite the disablement of his first Twitter ad, Ferrer said he’ll continue experimenting with the platform. “We want to spend the money, and we know advertising is drying up on these platforms,” Ferrer said. “Our money is green just like everyone else’s.” Earlier this year, San Francisco-headquartered Twitter became the first major social #media platform to allow cannabis advertising, although advertisers face numerous #restrictions – as companies such as Hemper are learning." @mjbizdaily (at George Washington Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqbc8B8rbtB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reflectionsofthesea · 3 months
A cool expression in bergamasco that my mom uses often:
" Le' mia hemper duminiga " "It's not always sunday" (ita)
Meaning: things are not always going to be nice and pleasant, and you should be used to bad/hard things happening too. It's not always sunday!!!
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fuzzydreamin · 4 months
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soulhemper · 1 year
Entrevista com Marcelo Grecco no Braincast (B9) 420. Dá um play e ouça!
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gravityglas420 · 1 year
Cool Bongs | Hemper Monthly Box
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Package include
Cool Bongs | Hemper Monthly Box Click Here For Price
Size: 8 Inches
1Pcs Blink Lighter (Random Metallic Color) 1Pcs Formula420 (2oz) 5 Metal Screens Glass Slide Bowl & Glass DOWNSTEM Free Shipping
YouTube Video >>>Click Here Brand :GD Tags :bong, glass, water pipe , Online, Dab Rig NOTE!! Must be 21 to purchase!!! FEATURE: The Cool Bongs Hemper Monthly Box also includes a beaker base bong, made from borosilicate glass for durability and heat resistance. The bong features a beautiful fumed glass pattern, a 45° removable downstem for easy cleaning, ice notches for a cooler smoke, a male herb bowl with handle for easy handling, a rimmed mouthpiece for a comfortable smoking experience, and easy to clean and maintain.
This box includes everything you need to elevate your smoking game, including:
1 Blink Lighter in a random metallic color: This stylish and sleek lighter features a unique blinking function, making it easy to find in the dark or when dropped.
1 Formula420 cleaning solution (2oz): This powerful cleaning solution is specially formulated to clean and maintain all types of smoking devices, including bongs, pipes, and vaporizers. Made with all-natural ingredients, it is safe for both you and your gear.
5 metal screens: These screens help to keep your herb in the bowl and out of your mouth, allowing for a smoother, cleaner smoke. Made of high-quality metal, they can be easily cleaned and reused.
1 glass slide bowl: This is where you place your herb, and it is made of glass which ensures a pure and flavorful smoke.
1 glass downstem: This connects the bowl to the bong and helps to filter the smoke, also made of glass material.
With all the essentials included in this monthly box, you'll be able to enjoy your herb in style. Don't miss out on this amazing package and get your Cool Bongs Hemper Monthly Box today!
Gravity Dab Rig, Bongs and Water Pipes, The Weed Box , Stoner Box
 Carrier: USPS/UPS/FedEx.
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tokohampersanakunik · 2 years
LAGI VIRAL, WA: 0813-8180-0030 Hampers Anak Ulang Tahun Karakter Yang Unik Di Jakarta
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READY STOCK, UNTUK CUSTOM, SEKARANG PESAN BESOK KIRIM Special Farm 1 buah pot • Media Tanam • 5 pcs bibit tanaman (bisa memilih bibit) • 1 pcs sekop • Petunjuk Tanam • Kemasan Box • Cover kemasan Thank You
Note: 1. Jika ingin memilih motif dan custom desain label kemasan, silahkan chat terlebih dahulu. jika tidak chat akan dikirim random dan label dikirim gambar standard (special for you) 2. Produk sudah melalui QC, dan di buble wrap satuan. Kemasan luar juga sudah menggunakan dus, buble wrap dan sticker fragile. Jika produk di terima rusak /pecah, tidak ada refund. Untuk itu disarankan memilih expedisi yang terpercaya, atau menambah asuransi pengiriman agar bisa di ajukan klaim. 3. Jika produk diterima KURANG atau tidak sesuai pesanan, bisa mengajukan komplain dengan menyertakan video unboxing. Tanpa video unboxing, komplain akan ditolak. 4. Proses antrian desain custom baru akan dimulai setelah pembeli melakukan pembayaran / check out produk. 5. Minggu dan hari libur nasional tidak ada pengiriman. 6. MEMBELI BERARTI SETUJU.
Harga: Rp 19.990
Hastags: #hempers anak ulang tahun #hampers anak ulang tahun #ide hampers ulang tahun anak #hampers ulang tahun anak unik #rekomendasi hampers ulang tahun anak #isian hampers ulang tahun anak #hampers ulang tahun anak perempuan #hampers ulang tahun anak bandung #hampers ulang tahun anak 1 tahun #hampers ulang tahun anak cowok
Tags: hampers ulang tahun anak cowok,hampers ulang tahun anak perempuan,ide hampers ulang tahun anak,hampers ulang tahun anak unik,hampers makanan ulang tahun,hampers ulang tahun unik,hampers ulang tahun anak 1 tahun,hampers ulang tahun istri
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blunts-n-horchata · 8 months
Sunday Dabs
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bonglife420 · 3 months
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Pulsar 510 auto-draw vape
Hemper shroom pipe 🍄
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ertan2618 · 5 months
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İngiliz casusu Hemper:
On sene İstanbul medreselerinde Arapça okudum; hafızlık yaptım.
Evlenme tekliflerini kabul etmedim; gâvurluğum ortaya çıkmasın diye!
Beni devletim casusluk yapmak üzere görevlendirdi.
* * * * *
●Osmanlı'da gördüğüm 3 güzel ahlâk yüzünden casusluk yapmayacağımı söyledim!
1-Edirne’den Kars’a giden bir Osmanlı vatandaşı elindeki kıymetli eşyalarını mahalle camisinin arka mahveline koyar üç ay sonra gelir emanetlerin aynı yerden alır!
2- İstanbul’un belirli semtlerinde hayır dibektaşları konulur buralara zenginler hayır hasenatini dibeğe bırakır,
Fakir, akşam evine dönerken bir ekmek parası alır diğerlerine dokunmaz!
3-Satın aldığı tarladan çift sürerken bir küp altın çıkar; satan adama bir küp altını vermeye kalkar. Ben tarlanın altını üstünü sana sattım deyip kabul etmez!
* * * * *
●Bu üç sebepten casuslugu kabul etmedim.
Bakınız bu Hemper sözlerine nasıl devam ediyor Türkiye'yi bozmanın metotlarını şöyle sıralıyor!
1- Evlilik dışı yaşamayı yaygın hale getirmek.
2-Boşanmaları yaygın hale getirmek.
3- İçki kumarı yaygın hale getirmek.
4-Faizle milleti borçlandırıp uyuşturmak.
5-Ezanı aslından farklı bir dile çevirmek.
6-“Sana ne” fikrini ortaya atmak.
7-İyiliği emir, kötülüğü men etmeyi ortadan kaldırmak.
8-Hadis ve fıkıh ilmini ortadan kaldırmak.
9-Hadisleri zayıf- kuvvetli diye ikiye ayırmak.
10- Hz Muhammedin İslam dini kastının Yahudi ve Hristiyanların cennete gideceği fikri ortaya atmak.
11- Kur’an şeriatı deyip Hz. Muhammed’i devre dışı bırakmak.
12-Hadislere “uydurma” fikrini ortaya atmak.
13- Mezhepleri yok saymak.
İşte o zaman Türkiye yıkılabilir diye rapor vermiştir.
*Hangileri olmadı ki?
İngiliz casusu itirafları. 📚📚
Elin gâvuru (Hemper) casusluk yapmak için Arapça okumuş; hafızlık yapmış. Ama vicdanının sesini dinleyerek Müslümanların davranışlarından dolayı casusluk yapmayı reddetmiş. Nedense bizim Sübhaneke'yi bilmeyen Müslümanlar (!) sürekli İslâmiyet'i karalar. Gerçi Hemper casusluk yapmamış ama cibilliyetine uygun olarak neler yapılırsa İslâmiyet'e zarar verir sırlamış.
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graffitiporn-org · 18 days
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Hemper Bristol U.K.
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PREMIUM,WA : 0813-8180-0030 Hampers Anak Perempuan Aqiqah Bergaransi Di Bogor
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READY STOCK, UNTUK CUSTOM SEKARANG PESAN BESOK KIRIM Paket Ekonomis Terdiri Dari 2 patung reguler motif random 3 cat, 1 kuas, manual paper, kemasan dus ukuran 15 x 10 x 5 cm, label dus kemasan (special gift you) ukuran 9 x 5 cm Keunggulannya Terdiri Dari • Custom Tanpa PO • Pengingiriman Tercepat • Series Telengkap • Garansi Uang Kembali Jika Ada Barang Yang Pecah Note: 1. Jika ingin memilih motif dan custom desain label kemasan, silahkan chat terlebih dahulu. jika tidak chat akan dikirim random dan label dikirim gambar standard (special for you) 2. Produk sudah melalui QC, dan di buble wrap satuan. Kemasan luar juga sudah menggunakan dus, buble wrap dan sticker fragile. Jika produk di terima rusak /pecah, tidak ada refund. Untuk itu disarankan memilih expedisi yang terpercaya, atau menambah asuransi pengiriman agar bisa di ajukan klaim. 3. Jika produk diterima KURANG atau tidak sesuai pesanan, bisa mengajukan komplain dengan menyertakan video unboxing. Tanpa video unboxing, komplain akan ditolak. 4. Proses antrian desain custom baru akan dimulai setelah pembeli melakukan pembayaran / check out produk. 5. Minggu dan hari libur nasional tidak ada pengiriman. 6. MEMBELI BERARTI SETUJU. Harga: Rp 15,998 Alamat : Erfina Kencana Regency Jl. Badminton No. 36 Cibinong Bogor Telephone/WA : 0813-8180-0030 Link Gmaps : https://g.page/gypfun-indonesia?share Instagram : http://gypfun.id/ Tokopedia : https://www.tokopedia.com/star-kids Shopee : https://shopee.co.id/mainanedukasistarkids
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soulhemper · 1 year
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
The Problem with Alignments
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With me now playing a lot more DnD, I really want to talk about the Alignment System. Because on one hand I like it - but on the other hand there is a big problem with it.
Let me illustrate by telling you about my first experience with DnD (outside of Neverwinter Nights and the old Baldur's Gate games) was with a really bad DM. A DM who very well managed to make DnD very unfun. For one, because he insisted that we had to role for simple things like player interaction. But also... Because he kept telling us, what our characters would do. This did not only afflict me, but all players. But let me tell you about my experience.
I chose to play a true neutral wizard, who was a bit removed from humanity, after having lived as an hermit for several years. And this lead to the following constant interaction: "Oh, your character would not do that. Because he is true neutral character, so he will never pick a side."
Of course, this also betrays a very misunderstanding of what true neutral means within the game. And in general it is a shitty thing for a DM to just tell you how to play your character. But it also betrays the problem with the alignment and some people see it: As something that is prescriptive, rather than descriptive. Yes, it is supposed to give you some idea how your character might act - but in the end it is still your character.
Especially because... Actions in of themselves do not necessarily say something about good and bad.
Let me talk about my Tav from BG3 for this one. See, my Tav tends to go out of his way to leave people - including the bad guys, that I can get away with in this regard - alive, much to the annoyance of Astarion, who really wants to murder some people. xD In fact, my Tav will at times try to work with the bad guys - as long as it does not mean killing anyone. Which could mean he was somewhere along the neutral alignment. But that is actually not how I play him. I play him as a good person, who wants to do right by everyone. Someone, that thinks, that pretty much everyone has good in them and should be able to do good. Hence, he tries to get everyone to do good.
And stuff like that is very possible, of course. More so on an actual table (if you have a good DM), of course, than in a game where the developers really cannot predict every single player decision.
For example, you also could play an evil character, who is very much for letting everyone live, because he reasons that them living will lead to greater suffering for them.
But therein lies the issue. We often have these preformed notion on what good and evil are. And that often can lead to hempering the roleplay - especially with less experienced players.
And then there is the other issue. The issue that has probably been discussed to death already. And that is the thing about species being prescribed a certain alignment in general. We had that whole discussion about orcs, drow and the inherent racist implication of the "those are always evil" thing going on. Which is why this was of course removed by now, at least for player species. But... We still have this thing as a rule of thumb going for species that are generally not accessible to players.
Given my current Themberchaud obsession, let me take chromatic dragons as an example. In general red dragons are assumed to be evil. As in: it is their nature to be cruel and greedy and all of that. And I say... that makes for kinda shitty storytelling.
Because here is the thing: Even someone whose first instinct it is to do bad... can do good. In fact that makes for a lot of interesting character beats.
I actually think that this where BG3 really shines. Lae'zel and Astarion are both evil. But depending on how you interact with them they can both be good people by the end of the game. Yes, for Astarion doing bad and being cruel is kinda his first instinct - but he can actually act against that instinct. And that is actually what makes him such a compelling character.
And that kinda is my issue with the alignment chart. Yes, you can make such compelling stories - but I also know that a lot of people that are inexperienced roleplayers will take their chosen alignment as a form of gospel and then just never have the character challenge it.
Which is really what I see as an issue there. Because... Well, given that we know and want characters to have a development... Why not just abandon the alignment chart?
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