#hehehehehe thank u taylor
officialgleamstar · 10 months
I know you said you don't need to be told.
But Jodie expert, obviously
tell me what fictional characters you consider me an expert on
hehehehehe thank u taylor. i do this for US!!!
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ariose-ghoul · 5 months
thank u for ur tags on my fic HEHEHEHEH. i. i eat the comments and tags i get its how i get my sustenance im starving
i get my sustenance from angsty taylor content so this is a very symbiotic situation here methinks
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Someday from the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical is such an Enjolras and Combeferre song.
I can just hear them singing it at the barricade before the final attack.
hehehehehe thank u for this ask anon, you are so right even if it causes me great pain <3 I made a soft lil Enjolferre modern au playlist so that is below. They fill my heart with joy 😌😌😌 domestic softness 😌😌😌
400 Lux- Lorde You've Got the Love- Florence and the Machine You're My Best Friend- Queen Here Comes the Sun- The Beatles Mystery of Love- Sufjan Stevens You Make Loving Fun- Fleetwood Mac Peace- Taylor Swift The Boys of Summer- First Aid Kit Like Real People Do- Hozier Simple As This- Jake Bugg It's Nice to Have a Friend- Taylor Swift (sorry 4 two TS songs but this song is the definition of domestic friends to lovers and it's gorgeous so fight me)
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myonlydistraction · 3 months
✨O c c i g u r l s✨
We, girls, always have the best time whenever we meet. BUT NOW, it includes backache, tired feet and sore arms. ARE WE THAT OLD.
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After lunch, at Pariaman, we went to check the vibes at Solace Studios. Can u all believe it? Newprints era’s back. I LOVE IT! It’s “my thing”! 🩷
The best part ystd, it was a long queue. BUT IT WAS WORTH QUEUEING FOR. The place played taylorswift songs all the way, and we were singing to it. YES LIKE ALL OF US. Such a vibe!
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Well, that’s not all, we went to sing taylor swift songs and blackpink songs (even tho we dont know how to read Korean words). HEHEHEHEHEHEH.
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And, I DONT KNOW HOW I END UP TO A BLACKPINK PARADISE. 😂 (tshirts are not mine. Only 2.) thank you my occifurs for everything. I REALLY LOVE ALL OF THIS. 14 years ago, we were talking about disney. We grew. Hehehehehe. #06March2024
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steveharrington · 5 years
what are your top 10 fav breaking bad episodes?
10. Bug (4x09) 
this episode has TOO many iconic moments. skyler scamming the IRS by pretending to be dumb, gus walking toward the bullets, mike telling walter to shut the fuck up and leave jesse alone, jesse having dinner with gus, and then the Ultimate moment where jesse beats walter the fuck up and pulls the “can you walk? good :) then get the fuck out of my house :)” card GOD the whole episode is like the start of jesse’s realization that he should trust mike and gus more than walter and it feels so good to watch
9. Shotgun (4x05)
after a whole season of watching jesse in a deep depression it’s such a relief to reach this episode. the COMEDY of the start where walter storms into los pollos with a GUN and the music is so intense and hes like WHERES GUS FRING WHERE IS HE WHAT HAS HE DONE WITH JESSE and then on the phone jesse is just like “im fine” like god its literally unbeatable. it’s obviously the beginning of mike and jesse’s relationship, plus on another level the beginning of gus and jesse’s Real relationship because it signals the first time gus begins to trust him. PLUS provided us with the iconic you are not the guy youre not capable of being the guy i had a guy but now i dont you. are not. the guy. 
8. Dead Freight (5x05)
i know everyone says dead freight but dude.......it’s such a fantastic episode from start to finish! it’s such a weird combination of like, drama thriller but also sitcom hilarity? because obviously the stakes are really high and you know that if they get caught they’re going to prison like, forever, and also jesse could have straight up got run over by a train but at the same time it’s hilarious? i also love the emphasis on jesse being a problem solver at this point in the show and being able to accomplish things that even walt and mike can’t necessarily do without him. the last 60 seconds..........well we dont have to talk about that
7. Rabid Dog (5x12)
okay originally i wasn’t going to put any 5b eps on here, not because they aren’t amazing but because they aren’t exactly the kind of thing i can put on in the background and rewatch yknow? but rabid dog is so amazing because its FINALLY the point where jesse is done with walter. like it’s the final severance between them and just watching walter’s panic grow throughout the episode as he realizes that it’s going to end with one of them dying but not being able to accept that is just ... fantastic. it summarizes the complexity of their dynamic so succinctly for a single episode
6. Peekaboo (2x06)
obviously a quintessential jesse episode deserves a spot on the list. everyone is always like “this is the episode where i fell in love with jesse!!!!” and like personally i was already in love with him but yeah this episode confirmed it. it’s the first episode in the Jesse Loves Kids saga obviously and it presents the conflict he feels over like, the secondhand guilt he feels over supplying the product that puts the kid in his shitty living situation but also the knowledge that he’s trapped now. when he goes back into the house for the kid and tells him to close his eyes it’s like.......a compromise that jesse holds onto for the rest of the series. he knows he’s doing bad things but he tries to find ways to make them even a little better
5. 4 Days Out (2x09)
bottle episode #1 baby! one of the earliest episodes that is entirely dedicated to walter and jesse’s dynamic and it’s just.....classic brba. cooking in the RV out in the desert baby! jesse being dumb! walter being an asshole! ah wiiiiiiiiiiire! it’s such a good like.....foundation episode. it’s one of those episodes that you rewatch after finishing the series and you’re like “god everything has changed so much” and honestly if someone wanted to watch like One episode of breaking bad to get the gist of the whole show i would probably suggest 4 days out
4. Sunset (3x06)
another literal classic and also the first episode i watched with my mom hehe so it has a special place in my heart. in some ways it’s a very tragic episode because watching the RV get destroyed literally made me cry, but it’s so thrilling and exciting and it sets up the conflict between hank and jesse which is honestly a fav. i honestly don’t even have that much to say about it i just......love this episode it’s so rewatchable. and this is my own private domicile and i will not be harassed bitch!
3. Full Measure (3x13)
remember when Bill Hader was like “you know the end of an episode of TV that makes you gasp and wait all week for the next episode, well breaking bad has those moments constantly throughout the entire 60 minutes” THIS is the kind of episode that applies to! the battle and shifting power between gus and walter is obviously center stage but ultimately it comes down to jesse. the shot in the arcade where jesse is sitting alone and there’s the single red light GOD LETS GET INTO BREAKING BAD COLOR THEORY BABY! the episode is just so ..... dramatic and intense but artful and careful and ultimately it contains arguably the biggest moment for jesse’s character arc in the whole series
2. ABQ (2x13)
okay not to be a demon but i love this episode endlessly. i wish i could just combine it with Pheonix but i cant so ultimately i choose this one (despite it not having the water on mars conversation) it’s clearly like one of the saddest in the entire series especially for jesse but it’s so good. the introduction of mike automatically makes it memorable but the scene of jesse and walter in the crack den is burned forever into my memory its just so.....haunting. and in this episode i can FEEL myself being manipulated by walter. like i JUST watched him let jane die and i still catch myself watching ABQ and going “aw he’s talking jesse down.....he’s holding him........he’s taking him to rehab........” and that’s exactly what walter DOES to people and to catch him doing it to YOU is insane 
1. Fly (3x10)
taylor u literally knew this was coming sdkfjsdfkj yeah i think this is the greatest episode in the whole show ok! ozymandias whom! yeah it’s another bottle episode but i think it’s better than 4 days out in accomplishing the ultimate goal of a bottle episode which, to me, is putting the characters together in isolation for so long that eventually their boundaries fall down. i mean obviously the concussion and drugs are part of the reason that walter starts getting so open with jesse, but the fact that they’re enclosed in the lab until walter can accomplish a meaningless goal that’s borne from paranoia just makes the conversations they have that much more meaningful. i know a lot of people don’t like this episode because its “boring” but to me, when i watch tv shows, i ACHE for even one of the single moments that this entire episode is comprised of. the fact that vince was like “okay and now let’s dedicate an entire episode to this lingering guilt that walter feels over killing jesse’s girlfriend an entire season ago and that’s the whole thing” is so bold but also so admirable because he’s truly giving something so huge (jane’s death) the attention it deserves where most shows would just sort of drop it to make room for more plot. im literally rambling but it’s just a perfect balance of what we know, what walter knows, and what jesse knows which are all conflicting and battling. “it’s not coming down, it’s staying up there forever” like ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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hangjie · 5 years
speak now. [ finn wolfhard ]
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anonymous: hey, could i request a finn w. x reader based off of taylor swifts song called 'speak now' ? <3 thank u
summary: aged up!finn is getting married to someone horrible
warnings: swearing and arranged marriages
word count: -
author’s note: oof this song brings me back to when i was 9 years old HAHAHAHAH. literally thought of doing this as a present day!finn going on a date instead of aged up!finn’s wedding lmao. this is so bad and took me so long to write oof i’m sorry, anon ;(( 
not a traditional wedding in a church, but the wedding takes place in the backyard of finn’s house btw! (i didn’t use a gif of finn bc it weirded me out that i was writing a imagine about an aged up 16 year old’s wedding heheheheh sorrry)
─── • ° *。✧ ───
i am not the kind of girl
who should be rudely bargin' in on a white veil occasion,
but you are not the kind of boy
who should be marryin' the wrong girl.
never in my life have i seen a situation where someone barges in someone else’s wedding. i’ve only seen those in movies, never in real life.
who knew that i would be that person barging in on my boyfriend’s wedding.
it sounds messed up, i know, but to make the long story short, finn’s manager forced him to marry the girl he’s been dating for publicity.
fucked up, right? but it’s not my choice and his manager threatened him if he didn’t do it.
i should remind finn to get himself a new manager next time.
so, here i am, outside of finn’s room, where he is preparing for his big day. i take a deep breath before i knock on the door softly. seconds later, finn’s head pops out and his eyes brighten when he sees me.
after he lets me in, i am immediately engulfed in a tight hug. i sigh and wrap my arms around his torso as his arms circle my waist. i breathe in his scent and i feel my eyes water as the thought of someone else in his arms comes into my mind.
when we pull away from each other, his hands cups my cheek, brushing away the tears that have escaped my eye using his thumb. “don’t cry, (y/n).”
“how can i when my boyfriend marrying someone else?” i sob.
“(y/n), you know that i have no choice and this isn’t my decision.”
“but still, you’re marrying her.”
finn presses his forehead against mine and brings our bodies closer, his brown eyes staring right into my (y/e/c) ones.
“but i love you, not her.” i take a deep breath, closing my eyes. when i open them, there are tears brimming in both of our eyes.
the moment between us is broken when a knock is heard on his door.
“finn?” i hear the voice of his mom from the other side of the door. our faces turn pale and he pushes me into his closet when the door knob starts turning. i manage to get into the closet before his mom enters the room, making me sigh in relief.
“are you ready?”
i open the closet the tiniest bit, enough for me to be able to see what’s happening outside. i see him sigh in relief when his mom doesn’t notice that i’ve been in the room.
his mom approaches him, a sad smile playing on her lips. “my boy is getting married.” she approaches him and fixes his tie and collar with teary eyes. finn looks down at the ground, sadly. his mom places her hand on his cheek, making him lean into her touch. “i know that you want her to be (y/n), but if you both really love each other, you both have to be patient.” finn’s mom wraps her arms around his shoulders, bringing him into a comforting hug.
“we’ll break our contract soon. don’t worry.”
she kisses his forehead before reminding him to be ready soon and leaving the room.
as soon as finn’s mom is gone, i come out of the closet and place my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. he looks down at me sadly before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.
“i wish it was you up on that altar,” he says against my hair. i press my ear against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. “soon, my love. it’ll be me as soon as your contract breaks.”
when he pulls away, he presses a loving yet passionste kiss. i feel my tears slip from my eye and roll down my cheeks.
we pull away from each other and i quietly say, “i love you. i’ll be back soon,” before leaving his room.
i sneak in and see your friends
and her snotty little family, all dressed in pastel
and she is yelling at a bridesmaid,
somewhere back inside a room,
wearing a gown shaped like a pastry.
as i walk through the hallway of finn’s house, i hear yells and the sound of glass breaking from a nearby room, sparking my curiosity.
i walk towards the direction of the room and peek through the small crack of the door. before i could open it and ask the person if they’re okay, i notice the puffy white dress and the blonde mop of hair wearing a long veil.
i back away from the door and lean against the wall beside the door frame, making sure that nobody inside the room saw me from outside.
“what the hell is this?! you call this a fucking braid?” i hear the voice of finn’s ‘bride to be’, mackenzie (a/n: i literally just googled ‘most hated girl names’ okay don’t come for me hdsjsksksj). before anyone could answer her, i hear glass shattering, making the hairs on my neck stand in fear that she hurted someone.
i peek in and see one of her bridesmaids looking at her apologetically, picking up the shards of glass from the ground as mackenzie towers over her, fuming with rage.
mackenzie opens her mouth to shout more at her bridesmaid, but gets cut off by her mother who was dressed in a pastel green dress.
oh Lord, help me.
“mackenzie, that’s enough. you don’t want to waste all your energy on something useless.” she rolls her eyes at the bridesmaid whose eyes were glassy because of her incoming tears.
“but mom, she’s ruining my wedding—“ her mom sends her a look of impatience and annoyance, making her shut up.
her mom approaches her and fixes the veil on her head. “shush now, child. you don’t want that your groom to hear your tantrum now, do you?” mackenzie snickers mockingly. “why would i care for that ‘wolfhard’ boy, mom? i don’t even love him.”
“yes, but he has money and fame, mackenzie. you do want to become famous, don’t you?”
i can feel my blood boiling inside of me and i try my best not to barge in and slap mackenzie and her mother.
mackenzie nods and says, “yes, my dreams of being a celebrity are getting closer and it’s all thanks to you, mom.” she embraces her mother in a hug and manages to despite her wedding dress getting in the way. “i’m glad that you slept with his manager, mom.”
no fucking wonder.
i take a deep breath, letting myself calm down before i walk away from the scene.
like what mackenzie’s mom said, ‘you don’t want to waste your energy on something useless.’
i continue to walk through the hallway, mumbling profanities and stomping in anger from the scene between mackenzie and her mom. i forgot about my plan of keeping a low profile until i hear someone call me from behind.
“(y/n)? is that you?” i turn around and come face-to-face with nick, finn’s older brother. i run to nick and immediately wrap my arms around his torso, him returning the gesture.
“nick, i cannot take it anymore. i don’t want finn to marry that bitch,” i say against his chest. i feel him stroking my hair in comfort and shushing me.
“it’s okay, (y/n).”
“no. it’s not okay, nick! finn is going to marry that bitch face, mackenzie and i can’t do anything about it.” i cry against his chest, possibly making his suit damp with my tears, but neither of us cared.
we continue like that until we hear the voice of finn and nick’s mom call for him and that the wedding is about to start. “shit,” he curses under his breath. “i gotta go, (y/n),” nick sadly says. we pull away from each other and bid each other goodbye.
before nick could disappear downstairs, he turns back to me and says, “i really wish that you were the one up on the altar.”
i smile sadly at him and say, “that’s what finn also said.” nick returns the sad smile and goes downstairs, leaving me standing in the hallway with a million thoughts running inside my head.
fond gestures are exchanged
and the organ starts to play
a song that sounds like a death march
and i am hiding in the curtains
it seems i was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be.
she floats down the aisle like a pageant queen,
but i know you wish it was me.
you wish it was me, don't you?
it took me a while to decide whether or not to stay at the wedding and in the end, i hid myself behind some bushes in finn’s backyard. thankfully, nobody noticed me sneaking in and the bushes are large enough to cover me.
the sound of an organ playing ‘here comes the bride’, convinces me to peek from the side and i see mackenzie and her father starting to walk down the aisle.
she sways her non-existent hips from side to side and unlike the traditional slow walk, she rushes towards finn who looks at her with distress.
i gag at the sight of her winking at finn and just the sight of her so called ‘acting’ alone makes me want to bash my head with a fucking rock.
i can see tears rolling down the cheeks of finn as he stares at mackenzie who is smiling from ear to ear and my heart aches, knowing that he’s imaging that it’s me instead of her, but instead, i’m here, hiding behind a bunch of bushes.
“my dear friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between finn wolfhard and mackenzie williams.”
this is going to be a long day.
i hear the preacher say,
"speak now or forever hold your peace.”
there's a silence, there's my last chance.
i stand up with shaking hands.
all eyes on me.
after an hour and a half, the wedding is nearing to an end. i can feel my heart racing as the ‘speak now’ part of the wedding nears.
“if anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace. any reason any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now,” the preacher says (a/n: i don’t know if this is the actual line in a wedding bc i’ve literally only been to two weddings).
this is it. this is my chance.
i begin to stand up and right before i could speak up, mackenzie says, “oh, look. no one’s objecting. come on, let’s get on with the wedding—“
“i object!”
horrified looks from everyone in the room,
but i’m only lookin' at you.
everyone’s attention turns to me and most of the guests have surprised looks on their faces. well, at least, in mackenzie’s side.
my eyes scan the faces of finn’s family and friends are most of them are smiling in relief and are quietly cheering me on, motivating me.
i take a deep breath before i say, “that’s my boyfriend! mackenzie is only marrying finn for fame and money and his manager only allowed this to happen because he slept with mackenzie’s mom!” everyone gasps and flickers their gazes between mackenzie and her family.
mackenzie screams and throws her bouquet of flowers on the ground, shouting, “fucking bitch! you ruined my goddamn wedding!” her face is red with anger and starts throwing more insults and cusses at me, but everything is a blur to me because i’m only focused on finn.
finn sighs in relief and looks at me with so much love and adoration in his eyes.
my thoughts are interrupted when finn grabs my wrist and drags me away from his backyard and out of his house.
we are giggling like children and he stops in front of his car, digging his pocket for his keys. once he finds them, he opens the car door on my side and lets me in. he goes around the car and slides in, turning the car engine on.
“finn, where are we going?” i ask, turning towards him. he only smiles and says, “far away,” before driving out of town.
and you say, "let's run away now.
i’ll meet you when i’m out of my tux at the back door.
oh baby, i didn't say my vow.
so glad you were around when they said, "speak now.”
the sea breeze fans my face and cools my heated body as the rays of the sun illuminate the sea waves from below the cliff.
i readjust my position on the hood of finn’s car and i lean my head against his shoulder, snuggling closer to him as his arm wraps around my body tightly.
“i’m so glad that you got me out of that hell hole,” finn says, making the both of us chuckle. “of course. i couldn’t let you get married to that witch of a bride.”
“yeah. i can’t even stand being a few feet away from her. let alone marry her.”
“it’s a shame that you wasted a pretty good suit though,” i say, fixing his collar.
“who said that i was going to put this to waste?”
i look at him in confusion until finn gets down on one knee in front of me and pulls out a ring from his pocket.
“(y/n), i know that we literally just ran away from a wedding and i know that you’re tired with all the wedding bullshit, but i nearly got married off to someone else and i couldn’t help but see you as my bride, not mackenzie.” tears prickle my eyes and start rolling down my cheeks. “(y/n), i love you so damn much and i want to be with you forever. so, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?”
i jump down from the hood of his car and hug him, shouting “yes!” repeatedly. finn chuckles, sending vibrations between us.
when we pull away from each other, he slips the ring into my finger, letting it shine and sparkle in the sunlight.
finn places a hand on my cheek, making me lean into his touch. he smiles at me and says, “i’m so glad you were around when they said “speak now”.”
“stop quoting taylor swift and just kiss me already.”
finn chuckles and doesn’t waste a second pressing his lips against mine.
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noitsholly · 7 years
I LOVE U OMG THANK YOU and hahaha I don't rlly post selfies only if they r with Taylor HEHEHEHEHE
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