health-is-wealth-le · 10 days
Importance of Glutathione and NADP
Please join our Telegram channel to view the complete video. Simply click on this link: https://t.me/lifentco
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allabouthealthtoday · 4 months
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Essential Vitamins for Everyday Energy: Your Ultimate Guide
Elevate your daily health routine with our expert insights on 7 crucial vitamins and minerals. Discover how Vitamin D strengthens immunity and Omega-3 supports heart health. Start your journey to a healthier you!
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artemaeus2014 · 11 months
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taurusreads · 7 months
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below is a step-by-step guide on what shadow work is, how to practice it, as well as addressing a major misconception that many people have about the process. if you're interested in learning about shadow work or want to find out how to start the process, i hope that this provides enough information to help point you in the right direction <3
remember: shadow work is not an easy process and should not be taken lightly. to make sure that you have all the knowledge you need before starting, conduct your own research on how to do shadow work, as i only used a few sources that i looked through while doing my own research on the topic.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - carl jung
a shadow is described as the aspects of a person that one forgets, hides, and or represses subconsciously.
all people have a shadow, there is never someone who goes through life without having at least one. shadows make up the people we are, and how others perceive us. our shadows are the counterpart to the self that we present to others, it is our truest thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs that others, whether it be friends, family, society, etc., have deemed unacceptable.
these aspects of ourselves that we hide from others and sometimes even ourselves is called our shadow self.
our shadows are formed throughout our lives and typically occur in moments when we don't have the knowledge, skill set, or mental capacity to stand up for ourselves. these shadows grow when we feel like we can't express our truest selves due to an external source telling us that what makes us unique is bad, weird, taboo, etc.
most people are not aware of their shadows until their early to mid-20s, but everyone is different, so it could be much later than that. our shadows are karmic and are meant to teach us life lessons once we hit a certain stage in our lives, but only if we choose to acknowledge them.
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. - carl jung
our shadows are shown in the 3D by projection. if one has not faced their shadows and worked with their shadow self, then they could project their own insecurities and fears onto the people, things, ideas, etc. around them. when people inherit beliefs and values that don't align with who they truly are beneath the surface, this can cause resentment, fear, or even anger towards the ideals, beliefs, and values that they really do have.
for example, someone with a neglected inner child wound could have experienced feeling silenced in their home, feeling left out, and fearing abandonment. having feelings like this in their shadow self could result in actions like people pleasing, overextending, emotional immaturity, and more. they can project these actions, thoughts, and feelings onto other people and hold high expectations for others, often resulting in behavioral patterns. these patterns are learned throughout life, and then have to be recognized and broken.
"If you grew up a very talkative child, your parents might have told you repeatedly to be quiet or talk less often in social settings. In order to feel loved and accepted, you might’ve started to repress that talkative aspect of your personality. And over time, as you continued to repress those parts, your shadow held onto those feelings until they bubble over or they’re triggered by external stimuli." (Cleveland Clinic, HealthEssentials, 2023)
acknowledging these shadow aspects of ourselves and learning to accept them can help people have more care, love, and compassion for others and themselves in hard situations.
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - carl jung
there are many ways for people to do shadow work, and it all depends on the person and their personal preference. Most people practice a few different methods of shadow work and stick to the few that seem to work the best for them.
a few ways that people could practice shadow work consists of:
mirror gazing
shadow work prompts (most common)
the shadow work journal
and more!
it is imperative that you try different methods of shadow work, and pick the best options for you. some options could work better than others, so it is important that you pay attention to how you feel after each exercise, and make sure that you're mentally ready for the work you are about to put in. do ample research on each method that you want to look into before attempting.
There is no birth of consciousness without pain. - carl jung
a person should only do shadow work when they feel like they are mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready to do so. if you feel at any point in time that you are not ready to face your shadows, then it is highly advised to wait before you delve into it.
shadow work is all about facing the parts of yourself that you've subconsciously blocked due to trauma, so it won't be easy to complete without facing emotional backlash.
if you think about the idea of shadow work and it makes you feel nervous, worried, anxious, scared, etc., then more than likely you're not ready to commit to your shadow work at that time. on the other hand, if you think about shadow work and feel excited, optimistic, motivated, and most of all ready for change, then more than likely you are ready to take the next step in your spiritual journey!
sometimes, our guides will give us signs that we are ready for our shadow work journey by relaying information to us through dreams, downloads, angel numbers, significant animals/items, etc., so be conscious of the signs that your guides might be trying to show you!
I have treated many hundreds of patients. Among those in the second half of life - that is to say, over 35 - there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. - carl jung
no. absolutely not.
shadow work is a process that was discovered by a swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst named carl jung. jung believed that there were three different parts to the human psyche; the ego (conscious self), the personal unconscious (shadow self), and the collective conscious (shared mental constructs among society).
jung believed that shedding light on our personal unconscious could drastically change the way that we interact with the world around us, as well as ourselves for the better.
shadow work isn't about summoning anything that wasn't previously there, it's about acknowledging the unknown parts of yourself that already existed so we can truly figure out who we are on the inside.
shadow work is something that takes time, effort, and willpower, but it is a safe and loving practice that helps people better their self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance, and overall mental well-being.
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all information provided is from my own personal experiences and research. if there are any other questions about what shadow work is or how to do it, send your questions to my ask box!
© taurusreads 2023
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Managing Work-Life Boundaries: Avoiding Burnout as an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is a thrilling journey marked by opportunities and challenges alike. Navigating this path successfully requires more than just business acumen; it demands a delicate balance between work and personal life. Guiding entrepreneurs in this endeavor is Rahul Malodia, renowned as the best business coach in India. His insights transcend traditional boundaries, equipping individuals with strategies to maintain a harmonious work-life balance and prevent burnout. In this exploration, we delve into the significance of work-life boundaries, the perils of burnout, and how Rahul Malodia's guidance empowers entrepreneurs to lead fulfilling lives both professionally and personally.
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Unveiling the Essence of Work-Life Boundaries
The Essence of Work-Life Balance
Thriving on equilibrium. Work-life boundaries refer to establishing limits that allow individuals to dedicate time and energy to both their professional and personal domains, fostering overall well-being.
Rahul Malodia's Holistic Approach
Rahul Malodia's reputation as the best business coach in Jaipur and India stems from his comprehensive outlook. His insights on work-life boundaries extend beyond compartmentalization, focusing on holistic well-being and sustainable success.
Navigating the Perils of Burnout
The Dangers of Burnout
A downward spiral. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, often arising when work-life boundaries are blurred or nonexistent.
The Role of Proactive Prevention
Steering clear of exhaustion. Rahul Malodia's guidance emphasizes proactive prevention, enabling entrepreneurs to recognize the signs of burnout and take preemptive measures.
Technique 1: Setting Clear Boundaries
Defining your limits. Rahul Malodia's insights underscore the importance of setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, fostering mental clarity and promoting well-being.
Technique 2: Prioritizing Self-Care
Nurturing yourself. Rahul Malodia's expertise extends to prioritizing self-care, ensuring individuals allocate time for activities that rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit.
Technique 3: Time Management Mastery
Harnessing productivity. Rahul Malodia's proficiency delves into time management, allowing entrepreneurs to optimize their work hours and allocate quality time to personal pursuits.
Technique 4: Learning to Delegate
Sharing the load. Rahul Malodia's insights explore the significance of delegation, enabling entrepreneurs to entrust tasks to capable hands and alleviate their workload.
Leveraging Years of Well-being Wisdom
Rahul Malodia's Experience
With over 5+ years of experience as a business coach, Rahul Malodia's insights are enriched through practical engagements across diverse industries and cities. His guidance marries the complexities of entrepreneurship with a deep understanding of human needs.
Well-being Success Stories
"Collaborating with Rahul Malodia transformed my approach to work-life boundaries. His insights into setting clear boundaries and prioritizing self-care helped me strike a balance that rejuvenated my enthusiasm and prevented burnout." - Arjun Mehta, Founder, HealthEssentials
"Rahul Malodia's guidance revolutionized my perspective on time management. His expertise in delegating tasks and optimizing work hours not only increased my productivity but also allowed me to enjoy personal pursuits guilt-free." - Nisha Verma, CEO, CreativeSolutions
In Conclusion
The pursuit of entrepreneurial success need not come at the cost of well-being. Rahul Malodia, the best business coach in Jaipur, serves as a beacon of well-being wisdom, guiding entrepreneurs toward a future where work-life boundaries are not just buzzwords but essential pillars of thriving. By setting clear boundaries, prioritizing self-care, mastering time management, and learning to delegate, Rahul's insights empower individuals to lead balanced lives that are both rewarding and fulfilling. As you navigate the intricate journey of entrepreneurship, remember that with Rahul Malodia's expert guidance, you possess a mentor dedicated to assisting you in maintaining equilibrium, nurturing your well-being, and fostering sustainable success—a journey where work and personal life coexist harmoniously, propelling you toward a fulfilling life on all fronts.
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shahananasrin-blog · 10 months
[ad_1] Психолог Сьюзан Альберс: увлечение опасными диетами связано с синдромом хорошей девочкиУвлечение женщин опасными процедурами для красоты, разрушительными диетами и веществами нередко связано с синдромом хорошей девочки, считает психолог Сьюзан Альберс. В интервью сайту HealthEssentials она рассказала, как распознать этот синдром и избавиться от него.Альберс подчеркнула, что синдром хорошей девочки — это не болезнь, а личные качества человека, которые наносят физический и психологический вред, если их довести до крайности. К таким качествам она отнесла перфекционизм, желание всегда угождать другим, жертвуя своими интересами. Еще одним проявлением синдрома Альберс назвала одержимость идеальной внешностью.Девочки и женщины часто считают, что им нужно выглядеть определенным образом, чтобы нравиться другим людям. Вот почему расстройства пищевого поведения и синдром хорошей девочки часто идут рука об рукуСьюзан АльберспсихологМатериалы по теме:Психолог добавила, что ожидание всеобщего одобрения может стать причиной совершения опасных и саморазрушительных поступков во имя красоты. По ее словам, женщины из-за синдрома хорошей девочки могут решиться на пластическую операцию, чтобы походить на кого-то другого, влезть в долги и кредиты ради стильного гардероба или злоупотреблять лекарствами, пытаясь изменить внешность.Альберс считает, что синдром хорошей девочки появляется в детстве, и во взрослом возрасте продолжает «защищать» от возможных психологических травм. По ее словам, чтобы избавиться от синдрома, следует для начала научиться осознавать, формулировать и высказывать свои чувства. Далее она посоветовала выстроить границы и отстаивать их. Кроме того, Альберс рекомендовала не оценивать свои и чужие поступки как хорошие или плохие.Ранее психолог Анастасия Никулушкина рассказала о так называемом синдроме «достигатора». По ее словам, люди с навязчивым желанием достигать новые цели портят жизнь себе и окружающим. [ad_2]
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naturalflix · 1 year
Testosterona baixa pode causar ansiedade e depressão?
Testosterona baixa pode causar ansiedade e depressão?
Níveis de testosterona baixa podem imitar sintomas de depressão e causar ansiedade ao longo do tempo . Este artigo é uma repostagem que apareceu originalmente no Cleveland Clinic healthessentials. Editado para o conteúdo. As opiniões expressas neste artigo podem não refletir as opiniões dos editores, funcionários ou membros deste site. Nossas tomadas: ‧ Testosterona baixa se manifestará através…
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