#he'd even blast them when he was drunk but i wouldn't care
@jegulus-microfic, June 9th - Lip Gloss, M, Word Count - 802
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CW: underage drinking, suggestive language
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Past all the dancing and drinking and loud music blasting throughout the Gryffindor common room sat Regulus black. His chair pushed against the back wall. He had only come to what he had called 'the dirtiest party at Hogwarts' because Remus told him he might get to see James.
He was frustrated though because he wasn't told how much James he'd be seeing tonight.
Regulus thought he'd catch a few glances of the boy, standing talking to his friends, maybe finding him snogging somebody off to the side.
But James was hammered.
Absolutely wasted.
And turns out he was a party animal after a few too many shots.
Dancing on tables, letting his hips sway and his body roll with the rhythm of whatever was playing.
Dancing on the floor, bringing random people to join him and being a tad too touchy.
Dancing with his tongue, Merlin knows how many people he's kissed tonight and how many more he will.
Regulus had enough of it. Having already had a few drinks himself, he was going to just head back to his dorm and sleep. Tonight was a mistake anyways. He didn't need to be reminded of the boy he couldn't have. The boy who made his heart throb and who barely knew he existed.
He got up from his chair and was about to leave when he remembered he should tell Remus where he was headed, not wanting the older boy to worry. He remembers seeing him head upstairs to the dormitories, doing Merlin knows what, but Regulus just wanted to pop his head in and let him know he was headed out. Simple.
Right before he headed up the stairs though, someone grabbed his arm lightly.
"Regulus! I didn't know you were here!" James smiled behind him. Regulus had half a mind to shove him off and continue heading upstairs but the faint buzz of alcohol in his system made him stay.
"Potter," he greets.
"You know, I just love it how you say my name. It sounds so natural." Regulus could tell how far gone James was but he couldn't deny the way his words made him feel.
"Is that so?"
James nods. "I know Sirius said you're off limits but what I wouldn't do..." He smirks.
Regulus feels his face heat up at his admission. "Potter you're drunk."
"Tell me something I don't know, doll."
Regulus had to admit that he enjoyed drunk James much more than regular James. Even if it was because of his his own selfish desires.
James looks away from Regulus for a moment, his eyes scanning the rest of the party. "What do you say? Care to dance?"
Rolling his eyes, Regulus sticks out his hand. "I'm not good at this you know?"
The older boy grabs his hand and leads them to the dance floor, he laughs, "I'll teach you then."
Regulus can’t help but laugh along. He lets James drag him to the middle of the dance floor. “Now, all you have to do is lean in to my touch and follow my instructions okay?”
James places his hands on Regulus’ waist. Regulus bites his lip and tenses up.
James leans in towards his ear, “Let go doll, just listen to the music.” His words had Regulus blushing way more than those simple instructions should.
He listens though, closes his eyes and starts swaying his hips to the music, just like he saw James doing earlier. “There you go,” James whispers into his ear.
Regulus could get lost like this, James in his ear, holding his waist. Something about the repetitive movement is calming yet thrilling.
James’ touch disappears for a moment and Regulus’ eyes snap open, trying to see where the other had gone. The touch reemerges from behind him, James now standing with Regulus’ back against his chest.
Regulus leans back to catch another glimpse of the boy, his forehead sweaty and eyes red. He looked so carefree and content.
Regulus tried to stop himself. He really did, but seeing James like this… He blames it on the alcohol okay?
Standing on his toes for a moment, Regulus leans back just enough to catch James’ lips with his.
And it feels great, you know, Regulus really does enjoy the kiss. But he can taste someone else’s lip gloss on James. That fact quickly sobers him up.
He was just another body for James, another nobody in the crowd.
He’s not supposed to be here, not supposed to be dancing like this. Not supposed to be with James.
The other boy tries to kiss back but Regulus breaks apart before he can.
“I’ve got to go.” Is all James gets before Regulus tears himself away from the boy and exits the party, like he was going to in the first place.
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floosies · 3 months
early 2000s au
eddie munson x fem!oc
warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, eventual smut, mentions of abuse, friends to lovers 18+
a/n: i just wanna say this fic is an ode to what i wish i could have be doing in the early 2000s if I hadn't been in elementary school. i know alot of us twenty somethings wish we would have been older than we were.
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Sophomore year, 2007
Eddie had repeated the eighth grade, so when he started high school, he should have been sophomore, but his uncle was determined that kid needed to be held back, his teachers too, he's wasn't stupid but living with his dad in the early years of his childhood had fucked with his education. He either did or didn't go depending if his dad was on the run for jacking a car or something. So much for no child left behind, and in Hawkins of all places, they would hold him back as much as they could, not just in school, but in life too. Most of the student body saw him as trailer trash and nothing more. His uncle had taken him in before he entered middle school, and while he tried his best to stay out of trouble, he wasn't gonna let assholes bad mouth the only real father figure he had.
It didn't matter though, he'd gotten his shit somewhat together to get into high school. Barely passing and not really caring, he wanted to at least try and get his diploma for his uncle's sake. System of a down was blasting from his best friend's room. He'd known Jeff for some time and even though his parents didn't like the 'influence' Eddie had on him, he was thankful for him. Jeff had been one of the few kids who actually thought Eddie was cool. They'd been friends since, and he was kind enough to let him hang at his place afterschool, where'd they'd use his computer to post band stuff and update their myspace accounts.
Today though Ed had gotten lucky. He'd jacked some kid's locker and scored an ipod in there. Sure stealing was wrong, but he was broke, too broke at least to afford an ipod. He'd spent the summer trying not to get caught working for his dad's friend to make enough for the iphone. It was easy money in reality, but he knew his uncle wouldn't have been happy to know he was selling drugs to people. The phone was easier to hide than what'd he'd been up to in the summer, even then he still sold every once in a while. Band equipment and his car were never ending needs he had to deal with.
The plan had always been the band, he'd learned to play the guitar on his own accord, rock music was his home away from home. It helped having friends like Jeff who understood what music was really about. Anything they ever earned at a gig was saved in a one of those gallon jugs, they were midway but the hope was to make enough to get to LA or New York and get a studio session. Their live demos and shotty youtube videos got them some online views but not enough to call the attention of anyone yet.
Julie had a whole different life from his. Her parents were loving sociopaths, who controlled her life as best they could. Nevertheless, it didn't do much. She would still sneak around and hang at house parties on the weekends or get drunk at sleepovers with her best friend. She was well known online as a party girl and whether it was her myspace or livejournal she had somewhat of a following for her antics.
At most she was thankful her parents had no clue about the internet. They'd gotten her a digital camera and an ipod with no clue what she really did with them. They were naive at best but could be ruthless at worst. They'd take away her things for months on end if they felt she had been on some sort of weird or rude behavior. It didn't stop her though. Despite her popularity online, in school it was a whole quieter ordeal. Sure she was known, but people only want to associate with others under certain circumstances. Her group was small, and the outfits she'd wear on a friday night weren't what'd she'd been seen in on a monday morning in class.
She wasn't a genius by any length but she wasn't an idiot, she was getting by with decent grades and fake persona for her teachers and parents. It's the only thing she had to keep them from really looking into who she really was, or was at least trying to be.
Blame the internet, they met through their myspace accounts. She had mentioned one of their songs or more like she was looking for one of their songs because they had played at a party she had gone to the weekend before. Eddie couldn't believe he didn't know her, they went to the same high school and were in the same grade. They started talking almost immediately, about everything and anything.
It didn't take long for cellphone numbers to be exchanged and to agree to finally meet at lunch. She had told him not to ditch for her lunch period but he didn't really care about it. To Eddie she was someone who finally understood what he was trying to do here. They were both surprised when they finally met up, she swore she could feel her heart racing out of her chest. It was one thing to talk on the phone or through text, but being actually with him felt like something else.
He felt the same way about near her, she had mentioned to him that he probably didn't recognize her because she wasn't wearing the kind of stuff she usually wore on the weekends out. Its what they ended up talking about that whole lunch period, about how few moments they had where they could really be themselves. Only difference is Julie still felt her parents held the control in her life. That's something Eddie no longer tied him down. Still, he felt for her, from their long talks on the phone and at lunch, he was getting to know this girl for who she really was and that mattered to him. He even ended up walking her to class.
Her friends did give her a couple of glances when she walked into class that day. Questions on why she was hanging out with him and who even was he? One of her classmates heard her mention his name and said Eddie had always been chaotic and liked to start shit for fun. Sure she could have listened to them, but all the stuff they were saying didn't matter because she knew him well enough after a month or so of talking to him, to know that if he came off that way it was intentional.
From that point on, they would try to hang out as much as they could. Parties and after school days when she would go over to his place, despite him initially saying that she probably wouldn't wanna be seen at a trailer park. She honestly didn't care, all that mattered was not being near her hellhole house and that she was able to do her homework. Meanwhile he played guitar hero for her and showed her songs he was working on. Every now and then she would try and get him to do his homework too, which would in turn lead to them not doing anything because he'd use anything as a means of distraction.
Then there was a week when he got suspended for accidentally bringing a pocket knife to school. He told her he had been helping his uncle fix up a patch on the roof and forgot he had left the knife in his jeans pocket but they probably just wanted an excuse to get him out of their hair. His teachers ended up confused when she showed up that week asking for the notes and missing assignments he would have. Maybe she shouldn't have but she did them for him and when they met up on friday night she handed them in exchange for a couple of pre rolled joints and some tabs.
He watched as she went off with her girlfriends that night and got blacked out. They were only getting to know each other though, he didn't wanna overstep anything with her, but he made sure she got home alright. The following Monday it was as if it had never happened and he didn't really mind.
Sophomore year had been a trial and error of getting to know each other and figuring out how the friendship would work. By the summer they had it down, they were comfortable enough with each other to not really care too deeply about things, but also were practically glued to one another. She met the rest of the band and his other friends. She'd shoot their sets for them and post them on their youtube, hell she even added them to her top five. Of course everyone around them could see that there was more going on between the two but neither Eddie nor Julie were going to ruin whatever they had going on already to start something intimate.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Watch Me || (M)
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→ A/n: Hui x Female Reader x Shinwon
→ Genre: Smut
→ Words:  2.8K
→ Contains: implied poly relationship; open relationship; threesome sort of; blowjob; consensual voyeurism.
→ A/n: Better late than never, here it is this 🥵🥵🥵 story heheh. Special thanks to the anon who requested it! We hope you all like it <3
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It wasn't a secret that you had a crush on Hui. In fact, everyone knew this a long time ago. So when you started dating Shinwon everyone was completely shocked. Even Hui.
Before anything happened between you and Shinwon you made sure to tell him that having a crush didn't mean having feelings for someone. Hui was nice and hot, you wanted to hook up with him one day but that meant nothing when it came to loving someone and Shinwon was the one who actually stole your heart. He too was nice and hot but something about him made your insides twist and butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
Thankfully Shinwon got it, he understood that loving someone didn't make everyone else ugly and unattractive and that he too had a crush on someone else and just like you he'd hook up with them if he could. You both laughed about it and jokingly agreed on only hooking up with your crushes if the other was present. Shinwon had a blast whenever you met with his long-time friends since Hui was one of them. He'd keep teasing you even if it was for your ears only.
Hui was thrown back when you started dating Shinwon because he too knew about your crush, even if he didn't do anything about it. He wasn't a close friend but he thought you were nice and pretty as he told you once. So when he saw you with your boyfriend he was always slightly confused.
You weren't always with the boys so when you showed up it was always special. Tonight was no different. Everyone gathered to have a pre-party and get wasted before going out, so you wouldn't need to pay an absurd amount for drinks at bars. You decided to not drink that much and Shinwon followed you, only casually accepting one or two shots.
Needless to say, a couple of hours later and everyone was already pretty drunk and caught up on their own shit. You and Shinwon were lost in your little bubble. Your boyfriend was looking especially hot tonight, probably had taken his time dressing up to go out, but you just wanted to rip that pretty shirt off of him. The alcohol probably had something to do with the urge to just grab him and kiss him with all you got.
You were still in public, though probably no one was sparing a glance at you two, so you just made out lazily on the couch. The thing is that when you two start kissing, you always can’t stop yourself. Shinwon was a good kisser, and you couldn’t get enough of him. The kiss started getting hungrier, your hands messed around his hair when his’ hooked around your hips and pulled you up to straddle him. Normally, you would be embarrassed by a hot make-out session in public, but for some reason it made you feel sexier, arousal already pooling in your panties with the idea of being watched.
Shinwon himself seemed to be showing you off, grabbing your ass and slightly lifting your shirt to explore the skin on your back. He trailed wet kisses along your jaw up to your ear, nibbling the lobe and getting a breathy moan out of you. You felt his grin, knowing he was very well aware that he hit your sweet spot.
“Looks like your crush is watching us, baby” he whispered for you to hear, giggling secretly.
You turned your head just enough to see Hui on your peripheral vision, smirking at you two;
“Don’t worry, I bet he is too drunk to remember anything in half an hour like everyone else is.” you answered, biting your lip.
“I’m sober enough to hear you two, and please don’t stop because of me” you were interrupted, heart racing as soon as Hui’s voice hit your ears. His grin grew wider.
“Give him a show, baby girl” Shinwon hummed lowly and pulled you closer.
You involuntarily grinded your hips when he tightened his grip and were pleased to feel his semi-hard through the thin fabric of your shorts. He tugged on your hair, exposing your neck to him, and took his time sucking on the skin, and you were sure you would regret letting him mark you, the trouble of covering that for work on Monday would be a pain in the ass, but right now it felt too good for you to care. It was also hard to keep yourself from letting noises fall from your lips, as every touch of his sent shivers through your whole body, but you tried your hardest to make sure he was the only one to hear it.
When his lips found yours’ again, his hand went down to your ass, guiding you to grind on him again, the friction giving you some relief and this time the moan that escaped you was loud enough that you were sure Hui, who had his eyes glued on you all the time, heard it.
Shinwon noticed it too, and a chuckle vibrated on his throat.
“Look at him, just can’t help himself seeing how hot you are and how good I make you feel” he said to you.
And then you saw what he was talking about. Hui was palming the barely-visible-but-still-there tent on his jeans, eyeing up and down and biting his lips.
It took you by surprise when Shinwon took you off of him and got up, holding your hand and guiding you to the bedroom. Part of you felt a very small pinch of disappointment, wanting to show yourself off to the man you crushed. But your boyfriend was full of surprises, and one of them was when he stopped on his tracks, and looked back at Hui, enunciating:
“I’m not going to ask you twice to come with us.”
Hui lifted one eyebrow, pleasantly surprised at the proposal, but didn’t waste any time following you two.
Shinwon didn’t bother closing the door, throwing you on the bed as soon as you entered the room, making you yelp in surprise. He climbed up in between your legs, attacking your lips with determination. Your legs instinctively crossed around his hips, making him grind, and you took pleasure in the friction.
You only remembered Hui when you heard a small gasp leave him, who was watching you two while leaned against the now-closed door.
Shinwon climbed off of you and commanded you to sit in a bossy tone that had you squirming in anticipation.
“Come here, baby” he said, monitoring for you to get closer. He tugged the waistband of your shorts “you know what to do with these.”
You got up and, facing Hui, shimmied out of your bottoms, leaving the lacy underwear on. You watched his eyes travel down your body with lust as Shinwon, standing behind you, pulled your shirt off. You felt his naked torso pressed against your back while he kissed your shoulder.
His hand cupped your breasts over the bra and you didn’t miss the way Hui’s breath quickened. You closed your eyes to enjoy Shinwon’s touches, feeling like you could melt under his palms.
“kneel down for me” he whispered.
You turned around and followed his instructions as he sat on the edge of the bed, supporting himself with his hand behind him. You kneeled in between his legs and grazed your nails on his abdomen before undoing the button and unzipping his jeans. You took it off of him along the underwear, his cock springing free and bouncing against his stomach, fully hard this time.
You licked your palm, your eyes locked on his, and grabbed his member, jerking it teasingly slow, giving small licks to the tip.
“Look how hard I already am for you, baby, I don’t think we have time for teasing.” he caressed your head, taking the opportunity to hold your hair into a make-do ponytail.
“In a hurry?” you chuckled.
A hiss left his lips instead of an answer and you sucked the tip of his dick in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and already tasting the leaking pre-cum. You knew alcohol made people hornier and therefore they lasted less than usual, so you quit the teasing before it was too much and lowered your head, trying to fit the most of his length inside.
You hollow your cheeks and sucked, your hand moving close to the base where you couldn't fit in your mouth. Shinwon moaned wantonly and warned you about not lasting longer. You'd chuckle if you could, knowing your boyfriend all too well. Bobbing your head up and down, falling into an easy rhythm, your own breath sped up at the feeling of his dick twitching inside of your mouth, your tongue tracing his veins.
The room was hot, three different labored breaths mixed together made you feel even wetter. Knowing Hui was watching you sucking Shinwon off made you moan around his dick. You couldn't see Hui but heard his intake of breath whenever Shinwon moaned a bit too needy, so you knew he was watching intently.
Shinwon came without warning, his seed sliding down your throat making you almost choke. Your boyfriend didn't relent, hips moving with your head, moaning softly at how you swallowed every drop. He was watching you closely through heavy eyes and you were loving it. Soon enough he came back from his high and you opened your mouth, showing him how you truly swallowed and he groaned.
"I think Hui is a bit neglected, baby". Shinwon spoke and you froze. "Go show him some attention".
Shinwon was spent, laying back on the bed but still watching you closely. You turned your head and stared at Hui. He was a mess, heavy breathing and palming his bulge. Upon being put on a spotlight, Hui only walked into the room, still slightly open, and stood next to Shinwon, on the side of the bed. You followed his movements and only stopped a foot away from him.
"Hi", you said, giggling like a girl with a crush, which, well, you did.
"Hey you", he said right back, hands quickly finding your waist.
"You're too clothed for her, Hui", Shinwon said from the bed and you chuckled, watching your boyfriend move on the bed to watch you two.
Hui laughed and moved to take his shirt off. You took the opportunity to get his pants open and down on the floor. After that you both moved quickly, not quite knowing who reached first but kissing hard and desperate, tongues fighting for dominance. Hui's hands expertly opened your bra and you took it off, enjoying the feeling of his hands on your breasts.
You laid on the bed on your own accord and Hui followed, breaking the kiss only to position you and himself better, laying next to Shinwon, your head close to his hand. Hui took his underwear before moving on top of you and you almost pouted. You wanted to actually see him and touch him but the alcohol and the dim lights made it all too difficult.
It was all a bit too hazy and tipsy, your bodies moving together while you kissed, his dick leaving a wet patch on your panties even though they were already soaked. It was too overwhelming and Shinwon touched your head gently, caressing the top of it before whispering something to Hui who broke the kiss to nod and take your panties off.
"Let him take care of you, babe", Shinwon spoke to you when you looked from Hui to him.
Hui stopped to touch your folds, fingers moving easily because of how slick you were. Rubbing your clit fast, Hui moved on top of you and kissed you once more. You were enjoying it too much to notice Hui aligning his dick to your entrance. When you felt it moving inside, you only felt pleasure, you were too wet and Shinwon's gentle caress on your head was keeping you grounded, just as Hui's kiss was.
When he was fully inside, he didn't waste any time and moved, a bit too sloppy for what you thought but it was perfect. You knew it was the alcohol and your body reacted in the same way, sloppily following his rhythm until both of you found a good one and it became perfect. You moved in sync with Hui and only pulled him closer, hands crawling his sides and back.
You were moaning loudly and freely, the feeling of finally having someone you were so attracted to was too much, the alcohol and Shinwon right next to you only adding fuel to the fire. Shinwon chuckled and Hui followed, a silent conversation going on above you. Suddenly you felt Shinwon moving and soon enough two of his fingers were in your open mouth. Your immediate reaction was to close your mouth around the digits and suck.
"Ah, that's it. You're being too loud, babe". Shinwon spoke and you groaned around his fingers. "Keep sucking them like that and I'll have you on your knees for me again".
You moaned as much as you could, his words making your belly heat up even more. Looking at Hui, you put on a show of sucking Shinwon's fingers as much as you could. You were still a bit loud and Hui only whispered "fuck, Shinwon, do it right", before you could barely move your mouth. Shinwon was still keeping his fingers inside your mouth but now he was pressing your tongue down, successfully quieting any loud noise you could make.
"Tsk, I tried to be nice, babe. You made me look soft in front of Hui. Can't have that".
You groaned but the sound died on Shinwon's fingers, making you groan even more, clenching at how hot this whole thing was. You were thrown to the edge when on top of all that, you watched Hui bite his lips while staring at your mouth.
"Wish I was the one doing that", Hui spoke between heavy breaths, "I bet your mouth feels so good sucking me".
It was all it took for you to explode, white lights flashing behind your eyelids and you held Hui closer than before, body trembling beneath him. Your mouth closed around Shinwon's fingers, your moans turning into gibberish and you even a bit of drool escaping because of the make-do gag.
Hui fucked you through your orgasm, moaning as his own high approached. His voice asking Shinwon to not let go of your mouth made your orgasm last more or even come back after seconds, you weren't sure. You just knew that you felt absurdly exposed and you loved it. Hui came minutes after that, emptying himself inside of you and you made a grunting noise at the feeling, not quite having the strength to moan anymore.
Hui got out of you and sat on his heels as Shinwon helped you move to snuggle him and make space for Hui to lay next to you.
"That was something else", Shinwon was the first one to say.
"Hm, it was", Hui answered, still out of breath.
"Yeah, it definitely was", you laughed, sitting up after getting seconds of rest.
"Thanks for being so cool with all this, dude", Hui said to Shinwon and he only nodded.
"In fact, this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for our trust, you know. So as long as you don't break any boundaries, we're fine", Shinwon spoke and held you closer.
"I get it. I truly do", Hui watched you and you fought back the urge to kiss him. "It is really nice, what you two have".
"Honestly, it's amazing. If it wasn't for our communication, friendship, and trust, I think Shinwon would have given up on me already", you answered, giving your boyfriend an affectionate kiss.
"I would never", Shinwon made a theatrical move of outrage and you and Hui laughed. "Nah, it's fine. Y/N had the hots for you since forever".
"Oh I know. Just never thought of hitting on her because it was clear you were into her".
"Come on, guys. Love and attraction aren't always together, you know?", you chimed in and they chuckled.
"That's obvious now to me", Hui spoke and gave a quick kiss on the forehead. "I still wanna go to the party tho, will you guys come?".
"If everyone is up, sure", Shinwon shrugged.
"Maybe we can go the three of us…?", you asked.
Hui and Shinwon watched you for a few seconds and you got a bit scared of crossing a line you shouldn't have until Shinwon kissed you on the lips and got up, holding his hand out to you. You took it as Hui got up on his own and suddenly you felt very warm.
"As friends, right?" Shinwon asked, but you could see clearly his playful manners and you laughed.
"As my boyfriend and his friend!", you answered and Hui walked past you with his clothes in hand.
"I'm clearly the boyfriend now", he said.
The three of you laughed as Shinwon ran after him in a small room, butt naked and you sat back on the bed to watch the scene roll. Having Shinwon as a boyfriend meant always getting a pleasant surprise.
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love101imagines · 4 years
One thing left to try
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request: Could you pls write a fic with sinan? Using prompts 13,15,22,29 and 34 from the first list. I thought of maybe At a party y/n needs Sinan's help, so that Burak stops chasing her, so he pretends to be her partner, when Burak doesn't leave her alone, Sinan starts a fight. Thanks!
tag list: @peraltwolf @zaynlikfalls @wwafangirld
prompts used: 13. Don't look at me like that. 15. Just pretend to be my date. 22. You're not my friend anymore, remember? 29. Where did you get those bruises? 34. I'm used to it, don't worry.
"Işik, are you sure you're ready for a high school party?" You asked slowly, your arm wrapped around the blonde girl who held tightly her purse.
Eda next to you chuckled. "You're ready for alcohol? And for people making out with each other? And the smell of cigarettes everywhere?"
"There's nothing to worry about." Isik cut you both off shaking her head. "I'm only here because Osman asked us to come. And nothing bad will happen, they're our classmates."
Eda shrugged. "I'm here for the free booze."
You rolled your eyes with a smile, fixing a bit your skirt while you reached the house where the party was taking place.
"Should we wait for the guys?" You asked glancing at all the cars that were parked in almost the whole block, internally hoping to see one boy in particular.
You stood on your tiptoes trying to recognize any of them, already knowing that Kerem was coming with Osman with his own car.
"Nah." Eda brushed it off. "I bet Sinan isn't even coming, and it's already crowded inside."
You were slightly discouraged. You didn’t want one boy to control your whole mood without truly knowing, but you couldn’t avoid feeling that way towards him. You two had been friends for a while before you got closer with the whole expulsion thing. The girls already knew about your feelings for Sinan, but you wouldn’t risk ruining one of your friendships only because of a crush.
"Are you sure?" Işik asked a bit worried, but you were already opening the door without knocking.
You three were instantly greeted by loud music and people everywhere. The walls seemed to shake from the heavy bass blasting through the speakers, hurting your ears but you tried not to mind.
You turned to Işik with a smile. "So? What do you think?"
She opened her mouth to speak, with no words coming out as she looked around the house. You chuckled lightly. "Anyway, I'll grab something to drink. What do you want?"
"A soda, please."
"Beer. We'll...walk around until the boys show up, okay?" Eda said over the music.
You nodded before walking away, greeting a few people and trying not to bump into the many couples who were shoved up against the wall making out or the kids who were too drunk to properly walk.
“You’re no fun, (Y/N).” Eda complained with a huff.
You only took a sip of your soda. "I'm plenty of fun, in fact, I...oh shit."
Before you could notice that Işik was waving at the guys who had just arrived to come over at your place near the kitchen counter, you had already left the room trying not to run into Burak.
You two had talked a few times because you were in the same school year, but since Eda had turned him down, he seemed to be keen on going on a date with you. You wanted to avoid confrontation the best you could, already knowing that when the whole thing with Eda happened, he hadn't reacted well.
So, that was the reason why you were making your way between the crowd of people with one hand covering your can of soda trying to hide from him. The house was crowded, with almost your whole school inside. You weren't even sure whose birthday it was, only receiving the invitation from Osman who had a few extra, giving the rest to your other friends.
Once you found herself outside in the small garden, you allowed yourself to catch a breath. There were only a few people mingling outside, but a hand on your upper back startled you.
You cursed under your breath, almost spilling your soda. "God, you scared me."
Sinan rolled his eyes with an already opened beer in his hand which didn't surprise you. "You okay? I saw you storm off."
You shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought you wouldn't come."
He furrowed his brows slightly. "Why?"
You shrugged, tugging on his arm so you could sit down on the steps leading to the garden, trying your best that your skirt wouldn't ride up. "You hate high school parties."
"What's to like from annoying music and people I can't stand being around?" He asked sarcastically making you chuckle. "I was dreading this, but Osman needed us here." He concluded before taking a long sip of his beer.
You nodded. "Yeah, I can't believe we convinced Işik. But it's not that bad."
He glanced at you, absentmindedly fumbling with his hands while you continued sipping on your soda. "You look nice."
It was no secret around your friends how much Sinan adored you. You were the only one he never snapped at unless he was really angry, but he usually kept his emotions at bay. Everybody noticed how his mood changed around you. Everybody but you, not thinking much about how he always seemed to have a faint smile when you were in the same room or how he truly appreciated that you went out of your way to talk to him at least once every day.
You gave him a side smile. "Thanks." You eyed him up and down, wearing his usual grey shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. "You don't look that bad either."
After a few minutes passed and it started to get cold, he nudged you. "Wanna go back inside?"
"Um..." You trailed off even if you truly wanted to go back with the rest. "I'm fine, you go ahead if you want. I'll catch up with you."
He furrowed his brows. "Are you sure you're fine? You seemed pretty upset before." He doubted for a moment while you looked down at the floor. "If you want to leave, we..."
"No." You interrupted shaking your head.
You certainly didn't want to leave. But you knew you couldn't avoid Burak all night, and if you ran into him you would end up snapping at him.
An idea popped into your head, remembering how Burak had left Eda alone when Kerem faked being his boyfriend. "I mean...can you do me a favor?"
It was risky to ask him, but Kerem was already dating Eda and Osman was busy with his business, the main reason why you all were there. And it was only a simple favor, you could hide your true feelings like you had the past weeks.
He shrugged, taking another sip of his beer. "What?"
You gave him a grin trying to convince him to follow your plan. "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? Please."
He almost choked on his beer, coughing a bit while looking at you with utter confusion. "What the hell?"
"Burak has been annoying me all week and this is the only way he'll leave me alone. Please, Sinan. Just pretend to be my date." You continued, giving him your softest puppy eyes.
He scoffed, looking away to avoid your look. "Don't look at me like that." He mumbled.
"Like what?" You played dumb, continuing looking at him like that so he'd give in.
"Like you've never broken a plate in your whole life." He replied sarcastically. "Why don't you just tell him to fuck off?"
You rolled your eyes. "I've already tried to. Come on, it's only one night. I would do the same for you." You practically begged him.
You expected him to get up and leave, saying that your plan was crazy and didn't have any probability of going right. However, after a few seconds, he sighed and gulped down most of his beer, leaving the empty can next to him. "Fine."
While you smiled and mentally cheered, he turned to you. "What do you need me to do?"
"Improvise." You said like it was obvious. "Just um, flirt with me and act like I'm your girlfriend. It can't be that hard."
Noticing that he still seemed unsure of everything and wasn't really sure of what to do, you continued. "Look, from now on, we aren't friends, we're in a relationship. So, just act like I’d believe everything and lie to me."
He thought about it for a few seconds before nodding, getting up from his spot, and extending his hand to help you get up. When Sinan's fingers skimmed over your wrist gently, you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand tightly.
"You're not my friend anymore, remember?" You teased before dragging him inside the house.
The stares you two received while walking straight to the kitchen were enough to tell you that you had made the right decision. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Burak staring at you intensely ignoring whatever one of his friends was blabbering on about to him. You could feel that Sinan also noticed that, pulling you closer to him by wrapping an arm around your waist. You almost shivered once you felt his cold hand on the small spot of skin just above your skirt, but you didn't think much about the sparks that ignited at the skin on skin contact.
Once you two reached the kitchen, you grabbed a beer and a soda, handing the alcohol beverage to Sinan who quickly downed it while you sat on the counter, your hands still intertwined.
Eda quickly joined you two. "There you are!" She grinned at you, clearly already a bit tipsy. "Aw, you're holding hands, did you tell him?" She gushed to you, loud enough for him to hear.
You chuckled awkwardly, disconnecting your hands while covering the girl's mouth. "Yes, I told him about Burak." You gritted out, already sure that your cheeks had to be red. "You're already wasted, don't do anything I wouldn’t do." You grinned playfully at the boy, receiving a timid smile from him.
"So you guys are dating now." Eda continued leaning against the counter, a smirk on her face. "That's cool."
"I'll take care of her." Sinan offered, already annoyed with her.
After a few seconds, you nodded, leaving your spot on the counter once you noticed Işik nearby, your eyes lighting up. "Işik, let's dance!"
You weren't sure how many hours had passed that you had been dancing with Kerem and Osman, but after a while, your legs ached from twirling around Işik, so you walked away from the living room to the hallway where there weren't many people.
A voice calling you out made you stop dead in your tracks, turning around with a fake smile plastered on your face even if you were internally gagging.
"Burak, I didn't see you before." You greeted him, continuing to walk towards the kitchen.
He just followed you, making you roll your eyes when he wasn't staring at you. "You look pretty."
"Mhm." Was all you replied, looking through the fridge to find at least a bottle of water, already knowing that if you left Sinan and Eda alone they had downed at least five more beers each one.
"Here, let me help you with that." He offered as you struggled with four bottles of water.
"I'm fine." You cut him off with confidence. "I've got it, and my friends and boyfriend are waiting for me, so..." You trailed off.
Taking to your advantage the fact that he was too shocked to say anything else, you managed to escape, making a beeline to were your friends were standing in a corner of the room.
"Here you go." You said handing a bottle to Işik, Eda, and Sinan. "I figured it would help if you have a migraine." You explained standing next to Sinan.
He nodded, a faint smile on his face as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Osman left after saying he had to do something, and you soon found yourself alone with the boy again after Işik said she was going to the bathroom and Eda dragged Kerem to dance with her.
You sipped absentmindedly on your water. "Thanks for everything, I owe you one."
He shrugged, clearly not bothered by it but you weren't sure if it was because of his emotionless attitude or something else.
Once you'd finished your water, you turned to him. "Come, let's dance."
"No, (Y/N)." He refused immediately shaking his head.
"Sinan, I'm not going to leave you here alone." You persisted, continuing to pull him by his hand.
He wouldn't budge. "I'm already here, dancing crosses the line."
"You can't only come and drink everything that's alcohol."
"Not much of a boyfriend, huh?"
Burak's teasing voice made you stop abruptly, glancing at Sinan who only looked at him with a hard stare.
"I'm just saying, I wouldn't leave (Y/N) alone if she was my girl." He continued.
"Well, she isn't yours." Sinan snapped, trying to appear unbothered by him but with a scowl on his face.
You tugged in his arm. "Sinan, let's leave."
"What are you even doing here?" Burak asked sarcastically. "You hate everybody, I'm sure she convinced you to come. Too bad, who knows what could happen to her here..."
You knew those were just empty threats, so while you scoffed and tried to tug him to leave, Sinan only pushed you behind him slightly, making you release your grip on his arm.
"If you even touch a hair on her head I..." Sinan began with his hands balled into a fist.
"Sinan, please. Just cut it off." You tried to argue.
Nevertheless, you already knew he wouldn't listen. He was furious, his jaw clenched, stormy eyes and sending daggers to the boy in front of him.
Burak only snickered. “Tell me, I want to know.” He taunted, getting right into his face. “What are you going to do about it? You’re just going to let me continue flirting with her?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fuck off.”
“Maybe if you relied more on mental strength instead of muscular strength you would have gotten a chance.” Sinan shot back sarcastically.
Burak shoved him, lifting his fist in the air but before he could even punch him, Sinan tackled him into the ground to punch him. You froze, watching how Sinan’s fist hit Burak over and over again until Burak punched his side, making him lose his breath before he pulled Sinan in a chokehold.
“Stop! Stop it, you guys, stop it!” You tried to move towards them to break them apart, stopping once a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
“Stay out of it,” Osman advised, his eyes staring sullenly at the fight. “You’re only going to get yourself hurt. Işik, hold her.” He called out.
“What’s going on?” The girl asked confused once Osman handed you to her, going straight at the fight to stop it. “Oh my God.” She mumbled, shock on her eyes.
Kerem and Osman broke them apart along with a few other guys. You only could gasp in surprise once you saw Sinan and his bruised cheekbone, along with the cut on his eyebrow.
“Hey, hey, come here. You’re fine.” You tried to comfort him, looping an arm around his shoulders just like Osman.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows at how he seemed to wince while you tried to get out of the house as fast as possible, not wanting another fight to happen.
You wouldn’t let him out of your sight, so you continued with your arm wrapped around his shoulders, him not complaining but supporting almost his whole body on you.
“We’re not going to fit in.” Işik pointed out once you reached Kerem’s car.
You knew Sinan would just brush it off and say he was fine, but you wouldn’t allow him. “It’s fine, I um...we’ll take a taxi and stop by a pharmacy first. You should go first.”
Before anyone could complain, Eda, still drunk, chuckled. “You two are so cute together.”
You nodded absentmindedly, trying your best to hold Sinan who seemed to still be catching his breath. “Yeah, go and sleep in the back of the car. Take care of her.”
“We will. You take care of him.” Kerem said before getting into the car.
“See ya!”
Once they left, you sighed, a bit nervous that the boy hadn’t said a word yet. “Come, let’s sit there.”
You slowly walked towards a bench in front of a park. After a few minutes, you reappeared with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls after rushing to a nearby pharmacy.
“Give me your hands.” Your ordered, feeling something break inside of you while you scanned his knuckles with fresh blood and open wounds scattered across them. “Fuck.”
He only pursed his lips, his brows slightly furrowed as he tried not to show how he truly felt until he couldn’t anymore. While you continued cleaning his knuckles, a shaky cough made you stop.
You raised your brow at him. “Lift your shirt.”
He didn’t have any intentions of doing so, his eyes still staring ahead of him before he coughed again. “Sinan, do it.” You ordered again tugging at the end of his shirt.
The red bruises scattered along his abdomen made your breath hitch in the back of your throat, instantly holding your still cold bottle of water against them. “Where did you get those bruises? Oh my God.”
“When Osman held you and Burak pinned me to the ground.” He explained under your worried gaze. “I’m fine, what about you?”
You scoffed. “You aren’t fine. Drink this.”
You handed him your bottle of water, sighing once you noticed the trace of blood coming from his eyebrow, cleaning with your thumb before it reached his cheekbone.
“I’m sorry you got into a fight because of me.” You said softly, your fingers lingering on the bruise on his cheek.
You cupped his face, Sinan instantly leaning into your touch. He had thought about it before, how it would feel to be this close to you, and now it was happening.
“How was I supposed to keep calm when he said that about you?” He asked, his jaw clenching again as he remembered Burak’s words.
You brushed it off, your thumb stroking his cheek to try to comfort him with a simple gesture. “I’m used to it, don’t worry. I don’t care anymore about what he says, he’s an asshole.”
“God, don’t say that.” He furrowed his brows before swallowing. “You shouldn’t be treated like that by anyone.”
His whole body was tense and his breathing was heavy, so you tried to make him listen to you so he would forget about everything. “Hey, just...focus on me, okay?”
He used all his willpower to nod, to not go right at the house again, and continue beating Burak up. "How was the party? Everything you expected?"
"No." You bluntly stated making him chuckle. "What about you? Did you have the awful time you expected?"
He gave you a side smile. "Not really, but I'm never doing it again."
"What? Faking to be my boyfriend?" You teased rubbing your eyes, too tired to care about your mascara probably now smudged.
When he didn't answer and only stared at you with a different expression you decided to take a leap of faith.
You slowly leaned forward, closing the gap between the two you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling your heart on fire while his mind raced, in disbelief that you were actually kissing him. One of his hands found the back of your head, fingers twisting in your hair as he pushed you closer to him, deepening the kiss. You felt his other hand on your lower back, just where your shirt ended.
After a few seconds, you broke apart first, your forehead leaning against his while you held his hand.
"Oh." You chuckled noticing how Sinan's poor lips were now covered in the red lipstick you were wearing and a bit swollen.
You used your thumb to clean it off, almost not noticing the small smile on his face.
"Let's get a taxi, shouldn't we?" He asked.
You nodded and stood up, the boy's arm around your waist keeping you closer to him. With your heart still beating more than usual, you couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he had followed his instincts and hadn't come to the party.
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hainethehero · 5 years
13 Reasons Why Season 3... A Monty and Winston Post...
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Dressed in dirty, ragged jeans and an old plaid flannel, complete with a duffel bag and several bruises adorning his body, Monty de la Cruz had never felt so out of place in this world. He stood amongst a swarm of Hillcrest's finest students, a red cup in everyone's hand and music blasting as the sun began to set. There's a huge pool, girls in bikinis and guys half naked, grinning and flirting and having the best time. And all Monty can think about, is how he seems to be staining the happy picture.
But he's been looking for Bryce.
His Dad had come home drunk- a typical weekend at the de la Cruz's, and had immediately started a rampage, first at Monty's mother, and then eventually him. Monty could usually just take some hits before the man passed out but tonight, he'd just kept waling on the boy with any and every object he could find. And Monty decided he needed to leave for the night... or at least a couple nights.
Bryce usually let him stay over when things like that happened. But now, the boy always seemed to be ignoring his calls.
A group of bitches pass him, obviously drunk but they still screw up their noses at him and scoff. He turns around and tightens his jaw, fist clenching hard as he begins to panic. He's not getting help anymore, Bryce cut him off- the bastard. He had nowhere to go and barely enough money for two nights at a motel. Jesus fuck how was he gonna-
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
He rounds on the person who'd spoken and immediately pauses, mouth hanging slightly open.
It was Winston, the boy he'd messed with a couple times.
His defense mechanisms come up. "What does it look like I'm doing here, Williams?"
The boy raises a perfectly groomed brow and gestures at Monty's duffel bag with his half-filled cup.
"Definitely not having a good time. You headed somewhere? And why are you bleeding?"
Monty frowns and touches his face where Winston had pointed out. His fingers come away from his right temple with dark blood. He wipes it off and shakes his head, casually.
"Its nothin', alright?"
Winston seems unimpressed. "Sure."
Monty screws up his face and rolls his eyes. "Look, whatever man, you seen Bryce?"
Winston instantly looks displeased, his grey green eyes assessing Monty seriously.
"Bryce? Why're you looking for him?"
"None of your business Williams. Have you seen him or not?"
"No." Winston finally answers, drinking down the last of his alcohol. One of his friends come up to them and gives Monty a scornful look.
"Dude c'mon, Jax is here."
"Yeah in a minute Red."
The corner of Monty's mouth twitches, and he snorts. "Jax?"
Winston nods. "He's sort of an Alpha male around here. One of them anyway."
"And what, you're his bitch?"
"No." Winston answers with a smile. "But he's interested."
Monty scoffs, his bag still swung over his shoulder. He doesn't know why that thought irritates him so much, but it does. Who the fuck was this Jax? Why the fuck was he interested in Winston? Why the fuck was Winston putting himself out there for some other guy? A voice in his head reminds him that he's not with the boy or whatever. And that he needs to calm down.
"I gotta get outta here." He grunts instead, pushing past Winston to leave.
"Hey- wait..." The raven-haired boy calls, hastening after him, tossing the cup into a trash bin on the way. Monty keeps walking.
"Hey," he calls, hand gripping the boy's shoulder so fast that Monty rounds on him with a growl, causing him to freeze. He holds both hands up, assuming a much less threatening stance.
"I'm sorry."
Monty barely looks affronted by his actions however. He just seems incredibly uncomfortable and desperate.
Winston shakes his head. "No, look- ...do you... d'you wanna go back to my place? Y'know, to chill? I- you- you can stay with me until Bryce shows up I guess?"
There's a subtle change in Monty's expression that almost makes Winston hopeful. The hardened lines of tension on his face gradually soften into something much more calm and his eyes don't have as much heat in them. Now, he just looks tired. Exhausted. And beat into the ground like some discarded piece of garbage that had been rolled over by several cars on a highway.
A couple minutes later, Winston makes good on his offer and takes Monty back to his house. His parents were gone, as usual and he had the entire place to himself. He's grateful and he can tell that Monty is too, the way he just sinks into Winston's bed, clothes and shoes still on. His eyes flutter shut for a minute as Winston shuffles about here and there, doing random things in particular.
The next time Monty comes to, it's still night, but Winston's in different clothing and he himself, is dressed in nothing but his boxers. He frowns, nearly shooting off the bed in apt confusion.
"The hell...?" He mutters, yawning while he frowns at the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Hey," Winston greets, causing Monty to nearly lose his shit.
"The fuck- Jesus man, scared the crap outta me."
A genuine flicker of worry flashes across Winston's face for a moment before he offers the Latinx an uneasy smile.
"I made dinner."
"Dinner? Damn, how long was I out?" Monty groans, stretching lazily like a house cat.
Winston gives him a funny look and swallows hard before speaking. "Monty, you've been out for a day."
The brunette glares at him but his eyes become unfocused. He looks more scared than angry and that irks Winston.
"What? What d'you mean a whole day?"
Winston shrugs from the doorway, arms crossed. "I mean, you've been at my house since Saturday night. It's Sunday now."
Monty looks over to the alarm clock on the nightstand and frowns as the red, glowing, 8:46PM glares back at him. A feeling of dread snakes down his stomach and he buries his head in his hands, perched on the edge of the bed like some kind of worrying statue. Winston approaches him gingerly, moving to eventually stand between the boy's legs, gazing down at him sadly.
"Before you passed out, you told me that... you needed some painkillers. And I asked you if they were for the bruises. And you said maybe. So I gave you two, and then you asked for more. Said that you wanted to OD... then you passed out."
Monty's fingers don't lose their punishing grip on his hair. He keeps pulling until Winston's gentler hands remove them, replacing them on his hips instead. He feels the boy's grip tighten, his nails digging into soft flesh- hisses but doesn't remove the boy's hands. Instead, he cards his own fingers through Monty's short hair, soothing the disturbed strands, petting the boy easily.
"My Dad was on a rampage Saturday. One of his usual, drunken terror-tantrums. Came after me with a hammer, I didn't have a choice. Grabbed some clothes and cash and got the hell outta dodge."
Winston tries his best to conceal the horrified look in his eyes but he can't seem to bring himself to it.
"That's why you were looking for Bryce. You were looking for a place to crash." He surmises instead, heart breaking as Monty buries his face in his stomach, holding on for dear life.
"He used to let me stay in his Grandfather's lakehouse just behind the main mansion... guess he cut me off."
"Why?" Winston asks out of genuine curiosity.
Monty scoffs, voice muffled by the boy's t-shirt.
"Cos I'm a monster."
Winston screws up his face in abject confusion. "According to Bryce... who was charged for raping multiple girls..."
"He's seriously trying to change y'know." Monty mutters defensively, not even sure why he's still protective of Bryce's image. He guessed it was the desperate boy still inside of him; still afraid to lose it all. Afraid that if he didn't have all the help he got from his friendship with Bryce, he would surely fall into ruin at the merciless hands of his father and eventually end up in jail or dead.
"Okay. But what makes you a monster?" Winston urges, his soft voice oddly calming.
Monty closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I've done things, Winston."
"What kind of things?"
"Terrible things. I'm the typical mean jock at every high school and no matter how much I try to be a good person... things- ...things never seem to work out that way. I can never change. As long as I'm trapped in that house with my Dad, I know it's only a matter of time before I turn out to be just like him."
He's sobbing by the time he's finished, tears soaking into Winston's shirt. The boy just holds him tighter, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, telling him that it would all be okay and that he was there.
"There's good in everybody. Trust me." He murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of the brunette's head.
"Not me... how can you even say that? After what I did to you at that party-"
"You were in a bad place then. I don't hold it against you. I would never do that."
"Why?" Monty demands through gritted teeth and he's finally staring straight into Winston's eyes this time.
Winston frowns for a second. "Why wouldn't I hold it against you?"
"No- why d'you care? Why d'you even give a shit about my sorry ass?"
The boy thinks hard for a moment, biting his lower lip before grinning slightly. "It's a nice ass."
The amused snort from Monty seems to be in complete contrast to the tears streaming down his face but it doesn't seem weird. It looks... right.
"You're an idiot, Winston Williams."
Winston grins cheekily down at the boy before growing somber again.
"But I'm your idiot, right?"
Hazel eyes glisten up at him, carrying the emotion of a thousand heartbeats as Monty nods shakily, unused to such tenderness.
"Yeah of course. Mine."
The raven-haired boy can't help the stupid giggle that bubbles from his throat as he lowers himself to press a gentle kiss to Monty's bruised lips. The brunette closes his eyes and sighs into the liplock, giving himself a break as all the tension releases from his body. The gash splitting his brow didn't even bother him that much anymore.
"And what am I?" He asks the boy, just out of curiosity, because his restless heart and soul could never truly be sure of what was affection from tolerance. "To you?"
Winston considers him for a moment, that endearing smile still on his face as his eyes sparkle. He settles in bed, with Monty curled up against him, head on his chest, idle fingers playing with his t-shirt.
"You're-" He starts but then pauses when those hauntingly beautiful eyes blink up at him, hopeful. Then he smiles and kisses Monty on the forehead.
"You're everything."
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thinkaboutdobrik · 6 years
People mentioned: David Dobrik, Vlogsquad, Tana Mongeau, Romeo Lacoste
Summary: You're at a club with your friends. When you step outside the club you start talking to some strangers. One of the stranger makes you uncomfortable, and after leaving he follows you. You run away scared and need help from David, who saves the day :)
sidenote: this idea came to mind when i was walking home during the night and some drunk people startled me lmao. I love my imagination
Feel free to shoot me a request!♡
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"Cheers!" Tana cheered, raising her shot glass in the air along with her friends, Todd, Scotty, Zane and Heath. You joined in and cheered. You took a deep breath, pinched your nose and forced the bruning liquor down your throat, followed by shivers up and down your spine.
Everbody headed to the dance floor and danced their hearts out. The floor was crowded with people dancing and grinding on eachother. Not really your scene - you preferred hanging out by the bar, chatting and meeting new people.
The music was blasting, everybody was dancing, and you were leaning over the bar trying to catch the bartenders attention. "Two shots" you mouthed to the bartender, holding two fingers in the air, trying to order some shots for you and Dom. The bartender nodded and proceeded to find some shotglasses.
Dom took the shots, handed one to you and you both counted to three. Once again the nasty taste gave you shivers and made you make a disgusted face. Dom leaned over to whisper something in your ear. "Come meet me outside, I wanna show you something."
He made his way through the crowd, as did you shortly after.
At this point you had started feeling sluggish and almost seeing double. Not only did you have 2 shots of who knows what at the club, but you also had a few drinks and beers at David's house before everybody went out. The flashing lights and loud music at the club didn't make it any better. Safe to say you were pretty drunk, but you kind of enjoyed it. Everything got a hundred times funnier when you were drunk, so you were very curious as to what Dom was gonna show you outside.
As you exited the club you looked for Dom but didn't seem to find him anywhere. He couldn't have gone that far, you were just gonna meet him right outside. A few other drunk people were stood outside the club, but none of the faces looked familiar. You decided to go up to a group of people who looked friendly just to keep yourself company. "Hey, have you seen a tall blonde guy with a durag anywhere?" you asked. They all shook their heads no, "are you alone?" one of the guys asked.
"I guess so," you laughed. "Is it okay if I hang out here while I try to call him?" you asked, picking up your phone from your pocket. "Sure. What's your name?" the same guy replied.
You were stood with them for a few more minutes while looking for Dom aswell as trying to call him. He never picked up which was just typical Dom.
One of the guys noticed you started shivering a bit. After all it was getting a bit chilly and you wore nothing but some shorts , a top and a thin jacket. He took a step closer to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. This caught you completely off guard. "Uhm, hi?" you said looking at him quizzically. He pulled you closer to him, his hand now on your waist and you could feel his strenght not letting go of you. Your body froze. You didn't know what to do. You were very uncomfortable at this point, not knowing who he was let alone his name. Taking a step back didn't work because he wouldn't let go of you. You desperately looked around for familiar faces, hoping they'd see you and help you, but there was no one around.
"Can you let go of me, please?" you asked the guy politely. "Why? You look too damn fine to walk around alone. Stay here with us." he demanded. You shook your head and pulled away from him, scared, and took a big step back. He creepily smiled at you as he took a step forward towards you. Your heart started beating faster and faster, your anxiety kicking in aswell. You looked around you for a place to run. Anywhere was fine as long as you got away from him. You couldn't go inside because all of his friends was satnding by the entrance, and the only exit that caught your eye was down a small alleyway. You ran for it not looking back. Not looking back because you were scared he was following you. You had never been in this position before. A position where you were approached by a stranger in that way, being so uncomfortable your entire body froze and went into panicattack.
The alleyway was small and dark and led to behin the building. Once you got behind the building you didn't stop to catch your breath. The only way out now was to climb the fence. Your adrenaline was through the roof so climbing the fence was no problem. Running out of breath, drunk and seeing double you made it down a few blocks atleast. This was a new street with very few people and a few lit up shops along the streets. You pulled up your phone in hopes of having some missed calls from Dom, but nothing. The only person you could think of right now, that was available and wasn't out partying, was David. Your hands were shaking as you dialled his number.
After waiting for what felt like forever he finally picked up, "What's up?". His voice calmed you down a bit. "David, I need help. I don't know where I am. Can you please come get me?" your voice cracked trying to hold back the tears. "Y/n, what's wrong? Where are you?" he asked, trying to calm you down. "I don't know where I am! I think I'm being followed, David. I'm so scared, you need to come get me, now" you cried, finally letting your tears fall as you dropped to the ground now sitting against the wall. "Calm down. I'll come get you. You don't know where you are? What do you see around you?" he asked. He was very familiar with the whole LA area, so giving him some pin points he'd be able to track you down.
You looked around the area, and the first thing that caught your eye was a lit up tattoo shop. Seeing double didn't do you any favor, but you squinted as hard as you could and tried your very best to make out the words written on the huge window. "C-california... dream tattoo?" you said. David knew exactly where you were. The California Dream Tattoo was none other than Romeo Lacoste's famous tattoo shop where just about every youtuber ever got their tattoos from. "Okay, okay. I know where you are! Is there anybody inside? Knock on the door and ask for Romeo. Tell them David Dobrik sent you." You did as he said and waited for someone to open the door.
"H-hi, is Romero here?" you asked, still keeping David on the line incase anything happened. The guy who opened the door looked at you in confusion. "You mean Romeo? I'm him. How can I help you?" he replied. "I'm David Dobrik's friend and I need help. Someone is following me and I don't know who they are," you said desperately, almost letting tears down your face again.
Romeo opened the door widely allowing you to enter his shop and sit down.
You were sat on the couch, face down looking staright down at the floor. There were a few people at the shop, probably just Romeo's friends because they were all hanging out and chatting. You sat by yourself waiting for David to come pick you up.
This was supposted to be a fun night out. It wasn't supposed to end like this. You were a fun, social person who was easy to hang out with and loved making new friends. However, there was something about this guy outside the club. He wasn't what you expected. Normally it wasn't an issue for you to talk to strangers, but it was something about this guy that felt a bit off. The way he looked you up and down, grabbed your waist with force pulling you closer to him, you knew it wasn't gonna end well, and if you tried to pull away he wasn't letting you. As any other human being would be, you were scared. Drunk, not an ounce of self-control the night could have ended very badly.
"Hey" a familiar voice came from behind you as you felt a hand laying on your upper back. You turned around to see David with a worried look on his face. It didn't take long until you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly, your face buried in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in tighter as you let out a big sigh. "It's okay. I'm here." His words warming your heart making you feel very safe. "Let's head home" he said and grabbed your hand. "Thank you, Romeo" you smiled before you and David left.
David opened the doors to his Tesla and the two of you got in. "Wanna go to Chipotle and get some food?" David suggested, hand on your thigh and smiling at you. "I'd love that" you replied.
Parked in the parkinglot David's white tesla was the only car there. The two of you stuffed your faces with food, laughing and talking. His car was warm and comfortable - you felt much safer in his presence.
"So, what happened tonight?" David asked after finishing his burrito. You sighed to yourself, not really wanting to talk about it and re-live it all, but you knew David cared about you. You didn't want to leave him worried so you told him everything.
"I just bolted. I've never ran so fast in my life. Dom's gonna hear it tomorrow. I didn't even get to see what he was gonna show me!" you laughed.
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Janis & Grace
Janis: I'm coming back Janis: like, I'm en-route now Janis: so you can tell the parentals or whatever Grace: okay Grace: fine Janis: 👍 Janis: tah Grace: sure Grace: literally don't mention it Janis: alright Janis: forget I was even here, like Grace: ugh that means I don't wanna talk to you Grace: you can stop now Janis: Charming Janis: not asking for fanfare, or a shit banner, don't worry Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: if you don't wanna talk, you can shut the emoji keyboard and all Grace: whatever Grace: so sorry I'm busy being your PA rn Janis: how hard is it Janis: I did it in three Janis: even you can do it in under 10 Grace: I'm actually home so no, I can't Janis: well that's on you for being there and them for being annoying Grace: just leave me alone Janis: fucking hell, fine Janis: make your mind up Grace: I have & so have you Janis: what are you chatting about Grace: I called you SO MANY times Grace: until I literally couldn't cos Iggy said I had to call dad Janis: I weren't looking at my phone Janis: you know I can look after myself Grace: Duh Grace: but like you said, how hard is it, babes? Grace: like, 1 text you know Janis: Defeats the point of fucking off if you're gonna make a song and dance about it Janis: you wanna be my keeper or don't you Grace: I wanna know you're not fucking dead in a ditch Janis: You do now Grace: yeah thanks Janis: Look, I don't have to tell you my every move Janis: when do we text Grace: idk what you think I can say to that Janis: I'm just saying, you didn't need to freak out Janis: no need Grace: how dare you Janis: what Janis: I'm trying to save you the hassle it clearly is Grace: literally spare me this convo Grace: you're not this stupid Janis: Whatever then Janis: this is bollocks Grace: yeah exactly Janis: no, you Janis: don't pretend to give a fuck just 'cos mum and dad are getting on your nerves Grace: mhmm that's what this is Janis: yeah Janis: easier faking it when I ain't about Grace: I was totally crying so hard that I threw up cos I was worried about mum and dad giving me a lecture Janis: don't start Grace: I told you, leave me alone Janis: don't try and guilt trip me Janis: I'm literally on my way, can't do fuck all else Grace: don't tell me I'm pretending to care Grace: or pretend that you're coming home Janis: What's the point Grace: again idk what I'm meant to say to that Janis: Exactly Janis: I don't have to step over the threshold for it to fucking count Grace: you don't want to Grace: you literally could care less about me Janis: behave Janis: you don't wanna talk to me, we're hardly gonna hug it out Grace: like you're SO !!!! to talk to me Janis: I started this convo Grace: to get me to get mum and dad to be less extra Janis: yeah 'cos give a shit about them Janis: they're chewing your ear off, not mine Janis: so either way, I'd be doing you a favour Grace: wow Grace: thanks so much Grace: you obvs don't care about anyone but him so Janis: Oh yeah, cheers for spreading that about Grace: you've done that yourself, babes Janis: You don't know why I left, you never have, so don't be chatting shit Grace: excuse you, I haven't said anything to anyone Janis: he showed me the texts so you have Grace: that doesn't even count Grace: I didn't say anything he doesn't know Janis: clearly does to me Janis: as he's the only cunt I care about Janis: you didn't have to do that Grace: yeah well I was drunk & thought you'd gone forever Grace: sorry, okay Janis: you didn't know what you were talking about Janis: whatever, sorted now regardless Grace: duh Grace: I said he better get you back, you're back Grace: we know the boy can listen Janis: yeah, he just did it 'cos he's well scared of you Grace: I didn't threaten him, I'm not you Janis: ehh Janis: debatable Grace: oh please Janis: weren't exactly miss sweetness and light but alright Grace: he didn't deserve me at my sweetest or lightest thank you Janis: I told you, you got it wrong Janis: it weren't like that at all so Grace: she got it wrong, not me Janis: yeah Janis: he didn't fuck her though Grace: obvs! why would he? Grace: she knows nothing about camera angles and that's literally what she was there for, she probably gets her sex position tips from Cosmo Janis: probably Janis: clearly got community service for stalking anyway Grace: someone totally attacked her for whoring all over their man & then it was a whole thing™ Grace: like nobody wants to hook up with you if you're that tragic & so white you're basically see through, sorry about it Janis: Fair, Asia gets through 'em pretty well Janis: don't be catty, like Grace: cos she doesn't get her sex tips from Cosmo like a grandma duh Grace: & anyway he's like totally into you, boys aren't totally into Asia Grace: not the ones she picks Janis: hadn't escaped my notice Janis: cries as much as you Grace: RUDE Grace: I wouldn't cry over a boy that cringe Janis: 👌 Janis: least you have something in common Grace: OMG don't even Janis: you're mates, you're meant to Janis: or would you rather be like blondie and Mia Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: that's not how you mean it Grace: I'm not THAT stupid, hun Janis: didn't say you were Grace: copy & paste it from literally any other convo from the last decade Grace: whatever Janis: you're well paranoid Janis: so, she got a new one yet or what Grace: idk I've been totally preoccupied wondering if you were still alive Janis: 👎 boring Grace: stop doing it to me then Janis: it's as much about you as it is him Grace: it doesn't have to be about me to effect me Janis: soz Janis: why would I help you, yeah Grace: if you ever did it'd be an event Grace: & I'm not dressed for one so Grace: 🤷 Janis: 🙄🙄 Janis: it ain't gonna happen so don't plan an outfit on my behalf Grace: 💔 obvs but I won't Janis: Good stuff Grace: 👌👌 bye Janis: you gonna say sorry Grace: no Janis: 💔 rude Janis: shouldn't call people names, Gracie Grace: you shouldn't run away from your problems, babes Grace: but like here we are Janis: What's your plan, going well? Grace: Why would I EVER tell you anything I'm thinking? Janis: Yeah, have to be thinking something first Janis: I get it Grace: sure Janis: 👋 then Asia Grace: don't Janis: 😏 Grace: I have no energy to be upset any more Grace: so just stop Janis: Then try a smile Janis: there's nothing to be upset about Grace: not for you Grace: & what are you an old man on a bus? telling people to smile is so gross Janis: It's old Janis: you're bored, we all are Janis: switch it up Grace: go away Janis: stop being boring Grace: literally what do you care Grace: annoy your boyfriend Janis: who knows Janis: might stick around if you weren't Grace: that's not funny Janis: it is though Grace: you really scared me Janis: stop worrying about me, jesus Grace: Oh my god, do you think I wouldn't just stop if that was a thing I could do?! Janis: it is Janis: ask me how much I think about you Janis: you don't need to, you told me, I don't Grace: again, I'm not you Janis: try harder Grace: I hate you Janis: 👍 Janis: there we go Grace: next time I hope you don't come back Janis: 🤞 eh Grace: yeah Janis: be back for dinner then Janis: get da to make my favourite Grace: he'd have to know what it is first Janis: yeah Janis: pretty shit ain't he Janis: sad times Grace: like I said, my energy's dipped too low for this Janis: best go lick a stamp Janis: perk you right up, Ells Grace: that's not a comparison anyone's making Grace: but thanks anyway Janis: should be Grace: maybe but mistaken identity never Janis: no shit Janis: no one's mistaking you for kate moss either but you understand what I meant Grace: totally Janis: thank fuck Grace: any more shade you wanna throw or can I go? Janis: huh? Grace: like can that be it now or? Janis: I don't give a fuck, babe Grace: cool Grace: such a fun catch up Janis: not at all Janis: go back to crying and vomming though Janis: sounds like a blast Grace: obvs Janis: oh, and don't ever try and stick up for me again, also obvs Grace: 👌👌 Janis: state Grace: I won't speak to him again, it's fine Janis: good Grace: 💜 Janis: ugh Janis: fuck off Grace: [does]
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Real women have curves (Negan x plus size reader)
After a backhanded comment from one of the other wives leaves you feeling down about your curves, Negan is there to offer reassurance that you're still hot as hell. Requested by @ninavantastisch
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*warnings* fat shaming, body image issues, graphic descriptions of sex.
*rating* explicit
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Why does Sherry always have to be such a bitch?
Negan had just brought a brand new box of lingerie back from a run for all the wives to go through. Most of them were excited, you were pretty sure all the wives but you were in it for the perks, the alcohol, the food, the clothes… the sex. None of them actually liked Negan, none of would have agreed to his wife without all that. Except for you.
The other wives knew that you actually had feelings for Negan, they also knew that you weren't skinny like they were and sometimes you were insecure about it. They used that to their full advantage.
Sherry had made the comment “OH sweetie, I doubt that any of this will fit you. I don't think Negan would have bothered raiding the plus size section.” when you went to look through the box of lingerie.
You pretended it didn't phase you but in reality it made tears well up in your eyes.
They were right, you were plus size and they weren't.
It didn't matter if it was the apocalypse or not, the world favored skinny girls.
In fact why the hell did Negan even want you? He could have his pick of 90% of the women at the sanctuary, so why did he pick the fat one?
Speak of the devil. You heard Negan's very distinct knock on the door to your room.
You knew exactly what he wanted, and for once you weren't feeling up to it.
“Go away, Negan! I'm not in the mood.” The door opened anyway.
Shit! You forgot to lock it.
“Are you PMSing or some shit?” he asked, swaggering over to the armchair in the corner of the room where he sat Lucille with gentle reverence that was reserved only for the bat.
“No. It's not my period you asshole.” you growl.
“Than what is it? If you ain't feeling fucking tonight that's fine, you know you can always say no anytime, but something is wrong and I'm not leaving until you tell me about it.” the man had an ironclad will, he wasn't joking when he said that he wouldn't leave. Might as well get this over with.
“Why did you ask me to be a wife?” you said, not bothering to look at him.
“Because you're hot as hell, you can deep throat, you're down to fuck like 98% of the time.” you expected the superficial sex answers but what he said next surprised you.
“And you're not whiny and entitled, we actually have conversations that go deeper than surface level, and you're the only one out of all my wives who actually gives a flying fuck about me.” you unburied your head from your blankets and looked at him, shocked.
“But I'm not like the others.”
“That's precisely the point, you're nothing like them, and that's why you're my favorite.” what? Was he bullshiting you?
“I'm your favorite?” you practically snort.
“Yep. I barely even fuck the others anymore, mostly just when you're on the rag or in a mood and I'm getting blue balls.”
“See, now I know you're lying because blue balls isn't a thing.” you couldn't dare let yourself hope he was being honest.
“Blue balls is a thing, and I'm dead ass serious.”
“So you don't care that I'm fat?”
“For Christ's sakes is that what this is about? What the fuck gave you that idea?” he seemed to legitimately believe his words.
“Everyone sees it, Negan. I'm not thin, I'm not pretty, I'm not sexy like the other girls.”
“What the fuck makes you think that your weight makes you any less hot? I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't think you were hot, and I sure as fuck wouldn't have done the things we've done in that bed right there if I wasn't into you. Now please explain to me who the hell made you feel like this so Lucille and I can go have a chat with them.”
“It's nobody in particular, just society.” He didn't believe you, you could tell.
“It was Sherry wasn't it? That woman is always running her mouth. You know she only said that shit because she's jealous of you, right?”
“Oh yeah, I'm sure she's just jealous of me with her gorgeous figure and half the sanctuary clambering to have sex with her.”
“Well than they can have her, because I haven't fucked her in months.” he couldn't actually be telling the truth could he? There was no way he was turning down the five other gorgeous women he had at his disposal for you. A little voice in the back of your head kept reminding you that Negan had never lied to you about anything else, so why would he start now?
“ I can tell that you still think I'm bullshiting you. So I guess I'll just have to prove it to you.” he walked over to your bed, and pulled all the covers off of you.
“Hey! What did you do that for?”
“ I'm going to prove it to you. You're gonna get up and strip for me, and then I’m going to fuck you till you can’t walk straight.” You wanted to protest, inform him that you would not be doing any of that he would be leaving now. But on the other hand, his words sent a shockwave of arousal through your body, and you really didn’t feel like taking care of yourself once he left tonight. You hadn’t had to masterbate in so long, you weren’t even sure you remembered how. Negan kept you satisfied enough that you barely ever felt the need to touch yourself anymore.
You gave in. Sitting up on the bed you get on your knees, sitting on your feet, and slowly strip off your tank top, leaving you in a lacy black bra that left little to the imagination, one of Negan's favorites on you.
You stand up and go to edge of the bed, turning to face the bed you peel your shorts off taking time to roll them over your round ass and down your legs to reveal the matching black panties you're wearing, you wiggle your ass a little with the movement of your hips, wanting some friction against your core where you can already feel some wetness starting to gather.
“uh-huh, that's enough babygirl, just stay there.” Negan comes up behind you, pushing your top half down onto the bed so you're bent over, ass in the air. He gives your ass a light smack, and then rubs his hand across it before before rolling your panties down to meet your shorts on the floor.
The sudden blast of cool air on your exposed core makes you shudder.
Negan's hands each grab an ass cheek kneading them and spreading them apart. He was such an ass man, and you had a lot of ass for him to love. Usually you hated it, but Negan had a way of making you love your curves.
He lightly kicks your legs further apart and kneels down behind you, you let out surprised moan as you feel his tongue lap at your clit, and then circle your entrance. His mouth teases your sensitive folds, while his hands hold your ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them.
His tongue teases you until you're on the verge of coming and then pulls away, making you groan in frustration.
“Just stay like that, I want to take you from behind.” your heat pulses with need as Negan takes off his clothes and pumps himself a couple of times.
You brace yourself against the bed, getting yourself ready for the pounding you're about to take.
He lines himself up with your entrance and slides himself in with one thrust of his hips, fast enough to make you lose your breath but slow enough that you feel every inch. You moan and squirm pushing your ass back against Negan's hips to push him deeper inside you.
Negan is well endowed, and he knows what to do with it. Every time with him feels like your first time, the feeling of being so full but so needy at the same time. The feeling is even more intense in this position, you were kicking yourself for not trying it sooner. He'd asked to have you from behind several times, but you were always to self conscious to let him, worried about how your body would look, so exposed like this. For the first time you weren't worried about that.
“You like it from behind don't you? You like feeling me fill you up nice and deep, while I get to take in the awesome view of that gorgeous ass.” his hands were on your ass again, this time he delivered a rather hard swat that made you jump before he soothed the stinging skin with a soft rub. He spanked you a few more times, and you realized quickly that you liked it, each time the impact sent a shockwave of pleasure into your core and made your walls clench, each time he groaned.
He finally placed a hand on each ass cheek and spread them wide apart, watching himself slide in and out of your slick heat. You moan with the sudden rush of pleasure you feel as he picks up the pace, hitting a little sweet spot you never knew you had deep inside you with each stroke until the pressure becomes so much that you think you're going to explode. Not giving you any time to think about your insecurities.
“Look at how good you take it from this angle, my dirty girl! I bet that little pussy is just aching right now huh? Well come on babygirl soak my cock with that sweet release, and then I'm going to come all over that ass.”
And his words combined with a perfectly timed thrust send you over the edge, making you cry out in pleasure as the most intense orgasm of your life over takes your body, the pleasure comes in waves, all of which Negan fucks you through while you grip the sheets under you, holding on for dear life.
Then you feel something a little strange, a warm rush of liquid between your legs, at first you're mortified and you're about to apologize, but then Negan keeps on fucking you, not even faltering a single stroke. “that's it babygirl, soak my cock”
And then you feel a pleasure like no other, a warm tingle that makes your toes curl and your head spin, all you can do is let out a surprised little whine at the feeling. Your core is still spasming when Negan pulls out and pumps himself until he comes on your ass cheeks with a load, absolutely lewd moan.
You feel drunk, utterly stratified, like he'd scratched some itch you didn't know you'd had until it was gone, your thighs feel sticky with your release, and you can literally feel your clit and G-spot pulse with leftover pleasure.
What was that? You vaguely remember reading things about squirting in magazines before the world ended, but you never gave it much thought or thought it was something you were capable of.
“You alright baby?” he asks with a smug smirk.
You nod.
“Do you believe me now?” and for once you do. You never pictured the moment you finally loved your curves would include your thighs being sticky with your own come but you aren't complaining.
“Those other girls, well that's exactly what they are. Girls, you're a real woman, Y/N.”
Hope you liked it @ninavantastisch
Also tagging @negans-network
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fvturecreated-blog · 7 years
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( when you love Creed too much )
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