#he says the same thing to danny earlier and you think 'oh he's crazy he's lying' but he has nothing to prove when he tells lloyd anything
cleaningbones · 2 years
unpopular opinion but i view jack torrance as tragic
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Valerie, Paulina, and Danny are stuck in a time loop as the end of the world looms. It goes about as well as you'd expect. (ao3) (p.s. if you read an earlier version of this already, this is a longer and more complete first chapter, tho the first section is almost entirely the same) also tagging @not-your-average-url since they specifically requested it
Loop 0
"Oh my god, Valerie, do you have to be so dramatic?" Paulina snapped her compact mirror closed, meeting Valerie's glare with her own, just as fierce. "Now we're both in trouble."
"Don't say shit about my dad, then," Valerie said, fingers clenching at her side, "and we won't have a problem."
"I didn't say anything that wasn't true."
"My dad baked you brownies every year for your birthday, and you called him a fat loser to my face. You should've expected to get punched."
Stuck between them outside Principal Ishiyama's office, Danny sighed. Sam and Tucker were right: he'd developed too much of a "hero" thing. Jumping in the middle of Valerie and Paulina's fight to break it up only got him sent to the office as well. He should've left well enough alone, but it was too late now.
"You and your dad's fall from grace isn't my fault. All I did was acknowledge it."
Danny groaned. It was the end of the school day. The last bell was about to ring. And here he was, trapped between two angry former crushes.
"Paulina, could you stop being an asshole for, like, five minutes?" he said, pinching the bridge of his nose where his headache pounded. He just wanted to go home and pass out. Between Skulker and his homework, he'd only gotten about an hour's worth of sleep last night.
Paulina scoffed. "Whatever, Fenton."
Valerie turned her glare on him. "I don't need you to fight my battles, Danny."
"I really just wish you wouldn't fight at al—"
A wisp of blue air escaped his mouth just as the world exploded in light and noise and pain.
Loop 1
Danny burst awake to his blaring alarm.
The world came into focus bit by bit, as the jackrabbit pace of his heart slowed to a normal pace. Danny could make out the glow-in-the-dark stars over his bed, faintly shining in the morning light.
“Danny, if you’re not ready in 15 minutes, you can take the bus to school! I’m not waiting!” Jazz yelled on the other side of his door. 
“Uh, okay!” he yelled back, trying to keep his voice from quivering. Was it… a dream? It all felt so real, so normal, even, right until the end…
The smell of burning bread wafted into his room. Mom burned her toast again. She burned it in his dream, too, but she burned it most days. That didn’t mean anything. Had Jazz yelled at him in the dream? He wasn’t sure. He’d been pretty sleep deprived so a lot of the day was pretty fuzzy.
He had the strangest sense of deja vu the whole day. When he got to school, Dash knocked into him in the hallway and sent him crashing into the locker. This happened most days. Less common was Sam shouting “Douche Baxter!” after him. She’d said that in the dream, too.
“New nickname?” he said.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess. I mean, it fits him well enough, right?”
“Y-Yeah. Yeah.”
Sam frowned. “Are you okay? He didn’t actually hurt you, did he?”
Danny waved her off. “Nah, Skulker gave me worse last night. Just some… weird deja vu.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Okay, well. If you change your mind…”
“You and Tuck will be the first to know, I promise.”
The rest of the day wasn’t any better. Dash stumbled over the same presentation on the industrial revolution he vaguely remembered sleeping through in his dream. The cafeteria served the same almost-crunchy tuna noodle casserole. Mikey slipped in the same puddle after one of the football players removed the CAUTION: WET FLOOR sign.
“I think I’m going crazy,” he said as Nathan helped to pick Mikey up off the floor.
“And this is news?” Tucker said. Sam elbowed him. “Ow.”
“What he means is: what makes you say that?”
“I just—I had this dream last night, and I think it’s… coming true?”
“Like a prophetic vision?”
“Something like that. Like, in my dream, Mikey slipped in the puddle just like that.”
“So?” Tucker said through a mouthful of his turkey sandwich. “Mikey falls all the time.”
“It’s not just that. It’s—I swear I heard you call Dash ‘Douche Baxter’ in the dream too. And I heard his presentation, too.”
Sam sat back in her seat, humming thoughtfully. “What else happened in the dream? If we are living your dream, then what happens next?”
“Ugh, I don’t know. I only remember bits and pieces. The next thing I remember for sure happening is Valerie and Paulina getting into a fight in seventh period.”
Tucker laughed. “Oh, I’m putting money on Valerie to win that fight. A hundred percent.”
“Okay, well how about this: if the fight happens, then you’ve got some weird prophetic vision going on. If it doesn’t, then it’s just a weird dream.”
“Works for me,” Tucker said around another mouthful.
“I guess,” Danny said. The ending of his dream played on a loop in his head. He was pretty sure they’d died there at the end.
He really hoped Valerie and Paulina didn’t fight in seventh period English.
The clock ticked interminably slow the rest of the day. Every sound made him jump. He turned his head at every movement. Every word spoken was checked against the catalog in his head of his half-remembered dream. He second-guessed everything that happened around him. Had Kwan sat down quite so heavily in his dream? Did Star ask that question? Yes, she definitely had. He remembered it. Right?
As the bell rang for seventh period, every muscle in his body ached with the strain of being held in tension for so long. In his dream, Valerie and Paulina had got up to fight almost immediately after the bell rang. Lancer hadn’t even gotten class started yet.
He eased himself into his seat, staring between Valerie and Paulina, both of whom seemed… set on ignoring each other. His eyes darted back and forth, but neither of them even looked at the other. Lancer moved to the front of the classroom and wrote The Scarlet Letter on the board and the two girls were both still staring at their desks.
Danny let out a sigh of relief. It was just a dream after all.
Lancer’s class passed in a blur. He pillowed his arms on his desk and let the teacher’s low drone lull him.
As he had almost passed out, he gasped as the cool mist of his ghost sense escaped him. He looked out the window to see something bright and green and burning race toward the classroom. He stood. Paulina screamed.
The world exploded again.
Loop 2
Danny burst awake to his blaring alarm.
Loop 0
Sometimes, Valerie couldn’t believe she was ever friends with Paulina Sanchez.
She wasn’t always this girl, was she? She wasn’t always someone who dragged everyone down to make sure that she was always on the top, right? At some point, the two of them were just normal, everyday friends.
Weren’t they?
Over Danny’s head, Valerie glared at Paulina, who was fixing her makeup. Whatever the past, the present reality was that Valerie was no longer Paulina’s friend, which apparently meant that she was now Paulina’s target.
She could handle it, though. She would never be favored by school administrators in a fight regardless of the context, so she had gotten excellent at not reacting.
Until Paulina brought her dad into it.
Valerie clenched her fist at the thought. Damon Gray had always been kind to Paulina. She’d even told Valerie once that he was more of a father to her than her own dad. He didn’t deserve the words that came out of Paulina’s mouth.
"Oh my god, Valerie, do you have to be so dramatic? Now we're both in trouble."
“Don’t say shit about my dad, then, and we won’t have a problem.”
Danny cringed between them. Poor guy, getting stuck in this mess. He really should’ve just let her go to town on Paulina rather than getting in the way.
“I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”
“My dad baked you brownies every year for your birthday, and you called him a fat loser to my face. You should've expected to get punched.”
"You and your dad's fall from grace isn't my fault. All I did was acknowledge it."
"Paulina, could you stop being an asshole for, like, five minutes?" Danny finally spoke up, a heavy layer of exhaustion in his voice. Valerie had no idea why he insisted on staying up so late every night, but it clearly took its toll on him. She was pretty sure she’d seen him dozing in each of the three classes they shared.
Still, she didn’t need his help with Paulina. It was her own problem.
"I don't need you to fight my battles, Danny."
"I really just wish you wouldn't fight at al—"
Danny gasped mid-sentence, and the world erupted.
Loop 1
Valerie jolted awake.
Cold sweat stuck the old Humpty Dumpty t-shirt she slept in to her back. Each breath came out as a stuttering gasp. She pounded her chest with her fist, desperate to get some control over her breathing.
A knock on her door. Her father’s exhausted voice. “Val, I’m heading to bed. Have a good day at school, sweetheart. I’ll see you for dinner? My shift starts at 8, can you be home in time?”
Valerie took a deep breath. Then another.
“Yeah!” she said, keeping her voice more-or-less stable. “Yeah I can—I can make it.”
“Good. Good morning!” he said with a chuckle. It was her dad’s new favorite joke: now that he worked the night shift and went to bed in the morning, he said “good morning” the same way most people said “good night”.
She heard the soft click of his door closing and let out another halting breath. It was 7:15 AM. School started in an hour. Last she remembered, school had blown up.
She got ready in a haze, showering, getting dressed, eating. She packed up her homework that she’d done two nights ago (last night? Was that whole day a dream? A vision?) and changed into her Red Huntress armor. Elmerton was a ways out of Amity Park proper and it had its own high school. Dad, though, had taken one look inside it and its broken lockers and moldy ceilings and marched right back out.
So she still went to Casper High, despite the commute. Besides, her dad had said, he didn’t want her to leave all her friends.
(She hadn’t yet figured out how to tell him that only Star would still talk to her, that Paulina and Kwan and Dash had dropped her like a sack of potatoes at the first sign of trouble. Kwan had come up to her and apologized two months ago, but she wasn’t ready to forgive so easily. She held grudges like it was going out of style. Ask Phantom.)
So she covered up her Huntress activities with stories of going to Paulina’s house. She got to hunt ghosts and protect the town, and her dad got to think that she was living a normal teenage life. It worked out for both of them.
Flying to school cut down on her commute a lot, too. Instead of 45 minutes, she could get over there in just 20 minutes, 15 if she booked it. And today was a “book it” kind of day, if only to get through the weirdness as fast as possible.
Unfortunately, the weirdness kept coming. At her locker, she heard Sam Manson’s shout of “Douche Baxter” just before Dash jogged past, laughing at what looked to be Danny Fenton, picking himself up off the floor. Typical Dash, except it happened the same way in her dream.
Nathan came up to her in third period. He did that a lot, too, but he didn’t usually do it with yellow roses—except he did today and in her dream. Mikey slipped and fell in the cafeteria, again; Tyson, one of the football player who used to jokingly flirt with her, moved the CAUTION: WET FLOOR sign just in time to Mikey to walk by. Coach Tetslaff gave Tucker Foley detention for being on his phone. Again.
None of this was odd behavior, except it had happened the exact same way in her dream.
“C’mon Val, keep it together,” she whispered to herself. “This doesn’t mean anything. It could just be a crazy coincidence.”
The only thing in her dream that wasn’t common was the fight with Paulina. Paulina was often mean, but she had never come for her dad like that before. Valerie had always thought they had an understanding that Damon Gray, at the very least, was off-limits. If Paulina said the same things to her in seventh period English, then she’d know for sure something was up.
(She ignored the voice in her head that said that would be too late.)
So when English came around and Paulina couldn’t even look at her, she breathed a sigh of relief. As Lancer launched into his lecture, she glanced around the room. There was Paulina, staring at her desk, scribbling notes. Kwan, behind her, drumming his fingers on the desktop, humming something under his breath. Danny, behind him, head pillowed on his arms, not even pretending to pay attention. She smiled a little; maybe they hadn’t worked out, but he was still pretty cute when he was sleeping.
It happened like this: Danny gasped. She turned to the window to see something radiating green and fast approaching. Paulina screamed.
The world exploded again.
Loop 2
Valerie jolted awake.
Loop 0
"Oh my god, Valerie, do you have to be so dramatic? Now we're both in trouble."
Paulina dabbed the finishing touches of her foundation before snapping her compact mirror closed. Her cheekbone still throbbed where Valerie had gotten in one good punch before Fenton got in between them. It would probably bruise later, but Paulina was determined that no one but her would ever see it.
“Don’t say shit about my dad, then, and we won’t have a problem.”
Well, if Valerie would’ve ever reacted to the other things she said, then she wouldn’t have had to go after Mr. Gray. And besides—
“I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”
Valerie clenched her fist like she was going to hit her again. Paulina half-hoped she would, so that maybe she could come off as just the victim in this. She really didn’t want to deal with her papi if he found out about this little adventure to Principal Ishiyama’s office.
“My dad baked you brownies every year for your birthday, and you called him a fat loser to my face. You should've expected to get punched.”
"You and your dad's fall from grace isn't my fault. All I did was acknowledge it."
"Paulina, could you stop being an asshole for, like, five minutes?" There was Fenton, butting in again. For such a loser, he seemed to have a real problem minding his own business.
"I don't need you to fight my battles, Danny."
"I really just wish you wouldn't fight at al—"
Fenton gasped. She was conscious of something ripping her apart, then she was conscious of nothing at all.
Loop 1
Paulina screamed into awareness.
The numbers on her alarm clock read 7:15—15 minutes before she usually got up. One of her proudest achievements was when she perfected her 10 minute makeup routine, meaning she could get ready for the day with only 45 minutes before the first bell.
This was the first thought on her mind as she calmed her racing heart. Not whatever strange nightmare had woken her up, but that fact that it had robbed her now of her most precious, fought-for, extra 15 minutes of sleep.
She groaned aloud, flopping back in bed and squeezing her eyes shut, like she could go back to sleep through sheer force of will. After a minute, it became obvious that she was still too shaken to doze off again. She flipped off her alarm and, pushing herself to her feet, began her morning routine.
She showered. She ate breakfast—Honey Nut Cheerios, except they were almost out. She’d have to remind Alma to pick up more on her next trip to the store. She did her makeup, adding a little flare in her eyeliner and eyeshadow, since she had the extra time. She put on the outfit she’d laid out last night, careful not to smudge anything, got in her custom-made pink convertible, and left for school.
Later, Paulina would never quite admit how long it took her to notice anything was wrong. In her defense, her days had long since melted into a blur. She barely knew where one ended and the other began in a normal situation.
It wasn’t until Mikey slipped in the cafeteria that she caught on.
Mikey fell, often. But Tyson wasn’t usually the one who messed with him; this was something new. After he stole the sign and Mikey ate it, Paulina watched Tyson look directly at Dash, an odd little blush on his face as the other boy laughed.
Oh, Paulina thought, I’ve seen this before.
In her dream, she’d thought it weird that Tyson was trying so hard to get Dash’s attention when he could clearly do better. She noticed it because it wasn’t normal behavior. This wasn’t an everyday thing. For something like this to happen both in her dream and in her life was just… too weird.
She ran the events of her dream back through her head. Most of the day was the kind of unremarkable that she couldn’t remember for the life of her, except for right now and—
And the end. The fight with Valerie, Fenton intervening. 
Her dying.
Well, if it was some fucked-up prophecy, she just had to keep it from coming true, right? She instigated the fight with Valerie there in English. She was big enough to admit that that part was on her. So then all she had to do was keep her big mouth shut and her dream wouldn’t happen.
She couldn’t quite keep her hands from shaking through the latter half of the day. Every second was too long and not long enough. When she finally walked through the door of Lancer’s classroom, she nearly fell into her seat.
“Are you okay?” Kwan whispered from behind her. She coughed out something like a laugh.
The bell saved her from having to give an actual answer as Lancer ushered them all into their seats to begin his lecture. Paulina stared at her desk the whole time, avoiding Valerie’s desk at all costs. She scribbled on a piece of paper just to have something to do with her hands.
And… nothing. Valerie said nothing to her. A quick peek behind her revealed Fenton sleeping at his desk (as always). The tap-tap-tap of Kwan’s fingers on the desk between them kept pace with her beating heart.
She dared for a moment to think it was safe.
Then Fenton gasped. A green light overtook the classroom. She screamed as the world exploded again.
Loop 2
Paulina screamed into awareness.
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bprdmyers · 1 year
@thenightmareofyourdrems (jack)
chaos. everything had devolved into complete and utter chaos. agents moving in, voices on the screens, a horsemen hijacked show hijacked from the horsemen themselves. dylan exposed. spotlight upon jack, georgie standing next to him. she shouldn’t have been there, her quest to repair that which had been broken overriding any sense she may have held within her to refrain from such a blatant disregard for the so called law and order she should have stood for. she had once stood in her bedroom declaring to jack that her path had been set the moment she’d met him. perhaps, her words were truer than she had even realized, georgie finding herself in the worst possible spot, attention toward her just as much as him. though, there was the chance it could have been brushed off as her having been in the wrong place at the wrong time, if only jack hadn’t gripped her arm and pulled her along with him, toward the escape route, up the stairs, down the latter, to the shoot on the side of the building. at least it hadn’t been recorded, it will perhaps be the youngest myers’ only hope to remain in the shadows, to save her father embarrassment, to save her from becoming doomed to the same fate jack had always wanted to spare her from, turning her into a criminal like him. 
sounds. words. flashing. sleep. georgie’s experience is not the same as the horseman. she does not wake up with them in the kitchen of a restaurant in china. no, she had woken much earlier into her own distinct horror show.
‘it’s a pleasure to be working with you.’ mabry says, presenting himself to the horsemen like some kind of sick joke. he’s supposed to be dead, of this much henley recalls from their research, of this much jack points out after their group is shoved out of the elevator into walter mabry’s penthouse. mabry speaks of a world of surveillance where the only true freedom is not being seen. he speaks of his magic being technology and uses it as a launching pad to bring up real magic. ‘of course you, mr. wilder, would know all that about that wouldn’t you?’ he questions, transitioning away and leaving the comment held within the air. he begins to tell them how he got them there, shows them a video of pictures of which georgie remains unsettling out of. henley shifts uncomfortably when mabry sits between her and danny. and then, finally their lost companion is brought up, mabry circling back to jack as he rises from his seat and faces them. ‘i imagine you’re all wondering what happened to your agent friend, yes? and no, i don’t mean mr. rhodes whom, i’m fairly certain is having his own struggles back in the states. oh, that’s right. i don’t imagine mr. wilder told you he’s been sleeping with the enemy. let’s see. where’s the remote. ah, yes, here.’ he clicks a button and an image of georgie’s f.b.i. credentials display on the screen. danny emitting a rather loud expletive. ‘an fbi agent right under your noses this whole time. except-- she’s not an fbi agent at all, is she mr. wilder?’ the screen changes, showing her bprd badge and walter launches into a rather animated, yet short, speech about how the horsemen do tricks but there were things that go bump in the night. he tells them what the bprd stands for, says it’s remarkable what you can find on the internet if you knew what you were looking for. danny retorts that he’s crazy if he thinks they are going to believe what he’s saying is true, at least in respect to magic, danny’s fairly certain he believes they were lied to about georgie’s identity. it only seems to bring a smirk to walter mabry’s features. ‘ah yes, i didn’t think you’d believe. so lets see what your friend’s been up to while you lot were sleeping. yes?’
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the screen changes again, this time to a video of a room where georgie appears to be waking up, stumbling as if she’s unbalanced. two armed men followed by a man in a lab coat appear to enter and georgie can be seen reaching out, the men thrust backward with an unseen force only for her to grip her head a moment later in pain. ‘i imagine he didn’t tell you about that either. quite disappointing really, dr. wang was supposed to be the best in his field here and yet he couldn’t get his drug cocktail right the first time. after all, couldn’t have your little girlfriend attacking my men, or me with her spooky powers now could i mr. wilder? as you can see, she very much had access to them though i imagine she felt a rather killer headache.’ it’s clear from the video that her attempt to use her powers again was hindered by the pain that she was feeling, the two men she’d thrown into the wall now coming toward her again and gripping her arms while the doctor moved about the room. a physical struggle is shown for georgie might usually use her powers in a fight but she was fully capable of defending herself the human way too. the struggle takes her and the men out of the frame for a moment, her sluggishly brought back into it a moment later as if she’d been struck or stunned before she’s given a shot of something that seemingly forces her to stop moving. he shuts off the screen and motions to his armed men. ‘as you can see, that was quickly remedied by a new cocktail. don’t ask me what’s in it, i’d rather not know.’ a pause as if for effect. then he speaks again. ‘i see no issue with allowing a little reunion. of course, if you refuse my preposition i can just as easily have her and you killed.’ he doesn’t tell them what his preposition is yet, instead seems to take enjoyment in watching as things play out in front of him. for the other horsemen’s part, they appear too stunned by what they’ve seen to be outwardly expressing outrage toward jack for secrets revealed, all attention turning toward the doors as georgie’s brought in, two men’s grips on her arms too tight for how sluggish she’s appearing. 
her skin is a shade too pale, sweat clinging to her features and a bruise appears on the side of her face from the fight she’d gotten into, in the same place she’d had one before after her fight with the spiked monster so many months ago. the lights are too bright for her and she squints, unfocused until she’s brought to a halt and shoved forward, stumbling. ‘speak of the agent and she shall appear.’ a play on words from mabry and georgie’s gaze shoots upward, anger, no, not quite anger but rage upon her features. her entire body feels as if it’s in a war with itself, the very fabric of it’s nature, the power within her cells being attacked from the inside out. her power unable to be reached and her body rebelling against it. she makes a move forward and it’s almost primal how angry she is, as if she’d be able to cross the distance and attack him right there where he stood, however, she’s forced down onto a knee a moment later by the same men that had brought her in, both of which look worse for ware, she’d gotten a few good moves in before she’d been subdued. she’d fought. she was anything if not a survivor. it’s then, she seems to become aware of the others in the room who stand up from the couch and she can see merritt’s hand grip onto jack’s arm as if he’s ready to stop him from taking some kind of action. jack. jack was there. her eyes trail upward, gaze connecting with his in relief, concern, fear, and something else, something not quite readable. she forces the men to let her stand up though she’s strained. it takes her more effort than it should. however, she stops fighting after a look is shared with mabry because she knows, even if she could manage to attempt some sort of action when they were surrounded by armed men, he has the power to hurt jack. and hurt the others. ‘you can let her go.’ mabry states, the men release their hold, shoving her forward again so she’s being propelled toward jack. and while mabry will give them a moment, he’s bored with this whole thing, so his preposition will not be far behind. 
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sammygvfslut · 3 years
i like you a latte | s. kiszka
Summary: Words cannot espresso how much you mean to Sammy Kiszka.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey besties!!! this is my first ever sam fic, and i really hope you guys enjoy it! it’s super cheesy so beware of some tooth-rotting fluff ahead. any and all feedback is appreciated <3
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Loud chattering and the sounds of espresso machines hissing and whistling filled the cafe. Every few seconds or so when a new customer walked in, a soft ringing above the door rang. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as it read 7am. Way too early for your liking. You wished to be back in bed under the covers with your cat Joey snuggling. Plus, the cold weather made it even harder for you to get out of bed every morning. Damn you, winter.
“Good morning.” A voice said suddenly, startling you as you slightly jumped. “Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there for a sec.”
Turning around at the voice, your heart fluttered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “G-Good morning, Sam! Nope, didn’t scare me at all. I was just uh...focusing very hard and you caught me off guard.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest, his own lips curving and flashing that beautiful grin. God, he made you melt. You took a quick chance to admire his appearance for the day, luscious brown locks pulled back into a low bun with a few stray pieces framing his face, and he wore a slightly oversized brown grandpa looking sweater. He exuded true fall energy today and all you wanted to do was snuggle with him watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate. “Right. Focusing on what exactly? Staring at the register?”  
“S-Sure. Yes, the register.” Totally not him instead. “Um, I realized it turned off right now and my mind blanked to turn it back on.”
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he laughed, his touch leaving a wave of goosebumps to rise out of your skin. “You’re so cute. I’ll leave you to that then, but if you need help trying to get the register to turn back on again, let me know.” And with that, he sent you a wink and turned on his heel away to start on the customers orders.
Alright, alright. So maybe early shifts weren’t as bad as you thought thanks to your insanely charming co-worker. Sam and you had been working together for the past year, and almost instantly you started falling for him. He welcomed you with open arms and he was a great help when it came to your training. Your co-workers were nice too, but Sam took that extra step in making sure you were comfortable with what you were doing. If you made a mistake and were freaking out about it, he somehow knew the way to calm you down. He was too precious and good for this cruel world. And most of all, out of your league too.
With his dashing looks and amazing personality, you just knew there was no way he’d ever feel the same about you. Except, any time you’d voice that thought to any of your friends at work, they’d tell you you’re crazy and that he likes you too. Apparently they caught on to the signs more than you did, which wasn’t a shocker considering that you’d have no clue if a guy was interested in you unless he blatantly confessed. So, trying to figure out hints was completely pointless for you.
“Uh oh, she’s deep in thought,” one of your friends/co-workers, Danny, teased. He also happened to be Sam’s best friend, and current band mate since the pair are in a band with Sam’s older twin brothers. “I bet I can guess what, or who you were thinking about.”
“Don’t even say it,” you warned with a finger, “He’s literally four feet away from us—”
“So?” Danny rolled her eyes with his arms folded. “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? Come on, it’s been almost a year now. What’s the worst that can happen if you confess?”
“He can hear me.” You stared blankly at him, shaking your head. “Absolutely not though, Danny. I will not embarrass myself from the humiliation I’d have to face from his rejection.”
Danny groaned frustratedly, placing his hands on both your shoulders and shaking them. “You’re so hopeless! Y/N, how many times do the guys and I have to tell you he likes you too!” He raised his voice a little louder than necessary which accidentally caught the attention of almost everyone in the cafe. Sam included unfortunately. Danny’s eyes widened, silently cursing under his breath. “Carry on, everyone.”
As much as you hated to admit it, Danny wasn’t lying when he mentioned about the guys agreeing that Sam likes you too. Every time you came over Josh’s apartment and Sam was there he’d find any little excuse to have his arm around you or teasing you constantly. You’d shake it off that he was just treating you like a friend would, but of course the guys would disagree with you.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” Danny told you sternly, “But for now, and don’t make it obvious, but Sam’s looking at you.” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked and stepped to the next register before greeting a new customer and taking their order.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you slowly looked over your shoulder in Sam’s direction. You saw his head quickly turn and finish off the drink in front of him. Your cheeks burned at this and tried taking deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Didn’t work much, but as a new customer waved and told you their order, your breathing turned back to normal.
On the other end of the counter, Sam was currently freaking the hell out from what he heard a few minutes ago between you and Danny. He didn’t mean to, but he also wasn’t that far from either of you. Plus, Danny wasn’t the best at keeping his voice low. He had a strong feeling he knew you were talking about him, and for that reason alone he overflowed the cup he was pouring into and made a mess. He cursed under his breath and wiped his hands on his apron, shaking his head.
You caught sight of this and rushed to his side, grabbing a cloth from under the sink and started wiping the sticky counter. Sam was certain his cheeks were tomato red from his embarrassment, making a complete fool of himself for not paying attention to what he was doing. More so focusing on your conversation and your damn smile from earlier. You weren’t the only one here with a crush.
“T-Thanks, Y/N.” Sam chuckled nervously, throwing the cup in the trash and tossing the drink pitcher he held in the sink. “I’m normally not this much of a dumbass.”
“I’m not too sure about that one, Kiszka.” You teased lightly with a grin. “It happens, don’t worry,” you assured. “I’m just glad it was cold tea you spilled and not steaming coffee. I’d hate for you to get a third degree burn. That happened to me once, don’t recommend it.”
“Didn’t I drive you to the hospital for that?” he asked. “I think that might’ve happened a few months ago.”
Your eyes widened at the memory. “Oh shit, you’re right. God, I’m still so sorry I had to drag you into that.”
Sam shook his head, lips curving and cheeks no longer flushed. “For the hundredth time, stop apologizing about that, Y/N. You know you can count on me for anything, so of course I didn’t mind driving you to the hospital. I remember even blasting some ABBA on the way over there so you’d have something else to focus on instead of the pain you endured.”
You smiled at the memory. “Didn’t we also go out for ice cream afterwards?”
He nodded, lightly rubbing his arm. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I mean, I always have fun when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his last few words, blinking slowly. “O-Oh.”
Oh? That’s all you have to say? Nice one, Y/N.
Sam’s heart dropped. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t talking about him after all. Maybe it was Danny or one of his brothers that you had a crush on and he was mistaken about it. He wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole right about now. Being anywhere but here sounded splendid to him.
“Y-Y/N, I—“
“Ihavefunwhenimwithyoutoo,” you muttered all too quickly, and poor Sam barely even understood what you said. He didn’t have the chance to ask you to repeat yourself because you quickly walked away to the back and he was left with a tug at his chest, frowning.
Within the next few days after Sam’s tea spill, literally, things between you and him became...awkward. Something went off in him to become even more clumsy than normal and forget everything he’s ever known when you’re near him. He’d get flustered, stuttering a lot, messing up orders, dropping dishes, and nearly tripping all the time. He hated it so much and wished he could just muster up the courage and apologize for being such an idiot and confess his feelings to you. Even during your hangouts with the guys, Sam and you wouldn’t interact as much and honestly you were well aware you were being super childish and immature about the situation. Sam did too, and he needed to snap the fuck out of it.
The next few days at work Sam would ignore Danny’s little side comments about his immaturity and continued working in silence. For the rest of his shift he didn’t talk much to anyone other than the customers. He wanted to talk to you when he had the chance, but then he’d quickly back out and walk the opposite direction.
He couldn’t figure out why it was so futile for him to just grow a sack and tell you he likes you. He’d never gone through this struggle before. Then again, as cheesy as it sounded, the other girls he’d asked out in the past couldn’t compare to you. Never in a million years, and maybe he was too afraid that he didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.
Nearing closing that same day, it was only you, Sam, and Danny. The flow of customers died down and not many people came in towards the end of the night which you were grateful for. It finally gave you the chance to relax a bit and start cleaning things up ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to stay after. Joey and a nice warm bath were waiting for you at home.
While Sam decided on working the register and you and Danny would clean, he grabbed your arm and led you into the back.
“What are you two still doing not dating each other or talking?! It’s been way too long now, Y/N. And since it’s only us three tonight, you have no other choice. Come on, I know you can’t take this any longer, and he can’t either. I can take over the register for a bit while you and him talk.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating his offering. As incredibly thankful as you were for his help, you were also scared shitless of the possible outcome. Perhaps it was finally time though that you say fuck it and say what you needed to. You couldn’t go on for any longer to keep your feelings bottled up inside. Maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, and by God you hoped that would be the case.
Inhaling, you nodded slowly and made your way back to where you were. Your eyes searched for Sam and saw he was busy making a drink, except there was no one else here besides you, him and Danny. It could’ve been a drink for him, so you shrugged this off and went towards the sink to start washing the dishes.
A few moments later, Sam cleared his throat from behind you. “H-Hey Y/N, so um, I know the créme brûlée latte is your favorite, and I thought I’d make you one. You seemed really stressed and busy today and I wanted to try to cheer you up. I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart swelled at his generosity and your cheeks burned as you felt his gaze burning into you, his palms soaking from nervousness. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
He shrugged casually, a small smile on his lips and his cheeks tinted a light pink. “It’s okay, I wanted to. And I uh, tried my best on the art. Hope you like it.”
Raising a brow, your gaze dropped on your cup and your eyes widened as you saw what he was referring to. A small coffee cup with the words I like you a latte around it.
“It’s true,” Sam chewed on his bottom lip while running his fingers through his hair. “I really like you Y/N, and I’m so sorry for acting like such an idiot these last few days around you. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you much either.”
Setting your cup on the counter, you took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb softly against his soft skin. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Sam. I’m sorry for not talking to you too, as well as for making a fool of myself. I tend to do that around someone I like.”
Finally, the realization dawned on Sam as a wide grin pulled at his lips. “Glad we’re on the same boat.”
“I-Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
You giggled. “You don’t even have to ask, loverboy.” You playfully rolled your eyes and cupped his other cheek before connecting his lips with yours.
A smirk pulled at Danny’s lips as he glanced at the two of you, shaking his head. Josh and Jake owed him $20 now. 
It was about damn time that Sam and you finally espresso’d your love for each other. 
tagging these lovely folks bc they helped inspired me and their work is amazing <3 @godlygreta​ / @flowervanfleet​ / @dharma-divine​
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tennessoui · 3 years
So I love your keeping up with the Skywalker/Kenobis au😍!!! It's adorable and it makes me so happy to read aaaand I wanted to ask what you think Satine's reaction is to Obi Wan basically getting himself a husband two kids and a dog like 2 months after she's left him? Like if they randomly ran into each other and Obi Wan is with his whole family and is carrying Leia, while holding Luke's hand and Luke is holding the dogs leash, while Anakin is I dunno monologing about something as he usually does
hi!!!! thank you so much for the prompt i love it <3 I thought a really long time about this prompt because I kind of knew what I wanted to do but I also didn't want to throw satine's character under the bus to accomplish it because i think from what Obi-Wan's told us about his marriage she's completely justified to want a divorce, so she's not necessarily a jealous ex in this snippet. But she's sort of angry, which i feel is fair!! i also (for reasons we will hopefully see tomorrow) changed your 'two months' to '3 years', so this happens 2 years after the Skywalkers move in, which is one yearish after the divorce! mostly because Something Else happens about 2 years after the Skywalkers move in and I have an ask cooling in my inbox asking about That that i want to answer tomorrow and these two felt like they fit together
(big sigh)(2.5k)(this is Obi-Wan's POV so its a bit pretentious and also a bit sad)
It’s a very strange thing, what the body remembers but the mind forgets.
“Obi-Wan?” A tentative voice asks from his left, and he knows that voice intimately. That voice had been at one time the most beautiful sound in the entire world. That voice had been what he heard before going to sleep, what he waited on tenterhooks to hear upon waking. He’d heard that voice cry, scream, laugh, gasp, moan--he knows that voice, and for a second his body responds the way it always has to that voice.
Butterflies erupt in his stomach and he turns to look at Satine for the first time in almost three years.
“Satine,” he says and clears his throat and tries again. “Hello there.”
She smiles delicately, as if she’s unsure of her welcome. Obi-Wan’s never seen Satine shy, but he supposes he’s never seen how she acts around her ex-husband.
He surreptitiously glances to where Anakin and the twins are standing in line at an ice cream truck. It had been a nice day, so they had bundled the kids and the dog into Anakin’s car and gone to the city park with loose ideas about kite flying. Perhaps a picnic.
Perhaps twenty yards from the parking lot, Leia had spotted an ice cream truck from her perch on Obi-Wan’s shoulders, and the twins had successfully convinced Anakin to make a quick pit stop on their way up the park’s central hill. It had been a very easy sell. The sweet tooth is most definitely inherited, and nothing Obi-Wan really shares, so he had taken Chewie and gone to sit on a near park bench, graciously pretending not to hear Anakin tell his children to let the old man rest.
That had only been five minutes ago.
“Would you like to sit?” Obi-Wan asks politely, gesturing to the part of the bench he’s not taking up.
“If you have the time,” Satine responds just as politely. Obi-Wan wonders if this sort of false veneer of courteousness is putting her teeth on edge as much as his.
Do you remember how you left? Would you like me to recall the amount of things thrown by you, or would you like to do the honors? He imagines saying.
Only if you would be so gracious as to recite the long list of things you called me, he can imagine Satine responding.
That sort of conversation would be better than this. More honest. It’s a strange hurt, to realize you’re lying to the person you used to think you’d always be truthful to.
“Oh,” Satine says when Chewie immediately starts sniffing at the hem of her dress. “Is this...your dog?”
Obi-Wan fights the urge to wince. He had. Well. He had been quite against getting a dog when they’d been married. Or a cat. Or anything, really. He had vehemently protested the idea of a pet.
Of another living thing in their house.
“Ah,” he says. “Yes. His name is Chewie.”
Satine pets him with just the right amount of pressure to have Chewie tilting his head eagerly for more. “Chewie?” she asks incredulously. “I always figured we would have to name any dog or--child after some sort of literary figure.”
Obi-Wan pretends he doesn’t notice her hesitation. He has to pretend he doesn’t notice her hesitation. “I originally wanted to name him Dante,” he admits instead. “Leia compromised down to Danny, but I just couldn’t do that to the poor dead man.”
“Oh,” Satine says and then she’s quiet. Obi-Wan can just imagine the sort of things running through her head. He would deserve all the mean-spirited barbs she could throw at him now. He reminds himself that he understands that.
I hadn’t thought you knew how to do that, he imagines her saying. Compromising, I mean.
Or, does the dog hair everywhere drive you as crazy as you used to say it would?
Or, perhaps worst of all, how much has your library of dead mean kept you comfort these last three years?
Instead she gently strokes the dog’s head and refuses to make eye contact with Obi-Wan.
“You look well,” he says, breaking the silence first. He thinks she’s probably put in enough work in speaking first for a lifetime.
“Thank you,” Satine responds, tucking a piece of her ash blonde hair behind her ear. Obi-Wan catches a glint of a ring on her finger from the action. He doesn’t know if it was purposeful or not, doesn’t blame her either way. It’s been three years. Their lives are their own now. There’s always going to be those years where they...converged, and Obi-Wan isn’t sure he regrets them. He might never regret them, no matter what he thought shortly after the papers were mailed in.
After all, he’d never have met the Skywalkers if it wasn’t for the divorce.
“You as well,” Satine says, crossing her ankles. It’s her version of a fidget, Obi-Wan thinks fondly, and then wonders if he’ll ever forget that sort of information.
He smiles. “Yes, I’m...well.” He coughs and glances over to the ice cream truck. Leia waves at him from where she’s curled into Anakin’s chest, very near the front of the line. Anakin and Luke are looking at Obi-Wan with almost the same expression of pinched worry. Anakin most probably because he knows who Satine is. Luke because the boy has gotten quite possessive of Obi-Wan’s attention in the last few months.
Obi-Wan smiles slightly to let them both know that he’s fine. “I’m very well,” he tells Satine, turning back to her.
“I’m very glad to hear that,” she says, and it sounds like the most honest thing she’s said this entire time.
“Thank you,” he responds, and that’s the most honest thing he’s said today too. He knows she won’t understand exactly what he means, but it feels nice to say it anyway. Thank you for the years we were happy. Thank you for leaving before we could really start hating each other. Thank you for the divorce. Thank you for the Skywalkers.
There’s very loud footsteps on the pavement and then suddenly a blond blur is clinging to Obi-Wan’s knee.
“Obi,” Luke says very reproachfully.
Obi-Wan automatically fixes the boy’s fringe. “Yes, little one?” he asks, very, very aware of the way Satine’s posture has shifted from almost relaxed to preparing for battle.
“Daddy wants to know if you want anything. He says they have those pop--pop--cycles that you like.”
Obi-Wan switches his attention away from Luke so that he can raise a very scathing eyebrow at Anakin, who shrugs as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. He had most certainly told Anakin that he was fine and that he didn’t want to spoil his lunch. Sending Luke over had not been a friendly check-in. It had been an invasion.
“I’m fine,” Obi-Wan tells Anakin’s son. “I don’t want to spoil my lunch.”
These words seem just as foreign to Luke as they did to his father, because he squints up at Obi-Wan before shrugging and clambering up into Obi-Wan’s lap.
“Who is she, Obi?” he asks, not quietly at all.
Obi-Wan sighs. And then resists the urge to sigh harder when he catches sight of Satine’s pinched face.
A thousand conversations rush back to him.
“My career has to come first, Satine.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“A child? At my age?”
“It’s Obi-Wan, not Obi.”
“I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready, dear. Our lives would change. Fundamentally. We’d have to compromise, we’d have to figure out a way to be there for them whenever they needed it. I know people manage. But would we?”
“I’m sorry, darling. I don’t want children.”
“Don’t call me Obi.”
He understands perfectly why Satine looks as if someone has just fed her half a lemon. He does.
She’s run into her ex-husband at the park and settled in to have a civil conversation with the man, only to see that he owns a dog (which he had been against when they were together), has a child (Luke isn’t his, of course, but he can understand the confusion), and lets that child call him one of his most hated nicknames.
“Obi?” she asks, which is probably starting out small, something he is very grateful for.
“Who are you?” Luke asks more forcefully, gripping onto Obi-Wan’s shirt with his little hands. Of all the times for the boy to decide to speak up to strangers--
“I’m Satine,” Satine answers graciously. And then, “Who are you?”
“Luke,” the boy says, far less graciously. “Obi lives with us.”
“Us?” Satine asks, mostly to Obi-Wan. “You mentioned a...Leia earlier?”
“My sister,” Luke interrupts before Obi-Wan can, perhaps, explain the situation. “We’re twins.”
“Twins!” Satine gasps in a way that’s most definitely pointed and directed at Obi-Wan. “Obi, I hadn’t known you had twins!”
“I…” Obi-Wan starts to say that he doesn’t, but the twins have started shooting him very hurt looks every time he corrects strangers on the fact that the twins aren’t actually his. He’s mostly stopped correcting people now because Luke and Leia’s betrayed expressions are really, quite frankly, works of art.
“Obi-Wan!” a voice interrupts him to his right. It’s a familiar voice, one that he’s heard as he falls asleep, one he’s heard first thing in the morning, one he’s heard cry and yell and gasp and laugh, one he thinks to himself might just be one of the most beautiful sounds in the entire world.
Without his permission or even his consent, butterflies erupt in his stomach and he turns from Satine’s rigid expression to Anakin’s slightly manic grin.
“Anakin,” he says, standing immediately with Luke cradled in his arms.
“We got you the red popsicle because Luke never came back,” Anakin says, thrusting the icy treat forward as Leia tries to clamber on the bench to hand Luke his own chocolate-covered cone.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan says, all thoughts about his appetite for lunch pushed out of his mind by the size of Anakin’s smile. “That’s very sweet of you.”
Anakin ducks his head and rubs at the back of his neck, his face turning red like Obi-Wan’s popsicle. Obi-Wan thinks he’s never been this hopelessly endeared in his entire life.
“I should be going,” Satine says suddenly, standing up. Obi-Wan is a bit ashamed to realize he has forgotten her in the wake of the arrival of the Skywalkers.
But he knows he should not leave like this. They deserve more than this stilted sort of interrupted conversation.
Gently, he sets Luke on the ground despite the boy’s protests and chases after his ex-wife.
“Satine, wait,” he pants as he catches up with her.
“What, Obi-Wan?” she asks, voice strained and eyes a bit wet. “What else do you want me to see? What else is there left? I get it, alright. I get it. It was never you--it wasn’t--it wasn’t that you didn’t want pets or kids or--or all of it. You just didn’t want them with me. It was me. All along.”
She turns away, wiping frantically at her eyes. Obi-Wan isn’t sure if he’s ever felt worse.
“No,” he insists, reaching out to touch her forearm, painfully aware of how public they are right now. “No, you’ve got it wrong. It’s not...it was never you. It’s just…”
He pauses and tries to find the words to describe the past three years of his life. That first year of despair and hopelessness and isolation. And then the way Anakin and his children had crept into his life like a summer sunrise in the dead of winter, unexpectedly and then slowly and then all at once.
Obi-Wan shrugs helplessly, at a loss for words. There’s no way to describe something like that to someone who hasn’t experienced it. “It’s just…them.”
Satine takes a few moments to breathe before she turns to face him. She’s smiling and it looks mostly like a grimace, but he’ll accept it as more than he deserves.
“Oh Obi-Wan,” she says, laying a hand over the hand he has on his arm. “You always had so many rules.”
Obi-Wan fights the urge to bristle, reminding himself that Satine has the right to say anything she wants to him today and the amount of hurts they’ve dealt each other still probably wouldn’t be even.
It takes him completely by surprise then when she hugs him. He hugs her back automatically, blinking stupidly further into the park.
“I’m glad you’ve found your exceptions,” she whispers to him as she pulls back with a sad smile.
“Satine,” he says, but he doesn’t know where he’s going with that and falls silent. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, leaning in to press a featherlight kiss to his bearded cheek.
“Glad to know I can still make you speechless,” she tells him wryly.
“Always,” he promises her, and she laughs. Obi-Wan is suddenly struck with a sort of gut-wrenching realization that she used to be his best friend as well as his wife. He had lost both in one fell swoop.
“I think I just put you in a world of trouble,” she smirks, tilting her head back down the path. “Your partner doesn’t look very happy.”
“He’s not my--” Obi-Wan starts to say and then decides fuck it. He shrugs. “It was nice to see you again, Satine. I hope. I. I really am glad that you’re doing well.”
Satine smiles and squeezes his hand once before letting go. “You too, Obi-Wan. You too.”
When he gets back to his family, Anakin is staring intensely down at his shoes, while Luke and Leia are glaring just as intensely up at Obi-Wan.
“Who was that?” Leia demands immediately.
“Satine,” Luke relays to her, as if the word means one hundred terrible and tragic things.
“An old friend,” Obi-Wan corrects. “We haven’t seen each other in a while. I just...I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“Did you?” Anakin asks, strangely intent as he looks down at Obi-Wan’s face.
“I did,” Obi-Wan tells him. It sounds like a promise. Yes, seeing Satine had been a peculiar twist of fate, but it had felt like a goodbye. To her. To the last vestiges of their marriage. To the man he had been when he had been in love with her.
The realization feels like it should hurt, but it doesn’t. Instead of ruminating on it though, he holds his hand out to Luke’s sticky fingers. “Shall we?” he asks, as Anakin falls into place on his other side, Leia held firmly in his arms. “It’s a fairly large hill, are you sure you’re up for it?”
“Yes!” Luke insists enthusiastically, all thoughts of the blonde woman his Obi had been talking to immediately forgotten.
“Perhaps by the time we get to the top, we’ll be prepared for lunch,” Obi-Wan tells Anakin wryly. The other man laughs, but his eyebrows stay pinched. Obi-Wan has the strangest desire to kiss them smooth, to lean over and kiss Anakin’s face until he’s blushing and laughing and light as he knows he can be.
But it’s very obviously not the time and place. Such a step forward needs both a proper time and place. After all, you may have multiple loves of your lives, but you only ever kiss each of them for the first time once. And Obi-Wan is pretty sure he’s only got the two; he’s not looking to mess this one up.
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loveyhoneydovey · 3 years
SFW Alphabet with Joaquín Torres
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Note: I've been dying to write something like this so I decided to do it with my baby first. Might do Sam next
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x GN!Reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s a very affectionate partner and especially shows his love through physical affection and acts of service. He wants to feel useful and do his best to make life easier and more enjoyable for you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the type of best friend that’s not physically there often, due to the nature of his job. However, when you do get a chance to spend it feels like he’s never been gone. He completely focuses on you, asks for updates about your life and checks if you need anything. He’s so chill and he’s got the type of personality that has you at ease. You first met him at a mutual friend’s wedding, you both got a bit tipsy and decided to hang out with each other and that was the start of a beautiful friendship
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
YES!!! As I previously mentioned, he loves physical touch and cuddling is one of his favourite ways of showing affection. He loves being the small spoon and he’s not ashamed to say it. He says it’s because you make him feel safe and makes him feel like he has a home to go back to after all the shit he sees
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wants to settle down for sure, eventually. Before meeting you, he thought that would come later, but you definitely made him rethink. I don’t think he’s the best cook, but I think he has a few of recipes of food his mom made him when he was younger. Those are the ones he learned to perfect. As for cleaning, because of how strict his life is at the army, I think he allows himself to be a bit messy at home. Definitely messy and not dirty. You both try to split house chores evenly.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he’d be honest and would do it in person. Ending a relationship that played such an important part in his life is definitely heartbreaking, but he thinks he owes it to himself and to you to put an end to it before it gets worse. He’d rather end things on semi good terms than letting it sour and go nowhere.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He always told himself, when it came to relationships, he’d go with the flow and see how he felt about long-term commitment. He’s a m*ilitary boy, so I think he kinda (unintentionally) follows the stereotype and proposes quickly. Although in his case he does it because he’s truly in love with you and doesn’t want to wait longer than he has to make you his. He’d propose after about a year and a half I’d say.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Have you seen him? He’s the gentlest sweetest baby in every way. I think the fact that he sees so much violence and horror during his deployment pushes him to be more gentle in other aspects of his life. More specifically with you and his family. He wants you to feel like you can come to him for anything whether it’s when you’re feeling down or when you’ve cut your finger on a piece of glass. Either way he’ll treat you with kindness, but not like you’re breakable.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
omg he LOVES hugs. Again, due to the nature of his job, he doesn’t get a lot of physical affection, which drives him crazy. So when he’s home, you can expect him to attack you with hugs all day long. Doesn’t matter if you’re washing the dishes or brushing your teeth. He’ll come up from behind and wrap his arms around your waist, while putting his chin on your shoulder. If you’re facing him, he’s going to engulf you and wrap his arms around you. His hugs are warm and comforting and make you feel safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
oh real quick, but actually so do you. I actually headcanon that you two say it at the same time by accident. You both were probably nervous because it was after like two months, but end up laughing it off cause you were so in sync.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He understands the root of jealousy is mostly insecurity, so he doesn’t get jealous often, because he’s secure in his relationship with you and is actually pretty confident with himself. Of course, it happens occasionally, he’s only human. However, you both always thought that feeling jealous sometimes wasn’t bad, but what could lead to issues was the way one could act on it. So, whenever he feels jealous he takes a moment to collect his thoughts if he needs to, then you’d both talk about it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are often playful and sweet. He doesn’t like to take himself too seriously and neither do you, so you keep things light and playful, but that doesn’t mean it’s not passionate. On the contrary, you feel his love for you with every kiss he leaves on you skin. His favourite place to kiss you is on the nose, because of the way you scrunch it and giggle after he kisses it. As for where he liked to be kissed, soon after you started dating, you found out he loved being shirtless which allowed you to notice he had a beauty mark on the upper part of his right shoulder. From that moment, you developed a habit of kissing it and it made him melt, so it became his favourite place to be kissed.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh the BEST. For some reason he attracts them. You told him it was probably because he was a child himself and he flipped you off. You actually think it’s because he’s so cheerful and happy, and he treats them like they’re his friends. You’ve caught him having full on conversations with your friends’ babies who couldn’t even speak yet. And once you had kids, he did the same thing with them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Whenever possible, you have lazy mornings where you alternate between sleeping, having lazy morning sex and snacking. If it’s a regular morning, he usually has to leave before you, and every time you’d try to distract him and make him stay a bit longer. He’s so used to your “five more minutes, please” that he started waking up five minutes earlier.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
This man has a whole skincare routine before going to sleep. If you also do, then you both complete your routines side by side in front of the bathroom mirror. He might read a bit before bed (and you try to sneakily take a pic of him in his glasses cause you think he looks so cute), or you’d both talk about your day and maybe cuddle a bit before turning off your lamps and getting some sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’d open up slowly, there was no pressure between the two of you and he took his time to share the more difficult parts of his life. Now if you open up to him about something defining or traumatic that happened in your life, he might open up faster to let you know you’re not alone, but also to reciprocate the trust you put in him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty patient most of the time and tries to not let himself get angry over little things, however he’s still human. So depending on the gravity of the situation, he might get angered quickly if he sees something upsetting happening, however, he’s very careful with the way he reacts. He knows something done in anger can lead to regret and guilt, so he thinks before he acts and speaks.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I think he’d remember an important date like your birthday, he knows around what time your anniversary is, but I feel like he would forget which date it is exactly. He’d remember the most random facts about you, like the kind of stuff where you think he was paying attention, but he was listening subconsciously.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Cliché, but it was during your honeymoon. It was the first time you had referred to him as your husband and it made his heart swell with pride. The love you held for him was so obvious when you looked at him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s protective when he needs to be. He’s not overbearing and trusts that you’re capable of taking care of yourself most of the time. He will step in if he feels like a situation is escalating (let’s say if you’re getting physically or verbally harassed) and he will put himself physically between you and whoever’s trying to harm you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Omg listen this baby puts so much effort into making your dates enjoyable. He plans out full picnics with cute cakes and charcuterie boards and that doesn’t stop as your relationship progresses. Any gifts he gives you usually have a meaning behind them, and he doesn’t always buy them, sometimes he makes them himself. As I said, he is a bit messy in his daily life, but you two actually have a chart with who’s supposed to do what and that’s how you share your chores, and he does mostly follow it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of leaving some important stuff until the last minute. It works out in the end, but it causes him an unnecessary amount of stress.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
… have you seen the amount shirtless selfies Danny takes? I think Torres is the exact same. So, he does like to take care of his looks, especially when he sees the effect it has on you. And he has to stay in shape either way, due to his job
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think he’d be heartbroken and might feel incomplete for the first few months, but as time goes one, he begins to feel whole again and learns to feel self sufficient.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He wants to learn another language fluently someday. He wants to help people and he thinks there’s no better way than being able to understand their needs in their native language to be able to help
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes or smoke. He doesn’t mind if his partner’s a smoker, but he probably wouldn’t be around them while they’re smoking.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
This boy sleeps in the weirdest, funniest positions. Like you’d go to sleep in a normal position side by side, or with your back to him, then when you’d wake up you’d find him in a new position every time.
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amatchinwater · 3 years
Did a little thing for Day 2 of Stackson Week 2021!
Day 2: Trapped together
Pairing: Stackson
Warnings: underage drinking
Word count: 2709
Rating: teen and up
Ao3 link
Stiles knew it was a bad idea to have a party at Lydia’s lake house in the middle of hurricane lever rain and a goddamn flood warning. What’s even worse is he’s the first person to show up! Lydia herself isn’t even here yet. The banshee was kind enough to tell him where they put the hide-a-key so he could get in and out of the storm. Scott and Isaac aren’t picking up or answering his texts. If they’re not here because they’re too busy fucking and Stiles has to be here soaked and alone, he’s going to kill them.
When Stiles gets in the house, he stomps his shoes on the mat to not track in any mud. Lyds would castrate him for that, so he takes them off just to be safe. Slipping out of his jacket, Stiles hangs it on the hook, careful not to let it drip anywhere other than the little rug underneath it. The house is empty and eerily dark. Then again, why wouldn’t it be? He’s the only fucking one here. Making his way into the kitchen, Stiles’ preturbrance only grows. 
It doesn’t even look like the place is meant to house a party in the next twenty minutes. Nothing is set up. There isn't a single bag of chips or other snacks on the counter. No pizzas and sandwich platters like her birthday. A keg is not beside the island either. Just two bottles of wine with a sticky note that reads-
“Have fun?” 
Oh my god! Stiles jumps and flails, nearly knocking the bottles over on the counter. 
“What kind of fucking game is she playing?” Jackson snatches the note, rereading it before flicking it back towards the island. 
Still clutching his wildly beating heart, Stiles gasps, “could you maybe announce yourself next time?” He collects himself- mostly. “Not all of us have your little wolf senses. You almost gave me a heart attack, you fuck.” 
Jackson snorts and almost playfully bumps him with his shoulder. “Not my fault you left the front door unlocked, Stilinski.” 
Fuck this. “I’m leaving.” Stiles stalks back towards the front door, yanking his jacket off the hook and grabbing his shoes. Whipping the open the door, the teen groans loudly, dropping his head back, “you’ve got to be kidding me!” 
“What are you bitching about now?” The wolf steps beside him and looks outside, his eyes widen drastically. “Holy shit!”
The lake has officially overflown since they’ve shown up and the driveway is at least three inches deep with water. Jackson’s care looks like it’s barely  capable of surviving if it gets too high. Stiles almost cares enough to wonder if they should move it. This fucking storm! Now he’s stuck here with nowhere to go. Yes, he has a jeep, but the road out is no doubt a muddy mess that even Roscoe can’t navigate. 
Closing the door and putting his clothes back where they were, Stiles whines, “why would she pick today to do this?” Thinking about the weather his dad forced him to watch this morning. Most cities were calling in downed power lines and massive branches flying through the streets. 
She knew this storm was coming. So much so that Lydia even reminded him to wear his boots rather than his sneakers. “I guess I better call Scott, tell him not to come. No use in him getting stuck in the woods like this.” Sures, having his best friend here would make this exceptionally better. But Stiles doesn’t want to break up any fights between a stir crazy Jackson and Isaac. Fishing in his pocket, Stiles pulls out his phone and smashes the call button in annoyance. 
“Stiles, hey. I’m sorry I did-” Scott answers on the second ring only to be cut off by Stiles.
“I don’t care if you and Isaac were fucking,” Jackson chuckles at his jab. “Don’t come to Lydia’s. The lake flooded and now Jackson and I can’t leave.” 
“Okay,” Scott draws out the word and if Stiles wasn’t mistaken sounds a little confused. Jackson’s brows knit together at the response too. Okay, so it did sound weird then. “I’m sorry you’re stuck there, dude. But maybe this will be a good thing?”
Is he serious? “How the fuck is it supposed to be a good thing to be stuck in a goddamn house with someone who hates my guts?” Stiles’ hand slaps his thigh in exasperation. Not to mention the asshole in question was hotter than hell fire and makes it incredibly hard to be in the same room with him. Not thinking about that when Jackson can smell his chemosignals. 
“Well,” Scott drawls, “you did say you had a crush on him.” Stiles blanches and goes stalk still, forgetting how to fucking breathe. Jackson snorts beside him. Stiles is going to kill Scott. “Oh my god! He’s right next to you, isn’t he?”
“I hate you so much right now.” Stiles makes a point to stare at the floor and not at the shuffling wolf beside him. “Well, thanks for getting me killed. Great best friend job, truly. See ya probably never, Scotty.” He promptly hangs up before Scott can answer. 
“So,” Jackson purrs and Stiles can’t help but turn and face the wolf. His arms are crossed from where he leans against the wall, one foot propped behind him. Jackson’s face holds that stupid, sexy, douchbag smirk, “you like me?”
He’s not even going to entertain that. Stiles squints at him with his mouth slightly parted. It only makes Jackson chuckle. “I need a drink,” Stiles uses every ounce of self control not to literally run away and back into the kitchen. Sifting through the drawers until he finds the corkscrew, Stiles grabs a bottle. Once the cork is out- that actually had already been opened- Stiles could give fuck all about a glass. He takes a sip directly from the bottle, regretting it at the extensive bitter taste of wolfsbane.
Clearly that one’s for Jackson. He’s courteous enough to slide the wine across the island when Jackson is back in the room. The wolf stares at him as his lips wrap around the mouthpiece and drinks from it, not giving a damn to wipe it after Stiles’ drank first. The other boy just watches before his brain recovers and he opens his own bottle. Setting the cork and opener aside, Stiles grabs the wine and leaves the wolf in the kitchen to go sit in the living room where Lydia keeps the playstation. 
Plopping on the couch, Stiles lets himself sink into the cushion and takes several swigs. Actually rather enjoying the slight burn and the warmth that quickly settles in his belly. He can very easily just sit here and watch tv like Jackson doesn’t even exist. Stiles can go to literally anywhere else to be away from the wolf if need be. He cannot believe that Jackson found out he likes him. 
Fucking Scott.
It takes a few minutes for Jackson to join him. Stiles already has Supernatural playing and has killed a good third of his wine before the wolf is sitting next to him. Like right next to him. One nervous leg bounce and their thighs or knees will touch. Seriously? Lydia has two couches, a chaise lounge, and two armchairs in her living room. So why is he so close?
Scratch that initial thought. There’s like six other rooms in this big ass house that Jackson could’ve gone to. Why here? Stiles drinks more. 
Jackson takes another small sip, looking like he’s barely drank anything from his own bottle before saying, “I have a secret to tell you.” 
He fights the eyeroll only just, “what information could you possibly have that I would care about?” Amber eyes stay glued to the flat screen.
“I don’t hate you, Stiles.”
“Oh?” He asks with mock interest. Even though there’s something tickling at his heart that Jackson didn’t call him ‘idiot’ or ‘Stilinski’. He can’t allow himself to fall for the wolf’s tricks. He won’t let the rug get yanked out from under him. 
“Quite the opposite actually.” 
Stiles snorts and turns to make some smart ass retort. But his ‘yeah right’ gets stuck on his tongue finding Jackson’s face mere inches from his own. He gulps. Clearing his throat, Stiles takes a big sip before putting his bottle on the small table beside him. Too fuzzy and warm to process this, Stiles scooches until he’s pressing against the armrest. 
Jackson also places his bottle on the coffee table before sliding closer. Forcing Stiles to half turn into the couch while the wolf puts an arm on either side of him, completely encasing Stiles. “I like you,” he presses further, “a lot.” Jackson leans in until their noses brush, “tell me if you want me to stop.” 
Blame the wine. Blame his hormones for not wanting him to stop. Hell, blame everyone and everything, Stiles included. But he does have a massive crush on Jackson. Even though he knows damn well that he shouldn’t. The guy’s a prick. He has no problem letting people know that he’s better than them. Making damn sure to flaunt his money too. As if that makes him hotter or something. It doesn’t. 
No, it’s the icy blue eyes that make Stiles want to learn their secrets and harvest the knowledge. The wolf’s stupid jaw that’s perfect and Stiles just wants to bite it. He;s seen Jackson naked numerous times- thank you locker room shower’s forgotten concept of privacy. But god damn, when Jackson smiles- not his asshole smirk, but genuine smile- Stiles’ lungs and knees forget how to function. Despite his actions earlier, the teen is actually pretty happy to be stuck here. 
Only acting as though he hates Jackson because he was simply following the wolf’s lead. His eyes flick to Jackson’s bottle of wine- its contents too hard to see in the dark green glass from this distance- and back to hooded baby blues. There’s only two reasons Stiles can believe that this is actually happening right now.
Jackson’s drunk. Because Stiles doesn’t understand the extent in which wolfsbane affects werewolf's tolerance. Which would mean the ex-kanima has no idea what he’s doing and should go sleep it off. Stiles hopes it’s this because the latter is just too painful. 
Jackson’s fucking with him. Surely he doesn’t have actual feelings for Stiles. Maybe the wolf found out he’s bi and wanted to tease him about it. Although, something tells him that Danny would murder Jackson if he ever found out. Still. This is Stiles. Lowest on the lacrosse totem pole and not the wolf’s best friend. Is Jackson that cruel though?
Beautiful, parted pink lips get closer, so Stiles whispers, “you’re just drunk,” and turns his head away, hoping that’s the case here. Waiting for the joke to play out.
“I’m really not.” Jackson reaches over to grab his drink. There’s maybe three sips missing when he dangles the bottle for proof. “See?” The wolf puts it back, returning with a smirk and a cocked brow, “now will you let me kiss you?” Jackson chuckles, it’s a breathy sound, but doesn’t make to move closer. Leaving it to Stiles.
He’s not falling for that trap. The prove-to-me-you-want-it-so-I-can-kick-you-down trap by making Stiles lean in. “So you’re fucking with me then?” He should’ve known better. 
The other boy looks confused and a little offended. Jackson leans back farther, still sitting close, but no longer in Stiles’ personal space. He actually wants him to come back, but how could he ever tell the wolf that when this is just a game? “Why would I fuck with you about this?” Jackson’s voice is soft and full of so much emotion that Stiles almost believes him. 
“Uh, because that’s what you do?” Stiles gestures wildly like it should have been obvious. “You’ve made it perfectly clear that we’re not even friends. You were literally my bully when we were kids. I don’t- and i-it only got worse when I developed a crush on Lydia. Which I get, she was your girlfr-”
“What’s not why I was a dick.” The wolf cuts him off with a shake of his head. Stiles squints an eye at him, mouth still hanging open from the word that didn’t finish. “I was jealous.” 
“Why the fuck would you be jealous of me?” Stiles scoffs and Jackson ducks his head with a chuckle. “Lydia never even looked at me while you were together.” 
Jackson flashes a bemused grin when he looks back, “I was jealous of Lydia, you idiot.” The name usually bitten out comes with a tone that suggests it’s meant to be a term of endearment. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry that I wasn’t fawning over you like your little fan club, okay? My bad. You’re right, you’re incredibly hot and I should’ve stroked your ego by putting you some fucking pedestal-” Jackson swallows whatever other words and the surprised squeak from Stiles’ lips. He stares bug eyed at the wolf’s closed eyes. Jackson presses closer, his hand cupping the other boy’s cheeks while his tongue slides against Stiles’ bottom lip. Entrance isn’t given, he can’t really, Stiles is too shocked to do so. 
The wolf pulls away, still holding Stiles’ face, “I didn’t care that you thought she was attractive.” Jackson drops a hand and lifts his hips, pulling one of Stiles’ legs until the human gets the massage and- for some fucking reason- lays on the couch. The wolf’s hips immediately settle into the space created and Stiles can feel just how much Jackson wants this. Him. “I wanted to be the one you had a crush on because of the massive one I have on you.”
That’s a lot to process. If Jackson liked him then- “why did you make my life hell?” 
Jackson’s free hand falls to Stiles’ hip, rubbing softly and the other props himself on the armrest behind Stiles’ head. “I didn’t know how to handle the fact that I suddenly like guys. Well, a guy.” The wolf sighs, “Lydia knew and agreed to keep my secret as long as I needed her to. I’m sorry I treated you like that.”
Stiles has never seen him act so soft. Having Derek as an Alpha and a proper back must really be working for Jackson. It makes him charming in a way that his jerk persona never could. Being emotionally balanced and all that. 
“I’m going to ask you one more time. And I’ll know if you’re lying. So don’t do me any favors and don’t hide from me either.” The warning is evident. Don’t say it and not mean it. And don’t mean it but not day it. Otherwise he’ll walk. “Will you please, let me fucking kiss you?” 
Stiles fists his fingers in the wolf’s shirt- half expecting Jackson to snap at wrinkling his expensive clothes- to push him away or pull him closer, the other boy really doesn’t know. Until his arm moves of its own volition and Jackson’s mouth gets drawn to him. 
The wolf chuckles against his lips, “finally.” The hand on his hip grips tighter and the other comes back to his jaw. Jackson tilts his head up to deepen the kiss. Jackson kisses like he wants to swallow Stiles whole. Maybe he does. Maybe Stiles would let him. Panting he pulls away again, and the other teen bites back a whine. “I have one more question and then I promise I’ll shut up.”
The human playfully rolls his eyes, “what is it?”
“Be with me.” Jackson states. Stiles cocks his head to the side with a chuckle, that wasn’t really a question. But his heart skips a beat nonetheless at the implication of the wolf’s words. “Will you be my boyfriend?” 
Stiles is nodding before the request is completely out of Jackson’s beautiful face. “Fuck yeah, dude.” The wolf breathes out a laugh at the ridiculousness. “Now just kiss me. Please?” 
“Whatever you want,” Jackson grins and presses his body in further, claiming Stiles’ lips as his own. 
Stiles is now stupidly happy about this storm locking them in Lydia’s lake house. He got a boyfriend out if. 
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darks-ink · 4 years
Pulse - Ectoberweek 2020
Another day, another AU from my ideas file. Warning for general Accident-related spookiness. Also look it’s the fic where I let my followers decide if I was gonna write Tucker POV or Sam POV.
Rating: Gen Warnings: - Genre: Friendship Words: 2,395 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Ghosts
[AO3] [FFN]
“So,” Tucker said, before falling silent. Hoped to prompt one of the others into speaking up instead.
“So,” Danny echoed. “What happened?”
“Why are you asking us?” Tucker flailed upright so he could look at Danny. “You’re the one who went into the Portal!”
“Well, yeah, but—” He gestured vaguely. “You two are acting weird. What happened after the Portal turned on?”
“What, you don’t remember?” Sam leaned forward, frowning at Danny.
Danny scoffed. “Obviously not.”
How could he not remember? That he’d come out of the Portal looking like he’d died, like the perfect image of a ghost? “Dude, you’re joking, right? How could you not have noticed?”
“Noticed what? Come on, just tell me!”
“He really doesn’t remember.” Sam reached over to tug on Tucker’s leg. “Tuck, what if it’s like a possession thing?”
“It’s not a possession thing,” Tucker dismissed immediately. “What kinda possession would change the host into a ghost as well. It’s just…” He trailed off.
Danny made a face. “I don’t think I like where this is heading. What do you guys mean, a possession thing? What happened, seriously?”
Honestly, Tucker didn’t think he could explain. And based on the look Sam was throwing him, neither could she. Still, he cleared his throat and tried. “Well, it was just… weird, y’know? When you came out of the Portal. You weren’t really yourself.”
“Your colors were all weird,” Sam continued at Danny’s quirked eyebrow. “Your suit had gone black with white gloves, your hair was crazy pale, and your eyes had gone green. And,” she flapped her hand, “there was also the fact that you glowed.”
“I… glowed?” Danny repeated, slowly and questioningly. “What, like a ghost?”
“Exactly like a ghost,” Tucker confirmed, crossing his arms and staring at Danny. He looked just like he always did. Warm and fleshy and not at all like what they’d seen just before. “And the way you were looking at us, you’d think that you didn’t recognize us. Either of us.”
“Weird.” Danny frowned, one hand closing around the wrist of the other. Almost like a nervous gesture, except one that Danny had never shown before. “I don’t… remember any of that. But clearly it went away. Right?”
“Yeah, no, exactly.” Tucker nodded quickly, uncrossing his arms so he could mimic an explosion. “There was a flash of light and then suddenly, there you were again. Back to normal.”
Danny hummed. “I… think I remember the flash of light? Maybe. But I thought it was the after-effects of the Portal.”
“Who knows, maybe it was.” Tucker shrugged, mentally crossing his fingers and hoping to god it was. “A one-off caused by the ectoplasmic exposure, or whatever.”
“We’ll need to keep an eye on it anyway,” Sam pointed out, shifting her eyes from Tucker back to Danny. “It might not happen again, but we don’t know what that was, let alone what kind of effects it might’ve had.”
“Right.” Danny nodded, once, strongly. “You two are here for the rest of the weekend anyway. We’ll see after that.”
The rest of the day passed by normally, and briefly, Tucker entertained the hope that it really had been a one-off. But during the night he woke to a bright flash of light, and lo and behold, there was the ghostly version of Danny again.
“Man, really,” he grumbled, rubbing the heel of his hand over his eyes to try and get the grit out. “You’re bright as hell, dude, couldn’t you have done this during the day?”
Danny’s glow brightened in response, his vivid green eyes narrowing in a frown. “I’m sorry?”
“Sure don’t sound very sorry.” And he didn’t. Mostly, he just sounded very confused. “Go wake up Sam, will you? If I’m suffering we all are.”
A slow, almost deliberate blink was his response, before Danny turned away to look at Sam. He shifted closer, his gaze wandering back to Tucker. Then, still watching Tucker, Danny stretched out his leg and kicked Sam in the shoulder.
Sam grunted, hand swatting at Danny’s leg. “I will kill you.”
“Um,” Danny said, pulling his leg back towards himself. And then continued pulling himself away from Sam, actually lifting off of his bed entirely, until he floated a foot or so above it.
“If you fall I’m not gonna catch you, dude,” Tucker told him, even though he probably would try to catch him, if Danny had gone high enough that he might hurt himself. Still, he didn’t need to know that. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“Yeah?” Danny turned to frown at him again. “Yeah, definitely.” He sounded plenty convinced, too.
Didn’t sound nearly as confident when Sam grabbed his arm suddenly, lunging up from the floor where she had been lying. Danny yelped, tugging himself free with a bout of something which Tucker was sure was ghostly intangibility.
“Alright, that’s cheating,” Sam claimed, opening her hand, still holding it out in Danny’s direction. “Give me your hand.”
“Why?” he asked her, slowly moving the hand back in her direction, eyes narrowed. They glowed brightly in the dark of the room. “What’re you gonna do?”
She snatched his hand up, fingers burrowing past the hem of his white glove. “Checking something.”
Oh. She was… oh.
“No pulse,” she reported, before moving her fingers to tug on the edge of Danny’s glove. “And this seems to be part of his body.”
“Well,” Tucker said, before pausing to swallow past the block in his throat. “I guess his pulse will come back when he goes back to normal? He seems pretty ghostly right now.”
Sam hummed, pinching the sleeve of Danny’s jumpsuit, ignoring the look Danny was throwing her way. “The clothes is a ghost thing too, I think. The Fentons always claimed that their shapes were simple and only had one layer, or something like that.”
“Right, yeah, I remember that.” Maybe they should’ve looked into the whole ghost thing a little more. Danny was looking very much like a ghost right now, and Tucker kinda wished he knew more.
Like if his friend was gonna be okay.
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” Danny said, flat and a little hopelessly. He jangled the arm Sam was holding, but didn’t seem very intent on throwing her off.
“Welcome to the club,” she said with a snort, pinching him again. “You don’t feel this?”
“No?” Danny frowned at her, utter confusion clear on his face. “Am I supposed to?”
“Something here seems weird,” Tucker commented. He paused. “Weirder than it already was. Danny, man, what is up with you?”
“Who, me?” Danny asked, twisting around to look at Tucker again. “I really don’t know what’s happening.”
Sam paused, releasing her pinching grip but still holding on to Danny’s arm. “Danny, what are you saying?”
“Danny?” he repeated, tone questioning. “Why are you calling me that?”
Tucker felt his heart stop. He stared at Danny, incredulously, but there wasn’t even the slightest hint of joking.
“Because… it’s your name?” he managed, feebly, not looking away from Danny. “You’re our best friend, Danny Fenton. Don’t you remember?”
The ghost of his best friend blinked at him, then at Sam. “I… no? I don’t remember anything.”
“Sooo… About the Fenton’s theory that ghosts don’t remember anything,” Sam said, voice quiet. Uncharacteristically shaken. “I mean… Before, Danny didn’t remember this either. It’s like… two separate states?”
“Oh, yeah, I remember now!” Danny exclaimed, still looking at Sam. “I saw you two earlier, briefly! But then light flashed, and now I’m here.” He looked around, curiously. “Where is here?”
Well, way to drive the point home, buddy. “Okay, so. The accident made it so that he’s, what, both human and ghost, and the two states just kind of switch around? Fuck, Sam.”
“I know,” she hissed back, cautiously releasing Danny’s arm. “Stay in your room, okay Danny?” Seeing him frown, she added, “That’s this room. Stay in this room, okay?”
“Sure,” he agreed easily, floating off to peer at some of the decorations Danny had in his room.
“Do you think we should tell his parents?” Tucker asked, scooting closer to Sam, keeping an eye on Danny. Or, Danny’s ghost, he supposed, since they apparently weren’t the same person. “I mean, if this starts happening more… He won’t be able to recognize them, or convince them of being Danny.”
Sam made a face. “Yeah, but… I dunno, Tuck, what if they try to hurt him? Experiment on him?”
They watched Danny poke around in his own room for a moment. Quietly, Sam continued, “Maybe he can hold it off. He didn’t shift until now, right? Maybe Danny’s control slipped while he was asleep. If we tell him to be careful he’ll stay out of trouble, right?”
“I don’t know, Sam.” Tucker sighed, deeply and wearily. “I really don’t know. Man, we’re just fourteen. Why are we dealing with this kinda stuff?” He looked over at Sam’s stricken face. “I mean— It’s not our fault. It’s not anyone’s fault, okay? Don’t blame yourself. We couldn’t have known.”
“Yeah, but—”
“No, Sam. Either everyone’s to blame for this, or no one is.” He pointed at Danny’s ghost, who was now trying to peel off one of the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. “He could’ve refused to go in. I could’ve stopped him. His parents could’ve done a better job of locking up the lab, or the Portal, or anything. This isn’t just your fault, okay? Stop blaming yourself.”
Sam hummed, a disbelieving sound, but she didn’t protest, so Tucker would consider it a win.
Silence fell again as they watched the ghost frown at the sticky star on his hand. Then, almost hesitantly, he stuck the star to his chest.
“Man,” Tucker said, then paused when he realized he didn’t know where he’d been going with that sentence.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed quietly. Then, raising her voice some, she called over to Danny. “Hey, aren’t you tired or something? Let’s go to sleep, Danny.”
Again, bright green eyes turned to them. “I’m not tired,” he said simply. “Ghosts don’t sleep.” Then he frowned, and added, “I thought I wasn’t Danny? Not really?”
“Sorta kinda.” Tucker shrugged. “You’re like, his ghost, I guess? You don’t want to be Danny?”
“Seems confusing,” the ghost admitted, lowering himself until he floated at eye level to them. “He was Danny first, right? And I’m just his ghost. So I could be like… Phantom, or something.”
“Phantom,” Tucker echoed, dryly. “You really want to go by a synonym of ghost?”
The ghost in question shrugged. “Why not? And you said my—his—last name was Fenton, yeah? So it’s kind of a pun.”
Tucker groaned, even as Sam laughed, softly. “I should’ve figured, man. Your love for puns is immortal and undying.”
Phantom grinned at him, revealing green gums and pointed fangs, which Tucker somehow hadn’t noticed before. “Well, something had to carry over, yeah?”
“I guess,” Tucker agreed, sounding much more disgruntled than he felt. It was weird, yes, but it was also kinda nice, to see a little more Danny in Phantom. “Look, you might not need sleep because you’re a ghost, but Sam and I do.  Can we trust you to stay in this room and out of trouble?”
“Of course,” Phantom immediately assured him, before pausing. “Um. What constitutes as trouble, exactly?”
“Staying in this room should be good enough for now,” Sam said, gesturing around them. “But if anyone who isn’t us comes in, or knocks… I dunno, hide? Go invisible, maybe, if you can maintain it for long enough.”
“Your parents are ghost hunters. If they see you, they’ll probably try to hurt you,” Tucker tagged on. “You look just like Danny, but they’re not gonna stop and consider that, especially if you won’t have his memories to convince them.”
Phantom’s expression grew serious, and he nodded. “Got it. Stay here, stay out of sight.”
“Try not to be too loud, as well. Making a lot of noise will probably lead to them coming here to make sure we’re doing alright.” Sam narrowed her eyes. “And we’ll be trying to sleep, and loud noises don’t help with that.”
He nodded again. “Stay here, stay out of sight, don’t be loud. Anything else?”
“If you think you’re gonna switch back to Danny, maybe try to get yourself back to the bed? But other than that, no, I guess that that’s it.” Tucker sighed, sitting down on his pile of blankets. “Good night, Phantom.”
“Good night, Tucker, Sam,” he replied, floating away a little but not taking his eyes off of them. Apparently he was curious to see what sleep meant. Great. Brilliant.
Tucker shook his head, tucking himself back into his nest of blankets. From where he laid, he could see Sam do the same.
When they both remained still for a while, Phantom lost interest, going back to checking out the room. His room.
Through squinted eyes, Tucker watched him. Phantom hadn’t even noticed that he hadn’t taken off his glasses. Didn’t know the importance of it, probably.
On the other side of the room, Tucker could see Sam watching as well. They both knew damn well that they wouldn’t get a minute of sleep, not while Danny was… not Danny. While Phantom was around.
Tucker wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting from Phantom. He seemed to follow the Fentons’ ghost rules pretty closely, except he didn’t appear malevolent in the least. Even while he thought that no one was watching him, he did as had been asked: remained in the room, remained quiet.
Admittedly he didn’t do a great job of getting himself back to the bed when he shifted back, because light flashed and Danny Fenton collapsed onto the floor with an uncomfortably loud thud, but, well. He might not have noticed it was coming.
Tucker exchanged a grimace with Sam, then both of them got up to check over their best friend. Danny was fast asleep, grumbling under his breath when they nudged him. He would probably have a bruise from the landing, but hey. Could’ve been worse.
Wrapping his fingers around Danny’s ankles, Tucker watched Sam grab Danny’s wrists, and they lifted him back to the bed. And when they stepped away, Sam nodded at him, and said, quietly, “He’s got a pulse.”
Well. Tucker certainly slept better afterwards.
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dacreskars · 4 years
I Do?
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Chris Evans x Black Reader
A/N: This story is based off of a dream I had, I might change some stuff but hopefully y’all like it. Also it’s my first time writing for Chris Evans and the first time I’ve written anything in months so we’ll see how this goes.
You stood in the mirror admiring how gorgeous you looked and felt. Even though you tried on what felt like your millionth wedding dress it was something about this one that you didn’t want to take it off. Ready to show your friends who were tirelessly waiting for you to show them the dress. Walking out they all stared and told you how beautiful you looked even though you knew they were.
“This is it. I think this is the one.” You say looking in the mirror once again and looking back at your friends.
“YES! Thank you God! Yes!” Your friend Kendra yelled. “I love you Y/N, but I’m so over dress shopping.” She says as you give her a look. “KENDRA!!!” Your friends Lani and Alexis say in unison as they start to laugh.
“Yeah I know I’m over it too. I’m just glad I finally have THE dress.” With everyone’s approval you go back into the fitting room to change.
That night you stood in the kitchen making dinner for your fiancé Daniel as you waited for him to get home from work. Finishing up the dinner you just prepared you go and get changed into something a little nicer than the sweats and tank top that you switch into after coming home. Fixing your hair and make up you make you way back into the kitchen and set the table anxiously waiting for Daniel to come home. Looking at the time you saw that it was 7:00pm so he should be home any minute. You made you plates and poured yourself a glass of wine as you waited for the arrival of your fiancé.
45 minutes pass and Daniel wasn’t home yet you go to your room to get your phone to see if he called or text you that he was running late but nothing. You call him but no answer so you text him to ask when he’d be home. Walking back to the kitchen you waited for his response and still nothing. You figured he was working late and just decided to eat dinner alone and get ready for bed. Laying in bed you slowly drifted off and later woken up to Daniel apologizing and kissing you on the forehead. Opening your eyes you look over to the clock in your nightstand to see the time was 10:45pm.
“I tried calling you.” You say sleepily.
“Yeah I know, I didn’t see that until I was leaving the office. I tried calling back but you didn’t answer. I got caught up in this new case that we’re working on I lost track of time. If I’d known you were cooking I would’ve came home sooner.” Daniel tells you as he got undress to get in the shower.
“I wanted to surprise you also I found my dress today! I can’t wait for you to see it.”
“I can’t wait either. 4 more months and it’s official.” Daniel kisses you and walks back into the bathroom as you go back to sleep.
You wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked. You make your way downstairs to the kitchen and instantly greeted by your husband.
“Good morning Y/N!” He says handing you a cup of coffee.
“Good morning baby.” You say as you take the cup from him.
He pulls out a chair and gestures for you to sit. You watched as he made your plates and put them on the table. Before sitting down Daniel gave you a kiss and sat across from you.
“Any plans for today?” He asks.
“Not really, I’m suppose to meet up with the wedding planner to check on some last minute stuff but that’s it.” You tell him.
“Do you want some company? I had some work to do but since I left you hanging last night I figured it could wait.”
“Yeah sure! If you’re up for it I know you really haven’t had the chance to help with the planning- actually this is perfect we can go over everything and you can give the final say about what you like or don’t like.” You say
A few hours later you met up with your wedding planner Shannon and she went through all the stuff that you’d picked out and had planned for your big day with Daniel. So far he liked everything even things you thought he’d say no to. As you were leaving Shannon’s office you convinced Daniel to let you drive. During the drive he noticed that you weren’t going home.
“Where are we going?” He asked looking at you.
“You’ll see.” You smiled.
Minutes later you make it to your destination. Getting out the car you walk to your fiancé grabbing his hand.
“Isn’t this where we’re having the wedding?”
“Yes! You’ve only seen pictures of it and I thought it would be better to actually see it because pictures really do do this place justice.” You say excitedly as the both of you make your way to the entrance.
It was finally your wedding day and you waited nervously to make your entrance. Your bridesmaids took their place to walk down the aisle your heart began to beat faster from excitement and anticipation. You started to regret having your wedding outdoors after you felt like you were sweating through your dress. Your dad took your hand and assured you that you were okay you calmed down a little as you waited to finally make your way to your soon to be husband.
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You made your way down the aisle not taking your eyes off of Daniel as the sun made his brown skin glow even more than it normally did. He watched as you stepped in front of him and held your hand as he gave you a smile.
You were now officially married, you and your husband headed into the building where the building were your reception was gonna be. The reception was going amazing as everyone ate, danced and made conversation. You noticed Daniel was missing so you asked if anyone had seen him. As you leave the reception area you searched around until you saw Daniel come out of the bathroom.
“I’ve been looking for you.” You say walking to him.
“I just had to use the bathroom.” He says grabbing your waist and going back into the reception.
Your heart sank as you glanced over your shoulder to see a woman come out of the same bathroom your husband just left out of. After what you witnessed your whole mood changed and you excused yourself to get to your suite to get your phone. Standing in the doorway of the reception entrance you made a call. As you listened to it ring you watch the woman answer it you stared at her and she eventually made eye contact with you but hangs up hoping you didn’t notice.
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asks coming towards you.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” You tell him as he pulls you to the dance floor to dance.
You tried to keep it together as the two of slow danced. As you danced you remained silent as Danny talked to you. Wanting to get to the bottom of what was going on you started to talk.
“Who is she?” You ask.
“The woman over there in the pink dress.”
“I don’t know she’s probably here with someone we know.”
“Are you sure about that?” You question again.
Daniel fell silent.
“I seen her come out the bathroom after you earlier. After I saw her I remembered a couple months ago I answered your phone but the person hung up and when I called back it was a woman. I thought that it could be nothing but I saved her number in my phone just in case I needed it. And as it turns out I needed it sooner than I thought.”
“Listen Y/N just let me explain.” Daniel says as the song ends.
“No.” You tell him as you walk away only to be stopped by your dad who wanted to dance with you as the next slow song began to play.
Before you knew it you were sobbing as your dad tried to console you think you were crying tears of joy. But Daniel came over to talk to you but you pushed him away and stormed off. Daniel tried to grab your arm but was stopped in his tracks as you slapped him.
“Stay the fuck away from me.” You yell. Causing everyone to stop and look to see what was going on.
“Can we just talk about it ?” Daniel asks.
“No there’s nothing to talk about leave me the hell alone.”
“What’s going on here?” Daniel’s mom says.
“Ask him.” You motion towards Daniel. “Better yet ask her.” You continue looking over at the woman in the pink dress. Everyone looks at the woman and back to you.
“I just need to go and really don’t wanna be here right now.” You leave and get into a limo out front and ride to the nearest hotel.
Walking into the lobby of the hotel you notice everyone looking at you. You were about to wonder why until you remember you were still in you wedding dress and that your face was probably a mess from crying. You go to the front desk to see if they had a room available but realized that you forgot your wallet. So you go across the lobby over to the bar do think about what you wanted to do.
Sitting at the bar you down a couple shots before you hear someone a few seats say something to you.
“Cold feet uh?”
“It’s not cold feet if you’re already married.” Showing you wedding ring.
“Second thoughts?” He questions.
You become silent and he begins to talk again.
“Look whatever it is its probably not that bad.” He says to you.
“So your husband cheated on you and invited his mistress to your wedding.” You look at your drink.
“Yeah, crazy right?”
Your new drinking buddy grabs his drink moves over a few seats until he’s right next to you.
“Wanna talk about it? I’m Chris by the way!”
“I’m Y/N!”
Now that he was sitting next to you and you actually got a good look at him you realized it was Chris Evans. Of all the people you could be sitting at bar talking about the worst day of you life with it happens to be the only and only Captain America.
Part 2
Taglist: @literaturefeen​ @bakarilennox​ @chaneajoyyy​ @dorkismaximus1​ @forbeautyandlife​ @cheeky-foxx @doublesidedscoobysnacks
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tesslahey · 3 years
a deal is a deal- john b
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pairings: john b x fem!kook!reader
warnings: mentions of sex, fluff
a/n- this is my first one shot/imagine, so I’m sorry if there are any typos. i hope u like it, bc I know i liked writing it😝also, i’m more of a rafe gal myself, but I’ve noticed that there is barely any john b stuff on this app, as well as wattpad and ao3, so i hope the john b stans find this. 
enjoy xoxo
Dating John B definitely came with its own set of challenges. Especially when you’re a Kook, and you have an overprotective brother who despises pogues. Of course, your relationship had to be kept a secret, but it made it more fun in a way. At least for now. 
You haven't seen John B in a few weeks because you just went on vacation with your family. It was the beginning of summer, school was finally out and you could spend time with your boyfriend without the stress of school work and friend groups. You talked to John B all night last night over the phone, about your vacation and meaningless things, you just liked the comfort of his voice. And you talked about your reunion, which was tonight. 
Your parents were getting dinner with their rich, uptight friends, and your older brother, Danny was having Rafe, Topper and Kelce over. They never bothered you. They were only focused on getting plastered, like they did every weekend. 
You just got out of the shower and put on your vanilla lotion and rose perfume. You smiled as you put it on, because John B always complimented how you smelled. You brushed your hair and put on a white lace bralette and underwear, which made your freshly tanned skin(from your vacation to Aruba) look really good. On top of that, you wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, trying your best not to look like you're getting ready to hookup with your boyfriend when you had to see your parents leave for dinner. 
You went downstairs and got some snacks, the normal movie night snacks- popcorn and sour patch kids. 
“Y/n, lock up behind us. We should be back before midnight. Text us if you need us. But only if you really need to.” your mom said with her back turned to you, looking for something in the cabinet. 
She wasn’t looking at them, but you could see Kelce and Rafe sneaking with your parents liquor, looking to you to distract her so they could get into hiding. 
“Hey mom, can you leave out money for pizza. She then turned toward you and opened her bag and gave you a $20. 
While she was focusing on you, You motioned for them to go before they got caught. 
“Thanks mom, have fun.” You said as she kissed your cheek and left with your dad. Kelce and Rafe came out of hiding to go down your basement stairs. 
“I didn’t see anything.” You said while grabbing your snacks. 
“Thanks y/n we owe you.” Kelce said, opening the door to the basement. 
When you got to your room, you struggled to lock the door with your snacks in your hand. You removed your sweatpants and sweatshirt and put on one of John B’s hoodies. You opened the window, for John B’s ninja entrance of course, and tidied your room. You turned on your favorite show, That 70’s show and opened the snacks. You texted John B to come over now and he said he was on his way within minutes. 10 minutes later, you could hear your window creaking and with that, he stumbled in. 
Before exchanging any words, you ran up to him and bear hugged him. He tapped your legs as a signal for you to jump. 
After hugging for a while, he broke the silence by saying, “God I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too, love. But now you're here, and my parents aren’t home.” You said in a suggesting manner. 
You looked in his eyes and smiled at his raised eyebrow from your tone. 
“Oh really. Then I guess you won't mind if I get rid of this.” He lifted your sweatshirt, leaving you in the matching set you were wearing. 
“Fuck your gorgeous” he droned out while staring at you. You responded by re-attaching your lips, which turned into a passionate fight for dominance, but of course, John B won, like he always did. 
He leaned you back on the bed and kissed down your neck, leaving marks that you knew you would have to worry about covering up later. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was that you were together, and you felt the same fuzzy feeling you always had when you were with him. You had been with others in the past, but no one made you feel as confident and safe as John B. 
You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan from the feeling of John B kissing down your jaw and collarbone. You tangled your fingers in his messy beachy mop of hair. When you tugged on it gently, he groaned against your skin, leaving chills down your spine. 
You tugged his hair to motion him to kiss you again and you flipped on top of him. You couldn't help but grind into him as you tugged his shirt off, which felt very sensitive since you hadn't done anything in a few weeks. 
Just as he went to pull the strap of your bra down, you heard the doorknob turning. You quickly shoved John B off the bed and with that, Topper and Rafe opened your door, seeing you fumbling to put on a hoodie and John B falling over to run into the bathroom connected to your room. 
“Woah” Rafe said as he stared at what he was seeing in disbelief. Topper turned away while trying to hide his blush. 
“Get the fuck out.” You said while shoving them out the door. 
“What do you want?” you said crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Who the fuck was that?” Rafe yelled. I could tell they had been drinking, because I smelled the expensive liquor on them that I knew my dad would be pissed they drank. 
“Remember earlier when you said you owe me for not letting you get caught.” You said with puppy dog eyes. 
“Y/n, I don’t-” Rafe started, but you cut him off by saying “A deal is a deal, I helped you, now you help me. Don’t tell my brother, or anyone. Got it?” 
Rafe looked away as if he was thinking about what to say.
“Fine.” Rafe scoffed. 
“Be safe, and make good choices, Topper giggled out with his drunken state.” 
You cringed at his words and muttered out a “yeah whatever.” and shut your door. 
Your half-clothed boyfriend came out of hiding with a worried look. “It’s fine, I figured it out. I could’ve sworn my door was locked” you said while walking up to him. 
He placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed the top of your head. “It's fine. Plus it was funny to watch you run around like a crazy woman.” He said brushing your hair away from your face. 
“Oh shut up.” You said while jokingly hitting his arm.” He laughed at your sarcasm and lowered himself to kiss you again. 
“Now, where were we.” 
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the-silvr-speedster · 4 years
The Totally Crazy Adventures of the Astro Ambassadors
Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Relationships: Daisy Johnson / Daniel Sousa, Daisy Johnson & Kora, Kora & Daniel Sousa
After they return from their six-month mission in space, Daisy, Daniel and Kora want just a bit of peace and quiet before they are shipped off on another space adventure. But Mack has other plans for them since they are needed for one more short mission. However, things might not go according to plan and without the extraction team, they have to rely on a teleporting device they've never used before.
Chapter 1: Just One More Adventure
Read on AO3 or here ↓
I teased last week that I am working on something and now I deliver. It took me longer then anticipated, the story started to write itself so it was taking different turns than those I originally planned, and I was unfortunatelly most productive only from midnight until 4 a.m. Anyway, here is my new multichapter fic. I hope you like it. Updates should come every week on Wednesday. Hopefully. 
I am sorry for any mistakes. I don’t have a beta.
So, the story begins in October 2020 (oh, how much I would love to live in their corona-free universe), about four months after the one year jump in the last episode. 
It will totally make my day better if you leave kudos, comments or reblog this. I need positive motivation.
Happy reading!
“I like this,” Daisy mumbled contently, twirling a reddish maple leaf in her fingers absentmindedly. She was sprawled on a blanket with her head placed on Daniel’s lap, watching the rustling leaves of the maple tree above her.
It was a nice day in early October. Warm enough for a picnic at their favorite spot in a park yet a bit chilly with the fresh autumn breeze but that was nothing a warm blanket and hot cocoa couldn’t solve.
Daniel stopped reading a book and looked down at her with a smile. “What in particular?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” Daisy said unsure, meeting his eyes. “This? Right now, right here. Us. The peace and quiet,” she paused before looking at him again. Seeing his amused expression, she added: “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I can appreciate peace and quiet.”
“Uh-huh. Right. But only for so long before you barge into another storm…or cause it,” Daniel laughed at her mock offended pout.
Daisy playfully smacked him on the arm. “That’s not true and you know it. I don’t cause problems anymore. I am the commander of Zephyr-3.”
“Hmm…Termans would disagree,” Daniel chuckled.
“Hey!” She gasped. “That was on Kora, not me!”
“If you say so,” Daniel shrugged and picked the book up again, a teasing grin spreading on his face. “Quake.”
Daisy groaned. If she ever thought that he’s gonna drop the whole Quake thing after some time, she had never been more wrong. Not when most of the universe out there knows her as Quake.
“Don’t push your luck Danny-boy.”
“Or what? You quake me?” He asked her with a raised eyebrow and a glint in his eyes.
“Definitely not. It’s not a punishment when you actually want it,” she winked at him teasingly. “No, you will sleep on a couch.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t do that.”
“Yes, I would,” Daisy stuck her tongue out and then yelped when Daniel proceeded to tickle her. “You…really…wanna…find…out,” she managed to get out in between giggles.
When he finally stopped his attack, she took a moment to catch her breath, watching his smug expression. “You are a dork,” she said with a huge grin.
“I love you, too,” he told her, a tender smile playing on his lips.
She sat up and cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. Daniel leaned into her touch and placed his hand on top of hers, the engagement ring on her finger lightly pressing against his palm. He moved her hand to his lips and placed a small kiss on her fingers, his eyes never leaving hers. Well, forget the cocoa, this warmed Daisy up much more. She closed the distance between them bringing their lips together in a short but sweet kiss.
“I love you,” she whispered like it was a secret kept just between the two of them. Their faces lingered close to each other for a while longer, just to enjoy their little bubble. Daisy then changed her position and leaned against Daniel’s side. He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her even closer and placed a kiss on her temple before grabbing the forgotten book again.
Daisy let out a content sigh. “This is what I meant. I like being out there, exploring the universe with you and Kora and our team but…I love this, too. I missed it for those six months we were away. Just the two of us enjoying some time together without other people and…mission updates and…looming threats…” She looked up at him and let out a soft laugh. “I’m rambling now, aren’t I?”
“I like listening to your rambling,” he said and kissed her temple again. “And I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I like our adventures but I love our time together. Just the two of us. But hey, we have a couple of months before the next mission is scheduled. So, we are okay.”
“Yeah. We have a wedding to attend to,” Daisy grinned at him.
“Uh-huh.” Daniel looked at her with a small smile. “That wouldn’t be very nice if we didn’t show up there now, would it?”
“It definitely wouldn’t. We are too important,” she laughed lightly and put her head on his shoulder.
Daniel shifted his focus to the book again but before he resumed the reading, a memory crossed his mind and he let out a chuckle.
“What?” Daisy asked curiously.
“You know, the first time we came here to have a picnic you said ‘How very square of you’ and how sappy and tooth-rottingly sweet we sound and look. Sitting here under the tree, me reading to you, you laying on a blanket with your head in my lap always trying to hide that big smile of yours…and failing,” he laughed and shook his head. “And now…”
“And now I say I like it,” she mumbled into his shoulder and cringed as she said it. “I think I just…I guess I blame you for that,” she told him lightly.
“Me?” he asked jokingly, turning his head to look at her but Daisy kept staring at her fingers, playing with the engagement ring on her left hand.
“Yeah. I’ve never thought I would like something like this before I met you. An ordinary life. Well, as ordinary as one can get while still working for S.H.I.E.L.D.,” she chuckled softly. “And even before joining S.H.I.E.L.D….I’ve never thought I could have this. I just couldn’t see it for myself, growing up the way I did. And later I’ve thought I…I don’t deserve this.”
“Daisy- “
“So yeah. Uh…I still think we are overly sweet sometimes but…” she looked up and met Daniel’s warm brown eyes, “I like it. I always did. I’ve just never thought I could be this person. And I have you to thank for that. You showed me that I can be this person…that I deserve a little normalcy in my life.” She lowered her gaze again, her hands picking at his shirt this time.  “That I deserve to be loved and to love.”
“Of course, you deserve it. You deserve the best things in the universe,” Daniel put the book down and ran his hand through her hair before cupping her cheek and guiding her face to look up at him again. There were unshed tears shining in her beautiful eyes. She tried to blink them away offering him a watery smile. But then with a little shake of her head, she switched back to her joking self.
“Gah! Even now I sound so corny! I don’t even recognize myself sometimes. Kora says you are rubbing off on me. Making me a dorky square like yourself,” she smirked and poked him in the chest. “She says it’s annoying. But you know what? I don’t care.”
Daniel gave her his best lopsided grin. “Because you love this dorky square?”
“Yep. Exactly,” Daisy flashed him the biggest smile. “And…I like to annoy my little sister.”
They were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of Daisy’s phone. She sighed as her hand dived into the back pocket of her jeans, fishing it out. She cursed silently as she saw the caller ID flashing across the screen. There go peace and quiet.
“We were pushing our luck earlier. It’s Mack,” she informed Daniel with a sad smile, knowing that whatever it is, it will involve getting back to work, even if it’s Sunday.
“Hey Director, what’s up?” she asked him lightly.
“Hey Tremors,” Mack started with a tired sigh. The man just keeps working too much. “Listen, I know that it’s a weekend and you’ve just got back from space few days ago but I need you to come in. Both of you, assuming Sousa is there with you.”
“What’s going on? You sound tired,” Daisy remarked worriedly.
“I’ll disclose the details when you get here. Come as soon as you can,” he replied.
“Okay. Uh, we can be there in…thirty?” She said, uncertain, meeting Daniel’s eyes for confirmation. He nodded.
“Great. See you then.”
“See ya.” Daisy kept her eyes on Daniel and shrugged as the call ended.
“So, I guess we won’t finish the chapter today,” he commented, book in hand.
“I guess not.”
When the duo arrived at Triskelion some twenty minutes later, they bumped into Kora in the lobby. She looked a little disheveled, annoyed expression plastered on her face.
“I guess Mack called you guys, too. On Sunday of all days,” she mumbled with a hoarse voice.
“Were you…sleeping?” Daisy asked her, raising her eyebrows.
“And? It’s Sunday. We came back from space four days ago. I have a lot of sleep to catch up on. And I can finally sleep in a normal bed,” she defended herself fiercely.
“Ooookay. Let’s go find Mack and get this over with so we can all go home and relax…or whatever,” Daisy offered and started to walk towards the elevators.
When they reached Director’s office, Mack opened the door before they even had the time to knock. He quickly ushered them inside and closed the door behind them.
“What- “ Daisy started but Mack cut her off.
“Sagittarians contacted HQ earlier today. They want to meet up and discuss a potential alliance.”
“You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?” Daniel remarked and Mack just shrugged.
“Are you kidding me?” Daisy spoke up a little too loudly, clearly frustrated. “We stopped on Berhert less than two weeks ago on our way home and they refused to talk to us. What changed?”
“They didn’t care to elaborate on that. But they want to meet up today,” Mack informed the three agents.
“Yeah, that’s funny. Since it will take us almost two days to get there. It’s three jumps away and the jump drive needs to charge in between the jumps…so…not today,” Kora explained as she plopped into a chair with a heavy sigh.
“They know that. That’s why they are sending someone to get you,” Mack stated, his hand scratching his beard in thought. “Apparently, they have some kind of advanced tech for interstellar travel without the need to use a spaceship.”
“Well, they are known for their impressive technology. That much we gathered about them by visiting other planets. We didn’t see much ourselves since they didn’t give us the permission to land,” Daisy grumbled still frustrated after the last encounter with the aliens.
“But isn’t it just a different version of our jump drive?” Daniel asked, leaning against Mack’s table. “Like the one we have on the Zephyrs but it moves just people around the galaxy?”
“No. These jump drives…we didn’t invent them,” Mack tried to clarify. “We got one from a crashed Confederacy ship and recreated more, thanks to Deke. So, yeah, he basically stole the technology. The original one could teleport even people themselves without the need of a spaceship. But it was always a one-way trip unless there was another jump drive on the other side.”
“Meaning?” Daniel gave him a confused look.
“Meaning that whatever tech Sagittarians possess, they are probably teleported with the device in hand,” Daisy explained to him and then turned to face Mack. “But Deke redesigned the original jump drive to be wearable. Remember? He used it to get to the temple.”
“And failed to get back to the Lighthouse,” Mack remarked. “Look, whatever they have, we’ll see soon enough. But I have to say, having a device like that in S.H.I.E.L.D. would be very useful. You guys wouldn’t have to spend so much time drifting in between planets and could spend more time at home.”
“Sleeping in a normal bed,” Kora added dreamily.
Daisy raised an eyebrow at her and sighed. She had to admit that it would be a much more comfortable way for visiting planets.
“So, what are our orders Director?” she asked.
“Suit up. They’ll come to get you in two hours,” he paused, thinking. “If they will be willing to trade one of those devices, we have to come up with a suitable counteroffer.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Daniel shrugged. “Considering how they refused to talk to us only to change their mind so suddenly. I don’t really trust them.”
“We’ll do our best and see how that goes,” Daisy fixed everyone with a determined gaze. “Let’s suit up.”
“Just one more adventure for the Astro Ambassadors before a few months break,” Daniel muttered pushing himself off the table.
Kora groaned and Daisy shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips as she led the way out of Mack’s office so they could get ready for their new mission.
Two hours later they were all gathered in the HQ’s hangar waiting for the Sagittarians to show up. Wearing her Quake suit, Daisy was shuffling her feet nervously, standing between Mack and Daniel. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. There was just something unsettling about the way the Sagittarians changed their mind so fast. She doesn’t know much about them but what she does know is that they are a monarchy led by a princess called Daydra who may or may not have some dispute with her uncle who is the head of their military. The last thing Daisy wanted was to get mixed up in family affairs and instead of a new ally make a new enemy. Daniel, being as observant as ever, took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She offered him a grateful smile in return.
Suddenly they were startled by a bright blue light in front of them. They shut their eyes to block the light and when they opened them again two tall grey-skinned aliens stood before them. One was a male and the other was a female, both looking like warriors. The woman had long black hair woven into a braid and her dark grey eyes were studying the humans in front of her cautiously yet with a drop of curiosity. Slightly taller than her, the man had an impressive white mustache and was bald with-
“Is that…a fin on his head?” Kora whispered in Daisy’s ear from behind.
“I…think so?” Daisy whispered back.
“Greetings Terrans. My name is Brodin,” the guy with the fin spoke. “I am a Captain of the Royal Guard and I and my second-in-command, Adlynn, were tasked to bring you to our planet Berhert for the scheduled meeting with Princess Daydra, our fearless leader.”
The group of humans shared a look between each other before Mack spoke up.
“I am Alphonso MacKenzie, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Welcome to Earth. I believe we spoke to each other when you contacted us this morning.”
“That is correct. I see you assembled the small team you wanted to send as emissaries since you will not be attending personally,” Brodin commented, pointing his hand towards Daisy, Daniel and Kora.
“Yes. They are some of our best agents,” Mack looked at the trio standing by his side with a proud smile. “Leaders of the special team tasked with space exploration and acquiring new allies…and assessing the threats from outer space.”
“That has been a wise decision on your part. There are many threats out there,” Adlynn spoke for the first time.
“Yes. We had enough bad luck to cross paths with some of them,” Mack remarked with a sigh. “So, anyway, this is Agent Daisy Johnson,” he put his big hand on Daisy’s shoulder. “She is in command of Zephyr-3 and its space exploring team.”
Daisy smiled at the two aliens and gave them a nod.
“Next to her,” Mack continued, “is Agent Daniel Sousa. He is her second-in-command or a first officer on Zephyr-3.”
“Nice to meet you.” Daniel, as polite as ever, offered them a hand to shake but Daisy could hear an edge to his voice, which was missing its usual warm friendliness.
“Likewise,” Brodin replied with a neutral voice and shook Daniel’s hand as did Adlynn.
Daisy sighed in relief because she could still vividly remember the time when Daniel offered a handshake on a planet where it was considered inappropriate due to rules of no physical contact in public. She had to quake a guard off of him and then explain in length that they didn’t know it was forbidden since on Earth it’s a gesture of friendship. They barely evaded the prison and were immediately exiled from the planet, never to return back. It was impossible to learn the etiquette rules of all the planets before they visited them.
“And finally, this is Agent Kora Johnson. She is one of our best pilots and a valued member of this team,” Mack pointed to Kora who in the meantime moved to stand on Daniel’s other side.
“We came to your planet like ten days ago and you refused to let us land,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Kora!” Daisy hissed warningly while Daniel tensed beside her and Mack ran his hand down his face with a sigh.
“What? It’s the truth. We came as emissaries too and they refused to talk to us. Now they are suddenly willing to,” Kora voiced her concerns.
“We are deeply sorry for that. There was…a misunderstanding on our end that had nothing to do with you,” Adlynn explained with a sad smile.
That seemed to calm Kora down a little but it sparked some suspicions in Daisy’s head. But this was nor time or place to be voicing them.
“It’s okay,” Mack assured them.
“If these are your most trusted agents who can speak on your behalf at the meeting with Princess Daydra, it is my duty now to bring them to our planet safely,” Brodin announced.
“Yes, they have all my trust,” Mack nodded and put his hand encouragingly on Daisy’s shoulder. “Agents, good luck,” Mack added, looking from Daisy to Daniel and Kora who both nodded at him.
“Thank you, Director.” Daisy squeezed his arm in response.
“Thank you, sir,” Daniel said at the same time.
“Let’s go then,” Brodin suggested and held a spherical device, slightly smaller than a soccer ball, in front of him. “Please stand in a circle as close to the device as possible.”
“If I may ask,” Mack spoke up again, “what is that thing?”
“It’s an interstellar and interdimensional teleportation device,” Brodin explained. “It allows us to travel anywhere in the universe or even between the universes. Although I am not sure how much you Terrans know about the Multiverse.”
“It’s the same as multiple timelines, right?” Daisy asked, unsure.
“Yes, but it’s more than just that,” Brodin muttered, looking down at the device he was holding.
“Then, yes…uh, we know something about it,” Daisy looked at Daniel and Kora with an amused grin on her face.
“I am pleasantly surprised. Many races out there have never heard of it,” Adlynn commented, excitement visible in her eyes. “You are much more advanced than we thought.”
“Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult,” Daniel whispered into Daisy’s ear and she tried hard not to smile.
“Yeah,” Mack sighed, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “you could say we discovered a lot in the past ten years or so.”
“Maybe your friends will share some of those discoveries with us. I would like to hear all about them. They are usually accompanied by interesting stories,” Adlynn couldn’t hide her excitement anymore.
“Sure,” Daisy said, “but you know, these things go both ways. We share if you do too.”
“This will be a very interesting meeting, I can tell,” Adlynn smiled while Brodin shook his head with a sigh.
“That’s why we should be going, Adlynn,” he noted dryly and held the device in the middle of their small circle.
“Of course, Captain,” Adlynn tried to compose herself and warned the trio of humans: “Get ready.”
Daisy grasped both Daniel’s and Kora’s hands in each of hers. The last thing she wanted was to lose one of them in the vacuum of space or whatever. She didn’t know how that device worked.
Suddenly they were all enveloped by the blue light emitting from the device in the middle. Somehow, in some way, it reminded her of Gordon’s powers.
Next Chapter →
I wrote this and the next chapter as one big chapter but decided to split them up...it was too long and I know some people prefer shorter chapters. This is the calm before the storm.
Both planets mentioned here exist in the MCU (Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2) but the Sagittarians were not mentioned so I took them out of the comics (I've never read any of them). Princess Daydra and her uncle exist in the comics the rest is made up.
So that's it then. Thanks for reading. Stay safe and see you all next week!
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter - 5 - The Gemmond Incident
Part 4
Steve maintained a light jog and Captain Vega kept up the pace easily. They had all seen the Jumper rising to the sky to hover above the Wraith-Carrier to finish it off as promised. The explosion had been massive and instantaneous, making them feel the tremors that ran through the jungle floor even from the distance they were at. Then they had all seen the Jumper slowly turning away and heading towards the ground slightly faster than it should've been for a comfortable landing. Steve aimed a look at Danny who understood the order without Steve really having to verbalize and nodded an acknowledgement. Steve then took off towards the direction the Jumper had been heading with Vega in tow, as she was acting as the medic for this mission.
He heard the appreciative whistle Captain Vega let out seeing the site of destruction. The Spaceship had been turned to dust, literally. About a fifty-yard radius around the center of the explosion had been scorched and a few solitary trees had caught fire. But even as they looked, the fires were dying down. And most importantly, the containment of the blast, the way the pilot had managed the feat, was as close to as perfect as it could get.
They spent a few seconds taking in the sight and took off towards the Puddle Jumper that was now resting on the ground at the edge of the blast radius. The back door opened as they closed in. Steve let Vega enter first and followed right behind her. They had all heard the weariness that came through the comms when Sheppard had finally contacted them with the update. He remembered how Sheppard had looked when he caught him back in Afghanistan and he needed to see with his own eyes to make sure the man hadn't done himself any major damage.
They found both pilots more or less sprawled on their seats on the front. Lorne had his head resting on the control panel in front of him with both arms wrapped around his head securely. Sheppard had his chair halfway turned towards Lorne, his body stretched out with his left leg up, his foot resting on the side panel with the DHD. He was resting his head on the headrest of his seat with the back of one hand covering his eyes and the other just dangling at his side lifelessly. They presented a picture of two guys suffering from a massive hangover after a night of bar hopping and excessive drinking. Steve would have laughed at the sight if he hadn't known the real cause of this picture of misery.
"Alright you two, tell me who hurts more?" Vega was all business, but she kept her voice soft to avoid aggravating their obvious headaches.
Lorne raised a finger and pointed towards John without bothering to move any other part of his body. John mumbled something that sounded like ‘Lorne’ but came out more of a moan. Vega went for expedience. Since Sheppard was half-turned her way already and they could both see the markings on his face, she chose him first.
"Major, move your hand, I need to check you."
Sheppard sighed in agreement and slowly removed his hand. Steve could see the impressive bruising that covered most of his jaw and the swollen split lip. He could also see the remnants of dried blood around his nose.
Then he saw the open jacket and the uniform and inhaled sharply.
"Sheppard, your uniform - did they try to feed on you?" He kept his voice low and soft, but the inquiry came out way sharper than he intended.
Sheppard opened his eyes fully and inclined his head towards Steve, locking his gaze with him.
"It was alright, Steve - ruining my vest and shirt was as far as they got. I had it under control." He then gave him a lopsided grin that melted away to a pained grimace.
"He had a plan," Lorne announced, his face still hidden under the protection of his arms.
Vega checked the pilot over and handed him the industrial-strength pain killers she had, as directed by Dr. Lam, especially for the gene carriers. All the assigned medics in the field teams carried those as standard items in their kit. Sheppard didn't really have any serious injuries that needed urgent care and the bruising on his face needed ice, which was not really a part of a field med-kit. Apart from the raging headache, he seemed to be fine.
Then she turned towards Lorne to repeat the process.
Steve moved closer to Sheppard and rested a hand lightly on his shoulder. Sheppard moved his head to rest his cheek on the back of Steve's hand.
Lorne, who had finally uncurled from his position at Vega's urging to take his pain killers, pointed an accusing finger at John. “All I'm saying is, man, the next time you go and offer yourself up for the main course, let us know beforehand, yeah?"
Steve's hand tightened on John's shoulder upon hearing that bit of information. John rubbed his cheek on his hand like a cat, an effort to calm and assure him. "Hey, I did warn you! Besides, it worked didn't it?"
"What if the thing had the chance to feed on you before you could get a hold of it?" Lorne shot back.
"Nah, it didn't. I did what I did to get him to put his guard down. They enjoy the pain they inflict while they feed, Lorne. The fucker had to open his mind before he could feed on me. That's why I lured him in like that, so I could do what I did."
Steve was listening intently to the insanity of the plan John had devised to do something. But when he thought back to the chaos that surrounded them during their escape, it dawned on him. He knew exactly what the pilot had been doing.
"All those Drones that started dropping dead? That was you, wasn't it?" he asked. He hadn't realized that Sheppard could go on the offense as well as defense with the telepathic attacks.
"Well, indirectly. Those things are all connected to each other, sort of like a hive-mind thing. When I attacked the mind of the Wraith, it had a cascading effect. I kinda saw the same thing when I was back in Afghanistan, you know? When the Wraith female had me, I saw glimpses of those connections and they looked frayed. Maybe because I had already killed the male by then. That time I was only concerned about finishing her as quickly as I could. Today, I figured I would try something different. I had to give the rest of you a chance to get everyone out. And it did work," the pilot explained, his eyes closed and his cheek still resting on Steve's grip.
John's reply told Steve that the pilot hadn't known for sure either. The crazy asshole had played a dangerous game on a guess - well, an educated guess - but still a guess nevertheless. 'Shouldn't have brought up that Baghdad bullshit before we left,' Steve berated Danny in his mind.
"Do you think whatever you did extended to Drones in the Darts around the Gate and the city?" Steve asked. They needed to devise a plan of attack if that was not the case.
"Ah, crap! I don't know! Let me check." The painkiller seemed to be working and John was a bit more alert. He turned his chair slowly to face the Jumper screen and concentrated.
The Jumper's Heads-Up-Display came to life at Sheppard's urging and started scanning the area for the requested data. It showed that the six Darts that had been patrolling near the Gate all crashed to the ground, as well as the nine Darts that were circling the city. There were two more Darts; one had crashed in the jungle on the way to the ship and another one had also crashed just a few hundred yards away from the Jumper. The display also showed that there was a possibility that there were captured Gemmondians in those two jumpers since they were on their way back to the ship when they crashed.
"Shep, we need to call SGC. Give them a report, get them up to date on what happened here, and possibly get somebody who can figure out a way to maybe reverse that and free those people," Steve suggested.
"The rest of the team is with the Gemmondians, right?" Sheppard asked.
"Yeah, they’re about three hundred yards from here. We were talking to them earlier - they know the way to get back to the city through the jungle. Apparently, they have some villages nearby as well. Some other race called Nasyans? They said they can trek to the nearest village and get back to the city the next day," Steve replied.
Sheppard nodded. "Let's send some of our guys with them. That way we can keep our eyes on them and know where they go. Also easier to contact them if we need anything from them or vice versa." He tapped his radio and activated the team channel. "Sheppard to Williams."
"Go ahead, flyboy, you good?" Danny answered with a question.
"Yeah, yeah. Listen, how far is the village they wanna go to?" Sheppard inquired.
"Tesson - that's one of the councilwomen - she is saying they can make it to the nearest village in about 2 hours, even if they took their time walking. So I'm guessing about 10 klicks maybe?"
"Ok, send three of ours with them. We should be able to keep the radio coverage with that distance. The rest of you, return to Jumper. We are heading back to the Gate to report what happened here and then make a plan on how to help these people. Oh, and Danny, is there anyone who can't make the journey? Anyone injured? Anybody who needs to go to the city urgently?"
"Nah, no one is seriously injured. Guess those life-suckers didn't want to contaminate the food supply. But there are two councilwomen - Tesson and Nehra - they'd like to go back to the city if at all possible. They might be able to calm the situation there," Danny informed Sheppard.
"Alright, bring them with you. We will go to the Gate first, report to SGC, and then return them to the city," Sheppard ordered.
"Roger that," there was a click as Williams signed out to go and do as ordered.
"Y’all look like you've been busy,"
The connection had been established through the Stargate with the SGC without a hitch and almost all of them let out a collective sigh at seeing Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell's face fill the screen instead of Dixon's.
Danny had sent Bates, Adam, and Cadman with the Gemmondians to the village. Bates, because some of the Gemmondians knew him and were grateful for the familiar face, Adam because he was the secondary medic, and Cadman, as she was the other equivalent of a 'walking armory’ apart from Higgins. The rest of them, along with the tearfully indebted councilwomen had crowded into the Jumper, reached the Gate in about five minutes, and dialed home to report.
"Yeah, we were. Gemmond was under attack by Wraith and we flew right into the middle of it," said Sheppard.
The Colonel's eyes widened at that and the amused grin disappeared. He had been sure that they were in trouble for starting a bar brawl or something, given the time of the year at Gemmond and their ruffled and bruised looks.
"Start from the beginning, Shep. Tell us what happened," the Lieutenant Colonel ordered.
Sheppard launched into a report of the events. He described the scene when they flew in, the recon they did over the city, how they followed the Dart into the Wraith Carrier, the rescue of the prisoners, how they dealt with the Wraith, and finally about blowing it all to oblivion. Steve and Danny also joined in, describing their sides of the narrative and they all kept the verbal report short yet filled with important details.
"...and then me and Lorne, we left the Carrier in the Jumper. We blew it up once everybody cleared the blast Zone. Adam, Bates, and Cadman are there with the Gemmondians on their way to a nearby village as we speak," Sheppard finished the account. Glancing back, he could see everyone was focused on the screen and the account of the day's events. Tesson and Nehra, who had been patiently listening, had gone pale. Whether it was because of the shock at being captured by the Wraith or because they were scared of his team and how they had handled the situation, Sheppard wasn't sure.
The Colonel was probably seeing something similar on his screen because he put on his highly effective, greet-the-natives smile, and addressed the Gemmondian Councilors directly.
"Hello ma'am. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell of the Stargate Command. Can you please tell me what happened? Before our people got there? As I understand, the Gate was blocked from your side by the Wraith. When did the attack start?"
The older woman, who introduced herself as Tesson, stood up from where she was sitting at the back of the Jumper and came forward to speak to Mitchell.
"We have been hearing stories from the travelers who came to our planet for some time now, Colonel. They were talking about the strange starships that would appear in the sky, then send down their awful flyers to catch people. The people would disappear, never to be seen again. The stories about an evil enemy who can control minds and breed fear among us, scare us like prey into running for our lives. They called it 'the Culling'. They said they were hunting humans for food. We didn't want to believe those fanciful stories, although the travelers were scared out of their minds. We were happy to let them stay in Gemmond however, because here it was safe, or so we thought." shudder ran through her entire body as she inevitably started reliving the memory of the attack. Vega slowly guided her to sit on the chair behind Sheppard.
Then Tesson took in a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and started to relate the rest of her story.
"It was only a few hours after the day's 'First Rising Call.’ The Ring activated and those horrible little flyers came in. Our city security managed to raise the alarm, but it wasn't much help. I dispatched a group to dial the Ring for help, but they couldn't. They came back and reported that these things were holding it captive. Then they started circling above the city. They destroyed some of the buildings - they were herding us all out - that much was clear. Then they started swooping down and activating their strange beams. Our people started disappearing,"
She had tears rolling down her eyes and Danny offered her his can of water. She took it gratefully and gulped down some water before continuing,
"One moment I was helping a group of children inside a building and the next everything went black. When I woke up, I was inside that thing along with many others. I was there for about an hour when your people showed up. This entire attack must have been going on for about three hours since those things first came in.” She paused and looked at each of them, gratitude shining in her eyes. “I must thank you all from the deepest of my heart, for arriving when you did. As luck would have it, it seemed that you arrived just in time to prevent a greater tragedy. We already had lost some of our citizens to those abominations. But it could have been so much worse," she continued to address the team inside the Jumper. "I do mean it. People of Gemmond are once again in your debt. On behalf of my people, I do thank you."
She rose from her seat and bowed to all of them, Nehra also stood in the back and followed suit. They were all a bit uncomfortable at the display. The team understood, but for them, they were just doing their duty.
"It's alright ma'am, we’re glad we showed up on time too," Sheppard said, flashing a lopsided, almost shy smile. It worked. Tesson returned the smile and sat back on the seat. Then implored both Mitchell, Sheppard, and everyone else, to address her as Tesson.
"Is there anything we can do for you, Tesson? Anything you need? Medical care? Any supplies?" Mitchell inquired.
"Please, medical care would be much appreciated. Our food supplies were not targeted. Our harvest is safe. I believe they didn't need to bother with those, since they were collecting us as their food supply. I and my fellow councilors just need to get our people to clean up the destruction those flyers left behind. They need to focus on being productive so that it will help to calm them down and distract them from the harrowing shock we have all experienced, and to prevent everyone from wallowing in grief and losing their minds."
She sounded confident as she already had some sort of a plan to get her city back in order. Mitchell nodded decisively. "We’ll send a few teams right away, Tesson, along with a few doctors and medical supplies. Our guys will stay around to help with getting the city cleaned and organized as well."
"I thank you, again." With that, she rose, bowed, and went to the back of the Jumper to sit next to Nehra.
"Oh, and Colonel, you might need to bring a few scientists or maybe engineers with you. We have two crashed Darts in the jungle area that still have the dematerialized people still in them. The Jumper's got all the data and the locations already marked. So, if our people can have a look and see whether we can free them as well?" Sheppard added.
"Hmm, Let me talk to Carter. She might not be able to make it, but she would know who’s best to deal with that," Mitchell said thoughtfully."Shep, do you think there are any more ships? Maybe in orbit?”
"I don't really know, Colonel. The jumper ran a few scans around the area here - there’s nothing at the moment. But I can't be sure about the orbit, or near space of the planet. I didn't get the sense that the Wraith managed to send any hyperspace message to a nearby ship, but it's a possibility," replied Sheppard. "I can take the jumper up once I have dropped Tesson and Nehra at the city, fly a few rounds around the planet and scan the space to be sure," he offered.
Mitchell studied both the pilots for a few moments before shaking his head.
"No. You and Lorne both still look like hell and I don't think a few more hours of flying with your mind would do either of you any good. Drop the ladies and bring the Jumper back to the gate. I’ll come over with SG-1 and I can take her for a spin around the planet," he grinned at the thought of that. "Don't worry, I’ll take good care of your baby." He laughed, noticing the grimace Sheppard was trying to hide.
Sheppard was truly grateful for the offer since he still felt like his head was about to split open. But the thought of handing the Jumper over to another pilot still grated on his nerves. He had become a bit attached to the clever little craft, he realized.
"You all have already done an amazing job," Mitchell addressed the entire team. "Taking on a freaking Wraith ship all by yourselves is not a small deal. You’ve earned a break. I’ll pick up the other three of your team and bring them along as well. I'll bring three teams with me and once we are there, you guys can return home. Then get yourselves checked out and take the rest of the day off. We will do a full debriefing tomorrow with your live feeds, Jumper records, and everything. I'm sure General O'Neill will want to be there for this too. If this is happening on other planets as well, that means the Wraith are busy stocking up supplies and they are getting ready for something big. But we’ll discuss this further tomorrow. See you all in thirty, Mitchell out,"
With that, the connection terminated and Sheppard nudged the Jumper towards the city.
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cassandras-blogg · 4 years
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"Swallowing Courage" (Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka ) CHAPTER TWO - I PROMISE THIS CHAPTER GOT DELETED SO I'M JUST REPOSTING IT (: CHAPTER 3 coming soon. - A loud knock at the door was the first thing Danny heard when he woke up the next morning. He slowly shifted around in the bed and felt the weight of another body close to his back. "So it was just a dream??" Danny thought to himself. He looked over at Sam and his back was completely turned away from him. Sam's arms were close to his chest and his knees were closer to his stomach. Danny took this as, "Oh he didn't want his legs or arms to touch me the whole night, so it must have been just a dream." Danny sighed in relief. There was no way it could have actually happened, why would Sam ever offer to help Danny explore his sexuality? There is no way Sam would ever take a risk that could potentially ruin their lifelong friendship. There was another knock at Sam's door, when there was no answer again the door swung open. Josh was standing there in the doorway holding a tall cup of coffee. "Can I have some of that? Please?" Danny asked sitting up in Sam's bed. "Uh-hmm. What are you doing today? Just church or what?" Josh hummed, he passed his cup of coffee to Danny and climbed into the bed to sit down next to him. "Wait, it's Sunday?! How did I forget! What time is it?" Danny raised his voice and this finally woke Sam up. "It's 8:35 right now." Josh said reaching his hand out and taking back his cup of coffee. "Ugh, I have to go. Like right now." Danny had to quickly crawl over Sam's legs and Josh's body to get himself out of the bed. "Dude stop it!" Josh said slowly moving his arms up. "What??" Danny asked, once he looked back at him he could see a few drops of coffee running down Josh's arm. His quick movements almost made Josh spill the coffee on himself, but he caught it quickly before it could make a real mess. "Yeah, seriously. Calm down. Church doesn't start until like 10:00? Right?" Sam asked running his hands through his messy hair. "Yeah, but I have to be there at 9:00 every time to help set up!" Danny said grabbing his jean jacket and his boots he was wearing yesterday. Danny often played the drums in the worship band at his church on Wednesdays and Sundays, sometimes he would also sing when he needed to. He always went to church twice a week and was never late to any form of service. At Danny's church he is one of the top volunteers and is a highly respected student leader in his youth group. He has been very involved in church since his childhood, it has always been a huge part of his life. "My mom and dad are gonna kill me. I don't know if I'm gonna make it on time." Danny heavily sighed quickly lacing up his boots.
"OH SHIT! That's right. Speaking of mom and dad, we got to clean up this house before they get here." Josh set his cup of coffee down and jumped up to run downstairs to the living room. The Kiszka parents and Ronnie had gone to a relative's house last night because they wanted the boys to have the house to themselves for Danny's birthday. "You do realize how fast I can drive right? I can get you there in twenty minutes tops." Sam said standing and throwing on a hoodie. "Really you will??? Thank you Sam." Danny sighed in relief this time, he knew if he drove himself then he would just end up following all the rules and would never speed past the posted limit. Sam followed most of the rules of the road, but he would still speed around left and right if he saw there were no cops around. Danny and Sam jogged down the stairs and saw Jake taking down some of the decorations. Josh grabbed the empty bottles and handed them to Sam. "Here you, smash these bottles outside on the concrete. Then sweep it up and throw all the glass at the bottom of the trash. Jake will cover it up by throwing the decorations and other trash on top of it. The glass won't rip the trash bag, we double bagged it." Josh always was the one who came up with ideas on how to cover up the evidence so their parents wouldn't find out what they were up too. "Ah, I got to take Danny to church like right now." Sam said grabbing the keys to the car that the twins shared. "Hurry up then! Come back right after you are done.” Jake shot him a glare while continuing to pick up trash. "I promise!!" Sam shouted as he ran out of the door with Danny.
` About fifteen minutes later they had arrived. Sam dramatically swerved into the church parking lot and parked right up front where everyone could see them through the untinted car windows. "You didn't have to pull in all crazy like that." Danny said slowly taking off his seatbelt. "You wanted to be on time. Right?" Sam scoffed. "That is true." Danny smiled despite feeling slightly embarrassed because of the few old people frowning in their direction. The older people always showed up earlier and the younger people with families show up right on time. "Thank you for driving me over here, I really appreciate it. Do you want to ditch the twins and come to church with me?” Danny asked. "No problem, and you know what I say every time you invite me to church Daniel. No. Oh, and by the way, take it easy in there when you drum today. Last night I noticed you need to take better care of your hands' dude. You're going to ruin them before you have a shot at becoming a successful drummer." Sam said looking down at Danny's blistered hands that were sitting in his lap. He never ”took it easy” because he had no other coping mechanisms except drumming. "Oh." Danny said. He thought it was weird that Sam randomly started talking about his hands, especially since he had a dream last about them holding hands. Then suddenly Danny felt a tidal wave of anxiety fire through his brain, travel down his spine, and then into his lower body. Why would he start talking about his hands? Unless it really happened. "So, what do you want to try later?" Sam asked curiously. "What do you mean?" Danny asked calmly. "You know, like what do you want to do next? With me?” Sam asked, directly looking into Danny’s eyes. ”Oh wow.” Danny took a deep breath. INHALE. IGNORE EXHALE CONTINUE. His thoughts were shouting at him to calm down, but he still could not stop his body from panicking. Danny’s hand began to tremble. He could not believe this was happening to him. Danny was filled with instant regret, guilt, and shame. He wanted to run away and never look at Sam again. He wished he could take back holding Sam’s hand. At the same time, he couldn’t deny how good it felt to hold hands with a guy, with Sam for the first time. ”Can we talk about this after church?” Danny looked over at Sam, hoping that he would agree. He didn’t even want to go to church anymore, he merely wanted to be alone. ”What's wrong with you?” Sam asked. ”You’re shaking right now.” ”I’m just cold. And I don't feel good. At. All.” Danny said trying his best to stop shaking. He was thankful that it was December so he could use the weather as an excuse. ”Oh, It’s because you need a hoodie underneath that jean jacket. I got another one in the back, no worries.” Sam said unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. Sam remembered that he held Danny’s hand that night. He was not that drunk by that hour. Danny was absolutely panicking over it, but Sam appeared to be unfazed by what happened the night before. ”Want me to go to church with you?” Sam asked once he came back from the trunk with an extra hoodie. Danny could not believe his ears. He considered the thought maybe last night when he blew out the candles it had transported him into some parallel universe. Sam was not freaked out at all. Sam wanted to be there for Danny while he could see that he was clearly panicking and wasn't actually cold. He already had Danny figured out, Sam has been there for many panic attacks before this one, and he never left him alone during one. Sam was willing to sacrifice his morning and afternoon to make sure Danny was okay.
”You don’t have too. Jake and Josh will get mad at you later if you don’t go back home now.” Danny replied as he took off his jean jacket to put on Sam’s hoodie, then layered it by putting his own jacket back on as Sam told him to do. ”I want to.” Sam said.” Besides they will get over it if they get mad oh well.” ”Really, thank you.” Danny said looking at Sam with this newfound admiration. ”Of course, like I said yesterday, I would do anything for you.” Sam shrugged. ”Oh and if you want to after church we can hang out and talk about whatever you want.” Danny looked up stared at Sam for a long time. There was so much he wanted to say to him, but he did not know where to start. There were no words to describe how grateful he was to have Sam as his best friend. Danny wanted to give him Sam a really long hug, but he couldn't bring himself to actually do it.
”Okay that sounds good.” Danny smiled. He didn't hug him, but they finally got out of the car and walked into the church together.
After the service, they decided to walk down a trail behind Danny’s house. This was the usual spot where they went to rant or talk about people at school, their families, or whatever was going on in their life.
”So. When did you start liking guys?” Sam asked kicking a rock in front of him. There was a brief moment of silence. Danny was unsure how to answer the question. His mind had deeply suppressed the idea of liking guys a long time ago. In the past, whenever he began to feel a certain way about a guy, Danny would always tell himself that it was wrong to think that way.
”I don’t think I like guys. I just know I have these thoughts that I can't control. So I'm thinking maybe if I act on them, they might go away once I see how weird it is to actually ”get with” a guy in real life.” Danny answered. ”Oh. I don't think that’s how it works.” Sam said. He stopped kicking he rock and looked up at Danny. ”But if that’s you think then, okay. I'll still help you out, but what are you gonna do if you actually realize you like guys?” Danny did not want to consider the possibility that he was really gay or anything else besides straight. It was too much for him to handle. If he thought about it long enough, his brain might explode from the mind-blowing possibility that it could be true. ”I’m not gay.” Danny sighed. ”I just need a wake-up call, and you are gonna be it for me. I just need to do this, so I feel more sure of myself, so I can move on with my life. You can back out now if you want too. I know you already do a lot for me, so you don't have to help me do this too. I can find some other guy to make out with and then I can get it over with." Danny silently hoped that Sam was going to back out of it because maybe that would make things easier. If he kissed a guy that was a stranger it might be easier, because then he would not have to think about ruining a friendship.
At first, Sam just stared at Danny, then he looked over at a large rock off to the side of the trail. He walked off the trail and sat down on the rock. Sam leaned back a little and made himself comfortable. "Come here, Danny." "Why?" Danny gulped starting to feel the nerves coming back. "Just come here. I have something to tell you." Sam said. He hesitated, but he still slowly walked over to the rock to sit by Sam. "What is it?" Danny asked scooting closer to his friend. "Yesterday I wanted to tell you this, but I was pretty sure Josh and Jake were going to make fun of me and I didn't want to hear it. I also thought you might make fun of me for even giving you the ring, so I just didn't say anything extra to add on to it. Anyways, last night when I gave you that ring it was not just a symbol of our friendship, it was also a promise from me. It was a promise to be your best friend no matter what happens. I can say a whole list of things, but I promise to always be there. I promise to always hear you out. I promise to never judge you. I swear, I do."
Danny was truly speechless now. “Can I hug you?” He asked. Sam and Danny did not hug very often. They felt like there was no need to hug unless they took a break from seeing each other for a while. Sometimes when Danny had panic attacks then they would hug during or after it happened. ”Yeah.” Sam said, he moved as close as he could to Danny and put his arms around his neck. Danny slid his arms around Sam’s waist and pulled him closer to his chest, practically pulling him into his lap. He began to tighten his grip, digging his fingers into Sam’s rib cage. Danny took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Sam tried to pull away from him, but Danny held him there and didn’t let him move.
”Can we hug longer?” Danny asked when Sam tried to move away again. ”Yeah. If you stop crushing me.” Sam winced. Danny looked down and realized how much pressure he was using in this hug ”Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Danny gasped starting to move away from Sam. ”It's okay. Come back.” Sam said grabbing Danny’s shirt and pulling him in closer to his face. Now they were nose to nose, making direct eye contact. Sam took a deep breath and he placed one hand on Danny’s face. Danny thought that maybe he should back up and move away, but that never happened. There was no way could blink or look away either, Sam had never been this close to his face before. Sam leaned in and Danny had no time to mentally prepare for what happened next. Sam gave him the most gentle kiss on one side of his cheek. He was positive that it was going to end there, but it didn’t. Sam leaned in more and put both his hands on Danny’s face, then he kissed the other side of his cheek. His lips moved up to the middle of Danny’s forehead then he kissed down the bridge of his nose. Sam paused once he reached Danny’s mouth. Tilting his head, he hovered over Danny’s lips, once he moved a little closer it made their lips lightly touch for a moment. Danny was tingling all over. ”Wait.” Danny said putting his hand on Sam’s chest. ”What?” Sam asked impatiently. ”Promise we will still be friends after this?” ”I promise.” Sam said quickly moving one hand to the back of Danny’s head. Once he moved his head forward, Sam finally got the chance to put his lips on Danny’s mouth. Sam let their closed lips stay pressed together for a moment, but not for too long. Then he grabbed Danny’s hair and tugged it just enough to make him gasp. Sam’s plan to deepen the kiss had worked, he pulled on his hair more, and now Danny’s jaw was slightly opened. That gave Sam the chance to lean forward and to slowly work his tongue into Danny’s mouth. Sam could tell that Danny was hesitant about this next move. Every time Danny would try to back up, Sam would pull him in closer. Eventually, Danny stopped trying to fight it, he put his hands on Sam’s back and started to move them up and down Sam’s spine. After he did this he could feel a shift and then more pressure on his lips. ”Mmm.” Sam lightly moaned into his mouth and started using more tongue. Danny’s hands were sending chills down his spine. Once Sam made that sound and Danny felt himself getting more heated by the second. Sam kept both of his hands underneath Danny’s hair so he could protect his head from hitting the rock when he rolled them over. Now they were laying on top of this uncomfortable rock kissing back and forth. Sam was on top of him with one knee on both sides of his waist, he tried his best to not to let their lips disconnect for more than a few seconds. Danny’s desire to keep kissing Sam only grew stronger, even though he could feel all of the uneven ridges of the rock digging into his back. Then suddenly Sam stopped kissing him. He abruptly pulled away and looked at Danny with a wide smile. “So. How was that kiss?” ”I uh, did not think it would feel like that. Better than I thought I guess? Also, that was way more than one kiss.” Danny said breathing heavily. ”Yeah and all those kisses are not for free.” Sam said sitting up and moving off of Danny’s body. Then he climbed off the rock and looked back up at Danny a smile. ”Oh okay, what do you want?” Danny asked. ”Let see. I. Want.” Sam began to cross his arms and look to the side. Danny waited in anticipation as Sam took his sweet time thinking about what he wanted.
”Weed, alcohol, my favorite snacks, and a few new records.” Sam requested. ”Oh okay.” Danny blushed. He thought that Sam was gonna say something sexual, but he wrong. ”Do you think you like guys now or what?” ”I don’t know, maybe you should come over later?” ”Danny!! Dude. You just can't get enough of me huh!?” Sam teased. ”Shut up Sam.” Danny said feeling the sudden urge to cover his face with his hands. ”But will you? Come over later?”
”You know I will.”
- END OF CHAPTER 2. There is gonna be a lot more writing coming up later, so be prepared.
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Gray Skies - Epilogue (now complete)
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McDanno, 13k, A03 Read from the beginning here
Hi all!  Apologies for taking so long to finish this - in my head it was done, but a conversation on the H50 writer’s discord about WIPs reminded me that I had meant to give it an epilogue.  So here it is - hope you enjoy it!
Summary: What if Danny misses work because some days, he just can’t manage to come in? What if Danny didn’t move into Steve’s house just because he was worried about Steve, but also about himself? Living with depression doesn’t have to mean living without love.
Six months later
Steve’s in the kitchen, having a philosophical debate with himself over whether trying to find pineapple flavored coffee to tease Danny with is worth the effort, when the man himself comes into the room.
Danny’s looking kind of rough, hair tousled and unshaven.  He clearly hasn’t showered yet.  Steve’s heart squeezes a little, and he moves towards Danny, arms opening to catch him in a hug.
“Nuh-uh, none of that,” Danny says, stepping back and shaking his head.  “I’m fine.”
Steve stops in his tracks.  He’s surprised, to say the least.  Since when has Danny not wanted a morning hug?
“I didn’t say you weren’t fine,” he responds carefully, searching Danny’s face for a clue to his mood.
“But you assumed.”  
Danny’s clearly annoyed, even upset, and Steve can’t fathom why.  “No, I just wanted to-”
“Don’t lie.  You took one look at me,” Danny waves his hand up and down his rather unkempt self, “and you decided I needed help.  Next thing you know you’ll be offering to put on some music and bring me peppermint tea, or build a pillow fort, or give me a back rub.”
“And those are bad things?  I was under the impression that you liked it when I did nice things for you.”  Now Steve is getting annoyed too.  “What’s got into you this morning?”
 “Nothing,” Danny says, a little too loudly.  “Absolutely nothing.  It is an absolutely normal morning.”
 “Then why are you acting like this?” Steve can feel his voice rising to meet Danny’s.
 “Like what?  I haven’t done anything unusual.  It’s you who’s being weird – why aren’t you out on a run, huh? Or swimming around the island, or practicing for a decathlon?”
 “Oh, that’s mature.  And I already went for a run, as you would know if you were having a reasonable conversation with me instead of-”
 “So it’s my fault for not being reasonable?  Forgive me, I should have gotten up earlier, been prepared to quiz you on your morning activities.  Sorry I’m not a mind reader.”  Danny scrubs a hand over his face.  “Shouldn’t have bothered to get up at all, if I can’t do it right.”
 Steve doesn’t understand how this has gotten so out of hand.  “Danny, please, tell me what’s going on?”
 “For god’s sake, Steve, can’t a person just want to have a lazy morning for once, without his partner jumping all over him to fix everything?”
 Steve bites back his immediate reaction, which is to argue some more, and point out that maybe a person who wanted a lazy morning shouldn’t have started it by picking a fight as expertly as Danny just did.  But maybe something he’s learned in therapy is actually sticking, because he takes a deep breath instead.
 Danny’s hands are tightening into fists as he watches Steve, and he can tell Danny is about to blow.  But then, remarkably, Danny takes a deep breath too, and removes himself from the kitchen.
 Steve follows him – slowly, respectfully, not like he’s running after Danny to keep arguing, definitely not – and finds Danny staring out at the lanai.
 “It’s raining pretty hard,” Steve says. He’s not changing the subject so much as giving them both a chance to regroup, and Danny knows it, squeezing his eyes together hard and taking another deep breath before answering.
 “Yeah.  Good for the plants, though.”
 “Yeah.  It’s been dry.”
 Steve lets another long moment pass, watching Danny’s shoulders relax and his fists unclench.  “If I come over there and give you a hug, ‘cause I like you a lot and for no other reason, are you gonna snap at me again?”  Steve asks calmly.
 “Asshole,” Danny mutters.  “Come here.”
 Steve wraps his arms around Danny from behind, and Danny leans back against him.  They both stare out at the downpour for a few minutes.  Steve loves the way he can feel Danny breathing, how he can match his inhales and exhales if he tries.
 He presses his nose into Danny’s shoulder, rubs his cheek against the soft t-shirt Danny wears to sleep in, and Danny tilts his head to rest it on Steve’s.
 Sometimes Steve wants to worm his way right under Danny’s skin, line them up together and fuse them tight with no space between them.  Maybe then he’d understand better what makes Danny tick, when to push and when to give him space.  Thing is, Steve hardly ever wants space from Danny anymore, and he thinks Danny feels the same. They’re getting better at this, lifting each other up without either of them faltering as a result, but it takes practice.
 “You went for a run in the rain?” Danny asks, as a burst of lightening races across the sky.  His voice holds nothing of the accusatory tone from just a few minutes ago, he’s just asking.
 “It wasn’t raining as hard before,” Steve says.
 “You’re kind of crazy.”
 “I know.”
 They fall silent again, but it’s more comfortable now.  Steve nuzzles against the side of Danny’s head, where his hair is buzzed short, and Danny hums contentedly.
 “I don’t feel depressed,” Danny says.
 Steve gets that he’s circling back to their earlier conversation, although he’s not sure yet where it’s going. “Okay,” Steve says carefully.  
 “No, I mean it.”  Danny turns in Steve’s arms, gives him a quick peck in the vicinity of his chin, and then steps away, walking over to the couch and flopping down.  “I’m okay. I’m so much better than I was, you see that, right?”
 “I do,” Steve says, and he means it. They’ve been going to therapy, and are each on slightly different meds, and he thinks it has helped both of them. Sure, there are good days and bad days, and Steve’s nightmares have proved difficult to shake, but overall they’re in a much better place than they were six months ago when Danny finally pushed them to get professional help.
 “But I woke up this morning,” Danny continues, “and I just felt, I don’t know, bleh.”
 “Bleh?”  Steve asks, letting a hint of humor color his tone, and Danny smirks.
 “Yeah.  Bleh.”
 “Do you get it, though?  Not hopeless, not as if I couldn’t bother to get up.  Not like there wasn’t any reason I could think of to even move.  Just bleh.”
 Steve comes over to the couch and sits down next to Danny, twisting so he can see his face.  “That’s good, right?”
 Danny snorts.  “Yeah, I thought so.  But then I came downstairs and you looked at me with that concerned face and…”
 “You felt like I wasn’t seeing your success.”
 Danny sighs and gazes away.  “I don’t like the idea that I’m always going to be sick, to you.  Someone who needs help.  I don’t like feeling weak.”
 Steve slides a little closer to Danny and bumps their knees together.  “One, you’re not, and I could tell you about a hundred reasons why, although you know them already.  And two, I could say the same thing about me.”
 Danny looks at him now, his nose wrinkling.  “I know. But why do I still worry about it?”
 Steve shrugs.  “Guess we’re just going to have to be patient.”
 Danny laughs half-heartedly and pokes a finger into Steve’s chest.  “Ha. Good one.  You, patient?  We’re doomed.”
 “As long as we’re doomed together, we can handle it.”  Steve leans his shoulder against Danny and Danny leans back, his hand reaching for Steve’s.
 “We’ve been doomed together before.”
 “Multiple times,” Steve agrees.
 “Remember when we dropped that nuke into the ocean from Kamekona’s helicopter?”
 “Not sure I could forget that, Danny.” Steve would love to forget it, it was terrifying, but there’s no chance.  “We still made it back in time for Kono’s wedding, though.”
 “That we did.”  Danny picks up his hand that’s holding Steve’s, and plays with his fingers.  Steve watches him, his heart stuttering as Danny brings his hand up to his mouth for a kiss, and then lets out a long sigh.
 “You know,” Steve starts out slowly, “I really did intend to have a lazy day today, too.  I cut my workout short and everything.”
 Danny rolls his eyes at Steve. “You did?  What does that even mean?  Only two hundred push-ups?”
 Steve glances over at the window as another burst of lightning streaks through the clouds.  “Thought I’d put on some Norah Jones and make something decadent with bacon.  Maybe eat it in a pillow fort.”  Steve raises an eyebrow at Danny.  “Rainy days are good for pillow forts.”
 “Using my words against me,” Danny groans.  “I’m gonna kill you.”
 “I was thinking about back rubs, too…”
 Danny opens his mouth, then closes it again.  “If back rubs are a euphemism for something else, I may regret rejecting them as a potential activity for today.”
 “Maybe yes, maybe no.  Does that mean you’ll reconsider?”
 Danny lets a smile dance across his face, then stifles it in mock exasperation.  “But no peppermint tea.  A guy’s gotta draw the line somewhere.”
 Steve beams, and pounces on Danny, who flops back on the couch and grins at him as Steve covers his body with his own.  Danny reaches for Steve’s head and pulls him down into a blistering kiss that is entirely out of synch with the whole lazy day aesthetic.
 “Sex now, lazy day and pillow forts later?” Steve asks when Danny lets him come up for air.
 “Sounds like a plan,” Danny replies, one hand sliding down to give Steve’s butt a squeeze, grinding them both together.
 “That’s why I love you so much,” Steve says between kisses, “you have the best plans.”
 Danny laughs against Steve’s skin, sending shivers down his spine, and there’s the Danny he knows again, sunshine bright and heart open.  “Love you too, babe, love you too.”  
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Ratigator
Debut: The Super Mario Mario Bros. Super Show!
When you think of rats, one can only think of one place- the rat capital of the world, New York City, baby! Yes, the Big Apple’s untamed sewers are home to a large amount of undiscovered fauna, including (but not limited to) rats, alligators, and perhaps a strange, mutated combination of both! Hence, Ratigator. He’s the pet (?) of Mario & Luigi in the live-action segments of the Super Show, though his presence is never really explained. Does it need to be? Like I said, anything can happen in New York!
We’re first introduced to the Ratigator in the episode “Alligator Dundee”, where the distressed Ratigator claims to be being chased by a scary monster in the sewers- enter the titular Alligator Dundee, a parody of the film Crocodile Dundee (I guess!), played by Paul Elder with a not-particularly convincing Australian accent. He’s after a mysterious sewer beast, and he needs the brothers’ help!
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As you can imagine, plenty hijinks ensue, and after Mario & Luigi trap Alligator Dundee in a net, they clear up the misunderstanding and explain that Ratigator was their pet all along. Dundee gives up on hunting the creature and decides to enter the movie industry, marry a beautiful American woman, and change his name to Ratigator Dundee! And so they all have a good laugh about it, and pet the Ratigator. Alls well that ends well!
But that’s not the last we see of Ratigator! You really think they’d make a puppet like this only to use it in one episode? 
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Yup, here’s Ratigator again in an episode called “Mario Hilbillies”, which features Mario & Luigi’s hillbilly cousins, Mario Joe and Luigi Bob! Oddly enough, they look exactly the same as Lou Albano and Danny Wells, and never appear in the same room as the regular Mario brothers- crazy, huh? I wonder what that could mean! And then there’s this lady named Ellie Mae, who pets the Ratigator in this picture, and apparently she’s supposed to be a reference to a character named Elly May from a sitcom called The Beverly Hilbillies? This show has so many weirdly specific 80s references, I just can’t keep up! I wasn’t alive in the 80s!
As a side-note, this episode also confirms the existence of a furry Rat Fish! Could that be what Ratigator eats? Either way, I’m sure most New Yorkans in the audience have seen one before, right? 
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Here’s Ratigator once more in “Baby Mario Love”, carrying a leash and asking Mario to take him for ‘a crawl’. See, he’s like a dog! Just like every cartoon animal! Mario refuses because he’d already been for a crawl earlier that day. This scene also features Luigi saying “Hey, watch your language, there are reptiles present!”. Which if anything, confirms that Ratigator is a reptile? Do with that information what you will!
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Now get this! Mario isn’t the only one in this show to have a live-action, hybrid rat as a pet! Thanks to King Koopa’s Kool Kartoons, we know that King Koopa has a pet rat-dog(?) named Ratso! We don’t really know if he’s part canine, but in the show’s intro he’s played by a dog in a costume, which is just adorable! I love when they get dogs to do things like this, like how Xenomorphs were almost played by dressed-up Whippets, but you can still tell it’s a dog with doggy movements! 
In the show itself though, Ratso is played by a puppet in front of a curtain, who awards prizes to a few lucky people in the audience! I sure wish I could find a better picture of him, but Koopa’s Kool Kartoons is a cryptid of a show that’s barely available online, and certainly not in good quality! So until then, we’ll just have to pray the original Ratso puppet is lying in a studio somewhere, waiting to be discovered...
So there you have it! A comprehensive guide to anything you’d need to know about rats related to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Uhm, now I forgot why I made this post. Oh yeah- have a ratty new year, everyone! Be sure to welcome in the Lunar New Year with your favourite rats. And if you’re lacking in rats, then just know that New York City will always be there for you! Badda boom! 
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hugsandharrifield · 4 years
Harrifield Ficlet What If?
So someone threw an idea about what if El used her powers to help Steve and Nancy escape. And this came out of my head. Escape- Steve X Dwight
------------------------------------------ It seemed to be a pretty normal trial, the Thompson House loomed in the distance as Steve quickly worked on a gen. The large field of corn obscured his vision, but he knew somewhere out there was the killer, and from the screams he heard earlier he was pretty sure it was the Clown.  He hated that bloated creeper, and his noxious bottles. Right next to him working on the same gen was one of the few bright lights in this godforsaken place, his adorable beau Dwight. He wasn't one hundred percent sure about time here in the Entity's Realm, but it felt to have been almost a year since he and Dwight had started their relationship.  Every day he kind of fell more in love with his soft and sweet goofball.   The Realm was nonstop insanity and stress, but in-between trials when he was worn and tired and feeling like nothing was right. Dwight was there to lean on, he was there to lift him up. And when his handsome man was feeling the weight of the world Steve was right there for him too. Dwight snuck a glance over at Steve and smiled as the gen whirred and sputtered loudly. "This one's almost done handsome. I am going to look for another one can you finish it off and then try to get Kenneth's attention off of Ace?" Steve nodded , Dwight pulled his hands away from the gen looked around scanning the cornfield and then walked past Steve sneakily running his hands through his boys hair.  Steve felt warm and tingly, and mildly distracted  “Love you too Dwi." he kept his eyes on the gen and focused on not letting it  blow up despite really wanting his geeky boyfriend to just continue and give him a full head massage. Dwight's hand didn't actually linger too long though and he faded into the corn field. A few moments later the familiar loud noise and bright lights of a gen being completed drowned Steve's senses. He continued crouching and scanned the corn field trying to figure out where the Clown and Ace were, he could tell that the crazy gambling man had kept the gross jester occupied as he had heard some yelling and coughing and Kenneth groaning as a pallet was dropped on him far in the distance. Suddenly the ground shook, and Steve lost his balance and toppled to the ground.  He scrambled to his feet quickly and looked around. What the hell was that? The ground shook again and this time Steve kept his balance, but he noticed something strange the ground was covered in the glowing cracks that usually happened when someone opened a door. The trial ending bell hadn't tolled, and he could see one of the doors from here, the light on top of it wasn't lit. The ground shook again, and he heard a voice "Steve! Steve! where are you?" It was Nancy, he had forgotten that she was in this trial too. "Hey over here! Are you okay?" Steve headed towards her voice but was worried that the yelling would draw the Clowns attention. Out of the corn Nancy appeared looking very serious and confused. "She's here Steve! She's come to get us out of here." "What?" Steve "Who's here?" the ground shook again and the sky began to darken, Steve looked up and saw something horrifying. The claws of the Entity were high in the sky but instead of a small set of them coming down to grab someone off of a hook a large mass of them had blotted out the fake sky and were very slowly descending.  "It's El she's found us!" Nancy exclaimed.  "What?" Steve looked at Nancy confused " How do you know that?" Nancy looked scared but very serious "She's in my head, she's calling out to me, telling me that she's opened a door for us." "What! Where?" Steve looked again into the sky in panic.Nancy looked as if she was concentrating "She says something about a weak spot in this world, ummm there's a large metal door in the way she says."   "The exit gates!" Steve yells "We have to finish the last gen"  he frantically scans the distance for one when off in the distance  suddenly one of the gens lights up and the lights over the doors glow brightly. "Dwight finished the last one." Steve smiled super proud for a second and then frowned immediately "Dwight..." Nancy grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards one of the exit gates. He pulled loose and shook his head. "Go ahead open the doors I got to find Dwight."  Nancy nodded and exclaimed "Oh and Ace I almost forgot! I would feel terrible if we just left them here. What about all the others?"   Steve didn't want to mention that he wasn't really thinking about Ace but he knew she was right. "There's no way we can get to them they aren't in this trial but your right let me find Ace and Dwight and you get that door open." Steve ran in the direction of where the last Gen was completed hoping he'd run into Dwight heading towards the doors. The ground shook violently again and the ground actually split open.  He saw beneath the ground, the thing he knew he wasn't meant to see. The endless void that seemed to surround all the trials because this world was fake and constructed by the terrible beast that toyed with all of them. He heard a whispering voice, he had heard it before in the Basement that horrible place that appeared  in all the of the trials, there it was indistinct and creepy. But now it was much louder and sounded extremely threatening. "Mine... Mine... you can't have them... Mine... Kill them... Kill them all.." Steve skirted around the crack in the ground and yelled "Dwight! Where are you! Ace!" AAAAAAAGGGGGH!  He heard a blood curdling scream. Was that Dwight? Was that Ace? He had to know. He ran towards the one of the groups of half walls that littered the trials it's where he had heard the scream come from. He slowed and listened hearing a familiar but terrible voice from within. The Nightmare and his terrible gravelly skin crawling voice. He heard him arguing with the Clown.  "Oh fuck off Kenneth, we are no longer playing by the regular trial rules. Look at the sky you bloated bitchy mime wannabe!"   Sneakily peering over one of the vault windows Steve saw the Clown and Freddy squaring off Freddy had his hand through Aces chest and the older man had stopped breathing. He dropped Aces body to the ground as if throwing away a particularly distasteful piece of trash.   The Clown was standing over Dwight who had been knocked to the ground looked in a state of total panic.  Kenneth was refusing to let Kruger anywhere near his prey. "No... *cough* *cough* *cough* this one is mine..." The clown threw a bottle at Freddy and knocked his fedora off.   The two started yelling and fighting, claw vs. knife, more bottles of  Kenneth's terrible gas, a mess of chaos. Steve slunk quietly into the section off wall, holding his breath trying not to cough he swiftly dragged Dwight out of the segment of wall and looked over him in panic.  "Are you okay can you get up?" He whispered  Dwight actually looked as if he was barely hurt, just a small touch and he was on his feet again.   "The entity called other Killers into the trial  we have to go now or they will find us." Dwight was whispering but still freaking out. "This way." Steve whispered and he yanked him towards the door Nancy was working on. Behind them Freddy and the Clown still were yelling and fighting each other not noticing that their prey had slipped away. They ran and just barely slipped past the Trapper who got caught behind one of the massive cracks that began forming in the ground. The sky grew darker the entity's writhing mass was inching closer and closer. The sound of a bell! Nancy had gotten the door open. It was within sight, Steve could see it.  And at the threshold where the normal escape was, there was a strange swirling light, in it he could see a figure arms outstretched surrounded by tiny claws of the Entity, every time they would draw near to the figure they were swatted back by some unseen force.  It was El she had grown a slight bit since he'd seen her last but it was definitely her. Nancy was at the doorway waving them towards it, the ground shook and cracked again right in front of them.  It was kind of a large crack but they made a leap and just barely made it tumbling to the ground.  "We gotta go now." Nancy yelled "El can't hold off the Entity forever.” Suddenly from behind one of the pillars in the exit gates. A black blur quickly grabbed Nancy and held a knife to her throat. "Now now where do you think your going." A familiar white mask and a mocking voice of the Ghostface you could hear the sneer in his voice. Danny seemed to be about to speak again maybe try to negotiate for Nancy but it didn't really matter. All of the sudden Dwight just tackled him and started hitting him, holding him to the ground, and started yelling "Get out, you two.. Go home.. get out!" Nancy scrambled to her feet and tried pulling on Steve's hands but he was frozen in place "Steve we have to go." The bell tolled again as it looked as if El was holding on with all her might trying to keep the door open but was slowly being pushed out. A loud terrible squelching sound of flesh being pierced and a scream of pain. "Get off of me you fucking nerd! How dare you touch me!"  Dwight's eyes looked blank as he slunk to the ground dead.  Ghostface cackled but a large crack opened up beneath him and swallowed the killer and Dwight's body whole. "NOOO!" Steve yelled "We have to go now! STEVE NOW!"  Nancy yelled as she desperately pulled on him. Steve grabbed Nancy and held her in a vice like grip. "You're right you have to go now." He shoved her towards the swirling door hard right into El.  The young girl lost her balance as she and Nancy stumbled together through the swirling portal and disappeared. The swirling colors fizzled away and Steve was surrounded by the claws of the Entity as the ground around him crumbled. "Fuck you! You stupid crab demon!" having nothing left to lose he jumped into one of the cracks that led into the infinite void..  All was blackness. ------- Back at the Campfire, Ace sat next to Dwight who was crying, he patted his shoulder. "It's okay, I am sure they are both okay."  Ace sounded like he was trying to convince himself.  On Dwight's other side Claudette had him in a deep hug trying to get him to calm down.  "What the hell happened." David growled "It's like we had an earthquake." Dwight was far too gone to answer so Ace did for him.  " I think, Nancy and Steve got to go home."  "And that damn Entity threw a hissy fit over it." Ash piped up. "Yeah I think so." Ace nodded grimly. "What's everybody look so upset about?" Out of the treeline Steve walked out none the worse for wear. Dwight's head popped up wide and confused. "Steve!" He nearly knocked Claudette down as he popped up off the log from the campfire and threw himself into Steve's arms. Dwight started crying again and hitting Steve on his chest "Why didn't you leave you idiot!" Steve lifted Dwight's face and leaned his forhead against his. "Did you really think I was going to leave without you?"  He whispered "I love you, you god damn dummy!"  Steve leaned in and kissed him.  Nea called out "Sorry to interrupt this touching scene, so Nancy got out right?" Steve turned to the group and nodded "Yeah she did, I don't think it will happen again anytime soon though."  "That means people can escape." Bill had a serious look on his face. "Yeah yeah it does." Steve said with a little hope in his voice. Maybe one day both he and Dwight will get out together. Sure it seemed bad but in a lot of ways this was a good thing.
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