#he got the whole 'he owns his family nothing' treatment
Since Kat asked to show off Self-insert OCs for the Blank Script AU, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce my own self-insert OC to you.
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Meet Xaviar Bellon, businessman and employees at Innova Corp. who also works as correspondent between his and Black’s company.
Basic information:
Xaviar is 26 years old, male and goes by he/him. Neck, part of his face and back as well as his complete right arm are replaced through cybernetics. They cannot be removed as they are parts of his body. He’s your typical rich boy who often acts like a snob and putting his main focus on the profit.
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Like mentioned before Xaviar often comes of as a snob who likes to brag about his wealth. He’s also very cocky to those around him, not afraid to give a snappy comment. However, he’s also a massive coward, immediately losing his entire attitude when he feels like his life is threatened and becoming a nervous wreck. Xaviar does not believe in actions without benefit or rather doesn’t see the significance I’m actions if they don’t benefit him. So love for him is just people wanting to use him or his money, same goes for friendships.
Deep down Xaviar is deeply insecure about his looks and existence. Without money he thinks he’s worth nothing and weak. Ever since he got parts of his body replaced, he also questions if he’s even really human anymore, reacting especially aggressive when someone calls him a robot.
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Xaviar grew up in a rich family with two younger brothers. Due to their successful and wealthy status it made them targets in the eyes of people who felt mistreated, gangs and other criminal groups. While his parents always warned him about leaving home without any sort of security, Xaviar ignored them until the day he was kidnapped and held for ransom.
Due to his family refusing to pay ransom, Xaviar was supposed to be killed, but managed to free himself and fight his kidnappers. However this quickly escalated and ended in an explosion that killed almost all of the kidnappers and injured Xaviar heavily.
But even in that condition, his family did not pay his treatment, leaving it to Xaviar to pay everything on his own and making realize then that without money you’re nothing and that it’s the only thing you can rely on.
Despite that however he never founded his own company, instead traveling from company to company who often searched for any way to get rid of him due to his cocky behavior.
His little travel eventually led him to Innova Corp. where every employee immediately started hating him in the span of a few days. However, the boss is too afraid to catch a bad reputation by firing him so this is where Xaviar resides for now. That doesn’t mean however that his boss doesn’t send him to a certain life threatening parable.
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Xaviar and the parable:
Before we go into the specific people and how Xaviar thinks of them it should be of note that Xaviar does not like visiting the parable. It creeps him out, it makes him question his sanity and he would rather not think about half the things he witnesses there. Yet he still continues to work there for the money. His job is being the middleman between Innova Corp. and Black, informing the narrator over new business ideas, opportunities and offering some advice.
Xaviar doesn’t know what exactly it is about the Narrator that creeps him out more. The eyes? The height? The weird heavy feeling he gets whenever he’s around? Maybe all of it. Fact is that the Narrator has his whole respect and attention whenever he grazes Xaviar with his presence.
Now Stanley is another story. His introverted attitude and slightly malnourished look don’t exactly make Xaviar respect him in any way, if anything he’s below him. Still, Xaviar is aware of Blacks and Stanley’s relationship and therefore does his best to be as nice as possible to Stanley in the Narrators presence. That fake smile however immediately drops when they are alone.
The Children:
The stuff of Caviars nightmares. You would have to pay him very good money to get him anywhere near these monstrosities. Unfortunately he had a meeting with one right on his first day in the parable which left him a bit traumatized even though he didn’t even saw it’s face. If anything keeps Xaviar out of the lower levels, it’s them.
The Maiden:
While they are still creepy to Xaviar, he doesn’t fear them as much as any the Children. They are robots, they work on calculations and orders. He knows as long as he doesn’t accidentally get on Blacks bad side, he doesn’t need to fear them. They even protect him. So he’s a lot more relaxed with them. At least after he got used to them randomly showing up out of now where.
Much like Stanley, he doesn’t have an ounce of respect for her, but he stays away. There is something about this woman that makes him think that she wouldn’t hesitate to stab or beat him up right in the spot.
I don’t know Xaviar, maybe it’s because you have a very punchable personality
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Other Blank Script AU Self Inserts and Xaviar:
Sies ( @corelex):
Since Sies gives him a similar vibe to Black, he is decent enough to know when to back off with the short jokes. Yet, he also doesn’t get as appalled from her as from the others, as he understands her to some degree or at least what it’s like to be judged based on rumors. He’s also trying to get to hire her as her bodyguard but fails miserably.
Steve ( @xandyprojects):
While the chef is by far one of the most neutral inhabitants of the parable, Xaviar can’t help but get slightly nervous whenever he takes a knife in his hand. Steve’s no food gets wasted rule and his spoiled mannerisms also slightly clash which often ends in him getting picked up like a wet cat.
To you others out there, I’m always happy to let our sillies interact more🫵
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Other Fun Facts:
Xaviar loves to skateboard and is quite good at it
Despite his declaration that children are like the plague, he likes them (but would never admit it)
he goes to therapy
Xaviar gets freaked out by fire and loud noises
Xaviar can often be seen scratching or brushing over his prosthetic arm
he doesn’t like looking into mirrors
Despite trying to avoid his family, he still visits their parties to keep up his image
He would scam you
he’s the type of businessman who you immediately shut the door in the face
Xaviars cybernetic face parts can extend into a full face mask, but he rarely uses it as it makes him look even more inhuman
Other images:
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X, my self insert Maiden who I’ve been neglecting lmao
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WOW YOU HAVE REACHED THE END!! Can you tell who of these two OCs is my favorite? /silly
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d1xonss · 2 months
H EY could you possibly write a fic where the readers been on some heat the whole day just overall pissed, then there’s a fight outbreak in Alexandria and everyone crowding around & people calling Daryl so he comes, just to realise it’s his girl and he has to restrain her, pulling her away so she doesn’t continue beating the shit out of whoever and she’s MAD so he has to calm her down and gets her to just talk to him so he can help her. Just a thought yk 😛
Sticks and Stones
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 5
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Fluff
✧ Word Count : 3k
AN ~ I like this idea a lot! Just the thought of Daryl helping her clean up and take care of her after something like this just makes me melt. ps- Sorry for the inactiveness lately, April has already been such a crazy month for me and I've sadly had little to no time to write. But I'll definitely start getting back on track soon. Hope you enjoy!
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The weather was hot, sticky, and humid. Your hair was a frizzy mess, sticking up everywhere as you worked in the miserable weather. You were sweating in places you didn’t even think were possible to sweat from. Bottom line was, you were miserable.
The bad mood that was embedded in you only seemed to grow as the day dragged on longer and longer. It was bad enough that your group joined this new community in the first place, having to live with all of these complete strangers after everything you had been through with your family. But what seemed to make it even worse, was this community had some high expectations upon your arrival. The leader, Deanna, made it very clear that she wanted each and every one of you working like dogs in order to do your part just like everyone else.
Meanwhile her sons were sitting in their air conditioned houses without lifting a damn finger.
Though you didn’t mind putting in the work, in fact, that was all you did your whole life. You were never handed a damn thing, needing to learn to find your own way in life and work for everything you got instead of being spoiled rotten. But again, you didn’t mind. The only thing that bugged you was that there were clearly a few favorites that got special treatment. Though you weren’t just talking about Deanna’s sons.
For the past couple of days you had been scheduled to work with a small group of others that you tried to play nice with. And for the most part, they all seemed friendly enough, willing to pitch in and do the part they were told to complete. Everyone…except for this one bitch who seemed to love getting a rise out of you.
You didn’t know her name, you couldn’t be bothered to learn it. But that didn’t mean the urge for punching her in her stupid, fake ass face wasn’t growing the longer you were in the same vicinity. She didn’t do a damn thing other than tell every other person what to do. And she always seemed to make it her mission to get under your skin at least once a day to really add to your sour mood, really wanting to see how far she could push you. But you, of course, always did nothing. It’s not because you weren’t capable of defending yourself, but you knew even one screw up could get you, and possibly the rest of your family kicked out of here.
You didn’t want to take that chance. After all, this whole opportunity and hard work was the chance to prove that you were all worthy to stay within the thick, sturdy walls they had built. You didn’t want to screw it up for yourself, but you especially didn’t want to screw it up for anyone else. Which is why you kept to yourself for the most part, only smiling politely to the ones who showed you even an ounce of kindness as they passed by with a friendly greeting. Other than that your eyes just stayed down, in hopes that somehow the day would go by faster that way.
You and a few others were currently in the large garden that was placed practically directly in the middle of the community, instructed to pick the fruits and vegetables that were ripe enough to bring back to the pantry. The job was simple enough, knowing that when this last basket of yours was full, you would take everything back, wash them off, and place them in the right sections before finally heading back to your new home. You could practically hear the cool shower calling your name from all the way over here.
Though subconsciously, your gaze traveled up a few different times to keep an eye out for Daryl, seeing if he was maybe passing the area. You didn’t necessarily know the job he was given for the day, but what you did know was that it was hot as fuck outside. And seeing Daryl with his arms exposed, the signature leather vest, and sweat glistening off of him…the sight would surely make your day ten times better than how it was going.
But everytime you did a subtle scan, he was nowhere to be found, and you couldn’t help but sigh a bit dramatically as all you wanted was to take him home and use that last bit of energy you had left.
You were snapped out of your lustful daze suddenly when you heard a familiar voice from the other end of the space, seeing the one blonde bitch who wouldn’t get off your back, her face scowling into a glare.
You raised your arms up from your slightly crouched position, “What?”
“I can see you slacking off from all the way over here, get back to work!” she called with her hands sassily on her hips.
You sent her a bitter smile before ducking your head back down in attempts to pull yourself together, “Oh, I’ll get back to work.” you spoke under your breath, “Work on shoving this foot up your ass.” you grumbled as you began picking a few more ripe strawberries.
A few minutes of peace passed, moving down the line as you scanned for any more things that were ready to be picked off the vine. Your small basket sat by your feet as it was nearly filled to the brim with the amount of fruit you collected over the past hour or so. That is…until it wasn’t.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see someone’s shadow coming from your left as whoever it was seemed to just be passing by. But the sound of their foot coming in contact with the wooden basket right beside you is what caused your gaze to snap up, already knowing who the hell it was. Her blonde hair blowing behind her as she didn’t even stop to look at the mess she made was kind of a dead giveaway.
You shot up to your feet as annoyance began to quickly overtake you, causing you to open your mouth before you even got a chance to think twice. “What the fuck?” you called after her.
She turned around on instinct, as if she was expecting you to say something, a small smirk on her face as she shrugged. “What?”
You pressed your lips together as your annoyance grew, stepping up closer to her so you could keep the conversation quiet, “What the hell is your problem? You don’t think I can tell you’re doing this shit on purpose?”
“Oh I know you can.” she said with a bitchy tilt of her head, her arms coming to cross over her chest, “I’m just wondering when the fuck you’re going to get a clue.”
“Well, why don’t you just spell it out for me, because I’m getting pretty tired of dealing with the same bullshit from you.” you stated bluntly.
She scoffed, “You and your grubby little group don’t belong here.” she spat harshly, “None of you are what we need for this community, in fact, you’re only tearing us down. I don’t even know why Deanna let you people in here in the first place.”
Her words caused your eyebrows to fly up in utter surprise. You expected her to attack you, shoot insults directed toward you. But you never expected in a million years that she would have the audacity to go after your family the way she did with little to no reason at all. 
And in the end, that’s what pushed you over the edge as you laughed at her, not needing to come up with a single response as you had a few other things in mind.
Daryl was on the other end of the community, patrolling around the streets when he heard the sudden commotion. At first he couldn’t quite pinpoint what was going down, only seeing a swarm of people flooding toward one area where lots of shouts and panicked voices were coming from. Curiosity eventually got the better of him as his brows furrowed in confusion, his pace picking up as he approached the gardens, opening the white gates to step inside.
His eyes squinted as he could tell there was some sort of fight breaking out, the people surrounding them either cheering them on, or trying to rip them apart. He leaned from side to side, trying to see who was in the middle of it all as he silently prayed he was wrong about what he originally assumed. But then there was a small parting in the crowd, allowing him to catch a glimpse in between them, and his face dropped.
Some random guy was holding you back as you attempted to hit the blonde girl at the other end of the circle they created, clawing out of his grip every so often to get another swing in while she cried. Daryl then didn’t waste another second, harshly shoving his way through the crowd to get to you in attempts to stop you from doing anymore damage. It was almost like he couldn’t get to you fast enough, either that, or you were just quick when it came to nearly tearing her head off.
“Hey!” he shouted once he was close enough, pulling you out of the man’s grasp in attempts to hold you back himself, “Stop!”
You hardly even heard his voice, your ears ringing as you continued to try and pry his hands off of you, desperately trying to swing again as the woman sobbed. Her nose bloody and a bruise forming on her right cheek. She clearly couldn’t fight for shit considering she had such a big mouth.
Daryl groaned as he yanked you back harshly, “Damnit (Y/N), I said stop!” he shouted once more, his voice enough to silence everyone in an instant.
The familiar voice then finally registered with you as well, whipping your head around quickly to see him, smoke nearly coming out of his ears. Your face softened as you instantly came to the realization of the damage you just caused, the potential outcome of your actions suddenly terrifying you.
Your head shook slightly as you tried to speak, “I-”
“Get back to the house.”
His tone was firm, but somehow still held a bit of gentleness. You sighed as you took yourself out of his hold, not needing to be told twice as you slowly began to walk out of the crowded area. Now seeing the amount of people that witnessed your meltdown, you suddenly wanted to crawl into a hole and die, feeling all their watchful eyes on you as Daryl quickly ushered you the rest of the way out. The last thing you barely caught a glimpse of, was a few others crowding around the blonde as she continued to cry her eyes out with her beaten face.
There wasn’t a single word spoken between the two of you. Just silence. And it was killing you.
He didn’t utter a word, only gesturing you into the bathroom for you to sit at the edge of the tub, before pulling out a first aid kid from the closet. Your brows furrowed in confusion as she hadn’t laid a hand on you, but then your eyes traveled down to your own hands, seeing how cut up and bloody they were. The pain hadn’t even registered to you, you hardly felt the sting at all as if your adrenaline was still pumping fast through your system.
Daryl wordlessly kneeled down in front of you, taking your hands with such softness in his touch as he cleaned you up with precision. You could tell he was trying to be as careful as he could, despite the fact that he was probably upset. Hell, the whole group would probably be upset with you for a while, over something that you could now never take back. Something that you could never undo. All because you couldn’t keep your head on straight.
You were forced to think about it even more as the silence only lingered, playing the imagines back over and over again in your mind. You wanted to say it was worth it, to see her actually get somewhat of a taste of her own bitter medicine, knowing now she would probably never fuck with you again. But the fate of the future, what would come next, still weighed heavily on you as it was clearly unknown.
You then sighed softly as you looked down at him, “I…I’m sorry.” your voice spoke barely above a whisper.
He nodded as he kept his eyes down, finishing up your left hand as he wrapped it in some bandages, “I know ya are.”
“You don’t know the things she was saying…what she’s been doing ever since we fucking got here. God…I know I shouldn’t have taken it that far, but that bitch got what she deserves, trust me.” you spoke bitterly, trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince him.
Daryl’s eyes then glanced up to you, a small smile on his lips as he nodded again, “I know.”
Your brows furrowed in both confusion and surprise, “You’re…you’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” he asked, his voice a lot more gentle than it was before. But then again you could only assume it was all just the heat of the moment.
You shook your head softly, “I don’t know…” you muttered, glancing down to your hands as you slightly examined them, mostly to avoid his eyes as you knew he would be able to see right through you.
And he did. His brows furrowed as a few seconds of silence passed before he spoke again, “Yeah ya do. You just don’t wanna say it.”
A heavy sigh passed through your lips as you looked back up at him, “I just…I know that doing that was a big mistake.”
His eyes softened as he heard the timidness in your tone, “Everyone makes mistakes, sweetheart.” he said as he raised his hand to tuck some hair behind your ear, “It’s alright.”
“No…that’s not what I mean.” you said with a shake of your head, “I…I fucked up…I fucked up everything. Once Deanna finds out what happened, once she finds out that we can’t work with her people, she’ll kick us out. And then we’ll be back on the road without any food, or water, or anything. We barely made it last time, I-”
“Hey.” Daryl interrupted you softly, raising his hands to gently grip your forearms, “What are ya talkin about? None of that’s gonna happen.”
“But she’s already weary of us, we’re the big, scary outside people. The second she realizes that we won’t be able to fit in here, there’s no way she’ll let us stay.”
The man in front of you couldn’t help but smirk, which at first confused you, but then you found yourself rolling your eyes. “The big, scary outside people?” he repeated with a light chuckle.
You gave him a pointed look, “This is serious.”
“I know, I know.” he assured, “But I also know you’ve been bustin yer ass damn near everyday tryin to prove that you can be trusted here. That we can be trusted here. So…I think right now, you just need to take a second and breathe…okay?”
You stared at him for a moment before swallowing a bit thickly and nodding your head, taking a deep breath in attempts to calm your nerves. It felt like your brain was scattered all over the place and you knew he was right in saying that you just needed to fucking chill out for a second. You still had your worries about the outcome, but for some reason the longer you looked at the man sitting in front of you, the more those thoughts started to disappear.
After a few moments of silence, you felt him gently squeeze your arms again as he hadn’t taken his eyes off of you, “Ya got pretty worked up back there, killer. And I don’t think this stress and worryin is helpin. We’re here for a reason…to have a fighting chance. And you just gotta trust that over time, everythin’s just gonna work itself out…no matter what.”
He was so confident in his words, it made you want to feel confident too. It made you want to believe that this would all pass, and you didn’t completely screw up this opportunity like you assumed. Though there was still something else on your mind.
“But what about the fight? I mean…I messed her up pretty bad.” 
He simply shrugged, “Good.”
Your eyebrows raised in slight shock, “What?”
“That bitch got what was coming to her. Truth is, ever since ya told me about what’s been goin on, I’ve been dyin for ya to knock some damn sense into her. If anything, I wanted to cheer you on.” he winked.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Well, you always have been my biggest supporter…” you trailed off as you looked down toward your hands again, “And the best doctor around.”
He hummed with a small smile before grasping your hands gently, raising them up to his mouth to leave a few kisses on the back of your bandaged knuckles as if to seal the healing process.
You smiled a little to yourself at his actions, “So…you really think we’ll be okay?”
“We’ll be just fine.” he muttered as he placed one final kiss on your skin, “It’ll breeze over, people will move on. Cause I think they all kinda know she was the problem to begin with.”
“God, I hope so.” you scoffed, “And even though I kinda lost it…it felt good.” you admitted almost a bit sheepishly.
He chuckled as he pulled at your hands a little, helping you stand back up to your feet as he did, “Looked pretty good too.” he confirmed as he held you close, placing a kiss on top of your head. “I think you could use some kinda award for doin that.”
You smirked as you looked up at him, “Well…I could use a massage.”
He smiled right back at you as he nodded, “Done.”
~ Thanks for reading!
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your works are jaw dropping broOOO. gorgeous. a work of art. you SLAY at writing hcs i love it so much i really hope you can write more <33
demon slayer povs: the hashiras tending to your wounds
this comment really motivated me to write more of this TYSM ANON ily
wc: 1.1k>
he’d probably complete the whole procedure silently, as he’s scared you’d waste your energy talking to him
you saw him carefully unwrapping the bandages and painstakingly wrapping it around your arm as you slightly winced at the pain
‘oh-, y/n, you okay? sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,”
you reassured him with a small nod as he gently continued to wrap the bandage, placing a kiss on it once he was done
“thanks hun,” you smiled weakly at him
“get well soon, darling,” he said before he got up to fetch some water
just like giyu, he’d do it with silent treatment though you’d hear kaburamaru’s quiet hisses along the way
throughout the bandaging, he momentarily stopped as it reminded himself of the time where he had to bandage his own mouth to hide his traumatic scars
“darling, you okay?” you asked, worried at the sudden slight widening of his eyes
“oh, its nothing,” he shrugged it off, but you sensed that it had something to do with the bandage on his mouth
while he was calmly wrapping the wound on your leg, you leaned down and placed a heartfelt kiss on his forehead
“you're beautiful just the way you are,” you said as he glanced up at you
his eyes crinkled slightly; you knew that put a smile on his face
she’d probably tend to your wounds the loudest way possible, constantly asking if you were okay
“oh dear, y/n, this looks terrible,” a pouty frown emerged on her face as she cleansed your wounds with cotton pads. “you okay??”
“im fine, honey, don’t worry too much,” you replied with a smile as you admiringly watched her bandage up the injuries on your knee
“alrighty! i hope this makes you feel better, darling. i put some ointment that kocho offered,” she smiled cheerfully, as she gave you a gentle headpat
“thanks ‘suri, youre the best,” you returned her smile with an even happier one from you
would be quiet too but would occasionally check up on you
he’d go like “oh, does this hurt?” or “you feeling okay?”
you were technically the only person he could express his true behavior to
he’d be experienced in this kind of stuff since he had to take care of his mom when she was sick
the thought of his sick mom made him want to protect you even more. he’d already lost his family, he couldn’t afford to lose you too
he’d treat the wound as meticulously as possible to prevent it from worsening
“thank you, mui. you don't know how much i treasure you,” you warmly smiled at him
though he didn’t say anything back, you knew his smile was all you needed to see.
tbh i feel like he’ll just treat you like how he treated tanjiro when he got stabbed during the mugen train arc
“kyo, it huuurts,” you whined, hoping that he’ll do something instead of keep asking you to control your breathing
“okay okay, i’ll go fetch the med kit. make sure to control your breathing to stop the blood from coming out!” he darted to the other end of the house to get the necessities, his voice still loud as ever
when he got back, he tended to your lacerations as gently as possible, doing all of it with a proud smile on his face
“why the long face, y/n?” he noticed that your usual happy aura had dissipated all of a sudden
“i- i just hate being weak. i hate that you have to get distracted by your missions just to tend to my injuries,” you pouted, biting your lip
“my love, its part & parcel of your journey to make mistakes. as you continue on, you’ll find that these obstacles are nothing compared to what you’re actually facing. so, heads up, and look brightly into your future, okay?” he cheered you on while giving you a soft pat on the shoulder
“thank you, kyo.” you gratefully smiled as you dozed the rest of the evening off
he definitely wasn’t the best at playing it gentle
“ouuuch, nemi, be gentler please,” you winced as he placed a bandaid on your collarbone
“bold of you to say, y/n. somehow you don’t act like this when we’re making out,” he sneered, as he discarded the cotton wools in the trash
you were left speechless as an obvious blush sprawled across your face. only your boyfriend could make you like that, and you loved him for it
“yeah that’s right hun. now be a good toy and rest till i come back,” he taunted, though you swore you heard him mutter “get well soon darling” before he uttered those words
he most likely cleans injuries with flamboyance no matter how bad it was
definitely has custom bandages embroidered with random stuff just for you
you saw him putting on gloves and stuff although your wound was really mild
“tengen- babe, there’s no need for all this,” you sighed in embarrassment; your boyfriend would go out of his ways just to treat a mild scratch
“nuh uh, i aint letting you pass with this wound. it could be infected, who knows?” he cocked his eyebrow as he placed a not-so-modest looking bandage on your wound
“aight, i really hope that helps, darling! want me to bring you some munchies?” he chuckled as he packed back up the amenities
“there’s really no need for that, babe. you’ve done more than enough,” you smiled, softly caressing his cheek
obviously he couldn’t care less about your response as he brought you snacks and then cuddled the night away
DEFINITELY would come up with an antidote just to cure your injury
“darling, we need you back on the ground as soon as possible. all your mentees are worried for you, and i can't bear seeing you in a state like this, okay?”
in this case, your injuries were quite bad and she had to put you on an iv drip
after she was done tending to your wounds, she placed a soft kiss on your cheek
“get well soon, honey,” she smiled as she rubbed her thumb on your fingers
“thank you, love. i’ll definitely recover fast thanks to you,” you chuckled weakly, squeezing her hand and never letting go
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igotanidea · 11 months
Walk down memory lane : AK!Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Warnings: mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts.
You can find other AK!stories on point 4 here: Jason Todd masterlist
She was just so tired.
Tired of fighting, of keeping up that fucking hope, of carrying the excessive weight on her shoulders.
She just couldn’t anymore .
Maybe it was time to finally accept that Jason didn’t care about her. That he would never care again. Not in the same way he used to before all this shit hit them. Before Joker, Harley, Arkham…
But she still needed, wanted, craved his love.
But how long can a girl be strong and live in a delusion?
And for the first time in a year she started crying.
What Harley could not achieve, happened because of a boy. No amount of torture and mind games and tricks she was subject to in Arkham, not once broke her. But the indifference and cold treatment from her former boyfriend, the one who she still loved got her on her knees, sobbing and shaking on the bed in her little, cold Asylum cell.
He was right. She was completely alone, no one was coming to help her, safe her from that void that finally found a way straight to her heart. Nothing more than a playtoy, unlovable, weak, pathetic, developing a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome.
Poor girl hugged herself in a foul attempt to calm down, but it was for nothing. Tears were falling freely down her cheeks, turning her into a puddle of emotions she couldn’t hold back. It was like the old wound and the feeling of being used opened and uncovered all the layers she cut off before.
Some people call it trauma, but she couldn’t care less about the terminology.
Maybe it would be better to just end her own life right now just so she wouldn’t have to suffer through another day of such lousy existence. It was Arkham, she was pretty sure she would find something to help her execute her plan.
On shaking legs she stood up from the bed, moving towards the bathroom. The mirror that Jason broke violently after their last encounter was still not fixed and the sharp pieces of glass poked on every side.
Gathering all the strength she had left, she reached towards the splinter and pointed it towards her wrist, assessing the “best” place to cut……
She woke up feeling sore and in tremendous amount of pain like never before. Both of her wrists were patched up with the clean bandages and she wasn’t even in her own sweatbox. Honestly, she couldn’t for the love of God recognise the place where she was, until the familiar, slightly muffled voice threw her off her confused state and brought back to reality.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” Jason hissed with unconcealed anger and she shivered. “WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO!?” in a blink of an eye he was right next to her, grabbing her chin and forcing her eyes up.  
She was just completely silent, the tight grip of his fingers on her puffy, hurting cheeks causing a few more tears to flow down her eyes.
“I’m sorry…..” she whispered, slightly panicking. He was never supposed to find her, let alone to save her. And why did he? Was it only because he needed her for release in the future? “I’m sorry…..” her whole body shook violently.
“Y/N…….” her name in his mouth sounded almost sweet and the touch got far more gentle, sudden change in behaviour making her freeze. What was going on?
“I……” her mouth fell agape and it was impossible to say a word.
“Did you forget what I told you last time? You’re mine. You can’t just go and decide to hurt yourself this way. I cannot allow it.”
“Why?” she sobbed “it’s not like you care. I am just a reminder of the past, of all those lies you were fed by Batman and your family. Of someone you once were and could never be again.”
“Stop it!”
“Please, please, just let me go. Just let me finish it, please.” Her desperation and panic attack coming out in waves in the form of the aggressive tugging on the dressing, trying to reopen the stitched wounds and cuts. “I’ll do it myself. You won’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Stop it!’
“You can even watch it, I know you’ll enjoy the show. You wanted a show, didn’t you?”
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE STOP IT!” finally he managed to get a hold of her hands, pinning them down to her sides, precluding her from moving, even though she still struggled against his hold.  “Is that what you think of me? That I will enjoy that?”  she nodded shakily “fuck!”
“I’m sorry…..” she whimpered again. She was still here and he was now mad which could only equal to another punishment. And this time it was not going to be intimate. He could really hurt her at any time.
“Baby…..” he whispered, almost without thinking, closing his eyes “princess.”
“Wha….. what did you say?” her eyes grew wide. Did he really use those words or was it just an imagination?
Jason was completely inside his head now, memories flooding his brain like a fucking Niagara. He remembered the past. The moment, when while still being Robin, someone came after her, attacking her and almost eliminating her from the equation. He recalled the hours spend in the medical bay, watching her pale face and the heart rate monitor, praying to whatever entity was up there to bring her back to him. All those little heart attacks caused each time she took a sharp exhale. Falling asleep next to her bed, holding and caressing her cold hand, whispering pleas and promises to keep her safe in the future if she just woke up. Brushing up on how he felt when she finally opened her e/c eyes, looking at him with so much love and concern, asking if he was all right.
He remembered how she cared about him…..  And how he cared about her.
“Ja…. Jace?” she swallowed the lump in her throat, taking the risk to use his nickname, ready for another anger fit, but instead she met his honest gaze, so different from the one she was used to in his Arkham Knight version.
“Don’t ever do this again.” He gasped, brushing her cheek, putting a strand of hair behind her ear “you hear me?  Ever.”
“Jason?” he bottom lip trembled because of that sudden display of emotion from his part.
“Ever.” He emphasised.  “I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“Anyone who hurt you deserve a punishment and that applies to you hurting yourself. Is that clear?”
“Anyone, but you?” she blurt without thinking and immediately covered her mouth in fear of the words that came out her mouth.
Jason tensed a bit, his muscles flexing but he didn’t move.
“Get some rest. Need you recovered soon. Big plans for you.” He just said and with one final look into her eyes left the room, leaving her completely speechless.
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athenaswrath · 5 months
Until I Found You - Chapter 1
Quinn Hughes x reader
This chapter is more of a background story/introduction of the reader (no Quinn yet)
Word count: 829
>Chapter 1< Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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You were looking for a job when you had the amazing idea to go for one on a hockey team, the only sport I actually enjoy. When I got a call saying I got the job on marketing and social media for the Devils I was head over heels
The day they introduced me to the players I was terribly nervous, I'm not a social person at all, and being surrounded by a group of loud, confident and cocky men was not the best for my anxiety.
After a couple of days with them they noticed how uncomfortable I was being the spotlight so Nico made it his job to make me feel at ease, and to my surprise all of his closest group welcomed me in, even Jack, which sometimes had trouble keeping his flirtatious personality down with me being the only young woman on the road.
Luke on the other way was way too cute and immediately told me he consideres me a sister, saying that he'd traded me for Jack any time.
After a couple of weeks Jack spent some alone time with me, saying that I gave him the peace he'd never had before. He also started saying I was like a twin sister, obviously it had everything to do with our age and nothing with our looks.
I was in my office editing some videos for the last days of the season when Jack came through the door "Hey shortie"
"Jack, for the last time I'm 5'9" I said not even looking up from my work. He didn't have time to reply before Luke also entered the room "Hey shortie" he said in his cheery way.
"Hey pookie" I replied seconds before Jack whined "why does he get to call you that and not me?" I just laughed before looking up and seeing their nervous features. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" "Dammit" they answered at the same time, I raised an eyebrow and Luke continued "We just... We know that you are going to spend your free time alone and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it..."
"Luke" Jack said stopping Luke's rambling. "Right... So we wanted to know if you'd like to join us on our lake house these couple of months. It's just us, Zegras, Drysdale, Holtzy and Quinn... I mean sure mom and dad are going to visit a couple of days but..."
"No, no you guys have done so much for me already I can't just take a free vacation at your house. I appreciate it really but I just can't"
Ever since you joined the Devils, they wouldn't allow you pay for anything, everyone treated you like a princess "you're Belle for sure, a beauty and a bookworm" said Holtz one day you mentioned the special treatment
One could say that everyone could kill for that, specially coming from hockey boys, but you couldn't help to ask yourself "am I being a burden? Do they pity me? Do they think I'm a golddigger? A Puck Bunny?"
But I know they love me... Well, sometimes I do. It's hard for me to accept that, when your whole life you've been told by your own family you're annoying and there's not really something to care or love about you.
When your family told you they didn't want to have you home giving them a hard time and cut communication with you, you were heartbroken and desperate for money working multiple jobs until 2 years later you finally found this place you felt peace at.
The problem is no one but Nico knows that it's only you against the world. The rest of the team is oblivious to how sometimes you skip meals in order to save money to have a decent department, or how no one ever visits you, not even in family events.
"Are you listening to me? Are you okay?" Jack's voice took me out of my thoughts and he was close to my face looking at me with a serious expression, which was unusual on him
When I didn't say anything, he said "Darling we want you there you're part of our freak family want it or not. And God knows we need you there, there has to be at least one responsable person... Also it's about a damn time that you meet Quinn"
You've met Jim and Ellen before, but you've never met the oldest Hughes brother, the first time Vancouver played against New Jersey I had the flu and I could get close to anyone to not put them at risk. The second time Quinn was out due to an injury
"Please shortie, you'll break my heart if you refuse to go" said Luke giving his biggest puppy eyes
"Are you sure everyone's okay with me joining, I don't wanna be a bu..."
"Stop it, we all want you there"
Hoping they wouldn't regret their choice and you let yourself be happy for a while you finally agreed to join them.
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Disconnected… (sully family x reader)
this was inspired by 2 requests sent in so please enjoy! I didn’t link the two requests just cause I didn’t want to spoil it before you read so thank you! 💞
Y/n Sully. I was a happier child…until that light was pulled away and burnt out.
*five year old Y/n*
There was one too many moment where Jake had compared her to her older siblings…
Jake had pulled Y/n by her ear to listen to his words clearly about how she had to heal and be as good as Kiri..
Y/n walked into a separate room clearly in distress while Kiri was calmly sitting down beading a bracelet but she could sense something was wrong.
“What’s wrong?”
“…father keeps saying that I have to be like you but I’m not you.”
Y/n didn’t even give Kiri a chance to talk she knew that whatever she said wouldn’t make her feel better…not even a few moments after both sisters heard their mother talking to another Navi and that just made Y/n more upset.
“Kiri is the most beautiful child ever! We were given her so sudden and I always say to her, Eywa gave me you.”
Whats the softest way to say…you took away my passion…my happiness…what’s the kindest way to say?..you took away my spark.
I had so much potential, had I just been brought up differently given the correct corrections and encouragement I would’ve been something…something meaningful.
*6 year old Y/n*
“Y/n! Hold the knife correctly! Look at the way your brother is holding it! Why can’t you just be smart? Think!”
Y/n was too young to even start early training but…he made her anyways, said “with her like that, she needs at least two years of early training! She needs to think smarter.”
The little girl was buried deep into training when all she wanted to do was continue making friendship bracelets for people…she was such a sweet little girl.
Every time Jake yelled, stood by, or ever so slightly glanced at her she felt slightly scared…it always felt like he didn’t care. Truth was Jake was reckless with her feelings..he didn’t care about how the outcome of his actions would reflect on the young child.
Now I just sit in the comforting silence of the forest.
*8 year old Y/n*
There was one day when I was genuinely scared…terrified of the man yelling in my face..grabbing me, all because I failed at aiming correctly that day..but it was only because he made me stay up the entire night before practicing.
“Why can’t you just think kid?!”
He was pushing for words to come out as tears build up in my eyes.
“You were awful today!”
My own father could sleep peacefully in the fact that he was destroying me. It made him mad, my silence spoke louder than words..anger he wanted to come out of me. All of the sudden a full hand slapped my cheek.
My heart missed multiple beats when I realized what had just happened. That’s the moment I went numb to his actions, I quickly got up..wiped away my tears and went off to train without him. If someone were to ever hit me the way he did that day, I wanted to be ready.
I was dragged through the mud, what’s more to be scared of..? I don’t need them or anyone.
I don’t speak much to anyone…they don’t try speaking to me either so I guess in a way I settled.
*9 year old Y/n*
Jake’s treatment towards Y/n was like whiplash. One second he’d give her slight hope it was ok and then the next second he’d crumble her to pieces.
He put Kiri and Y/n to healing and she was doing really well, until a hard week hit her.
“Y/n. You went from first…to worst in one whole practice! You need to do better, when will you get it?”
All siblings watched as Y/n curled herself in, hiding her head once he left.
They were sad to say they noticed how as the years went by Y/n no longer talked to them…to anyone. Yet all siblings turned a blind eye..maybe it was temporary?
It doesn’t mean that i stay by myself all alone and do nothing, no absolutely not I enjoy adventure, hanging onto life by a thread…
*10 year old Y/n*
I actually used to have a good friend I knew for a short amount of time but sadly…she died. She didn’t know a thing about survival but it was because her father refused to teach her. So I taught her, but i wish I did it sooner, maybe if I did she would’ve lived…
It happened just moments after I taught her how to shoot a gun, she found hidden away.
“You want to see what i found?…will you show me how to use it?”
I was conflicted and confused because i had only learned briefly just once
“Ok…but it is not a toy.”
“I know!”
She pointed the gun up to a random tree turning to me asking what she would do.
“The most important thing is when you go to shoot, take a breathe before you hit the trigger.”
Tílí took this hilarious big breathe, exaggerating it.
“What should I shoot?”
Tílí was so…inexperienced, so much that That she didn’t even know you couldn’t wave around the gun. So I crouched and panicked the moment she aimed it at me unknowingly.
“Don’t do that!”
“I-I’m so sorry i- im sorry!”
Tílí immediately put the gun away but i didn’t even look…i looked at the forest searching for where the walking sounds came from.
“…Tílí..let’s go now.”
I yanked onto her hand and ran, hiding in an old lab, as we ran i could hear the man’s voice,
“Come out! Where ever you are!”
..we weren’t allowed to be in that part of the forest but I followed because she said she wanted to show me the gun.
We both sat down listening to the man whistling…this outsider must’ve been left behind when they were supposed to leave pandora, or perhaps this was the start of them coming back. Adrenaline raced through me that day…I was just a kid.
“I need you to listen to me. we have to go now…are you listening?”
Tílí just sat there, staring at the floor, and scared to move. When I reached out for her again she started talking louder.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Daddy, I’m scared!”
It seemed as though she was stuck in time…like she believed her father would come right that moment, he made her so dependent..so scared.
“Snap out of it, Tílí!..please!”
My brain fogged up believing I wouldn’t be able to save her, I began to get scared. My head turned to the whistling getting closer and then i did what I believed was best..
Tílí felt my hand slap her across the face..and then she rushed up, I got her out first by holding her up to reach the skylight on the roof and then pulled myself up..as soon as we jumped off we ran but the man didn’t fail to notice us.
I ran with her but when we passed she had fallen and so did the gun but…the man shot her in the arm
“Get up Tílí! You have to trust me, I got you!”
Tílí screamed in pain as I yanked her up, catching the gun, and ran. The man was taking his time in catching us..he knew I wouldn’t want leave her…
She had no chance though, her speed was slower but I had to drag her, it left me no time to make turns so the man wouldn’t have a direct area to shoot. I didn’t even have time to hide us so I could kill him then..He had shot her in the chest.
“No don’t- Y/n! Daddy!!”
“No! Tílí!”
I instantly turned back and hid shooting the man from getting closer…my body went tense as I walked closer to Tíli, her body was shaking and hyperventilating.
“No, please Tílí! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Your my best friend…I’m sorry.”
I stayed in the forest crying, left with her body.
That trauma didn’t go unnoticed. Mo’at could see that something was wrong with Y/n. It terrified her to see her grandchild’s downfall, she knew that Y/n would one day turn her back on her father for training and giving her pain so many years. Y/n wouldn’t let anyone even touch or stand by her…Mo’at wasn’t even an exception, no matter how much she wanted to heal those little wounds on her grandchild’s rough fingers and knees from training. She could see the pain Y/n was working through, the back pain from constantly doing tricks in training…suppose it was the reason Y/n was the best but it doesn’t mean it’s ok.
Y/n had been sitting on the floor, making medicine while Mo’at observed her…Neytiri walked in the room with medicine Kiri made from home.
“Kiri made some medicine for healing, mother.”
Mo’at hushed Neytiri and pulled her to the side, still keeping an eye on Y/n.
“We must talk..”
“Oh mother please, no need to worry about that child she-she’s fine. She remains happy at home as well.”
“Really? If that were true, that child would feel safe enough to make medicine from home.”
“Mother. You cannot possibly be insinuating that-“
“Shh. It’s just Y/n, there’s something cold behind her eyes…”
Mo’at walked away leaving Neytiri wondering…she too watched Y/n while she unpacked the medicine Kiri was making from home…
After helping grandmother I had stayed out a little but I only came back late five minutes after eclipse and brought back food that I hunted for. I could feel him and his stares..how he was so fixated on me and what i was doing now that he wasn’t playing ‘olo’ekytan’.
“You staying out late again?! I already told you, your forbidden from staying out! You think bringing food back home will make it better?!”
I couldn’t listen. My hand automatically dropped the food off by my mother and I immediately walked back out the home entering the forest, too annoyed to deal with him…he didn’t stop though.
My feet walked faster, heart began beating louder and my eyes just kept looking forward, not turning back.
“You come back here right now. I mean it Y/n stop!”
I couldn’t..for the first time in a long time..i just wanted to stop, to look him in the eye.
“I’m gonna tell you right now, You’re-“
Sometimes my mind just fogs up and forgets my morals…just like him. I turned right around, banging my hand into a tree just to push him to listen.
“Stop! I’ll walk home sir just- stop.”
He continued mumbling words, yanking me by the ear, i allowed it…im not at my break point just yet. As we entered the home he threw me onto my hammock and i just accepted it, staring at the sky…the other thing about numbness is that it kinda collapses time…suddenly i find my whole days blending together creating this endless and suffocating loop, training is all I do…
“Dinners ready!”
My transit stopped and i got up slowly, sitting in my little corner. There was never space at our dinner area for me..so I just ate alone. Then i did my chores as normal, slowly walked up to my bed sighing at the fact that i didn’t have the warmth everyone else did. Mother seemingly forgot to request a new blanket for me and I didn’t make enough time to craft items to trade something in for it..so I’ll settle on the rough blanket with seeking holes.
The next day I was told to do hunting with Neteyam in the forest…we didn’t talk much, which made it easier for us to hear outside noises..Then a man came but wasn't normal navi, he was an avatar and he held a gun, seemingly scare almost like he got lost.
"Shoot 'em"
Neteyam couldn't pull the trigger, but I didn't have the patience and i shot the man in the leg...then the hip.
I walked slowly to him.
Neteyam slightly tugged on me to just walk away and not interfere...but i just couldn't…something was wrong.
"Cmon let's go."
“Shut up Neteyam.”
He was annoyed but he just didn’t understand what the situation was so I kicked the man repeatedly until he was begging me..and when he did I asked some questions.
“Who are you with? You are not normal Navi.”
Then he spitted in my face mumbling about him swearing and being loyal, I shot him in the head with my arrow.
We walked away in silence but i can tell In his face what i had just done bothered him..he’ll get over it though right? He’s supposed to be the strongest warrior. The noises weren’t done..we could hear our siblings voices as we walked away. Neteyam called for our parents but i couldn’t stay put like he did.
Neteyam was behind a tree ready to shoot an arrow but he hadn’t realized a soldier approaching so I jumped down from the branch stabbing repeatedly into the man’s neck quick to make it silent..i hid once again when I saw a soldier head our way..he hadn’t noticed the body, just grabbed Neteyam, snapping his bow into half.
I began killing all 3 soldiers around hidden in the trees pointing guns at my siblings who were on their knees.
My eyes landed on the two fallen guns and i shot 6 while they blindly shot in a panic…i didn’t see anyone else, my siblings had ran into my parents arms. I was covered in blood..fixated on two missing soldiers…
Quaritch watched from a far, he could see Y/n held zero mercy…she was the one who shot their soldier who got lost in the forest. If she was so cold…he’d be able to get to her, get through her head.
He made sure the soldier beside him stood up first, aiming a gun at Y/n and then he shot him…setting up a scene of him “protecting her”.
Y/n held her gun to him…but for a minute she seemed in awe, she was stuck in time..she felt like she knew who this man was, somehow and in some way she heard stories about him when she was listening to her parents conversations…as did he. The reason he knew about Y/n was because before they were sent back to the forest, they discussed the little information they knew about the sully family, Y/n sully being one of them. In all honesty he hoped he’d walk into her, she was a kid who he believed could easily be ended or manipulated, because Jake never loved her, no one did. Hints why back at the fort they referred to her as the ‘the child with no love’.
If he got her on his side, he’d be unstoppable and be able to kill her father with zero hesitation. He knew he needed her trust first so he dropped his gun, left himself defenseless.
“I won’t kill you kid. Those soldiers that you just killed, well I wish it was different I do but they were weak of will and character.”
Y/n was patient this time…this man wanted to actually listen and talk to her but then again she didn’t care, he held let them hold a gun to innocent peoples heads.
“You know what I wish? I wish I had killed you too. I still can.”
“Yet you haven’t, you think any of those soldiers would have the balls to say something like that. There’s no way you could’ve lasted this long by yourself, otherwise.”
He was wrong because Y/n was brutal when she had to be. But Quaritich seems to take the brutal mindset Y/n had to the furthest extreme. However what Quaritch does goes far beyond being brutal he was just ruthless ..And no one who is ruthless deserves to live. Y/n still let the man go on..trying to pick her poison.
“We’re more alike than you think. In fact I think you realize it…but you’re not comfortable with it yet.”
That’s where Y/n ended it she shot him in the leg, aimed right by his lungs…and then her bullets ran out. Jake was watching from afar…he saw the entire conversation…on his way back he saw the bodies on the floor with multiple stab wounds, and he watched how she walked up to him with a knife. Then..he was spotted by Quaritch.
“Y/n! I’ll handle him. You don’t need to do that.”
Quaritch chucked at the oblivious father.
“That girl’s already seen more than you can imagine.”
Y/n turned to her father, rolling her eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere. That’s not your decision.”
“Atta girl, she ain’t afraid to look me in the eye like you Jake. You know that feeling you got right now? That's what makes you stronger than the rest of them kid….”
Y/n knew his words were true..but she was getting annoyed at the man who was repeatedly talking..letting all her thoughts out to her father..so she stabbed him in the neck, Repeatedly. Jake watched in horror, it was then that he realized he stabbed her in the back repeatedly as well…he made her a killing machine. She disconnected with the world more than usual and she didn’t even feel affected by it.
Everything felt slow..metal from the knife clinging with the soiled floor..blood covering her body. Y/n looked at her father, she wanted him to see her and the gore she created.
“this is what you’ve made me become.”
Fun facts!
Kiri was making friendship bracelets at the age Y/n wasn’t allowed to!
Tílí was a reflection of what Y/n would’ve been if she hadn’t grown up quicker.
I didn’t show much of happier Y/n because her memories would be very faded from that time..she started to grow faster at age 5.
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir r @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul l @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @ducks118 @midnightliacr @osakis-gf @onetwo123three @briannalarae @thirsty4nonlivingmen @historygeekqueen @abbersreads @eskamybeloved @hoodiepandaninja16 @valovesyou @silentlyswimming @r3dc4ndy @onlytays @papichulo120627 @tsamiaxo @wwwellacom @dotheyevenknowmars @midgetpottermills @he110hon @kodzukenwhore @minkyungseokie
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ramshackledtrickster · 4 months
How you see Connor as a father/husband ?
So sorry for taking so long to get around to this ask (honestly I love this question so much and I wanted to draw like. 5 things for it but time is short on my end unfortunately so I’ll just be wordy about it instead— sorry there’s only two pics !)
As a father:
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Ratonhnhaké:ton is trying his absolute best to be the best dad for his children as possible. He’s probably got some paranoia and brief nightmares about winding up like Haytham and becoming neglectful or absent, so he’s motivated to break that chain. Besides, Achilles and Oiá:ner and the rest of his village taught him well.
He looks to other more experienced parents for guidance, absolutely. On the homestead, Prudence and Warren and the whole lumberjack families would be more than happy to provide their own child rearing tips. Additionally, he refers to the more experienced figures in his wife’s village too.
Due to the assassin base being at the Davenport homestead, Ratonhnhaké:ton and his wife probably figured it best to divide their times growing up between the homestead and their mother’s village, getting a taste of the best of both worlds essentially while being convenient for both parents.
Connor and his love interest have two girls and a boy (Eldest son, middle daughter, and littlest daughter Io:nhiòte— all a few years apart). He does his best to give everyone their fair share of attention and treatment, and is good at hiding his own troubles when around them. But he loves nothing more than to spend time with them, and playing with them and making little crafts (some beadwork, husk dolls, wood carvings, doing his kids’ hair, etc etc, anything to keep those hands of his busy and to commemorate and keep his family happy).
He’s extremely patient and willing to listen, though when it comes to offering advice, he’d much rather do it with his wife beside him. He’s very protective of their kids, and very hesitant on if they decide to join the assassins in the future… he’s had nightmares about that prospect.
He takes a cue from Ziio, and keeps a few personalized books for practicing languages. Reading and spelling, both in English and Kanien’kéha. (In my headcanon, Ziio kept both a journal for herself to write in and a separate one for Ratonhnhaké:ton to learn English from, since she believed teaching him this earlier would protect him as they became further entangled with colonists). He follows in his mother’s footsteps of wanting to arm his children with knowledge to protect themselves, physically as well as with language and other street-smarts.
He and his wife greatly encourage clear and thorough (both in English and Kanien’kéha) and conflict resolution through those means. That’s a big rule within this family, to talk things through and nip issues at the bud, and to take responsibility.
When any of his kids are upset or sad, he encourages them to talk about what happened and why they feel this way. When words become too much, he’s more than willing to just hold and hug them while they cry against him. He doesn’t offer too many words, but he reassures that he’d be there for them, no matter what. He’s a very patient and present father, and he’d do anything to be the best father he could to his own children.
Also he lets his kids use him like a jungle gym. They’re climbing and clinging to him so much, and he doesn’t mind at all. He’s always wanted a family, and he couldn’t ask for any better one.
As a husband
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Oh my god Ratonhnhaké:ton loves his wife so. So so much. He isn’t much for super gushy verbal affirmations but he lets it be known with how close he is with her physically, oftentimes hugging her and being much more outwardly affectionate.
He is very responsible for his share of the chores and responsibilities at home, for the home and for their family. And he likes to get stuff out of the way early so he can spend more quality time with his partner. Yeah He’s honestly a lot more physically and outwardly affectionate than most people would assume, cherishing every moment he can with her for fear of things cutting off too short due to events or reasons outside of his control. It’s not often someone in his line of work can have peace of mind, so whenever he can, he indulged in that.
His wife, while very much tied to the politics of her own village, has become a matriarchal figure among the assassin recruits due to her ties with Connor. He tries to keep her and the rest of her family safe, which means away from assassin business… which means they do spend some stretches of time apart, especially during more fraught times that would put them at danger. He hates being away from his family more than anything, but that encourages him to make up for lost time wherever he could.
He defers to his wife a LOT. Kids ask him for something they were already told no to, he’ll say “Ask your mother”. He always includes her in conversation and asks her for certain advice. In my hc, Connor marries into her village (same tribe, different clan), and has adapted well to them. Honestly, she’s the one in charge of most resources between em, both at the village and on the homestead (the world and politics of assassins is something she understandably rather would tiptoe around, that being more In Ratonhnhaké:ton’s wheelhouse). In addition, she helps him keep in touch w his culture after the events of ac3 and the move of his own village— which is beyond meaningful to him. The promise of a brighter future both for himself, the people he fights for, and her and their newfound are what drives him.
His wife encourages him to get out some more and interact/be more involved w community stuff. Also he nor the kids can get away with doing smth stupid when it comes to her bc ‘she always knows’. Nothing gets past her, and Ratonhnhaké:ton knows it (based off these little dialogues here from reflections issue 4)
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Credit to her design and creation goes to @thou-babbling-brook !! It’s always a delight to draw her
But yeah we have always envisioned her to basically be a really nice compliment to Ratonhnhaké:ton, in design and demeanor and role. Needless to say, he’s a fantastic husband to her.
Sorry for the time it took to answer this, and the length of the post! Hope you enjoy it!
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pink-sparkly-witch · 6 months
Take Care of You
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Summary: Y/N is run ragged. Her employer keeps throwing more work at her, and she’s too nice to say no. She’s also been keeping Jensen’s businesses afloat while trying to keep an eye on their families with him away filming. She’s overwhelmed, stressed and hasn’t been sleeping well. When Jensen comes home after finishing his movie, he notices his girl’s not doing great and plans a weekend filled with “her” time.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Bingo Square: Established Relationship for @jacklesversebingo
Warnings: tw: mentions of cancer, tw: mentions of cancer treatments, tw: dementia, domestic fluff, massage, smut, oral sex (f rec), p in v. 
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: This is a very self-indulgent story that I wasn’t sure would ever be shared. This has been my life for the past few years, and when I sat down to write something, this is what word vomited onto the page, and I couldn’t stop it.
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
Consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite or leaving a comment. It really does fuel a creative’s muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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“Honey, I’m home!” Jensen declared as he opened the front door, quickly closing and locking it behind him. The lamp in the hallway was on, your purse and laptop bag were sitting on the sideboard, and by the text you’d sent him two hours ago asking if he wanted anything special for dinner tonight, he knew you were home. Why then, he frowned, was the whole house silent?
Dropping his bag next to the sideboard, Jensen moved further into the quickly darkening house. “Y/N? Babe?” he called out again, still being met with silence. Walking into the living room, he huffed an annoyed breath, shaking his head in disbelief at the state he’d found you.
You were still in your work clothes: pinstripe pencil skirt, black button-up blouse and tan stilettos. Your hair was still in a tight, professional bun, and your glasses were pushed up on your head. From the look of things, you got home, put your bags down and immediately fell asleep on the couch.
That damn job was going to be the death of you. They took and took and took, giving nothing in return. You were eager to learn, take on more responsibility and help everyone around you. They took advantage of that and turned your kindness and willingness to be a team player into an expectation. Not only was it expected, it was now frowned upon if you said no. So you didn’t, and God help you if you told someone else in your team that they had to be the one to stay late because heaven forbid, you did actually have a life outside of the office.
Jensen sighed as he looked over your beautiful face, blemished by dark circles around your eyes that makeup could no longer cover. How long had this been going on? He’d been away filming for a month and, with other commitments, hadn’t been home. He was contractually obliged to attend conventions on two of the weekends. Another was his own doing; he was exhausted and couldn’t be bothered packing and travelling to spend only thirty-six hours at home. So, instead, he promised he’d come home next time and went to play golf with a buddy. The only problem with that plan was that he couldn’t come home that weekend either as you’d caught Covid. The guilt he’d played golf instead of coming home to you still ate at him.
You both knew you didn’t need to work. Jensen made enough to support you and allow you to live comfortably, but you wanted to work; you needed to. And when he was away for work, you got lonely and threw yourself into work. Jensen had tried several times to convince you to travel with him and spend your free time doing what you loved most: writing. He thought he’d made a fool-proof argument for his case, but you outsmarted him with a flaw in his master plan; you had responsibilities to your family. And to his. Someone needed to help care for your elderly grandparents. God, both your parents were now at an age that even they were considered elderly, and you felt it was your responsibility to do all the heavy lifting for the generations that came before you.
So many aspects of your dad’s health deteriorated since he battled stage four prostate cancer a few years ago. The chemotherapy weakened his immune system, and he never fully recovered from its poison. The treatment exacerbated his arthritis, and his joints were now in constant pain. But it was his memory that was now concerning you. He was forgetful during his treatment, which was understandable because it was one of the side effects. That, and his mind probably ran through a million different scenarios about his mortality. It was just that it wasn’t getting better. It was getting worse. He’d told you the same story twice in the hour you’d visited last week, and now there were changes in his behaviour that doubled your worry.
Jensen hadn’t meant to worry you when he’d asked you after Christmas dinner with your family if your dad was doing alright. He’d told Jensen the same story several times while you were there, and he thought he was helping you out by mentioning it. He’d been upset when you admitted you’d been concerned for a while and hadn’t told him. When Jensen asked why you hadn’t talked to him about it, guilt flooded him when you said work was keeping him busy enough and that he didn’t need to be stressing about anything else just now. 
You’d told him back then that you’d been trying to convince your mom to talk to him and seek help, but they were as stubborn as each other. When the woman wouldn’t even stop smoking after having a partial lobectomy because of lung cancer and radiation treatment for throat cancer, you knew you were fighting a losing battle.
A light had been switched on, though, when at your mom’s birthday dinner, there were just too many things that couldn’t be ignored, including your dad calling you his recently deceased sister’s name and acting completely inappropriately for a restaurant. Your five-year-old niece had behaved better than him. Finally, you managed to convince your dad to see a doctor. Eight months and various appointments and tests later, a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, one of the rarest kinds of the disease, was confirmed. Two days before your birthday, no less.
As he watched your sleeping form, he knew something had to give before you became ill, and his plans for a weekend filled with couples excursions and dates quickly changed. It was now your weekend. You had a family barbecue up in Dallas that you couldn’t miss on Sunday, but until then, he’d take care of you and everything else that needed doing in the house. He’d force you to relax all weekend if it was the last thing he did. And it started with making your favourite comfort food: mac and cheese.
Jensen lit some candles around the living room to give a dim light rather than switch on the brighter lamps and wake you. Heading to the kitchen, he put a pan of water on the stove to boil before pulling his phone from his pocket and calling his mom.
“Hi, sweetie! How are you?” Donna greeted cheerfully.
“Yeah, I’m good, ma. How’re you doing?” he replied as he opened the cupboard and pulled down the box of fake cheesy goodness.
“We’re fine, son. How’s Y/N?” his mom asked, and he smiled softly at the affection in his mom’s voice. His whole family adored her, welcoming her into their family with arms and hearts wide open, taking her in as one of their own without hesitation.
“Uhm, let’s just say I’m glad I’m home for a few weeks. My girl needs a little looking after,” Jensen chuckled dryly.
“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. I don’t think she’ll ever change. She always puts others before herself. Is there anything we can do to help? You know if you need to miss Sunday, you can. We won’t be upset,” Donna sympathised.
“We’ll be there on Sunday. I think it’ll do her good, you know? Relaxing by the pool and seeing family. But I wanted to ask you something,” he said.
“Anything, son,” she said instantly, and Jensen chuckled at his mom’s worried tone.
“You know that lavender bath stuff from the place in Dallas you got her obsessed with?” Jensen asked, grinning at his mom’s relieved laugh.
“I just sent her some. It arrived the other day. There are bath salts, bath bombs, bubbles, and some candles. And the pillow spray. Oh, and the essential oil! You could give her a little massage!” There was a grin in her voice, and he shook his head with a chuckle.
“Alright, I get it!” Jensen chuckled. “I was going to ask if you could pick some up for us coming up there, but if she’s got some, that’s even better! I just need to know how to use it.”
“Okay, so you want to start with lighting the candles...”
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You could feel something soft and warm caress your cheek, and you start to wake. Your eyes flutter open, taking a minute to focus through the dimly lit room, and finally, find the forest-green eyes of the love of your life, and you smile at him with a contented hum. Jensen smiled softly back as he continued to stroke your cheek gently. “Hey, sleepy head,” he whispered.
“Jay, you’re home!” you grinned, voice husky from sleep. “I missed you, baby.”
“I missed you too, darlin’. It looks like someone came home and crashed out,” Jensen chuckled softly.
“What time is it?” you ask, rubbing at your gritty eyes and yawning. You had to admit that although it wasn’t your intention to indulge in a nap, you did feel much better.
“A little after nine,” Jensen answered and laughed at your gasp.
“Nine!? I’ve been asleep for three hours?” you groaned in annoyance.
Jensen smiled and gently gripped your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. “Yeah, and by the look of this, you need much more,” he gently runs his fingers under your eyes. “Those dark circles would make a panda claim you as one of their own, and that was before you rubbed at your eyes and messed up your mascara!”
“Oh, God!” you groaned.
“Hey,” Jensen said, “you’re still beautiful, baby,” he smiled. “I made you mac and cheese. Eat. I’ll grab a quick shower to get the plane smell off me, then I’ll run you a bath,” he held his hand out to silence your protests. “And if you’re a good girl and let me take care of you, you can have a massage when you get out,” he grinned boyishly, knowing he had you where he wanted you.
“A massage or a full body massage?” you giggled as you watched him search for the right response.
“I’ll tell you what. Eat, bathe, and pamper yourself in the tub with a glass of wine and a face mask, and after, I’ll give you a normal, completely innocent massage. If, and only if you still want that,” Jensen licked his lips and smirked, “full body massage to help relieve any deep-rooted tension, then darlin’, I am at your service,” he rasped in his ‘Dean’ voice, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s been a month. The only way to get rid of that kind of tension is for those talented fingers to work it out of me,” you lowered your voice seductively. “And I think it’s gonna take a few… releases,” you smirked at his darkening eyes, “to get rid of it completely.”
“Fuck!” Jensen groaned, and you grinned mischievously.
“Oh, and if you need to relieve some tension, my hands and mouth are at your service. Although,” you teased further, “I can think of somewhere else that’ll appreciate it a lot more, and I guarantee you won’t regret using it to your advantage,” you winked.
“You’re gonna kill me one of these days, baby girl,” Jensen grumbled as he headed upstairs to shower and prepare your bath.
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You cleared up the mess Jensen had left in the kitchen, rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. He’d be mad at you for doing it, but you didn’t care. He was also tired and deserved not to worry about a messy house.
Opening the cupboard, you pulled out two glasses. A crystal tumbler for Jensen’s whiskey and a wine glass for you. Filling the ice bucket, you pulled one of his good bottles of Scotch from the cabinet, put it in the bucket, added a bottle of wine, and went upstairs.
The scent of lavender filled the hallway, getting stronger the closer you came to the master bedroom. Smiling, you stopped inside the door and leaned against the wooden frame. You watched with a soft smile as Jensen moved around the room and lit candles. Most were unscented pillar candles, but you noticed the little glass votives on each bedside table and knew they were somewhat responsible for the soothing fragrance permeating the room.
“Found my secret stash, huh?” you spoke, grinning at Jensen’s damp, hedgehog hair and guilty look. “Hey, I’m not mad, baby. Thank you for doing this,” you gestured to the candles and the soft acoustic music playing lowly.
“Anything for m’girl,” Jensen walked over to you and pecked your lips. He took the ice bucket and glasses and placed them on the dresser. “I put your robe over the heated rail so it’ll be nice and cosy when you get out,” he glanced at you with a soft smile, opened the wine bottle and poured you a large glass.
“Thank you,” you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He chuckled and pulled you closer, arms around your shoulders and tucking your head under his chin. You sighed and melted into his body.
“What’s this for?” he asked, kissing your hair.
You shrugged, “I just need a hug.”
Jensen kissed your hair again and pulled away slightly, looking down at you with pure adoration. “Well, you can have all the hugs you want for the next three weeks.”
“Promise?” you grinned into his chest.
Jensen chuckled and pulled you in tighter, “I promise. Now, let’s get you in that tub, huh?”
“Yeah,” you smile. “It smells amazing in there!”
Jensen let go of you, filled the wine glass and handed it to you. “Go on in and enjoy. I’ll be here when you get out,” he kissed your forehead and gently pushed you towards the ensuite bathroom.
You gasped at what Jensen had done in there. It was lit only by candlelight, and the steam billowing from the tub filled with bubbles and the lavender scent surrounding you immediately made you relax.
You sighed as you walked to the double sink and stepped out of your heels, kicking them under it. Grabbing a brush and a hair tie, you pulled your hair free of its constraints and brushed it out. Replacing the tight, professional bun with a much more comfortable, messy one, you opened the drawer, grabbed your face cleanser and began to remove the day’s dirt, grime, and makeup, frowning at the dark circles under your eyes.
Finally, you stripped your clothes off, leaving them in a pile on top of your shoes, intending to put them in the laundry basket later. You looked through the sheet masks you kept in a little basket on the counter, settling on one with chamomile and aloe vera, keeping the relaxed vibe in the bathroom.
Sinking into the tub, you sighed loudly as the hot water encompassed your tired body, enveloping you in a warm hug. You placed the mask over your face, rested your head on the bath pillow, and sighed again, letting the water soothe your body, and the lavender soothe your soul.
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Relaxed, warm and sleepy, you walk into the bedroom with your fluffy robe wrapped around your body.
“There she is!” Jensen smiled when he saw you. You already looked more relaxed, making him feel lighter than when he first saw you.
“Come on, lie down,” Jensen said, placing a towel over the bedding to protect it from oil. You walked towards the bed, untying the robe. Despite seeing you naked thousands of times, Jensen turned his head to give you privacy. Once ready, you crawled up the bed and lay comfortably on your stomach.
“Comfy, baby girl?” Jensen’s voice is quiet, and you feel the bed dip with his weight. You hummed in response and shivered as his warm hand ghosted down your spine. Jensen poured the lavender aromatherapy oil on his hands and rubbed them together, warming the liquid between his palms.
Straddling your thighs, but careful not to put too much weight on them, he rubbed your lower back, sweeping his hands over your skin, covering it with the slick oil. Moving to your shoulders, he tuts and shakes his head.
“Poor baby, all knotted and tight up here,” he murmured as he increased his pressure.
“Hmm,” you moaned. “Feels good, Jay.”
“Yeah?” Jensen asked, working his thumbs into the knots along your shoulder blades.
“Yeah, it’s perfect,” you purred. You hardly ever took time out for self-care, but when you did, it was something you enjoyed, and you wondered why it was something you didn’t make more time for.
Jensen’s hands continued to work out the knots, and he smiled softly with every moan and hum that left you unchecked. Feeling you relax under his touch and sink further into the mattress made him relax, too.
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“How do you feel?” Jensen whispered, not wanting to startle you or ruin your tranquil state as he sat back on the bed.
“I feel good, baby,” your voice was soft – lazy almost, as you turned over to lay on your back, biting your bottom lip when Jensen’s eyes went straight to your naked breasts. “See something you like?” you teased, giggling at his smirk.
“I do,” Jensen’s voice was deep with arousal, “so, can I interest you in a full body massage, or would you like a rain check?” Jensen was always a gentleman; you could see in his eyes (and sweatpants!) that he wanted you, but he knew you were exhausted and would never push you to go further.
“I think,” you smirked, “I want that full body.” It had been a month for both of you, but the excitement on his features made you laugh. “You’d think we never have sex with that look on your face!”
“Can’t a man miss his wife?” Jensen chuckled. “Miss her body because his hand just won’t cut it after a while?” he bit his lip and placed his hands on your chest, rubbing and caressing your breasts and down your torso. He hooked his fingers in the fabric of your simple cotton panties and pulled them down your legs.
Dropping them on the floor, he kneeled between your legs, gently pushing them up before pulling them apart, placing them on either side of his body and opening you up to him.
“Hmm,” he hummed, licking his lips at your glistening folds. “A month is far too long, baby girl. Never going that long without you or this pretty little pussy again,” Jensen murmured and lowered himself to your core, licking a long line up your slit.
You had missed this. Jensen’s tongue was unbelievably talented, never failing to make you come multiple times over hours when he was in the mood. Still, you knew tonight wouldn’t be one of those nights. Tonight, you’d fall apart embarrassingly quickly on his tongue, and then he’d be too desperate to tease you more.
Jensen slid a hand up your body, cupping your breast and grinned into your folds as he felt your body arch further into his touch. Your hand covered his and squeezed, forcing him to grip your breast harder. Taking the hint, he slid his other hand up your chest and began to play with both.
That was all that it took for you to fall over the edge. You grabbed Jensen’s hands from your chest and linked your fingers with his, moaning incoherent curses as your body convulsed through its climax.
“That’s m’girl,” Jensen murmured as he placed one last kiss to your centre before dragging his lips up the rest of your body, nipping and sucking along the way. His warm hands skimmed your body, and he hummed lowly at the softness of your skin, making you putty in his hands.
Jensen’s kisses finally reached your lips, and the combination of his soft lips and your taste on his tongue sent another wave of arousal shooting through your body. Your hands grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged at it viciously until he got the message and pulled it off. 
His eyes rolled as your nails gently raked over his lower back and around his stomach. You dipped your hand into his sweats, finding his erection and clasping your hand around it. The groan that rumbled from him was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard, making his desperation for you clear as day. He dipped his head and placed his lips to yours once more, the kiss slow and sweet at first, but as you began to pump your hand up and down his length, he pushed his tongue into your mouth and deepened it. 
Jensen’s hand moved from your hip and skimmed up your torso. He gripped your breast and squeezed before trailing his fingers back down and settling between your legs. Running his thumb down your folds, he coated his thumb with your slick before expertly finding your clit and flicking the tiny bud.
“Good girl,” he mumbled, breaking the kiss as your legs automatically opened wider for him.
Jensen focused his lips and tongue on your breasts, sucking a nipple into his mouth with a contented hum. You moaned loudly as your body arched up, forcing yourself into him further, the movement causing his thumb to press into your clit just a little bit harder and pushing you just a little bit closer to the edge.
Wanting more, you started to grind your hips into him, increasing the pressure of his thumb against the tiny bundle of nerves. “That’s it, baby, take what you need,” Jensen growled as he trailed kisses up your chest, “tonight is all about you.” 
You continued to grind against his hand, tumbling straight into another climax the second his lips attached to your throat. Jensen held you closer, slowing the flick of his thumb and prolonging your high just a little without overstimulating you.
You shivered, suddenly feeling cold, as you returned to yourself and whined when you noticed Jensen standing at the edge of the bed. Chuckling, he pulled his sweatpants off and crawled back up your body.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere, baby,” he smiled, kissing the tip of your nose. “Are you ready?” he whispered while rutting himself through your folds, coating himself in your arousal.
“For you, always,” you smiled, but as he pushed his hips forward and entered you, your head fell back, and a low moan tore from your throat. With a growled string of curses, Jensen filled you to the brim and stilled.
“Fuck, Jensen!” you gasped.
“You okay, baby?” he asked, stroking your cheek, his brow furrowed in concern.
“I’m good. I missed this. I missed you,” you whimpered and wrapped your arms around Jensen’s neck, pulling him towards you and pecking at his lips. Slowly, Jensen pulled his hips back and thrust forward slowly and gently.
The lazy way that you made love was everything you needed and more. As you both succumbed to your climaxes, you knew that you’d always be safe in his arms and that he’d always take care of you the way you took care of everyone else.
Tags: @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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houserautha · 1 month
I desperately need to know how Feyd handles his wife going into labor, and how he is during it! I feel like he would be so out of his realm, and in aw of his strong wife but also very distraught
I need to bear this man’s children
I think you’re exactly right! In my head, at first, he’s totally cool about it. Like if his wife’s water breaks or contractions start, he’s holding her hand and coaching her through it.
But then labor really kicks in.
Honestly I think Feyd would feel so fucking helpless and that would frustrate him to no end. There is no enemy for him to vanquish. He can’t solve his wife’s problems with his blade or with his wealth or through intimidation. He just has to endure this with her as she’s doubled over in pain and crying out and cursing his name. And her labor seems to go on and on and on.
And as a result he would snap and bark at anyone who came near her. On a normal day everyone is afraid of Feyd, but now they’re absolutely terrified. It makes it hard for his wife to receive treatment because he glowers at the physician and the servants who bring his wife ice chips. Eventually his wife has to send him out on a walk or an errand or something — anything for him to relieve his molten-hot anger.
And, of course, he would be a good little soldier and obey. Feyd would stew the whole time and probably reflect about his wife’s pregnancy and his upcoming role as a father. And right as he’s wondering what the hell he just got himself into, a servant fetches him to let him know that his wife has started pushing and the baby will arrive sooner rather than later.
Harkonnens know well that labor is just as taxing as battle, so the physicians allow Feyd’s wife to labor however she pleases. His anger would transform into absolute awe and admiration, watching as his wife works through each contraction, body shuddering, covered in sweat and reddened in the face. And he would think that his wife has never looked more beautiful, that all of his victories pale in comparison to the slick thud of his child sliding into the physician’s hands, his wife’s resulting cry of exultation.
Feyd has never felt so many things all at once, or so deeply. It crashes into him like a fucking sucker punch. He uses a ceremonial blade to sever the umbilical cord, the tether between his wife and his son — who sucks in his first breath and releases it with tumultuous fury, bloodied and bruised from his own battle.
And then the physician is handing his wife the infant and Feyd’s entire world shifts. There is nothing more magnificent as his wife, smiling despite her prior agony, holding the babe to her chest as he squirms and writhes and wails. Feyd realizes with dizzying certainty how his family had failed him, had looked at him as a helpless babe and still wreaked havoc upon his life — and how he would never allow the same fate to befall his son. No, Feyd would do anything for his new family and, as far as he was concerned, his only family.
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brucewaynehater101 · 17 days
Was afraid of sending this ask until I recalled the wise words of Junko Kaname
“If you find yourself at a dead end and there’s no other options left, doing something the wrong way might do the most good.”
Plus I'm anonymous. I've got nothing to fear
Platonic Omegaverse AU based on "Back and There Again" by wolfsrainrules and your fic "Words Unspoken" on ao3 —WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!
toss in "Three Robins walk into a tower" by Law_10 plus the fic where Tim gets Surgeoned wings
Also there's some unreliable narration later in this ask which evolved into a fic lol
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Setup; Tim gaslights and lies to himself about Batman's abusive treatment towards him until he's forced by Jack to stop being Robin
When Stephanie comes along, he helps by giving her notes and recordings from his time as Robin, making up for where Batman lacks in training her himself
This leads to Stephanie learning and calling out just how bad his tenure as Robin was, being more distant with the Batfamily + professional-ish w/ Bruce
They try to spend as little time possible with the Bats for their own sakes from them on because the other would worry for them
While Tim doesn't have as much time as Barbara, he does presume an Oracle-like role for Stephanie to help her out
Stephanie also becomes quick friends with the Teen Titans. She's got Tim's seal of approval
Janet Drake dies. Tim is grieving and now he's stuck with Jack so he copes Batman style on the computer—
ooh nooooo. deadpanning??? that's just how I grieve, officer. I can't believe someone would kill my daaaad! who could have done such a thing? Oh you already have him detained and you're even imprisoning him in a whole 'nother state that isn't a revolving door! Thank you officer! You're my hero
Tim set things up so Cluemaster and Jack were unknowingly in the same area and Cluemaster accidentally killed Jack
But nobody is gonna figure that out. It's not like he did the deed!
And who else could advocate for the villain being jailed for life after killing a millionaire away from the New Jersey State itself than the new star of a CEO for Drake Industries, Edward Drake? The fact he works remotely from home and is insanely reclusive is totally irrelevant!
In unrelated news? Tim and Steph have become best friends who flip flip between who they have sleepovers with
Whoop! Suddenly there's two Robins running around often at the same time and they are manaces! Menaces to society I tell you!
Together they train to become the best Robin duo there ever was!
Oh no, I made this a "it gets better before it gets worse before it gets better fic" FUCK ME
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Titans Tower isn't crack like Three Robins. In fact all the Robins are screaming and crying at each other
"You stole my name!"
"You stole it from Richard first, how about you apologize for taking away the very name his own parents gave him!"
"It's not just about Robin but my place in the family dammit!"
"Why would you not come back already! The family misses you! We aren't even daughter and son! We're just unpaid interns at best! We could never take your place. they think you're dead but the spot is open for you if you ever come back! We never replaced you! We're here until you return!"
"Batman's a crazy kid beater Tim!" Steph's right but even with a support system, abuse does a number on ya
Alas, Jason is not seeing reason and while he gets bruised up and does it back, the two Robins at least didn't get beat as much as Jason wanted. Small mercies
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
When Jason finally comes back into the fray, it's smoother than he expected. Weirdly enough, he hardly saw his Replacements in the Manor, but given he wants as little to do with them as possible? Small mercies
When Damian comes into the fray and tries to prove himself in the form of attacking both Robins? Proof that there's lots of cult deprogramming to do; but for Jason?
It's nice having demon brat around again. Dami understands what growing up in the League was like and the Replacements spend even less time around him when in the Manor. Any instances where they would usually be asked to interact face to face are done through voicemails or emails instead
Man, Tim must really be living up to Eddie Drake's image if he only sees him and Stephanie as Robins on the field now
Meh, for all he knows they're prancing around with the other bats
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
It's his 16th Birthday
Stephanie is first and only to know
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Whenever Red Robin laments getting Spoiler's image tarnished in the super scene for good when it just could have just been his alone, she hounds him for it
As she does when he looks back to his time of cloning, thinking about their mutual lack of spleens instead of the dead
it's progress
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
The Core Five of Young Justice sit together in silence. Typing together contingencies for when Batman enacts the third test and beyond
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
"Demon brat," says Todd, ruffling Damian's hair
"Dami," says Grayson, trapping him in arms
"Son," says Father, says Pennyworth
The Replacements Father owes life debts to say "Robin," and nothing else until the public is upon them. Then they say "Wayne"
"Damian" when it is professional and polite West etiquette 
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
It wouldn't be the first time a villain---Dynamics Master---came from another dimension
The second time they were fixated on biology
Or the third time their targets were Bats
Least of all a new permanent divide between Batman and his proteges came
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Jason hasn't let go since they got out
Neither the pups Replacements with each other
"Unhand me Todd!" Damian. His puppy fussed.
'Responsibility' Jason corrected himself. He kept him close to his chest
Didn't matter what Dami had to say. His scent betrayed him; distressed-puppy-scared-omega-help-please
Emoting through smell. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it was just him and Damian
Jason didn't even realize when he started purring and rubbing his wrist against Damian's hair. Probably another "Dynamic" thing the villain raved about
Something about not wanting to be stuck in a world full of people unlike theirs, since this was the norm in their own
Damian yipped—his hearted melted, good god these Dynamics can't pick if their truth serums for thought or straight up liars themselves—as he buried his nose in the kid's hair, inhaling the smell of puppy-pack-omega-here-safe-and—
His nose scrunched with distress refusing to part from Damian
That wasn't right, it wasn't parting from him either
In fact it's been a chore to not gaze at the PUPS! Replacements the other side of the room
Replacements who would have long since left the room without a goodbye since all their checkups and duties were done for the day
Replacements who's gazes flicked between them and each other
And wore bandages over their wrists and necks
'Scent-blockers' he recalls the villain saying
Jason bared his teeth at them for a warning to— to— he had a pact to protect
Red Robin and Spoiler jumped to their feet and ran out the room, forgoing closing the doors, not once letting the other's hand go
. . .
For some reason, he and Damian's scents felt worse than ever before
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Brown and Drake don't say his name anymore
that is if he ever sees them at all outside of Robin
They don't appear in high society either. Father said they made a scene about faking responsibilities, injuries, and sickness to get out of dealing with elites forever
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
"That villain really did a number on you, didn't he Dami?" 
"I remain unshaken!" Damian announced, wrapping fresh scent-blockers around his wrists
When the Manor's doors opened to reveal Jason—wearing blockers himself—Damian was already running towards him, not locking back at Dick until he spoke again
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Another alien invasion—one needing all hands on deck—done with. All that was left
And barking a warning at the Replacements to not get up in his personal space
"Man, not even their teammates want them," he swore he caught a rookie hero say off-handedly, "and they're still allowed in Young Justice?"
But practically everyone was here catching their bearings, so in case he misheard it
"Hey, hey! I heard you talking about Spoiler and Red, right?"
The rookie turned to him, "You mean the nutcases?"
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
'Ever-constant despair' Cassandra had to say about the pups Replacements when Jason's hand started hovering over his phone
Alfred had commented on a trend from before the villain where they barely appreciated their meals without the other with them, otherwise they deigned for quick, efficient meals
afterwards it became impossible to get them to eat anything at all without the other with them
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
For the first time, Jason felt unfulfilled from Dick's octopus hugs. He was slowly and painfully spenting less time cuddling Damian now and he still didn't feel as hollow.
He grumbled in a way that came with being an 'Omega' and Dick didn't vocalize back. He didn't smell anything but chemicals from Richard— everyone actually
Jason felt hollow
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Once when Jason met up with Damian after the kid changed his blockers
He whiffed Misery
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
It was during a drug bust that things really went downhill. That Jason realized he couldn't do this anymore
It was the usual. Drop in. Stop the operation. Pack things up; just with the added downside of his stronger sense of smell making drugs stink like never before—even through his helmet
Spoiler—who came in on a short notice—seemed to have the same problems, coughing like there was no tomorrow.
He could almost swear to hearing keens of all things in between her fit as she shook violently in a way he hardly saw her do
Unmasking wouldn't be an option until the Cave, so she seemed to settle for placing a hand on the bandages on her throat
He placed a hand, on a crate for support. The drugs smelled awful, sure, but to render him dizzy? It was strong, but not that much
It was then that she noticed the blood on her hand which came from blood splattered on the bandages earlier
"Shit— do you mind if I swap out my blockers quick Red Hood?" She wiped down her glove for as much blood she could
"I'm not your boss Replacement."
She scrambled to grasp for her pockets and used her now less-bloodied glove to unwrap the bloodied bandages
'Great' he wanted to spit out 'I can smell you through my helmet and your costumes.'
Instead he got hammered with the puppy-alpha scent of pup-in-danger-not-safe-omega-hates-me-help-save-me
Jason wasn't even sure he could keep himself still, but he did it. It didn't matter if his brain was rewired or scent glands got grafted onto him, he was the master of his own body—!
He can't do this anymore, he can't—
nobody one else for sure
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Jason was going insane
He entered the cave to see Batman on the Batcomputer, but that wasn't what he was focused on, unwilling as it was
Stephanie might as well be clinging to Tim's shoulders for life, looking at the screen of the laptop he typed on
The two had forgone their blockers, forcing their scents to mix and mingle in the air, drowning the place in together-alone-pups-alpha-omega-miserable-together as he picked up bits of a discussion between about about 'dynamics' and a 'syringe' together
Tearing through his skull however was their frequent keens of miserable-pack-hates-us-we're-not-safe-here
Unseen by them was Damian, stiff if not for the movement of breathing and the gazes of oh god that was longing
Jason used all of his willpower to not tear off either of their blockers and he took Damian's hand
Try as he might, he couldn't resist keening in response to his pups. His response making the others stop barely made him feel better
Jason was going insane
He has to put an end to this
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
With even Barbara having to go offworld, Batman entrusted Tim with keeping charge of Gotham
After Batman left, he couldn't be faster in delegating some of the job to Jason, shakey as his limbs were
The back of Jason's brain tingles with deja vu seeing the sorry sight that is Timothy
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
A hospital in Gotham admitted a new patient
Days later, word hit the streets that Joker was good as dead, a vegetable for life, if only for the bare minimum brain activity and heartbeats keeping him going
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
'For once,' Jason thought as he stocked up his chosen safehouse to hunker down in, 'The Bat was right but too late in not entrusting me with unclipped wings'
He would do anything to make Gotham more peaceful than it's ever been for this string of months. Even pull every favor he had to get it done
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
"Pack everything you want to keep more than anything in your suitcase pup. nothing for keeping face, we're going to be alone"
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
"Steph! Red Hood betrayed us, it was a false alarm. Alert the on-world Bats and—!" Scent withdrawal was a nasty, nasty thing if a hug and an older omega's scent was all it took to knock the pup out
Omega-protector-here-you're-safe-now-pup wafted through the air yet unable to purge the misery-alone-unsafe clinging to them both
Jason would rectify that soon
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Stephanie had been on her wits end and her mind frayed alongside Tim's in ways everyone and thing else would envy
Today that thread of sanity snapped. She had no pack—she can't trust anyone—Tim needs her!
The Drake Manor acquired a broken window, which the super-computer stored in it's secret bunker promptly noted for repair. no girl or boy would see it for a time
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Deep in the Batcave, Cassandra gazed at the syringe full of fluid
A syringe which would be innocuous if not for it being locked in a suitcase that needed a mix of Tim and Steph's Dynamic vocals and pheromones to activate
Something achieved only after intense trial and error, prediction of randomly timed password lockouts, and guesswork on what clips of the two making sufficient audio were Dynamic vocals, and which of their items retained enough pheromones to trick the technology it was fresh from their wrists
Included with the syringe were documents of its nature
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Danger!-unsafe-unwanted-pack-where-are-you-please-don't-kill-me flooded the room after Tim caught sight of Damian and Jason
The omega chuffed, pack-omega-here-pup-you're-pack
An omega-puppy's keen, i-don't-get-it-confused-you-hate-me
A puppy's yip, omega-is-safe-protector-pack-scared-unsafe?
"You're safe pup," Jason crooned, combing his fingers through the teen's hair, "You belong to my pack and so will Stephanie, nobody, not even we'll hurt you."
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
All the desperation in the world couldn't get Stephanie to escape a Red Hood who'd spent the last months studying their battle tactics endlessly
And even more months packless meant a new pup in the roster led to him purging the air of anything but his scent of precious-pups-you're-my-pack-i-love-you
Tucking his new pup in the nest, he did a round of checking on the safehouse's security, then his nest, making sure the pack was sleeping comfortably. He scented them again for good measure
Exhaustion wore on his bones. Wrapping his arms around Stephanie as Tim did Damian
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Something was coming, Jason shot up, longlearned in trusting his gut, and as the only grown pack member? It fell onto him to protect them all
He froze at the approaching scent of a beta-pup, another pup, but how?
He heard the mechanisms of the front door unlocking and locking again, and waited for what was coming
The scent drew his gaze to Cassandra's eyes, Cassandra who was waffing lonely-packless-beta-pup-i-want-my-pack-confused
No matter, Jason made room in the nest for a fourth pup, and chuffed for her to come in
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Jason has maybe a year left of three of his pups being pups according to their Dynamics until they're full-fledged adults
All those months before they stewed in misery because he let their pride and societal expectations trump it all
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
"The syringe" is all Cassandra has to say about her sudden dynamic
As Tim confesses, those three Young Justice members had wanted to do something about Stephanie and him withering away
The solution? Reverse engineer their own biology to craft a more autonomous means of gaining a dynamic
Jason huffs that he and Dami weren't their first pick
That being said, he isn't saying no to three more pups
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Word rapidly spreads that the Batman's baby birds were spirited away by Red Hood
Even quicker is their meta status of the same vein
Asking strangers "Would you rather get caught doing child-involved crimes by Red Hood, or laying a scratch on his pups?" becomes a viral sensation much like Man vs. Bear
Rogues throw their hands up once Wonder Girl, Superboy, and Impulse join the fray of Red Hood's adoptees
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
When the Bats return back to Earth, they find those who stayed have not only cut contact with the rest of the world outside of Gotham and Young Justice, but have dragged Young Justice to join in on pushing their new isolationist policities to their absolute limits
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
When Batman discovers photos of the Joker's mauled and unrecognizable body have gone viral on Twitter, he's dissapointed at his own surprise as how easy finding the details were
All he had to worry was verification, which was simple enough
When the hospital's data shows that it was done with claws and teeth, unrecognizable pheromones matching just one boy he knows
Jason grins at him, omega canines on display
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
Is it Batman's business if his pups hand over a syringe and their favorite hoodies to a precious little light down two parents to Joker Gas?
Jason thinks not
. • ° · ☽ 【×】 ☾ · ° • .
I accidentally made a fic
How did this happen? Oh well then
Extra Notes
This was just meant to be a Jason & Damian & Damian thing but then Stephanie and Young Justice and Cass snuck into the nest
And this transforming into a fanfic that was semi-jason-centric wasn't on my bingo but lol
Also rip if you dunno wtf the omegaverse is lmao
Even if Joker is out of the game, Jason couldn't prevent his inventions from getting out there and being reverse engineered and being distributed, hence how Duke's parents still took the L
Now a little Jason think piece
In Canon, he's arguably just as guilty as Bruce for Joker's crimes and victims after he doesn't kill him then and there
Arguably because he cares more about Bruce than the victims and collateral of Joker's deeds
Jason in a position where more than ever, he sees family and community as his world, to the point it's need to live on a psychological level? Threats cannot be allowed to exist
Or at least be able to do anything meaningful for as long as they still live
Joker is at the top of that list. And if Jason can come back from the dead? So could he. What to do?
You only need a beating heart & brain activity to live, and Batman won't let him his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy
I'd present more questions and ideas that didn't get into the final product and do another round of editting but my computers gonna die now lol
Go crazy, go stupid about my ask everybody
Alright! I do in fact know what the omegaverse is. I don't particularly like it for a variety of reasons, but some of the concepts are cool. If I wanted to have similar enough dynamics, I typically read shifter AUs. They have the pack bonding, the scent shit, the different instincts, etc. without the stuff I don't particularly like (depending on how it's written, ofc).
The stuff I loved about this fic/AU:
Fixed Tim and Steph's dynamic in a way I didn't know I needed. Fuck yes to them supporting each other through their Robin years instead of being pitted against each other.
Steph and YJ bonding
Steph and Tim continuing to support each other even through the BruceQuest
Steph and Tim bonding over how fucked up Bruce was to them during their Robin years
The hc/au that Tim becomes an Oracle-like support to Steph's Robin
The hc (kind of canon-ish) that Jason and Damian met in the League
Jason adopting everyone including Cass and YJ and Duke
I am curious about Dick and where he is in all of this. Also, it wasn't quite clear to me who was affected by the omegaverse stuff. Everyone who was adopted by Jason was, but is there anyone else besides that villain?
Two notes you made at the end that were impactful:
Jason is complicit in Joker's murders after he doesn't kill the Joker
I think that is dependent on Jason's characterization. If, how it's often portrayed in canon/media, he cares more about Bruce's actions/reactions than justice, then this is true. On the other hand, Jason may be unable to kill the Joker due to a vicious concoction of trauma, fear, Bruce, and circumstances. It would be understandable (and a great angst/conflict point) if Joker is the only person Jason is unable to kill. He wants to, by everything he is does he want to, but he can't. If anyone wants me to expand, send an ask.
"Batman won't let his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy"
This is the type of Dark Bruce I want to see. My gods, I would kill to see a fic where Bruce views murder as a mercy, too permanent, and too forgiving. This Bruce wants to force villains, rogues, heroes, civilians, etc. to work for their redemption. If they die, how are they going to make amends? What good is atonement if the only one to witness it is God and the dead? What good is forgiveness given by those unaffected?
I'm not saying this is an okay or decent mindset (hence why it's Dark Bruce). I'm just saying it would be cool to explore a Bruce who refuses to kill for entirely different reasons. Instead of it being too far, him being worried about never stopping, or him not agreeing morally, I would fuck with a fic where he doesn't kill so he can make people pay for as long as he wants.
55 notes · View notes
Chapter 1
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Perfedious : A disloyal and faithless person.
Pairing : Yandere!Seokjin x female reader (Mirae)
Summary : You had dreamt of a beautiful man who held a diamond ring in his hand for you and the dream had come true when you saw Seokjin holding the same diamond ring and he slipped it on - your sister's finger - not yours. Sometimes what you want happens in the worst way possible.
Warnings : Heavy Angst, Family Problems, Age gap, Dilf, Dub-Con, Infidelity, Affair, Toxic Behaviour, Eventual Yandere, Eventual Smut, Just wait for Seokjin's dark Pov [hehehe].
WordCount : 4200+
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The bus engine roars to life and so does your heart, anticipating to be free from the weight it holds. As the vehicle pulls away from the curb, you sank deeper into your sit. You closed your eyes and drew out a sigh- surrendering and letting the bus drag you away from the sins you ploughed behind. Your weary eyes were fixated on the window, watching the cityscape fade away gradually. Slowly the streets grew smaller and blurrier.
You glimpsed at your reflection in the windowpane- hollow eyes tiredly fluttering. You saw the reminder of your pain decorating the red rims of your swollen eyes and that was enough to make your tears well up again. You clasped your lashes shut, guilty tears running down your pale cheeks.
In times when everything got too much. Too unbearable.
You'd done one and only one thing and that was runaway.
You'd go away.
Far away from home.
Harsh remarks, biting sarcasm, belittling words, that was all your mother had for you. Maybe that was what came as second nature to all mothers. They often nagged and ranted to their children.You'd even asked your friend Ari, if her mother also shouted at her all the time.
"Yeah, she scolds me but she always hugs me and caresses me after that." You ten year old friend had told you.
But your mother never did the latter part. She'd just leave you all sad and sobbing alone.
No loving words, no soft caress and no motherly warmth. You never got that. Atleast not after your father left home untold. It was after that day, her resentment towards you and your sister grew like a dark creeper. You'd never known the reason until one day you did.
"Your father left me because I couldn't give him a son!! There was no other reason for him to leave!!" She had spat irrationally on your faces.
It had hurt a lot at the sprouting age of twelve when she called you and your sister a liability. Minsu was older by eight years. Despite getting the same harsh treatment as you, you'd always thought she was at least lucky to have spent more years in the presence of father when everything was well. Unlike you who got no parental love and care.
Your mother had nothing to give you except her indifference.
No love.
No warmth.
And at some point, you stopped craving and begging for it as a child.
As the irritable years went by, it became more and more unnerving. And you no longer wanted to live like a quiet and depressed child, so you rebelled. You'd throw back comments and on queue the whole house would fill with shouts and screams. You were a total of three ladies in the house but the volume of noises that were heard outside were ten folds.
Your mother didn't wavered by your teenage rebellion. She just got more chances to cause drama. Reasonless arguing and condescending words.
Even public humiliation, the one time she came to meet your homeroom teacher. Nothing was worse when Miss.Choi had awkwardly asked you if she was your stepmother because indeed she treated you like one.
It became so exhausting that you gave up on fights and found ways to escape.
You stayed extras in school, went for night camps and trips, you just ran away from home.
This kept you away from your mother's temper tantrums for days.
You'd sleep more peacefully under the open starry sky than the roof of your own home.
You were seventeen, when you had quite fortunately stumbled into this good-looking young man.
That time your nose had almost flared in anger looking at the feets of the stranger who had made you fall down until you looked up to see a handsome face.
That was the very first time you saw Seokjin.
Your face had changed from a dark shade of red to light shade of pink as you awed beautiful man.You were literally ogling at him from your tumbled down position.He was in his creaseless suit and dress pants.You had pretended to not notice the buckle of your knees when you took in his appearance.
How could a person be so handsome?
Your next camping trip was filled with whispers and giggles about the handsome man you had encountered and quite obviously got a little crush on. Your friend Ari had teased you all along the trip.She'd winked and nudged you with mischievous eyes and playful smile whenever you both shared a task and left you flustered.
It was under the canvas tents, that Ari had filled your head with intriguing and exciting scenarios about the man while chattering like a gleeful cat who was happy for her best friend to find a man for herself. Though it was far from the truth.
That day a tender symphony had played faintly in your heart.
That night, you had dreamt about him out of your impending fascination and admiration. 'His broad back; adorned in a white tuxedo; facing you. And then he turned back slowly- you stared at his beutific face, then his styled hair, then his pillowy lips and then his pretty eyes which fluttered up to look at you. You saw the caves filled with gems and diamonds in his sparkling eyes. And then you saw the velvet box in his hand which extended towards you.The box opened to reveal a precious diamond ring glazing so brightly that you shut your eyes from its intensity.'
Only to open your eyes and see Ari's groggy face the next morning.
Just the reminder of the fantasy brought a blushing hue on your face and fluttery feeling in your stomach. When you told Ari, she had squealed so loud in the bus and grinned at you.
"Your eyes are literally shining since you saw him, you know that." Ari told you in excitement.
"In all honesty, we should really go find him and then why not give it a try!!" Ari suggested.
And you shushed her because the single thought of meeting him again gave you tingles everywhere.
You had seen many girls with teeny tiny crushes but never thought you'd be one.
But again
You knew you were being stupid to dream about a man who was probably twice your age.
But again
It wouldn't hurt to dream.
In the drapes of spring blossom, your sister got married.
As the vows and kisses were exchanged beneath the flower beds, your heart too, like the petals, fell to the ground.
The diamond in her ring finger shined just like the coat of tears welling up in your eyes.
Happy tears and sad tears.
You feigned the biggest smile till your cheeks hurt.
You had never thought you'd be so upset from inside at your beloved sister's wedding but you couldn't help it.
It was worth a grimace how familiar her groom looked to the man in your dreams.
Because indeed it was him.
Kim Seokjin
What a laughable coincidence it was!
Everything had happened so abruptly.
On the day you returned from your trip, you saw Seokjin for the second time.
But the foolish grin on your face was wiped away the moment you saw him sitting on your couch with your sister.
Their hands were intertwined like lovers.
And you were more surprised to see your mother's pleased face, who soon after declared they could wed in the coming week. The little celebration was carried on with clinks of wine glasses and plates of special dishes.
And you sat there dumbfounded and baffled by the sudden decision.
Minsu hadn't said a single thing about this.
Your sad face never went unnoticed by her and she explained to you with a calm sigh,
" I know Rae, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but I was unaware that he liked me just as much I liked him."
"And then he proposed to me all of a sudden and I didn't feel like there was a single reason to say no."
And then she smiled bashfully like a damsel.
"Fate is a wondrous thing, Rae. I'm so grateful to the scriptor above wrote him in my fate."
Damn the scriptor.
You stomach had churned when you asked her,
"Do you love him?"
She looked at your glassy eyes.
"Do you think I'll marry a man I don't love?"
"Ofcourse I love him. Who wouldn't?" You felt your breath sink from her last sentence. You had seen the love and sincerity in her eyes.
Then her gaze shifted with concern to you and she squeezed your shoulder lightly.
"You are happy, right?" She asked you.
Your eyes darted away. You couldn't do this to her. You would not crush over her man. You should not.
You pulled her in a tight hug and hid your face as hopeless tears ran down your cheeks. You didn't know why you were feeling this myriad of emotions all of a sudden.
You couldn't place your finger on what you were feeling. There were so many things at once.
"Ofcourse I'm happy for you. J-just don't forget about me. Don't leave me alone with that omen." You heard her chuckle as she patted your hair.
"I will never leave you Rae, I promise."
And that was how you stood beside her as her maid of honour. You stole a few glances at Seokjin who was so blissfully unaware about the way your heart and stomach felt tingles by looking at him.
You were so shameless to stare at him with intent just to see if he was really there and you weren't dreaming again.
You're not gonna lie but Seokjin looked so exquisite in his attire. So so beautiful that you almost got lost in watching him smile.
Seokjin wanted to have a small and uncrowded ceremony. He booked a hotel which was decorated like paradise. Interior graced with soft looking pink and white roses. And the garden was filled with cherry blossoms.
It was a wedding everyone dreamt of.
Under the trees, you sat with a pout and looked at the couple who were busy posing and capturing the memories of their wedding in the garden. Post wedding shoot.
Seokjin and Minsu,
They looked good together.
Now that you consider thinking, you were actually being childish and stupid to even have thought that you held any chance with him.
It was a stupid crush.
Little doration and little fascination, that was it all.
And it was plain stupid and dumb, to put so much strain and stress to your mind with whatever you were feeling.
Not only you but anyone would wish to have a man like him.
That's it.
One thing you knew was Minsu was dear to you and you'd do anything for.
So what you had to do now was let go of this stupid crush and the intrusive thoughts that came with it.
He was your brother in law now.
Avoid it or not.
And yet again you couldn't control the loud beating of your heart as he walked over to where you sat. Behind him, Minsu was still posing in her wedding gown.
You inhaled his expensive rosewood perfume as he sat down beside you.
Thank God your ears were covered by your hair or else he would have seen how red and hot they had turned.
"So, did you enjoy the wedding, Mirae?" He tried to strike a conversation with you.
You tried not to shy away from his gaze even if you were squealing inside just by hearing your name roll down his tongue.
" I-I did, it was gorgeous with all the flowers." You smiled and stared at the rose in his hand.
"And the food?"
" I didn't get to try the buffet yet because mother warned me to not eat before you both. I need to accompany you both."
Your voice grew smaller at the end thinking you spoke more than you needed to.
You heard his melodious chuckles looking at your frowning face.
"You don't need to worry about it, you can just go and have the food. Minsu had specially selected your favourite dishes."
Your eyes brightened at that and you looked up at him only to see him fondly smiling at you. He looked so princely. Your hands unintentionally squeezed the fabric of your baby pink dress.
You shook your head,
"No, I'll better wait for you both. And I guess Minsu's shoot is about to end."
You both looked at Minsu who was flaunting in her white gown ahead. Dangling a large bouquet of roses in her hand.
In your periphery, you saw him fiddling with a rose in his hand. He might have used it for the photoshoot.
You flinched when a blossom fell on you and he laughed at you. Your cheeks would have been dusted red by now.
"Why don't we go on a walk near the river until she gets back?"
He gestured towards the river at the other end of the garden. You gave a tiny nod and walked side by side.
The ceremony had ended by late noon and now the sun was dipping down the river. You had to crane your neck up just to look at his side face.
" I didn't get to ask this before but are you happy for your sister? "
You were stunned for a moment but put up a smile and replied,
"Yes, why would I not be? You both love each other and that's enough for me to be happy for her"
That's enough for me to let my chance go.
You were already getting tired to answer this same question again and again. Sick of convincing yourself that you were, happy.
You gulped when he observed your face for a few seconds, his eyes reflecting the golden sunset behind you and then he nodded.
Peering into his bourbon eyes was making your breath uneven. He was so so handsome, you had never witnessed a man like him. It was so hard for you to conceal the velvet fondness in your eyes.
You tried not to stare.
You tried not to show.
You were about to turn your face away to stare at the river on other side and also to hide your reddened face. But he tucked your elbow lightly,
His face was merely away from yours as he leaned down with furrowed brows. Your heart almost cried happily at his soft touch.
The symphony had come back and played in your heart again. Pellucid.
His leaned closer and his sweet wine-tinged breath hit you. Your legs were shaking under your frock. You were being skittish. If not for the light grasp he had on your hand, you would have staggered back and fell in the open river. Because your legs were out of control.
Like your heart.
Like your breath.
Like the ruby blood rushing to your full cheeks.
What were you feeling?
And what was he doing?
He plucked something from your lash and held the tiny piece of petal that had stuck in your lashes unknowingly.
"Uh, I saw this. It would have gone in your eye so I removed it."
He said simply as if he didnt just wrench your breath away and backed away.
You swiftly turned around to look at the shining ripples of water. Your eyes darted everywhere but at him.
You gasped when you saw something on the ground and crouched to pick it up.
Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows and leaned to look at the little leaf flat against your little palm, as you showed it to him.
A four-leaf clover
"You know it's so rare to find. Only the luckiest ones get the chance."
He was amused by hearing that and asked,
"So does it have more speciality?"
You nodded hurried and told him,
" Yes it does! The first three leaves are for hope, faith and love. And the fourth one which is rare to exist brings luck."
"Hmm..So aren't you the lucky one?"
You wanted to laugh and tell him that you were anything but.
It was ironic
To find a four clover on one your unluckiest days, if you put it out like that.
You grinned at him to hide your grimace and shrugged,
" I hope so I am."
" Ofcourse you are, now you got a brother-in-law at your side."
He said playfully and proudly.
Your insides winced at the mention of that awful term, you were already annoyed with that claim.
"But honestly, I will always love and protect Minsu, and hopefully take care of you too. I never thought I'd have such a little sister in law." He babbled his confession.
You had got so caught up with that 'take care of you too' that you didn't hear what he said next.
"I know how you two have been close and dealt with-with your mother, but I promise that- from now on I'll keep your sister happy."
You were melting at his words, at his need to constantly reassure you. That he found you important enough to assure it to. He was making you feel like the bigger person by saying those sugary words. And no one had ever taken that effort.
He even offered you the small pink rose in his hand to seal his promise.
And you took it with dreamy eyes, which you were sure won't get any sleep tonight.
The bus screeched to a halt. You stepped down clumsily, clutching your bag. The bus drove off and you spun to walk forward as strides of your heels hit the cobblestoned lane of the small town.
The memories of your childhood swirled around you, winding through the streets like fleeting chuckles. Lollipops. Paper windmills. Little balloons. Your father.
This was his hometown.
The breeze caressed your face as if reassuring you that everything will be alright. You reached the designated home and knocked on the wooden door, only to be greeted by your Grandma's mushy face which bloomed with a welcoming smile.
The haven of herbs and medicines greet you next. Your grandma was a traditional therapist. She was known around for her herbal therapy. Everyone came to her 'Healing Home' for cure.
And maybe you did too. You came here for a cure. To seek her healing water which would wash you off your sins. To seek a balm to treat the wounds of remorse.
And to seek a refugee to coop up your pathetic broken self in.
It came easy for you to conceal what's inside you- your feelings. Conceal. Hide. Obscure them. That was what you had done all your life.
So just like your feelings, you wanted to hide yourself to. Anywhere. Away from prying eyes. Distant the whispers of blame and shame in your head. Detach yourself from his lingering scent.
You wanted to hide away and curl and cry and sought and mend yourself. And nothing was better than your grandmother's mending shelter.
She offered you tea. Caramel evenings were spend with honey teas and baked cinnamon rolls. You talked to her and told her how you wanted to take a break away from the city. You lied to her that office work was stressing and making you sick. You needed time away from all that and find peace.
Away from home.
Away from him.
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Next I Main Masterlist
A/N : This chapter is pretty much about female mc and how she starts to like Seokjin.The seed is just sown. NGL it was way to angsty. Seokjin is good and kind in this and will be in further chapters until the facade slips.
Hope you all like this. Also comment if you wanna get added in the tag list.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Hiyaaa! ^^ long time no see!
I think that Poseidon experiencing the fear of his daughter being mistreated or taken advantage is kind of deserved. We all know from mythology that he wasn’t exactly the nicest God around, of a saint for that matter, and perhaps he just didn’t reflect on those actions much until he had a daughter and started fearing that someone even worse than him would come and harm her lmao 💀💀
I don't know if angst applies to this request, but I would definitely love for his brothers (especially Hades) to be involved in some way, not harming the reader obviously 🫶
-Poseidon was the picture-perfect example of a god, powerful, regal, and very popular. Yes, he was intimidating, but so many looked up to him as an example of what a god should be.
-He wasn’t without his flaws, as he was a cruel man, treating others, especially humans, like they were dirt beneath his feet, and he wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place. Not even his own family was free from this treatment, especially if he felt like you needed to be put in your place, including his own children.
-Poseidon wasn’t exactly father of the year, as most of his children were either afraid of him or had nothing to do with him after he abandoned them, not finding them worthy until they grew into their power years later.
-This was different, as he held you in his arms, peering up at him with large bright blue eyes, ones that looked like the sea. You were only a baby, but you quickly had his heart in a headlock, smiling up at him.
-Poseidon had never felt like this before with any of his other children- as soon as he held you up, to observe if you were worthy of his time, he was instantly in love with you.
-You were his precious little princess.
-Your papa was such an attentive father for you, he would perform his duties as usual, but once he was with you, he would melt, smiling softly as he would play with you, treating you with such gentleness that many, who had been lucky enough to see this side of Poseidon, his brothers, couldn’t believe this was the same man.
-It wasn’t until you were a bit older that Poseidon started to change as a king- he started to be more level-headed, he would listen before passing a decision, and he was less prone to bouts of anger.
-His own children were stunned by this, but it made them curious as to why the sudden change.
-Hades was the one who got the answer- it was you. Poseidon was changing for you. He knows that he’s not the nicest person and that many are afraid of him, however, he’s terrified that those people will take you away from him, telling you how cruel he was, and telling you what a bad father he was.
-Poseidon wanted to make sure that it never came to this, he wanted to prove that he was a nice person, a nice king- but to do so, he had to change himself and how things were run under his rule.
-Nobody was complaining, as things started to flourish more than normal, showing him how things could have been had he been like this the whole time.
-Poseidon did feel guilty, and his children and family members that he had treated so badly, were stunned when he approached them, apologizing to them.
-He swore that he was going to be a better person, a better king, and a better father- and it was all for you- the light of his life. A light he wanted to keep in his life forevermore.
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bunniekittiee · 8 months
TCM headcanons that are sad and that no one asked for pt.3
Warning: Abuse, angst
When Drayton first started to abuse his family, Nubbins would cry to Chop Top when they were smaller, like about 5-6.
The twins put on a front that they were not fazed by Drayton’s abuse and even taunted the man to do as he pleased.
But every so often, Nubbins would crawl into Chop Top’s bed late in the night and cry into his brother.
Sometimes Chop Top would cry too, but he did his best to hold himself together for his brother.
Despite being twins, Chop felt like the older one of the two.
When the old man started laying hands on Bubba, it always ended in the twins sticking up for little Bubba.
They’d take the beatings for him or even ran Drayton in circles to tire him out.
Though Drayton was younger then too, so he could go on for long periods of time.
Drayton never felt to use the same treatment on Sissy.
Whether he thought it was wrong to use it on a little girl or because he was afraid of what she would do, Sissy never got beat.
However, that does not mean she did not go unpunished.
Sissy argued with Drayton a lot. And I mean a lot.
Think of it as a defiant, rogue teenager (except Sissy was young) and a father that can’t accept the fact they’re wrong.
Sissy, at a young age, argued back and forth continuously with Drayton and even drove him as far as to throw her toys and belongings away.
Sissy and Bubba would dig them out of the trash and spend hours doing it.
She would not go down without a fight and she was stubborn. She was not going to let Drayton push her around like he did her ‘brothers’.
When she got older, her arguing continued and instead of toys, Drayton would throw away her makeup and hair products.
This did not stop Sissy from her behavior and eventually she started to lock her things up so Drayton could not throw them away.
She built up a resentment towards Drayton for targeting the things she loved and enjoyed and distanced herself from him very quickly when she was able to.
Sometimes Sissy still has nightmares of her belongings being thrown away by mean ol’ Drayton.
She would cry to Bubba out of frustration because of how Drayton never seemed to care about any of them.
Bubba felt her pain too.
Everyone knew that Johnny was not a Sawyer/Slaughter.
This was apparent when he grew up and looked nothing like Nancy or the others.
This was also obvious when the kids would visit Nancy and the next time they saw her, she had Johnny. There was no belly bump, so how did she have him?
Johnny started to notice that he might not be related when he was a teen and confronted Nancy (aggressively might I add) but instead of telling him the truth, she lied about a lot of it.
She told him that yes, he was not a Sawyer/Slaughter by blood. He was not truly related to the family he had grown up with.
This made his whole world crash down.
And if that was not bad enough, she told him that his real mother left him to die in the freezing cold winter by a dumpster.
But Nancy, Johnny’s “angel in disguise”, saved him and took him in as her own. Loved him like her own.
Nancy thanked his mother for abandoning him, for she wouldn’t have her perfect Johnny, but she also shamed her for doing that to the poor boy.
This was far from the truth but Johnny never knew that.
Johnny felt like he did not know himself or the family he was raised with. It caused an identity crisis.
Feelings of abandonment stirred inside of him and he questioned things a lot.
Was he so easy to leave behind?
Was everyone going to abandon him eventually?
Would he be left all alone?
Over time, he buried it deep and chose to never address it. But he will get those thoughts that creep up.
Murder and predation aside, part of the reason why Johnny is afraid of falling in love with a victim or another woman is because he is afraid of being abandoned again.
Drayton was young when he started taking care of his siblings and it made him angry. Very angry.
Although Drayton was in his late twenties, he knew at his age he should’ve been married and having children of his own.
And here he was making lunches, bottle feeding his baby brother, changing diapers, being a mother/father figure to his siblings.
He missed out on a lot during his adult years like parties, having a family of his own, relationships, etc.
Drayton himself was not raised properly in good hands.
Little do the kids know, he suffered abuse just like them. Physical and emotional for a good portion of his life.
So it was no doubt that he was going to be a bad “parent”. He wasn’t even parented correctly himself, so how would he know what to do?
But giving him that, what he did to them growing up is inexcusable and Drayton does not like to talk about it.
He blames it on testosterone but he knows the real reason why.
He resented and was angry at all of them for invading his life and turning it upside down. Drayton never could secure a relationship or enjoy the things an adult would because he had lots of little family members to take care of.
That weighed on him a lot, and he turned to alcohol very frequently.
This sparked many rages and fights in the household.
He’s done things that he doesn’t recall and feels shameful whenever they talk about what he’s done to them.
Will still go into fits of rage and will beat them with a broom because that’s all he really knows.
He’s changed, but not that drastically.
They just learned to either take the beating or ignore Drayton.
Oh Bubba, sweet Bubba.
Very emotionally invested in his family, hates when there’s conflict.
He feels like he’s at fault if they are upset at each other because he’s supposed to help the family.
Sort of like the family therapist.
Sissy is the main one that comes to Bubba for help, but the twins have looked to Bubba for aid.
Johnny never has talked to Bubba about his feelings, he thinks it’s stupid to have a “therapist”.
Says therapy makes it worse.
Bubba chooses to differ.
He remembers things very well, even from when he was a baby.
Bubba remembers having a bad, intense rash around his mouth when he was a baby from something he did not know and never got medication for it.
It scarred his face, and sometimes he sees it when he looks closely.
Drayton made an excuse that they couldn’t afford treatment.
Bubba is very childlike and doesn’t understand that his family uses him for their selfish reasons a lot of the time.
That’s why he’s the main “killer” as much as Bubba might not want to be, he is just trying to provide for his family.
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b0rderbunny · 5 months
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Giyuu tomioka x gender neutral reader
Happy New years everyone! I hope you all had a amazing 2023 and only wish you the best 2024 except for skz antis, y'all go fuck yourselves.
By the way I am like posting this at 6:12 am and I haven't slept so I will edit this in the morning.
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A lot of your friends criticize you for marrying a demon slayer, a hashira at that.
"Oh ____, you know how those men are. They're just looking for a fun time nothing long term!"
They would say.
"He could die at any moment, and he's always out no?"
They would always criticize you too.
"Imagine being with a suicidal maniac?"
They would whisper.
He took them especially hard.
He always wanted your family and friends to accept him. Especially after he had lost his own, he practically prayed for your family's approval the week before dinner was set up to meet them.
"Giyuu?" You walked into the room letting out a laugh as you saw him kneeling on the floor in a praying motion. "What are you doing?" you asked, leaning against the door frame observing him with an amused glint in your eyes.
"Praying that your father accepts me" he replied not even batting an eye.
You let out a small laugh as you rolled your eyes again before approaching him.
As you stood beside him you bent down and picked up his praying hands.
"Baby you don't have to worry about anything, if I love you that's all that matters" you said bringing your empty hand to his cheek holding his hands with your others.
"But what if your family doesn't like me?" he asked, his beautiful blue eyes staring up with an emotion you couldn't decipher along with fear.
Your eyes softened at the scared look in his soft eyes, God you could melt into them.
"Them fuck them, because one thing that I do know of that I love you"
You brought his pale hands up to your lips before pressing a kiss to them as a soft blush spread to his pale cheeks.
"And that's never going to change," you said with a laugh. "You believe me right? you believe that I love you with all my heart, right?" You asked with a smile as he looked down, his blush deepening.
"Yeah" he mumbled shyly.
"Besides I'm sure it's going to go amazingly"
Spoilers, it didn't.
Immediately your asshole of a father began criticizing everything about him.
From his looks to his personality.
And to be frank, you couldn't take his shit anymore.
You two started arguing about his words and treatment as he continued to insult Giyuu even after your continued warnings.
And so you snapped.
A whole argument ensued and by the time you and your love left, Giyuu felt terrible.
He apologized over and over again.
He felt guilty.
He felt as if he had ruined your relationship with your father.
He apologized saying how sorry he was that he ruined it.
Your heart broke at the sight of him looking down at the floor apologizing the morning after.
Even after you reassured him countless times that this wasn't his fault he didn't stop with the apologies.
Until nightfall as you held him in your arms after your shower running your fingers through his long black wet hair.
You held his head to your chest as he kept his ear against your collar, against your beating heart.
It's something you learned after you got with him that he couldn't fall asleep until he knew you were safe.
Keeping his ear against your living heart reassured him that you were alive.
You were there.
"I love you Giyuu," you said as you played with the short hairs at the back of his neck.
"More than anyone and anything on this earth. In this world" you said as you heard his breath hitch a bit.
"Don't ever tell yourself that you did something wrong" you said as you looked down at him. "Because I love you and I'm always going to" you said pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Whether my family likes you or not." You said as small tears involuntary welled up in his eyes.
"Don't ever doubt yourself baby, because you are so beautiful and strong and handsome and perfect, smart, and I could go on forever about how much I love your blue eyes or the way that when you spend too much time outside in the sun your freckles show up. Or how when someone compliments you your ears turn red" you said caressing his already reddened ears.
"Or how your heart swells with pride when you accomplish something, I could talk about how much I love everything about you but we would be here for centuries" you said as he let out a small smile.
"The point is that no matter what anyone says I love you, and no one; not even my own father can change that" you said.
"I love you ____ ______" he said, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand.
"I love you too Giyuu tomioka" you replied, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
I am a sucker for soft boy Giyuu like I feel like he would be the biggest cuddler and he would always want to be small spoon just to always feel you around him. And I love the HC where he gets freckles every once in awhile and how that hashiras sometimes make fun of him for that 😭
Honestly I feel like my biggest flex is that I am a amazing big spoon 😍
He's so beautiful and I feel like someone always needs to remind him that he's loved.
He's so precious and he deserves all the love in the world ❤️
Anyways happy New years everyone and I hope you all have a great 2024🎉
Not me entering the new year single, depressed, and with a stray kids obsession 🤭
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Pregnant reader reading Rooster 🐓 that man has a family kink I just know it. For Strictly Scandalous.
😲 Yes. I’m down to clown for this one.
“Ohhhh fuck, mamma—“ Roosters got his hands on your hips helping to guide you up and down his length. “Feels so fucking good, holy shit—“ Roosters mouth fell open as he let his body relax against the pillows propped up against the headboard. “What did I do to deserve this huh?”
It wasn’t that Rooster had particularly done anything on purpose to receive some kind of special treatment, but more-so that he’d done it just because he cared enough about you to make sure whoever was giving you a hard time knew about it.
“Nothing Roo, you’re just so good to me.” You cooed as you circled your hips. Your unborn child had just hit the five minute mark. You were getting big, but you still had enough momentum and stamina to ride your husband. “Especially when you defend my honour.”
“Christ your so fucking perfect mamma.” Rooster was quickly starting to unravel underneath you. He couldn’t help but to get of on the fact he’d gotten you pregnant, something he knew he was going to do time and time again. “Love seeing you all swollen and riding me—“
There’d be a guy at the Hard Deck earlier that same Sunday. Rooster had taken you out for a quiet lunch. Some burgers and a casual few rounds if pool. He’d started to noticed how hard to was becoming for you to play. You know—with little goose riding shot gun.
“You’re gonna be popping that baby out before you sink a ball sweetheart.” The guy who looked like the reincarnation of Santa from every children’s drawing ever said with a gruff as he stood by drinking what could very easily have been his last beer if Penny had been in ear shot. “Wanna start wrapping it up so the rest of us can have a go?”
You looked at Rooster who was just completely gobsmacked someone would talk to his wife with such casual disrespect. Deciding to pass you back the cue—kissing your temple and telling you to keep playing. He’d played out for the hour at the bar. An hour you’d have.
“It’s lieutenant sweetheart actually.” Rooster puffed his chest, eyeing off the man with fury in his golden irises. “Are we gonna have a problem?” Yep—that’ll make your pussy throb.
“Gonna have a whole brood with you when I’m finished with you.” Rooster moaned as he bent his knees and planted the heels of his feet into the mattress. Bucking up into you when he noticed your energy fading. “Love how you just glow when your carrying my child—“
“Always knew you had a breeding kink.” Chuckling as you steadied yourself still on top of your husband. Your nails digging into his chest, surely there would be marks left in their wake tomorrow. “Come on Bradshaw fill me.”
“Oh my god baby don’t tempt me now I’m so fucking close.” Rooster could feel himself just about ready to release, he just wanted to hear you talk about getting you pregnant all over again. Even though you hadn’t even had your first.
“Gonna fill me up aren’t you baby? Wanna watch it drip between my thighs? Or should I let you finger fuck your cum back inside me?”
“Oh god yes!!” Rooster stilled with only finally thrust. “Yes yes yes yes—!” Spilling his load inside you as your thighs gripped against his side. Coming down with heavenly sighs and long exhales before Rooster was gently laying you on your back. Throwing your legs up over his shoulders.
“Your turn mamma—“ Bradley beamed as he laid in his stomach, diving right in as he lapped away his own load from your drilling pussy. Determined to have you screaming his name.
Strictly Scandalous // Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
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artzychic27 · 11 months
There are AUs where Marc is Marinette's cousin, right? What if that was canonical? In my country there is the concept of the perfect cousin and privileged by relatives and they often compare anyone who steps out of the norm to this cousin…. I imagine them almost as siblings in childhood, but with Marinette always getting more attention. And when they grow up, she becomes manipulative with him, it has happened that the whole family fights with Marc because of her. And that's why he always helps her with her plans… and I imagine the ones who would interfere would be Nath, Zoe and Felix (the first two for obvious reasons and Felix as "ok, I'm a shitty cousin, but this is crossing the line").
Since he was born, Marc has always been overlooked by his cousin
She was always so talkative, sociable, making people laugh and smile, and he just read in silence
Oh, never mind that he gets 100% on a test, because Marinette got 101% after she explained her reasoning behind the answer she gave. La-dee-dah!
Because she’s the “perfect cousin” out of the two, Marinette is always getting whatever the fuck her spoiled little heart wants- A new expensive sewing machine, fancy fabrics, magazines from high end fashion brands, and some of that stuff even comes from Marc’s own moms
Alyssa and Penny don’t outright say Marc should be like Marinette, but they’re more like, “Sweetie, why don’t you spend some time with Marinette?” And that’s code for, “Why can’t you be perfect like your cousin?!”
Sabine and Tom, though? They will take the opportunity to brag about Marinette’s accomplishments for twenty minutes then finally remember Marc’s in the room and ask his moms what he’s done lately
They have no idea about the awards he’s received in school for his stories, and he doesn’t mind keeping it that way. All of his certificates are just sitting in a folder in his hoodie drawer
It’s due to his treatment, that Marc’s wardrobe is toned down a bit. And by that, I mean he looks like his concept art-self
He secretly enters writing contests, and has been doing so and winning since he was ten. He’s earned a lot of money and keeps it saved up because if he tells anyone in the family about it, they’re definitely gonna use it to spoil Marinette. The only person he can really trust in Kiran, and occasionally treats him to ice cream
Marinette wants nothing to do with him. She always says she asks Marc to hang out with her, but he keeps declining. I’m reality, she doesn’t want a “Total weirdo” anywhere near her friends. And she lets him know it, too, but he couldn’t care less. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near a bunch of people who are probably psychos like her
He’s seen the way she acts around boys she likes, sniffing their hair, taking pictures of them, even following one guy home. It hasn’t escalated past that, but at least he’s not a part of it
However, his family doesn’t notice that about “perfect little Marinette”. He gets reprimanded for not being sociable like her and laughed off for having crushes because who would ever date someone like him?
Then he gets sent to therapy for his “issues” as Marinette so helpfully pointed out. There, he lays in to her that she can’t get a single question in
Marc: Oh! And then that bitch cut off my bangs while I was sleeping, and I got in trouble for playing with scissors! I mean- Oh, is our session over? Thanks again, Lisa. You are just wonderful for letting me vent. See you next Wednesday. *Leaves the room*
Lisa: … Damn, that boy’s cousin sucks.
In DuPont, everyone knows they’re cousins thanks to Marinette just so more people can compare Marc to his “perfect cousin”
Marinette has instant popularity she bought with custom clothing, her high-end connections, and Marc has his writing under the stairs while Lila quietly reads… Only for that to be interrupted when Marinette drags him out and into the art classroom one day where a few of her friends are gathered
They’re a little disturbed by her “psycho burnout cousin” being in the same room as them. Apparently, Marinette started a few rumors about Marc taking unprescribed drugs along with the ones for his “mental problems” just to make herself look better by comparison
Marc: … Well, that explains why moms keep searching my room for something.
Ignoring that, Marinette let’s him in on why he brought him in here- To help her with her plan to get Adrien to be her boyfriend by making a comic with Nathaniel that will map out the perfect date between them, which will eventually lead to marriage, having three perfect children, a hamster, and then dying together in a couples coffin
Marc: No.
Akuma Class: What?!/She’s your cousin!/You’ve gotta help her!/Don’t you want her to be happy?!
Marc: I am not obligated to help her, I know none of you, nor do I know this boy she is suddenly so infatuated with. So, pardon me if I sound rude, but leave me the fuck alone. All of you. I know how her fan club get when she is told no.
For context, Marinette’s “friends” will do anything to make her happy. Even bully those who are the slightest bit mean to her or show an interest in Adrien. Like Lila
Lila was the new girl who had no idea what she’d be getting herself into. After her Akumatization into Volpina when Ladybug called her a skeeze in front of Adrien, she was made an outcast by Marinette and eventually adopted by Marc
Now she swears to protect him with her life. On with the rest of the story!
The next day, Marc has his books slapped out of his hand, his glasses snatched, and he gets tripped on his way to class. All by some members of Marinette’s sychophant club
Some jocks who always leave stuff for Marinette on Valentines Day corner him in the locker room, but before they can do anything, some redhead walks in and tells them Marinette needs help with her books, and they’re gone in two seconds
Marc almost thanks the guy until he recognizes him as Nathaniel. Along with him is Lila. Before he can storm off, Lila stops him and asks Marc to hear him out
Nathaniel: Uh… Thanks.
Marc: For what?
Nathaniel: … *Lila nudges him* … For getting me out of that. I didn’t even want to make the stupid comic, but Marinette’s family bakery is more popular than my mom’s diner. She threatened to get her fan club to leave bad reviews and get her shut down if I didn’t help…
Marc: … You, uh… You guys wanna hang out… Away from here?
They skip school and not to their surprise, no one notices except for Nathaniel’s mom, Mme. Mendeleiev, and to Marc’s surprise, his classmates
They sort of stay out of the loop when it comes to Marinette, and the reason they don’t talk to him is because they didn’t want to make him uncomfortable since he always seems to close off when someone attempts to make conversation
Because Nathaniel hangs out with Marc and Lila, this turns him into more of an outcast. Oh, but don’t worry, because Chloé owes Marc a favor for something she won’t reveal, she gets her dad to leave a glowing review for Aya’s diner and boosts sales
Then there’s that whole shitstorm on the anniversary of Adrien’s mom’s disappearance. Marc (Who was dragged along), Nathaniel, Lila, and the surprising addition of Luka actually overhear Marinette’s totally insensitive and inappropriate confession to Adrien on what is supoosed to be a day of mourning, and Max sends the messages off before they can stop him
Then “Adrien” arrives. When it seems like he’s about to accept Marinette’s feelings… He tears into her, calling her all sorts of names
Lila just had to record it all for whenever she needs something to make her smile or laugh. But, when another Adrien arrives, it turns out “Adrien” is actually Félix, Adrien’s cousin
Marc: Which one do you guys think is the asshole cousin?
Nathaniel: Well, I like Félix, and Adrien seems too nice.
Lila: … Let’s keep Félix.
Luka: Yeah.
After some sychophant Akumas try and kill Félix to defend Marinette’s honor and after Ladybug puts on a show of being this angelic savior while Chat Noir is just her sidekick who does all the work, the Akumas are eventually defeated
Marc catches up with Félix and… Hugs him
Marc: You are truly the greatest human being on this godawful planet!
Félix: Uh… Thank you?
Marc: I’m serious! Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to tear into that girl? She needs to be taken down a hundred pegs, and because of you, some people are beginning to doubt her intentions with Adrien. If I weren’t in love with Nathaniel, I’d kiss you
Félix: Please don’t. I’m asexual.
Marc: Noted.
Félix: And I’ve decided to stay in Paris for a while, anyway. Someone’s gotta keep my moron cousin from walking into traffic, and it seems like you’re in need of friends
Marc notices a slight change in the school the following week. For one, a few people, namely his classmates are giving Marinette the stink eye whenever they can
As for the Science Kids, while they were appreciative of the nice clothes they got on their birthdays even though they weren’t in their style, they were never really fond of Marinette
Plus, a ton of bad reviews were left on Aurore’s Akuma Analysis blog and she has the suspicion it was started by Marinette to boost traffic for Alya’s Ladyblog
Reshma had a hard time making friends because Marinette convinced people she was just another Chloé (Someone Marc is considered adopting)
Simon was in the same boat as Marc once. Marinette saw his videos and “asked” him to get some footage of a boy she liked for “personal reasons”
And they never went to anyone about their treatment, because who’d believe them over Marinette? So, they were a class of outcasts no one ever wanted to be associated with
Also, Félix is in their class and gives everyone the latest information on every creepy thing Marinette does when Adrien doesn’t notice. Nathaniel and Lila would switch, but that would be like letting Marinette win
Now onto Reverser
Marc has a particularly bad week. He’s forced to go to dinner with the Dupain-Chengs just so they can brag about Marinette being asked to design an outfit for Clara Nightingale while Marc’s moms embarrassingly admit that Marc made a few friends
Marinette and her gang, for the hundredth time, badger Marc into making the Adrinette comic with Nathaniel, and go so far as to drag him to the art classroom where Nathaniel is, and where Marinette is banned due to her toxicity
Marc and Nathaniel are making a comic, but about Chat Noir, painting him in a positive light due to Ladybug soaking up all the glory. And Félix and Lila so helpfully point out that they should turn Marinette into a villain in their next issue… And they do, but only give copies to their inner circle
When he gets home, he finds a check in his mail as an award for another writing contest he entered and goes to put it with the rest… Which is not there
His moms aren’t home, Kiran would never, and the only other person with a key is… Marinette! And his suspicions are proven right the next day when he sees her in a VERY expensive outfit, and she just gives him this look
Well… He lets her have it
Marc: MARINETTE! Your pigtails are MINE! *Tackles her to the floor*
Lila: Yes! It’s finally happening!
*Marinette puts up a fight, but Marc has so much repressed anger and doesn’t hold back*
Marc: Take a bite of my Doc Martens, bitch! *Roundhosue kicks Marinette*
Marinette: Someone stop him! He’s a fucking psycho!
Félix: Shut up. Fuck you. Eat shit.
Marc: *Denise and Jean pull him away* You want some more, huh?! SCREW YOU! And screw these assholes, too! I HATE YOU, MARINETTE! I FUCKING HATE IT HERE! *Runs away crying*
Nathaniel, Chloé, Lila, and Félix try to call him back, but it’s a little hard to hear over everyone calling Marc a “Demon” and all sorts of cruel names. Cue the Akuma
Okay, so it’s not Reverser. Imagine the Grimm Reaper going through a punk phase, his scythe causes the worst parts of people to be revealed when they’re slashed by it, and he’s got Oni-Chan’s teleportation powers
Nathaniel, Chloé, Félix, and Lila attempt to stop him from killing Marinette and only giving her more to use against him, but he only promises them that “Things will finally change,” then leaves in a dramatic cloud of black smoke
Nathniel: Do we want him not to kill Marinette?
Lila: … Wow, you think of something for so long, and then it happens. I gotta sit down for a bit.
Félix: Get up and help us stop Nath’s boyfriend.
Nathaniel: What?! I- No! What? No!
Chloé: Relax, Kurtzberg. We know you’re crazy about him. You can kiss him after this is over. Now let’s help Chat Noir
Marinette can’t find a place to transform due to Marc always finding her, and while she would love to take a “much needed rest” for protecting Paris and let her “lazy partner” finally have to work, she can’t!
To her shock and anger, four heroes arrive on the scene. Vulpix, Queen Bee, CapriKid, Bomb Shell. Well, she’s not letting them get all the credit and goes after Marc herself. Finally, and excuse to hurt him… But he’s a lot stronger than she expected, and only succeeds in creating a crater in the road when she lands
Bomb Shell: *Watching Akuma!Marc bashing Ladybug’s head against a car window* … Should we help?
CapriKid: Nah, he’s got this.
Bomb Shell: I meant Ladybug.
CapriKid: Oh… Later.
Marc finally slashes Ladybug and all of the worst parts about her are revealed live, not by Alya, but by the heroes using their weapon phones, with the addition of Simon and Aurore. And… It’s a lot
When Marc is cured, Ladybug goes to reprimand him and force him to apologize like she does with all Akuma victims, but Bomb Shell threatens to slice her head off with her shield
Bomb Shell: Remember me, skeeze? *Whispers* I will find you, and I will break you.
The heroes, Aurore, and Simon waste no time posting what they recorded, and many Akuma victims step forward about Ladybug’s treatment. Even local law enforcement is suffering from pay cuts becuase of Ladybug insisting that she and Chat Noir get paid for their work. Chat Noir never knew about the cuts and donates his checks to the officers
Now there’s a active campaign against Ladybug, started by people who have a vendetta against Ladybug due to her poor treatment of Akuma victims after the Miracle Cure. Akuma class students who are most active in the campaign are Chloé and Nathaniel while a few are still on the fence
She claims Akuma victims need to be reprimanded for their actions and not coddled just because they can’t keep their emotions in check
Well, let’s just say therapists aren’t on her side
Everywhere she goes, Ladybug is jeered while Chat Noir finally gets the praise he deserves. They only keep her around and don’t try to steal her Miraculous becuase she reverses all of the damage
But while Ladybug is losing her status, Marinette still remains popular and uses her influence as a designer for celebrities to publicly denounce Ladybug Haters, but that doesn’t deter them
Oh, and Marc was suspended for a week after attacking Marinette, but he doesn’t give two flying fucks. Now he’s got a reputation as a badass who will go off on anyone who looks at him funny, and it keeps the Marinette Worshippers away. Also, his friends and Kiran are the only ones to believe him about the money, so that’s another thing to add to the list on why they hate Marinette
And Cue Zoé! She arrives in the middle of the semester like Lila instead of near the end of the year
Zoé is almost dragged into an Adrinette plan involving them getting stuck in an elevator, but she knows all about Marinette due Chloé’s long rants about her at home, so she keeps her distance and becomes an outcast. The only reason she’s not being actively bullied is because of Chloé threatening to get the mayor involved
Zoé never cared for Marinette, but she comes to hate her, because what person just does that bullshit to their own cousin? When Marinette tries to start another rumor about Marc taking antipsychotic drugs, she comes at her with, “Don’t you think it’s rude to expose people’s medical history?”
Now, you might be thinking. “Where does Adrien stand in all of this?”
Well, you see… Adrien is just so confused. DuPont seemed great at first, and his classmates were all so nice to him, especially Marinette. It’s too bad she’s so shy around him. Now things just keep shifting around. The girls are so secretive around him, Félix insulted Marinette for no reason, the guys don’t hang out with Nathaniel anymore, and Lila… He’s not entirely sure
And Marinette always lets him know who it’s safe to hang out with... But the list keeps growing. For example, Nathaniel has anger issues so it’s best not to talk to him, Lila is a serial liar who was kicked out of her school for causing a girl to commit suicide, Marc is… It’s best to just not to go anywhere near him, Zoé got expelled from her last school for excessive bullying, and to his surprise, Félix is on the list. He gets Félix pulled that stunt on her, but he’s his cousin!
Something’s not right. Well, at least he’s getting praised as a superhero for once, not that he ever asked for it. But, it’s nice to be appreciated by people
Though, he can’t help but wonder why Marc attacked Marinette all of a sudden… So, he asks
Marc: Because my cousin’s a lying, thieving, no good son-of-a-bitch who never should have been conceived and should crawl back into the darkest pits of hell like the Satan spawn she is!
Lila: Hey! Satan happens to have lovely children.
Nathaniel: You would know.
Lila: Oh, you hush.
Marc: Anyway, Marc Anciel, Marinette’s unfortunate cousin. Nice to meet you. Are you a sychophant, bystander, or outcast?
Félix: Trust me. He’s a bystander. You see, my dear sweet innocent cousin sees the chaos happening around him and knows it’s bad, but is afraid to do anything.
Adrien: That’s not true!
Lila: Ladybug called me a skeeze in front of you.
Adrien: … Okay, maybe I am a bystander.
Nathaniel: Not necessarily. Marinette just knows how to keep the worst part of herself hidden so people will like her and go along with whatever she says. At least you’re aware that something’s off. Anyway, we’ll help you.
Marc: Nope! First, he has to help us. And for that to happen, Félix, show him the video.
Adrien: What video?
Félix shows Adrien the confession video Marinette sent him on the anniversary, and it goes as well as you’d expect
So now, Adrien wants nothing to do with Marinette, especially after the outcasts gave him some hard evidence of Marinette being a stalker, and Marc even put him in touch with some of Marinette’s past obsessions so he can know just the kind of person she is
Marinette is NOT happy and confronts Marc in the locker room one day
Marinette: What the hell did you do this time, you freak?!
Marc: What are you gonna do, beat me up? Look how well that went last time, jackass.
Marinette: Because of you, Adrien hates me! Why are you so hell bent on ruining my life?!
Marc: That is so RICH coming from you! The second you were born, your life’s ambition was to make my life hell! Because of you I had no friends growing up, my moms and all your little sycophants think I have a drug problem, I’m in therapy for problems I don’t have!
Marinette: And who the hell would believe some pathetic loner?! Face it! Your only purpose in life is to be compared to me! The physical embodiment of perfection itself! You are nothing! No one would even know your name if I weren’t born! Hell, it’s not like they bother to remember anyway! Even your own moms love me more than you and your sad sack of a brother-
Marc: *Death glare* Leave Kiran’s name out of your fucking mouth. Go on. Try me, bitch.
Marinette: You- you think you can threaten me?! I have all the power over these pathetic losers! Just like you, they are nothing and would have nothing without me! All of them are nothing but pathetic sheep riding my coattails! Why?! Because I gave them those coattails in the first place! I gave them some form of hope to grab onto, a shred of hope that they would get to bask in my glory if they just did every damn thing I said and kept them happy, but once I am out of here, they will have NOTHING! They can’t even do something so simple as to make Adrien MINE!
Marc: You do realize he’s not an object, right?
Marinette: I don’t care! He’s perfection! I’m perfection! I deserve him! He should be modeling my clothes, worshipping and groveling at my feet for my love like every idiot boy in school! And once I marry him, the Gabriel brand will be in my grasp, I will take the fashion world by storm, and you and that little boy toy of yours will be doing favors just for a scrap of cash before dying in an alley somewhere! As if you ever think your writing career is gonna take off! Those contests you entered? They obviously have low standards! Thanks for the cash, though and for giving these idiots another reason to hate you and adore me. *Leaves*
Lila: *Exits the girl’s bathroom with Chloé* Wow. That was intense.
*Félix, Nathaniel, and Adrien walk out of the boy’s bathroom*
Nathaniel: Simon? Did you get all of that? *Opens a locker to reveal Simon with a tape recorder*
Simon: Every last word.
Félix: Man, it’s a good thing you fit comfortably in a locker.
Simon: There’s a pencil stuck to my ass. Does that sound comfortable?
The following week, Marinette finds herself on the receiving end of some dirty looks and makes a mental note to get her idiot classmates to do something about those losers
But when she goes crying to them, Kim slaps her across the face
Nino: Jesus, Kim! She’s a girl!
Kim: … Screw gender rolls.
Nino: … Okay, that’s fine.
When she recovers, Max plays Simon’s recording, but Marinette is still trying to save face
Marinette: Who are you gonna believe?! My psycho of a cousin, or your best friend?!
Max: I’ll believe and ax-wielding murderer over you. And I’m done doing your dirty work just so you’ll keep quiet. Everyone! I am a proud homosexual, and I am in love with my best friend!
Rose: I have a severe medical condition and I didn’t want any of you to pity me or treat me like glass!
The Akuma class all come out and share the secrets Marinette blackmailed them with unless they did exactly as she said
And as for Adrien, he hits Marinette with a restraining order and yells at her to stay YARDS away from him at all times
Lila: Oh, she’s violating the restraining order right now. Off to jail!
Marinette: Shut up, Lila! Adrien, you don’t know what you’re saying! You’re supposed to be my boyfriend!
Adrien: Why? So you can have my dad’s company? You’re either desperate or stupid. I have no interest in inheriting the brand and plan to go into child psychology, so even if I were to go crazy and fall in love with you, you wouldn’t be anywhere near Gabriel.
Marinette: You all… Arr going to be SORRY! Tikki! Spots on!
Marinette transforms and is about to take off with Adrien, but a familiar Doc Marten boot hits the side of her head and knocks her out so that Marc can snatch the earrings off of Ladybug
Marc: … I’m fucking serious, guys, I had no clue about this.
And to make matters better, the police arrive to take Marinette in for questioning about her stalking, but as she’s being shoved into the police car, she actually grabs for an Akuma
So now, Paris will face the wrath of La Dictator
Zoé: We… Are so fucking boned, you guys.
Not necessarily. Chat Noir gathers the Miraculous and brings back Vulpix, Bomb Shell, CapriKid, and Queen Bee. And Calamity, Viperion, and Mariquita make their debuts
While La Dictator is smiting and punishing everyone who went against her, Calamity is getting survivors out of Paris with her portals so the team can take care of her without anyone else getting hurt
The battle lasts well into the evening, but they win, and Marinette is arrested becuase EVERYONE saw her reach for the Akuma
Bomb Shell: … *Giggles* Oh my God! We’re still alive! We’re alive, you guys!
CapriKid: We fucking lived! *Kisses Mariquita*
Vulpix: Yeah! Get your boy!
Things are… Somewhat normal after Marinette’s sentencing. For one, his moms apologize for how they’ve treated him, but he can’t find it in his heart to forgive them just now
The Akuma class and everyone Marinette has blackmailed are getting some serious therapy and make it a goal to make up for their treatment of others due to Marinette’s influence
And there are several permanent heroes now, that’s good. Lord knows Paris needs them, and… Oh yeah! Marc and Nathaniel are dating
Adrien found comfort in Luka and they began dating. Zoé’s dating Cosette. Félix is dating the library. Lila’s been learning how to skateboard from Ismael, and Chloé had her lesbian awakening when she met Kagami
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