#haven't drawn this dude since I was a kid
the-home-of-innovation · 11 months
why not dantdm! your design for him must be silly.......
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Doctor Trayaurus hit the slay button
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bozepomagaj · 6 months
ATINY/MOA/CARATS vs Made in Abyss was the last thing I expected and its hilarious
feel like I need to say something since twitter absolutely loves spreading misinfo and just accusing people of shit, how have you people not LEARNED your lesson yet? Since when is twitter such a trusted source, especially gossip accounts?
And before you braindead stans start calling me a d!ckrider, I promise you I do not care about these men cuz I've got better things to focus on and I'm making this because people are overreacting and it's getting annoying. It's so obvious 90% of you haven't watched the anime (and thats completely fine, I get you) and then ended up listening to someone who made stuff up and overexaggerated. I'm not here to defend the author because I hate him as much as you do and can absolutely recognize the dude is into some weird shit but saying people are ONLY interested in this series because of r@pe and p€dophilia is INSANE. So let me answer some questions as a Made an Abyss reader (not calling myself a fan because you'll catch me DEAD before you see me buying any merch or manga despite my love for the series), kpop fan second.
Does Made In Abyss contain p3d0ph1l1c themes, gore etc.?
There absolutely is because the author is a creep (refering to the nsfw however, most of the times it's very easily skippable. As someone who hates l0l1con cuz it creeps me out, I can tell you that I really didn't have a hard time skipping said scenes even in the manga which is far more explicit than the anime (Prushka asking about Bond's 'stick', Faputa looking into Regs pants, Vueko's weird comments) and sometimes, they're even added as extras (0.5 chapters) which certain sites that contain scans don't even include. I didn't even know about the existence about a few of these chapters BECAUSE they don't include them.
The OVA is a nightmare to watch and was not only unfunny but creepy as fuck especially when they try to boil down such an amazing character like Ozen into 'I like seeing little kids in pain'. Now I have no idea if this was made independently but I don't remember the author making any spin-offs that they could base this on so I can't tell you who wrote it but even then I doubt that the author minded it since the man himself had to include that Faputas behind smells like the 'Sun' so again, not here to defend him cuz he most definitely is a weirdo, no doubt about it.
Is Made in Abyss torture p*rn?
If MiA is torture p*rn then AoT is military propaganda and supports child labor, TPN is also torture p*rn, JJK promotes violence, Berserk excuses r*pe and Evangelion is also p*do bait. See how stupid that sounds? Just because an anime INCLUDES something, does not mean it necessarily supports it. Yes, r*pe is mentioned but it's not even SHOWN, and it's a cruical part of a characters backstory. The torture that happens, happens only once if we exclude Riko's 'experiment' at the very beginning of the manga. And Mitty's transformation can't even be classified as torture cuz it's a.... transformation. Prushka's death is very censored so its not like you can jack off to that anyways. Now the piss thing is something I have noticed but haven't really payed attention it because bffr why the hell would I so idk, maybe the author is trying to tell us something or the guy thinks pee pee poo poo funny🤷‍♀️.
Is there any plot besides the weird stuff?
See now this is the part that gets me most because the reason why a majority of people nowadays got into MiA in the first place is BECAUSE of the amazing plot. The world building, the mystery, the fight scenes, etc. It's amazingly drawn, nicely paced and unique in its own way. But of course, it's manga&anime and what's anime without fanservice? I already explained that in manga, said scenes can be easily skipped and the anime thankfully doesn't include a lot of these. I do have to admit thag I dropped the manga for now since the chapter where they were in a bath cuz it was another one of those 'here we go again' moments where it made me roll my eyes and just close the tab so I don't really know what's been happening recently and if things go weirder.
I'm also gonna tell you honestly that yes, the fandom is filled with sweaty dudebros itching to see these kids half naked and the author is aware of them and pondering to them because he too is one of them. But a large majority is back from when the anime originally came out and are mostly hiding on twitter so it's easy to avoid them and they've been pretty rare ever since people with actual interest in the series have begun watching it. A reason why back in the day I didn't wanna interact with the fandom at ALL was because the moment I tried to have a normal conversation about the plot and what might actually be going on, I instead get bombarded with "UWAAAA😭😭😭" and 'c*nny' comments. I also cannot defend and don't even plan on defending the fact that Faputa is pretty much naked the entire series. I get that she lives in the literal wilderness, but the very least you could do is put a cloth on her y'know. And mind you, I'm talking about the manga. The anime is a LOT more heavily censored, and from what I heard, even MORE censored in Korea.
To sum it up:
Do I think Mingi/Soobin/Woozi are p*dos cuz they watched the anime? Absolutely the fuck not. Considering Mingi is a big CSM fan, I can see why he watched Made in Abyss because I was in that same pipeline. I think some of you are going way too far with these comments, if you wanna call them weird, creepy, wanna unstan them for reading stuff like this go ahead, not gonna stop because in the end no one can but accusing people of crimes isn't funny and never will be. If they were exposed for watching shit like Kodomo no Jikan then that most definitely IS eyebrow raising. Maybe I'm slightly biased due to me only enjoying MiA for the plot so seeing people say the fans are p3d0s when the first time I watched this was when I was freshly 15.... yeah idk abt that one. Whether they liked the weird and questionable scenes, I have zero idea I'm just here to say that you can enjoy said anime without being a weirdo and you shouldn't begin jumping to conclusions and start calling people straight up criminals. If anyone wants to have a productive conversation and ask questions abt said anime cuz I doubt you're gonna go watch an anime over a Twitter drama, go ahead and ask. If you wanna insult me and call me a d!ckrider then go ahead and do that too, who am I to stop you?
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Ah no worries about not understanding! I would prefer no fanart was drawn of my cookie ocs.. thank you for asking to double check though! :}}
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(Post this ask is referencing)
I explain it all in this post! :00
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I just didn't have the heart to keep Papyrus suffering 😭😭 as much as it really seems like I don't-- I do love Papyrus as a character. And I felt like he really deserved some kind of salvation after everything I put him through.. Also it'll make for some interesting dynamics in the group! Looking at Seam and Jevil.. 👀👀
Oh yeah, and poor Coconut. If I hadn't drawn angst of Octo already she wouldn't have been the subject this time! <XDD And thank you!! :DD I'm glad to hear that she's your favorite!! :}}
And yes! I always saw the other koopa kids- especially Ludwig- to be older than JR. Maybe its the bib-- and who knows! I tend to loop back around to old fandoms from time to time so I can see myself drawing the koopa kids again XDD
As for the Mario Movie,, shockingly enough I still haven't seen it. What can I say? I have some kind of problem upstairs I'm sure of it--
Though its interesting to hear that the movie blue shells are similar to mine! :0 And I'm honored to hear that you like my version more than the movies! :DD 💖💖
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XD Its been a while since I've seen those movies. So I cant really remember much of Jack Sparrow.. but I trust that you are right! XD
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XD If I do that Jangles will probably super bounce her into the sun-
And thank you! And hey, I'm sorry that you're not very confident in your artwork right now.. Just keep in mind, all it took for me was time. Your art will improve with time. Try your best to cut yourself some slack. Understand that you're still learning. We all are! Remember that your art will continue to improve if you just keep drawing!
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I don't play it or know anything about it either <XDD but I'm glad you like them!! :}} ✨💖✨
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(Post in question)
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Its actually the 3rd option. Usually when I'm in some kind of fandom I prefer my own AUs as opposed to others AUs or even canon. :00
That's probably becuase most of my AUs consist of removing things from canon I don't like and adding in random things that I do like-
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@abaroo (Post in question)
I guess I was thinking that Frisk fully trusted Papyrus instantly. And so did not hesitate to give her cape to him 🥺💖
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@skulls-and-cypresses (Post in question)
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Aww! How cute! That might work! :000 Why do I want one now- XDD
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Aw, I'm sorry! <XDD I don't mean to make you sad :(((
AND YOOO!!! Its Friday when I'm answering this but the Wednesday dude is welcome any day of the week! :DD
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Yeah, both canon Jevil and Spamton would be pretty dangerous to have around XDD But out of the two I think original Spamton would be interesting.. 👀
Not really for the personality, because my Spamton's personality is actually a bit similar.. but more for the visual aspect. I headcannon that canon Spamton's body shrunk when he fell into an acid pool. My Spamton fell into an acid pool as well, but it didn't shrink him. It destroyed the structure of his body and elongated him. Making him much taller and extremely deformed..
Imagine the two of them standing side by side. Original Spam would be up to my Spams knee! <XD
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Evil voice: ehhehghehe... noted... hehehghehee
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Me when someone compliments me on the characters design that I was least confident about:
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@nunyabusiness459 (Post in question)
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Whoopsies! <XDD (jk jk light hearted--)
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I wouldn't say near-death.. Spade King didn't want to kill Jevil. So any injuries he inflicted upon him were injuries he could recover from..
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Yeah :( their value to him was that of a grain of sand..
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As for what kind of monsters they'd face,, I'm actually unsure- I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore or characters.. so I'm not sure what kinds of dangers the real cookie run pirates face.. :( But what I DO know is that Blue Beauty is their main form of protection.
She's not exactly threatening to a lot of creatures I'd imagine.. She is just a Mer-whale. No teeth or stingers to make her more intimidating.. But what she is, is huge. And incredibly strong. She's a real power house and uses tools and weapons the crew taught her how to use to defend herself. And I imagine with her thick blubber, it takes a really deep wound to actually hurt her. So she doesn't fear getting a couple scratches here and there.
When it comes to the other cookies, most everyone stands up and fights. Only a select few retreat to the lower decks to protect their goods or hide. Those likely being Ellie, she's too old for this crap- and Coco and Red, though don't be fooled! Coco can fight! She's just retreating with Red in order to protect him. Everyone else though is up there duking it out with who ever dares cross their ship! ⚔⚔
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Ah! Sorry for the late reply, this ask got buried--
I'd like to think Funtime Freddy would have a really hard time deciding on a favorite song. California girls, call me maybe,, wannabe?? But after a loooot of careful thinking, he'd pick all star by smash mouth XD
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Hello hi yes this ask was sent weeks ago but then it got lost and buried but then revived in a way that I cant explain but my intended response was--
Awwww.. imagine her in tears after drawing a picture of a little girl she remembers. She holds the drawing up to the night sky, trembling.
"S-She dreamed of seeing the stars one day.." 💔
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weebsinstash · 10 months
I'd be judging the hell out of Mom!Reader for naming her twins GABRIEL and GABRIELLA!!!! (Not judging her that much for instigating Miguel to get me or something, I mean. Stockholm syndrome is a bitch. and also. I get it, the power of big d and all that stuff) GIRL. That's the SAME NAME!!!!!
Smh there's so many beautiful names in spanish but MomReader and Miguel 2 are lacking in the creativity department.
Miguel over here watching Mom!You being so radiant and joyful while showing off her chunky babies and he's sending sly glances to you, lowkey being a snob as he thinks "OUR babies would have much better names" and before he knows it he's building up this little fantasy in his head by accident. He keeps hearing these little stories or details from the other you and the other him and in his head he keeps thinking of what he would've done, how he thinks it would've gone for you and him, and you two are not even in a relationship. In fact depending on how drawn out this gets, you haven't even been in the Spider Society for several weeks and are at home with no intention of ever coming back, heartbroken, alone
I even thought of "what if an afab Reader got so desperate to escape canon and have freedom again that she gets pregnant by a stranger and literally carries a full pregnancy so she can abandon the baby, because the kid will eventually become a Spider and maybe they'll take over the canon and then you'll be able to do whatever you want" because you're just. You're so upset that canon is controlling your life and basically like ENSLAVING you that you're desperate
Lmao Peter B sneaks back to see you even though he isn't supposed to and finds you, he's ecstatic, "oh my god you're SUPER pregnant!" and he knows he isn't supposed to see you but he zips it and goes back home and, months later he visits you again with gifts, "so where's the baby?" "I dunno, where IS the baby? :)"
Would the baby technically be an anomaly since you weren't supposed to have it, not like this? What if they had to get rid of it to re-stabilize the timeline or whatever? Now you're being EXTRA shunned because, "wow you went through all that just for yourself huh 🙄 you'd rather abandon a baby than get married..." like people just beyond appalled with you, meanwhile you feel extra victimized because, wow that was all for nothing, you're trying to rethink strategies since "the contigency" didn't work out.
Or less dark but imagine dumping that kid and then some time later you're invited back to the Spider Society and it's like "oh hey Miguel what's the deal with this random baby you're taking care of" and you don't even recognize it, don't even know, you didn't even look at it hard enough to ever really know what it looked like, and, well, WE know whose baby it is lmao. You thinking you escaped from it and it's off living its own life and is going to someday free you and they, maybe not even realizing your intentions and just thinking you were scared, are raising it to give it back to you. I'd go absolutely wild lmao. Their shock when you break it to them "I literally nicknamed it Connie as in contingency, I never even knew what sex it was, I never even fed it, oh my god get it out of here, you're ruining everything"
Miguel MAKING YOU raise it even if its like tbh a fucked up little accident, or, if it's the whole "anomaly baby's gotta go" situation, after the, uh, disposal, he realizes he's pushed you way too far and you're too stressed and scared to think and behave rationally anymore and THIS is where he basically assigns himself as your caretaker and eventually takes you for himself which is kiiiiiiiiinda for the best because you're losing it a little. Like idk I imagine with LYLA maybe he has her programmed to tell him his own canon or he can look at it himself but like, what if he avoided spoilers because he wanted his behavior with you to be authentic or whatever. Like Miguel 2 might let him know "yeah dude turns out we hook up with them in a lot of different universes, it's almost like a separate canon like Peter Parker having Mary Jane" and Miguel takes some sneak peeks at other realities and then he shuts himself off from it so he can move forward of his own accord, but he now knows a sort of guideline and maybe some things to avoid doing (he can see the reality where the YouTwo disaster is going down and he's like "I would NEVER make MY You feel replaced *acts like having Mom!You and Miguel2 around doesn't count, the denial is stored in his ass, that's why it's so big*")
He's got a little notebook or data log where he takes down notes and details on things you like, things he notices about you, things you do often, habits, favorite foods, favorite color, how often are you doing your laundry (he knows you keep re-wearing that bra, girl), are you making your bed, how well are you functioning. Jesus, he literally has technology that can recreate extremely hyperdetailed recreation simulations; if he isn't outright putting camera bots in your room, he can "recreate" however you've been spending your day. He can learn all your routines and rituals and habits, decide what things may be problems, what things you might need more of in your life, he's, studying you really, with a romantic and almost scientific obsession
Not to be all 50 shades of gray in here but would Miguel eventually come onto you, all pent up and control finally bursting, "if we were made for each other, you must like taking it as hard as I like to give it" and whether you want it or not he takes you, and your bodies feel like they fit together perfectly, he stretches you out and fills you up JUST right, you can't help but have your eyes roll into the back of your head with how good it is, and of course he used any good reactions out of you as an excuse/"sign" he's doing the right thing and to keep going, that you're consenting, that he's finally winning you over
Who know; the two of you might start having those babies faster than you both initially thought 😳
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funkbun · 4 months
For the ship game I Have To Ask: Snorplo. The green and yellow freaks. Snorpy "Snorpington" Fizzlebean and Chandlo Funkbun. The Muppet men that kiss.
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What made you ship it?
The game lol. One of the reasons why I got into the game is because of Chandlo, it was like he was made in a lab to appeal to me specifically. And I didn't even Know that he n Snorpy were together, so in their earlier scenes I thought "Oh, these two are gay? That's cool :]" and in the end I instantly was like "Oh these muppets are going to plague my mind for the rest of my life then? Okay. Fine."
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They're fuckin cuuuute dude, they're adorable together they're so fuckin sweet they love each other sooo much it makes me sick. I love their interactions, they just go so well together.
And Snorpy's obliviousness to Chandlo's obvious feelings for him is cute. This dude's like "Oh I know all these evil terrible government secrets and I'll be the only one who'll know what to do to save us all when they finally strike. Trust me. Also do you think this guy who kisses me everyday and has made out with me on a ferris wheel before asking to me to move in with him and constantly talks about how much he loves me and wants to protect me and goes on dates with me and sleeps in the same bed as me is IN LOVE with me????? I can't figure this out!!!!"
ALSO I love how they've known each other ever since they were kids. That little detail is just very heartwarming to me, like these two have been with each other for so many years…wah…
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I dunno if this really counts as an "unpopular" opinion, but I'm not too big on the whole reducing Chandlo as being "Snorpy's perfect therapy boyfriend" thing. It seemed to be a bigger thing in the early days of the community, but idk it's probably lessen out recently. Especially in the dlc with Shelda basically saying "Dude you are not your boyfriend's therapist. You shouldn't try to be one cause you might end up making him more distressed."
Extra Thoughts (adding this in cause i can)
I decided to make a folder compiling every snorplo drawing i've saved and…
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yeah... i've probably drawn a lot more snorplos that i just haven't saved/hidden them in other canvases
so yea overall i dont really care about these guys tbh. ngl. gonna be real. totally not lying. yep.
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superman86to99 · 6 months
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The Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Special (November 2023)
Whoa! Some sort of chronal disturbance has thrown us from 1994 to the futuristic year 2023, just in time to cover this new special by the entire creative team behind "Reign of the Supermen"... minus Roger Stern and Dennis Janke, but PLUS Jerry Ordway (who left right before "Reign" started in '93). This is a lot like the Death of Superman special released last year, except that instead of featuring four standalone stories, this one has a framing device uniting all the tales.
In the framing story (written by Dan Jurgens and drawn by Travis Moore), the Cyborg Superman comes back to Metropolis and starts attacking S.T.A.R. Labs installations, as if those places haven't been blown up enough times already. Since Perry White is currently in a coma (from, as far as I can tell, not knowing Superman is Clark Kent), it's up to current Daily Planet editor Lois Lane to put together a story on the Cyborg without her mentor's help. Or with a little bit of her mentor's help, since Ron Troupe conveniently pulls out Perry's old journal from the "Reign of the Supermen" days, including his thoughts about the Cyborg.
So, Lois and Ron start reading Perry's notes about the four Supermen who popped up in Metropolis after Superman's death, which leads us to...
"Speed" (by Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove)
Despite the "Perry's notes" framing device, this story is actually told by Ron as he remembers the first time he saw Steel. Ron is leaving for work one morning and everyone in his neighborhood is talking about which of the four Supermen is the real deal. A lady called Mama Bess (who I initially mistook for Myra the Orphanage Lady because she's also big and black and surrounded by little kids) says they're all posers, including Steel, because none of them are around when you need them. Then some gangbangers drive by the neighborhood with a Toastmaster gun, and guess who drops by to save everyone's asses? Not Batman.
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Mama Bess recognizes Steel's voice ("rich an' dark as Memphis honey") as belonging to that guy who was running around Metropolis helping people in crumbling buildings while Superman and Doomsday were tearing up the town, as seen in the Death special. While Steel fights the gangbangers, Ron calls Perry, who tells him to keep that lady talking so they can learn as much as possible about the mysterious armored Superman. Hey, is that Mike Carlin in the Planet offices below, to the left of adorably skinny Jimmy Olsen?
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Steel prevails over the evildoers and the neighborhood kids rush in to proclaim him as the one true Superman. The best part of the story, for me, is when a little kid picks up a Toastmaster laying on the street and says he can use it to stop the bad guys, but Steel says that's a weapon for bad guys (he'd know, he designed them). Then he replaces it with an old school Game Boy and breaks the gun, Dark Knight Returns-style.
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Steel tells everyone he's not Superman, he's just a dude trying to help, but Mama Bess still insists on making him a new cape to replace the one that got torn up in the fight. Ron concludes his report saying that this guy isn't the real Superman, "but maybe he was the next best thing."
"He Had Me Thinking He Was Superman" (by Jerry Ordway)
Jerry Ordway fills in for Roger Stern and Jackson Guice (who at least has a pin-up in this issue) and, man, I never knew how much I needed to see Ordway draw the Eradicator until now. In this story, Perry stumbles upon a standoff between Maggie Sawyer's Special Crimes Unit and the most violent yet Spock-like of the four Supermen, who's holding an armored goon hostage as he interrogates him.
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Maggie kindly kicks Perry out of the active crime scene, but he sticks around and decides to solve this situation via the power of journalism. First, Perry talks to a warehouse worker (who kinda looks like an Amalgam of High Pockets and Lamarr) and learns about a nearby entrance to a rumored Intergang hideout. Then, he uses a radio scanner to find the frequency the goons' friends are using to communicate. He tries to tell Maggie about this, but the Superman Formerly Known As The Eradicator grabs Perry and flies off with him to find out what he knows. Perry says he'll tell him if he promises to stop being such a psychopath for a moment.
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Thanks to Perry's information, the Eradicator finds the other armored goons, who are moving weapons from an abandoned Intergang cache. The Eradicator violently (but non-lethally, as promised) encourages the goons to renounce their criminal ways, and then locates the mastermind behind this operation, who turns out to be... no, not freakin' Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught, but close enough: Professor Killgrave! You know, that little twerp with the Moe haircut who once trapped Superman in an amusement park full of killer robots. Having seen how the Eradicator dealt with his hired goons, Killgrave eagerly gives himself up to the authorities.
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As the Eradicator flies away from the underground base, he carelessly sends some debris flying off which almost hits some bystanders and ruins Perry's car. So, the Eradicator fulfills his promise to Perry that he wouldn't kill anyone, but Perry decides he can't keep his side of the deal, which was to tell the Planet's readers that "they have nothing to fear" from this dangerous maniac.
"The Metropolis Kid" (by Karl Kesel, Tom Grummett, and Doug Hazlewood)
This story provides the secret origin for several Superboy-related elements: the name "The Metropolis Kid" (which never made a lot of sense to me), that iconic pinup of Superboy saving a lady in a bath towel, and Mack Harlin, a recurring character who first appeared in the Superboy series in 1995. Turns out he was a Metropolis cabbie before he somehow became a truant officer in Hawaii. Note that Mack also counts as the second Mike Carlin cameo in this issue.
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(Wonder if the ride was $6,50?)
In the story, Perry witnesses the moment when Don't Call Me Superboy saves that towel lady from a building fire (which she didn't notice due to her love of '90s rock, waterproof earbuds, and long, hot showers). Tana Moon's photo of that moment goes viral on Tweeter, FaceSpace, and, yes, even Insta-image, turning Not-Superboy into a social media sensation. The official story is that the Kid is Superman's clone, but Perry doesn't seem convinced. He uses his journalistic powers to find Not-Superboy at a local skate park where he hangs out. Interestingly, Perry briefly wonders if the Kid reminds him of his late son, Jerry, before dismissing the idea. I wonder if that's Kesel commenting on a certain 2000s retcon that made Superboy and Jerry biological half-brothers...
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While Perry watches the Kid being a kid, he's suddenly attacked by Bloodsport -- the original one from John Byrne's Superman #4, who just busted out of jail, and not the racist wannabe. Instead of teleporting guns into his hands, this time Bloodsport is wearing a "weapons suit" that allows him to quickly assemble them on the fly. One of the guns hits Not-Superboy pretty hard, but the persistent little bugger gets up and somehow manages to disassemble Bloodsport's suit just by touching it.
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As Perry later determines, Bloodsport thought the bullets would kill Not-Superboy because they were coated with a tiny bit of kryptonite, but it didn't seem to have an effect on him. That's when Perry realizes who the Kid reminds him of, with his brash attitude, big heart, endless energy, and massive potential: not Jerry (ouch), but Metropolis itself. Hence, the Metropolis Kid. Eh, I'll take it.
"Betrayal" (by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding)
This one begins between the pages of Superman #79, after the Cyborg Superman saves the President from terrorists but before the Planet publishes Ron's soon-to-be-infamous front page proclaiming "SUPERMAN IS BACK!" How could Perry let that story through? As it turns out, at first he didn't wanna. Perry tells Ron he needs way more proof that the Cyborg is the real Superman. That proof sorta falls on his lap when the train Perry is riding gets derailed and the Cyborg heroically saves everyone. That, plus the Secret Service vouching for this guy, are enough to convince Perry that he's definitely Superman and not an evil impostor or something.
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(Note that the story makes sure to mention the "living former presidents" happened to be at the White House when the Cyborg dropped by, explaining why the Planet's front page shows Bill Clinton and not, uh, whoever was President in the DCU "a few years ago.")
So, Perry goes ahead with Ron's front page story... only for the Superman he endorsed to turn around and murder 7 million people in Coast City. Whoops. Continuity quibble: this story makes it sound like the Cyborg was immediately revealed as Coast City's murderer, when in fact he fooled everyone into thinking it was the Eradicator for several days, but maybe Perry saw through it right away because he's just THAT good of a journalist.
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Perry feels awful about that front page, especially when it emerges that the Cyborg and some big yellow guy called Mongul are turning Coast City's crater into a giant engine to turn Earth into a sort of Death Star. Just when Perry is at his lowest point, Lois tells him that another Superman showed up in a Kryptonian battle armor, and this time she just knows he's the real deal (because she made out with him, but she doesn't mention that).
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We see the rest of the storyline (the assault on Engine City, the Cyborg's defeat) from Perry's perspective, and once Superman is back in Metropolis, Perry tells him how sorry he is for that headline. Superman's like "nah, don't sweat it, honest mistake" and actually thanks Perry for always reporting on him with honesty over the years. Moral of the story: trust Lois, double-check Ron.
"Legacy" (by Dan Jurgens, Travis Moore, and briefly all the others)
Meanwhile, in the framing story, Superboy, Steel, and a recently-rebooted, non-evil Eradicator (or his Phantom Zone ghost, anyway) show up to stop their old pal the Cyborg, since Superman is currently in space. We learn that the Cyborg has been hitting S.T.A.R. facilities because he wants to retrieve the DNA of his three astronaut friends who were mutated into freaks during the fantastic incident that gave him his powers, so he can bring them all back to life. The Supermen understandably assume that he's building some sort of weapon and try to stop him, but he's defeated all of them before and does it again.
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Royally pissed that these meddling Supermen messed with his plans, the Cyborg notices their fight left some exposed gas lines in the middle of Metropolis and is about to use them to indulge in his favorite hobby: blowing up entire cities. Luckily, the Eradicator uses some of Steel's tech to make his hologram self solid enough to whip out a Phantom Zone projector and suck the Cyborg into his ghostly prison.
As soon as the day is saved, Superman flies down and reveals that he'd been watching all along but didn't intervene because he had confidence in his boys. Everyone shares a nice little moment, until the Eradicator makes it awkward with his talk of "Kryptonian purity."
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The issue ends with Lois reading a passage from Perry's journal about how Superman inspired others to be better, even in his absence. She hopes she's able to tell Perry that the same thing is true about him, because "you are our Superman." Well, their other Superman.
Like the Death special, this is an excellent excuse for these legendary creators to play with their most famous toys again, and I wouldn't mind seeing one of these a year (Battle for Metropolis 30th Anniversary Special, anyone?). I kinda wish the Supermen had been introduced more gradually/dramatically in the framing story, building up to a grand reunion, instead of being like "oh hey, there they are," but that's a minor complaint and doesn't detract much from this massive labor of love. However, there's one thing I can't forgive: still no Bibbo. -1/10.
Fun fact, my co-host Don Sparrow and I agreed we'd make this post much shorter than the insanely long one we did for the previous special, and it ended up being... about 10% shorter. Woo! We did it! See Don's take after the jump:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We begin with the cover, and it’s a great piece from the formidable team of Jurgens and Breeding. We’ve mentioned in the past the rumour that there had been a falling out between this pencil and ink team in years past, so seeing their layouts and finishes together sure feels like a treat.  The composition is reminiscent of the image we used to have as the background on this very blog.  I must say, I’m not a fan of the colouring technique employed here by Elizabeth Breitweister, which looks a little flat and scribbly for my tastes.  The sky in particular just looks like a photograph with the contrast turned way up, and then colour filled, and doesn’t really work for me.  But that’s just my opinion, I’m sure the colouring approach to this cover has many modern fans.
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Inside the main through-line story is by Travis Moore, and it’s mostly quite well done, if a little stiff in places.  He has a great handle on Lois Lane, and the "Reign of the Supermen" splash on page 5 is a particular highlight.  I’m less enchanted with the modern-day Cyborg Superman, particularly the torn sleeve on his right arm, and the missing belt buckle.  There’s generally a simplicity to the complex robotic parts that doesn’t work as well as other incarnations we’ve seen of the Cyborg Superman.
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The next sequence, a reminiscence of Steel’s early days is a great showcase of Jon Bogdanove’s late style, some of which we saw in the “Retroactive” throwbacks of 2011.  While Bog still employs his cartoonish rendering, the figures are generally tighter and smaller on the page than his '90s work.  Fittingly, given the extra attention paid to Metropolis’ diversity in the pages of Superman: The Man of Steel, this story makes good use of a predominantly black Metropolis neighbourhood.  While I’ve never fully warmed to Ron Troupe as a character, this story does give him some background, showing his neighbourhood and living situation in a way that wasn’t covered by his appearances in the '90s. (As Ron is heading to work, he’s wearing a suit and tie, though I would have loved a callback to his famed JAM sweatshirt, first appearing in the story that THIS story refers to, where Ron is involved in the verification of the Cyborg Superman as the “one true Superman”).  There’s a terrific image of John Henry Irons flying at the camera on Page 11...
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...and another of him destroying a toastmaster weapon on page 16 that is a standout, featuring Bog’s unique method of hatching to denote the shine of chrome.  Including something like a smartphone, as they do on page 16, is an effective way of moving the story up in time, so that Lois Lane isn’t in (at least) her fifties, having covered Superman’s return in 1994.  The involvement of specific Presidents later in the book hamper that slightly, but overall they do a good job of keeping it nebulous.
It was difficult to pick a favourite sequence, but I have to give it to the Jerry Ordway Eradicator story.  It’s interesting to see a story by Jerry with this character, who was mostly covered by other writers (indeed, Jerry was off the books immediately after Adventures #500) and artists.  Ordway hasn’t lost much zip on his fastball, as the entire story employs the usual dynamic realism and well-observed textures that we’ve come to appreciate in his work.  Perry looks like himself throughout, though he reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield in the one panel of him playing with his analog walky-talky.  The Eradicator’s costume has always been a terrific design, and he looks so cool as he searches for the rest of the baddies in an underground lair. 
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Later in the story, the image of the Last Son melting through the getaway car is an extremely tall order art-wise, and again Jerry doesn’t disappoint.  As one of the two biggest fans of the triangle era, I was overjoyed to see an old-school villain like Killgrave in these pages as well.
We’re similarly treated to another original triangle era villain in the Kesel-Grummett-Hazlewood section, where Kon-El throws down with Bloodsport.  While it may feel like rehash to some readers of this blog, it’s been decades since readers have seen “The Metropolis Kid” rescue Ms. Sheenan, so it’s an appreciated callback.  Lots of great stuff here, but none I like more than Superboy shredding on a skateboard—a TOTALLY RAD moment, if ever.
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The next section, like the cover, is something of a missed opportunity.  Again, we have a stellar pairing of Jurgens and Breeding, but the art is let down by what I would say is incompatible colouring.  Most of the tones are good, but the details begin to compete with the linework underneath, especially as the digital brushstrokes get scribbly, as they are on the arm of the Cyborg Superman on the title page, or perhaps worst of all, the should-be-impactful moment of the one true Kal-El emerging on Metropolis harbour.  Superman is depicted red-nosed throughout, and the rendering is sketchy, where even flat colour might have given us a better look at the inks below.  I get the feeling it’s all intentional—an attempt at a more painterly style, perhaps to denote that it’s a flashback.  But it was a miss for me—even though I always love seeing Mongul kissing the Cyborg’s hand. [Max: He does have a very handsome hand.]
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Next to Ordway’s chapter, the high point of the book is where the triangle era super-team switch, page to page, in order to tell the story.  First with Jurgens and Breeding (with a less distracting colouring job), then Bogdanove, then Ordway, and finally Grummett and Hazelwood.  Interestingly, the classic Superman plays no role in the fight, showing up only at the end, in an echo of the original storyline. 
Finally, there’s a pin-up section, with some real standouts.  While the Stern/Guice team didn’t get their own chapter in the book, that title is represented with a great image of the survival suit Superman taking flight in front of the Daily Planet.  The comics logic part of my brain can’t help but notice he’s NOT wearing the Lexcorp flight boots in this image, and wasn’t able to fly under his own power in this suit, but I’m resisting pointing that out.  The Daniel Sampere pinup is another nice, simple image but again I quibble, as the survival suit Superman had no cape.  Is that maybe the Cyborg’s cape?  It was also deeply cool to see all the trade dress and character logos at the back of that section. [Max: And the Kerry Gammill/José Luis García López promo image! Been a while since we've seen Gammill in this blog so that was a nice surprise for me.]
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I love that this story showcases Perry White’s regret about running Ron’s story that lent credibility to the murderous Cyborg Superman.  They never really dealt with the journalistic repercussions of that within the story, so I love seeing an added dimension through this new narrative.  They also absolve the Clintons more specifically, as the Cyborg notes that all Presidents vouched for his veracity, so it wasn’t just slick Willie who got it wrong.
I realize the Travis Moore pages are mainly a narrative device to set up the flashbacks, but there’s something off about someone as deadly as the Cyborg just aimlessly shooting up the city.  As we saw when he took Doomsday’s body in Superman #78, with his power set, and technological ability, Henshaw can get in and out of a very secure place with speed and stealth, none of which do we see here.  The dissonance isn’t helped by the art, which shows very empty streets for a usually crowded literal Metropolis. 
The use of Perry White’s diaries as a framework for the flashbacks is a super idea, and puts a beloved character at the center of the issue, even if he’s physically absent in current day comics.  (Having dropped the super-books during the Bendis run, I confess I was a little lost on that score.)
Not familiar with the skateboard term “Grommet” but it pays off on the last page of the section as Superboy gives a skateboard to “Tommy the Grommet” in a shoutout to artist Tom Grummett.
The idea of the Cyborg resurrecting the rest of his crew is an intriguing one, and it does make me wonder what an insane mirror image Fantastic Four would be like as opponents of Superman.  Certainly it would even up the odds a little, as the Super squad we see in these pages had no trouble handling Henshaw on his own. [Max: I like that idea. Call them the Tragic Four.]
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Overall I think I liked the Death anniversary issue a little more, as the story felt a bit more urgent than just window-dressing for flashbacks.  But both are like meeting an old friend after a long time.  This really was a high-water mark for Superman stories, and for comics in general.
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blessyourhondahurley · 7 months
Suptober day 8 - Memories Are Made of This
As the screen goes all wiggly after How Could I Forget? we cut to a high school flashback. Will our star-crossed lovers beat the odds?
Suptober prompt: Satanic Panic Flufftober prompt: Rainy Day
(Read on AO3)
“Dean. Hey. Dude, are you drooling?”
Charlie's voice cuts through his gauzy daydream like a hot scalpel. He shakes himself alert, blinking rapidly as his eyes and his mind struggle to refocus on his dreary surroundings. Third period biochem. Rainy day. Middle of nowhere, Kansas. Ugh.
His bestie continues to lay into him in a hissed whisper. “You need to wake up! You haven't been paying attention to anything Mr. Singer has written on the board, and he already told us it's all gonna be on the test next week!! Where's your head today?” She narrows her eyes and gives him the look that always makes him feel like she's corkscrewing right into his brain. “You're not still thinking about that Novak kid, are you?”
He tries. He really does. He doesn't flinch, doesn't fidget, doesn't drop his eyes. “Nah,” he drawls, putting what he hopes is the exact right amount of casual disinterest into that single lying syllable.
She doesn't buy his act for a second. “Bull. Shit,” she replies, smacking him on the shoulder. “You are. Dean! I told you, that one is not for you! Between your Led Zep shirts and our weekend D&D games, his parents would call an exorcist if they found out he was even talking to you!”
“Oh come on, Red,” he protests weakly. “The Satanic Panic died out in the 80's.”
Charlie gives him a dark look. “Not in the Novak household, it didn't. I'm serious, Dean. Those blue eyes may be super dreamy, but he is more trouble than he's worth. Trust and believe. Now settle down, focus, and catch up!” She points furiously up at the whiteboard, which Mr. Singer is continuing to fill with blocky, crabbed lettering, and then down at his blank notebook.
Dean sighs and picks up his pen.
Everybody at the school knows about the Novaks, Lawrence High's very own pack of homegrown Cullens. They're an unwieldy gaggle of siblings, almost too many to count. Well-dressed, God-fearing, condescending little pricks, the lot of 'em. They keep themselves to themselves, and everyone else appreciates the favor. Nobody in their right mind would ever try to date one of them.
Except Castiel Novak, the baby of the family, with his eyes as blue as the sky and his messy black hair and his voice like a rake being dragged across concrete? He smiles at Dean, laughs at his jokes. They sit side-by-side in fifth period study hall now, and Dean's grades have dropped almost half a point since the new seating charts were drawn up, because he doesn't get a damn bit of studying done in that hour.
He's completely fucking smitten, is the thing. It's disgusting. But Charlie's right: he doesn't have a chance with someone like Castiel. The Novaks are bible study, violin lessons, honor roll. Dean's cheeseburgers, greasy carburetors, ripped jeans. So what if they have a blast hanging out every afternoon when they're supposed to be doing their homework? So what if Dean shakes sometimes with how much he wants to take Cas's hand, kiss his lips, touch his skin? It'll never happen, and that's a fact.
And then one Friday in March, just as they're all gathering up their books and backpacks to head to sixth period, Cas hands him a folded-up piece of notebook paper and runs out of the room. When Dean opens it up, he sees the question that will determine the course of the rest of his life:
YES          NO
This fic concludes here...
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
one sided enemies / lovers ren x mc fic where the high tension point of it is mc trying to stab ren while he’s “asleep” only for him to open his eyes and grab their wrists as they try and aim for his throat only for him to look them in the eyes and say “you’re really beautiful”, 25k slowburn, pinning, childhood friends to strangers to one sided love/hatred, not updated since 2018
A/N: Hello angels! Sorry I haven’t updated my multichapter 14DWY AU in a while! I got married, had three kids, divorced and then immediately got remarried again, came out of a 3-year coma due to my lack of copium, and recently adopted a dog :D Also I had to undergo surgery because I was suffering from sugondese, but I'm back now with another chapter! Plz enjoy!
pairings: MC x some pink haired guy idk i haven't played 14dwy
tags: over 25k word count, enemies to lovers to strangers then back to friends but not really, slow burn, only one bed, mpreg, stabbing (but not the sexual kind), pining, lemon/smut scene, mafia!au, etc.
Now was your chance. You finally had the opportunity to kill the fucker that had been embezzling funds from your Mafia father’s company. The timing was perfect... you had seduced him with your super hot appearance and slipped sleeping pills into his drink like a creep who belongs in jail. Now he was unconscious in your bed (there's only one bed in this huge expensive $$$ mansion) because you're not a monster who lets your enemies/lovers sleep on the ground.
Getting closer to the sleeping dude, you noticed that he was sleeping with a cheap ass face mask and sliced, dollar store cucumbers on his eyes… Like wtf… If he could steal over $1,000,000 from your father, you’d think he’d be able to buy something more expensive? Cheap ass….
Anyways it doesn’t matter because now you're looming over him and ripping off his $2 mallwart self-care products and staring at his prone and vulnerable form.
Wow... he actually looked.... beuatiful????
No-- stop it Y/N M/N L/N! this was not the time to be falling for the enemy! after your recent break-up with Teo -- the son of the rival mafia and the guy you were once in an arranged marriage with -- you were in no position to date again. But... wait… who said anything about dating? oh wait I did because I'm the narrator lol
Shaking your head and letting your H/L H/C hair loose, you draw your knife and angle it at the pink-haired ex-yakuza heir (your father and his mother are rivals as well). But before you could go for his jugular or smth, his eyes flutter open and lock onto yours.
It was as if time stopped and nothing else existed outside of your bedroom walls. You were captivated by his striking blue orbs and soft, dewy skin. He looked like an angel sent from heaven — but in the form of your childhood friend. aka the one you met on the playground all those years ago.... sakura blossoms were blowing in the wind which was romantic, but didnt make sense because corland bay doesn’t take place in Japan (omg 14dwy lore?? in my crack fic????)
Memories come flooding back, and it was as if the pink-haired guy was remembering them too — if the way his eyes softly trace over your features was any indication. How could you kill him? Did you want to kill him? He was nothing but kind to you, despite the fact that he literally stole money from your family and tried to kill you ex. And wtf why am I actually putting effort into this???
Shaking your head again (i don't know that many descriptors), you strengthen your resolve and press the blade firmly against his heart instead. But ya mans must've been made out of steel or something because you haven't drawn blood yet? tf?? anyways, before you could notice, he wraps a large and veiny hand around your wrist and softly murmurs something under his breath.
For some reason you forgot how soft and breathy his voice sounded, and for a moment in time, you found yourself falling for him. ah shit bois it's the beginning of the enemies to lovers arc!!!!! yehaw 🤠 ok anyways
Before you could say anything, he cuts you off "You look beautiful”
"How can you say that I'm literally wearing a balaclava right now? :/" you say, “I’m going for that mysterious vibe”
"Yeah but I know the real you, the you that's underneath that balaclava."
it was sweet, but you knew better than to trust the words of your enemy/lover. "Ok but what if I told you I was wearing another one underneath”
"yeah that's valid i'm literally wearing two sweaters rn"
"oh sick" looking down you notice that he wasn’t lying “nice I love the complimentary colours. very neutral and very based uwu”
"y-y-y-y-eah" he blushes "sorry i forgot that i'm supposed to be haruko rn"
"oh shit!! you like attack on giants? my man!!!!!"
"i-it's pretty pog ^^ anyways," he looks at your really cool and expensive gucci blade that was pressed against his heart. "weren't you going to kill me?"
"oh yeah" drawing the knife for the 69th time, you position it again before looking into his ocean blue cerulean cyan orbs once more. "this is for stealing money from my dad… the richest mafia don in all of corland bay…. he's a great dad btw because my mom tried to sell me to one direction-- anyways I'm rambling now. time to unalive you hehe"
but... you couldn't do it. You couldn't kill your childhood friend, your twin flame, and the man you harboured secret feelings for. He was too pretty and too Baby to kill. look at him. Would you really murder a guy looking like that? Jail time for even thinking about harming such an innocent soul :/ and so, you retract the blade and dramatically look off into the distance.
"I.... I can't do it."
"here i'll do it then." and then he grabs the knife and straight up stabs himself.
"you wanted to kill me, and I only want what you want. it's logic :)"
"omg the rapper? anyways that's not what I-- you know what? yeah okay sure bet"
and just like romeo and juliet, you stab yourself as well so you could be with your lover in the afterlife. But you didn't die quick enough, so you had some time to kill on the ONLY bed in the mansion. so u woohoo with each other before kicking the bucket
you see ren in the afterlife and that’s when you realise that one of you were pregnant. yeah.... now this is the annoying part of every fic where they introduce the unwanted pregnancy arc. but that continues in chapter 69 so stay tuned! I should be able to update this next week if nothing goes wrong :)
-- THE END --
A/N (for real): if y'all want an actual serious scenario with this prompt, lemme know lmao
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shoukiko · 5 months
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I hope ya'll don't mind if I OC ramble a bit about Shouko. I still have a cold so I'm still on the verge of death.
Tags: @octiism, @wishesforyou, @konig-s-hood, @imtotallynormalmhmyes
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I recently changed her up just a bit, like her last name and such 高村 - Takamura is her new surname, Taka (高) meaning "tall, high" (lol), and Mura (村) meaning "town, village"
Felt funny to give her a name like that when she's... tiny, which is a bit mean to myself since she's literally my height..
Her and Ghost's relationship is very much sunshine x grumpy, but to me when Ghost is Simon, he's not really that grumpy, he's just a chill dude, he just has to be more strict when he's Ghost.
They became close friends after she really just.... wanted to exist next to him all the little "May I sit here?" "Can I come?" "Did you eat?" "Can I ask for your opinion?"
sitting on the other end of a couch where he was, clutching her knees to her chest, just happy she's allowed to be near someone so respected.
She saw him as someone she could look up to, someone she could prove herself to, someone who wouldn't pity her or treat her differently because of her size. He showed her respect.
He enjoyed her company, it was refreshing to him, she wasn't overly excited, she knew when there was a time and place for everything, but if she had the time, she would jump up and squeal with excitement if she was happy.
Shouko met Ghost after being transferred from the US marines at the age of 20, she joined the military at 17 after moving to the US after some family matters ocurred.
She has pretty big eyes when she's not on the verge of death, poor girl needs sleep. Yaeba teeth are her charm point.
If I got to choose who would play her in a live action film, I would choose Shida Mirai (志田未来) Beautiful woman.
Shouko saw his face on accident after walking in on him washing his fash in the communal washroom, they locked eyes in the mirror and it was like a switch flipped in her, he was the singlehandedly most beautiful person she's ever seen aside from her mother. He wasn't upset really, mistakes happen, but he did get a bit uncomfortable after she stood there for a good 30 seconds not saying anything.
She wasn't there in Las Almas to see his face, she was briefed and brought in later, she helped with Price in the helicopter instead.
Shouko is also like, very much an airhead, if someone she trusts tells her something, she just takes their word for it, but obviously she's very smart and wellspoken because she has to be.
She's very knowledgable in a lot of things and takes the time to learn about random topics just for the fun of it, but when it comes to things like...
I'm using a conversation I had with my boyfriend as an example, just switching it to Ghost and Shouko.
Shouko: I never really see wind turbines a lot, I forget what they're used for.
Ghost, Obviously kidding: They're for cooling down the earth, hun.
Shouko: Wait, really?
Ghost, thinking how long he can keep this going for: Yep, they regulate the tempurature.. of the air. (Bullshitting)
Shouko: Oh. Huh okay then.
A day later, Shouko would tell maybe like her brothers or her friends about it. Noone telling her she's wrong because they just can't bring themselves to tell her, until her eldest brother Satoshi is like "The fuck are you on about?"
She'd race back to Ghost, SCREAMING about how she trusted him and how could she embarrass her like that, and he has his head in his hands, shaking, absolutely losing it, trying not to break down laughing because he didn't think she'd actually believe him.
Change Satoshi to one of my friends and... it actually happened, my bf still won't let me live it down... Fucker also made me think Sperm cramps were a thing ... ;-;
That is all, I will ramble more later, I love Shouko frfr
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Now have more art of here I haven't shared (probably) All drawn by @wishesforyou <3
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This one was drawn by me :3
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smallraindrops-blog · 22 days
Some wmftd and hades 2 rambles I wanted to share:
Possible Hades 2 Spoilers !
Hypnos with long hair makes me imagine y/n learning how to braid his hair to make it a bit more manageable
Also I feel like seeing hypnos with his long hair would make y/n want to try growing out his beard (achilles sheds a tear when he sees it bc his son now looks like his pa)
Rule #34 by Fish in a Birdcage reminds me of y/n and hypnos in the pirate au
The amount of angst you could get if hypnos actually does fall into a sleeping coma in the second game 💀 (reminds me a lot of the part closer to the end of wmftd)
I wonder if achilles and patroclus will ever meet odysseus in the second game (how would y/n act if he met him lol)
Imagine y/n and hypnos babysitting baby melinoe when zagreus goes on his runs 🥹 (maybe that would spark their desire for their own children ?)
The wmftd brainrot is getting stronger every day, but I'm glad I stumbled upon this blog <3
AHHHH i love these, legit making me feral rn. Same on the brainrot, my friend. I’m happy you found this blog too <3
Placing my replies and a little short story under the readmore. <3
Y/N would definitely braid Hypnos’ hair for him. Also he wouldn’t be able to cope with how pretty Hypnos is with long hair. Like he totally gets tongue tied just looking at him. He is so fucking pretty.help.
I actually hc that Y/N rocked a short beard while working as a fisherman. He was shaved by the time he died because beards are often used as a grapple point during fights so he knew better than to have one.
Until they showed us Skelly I wasn’t sure if Shades could change their form like growing their hair but it looks like they can. (If Skelly counts as a shade, I am not certain where the lines between shades and undead are drawn.) 
But anyway, yeah. Funny enough, I was wondering how to show how time passed for Y/N and was considering having him grow a beard anyway lol.
Achilles would love seeing his son with a beard, Pat too. They would probably joke about him actually being a long-long family member that Pat didn’t know about.
However if I think what happens in Hades 2 actually happens, Y/N will grow the beard while apart from Hypnos. (Thanks depression! 👍)
I haven't talked about it yet but I suspect that Y/N and Hypnos will end up losing each other during the chaos and he is either trapped, helping Hermes or otherwise unable to find Hypnos. He has no clue where Hypnos is and just wants to find him.
Looked up the song, and dude that is immediately going on the playlist. Thank you for introducing me to them.
yeah, def. I’m willing to bet the Hades dev.team had their reasons for Hypnos being comatose. What I hope is that Melinoe still likes Hypnos after he wakes up ( bonus point for everyone if she actually thinks he is the funniest person around)
I hope those met up! It would be like running into that one coworker you dislike while in the dairy section at the grocery store and they won’t shut up and leave you alone. ( i love all three of them, those adorable old war criminals <3)
AHHH. Baby Melinoe!
Baby Melinoe is baby fever on crack, i adore her and will happily fight an undead army for her.
I personally think Hypnos is someone who always wanted kids, especially since he is kinda a big kid himself and would be one of those parents who could play all kinds of silly games with their kids.
Kids were kinda never on Y/N’s radar. There was his own trauma, the war then being on the run. Maybe in a lavender marriage, he might have a kid or two but it wasn’t something he seeked out. Seeing how happy it made Hypnos definitely planted the seed for him. I like to think Y/N would actually be a natural parent with kids.
I can’t articulate my level of love for her so here you go, a wholesome short for making past my rambling lol 
(The short)
The news of Princess Melinoe’s arrival was a welcome one in the house of Hades. It was as if the whole house had transformed around the little princess, there was a warmth, a sense of love, to the house that wasn’t there before.
You were going over the newly increased list of security measures that Master Hades demanded and Queen Persephone had politely requested. You had implemented countless measures leading up to the birth and more afterward but there was always more work to be done.
“Oh look who I found, Princess!” Hypnos’ voice reached your ears and you looked up to see Hypnos grinning at you, the aforementioned Princess Melinoe in his arms. At your questioning glance, Hypnos explained that he was on babysitting duty. 
“Besides, I am way more fun than your older brother, huh?” Hypnos cooed at baby Melinoe, tickling under her chin. The baby girl cooed back in delighted, high pitch sounds that only a newborn could make, little bubbles forming her lips and down her chin.
Normally Hypnos was extremely fussy about his cloak but grabbing an edge of it, he just wiped Melinoe’s drool away without complaint, his smile never fading.
Then, he lifted an expected brow at you. You looked at the baby in Hypnos’ arms, happily blabbering away. You never been around kids, not really. You weren’t sure if the little princess could even see past her small nose. 
She looked tiny and precious. And very, very fragile.
Hypnos laughed quietly. “She isn’t scary, dearest. You can tell her ‘hello’.”
”Hello.” You told her. Her eyes widen, staring up at you with wide mismatched irises. As if she was realizing you were right there. She blinked slowly. 
”Try giving her your finger.” Hypnos encouraged, and after a moment of hesitation, you obeyed.
Princess Melinoe grabbed at your finger with considerable strength and simply held on, staring at you with a surprisingly serious expression, blabbering away in nonsense. 
You made the appropriate noises like you could understand her and repeated, ‘indeed, Princess.’ along with ‘you are definitely much smarter than your brother.’
A smile formed on your face without you noticing.
You didn’t see the soft way Hypnos glanced at you, realizing the quiet hope that was forming in his chest. When it was time for Hypnos to return Princess Melinoe to her mother, you didn’t know that Hypnos was already putting together a conversation to have with you later.
You never knew.
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minmin-pal · 10 months
you don't have to send a reply or even an answer really, i know it's close to the time so please feel free to ignore this and give yourself some time or just do something else you'd like other than answering a tumblr ask lmao/lh/gen
welcome back to custard/mikey/mustard/🍮 speedrunning asks in 2 hours go!
'Trying to become happy by doing assassinations' caught me off guard but yay I've already properly fixed and added the stuff you said to my watch guide, i appreciate the 'using the wrong pronouns for extra concealing' lol, ty jjba veteran for ur wisdom :pray: /gen
i've gotten so used to expecting them to come back too lol, but yes alright, thank you for the advice :D maybe i can somehow make it thru jjba with even a quarter of my feelings intact? (I'm not confident in that either ::/j/lh)
and woah I'm glad you were able to enjoy naruto! and yeah truee the possessed fox mode(?) thing always looked so cool and reminding is understandable lol, and now that you mention it he really would've been that one friend everyone would have in elem lmao. his cheery, rebellious to teachers and pulls pranks, he definitely would've been a popular kid or something during elem (is elem the same as primary school? ;;)
ngl i'd maybe say the reason gaara was more appealing than sasuke is maybe he was actually a nice character?/lh also younger gaara was very adorable to watch but yeah sasuke was just being a tad bit of an asshat lol
and ohh, people's opinions on tsunade is often positive leaning but it's neat to hear your thoughts on jiraiya and orochimaru are often like switched, if that makes sense? it's fun to see other opinions finally exist lmao, jiraiya was weird as heck but he had that character appeal going on somehow lol/pos
the 'hercules-corona borealis great wall' new term i never knew existed, ty for this brain food :pray:
and ah, somehow that single image you inserted of the dude drawn in the first style explains it (art looks nice though, muscles so cool omg/lh/pos)
I'm getting the same feeling that aot will end in the same-ish manner that killer in love did, just completely turn everything on the viewers heads and make us all feel emotionally exposed or smth lol, i'm gonna have to put on some protective gear before restarting the anime ;;
oh wait there's a csm part 2? I haven't heard much about it though it makes sense if his still working on it, and yep csm has already been added to my to-read list and csm2 is joining >:)
oyasumi punpun sounds very cute, i will be checking that out now, i need to feel feelings again after speedrunning killer in love lol/hj/lh
"boy's abyss" added to the collection (i will actually finish this list I swear lmao/gen) help naur "you didn't dislike kokoa, and that's really telling of you as a person" had me worried if it was bad for a few seconds TT/lh
and yeah I'm really glad they made her kinda of a victim too, really pulled the story together especially in the 'backstory leading to her walking off into the distance' ending (and yeah don't worry about any of it being too short or anything, it's understandable so pls don't strain urself :D/lh)
oh yeah, seeing a character make the same decisions or do the same thing as you and it's being shown/viewed(?) as a bad thing, is definitely an eye-opener moment
i don't know all the details and this might seem unwarranted but you were both human and I'm sorry they left you so suddenly (i'm not trying to come as all like- dunno pompous or anything i swear ;;) not trying to argue since it might've been the healthy decision for them and i can respect that, i'm sorry you had to be left alone so suddenly though/gen (i hope this didn't come off badly ;;/lh)
we're speedruninngg :run:
and yay, yeah i really did it like it, thank you again for getting me to read it/gen the wholw story and it's art in general was very lovely:]<3
(mustard is my new, nEW name that will appear on my birth certificate lmao, also how did i not think of that sooner it was literally staring me in the face lol)
i'm answering the first of the 'thank you and nice to meet you' post thing and i reached where you said you were physically running out of time and i am also running out of time physically, the irony is making me cackle lol/hj/lh
it makes me a bit sad too, but i'm really glad i did meet you (as much as meeting you counts to stumbling across your blog?) i might not have said this enough times, but reading you rant off on random tangents and just talking about silly random stuff that you liked and things that mattered to you was genuinely a very fun experience that i won't be forgetting./gen
mayb the afterlife or void or whatever turns out to be meeting you there, does have wifi, i mean you can never be too sure right lmao? I can imagine it might just be 2 bars or something tho lol/lh
bye bye to you too min, and yeah no worries, the end poem has a special place for me so i don't consider it corny at all that you brought up, not gonna lie the first time i read your response seeing the response just made me bawl harder lol,
you like showing me stuff and i like watching you show me stuff, it's very fun would reccomended:D/lh reccomended:D/lh
don't be sorry, you don't need to be/lh/gen
thank you for that, (am i allowed to save it?/genq/nf) making you tear up was the goal muahaha >:)/hj/lh
even if it's not new, i stand by "all min art is good art", thank you. genuinely for everything min. this has been a very nice few 47(?) days of knowing you and i'll always check back on here, i know you said promises don't count to dead people, but welp unfortunately one of us will still be alive and chilling so that promise is gonna get fulfilled >:) my evil masterplan all along, it's gonna take you so long to scroll down thru my jjba review part 1 ask with the shitty wifi in the afterlife/again, whichever ends up waiting
i'll take care of little dustball min >:) could go to a cat cafe, i heard you liked cats./lh
It nice meeting you min, thank you for everything genuinely, it's been nice.
love you stranger :D
gonna go offline permanently in 5 mins (plus i will be deleting a lot of posts- just cus i dont want to be known for some of these) so i cant go too indepth
im really happy we spoke. i sometimes would worry that people who found me off my more. sad stuff would never know me much and im happy u let me . not be so depressing and let me rant about fuckin g jojos bizarre adventure to you
thanks mustard custard mikey and see u in the next ecosystem
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hollowsart · 1 year
Now that I know that DC exists in your AU I really want to see a villain from Gotham seeing all the stuff that's going on in NY and being like: "This is so tame, so orderly... HOW?!" And seeing theater-kid Beck being all flamboyant and ✨s p o r k l y✨ meanwhile in Gotham, black in the new any-colour and there's a rich dude dressed as a bat, beating up people with mental disorders on a nightly basis
My Batman stuff is very different from the usual canon. I don't/haven't drawn much of or for it, but it's also relatively tame. @muppet-skunk was working together with me to come up with stuff for a sort of "reboot" for Batman that really changes things and gives it a fresher take with some new ideas and a new coat of paint. Since.. admittedly it does feel a bit stale by this point, but that's probably just me.
The variations in the heroes and their methods and how each city is within both DC and Marvel respectively, I don't think Gotham would be too weirded out by New York. If anything, there would be a mutual "that's Detroit for ya." / "gotta keep Portland weird" sort reaction to either between them.
If that made any sense?
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a-schrodingers-fox · 1 year
10 Characters From 10 Fandoms
How to play: Name 10 Characters from 10 fandoms and tag people
I was tagged by the amazing @br-disaster​ , thank you!!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
In no particular order. Most of them I have been obsessed with ever since I was a kid. 
Nie Huaisang (CQL/MDZS) - The only reason it took me so long to do this was because I couldn’t decide between NMJ and NHS. Alas, I relate to NHS the most, he’s also an incredibly intricate character that lives in my head rent free. 
Hatake Kakashi (Naruto) - Contrary to most people, I actually watched this show/read the manga until 2020 and I've been obsessed with this tragic overpowered ninja ever since. I think he is the character I have written/drawn the most about. I relate way too much to him, which is...strange. I am in love with his story and character development through the show. 
Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview With the Vampire) - I must confess I haven't yet read the book, but I watched the AMC show and I FELL IN LOVE. I have Ana to thank for introducing me to this amazing, complicated mess of a man. 
Thranduil (The hobbit) - When I watched all LOTR movies, I was a kid and my aunt was babysitting and obviously I started obsessing over him and the elves when I read every Tolkien book I could get my hands on. I haven't written much about him but I do have a whole AU-Canon divergence for Oropher, Thranduil and Legolas half written on AO3. My version of Thranduil, Oropher’s line and the Greenwood elves is VERY different from the hobbit movies, though.  
Ned the Pie Maker (Pushing daisies) - Tall, sensible, caring, harmless man who loves to bake and is also an accidental necromancer? YES, PLEASE.  
Yue (Sakura Card-captor) - Imagine you are this super powerful supernatural being whose world gets turned upside down when the person you considered your everything dies. Imagine you get sealed inside the back cover of a book for 100 years and then inside the body of a teenager without being asked for consent and without being able to get out to live a normal life. You are also left without much of your power for a long time, and then you are given a ridiculously short amount of time to get used to everything that is going on around you while your twin and your other brothers and sisters get months to understand and process what happened. AND THEN it turns out that the dude that you loved so much didn’t died, instead reincarnated into some annoying bitch (who is now a different person than he was in his past life so meh) because he had some cosmic realization when he turned like 800 years old because being the most powerful magician in the world makes your common sense disappear, apparently...and then this annoying brat creates a cheap copy of you and your sibling, yikes. Imagine you really want to slap everyone but you dont want to set a bad example to the nice, cute girl who you depend on now, BUT DAMMIT IF YOU COULD YOU WOULD. Yeah. He's That Bitch™ and he deserves it. I support you, Yue. 
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - She is definitively the character I relate to the most, like she was 14 and learned very soon what happens if you get on your father’s bad side. She's a prodigy and what she needed in the end was some psychological help and then the throne, bye. 
Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek) -  I want to be a Starfleet captain so bad, ISTG. He’s so much, a drama queen, the voice of reason, a disaster waiting to happen, a feminist, queer, The Captain, a nuisance, the smartest person in the room, mister daddy issues, mister “bones get that hypospray off my face”, mister I am in love with this Vulcan, mister I am in love with this doctor, “Dammit Jim!”. Yeah, him.
Crowley (Good Omens) - I read the book when I was in high school, it was the first book I read in one sitting without getting distracted. I loved those two. I love Crowley and the fact that he is always trying to cause havoc through elaborate schemes that inconvenience the human race. Ahaha, he’s the best. (Yes, I loved the TV show).
Dorian (Almost Human) - HE JUST WANTS TO BE SEEN AS SOMETHING MORE THAN JUST A MACHINE. He’s sometimes more human than all the humans he works with. I love Dorian and Kennex, you bet I have read every single fic centered on him or both of them on AO3. I’m forever sad they cancelled that show. 
I tag @pangzi and @dual-domination (only if you want to do it of course. Feel free to ignore this tag if you dont!) 
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Ngl i feel like Tom Fulp had to back peddle and make Picos school more palatable for a newer audience since the things that are normal on newgrounds don't fly on twitter. Idk if my Pico lore is off but i thought the Nene is homophobic joke came from the fnfHD mod so i don't think i can count that as sanitizing the character but i know Cyclops swastikas had gotten removed in that Pico remake game where Pico and Boyfriend were couple. I remember on Twitter there was a weird move to try and make Picos School more PC for some reason? Like why even bother getting rid of the racist design choices made in a game where it's about a penis alien committing a school shooting?
As for like the KFCs genders i remember ages ago people claimed that Toby had said that you could choose whatever gender you wanted to identify Chara and Frisk as but I've never seen as source for this but it's not like i care I've always referred to Frisk and Chara as female. I know Toby had stated Kris is a "they" in a stream apparently but even then i still don't care and i see Kris as a straight dude. (Ex: him hiding a book with a character with a bikini on it, the love Tea he drink and the stats of it showing he had a liking towards Susie and Noelle, his whole dynamic with Noelle during a genocide route and getting her a ring, the one save point and the queens legs stating something along the lines of "looking at these legs fills you with something" yea yea all that when it comes to fiction i just have a habit of referring too characters by certain genders depending on how i see them. Like Wx-78 from don't starve, the whole joke is that the character is a robot and it's gender is nonbinary, even then i still refer to the character as male due to some dialogue and having an outfit where he's wearing a bowtie with a drawn on mustache even with these examples as to why a huge proportion of people refer to him as male there's still people who'll harp on others for not using neutral pronouns
Exactly. Pico's School itself doesn't take too seriously that it could be on levels with South Park kind of humor. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom Fulp had that in mind during its creation. But yeah, whatever gender people see in KFC, whether it is a boy, girl, or gender neutral, it's different for everybody. There is no evil intention behind it. Some may have done it for self insertion, but when haven't we self inserted in a blank slate-like character for shipping with our faves? Not only does the gender neutral count for KFC, but can extend to ones like Monster Kid too. I remember that the only 'misgendered' mistake Toby had done was that he/him pronouns was used for Monster Kid during the first run print of the Undertale art book that fans got upset when they saw it that Toby/Fangamer had to change it to they/them since MK was also one of the characters that used gender neutral pronouns.
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
I just followed you recently and i find you keep talking about your ocs
Can you give me a basic run down on them?
Or a detailed explanation if you wanna
Ohhhh yeah I'd totally forgotten most people probably don't know the characters I talk about shfgiwehfni I'll give you a quick rundown of most of them (and then I'll probably pin this so others who are curious can see). I'll talk about my FHS since that's my main series- yeah, cringe, I know.
Under the cut for those who don't to see me ramble.
Raymond (Often nicknamed Rayray or just Ray): He's my Eakwynn (Eak x Owynn) fankid, and also the first OC I made for this fandom. Basically, he was an oops baby born when his parents were just out of highschool and in a unstable relationship so... Yeah. Because Owynn has an habit of disappearing from his life for months without explanation, Eak raised him as a single parent (with Cami and Towntrap for help) so he's very attached to Eak. He's autistic with a special interest in insects, and also plays the saxophone- he started being interested in music just to get attention from Owynn but eventually grew to actually like it. I have some drawings of him here and here.
Jason: He's a member of a gang that's rivals with the Nightmares, and had a serious case of self destructive tendencies (mainly alcoholism and fighting) and undiagnosed mental illness thanks to a bunch of childhood trauma. He's basically in the middle of his downward spiral when he mets Onnie, who he sees as too weak to bother attacking and instead decides to just play with a little. This backfires horribly for him, because he ends up finding Onnie a bit charming and funny and gets totally attached to him. So, he decides to betray his gang and almost gets himself killed! It ends fine for him tho- they get married and have three children. Haven't drawn him in a while, but have some picrews so you'll get an idea of what he looks like.
Derek Zephyr: Another fankid, this time for Red (Shadow Fox) and Gold (Shadow Golden) in an AU in which the shadows have their own body. He grew up pretty poor, but his parents always took great care of him (despite both being a bit fucked in the head). He's very punk and projects an image of a guy who's super tough + rebellious but he's actually pretty far from an actual bad boy- listens to his parents, doesn't drink/do drugs, is afraid of motorcycles... Besides the fact that he sometimes gets into fights, he's a calm dude. Wants to become a rockstar; plays guitar and sings (sometimes even writes his own songs). He and Ray are great friends. I also have art of him here and here.
Ezekiel: Frededdy fankid. He's a special case in that he wasn't actually born- he just appeared out of thin air thanks to shadow magic. Basically, he's a human/shadow hybrid, which means he looks mostly human but has a few weird quirks in the form of a black sclera and a weird personality. He's got a surprisingly clinical mind, a lack of emotional expression and a strong attachment to the supernatural. Has a very good voice courtesy of his parents, but he's not particularly musical. He's also a friend of Ray and Derek.
Tristán and Gabriela: These two are twins, and they're from a pretty dark AU that started as kind of a trauma exploration of mine, so trigger warning for incest and abuse for this part, skip to the next if it makes you uncomfortable. Basically they're Joy and Golden fankids, a fact that is kept a secret from them until they're teens and they learn the whole story behind their birth. Long story short- Joy forced Golden to have kids with her and abused him for many years under threat of taking the kids away from him. This ends up with both of them having issues to work through- Tristán ends up with a serious guilt complex that eats him alive and makes him feel like a freak of nature. Gabri meanwhile becomes a bit of a recluded mess, having a hard time opening up to anyone or showing herself as anything but happy because she worries her past is too horrible to even begin to face. They have issues.
Luca, Piper and Zachary: And to end of, Onnie and Jason's triplets. Let's keep this short since this list is already too damn long- Luca is a hotheaded bastard that has a huge trouble managing his emotions, Piper is a money hungry daddy's girl who loves to stick her nose into things that she shouldn't, and Zach is the deaf kid who always manages to get into trouble even when he very much would prefer not to get into trouble. Basically, they're a lot, especially for a pair of poor parents who didn't have any previous experience with children, but they're happy. They're a big, chaotic, happy family.
Besides that I also have Luna and Deyanira, but they're a bit of newer OCs so I still don't have much about the two of them. All you need to know for now is that Luna is Derek's younger half sister (his parents have an open relationship) and Deya is Derek's daughter. Derek kind of grew as an OC since I've been using him for roleplay and expanding him a lot, so he's kind of getting his own little cinematic universe lol. Hope that's enough explanation!
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braywashed · 2 years
No no! Just curious why
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Man it's literally so hard to sit here and try to describe, because there are so many reasons why I should absolutely loathe the character. In a lot of ways I *do* loathe the character. Like I actively feel guilty about liking him since rewatching. Of all the fictional assholes I love, he's the closest to *real* and that makes it really hard to excuse. But sometimes good *characters* are not good people, they just play a good role in the story.
I am really drawn to sibling dynamics. I am an absolute sucker for a big brother figure. And again, this is why I should completely hate him. I wouldn't typically sit around and project and come to backwards ass conclusions about shitty brothers. I have enough of a fucking complex about them on a very personal level (and fathers, while we're at it) to want to sympathize with it in my escape media. But I'm not going to give every bummer 'got left waiting sat on the stairs all day' life story I ever had.
Point being, a lot of my feelings towards Billy come from the fact that I would take a fucking bullet for Max, and he's terrible to her. Absolutely fucking terrible. She thinks he hated her. She hated him. And that's 100% understandable.
Yet, in *hindsight*... I just... don't think he hated her. At all. I think he was possessive and little co-dependent and more protective than he'd ever admit? She's, weirdly, the only one who really understands all his issues, and she might not even know that. Not to mention he probably took a lot of literal hits for her she never even knew about. This doesn't make it okay. He's a piece of shit. But it fucking *compels me though dot gif.*
(Sidenote: Haven't read the Max book, heard S3 contradicts it anyway, but I do know apparently he gave her her nickname which is adorable if true. And that he took a bunch of belt lashings. Please get fucked, Neil. How is that guy still allowed to be alive?)
The Lucas scene is rough because it is framed SO fucking badly. It is. It's hard to watch.
...but when I go back to it:
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Suddenly I'm stuck knowing this dude gets his ass beat because of this girl all the time, and this dude grew up watching the only woman in his life that gave a shit about him get the shit beat out of her too.
...and now I'm stuck knowing he watched this girl try to walk away from some kid who kept yelling after her, watched them argue, watched Max storm off visibly upset
And despite the really off-kilter music and the wording after that, I'm stuck thinking 'he was pissed at him because he *made max upset*'
Is that it? Probably not. He's probably just shit and it's exactly what it says on the tin and for some reason wasn't pushed despite them not really shying away from a few other choice blunt subjects and words. But I also can't *not* see it this way now. And I can't *not* think about the dad at all, given the things he said and clearly believes about people (and all the toxic masc. bullshit expectations). Be that directly influencing behaviors or the fact that if Max came home with Lucas, shit would probably go down. Explained but not excused, abused kids do take after their parents a lot of times, he's still young and people can change, etc etc.
At best it's still a bad look.
Jump forward. When he gets called out for losing her at the end of the season, he says she doesn't need a full time babysitter. Maybe, probably, he did just really want to get to his date. But he also knew damn well where she went. He goes to Lucas's house. He immediately knew she went with him. He didn't HAVE to make a case for her taking care of herself. But he did? That sticks with me for some reason.
When he finds them eventually, as insincere as it is, there's a real big Jerkass Has A Point moment where he points out that his sister is in the middle of nowhere at a stranger's house, with a high school dude who is insisting she isn't. We know better as the audience, but from a more realistic perspective, he ain't wrong.
Then she physically stands up to him and he backs the fuck off like a scared puppy and seemingly leaves her alone from then on. Which, to Vec's point, is a lot braver than him, when he didn't stand up to *his* abuser the episode before. Suddenly next season the dude who was grabbing her arm is on the floor begging her to believe him when he says he didn't mean to hurt anybody.
(Sidenote Numero Dos: Somehow despite sharing a house, none of them ever got flayed. Probably just an oversight, but if you're gonna give me blanks to fill in, I'm gonna make assumptions.)
To get to Season 3 and sum stuff up *without* Max for the most part:
His biggest declaration at the end of Season 2 was that "no one tells [him] what to do." He gets flayed for that effort. This happens to him after he stares at himself in the mirror, which his father previously called him slurs for. I really, really hate that.
The dude objectifies the living fuck out of himself probably because it's the only control he actually has over anything and anyone in his life and at the end of the day and he gets punished for it.
His heroic sacrifice moment is all just standing up to a big giant oppressor which he was never able to do before in his entire life. Both his oppressors turned him into someone he never would have wanted to be. Something something, even evil has standards. Yes, like they said, he *is* a gross bully but he's not a murderer who ties people up in his trunk.
...............Also he just looks *extremely fucking small and vulnerable* in this shot despite the camera looking up at him, and despite him being an imposing monster the entire episode:
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i'm going to wrap him in a blanket and give him so much hot cocoa and so many buckets to throw up bleach into and you can't stop me.
also also this cinematography is just really fucking cream pants worthy:
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like god i want to watch that episode on imax.
I basically skimmed the entire season but nothing was necessary to point out other than the fact that he's crying like every single fucking moment of every single fucking day and that he's apparently GREAT with little kids. Like people trust this asshole. With their children's literal lives. Huhwha. Probably because he gets out of his house and gets to be his own person, in his literal subverted element.
His last significant memory is "this is your new sister" and he fucking yeets himself for some kid he just met that knows more about him than anyone has any right to (and I say that very pointedly. It's AUTONOMY, PEOPLE. SAY IT WITH ME.).
He's terrible and Max and the audience have every right to have wished him dead, or not to be "redeemed" or think it wasn't enough. I'll sit here all day and come up with 'if he'd lived.....'s but it doesn't mean I even think he should have.
but i'mma still hug him and i'mma still sit here and say the first thing el did when she got to cali was send back some really cool shells she found on the beach with a note to leave some for billy. YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
Other shit I think is worth noting: That time he had the audacity to say "Here I am," as if he didn't enter the show to that fucking song. The Camaro is a thing of beauty. The Lost Boy aesthetic. Moving in Stereo. And if I haven't stressed enough the propaganda of this post that Billy is a Hero To Women, Actually, he apparently makes them happy scream. So he's doing something right despite seeming like the biggest self involved douche on the face of the planet.
Oh, and his summer wear photoshoot. Obviously. That's just fun marketing.
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