#have a...goddammit this is a ficlet isnt it?
reineyday · 2 years
HI. fake fic titles: Sticky Note Discussions -or- It Began at the Izakaya. For kiribaku (bnha) or your slash naruto or haikyuu!! ship of choice~~ hope you're having a great day <33
for the fake fic titles thing! thanks for sending one in :') i was uuhhh having kuroyaku feelings earlier so ima do them (theyre my fave hq!! ship haha); this also turned out long cuz i cant help myself, apparently 😅 this is honestly basically a ficlet lmao 🤦🏻‍♀️
sticky note discussions (kuroyaku):
it all starts in their 1st year at nekoma, when the class bell interrupts one of their stupid arguments. theyre not in the same class, so kuroo continues to argue his point by jotting down his (clearly superior, yakkun!) points on a sticky note and aggressively smacking it right on yaku's forehead as they pass each other in the hall on the way to their own class
yaku replies with his own sticky note (he gets laughed at when he tries to pay it back and stick it on kuroo's forehead but cant reach, and then after kuroo suffers a wounded kneecap so yaku can reach, he gets once again defeated by kuroo's dumb--theyre dumb, okay, not cute, okay kai, okay--bangs)
anyways, they reach volleyball practice and realize theyve accumulated a whole argument stated on several stickies, and they get decide to lay it out inside yaku's locker to argue their finer points again, bc theyre both actually nerds who need the last word, and they do this until practice starts
and so it continues. yaku gives kuroo his lock combo, and they have sticky note arguments debates. they dont always argue on stickies and pass them to each other in the halls throughout the day, but they end up filling out the locker to the point that yaku clears it out except for the last two points from each of them (he puts them in a shoebox he leaves in his locker after he got new vball shoes one time after class)
it was always kind of dumb arguments until one game, when yaku's off the bench and nekoma's facing off against a team that has really high endurance, nd yakkun's never been in such a high intensitt game before for so long and his thighs hurt and he's bent and dived every single time but sometimes it's not enough cuz your body's just physically not there yet, the senpai spiking the balls on the other side of the net have been doing squats for three whole years more than he has and he's not gonna give up--he's never gonna give up--but unfortunately, sometimes time just does make a difference. and they lose the game, and yaku's feeling like it's because he's just not there yet goddammit and he's annoyed cuz there's nothing he cant do that hes not already doing, except to do it for three more years.
and kuroo doesnt really know what to say. yaku doesnt wanna look at his face bc theyre still more rivals than friends despite their shared goal of heading to nationals, and their friendship isnt there yet. but. but kuroo cant just let yaku continue feeling like that. so he writes a sticky note while their starting libero gives yaku a cheer-up pep-talk, and the stucky note's just a reminder of all the good moves yaku did pull during that game, and how much of a badass he was.
kuroo needles at yaku like normal as yaku makes his way to his locker, which yaku just tolerates, and kuroo and kai manage to get him to agree to get ice cream while yaku opens his locker door, and then yaku sees the new sticky note.
kuroo tries not to watch too closely as yaku rips the note off, reads it closely with furrowed brows, and then darts a glance at kuroo. kuroo raises a brow and tries his hardest to look nonchalant and borderline unimpressed, and yakkun flushes and flips him off and turns back to his locker to hide, but kuroo spots edge of a smile and pretends not to see anything when yaku sniffles a little and swipes at his eyes.
they get ice cream, and the next day, kuroo sees a sticky note detailing kuroo's good points from his three seconds of middle blocking from the game, and a thanks. the thanks is small and squished, like yaku wasnt planning on adding it but then decided to add it after all. it makes kuroo smile and he sticks it in his own locker.
yaku sees it later, when theyre talking with their locker doors open, and kuroo writes down his own lock combo and sticks it into yaku's locker.
yaku's locker remains the place for their ongoing discussions--which is more than just debates now, actually--but occasionally yaku sticks a stucky note with a doodle on it or other random thoughts that he thinks kuroo would find funny, which he usually does. when kuroo's having a particularly bad day, yaku leaves one that's just like, "u gonna smile today or will i have to buy u snacks or something" and it makes kuroo smile immediately, day 10x brighter, and they go for snacks anyways
and then it's the end of the school year, and theyre about to go on break for a few weeks, and they have to clear out their lockers for some annual maintenance (i have no idea how lockers work in the japanese school system but i assume they must require cleaning at some point???) and yaku's got this shoebox with a mountain of sticky notes and he's memorized the shape of kuroo's handwriting as much as he knows the set of kuroo's shoulders when his hands are up and ready for a block, how sharp his eyes can be when he's calculating ball trajectory, his grin when yaku writes something particularly stupid for him to read.
and now yaku's holding a shoebox full of conversations, looking at the empty inside of his locker door, wondering when this meaningless sticky note discussion became the most meaningful part of his day
"you kept them," kuroo says from behind yaku, and yaku doesnt startle because he's so used to kuroo having his back like this. he feels safer with kuroo there.
yaku does try not to flush though, probably fails. he clutches the box closer. "yeah, and?"
kuroo smiles that slight smile, the one that isnt teasing or sardonic or annoyingly intimidating--the one that feels real, and just yaku's. "i keep mine too," he says, and pulls out a small notebook that's bursting a little with flattened sticky notes, all full of yaku's writing, dumb thoughts and dumber doodles. "you didnt leave one today though."
yaku shrugs. "didnt know what to say."
"how bout, i'll miss you terribly deeply this break, kuroo-kun! how can i survive without seeing your beautiful face and hearing your beautiful voice every day, kuroo-kun!" kuroo's laughing, and yaku rolls his eyes and doesnt think about how maybe his teasing is more true than he wants it to be.
but then he does think about it, and like... he will miss talking to kuroo every day. he has the cursh on the guy, ofc he will, sue him. "we should hang out during the break," yaku says, suddenly.
kuroo pauses in his laughing, and raises his brows. "so you will miss me?"
yaku glowers. "is that so hard to believe, dumbass?"
kuroo smiles suddenly, and takes out the pad of stickies and a pen that he keeps in his locker and hasnt packed away yet, to write something down. he smacks the sticky on yaku's forehead, like the v first one from the start of the school year.
"i cant believe we havent even exchanged numbers, but i guess our sticky notes were like texts anyways," kuroo says as yaku removes the sticky note from his forehead and finds a phone number on it.
yaku rolls his eyes again and fishes his phone out of his pockets to text the number and then add it to contacts. it's yaku. we're hanging out over the break, non-negotiable, he writes.
kuroo's phone chimes and he pulls it out and reads yaku's text before smiling. yaku watches, expecting him to respond in person. what he doesnt expect is for kuroo to look intently at yaku, and then back down at his phone to type a reply.
yaku's phone vibrates in his hand and he looks down to see a text notification from kuroo. he opens it and it says, can i negotiate whether or not it will be a date?
yaku blushes and looks back up at kuroo, who is also blushing but looks determined nonetheless. "youre not expecting me to text you back my answer, are you?" he asks.
kuroo looks pained for a brief moment. "please just let me know now," he says.
yaku laughs. "dumbass. a date sounds good."
and kuroo laughs and they leave the locker room holding hands, with their sticky note discussions all packed up in their bags.
epilogue of sorts: i want u to know the sticky note stuff doesnt go away. they use each others' lockers for more discussions throughout high school. in uni, yaku sends sticky notes with letters and souvenirs and inside kuroo's school textbooks and notebooks and kuroo leaves stucky notes all over yakkun's possessions whem he moves to russia. when they move in together later on, they leave sticky notes for each other all over the place in their apartment and no one but each other will ever understand how sappy they can get.
case in point: yaku's first wedding anniversary present to kuroo is a bound book of the stickies from the shoe box, with space for kuroo to add his own from that notebook in first year, cuz yaku knows kuroo kept his stickies too :')
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This is kinda long and it might not be as funny as I think it is, but I've had this idea since October and I've been waiting to post it
Batman and Commissioner Gordon on top of the GCPD exchanging info
Jim: Oh, one more thing, Batman. *hands over a file* Tell your people that this was a funny April 1st prank but we need them to fix it. We've tried, but they locked us out of that portion of the system.
Batman, looking at the file: Hn *leaves*
Tim is sitting at the computer with the file open, looking at images of the Riddler from Arkham's database, laughing.
Jason, who snuck in to replace some smoke bombs with glitter bombs: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Tim: *hands Jason the file and points at the screen, still laughing*
Jason, laughing: Who did that? That's fucking hilarious!
Dick, stepping out of the medbay, talking to Alfred: ...back to Blüd to get my— *sees screen* Oh my god! Who did that??
Alfred: *smiles and walks out of the cave*
Dick, through tears: Hold on, send this to me *his phone dings. dick pulls it out of his pocket and starts typing. Seconds later everyone else's phones ding*
Tim pulls up a video and puts it to the side of the image they were laughing at
Damian, Duke, and Cass run in
Duke: Who did it? Barbara? Tim?
Tim: No idea, but I'm flattered that you think I'm this creative. But look at this video, Duke!
Alfred, walking back in with a tray of water: Yes, I'm sure Mr. Nygma is enjoying this prank
Duke: You mean Mr. Ligma, Alfred. His criminal profile clearly says 'Ligma'
Barbara, calling in: Who changed Riddler's name in the files to say Ligma instead of Nygma?
Dick: We have no idea! We thought it might have been you!
Babs: I wish! This is brilliant!
Tim: Did you see that they changed the name badge on his clothes, too?
Jason: Is that why he's just yelling 'ligma' in the video? That's fucking gold
Cass, signing: I wonder if they changed the nameplate on his door too
Dick, scoots Tim's chair out of the way: Let's see
Steph, dismounting her bike and walking up as Dick pulls up footage of the hall outside Riddler's cell: Oh. My. God!
Jason: Steph, was this you?
Steph: No way, dude. I replaced Commissioner Gordon's office chair with one I made from fruit. That was my April 1st prank. I didn't do this. Mine actually feels kinda lame in comparison tho...
Babs, who's been getting the images on the bat computer streamed to her own: Oh my god, they changed the nameplate
Duke: That's fantastic
Bruce, walking in from the changing area: What's fantastic?
Cass: Someone changed Riddler's name in the system to say 'Edward Ligma' and we're trying to find out who
Damian: Father, do you know who did this?
Bruce: Oh yeah, that was me
Jason: No fucking way... You're way too uptight for jokes!
Bruce: Jason, what are you talking about? I make jokes all the time
Steph: So I guess this means you're joining in on the prank wars from now on, O Master of Pranks*?
Bruce: *smirks*
Duke presses a button on one of the keyboards
Smash bros announcer voice: A challenger is near!
Everyone looks at Duke
Duke: ...uh, my prank was making the left keyboard a soundboard...
* the title they grant to the victor of that year's prank war
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