#harebrained theories
agentrouka-blog · 8 months
A small subset of Arya stans really needs to understand that there is an essential difference between a by-proxy marriage (everyone is who they say they are, they are just using a mutually agreed-upon stand-in for the legal ritual) - and literal fraud involving a captive and choiceless imposter forced into child marriage for the optics of supposedly continuing the line of the old liege lord with the new liege lord.
Basically: No, Jeyne Poole's ordeal doesn't make Arya Lady of Winterfell, ffs. Apart from the obvious fraud being committed through Jeyne's deliberate false identity, this would imply that the Boltons are the rightful lords of Winterfell and convey this status onto Arya Stark through marriage.
Are you even serious?
Is that how a Stark would think of their claim to Winterfell? Marrying into it, by the grace of the murderers of Robb Stark who have been granted the titles formerly belonging to House Stark by the Lannisters?
Are you going to be calling her Lady Bolton then?
All these contortions just to somehow pretend that Arya has some superceding legal claim to Winterfell over her siblings. Absurdity.
Or to claim that this means Arya has "forced marriage" parallels with other characters. No, that's Jeyne Poole it's happening to. Arya is selling oysters in Braavos and killing people.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
Can I genuinely ask you something? Can you share your opinions on each member solos? Cause you only seem to post asks about Jm solos the most. This is the reason why everyone in the fandom says his solos are the worst because everyone always keep only talking about his solos by specifically calling them out.
Why don’t we talk about Jk solos who are the most disgusting and vile breed who were on the forefront of all the r*pe and se*ual assault tweets against Jimin.
How hsk solos quoted that cnn tweet praising jimin with se*ual drags and him sleeping with ceo for 2 remixes.
How kths have been screaming sabotage for V since his debut?
Let’s have a detailed post on each member solos and what disgusting things they have done and are still doing and let’s not lump all solos as one and just call out one member’s solos 🤷‍♀️
You’re welcome to search the word and tag on my blog and have a field day. In fact you can start with the post about “BTS akgaes” I published exactly 14 minutes before you sent me this one. You’re also welcome to read through the post about JITB roll-out and my breakdown of Hobi akgaes behaviours in response.
“Let’s have a detailed post on each member solos and what disgusting things they have done and are still doing and let’s not lump in…”
I need you to take a step back, read through your ask, and realize that the only people who talk like this are akgaes or people sympathetic to akgaes. And then ask yourself why anyone in their right mind would take a request like that seriously.
Akgaes in general are demented, as we’ve established. BTS akgaes are especially delusional, manipulative and abusive, and PJMs happen to be the most prevalent in the jikook space I’m currently in. PJMs in particular like to occupy the same spaces (or adjacent spaces) as jikookers since many of them are ex-jikookers themselves, and so it’s only natural that as Chapter 2 roll-outs have started and I spend time in a jikook space, I deal more with them on my blog. And so many of the discussions have revolved around Jimin and his akgaes as a result. You can also read this post I linked here recently where I talk about how I deal with PJMs in my inbox specifically.
On Twitter, while on my pocket of ARMY twt the solos we monitor are for all seven members, it’s true certain groups of shooters target certain groups of akgaes, and some shooter groups single out PJMs and MYGs specifically. But like I said in glossary post yesterday, shooters and akgaes, occupy the same spaces in fandom and function in similar ways. You should be avoiding them all not looking for anything to salvage in the reputation of some akgaes among other akgaes just because you think they support your bias and are unfairly targeted.
PJMs too more than any other set of akgaes, like to announce themselves in my inbox for whatever reason, and they move in waves, which I find weird but only just confirms my impression that they’re the loudest of the maknae-line solos. Not even after my Seven posts did I get JJKs being that loud and uncouth in my inbox and I was significantly harsher in my assessment of Seven and JK, than I was of FACE and Jimin. PJMs act like lunatics, spend all their time egging on other lunatics who have generally the same views about their biases and rival members, just flipped, and then get offended when they and the rest of their akgae compatriots are named as such.
Akgaes have earned their reputation in all k-pop fandoms over literal decades for a reason. Their behaviours are predictable and overwhelmingly destructive to the members they claim to support. They’re only tolerated within ARMY as they provide supplemental manpower for rote tasks like streaming, voting, and buying which they do very well. For any longer term strategic goals, they’re too myopic, too impulsive, and too loud that their actions inevitably backfire on their faves, leaving the fandom to clean it up. If the last 6 months didn’t show this for you, then there’s nothing more to say.
This blog is not a place where I take concerns on akgaes of any member seriously. Just FYI. You’re going to have to go to another blog for that content.
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un-local · 1 year
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A Moon Greatsword, bestowed by a Carian queen upon her spouse to honor long-standing tradition. One of the legendary armaments. Ranni's sigil is a full moon, cold and leaden, and this sword is but a beam of its light.
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Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself. Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order.  One of the legendary armaments. Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.
Ah, you defeated Godrick and claimed yourself a Great Rune. Mm, looks like we both got what we wanted out of Stormveil, didn't we. Well done, friend. Something to mark the occasion. Go on, take it.
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kingsleighs · 1 year
every week I spend 20 minutes chatting with one of my team members about ww d I t s and o f m d rather than his actual stats and/or work-related things. one of these days we may not be so lucky
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adarkandmagicalforest · 7 months
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pmpknspcaholic · 5 days
Okay so kind of feel like the unpicked male suitor each season is being passed off to the next season.
S1 Daphne had a choice between a Prince and a Duke. She ended up with the lower ranking suitor.
S2 Kate had a choice between a Viscount and an untitled gentleman, who is a friend of the Viscount (granted Dorset wasn’t really a choice but he did express a genuine interest in Kate). She ended up with the higher ranked suitor.
S3 Penelope had a choice between a nature guy and a friend. She ends up with the friend.
So that means plant daddy ‘s up next right? 😂
🖕🏻 Netflix for leaving me with my harebrained theories waiting for part 2.
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the-magiarcheologist · 5 months
History of Magic window
It's me! Back again with some harebrained theory about the most minute detail in this game!
And this time we are looking at the stained glass window in the History of Magic classroom:
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First of all, the obvious, what the 3 panels of the window represent (from right to left):
The first one is obviously the Hogwarts Founders, all holding or wearing their relic (cup, diadem, sword, locket). For a long while I wondered what that weird shape in the circle at the bottom was. I have since come to the conclusion that this represents the sorting hat (??). It is vaguely hat shaped and has the colors of the 4 houses. But honestly, I'm not sure. If anybody knows please tell me!
The second one is Merlin, it says so at the bottom.
The third one represents the International Warlock Convention of 1289. This is actually an easter egg. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, chapter 9, Hermione interrupts Prof. Binns when he's in the middle of a lecture on the International Warlock Convention of 1289 to ask him about the chamber of secrets. The only thing we know about that convention is that a subcommittee of Sardinian sorcerers is involved (the exact quote from Binns is : "In September of that year, a subcommittee of Sardinian sorcerers -" and then Hermione interupts him again to ask another question 😂)
Apart from what is represented on it, what is remarkable about his window imo is that the flow of time is represented from right to left (the Founders came before Merlin, who came before 1289). In western culture, conventionally, time is represented from left to right, because that's the order in which you would naturally read. Also I think it's a convention for stained glass windows in churches to be read from left to right and bottom to top. But the 3 panels here are backwards.
Another thing remarkable to me is that there is very little in common between these 3 panels. Obviously the central figures represented are all different but, also, the embellishments and decorative elements placed around the central figures are all different.
For the panel about the Warlock Convention of 1289, the theme is time, with several hourglasses being represented. (The red hourglass creeps me out a bit because of the red drop you see falling makes me think of blood, like the passage of time is measured by the blood spilt...but anyway!)
For the Merlin's panel the theme is astrological, with the phases of the moon and stars. For the Founder's panel the theme is learning (with a book) and the Hog of Hogwarts. Very little ties the 3 panels together. Except one thing.
The way I see it, there is only one thing in common between those 3 panels and that's the rolled parchment that the International Warlocks are writing on, and that Merlin and Rowena are holding.
And if you look only at that scroll and nothing else, you would naturally infer that the 3 panels might tell the story of this scroll: in the first panel on the left the scroll is being written, then Merlin hold it and has his wand directed at it, like he is applying magic to it, or otherwise doing something to it. And then Rowena is just holding it. That would be the natural way to read the window: left to right and bottom to top. Except we know from the context that this is impossible since time flows in the other direction.
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So I wonder if there is a secret message in that window, that you should read from left to right and bottom to top (like you should normally read a stained glass window), that speaks about whatever law was passed at the International Warlock Convention of 1289 and how it relates to Merlin and the Founders.
We don't know much about the Warlock Convention. The only other tidbit I could find is that Ron tells Harry in the first book that dragon breeding was outlawed by the Warlock Convention of 1709 so we can deduct that this convention passes important laws for the worldwide wizarding community. Which law did they vote in 1289?
(Or maybe I'm just being crazy and reading too much into things!)
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cyphyra · 8 months
i think the funniest thing about terminally online people who believe any harebrained theory they see (ie the pyramid ""conspiracies"") is that their stupid, dumbass, idiotic takes would actually be fucking cool as hell as fantasy worldbuilding instead of intentionally ignorant crackpot theories abt the real world.
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brainwormsprompts · 1 year
Mike visiting Amity Park (DP x FNAF)
So the prominent theory is that post-scooping, Michael went around to different Fazbear locations to sabotage them. Well what if when he was searching for a new place to lay low for a while between locations, he stumbled into Amity Park.
Immediately, Mike knows that something is off, one doesn't have their entire life revolve around haunted animatronics and not have some sort of supernatural sense. Because of his limited experience, he assumes that the entire town is being affected by haunted animatronics instead of just a restaurant. Whatever narrative he decides to spin, Mike ultimately decides to stay in Amity Park for a while.
Now it's been a few years after the end of the series so Danny has control over his powers and a rapport with his rogue gallery. Maybe some ancient comes along every now and then to try and cause trouble or Vlad comes up with some new harebrained scheme but Danny quickly puts those in their place.
The residents of Amity Park also have a weird, semi-positive relationship with the various gallery. So the residents of Amity Park immediately clock Mike as ghostly and wrong in some way but his body language screams that he doesn't want trouble soothed just leave him be. If they come across the trio then they tell them or if there's a citywide group chat they post something there. Danny also knows that Mike is in Amity but he's having a hard time finding where.
Danny goes out to find Mike, partially because of habit and partially because he needs to know whether or not he's safe for the residents and rogue gallery. He is appalled when he finds Mike because of how off he is. Danny immediately knows that Mike's like him, unnatural and made through unconventional means. Mike's aura is also not that good, it being a mix of anger, regret, grief, revenge, and sadness. Danny being Danny is immediately like "bro, you ok?" Mike of course isn't trusting Danny because trust is ultimately what got him killed.
Danny eventually realizes that like him, Mike never got the ghost culture knowledge and takes it upon himself to teach him. Eventually both learn about the other's past and they become friends. Danny gives Mike ectoplasm and he eventually looks... well not normal but less like a mostly decayed corpse. Of course, the animatronics are still out there so Mike does end up leaving Amity Park, but he does so in a much healthier state of mind and with a few more friends.
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Vincent the Secret of Myers - Important Theories and Mysteries
SPOILERS for Vincent : The Secret of Myers
Something I'm intrigued by is that Vincent (or somebody else, perhaps to turn her into a sleeper agent) probably removed Vanora's memories after she was sent to kill him. A major theme of the story is that altered fundamental memories can definitely change the subject's personality, motivations, loyalties and future actions. Which means that given how Vanora was memory - wiped, she also no longer had the intention of killing Vincent for Myers - until Vincent deliberately planted clues to her past, thus reminding her of her true purpose and allegiance to Vincent's biggest enemy, Myers Corp. And after all this goes down, Vincent attempts to torture - kill Vanora like he did with his previous victims, saying that Vanora's heart still belonged to Myers Corp. and therefore she had to be eliminated as his enemy and a culprit in his suffering.
Why would Vincent do that? He has a perfectly docile, harmless Vanora at his disposal in the beginning. He could've atleast attempted to lie to her about her past, or implanted somebody else's memory core into her so she'd turn out differently - no longer his would - be killer. Instead he goes out of his way to remind Vanora about her original mission and allegiances and his own diametrically opposed position to her master, and THEN telling her that her heart lay with Myers' ambitions all along. Wtf man.
Now I understand that Vincent was truly fucked up by his attempted murder and agonising mechanisation and wasn't thinking straight (heck, he transferred his most important person Victor's memories into Draco and it's implied that Victor thus may have lost them as a result), but all this makes no logical sense, atleast not to me. What's even more baffling is that Victor goes along with this harebrained scheme (showing her the Myers Corp. business card and everything). Bro that's YOUR best friend / lover, why not stop him ? Maybe Victor thought that this subjectively VERY understandable but objectively very risky move was part of the way for Vincent to gain closure and peace ?
Another thing that confuses me is - somebody mentioned that transplanting Victor's memories into Draco means Victor must have lost those himself. The log mentions that when Victor agreed to this, his request was that the memories be from before 'that' (assuming the day Vincent's life went to hell) happened. What does this mean ? Were only part of Victor's memories with Vincent transferred into Draco ? Because imo if all / most of Victor's fond memories with Vincent had been given to Draco, Victor wouldn't have been as genuinely and deeply loyal to Victor as he still is - and Draco would have held MUCH MUCH deeper affection for Vincent and been devastated by his death, never being able to forgive or love Vanora again.
Also, now it makes quite a lot of sense why Draco still had positive feelings for Vanora after she stomped Vincent to death. If indeed he gained only part of Victor's memories, and not the most important ones with Vincent, then his bond with Vincent would be weaker. But if he received most of the memories of that friendship - then it's confusing to me why he still forgave Vanora (unless we theorise that it's not just a person's memories, but also the innate, genetically influenced part of their personality that determines their actions and outlook. Or that he was less devoted to Vincent because their relationship wasn't the best).
Which also leaves the mystery of how Draco and Vanora managed to meet and presumably fall in love in the past. And why Draco was perfectly willing to kill Vanora if she answered his questions wrong regardless. What kind of relationship did they have ? Was it one - sided or mutual ?
Is it possible that Vincent, in an experiment to determine whether Vanora could change post memory - wiping, intentionally had her meet Draco to see whether she'd still choose to kill the genetic brother of the guy who loved her, and possibly even Draco himself, when offered a choice between sparing them or following the company's orders (once he reminded her of her original mission and Draco and Vincent's threat to it, of course) ? Was it a sort of test of her character all along ? Is that why she also had access to Vincent's college memories - so that she could have the option of humanising Vincent in her mind, and then choose what to do with him ?
And tbh, I used to really hate Vanora. But after I thought over all the above, and given the reveal that it was just one future course of action she could take - and that she was intentionally conditioned to do so - I can sympathise with her much more and think she's interesting. In the storyline we are shown, which is one future possibility in which she kills Vincent brutally after emotionally breaking him, perhaps another reason she was so callous was that she was angry that Vincent HAD the choice to give her other memories so she wouldn't end up going down this terrible path, but did so anyway just to condemn her at the end and deny her AND him a happier fate.
This game has SO much depth, it's incredibly fascinating to analyse.
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coffeeebomb · 4 months
Tav Introduction Time
Yoinked from @slusheeduck (seriously, go check em out, Casual Banter was one of the first things I found when really getting into BG3 fanworks and it was amazing)
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Zhanarya "Tav" Tavianos, Wood Half Elf, Ranger-Rogue, 38
Favorite weapon(s): Unsurprisingly, a bow. Though she's more than adept with a pair of blades when needed.
Style of combat: Mostly long-ranged combat. Depending on the situation, she’s either covering you or opening the fight. When out of arrows, she falls back to stabby ambushing. Her melee combat has vastly improved after convincing people to spar with her on the regular (mishaps be damned). Once she got comfortable with the party, they were subjected to her harebrained experimenting with the esteemed Yeet™ school of combat.
Most prized possession: Her jewelry because of their sentimental value. The sussur dagger they forged in Moonhaven/Blighted Village is a close second.
Deepest desire: To be wanted in a close-knit family.
Guilty pleasure: 'Fancy living', she's lived vicariously through her time guarding (or hunting down) wealthier folks that she's grown curious to know what it's like.
Best-kept secret(s): What she was actually jailed for. On a less serious note, it'd be figuring out which of her eyes was the fake one.
Greatest strength: Her composure. Her experiences in travelling solo and in groups have done a lot in teaching her how to deal with whatever's thrown her way (and how to keep it concealed).
Fatal flaw: Her tendency to internalise things often devolves into concluding that she can only depend on herself to fix whatever disaster she’s gotten herself into.
Favorite smell(s): The morning forest air. Or freshly baked goods from market stalls.
Favorite spell or cantrip: Misty step during combat, 'speak to animals' in other occasions.
Pet peeve(s): Bird puns (made even worse after Halsin drew the connection between her and a shrike), slow walking, when people touch her “organised chaos”.
Bad habit: Hoarding tendencies, her lockpicks can be found just about everywhere and on everyone in camp. This isn’t helped by her sticky fingers either.
Hidden talent: Jewelry making. Picked it up when she was apprenticing with a fletcher (who was married to a silversmith).
Leisure activity: Perching/lounging in high spots.
Favorite drink: Spiced tea (if didn’t need copious amounts of caffeine).
Comfort food: Steamed buns.
Favorite person: Usually it depends on what she’s up to. Platonically, she's closest to Wyll, who was a brother-figure, source of moral guidance and indulger of “fancy bullshit” (which was universally accepted to be less destructive than her theory crafting sessions with Gale) all rolled into one. His deal with Mizora was the first time she realized she wanted to get involved with this band of lunatics and not book it the moment she was tadpole-free. Romantically, it’s Astarion, although it was a long process of getting their shit together and figuring out what they wanted that didn’t involve threats of maiming, emotional constipation and roundabout banter. Chaos and roguish mischief are guaranteed when they’re both on the same page, something everyone has learnt the hard way.
Favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): Quality time (she’s more than accustomed to hanging around in one spot for hours on end) and/or acts of service (which could be either a little favour or death by a dozen arrows). Though people were quick to catch on that if there are items involved there were most often stolen goods.
Fondest childhood memory: camping/hunting trips with her adopted parents.
Tagging anybody interested to try this out, now go.
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blackbloodteeth · 14 days
Another yawn takes over his face as he slumps some more to prop his head against his hand, eyes grazing through the lines of text stretching across his monitor without taking any of them in, his mind floating elsewhere far, far away from here.
He's been having visions about him still.
Eventually he gives in, eyelids drooping while he flits over to his collection of journal documents, scrolling through all the earlier entries to find where it'll all somehow make sense.
He's never had this happen before. Not once.
Not even a repeat nightmare, or a follow-up to the aftermath, or- or just some crap his brain conjured up even if it never really happened.
A sigh – borderline frustration – has his stare looping like a skipping record through the last several visions he wrote down, trying so hard to see exactly how this all connects.
What exactly makes this version of himself so special that he keeps dreaming about him like this.
Soul rubs his fingers over his chin – Hm, he's forgetting to shave again – before snapping to another document, picking and placing each of the offending entries to start up his almost-metaphorical conspiracy cork board. He's not sure he can really call it metaphorical at this point.
So, what does he know: This version of him lost his arm (as lost as it blowing the hell up can get). He somehow didn't die, and ended up hospitalized for a long time, sleeping through most of it. He's been having nightmares (very Inception) that he doesn't remember, until after he wakes up for real, and gets most of his memory back.
There's also something wrong with the inside of him, but he's been having a harder time following that. Although…
Soul audibly hmmm's while putting together some not-metaphorical strings through a few of these latter points, especially the last one because damn it, an insane lead is better than no lead at this point (and he's definitely got insane in spades by now).
…Honestly, he does at least feel glad that the poor bastard's been getting better (all life-shattering circumstances aside) and still has his life ahead of him an' all that, but like… he's gotta find his own peace of mind somehow. He's like the tanked stock market of peace of minds, and the sooner he gets this him's whole life on display out of his head, the better.
As he points a few pins and begins scheming up one of his foolproof, foolhardy, harebrained "theory: pros and cons" lists, it's as if the universe has it out for him specifically (because it always does) and decides to strike him down right then and there – Not with a bang, but with the whimper of one small notification popping up at the top of his screen:
"I see you too."
All of him freezes, not even a twitch of his trigger rhythm-game-playing finger. His eyes stay locked dead-on to the notification's supposed origin until it clicks, and he swears the madness is finally actually real when he feels a smile slowly start to creep onto his face, his gut giddy with dread and an excitement he's never really had the chance to feel before.
Well he's definitely awake now, at least.
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un-local · 1 year
Quick Thought On The Erdtree
I always thought it was interesting that the Erdtree was heralded for its majestic yellow color. In plants, yellow is not a great color to be.
Chlorosis, as defined by Wikipedia: A condition in which leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll. As chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of leaves, chlorotic leaves are pale, yellow, or yellow-white.
As in, yellow is a very sickly color for a plant’s leaves to be exhibiting. So the fact that so much of The Lands Between is yellow—to me—is a great visual way to instantly convey that it is in decline.
(…Or you could go the “Erdtree is a parasite route”—as in, the Erdtree needs no chlorophyll because it doesn’t need to produce its own energy. It siphons off the lands, it’s roots taking from burials and preventing the return of nutrients to the soil. Which in turn eventually began to starve out the rest of the ecosystem. Hence the yellow—a yellow that only grows more noticeable the closer to the Erdtree one gets.)
(Or it even could be using its roots to take resources from other plants directly. They do spread all throughout the lands, after all. Either way, something to think on for that particular interpretation. I’m more partial to the “in decline” theory myself.)
Anyway. Just a fun little botany application.
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
a harebrained theory (aka i was writing end notes for a fic and had a revelation): Buttons is actually a witch right under Frenchie’s nose.
some harebrained evidence: 1) Buttons can have full conversations with seagulls. Karl was his familiar. 2) Buttons moonbathes and yada yada witches do magic by moonlight yada yada. 3) Buttons was able to tell the ships in episode 4 were Spanish when they were barely more than dots on the horizon through the spyglass. 4) Buttons absolutely put that hex on Calico Jack. why would the English navy fire a cannon at a lone guy in a dinghy? (and yeah yeah warning shot etc etc no Buttons hexed Calico Jack) 5) Frenchie has never actually seen a witch and Buttons in the same room.
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o-craven-canto · 9 months
It’s unfortunate that “conspiracy theory” became the go-to term to refer to false claims about reality that are held more by emotional bias than by sound reasoning, because
there’s plenty of harebrained ideas that are commonly categorized under “conspiracy theories” but don’t necessarily allege or require any conspiracy; (e.g. most “ancient astronaut” claims) and
sometimes conspiracies do, in fact, occur. (e.g. like half of what the CIA did, and for that matter, if it wasn’t common knowledge already, the concept of “intelligence agency” could very well be dismissed as “conspiracy theory”)
Now, granted, “conspiracy theory” is also a less-than-maximally-terrible term for a very real concept: that hyper-agentic mindset in which everything that happens must be willed from an agent, every setback or annoyance in your life must be programmed by your enemies for the specific purpose of making you miserable (as opposed to misfortune, an inevitable consequence of the state of the universe, or a collateral effect of well-meaning actions), and everything unusual or suspicious must be a symbol communicating a secret initiatic message (see: the hunt for dogwhistles in its most obsessive forms). But even most instances of this mindset do not allege literal conspiracies.
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cannibalise · 1 month
little late bt i got tagged by @guymeats and didnt know if i was too shy to post/do it bt whatever. havent made an actual post on here in wht feels like years lol
last song i listened to - this rn nelward - fashion
currently watching - nothing. not rly a watcher. ill say what im reading though. still halfway thru devourer (anrakyr novella(?)) and wondering whether i should just go ahead and start some heavier philosophy stuff ive been recommended by friends... tossup between philosophy of horror (thacker) or varieties of religious experience (james)
sweet/savory/spicy - sweet > spicy > savoury. i like all 3
relationship status - irrelevant
current obsession - ...funger.... and necrons. completely consumed by funger rn... i wake up in the morning and before i even open my eyes my first thoughts are how to streamline/optimise my route or some harebrained lore theory. ive seen endings A, B, D, E and im practicing runs on terror+starvation to get used to the different layouts nd difficulty differences. which has also made me so curious abt doing rag's personal ending... id like to try. current goals are ending C and enki's personal ending (S ending? idk i havent looked anything up at all, my sisters been telling me stuff cz i dont want to be even a little bit spoiled. which is also why i havent posted new art in a week or so. lots of funger stuff on my twt but im waiting til i cant be spoiled in the tags of my art. i recognise even posting this is a risk but...) it completely reinvigorated my desire+motivation to make art and not churn out the same boring shit over and over and to actually let myself indulge in. uhh. disgusting things. without worrying so much abt ppls reactions since im only rly friends w other freaks anyway
tagging... idk @gaast @skullhazard @gargoylegirlcock @monster-aligned @penultimania @fainlin @vikjayce @aesolerin @freelancerwizard whatever other mutual wants to do it if they wanna...
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