#simon hastings
hiyyihrts · 2 days
Saw the below article on the Polin subreddit and oh my goodness some of the things that they are saying, the reddit isn’t happy. But the paper is a notoriously unreliable and untrustworthy. But the things they are saying….
After reading that it seems like it’s mostly just repeat quotes from past interviews and videos, but if what they wrote about Colin is true I feel like it would be wildly contrary to his character and wouldn’t make any sense 😭😭
Maybe if he was more like Simon or his brothers I could see it, but he’s always been more subdued I feel like when it comes to actual explicit acts. Flirting is something entirely different but outright threesomes with workers just bc he wants to “sow his wild oats” does not sound like show Colin Bridgerton at all, let alone even book Colin Bridgerton….
And when it comes to him and Pen it would just feel weird as well, for him to all of a sudden he this huge expert and for us to once again see a “young lady who knows nothing about sex and has to have the roguishly handsome suitor teach her her own sexuality”… and that’s just not Polin…
So I’m inclined to believe the article is either exaggerated to all hell and back OR Shonda did smth completely out of left field for shock factor. Maybe I’m wrong and we’re in for a whirlwind of character butchering for the sake of make another male lead a rake and a half, but who’s to actually say until the season comes out.
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“Heaven was a dance in the arms of one’s true love.”
Julia Quinn, On the Way to the Wedding (Bridgertons, #8)
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the-loststone · 2 months
Eloise v Penelope
I think a lot of Eloise's anger about Penelope being Lady Whistledown comes down to it being the very last person she expected. Eloise imagined Lady W being this emancipated woman, living off her own riches, poking fun at society from outside of it. That Lady W didn't have to conform to the normal expectations of women, to marry and have babies and obey their husbands. She says it herself in S1, I think it was episode 2 or 3. But for that reality to not be the case, that Lady W was in fact a member of the ton, and someone who did have to conform, and did have to marry was a real blow to this fantasy.
That, of course and the fact that it was Penelope. Of course, she has resentment that Penelope was her best friend and lied to her, and exposed her secrets, especially after Eloise was honest and truthful in their friendship. However, I think it's a bit deeper than that. The awful truth is, I don't believe Eloise thought Penelope was cleverer than her. That's not to say that Eloise believed Penelope to be dumb, but she thought they were the same. That they both held the same beliefs but that Eloise was better and a bigger advocate for those beliefs. And Eloise doesn't like having to confront the fact that Penelope actually does want what many other women are supposed to want, and that Eloise is somewhat unconventional and alone in her outspoken beliefs. And Penelope doesn't want to disappoint Eloise so she does, in many ways, hide her desires, and tries to agree with Eloise's beliefs about womanhood and feminism.
That Penelope was smart, clever, and even manipulative and jaded is not a welcome surprise for Eloise. That she didn't know her friend -- even though we know that Penelope did not hide so much as she was overlooked -- is a betrayal. Penelope has always been kind, sweet and very much a sidekick to Eloise. To learn that Penelope was her own leading lady is not welcome, especially when she was leading Eloise on a goose chase.
Something in the books really resonates here too. Colin's worry that if Penelope is discovered as Lady W, it would have her cast out of society, while if someone like Cressida were to be recognized as Lady W would have them be applauded. Because Penelope is not popular, so she cannot be clever and gain notoriety through a pen name. Cressida would be able to remain in society even if she were unmasked as Lady W because she is popular, and even though she's probably recognized as a b*tch, she's a b*tch the ton are comfortable with and the one they would applaud as being so clever to get away with it.
I think Eloise believes the same. She would rather it be Cressida, or probably more like Lady Danbury, because she expects it and because it goes with what she believed. But it cannot be the 'frumpy, unpopular, unattractive' girl like Penelope. Because that's a blow to their ego, that they were misled by someone so... unpopular, a 'loser'. That's not to say that Eloise is so unkind she's always thinking her friend is a loser. But she knows, at least subconsciously, that she is more popular (at the very least because of her station and her family, even if she doesn't recognize that her beauty is a factor as well). And while Eloise has different views on marriage and feminism that may be considered radical, she is still in many ways a product of her environment, and does not take kindly to someone she thinks as 'less' socially to hold one over on her. And I don't mean class. Eloise likely would have been pleased too if it was a maid or something because that would be so clever. But Penelope, a member of the ton, who's not even as cool or outspoken as her? Not likely.
I'm not dismissing Eloise's rightful anger at having her secrets aired out (although I do understand Penelope's dilemma and decision - better for the Bridgerton's to suffer a small scandal than to be involved in a fight with the Queen and dragged down completely). But pay attention to what Eloise says. "I do not even know you. I look at you and all I feel is pity for you. Sequestered here in this very room writing your secret little scandal sheet, tarnishing everyone in town all because you are too scared to stand up for yourself in reality. You are something Penelope, an insipid wallflower indeed."
These words are cutting to the heart of the matter. Penelope is a wallflower, Penelope is unpopular. Penelope could never have accomplished something so clever. All she did was write a little scandal sheet... although it's not little at all, is it?
Let's not forget that before Eloise got in over her head with the Queen, she was obsessed with Lady W because she admired her. Penelope changed Lady W to Eloise's preferences, because she wanted, in some way, to be clever the way Eloise likes people to be clever. Even though it is nothing to scoff at for a woman to be a popular column writer, especially in those days, even if it is for a 'scandal sheet'. But that was one way women had power back in those days, was through what they said, and the rumors that swirled. Penelope has a lot of power through her pen, because she can make and unmake a family. She got rid of Daphne's odious suitor. The women started a rumor, and Penelope wrote about it, and the next day the man had to leave town. Not because of a mere rumor -- because of a PUBLISHED rumor. And while those rumors can fade, as they do, it let Daphne be free to get courted by Simon.
Eloise still hasn't actually confronted her privilege. Theo did tell her, "hey, guess what, you're super privileged and you're putting me in a bad spot." And while she does end up understanding that in the end, breaking things off with Theo, she's still not actually understanding her privilege amongst the ton. Eloise's sister is a duchess, her brother is a viscount. A little rebellion by running around with political radicals will not destroy her. She is still very much a desired connection people would want. Something Penelope knows.
But Penelope herself, as herself, has no power. "too scared to stand up for yourself in reality." And what exactly is Penelope supposed to do? She is not the popular girl with suitors lining up for her. She's not the rich girl who's money can protect her or who's father can protect her. She's a girl with no influence herself. Every time she's tried to help someone as herself, she's been dismissed. When she warned Colin, he dismissed her. When she begged Marina, she dismissed her. When she spoke to her mother, she dismissed her. When she warned Eloise, she dismissed her. So she made herself influential through a pen name.
How can Penelope stand up for herself? She can't without someone like a Bridgerton in her corner. Eloise can insult Cressida in defense of Penelope, but Penelope can't do it herself without feeling actual consequences. But Eloise will never feel any consequence for dismissing Cressida or anyone else, barring someone above her station.
Only a great scandal can destroy Eloise... such as cavorting with a man unchaperoned... and something, again, Penelope warns her about. Of course, Penelope has ulterior motives as well. She doesn't want Eloise to discover her secret. But this is still a big risk that Eloise is taking, which is what Penelope warns her of and is dismissed. Eloise not only risks herself but her family's reputation there too. And while, again, the scandal may not last long, especially not for her brothers, it will affect Eloise as being, the dreaded term... 'spoiled goods'.
And that can feel like a double standard. I mean, Penelope is alone with Colin... then again, Penelope doesn't exactly have a reputation to protect. No one would believe her to be a seductress when they spend so much time dismissing her. And no one would consider Colin to be interested in her since, once again, she's not on their radar. Eloise's privilege is a double edged sword, though she benefits from it more than she doesn't.
It's not fair. But it is a reality. And I think it's a disservice to women of the time not to show how they are punished for standing out. Eloise is loud and brash and suffers little to no consequences for it. If that were actually the case, a girl is often sent to a mad house or married off quickly or some other way to silence her and stifle her. But Eloise has brothers who love her and will protect her. This is a privilege. The first time she feels any censure is through Lady W's pamphlet, but again, it is something that can be brushed aside with her family's protection, though it had the unfortunate timing of coinciding with a broken engagement.
I don't really think the blame is only on one party. Penelope also made a lot of mistakes. That's not to say I think that Penelope owed it to Eloise to reveal that she's Lady W, or reveal her secret to the queen to spare Eloise. Eloise started that battle despite Penelope's warnings and got in the cross hairs of the queen for it. Penelope shouldn't have to sacrifice herself. Also Penelope sharing Lady W with Eloise is taking away something that belongs to her. Eloise would, I think, seriously try to take over the narrative of Lady W if she knew. Already Penelope feels pressured to change Lady W for Eloise's admiration, so I do think that if Eloise knew who Penelope was before hand, Penelope would lose it to her completely, and it would have turned completely into Eloise's pamphlet (which honestly would have led to more problems because Eloise would forgo subtle criticism and instead loudly criticize societal norms). Eloise is overwhelming, and Penelope is a pushover, especially when it comes to her friend who she doesn't want to lose.
But there were better ways she could have gone about it. She could have warned Violet that Colin and Marina were planning on eloping and told her to push for a long engagement instead. She could have told Violet that Eloise had gotten into trouble with the Queen. I mean, I think those are her only options really. Neither would have spared her mother from being furious with her or Eloise thinking she betrayed her by telling Violet... but it would have been minimal damage in comparison. Then again, there is the big risk that it wouldn't work because, as I said, Penelope is regularly dismissed.
In the end, yes, Penelope was a bad friend. And she's not a particularly helpful or good daughter/ sister / cousin. Then again, her family hasn't been very kind to her either and Eloise has overlooked her as well. Is Eloise the biggest victim? No. That would be Marina, who, I would argue, ended in a better situation than if she had married Colin. Did Penelope have a duty to fix her mistakes and repair the reputations of people she ruined? I don't think so. It would have been nice but... people have to be able to recover on their own, and a lot of things can only really be fixed with time or a new scandal. The worst harm she did was to herself and her family. She feels the consequences of her actions too. Is Eloise a victim? Yes, but better the victim of a scandal sheet than the victim of the Queen. Does Penelope need redemption? No. I don't think so. Penelope is complex and already experiences the pain of what she does and the consequences of all her actions. She knows what she puts other people through as well.
Anyway, thank you for reading to the end of my rant. I probably contradicted myself somewhere in there but... oh well. Just my thoughts.
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candicepatton · 20 days
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pmpknspcaholic · 7 days
How is it the tame one bothers me the most😂 Colin put her hand down!
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sunnytastic · 17 days
bridgerton spoils us so much
first we got the fake relationship trope
then we had the enemies to lovers trope
and now we are getting childhood friends to lovers??
literally spoiled rotten. everyone say thank you shonda rhimes.
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thesexydancingcrepe · 9 months
How Crepe feels towards Wukong
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Me crossing Bridgerton quote with a jttw au together because I can
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svd126 · 28 days
The two things I hate that we are not going to get in season three of Bridgerton is the relationship between Daphne and Colin. One of my favorite moments in the book is the day of Penelope and Colin engagement ball. Colin goes on walk and he ends up at Daphne’s house. And during the conversation he realizes he’s in love with Penelope. Daphne and Simon play such a big role in their relationship. I hate that we’re not going to get it. Calling in Penelope reveal who lady whistledown  is at a ball thrown by Daphne and Simon. 
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m0niimon · 10 months
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My favorite couples of Bridgerton so far 😊
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seamaiden · 5 months
Violet: I've got a problem
Lady Danbury: I think you should copyright that phrase
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littlecoffeeadict · 2 months
I swear to God, Benedict Bridgertons smile will be the death of me❤️‍🩹
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frost-queen · 9 months
My deepest regret (Male!Reader & Bridgerton eldest siblings)
Requested by: @los-angeles-71300, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex–awesome–22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
Summary: M!Reader is around Colin's age. During the duel it is you who get's shot at with a fatal impact. Anthony who is closest to you, freaks out and panics as he has really shot you. When you are unconscious he never leaves your side. Begging for your forgiveness and apologizing.
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“We must hurry!” – you shouted loud, arms flapping at the intensity of you holding the reins. Not far from you was Daphne riding her horse. The hood of her cloak already fallen off. She was panting loud, her body motioning to the rhythm of the horse. – “Who’s foolish idea was this?” – you called out tensing your jaw. Looking sharply behind you to your brother Colin who was trying his best to keep up. – “I swear!” – he replied kicking his horse to go faster. – “I had no idea brother.” – he continue, his horse’s head close to your horse’s back.
“Yaa!” – you outed kicking your horse. It neighed loud, kicking up a notch. Patches of earth ungrasping from its soil as it tackled underneath the hooves. – “I swear if any of you do something as foolish as this!” – you made clear yelling at your siblings. Colin nervously swallowed. You were but a few months older then him yet, the power in your voice now made him tremble to the bone. Briefly he saw Anthony resemble in you.
Daphne was riding in front as your horse easily caught up with her. The beast snorting loud as a puff of air blew out of his nostrils. Sweat creeping up on the body where the saddle was. Your horse was giving his every might, known for his strength and velocity. Daphne gaped while your horse came passing hers. Colin met up with her, riding in sync with her. – “Hurry!” – you yelled, riding towards  a stream breaking two parts of land. – “Y/n you aren’t serious!” – Colin called out with worry.
Daphne gasped already slowing her horse a bit down. Tensing your jaw, you lifted your bottom up. Your horse leaped front legs pulled in as your legs followed the movement of the horse’s body work. Knees contracting up and untensing. Colin and Daphne gasping loud, fearing you might not make it. Hooves thumped loud on the ground, breaking earth loose. You got sat back down from velocity. You could feel the power of your horse in it’s back legs. The strength of the muscles working. –“Yaa!” – you called out as your horse ran further. – “We have to jump!” – Colin told Daphne.
“I…I…I can’t.” – he breathed out, pulling her horse to a stop near the stream. Her horse neighed loud, hooves up as it thumped them back down. Colin slowed down as well, allowing his horse to circle hers. – “We have no choice! Do you wish for Anthony to be hurt? Simon?” – Colin said in a clear voice to her. Daphne shook her head. – “No!” – she forced out. – “Then you must jump! We have no time to loose sister. I wish we could take a safer route, but we don’t have that privilege!” – Colin said continue to circle around her.
“Y/n is on his way alone! It is dangerous Daphne…I…I”- he couldn’t get the words out, suddenly at a loss of air. He swallowed hard, forcing himself to find his voice again. – “If I must go alone further I shall, but I am not letting Y/n ride in there on his own!” – Colin signaled his horse to turn back. – “I will not take any chances.” – he said turning his horse back around after a decent amount of runway.
“Yaaa!” – he kicked his horse, hands flapping with the reins. The horse neighing loud as it started galloping towards the stream. – “Colin!” – Daphne called out as his horse made the jump. He fell back in his saddle, almost flung over the head as he quickly balanced himself by leaning back. His horse continued giving him little time to recover or think about what he just did. He was used to riding, just not mindlessly jumping over streams. – “Your call sister!” – she heard him shout across the stream.
Daphne took a deep breath. Cliquing her tongue, she signaled her horse to do the same. With a scream she jumped across, her eyes half shut. Her horse kicked on as she bounced in the saddle, trying to find a steady rhythm once more. It took a few attempts to find her steadiness. Fully dedicated once more, she rushed after Colin. You were panting. Heart beating so loud it felt like knocking out of your chest. Sweat forming on your forehead and in your neck. – “Anthony you fool.” – you breathed out hoarse.
If you had known sooner of the duel your brother had planned to secure your sisters reputation, you would’ve stopped him. You weren’t sure yet how, but anything was better than having a damn duel over it. And to think he convinced Benedict to help him. You for sure thought your brother had more sense. Guns were never the solution. Apparently it never crossed their minds that anyone could get hurt or worse killed.
You would have to live with that then. With the notion that your brother died foolishly at the hands of a gun. A gun his best friend happened to be wielding. Foolish Anthony, foolish! Groaning you tried for the thoughts to not mess with your head. You needed to have a clear mind for this and do nothing rational. But act with precision and a calm mind. If emotions ran high, it might lead to a misstep. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Colin in the distance.
Another horse not far behind. Good, your siblings had decided to come. You very much needed them to convince Anthony to stop this madness. You hoped it wouldn’t be much further. Crossing land field after another to reach the dueling point. Breathing loud, you wiped some sweat of your forehead.
Your horse was still very much giving his all as you knew he couldn’t keep holding the same pace forever. Eventually he will exhaust out, coming to a full stop unable to move any further. That couldn’t happen as you needed to stop it. Stop the madness. You just hoped you were getting close. Reach it before your horse could surrender to the muscle pain and exhaustion.
Squinting your eyes you saw it. Between the trees. Anthony and Simon with their backs turned to each other. By the tree stood Benedict. – “On my count!” – you heard him call. His voice echoing over the silent spread of the green fields. – “No!” – you shouted pushing your horse to go just that little further. Benedict started counting as Anthony and Simon parted. Benedict’s voice deafened in your mind as you could only hear your own breathing.
The soft thumping of hooves on the sturdy ground as you galloped towards the battlefield. Chest beating with the movement of the galop. Everything seemingly slowing down. Blinking rapidly as your vision didn’t seem to focus. You weren’t thinking what you were going to do. All you knew was that you needed to stop this duel. One way or another. – “One!” – Benedict shouted as Simon and Anthony turned. You closed your eyes as your horse ran across the duel.
Bang! A loud piercing sound echoing across the green fields. A flock of birds startled from up the tree, making an escape for it. Your body fell side-ways as your horse gave in. Sending you down with his entire weight. Simon and Anthony’s eyes widening as they lowered their guns. Your body slamming against the ground with a loud thud. The world gone quiet.
Anthony stared with wide eyes of shock at you. Head trembling as he withheld a firm shake of his head. – “Y/n!” – he shouted, urging his feet to get in motion. Benedict gasped loud dropping to his knees. – “Y/n! Y/n!” – Anthony called out, rushing over to you. He gasped loud seeing you lay underneath the horse. – “Help me!” – Anthony cried out, looking frantically around. Simon came to his assistance as well as Benedict. Simon took one side as Benedict joined Anthony’s. Together they pushed to get the horse off you. – “Dear God!” – Colin and Daphne arrived, pulling their horse to a stop.
Colin jumped off to help. Daphne got off of hers, running over. All groaning they used all their strength to push the horse off you. It had fallen on you when you had fallen. The shot startling it. The horse jumped up and out of the way. Anthony and Benedict leaned back for the horse to run off. Daphne gasped loud, hand to her mouth in shock as she was the first to see it. Your brothers and Simon looked down at you, eyes widening at the small forming red stain on your shirt.
“Y/n!” – Anthony called out frantically kneeling closer to you. He cupped his arm underneath your head to lift yours a bit up. You tried to smile, sputtering out blood. – “You utter fool.” – you forced out, teeth stained with blood. Simon took of his vest, pressing it down on your gunshot wound. You called it out in pain, biting down hard to shout any swear words.
“I…I’m so sorry…” – Anthony said shakily, holding your head. Your chest spasmed as you wanted to keep a cough in. It came out anyways as it hurt like hell. – “I…I’m really sorry.” – Anthony repeated overwhelmed with guilt. – “This is all your fault!” – Daphne shouted. Simon looked up to her with a deep exhale. – “You and your stupid duels, look where it has gotten us!” – she was angry, beyond angry as to speak. Benedict tried to calm her down, seeing how close she was to freaking out.
The moment he held her, shushing her quietly, she broke down in tears. – “Please…” – she said gesturing at you. – “I know… he will be alright sister.” – Benedict reassured her. – “What if he does not?” – she replied in a panic. – “This is all your fault!” – she kicked some dirt at Anthony out of spite. Anthony jumped up as Colin took his place by your side. – “You think I don’t know that!”- Anthony shouted. – “If Y/n dies on us, I would never be able to forgive myself. I pulled the trigger Daphne! I killed our brother!” – Anthony yelled raging with emotion.
“I…I am not dead yet.” – you chuckled out, feeling a sting of pain. Colin could slap you for still making jokes while on the brink of death. – “Y/n stop talking.” – Simon ordered, clearly the only one sane enough to function. He kept pressing on your wound to hold back the bleeding. You nodded, sputtering out more blood. Chin and mouth already stained. Your entire body was trembling from shock.
Breath quickening through your nostrils, chest pulsating up and down rapidly. Colin shushed you, stroking his thumb near your eye as he caught a tear ready to roll down. – “We need to move him.” – Colin said to Simon. – “We can’t. We can’t him risking more blood, he already lost some.” – Simon answered.
“We have to move him! He needs help or he dies!” – Colin shouted getting the attention of the others again. Anthony turned around sharply. – “He needs help! He needs to sit up!” – Anthony said. – “He can’t.” – Simon replied. – “Y/n up! I…I’ll ride with him. Make sure he stays awake.” – Anthony rambled on, planning it all strategically. – “You aren’t listening to me!” – Simon yelled bursting through his rambling. – “If we move him, he could lose a lot more blood. He could die Anthony!” – Simon glared coldly at his friend.
“Is that what you want?” – Anthony shook his head. – “I…I’ll be fine…” – you breathed out touching Simon’s arm. – “Help…help me on that horse.” – you told them, already lifting your head up, flinching at the intense pain. Simon wanted to protest gladly, but he also knew if you didn’t find help soon, you’d be marked for dead. – “Alright.” – he said moving a bit so he could wrap his vest around your stomach to stop the bleeding. Colin and Simon helped you on your feet. You could barely stand up straight, hand clutching the wound.
Already a stain of blood coming through on Simon’s vest. Anthony got his horse, guiding it to you. With the help of the three of them, got you hoisted up in the saddle. Feeling lightheaded, you nearly fell forwards if Simon hadn’t stopped you. Anthony climbed on the horse behind you, taking the reins. – “Ride as fast as you can. I’ll reach a physician and bring him to your house!” – Simon ordered. Anthony nodded as his horse stepped restlessly around. – “Go!” – Simon smacked his horse sending it off.
“Keep your eyes open Y/n!” – Anthony called out, squeezing his arms around you so you wouldn’t fall. – “Bro…Brother…” – you breathed out, head bobbing at the movement as you lacked the strength to hold it upright. The green fields became a blur to you as you couldn’t focus your vision on it. – “Stay awake Y/n! We are going to get you help! I promise…I…I am so sorry!” – Anthony had to force himself not to cry. He couldn’t afford it as he needed his mind clear and sharp. Clutching your stomach, the blood staining through Simon’s vest already inked your hand in red.
A dizzy feeling swirling up. – “An…Anthony…” – you said softly. – “Save your strength!” – Anthony reminded you, kicking his horse to go faster. Your eyelids weighed down as you weren’t sure for how much longer you were going to be able to keep them open. If this was the last time you could speak your mind, now was the time. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak needing a lot of effort for it. – “I forgive you…” – you spoke making Anthony widen his eyes. Then your entire body went limp, bending forwards as Anthony had to hold you tighter.
“Y/n!” – he cried out. – “Wake up! Wake up brother! Wake up!” – he screamed out fighting off his tears. – “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” – he cried out, hating himself for pulling the trigger and accidently shooting you. Anthony screamed out a gut-wrenching cry. He never meant to shoot you. You weren’t supposed to be there. It was all his fault. If only someone had talked him out of it. He wouldn’t be at the brink of losing the brother he loved closest. The brother he felt truly connected with. The brother he dared show his emotions. The one who could make him laugh so hard, his stomach would hurt.
The horrors were still playing in his mind. Over and over while waiting by your bed. Your siblings had come in and out while you were unconscious, yet Anthony was the only remaining thing in the room. Never leaving the chair he had pulled up to your bed. Elbows resting on your bed, he prayed for you to come through. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you didn’t. – “Please… wake up Y/n… I need you…” – he sniffled quietly, begging you to come through.
“Come home.” – he whispered taking your hand. He clutched it between his grip, blinking his tears away. – “If…if” – he wasn’t sure where this came from, but he spoke it out anyways. – “If you don’t want to come home… I…I understand… I…I let you go…” – he sniffed loud, looking up to the ceiling, moving your entangled hand under his chin. – “But please… come home.” – he sputtered out sobs, lowering his head.
“I’m home.” – you whispered out, slowly opening your eyes. Anthony’s eyes widened as he frantically lifted his head up. – “Y/n!” – he called out loud, startling you. He immediately started to cry wrapping his arms around you. You groaned in pain, tapping his arm to get him off you. Anthony pulled back, wiping his tears away. – “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please… forgive me brother…I never meant to…I” – he blurted out, not sure what to say first. Apologize or beg for forgiveness.
“Please forgive me… please say you can forgive me… I hate myself for shooting you… I never meant… please… I beg of you… forgive me brother… I’m so sorry. So sorry.” – he squeezed your hand tight, lowering his head humble, begging. You softly smiled patting him on the hand with your weak hand. – “Like I said…I forgive you…” – you told him. Anthony sputtered out sobs, trying to smile between his tears. You opened your arms to him, welcoming him for a hug.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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waterlilyrose · 1 year
Do you think Anthony asked Simon to stand up with him for his wedding to Edwina? Or do you think he didn't bother? I know RJP left the show and that's why Benedict was best man. But maybe canon is that Simon told him off when he asked
You know funnily enough I have a little head canon for this in my head:
Simon stays behind at Clyvedon House to attend to business matters that need a bit of his attention transparently enough. I mean, he is a Duke and that's not just a title to flaunt. He's heard all about Anthony attempts to get the Diamond of the Season and thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. Especially when he hears that the esteemed Viscount isn't very good at getting the lady away from her sister.
Ha! It's hard to get passed a difficult sibling, isn't it? Daphne had a terrible time with you!
Daphne isn't even aware that the Sharmas were invited to Aubrey Hall until she was told in the drawing room by Anthony so Simon didn't even know that he was missing a courtship at all. When Daphne writes, she barely mentions Miss Edwina except to say she's 'sweet' and 'likeable'. Simon doesn't get much out of that - likeable? Everyone could be likeable - even Anthony when he wasn't being a dick.
When Daphne returns with Augie, Simon knows something is wrong at once. His wife had a face like a thundercloud when she told him that his brother-in-law was engaged to be married after proposing to Miss Edwina in front of them all. Simon was surprised to hear of the Viscount's success at gaining a bride but didn't understand why Daphne looked so crestfallen and unhappy - did she not like Miss Edwina?
After Augie is taken to the nursery, Simon pours Daphne a drink and asks her to tell him the truth. Daphne tells him bitterly about what she saw - about how Miss Edwina was a sweet, lovely young girl who knew absolutely nothing about Anthony and had nothing in common with the other Bridgertons. And how her older sister, Kate, was an almost perfect fit with her unruly family. But there was more - Kate wasn't frightened to stand up to Anthony at all and pushed back against his arrogance. And while Anthony said he loathed it, it was obvious...he didn't. Daphne had watched as her brother kept staring at Kate when he was supposed to be paying attention to Edwina. There was a heat between them, an energy that felt hot enough to boil water and his reluctant but unmistakable pull towards the sister made his overly cordial and far too polite attempts to court Edwina look even more pathetic than they already were.
Then the bombshell - Daphne had walked in on Anthony and Kate in his study. Alone. And clearly about to do something very similar to what he and Daphne had done in the grounds of a certain ball. Until Anthony had punched him that is.
Daphne had taken her brother to task about how he really felt and she thought she had made headway with him. But she had clearly underestimated her brother's stubbornness. Or complete bloody stupidity. Because the next morning he had proposed to Edwina. In front of everyone...so that included Kate.
Simon ended up pouring himself a drink by the end. Him and Anthony...it wasn't the same. It probably never would be the same now. They were brothers-in-law and members of the aristocracy but friends? Cordial would have to do, Simon suspected and that was fine. But despite his anger at his former friend's behaviour, he also felt perversely sorry for Anthony. He may be too pigheaded to see at that moment but Simon suspected this would be the mistake of his life. To be, at best in passionate lust for your sister-in-law and at worst desperately in love? No-one would be happy about this. Least of all Anthony.
Daphne mentioned glumly that maybe Anthony may ask him to be the best man. Almost as an olive branch.
Simon declared he wouldn't accept an olive branch from a tree that had dry rot.
When more problems arose on his estate, he was actually thankful and almost made the problems seem bigger so he had an excuse not to attend the wedding. He suspected Daphne knew this but didn't seem upset at him; she seemed almost jealous she couldn't miss it too.
Simon instead sent a fine wedding gift - it was a beautiful sword from his own personal armory that Anthony had admired once or twice. It was fine craftsmanship and would be a handsome ornament if Anthony ever intended to try fencing with a real blade.
Only Simon knew why he was sending it to Anthony - it was an apology for refusing to watch a disaster unfold. And also a subtle dig.
"You are falling on your own sword - so you may as well have a well-made one."
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beauspot · 1 year
there are genuinely valid critiques of polin as couple but you guys don’t use any of them. it’s always how “polin is bland” which is just wrong, they’re one of the most interesting couples because they’ve known each other the longest. I think y’all only think couples are interesting who hate each other and talk to each other like they’re trash, like i love anthony but he was a sexist piece of shit for 75% of the series. do you find him more interesting than colin because he’s a more interesting character or do you just like it when characters are emotionally stunted and angry.
colin’s whole story is about finding his purpose as a third son and making a mark for himself, so he’s been traveling to find himself first so he could become a well rounded person. pen is one of the most interesting girls on the show just by being lady whistle down and the show would not be the same without her. period. she is also a plus size character so her character is still important rep even if she’s white.
penelope and colin’s season will have THE MOST angst out of all the others because they’ve done things to hurt one another (unintentionally but still). pen has contributed to marina being exposed and eloise being exposed(even though she had her VALID reasons) these are both very important women in his life so he will be upset about it, especially about his sister because he doesn’t know pen did it to protect her. Then of course we have mr ‘can’t keep his dumbass mouth shut’ bridgerton giggling with his friends about not wanting to court penelope and this of course hurt her. All of this will have to be resolved next season and all of this is made infinitely worse because they’re childhood friends who love each other and have for years even if it wasn’t always romantic. That’s a kind of hurt the other Bridgertons could never experience because they met their love interests so recently.
Like a valid argument would be Pen shouldn’t be made a last second choice she should be seen and loved immediately like her thinner counterparts, but even still that’s more a critique on fatphobia and not really colin. because as we will see he does find pen attractive (thankfully the writers aren’t making her lose weight cause that would’ve been horrid) it’s because they’ve known each other so long the thought of courting her never even occurred to him as an option. Of course he could have not spoken to his friends in that manner and let them laugh, because regardless of whether she was there or not that’s his friend and it was cruel, but let’s not act like Anthony was not talking about having a woman to breed sons with last season.
so many of you are trying to hide your fatphobia under “critiques” and i won’t let you, you won’t ruin this season for me as hard as you might try.and i swear to god if i see one more kanthony stan crying because the bridgerton accounts aren’t only posting about them i’m going to fight somebody. this show is not the kate and anthony show, they will not be the main focus of season 3 you can either come to terms with that now or next summer when the show is out, but if i see you bitching about polin you will get blocked. cause that’s loser ass behavior
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petercapaldork · 1 year
Bridgerton Barbies in stock
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dollypopup · 1 year
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