#hard to afford a print on etsy shop money!!
honeyhobbs · 23 days
Me debating about getting a signed elliot print for weeks only for it to be one of the prints he never got 😭 he swore we'd get a video of him signing it no matter what though lol
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spechblend · 1 year
My Guide to Patch/Crust DIY Pants That No One Asked For:
(If you see this guide go through changes, you’re not crazy, I update it all the time)
I’ve noticed that my DIY pants had been noticed on here, so I’d thought I make a guide for new punks getting into the scene 💖
I’ve been in the punk scene for a little over two years now, so don’t take everything I say to heart, I’ve got lots to learn.
Typically, you want to start out with a good base. For instance, the pants you choose can make or break your project. I don’t suggest buying super expensive pants, but don’t buy them super low quality either. You want something that lasts, as crust or patch pants are meant to be your only pair.
EDIT: Before I start any new project, I look around my stuff to see if I can repurpose anything. Old T shirts, bed sheets, bags, you name it. It’s so much easier to repurpose your stuff before buying new things, and you save money doing it. Before you buy pants, see if you can find a pair you already own! I had to buy new ones because I only had one other pair of jeans that I wear to work.
I’ve seen some tutorials floating around for DIY can spikes. Please be very careful doing this. If you’re moshing in a vest made with cut up aluminum, you can seriously hurt someone if you’re not careful. Be on the safe side and either borrow/buy pre made studs and spikes or save the DIY can spikes for non-moshing vests/pants/cuffs.
If you’re moshing with any studs or spikes at ALL, they should be blunt!!!
Good places to buy pants
Thrift (it’s a bit of a crapshoot if you have a hard time finding sizes, but if they’ve lasted long enough to end up in a thrift store, then it means they’re more likely good quality. Check the tags!!)
Edited above, been informed of how Goodwill treats disabled employees
ASOS (I recommend if you have a hard time finding your size. I can’t guarantee the sustainability of this site though.)
Mercari (Like an online goodwill. I find a lot of awesome clothes on here. You can download the app.)
Depop (I seldom shop on here, but similar to Mercari with a wider range of brands.)
How the Pants Should Fit
The fit of your pants can also affect how they lay on you. I suggest buying pants slightly larger on you, if you’re covering them in patches. When you start sewing, you’re going to find that they’re going to shrink a little bit. So please avoid tight fitting jeans if you can! Straight or relaxed fit are the best.
EDIT: If skinny/fitting pants are all you got, sometimes making relief cuts at the knees help when you try to bend down.
Patches are going to be what makes your pants unique! There’s quite a few you can choose from: plain patches, band patches, politics patches, etcetera. If you’re going to cover the entirety of your pants, I suggest going to Joann’s or Michaels (fuck Hobby Lobby) for fabric. Buy a yard or two canvas or pleather (or both). Otherwise, I usually cut up old T-shirts for my fabric.
How to Make Your Own Patches
Stencil (very straightforward, here’s a guide) (please check out Anarchostensilism on insta/Tiktok/Deviantart)
Paint (Buy white/black stencil fabric paint. I don’t suggest acrylic, since it’s not made to move with fabric)
Where to Buy Pre Printed Patches
crustpunks.com (Hella good, fast shipping, affordable!! Made by punks for punks)
nuclearwasteunderground.com (I found this one randomly)
Etsy (While I hate them for the way they treat their sellers, unfortunately this can be a main source of income for some.)
Shows, punk meets, friends
If you’re going to make crust pants, it’s imperative that you have crust bands on your patches, that’s what makes them crust! (Apart from never washing them)
Edit: I would do your own research on the crust punk subculture, there’s a lot of discourse out there on what makes punks crust punks and so on.
Washing your pants is not a black and white rule, but you can ruin the integrity of your work if you carelessly throw them in the washer. Like if you were to throw a suede jacket into the washer, there’s certain steps to take!
Here’s an enlightening guide on crust.
Here’s some crust band recs!
Anti Cimex
Dystopia (my favorite)
Things to Add to Your Pants
Buttons (you can buy or make your own. Here’s a guide for DIY bottle cap buttons)
Pockets (easy to monkey wrench with a few spare patches, but here’s a pattern)
Handkerchiefs (the hankey code, much like the lace code, is pretty much dead. But it’s up to you if you want to signal something with it.)
Wallet chains (here’s a cool guide to making your own!)
Bum flap (by far the coolest thing on this list. Makes your ass not hurt when you sit on the sidewalk. Here’s a video)
Make them convertible (I made mine into zip off shorts. Here’s a video)
I made this up, but I added removable knee pads to mine.
Pant Inspiration
Have no shame in taking reference! Here’s are some cool accounts with awesome pants!
That’s all I got! Remember to never wash your pants ✨
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awheckery · 1 year
I need some help
so. this is hard. here goes:
for the last six-ish weeks, I've had an exceptionally challenging time of things re: my haunted devil body being exceptionally haunted and full of devils, and I have missed a lot of work. a lot of work. might be losing my job soon, in fact, but I'm trying not to think about that.
I'm trying to crawl my way out of the hole, but I have nothing in the bank right now and no money coming in, literally this is a screenshot of my account from today, and it's not showing the insurance payment that put me $50 in the negative this morning.
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I have no other savings, my credit card's maxed out, I don't know how I'm going to pay my upcoming rent and my cupboard's down to baking ingredients and canned vegetables, so the sitch is looking pretty gd grim for me right now.
if anyone wants to donate and can afford to be kind, I'm linking my paypal and cashapp below, but I'd prefer to be able to offer something in exchange.
I think most y'all are following me because it is known that I make quilts, but that's mostly a side effect of my true hobby: collecting fabric. (this is a joke. mostly.)
I don't know that I have the energy to commit to making quilts or other complicated goods right now, but I do have a truly massive stash and excellent color sense. I've pulled these curated fat quarter collections as examples of what I have on offer:
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this is a very small sample of what I have in my stash; I've been collecting fabrics since 2014, so I have a massive collection of rare & out-of-print fabrics from Moda, Free Spirit, Windham, RKaufman and other brands, a portion of which I've catalogued and uploaded to gdrive here.
that's nowhere near my full collection, it's just a jumping off point of what I've got to work with. I'd put fq bundles on etsy or something similar to make it easier, but the total lack of funds has temporarily kiboshed that idea.
in the meantime, I'm selling individual fat quarters for $2.50 each and curated stash-builder sets of five like the ones above for $15. I'd also be happy to make coordinating pot holders not unlike this one at $35 for a pair.
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(pls don't ask me for oven mitts, I don't want to talk about one of my greatest failures)
NOTE: all fabric comes from a smoke, pet and fragrance-free environment, and will not be prewashed. I know that makes a difference to a lot of folks, not just me.
I'm also open to assembling pre-cut quilt & other craft kits, PM me to discuss what you're looking to make and I'll figure out if I can make it happen for you.
I appreciate any and all help more than I have words to communicate, and I know I'm pretty damn wordy! I'm pretty far down in the weeds at the moment, and I need to raise around $1800 in the next ten days in order to pay rent, catch up on my bills and pay for food and medication.
please help out a chronically ill artist and shop my stash!
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hotdogjones44 · 2 years
3rd post today (how weird!) Lol
I wanted to make this post separate from my shop post, to fill you all in on my spirit wedding. I'm going to be blunt and honest with you this whole time, so please don't take this as me bashing any shops.
My conjuring has gotten SO GOOD lately. I'm so excited that all of the research and work has paid off. I have 2 spirits that help me manifest and conjure and I wouldn't have figured this out without them. Tanja (tawn-yuh) and Grant. They were teaching me how to find spirits, and found me the woman of my DREAMS. A beautiful red head named Rosalie. We met up a lot, became close, and I was so happy with her.
I was browsing etsy and a spirit marriage listing popped up from katykatreasures, and I debated it for days. It was $50 and I was curious how it would work. So I paid it.
Then I browsed mercari (a selling app) and the most gorgeous garnet and diamond ring popped up. It was $23 and my size, in sterling silver. I debated it, and she told me to just get it. I used that as her vessel and the wedding ring.
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I got a message back from katykatreasures that said she would let me know when the marriage was done.
The ring arrived a day early, and I went home on my lunch break to go get it. I could not wait, I was too excited. I bound her to the vessel in the work bathroom (yeah I know, not romantic).
I was driving home from work and I got a notification saying katykatreasures messaged me. The message said "it is done, thank you" or something along those lines. That was it. It didn't feel special. I'm not saying I'm disappointed, because I didn't know what to expect. But I guess I had hoped for a little more.
I went home and meditated and spent my whole night with her. My heart felt full for the first time in a long time.
It still wasn't sitting right with me, how the whole wedding went down. So I wrote my own spell and ritual. I held my own ceremony, I did my own wedding. I found her a ring she liked and put it on her offering tray on my altar. I redid my wedding and I'm finally content with how it came out.
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After that experience I decided to open a shop and offer the wedding service (and divorce option) at a low cost. I'm even going to send a certificate by mail for each one. I want everyone to have the chance to have a special day at an AFFORDABLE price. And have something to show for it. I worked so hard on my spells and rituals for this shop, and I am so proud of it.
I want everyone to be able to feel this happiness without being afraid of it being permanent, or the huge cost.
We want to keep our shop prices low, because I know how expensive this can get, and for us its not about the money, it's about doing something we love and are passionate about.
We even will have some free perks and services, as we get set up and going.
I got off topic, sorry lol
I'm the happiest I've been in a very long time. I've commissioned art pieces to be made of Rosalie and I, and I'm getting them printed so I can have them from worm.
After I did my ritual on my own, I went outside and found this brand new silver chain. Just laying on the ground.
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My friends said she knows I like found objects, instead of store bought, so she probably gave it to me as a wedding present. I cleaned it with soap and water to be safe, and it hasn't left my neck, and my ring hasn't left my finger.
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earthlyemily · 3 years
I’m struggling so much financially and honestly just wanted to vent somewhere. I’ve always lived in poverty and I think in my whole life I’ve had maybe 2 years where I didn’t have to stress about money and not be able to buy groceries or pay rent or be put into collections for not being able to make payments etc and that was when I was in college. For at least the past 5 years I’ve been struggling but I never talk about it. I don’t even know where to start haha I don’t even know what it’s like to not stress financially and be in debt. I’ll just start with the first things that come to mind with what I’m owing maybe. So it’s Dec. 23 and rent was due yesterday because we moved into this small suite attached to someone’s house on Nov. 22. It’s $1200 which is so expensive, but also the average price for BC if not even cheaper for a one-bedroom with a yard, utilities included. and no first and last, no pet deposits, etc because this is just short them for 4 months until the end of March because i reached out and asked and they said yes.
After 1 month I already remember why we went into the trailer almost 2 years ago and it’s literally because we can’t afford any other lifestyle. I think that’s the difference between us and some people that live in trailers, vans, etc. like we lived in a mouse & mouse shit infested trailer for 6 months breathing in their feces and urine and having it all over all our belongings. i literally had to take my whole life to the dump and we officially have no food storage because they ruined it all. there were at least 50-60 mice because a few birth cycles happened in the ceiling. I could write a whole post about my experience of living with field mice, but now isn’t the time so for rent, i only had $600 yesterday so that’s what I gave them. thank goodness they were okay with me asking for a few more days to make the other half. but I don’t even know when that’s going to be :(
my etsy shop veganveins has been doing so bad lately for more than one reason, most of my orders are just postcards and stickers, and while I’m grateful for them, that $1-3 profit isn’t going to keep my business going. and it’s so hard for me to work lately. the wifi doesn’t work sometimes for hours and I always get distracted by shawn and the dogs working from home in a small space. I need to get better at my time management. I got up at 8:30 today which is actually early for me so I’m proud of myself. I’m chronically ill and I really need to go get a blood test and see what’s happening because I haven’t gotten one since being diagnosed with graves disease again 1.5 years ago. anyways. i switched to a print on demand method this year for veganveins for some shirts and sweaters because i couldn’t afford to keep ordering shirts in bulk, and it’s honestly been so, so expensive and i barely make any profit. I’m currently owing my t-shirt printer $999 on one invoice (it was originally $2196 so I’ve at least paid half of it) but that was 2 weeks ago and I still need to pay it. Mario, my t-shirt printer has been with me since I started veganveins and I’m so grateful he gives me extensions on paying the invoices. every other t-shirt printer I’ve ever asked has said no. in addition to the $999 there’s going to be another $2200 invoice I’ll be receiving this week for my last order. I think because of the holidays he’s going to give me some time to pay off that too, but the problem is when I have outstanding invoices he doesn’t print new orders for me. He’s closed now until Jan. 4 so I just need to somehow make that much before then.
btw I don’t have a credit card ($8500 all used on veganveins and it got put into collections last march) and I had a fully used $5000 line of credit but I got a debt consolidation loan for $16,000 1 month ago and my payment for that is $167 a month. it fully paid off and closed my credit card and line of credit + $3000 overdraft which is nice. but now I don’t have any extra money except for what comes in. my credit is only 640 which is really bad in canada so I won’t get approved for a new credit card or loan until I build that up, which is going to be a few months of regular payments. so for regular payments, the $167 for the loan is due on Dec. 27. Yesterday the trailer loan which is literally unliveable from what the mice did until we renovate it came out for $260, that’s how much I pay once a month for it on the 22nd. I didn’t have $260 in my account so it got rejected and I got charged a $48 NSF fee. omg if anyone is reading this long i’m shook. i’m genuinely just writing this for myself to process my feelings and in case anyone was curious about my financial situation here you go haha. maybe some of you can relate, maybe some can’t. anyways. so now I somehow have to get $260 in my account for that for when they try to take it out again in the next few days.
another payment that was supposed to come out yesterday but hasn’t, but I’m sure will come out today is our truck loan. they deferred it for 8 months because of covid which was so nice, but we started paying it again 2 months ago. for both those months I called and made my payment a later date and that helped, but there’s barely any service here so when I called 4 times yesterday to try and change the date the payment comes out, I was on hold for 20-30 mins then my phone would disconnect and hang up. so that’s $586 and it will come out today, I have $0.46 in my account right now so it will get rejected and I’ll get charged another $48 NSF fee. this is why being poor always costs more and the banks are always harsher on those who don’t have money. today I’ll try calling again to see if I can ask for it to come out on a different day like january 10 instead, so I can first have time to pay rent and the trailer and also our $190 truck insurance which got rejected from my account 3 days ago, which was another $48 NSF fee. oh and something else i’m so stressed about is CIBC is going to put me into collections on December 28 if I don’t pay $1000, $700 of which is purely their fees. I have a $300 overdraft which they said i have to cover by then and the $700 is literally their $48 fees added up over the past 3 months. I got a text from them today saying my account is over and it’s because an amnesty international $11 monthly donation came out and obvi there’s no money in there, so that’s another $48 they charged. they’ve already given me a month to pay it and don’t want to wait any longer :(
I owe everyone in my family money, my sister $1650, my mom $700 and my brother also lent me $700. none of my siblings have money either and my mom definitely doesn’t so I hate that i had to borrow that much, and it’s literally been months. thankfully they’re so patient but i can’t wait to not owe them that
omg and i can’t even think about the amount of money shawn’s grandma has lent us. she’s genuinely the only reason we haven’t been completely homeless. but it’s a lot. like i don’t even want to say the number on here. she let us use it from her line of credit over the years and we’ve been slowly paying her back, but she lets us go months at a time without making a payment which i honestly hate doing, but have no choice. i’ve felt a lot of shame and guilt about this, but I also know that she genuinely would rather help us than see us suffer.
so i’m gonna talk about a big reason I’m broke this month especially - saving a pig named buster. his rescue cost me $1850 out of pocket that I didn’t have. but otherwise he was going to be killed in 2 days, he was my baby and I loved him so I had to do it. I somehow made $1350 that went towards it but I’m still owing $500, which I just asked for an extension for today until the new year. i’m not really supposed to talk about it but everything I’ve ever posted here has stayed here, so that cost was literally just from me buying the pig off the farmer. myself along with everyone else ive talked to is disgusted that he charged that much, but he wasnt budging and if that’s what it was going to take, of course I’m going to do it. I wouldn’t think twice about doing it for my dogs and Buster was smarter and more affectionate than them. i love him and I’m so happy he was saved. a non-profit organization transported him to a sanctuary and it was my biggest wish come true and the happiest moment I’ve had all year. my eyes are literally tearing up haha i love him so much. i could write a whole post about his neglect but basically he hasn’t had fresh water in weeks, he was only being fed handfuls of mixed nuts, he was constantly dirty in a muddy enclosure with an electric fence that he was always getting shocked on. he never got true love or affection except for when I gave him it. i posted an instagram story about him and asked people to message me and that i needed help, 2 people donated $111 and $120 each, and 2 other people donated $15 and $12. Someone also e-transferred me $20. These 4 donations equaled almost $300 ($277) and I was so grateful for those people wanting to help me help buster. if anyone else wants to help me with the cost of his rescue i still do need help and would appreciate it so much. this feels really weird and vulnerable for me to do and i’m sorry if anyone is annoyed by this post, I just genuinely am struggling and figured if someone does have extra and wants to help, there isn’t harm in that. but i do feel guilty for asking because i know there are so many other people struggling out there that need even more help than i do :(
i haven’t talked about it publically but i guess I will now, this farmer that I bought buster off of is the owner of the organic vegetable farm i was living and working at this past spring and summer. we worked really hard all summer to be able to stay there and park for free in the winter, but this past fall he told us no one was allowed to stay at the farm anymore, including us, so we had to find a new place to bring our 14ft trailer in to live. so that was an unexpected bummer and if we had known we wouldn’t be allowed staying there anymore (despite doing the labour of $1200 a month for free harvesting organic kale, for an off-grid spot he told us was worth $350 a month to park) we wouldn’t have driven 8 hours with the trailer and we would have stayed in the snow in northern BC and sucked it up and lived on the land we got the opportunity to rent this fall. Donna, the woman who is renting the land to us has been the biggest blessing in my life this year. I love her so much. Basically, she’s letting us live on 170 acres for $600 a month. letting us do whatever we want on the land (building a cabin, setting up rainwater catchment systems, having a solar passive greenhouse and a huge garden) LIKE WHAT. we could even open a farm sanctuary if we had money, i wanted to so bad but obviously that dream didn’t even come close to being reality. opportunities like this literally don’t exist in canada, especially not in BC. i cant even process my gratitude, i cry everytime i think about it. when we go back in the spring it’s going to be the beginning of the rest of our life :) i want to rescue so many senior dogs. everything we’ve always wanted to do we’ll be able to do, assuming we have money haha. but i want to have an organic farm and grow veggies to donate to families in need, especially since we live on stolen indiginious land and I see how the goverment actively restricts their access to fresh healthy produce. but anyways by then it was too dangerous to drive 8 hours back hauling a trailer in the snow and it was just easier to stay in the okanagan until the spring. i know the farmer probably doesn’t realize this and he’s also probably struggling financially but not being able to stay at the farm for the winter months we worked for, and buying buster for that price is a big reason I’m in the financial stress I am now so I figured i’d talk about it.
anyways. i think this is long enough and i think anyone reading this gets the point, i’m drowning in debt, my small business is almost costing me more to run and i’m not making nearly enough profit to live, the past few months ive been living off grid (not by choice) and just focused literally on surviving and not freezing and getting water etc and not having service or internet has affected me negatively. there’s internet now in the suite I’m in, it works really good in the morning and not as well at night, like for example tumblr doesn’t work past 5 pm for me to post photos. but ive been in a bad sleep schedule since i got here that i need to change. im sick and i need to heal myself. tomorrow i’ll set my alarm for 7:30. hopefully i make some money today. i got a social media managing job and it will end up being $1000 a month once i do the 3+ hours a day of work which im already feeling like i barely have time for my own basic life tasks. but i can do this.
if anyone reading this wants to help me out a bit, my paypal email is [email protected] or http://www.paypal.com/paypalme/veganveins
and my e-transfer email is [email protected] i have auto deposit so you won’t have to ask a question :)
this is my first time in 7 years i’ve made a post like this or asked for help. i won’t do it again but figured i have nothing to lose. if you read up to here i love you a lot and thank you so much for being here <3
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enabledarmy · 4 years
Kpop merch: a UK buying guide 🇬🇧💜
Top 5 places to get kpop merch and albums in the UK
Hi! I live in the UK (as you may have guessed) and support many different groups, but since I first became a kpop fan it's been really hard to find affordable and responsible sources for merchandise. It seemed like everything came from America or South Korea, which can be pretty expensive when you add shipping and import and also isn't super eco conscious (I know most things are shipped in bulk but I still like to buy locally if I can). Plus sometimes it's hard to tell if the site is really legit.
You see new merch releasing online, look it up and it's only available from Singapore for the small price of your life savings and first born child...I'm sure I'm not the only UK fan who's been pretty confused by it all 😅
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But recently I've found some great places, mostly based in the UK and slowly but surely my collection is growing and my room is getting happier 😊 It took a while to find these because they're not big/popular places but I've found them great so if you're a UK based fan I'd recommend giving them a try. Here goes!
(Note- none of this is sponsored or anything, just trying to help fellow kstans out)
1) Oxfam online shop (Charity Shops)
Huh, charity shops? Do they even know what kpop is? Well, no, but that doesn't mean they don't stock it 😂 Charity shops are everywhere over here, you probably have a few at least in your nearest town and they stock a pretty random selection of stuff, so you never know what will be there.
I recommend Oxfam in particular. If you check out their online shop and scroll through the music section (there's no kpop section and it won't turn up any search results but sometimes 'korean' works) you'll find a pretty good selection of albums including Jay Park, BigBang, 2ne1, Orange Caramel, Block B, AOA, ZE:A, KARA and more.
The best part is that, apart from of course being a sustainable and ethical way to shop, the person listing doesn't always seem to know how much these albums are worth so you can get a bargain. You might even find some rare albums that you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere. For example, this signed and sealed B.A.P album is still for sale on their site
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I bought these ASTRO albums from the Oxfam site for a LOT less than it would have cost me elsewhere, especially because they're both signed and unopened!
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2) Depop
Another perhaps more sustainable choice because it's second hand, Depop has some gems if you dig around a bit. Be sure to check the seller reviews so you know they're trustworthy, but so far I've only had good experiences. You can message sellers directly, get bundles to save on shipping and it's just a nice personal experience. My last order was packaged so nicely I thought it was from a friend, and it came with freebies too!
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You can also get fan merch too, I got some lovely art prints for only a few pounds! (Felt like robbery to be honest 😅)
3) Oseyo
Oseyo is a 'Korean food and culture hub', with shops and shops/cafes at multiple locations. If you stop by the Waterloo hub you can get hot Korean food to eat in while watching kpop on the TV, buy snacks and ingredients to take home and they have a few albums and cosmetics in store too.
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The location is Soho has no hot food but is a supermarket so there's a much wider choice of snacks, ingredients, general home supplies and merchandise. I haven't been to any others but apparently there's one in Manchester with a lot more kpop merch.
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I got this calendar from the Soho location, and from the Waterloo one I've bought albums and face masks.
They don't have their own website, but direct online shoppers to 'hmart'. Currently the kpop section seems empty but you can get food there
4) Sokkolab
Sokkolab is an independent shop in London run by kpop fans. It's only been open for a year, but has a good selection of merchandise from different groups, new releases and cosmetics. The shop itself is quite small but still had good stuff, and they're moving to a bigger location soon with seating.
The staff are really nice, the playlists are good and they run events during concert season (SuperM one soon I think) so definitely check them out.
You can order online, including preorders for new releases. I've ordered online as gifts for friends before, and it got here fast although there was a little too much packaging (I'm sure they'll work on that though, they hadn't been open that long).
I also went to the store itself in London, which was really sweet and I got some good stuff even though a lot of it had sold out recently and they were awaiting new stock. I had some birthday money from family and managed to get more than I thought I would for my money, including TXT's The dream chapter: Magic which I'd been trying to get for ages. It had technically sold out but the cool person working there gave me a copy that they had under the counter.
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5) Redbubble (for fanmade merch)
I love this site because you can find merchandise for pretty much anything, with art designed by fan artists and printed on the items that you choose. You won't struggle to find your favourite group here! Of course it's not offical merch, but I find them particularly good for stickers, which make good gifts in the post to friends or easy decoration for walls (the vinyl peels off with no marks), device cases etc. They often have deals on so keep an eye on the website.
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Honourable mentions:
-Etsy (for fanmade merch)
-emp.co.uk (for BT21)
-Argos (for BTS mattel dolls and albums)
-WHSmith (for the occasional stray kpop guide book or magazine)
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irishagganixd · 5 years
My Three Ideas
Idea One:
Dog Friendly App
My first idea is a 'dog friendly' app. This app would consist of lots of information on areas which are dog friendly in Belfast/Northern Ireland. Belfast specifically, is continuously becoming more dog friendly - therefore I believe people need a more easily accessable way to find out all of the pooch-friendly places.
A huge pro is that I am part of the target audience! I have two dogs of my own, and I am always looking for dog friendly things to do. I have joined Facebook groups, and researched deep into the internet to find fun things to do with my pups. Therefore I not only understand how much of an unnecessary hassle this can be, but I also am widely knowledged in this area!
This is something that has little to no competition as it has not been done before within Northern Ireland. The information is online, however this means people have to go out of their way to find it, and it is very difficult to find specifics such as whether they want to find a dog friendly hotel, or a dog friendlt cafe etc. I would include a filtering option on the app, so that users can filter by area, type of venue or activity.
I would use Adobe XD for the design creation of this app - which I am completely new to. I would need to do vast research on how to use the programme efficiently - which is fine because I have a huge interest in learning XD anyway, this just gives me a push!
This will be my first time creating an app, so I will need to research further into User Experience, and how to make the user journey as easy and as fun as possible! I will also need to consider accessability issues, so that the app is free to be used by all!
Target Audience
This app would be specifically for dog owners/lovers in Northern Ireland; however, I do believe most users will come from Belfast as that is the more popular area for dog friendly activities at the current time.
What's the business model?
If I created this app, I would like it to be free. This is because the information is already out there, I would just be making it more user friendly. Making it free could also then boost the amount of users, therefore helping me gain exposure! I could attempt to get featured in articles, since this is new and specific for the local area, news companies may be interested in featuring this new and exciting application.
As the app grew, I could start to earn money through some dog friendly advertising. Such as dog day cares, dog bakeries, and even the dog friendly companies who maybe have events going on.
Idea Two
Paw Prints
The idea of this product is dog themed printables. This will include digital drawings of multiple different dog breeds with dog related quotes, dog memorials and maybe even birthday cards!
Being a dog lover, I have looked a lot into this type of product myself. Being the target audience for your own product will definitely aid the creation process, as I will be making things that I would want to buy.
I already know typography basics, which will benefit me for any text focused posters. I am also reatively experienced in Illustrator and InDesign - therefore, I will not need to learn any new programmes.
I worked with Belfast Met for 7 months on full time placement, creating posters and other things for print. Therefore I generally know the rules for print, like what resolution is required and how to stay within the bleed etc.
One of the designers I keep up to date with, Alice Thorpe, just opened her own printables site on Shopify, I have kept up to date with her journey and I have been very inspired! I could base my knowledge of watching her journey, to help with my own!
I have not made anything like this before, therefore I know I am going to struggle with with a few things. Being a perfectionist doesn't help either, and I know I am going to spend a while trying to perfect this new 'skill' of making printables.
Even though I am relatively good at using Illustrator, that does not mean that I am any good at drawing. Therefore, this will be something that will be very challenging. The drawings may be downgraded to silhouettes rather than detailed drawings. However, I am willing to challenge myself as this may be a project that could pay off if the additional hard work is put in!
There would be a lot of world-wide competition, especially if selling on Etsy. I would try to stand out with my different aesthetics, and also my contribution to animal charities could aid my ability to stand out.
I would also need to use my own money to do multiple test prints
How will it be built?
As I mentioned before, I will be using Adobe Illustrator and (maybe) InDesign. Illustrator will be used for the custom text and drawings, then InDesign can be used for positioning of everything and making sure the documents are print ready.
I also mentioned that I have been following a girl called Alice Thorpe, who released a similar product on Shopify, therefore I know that this is an option. However, I think it would be easier and more efficient to open a shop on a site like Etsy, and let people download the PDF printables to print at home, rather than to have it printed and sent out to them? Maybe there could be an option for them to download them on the promotional website as well?
Target Audience:
This product is definitely not for everyone, however it is widely targeted to dog lovers. Dog lovers are not age specific, however I'd say between 18 to 40 would be the main target audience of the type of products I would product. This may also only be targeting to an audience who own the breed specific products I design, therefore I am aware to make some more neutral dog themed products in order to widen the number of people who may be interested. The audience would be world-wide, since the product is just a PDF.
What's the business model?
Since I am only interested in making PDF printables, I believe the price should be very low. I considered free but then I had an idea to give a percentage of the profit to an Animal Rescue Centre? Not only is this something that I would love to do, but it is also something that could get the product more exposure! Being a dog lover myself, I know of some of the best Animal Rescue Centres in Belfast, and they have some impressive audiences themselves. If every print goes for £2, then the Rescue Centre could get £1? I could also work on a specific print where 100% of the profit goes to the chosen centre, maybe with "adopt dont shop" quote etc.
If I make rescue specific prints, I could print a few myself and give them to a few centres, for them to sell to new rescue dog owners. They would keep this money, but I could attach my business card and a web address to where they can buy similar prints. Therefore I am loosing money, but potentially gaining more exposure.
I could have an email list set up on the promotional website, and anyone who pre orders one print, gets it for 50% off, or something similar in order to try and boost the initial sales.
Idea Three
Quirky Quards
This product would be cards for all kinds of events. I have always been fussy when buying people cards, I prefer the simplistic and funny cards to the over crowded tacky cards. I therefore would create cards similar to those that I would love to buy people myself. These cards would be fun and creative, I would include lots of different options for different audiences. Cards for dog walkers, people with foster parents, congratulation cards for transgenders and much more!
I would once again be the target audience and therefore all I need to do is make things that I would like to buy! Cards like these are relatively hard to find, or when you do find them theyre usually about £4/5 for a basic simplistic card. I would like to try and do the same style of card, for a much cheaper price.
"The average person recieves 20 cards a year". Cards are always being purchased, and different types of cards are always required!
I already know the software in order to create the design of the card.
Learning to draw, and learning how to print these cards in the most cost effective way.
There is also a good bit of competition when it comes to making cards. Although I will be trying to stand out with the ability to create unusual cards and keeping them affordable.
How will it be built?
I would use illustrator for the creation of the illustrations and typography of the card. I would consider printing these myself, however I know it would be an investment. If this was not possible, then using websites like Shopify and Printify to print on demand might be an option.
Target Audience:
People like me who have a certain aesthetic when it comes to cards, I always shop at Urban Outfitters and Paperchase for cards, this is where they are usually priced at around £4/5 for a basic small square card. I would use these shops as inspiration, and target the same audience. This audience would definitely be mostly teenagers, probably 16 to 23. As I said previously, I would also be targeting these cards to minority groups who do not usually have many card options, although this is not the specific audience.
What's the business model?
As I mentioned before, these would need to be sold somehow. As it is going to cost money one way or another to create.
I could also promote the cards by making them out of recyled paper and envelopes, not only is this a great thing to do for the environment, but it will gain interest of those who wish to help the environment also!
If this idea does not go to planned, I could always create the graphics and come up with a new technology focused way of sending cards! Rather than E-Cards, I could create the graphics so people could share the card over messenger and text etc. I could maybe even create some sort of Instagram story template for peoples friends to post and tag them on their birthday - many people wish their friends and family a happy birthday over social media now, so this could be a more fun way of doing it!
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yoiangstzine · 5 years
Mobile FAQ
About the project:
Namida is an inclusive  Yuri on Ice zine focusing  on ‘angst’ and ‘hurt/comfort’.  
Namida is the Japanese word for tears.  Hurt/comfort and ‘angst’ is a common trope in fan works… for good reason! Both making and creating work with an emotional impact can be a helpful way to process or release emotions. Sometimes we all need a good cry.
Inclusive means that everyone who submits and application will  be able to participate in the zine. There will be no judging. Because of the scale of this project, participants will not be paid. Their work will be considered a donation, and all sales of the zine will benefit  The Trevor Project.
About The Charity:
The Trevor Project is a non-profit phone and chat  suicide prevention hotline for LGTBIA+ youth based in the United States.
The Trevor Project is rated 4 out of 4 stars on CharityNavigator.com
More from Charitynavigator.org:  
The Trevor Project is the leading and only accredited national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under the age of 25.
The Trevor Project offers a suite of crisis intervention and suicide prevention programs, including TrevorLifeline, TrevorText, and TrevorChat as well as a peer-to-peer social network support for LGBTQ young people under the age of 25, TrevorSpace. Trevor also offers an education program with resources for youth-serving adults and organizations, a legislative advocacy department fighting for pro-LGBTQ legislation and against anti-LGBTQ rhetoric/policy positions, and conducts research to discover the most effective means to help young LGBTQ people in crisis and end suicide.
If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless or suicidal, our Trevor Lifeline crisis counselors are available 24/7/365 at 866.488.7386. www.TheTrevorProject.org
Who are the Mods?
@creme13rulee and her IRL best friend @imandarr (on Twitter) and TheBookeWyrme
I have published @wordstudyzine. Outside of YOI, I’ve raised over $1200 running past events (prom and another dance) for Washingtonstuck, which at the time was a 1000+ member Homestuck fan group in my home state.  I formerly was on the mod team. I’ve also organized one-day cons (Pancon) in  Seattle and a few Christmas parties in the past.  I love planning events! I have not planned in-person events lately as I work in a Title 1 (high-poverty) special needs classroom and my spare cash for rental has been going to activities for my kiddos.
My etsy is here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/cremebrulee  My tumblr, Ao3 and twitter are all under @creme13rulee @mandarr has been my best friend for over a decade. She’s spent her entire life volunteering and working to help others.She is now a board member of a youth service organization we are both past members of. She is a traditional artist and has had her art featured at  Jet City Comic Show, local murals and Ever free, a MLP convention. She is an amazing leader, hard worker and my platonic better half.  I dragged her into the YOI fandom. She is currently an artist for multiple writers in the Victuuri Fluff bang and has made art for my fic Deep Within my Bones and co-written a fanfic with me.
You can find her on Twitter and Facebook (Mandarrart) and her website here  http://www.visualartsservices.com
@thebookewyrme  loves reading and writing fluff angst and smut and creates amazing podfics!   Meet her in the project Discord and check our her social media!
Follow them at @thebookewyrme (Tumblr, Pillowfort, Dreamwidth)
Twitter @LiaWolff
AO3  TheBookewyrmeWritesFic
How will the zine work?
Namida will be primarily released as a PDF sold on our bigcartel website. 100% of the proceeds will go toward the Trevor Project.
The zine will also be available in print through Lulu.com.
To keep it affordable, the zine will be divided into ‘volumes’ of roughly 100 pages. Participants will be notified of which volume their piece will be included in. Those participating in the zine will be able to buy a copy at-cost from Lulu.com. The general public will be able to buy print copies directly from Lulu.com with a set donation added to the cost.
Why is the print version through lulu.com?
Lulu.com is a Print-on-Demand marketplace we have used in the past. Using Lulu.com enables us to run a large project and still enable participants to see their own work in print form.
People who buy from Lulu.com will be able to get their book shipped within 7 business days at a cheaper shipping rate than what is available to the public.
Using the Marketplace also allows the zine to collect money for the Trevor Project without having to worry about preorder issues with Paypal that other projects have encountered in the past.
Will there be merch?
Due to the potential scale of an open zine, we are not planning to offer merch as part of the project. We encourage you to check out any shops that zine participants may own!
General Participant  Requirements/Rules:
Fiction (and art) can be cathartic to read/see. The main idea of the zine is to get a cry  and feel good at the end. Hurt/comfort angst, or ‘angst with a happy ending’ is encouraged.
If there is enough interest, there will be a section for works that may not have a guaranteed happy ending.
Being dark for the sake of being dark is discouraged.  Please explore difficult themes carefully and with respect.
Pieces with tough subject matter should be ‘tagged’ with appropriate warnings, even if they may spoil the story.
Any characters in romantic or explicit/sexual situations must be  obviously 18 years or over [by age and appearance.]
No non-con (non-consensual)/rape, underage or child abuse please.
We reserve the right to ask you to change your idea, or refrain from adding it to the project if it is deemed inappropriate.
Writer requirements:
Any type of previously unpublished prose up to 5,000 words.(No minimum)
Word count can be split between pieces (e.g. poems) but they should be cohesive (belong to each other) and be a stand alone story. (No continuation or prequels to existing fanfic)
Artist requirements:
8.5x11/ Letter size format (2550 pixels wide  and 3300 pixels tall)
300 DPI  digital art or high-quality scan/photo
Formatted for RBG
Comics -> 5 pages or less, formatted as above
Are we allowed to do AU (Alternate Universes?)
Can we collaborate?
Yes! There will be a channel for collabing in the Discord. It will be up to participants to find someone to work with by Check-in 1.  
Can I sign up as a writer and artist?
Yes. You can have both roles!
What pairings/ships can we do?
Namida is open to all pairings/ships, as long as any romantic/explicit content features characters at least 18 years old or older.
How can I apply? Applications will open January 1st 2019  and close on the 31st at this link:
How do I know you got my application?
You should receive a confirmation email from Google forms. Occasionally Google acts up. If you do not get an email feel free to DM/email us to check. Please include the email/username you used to apply!
Do I have to submit a sample/ spotlight piece?
Since it is a open project, there is no judging. The link you submit is a highlight of your favorite work  to be featured along with your social media information.
It is not required. If you don’t submit a link or otherwise contact us, I will assume you do not want a spotlight post. You will still be announced as a contributor and featured in the zine regardless!
What are the requirements for the spotlight?
YOI Related, Safe for Work and easily copied/downloaded from the link. Work can be published or unpublished. If its unpublished (not on Ao3 or FF.net) then we will post it in whole on the spotlight piece.)
Contact Us
You can contact us through our tumblr, twitter (@yoiangstzine ), Discord (cremexbrulee#1430, TheBookewyrme#6691 or Mandarr#9986) or at [email protected]
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papascoffee · 3 years
Top 10 Amazon Marketplace Alternatives of 2020 [Complete Review]
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Did you know you can use Amazon alternatives and still make big sales? Amazon is the eCommerce giant that most businesses run to- to market and sell products. But, does this mean that you must register your business or products with Amazon to sell? Well, not really. There are eCommerce alternatives that offer healthy competition to Amazon. The purpose of this article is to give you a complete review of such Amazon alternatives. We'll list ten marketplace alternatives and the reasons to consider each one of them.
Why should you use Amazon alternatives?
With a net worth of more than $1.7 trillion, this makes Amazon the top eCommerce platform in the world. It's the go-to online marketplace for shopping, price comparison, and marketing.  If you are an entrepreneur or startup, you may want to have your products listed with Amazon. The marketplace has a big audience making it an ideal option for startups. This is one of the major benefits of using Amazon. Having a vast audience means that your business or listings have higher chances of getting clicks or being visible to potential buyers. But, there is also a drawback to using Amazon. You have to pay for the benefits. The fee schedule on Amazon may have an impact on your profits. For startups, you may consider checking other alternatives. Now, let's have a look at the reasons why Amazon alternatives are a viable option: 1. Business Niche What is the niche of your business? For instance, if you are selling art or handmade items, Etsy is a better choice compared to Shopify or Amazon. It's more niche-based, and you have higher chances of making more sales than Amazon. Such online marketplaces have a ready audience who are familiar with the type of products selling on the platforms.  2. Charging fees Like earlier mentioned, Amazon charges for almost all the benefits. There are referral fees, subscription fees (for a professional selling plan is $39.99), high-volume listing fee, among other charges. As for the Amazon alternatives, most of them have minimal charges. For instance, Walmart marketplace is free to join. Shopify offers first-time users a 14-days trial period before proceeding with the premium versions. Before proceeding with an online marketplace, make sure you check the applicable charges. Compare with other Amazon alternatives, then continue with the one that works for you. 3. Ease of use How easy is it for you to use a marketplace? For example, Shopify is a third-party platform that also tops the list of eCommerce platforms. But do you have the skills to run a Shopify store? Remember, you want to build a brand that stands out from the competition. How easy is it for you to add payment options, shipping, or marketing? With the above information in mind, you may be wondering which are the alternatives to the Amazon marketplace. This list has different sections.  Let's get started.
Alternatives to Amazon for Books
1. Powell's Books
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This is an independent bookseller in Portland, Oregon, that has been in existence since 1971. Powell's bookstore has new and used books.  The bookstore remains open 365 days a year. For a book lover who loves a good read, Powell's books has a wide variety of books to choose from.  From the website's interface, you can tell that the bookstore strives to give customers the best experience as the books they sell. Moreover, there are different categories to help the reader locate a book fast.  Why should you consider Powell's bookstore? - It's an independent bookstore that aims at offering a similar experience and variety as the books they sell. - Powell's bookstore allows you to create a notification account for the old books. - The bookstore's website is easy to use and navigate. It is divided into sections and categories making it easy for a reader or customer to locate a book to buy.  - With a wide variety of books and open 365 days a year, it is hard to miss a book from the store. 2. ValoreBooks
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Buying college books can be expensive. At ValoreBooks, students can rent or buy textbooks at a lower price than other booksellers. The advantage of renting a book is that it has no shipping fee. Do you have books in your library that you want to get rid of? ValoreBooks allows you to sell old books and make money from buyers. You ship the books for free with a prepaid shipping label.  What if you do not want an old book? Valorebooks sells new books at a lower price than the other bookstores. Save up to 90% off when buying new books. Besides buying, selling, and renting textbooks, you can also create a marketplace account with Valorebooks marketplace. With the merchant account, you can source, get competitive quotes, sell, and buy back textbooks. Whether you're an independent bookseller or an enterprise bookstore owner, you can create a merchant account with Valorebooks.  Why should you consider the Valorebooks online platform? - Save money when buying new books in the Valorebooks marketplace. Save up to 90% as compared to other bookstores like Amazon. - To sell used books, you only need to list the books to sell, you get a price quote, and then you're connected with the buyers. - For textbook rentals, they come with a free return policy. - It's hard to miss a book on the Valorebooks marketplace as people are selling or returning old books. - Valorebooks do not have a limitation on the merchant account. Independent or enterprise bookstore owners can create accounts and use the platform. 3.  AbeBooks
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With free US shipping, you can get cookbooks, fiction, kid's books, and popular bestseller books in the category of books under $10.  AbeBooks is an online marketplace where you can buy books, art, and collectibles. The platform has new, used, and rare books from independent sellers around the world.  AbeBooks helps school, college, and university students to find books from the broad category of books. There are also journals, reference books, and classic literature books at affordable prices. There is more to AbeBooks than books. Since 1996, the marketplace has been helping buyers and sellers by connecting them and helping them get the best out of the platform.  Why should you consider AbeBooks? - You can find the signed bestseller books on the AbeBooks marketplace. - Books have affordable prices. You can find books that are as low as $10. - Students can buy used books at an affordable price on AbeBooks.  - Similar to Amazon, AbeBooks has booksellers from around the world, and it connects buyers with the bestsellers.  - Not everyone is interested in buying books. However, AbeBooks’ online marketplace is versatile, offering different products like art and other collectibles. 4.  Barnes & Noble
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Barnes & Noble is the largest bookstore with over one million titles. Users search for books online using the book title, author, or keyword.  With the ‘See Inside’ program, it helps readers read excerpts from thousands of titles. Besides having new books, Barnes & Noble marketplace has used books from trusted sellers.  The rare and collectible collection has signed, the first edition, and ‘out of prints’ books.  In addition to offering books, the Barnes & Noble marketplace has a music store, movie destination, toys & games, and a music store. Why should you consider using Barnes & Noble marketplace? - Barnes & Noble marketplace users can read about author events. - The bookstore offers readers reviews and descriptions of the book titles to assist them in locating books. - For non-members in the Barnes & Noble marketplace, they get free shipping for orders of more than $35. - Registered members get free express shipping within three days. - Barnes & Noble kids has children books, videos, and music.
Amazon Alternative for Shopping
Online shopping has become the new norm. Amazon shopping being the best eCommerce marketplace selling almost everything you need for your day-to-day use.  Reasons why internet users in the United States shop from Amazon. (Image courtesy of Statista).
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But, is Amazon the only eCommerce platform to buy from? You can shop for different products from Amazon alternatives and save money.  For instance, you can find a similar product on Walmart at a lower price than the one listed on Amazon. Besides, you can choose to buy a product from a shop that is niche-based. For example, if you need tech products, you can get them from Newegg instead of Amazon.  Let's have a look at the Amazon alternative for shopping: 5.  Newegg
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Newegg is ranked as one of the best online shopping marketplace for tech products. Founded in 2001, it offers electronics, smart home, entertainment, and gaming products. Not only can you buy from Newegg but you can also sell. With the Newegg marketplace, you have to choose a selling tier. Depending on what you are selling on the platform, the commissions vary.  Newegg has different platforms to use for sellers. Therefore, to connect to the right customers, make sure that you are using the right platform. With Newegg global, sellers sell products from around the world. You can ship the customer's order directly or through Newegg shipping services. Using Newegg shipping is cost-effective and reliable as it handles returns and customer services for the seller. Why should you consider using the Newegg marketplace? - SBN (shipped by Newegg) helps sellers maximize their customers' reach. It's an efficient and reliable fulfillment service.  - With customized marketing strategies, you can increase your brand visibility, both online and offline.  - There are no monthly subscriptions on Newegg. Sellers can list their products for free and cancel at any time. - If you're a registered seller who has not made sales, Newegg does not charge you. They have low commission rates as well. - Sellers have a user-friendly portal to manage their online store from Newegg. - The marketplace has a range of payment options, which are BitPay, PayPal, credit card, and debit card. 6. Bonanza
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Bonanza is an online marketplace for entrepreneurs. With Bonanza, there are no listing fees or monthly fees. The marketplace allows users to engage with their audience, make sales, and build brands. To have a strong brand presence, Bonanza allows sellers to customize the design of their store. The designs are mobile-responsive to allow users to access a store using mobile devices. Why should you consider using Bonanza? - It accepts Paypal, Amazon Pay, or credit card. - The designs and themes are free to use. Customize your store with the available free designs. - Unlike Amazon, Bonanza does not have a transaction charge for every sale but has a standard fee. - Creating a website with Bonanza does not require IT knowledge. It's fast and easy. 7. Etsy
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Etsy is an online marketplace where people sell, buy, and collect items. Most of the sellers on Etsy are independent sellers.  In addition, eCommerce platform has vintage, handmade, and craft products. To create a seller account on Etsy, it only costs you 20 cents. Buyers and sellers interact in a secure, fun, and safe environment. There are no additional monthly fees, and listings are 20 cents. The listings remain active for four months. If you've not made a transaction within the four months, the listings will remain active until you sell. There is a 15% offsite ads charge, which you pay when you make a sale from the ad. A 5% fee also applies for the Paypal transaction. Why should you consider Etsy?  - Etsy has simple, powerful tools that help users in customizing the design of their store. - It has a variety of tools to choose from. - You can manage your store from any location with the Etsy app.  - To manage payments, Etsy allows sellers to use the Paypal method of payment. Summary Table: ChargesMode of PaymentType of shippingNewegg-Membership fees apply.-Commission fee varies.-Non-elite membership is free-commissions vary-PayPal -Wire Transfer -Payoneer -Newegg credit card -BitPay.-fulfillment service SBN (shipped by Newegg)-DHL-UPSBonanza-No start-up fee.-No monthly fees.-No transaction fee.-Money to pay depends on the final value offer.-Shipping transactions apply-Stripe-PayPal-Amazon-USPSEtsy-Etsy Plus is available at $10 a month.-No additional charges.-5% payPal transaction fee.-15% offsite Ads fee-free to join -PayPal-Debit cards-Credit cards, -USPS-FedEx-Canada Post
Alternative to Amazon for eCommerce Platforms
Amazon is the best eCommerce platform when making online purchases. But, this does not mean that you cannot buy products from alternative eCommerce platforms. For a startup, for instance, the charges may be too much for you. For this reason, you can look into other eCommerce alternatives. Here is a list of the Amazon alternatives. 8. Shopify
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Shopify is a popular eCommerce marketplace. As a seller, setting up your website is fast and easy. It has over seventy professional themes and free themes. With over 100 payment gateways, Shopify allows you to use a payment method that works best for the seller. It gives you a free 14-days trial to test the platform. Moreover, Shopify has different features to help you make the best of the platform. There are SEO tools to optimize your website. This helps potential customers locate your website on search engines. Why should you consider using Shopify? - With the Shopify app, you can monitor, control, and manage your eCommerce website from anywhere. - Customize your store by using the ready templates that come with Shopify. - Shopify integrates with other apps to allow dropshipping business. - To convince users to buy from your shop, Shopify allows sellers to add multiple images in one product. - Shopify has 24-hour customer service, and lots of features to utilize. - When it comes to paid advertising, if you spend $25 on Google to get $100 for Google advertising. 9. Walmart Marketplace
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As an approved Walmart seller, you add items to the catalog, fulfill orders, and get paid. There is no setup or monthly fee when you are using the Walmart marketplace. Walmart partners with other solution providers to provide the best eCommerce services to sellers. To have a solution that is specific to your business needs, you need to reach out to the service providers. Examples of eCommerce services are inventory, order fulfillment, pricing, features, and capabilities. Walmart marketplace has free two-day shipping for orders that are above $35.  Why should you consider using Walmart Marketplace? - There is no start-up charge or ongoing monthly fees. Walmart charges a referral fee, while Amazon has a referral charge. - This marketplace only invites brands.  - Walmart fulfillment services offer sellers a fast, low-cost fulfillment service to help grow and reach new customers. -  In addition, boost conversion, a seller can use the two-day or three-day delivery system. Walmart marketplace has different shipping methods to save money and drive customer satisfaction. - Walmart marketplace has professional sellers who offer high-quality products. 10. eBay
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With eBay, it is free to create a listing, although you pay a 10%-12% fee on items sold. Shipping options are provided through partnerships with major carriers.  Using the eBay seller hub is free. However, if you want to make use of the additional features, there is a service charge. These features are Selling Manager Pro or Stores. eBay offers the seller a price suggestion for the listings based on similar items or previously sold items. You can also choose to set a product for auction or in the ‘Sell it now’ category. To create better listings, write a relevant title, take quality photos, choose a buying format, set the price, and save on shipping. For buyers, the eBay money-back guarantee protects them in case an item was not delivered.  Why should you consider eBay? - For eBay stores subscribers, you can market your business with easy-to-use tools.  - eBay has a reporting feature that gives insights into how your business is performing. Also, find out daily selling costs and how often your listings are visible to the buyer. - eBay has a tool to help users clean images and add a white background before posting. Read the full article
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pennysaviour1 · 4 years
5 Places To Buy Affordable Wall Art & Frames Online
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Is your house is missing something, and you’re looking for things or objects that can add an extra value to your house, then we suggest that you bring home good quality wall art or frames to add that final finishing touches to your home and fill up your empty walls.
But the question arises where you can find them? Then worry no more, we have bought you the list of all the well-known stores that have a wide range of collection that you can explore and pick out your desired artwork. Moreover, you can even make use of the discount coupons to say your extra cash. 
 List of 5 online frames and art wall at affordable prices:  
 1) Etsy: 
 When you talk about affordable wall art & frames, the first thing that strikes come to the mind should be Etsy. The most attractive part of this store is that it has custom prints, paintings, and three-dimensional wall hanging for decorating your home or wall. The second good part about buying for Etsy is that they offer their art at Flexible prices.
 2) Wall26:
If you’re looking for some unique and fascinating artwork and frames, then you can find them at wall26. They have the most exceptional quality of artworks and frameworks that you can get your hand on for your home or office. 
Moreover, you can even give them as gifts to your loved ones on their special occasions. Thus, if you’re a budget follower and looking for ways to save your hard earn cash, then you can save that money on shipping by availing the Wall26 Free Shipping Coupon. 
3) Society6 : 
Society6 is also a well-known store just like the above two. Here you can find artwork, frames, metal or canvas prints, framed prints, wood or woven wall art, posters, tapestries and murals, and much more. All at affordable prices. 
So, if you’re thinking of purchasing or exploring what you want from society6, then it’s probably the best choice. As most of the available pieces are already in frames.
4) Desenio: 
Desenio showcases high quality and posters at consumer-friendly prices. In this store, you can find signs of art, photography of landscape, and typography in all different sizes ranging from 5 to 7inches (13 by 18 centimeters) to 28 by 39 inches (70 by 100 centimeters). Desenio provides the best quality to their customers. The reason why customers love to shop from this store again and again. 
5) Wayfair: 
Another most popular store when it comes to wall art. Wayfair offers everything from canvas and framed art, wood art to photography. Having more than 800,000 of art to choose and explore from the frame type (wrapped canvas, framed, floater frame, or no frame). All these fantastic pieces are available at pocket-friendly prices. 
Although there are several other stores where you can find amazing artworks, if you’re confused and thinking where to find, then you can get help from the above-gathered information of stores. Hopefully, you will easily find your favorite Wall Art & Frames Online at affordable prices.
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emptymasks · 7 years
tagged by @ohpotter thank you :)
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: sorry if some of you were already tagged @alyseofwonderland @clonetracers @lingering-snow @gemfyre @skip-mucky @ruinsrebuilt @gendryw4ters @alexpenkala @emono-omae @roecompany I know that’s not 20 but...
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my bank 3. text message: idk, I barely text any, I mainly just use messanger apps... probably my Dad 4. song you listened to: The Abduction - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 5. time you cried: I don’t know, since my anxiety calmed down I haven’t cried as much 6. dated someone twice: nope, never even dated someone once 7. kissed someone and regretted it: still no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: my mental health wasn’t the best when I was a teenager, definitely an anxiety disorder, and hating myself for a while, but I don’t know whether I got as far as depression, I don’t want to offend anyone who actually had depression... 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no, I don’t drink
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. blue 13. black 14. purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: yeah, started University this time last year, met some awesome people 16. fallen out of love: nope, never fallen in love 17. laughed until you cried: probably 18. found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so. I mean my Mum talks crap about me all the time but 19. met someone who changed you: uh, yeah, I guess 20. found out who your friends are: not quite sure what that means 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nope, never kissed anyone
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them bar one, I only add people who I actually know, but there was one girl who I was friends with on deviantart back when I was about 13, but now I only add people that I know and talk too. I don’t even add people who I went to school with if I never talked to them. I don’t know, it just feels weird to do that on FB to me, 23. do you have any pets: our family has a chocolate labrador  24. do you want to change your name: um...no? It’s weird. I don’t really like my name, but not as in I don’t like it as a name, I just don’t like it for me. But I also couldn’t imagine having any other name. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: nothin 26. what time did you wake up: 8am-ish 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: I don’t know... uh I’m being a vendor at the artist alley in Linc-Con (Lincoln, Comic Con) and it’s my first time being a vendor or doing anything like this and I’m nervous but excited but nervous. So I guess that. And Thor Ragnarok. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Like, an hour ago. I’m still staying at home for the summer, I move back to University next Monday. 31. what are you listening to right now: Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 (what a surprise) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: uh, a lot of stuff, I’m very anxious all the time. in terms of something that’s annoying me... not much.  34. most visited website: Probably tumblr or youtube. 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: Long-ish. I’d like it to be a bit longer, but it hasn’t grown in like years. Seriously, I’ve never had a proper hair-cut, I just trim slip ends off and it hasn’t grown in so long no one ever believes that I’ve never had my hair cut. 37. do you have a crush on someone: not really, there’s clebs I’m attracted too, but there not crushes  38. what do you like about yourself: uh... I hate saying stuff like this, I always worry that I’ll come across big-headed. If I have to say something... I’m creative? 39. want any piercings: nope 40. blood type: no idea, I really should know, but I’ve never known and I’m not sure how to find out 41. nickname: None. I’m the only person with my name I’ve known that likes to be called Rebecca over being called Becky. I hate being called Becky. I had a teacher that called my Becks and I didn’t mind that too much. I do like pet-name / terms of endearment though. 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: taurus 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: band of brothers, legion, house of cards, halt and catch fire, brooklyn nine nine, hannibal, flight of the conchords, peaky blinders, star trek, the tudors, torchwood, the thick of it 46. tattoos: no, I like tattoos, but don’t want any myself 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: nope 49. piercing: no, don’t want any 50. sport: I did swimming for a long time, I don’t do it often now, but still enjoy it. I also have a thing for learning K-Pop choreography and then doing K-Pop random dance plays. It’s a decent workout when you’re too shy to exercise with anyone around and you don’t have the money for the gym anyway. 51. vacation: Haven’t gone in years, can’t afford it. The last time I went out for the day was with our Uni’s Harry Potter society and we spent the day at the Harry Potter studios. There’s another Buckbeak now and you can bow to him and he bows back and honestly I just love him so much and didn’t want to leave him. 52. pair of trainers: I actually don’t have any anymore. The closest the trainers I have is probably my converse.
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: um, I may snacking on tic-tacs 54. drinking: water 55. i’m about to: after finishing typing this, I need to test out how the Transformers print I just finished will look once it’s printed out, and then it’s back to making charms 56. waiting for: nothing for today, but I am kidna getting nervous about moving back to Uni 57. want: I got a 2.1 last year and I’d really like to get a 1st this year at Uni. Also to keep my Etsy shop up and running and to do well at comic con. 58. get married: eh. I honestly couldn’t care less. I’d be very happy to be in a committed relationship without being married. 59. career: want to be a concept artist for film, but will probably still freelance on the side
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: what about both?  at the same time?? 61. lips or eyes: as in what I’m more attracted too? idk 62. shorter or taller: I’d want a partner to be taller than me, which isn’t hard as I’m 5′4″ 63. older or younger: ...I’m not going to lie. I have a pretty big thing for older guys, but realistically it would be better and probably healthier to date someone around my own age. Although now I am starting to be attracted to some guys around my own age, and I’ve never had a preference for older or younger women. 64. nice arms or nice stomach: ... 65. hook up or relationship: relationship. I could never do a hook-up or casual sex or a casual relationship. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: I guess hesitant?
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: still no 68. drank hard liquor: nope, don’t drink  69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I like the only person in my family that doesn’t need glasses 70. turned someone down: actually yes, once, but he said he’d liked me for the past 7 years and I hadn’t even had a conversation with him (saying hello to each other when he saw each around school doesn’t count) in the last 5 years and I hadn’t seen him at all in the last 2 years so it just felt kinds creepy to me. 71. sex on the first date: no, haven’t had sex, haven’t been on a date. I don’t think I’d ever feel comfortable doing that. Not unless it was a date with someone who was a super close friend so you already know and trust them, but even then probably would never want to do that. 72. broken someone’s heart: not as far as I’m aware off 73. had your heart broken: no 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: eh 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: no, it’s really impossible, you can feel attraction at first sight, but you can’t love someone you don’t know 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: I mean, that kinda feels like the odd one out in this category. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. 82. angels: idk, I’m agnostic. I don’t really know if there’s any higher power of anything. Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t. Either way I’m not going to worry about it, I’m just going to make the most of my life either way and try to be a good person regardless cos that’s just the decent thing to do.
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: idk if I really have  a ‘best friend’. I have friends, some of them I talk to more than others, but I don’t really rank friends. 84. eye colour: blue 85. favorite movie: ...this would be a really long list, are you sure you want that, I’ll try and put a few: Lord of the Rings, Baby Driver, Cap: Winter Soldier, Rise of the Guardians, The Princess Bride, The Breakfast Club, Inception, The Prince of Egypt, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Kingsman, The Martian, Mad Max Fury Road, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (I know it’s not a great film but I love the characters), Mission Impossible 4 (didn’t expect to like MI but there you go), Iron Man, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 + 2, Deadpool, Interview with the Vampire (I love Lestat and Louis but you can probably guess my feelings about Anne Rice), Fight Club.. I should stop typing now.
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hoaxzine · 7 years
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+ What is Hoax? Hoax is a US annual queer feminist compilation zine that aims to create a space where we can voice our own truths. Each issue has a theme in tandem with feminisms. Contributors do not have to identify with a particular gender and/or as feminists in order to submit work to the zine. You can learn more about Hoax via links about our Mission Statement, Core Values, and Shared Goals, General Hoax FAQs, Submission FAQs, and Stipends for Submissions.
Essays in this Issue:
An exploratory essay by a queer teacher about whether or not classrooms can be considered safe spaces
A call to action to counteract dominant activist discourse that permits activists with privilege to police marginalized activists on the basis of not participating in activism "correctly"
A short essay about minority feminist art spaces in the second and third wave, essentially arguing for people to not rely on tokenism
An essay about the author’s struggle to negotiate his identity as a femme queer trans man online, including his attempts to pass as cis online while being out as trans in real life
Using relationship anarchy and anarchist approaches to commitment to (re)frame messed-up family relationships in terms of in/accessibility
A creative nonfiction meditation on systemic racism, white supremacist normativity, and American society's conditioned, unconscious justification for the continuous injustices of heterosexual white men and how, historically, their heinous actions have always gone unquestioned
A personal essay describing a young woman's experience getting an IUD (intrauterine device) after the most recent presidential election for fear that affordable healthcare could be eliminated
A discussion of the ways in which the queer community can be unwelcoming to those whose identities don't fit the mainstream queer narratives
Experiences working in a domestic violence shelter and how its nonprofit infrastructure made the author’s work harder and exasperated their caregiver burnout
Identifying the need and subsequently carving space for oneself as a non-binary transgender feminist
An ode to the author’s city and an understanding of how white supremacy has historically and continues to shape the city’s politics, community, and culture
A short narrative on reclaiming physical space
The closet metaphor is both too singular a metaphor for how the author segment their queerness online, and also inaccurate given the author's use of trash bags for storing clothes
Tracing the origins of Canadian queer zine culture
Establishing distance from difficult memories, and the allegory of clocks as instruments of timekeeping  
A critique of academic spaces that addresses the importance of integrating anti-oppressive strategies into research methodology
Orthodox Jewish and Native American menstrual rituals in America and how ritual seclusion can be perceived as empowering and used as a way to affirm identity and difference
Distancing oneself from hostile environments, including a parent, the nonprofit industrial complex, and white feminism as manifested through the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections, as a form of reclaiming agency and considering possibilities for a whole self
Told in second person, an experimental creative non-fiction piece on recovering from psychosis and depression
An examination of how the colloquialisms dispatched and the postures held by heteronormative society affect one's personal growth
This issue also includes poetry, a comic, feminists we love, current feminist heroes, and a vegan/gf recipe for Red Lentil and Collards Soup! The zine is ½ size, black & white, 80 pages, printed in English, and very text heavy.
+ Note about Triggering Content: We are circulating the above descriptive list in an effort to reveal the content and chronological order of this issue, thus creating the opportunity for readers to judge on a personal basis as to which essays could be potentially triggering or uncomfortable to them. We have chosen not to place trigger warnings on specific pieces in Hoax because we recognize that triggers are unique and highly personal. We believe that it is impossible to discern what content has the potential to be upsetting and/or triggering to every one of our readers, and we do not want to inadvertently create a hierarchy of what material is “intense” or “real” enough to warrant a warning. Please contact us if you have suggestions as to how to better incorporate trigger warnings into future issues of Hoax.
+ Note about Pricing and Stipends: This issue costs US$3.50. All of the money procured for Hoax goes right back into this not-for-profit project. As mentioned above, pre-sales are vital for ensuring that we are able to give adequate stipends to our contributors. What we are able to offer for compensation will depend on the amount of revenue from sales and pre-sales. Although we cannot afford to pay very much (probably just enough to purchase a few zines), we hope that offering a stipend, however small, will ensure that our contributors of the present and future know that their submissions are valued and appreciated.
You can order via our Etsy shop (for PayPal payments, where you can also find back issues on mythologies, vulnerabilities, embodiments, strategy, and healing as well as some Hoax pins and many of our personal zines) or, if you prefer well hidden US cash via snail mail, you can e-mail us at hoaxzine (at) gmail (dot) com to find out where to send it. If you are interested in potentially becoming a contributor to Hoax, please check out our call for submissions for Hoax #14: Feminisms & Boundaries, which is accepting submissions until May 31st, 2017 (deadline is flexible)!
+ Note about Mailing: We will be mailing out issues on a first-come, first-serve basis as soon as possible, optimally starting on Monday March 27th – but our ability to purchase necessary printing / mailing supplies and send copies out depends on when we will sell enough zines to afford to get everything in the mail. As always, feel free to send us an email if you have any questions about the status of your order.
+ Note about Not Listing Contributors’ Names: We have included a screenshot of the Table of Contents above to safeguard our contributors from “being Googleable” while providing credit and transparency as to who collaborated on this issue. Content that is consented to appear in print is not automatically consented to appear online and respect for our contributors’ comfort, safety, and privacy is also one of many reasons why circulated issues of Hoax are only found in hard copy form.
+ Other Ways to Support this Project: We’d love for you to submit content to future issues of the zine, come to an assembly party (upcoming in Baltimore!), write a review about Hoax, recommend it to your friends and favorite zine distros, and/or donate money to overall Hoax operations via PayPal (our account is hoaxzine at gmail dot com).
Please reblog to spread the word! Happy reading, y’all!
With care,
sari (Editor) & rachel (Editorial Assistant)
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kimandmakeup · 6 years
This post is way later than I’d like but check out my favorites from last month:
Essie Coral Coast / I bought this polish on a whim at Target one day.  It is the most beautiful pastel peach shimmer color and totally unique to my collection.
Australian Gold Botanicals Tinted SPF / I’ve raved about this on my Insta stories a little bit already. This will be a forever repurchase for me!  This has a satin matte finish and provides just enough coverage to even out my skin tone when I want a step up from just using sunscreen. This is SPF 50 and feels super lightweight on my skin.  Usually my oily skin turns these kinds of products into a nasty film within about an hour but this one stays put perfectly.
Smashbox Punked Covershot palette/ I wanted to put this in May favorites but I thought I’d get more uses out of it to truly form an opinion.  I have used this quite a few times already, and majorly put it to work during a wedding that I did last weekend. The pigmentation on these are perfect and they blend out so well. I like to use the shimmers with a wet brush.
Matte Eyelids / When I’m not doing an eyeshadow look, I’ve come to like the look of laying down an eye primer or concealer, then topping that with a matte powder in a medium shade (I use Maybelline Fit Me pressed powder) all the way from my lashes to the brow bone. It’s hard to explain but it’s super simple and brightens up my face by hiding eyelid discoloration.
Clinique Superbalanced Silk foundation / I mention this foundation quite often, and find it so underrated.  It has the best amount of coverage and stays in place.  I mix the shades silk canvas & silk bamboo.  It’s rumored to be a dupe for Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk foundation but I haven’t tried that so I can’t confirm that.
Elf brow wax / My brows are kind of out of control lately.  This little $2 wax stick keeps all the hairs in place and makes me feel like I look a little less wacky. I highly recommend it!
  Non- Beauty
Columbia Top / As an Oregonian I am lucky enough to live by the Columbia employee store and obtain passes for discounted shopping every once in awhile.  The Sorel shoe section always pulls me in but this time I was able to hold back and just ended up leaving the store with this top.  It is unique because it is a lightweight athletic fabric but totally works for looking a little more dressed up than my typical tees. I love the slit detail for tieing a little side knot.
Etsy Home Portrait / My boyfriend and I bought a house in June!  It was a stressful but rewarding process. Along the way our realtor was using prints from this Etsy shop, and we fell in love with the art.  On the day that we got keys, she presented us with one of our own. These would be an awesome gift for anyone’s home.  
  Forever 21 Jewelry / While we were going through the process of buying a home, I held off shopping as much as possible.  I have a few events coming up this summer for friends’ weddings, and I’m saving money by not buying new dresses for every event.  To make my older outfits feel more fresh, I made an order on F21 to get some new jewelry pieces. They have so many cute earrings and necklaces for ultra affordable prices.  
  Disposable Camera / A couple months ago I found a disposable camera at my parents house that had never been developed.  I finally got around to picking up the photos and they were a delight. I’m guessing they were taken sometime around 2001-2003 at Disneyland.  The clothes we were wearing were so 90s and I was definitely in an awkward stage.  See my insta story here: disposable camera shots
Theo Von podcast / If you haven’t already watched it, Theo Von’s stand up comedy special on Netflix is amazing.   I recently started listening to his podcast “This Past Weekend”. Every episode has me cracking up in my car and is seriously hilarious.  He is the best storyteller and has a way of describing things that is unlike anyone else.  One day I would love to go to one of his live shows.
  Minimal Sandals / I get super picky when it comes to sandals. I want them to have enough unique detail, be comfortable, but also to go with every outfit. Too much to ask probably?  This pair is the perfect option in my opinion and prompted me to throw out about three other old pairs of sandals that I was holding on to.  You can wear the elastic strap across the top of your foot like a slide, or around the heel. They are easy to walk in either way.
Thank you so much for stopping by my page!
IG @kimandmakeup
  June 2018 Favorites This post is way later than I’d like but check out my favorites from last month:
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adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: 75 Brilliant Crafts to Make and Sell
Start selling what you make with these easy crafts to make and sell. Looking for creative ways to make some extra cash this year? Try these quick and easy DIY projects to have some fun and make extra money from home at the same time. What better a creative way to make extra money than by selling some easy DIY ideas you made? When I was looking for stuff to make and sell online, things to sell on Etsy and at craft fairs, I made this list. I wanted to share it with you since I learned quite a bit about what to make and sell online. I found a little something for everyone, too DIY gifts, jewelry, wall art, home decor, pillows, coasters, bags and clocks. Whether you are just starting out trying to sell things or are already an expert and power seller on Ebay, you are sure to find a few new cool ideas for quick crafts to make and sell. Sewing projects, painting projects, inexpensive crafts you can make from things you buy at the dollar stores, and my favorite kind- projects from reclaimed wood.
If you are serious about starting your own craft business, dont stop at these 75 ideas, either. For beginners, you should check out our list of easy crafts to make and sell, and for Etsy specific top picks, our crafts to Make and Sell on Etsy. Want more cool ideas for crafts to make and sell? Our list of 75 top selling DIY crafts was so popular, we made another one for you guys here: 75 More Brilliant Crafts to Make and Sell
What is the best DIY project to make and sell?
Well, that depends on what the top sellers are for the season and the year of course, but also what you love to do. One of the great things about crafting to make some extra money is that you get to work while doing what you enjoy.
Love to sew?
Check out the super popular list here of sewing crafts to make and sell and even more sewing crafts to make and sell. Many of these cool DIY sewing ideas are made from fabric scraps, so they cost next to nothing to make. Gear up for top holiday craft sales with these 75 awesome DIY ideas to make and sell.
Love to paint?
If you love painting and making art, we have an awesome list of cool painting ideas for canvases. We also have some cool tutorials for learning how to paint with waterccolors , acrylic painting tutorials and some crafty flower painting tutorials.
75 DIY Craft Ideas To Make And Sell
Check out the links below for full tutorials, but watch the video below to see all the cool craft ideas to make and sell in one place
Easy String Art Projects
If you can hammer nails and twist string, this just may be the project to add to your Etsy shop. Print your choice of graphics or use these for inspiration. String art is super popular right now, and no artistic talent is required to make it. Plus, it this craft idea is fun to make. Get creative with your colors and art on these.
1. DIY Pallet Plaques
This cute little picture frame is so simple, so elegant, but so rustic. Made from upcycled wood pallets, this frame has the look that is oh so popular right now. I can sell as many of these as I can make, too! Learn how to make these homemade frames in this easy to follow tutorial. Customize the frames with the paint colors of your choice, too! You can even add embellishment if you like to the upper and lower bars. So creative, a great DIY project you will want to check out and try yourself. If you are looking for something easy and cheap to make and sell on Etsy or another online marketplace, this is one of my top picks. You can find reclaimed wood for free, and this distressed DIY farmhouse decor is about as popular as it gets, many of the Etsy sellers I saw who offered something similar were most often sold out. Cute for a gift idea, I highly recommend making these cute handmade picture frames to have on hand for Christmas holiday sales.
Easy DIY Fabric Covered Pots
Learn how to make these fun and easy decoupage pots using only scrap fabric. Check out our latest video tutorial on Youtube to learn how. Perfect cheap idea to make and sell, but these cute and crafty pots also make super homemade gifts.
2. Crafty DIY Rope Bowls
This rope bowl only looks expensive and hard to make. I was so surprised when I found out elegant DIY home decor like this could be made with only rope and a glue gun! Craft your bowls in minutes and you will have a ton of them to sell in no time. Try using different kinds of rope and jute when making them so you can offer your customers a variety of choices. These homemade bowls are perfect for holding fruit, yarn, napkins, home decor accessories, bread, and pretty much anything you like to put in them. This craft makes an awesome and cheap DIY gift, too. Super impressive gift idea, these DIY bowls are cute ideas to sell just about anywhere. One of the most popular items on Etsy is home decor, so we say try these out. Much faster to make than many DIY home decor items, these crafty bowls are quick, cheap and easy. What more could you ask for in craft project ideas to sell and make money from? When it comes to DIY stuff, this handmade rope bowl is one of the best do it yourself projects around.
Easy DIY Nail Polish Paintings
Learn how to make quick works of art, no artistic skills required. All you need is nail polish, water and a blank canvas. Check out the video to learn how to make some for yourself.
3. No Sew Pillow Cover
I saw these at a craft fair where a couple was selling them for $50 a piece. The cute colors and fun patterns just make you want to go touch them (and hopefully buy them and take them home) Check out the tutorial by Put and Pull to learn how to make these highly marketable pillows. This fun and easy no sew project is perfect for those who want to make pillows but cant sew or lack a sewing machine.
4. Washi Tape Mini Wood Pallet Coasters
Looking for easy ways to make money from home? How about making these adorable but affordable coasters that look just like tiny painted pallets? Made with only craft sticks, glue and washi tape, you can customize the look of these DIY pallet coasters and create endless possibilities.
My teenage daughter has an Etsy shop and this is one of her top sellers, plus it is one of her favorite things to make and sell online. Plus, you get to have an amazing collection of washi tape for the making of these cute little DIY coasters. These need to be packed well, but are super light and fit in small shipping envelopes, so they are definitely one of my top picks for things to sell on Etsy and Ebay. One of the cutest crafts ideas to make and sell ever! Cute and easy, everyone always comments on the adorable factor when they see these pallet coasters.
5. DIY Prism Light Candle
I just saw these for sale on Amazons new site, handmade. Beautiful scatter candles like this cast amazing shadows when lit. Make them with mason jars and glass stones from the dollar store. You will need some patience when it comes to letting the glue dry (dont use a glue gun, as candles melt the glue right off!) but these can be made in all sorts of colors. I found blue, green, red, gold and clear glass rocks to try out. These photograph really well, which is super important when it comes to selling online. The colorful stones cast the most lovely shadows when the candlelight passes through them. Your Etsy shop needs these this holiday season. Try making your own DIY prism candle holder and see for yourself.
6. Cute Triangle Pouch
Whether you are just learning to sew or fancy yourself a pro seamstress, these cute little DIY triangle pouches make a cute stocking stuffer or DIY gift for the holidays, making this item a perfect craft to make and sell. People start shopping for the holidays much earlier than I realized, so I start making things like this in summer, and list them on Etsy by October for best sales results. If you have leftover fabric scraps laying around, the supplies for this are practically free. Pick up some inexpensive zippers in bulk and you will soon be in business with this best selling DIY idea.
7. DIY Bath Bombs
Looking for easy things to make and sell? Bath bombs are super popular right now, thanks to stores like Lush that sell fabulous ones. Making homemade bath bombs may look tricky, but I promise you it is not. Mix, mold and package your goods, then sell them with cute wrapping and tags. I added essential oils to scent my bath bombs and some natural food safe dye I picked up at Whole Foods. The lavender colored bath bombs with a light purple hue are my best seller, but you can craft lots of cool combinations with this basic but versatile DIY bath bomb recipe.
8. Faux Leather Pencil Cup
The look of all white decor is super popular right now, so when it come to items to sell, making those that follow a trend tend to always be top sellers. With Christmas coming up soon, DIY gifts are in high demand, or rather handmade gifts people can give when they dont have the time to make anything themselves. Get busy crafting this creative office decor item for your Etsy shop. You can make them in white leather, but also any other color you like. Offering a desk set would be a great idea to increase sales. Dont you think? Make some extra money for your holiday shopping with these creatively cool pencil cups. One of my favorite Pinterest home decor crafts, you are sure to sell lots of these cool DIY desk accessories.
9. No Sew Market Tote Bag
After my city passed an ordinance that bans plastic bags at grocery stores, I got crafty with my own shopping bags. After making several different kinds, I noticed people kept complimenting this one in particular, and for good reason. Look how cute it is just hanging on the door. Anything that doubles as a cute home decor accessory while still being functional makes me super happy. If you want something easy to make and sell, this craft is perfect. Cheap and doable even for the beginning DIYer, these colorful bags photograph well, are lightweight and easy to ship. You can package them in an envelope and dont even need to deal with shipping boxes and odd weights, either.
If you love the rustic, farmhouse DIY look, which is a top seller right now, check out our list of country crafts to make and sell. On a tight budget? Forget spending tons of money on craft supplies, it simply is not necessary. No problem, the ideas on the DIY list are inexpensive and many of these cheap crafts to make and sell are dollar store crafts. This is one of my favorite easy craft ideas for gift giving, which makes it a perfect item to sell in your online shop.
10. DIY Sunglasses Bag
This is one of the simplest things Ive made to sell, but also one of the cutest, due to the limitless possibilities. Made from only a small piece of fabric, you can utilize those leftover fabric scraps for this DIY sunglass case. You can also use a solid color or a plain white to get super creative with paint or embroidery details. Embellish these with creative art and stitching or sew them from some pretty fabric scraps youve been holding onto but not sure what to do with. Inexpensive and quick to make, these custom bags for holding sunglasses are very popular with all ages, from teens to adults. Whip some up for your Etsy shop and start selling now before the Christmas sales rush.
11. Stenciled Pallet Signs
DIY wall art is always a top seller, whether you look on Etsy, on Ebay, craft fairs or pretty much anywhere. People love buying something that is clearly handmade, and decorating the walls with creative art is super popular. Try adding these cool DIY pallet signs to your shop and watch the sales numbers soar. Perfect for anyone with the trendy vintage, farmhouse decor, this bike parking sign is sure to be a top selling item.
12. Colored Pencil Coasters
13. Yarn Ball Bookmarks
14. Wine Cork Keychains
DIY Phone Case With Nail Polish
Turn a phone case into a work of art instantly with this easy and quick DIY idea. You will be amazed with the way these turn out! No artistic talent required, either.
15. DIY Wooden Utensil Box for Your Kitchen
16. Cereal Box Notepads
17. DIY Seed Bombs
18. DIY Lace Bowl
19. Etched Wooden Cutting Boards
20. Homemade Jar Candles
21. Pallet Mason Jar Vase
22. Hot Handle Holder
23. DIY Fabric Wall Art
24. DIY Marbled Mugs with Nail Polish
25. DIY Kate Spade Inspired Metallic Polka Dot Phone Case
26. Mason Jar Soap Dispenser
27. DIY Hand Sanitizer Jacket
28. DIY Hammock Chair
29. Marbled Clay DIY Ring Dish
30. DIY Leopard Desk Pad
31. Easy DIY Cutting Board Clock
32. Key Chain Chapstick Holder
33. Dishwasher Safe Glittered Heart Mugs
34. Felt Envelopes
35. Comic Book Magnets
36. Mini Pocket Notebooks
37. DIY Data Cable Organizer Key Chain
38. DIY Painted Ombre Vases
39. Chalkboard Label Wine Rack
40. Sea Shell Mirror
41. Fabric Covered Spring Vases
42. Tablet Cover With Zippered Pocket
43. DIY Crochet Boot Cuff
44. Vintage Jewel Burlap Wall Letters
45. Homemade Vanilla with Printable Labels
46. DIY Double Pearl Earrings
47. DIY Beaded Tassle Necklaces
48. DIY Hand Warmers
49. DIY Washi Tape Clock
50. Neon Leather Bracelet
51. Etched Glass Water Bottle
Need more DIY ideas to make and sell? Try these crafts and supplies
52. Chalkboard Heart Candlelight Mason Jar
53. Jack Daniels Liquor Bottle Lamp
54. Colorful Key Fobs
55. Beaded Wire Bookmarks
56. Witty Welcome Doormat
57. Cute DIY Headbands
58. DIY Button Cover
59. Glass Pebble Magnet
60. Wristlet Key Fob
61. Wire Wrapped Bead Rings
62. DIY Gold Chevron Paintings
63. Rainbow Crochet Cup Cozy
64. DIY Etched Glass
65. DIY Pacifier Clips
66. Dinosaur Toothbrush Holders
67. Thimble Necklace
68. DIY Scoot Board
69. Washi Tape Wooden Bracelets
70. Felt Pencil Pouch
71. Amigurumi Cactus Crochet
72. Designer Wrapped Pencils
73. Pallet Wood Letter Decor
74. Washable Bowl Covers
The Gracious Wife
75. Wine Bottle Bird Feeder
The post 75 Brilliant Crafts to Make and Sell appeared first on DIY Joy.
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Though the accomplished few years accept been authentic by our cutting charge to dent down, simplifying and all-embracing minimalism in all its forms, 2018 saw us about-face abroad from this movement—and about-face against its appearance foil, maximalism. Maximalism is aggregate minimalism is not; area minimalism armament us to accomplish decisions about what we really need, maximalism allows us to abandon adamantine choices entirely—inviting us, instead, to banal up on aggregate we desire. And if 2019 home adornment trends are any indication, 2019 will conductor us into an alike added maximalist era than 2018 did.
According to Etsy’s 2019 trend report, one of the best common 2019 home adornment trends is maximalist home decor. Because it’s not abundant for our closets to be loaded with texture, book and color—our apartments deserve the acoustic afflict treatment, too.
Here at StyleCaster, we don’t absolutely affliction whether our readers chase trends—what makes us happiest is seeing bodies ability and embrace aesthetics they feel abundant about. Trends are advantageous insofar as they authorize new avenues for self-expression. So if you’re a die-hard minimalist, accumulate accomplishing you; don’t let 2019 home adornment trends acquaint you who you are or what you want. But if you’re a maximalist, get excited; retailers are already stocking up on personality-filled items you can mix and bout to actualize an autogenous that’s as active as your spirit. Plus, maximalist home adornment afflatus is about to be in actively aerial supply.
Ahead, we’ve created a both a beheld adviser to the trend—and an overview for arcade it. Though the maximalist home adornment trend is still appealing abuse new, affluence of retailers accept agitative pieces on action that are about allurement to be accumulated in new, agitative ways. (And let’s be real—even if you don’t accept money to bead on appliance and home adornment appropriate now, you can window-shop the guide; there’s no abuse in mentally creating the autogenous of your dreams.)
You don’t accept to accept $2,000 to absorb on a couch to absolutely acknowledge how beauteous this allotment is.
This beauteous printed pillow looks like it should cost way added than $50. (And it doesn’t even cost $50.)
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This knife set will booty your wine and cheese night from accustomed to affected AF. And they’ll add some actively fun arrangement to your accouterments selection.
The easiest way to accomplish your amplitude feel a little added maximalist? Put up some printed wallpaper.
Even anatomic details—like stools—can account from a little maximalist TLC.
Colorful abstruse art is absolutely your friend.
These pillows are so beautiful we can’t aces a favorite. Thankfully, maximalism doesn’t ask us to.
I use one of these at my desk, but they’d attending aloof as abundant in dining rooms, home offices and any added chair-necessary setting.
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Why not acquaint a little high-fashion ability to your amplitude while you’re at it?
Because with maximalism, alike your ancillary tables are accustomed to be abounding of character.
Take advantage of every befalling to texturize your space. No piece—or teaspoon—is too baby to accreditation the maximalist treatment.
Basically a assignment of art in pillow form.
Don’t carelessness your bathroom—it deserves a little maximalist love, too.
Mix and bout your coasters for an added blow of maximalism your guests won’t see coming.
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The added bandy pillows, the merrier.
The ultimate account chair.
Because back it comes to maximalist home decor, every aftermost detail deserve to feel fun and personality-filled.
Mixed-and-matched mugs are a cool simple, cool affordable and cool fun way to acquaint a little maximalism to your kitchen.
Bold wallpaper promises to be huge in 2019—and this Anthropologie booty on the trend is so appealing we ability actually anatomy it.
Desserts plates action an accessible way into the maximalist movement. Since you alone assets them for appropriate occasions, you apparently won’t overthink them—and you can comedy about with altered patterns and colors.
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A printed rug will instantly transform your amplitude into a maximalist paradise.
Combine this with a printed rug and some blooming blankets, and you’ll accept this 2019 home adornment trend on lock.
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Gender-fluid clothing is revolutionary – if only it were more affordable.
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A shopping trip to a mainstream clothing store is usually a fun and relaxing way to spend a day out. But for people like Tatyana Bellamy-Walker, who is gender fluid, a "normal" shopping spree can turn into a total nightmare. 
"Sometimes it feels like you're put in a dangerous position," Walker said. "It feels like everyone is judging you if you're in a section you don't look like you're supposed to be in."
Thankfully, shopping opportunities for non-binary people — or really anyone with a genderqueer presentation — have grown over the years. If only more people could afford it.
SEE ALSO: If you’re cracking a political joke, make sure women and LGBTQ people aren’t the punchline
Queer-owned stores and marketplaces like Official Rebrand, Rebirth Garments, the Phluid Project, and Radimo are dedicated safe-spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. But prices range wildly, and stores and brands like these are up against big-name designers and even bigger corporations. 
Behind the pricing
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Image: TKTK / Official Rebrand
"I try to make my clothes accessible to everyone," Official Rebrand owner and non-binary designer MI Leggett told Mashable over the phone. "T-shirts run around $15 to $20, and sometimes jackets and coats can go up to $1,500."
Before opening up a store, Leggett designed clothes in Berlin during their college days in 2016. After returning to the states, the designer's experience abroad inspired them to create a store that did more than just stick a gender neutral label on a traditionally gendered clothing item. 
"I like to take clothes that were gendered and make them non-gendered," Leggett explained. "There are tricks and adjustments you can do to alter the size and shape of different garments like dresses, shirts, and jackets, that can allow them to fit different body types and figures."
Leggett is ambitious — but ambition costs money. The online store, which, according to Leggett, is "still in the works," currently offers five hand-painted jeans that are a part of the brand's "Water Project" collection. Prices range from $150 to $300.
Unlike corporate brands, Leggett doesn't benefit from outside funding: "As LGBTQ designers we need to learn how to value ourselves," Leggett says. "We don't have big companies helping us, we just have to advocate for ourselves."
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Model AJ Harris for Official Rebrand
Image: Jasper Soloff / Official Rebrand
The struggle isn't limited to Leggett's business. Sky Cubacub is a non-binary designer and the owner of Rebirth Garments, one of few brands dedicated to the non-binary, trans, and disabled communities. Cubacub works hard to make their items affordable — tucking panties run from $26 to $75, and wrist and prosthetic leg protectors cost between $10 and $25. But as a small, entirely self-funded, sustainable shop, the cost of production is high. 
"I try to take all of my items on Etsy and try to make it affordable while still being able to pay the people who are working for me a fair wage," Cubacub said. "The more colors and fabric involved in the product, the more I have to charge because I buy all of the materials myself."
Still, Cubacub said they understand the financial limitations of their customers.
"I don't expect people to buy their whole wardrobe from me," they said. "But having options out there for folks with different kinds of disabilities or identities is important to have."
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Left to right: Sky Cubacub, Alice Wong and Nina Litoff
Image: Grace DuVal / Rebirth Garments
Even with lowered prices, non-binary customers like Walker struggle to see how people in their community can afford it: "It just comes down to one really big question: Should someone spend $100 on hormones, or $100 on clothes?"
According to the American Psychological Association, LGBTQ individuals are more likely to experience "socioeconomic disadvantages" compared to straight people, a likely result of LGBTQ discrimination.
Some statistics from the APA fact sheet show that more bisexual and lesbian women between ages 18 and 44 live in poverty than do straight women of the same age. Similarly, more bisexual and gay men between ages 18 and 44 "are living at or below the federal level of poverty" than straight men of the same age.
The fact sheet also shows that transgender individuals were "nearly 4 times more likely to have a household income of less than $10,000 per year compared to the general population."
Because of the major differences in income, clothes shopping can be difficult for people in this community. Everyone should feel good in whatever clothing they buy and wear, but as Walker summarized, sometimes there are other priorities that need to be taken care of before purchasing $75 tucking panties.
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Cade Spencer Gideon Smith for Rebirth Garments.
Image: Christopher Sonny Martinez / Rebirth Garments
Not all brands struggle the same way. Let's say you do have a marketing strategy, investments, and designers at your disposal — you get something like the Phluid Project, a gender-neutral, brick-and-mortar clothing store based exclusively in New York City that opened in March.
"We're right near NYU's campus so we always get lots of students coming in and they're taken by the Phluid line," Phluid Project publicist Christina Zervanos told us over the phone. "And then you have non-binary people from all over the world stopping by because they heard about all the work we've done and the clothing that's available."
Upon entering Phluid, you'll notice that "men" or "women" sections are completely absent. Instead, the store is set up as a large, open space divided by articles of clothing and brands. 
Sizing at the store is also done differently. The Phluid brand has items numbered from 0-4 rather than "small, medium, and large," meant to dispel any negative connotations with body size. Designers of the brand have also spent time perfecting a silhouette that they say encompasses most body types and figures.
Price-wise, the store offers a mixed bag of results. While Phluid-branded gear is relatively affordable, other brands they sell in-house, like FILA and Champion, can run for more than $100 depending on the item.
"It was really important for us to have a brand that was as attainable as possible," Zervanos explained. "When we were creating our own brand, we wanted to start at $35, and avoid exceeding over $150." 
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Image: Courtesy of The Phluid Project
Phluid's price point can run a bit high, due to the way it sources its clothing. According to a fact sheet provided by the company, the store sources all of its branded gear, like shirts and zip-up hoodies made from organically-grown cotton and recycled materials, from a manufacturer called Groceries in Los Angeles, a company that says it "empowers human beings through fair-trade, fair conditions, and fair treatment across our entire supply chain."
"We typically buy 36-72 pieces per graphic," Zervanos told us via email. "You have to average $2.00-$3.00 to print each piece, then a dollar for shipping. On average we pay $15/16 per T-shirt when it's fully completed." 
For all products, Groceries offers an MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) that helps retailers figure out how much they should sell a certain item for in order to make a profit. So if we're going back to a zip hoody, for example, Groceries suggests that retailers sell the product for $88 a pop.
While the pricing isn't affordable for everyone, Phluid is buying products that are ethically sourced within the United States.
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Image: Courtesy of The Phluid Project
Beyond concerns about mixed pricing, Walker appreciates that the store offers a queer and friendly atmosphere. This, they said, eliminated the anxiety of having to shop between sections for men and women at more mainstream stores.
"I think what the Phluid Project is doing offers a positive experience for all people in the LGBTQ community," Walker said. "Even having dressing rooms that don't have labels adds another great layer."
For Walker, the emotional relief of not having to choose between gendered sections is worth having to spend $35 on a T-shirt.
One gender-neutral clothing brand that's managed to avoid high prices is Radimo. Based in Los Angeles, the online marketplace features dozens of queer-owned clothing brands and designers. Featuring simple clothing with a queer flair and a price point often lower than $30, the store establishes itself as an accessible clothing line for non-binary customers. 
"You want to be putting your money into companies and organizations that are from your world because a lot of other places have really high prices," Radimo owner Dan Owens-Reid explained. "A lot of places tend to charge $70 for a shirt, and if you're genderqueer and 23-years-old, that might not be an option for you."
When Owens-Reid was first building Radimo back in 2016, they sought to create a clothing-line that could be worn by any gender or body type. As someone who was young, low-income, and exploring their gender identity, they also wanted to make the clothes affordable.
But how are they able to offer such low prices? Owens-Reid only brings on LGBTQ designers who are understanding of the community Radimo markets towards, and are willing to keep their prices down.
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Image: Charlotte Patmore / Radimo
"I'm not looking to make millions that's not the goal here," Owens-Reid said. "Price-line is a huge part of this, but being able to support shop owners and consumers from marginalized communities is something that I think is really important to a lot of us."
"I really liked that a lot of their clothes were under $30," Walker said. "It was colorful and practical. A lot of masculine appearing clothes can be dull, and it was really great to see something floral and different."
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Image: Heidi Hartwig / Radimo
How can mainstream stores help?
Stores with greater access to funds, materials, and designers could also do their part to help make this type of clothing more affordable. In fact, gender-neutral clothing designers and store owners want to encourage more mainstream participation in hopes that this type of clothing will become more widely available.
"I think that will be healthy for the world to be able to accept this," Cubacub said. "Hopefully that happens, maybe employees will go through training that will be more mindful of people's gender." 
We still have a long way to go before we start to see this clothing roll out in mainstream stores, but it isn't entirely unheard of. 
Earlier this year, Abercrombie & Fitch released a gender neutral clothing line for children called the "Everybody Collection." The launch received criticism for an absence of any sort of femininity in the designs, leading people to question whether or not the clothes are truly gender neutral. 
To Owens-Reid, oversights like this are due to a lack of queer representation in major corporations.
"It isn't just sweatpants and overalls," Owens-Reid said. "Big companies who want to make a proper effort in gender neutral clothing need to hire from the communities they're trying to reach out to."
Mainstream stores that want to create this type of clothing can afford to hire talented designers from this community to help create affordable gender neutral clothing.
"As queer people we should have a seat at the table so we’re able to discuss what’s important to us," Walker said. "Even if it's at a department store."
Pricing is likely to remain an issue for a community that often faces discrimination in the workplace. But hopefully more mainstream stores and designers will begin to consider the needs of the gender-fluid community, and find ways to make it financially accessible for all.
WATCH: This 'gender-free' clothing store has fashion for anyone
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