#happy to see all the neo nerds had the same thought as me about this one
daniels-rwby-blog · 1 year
RWBY V9EP7 Theories
I'm reminded (because I am the giant nerd) of what Tom Kalinske got from Nintendo:
Dear Tom, Roses are red, violets are blue, so you had a bad day, boo hoo hoo hoo. All my best, Howard.
I wonder if that would be what Ruby's thinking rn?
alright lets do this: (happy images cause yangery ruby hurt me this week, CURSE YOU AND YOUR IMPROVING DIRECTING MILES)
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Firstly dam that was a smooth fight, whoever said bees would stop team combos, Ya Wrong, PTSD stops team combos.
I gotta say both Ruby and Jaunes breakdowns didn’t disappoint, they both hit hard. I’m hoping they both come to realize that being leaders is one of the hardest things they can be. Both of them are likely starting to understand the pain both Ozpin (kinda they’re only living their first-ish life) and Ironwood felt being leaders and faced with seemingly impossible odds that break them. I feel like this is a good step for both of them, and I can’t wait to see where their stories go, having both major leaders breakdown at the same time, is bold, but it makes sense, Jaune was occupied with his town, and ya know the whole fairytale happening around him that his breakdown was delayed until stuff started changing rapidly with the arrival of Best Girl Neo and team RWBY. Meanwhile ruby has seen Wiess keep it together following atlas (and is now very jealous). The Bees go Buzz Buzz, and get that relationship going
(side note, even though Yang wasn't talking about Ruby in that shack with Jaune, turns out Jaune was dead wrong, Ruby’s has gone and snapped at least for now)
also affecting her, the blacksmith did… that, and she gave away her last link to Summer. And now Jaune has turned out to be nuts and Neo/Walker has brought it all down on her. The Paper Pleasers flood the town, causing jaune to break and ruby starts the scene. All in Perfect Order, good job CRWBY.
Now Lets turn to our most trusted source of foreshadowing in all of RWBY:
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Lets turn to our second most trusted source for foreshadowing in all of RWBY:
The songs!
There's a point where it tips
There's a point where it breaks
There's a point where it bends
And a point we just can't take
There's a line that we'll cross
And there's no return
There's a time and a place
No bridges left to burn
Yeah that's right, it was here the whole time, the shot of the Bridge in paper town getting absorbed by the water is the fulfillment of the bridge line if you needed more proof that that's what this is talking about.
(side note: yeah the song is about more than just this little ptsd moment i know) 
So tree’s back on the table and with 3 eps left i reckon it’s gonna be like a V8 and dump us out in some strange ass place, vacuo or back in V3 (see time travel theory about a return to beacon and then have a volume getting back in time to everyone else, thus allowing for Ozpin's death to be seen as CRWBY have said they will do) and the finding of purposes is what de-ages Jaune.
Going back to how Ruby and Jaune are learning how Oz and Ironwood felt, i can now say i feel that a reversal of “ironwood is bad because we said so” i had been on the fence as to if CRWBY had a plan with his downfall or if it was bad writing but i can say now i lean to a larger plan. Team RWBY finding out that actually they weren't as bad as they think, that morals are not as black and white as those heroes in the books. 
Anyhow thoughts?
What are your ideas for the finale and what da tree doing in your opinion?
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queernuck · 3 years
The Cleveland Browns made the playoffs. The Islanders made the Eastern Conference Finals.
And that’s enough for me.
So long, so long I have been living like this, pretending that I want to keep on living, that life feels worthwhile, that I don’t want to kill myself. Suicide is for cowards but ive been chickening out for a whole decade, to the point where getting on the subway was itself something that involved convincing myself not to jump in front of it. I remember once while working in the city, I watched and waited as two trains came in and left, trying to get the energy to jump in front of them. I had decided, if I couldn’t do it by the time a second train came and went, I would go to work and save it for another day. I came very close, my legs tense like a linebacker on 4th & Goal, but I didn’t do it. Maybe it would be better if I had, I would have saved not only myself but a lot of other people a lot of pain and suffering. I’ve been dealing with feeling suicidal for a decade, an entire ten years, and made it through. And for what? I lost a retail job at minimum wage, I’ve seen the Giants go from two-time Super Bowl kingslayers to a team that relied on the Eagles for a playoff berth, I got to see Evangelion only for the final Rebuild film to be infinitely delayed, I have a useless non-degree that allows me to eloquently describe how the Democrats and Republicans alike are driving this stolen land to Fascism while sycophants tell me Vote Blue No Matter Who. I’m so tired, I’m not even the person people think me to be, since if I were, I wouldn’t be in this mess.
My paychecks, as hard-earned as they were, never seemed to be mine in any real sense, and it made me so frustrated that something in me broke at the beginning of this year. I made some mistakes, some very stupid ones, and got myself fired. I took money from and distorted the inventory of my store to get what amounted to pocket money, less than two paychecks. I was tempted because I feel so powerless, so much like nothing I could ever say or do matters, and so I decided to lash out against a place that mattered to me, against people I cared about deeply. Chain stores, corporations, all of those things are not really high on my list of things to care about. Barnes & Noble pushed out local booksellers years ago, an irony not lost on me whenever our own competition with Amazon was made apparent. We were reaping what we had sown. But what always interested on top of this irony was how symbolic these things could be to people, how much we figured into so may memories for so many. The Manga Aisle at Barnes & Noble is a staple of 2006 scene culture, a way that kids without the pocket money to afford the newest volume of Bleach it Naruto could keep up before scams became widely available. How the store was a place where people studying for standardized tests could use the test prep guides to try and get ready for the eugenic ritual of the standardized test. And just how much a chain bookstore became a substitute, socially, for the now-absent local bookstore. We bear the guilt for that, but at the same time we were still selling books, giving people a place to get coffee and sit and read and talk, in ways that libraries may not be able to. We certainly can never replace a library, given just what a library does for people. But we did do a lot of good all the same. Before it closed, some of my fondest memories came when I was the exact sort of annoying teenage customer I grew to hate, hanging out at the Columbus Circle Borders. Working at Barnes & Noble was tiring, dehumanizing, difficult, made me feel like I would never measure up to the authors we sold, the people books were written about, that I was a failure. And I am, as my death shows. But it also made me a part of something I was proud of. And that Above & Beyond pin I earned is in my jacket still, a reminder of something.
That something was shown in so many of the coworkers I had, who were incredible in so many ways. I feel awful for what I did, I genuinely do, because of how it may have hurt people who thought so kindly of me, people who deserve so much good. I wish I had the ability to address each of them individually but this decision was hastily made, and i have a feeling it will show in the things I miss in this note. Audra, your help in finding me a way to use the company policies to my advantage as a worker was something that gave me faith even after having seen the despicable firings and cuts the company went through. Linda, I can’t quite square the circle here given my actions, but I want to say your disappointment broke my heart and that while I will not be the one who shows it, your reassurance that everyone makes mistakes was welcome.
To my (former) fellow booksellers at Store 2216, all of my love and my sincerest apologies. You all have so much good in you, your willingness to listen to my ADHD-fueled rants and to discuss so many things with an incredible frankness was always impressive, in addition to part of what I loved about all of you. I want you all to be happy, and the kinship I felt with you was a vital part of what kept me going. It was tough, as you all know. But at times, it almost felt worth it.
The same is true of my CTY friends: it was a weird, magical place that frankly, a lot of us idealized for far too long and which sk many of us eventually outgrew without being able to let go of. And that was tough, that was something we had a great deal of difficulty understanding, that what helped us once was not always going to be helping us, was not always what we needed. But in eventually finding that, we found solace, we realized how life as a whole functions and just what it is that we can take from places like it.
To my other family, my Cleo family, I know I haven’t been terribly active lately, but I can never, ever thank you enough for the belonging you gave me. I have never felt anywhere as welcoming as Cleo. As warm as Cleo (even as we struggled to pay for the oil bill) was. As kind and understanding. As tolerant. As questioning and inquisitive into what that tolerance meant to us. I am thankful, eternally, for what you all did for me. The incredible experiences I had as a Cleo make me proud of what the organization can represent, and one of my dying wishes is that the organization continues to reach out to marginalized communities on Trinity’s campus. There is much work to be done in making sure abusers cannot hide in our family, but I trust you all to do that work. Tucker Carlson is a Trinity grad and we must embody the opposite of what he stands for, no matter how difficult it may be. I could go on about how this means opposing liberals and Liberalism/Neo—Liberalism due to the truth of tolerance resulting in a Popper-esque Paradox of Tolerance that implies Popper is a worthwhile philosopher, but that’s another issue.
To my friends on that Blue Hellsite, tumblr, you made a continual presence worth it, even with all of the bullshit this place brings. It’s the reason I read so much Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Guattari, read Žižek against himself, and so on and so on, and the value of that to me can never be overstated. I learned so much from the ways in which I learned to analyze the world, and that in turn became a huge inspiration for why I should try to do what I could to make the world closer to a place of revolution, one where we could perhaps eke out a living for one another. I loved how much I could be an unrepentant nerd and still love hockey on there, and while the
NHL fans on tumblr are incredibly annoying,
I can deal with that compared to the racism of most hockey fans.
Mom, Dad? I just couldn’t live with you any longer. I’m so sorry.
Grandma, I love you.
And the things I leave behind? Donate what can be donated. Hats, please auction, or at least offer to other HatHeads at a reasonable price. I had some nice ones. As for assorted albums, clothing, and other things, sell them and donate to a Harm Reduction organization, or organizations that advocate for PWUD in a radical fashion. WE DESERVE AUTONOMY!
I am a victim of the War on Drugs. Sobriety was always hellish to me, and I could never take it. I want people to be able to live how they want, to see sobriety and being on drugs as equally valuable states, to see the two as no different from one another.
Abolish all gun laws
End the War on Terror
Decriminalize and legalize all drugs, sobriety is what killed me.
I love all of you.
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91percentpynch · 3 years
non-binary adam parrish delivered by me, a genderqueer person
adam parrish always knew that they were different. not in the sense that they were poor and their best friends were from the richest families in west virginia. not in the sense that they grew up in a trailer park and thought for most of their yet so young life that they were unable to be known, to be loved, to be wanted.
no in the sense that they always felt like they didn’t fit in any kind of boxes. they weren’t rich enough to in in aglionby, they were too different to properly fit in their crying club. they just felt like nothing fit them.
they always thought they were a guy, using he/him pronouns because that’s how it is done. that’s how it always was, there are no other options really. and for the longest time they also didn’t really care. what do pronouns matter? they never really had anything that was theirs they never had friends that referred to them, they never had anything worth having an identity crisis over
until they did. until they found gansey and blue and noah and henry and nost importantly ronan
ronan lynch, from the moment they kissed for the first time adam knew this was a forever kind of thing
ronan lynch who’s all tough outside and sharp edges and loves so deeply and fully
ronan lynch who gave them something worth an identity crisis
the Havard Gender Crisis as adam called it affectionately started when they had to take a gender studies class for their major
it’s the first time they heard the term non-binary, the feeling of not fitting that felt so familiar to them
adam - the nerd they are - spent hours upon hours researching being non-binary and with each passing moment he felt the weight in his chest becoming lighter and lighter until they figured this is it, this is the box they finally fit in
on their research adam also learned that what is between your legs has nothing to do with your gender identity
they learned that people all over the internet put their pronouns in their bio to show support to the trans community
pronouns were a funny thing because you can use whatever makes you feel the most comfortable
they also found neo pronouns
at first they sticked with he/ him because it felt comfortable, it was a habit, it was what always been there
and maybe that was also the problem, it was always there. beaten into them.
that got them thinking and so they tried they/ them pronouns. because it felt natural, it felt like coming home, it felt like ronan’s embrace safe and sound
and that’s what they sticked with for now, maybe they’ll change them maybe not
but with the comfort came also anxiety. what if ronan would break up with them? technically they weren’t a guy anymore, even if being referred as one didn’t bother them too much
and that’s how they ended up calling ronan at 2 am, because all the inportant things, all the beautiful and terrible and good and horrible things happen at 2 am
ronan: parrish what the fuck is up with you?
adam: do you ever feel like you’re not a guy?
ronan: well i certainly am not a chick
adam: can you take this fucking serious you asshole
ronan: fuck parrish what’s up there in your pretty head?
adam: i’m non-binary. that means i’m neither a guy nor a girl, i’m simply a person.
ronan: what are your pronouns?
adam: they/them. will you break up with me now?
ronan: adam, why the fuck would i want to break up with you? seriously, entertain me
adam: cause you’re into guys and i’m not one
ronan: see that’s where you’re wrong, while i may be sexually attracted to male bodies i’m not into men. i’m into you. it’s called demiromantic and i chose you. every single day of my life i will be choosing you. no matter what your pronouns are, no matter what’s between your legs, i will always choose you. now tell me about being non-binary, i wanna know what’s going on inside your head and i wanna understand every single little thing about you
for none of the two of them sleep seemed like an option anymore. adam told ronan everything about the binary and not fitting in there and ronan listened, asked questions here and there
the next time adam came back to the barns for spring break they looked happier than ronan has ever seen them
ronan: there they are, the love of my life, the light of my existence
somehow ronan made that sound endearing and sarcastic at the same time
ronan: i thought about what you told me and i did my own research on pronouns and i think i wanna try he/ they for a while
i love you so fucking much was the only thing adam had to offer
adam starts wearing dresses and skirts blue makes them
they wear nail polish, one of their fingers always has glitter on them for noah
they have a little pin with their pronouns next to the nb pride flag and the bi pride flag
when they came out to the gangsey they learned that blue and henry were nb as well
ronan identifies as genderqueer and goes by any pronouns expect of she/her cuz he doesn’t vibe with it
adam gets a degree in history and gender studies as well as his other degree (i’m thinking law or medicine) and writes thesis about gender identities and sexualities throughout history
adam lets their hair grow between shoulder and chin length and lets blue braid their hair
ronan refers to adam as the love of his life or joyfriend rather than boyfriend
just adam parrish being happy and in love
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lenskij · 3 years
The StoryGraph's Translation Challenge 2021 - a reflection
Today I just finished this 10 prompt reading challenge! I had so much fun doing it, especially since I’ve for years wanted to expand my reading beyond the same old and familiar I’ve been reading until now, but I didn’t come around to actually do it until I came across The StoryGraph's Translation Challenge 2021.
The rules are: pick a book for each prompt that has been translated from a language that isn’t English. For myself, I added another rule - it can’t be translated from any language I speak, either. I also wanted to find an individual book for each prompt - if there was a book that would fit in two prompts, I counted it for only one of them and chose another for the other.
I wanted to share my little translation journey with everyone here, hence this post. The prompts, what book I chose for each, and my thoughts on them are below the cut!
Also: I’m always on the lookout for non-English books! Bonus points if they’re from outside of Europe ^w^ Hit me up with your recommendations!
1. A translated fantasy or sci-fi novel
Stanisław Lem: Солярис (Solaris) Translated from Polish to Russian by Д. Брускин
This book has been living on my sister’s bookshelf for years, and while I was visiting her I read it. It didn’t impress me in any way, it felt like any regular old sci-fi, although a bit creepy (and just a lil dash of sexism).
2. A book written by a Black woman in translation
Marie NDiaye: La Cheffe (La Cheffe) Translated from French to Swedish by Maria Björkman
This is a lovely novel, even if it focused on French food - and the detailed descriptions reminded me that French food is overrated. I loved the character la Cheffe, it was highly enjoyable to read about her relationship to people and her profession, and the narrator had sweet heart eyes that shined through the text.
3. A translated book originally published before 1950
Choderlos de Laclos: Farliga förbindelser (Les Liaisons dangereuses) Translated from French to Swedish by Arvid Enckell.
This prompt was the easiest to fulfill, and I had several choices for it. I've spoken about this book elsewhere on this here blog - it's morbidly fascinating to read about terrible, terrible people.
4. A translated non-fiction book
Romaric Godin: Klasskriget i Frankrike (La guerre sociale en France) Translated from French to Swedish by Johan Wollin
For this prompt, I went to a local bookstore and asked the seller for help. She had to dig around for a while before she found something that wasn't originally written in English - like she pointed out, most academics choose to write in English, even if they're not native speakers.
I picked this one because I've seen snapshots of the yellow wests in the news, but I know barely any of the context. Although the book is short, it's a pretty detailed overview of recent French economic history, with an emphasis on explaining why and how French neo-liberalism ended up looking like it is today (and why French neo-liberalism is different from the neo-liberalism in the rest od Europe). This tickled my inner economics nerd.
5. A translated novel 500 pages or longer
Isabel Allende: Andarnas hus (La Casa de los Espíritus) Translated from Spanish to Swedish by Lena Anér Melin
Another book that has been sitting on my sister's shelf! I absolutely loved it - a family saga, in a time of social change. Look, my favourite part about any book is when the characters feel like humans, even if they're not relatable, I can still understand them.
6. A book translated from Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish or Icelandic
Vigdis Hjorth: Arv och miljö (Arv og miljø) Translated from Norwegian to Swedish by Ninni Holmqvist
In my case, it meant a book translated from either Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic (I do have to pepper in the fact that I'm a polyglot, after all). It's my sister who recommended it to me, and she was right when she said this was good! I loved the three separate timelines, the prose, and the family drama.
7. A translated book by a South American author
María Sonia Cristoff: Håll mig utanför (Inclúyanme afuera) Mariana Enríquez: Det vi förlorade i elden (Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego)Translated from Spanish to Swedish by Hanna Axén
What? Two books?? Yes, when I searched the library catalogue it spit out these two - because they have the same translator - and since they both seemed interesting I checked both of them out.
Unfortunately, these are the two books of this challenge that I liked the least. The first one didn't have a premise that worked with me - the main character chose to listen more than she spoke for a year as an experiment, and as an introvert, to whom this is how I've always lived my life, it was hard for me to understand what the big deal was.
The second was just my personal taste - these short stories had bloody ghosts, and ended abruptly without quite resolving the story - that creepiness just doesn't vibe with me.
8. A translated book by a Chinese author
Eileen Chang: Ett halvt liv av kärlek (Banshengyuan) Translated from Chinese to Swedish by Anna Gustafsson Chen
After quite a slow start I suddenly was drawn into this book. It's such a lovely read on when life doesn't always work out the way you want, and you still do your best to be happy. It felt very real, without being a 'happily ever after', or it's opposite of endless tears - that sweet middle ground spot.
9. A book translated from Arabic
Rajaa Alsanea: Flickorna från Riyadh (Banāt al-Riyāḍ) Translated from Arabic to Swedish by Tetz Rooke
I found this when messing around with the "similar books"-algorithm on Storygraph (I've just finished Unmarriageable, and liked it a so much I wanted to find something similar). When this one popped out I noticed the Arabic author name, and checked it out from the library. I've actually never read any book set in the Middle East, and I loved seeing a glimpse of life there (naturally, this isn't a comprehensive illustration - the main characters were all from well-off families). The most interesting thing was how the characters adjusted their behaviour as they travelled between Europe and Saudi Arabia - the social rules are different depending on where you are (and if you meet a fellow Saudi in London, your day is ruined - because suddenly you have to behave in accordance to Saudi rules).
10. A book translated from a language spoken in India
Vivek Shanbhag: Ghachar ghochar (Ghāchar ghōchar) Translated from Kannada to English by Srinath Perur; translated to Swedish by Peter Samuelsson
At first I was cranky about that this is a translation of a translation - but in the acknowledgements I read that it was the author's request that the book is to be translated from English. I assume it's because the English translator already has made the inevitable tradeoffs between language and form, which the author approved, and so the Swedish translator wouldn't have to make the decisions all over again.
This was a short book, just over a hundred pages. It barely had any plot, but it didn't need any - the description of the family members' relationship to each other was juicy enough.
In conclusion
This challenge was a great opportunity for me to also try genres I never would have tried otherwise - I was limited to what my library had, and especially for the smaller languages, it's a limited choice. I've been talking about this translation challenge to everyone I know because I've had so much fun! And the best part is - it's only ten prompts. That means I wouldn't need to scram to finish it in time, even while also reading the regular same old books I do still want to read. While I'm waiting for the 2022 challenge, I'll be doing another round for these prompts - I've already checked out a short story collection originally written in Tamil, and a nonfiction about Syrian resistance originally written in Arabic :)
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Neo: The World Ends With You - Thoughts So Far
I’m on Day 6 of Week 1 and I want to compile my thoughts so far — not in a formal post, but at least all in one place, especially since I feel that jotting down what I think / feel as I go through will help me write my review when I’m done. Spoilers under the cut, obviously — and while it should go without saying, do NOT comment on this post with spoilers from later in the game, so help me. Even if I pose a question that gets answered later on — hell, especially if I do — don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. I will find out in my own time.
With that said . . .
So obviously, I’m really enjoying it so far. You can tell that the writers / devs haven’t lost their touch despite it being thirteen years since the first game was made. You can also tell that a lot of love went into this; this isn’t something they churned out just to make money (if they thought this was a moneymaker we wouldn’t have had to wait 13 freaking years for the sequel), but rather something they really, really wanted to make. Not a total passion project, because those aren’t allowed in the world of capitalism, but there is still a lot of love there. 
That said, more specific thoughts:
THE MUSIC. It doesn’t really come as a surprise given that TWEWY’s soundtrack was phenomenal, but god, they brought it right back for this game. The remixes (“Someday”, “Three Minutes Clapping”, “Transformation”, “The One Star” etc) are all excellent, but the new tracks are phenomenal too. Tbh I’m not sure how any of the Players get any fighting done when the music makes you want to just bust a move right there in the scramble. It’s so good.
Most of the characters are great too. Of the Wicked Twisters, I think Fret is my favorite; he is pure of heart, dumb of ass, and I love that for him. I do like Rindo too, of course, and his habit of overthinking everything (since Fret has zero brain cells, Rindo has to make up for it), but him being standoffish / socially anxious and snarky makes him feel a bit like a toned down Neku, so he doesn’t catch my interest quite as much. And while I do like Nagi, the way she speaks in like . . . medieval-esque language is a bit off-putting. In particular it’s weird that Rindo didn’t tell her to knock it off with the “Lord Rindo” stuff since using such an honorific would be considered awkward / embarrassing in Japanese. I guess he’s just too socially anxious / awkward to tell her to stop, but it’s still a bit distracting.  Other than that, I’m really not a fan of Kubo (one of the Reapers) or . . . Susukichi, I think his name is? The leader of the Ruinbringers. I find them both to be pretty annoying, haha. But I love Shoka, as well as Kanon, and Motoi is a good bean, too. As for the Deep River Society . . . those nerds have issues lmao. Especially their leader. Although I can’t fault him for breaking down sobbing when he realizes that he now stands a very good chance of getting erased, which reminds me . . .
HOW ARE WE ON DAY SIX AND THE WICKED TWISTERS STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BEING ERASED IS?? We have kind of an inverse situation where where Neku knew right away that he would get erased if he failed the missions / didn’t win the Game, but didn’t find out until later that he was dead. Here, the Wicked Twisters learn that they’re dead fairly quickly (and Fret has some realistic denial going on about it at first, though he gets over it pretty quickly), but they’re still completely in the dark about the fact that their souls will get wiped from existence if they lose despite erasure being mentioned at least a handful of times. Like I guess it was never spelled out for them, but especially as someone who played the first game about a million times, it’s a bit maddening to see them be like, “Why is he crying like his life is on the line? lol whatevs no big deal la di da!” Since the Wicked Twisters aren’t aware of the stakes, a new player wouldn’t be either, and so it rather tones down the urgency that was felt in the original game where everyone was very much aware that they were fighting for their right to exist.
Since I brought up Motoi, I want to say that I just played past the part where he reveals that he was An0ther, who is apparently Rindo’s favorite blogger / poet. I feel like this is meant to be similar to how Hanekoma was CAT, Neku’s favorite artist, but it doesn’t carry the same impact because a.) as far as we know An0ther didn’t have anything to do with how Rindo died; b.) we haven’t seen Rindo bring An0ther or his poetry up that much, much less have anything An0ther said be his entire life’s mantra; c.) we haven’t gotten to know Motoi that well either. Like we met him once before this revelation. That said I’m not sure it was supposed to have the same impact as the Hanekoma = CAT reveal, but if it was then it did fall short. (Also I saw it coming the second Motoi quoted An0ther lmao.)
Speaking of Hanekoma, WHERE IS MY MANS??? I know he has to show up at some point because if I’m not mistaken we saw him in the trailers. And if I am mistaken then he still has to show up at some point because he played a central role in the “A New Day” epilogue chapter of Final Remix, what with Coco being unable to control him and him knowing what was going on, plus he was testing Neku for something in “Another Day” and that has to be whatever is going on in this game. I’m sure he’ll come in for some big reveal later, but like, we have a new street artist in this game (MKN) with no mention of CAT as of yet, and I’m just like . . . where is he. Where is my mans. What is he doing. Bring him to me.
That said, we already got to see my #2 mans (Kariya♥) so I am happy about that at least. 
Back to my mans for a hot second: I actually erased my demo save data and started fresh to remind myself of everything when I got the game, and idk if it was in the demo or not, but regardless—at the end of the demo portion there’s this shot of the sky and then this nameless voice is like, “It’s finally starting. I hope you wake up soon. I don’t want you to miss all the action.” My current guess is that the speaker was Hanekoma, speaking to Joshua. Joshua being “asleep” would explain why the Game is as screwed up as it is right now, what with it having been going on for a year and people able to choose to play again and again and again while the rest of the Players—who tbh should also be counted as winners if they survive the week!—are trapped in limbo.
Because that’s the thing: I know that it was partially a lie to cover for the fact that Joshua’s game with Megumi was set to last three weeks, but at the end of the third week Megumi told Neku that a new rule was being put in place that wouldn’t allow repeats of the Game anymore. But even setting that aside, in the original Shibuya UG rules, anyone who survived the Game could get a wish at the end, whether that was to be brought back to life or made into a Reaper. This is why at the end of Week 1, the three winners were Neku, Shiki, and Beat. However, here the Ruinbringers are able to keep everyone trapped and they have been trapped for at least a year, given what Motoi said. It’s completely different rules and I’m sure that this has something to do with the fact that the majority of the Reapers we’ve seen so far are from Shinjuku (at least going by the spoilery trailer, and iirc it was confirmed in “A New Day” that Coco was from Shinjuku actually, but it’s been a while so I could be wrong about that).
Speaking of, has anyone noticed that the possibly-Shinjuku Reapers don’t have wings? No?
ALSO speaking of Coco, at least tangentially: Coco was the one who revived Minamimoto at the end of “A New Day”. However, he’s definitely not how I would have expected. Like despite Coco using the Taboo Noise sigil to bring him back, he’s clearly not in his Taboo form. He’s using psychs as a Player would, rather than a Reaper. And while it’s clear he’s up to some form of nonsense, it’s unclear exactly what form of nonsense he’s up to. I know that he’s here for fanservice and that him looking like Nagi’s bias from Elegant Strategy is a tongue-in-cheek nod to that, but I have too much faith in this series to think that’s all this is. I’m wondering if being revived for a second time fixed whatever screws were loose in his head before? Or if he was revived as a human Player by like, Joshua or something? (Although why Joshua would do that I have no idea. Maybe Hanekoma instead?) Hmmm . . .
Small aside, but we all know that Nagi has put herself into hundreds of thousands of yen in debt for Tomonami merch lolol RIP Nagi. (I’m also interpreting that she’s not actually older than Rindo or Fret, but she just skipped a bunch of grades. Like I feel like this might have been lost in translation a bit, and that she’s a senpai to them because she’s in uni but she’s not actually older than them. I could be wrong but that’s how I’m interpreting it right now. She just doesn’t look or act older than them.)
Oh another minor annoyance, but whether it’s due to the partial 3D environment or something else, I’m SO ANNOYED that some of the streets aren’t connecting as they should now. Like, how going in the direction of Molco spits you out at Spain Hill or 104 or whatever? I don’t remember exactly what area it was, but it wasn’t Molco!! I’m sure if I hadn’t played the original a million times like a loser this wouldn’t be such a big deal to me, but I have and it is lmao. Also, they’ve had the Shibuya Underpass / Cat Street blocked off this whole time and I’m like :( let me go to Cat Street :( let me see my mans
I’m relieved that Ken Doi is still making delicious food and I look forward to his ramen curry fusion. I was really upset about RamenDon being gone at first but as long as Ken Doi is still around I am happy.
My dinner just arrived so this is all I have to say for now, but I will update more as I play more. I love this game and I’m so happy to be back in Shibuya, even if the characters pronounce it wrong sometimes (saying “ShiBOOya” like pls . . . you are supposed to be Japanese . . . get it right . . .)
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natsumebookss · 3 years
Io Asteria Voice Lines
Next up's Io, the last member of my main three Nebula girls! Let me know if you want to see lines for the others! (I can't promise all nine for fear of clogging this blog with Nebula content, but Stelle and Phea are definitely priority ones.). Enjoy!
Self-Introduction 1: The name's Io Asteria. I just came here for intel, so don't get too used to me. With any luck, I'll be outta here before you know it, so don't you dare give me a reason to miss this place, okay?
Self-Introduction 2: Hello, honored citizen. I am Io Asteria and I am most pleased to meet your--gyah, don't you dare walk in on me when I'm trying to practice my professional introductions! I swear I'll fucking kill you if this happens again!
(Note: Io is the daughter of the Manufacturer and one of Olympia's three current presidents. Since the Manufacturer kidnapped her and faked her death when she was very young, she wasn't really raised in a presidential household and...it shows. Hence why she works on looking more "polished" to the public now that they know she's alive.)
Personal Story
Story Chapter End 1: The Firebrands...they've gotta be the best path to my revenge, right?
Story Chapter End 2: If I'm a mad princess who kills for what she wants...what stopped me from killing her?
(Note: Io did not take the Actress revelation well at all and it was frankly a miracle she didn't Witch out then and there. She did, however, mercilessly attack the Manufacturer, and since he's her father and people didn't know the full story, the Actresses at Star Corporations assume she's some kind of madwoman. She starts to assume this herself until another magical girl, Xing, confronts her for trying to join the Firebrands. Xing asks Io if she can really kill her, since she's one of the Firebrands' biggest enemies. Io doesn't, which makes her question if she really is who the rumors make her out to be.)
Story Chapter End 3: Valvi-nee's the only family I've got now, so I've gotta fight for us to stay together!
Story Select 1: How the hell can I not hate my father? He started all this!
Story Select 2: I'll do whatever it takes to get back to them.
Story Select 3: If it's for the ones I love, I don't care what I've gotta do!
Story Select 4: I'm sorry, Xing. I guess I can't be a Firebrand after all.
Story Select 5: Is it normal to hate someone enough to try to kill them?
Story Select 6: Your gang captured my friend, so you ain't getting off that easy!
Strengthening Complete: My lasers are all fired up and ready for action!
Strengthening Max: I'm so strong now, I could vaporize a Firebrand just for lookin' at me! Relax, I'm kidding!
Episode Level Up: I'm Nebula through and through, past alliances be damned!
Magia Level Up: If only my father could see how strong I am now. I bet I could almost convince him to put a stop to all this with enough magic.
Magical Release 1: I'll never stop bein' amazed at how generous Valvi-nee is. She should hate me after everything my family's done to hers.
Magical Release 2: Back when I was out on the streets homeless, she took care of me. Even once she found out I was a dirty Tsukimura...
Magical Release 3: God knows I couldn't forgive like that. That's why she deserves a happy life more than any of us. Certainly more than me.
Awaken 1: This is where the Manufacturer came from. These magical girls inspired him to make us. That's why I gotta fight for them!
Home Screen
Login (first login): The Actress name my father gave me was "Altesse," or "highness" to you. I ditched it and became Chevalier as soon as I found out I didn't wanna be the one being saved. I might not be a kind knight, but I'll protect ya all the same.
Login (morning): School is so pointless when you're an Actress like me. I mean, what're they gonna do, make me write 2000 words on the horrors of war when I was made to be part of all that? Valvi-nee'll kill me if I skip, though.
Login (noon): Why aren't I sitting with anyone? All the rich girls at Mizuna are way outta my wheelhouse 'cause I was raised to be a warrior instead of an heiress. Maybe I should try some of the regular gals who tested in instead.
Login (evening): Wait, is that actually a video store over there? I should probably be getting back, but I gotta check it out. These things all closed by the time I escaped Star Corporations, and 'sides, I still haven't decided what movie I'm gonna watch tonight.
Login (night): Hey, you goin' to the midnight premiere of that horror movie in a few hours? I swear, the franchise is so bad, but I've always gotta be the first to see them. Even a student director like me could do better than that!
Login (other): Leo-nii volunteers at a hospital and was born with healing magic, so he helps us out a lot on cases. I get that both presidential kids couldn't up and leave the country, but I miss him so much already.
Login (AP full): I might be neutral, but I ain't sitting out when it comes to Actress work. Stelle and Valvi-nee need all the Soul Gems they can get, and I like takin' out Witches anyway. Anything to keep me from going at some of the shady magical girls in town.
NOTE: Io really, really hates Promised Blood and Neo-Magius due to the former's status as a Firebrand-like magical girl gang and the latter's association with the Wings of the Magius (whose brainwashing techniques she opposes most of all since her friend Stelle was brainwashed for many years). Of the Nebula members, Io has come the closest to breaching the neutrality contract, since her and Juri being in the same room together practically guarantees that a fight will break out between them.
Login (BP full): Can the Mirror Witch really make copies of anything? Even your past selves? 'Cause when I think about the girl I was back then and how I believed all my father's lies, I just wanna throttle her! Maybe I'll finally get the chance!
Tap 1: There's that cheesecake shop they were talking about... Valvi-nee wanted caramel and Koto wanted mint. I told Koto I didn't want anything to do with that nasty stuff, but whatever. I'm feeling nice today.
Tap 2: People always tell me I get mad real easy, but that ain't the case. Just don't hurt my friends or call me by my father's name, and you're good. Can't say what'll happen to you if you call me Io Tsukimura, though.
Tap 3: Surprised to see me in a Mizuna uniform? I pulled some strings to get in. Mizuna can brag about havin' a president's daughter, and they'll write me one hell of a reference letter for film school. I ain't proud of it, but that's how it's done, y'know?
Tap 4: Mom and Leo-nii just found out about me a few months ago, and it's already leaked all over. The lost First Daughter, alive all this time and all that. Don't get me wrong, having them back is awesome but...I'm just glad the paparazzi aren't breathing down my neck here.
Tap 5: Every rebel leader from the movies gotta have a bruiser to back him up, and I don't mind playing that role. If it's what I have to do to keep Valka and Omega out of trouble, then consider it done.
Tap 6: My wings retract when I'm not in Actress form, so looking human is super annoying. I wanna stretch them out all the time, but all the "out" Actresses at my old school went Firebrand. They kept pestering me so damn much that I just go to school like this now.
Tap 7: "You're a light Actress like her. If you killed the Valkaine Project, you'd be at the top of the food chain." That was the last thing that Firebrand said to me before she hit the pavement. Just hearing that made my blood boil so hard, the other Nebula girls had to tear me off her.
Tap 8: Tsukuyo and I hang out sometimes. I never thought I'd find someone in Kamihama who went through the same stuff as me, so it's nice getting tips from her on the whole estranged twin thing. I'm still gonna make sure she loosens up a ton by the time I leave, though!
NOTE: I have a whole semi-event planned in my head where Io finds out about Tsukuyo's secret and asks her for advice. She kinda intimidates Tsukuyo a bit at first (a callback to her interrogation in the Endless Solitude arc), but they eventually become odd friends. The rest of the event consists of Io taking Tsukuyo out of her comfort zone, trying to get her to rebel more, etcetera. I also feel like she'd be good friends with Kyoko.
Tap 9: I--I can't go over there...there are too many people. You have to get me out of here! *clears throat and attempts to return to her normal personality*. You gotta understand, I don't do crowds. Back at Star Corporations, I was a special experiment kept under complete isolation and...God, you gotta get me outta here right now!
Battle Start: Oh, they're askin' for it now! C'mon!
Battle Victory 1: Ha! They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't even stop to think if they should!
NOTE: Yes, this is meant to be a Jurassic Park reference. Io is that much of a movie nerd, and fully intends on screaming the actual quote at her father the minute they meet again.
Battle Victory 2: All right, everyone's safe! Now I just gotta make sure the enemy's completely withdrawn.
Battle Victory 3: If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Doppel: We're finally together, Mom.
Dying: You'll never win in the end!
NOTE: I spent a long time trying to phrase this before remembering the She-Ra theme and figuring a negative version of it would flow best.
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timedriving · 4 years
rip/ donna
send me a ship and i’ll tell you… ( accepting )
who hogs the duvet i think it’s a fair bit of struggling that eventually ends in donna’s favour because... rip can’t win even if he tries. LMAO. he gives up after waking up for the third time that evening but donna looks so comfy he’s like... all right. this is fine. i’m content with this
who texts/rings to check how their day is going rip does check-ins more often, but donna’s more likely to text when she’s got something on her mind, random or otherwise. rip doesn’t really understand the concept of “random texting when you’re bored” and doesn’t want to suffocate her or anything
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts donna is better at intentional gifts, and rip does things that don’t SEEM like gifts to him, but totally are. an explanation of the latter is something along the lines of “rip taking donna on a surprise trip to go camping in arizona where they can look up at the stars and map out constellations together and also he made food and ALSO he’s got proper camping gear and he’s been thinking about this for weeks... what do you mean this is a date?”
who gets up first in the morning donna is probably one of the few people in the world who can wake up at the same hour as rip and not feel tired or grouchy at the godawful hour. this means rip gets to draw her in cotton candy sunrises and donna gets to show him the world she lives in before it all properly wakes up, and it makes the whole thing kind of ridiculously magic also, neither of them have to wait for the other to have breakfast together.
who suggests new things in bed donna! it’s not that rip’s not as enthusiastic, but more that physical intimacy in general is an adventure to him already. also, i imagine donna’s experience with society means that she gets a lot more inspiration for this sort of thing than rip would get at the vanishing point? the most kink he has is liking to blindfold his partners or bind them with simple ties. it’s donna who ends up suggesting her lasso, for one thing
who cries at movies do..nna...?? between the two of them her empathy’s developed a lot more than rip’s has. but his interactions with her and the films they end up watching together do help him build his own empathy! i like to think the first movie he properly cries at the end at is the matrix revolutions. i don’t know why i imagined them watching the matrix revolutions. anyway it astounds him to think neo could love machines so much he gives his life to save them just as he saves humanity (rip related more to the machines in this case, too.........)
who gives unprompted massages i keep answering donna for these things, but rip doesn’t really know that this is a thing! he’ll comes back from an assignment tense because it’d been a close call, and then she’ll kiss the back of his neck whilst he sits down and work his shoulders and rip kind of just melts under her touch (but, let’s be real, he melts around her all the time because he’s so smitten-- this is just his body finally matching up with his mind)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick i don’t think donna gets sick very often? and while she takes care of rip it’s not necessarily fussing either, but a bit more-- she knows what she’s doing, having come from a place where caring for each other is the common mantra, and he feels kind of ridiculous having someone be so tender and kind with him, but he really does feel like he’s cared for (a rare sensation overall)
who gets jealous easiest FINALLY i am answering rip. but rip’s got a big of possessive canine instinct going on, all fang-bearing and whatever if donna’s ever being threatened. he doesn’t care about playful flirting with, like, friends or anything, but strangers out in the open better WATCH OUT... not that rip’s the type to beat up strangers but. he’ll think about it. he’ll think about it hard until donna’s the one who shoots them down. and then seeing her shoot them down will make rip want to pull her aside and kiss her because he uh. he sucks
who has the most embarrassing taste in music rip doesn’t have a taste in music? but i can’t imagine donna’s to be EMBARRASSING to him... if anything he’ll be awed with whatever her music tastes are because. you listen to these things for pleasure? you enjoy them? i enjoy them because you enjoy them. these lyrics sure are something. it’s funny how i know what instruments are playing individually but i never thought they’d sound like this altogether the idea that donna introduces him to the music of the 90′s/00′s is really fucking sweet actually........... he only ever listened to music for stock knowledge, but it’d be wild to lie down with her and listen to something just for the sake of listening to music together
who collects something unusual rip isn’t allowed to own things at the vanishing point, so the fact he finds a home in donna means her room probably houses his postal stamp collection... and, okay, postal stamp collecting isn’t the SEXIEST hobby, but 1) it doesn’t take up much space; and 2) it’s rip’s gateway drug to collection/hoarding, anyway. she’s got the scrapbook he uses kept away in a drawer and sometimes rip makes his own stamps out of souvenirs he takes from his missions
who takes the longest to get ready donna, who really makes an effort! and rip with his minute attention to detail always notices when she has a new shade of eyeshadow or lipstick or something. he finds it genius how she can make her look change so much... on his own end, rip doesn’t know how to change his look. i figure in this stage of his life, he mostly defaults to shirts and jeans, so he’s pretty useless and basic. on the rare occasions that he wants to dress up nice for her, however, he will take forever... because he doesn’t know how to be handsome enough to deserve her, whyyyyyy
who is the most tidy and organised donna! but then, donna actually has stuff TO organise. rip, who owns nothing, wouldn’t have a clue if he did have something. all he knows is how to keep his living space at the vanishing point clean, but that’s like... the most basic of the basic things
who gets most excited about the holidays donna is really excited to share her traditions, and rip is excited to partake in them with her. he sheepishly tells her that he doesn’t have his own holidays; he doesn’t even know when his nameday is, so. (but she’ll insist they choose a date just so they can celebrate it, and he’s horrifically shy about it because... you want a day... just to celebrate him?)
who is the big spoon/little spoon OOOHHHH AN ANSWER WHERE I CAN SAY THEY’RE HAPPY BEING EITHER... rip has a bigger tendency to big spoon though because he likes the feeling of having his arms wrapped around her, but at this point in his life he’s not jaded or traumatised enough to be extremely touch averse, especially with the first love of his life i think donna has an innate sense of knowing when rip’s feeling especially drained and will tell him to lie down when she does, at which point she’ll come up behind him and hold him and rip will just sigh because donna thinks of everything... what a genius
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports oh god this is destructive shit. people get bored of watching them play ping-pong because it lasts FOREVER. and the thing is they’re both like, killer focused on it, so they’re not even hurling insults at each other or teasing or anything-- they’re both in it to win it and it’s a wonder donna hasn’t obliterated the ping-pong ball yet with her strength
who starts the most arguments i like to think that rip’s more likely to get angry about things, but not necessarily about them as a couple? it’s more like he’ll be more confrontational when they’re disrespected in public or something-- he’s got the temper of a leashed dog, again, and it’s not like his canines are weirdly pointed because he shouldn’t bite for all their youth i think they’re both old souls who know too well about understanding to start any stupid arguments. imagine having a healthy honest relationship wow
who suggests that they buy a pet i think rip mentions it kind of off-handedly and donna laughs like “why?” and rip’s reasoning is just, like, he’ll see other couples walk a dog together... maybe it’d be nice if they walked a dog together, too and it’s the softest thing on the planet, but they aren’t together enough to warrant owning a dog together, so they don’t end up getting one it’s nice to imagine, though
what couple traditions they have they seem the type to have a secret handshake from when they were still just friends? which was actually a secret handshake that adult!rip had taught kid!donna when they first met years ago, in a sort of time loop sort of thing because young adult!donna ends up teaching it to young adult!rip... you know, one of those “perfect circle” things. the only difference now is that the handshake ends with a kiss
what tv shows they watch together i think donna makes an effort to find shows that rip would find genuine interest in, since he so rarely has time to be around and she wants to make the most of it? but they have a nice mix of humour and romcom and action/adventure... she’ll discover that rip really, really likes westerns, too, and rip will be surprised that that’s a whole GENRE, holy shit?? where can they see MORE of that????? i want them to watch the nanny though.........
what other couple they hang out with god the thought of a dickkory + ripdonna double date is actually really cool to me? kori’ll take him flying and rip’s going to be like ACK and dick’s all jokingly like “you’re dating a serious nerd, donna” and she’s just. she knows. she knows... but he’s the sweetest man she’s ever met and yes, grayson, that means he’s sweeter than you! rip’s going to be just as good at darts as dick though and dick’s going to be like DUDE... FOR REAL?
how they spend time together as a couple it’s suuuuuper gross, but they! like! touching! and not even, like, dirty touching, but holding hands is pretty usual for them, and so is dropping kisses here and there, even if it’s not going to start anything. it’s a serious cliche puppy love sort of thing?? like rip will like keeping his arm around her, too, and donna will like having her head in his lap, and for indoor hobbies especially, they can do separate things (e.g. donna watching a movie and rip reading a book) but still be connected in this way if rip had his way he would be able to be around her all the time, too
who made the first move rip does, but it’s not like... outwardly flirtatious or anything (he’s useless!). he just, y’know, drops compliments here and there... looks a bit shy when he does it... and donna’s no idiot, she knows he likes her, and eventually grins and calls him out on it and rip’s like “I DON’T-- yeah okay i do want very much to take you out to dinner, can i?” and donna’s laughing at how sheepish he is and kissing him on the cheek like “yes, rip” and rip’s like “REALLY? i mean, erm-- outstanding! that’s outstanding, yeah”
who brings flowers home rip will come home from long assignments with gifts, ok! and sometimes those gifts include flowers. he studies flower language in his free time so he can do it properly for her, but i think with them real flowers aren’t so important... so rip will give origami bouquets
who is the best cook rip knows how to cook more things with expertise because of his job, but i think overall he prefers donna’s cooking. there’s something so kind and warm about eating food made by someone who cares for you... that being said, he likes to cook for her, too, and for all his gourmet knowledge he still just makes simple things, because i imagine donna the type to see the value of comfort food and for rip to have the same sentiments
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tikitm · 5 years
tiki being a music nerd for 13 minutes straight
uhhHh so oscar and ozpin’s theme are mixing more ?? i hear little bits and pieces of ozpin’s theme , then oscar’s in ‘trouble on the argus limited’
in the same track , ‘trouble on the argus limited’ , ozpin’s theme begins to play , but then takes a ,,, darker, more sinister sounding note instead of that higher , more hopeful note in his theme that he usually has
the main theme , rising can be heard when ruby is telling the plan in ‘trouble on the argus limited’ and it’s soft , but it’s there , which carries on the theme that they’re trusting ‘in the light’ and ‘rising like the moon’
the playful theme in ‘mistral central station’ that captures the character’s excitements ?? amazing
then it goes into dee and dudley’s theme that sound Annoying as Heck , and then it blends into qrow’s theme ?? beautiful stunning amazing bird dad
then you hear ozpin’s theme again , which slowly gets taken over by oscar’s theme again , and they they seem to blend together again , like they have been doing
the piano part of smile in ‘mistral central station’ gave me goosebumps !! ilia has come such a long way as a character and it makes me happy that she funny has a straight path she Wants to go on
and there it is - ‘like morning follows night’ - a perfect , slow , version of it that really enraptures sun’s ,,, softness for blake and how he came to support her and after all , he did support her and help her and that makes me soo happy
but then it trails off into a lighter tune when the camera pans to yang and her friends and hhhHhh im soft
wow then it takes a dramatic tone shift to a dark and sinister theme for ‘spider’s web’ because cinder is starting to get into some Shady Shit™️ because she’s desperate for any kind of information on anyone
and then it pans right into that cue music that neo is Right There™️ , ready to attack , and then it goes into softer , more sinister and mischievous music that shows that wow they’re actually up to something , and it’s going to be big and bad and it’s going to put someone to shame
all things must die slowly transitions into one thing and that makes me happy because it’s their two themes blending into one another , showing that they’re working together - but the sinister undertones show that they don’t fully trust each other and there Are secrets and undertones being kept
‘say her name’ starts out soft and slow and relaxing , but then gets more mysterious and faster as it goes , showing the severity of the situation
ozpin is being really shady and not that trustful right now , and oscar’s trying to Fight It to give them the information they need and stuff , which shows through the undertones of his theme playing throughout the track , then his theme slowly taking over , showing that he is fighting against ozpin’s control - he wants to be his own person , which is way it’s even more upsetting when qrow says that he isn’t
and then the music picks up and up and up faster and faster and louder and louder , showing ruby’s decision to say jinn’s name -
and then it goes silent. it stops
and whOOsh jinn !! genie in a bottle !! genie in a lamp !! her upcoming theme has a few familiar notes that form a familiar melody , but they’re hard to place
and then the music picks up , showing ozpin’s desperation to keep things ‘close to the chest’ and BOOM the music stops
im literally going to do an entirely different thing for ‘a delicate balance’ because there’s so much to say about this track - and it’s e i g h t m i n u t e s
‘our creation’ - im guessing it’s for the god of light’s moment with ozma
it’s soft , slow , and with the choir in the background , it makes the music seem ,,, important and urgent - like something Needs to be done and that something needs to be done quickly
and oof ozma’s theme soft in the background , showing that after all , he is still human and he wants a normal life and all that and hhhh i feel so bad
im skipping around im sorry
‘brunswick farms’ has that sinister , dangerous vibe , but we’re not sure what it is yet - dangerous , mysterious - we don’t know.
and it’s slow - it slows down at certain points to really emphasize on the scariness
the slow piano at a certain point gives it a certain softness that it shouldn’t have - a false sense of security , if you will . but then it turns into more mysterious , with hints of qrow’s theme (which im guessing is for the part of his drinking™️) that is slow
and ruby YANKS herself up and woAh that’s kinda scary
‘the apathy’ is probably the scariest track in the ost. it’s slow , sinister , and it’s literally telling you something is about to happen
they’re running they’re running they’re running they’re running uh oh sisters
every time the music slows down it stops the melody slightly , that’s the part where the apathy SCREAMS , slowly zapping the motivation out of them
and each time it gets louder and louder and bigger because their influence is getting more and more overwhelming
and then the music slows down slightly because they’re giving up , and the sinister , scary theme is getting louder and louder - and then the silver eyes stops the music for a split second
and maria is over there , trying to coach ruby into using her eyes and then - BAM
and now they’re running out of the house , yelling for oscar to GET THE DAMN TIRE
and weiss sets the HOUSE ON FIRE and wow she’s committed arson
and they have to get the HECK out of there as quick as they possibly can
im doing something completely different for the grimm reaper skjsk
‘welcome to argus’ gave me goosebumps. the soft ,, piano of ‘rising’ gives them hope - gives us hope - because they made it. after all that shit , they made it. finally.
and then it gets into a more cheerful , nice theme of argus , with little notes of oscar’s theme in the beginning because ‘CUTE BOY OZ’ and then they’re touring around argus , looking at all the sights and stuff
ruby’s surprise in jaune’s sister is shown through the ‘ooh !!’ moment in the music that interrupts the melody of the entire track
‘cashews’ is amazing. it’s shows the literal stupidity of the entire interaction - from maria and cordoven’s banter , to a more serious match music , then slower , sadder music because ‘oop racism’ , but then it picks up again lmao
there isn’t much to say about the track ‘silver eyes’ but it shows the softness - the emotion - that goes into using silver eyes
‘jaune’s arc’ gives me whiplash. because it’s slow in the beginning - then it picks up speed to show jaune’s anger as he shoves oscar against the wall and Yells because his love died for ‘nothing’ , and he lets oscar go with sadness and regret , but he doesn’t say anything. and then as they’re looking for him , jaune has time to think things over. you hear the melody of ‘forever fall’ towards the middle , then the melody - the song itself - takes over as something to signify that jaune really Misses her , but gets closure
AND THEN OSCAR’S THEME !! HAPPY , HAPPY BOY !! its so happy !! he feels good about his new clothes - and despite what he says , he gave himself closure for now , but im sure itll be touched upon later because of the cut off of his theme , interrupted by qrow’s theme to show qrow’s grumpiness and all that
and then ruby’s speech !! she had a little bit too many speeches , but the theme ‘rising’ plays again , to show her - their - determination to get to atlas and figure it out because they WILL rise like the moon - like the sun - no matter what. they won’t give up.
‘the heist’ !! a theme that gives everyone Anxiety because no one thought it would work , and the moment it did work , it didn’t . weiss and maria sneak onto the airship and take them out , with the others standing around waiting , and yang and blake off on their own
a small version of oscar’s theme plays as he comforts ruby , showing how much he’s grown into his own character
and then the music picks up and oof it turns suspenseful because oh Shit where’s blake
‘into the canon’ is not only scary on screen , but also scary music wise. it’s suspenseful , it mixes both blake and yang’s fights and the other fight together. the music is fast and urgent , showing that they have to get away and fast and if it doesn’t work , bad things will happen. bad things are going to happen.
but first !! the battle music for cordoven’s fight. fast , playful , serious at the same time. it shows both perspectives of the fight - absolute absurdity , which cordoven feels , and the urgency that the team feels. cordoven thinks this is childish - disgraceful. the team thinks this is important - something that Has to happen or else they can’t complete their mission.
and ruby goes DOWN THE CANON
i have to do an entirely different thing for ‘protecting each other’ too
the music gets dangerous , crazy , fast - they have to do something quick or bad things will happen and that won’t be okay. huntsman and huntresses are supposed to protect - if they can’t do that , then what are they good for ?
jinn’s theme , then the hopeful theme of indomitable is just 👌👌
-‘flight to atlas’ gives closure - peace that they couldn’t find for a while. it’s slow , soft , showing that they made it - it was a long , stressful process , but they made it. with a lighter version of qrow’s theme , small undertones of ozpin’s and oscar’s theme , and then how the music SWELLS when they see atlas because it’s beautiful - it’s grand , it’s amazing - and they made it. there’s a sense of triumph in there , a sense of urgency and a sense of pride. they rose , and they’re going to try and stay there
uhhHHh thanks for sticking around to hear my literal Ramblings about the ost and me being a music nerd - this ost is just so good ?? and if you haven’t listened to it go give it a listen ! the vocal tracks are Amazing , and so are the instrumental ones.
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lunar-tear · 5 years
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@rike-with-love @username-janai-katsura-da @coolthingtrash
1. What got you into Gintama?
A friend told me about it! I was interested because of the parodying (plus Japanese history, I’m a nerd). Also he showed me a picture of Gintoki and I died
2. Do you like the anime or manga better?
I guess I can’t choose, since i started with the anime first? but I love the manga as well, plus there’s a lot of details that weren’t animated so I always made it a point to read!
3. What was your first thought about Gintama?
I saw the introductory special at first and I was confused as hell, but when I got to the ACTUAL first episode, I fell in love with the stupid samurai who caused a riot because his parfait fell.
4. What do you think about Gintama now?
My entire life revolves around it at this point tbh
5. Who’s your favorite character?
Gintoki, Kagura, Tsukuyo, uhhh I’m gonna end up naming all of them lol
6. Who’s your favorite villain?
Oboro (anti-hero?), Utsuro
7. Mention 5 things you hate about Gintama.
The fact that it’s getting over. That is all. 
8. Mention 5 things you love about Gintama.
Only five? aahhh okay let’s see
a) the character designs 
b) relationship development
c) the writing
d) Sadaharu
e) humour!
9. Name your crush from Gintama.
uhhHHHHHH Gintoki and Hijikata
10. Name your OTP. 
11. Name your favorite couples.
Okikagu, Gintsu, Hijimitsu, Katsumatsu
None of them are canon tho ;-; 
12. What character do you feel more related to?
13. Strawberry milk or Mayonnaise?
Strawberry milk 
14. What’s your favorite weapon of choice?
Either sword or kunai
15. If you were a character in Gintama, where would you belong?
(Ninja clan, Yorozuya, Shinsengumi, Kiheitai, Joui, Amanto, Mimawarigumi etc)
16. What did Gintama teach you?
Gorillas will always be gorillas, either police or mangakas
17. What’s your favorite quote?
“If you have the time to fantasize about a beautiful death, why not live beautifully until the end?”
18. What’s your favorite episode?
first part of the confessional arc, the episode where Sadaharu takes care of the little dog, the two-parter that features Kagura and her umbrella, the two parter that introduced the neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong canon, Madaodog Madaonnaire
19. What episode don’t you like?
Maybe the one that had the water Amanto who wanted to protect the lake? It sort of bored me, but it’s not like I hated it or anything 
20. What would you like as a pet Sadaharu or Elizabeth?
Sadaharu <3
21. What’s your favorite scene?
In the Silver Soul arc, when Gintoki is watching Kagura and Shinpachi sleep and he talks about the fact that they stuck by him all these years. Hurt my heart
Also when Sadaharu was stopping the main Altana fissure and having yorozuya flashbacks, I cried for like the entire 25 minutes that episode lasted, and then some
ALSO one of the Valentine’s episode when Kagura says she doesn’t need chocolates to convey her planet sized love for Gin and Patsuan 
22. If you could ask Sorachi to revive a character, who would it be?
23. What moment is the saddest ever for you?
The Joui war flashback, when Gin is about to behead Shouyou and he thanks him. Also Kamui lying on Kagura’s lap after they fight, the Shogun’s death :(
24. What episode makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it?
All of them :D 
25. What character do you think shouldn’t exist in Gintama?
Can’t answer this. Every character played a significant role in Gintama and it would be incomplete without any of them.
26. What is the most badass moment in Gintama?
27. If you could tell something to Sorachi, what would it be?
I’d thank him and tell him he literally changed my life. 
28. What is your favorite opening?
Know Know Know- DOES, Sakura Mitsutsuki- SPYAIR, Pride Kakumei- CHiCO with HoneyWorks (y’all didn’t really think I could choose just one, right?) 
29. What is your favorite ending?
Hikari Shoumeiron- CHiCO with HoneyWorks, Glorious Days- THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS, Acchi Muite- Swimy, Destiny- Negoto
30. Favorite character with glasses.
You mean favourite glasses with the character, right? Shinpachi 
31. Favorite d*ck scene.
32. Name five characters you love.
*Proceeds to name 99% of the Gintama cast because I can’t do math*
33. If you lived in the Gintama world for a day, what would you do?
Meet as many people as possible!!
34. Shinsengumi team or Yorozuya team?
Yorozuya, because I would actually die at the hands of the Kyokkuchuu-Hatto
35. If you could write a letter to ShigeShige, what would it be? 
Mostly just me talking about how much I miss him? ;-;
36. Describe your feelings about the ‘Shogun assassination arc’ so far in anime or what you thought of it in manga.
100% destroyed me
37. Describe your feelings about the current manga arc and what would you tell Sorachi about it.
Since Gintama is ending... I’m indescribably sad, but at the same time so happy to have been able to be a part of this journey.
38. How would you like Gintama to end?
Just let them be happy, that’s all. 
39. If you could meet Gintoki from the past, after the war but before he met Otose and the kids, what would you tell him?
It gets better, and one day you will be loved by so many wonderful people. 
40. If you could meet a character in real life, who would it be and what would you tell them?
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isolavirtuosa · 7 years
Unlikely Office Romances 1-2
[fanfiction] Gundam Wing, 1x2x1, probably PG-13ish though there are some mildly sexy times and the usual trashmouth
Dr. Heero Yuy, Preventers forensics expert, can’t seem to get over his crush on his former wartime comrade Agent Duo Maxwell.  Agent Duo Maxwell can’t seem to stand the sight of him... and yet...?
I was so excited to be posting this story which I started writing 4 years ago, but then I realized who is even the audience for this ahahahaha
Parts 1-2
- 1 -
           I glanced up from playing solitaire on my computer, eyes locking with Andrea Schultz’s, the agent whose desk was next to mine.
           “What’s up?” I asked, tilting my head inquisitively.
           “Yuy incoming,” she muttered, turning back to her own computer and attempting to look busy.
           I tried to shrink down the solitaire window, but it was already too late.
           “Fooling around like usual,” came Heero’s nasally, judgmental voice from behind me.
           I practically jumped out of my seat. “Christ, Heero!  You’re such a goddamn creep!”
           “Ballistics report from the Myers Case,” he said, dropping a folder on my desk.
           “Great,” I muttered, flipping open the file and taking a look.
           I could feel Heero still hovering behind me.
           I turned slowly.  “What?”
           Heero stared at me impassively.
           I shifted.
           “Is the report to your satisfaction?” he asked.
           “Uh, I guess it’s all right,” I said.  “I haven’t exactly read through all…” I paused, flipping through the folder quickly, “eleven pages of it yet.”
           Heero shrugged, continuing to give me his patented creepy stare.
           “Thanks?” I said, wondering if that would be the magic word to get him to go away.
           Heero abruptly turned around and left.
           Andrea let out a sigh of relief.
           “God he’s such a freak,” I muttered, tossing the folder aside and turning back to my solitaire game.
           “I don’t know how you can deal with him,” Andrea said, shaking her head.  I’d seen her stare down a crazy neo-Nazi terrorist holding a bigass shotgun without even blinking an eye, but for some reason she was completely freaked out by the mere presence of all five foot three of Heero Yuy.
           “I mean, yeah he’s a weirdo, but he’s all right I guess,” I said with a shrug.
           “Heero?” Hilde asked, plunking down a coffee cup on my desk.
           “Hilde, my angel!” I gasped, grabbing the cup and staring at it in elation.  It was from the coffee shop down the street, a vast improvement over the sludge in the break room.
           “Yeah, make it up to me by doing some of my paperwork,” Hilde said, gesturing towards the pile of folders on her desk.
           “But I had a really good game of solitaire going…” I protested.
           “Thanks, Schbeiker,” Andrea said, accepting her cup graciously.  “If there’s anything I can help you with, I’d be happy to.”
           “Suck up,” I muttered, taking a gulp of my coffee.
           “You bet your sweet ass,” Andrea said, nuzzling the coffee against her cheek.  “The things I would do for good coffee…”
           “Just don’t do them in the office,” Sally commented, breezing through the door.
           Wufei, Trowa, and Agent Daniel Warner shuffled in behind her.
           “How was the big downtown meeting?” I asked, twirling my chair around so I could face the new arrivals.
           “Crap,” Trowa said flatly.
           “Waste of time,” Wufei muttered.
           “We got coffee,” Hilde reminded him.
           “Who cares about some damn coffee?” Wufei growled at her, taking a seat at his desk in the back of the office.
           “Anyone with half a brain,” Sally said, sitting on Wufei’s desk and sipping her coffee.
           “Po!” Wufei raged, gesturing wildly at Sally.
           “Yes, Chang?” Sally asked, keeping her back to him and smiling.
           “My desk is not a place for your posterior!” he snapped.
           “Well I’m the boss and I do what I want,” Sally said with a shrug, taking another casual sip of her coffee.  “Maxwell, Schultz, how were things here?”
           “I played a good round of solitaire, ma’am,” I offered.
           “No phone calls, no emails…” Andrea said.
           “No wonder they won’t give us more funding,” Sally said despondently.  “Where’s a psycho terrorist organization bent on taking over the world when you need one…?”
           “Po, do you even listen to what you’re saying?” Wufei asked in disgust.
           “Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Sally said, sliding off of his desk.  “I’ll be in my office conferencing with Une if anyone needs me.”  With that, Sally disappeared into her office and shut the door, leaving the rest of us with a crabby Wufei.
           “What are you all staring at?” Wufei growled. “Get back to work!”
           “But there is no work…” I pointed out.
           “Did you finish everything for the Myers case to go to court?”
           “Well, I mean mostly kind of sort of…”
           “Finish it.”
           I rolled my eyes, picking up the folder that Heero had brought me as I prepared to enjoy eleven pages of godawful drudgery.
           “Duooo,” Andrea said, spinning around in her chair. “Wanna go out tonight?”
           “What did you have in mind?” I asked, eyes flicking over the report.
           “Marty’s?” she suggested.
           “We always go to Marty’s,” I said.  I was tired of the same old bar with the same old drinks and the same old people.
           “There’s a new club on the main line,” Hilde interjected.
           “No more tabletop dancing,” I said, waving the suggestion off.
           “That was one time,” Hilde said with narrowed eyes.
           “And now we all have it burned in our retinas,” I said, putting down the file and crossing my arms over my chest.
           “Or burned on our hard drives,” Daniel said, waggling his eyebrows at Hilde.
           Hilde made a disgusted face at him.
           “We could go to Finnegan’s,” Trowa suggested.
           “No way!” everyone chorused.
           “I like Finnegan’s,” Trowa protested.
           “We know!” we all chorused back at him.
           “We could go to that Chinese place,” Andrea put in. “Their scorpion bowls are really good.”
           “Or that dive bar on Sixth Street.”
           “Or Al Fresco.”
           “Or Red Barn.”
           We ended up going to Marty’s.
           “What’s wrong, Duo?” Trowa asked, coming up behind where I was slumped at the bar.
           “I’m in a rut,” I said with a sigh, taking a dejected drink of my beer.
           “No action?” he asked knowingly.
           “None, nada, zippo.”
           “Poor baby.”
           “If you’re not even going to fake sympathy…”
           “You hate liars.”
           “Whatever, unibang.”
           “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Trowa said, ordering another beer and taking a seat next to me.
           “That’s how this friendship works,” I said, swirling my beer around the glass glumly.
           Trowa’s beer arrived and he took a long drink.
           “Holy shit, Tro,” I said, smacking him on the arm.
           He coughed, putting his beer down and giving me a sour look.  “What is your problem?”
           “Look,” I said, trying to contain my mirth as I pointed to the door.
           Trowa squinted, then let out a snort.
           “The Nerd Squad has arrived,” I declared, watching as Heero, Quatre, and Mariemaia, their fellow lab tech, all trooped into the bar.
           “I didn’t know they drank,” Trowa commented. His one eye looked amused.
           “Is it even legal for Mariemaia to drink?”
           “She’s in college now.”
           “Christ, that makes me feel old.”
           “You are old.”
           “Twenty-nine is not old.”
           “That’s like 65 in lion years.”
           “Oh my god, Tro, just go and sit with the nerds.”
           “Lions are cool.”
           “Are you drunk already?”
           “I don’t need to be drunk to know that lions are cool.”
           “Uh-huh,” I said, ordering myself another beer. Clearly I was being left behind in the drinking.
           “Fancy seeing you here.”
           I jumped, my glass clattering on the bar. “Holy fucking shit, Heero, why do you always do that?”
           “Do what?” he asked, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
           “Sneak up on me.”
           “You must not be very good in the field then,” he said.
           “And you must not be very good at not being an asshole,” I muttered, turning back to face the bar.
           Heero finally got the bartender’s attention and ordered three margaritas.
           “Seriously?” I said.
           “What?” Heero asked, giving me his confused face again.
           “You havin’ a girls’ night or something?” I asked.
           “Well, Mariemaia is a girl…” Heero said, still looking confused.
           “Why do I even talk to you?” I murmured, glancing towards Trowa only to realize that he’d gone back to play pool with Hilde and Andrea.
           Heero continued to stand by me, waiting for his drinks.
           I thought about retreating over to the others, but that seemed cowardly, and I was no coward.  I drank my beer sullenly instead.
           The bartender brought over the three drinks to Heero.  Being Heero, he balanced all three perfectly and turned to carry them back to his table. “See you around.”
           “Uh, yeah, I guess so,” I said, watching him skulk back to his table.
           Quatre and Mariemaia looked frantic, taking their drinks and quickly bowing their heads together, talking and gesturing wildly.
           “Freaks,” I muttered, pushing my empty glass towards the bartender.  I thought about getting another, but after surveying the bar, I decided it was another hopeless night, and that it was time for me to go home.
           “Hey, kids,” I said, going to lean casually against the pool table.
           “You’re leaving?” Hilde asked.
           “Aw, come on, Duo,” Andrea whined.
           “There’s no one for him to bone,” Hilde said, picking up her pool stick and lining up a shot.
           “The lady has a point,” I said, nodding.
           “There are other things to do at bars besides pick up wayward dudes,” Andrea said.  She’d barely been at the Preventers a year, so I could excuse her not knowing how everything she had just said was wrong.
           “Oh, Andrea,” I said, shaking my head.
           “You and Heero were looking pretty friendly earlier,” Trowa said casually.
           I shuddered.  “Don’t make jokes like that.”
           “He’s basically your type,” Trowa said.
           “Has a dick and is breathing?” Hilde chimed in.
           “Check and check on both accounts,” Trowa said with a nod.
           “I hate you both,”
           “Really?  Yuy?” Andrea asked, wrinkling your nose.  “He’s such a nerd.”
           “He’s got a great ass, though,” Hilde put in.
           “You can tell because he’s always wearing spandex,” Trowa added helpfully.
           “He’s wearing women’s skinny jeans tonight,” Hilde said, trying to keep a straight face.  “Just how I like it.”
           “Why is Hilde hitting on Yuy?” Daniel asked, appearing behind us.
           “She’s trying to fight Duo for him,” Trowa said.
           Daniel shrugged.  “He’s a good-looking guy, I guess.”
           “I thought you were straight,” Andrea said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
           “If I say that I’m confused and that I need you to come home with me to help clear up my sexuality, would you come?”
           “Then yes, I am very heterosexual, and am merely sharing an objective opinion on the attractiveness of another human being.”
           I stayed quiet because I didn’t want to think about how somewhere behind his unkempt hair and terrible fashion, Heero Yuy actually was pretty attractive.  And during the war…
           What a horrible thought.  I needed to get laid.
           “Yeah, I’m out of here,” I said, waving to everyone.
           “I’ll walk with you,” Trowa offered.
           “Stay,” I said, waving him off, but he followed me anyway.
           We walked down the dark street, spotted with drunks, heading towards the station.
           “Do you want to go to Second Street?” Trowa ventured.
           “Nah, not in the mood,” I said.
           “When are you ever not in the mood for gay bars?” Trowa asked, arching his brow.
           “Just seems pointless,” I said, looking straight ahead as we walked.
           “Is Duo Maxwell looking to settle down?”
           “Is that what this is?”
           “It’s either that, or it’s time for Viagra…”
           “Shit, isn’t there an option C?”
           I hesitated.  “Do you ever think about it?”
           “About Viagra?” Trowa asked.  “No, I’m quite virile.”
           I punched him in the shoulder in annoyance. “Settling down and shit.  Finding a guy.  Buying curtains together or whatever the hell it is that couples do.”
           “That sounds incredibly boring.”
           “Yeah,” I agreed.
           We parted ways at the station, and I went home alone.
 - 2 -
             I watched Duo leave the bar.
           “Go after him,” Mariemaia hissed, giving me a push.
           “No,” I said sullenly, picking up my drink and taking a long sip.
           “After we came all the way here…” Mariemaia said exasperatedly.
           “At least we got these delicious drinks,” Quatre said with a dreamy smile.  He was already completely intoxicated.
           “I can’t believe you just gave up like that!” Mariemaia said with a loud huff.
           “I know an impossible scenario when I see one.”
           Mariemaia crossed her arms over her chest. “Really?  Asking a coworker to have a drink together is an impossible scenario?”
           “Duo Maxwell is not interested in me,” I said flatly.
           “That’s why you need to make him interested!” she said, slapping her hands on the table.
           “Why are teenage girls so…?” I said, searching for an adequate word.
           “Wonderful?  Beautiful? Amazing?” Mariemaia suggested through gritted teeth.
           “Aggressive,” I decided.  “Very aggressive.”
           “Maybe you’re just weak.”
           I stared at her.
           “Well, you’re too scared to even ask a guy out.”
           “She has a point,” Quatre agreed, pointing at me with a drunken finger.  “I can’t believe you’re afraid of Duo.”
           “I’m not afraid of Duo.”
           “Then why don’t you ask him out?” Quatre countered, raising his drink to his mouth and missing.
           I was tired of the circular logic, so I didn’t answer.
           Mariemaia sighed, leaning back in her chair and staring at me.
           I stared back, and I could see she was doing her best not to look away.  She was always stubborn like that.
           I was more stubborn.
           After almost five minutes of it, Mariemaia finally gave up with an exasperated huff.  “You’re so stupid.”
           “I’m a certified genius,” I responded.
           “That doesn’t make you any less stupid.”
           “That is a logical fallacy.”
           Mariemaia looked like she still wanted to fight, but then she looked confused.  “Where did Quatre go?”
           We both looked around and immediately spotted Quatre at the bar.
           “Is he getting more drinks?” Mariemaia asked, squinting at him.
           “This mission needs to be aborted,” I said, standing up and going over to collect Quatre.
           Mariemaia sighed and pulled on her coat.  She’d known me long enough to know that she had pushed me as far as she could.
           We all walked towards the station together, Quatre much drunker than I had expected him to be.
           Of course, it had been a very long time since he had gone drinking.  We had our work, and it didn’t leave much time for socializing.
           Also, there was the fact that we were socially inept. That put a damper on the whole socializing thing.
           This had all been a very stupid idea.
           Quatre leaned against Mariemaia, and she linked arms with him, trying to support him as she limped along.  The function in her legs had been damaged when Dekhim shot her during the Barton uprising, and despite years of physical therapy, she walked with a limp.
           “I want you both to forget about this nonsense,” I finally said as we stood in line waiting for the next train.
           “No way,” Mariemaia said.  “We’re getting you a man.”
           Quatre nodded empathetically, then looked a little queasy.
           “I don’t want a man,” I said, feeling annoyed.
           Mariemaia and Quatre both snorted.
           “This from the guy with a creepy-ass stalker scrapbook,” Mariemaia said.
           I tried to kill her with my eyes.
           “Careful, Maia,” Quatre said, still laughing. “It’s not a creepy-ass stalker scrapbook, it’s a collection of newspaper clippings about an old comrade.”
           I regretted living with Une and Mariemaia during my university studies.  I also regretted Mariemaia looking under my bed and finding the collection of newspaper clippings about my old comrade Duo Maxwell.  I especially regretted her telling Quatre about it.
           “I think he’s mad at us,” Quatre tried to whisper, his voice coming out very loudly as we got on the train.
           I stood by the door, and Mariemaia and Quatre came to stand near me.
           “You should sit,” I told Mariemaia.
           “I’m fine,” she said, giving me an annoyed look.
           I shrugged.
           “Heero…” she said in her melodramatic teenage way.
           I let my eyes meet hers.
           “I just want you to be happy.”
           “I’m fine,” I said.
           “You’re not fine at all, you’re kind of a creepy weirdo.”
           I frowned.
           “I mean that in a fond way.”
           “That doesn’t make it better.”
           “Well then try leaving your apartment sometimes.”
           “What am I doing right now?”
           “I forced you to come.”
           The train pulled away from the station with a jerk, and Mariemaia caught herself on one of the poles.
           I gave her A Look.
           “Shut up,” she snarled.  Mariemaia wasn’t one to be held back by her disability, and I admired that about her, except when she was being stupid about it.
           Quatre, who had barely been able to walk to the station on his own, now seemed perfectly poised as the train bumped along. He offered Mariemaia his arm and she gripped it while turning her back to me.
           I needed to get home.
           Quatre got off the train with Mariemaia, saying he’d walk her to her dorm.  I said goodbye, watching them disappear up the stairs as the train sped away.
           I felt like everyone was staring at me.  I turned my glare on, eyes meeting the woman sitting across from me.
           She flinched, looking down and pulling her purse more tightly towards her chest.
           The train finally reached my stop and I hurried up out of the station, heading towards my apartment.  It was a short walk, only five minutes, but my body was thrumming with tension that made the walk seem longer.
           I thought about Duo’s look of disdain when I’d talked to him at the bar.  I thought about him and his friends looking at me and laughing.  I thought about earlier in the day when I’d given him that report at his desk.  How he’d seemed so annoyed and uncomfortable.  Every conversation that we’d had that day kept replaying in my head over and over, making me flinch.  I was so awkward, and everything that came out of my mouth around him was stupid.
           I tried to stop thinking about it, but my thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone.
           I was embarrassed.
           I wondered if Duo knew.  It seemed so obvious, the three of us showing up at the bar we knew he always went to.  The way I’d approached him.  The way I always seemed to get tongue-tied around him.
           It had all started another lifetime ago. Duo and I had been close during the war, in our own way.  I still irritated him then, but he seemed almost affectionate in his exasperation. I considered him a friend, even if I never vocalized it.
           Things started to change when Duo was captured and imprisoned.  I was sent to execute him, but found I couldn’t do it.
           As I patched him up after our escape, Duo looked so broken.  I was momentarily distracted from my single-minded focus on the war, reaching out to push Duo’s sweaty bangs from his eyes.
           He flinched, touching the bandages on his ribs that I had just finished taping up.
           I felt strange.  My hand slid from his forehead to his cheek, cupping it gently. My skin tingled where it touched his.
           Duo’s eyes drifted up to meet mine.
           I didn’t know why I was touching him, but I didn’t take my hand away.
           Duo’s hand slowly inched out, resting on my hip.
           We didn’t speak.
           We didn’t move.
           And then there was a buzzing from the radio, and the moment was over.
           I didn’t think any more about it until after the war, but even then I couldn’t make sense of it.
           We met again during the Barton uprising. Duo was the same old Duo, and I felt at ease working with him.  But as we prepared to go into enemy territory, he’d stopped me, touching my hand and murmuring, “Be careful.”
           Once again, his skin on mine left a tingling sensation.
           I found myself aimless after the war.  Une approached me about joining the Preventers, but I told her that I was done with fighting.
           She told me that there were other ways to save the world.
           I went to school, first studying engineering, which was incredibly boring, then switching to medical science and forensics. After graduating, I joined the Preventers as a laboratory technician.  I enjoyed the work and found it fulfilling.
           Sometimes I thought about Duo.
           The other former gundam pilots drifted into the Preventers one by one.  First was Wufei after the Barton Uprising, then Quatre and I as lab techs.  Next came Trowa, drawn in by the guerilla skirmishes happening on L3 that led to an attack on his circus.
           Duo was last, joining only two years ago. His previous job as a bounty hunter frequently brought him in conflict with the Preventers.  Those conflicts usually cost Duo money, and after a fight in Une’s office heard all around Preventer’s headquarters, Duo came out wearing a uniform and badge.
           No one knew how Une had finally tamed Duo, but his entry into the Preventers had been like a hurricane.
           Seeing Duo in the flesh every day cleared up any confusion I had once held about why his touch made my skin tingle and why I kept a collection of newspaper clippings about his bounty hunting exploits under my bed.
           I was attracted to Duo Maxwell.
           It was a confusing thing with which I had no experience.  But I was pleased with an explanation for something that had been plaguing me for years.
           This was attraction.  This was… love.
           Duo barely even glanced my way.
           Whatever had been between us during the war was gone, and now Duo was impossibly far away.
           I put the key into my door, opening it with an immense feeling of relief.
           I was home.
           I yanked off my shirt and tossed it into the hamper in my room, followed by my pants.  Down to only my boxers, I padded over to the cage on the bookshelf.
           “Sorry I’m late, Gray,” I said, handing a treat to the gray hamster.  “Sorry, Brown,” I said, handing another treat to the brown one.
           They just chewed on their sunflower seeds, seemingly unaffected by my lateness.
           I flipped open my laptop and turned it on. I walked over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, then returned to the laptop.  I opened the internet browser, squinting into the backlight. My hand fumbled over the desk for my glasses, shoving them up the bridge of my nose.
           Most of the physical enhancements I had gone through during my training were permanent.  I still had physical strength and endurance beyond the capacity of a normal human being.  I just had terrible eyesight.  Une was always telling me I spent too much time in front of the computer screen.
           I took a drink of water as my tabs loaded. I needed to rehydrate after the alcohol consumption of the evening.
           The screen was suddenly inundated with messages. It seemed my latest posting as ‘WingPilot01’ had been very popular on the Gundam 00 message board.
           I settled more comfortably into my chair.
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cecilbaldwin-fan · 7 years
Quick notes on the show, more later (probably tomorrow). 
I got a lot of good photos, so I’m going to do those photosets everyone does after shows. So look forward to that in the next few days! The only bummer is that I didn’t get to see Meg’s DYEB faces, because there was a stand with Cecil’s script on it, and it covered her face from our side of the room. So there won’t be a “that’s so DEB” tag, sadly. But I did get to see her do the Hailvale dance - it looks like a robot dance in the photos, but is actually an undulating thing. It was very cool. 
My Symphony and Cecil photos came out better, because she’s so much shorter that her face stayed under the stand, but even in those photos the stand can be seen right next to her head. I wish I’d been on stage right for those photos, but oh well. I have a lot of Meg MC’ing photos and Symphony being a curtain call cutie, so that’s good. 
Definitely the funniest show so far. I laughed so much! There was some audience participation that involved chanting, hand signs and hand-holding. It was just the right balance between staying immersed yet also feeling like a part of the show. Chanting is quite cathartic somehow. 
The story was not as moving as “Ghost Stories”, but the ending was very sweet. No mention of Carlos or Steve Carlsberg. There was a certain season one feel. After all, the Glow Cloud is one of the very first characters mentioned back in episode 2.  
This is getting very long, so I’ll use a “read more” tag. It’s not a spoilery post though, I’ll make some of those later. All the photos are on my phone right now, I’ll upload them on my computer and pick the best ones later. I just got off the train. I want to write down my impressions before I forget them.
Meg did a longer bit in the beginning, possibly because they had no guest stars this time. I enjoyed it a lot. Meg’s MC’ing is a magical moment in the show. As you may well know, she is one of my favorite cast members, but to most fans, she’s just the Proverb Lady - until they hear her MC the show. It’s a moment where Meg gets to shine as herself, with her own jokes, and she has a great charisma. I’ll talk more in another post, I don’t want to give away all of her jokes. I will say there was one slightly naughty joke, and half the audience didn’t get it, possibly because they weren’t expecting it. I think I laughed the loudest at that one. WTNV is pretty vanilla, but if you read Meg’s Twitter, she actually has quite a dirty sense of humor. It wasn’t crass, but it took a moment to register. 
Cecil was amazing, I don’t even know what else to say. He had to, OK I’ll do a spoilery post later, but he had to suddenly change his tone completely and he just did it with such ease, it was awesome. I’ve seen him live 3 times now (plus two times with the Neos). Every time, I’m impressed by his range. I’ve seen it before yet it still surprises me, because it’s magic. I got quite a few good photos with his expressions, including some where he’s looking right at my camera. He does so much with so little - inflections, hand gestures, facial expressions. He was wearing the suit with the quilt style look of patches with floral stuff and other stuff. (i’m great at writing about clothes, I don’t know what anything is called.) It looked even more dapper in person. Ditto Meg, Erin, and Symphony’s outfits, I’ve seen them before in photos, but you don’t really notice the fit until you see them move in the clothes. Everyone has a specific aesthetic and it only really comes alive in person. 
I got to see Symphony on stage! and also talk to her after the show!! She was every bit as joyous and energetic as I had expected. She had the same energy off stage and on, so it was fun to see her interact with the fans. She was like taking dance steps going from fan to fan, beaming with this big smile. I was actually able to say words to her, and we took a couple of rad selfies. We’re about the same size, which was cool. Cecil and Meg are so tall, they towered over me when we met in ‘14.
The Deb bit was very funny, up there with fyalconry gear. Like I said I didn’t get to see the faces, which sucks, but I did get to hear the voices and see the “hailvale dance”. It’s an unusually physical Deb bit, which makes it even more fun. We found out a bit about Deb’s family!
Erin’s set was badass and also included audience participation (with varying success). She has a great energy on stage. We got to sing along and clap - one time she said “this is a very long song, so don’t start clapping yet”. She talked about becoming a musician and it was actually very personal and moving. Her set had a feel of fun and I could tell people were charmed by her, and I was as well. She also did a very cool song about Donald Trump. She was very confident and calm onstage, and knew how to engage the audience. I feel blessed because I’ve gotten to see three live shows with three very different artists - Mary Epworth in ‘14, Eliza Rickman last year and now Erin.
I was helping Erin with merch, which she was very grateful for, although it wasn’t that much work. Erin looks very different offstage somehow. She’s a lot more casual. Her on stage attire and hair is very specific. It’s something like Meg’s big hair/fancy dress thing, where she looks completely different in the cast seflies. 
Merch manager Natalie was selling the wtnv merch, and she had a long line of people both before and after the show. She was very quick and professional about it. I remember Natalie gave me 50 cents discount in 2014, because I had to put my bag in the obligatory expensive cloakroom. Erin told me there wont’t be much sales before the show, and after the show it will be “crazy” and she will be helping out. This turned out to be true. I only sold one before the show; people would look at me and you could tell they were thinking “who is this and why is she selling her CD’s here?” They may have thought I was the weather artist. But after people had seen Erin’s set, they were queueing up to get the CD’s. We ran out of one album. I took the money and Erin signed for people and talked to them. A lot of people came up saying how moved they were by the show, and I realized that an artist hears that umpteen times a night, and it must feel weird after a while. The fans were all very earnest and sweet with her, and I could tell she appreciated them. The only problem was that we ran out of fives at some point, because the CD’s were 15 euros and everyone paid with 20′s. But everyone got their CD’s in the end. I got a free one with Erin’s autograph, so cool cool cool. 
I tried to take photos of Erin doing something other than singing into the mic while playing guitar, because everyone gets such similar photos of her, but then that is what she does for most of the set. Erin was stage left and right in front of me, but there were lights in her show that blurred out her face a bit. I did get some good shots though. 
I’ve always wondered why fan pictures show Disparition as this dot in the background, but the same thing happened to me. He sat stage right in a corner, and he just does the music, like he’s a creature of pure audio with no body. He didn’t even take a bow, until the second bow that I posted earlier. He came out after the show and he’s, like, Mr Casual. A lot of the fans didn’t seem to notice him. I saw one fan glance at him and her eyes went big like “!!! it’s you!” I got his autograph on my ticket. I forgot to ask Symphony for an autograph, but I’ve got the selfies. Could have taken a selfie with Erin and Disparition too, if I had thought of it. These moments with the cast are always so short and you don’t think of things in the moment. The point is though, I don’t think I said anything stupid and I wasn’t bowing to the ground going “I’m not worthy”, so it went OK. 
Meg and Cecil didn’t come out after the show, and to be honest I was relieved, because I feel so star struck around them, it’s difficult to actually have a conversation. I’ve had a chance to talk to all the major cast members now, except for Jeffrey, who left the first Helsinki show early and has since stopped touring with the show. And Kate, who did come out in Stockholm but I didn’t catch her. 
I was there with a couple of people, although I didn’t have a chance to talk to them much because I was busy merching. I sat next to tokoshu-desu, who is fun to sit next to, because he’s so excited and exuberant. He had a rad bird head cosplay (which wasn’t directly WTNV related but was very impressive). I didn’t see a whole lot of people in cosplay, but our party had a lab coat/Joseph Fink cosplay, so it’s like a Carlos-Joseph Fink hybrid. I saw many WTNV shirts, some home made, and a couple of people had a WTNV logo drawn on their foreheads. I feel I was in a familiar crowd, with nerds all around. 
I’ll put this at the end because at this point, most people have stopped reading. A couple hours before the show, I experienced what I can only describe as a gastrointestinal panic attack. I did what any grownup would do: call Mom and whimper that everything will be ruined, I will vomit all over the merch stand, etc. Mom talked me down and I took some pills and it went away completely. So I didn’t feel like vomiting and I also didn’t have bad flu symptoms. When the show was about to start and I thought that soon I will see Meg, not in a photo or video, but in the flesh right in front of me, I felt like vomiting again. But once she stepped on the stage and started the show, I felt nothing but joy and happiness. I’m so glad I got to see this show. What a blast! 
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huge6s-blog · 7 years
Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Kaitlyn! Please, for the love of god, never use it.
Nickname: Katy, Kat, variations; (Katydid, Katybug, Kitkat, etc.) But if you wanna call me something else, that’s fine too!
Age: 22! Simultaneously too old and a wee bab, lmao
Faceclaim: Not something I do! I could never pick just one, besides maybe my own face! (I’d thought about using Shuu Iwamine or Rize Kamishiro before, if that says anything haha)
Pronouns: Your highness/My liege She/Her! But “they/them” is good too.
Height: ~5’6”-5’7”; I can’t remember the last time I checked.
Birthday: Poppin’, obviously March 30th.
Aesthetic: Purple and black?? EGNautilus scientists tittering excitedly over adorable or exciting sea creatures. Omnipresent Mountain Dew cans, fast food and colorful kneesocks. 2AM adventures on clear nights in summer that last until dawn starts sending it’s first beams into the sky. Spacey FPS games and cutesy RPG and Pokemon games interspersed throughout. Weathered frames and tired eyes. ROBOTS… I have no idea, man. A lot of things!
Last song you listened to: “The Thief and the Moon” by Shawn James!
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: kfkjdf. Sixes definitely counts,, Uhh. My first was a canon-divergent Eridan, who I’d played before Act 6 was even close to being a thing! And he was a lot of fun. Accidentally made a “do not that” meme that still sometimes plagues me to this day ldkfdk A dream-bubble/dead Karkat who’d been murdered in his timeline’s Gamzee’s rampage and only had one eye, he was a biiiig favorite. I loved having enough energy for that all; typing that much shittalk??? Was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in roleplay, holy shit. Entire fucking PAGES of just these absolutely USELESS rants because that nubby little shit had so much passion for it. Fuck. I loved Karkat. A bloodswapped, cobalt-blooded Karkat who was also post-game for a pre-established timeline where trolls and humans co-existed on the same planet(s). He was a Thief of Blood and a massive asshole; at his worst, he was manipulative, isolative, vengeful, restless… But also, he was a really big dork??? He LOOOOOVED spy movies and probably popped boners regularly for Black Widow and James Bond or the Kingsmen. Fucking nerd. He fancied himself a spy; his best friend was a badass hacker, and they’d (F)LARP together as a stereotypical “you hack, I’ll infiltrate” team. Before Earth, he never cared about Christmas, but one year his richass neighbourhood started putting up flashy decorations and he got jealous, so he stole a shitton of them to make his own house look the best. He’s so… So stupid. I love him so much. And of course, jumping off the Homestuck bandwagon; I have Lv/Hadz! My dorky, sadsack pun machine. A (sort of, mostly) secret post-genocide Sans; the Bad Run™ had been reset after completion, but something went wrong, so he remembers it. Still, he’s been running for like, two years now! So he’s had a lot of time to go and bury all that as deeply as monsterly possible lmaooo. He’s distrusting, paranoid, and isolative himself; but he’s probably the most all-around good guy on this list. He just wants to get on with his life and never have to fight anyone ever again, lmfao. I… I also have a few OCs, but you’ll have to pry those out of my cold, dead hands. … Carefully. With lots of reassurance. (I’m very shy…)
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): I like… Undertale. And I like Underfell enough that once the idea was presented to me, my mind kinda ran away with it, haha. It started with Hopper, my weird UF Sans! But it feels like every time I approach the AU I have slightly different ideas for it, pfft. I guess with Sixes, I wanted to step away from the skeletons for awhile! I was really excited about messing with Mettaton for it, because I… Really liked listening to the radio for awhile, haha. I thought it’d be kind of cool if instead of being really excited to be seen flaunting himself across a television set, he wasn’t so happy with how he turned out physically, and made his influence a little less directly visible. It fit in well with the seemingly common theme of conflict in Underfell, and things just really exploded from there! It’s hard to summarize in just a few short words. That said, Sixes probably wouldn’t have a blog at all if it wasn’t for tumblr user wibler’s- Sixes’ Sans!- mun coaxing me into giving it a shot! She has a lot of faith in my creative abilities. I dunno what I’d do without her support through the past few years, heheh. She’s neat.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: LOUD ANGRY ROBOT LMFAO Shit though, I dunno! I like writing a character who goes through the bipolar disorder motions, the manics and the depressives. I love watching him go hot and cold on characters as he flipflops through his impulses and subsequent regrets. I love that in his timeline, everyone knows him while he himself actually… Hardly knows anyone at all. He’s made himself untrustworthy, and in turn doesn’t trust anyone, either, so he hardly ever opens up beyond… You know. Angry screaming, or shameless flirting and flattery, ignoring personal space bubbles… I love that his Sans being absent kind of smacked him on the nose, because that was someone he was actually making a connection with, but tried to play it off like Sans was just another moment in his life so he kind of treated him like a dick lmao. Deadass knew the poor little dude had anxiety issues and scared him on purpose, made joking death threats, joked about flirting with his shittyass brother… Sixes was such a prick. Fuck. And he realizes that! And after ditching his family just to have a cataclysmic fallout with his other BFF, Alphys, Sans disappearing… It’s something he blames himself for. It kind of sobered him up a little to the way his actions affect people. AND DESPITE EVERYTHING, HE STILL USES HIS CAMERAS (THAT HE STOLE FROM ALPHYS IN A PETTY FIT) SCATTERED ACROSS THE UNDERGROUND AND HIS SHITTY TRAP ROOMS IN HOTLAND TO PUBLICALLY HUMILIATE RANDOM CITIZENS IN A WIPEOUT-ESQUE PODCAST ON THE UNDERNET. At least that assholitude earns him money, though! Fuck. I also reaaallly love how different AUs bring out different aspects of his character, but that’s a rant for another time or place! Hoo. I dunno, man. I could go on about Sixes for like, ever. He’s a really fun muse.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: I’m… I’m not even gonna lie, a lot of it is the positive feedback lmao. I don’t, uh. Do much these days, creatively or recreationally speaking, and I don’t really have a lot of friends IRL… Er, any, actually, if you’re only counting closehand. All my friends live hundreds of miles away, and it sucks. But this is… Simultaneously social and creative. I get to talk to people, and make friends, and toss creativity back and forth with people, and it’s really fulfilling. I love to be a part of other people’s creative processes! I love seeing what other people do with THEIR characters, and when we all??? Interact??? Mother of God, it’s such a treat! Everyone’s so creative and impressive and inspiring… And hearing/seeing us all go back and forth about what we admire in each other… I’m pretty happy with just being a part of writing, and telling other people that I love what they do! But every now and then it comes back around to me in little ways, and it feels really special. It’s hard to imagine anyone liking my stuff past a “they’re pretty cool I guess, yeah” sentiment, despite my glittering impression of a lot of the writers in the community; so when someone DOES say they like my stuff, even just by saying they like a drawing, or like the way I described something, I go OFF THE WALL LMAO. Straight up dissolve and slip through the floorboards a la Gaster style with how lovely it feels. Shucks… And, you know. Watching characters develop in general- whether they be mine or not- is really fulfilling and inspiring. A good cycle.
Favourite types of threads: Anything that feels meaningful! I love it when two characters make any kind of connection, despite the context. That said, typically “angst” and “fluff” style threads are a big favorite, but there has to be, like… you know. Meaning to it. It feels really… I dunno, cardboardy to just throw a muse into a woodchipper for no particular reason just to have them drag themselves to another muse begging for help or to have a chance to explain some kind of deep, edgy feeling or story. Baseless fluff has a lot more wiggle room lmao, but that can get really monotonous really quick if something more significant fails to spark somewhere along the line. Just so long as something’s getting achieved somehow, I guess! If it feels like nothing’s changed between the two at the end of the thread, it feels really unfulfilling and hollow.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: URRRGH. IMPLEMENTING THE RADIO SHOW/PODCAST THING… On one hand, Sixes has kind of collected the idea that the multiverse is a very indifferent place towards the goings-on within his timeline! And, he supposes, that that suits him fine. Hurts his pride a little, but it’s something he’s just going to curl up and lick his wounds for, pfft. But still! I wish I knew how to make it a little more obvious and prominent- The same could go for his growing industry, too! I guess I’ve just been jobless too long to really have a feel for it like I should, oof… Additionally, drawing him is reALLY HARD… He’s in his classic box form most of the time because he’s really insecure about his EX form, and yet I draw his EX form more than anything because the box is frustrating to draw??? And despite it all, I’m still not sure I’m terribly happy with how his EX form looks!!! He’s supposed to be a little closer to a NEO design than initially planned, as Alphys fully intended him to be a KILLING MACHINE from the start without telling him! But he caught on early on, and they kind of bullied each other into compromising a bunch of things until he was just this “hideous” mess that neither of them were terribly happy with… So, you know. The indecision carried over to me too, evidently! Ugh.
Tagged by: nah! Just stole it was all. (from slobbyseconds/coolskeletonsdontcry forever ago, but just got around to now. kfjf)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to! @ me back if you do it, though; I love reading these things!
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kimora2000 · 7 years
I Really Like You!EXO Oh Sehun x Reader
Chapter 12:
I Really Like You 2
"You ok?"
"Yeah. My dad tells me that it's better to get something off your chest, no matter how much it hurts. You don't want it to eat you away to nothing."
She was right. I want to ask her but is it the right time?
She looked at me.
"I have something to ask. Just listen first."
I took a deep breath and poured out my feels for her.
Sehun's POV
"When I first saw you, sitting in the cafe. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. After spilling my drink on you and seeing you cry that day, it made me feel something, I didn't know yet. When we hung out that day, all the stress of work and the drama just faded away. I realized that I had fallen for you. When I realized that I forgot your number and name, I took it as an excuse just to see you again. I love seeing you smile and laugh."
'I sound like I'm desperate, but hell I am.'
"When we were working with you at the shoot, I saw a strong and independent woman, who I only had eyes for. While the others guys talked about you and checked you out, I will admit I...was...a bit upset. And when you dragged me off and wanted me to hold you because you were upset. I wanted that moment to last forever. Plus seeing you in my clothes makes my heart beat faster because it just looks like a great fit."
I looked her in the eyes and could see tears building up in her eyes.
"The truth is... I really really like you. I want to make you... happy. I want to see you in my clothes. I want to be able to hold your hand all the time and not having to text till dawn just to know that, the woman I love, isn't in the same room as me. I know I sound like someone who is needy, but I've never felt this way before and I feel like... we... we might have something."
A tear rolled down her face, but I wiped it away and looked her in the eyes.
"Sehun. I really like you too."
She smiled at me and I was so happy to see that smile.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
She just nodded. I leaned in as did she. And we shared our first kiss. It was so electrifying. I don't want this to end.
One of one girl ojik hana teullimespshi naye dabin neo Neon '1 of 1' girl Wanbyeokae Bigyohaul su eomneun neon imi Nae sesange yuilhan uimi
We broke up and saw Baekhyun, Jongin, and Jongdae laughing at us.
"Really guys?"
They ran off. I looked at (Y/N), to see her laughing at those nerds. But I want another kiss, so I captured her lips again. It was just like the first one. With so much pass...
When I see your face. It's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while Because you're amazing just the way you are.
'Again?' I thought as I pulled back to see nothing but hear laughter. (Y/N) just grabbed my face and pulled me towards her. I rested my forehead on hers and we said nothing. Then she pecked my lips.
"I'm glad I didn't leave."
We headed downstairs to see the guys sitting around the tv. We walked past Baekhyun and Jongdae and I grabbed the pillow that was between them so I could hit them. I laid down on the couch and felt (Y/N) squeeze in between the couch and me. She wrapped her right arm around my chest while her left was my pillow. She cradled my head and would run her fingers through my hair ever so often. I fell asleep in her arms sometime during the movie.
Chanyeol's POV
I looked up to see both Sehun and (Y/N) out. They were cuddling each other on the couch.
"We should put them to bed."
And I stood up to grab (Y/N). She was super light and once I got her up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. She was still out. I watch as Jongin and Kyungsoo help get Sehun on Junmyeon's back.
"Should we stick them in the same bed or build a mat for Sehun to sleep on?"
Everyone who was still up looked around at each other. It's still a bit weird having a girl over, but now she's dating a member.
"Let's make a mat for Sehun to sleep on. Jongdae and Minseok help the others get to bed. Kyungsoo could you help us?"
Junmyeon suggested and everyone agreed. We walked up the stairs to Sehun's room and I placed (Y/N) on the bed and covered her up. While I did that, Kyungsoo put out a padded mat and then I helped Junmyeon lay him down. We covered him up and started to walk out. As I turned around, I saw that both had turned to face each other even though they were at different levels. 'Cute!' And with that, I turned out the lights and shut the door.
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evilelitest2 · 7 years
In answer to your follower question, I'd LOVE to see more Alt-Right Debunking. I personally would also be interested in you elaborating on "the hell that is high school" and how that messes people up, since from my observation, a lot of Alt-Righters, even ones who are adults in their 30s and older act like everyone in the world still thinks in terms of high school cliques and pecking orders. What say you?
That is as always a very good question, and yes it is very true, a lot of the Alt Right mentality is based upon a high school mentality, which makes sense honestly, a lot of the Alt Right are emotionally maladjusted men, and high school is where the seeds of that are set up.  I mean in most of the world, HIgh school is a land where we systematically traumatize our children for shits and giggle, and it sets the mental standard for a lot of people in terms of social interaction.  And high school is a really really hostile place, you are constantly beset by parental pressure, teacher pressure, administrative pressure, work pressure, sports/team pressure, the beginning of romantic pressure, potential college pressure, and of course pressure from your peers, who are the absolute worse.  All happening as you are going through an extremely awkward phase, suddenly experimenting with sexuality, potentially experimenting with drugs and alcohol (and if you aren’t, hearing a lot about other people doing so), getting a degree of independence from your parents, and suddenly finding yourself devolving preferences and tastes and learning to be a human beings.  and then to make matters worse in most of these countries the education system is based on fundamentally flawed assumptions, and in the Us it has this awful problem of no funding and designing the system to be as dehumanizing as possible.  So a lot of people come out feeling very tramatized and very scarred by the experience, and for young straight men, this pressure mostly comes out in a sense of helplessness.  Now obviously women, GSM people etc do get it worse in high school, i’m just talking about white straight men cause that is who makes up the base of the alt right.  FOr my demographic, the constant societal pressure is to be manly, to be sexually successful, and that if you behave in an appropriately macho way, you will no longer be insecure, awkward, uncomfortable, socially isolated, and cripplingly insecure.  At my high schools, there were basically two forms of Nazi kids, the people who were on the verge of dropping out and turned to Nazism as a form of ideological comfort, in a “Sure I failed at school, sports, nobody likes him and I am likely to spend the rest of my life in this piss ant town working menial labor, but damnit, I’m white and part of a group” sort of things.  The other Nazi kids (Though they didn’t openly call themselves Nazis” were primarily nerds who honestly bothered me more than any of the jocks at my school.  These people were somewhat smart, but they were unpopular and extremely insecure, and they basically assumed that because some people didn’t like them due to them being into nerdy things or dressing funny, that was true of all people who didn’t like them.  When in fact, a lot of people didn’t like them because…they were socially maladjusted assholes, who never fucking thought about other people when they talked.  All they bloody did was talk and never really let you speak, it was extremely frustrating.  also they were somewhat smarter than average, so they kept assuming they were the smartest person in the room at all times, but of course they were not and knowing more than the average moron doesn’t tell you much.  For example, I remember one of those chaps being all like “Well contrary to popular opinion, the Nazis had a lot of allies among the local population in Eastern Europe because to them they were fighting communism more than they were oppressing Jews”  Which is true and that isn’t exactly taught,  But then when I pointed out that A) A lot of the locals in Eastern Europe were more than happy to participate in the mass killing of jews themselves and B) The nazi cruelity to the slavic peoples was so great it actually lost them all of the support they gained C) The nazi disorganization and utterly incompetent leadership structure made any formation of a longer term Nazi Empire impossible and this guy was like “That isn’t true you are wrong”  And within a few mins I found out he wasn’t reading primary sources on this shit, but was getting this on message boards and games about the nazis.  BIt of a ramble, but my point is these people are losers in both instances, and society is telling them that if they can just act macho then they aren’t losers and if that the reason why they are losers is because they aren’t sleeping with enough girls/getting in enough fights. 
   And i think a lot of people get this hyper defensive socially withdrawn thing going on in high school and never leave it, which of course makes them even more maladjusted which makes Neo Nazism even more tempting.  Also if you are really insecure and constantly emotionally upset, then anything that is saying “hey your behavior is kinda not cool” or “hey the way you conceptualize women as nothing more than something to help you win is kinda fucked up” they take as the greatest attack upon themselves. 
   I find it really noticeable that Pick up artists don’t actually seem to like sex itself, they mostly seem to just want to be able to tell themselves “look, i’m a real man, I had sex with women” which more comes out of a lack of that in their earlier life.  
   Whats worse and at the exact same time high schoolers are in the midsts of this sense of mass dehumanization, pop culture makes teenage boys the center of pretty much everything, and speaking as a former teenage boy, the shit that is meddled to us is fucking awful, every time a movie or comic book showed up for me I was like “Wow, popular culture revolves around me and isn’t that a massive implied insult”  But all of it is anti intellectual, pro violence, and just encouraging the type of simplistic reductive self indulgent world view so many of these alt rightists gravitate towards, these people take being mentally shallow as a badge of honor.  Also they are all based on emotions and symbolism rather than reason or nuanced thinking, like 300.  
    This is to say nothing of the fact that you have the Dunning-Kreger effect
Which John Cleese explains nicely and is rampant in high schools
ANd I am sorry I didn’t answer this question sooner, I have been sick and since this is a very good question, I wanted to answer it in full
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sarazanmai · 7 years
Thoughts on the “Sailor Moon Crystal” English dub. Season two episode twelve.
this is the end
until they release the season three dub
hell they still haven’t released the Sailor Moon S dub to Hulu, apparently Viz is weird when it comes to how they handle their dubs. we have the cast for S, we know who the Outers will be played by but assuming they dubbed that season already they are withholding it at the moment. I know R is being released soon on blu-ray so once that’s out they’ll probably release S, but I don’t know when season three of Crystal will get its release. and after doing some research the SDC English dub is getting a similar treatment, people have said that the three episodes they dubbed back in 2014 were a test dub while others say they dubbed everything but are not going to release it to the public until perhaps after PH and BT are rereleased onto blu-ray (at the very least we know the blu-ray is coming). so that’s gonna be weird when I get to my Jojo viewing and I blame Viz for it.
Death Phantom looks like the Stone Mask from PB
yeah Endymion’s cape looks white again, sigh
habataku yo hoshizora no kanata e
Tsumi ga mawaru sekai de mo mirai o shinjirareru
yeah I’ll miss this song
fairy tale wake up smooch
I actually like Neo Queen Serenity’s silver hair since that is in line with the manga
also NQS that ring does not look like the ring Mamoru gave you in Stars so I’m gonna assume on their like 500th wedding anniversary he gave her a new one to match her silver and white aesthetic because he respects her commitment to this color palette
once again I think Toei pooled their animation budget towards the later episodes because this one looks good
also I never understood why NQS lost most of her powers
it just felt like a weird thing to have happen
luckily in this version Chibi-Moon is actually powerful, the gag of Pink Sugar Heart Attack being so weak in the 90s anime was funny but at the same time I thought it would have been nice to give her maybe a new attack that gets something done
also my video keeps buffering and its annoying
when you ignore the vocal distortion the way Death Phantom talks does a good job in showcasing why one of Steve Kramer’s biggest roles is Darkonda from Power Rangers, I just wish WIseman’s voice didn’t sound so kindly even though again I know that was done on purpose for a reason
“I am the pretty guardian trainee!” and today is her first day so try to be understanding
since nerds never shut up about there being no sound in space I guess an explosion wouldn’t give off sound either
but who gives a shit? I mean do you want a new special edition of ANH where the Death Star explodes but makes no sound? I didn’t think so
the senshi are so happy and proud of Sailor Moon, I love it
and they’re being knighted essentially, I always liked this
NQS is bestowing new power upon....herself
time travel is bullshit
this was always my favorite Sailor Moon broach
or is it brooch? I’ve heard both
Chibi-Usa really did grow a lot in this arc, and unlike the 90s anime its not reset so we can get more of her being a little shit
honestly I don’t blame Usagi for wanting to see NQS, I’d wanna see how I’m gonna look when I’m older too
I also see this as a good example of how NQS deep down is still Usagi because she’s the one who comes running to see her
Sailor Moon is like “damn I’m gonna be a total MILF”
and the Inners look the same
back to the past to go back to the future to go back to the past
“I wish I could stay longer” BOY DO I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU
that was actual dialogue, they actually had her say “I’m not crying, you’re crying”
this dub is great
I want a Tuxedo Mask plush
“you’re my knight in shining armor even though you wear a mask and cape”
like this is a nice scene, but seriously two second after it ends she comes tumbling back
yes Mamoru you will see her again, you have no idea how soon that will actually be
oh hai Chibs!
they kept the doodle of NQS on her letter (I’d like to think she puts that on all her stationary)
and I love her giving the little peace sign
a bientot
so that was the dub for Sailor Moon Crystal and despite some voices for minor characters I’m happy with it. I still feel very special over the fact that I met Robbie Daymond and Johnny Yong Bosch this year and having experienced their work in the dub it makes me happier about it. I remember for the longest time I dreamed of Sailor Moon getting a remake closer to the manga and being dubbed over again and both felt like total pipe dreams because for years Toei just sat on this property. even if Crystal isn’t everything I wanted, I’m happy it exists. I’m happy its quality is rising with each season and even though we have to wait until 2018 for the Dream Arc just the fact that we’re getting that season and Stars feels great. now is such a great time to be a Sailor Moon fan. I remember what it was like before the 20th anniversary celebration, at Anime Boston you were lucky to find merchandise that wasn’t bootleg or fanmade. now there’s a surplus of stuff, I see so many wonderful cosplayers every year, and I also see new fans. I feel so happy seeing kids and teenagers get into it because it means this is fresh for them, this is them experiencing it for the first time and they won’t be subjected to the bad slang, mischaracterization, and homophobia from the old dub. I just find it so heartwarming to know the series is thriving because I love it so much and even if there’s things in it that are weird or don’t make sense, I will always go back to it. its that special.
so now we wait for season three and venture off to Victorian era London where a legend began, tune in next time for “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”
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ais-n · 7 years
Hello! I love love love ICOS and was wondering if I could ask a few questions. Namely, what were yours & Santino's inspirations for the series? For example, the Neo-Tokyo setting in Akira strongly reminded me of ICOS, but that could be my own perception of the world in ICOS. Were there any books, movies, anime, manga, etc, that helped to inspire ICOS?
Aww, thank you! I’m happy you like it!
As for inspiration... hmm, I’m trying to think. Honestly, we didn’t really have a specific inspiration from what I can recall. I think a lot of things were just what made sense to us or sounded like fun, and then otherwise inspiration or ideas leached together from lots of sources or everyday living and we put it in from there. Sometimes it was real life stuff, sometimes it was maybe just watching shows and thinking, “That could be cool.”
I have examples beneath the cut of things that either inspired us in parts or else ended up having some cool similarities even if we thought of them separately, but one thing I did want to mention is I’m always on the lookout for characters in shows or movies who could be a nice media representation of ICoS characters. I had started compiling some ideas of that a few years ago and found the link in case you are curious or bored:
ICoS character inspirations: (note, not that the ICoS characters were inspired by these characters, but that these characters seem like cool representations of ICoS characters -- i probably should have said ICoS character representations instead of inspirations, come to think of it...) Anyway that’s here:  https://aisness.wordpress.com/2013/11/14/icos-character-inspirations/ 
And here are some adorable baby Boyd representations from Criminal Minds:  https://aisness.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/baby-boyd/ 
Inspiration examples below!
For example, I used to love the hell out of Fringe and I watched it every week. One episode they had this whole thing about how this one character was kidnapped and the way they found out where they were held or where stuff was happening was by finding out that there was an excessive amount of electricity that was being used in a seemingly abandoned warehouse. Also, that character wasn’t content to just sit there waiting to be rescued; they tried to escape but couldn’t due to reasons, but that came up later in the episode. I liked that it didn’t diminish the character’s strength even in being captured but it also didn’t make it like suddenly they were superhuman and could do anything. Then, completely separately from that and probably years apart, I was doing research on human experimentation and watched things like the documentary Philosophy of a Knife and did a lot of research on Unit 731, and I got some ideas from that. Also completely separately from that and years apart, I’ve always been interested in psychology and psychiatry and I’d also read the book Rape of the Mind by Dr. Joost A.M. Meerloo which is a book from 1956 that talks about brainwashing of POWs and also whether or not brainwashing actually exists in reality or if it’s something else that’s happening with similar results. Plus I’ve done lots of research totally separately from all of that for trafficking etc.
All those things coalesced and then changed into inspiration for a particular situation that shows up later in the series that I don’t want to go into specifics of for spoilers for people who are earlier in the series, but you might know immediately what I’m thinking about. And if not and if you want me to specify with spoilers just let me know and I can do so behind a cut :) 
(PS: Philosophy of a Knife is violent as fucking hell--seriously, seriously graphic. Do not watch it if you are faint of heart. I say this so no poor soul is like “Oh yeah Ais mentioned something about this maybe I’ll watch it! :D” and then is traumatized for life. They went all out on it. It’s actually kind of controversial because of that...)
Then there was other inspiration like sometimes I would dream about something and then wake up and be like, “Oh hey, cool plot idea!” or we would just think through what is likely to happen for that character based on their story line or their personality or human nature or etc and it developed from there.
I would say probably the closest thing to ICoS I know of for a series is La Femme Nikita, specifically the TV show that was on 1997-2001. I had actually never seen it or possibly even heard of it when we started writing ICoS -- I didn’t see the first couple of seasons until years into us writing ICoS. Santino had seen it years prior, iirc, but he hadn’t thought of it for a while. Anyway there are some interesting similarities between ICoS and LFN, a lot of which developed separately and was not inspired by LFN because I hadn’t even seen it so I knew nothing of it and I don’t know Santino’s inspiration or not but we decided things together so I know there are definitely a number of things I suggested with no knowledge of LFN. 
The one thing I know that was inspired by LFN was the term ‘valentine’ which Santino suggested and which I think he got from LFN, but I think everything else is pretty coincidental, which makes sense because they’re such similar themes that there’s bound to be overlap in ideas. What was really interesting to me was when I did finally watch it, I was like, “Hey!! Michael is how I imagine early Boyd to be!!” in terms of his seeming lack of emotion, the way he has such minimal facial expressions and intonation, the way he seems so cold and sometimes a bit ruthless but then other times is bad ass. But Michael is like what Fade-level Agent Boyd would be in skills but with early Evenfall Boyd personality. Anyway, that was super exciting finding someone who represented that minimal emotion I imagined. (Also there’s a character in an anime who fights like how I imagined Fade Agent Boyd fights... I forgot the anime but I can track it down if you want)
You should totally watch that TV show if you haven’t. I never finished it but I need to ^^;; I think I saw through Season 2, maaaaybe s3?, but I never watched all of it and always meant to. I liked what I saw of it from what I recall but I have no idea about how it ended. (I’m a spoilerphobe) I also haven’t seen the original movie it was based on (I don’t think? uggh can’t remember) and I definitely haven’t seen the reboot they did more recently. No idea how much ICoS and those LFNs are similar but the 1997 tv show might be fun for ICoS fans to watch, just keeping in mind it has all the cheesiness of late 90′s/early 2000′s shows lol
I guess the last thing I’d say is I’m generally always inspired in terms of storytelling by my absolute favorite series ever, One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. The layering of his storytelling is masterfully done, and I also really love as a reader/viewer the way he can make me fucking bawl my eyes out and then a page or two later burst out laughing. I’ve always really valued the depth and range of emotions he elicits in his story, and the way he layers super minute details that have massive impact later on the plot, interwoven with the usual character development and on-page normal plot development, so that when you’re reading the first time there’s plenty of interest but that series also makes a phenomenal 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 20 billionth reread, because I swear every time I reread I notice new things I never noticed before because I didn’t have enough information about that plot. 
I love to do the same thing in writing anything I have a hand in--for any sort of significant story at all, I don’t like to write for the first read; I like to write for the second, third, fourth reread. I mean obviously it needs to be interesting enough the first time around, but I personally like to add little details or character development or whatever which is more evident the second or more time of reading when you know everything you need to know, so when you go back to the start you can be like “OHHH! So THAT’S why--!” I got to do that a bit in ICoS but I’m going even more crazy with that in the book I’m working on now independently, because I am a nerd and it’s super fun to me. But anyway that way of writing a story over the course of the entire series rather than writing it solely book by book is something that definitely inspired me in writing Boyd for all of ICoS and all of my characters in it, and I don’t know what inspirations Santino has but whatever has inspired him also complements that inspiration of mine nicely, so that we both ended up being interested in writing that longer-form story built by shorters stories in between, rather than doing stories book by book with transitions in between but less of an overarching arc. If that makes sense? Hopefully it does. 
Also we had made Sin and Boyd and some other characters as RPG characters in separate RPGs so I think we pulled some of that stuff over too, so in a way the original characters they were in those original other worlds probably gave some inspiration for their initial personalities.
btw, Neo-Tokyo in Akira is really interesting as a connection you made in your mind! I haven’t watched Akira in foreverrrrr so I can’t recall it well enough to be able to say either way but my memory of it makes sense for why you thought of that, so that’s cool! I should watch Akira again, or maybe it read it this time... Thinking of Akira is making me nostalgic for all those series that are older but still great, like now I want to watch again Cowboy Bebop, or Trigun, or even Yami no Matsuei, or... Oh actually! Totally unrelated but speaking of! Recently I found the whole series for Kare Kano (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou/His and Her Circumstances) and omggggg having that sitting on my shelf without me watching it all over again is making me diiiiieeeeeee I’m dyingggggggg but I know I’ll get super into it again for nostalgia’s sake so I’m trying to make myself hold off until I can devote time to it.
Wow I rambled like fuck in this, sorry XD I guess the tl;dr is it was getting bits of ideas or inspiration from random or various places and then other things just kind of developing naturally in our minds, and it all came together into the monster that is ICoS XD 
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