#happy disability pride month. we are. out here.
sageandscorpiongrass · 11 months
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on illness and fatigue
A Poem About Pain, David Budbill | She Used to Be Mine, Waitress | Under One Small Star, Wislawa Szymborska | Burried, Ashe Vernon | Vive, Vive, Traci Brimhall | Chronic Pain, NHS Inform | Drawing Restraints, Agnes Cecile | Half-Life in Exile, Hala Alyan | Body Terror Song, AJJ | Unknown | Battlefield, Topaz Winters | White Oleander, Janet Fitch | Boy In The Bubble, Alec Benjamin | Quote by Richard Siken | Autoimmune Disease, Anna and Elena Balbusso | In The Pines, Alice Notley | Twenty, Silas Melvin
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fuck-comphet · 11 months
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I love them 🧡🤍💖❤️
I’m 2 days late but happy end of pride month and also happy beginning of disability pride month!!
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chalkeater · 10 months
honestly ngl this disability pride month has been us going “oh my god i have a disability and it disables me” and its fucking crazy every time bc its like we Forget and then we Remember and its like WDYM!!!!
like holy shit the disability sure does disabling!! and we live like this and forget bc we live in a society where we grew up needing to mask + push ourself to survive
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serialreblogger · 2 years
happy disability pride month, everyone! shoutout to all y'all with invisible disabilities that make it harder to get accommodations, mobility aids that make it harder to access even "accessible" spaces, visible differences & disabilities that make it harder to avoid abled antagonism, conditions & traits you aren't sure "count" as disabilities, and disabilities like mine that fall at the intersection between "physical" and "mental." shoutout to everyone who is disabled by societal ableism and is just fine with how their own brain and body works, actually. shoutout to everyone whose disability sucks, and everyone who would get rid of their disability in a heartbeat. shoutout to everyone who doesn't find themself in common dialogues about "disability & accommodations," because let's be honest - most of us don't. Our needs are many and diverse and even we cannot speak for each other, but we - like the queer community - stand together.
nothing about us without us.
happy pride.
#linden's originals#disability positivity post#disability pride month#disability wrath month#actuallydisabled#happy pride#side note in the tags: a lot of why i make this post is bc already some of the ''positivity posts'' i'm seeing are like#''especially physically disabled'' or w/e bc of that whole ''cripplepunk'' discourse re: whether neurodivergents cld reclaim ''cripple''#frankly i don't care. if ppl are applying a term to themself idc what they wanna use. but a lot of ableism came out of that debate#a lot of ''physical vs mental'' dichotomies that made me feel really invisible#like - fibromyalgia is characterized by ''phantom pain.'' by pain without a physical cause; by nerves & neurons misfiring#i use a wheelchair because of it but there is no physical reason - apart from my brain ofc; which is physical. brains are physical things#if you mean ''ppl who use mobility aids'' say that. but stop differentiating between ''physical'' disabilities & the rest of us#the rest of us are physically disabled too. and/or socially disabled:#in a state of enforced reduction of ability because the resources exist to live our lives to the fullest#and we can't: bc society is built for people with a specific physical makeup#(including neurological makeup. and also including configurations of limbs - and height; and facial appearances)#the Disfigured community & all those with visible differences from ''the norm'' are welcome here#little people are welcome here. as are intersex folks for the record -#being intersex is not (from what i understand) ''disabled'' per se. but our communities are closely aligned#both victims of institutionalized medical & social abuse. and some intersex variations include disabilities too -#so you're welcome here. just as you're welcome in the queer+ community. you are welcome to join us as we lend our voices to each other#all are welcome in the fight to breathe. until all of us can breathe easy#linden in the tags
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kunaigirl · 10 months
Happy Disability Pride and awareness month! Let's talk about Epilepsy!
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Hi there! I got tired of seeing my condition (that impacts my literal every day life) being left out or forgotten about during discussions about disabilities, so I made my own post about it! Let's go!
First Off! What the heck is epilepsy? Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the world, and it's a chronic medical condition. Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes recurring, frequent, triggered, and unprovoked seizures to occur.
The official Epilepsy Foundation describes seizures as follows: "Seizures are sudden surges of abnormal and excessive electrical activity in your brain, and can affect how you appear or act. Where and how the seizure presents itself can have profound effects...Seizures involve sudden, temporary, bursts of electrical activity in the brain that change or disrupt the way messages are sent between brain cells. These electrical bursts can cause involuntary changes in body movement or function, sensation, behavior or awareness." (Source link)
Sounds like a lot of fun right? This is our life. Even with medication, we can be VERY limited to what can be safe for us. Seizure medications are NOT a cure, they only exist (at least as of now) as a tool to help have your seizures less often, or be triggered less intensely. Even on medication, seizures can still happen.
If you have epilepsy as a child like I did, it impacts your entire growing and developing experience. I spent MANY times as a child in and out of hospitals, neurologist and specialist offices, an getting so many EEG tests done. The pain of scrubbing the glue out of your hair for DAYS is horrible.
At a young age my seizures were so frequent and serious, it impacted my brain's ability to retain information. I had to re-learn the names of things at age 8 and 9. I had to re-learn HOW TO READ at age 10. I had to be home schooled because the public school system of my state at the time refused to work with me. I have VERY distinct and vivid memories of crying over my little baby ABC's book that I needed as a 4th and 5th grader. I knew I should've known this by this age. I knew that at one point I already did, and it was TAKEN FROM ME.
As an adult, I'M NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE A CAR. And I can NEVER go to see a movie in theaters or go to see concerts or live music. There are entire TV shows I don't get to see. I can't go to clubs, arcades, dances, or raves. I miss out on A LOT of fun things. I always do, and I'm WELL AWARE of the fun I'm missing out on. The social, casual, and fun life experiences I'll never get to have. That WE'LL never get to have. And oh yeah! Seizures can KILL SOME OF US. Yep.
And the list goes on, and every person with epilepsy experiences it differently. There are multiple different types of seizures you can have, they're NOT always convulsing on the floor. For example, I have complex-partial-myoclonic-seizures. Meaning my muscles DO twitch when I have seizures, but I'm not always completely unconscious and sometimes I'm even able to stay sitting up. However, I'm still very "off" and can't focus or remember much for a good while after the fact. I can't talk or communicate during one, even with my slight bit of consciousness.
My experiences are not universal, I just wanted to talk about it and bring it up. It helps to talk about it even a little bit. Here's more about different kinds of seizures. Here's more about common seizure triggers. Here's more about CORRECT seizure first aid. And here's more general information/resources.
Please stop leaving us out of disability awareness. Please stop ignoring us or saying we're "not really disabled" or anything else like that. Please. Why does it always feel like the only people who care about epilepsy, are people WITH epilepsy? We're so tired of being ignored by others who don't have our condition.
If you're an epileptic person reading this, I see you. I love you. You're so strong, we all are. I believe in you, I believe in us. We're so much stronger than we get credit for, and it's going to be ok. Your anger and frustration are valid. Your emotions and struggles are real. You're valid, and I see you. Hang in there, we got this.
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thatgaydemigodnerd · 11 months
Happy disability pride month to all my physically disabled people! Wether you:
Are chronically ill
Are in chronic pain
Have reduced mobility
Need a wheelchair for whatever reason
Wish you had a wheelchair but can't get one
Have a tremor
Are a spoonie
Have reduced visibility or are blind
Have reduced hearing or are deaf/Deaf
Have an autoimmune disorder
Have a skin condition
Have something else physically wrong with you but you just can't figure out what
Have some other kind of physical disability that I didn't think of/add here (feel free to put in the tags if you are comfortable doing so)
Don't let the world forget about us this July! We are here, we aren't going away any time soon!
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[image ID: the updated disability pride flag. A dark grey background with 5 stripes on it, going diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured: green, blue, white, yellow, red. End ID]
(yes, mentally disabled people also fall under disability pride month but this post is meant to celebrate physically disabled people, please don't derail)
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lifblogs · 10 months
Happy Disability Pride Month to
The GI issues! No one wants to talk about GI issues, but here we go! Some of them are:
Celiac Disease
Lactose Intolerance
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Barrett’s Esophagus
Colon Polyps
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Dumping Syndrome
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
Microscopic Colitis
Stomach Ulcers
Ulcerative Colitis
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
If it seems like most of these were found on a list somewhere, you are correct, but I read up on every condition.
I invite anyone to use this post to discuss their own GI issues, and to add ones I have missed. Let’s get people talking about this! And let’s take stomach aches seriously. Many people go undiagnosed for a long time because of how abdominal pain and symptoms are brushed off. It’s important to listen to what you’re body is telling you, and to seek out help as soon as you can if it’s telling you it’s not feeling good. And going to a GI specialist can feel weird because who even wants to discuss excrement issues and vomiting? But come on, let’s do it. It’s okay to not feel well with your GI tract, and you’re not gross for it.
(A video I wanted to add to this post, but thought it would ruin the tone.)
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goldenheart-week · 1 month
Goldenheart Week 2024 FAQ
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What is this?
Goldenheart Week is a celebration of our favorite gay knights, in both their movie and comic incarnations. We're hoping to encourage new fanworks of all kinds!
When is it?/Why those dates?
We will be reblogging tagged posts from June 27 - July 3, 2024. June is Pride Month, June 30th was the Netflix release date for Nimona (and is the midpoint of Goldenheart Week), and July is Disability Pride Month.
Are there prompts?
Yes! Here they are along with the tagging system. Credit to @candyskiez and everyone who filled out our survey for some good suggestions, and thanks to everyone who voted in our survey to finalize the list.
What can I make?
You can make or write basically anything: haikus, limericks, 100 word drabbles, ficlets, long fics, traditional art, digital art, gifsets, cosplay, embroidery, etc.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes! It will open just before the start of Goldenheart Week and will stay open indefinitely.
How can I help?
@zyrafowe-sny would love graphic design support and someone else with blog access to reblog tagged posts during Goldenheart Week. Signal boosts are also always appreciated.
Are there any other Nimona fandom events?
Yes! Beta reader sign ups for the @nimonabigbang are open through July 28th, and final fics and fanart will be revealed in September. Reach out if you have other event ideas/plans — we're always happy to signal boost! @zyrafowe-sny could probably be talked into helping run another theme day/week, bingo, AO3 prompt fill, AO3 fic exchange, or something else after the Big Bang is over.
What about...
Feel free to send asks if you have questions! We'll also be updating the FAQ as needed.
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burningtheroots · 11 months
💜🤍💚 Introduction Post & Guide/Masterpost 💜🤍💚
After three months, I think it‘s time to introduce myself and clear this mess of a blog a bit 💀
So, I‘m 20 years old and have been learning about radical feminism for quite a while before joining in myself, and I‘m really grateful to be part of this community and even be mutuals with some of my favorite women on here. <3
I joined Tumblr (and Instagram) to share information, my own opinions and to connect with like-minded women. Before discovering radical feminism, I always felt left out from the discussions and didn’t know that there would be anyone who‘d understand me and accept me. I tried to fit in somewhere where I didn’t belong, and whilst it‘s not always easy to be here, I‘m happy that this community exists. :‘)
DMs & anons are always open, and I‘m always interested in having discussions and meeting new people.
I‘m rather shy and struggle a bit with my social skills, but it gets better eventually.
The only people who aren’t welcome on my blog are p0rn obsessed men and generally anyone who only wants to harass me or spread misogyny. I‘m all for respectful discussions and willing to share my viewpoints, but I‘m not a punching bag.
As there‘s a lot going on here, I collected the most important posts and reblogs (quite many, to be honest) and decided to link them here. Some are simply informative, some are very subjective and some are a mixture of both. The list will be updated over time.
Here you go:
(I‘d also heavily recommend to check out @/radfemfox5, @/woman-for-women, @/butch-reidentified, @/radsplain, @/meanevilandcruel … and many more — not actually tagging them because this post is long & I don’t want to annoy them) 💜🤍💚
if a link doesn’t work, please let me know
Sex-based violence 🔗 links
‼️ Self-protection in emergency situations
Pornography 🔗 links
Prostitution 🔗 links
Gender Critical 🔗 links
Surrogacy 🔗 links
Sexual assault 🔗 links
LGB & Pride 🔗 links
Women‘s health 🔗 links
Pro-choice 🔗 links
Questionable men 🔗 links
Women‘s rights movement // General stuff continued 🔗 links
Women‘s movement // General stuff
Donation Megathread
Stop the infighting
"Not like other girls"
"Not All Men" is a war propaganda tactic
Age and attraction
Key elements
Andrea Dworkin works
Why feminism should center women and women only
How men see us
Prioritize women
Radical feminism is intersectional
Radical feminism definition
Double standards in terms of "unconditional love"
Favorite quote
We‘re not Nazis
We don’t support Nazis & vice versa
Misogyny vs. misandry
Why I‘m a radfem
Actual radfeminism
No good men
Feminist book list
Libfem hypocrisy
Andrew Tate fans
"Withholding sex" is a misconception
Sexism against women in sports
Choice feminism
Men ☕️
Sex-based violence
Radfeminism is superior
On motherhood
On motherhood 2
Workplace sexism
Men‘s mental health month
Women are not protected 1
Women are not protected 2
Oppressor classes
Men who want children
Men‘s sexual entitlement
Beauty Myth
A man‘s world
It‘s all men
Double standards
Women in fiction
No conservatism
Lies about emotions
The system isn’t broken
Resist, don‘t comply
Male hypocrisy
Woman arrested in Saudi Arabia
"Unconditional love"
Beauty ideals
Again, men ☕️
Parental alienation ‼️
Men & gossip
Men dislike their own daughters
Women aren’t objects
On religion
Sexism at school
Women‘s labor
Men‘s victim mentality
Arranged marriage
Women are an afterthought
Oppression in the US
Purity culture
American women & maternity leave
Body neutrality
Dangerous men are around us
Men don‘t actually "love" women
Stereotyping men
Neha Wadekar in Baringo county, Kenya
Tomiekia Johnson
Child marriage in the US
Workplace sexism
UN report (alarming)
"You are a man-hater"
People with disabilities matter
Disability Pride Month
Girls‘ clothing
So you‘re partnered with a male
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cy-cyborg · 8 months
I'm seeing a lot of people here and on other platforms getting angry at people who have come from Tik Tok (and youtube to a lesser extent) who refuse to say words like death, racism and anything relating to heavy topics. Sometimes they won't even say the names of minorities either.
Any I get why this is frustrating and just not a good practice. The people criticising these folks are absolutely right, we need to get comfortable saying these words and discussing these topics. Not to mention the fact that self-censorship can cause issues for people who are legitimatly triggered by those topics (e.g. due to trauma), But as someone who spent a lot of time on Tik Tok and youtube before coming here, I think there's some vital context missing here.
I'd say a good 75% of the people on tik tok, and by extention, people who have moved elsewhere from Tik Tok, using words like "unalive," "r#pe," "sewerslide" or whatever else aren't using it because they're uncomfortable with the topic. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They want to talk about it, but Tik Tok's content moderation is so wildly strict that they can't. Even saying the words would get you flagged by the algorithm, ESPECIALLY if you had captions enabled or the actual word written in text from the in-app editor. This was especially true for people from minorities trying to talk about issues affecting their community or even just themselves (hence the hesitation to even say the minorities name sometimes).
This isn't just some conspiracy theory either. Tik Tok staff admitted to doing this intentionally on several occasions as a way to "keep the peace". I remeber when I first joined, it came out that they intentionally limited views on videos of visibly disabled people, both to prevent bullying but also because "some users find that content disturbung." I couldn't even show my stumps in videos without my videos getting stuck on 0 views at best or account warnings for "inappropriate content" at worst. I got DMs from several people after my video about disability pride month in July asking why their comments wishing me a happy disability pride month got removed, when I went into check the filtered comments, they'd all been hidden for "bullying". The same thing was happening with people commenting and saying the word "autism." And that's just the disabled community. I know similar stuff was happening in other communities too.
Most of the time, you had to speak in coded language to get your point out there. It's not that they're uncomfortable with it, it's because the videos would be dead in the water if they didn't. Getting the message out using these "toned down" replacements was better than not getting it out at all.
"OK, but this isnt tik tok, they shouldn't do that here" yeah, I agree, but for a lot of kids, Tik Tok was their first real experiance with social media, it makes sense that they're going to assume other platforms will be the same. YouTube is just as bad, if not worse, in some respects. Tumblr even has its fair share of censorship issues, too (e.g. queer people's posts being flagged as mature for seemingly no reason). It's not a stretch to make the assumption they'd need to continue the practice of self-censorship here, too.
This isn't to say that NO ONE is using the censored words to avoid hard topics/because it makes them uncomfy, but in my experiance, those people assume this is the best thing to do because everyone else was using it. They don't stop to ask why. They just repeat it, which in turn contributes to making them umcomfey with the real word.
I'm not saying don't pick people up on this stuff. We NEED those words, and we need to be more comfortable with them so stuff like the above situation doesn't happen and become a self-perpetuating cycle. But it started from a real, genuine need to censor ourselves to even get the message out, and I think it's important to keep that in mind. It's not just kids being "too sensitive."
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the-moon-loves-the-sea · 11 months
Pride's a strange time for me. For years it was a quiet, sad, hopeful little silent celebration for me -- for as long as it took to get my family all the way out of the cult where we trained, and worked, and worshiped, and lived.
Whenever we run into people from the cult who've made it out -- really out, not just left but stopped believing in the demons that haunt forbidden things waiting to latch onto us, and the immediate perfection of the soul, and our responsibility to personally bring about the imminent end of the world -- when we find them it's like finding family. They know what it was like.
So we sat around the table, the other night, talking about how the church attached to it closed down, and how much worse we felt for a while after we left, and how much better we feel now. And then one of them said that the cult might be about to close too. They're running out of money. They have been for a long time, but they've got no land and no companies left to sell.
So I went into Pride with a strange feeling of collapse -- restraint gone with the walls of the place that used to stand between me and the rest of you.
My sister just left a few months ago. My mom a few months before that. Neither of them has really processed how it was, though they've started to understand a bit. When I try to talk to them about it, they shut down. The boundaries of the things they're not allowed to think still hold. They might always. Hell is a deep fear.
It's strange that the one thing I'm thankful I took from the cult was my partner. I'm so glad I've got him -- me, a dyke, not that I knew that when I got married; my first kiss was my wedding day and we hadn't done more than hold hands. He was the first one to ask if I wanted to leave. He wanted me to be okay more than he wanted me to stay. He's been the first one to gladly hear all the things I was doubting and all the forbidden things I'd learned. He's made space for me and kept liking me while I've learned how to be angry and sad and assertive and tired. He's figured out how to be my partner now that I can't be his wife any more.
For a while we had plans to separate as soon as I finished college. My cult's college degree is unaccredited and I have no work experience outside them and the church. I don't even know how to write a resume. We've had to postpone that indefinitely. Kiddo has multiple disabilities, and one of us needs to stay with her, and my partner has work experience, so he's bringing in the income. We're in a holding pattern. And yet.
Our house does not belong to them. None of our income comes through them. They don't have access to records of our spiritual care or our mental health. I have an ex-fundie lesbian therapist, and meds, and friends. I've got a queer book club. I can go to Pride with my family, look across the street at my friend from the cult praying and protesting the event, and know that if she sees me, it doesn't matter any more. I own my soul.
Year by year the boundaries of me get clearer. I don't feel like a ghost now, and I'm figuring out how to be a person.
I've been here on tumblr for twelve years, over the whole course of this slow escape, from the year I married my husband until now. A lot of what I saw here helped me imagine a happy future for us, and learn about queer history, and give a sense of family and a place in the world. I know some of you are coming from similar pain, and I hope you know I'm with you. And I don't talk about my life on here that often, but it's good that I can. The only people left living with me love all of me. Happy Pride, y'all.
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strawberryjmilk · 10 months
repeat ♡ min yoongi [repeat, repeat, repeat]
a small compilation of moments between autistic!reader + yoongi happy disability pride month <3
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please do not use this as a way to self-diagnose. having one thing in common does not necessarily mean you are autistic. im not a therapist or doctor, if you think you’re on the spectrum, talk to them. <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
picky eating ♡
yoongi made a habit for himself. every time he heard of something new — a restaurant, cafe, bakery, whatever — he sent you the menu immediately. one too many times you’d arrived to a new place only to not eat ; or you would verbally shut down, too overwhelmed with the new area and different options.
he’d seen as a comfort food no longer tasted or felt the same ; saw the discomfort and confusion on your face as something so nice turned bitter.
“baby,” his voice calls through your phone's speaker. you smile at the sound, applying a sensory friendly lip balm as he speaks. “check out the link i jus’ sent you. or we could do your favorite for dinner. you choose.”
you hum, scrolling through the new menu you were sent. your eyes light up at the description of one of the choices. it sounded good ; sounded like something you’d actually eat. “the new place sounds good. are we eating there or…?”
“wanna take it home?” a crinkle hits his line as he adjusts the phone. “can pick it up on the way there.”
you bite your lip, “are you sure? i can— i’ll get ready if you want to go out.”
“nah,” he breathes out a laugh, “we’ll eat at home. see you soon, baby.”
parallel play ♡
yoongi did not like people being in his studio. it was his safe space ; his work area where he didn’t like to be interrupted.
you broke this rule sometimes.
he allowed it — liking how quiet and to yourself you’d be. other times, though, you’d let him be and wait until he got home to hang out.
a puzzle was on the floor as you sort through the pieces, mind blank and searching for the last pink colored piece. yoongi glanced at you from where he sat, headphones wrapped around his neck. he smiles softly, nudging your knee with the tip of his shoe. “alright?”
“m’good,” you respond. you don’t even blink ; don’t look up at him to smile as you move onto a different color. your fingers twitch, hesitating to pick up a puzzle piece. “want me to leave?”
“nah,” yoongi sags back into his chair comfortably. “you’re jus’ fine right here, angel.”
stimming ♡
you need to move. your emotions have built up — and built up and built up and built up — and now you were on the verge of wiggling until everything came loose. taking a deep breath, you pick at your nails once more.
it does nothing.
none of your usual, hidden stims are good enough anymore. you’ve bottled it up so much for so long that you need something harsh ; something destructive and big to help you release.
yoongi frowns as you scrunch your fingers together tightly, so hard it looks painful. “baby? everything okay?”
you let out another breath, eyes pinned to the wall in front of you. “need to… scream.”
it was a code word — i need to stim. yoongi frowns, adjusting his body so that his head and torso are facing you fully. “okay. go ahead. you know i don’t mind.”
“it’s—“ you let out a whine. your eyes scrunch closed — so hard you see stars and dots — before you snap them back open. your mouth curves into a frown, voice softening into a whisper. “it’s embarrassing.”
“embarrassing?” yoongi’s frown deepens as he laces his fingers with your own. you hesitate, but give his hand a small squeeze. “angel, this is something you need to do. something that helps you self-regulate and feel better.” he pauses, eyes dancing across your face as your agitated expression holds. “want me to look away?”
you squeeze his fingers once more before shaking your head. another breath — you close your eyes again. and then you’re slowly rocking back and forth in your seat, quickening the pace as you need to.
yoongi stays silent, only rubbing his thumb across your knuckles when you slow down. eventually, your eyes peel open and your shoulders are less tense ; a smile easier to hold. he kisses the back of your hand, “better?”
“much. thank you.
“nothin’ to thank,” another kiss to your hand. “jus’ glad you feel safe with me.”
disordered sleeping ♡
another yawn leaves your lips. you blink, shaking your head to wake yourself up a little more. yoongi glances at you, frowning in concern. he tilts his head, "sleepy, angel?"
"bad night," you answer instead. he leans up, getting in your view as his frown deepens. "bad dreams and woke up... a lot."
"m'sorry," he rubs your back, "anything i can do to help?"
you hum, moving your body with the motion of his hand. rubbing your eyes — yoongi pulls your hand away gently — you shrug. "feels like i've tried everything and nothing helps."
yoongi nods, a pout on his mouth. the room goes still, silent as he continues to rub your back. "we can try something new, if you want? look up remedies 'nd stuff and see what you think."
"okay," you sag against his body, "won't hurt to try, i guess."
"okay." yoongi grins and scrolls on his phone, looking for things to help you sleep. he says them outloud, pausing when you hum in interest. you've got a small list of things to try, home remedies and medical ones. yoongi kisses the side of your head, "nap if you want, angel. i'll wake you in a bit."
auditory processing disorder ♡
sometimes, words didn't sound right to you. the sentences didn't make sense ; the way things were phrased or pronounced were hard to understand. yoongi was patient with this — didn't get annoyed when you asked him to repeat things.
you're reading when yoongi calls out, "get your phone, please."
how would that make sense when you're on your phone? your eyebrows furrow as you pause running through his sentence and trying to make it make sense.
yoongi pops his head out from his room, "thanks for folding these."
your mouth falls into an oh expression. "you're welcome."
the side of his mouth tilts up, as he stills, watching you curiously. "what did you think i said?"
"something about my phone." you move the device, wiggling it in the air. "didn't get how that made sense."
yoongi lets out a laugh, nodding to himself. "no wonder you didn't answer me at first."
——♡—— slowly trying to write for kpop again <3 doing my best!! i wrote a detroit become human one here if you'd like to read it! <3 strawberryjmilk © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know.
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that-disabled-princess · 10 months
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GO HOME, TUMBLR, YOU'RE DRUNK. For the THIRD TIME, here's my post. Let me show my goddamn knees, Tumblr.
Happy happy disability pride month to my fellow disabled folks! Since it's disability pride month, I figured I'd take the opportunity to flaunt my cane! (All sticker credits are under the cut.)
No one in my household knows about my cane--they give me enough shit for being disabled as it is--so I'm going to be proud online :D
I had to buy a cheap one off Amazon because I'm a broke teenager with no job, but it works well for me! I absolutely love my cane--it is so handy, and has saved me from many a bad flareup while out shopping. I can stay out longer without worrying so much about my knee, which is frankly amazing. I'm so happy I can do that now.
I fucking adore stickers, I have quite a few on my laptop and water bottle, and had so much fun putting them all on my cane. (What you see on my cane barely scratches the surface of the sheer number of stickers I have.) I had so much fun putting my personality onto my cane with stickers and crochet.
My doctor and I still don't know what's going on with my knee, and she advised going to an orthopedic, so that's our next step. Hopefully we can get some answers as to why my joints are fucked up.
I'm also disabled in other way besides chronic knee pain--chronic migraines, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, chronic hand pain from an injury. I wear prescription sunglasses to help with the migraines and sensory issues!
Happy disability pride month! 🖤❤️💛🤍💙💚🖤
Spadey sticker from @mostlymaudlin
"Love yourself" sticker from a garage sale
Appa sticker from unknown (I cannot find who the seller was)
Frog "Be you" sticker and rainbow axolotl sticker from YunaartDesign
"Queer" sticker from blackfernpdx
"I'm a book dragon, not a worm" sticker from a garage sale
Rainbow crochet caterpillar charm by me!
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Here’s some positivity for systems with gastroparesis!
Disability pride month may be over, but it’s always a good time to uplift and celebrate disabled systems within the plural community! Systems with gastroparesis may find that it’s difficult to speak up about their condition or have their voices heard and acknowledged in our spaces. This post aims to bring joy, hope, and awareness to systems with gastroparesis out there!
Shoutout to systems whose gastroparesis causes them to struggle to stay fed or get enough to eat!
Shoutout to systems who feel nauseous often or all the time!
Shoutout to systems who deal with chronic pain or discomfort in their tummy or abdomen!
Shoutout to systems whose gastroparesis has traumatized them or led them to develop their system!
Shoutout to systems who struggle to have their symptoms heard and taken seriously by their doctors and healthcare professionals!
Shoutout to systems whose gastroparesis developed suddenly and unexpectedly, and to those whose condition developed as a result or complication of another illness!
Shoutout to systems who need special diets, ample breaks in school and work, or other accommodations in order to live happy, healthy lives!
Shoutout to systems who advocate for themselves and others and try to educate others about gastroparesis, its prevalence, and how to be a good ally to those who struggle with it!
Shoutout to systems with gastroparesis who have had to manage their symptoms on their own due to being unable to afford quality healthcare!
Shoutout to headmates in systems with gastroparesis who are symptom holders for nausea, pain, discomfort, or other challenging symptoms!
Shoutout to systems with gastroparesis who are learning more about themselves and their bodies and are taking steps towards living full and happy lives!
For those who live with gastroparesis, we want to uplift you and support you however we can! Please don’t be afraid to talk about your experiences here - we care about you and we wish the very best for you in all that you do! We want to support you to the very best of our abilities!
Know that you will always belong in and be an important part of the plural community! We sincerely hope that you can find the accommodations you need, a healthcare team who understands you and takes you seriously, medications that improve your quality of life, or anything else that’s necessary for your system to thrive and flourish! Please don’t be too hard on yourself or your system, try to take it easy, and have a wonderful day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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disabledunitypunk · 10 months
Disability Pride Month Art Prompts!
I know we're nearly a week late with this, but we wanted to put these up! Feel free to tag us if you make art with any prompts on this list. Also, gentle reminder to only do what you can do comfortably and safely. If all you manage is a couplet or haiku for one prompt, that's amazing! If you can't do any of them, but looking at them inspires you to think about art and that makes you happy, that's wonderful!
Prioritize taking care of yourself, and be proud of WHATEVER you can do ^^
Now for the prompts!
1 Wheelchair
2 Autism/ADHD
3 Invisible Disability
4 Incontinence
5 Personality Disorders
7 Spinal Disabilities
8 Dysautonomia/Nervous System Dysregulation
9 Cane 
10 Nonverbal/Semiverbal/Aphasia
11 Psychosis
12 Chiari Malformation
13 Skin Conditions
14 Schizophrenia
15 Crutches
16 Paralysis
17 d/Deaf*
18 Intellectual Disability
19 Sleep/Circadian Rhythm Disorder
20 Scoliosis
22 Anxiety
23 GI and histamine disorders
24 Learning Disorders
25 Eating Disorder
26 Disordered Plurality
27 Blind/Visually Impaired*
28 Depression 
29 Tourette’s
30 Autoimmune Disorders
31 Amputee
Bonus Prompt: Pick a disability punk label or related  label (Cripplepunk, Neuropunk, Madpunk, Pluralpunk, Anti-Psych/Psych-Critical, Self-Diagnosed, Autpunk, Dyspunktional, Alterpunk, Radinclus, Voidpunk, Amatopunk, Pro-delusion, Hopepunk, Unitypunk, etc)
*An additional note: we know that blindness, visual impairment, d/Deafness, and being hard of hearing isn't always considered a disability, and want to respect that. As such, here are several alternate prompts for those days (or any other days you'd rather switch out!)
Delusion and delusion-adjacent labels, such as endel, capgras, cotard's, clinical lycanthropy, etc
POSIC+ identities and alterhumanity (not inherently disabling, but often related to disability and especially neurodivergence)
Aphantasia, Synesthesia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, or Dyslexia
Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders
Terminal Illness
Degenerative Diseases
Happy Disability Pride Month, and may your good days be many and your bad days be mild!
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applesdotexe · 10 months
hi, it's apples again! disabled system artist struggling with a way out in sight
both myself and my roommate have been approved for a 2 bedroom apartment, with a move-in date in september. our current living situation is with my family in the family home, which was done in an emergency after falling behind on rent last year when we both got covid and were down and out for weeks.
it's been rough living at my family home, it is the space i was abused in for ~20 years and since coming here both of us have began struggling so much with our health
we still have a majority of large items from our previous apartment (beds, dressers, a couch, TVs) but many smaller items (dishes/cookware, lamps) we will need. i'll also be living with my cat as an ESA to help with my intense anxiety and coping with trauma, so i need some pet supplies too
i have a listing here of apartment needs! it ranges from cheap furniture, to kitchen devices like a microwave, to pet supplies, to basic life upgrades like a new laundry hamper or new bedsheets.
nobody is obligated to get anything of course -- sharing helps too! both me and my roommate are physically disabled, and as we figure out paperwork for food stamps/state medicaid, getting this stuff squared away would be amazing
thank you for reading/sharing/supporting. happy disability pride month! 💖
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