#happily ever after etc etc
steveharrignton · 6 months
nah i just binged through all of veronica mars and i do not accept the ending i’m in denial i refuse to believe that goodbye
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aroaceofthesea · 24 days
One of my fave people in catalan folklore is sant jordi (saint george) who saved the princess but when the king asked him to marry her he was like naaah and left forever. icon
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hopecomesbacktolife · 1 month
so I rewatched this episode recently and I am now Thinking Some Thoughts TM about The Librarians season 2 episode 9 And The Happily Ever Afters
namely, I was thinking about how I feel like there’s been discussions about the general plot, admiration for the funny bits and Fleve moments (as there should be!) a general appreciation for the overarching plot of the episode, how it’s compelling that they turn away from their “happily ever after” or, as Ariel put it, “their heart’s desire” right? and, while I’m sure we could even discuss whether these AU lives shown in the episode would really be these characters’ most secret, deepest wishes, given what we know about them—
I want to set that aside for a minute and really think about the premise. Ariel was saying that no human has ever been able to turn their back on that willingly, right? and my first thought was some abstract idea— humans being unable to turn their backs on true love, on the person they want to be with, or perhaps on the job they want most, or even something like having their own peaceful home, right?
but then I thought, okay, what would this be for me? My deepest desire, the thing that makes my heart ache with yearning— is it belonging? love? What would it actually look like to have the offer of your wildest hopes to be real, and to, for the good of the world and to save you and your friends’ (and the entire world) lives, to walk away from that?
and it’s that last bit of the question that really stopped me in my tracks because. and I don’t know if this is just because I’ve been thinking of STIV a lot recently, but. really? truly? if we’re being honest? deepest, fiercest desire? thing I would long for most in the world? fictitious alternate life that would be hardest to give up as it constitutes a happy ending? like, for me, that’s a Star Trek world, no question even about it. A hopeful optimistic future where humanity is among the stars, racism, sexism, homophobia, human xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry have been virtually eliminated, everyone’s basic needs are met and we’re no longer seeing constant and insidious human rights violations? humanity come together to create an equitable, fair, good world for all that has done away with money and everyone’s needs are met, medical care is free, incredibly accessible, and available to all, people are free to pursue their interests with no capitalistic control upon them, we’ve reached the stars and are caring for our earth, each other, and making friendships with new species?
like, ough. It’s Gillian Taylor being able to come with Kirk and crew back to the 23rd century and live there, you know? It’s that scene in Diane Duane’s TNG novel Dark Mirror where [redacted] is in awe at the prime universe’s wondrous hope and equality and loveliness! it’s The ultimate fantasy, this post-scarcity post-bigotry equitable utopia, you know?
If I was stuck in a life AU like the others in the show, I’m almost certain it would be being put into Star Trek. and I just. can you imagine, being placed into a Star Trek life, and then being asked to give that up, to save the world? how do you give up a future beyond hatred, beyond bigotry, beyond systemic inequalities and oppression and war and capitalistic medical systems and. and. how in hell could someone give that up? how is saving the world the very giving up of the better-future-dream made real, made tangible? when saving the world is somehow going back to the one that seems Worse, where we’re still dealing with all of these hates and bigotries and money-originated-violences? how is that saving the world? and, to be selfish, to give up a world free of homophobia, with instantly available medical care?
I just. god, with the self-reinforcing nature of the AU life spell I just. I don’t know if I’d be able to give it up. Would anyone be able to convince me that it’s not real? And even if, somewhere in my heart of hearts, I know that it isn’t real, that I’d been stuck into a materialized Star Trek AU that isn’t real life… could I give that up? to be completely serious, you know, envisioning that as a real life situation… could I truly look at that life, and say yes, this is exactly what I want, in this life I would never be denied medical care and have no need to work under capitalistic society and am fully accepted and cherished in my queerness and in space… and to say yes, it’s everything I’ve ever yearned for, and then to shut the door on that, and knowingly return to the world of our current day?
I don’t know, y’all. I mean. Even if I did do it, which isn’t 100% certain—but looking within myself I think I could have the strength to do it, but I’d need some time to bid farewell in my heart, it couldn’t be sudden— the very act of seeing a Star Trek future and being in it and then… to willingly leave… it would break my heart so deeply, I just. how does one recover from that? my throat hurts with the sheer emotion and sadness at the very thought; how could one knowingly, informedly leave such a place and not have your heart forever changed? I think I’d always feel a little wounded, a certain especially tender spot somewhere deep within myself. To have held that future and then let it slip from your fingers…
I think this is especially poignant and moving to me given that this comes immediately following And The Point of Salvation and we know that Ezekiel remembers everything, and even though he seems to be fine because the writers don’t let his character breathe and give him the space and respect he’s due / Julian Bashir-ify him / are racist and don’t let him express it onscreen, there’s no way that didn’t majorly fuck him up psychologically, and I feel like, as sweet as this episode is presented onscreen, it’s kind of the emotional narrative successor to the previous episode because it’s like, the other side of the forever-changed-self coin. to really, truly walk away from what you most desire?
for me, to walk away from a brief moment of living in a Star Trek world? to quote another story, I think I might be brave enough; but I don’t think I’d ever feel the same and, I think there would be so much indescribable sadness to the aftermath of this.
Even if we argue that each of their life AUs were vastly more personal than worldwide-altering hopes and dreams, still, and even given that these events were followed up by the season finale (which was very good as well!!) I think the characters would all really, really need time to sit with and process the grief of losing… whatever their heart’s-desire-lives were, whether we agree with the accuracy of the ones we saw on screen or no. I think they’d need to really mourn those brief flashes of an alternate life; and even after they went back to work and proceeded “as normal” I think these sadnesses would crop back up from time to time as a certain sound, certain name, certain object or scenery or other occurrence briefly brought their memory back to those brief flashes of another time, another life. And they’d help each other through it, of course, but. what a particular sadness that would be.
I dunno, I guess I just got to thinking about how incredibly difficult and heartbreaking it would be to be placed into a Star Trek future and then have to make the choice to give that up, and how I don’t think any of the Librarians or Eve would bounce back to normal immediately, how they’d need to give themselves time to feel all of the emotions and process the losses of the time when they inhabited their hearts’ desires because, ough, I would be such a mess.
maybe sometime I’ll write a fic about this because there’s so much unexplored emotional potential and angst/hurt/comfort territory going on here, but I had to get these thoughts out because the concept of being handed your deepest, dearest wishes and then being asked to recant to save the world is so, so much more intense, more heartbreakingly bittersweet, more layered than we really got screen time for, and is (to me at least!) so worth exploring in terms of how it would affect the characters in the weeks/months etc beyond the events of the episode. ough, just. so many feelings about this♡
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housewifebuck · 8 months
after reading "buck fell too early and eddie fell too late", all I see is buck longing but thinking he can't have him and eddie pining in s6 aaaaah it hurts someone tell them they're being insane
Please it’s too early for this (literally 3pm)
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syncast-err0r · 1 year
saw au where when adam's throwing a fit he starts throwing random shit at jigsaw's body and ends up actually killing him
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silverysongs · 11 months
parts from the camelot revival cast recording that make me smile, act 2
not comprehensive. might be in an order. featuring 20% more jordan donica.
ENTR'ACTE. we've got the true theatre experience guys (minus the exit music.)
jordan donica's perfect french during the madrigal
the hazy, in-the-other-room feel of the madrigal strings at the beginning of "if ever i would leave you"
jordan donica's perfect vowels.
the dreamy strings when lance comes back in after the instrumental interlude
"it's not the earth the meek inherit, it's the dirt." / again with lerner's lyrics, but taylor trensch does a such good job making them come alive.
"...and fidelity is only for your mate!" / shouted towards the direction where arthur disappeared. have to say, i do love mordred's fierce loyalty to his mother even if he is a toad.
[guenevere, whistling terribly] "stop! you are terrible at whistling!"
"i'm a beginner! i just need practice and encouragement!" / "the very last thing you should have is encouragement." / WHAT are the implications of that statement, arthur???
"my father used to say i sang like an angel who'd been blessed with a particularly pretty singing voice." / this joke has no right being so good.
"what do simple folk do... to forget?" / love that this line could be played ironically or straight.
"what else do the simple folk--" / sighing: "genny." / when i tell you that i almost melted when i heard this on the cast recording
that verse in "fie on goodness" that's just about scotland, and then: "fie on scotland, fie!!!"
the entire ensemble during "guenevere"
trumpet fanfare/snare hit after arthur says "those guards are going to die tonight"!
the slow dirge of winds and percussion at the end of "guenevere"
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omg-just-peachy · 2 years
POV: You successfully meet your co-captain soulmate at the dock and run away to live in a seaside cottage with a cat named Josephine
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ppulverse · 2 months
i was really hoping to see beomgyu in the credits for writing and/or producing at least one of the tracks so i'm feeling kinda upset that literally everyone else worked on at least 2 songs while he got nothing bc that probably means they all wrote stuff and he was the only one whose lines didn't get approved :(
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tallbluelady · 11 months
It's only MOSTLY your fault - song 4?
(Actor With a Loaded Gun - Dan Croll, I Melt With You playlist)
The first time Minthe met Daedalus she was... distracted.
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Daedalus is @azure-dragonsinger!
Thanks for the prompt/patience!
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mainfaggot · 4 months
this recent jersey club slash breakcore-ish trend in kpop is kinda really fun
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
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nothing bad will ever happen to them for sure fo4 events holding a giant bat: yea sure :)
template + El belongs to amazing @devilbrakers
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pastelcheckereddreams · 7 months
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Li Lianhua dies using the last of yangzhouman to heal the man that killed Li Xiangyi.
Li Lianhua dies at the moment Wuliao looks up from his meditation to the statue of the Buddha and stops his drumbeat.
(LLH says: Live well. Biqiu says: I'll listen to you. It is a goodbye.)
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This is the unavoidable truth of the narrative: Li Lianhua is departing this world.
His ghost remains just a while longer, to ease the pain of his passing. Because that's what he's been doing all this time - living, to grow food. Living, to feed a dog. To feed a boy. Living, to die. Living.
It is not a sad thing.
But attachments are messy and burdensome, and as he forms more he spends a lot of time trying to ease the burden of his ghost off the shoulders of others; shielding everyone from that truth that is an unavoidable fact - he is dying.
That is, paradoxically, his burden.
At the moment LLH has no more to give, can carry no more, and knows it - Wuliao, the first to know he exists, the first to hope he won't die - lets him go.
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In that instant, the sun sets. The moon rises.
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From here, we play out the cycle of loss again, for emphasis: Li Lianhua is a ghost. He has settled all of LXY's debts. Now he must settle the ones LLH himself has accumulated.
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tristinian · 9 months
One of my early trans memories was when my mum gave me a book of short stories called “A Girl Named Francesca” and it was about a girl named Francesca. Anyways one of the stories was about one time she gave herself a haircut and butchered it so badly her parents had to cut it off. And because her hair was short now they were making jokes about her being a boy now and having to call her Frances. And god I think that did something to me because that was my favourite short story in that entire book because I loved the idea of having a haircut and being seen as a boy and being called a boys name. Totally cis behaviour
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mishkakagehishka · 9 months
But i keep thinking ab how sad it all is like. To my knowledge, Leon becomes a cop bc of the usual fictional motivation of "the law couldn't help my family so i'll be the law that helps" or whatevs and then he was told to stay away from Raccoon City (bc yknow), where he was supposed to start work after absolutely excelling in the academy, but he goes there anyway (hungover, after his gf broke up with him. bc they thought the rest of it wasn't enough for his tragic backstory ig). And then the . Everything. Branagh still forces him to prioritise himself, he gets to what was going to be his desk (sobbing) and there's a note like "first task for our new rookie!! Get to know your colleagues :) the passcode for our desks are the first letters of our names! Teehee!! This guy might not give you a straight answer wink wonk" and you have to figure it out via nameplates and shit because you saw Elliot's guts fall out, and one of them is a zombie and Branagh is the only one actually "alive" out of those six he had to "get to know" as his first task. And the "welcome Leon" banner. OTZ
And then after all that. After all that, when he and Claire and Sherry manage. And you think "oh lovely happy ending, therapy and they can move on" nope. Dude gets literally threatened by the US government to become a special agent. And then RE4 happens. Like ??!?!?!?!??!?!!?
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
i still can't get over the fact that when doflamingo seized dressrosa and got Kyros surrounded he legit told him "join me, I'll kill your wife and daughter and father-in-law anyways lol XD" like? Did he really think he was cooking? Did he expect Kyros to just be chill with all of this and join him? NGL worst Doffy deal smh
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Hiiiiiii~ Do you have a crush on anybody? 🥺😳😳❤️
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💖🥺🙏✨hehe~ twirls hair✨🙏🥺💖
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but in all seriousness: no 😩😔
and on an even more serious note: i don't like to put labels on my romantic inclinations tbh; however, while i keep myself open to the possibility of Something Happening, i also, historically, know my limits. i've been in relationships and i've loved fiercely and been loved fiercely, but unfortunately, in spite of that and spite of wanting the warm comfort i've always dreamed of with another person, and that wonderful woodsy wedding i've been planning since i was a kid.. i've learned i'm kind of uncomfortable in a romance. there are a lot of factors as to why there, and again, i'm not closed off entirely to the idea in the long run; but for right now, it's a no-go.
i think my reservations are more of an issue when it's something face to face and destined to be a physical or day-to-day constant rather than anything as removed as something online, but the halt is absolutely there nevertheless. i've got a lot of issues to work through and i'm not really gunning to get connected with anyone and tho i've developed crushes on people online and off, i pull on those reins VERY hard because it's just not fair for me but especially not the other person when i'm so unavailable. i've tried, but really, i'm very unavailable at this time; i have a lot of growing, and personal fixing and maintenance to do before i'd feel comfortable opening myself up to further consideration for finding a partner.
if there's anyone out there who happens to have a crush on me god BLESS you i would CRY and i'm so, so sorry to disappoint(?). pls say hello anyway and let's be friends 🥺🙏 but in terms of romance, come back in 2030 when GOOMT's done*; maybe things'll be looking better in the heart department by then. 🥚❤️
*joking. ................. maybe.
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