#minthe becomes a better person after she and hades break up and they all live happily ever after etc
tallbluelady · 1 year
It's only MOSTLY your fault - song 4?
(Actor With a Loaded Gun - Dan Croll, I Melt With You playlist)
The first time Minthe met Daedalus she was... distracted.
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Daedalus is @azure-dragonsinger!
Thanks for the prompt/patience!
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genericpuff · 2 months
bit out of nowhere but LO Hades reminds me so much to Bojack Horseman idk how to explain it
Oh we've talked about this extensively in the ULO chat circles n such, especially when it comes to the most climactic scene in the show, the second interview:
The entire tone of the show showcases a very bitter reality with a lot of celebrities and people in power. There are some messed up things that happen throughout the course of the show, but they always feel like they're being used for comedy or brushed under the rug with comedy, because the show is, after all, a comedy. But I feel like that was the point, because it's not until the final season that everything that happened throughout finally catches up to Bojack, and suddenly... it's not funny anymore. There's no punchline. It really reflects just how much people in power don't see their abuse or wrongdoings as "big deals", sometimes they even see it as "just some funny thing that happened", all while the onlookers and victims of their behavior and abuse either become so acquainted with it they don't even see it as abuse anymore until they finally break away from it (Diana, Todd, Princess Caroline, etc.) OR they fight to be heard while the media tries to snuff them out. So then when the consequences finally catch up to them, there are no laughs to be heard, as much as the perpetrator in question may try their best to pass it off as "not a big deal" or believe they shouldn't be held accountable because "it happened a long time ago".
Anyone who sees Biscuits Braxby as the villain here is missing the overall point - Bojack has been responsible for literally ruining people's lives on several occasions, and has never been held accountable.
And yeah, I see a lot of that in LO as well, but the issue is the framing of the story isn't making it clear if it's actually going to have its "Come to Jesus" moment with Hades and Persephone, or if it's just gonna keep celebrating them as the heroes.
There were no consequences for Hades pulling out Alex's eye. They played the resolution out for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant. They played the scenario out for comedy literally by the end of the very same episode and then well into the next one.
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There were no consequences for Persephone cornering Tori at his job. The entire thing was played up for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone raiding Leuce's home. She was rewarded with sex from Hades and it was, you guessed it, played up for comedy.
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Just like with Bojack Horseman, we don't see Hades or Persephone treat these situations as seriously as they ought to. They ultimately don't care how other people feel or how they may be affected by their own actions, they only care about themselves. Just like with Bojack, we see Hades enter sexual relationships with women who are in a much weaker position than him, women who stand to lose far more than he would if the relationship went south.
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(I need you all to realize that Hades is literally blackmailing her. He is trying to pay her off with a management position or some kind of severance and framing it in such a way to manipulate her into thinking it's 'better' for her that she take the deal, all for the sake of getting her out of the picture because he's with Persephone now. This is blackmail. And the narrative wants us to root for Hades here.)
Shit, I would argue Bojack is still a better character than Hades and Persephone because we 1.) see how the consequences of his actions do affect him on a deeper level (through his anxiety and self-hatred which he spends a long time wallowing in, making his situation worse, rather than seeking help for) and 2.) he actually does eventually start to seek help, but unfortunately there's only so much one person can do to fix themselves when their actions still haven't been brought to justice and their mindset hasn't truly changed; which is what we see in the final part of the show when, despite Bojack's attempts to be a better person, the Sarah-Lynn case catches up to him, and in his final moments up on that stage with Biscuits Braxby, we see his true nature come out - he thinks being an addict should absolve him from what he's done to others.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Except replace "addict" with "traumatized" as many of Persephone and Hades' actions are swept under the rug with "they went through trauma so it's fine". Despite the fact that other characters who have also been through trauma aren't given that same grace (Thanatos, Demeter, Minthe, etc.)
You could also go a step further and call out how the fans themselves will defend their actions as "but they're gods!!! gods were terrible all the time in the myths!" but isn't it funny how myth accuracy only ever comes up when it comes to defending Hades and Persephone? Meanwhile you'll never see anyone bring it up when it comes to Apollo SA'ing Persephone, or Hades having an emotional affair with Persephone, or any of the other number of things that Rachel rewrote for her 'retelling'. It's not funny haha, it's funny yikes.
I can only imagine how the fans feel seeing Hades and Persephone called out must be similar to how first-time viewers like myself felt seeing Bojack be put on the cross by Biscuits Braxby - "you're being an asshole, he's working on himself!" "leave him alone!!!" "the media is making a monster out of him!" "he's really not THAT bad!"
But he is. They are. And unlike Bojack Horseman, I unfortunately can no longer have the good faith in believing Hades and Persephone will have their comeuppance, or the people they've hurt will get their retribution. I have no hope that Persephone will see that she's the Sarah-Lynn of the relationship, a girl who was groomed into an abuser at the hands of an abuser, who had no chance of doing better because the person she fell for pulled her down to his level. I don't have any faith in Rachel whatsoever that she'll manage to end this story with any message besides "it's fine for Persephone and Hades to be who they are, because they're rich and powerful and really horny for each other!"
And Hades doesn't think he has any power over women.
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raphpanda21 · 5 years
We can dance if you want to
Last time
Minthe: What are you doing here?
Cerberus growled softly seeing Minthe but at Persephone’s touch he quiets.
Persephone: I could ask that same to you. Is Hades in ?
Persephone attempted to peer around Minthe but she shifted her person blocking Persphone’s view inside.
Minthe: Hades being here or not is none of your business. Let’s stop beating around the bush since You seem like a smart one. Hades is my man and the sooner you realize that the better.
Persephone’s head tilted slightly as she listened to Minthe.
Persephone: I had already figured out you had some jealous tendencies after I saw the lovely face you made when I was carried by Hades out of Tartarus. Unlike you though I can do things without hidden motives. I just came here to bring Cerberus home.
Minthe glanced at the dog her lip curling in disgust.
Minthe: So you were the dognapper all along ? Why am I not surprised. Trying to work him by using his dog as an in? Hoping he will be grateful and become puddy in your hands. Ha! I know all the games you might try and play. A rookie like you can’t compete against me. Sure he might humor you once because the packaging is nice but girls like you are good for a romp and not much more.
Cerberus started growling again deeper and louder this time his hackles rolling forward forcing Persephone to grab at his collar with her free hand trying to hold him back. ‘Hold my collar else I am going to eat this bitch’
Persephone: You can think what you want Minthe. I am not playing games and especially not with you. I am going to return Cerberus whether you like it or not.
Cerberus growled and suddenly lunged towards Minthe making her stumble back in surprise and straight into the chest of the man they had been talking about .
Hades wrapped his hands around Minthe’s shoulder to steady her and brought her back to rights. Eyes moving to Cerberus he gave a quick command making Cerberus snap to attention and promptly sit down all aggression ceased.
Hades: The wayward hound has found his way home. I take it I have you to thank for his delivery Kore.”
Persephobe shook her head
Persephone : No thanks needed had I known you were worried I would have brought him back sooner.
Minthe saw an opportunity in the exchange between Hades and Persephone to redeem herself for her earlier callous attitude with the regards to flea bag.
Minthe: Of course you should have! You should be ashamed! Hades was worried sick! He lost nearly a whole day of work because you didn’t think! These dogs are our babies for Helios’s sake!
Persephone looked down ashamed her grip tightening on the dog bowl as Minthe laid into her. Minthe’s smirk grew as her lecture went on enjoying seeing Persephone curl in on herself like a flower at nightime. Her satisfaction was short lived though as the party behind her was not pleased at all.
Hades had heard some of the conversation between the two before he had made himself know and had tried to dismiss it from his thoughts. Seeing Minthe tear into Kore like a hungry lioness he could no longer stand by in silence.
Hades: ENOUGH!
Both women started in surprise at his outburst Minthe turning to him with a raised brow about to question his decision to cut her off until she saw the anger simmering in his eyes.
Minthe: But Hades I was just ..
Hades: I said enough and I meant it. You should know how much I despise a breach in hospitality. Kore is my guest and your attacks are an insult to me.
Minthe cursed a streak in her mind. She had screwed up hard this time and she wasn’t sure she could talk her way out of this one easily.
Minthe: I .. I was just upset and let my feelings get the better of me.
Hades: Well to avoid your feelings causing you to further insult my guest I think you should go home. You have helped me enough today.
Minthe blinked in shock. Was he dismissing her ?! In front of Persephone!? Not wanting to push her luck and anger him further she nodded her head in acquiescence to his request.
Minthe: I apologize for the insult I have brought to your home. I will go and see you tomorrow.
Stepping in she moved to give Hades a kiss goodbye wanting to drive home to Persephone that even if they fought they were still an item but Hades pulled back turning away from her the side glare he gave her sending a strong and clear message that her kisses were not wanted at that time.
Ears falling back in anger and disappointment she made her exit deciding to walk off the rage she felt building up as she waited on her charioteer to arrive. Persephone had won this round but over her dead body would she win the war!
For a few moments Persephone and Hades stand on the stoop awkwardly before Hades speaks up breaking the silence between them.
Hades: Sorry about Minthe. She pretty much has two speeds calm and intense. Can I invite you in for some coffee or something ? I feel like if I don’t the furries might be visiting me for the poor reception you received tonight . I really don’t need another citation.
Persephone was relieved that he had broken the awkward silence as she had been at a loss at what to say after witnessing their lovers spat.
Persephone: Ciitation for your hospitality? And you questioned why I called your a scoundrel. I guess I will save you, coffee would be nice.
Hades lead the way into his home leading Persephone to the back patio off from the kitchen . Going back into the the kitchen he made them both a cup of coffee . As he stepped out from the shadow of the house he was momentarily caught off guard at the vision of Persephibe bathed in moonlight with Cerberus’’ head nuzzled into her lap. It was breathtaking sight. She looked otherworldly in the soft glow but exuded a strange peaceful sadness at the same time.
Not wanting to get caught staring he continued walking to the small patio table setting the cups on the table before taking a seat for himself.
Hades: So how is school and the internship going for you?
Persephone shrugged scratching behind Cerberus’ ears. What did she say to these questions? That 90% of her classmates thought she was sleeping with him. That her scholarship might disappear like a lightening flash if Hestia discovered she was no longer a virgin.
Persephone : Fine. School is easy so far. With the regards to the internship it seems interesting but I am still trying to get my bearings.
Hades: It will get easier. You are a woman of many hidden talents after all.
Persephone smiled politely over the rim of her coffee cup at his compliment and their chatter continued on for awhile Hades asking about her living situation and roommate and Persephone responding with more vague comments too afraid to be honest as she didn’t wish to fall apart in front of him.
Hades could tell that she was hiding something. The aura of sadness that seemed brought on by the moonlight had not faded. He wanted to pry and get her to open up to him but he couldn’t. He had already made the decision that he would keep his distance and leave everything strictly professional between them. For a few minutes they just sat in silence the only sound heard being the normal symphony of night creatures.
As the minutes ticked by Persphone guilt grew. She came to the realization that Hades had been made to initiate all of the conversation they had that evening. Wishing to amend this she quickly tried to think of something to ask him.
Persephone: Are you doing well? You look really tired .
Hades was momentarily caught of guard by the rather direct question. He looked tired? How should he answer that? The truth was he was exhausted but he couldn’t say that. Saying that would only lead to more questions and those were questions he wasn’t prepared to answer. The charade that he called a relationship would hardly be a subject he should or could discuss with Kore. Besides he had resolved to work things out not matter how difficult it might be. Nothing worth anything was easy after all. Needing to lighten the mood he forced a laugh waving her concern off.
Hades: I think my runaway is completely to blame for these dark circles. I most assuredly got in all my steps today thanks to him.
Cerberus huffed at the accusation rolling his eyes at his Master’s pathetic cover up and the silence quickly returned between them .
Persephone seemed miles away her face upturned to the night sky seemingly entranced by the moonlight as Hades watched her. Suddenly a lone tear rolled down her check surprising Hades. He never thought crying could look beautiful but it seemed Kore had powers beyond compare.
Persephone was feeling a million things at once. Fear, lonilness, anger, regret, sadness and many other emptiness were waging war inside her. Strangely the emotions got even stronger when she thought of Hades. She didn’t even know what she wanted from him but she felt like whatever they might be or could have was falling down around her.
Hades: Kore what is wrong ?
The sound of Hades voice snapped her out of her daze and feeling the moisture on her cheek she quickly turned her face away.
Persephone: N-Nothing. I just remembered I have a lot of class work still to do tonight I should go. Thank your hospitality!
Not waiting to allow him time to stop her Persephone quickly stood from her chair taking off at a sprint , that Artemis herself would find impressive, out of the side yard before Cerberus and Hades could make a move to stop her.
Hades stood to follow her genuinely concerned by her sudden deperature but he stopped realizing that he had no business following her. She obviously wished to be alone. His instincts screamed at him to go after her but he fought them down. He had no claim on her.
Cerrbus looked up at Hades eyes narrowing in accusation with a silent question of what did you do?
Ruffling Cerberus’s ears Hades sighed as he moved to pick up the cups and head back inside.
Hades: Your guess is as good as mine boy with regards to what just happened . I just hope she is really going to be okay. I hate to see her so sad.
Cerberus whined in agreement following him inside. The last thought on Hades mind later the night as he started to nod off was the hope that Kore would be in better spirits and she would find peace with whatever was weighing so heavily on her mind .
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