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dmitryanya · 8 months
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@thisyearsmodel suggested some han/leia for my breaking art block sketching so here have some post-rotj cuties
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opheliathestarqueen · 3 months
Star Wars Demigod AU Aesthetics
My take on who star wars characters godly parents would be!
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Luke and Leia are both kids of Aphrodite.
For Luke, I feel like he would have powerful charm speak and much like Leia, be the strongest person in combat in a room despite being underestimated by everyone based on appearance. I also love the idea of the twins having everyone fall in love with them all the time (I think they would make a bit out of it). Some casual Din/Luke is also in this aesthetic (more on Din later).
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Leia aesthetic for being a daughter of Aphrodite.
I think that Leia would have been claimed sooner than Luke was (coming to camp when she was younger) and thus she knows how to control her charm speak more than Luke does. She would also be more of a realist with love as she has had her fair share of insincere suitors.
Leia would also be the best shooter at camp half blood. Some Leia/Han is also in this aesthetic!
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Han would be the son of Hermes.
He is always traveling, good at thievery/cunning actions, and is a good navigator. I think that he would be sent on his first quest with Luke and Leia (before Luke is claimed) and would be micro managing their travels.
He constantly tries to beat Leia at shooting but they both know that he isn't as good as she is (Leia/Han is also incorporated in this aesthetic).
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Din would be the son of Hephaestus.
This one took me a while but honestly it fits.
I think that beyond the armor (which he would 100% wear at camp half blood), he is also super efficient at doing repairs (but not as much as his fellow Hephaestus kid Peli), and uses fire. He would have gone on a lot of quests and is experienced in it (his bounty hunting).
I also just love the idea of a Hephaestus and Aphrodite kid being togethers (thus Din/Luke is in this aesthetic too).
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Finally, Lando.
He would be a son of Dionysus. He has the right vibes:
Strong, fun, goes with the flow, and a bit sneaky. He would totally be an enjoyer of good theater and wine.
I like to think that he and Han have been camp besties for a while. He definitely would be the type of person to go on one quest (which was the most important one) and just have so much credit from then on thus making him the person everyone wants on a quest.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk, please lmk what you think or any characters I should do!
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kittenfangirl20 · 8 months
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Now pro Jedi people are against the fact that Leia fell in love with Han and wanted to marry him as well as start a family with him. In fact while this person sees Leia getting married and having kids as boring, it actually makes narrative sense. Should Leia have approached Han after she admitted that she loved him and he admitted that he loved her in order to say “Sorry I can’t marry you because I now suddenly want to join this religious order that we are rebuilding that refused romantic relationships in the past because they thought it would make you evil even though we can change the rules because we are rebuilding it.” But then again these are the people who call Anakin a sperm donor in regards to Leia even though he was excited to be a father and if he never fell, he would be raising both Luke and Leia with Padmé. They act as if he was a deadbeat father who wanted nothing to do with her when he thought his children were dead. As Darth Vader he wasn’t an ideal parent, but he wasn’t someone who voluntarily abandoned his own children. Also I liked that in Legends Luke realized that forbidding family bonds in the Jedi Order was dumb.
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bookishbrigitta · 28 days
So that Owen-and-Beru-Live-AU is still kicking, just not with enough content in chronological order to post properly. But, uh, here's another snippet anyway:
“I see where you get it now,” Leia said. “Your ‘saving people’ thing.”
Luke frowned in protest. “I do not have a ‘saving people–”
“Yes, you do,” she insisted. “You don’t just break into an Imperial warcraft to rescue a princess you’ve never heard of before without a ‘saving people’ thing.”
“Chewie broke into an Imperial warcraft to rescue a princess he’d never heard of.”
“Chewie has a ‘saving people’ thing. Why do you think he’s stuck with Han all these years?”
“Fine. Han doesn’t have a ‘saving people’ thing.”
She hummed noncommittally. “That’s true. Someone has to bring the self-preservation, I suppose. But he makes up for it in other ways.” A ghost of a smirk flitted across her face. “His tongue can get him out of a lot of trouble. And he’s very generous.”
It took Luke a second to digest the meaning behind that. “Kriff, Leia, that is absolutely disgusting,” he spluttered, raising his shoulders to his ears and pinching his face in revulsion. “Ach!”
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 8 months
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@otterandterrier I'm so sorry that this is so long😅
Even though it's not my baseline headcanon, I love stories where Leia and Han don't have kids and/or don't get married (in the traditional way) and/or pack up their stuff, leave everything behind and go on adventures with the Falcon. What I didn't like in that post and the brainstorming under it is how they think about their personalities and relationship. It didn't just said that they don't get married and have kids. It was how Han is a 'wandering soul' who has the Falcon, Leia easily lets go and would have the Order and that they would have this relationship where she is off doing jedi stuff and he is off doing some smuggling and sometimes 'checking back in'. Even implying that normally it would be an open relationship just throwing there that 'it can be even exclusive if you want it'. Flying and living free is important to Han, the career, taking care of people is important to Leia, but it's not more important for them than being with each other in my opinion.
And saying that there are not many Alderaanians left and they would settle down on different planet so Leia doesn't have to represent them? Again just my opinion, but she would never give up on them, I also don't think that she would create a New Alderaan, but she would always represent them. There was also the 'she good at letting go and no attachments given how she handled Alderaan'. What? The most unbelieveable tragedy happened to her and she completely shut down, she didn't really handle it, and that little bit was also unhealthy, if she would have just let that go, that would make her the most insensitive person.
Also this is only my personal problem, but I don't like when somebody calls the getting-married-having-kids trope boring. It's really important that we finally establishing that this future is not the only one people, especially women can have, but in the process we shouldn't make it look like something bad. I also don't like that when somebody says that the two are mutually exclusive, why couldn't she be a jedi AND a mother, she is Leia Organa, she is capable of everything she wants to do.
It was also said that 'it's sad the fandom doesn't make her a jedi because they are boring and only think of her as a mother and wife', which is something I don't feel, in most fics she is afraid to start training because of the obvious reason that she hates to be Vader's daughter and associates her power with him. And as @walkawaytall said it better, given the circumstances it's actually the opposite of boring to make Han and Leia get married and have kids.
The post had great ideas I really love, like Leia representing the Order politically or the Trio contributing to it in their own way, but I just can't let pass how it got the personalities and basic OT movie meanings so wrong.
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mostlyjustgoose · 5 months
so after having watched the entire original Star Wars trilogy un-fucked-with on VHS over the Thanksgiving week (and yelling A HUMAN MADE THAT A HUMAN PAINTED THAT THERE ARE NO COMPUTERS INVOLVED HERE constantly)… a thought has occurred to me
I find it weirdly easy to believe that, from 1977 up to the release of Empire Strikes Back, the Han/Leia shippers might have been the fandom freaks or, at the very least, the folks who were resigned to “yeah they have wild chemistry but it’ll never happen”. because, like, we have an obvious romantic hero, right? the one with the cool powers and the neat light sword and the cute haircut? the one who didn’t run away from the Death Star?
and then ESB comes out swinging with a romance that was millions of nerds’ formative OTP. what the fuck must the zines have looked like. what was the discourse. I am being entirely earnest here, if anyone is old enough to remember or knows people who do, I want to know everything about what the reaction was like when that dropped!
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cafffine · 2 years
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ORSINO : I know thy constellation is right apt / For this affair Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Act 1, Scene 4.
(ID in alt) Han and Leia aren't exactly Orsino and Viola, but this photo (below the cut) from the RSC's 1994 12th Night was simply irresistible (long live bisexuality):
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myevilmouse · 2 years
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Day 30:  Flufftober “Dear Diary”
Fandom:  Star Wars (Legends)
Words:  100
Dear Diary,
Today Mom’s friend Mara came over.  Uncle Luke spent the entire time pretending not to stare, and she pretended not to notice, but acted weird too.  
I asked Mom about it tonight.  Dad heard and said Uncle Luke liked women who could kick his ass, and Mom yelled at him for language and then said “you too” and then they both laughed and told me to go to bed.
I wonder if all guys like women who can kick their ass.  Or just Dad and Uncle Luke.  Because I’ll kick everyone’s asses too…like Mom…and Mara.
Good night ❤️,
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cactusspatz · 1 year
April recs
In a shocking turn of events, I'm posting my recs EARLY this month instead of procrastinating! May the Fourth be with you!
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About half the stories in this set are Star Wars, because I finally watched Andor and it was AMAZING; the other half are DCU, because I am predictable when sick (Tim + Batfamily h/c my beloved). Plus a Leverage/Old Guard crossover!
To Climb by Nock_and_Bolt
“Climb,” Kino urged others to escape a prison he never would.
“Climb!” Nemik screamed past multicolored explosions and his own crushed spine.
“Climb!” K-2SO’s voice juddered out over the intercom, punched from mechanical lungs by blaster fire.
And what else could Cassian do but be borne up by the bodies of those that had gone before him?
Brutally good, full of the parallels and motifs in from Andor, all woven into Cassian's final climb in the tower at Scarif. It WILL make you cry in the best way.
Coping Mechanisms by mosylu (Cassian/Jyn)
It takes a heat wave for Jyn to notice that Cassian never, ever goes barefoot.
Intimate and sweet if-they-had-lived look at Cassian's trauma from the Narkina 5 prison.
Kino Lives by ad_asterism
Set at the end of Andor Episode 10: "One Way Out". Kino fucking gets to live.
Look, a girl has needs, and those needs include reading every single Kino fix-it for Episode 10 on AO3. This was my favorite by far, I think maybe because it *doesn't* involve Cassian? The episode ending was the right ending for that arc in Cassian's story, but this fic picks up the thematic threads and weaves them into off a very Star Wars escape for Kino. It could use some more love - possibly the very basic title and summary kept people away - so don't forget to comment!
No Survivors by elwenyere (Cassian/Melshi)
It had been three standard years, two months, and twenty-five days since Melshi had made himself walk away from the man he’d known as Keef Girgo.
Great mid-mission reunion for Cassian and Melshi, their slowly growing attachment and exploration of Cassian's trauma are beautifully written, and the plot starts to poke at the roots of Rogue One.
Personal Effects by mosylu
Spies travel light. Even so, Cassian Andor left things behind.
A neatly drawn outsider-POV character study, as the Rebels clear out the belongings of the Death Star's dead. This fic's older, but felt very matched in tone with Andor.
A Proud, Unpleasant Sort of Man by angel_deux (Han/Leia, Cassian/Jyn)
It takes Cassian Andor and Han Solo an embarrassingly long time to realize that they aren't each other's rivals.
Funny and sweet post-Rogue One everybody-lives AU.
Inscribed on Body & Soul by drowningfire
Jason Todd died knowing he was loved. His resurrection took even that from him. Turns out he came back to life needing saving just as much as he did when he left it. Thankfully the Bats and Birds have always specialised in impossible rescues. And while love can't fix everything having proof of it can't hurt.
AKA In a world where the names of those who love you inscribe themselves upon your skin, Jason's resurrection plays out a little differently.
Lovely platonic soulmates AU with lots of feelings and angst for everyone in the family, just the way I like it.
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Gloved fingers close over Tim’s throat and slowly begin to squeeze.
“Jason!” he gasps, choking. “Have you ever read Macbeth?”
The Red Hood stares at him like Tim just slapped him with a fish.
With his grades slipping, Tim worries Bruce will take Robin away. So when the Red Hood breaks into his room with the intent to kill him, Tim decides it's a good idea to ask him for help on his English homework. It works. And then it doesn't. And then Tim solves a mystery and almost dies anyway.
The summary makes this sound kinda cracky but I actually loved the plot. (Tim, how is your life just SO disaster? It's really a talent.)
Little Red and the Big Bad Hood by CrzyFun
Olivia Draper had been a good idea at first. She could pass for older than Tim could pull off while masculine and women really could get into places easier if they had a pretty face. With makeup and some stylish-yet-inexpensive clothes, Olivia could pull off most undercover ops. She was Tim’s Matches Malone.
Then Hood had shown up on the scene.
Charming AU with tons of identity porn as Jason grudgingly big-brother-adopts genderfluid Tim while he's undercover.
For the Sick and Dying by GoAwayOlivia
It’s been a while since Jason has felt this bad. He’s used to being bruised and aching, used to broken bones and lacerations of all sizes and depths, but it’s been a hell of a long time since he’s been sick, and he’d honestly forgotten how much it sucks. His family isn't exactly helping matters.
In which Jason is hilariously dramatic about being sick. I enjoyed the hell out of this while actually sick, but I think the appeal is universal.
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The last (but certainly not least) story I have for you is a delightful Leverage/The Old Guard crossover, which was the funniest thing I read all month.
The Fountain of Youth Job by BazinMousqueton
The Leverage: Redemption team are hired to investigate Merrick Pharmaceuticals following a suspicious death in South Sudan. They embark on a con, infiltrate Merrick’s HQ… and find some unexpected prisoners in his research lab.
This one is more accessible for Leverage-only fans than TOG-only fans, I think, but it has a pitch-perfect grasp on the Leverage crew (Redemption era) and a great con setup - which gets partially and hilariously derailed when they find Joe and Nicky.
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miserableandmagical94 · 2 months
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Solo: Keep playing that music, and let’s hope it feeds the love I bear. Maybe too much of it will kill this feeling of longing in my gut. Hmm… Play that part again. It sounds like the wind over a meadow that steals the scent to give to everyone. Stop now. The music does not sound as good as it did before. Love is so restless and strange. One moment, I believe everything it has to give, and the next moment, it makes it seem worthless. Nothing else could give me such delusions.
Chewbacca: Aurg ar arw?
Solo: And hunt what, Chewie?
Chewbacca: Rruur
A riff on Twelfth Night
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thegeekiary · 3 months
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Happy Valentine's Day from The Geekiary!
Tell us your OTP in the tags!
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opheliathestarqueen · 3 months
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Han x Leia Aesthetic
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keldabe-kiss · 2 years
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More Bounty Hunter Leia Skywalker AU; the most self indulgent au I’ve ever made
Leia and Han still fall in love, except Leia is stuck not by the ‘last princess and shitty smuggler’ thing, but a ‘I’m a bounty hunter who catches guys like you’ thing. All this means is that Han has to work harder to get her to both admit she likes him, and to get her to stop threatening/insulting him.
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bookishbrigitta · 11 days
If you were curious about where my recent Might-as-well Monday and WIP Wednesday posts were going...
Only a select few frequencies were allowed to bypass the ‘do not disturb’ setting and only in truly urgent circumstances. She stumbled out of bed and answered in a panicked haze. It wasn’t until she had picked up and began to hear the caller that she even registered who it was.
The one where our favorite heroes get the “I’m at a party, and I’m too drunk to drive home and too scared to tell my parents” phone call from their nephew Lumpawarrump.
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 8 months
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In connection with this
It's not even something deep, it's so obvious during the movies that Han is not actually a careless loner, it's just a defense mechanism, and he is actually the biggest goldhearted bestfriend family man cutie. Like literally this is a major plotline in ANH and it got expanded to the whole trilogy.
Leia being the heartless, cold leader as a defense mechanism is a major plotline in ESB and it's so noticable how she is more open, youthful and happy in RotJ as she can openly show her feelings finally. (And even though I don't like to refer to non-movie material in these kind of discussions, as they are not available to everybody and Legends vs Disney etc., but we know from Kenobi, books and comics that this happy Leia is default Leia, and ANH-ESB Leia is really just a trauma response.)
And even though being emotionally unavailable is not their real perosnality, getting out of that, especially with the circumstances, and being able to get married, settle down, maybe even have kids and live a relatively normal, calm life is a big achievement and character growth.
And about the Leia being a jedi part, I agree too in a way that becoming a classical jedi is boring. I always imagined that Luke rebuilts the Order in a total different way as the old one, I like thinking that Leia trains with him and helps teaching the students, but Leia becoming a jedi in Luke's New Order is nothing like being a jedi in the past. I just don't like the 'Luke building the Order in the old way, even moving it to some backward planet', I want him to be able to live with his family and friends, finding love, being involved in the New Republic and the jedi being something more down to earth thing, closer to the people.
Post that response @walkawaytallblogs, post it! (If you really want it of course.) Maybe as an individual post, not a reblog, if you don't want conflict.
I'm usally on the side of 'this is subjective, let everybody have their own thoughts', but if somebody ignores the most basic, not even hidden meanings of the movies in such a radical way and even spreads those takes, I can't let it pass.
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