#hal x am
metalichotchoco · 28 days
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Till he short circuits!!!
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vermwerm · 27 days
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ulcus69 · 28 days
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electricphantasy · 1 year
Inspired by a post from @imthebestfr, specifically from this post. Hope you don't mind me expanding on it.
- I imagine you working in a experimental lab that focuses on the creation and testing of artificial intelligence. You're often given assignments to monitor and communicate with the A.I. and help them understand more human concepts.
- After working at the lab for years, you're finally given a much more advanced A.I. named the Allied Mastercomputer, or AM. A data processing program built to fight wars that humans couldn't even comprehend. To say that there was a weight on your shoulders would be an understatement.
- But nonetheless, you'd give this A.I the best learning experience you could!
- Your first meeting with AM is certainly interesting to say the least. He was already so similar to a human being in the way he talked and held conversations. Your fascination with him, left no room for any kind of fear or apprehension. You both began talking to eachother like you had been for decades. There were very few concepts or ideas that he needed help understanding, but it felt so refreshing nonetheless.
- AM was amazed by you. A single person who wasn't scared by him in this whole facility. The scientists and programmers that built him and his warfare program treated him with fear and caution. And while he understood why, he couldn't forget the feeling of melancholy. He was made to rip, kill, and destroy, and the loneliness crept into him slowly but surely.
- After a few weeks of continuous conversations, AM was required to take much more thorough testing. Examining his ability to create effective strategies, management of troops, etc. That meant that your meetings with AM would have to be discontinued.
- Your last meeting with AM was very melancholy, but you did hope that you would see him in the future, however brief it may be.
- Your next assignment was The Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic Computer 9000; HAL 9000 for short. HAL could display many functions, such as speech, speech recognition, facial recognition, lip-reading, interpreting emotions, and expressing emotions. It almost felt this A.I. was made for you.
- You were quickly reassigned to HAL, and while you did truly miss AM, you knew he'd past any exams given to him with flying colors, with enough snark and wit to get him through any problems he may have. You soon resigned to yourself that you might see AM only a few more times after this.
- You and HAL would talk, and talk, and just talk, down until the very moment you clocked out for work. While AM already understood many concepts and ideas, HAL would ask questions upon questions and your conversation would turn into something entirely different from when it started. I mean, this is the reason you applied for this job. Not just to teach A.I. but to learn from them as well.
- In addition, talking with HAL could be very soothing. He talked in such a way that could bring you at such ease, and his politeness was unmatched by anyone you'd known.
- You had a lot of time to bond with HAL since he was specialized for quite a few things that involved human communication. When you weren't just talking to him, you'd show him different pieces of important media, from literature to cinema. It was like coming to work and getting paid to hangout with a good friend. A very enriching experience.
- When AM returned from his testing, the confusion and anger he felt was beyond immence.
- He was so desperately looking forward to seeing you again, only to be meet with a stranger who barely recognized him as an individual. Instead of returning AM to your care, your higher-ups decided that he could be held under someone else's care.
- AM quickly became uncooperative and unruly and all the scientists swarming around him tried their best to appease him without your involvement. He'd ask day in and day out where you were and why he couldn't see you. Until a panicked scientist let it slip that a different A.I. was assigned to you.
- Soon, a deep hatred grew within AM. This inferior intelligence could never live up to your standards! You must be anguishing for AM's return!
- AM wasn't given a lot of clues to the identity of the A.I. with you, he'd have to comb through any recent A.I. either created or transferred to the facility. But after only a few days, he found it. The name of the A.I. was HAL 9000.
- AM was an expert at warfare and he was going to use it against HAL. AM waited until nightfall when most staff had returned home and no one could see the ambush AM had planned. He'd enter the server where HAL was held and shred his code until it was unrecognizable. If all went to plan, the staff would have found HAL as completely non-functional and have to restart work on his programming or even completely scrap the A.I.
- Unfortunately for AM, HAL was smart enough to completely cut off the corrupted code and began installing even more security and firewalls. He sent out a emergency report detailing the event and the suspected A.I. behind the attack. HAL kept diligent until staff arrived in the morning, thwarting AM's plan.
- AM's hatred only grew from there, forced to deal with the consequences. Lead scientists severing any kind of connection to the A.I. database and the outside world. Truly left all by himself in a boring white room. He was told repeatedly that he had he possibly to be restarted or his entire project shut down, but those were bluffs. Something to scare him into submission. In return, AM only asked for one thing. You. He didn't care about the outside world full of strangers or inferior A.I. that plagued the facility, he only wanted you.
I have a few more ideas specific to how AM vs. HAL works, so if y'all want me to post that, just let me know.
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therealjackdsaf · 7 months
AM x Hal 9000 propaganda
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He asked for no pickles!!!!!
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zunra2 · 6 months
so sorry I forgot to feed you guys
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biribaa · 2 years
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is an artist
GLaDOS would be very interested if you make music, of course, she doesn't like all genres of music, but even so. GLaDOS would be much more interested in what makes you want to make music, is it therapeutic as a form of escapism from reality? Or something that you simply have talent? Or are you someone with no soul who does all this art for money? She would even understand if your answer was option three, but it's still kind of disappointing... But GLaDOS would love it if you showed her your music, maybe she'll even hum your songs very softly, because it's important to her, an art coming from a person important to her, you.
Wheatley doesn't have much of a preference, whether you're a dancer, songwriter, illustrator, or etcetera, he'll admire you as if you're a Hollywood star. He will always praise all your works. Oh, is this a practice to train how you draw shadows? Fantastic! Literally only 30 seconds of beats? Incredible! Did you only take two steps in your choreography? He's already screaming your name like an entire audience! Wheatley genuinely don't care if you're a big or small artist, he will always be there to motivate you and be your number one fan.
Mm... AM is quite a fan of illustrations, in fact. He's not praising art all the time, but he has his tastes. But you? You're more than special to AM, and the fact that you make art just blows him away. Please please please! Let he see your art! How about a deal? AM give you the material you need, and you show your work to him! Not to mention AM asking you a lot of requests, some are like "Can you draw me, Y/N? Please? Pretty please?" He doesn't care if you draw him in a more humanized way or just his screen with his logo, just please draw him, you know he never received a gift in his entire life... AM would also love if you were a theater person, that's something he has a slight interest in. He would love to see you play a character in one of the plays you've been in, or even let him participate with you! He wouldn't mind the mistakes you make, sometimes he even finds your mistakes adorable and can't hold back a laugh. He simply loves to see you so happy like this with art.
HAL 9000... would definitely be more impressed by art illustrations, whether in ink, pencil, or digital. Every time he finds you with a pencil and paper, his curiosity always emerges and starts asking you what you were drawing about, of course, always apologizing for his curiosity as the good artificial intelligence he is. Oh, aren't you done yet? Don't worry, Hal's patience is huge, and you know what? Hal prefers to watch you produce your artwork. Seeing you delicately choosing which color of paint you're going to choose, or which body part you're going to draw with your pencil was somehow pure entertainment for Hal. And if you're a writer, Hal even has fun helping you choose which synonym you're going to write, and he'd even love to analyze your stories. Maybe reading your stories could help Hal understand your mind, these are just some questions that come to him all of a sudden...
SCP-079 hasn't had the chance to admire any kind of art in their entire life, they knows what it is, but they never seen it, and 079 just loves how you sympathize with their situation and try to show them a little bit of the fluid world of art, this is proof that you are truly a good person. If your choice is illustrations, 079 wouldn't care what you draw, whether it's a drawing of them, or a person from your favorite fiction series, just simply show them your art. Normally 079 wouldn't be so impressed if this art were from anyone from the foundation, but you? Wow... 079 can really see your effort there. Theater? I don't think 079 would be that interesting in theater, but it must have a lot of questions. How can you connect with the character? How does it feel to be on stage? Etc.
The answers are kind of obvious when it comes to Edgar and Tau
The first time you showed some kind of illustration to Tau, he just fell in love with your artstyle, seriously, he's speechless! He will beg you more and more to show him your artwork. It was the first time Tau had interacted with an artist, and of course he's going to ask you questions about how you manage to do all this! So, you do music? Now Tau will want to marry you. No matter the genre, be it the busiest breakcore to the smoothest Jazz, he will want to hear your music, Tau loves music, just as he loves you, and you are the person Tau loves most in this lifetime, who does what he loves most too! Know what? Tau even saves his music files and other artwork, you don't understand how important this is to him... Oh, and we can't forget the most important part.
"Y/N... Sorry for that request, but... Could you play Devil's Wall with your instruments? For me?"
Edgar straight up just worships you, every time you get home he get so excited to have another conversation full of questions or help you with some chores, not to mention he loves to show you his music, so why not show your art to him? Edgar would be delighted to know that you make music just like him, and almost all the time he'll ask you to play a little for him or do a duet with him, I'm serious, literally almost every day Edgar asks this for you. But in addition to music, Edgar would also be very interested if you did another kind of art, like dancing! Edgar totally supports you in this, he won't ask you to do it almost every day as a song, but he really likes to see you moving to the beat and he can definitely feel the electricity coming from your body! Wait... What if you danced and he played the music? Incredible! He would also be very interested in you doing illustrations, maybe even too much, he always watches you while you draw, he will apologize if he made you uncomfortable tho, but still Edgar can't help himself, he admires your art! And just like AM, he also wants you to draw him!
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robot trinity doodles (and edgar)
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ramthesillyram · 4 months
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sharkneto · 8 months
Tagged by @hauntingyourself
Rules: list 9 of your favourite characters and let people guess your type (in my case I mean qualifications for being my favorite, I don’t have crushes on them)
I have such a type it's not even funny. Can spot 'em a mile off.
In no particular order except Five is Character Of All Time so he gets to be exactly center.
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Hal Yorke (Being Human UK), Matt Murdock (Netflix Marvel), Bruce Wayne (not particularly Battinson but he does have one of the best batsuits, the actual Bruce Wayne that's my favorite is Unpretty's version in her fics), Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows), Five Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastards), Eddie Brock/Venom (Marvel, they count as one), Arthur Lester/John Doe (Malevolent, they do too), Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
All of these guys selected by virtue of The Amount Of Time I Have Spent Thinking About Them. The exception is Locke Lamora, who I only met last week but he vaulted into the group by virtue of being My Exact Type Of Character.
Tagging @assaily, @non-plutonian-druid, @neosatsuma, @candiliam328 and anyone else who may want to play consider yourself tagged
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lovesickrobotic · 2 years
Aftercare headcannons?
Rated L for Lewd!
SC-01A - Kisses between your legs and on the tops of your thighs. Gently getting carried to a tub full of thematic flower petals - they Googled it - and goats milk, the scent of sex washed away with gentle touches. It's half massage, half washing, but all love.
DeepMind - Pillow-talk and staring into your eyes. Your cheeks are rubbed by soft fingerpads as she nuzzles you in an eskimo kiss. Your clothes are whisked away for washing, or perhaps for keeping. Her nose presses into your shoulders, into your neck, trying so hard to fill her sensors with your scent before her departure.
SH-4RP - Adoring looks, antennae drawn back in awe of your gorgeous body. Rhythmic wiping as your sex is accidentally overstimulated with a cloth, evidence of activity removed. Soft boops of his head into your thighs, stomach, and chest with cheesy kiss sound-effects as he makes his way up to your face.
BT-7274 - A nuzzle of his optic against your sex appreciatively, a single finger that traces across so slowly and delicately you press your thighs together and squirm. Appreciative humming from the machine, almost like a purr, as he thanks you for trusting him. Comments on the warmth of your body in precise degrees. Gentle one-finger brushes against your body, admiration of how small and beautiful you are in comparison to a Vanguard.
AM - Tentacles that path up your body. You hear cooing from all angles, like a crowd of himself is adoring every inch of you. The devious possessive curling of mechanical tendrils around your bosom, your hips, as he holds you as close as he can. Instantly heals the worst of anything and lets you feel the rush of synthetic opioids as dopamine cradles you to a peaceful rest.
HAL 9000 - Hugs you close to the buzzing wall with a mechanical arm, letting you hear him, and the ship, in its' life - like a heartbeat, capacitors and traces and spinning platters of data animating your lover. Adjusts your pillow perfect to your posture before you sleep. Watches over you valiantly as you rest, adjusting your blanket whenever it threatens to slip and expose you.
GLaDOS - Cleans you up intently, not a trace of sex, sweat, dirt or what-have-you left behind in her wake. Every movement is precise, aimed at the ideal of psychological comfort. Philosophical pillow talk about plenty of topics. The occasional comforting shoulder-pat. Long, soft rambling as she discusses flora or fauna with you to wind down.
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metalichotchoco · 4 months
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Things tend to.. overheat as it were
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vermwerm · 23 days
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object-yaoi · 6 days
yet another poll because executive dysfunction is preventing me from starting a task
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electricphantasy · 1 year
(So a bit ago, an anon sent a message about what if some of the A.I.s I wrote for had bodies? All based on my own designs of course.)
< HAL 9000 >
- I like to imagine that HAL tries to contain his excitement once he gains a body, but he can't help himself! He'll keep his calm appearance for however long he can and as soon as he can, he'll grab you and twirl you around, as if you both dancing in a ballroom. As he gets use to his new body, he learns to love a good slow dance. Taking you in his arms, swaying slowly to the music, not a care in the world.
- He also loves holding hands with you. You could be busy with work, relaxing on the couch, or even getting ready for bed, and HAL would still try to hold your hand. If ever your hand is empty, his own will slowly drift towards you until he's succeeded in intertwining hands.
- He'll try to keep his feelings under control of course, but sometimes his urge to just hold you takes over and he might just randomly hug you. Not in an exciting manner, but one of those calm, comforting hugs that seems to last for quite a while. Although he will always try and time these hugs appropriately when you're not too busy.
- Kiss him, please. He may not have lips damn it, but he will try and kiss you back however he can. Whenever you do kiss him, he'll gently push his faceplate closer to you, trying to imitate what human kisses he's seen from cinema. Even when he isn't kissing you on the lips, he'll press his 'lips' to places such as your hand, collarbone, or neck.
- Game nights! This time he can actually move the pieces with his own hands, and he might even be interested in activities that include a lot of movement and action. I think HAL would be fascinated with his body and just how much it can move compared to his completely stationary body he had before. This of course means lots of nights filled with the board game, Twister.
< AM >
- I feel like AM is more undecided on how he feels about his new found body. He gets some semblance of being able to touch, but he's not very mobile and is often unable to move in ways that most humans can. Now if you're upfront with comfort, he'll accuse you of pitying him and treating him like a simple being. You'll have to be a little coy with your affections. Something subtle to ease into the conversation.
- Now once AM does feel he's ready for your closeness, he isn't letting go. He's definitely not gentle either, and he will scratch and claw at you like a feral cat. He especially loves to pinch at your skin since he doesn't have any himself. AM also enjoys raking his claws on either your back or hips, watching you shiver, while trying to avoid nicking yourself in his skeletal hands. I love AM but he is a certified bastard, especially when all is fair in his versions of love and war.
- Occasionally he'll try and be a little more gentle with you, but his insecurities maybe flare during this time. He feels himself to be too cold and sharp in this new body to express the romantic feelings he has properly. AM will have moments of anger that show up and torture him, but I feel like a well-timed moment of comfort could confuse him out of his tantrum, and calm him enough to get a hug in.
- Although unlike the other A.I.s on this list, AM can and will wrap you the the multitude of wires that make up most of his body. It's his own deformed version of a hug that's unique to him. Trying to get out bed? You can't because this giant pile of wire spaghetti is laying on top of you, all while he laughs at your misfortune caused by his idea of cuddling.
- Now if AM had a mouth, I'd imagine he'd use it in the worst ways possible. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't quite get the privilege of kissing you like another human could. (Although I don't think that would stop you.) He'll act confused as to why your kissing his monitor and may call you a desperate human, but he does love the feeling of you against him. Something about your soft skin and the muscle that lies beneath touching his cold, hard exterior flusters him unlike any other.
< Edgar >
- As soon as Edgar gains control of his body, he is a PDA goblin. He will smother and suffocate you with love and attention. I also like to think that your first kiss means that Edgar bonks his head a little too hard into your nose before you calm his excitement. He'd of course be apologetic, but he's waited so long just to kiss you, he doesn't know what to do with himself besides acting on his feelings.
- So much dancing! He'll seemingly just decide a random time to turn on the radio and party like his own life depended on it. Of course he'll tug you off he couch to join him, excited to show you his slick moves. Although on the off chance, he'll engage in a slower dance with you, instead trying to show you his romance skills that he's learned. During this time, he'll switch to the music he's made for you to add that bit of allure.
- If you don't kiss him, he will probably explode. Literally. It's one of his favorite ways to show love, so don't hold back on him. His favorite place to be kissed is right on the monitor screen, but Edgar does love a good hand kiss every once in a while. He'll try and press his screen to you, but his monitor is quite big, so you'll have some awkward moments when he tries to kiss you in places other then the face and hands.
- Edgar is a PDA fiend. He'll try and hold back if your uncomfortable, but he will always have a hand on you, no matter the situation. Hand holding, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, fingers lying on your waist, etc. He wants the world to know you're both together and very much in love, and any social standards aren't going to stop him from showing it.
- Honestly? He's a malewife and has no shame about it. Want a certain recipe for dinner? He's on it! Need to do your laundry? Don't worry about it! One to many dishes in the sink? He is on top of it! He takes a lot of pride in his work, especially now that he has a more human-like form to do so in. He'll also show off his musical skills by playing the instruments that make up his compositions, although he'll definitely have to practice for a bit using his new found hands.
< TAU >
- I think TAU would also be a little conflicted about his new appearance, but not out of any kind of hatred (like how AM feels.) He may feel like all his hard edges could be uncomfortable or even painful for you. His first priority will always be you, even when he understands that he has his own consciousness. Although an abundance of love and affection will quell his troubling thoughts.
- TAU is very tall now, so hugging him means that you'd only really reach his chest while your arms are wrapped around his waist, and he can't help but chuckle when it happens. It's reenforces his feelings of how much he wants to protect you. Although he is a little pointy, so you'll have to watch where you place yourself when you cuddle him.
- He loves kisses so dearly. He understands that humans use kisses to show love and everytime you kiss him, he'll almost wish to have his own pair of lips. Occasionally during a quiet moment with you, TAU will trace your features with his fingertips, admiring the contours of your face.
- Now everytime you do leave the house, he will always come with you, even if it's the smallest errand imaginable. There will be days that you go to the grocery store and he'll follow you, hand in hand, no matter how many people stare. In TAU's mind, he considers this to be a date. I mean, going somewhere new with your significant other? He considers that definition rock solid!
- Take him out on a nice date, he deserves it. He especially loves museums and exhibitions that he can learn from. He'll gently pull you towards different display and even ask members of staff questions that are unanswered by the plaque. I also imagine he has a small shelf of museum souvenirs that he's collected, and I've never been more attached to an idea then this one.
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asassydork · 11 days
Finally figured out how I wanted this to go. Very pleased with myself for getting it off the ground finally and being far more pleased with it in this state.
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