#haha my hand go brrr
helsensm · 7 months
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have you ever read a tumblr post and just
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solradguy · 8 months
The testosterone pellet installation quintupled my T levels in a month. Everything makes sense now
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darkclouud9 · 6 months
soneone should take my ability to draw away
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you wouldn't even believe me if I told you this isn't the first time I've drawn his scar scaly............
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antiendovents · 3 days
Idk if this is really the right space to vent about this stuff bc this place is more for venting about endos and this is only partially related to endos. Feel free to delete.
But, the online system community is just... plummeting and it makes me a little scared. I don't know where to go to find trauma survivor spaces anymore. Its like I have to squeeze myself into a very tight corner. Because on one hand is people making fun of my trauma disorder like "Haha! Anime boys in my head go brrr!!" (the endos) and then there's people who, like me, don't support endos but also don't support my other traumatic symptoms. Such as low empathy (even though Im really sympathetic?), delusions, hallucinations, etc. Calling endos delusional its... getting scary. It's getting *really* scary to think that I might have to make a choice if I want to find a community.
Either lie about what I think makes a system or lie about npd/delusions.
Either be pro endo but be in a community that won't hate me for my delusions. Or be pro sanism but be in a community that won't hate me for my CDD.
Genuinely, people like you make it easier though. I love your blogs and they feel like one of the only safe havens for people like me these days.
nod .. we are sorry you're struggling to find a community here ,, personally we have NPD (plus delusions) so we kind of understand the struggle with it .. it's really sad seeing anti endos being ableist even though the entire point of being anti endo is being anti ableists (because endos are ableist) ... The sanism in this community is ultimately horrible, but I am glad that you enjoy this blog .. we try make this a safe space for all anti endos, including those with other disorders (since we also have other disorders lol) and we're glad that its helping you
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inferno-0 · 28 days
Ghidorah not knowing what that small uterus pouch or your little bump in your stomach so you tell him that it’s basically your uterus and he has neuron activation. Haha breeding kink go brrr
Man, I go crazy when I write about breeding.
Sorry for the English, my translator is worse naughty than Ghidora.
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On the one hand, Ghidorah wouldn't care what you have inside you. If it gets through, does it mean that everything is fine? Okay. This meaning can include not only intimate intercourse. Although he only comes out during this moment, which causes embarrassment for you and a challenge for him (for them). Yes, of course, you explained to him what it is and what this part of the body means, but when it comes to gynetalia, everything is confusing. You can reason according to the rule - "What is natural is not ugly", and also come to terms with the fact that Ghidorah is just an evil puppy who sticks his nose everywhere and will not stop doing it until he finds out what it is for.
(As a result, he will simply start using it for fun.).
Ghidorah in his own way will not stop there, especially when he finds out about your organ, in which the so-called embryo can develop. "His body literally twitched and trembled at your words."
Here you could only prepare for the future, since the speed at which the Titan would pump you up would leave you "paralyzed".
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Welcome back to another segment of malewife Chuuya woooo 👏👏👏
This one is more personal (as if all my fics aren't-).
So long story short, I have trichotillomania. If you don't know what that is uhh... google it lmao. It's something I'm heavily insecure about and I've never talked about it openly so I'm literally shaking and crying while writing this KAHDKSJSK. But I had a relapse last night and it's been haunting my thoughts all day and I need my fictional husband to reassure me and tell me that I'm not some weirdo for having this... And like comfort tickles go brrr
So yeah that's about it uwu
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Chuuya x gn!reader (romantic)
Lee: reader
Ler: Chuuya
Warnings: Tickles! **Reader has trichotillomania**
You had just walked out of the bathroom, the look on your face made you seem like you had seen a ghost.
"Honey, what's wrong...?" Chuuya perked up from his place on the bed.
"I... it happened again... I don't know what happened, but I couldn't resist the urge. Now my eye's a bit irritated and I feel like I've comitted some war crime...!" you said exasperated. "Sorry... this just has me feeling very anxious and guilty... And it had been a while since I had an episode. I feel so awful now..."
Chuuya listened intently. Once you finished, he gently took your hand and guided you to lay down next to him, pressing you against his chest. "Here, let me see..." he softly tilted your head up to look at him, checking over the area. He then looked down at you with soft eyes "You shouldn't be so harsh on yourself. Many people struggle with this too... Just think of this as a minor setback. You're strong and you can overcome anything, and I'll be here to support you no matter what".
After hearing all that, your panicked expression slowly shifted to a more relieved look. Of course the pang of guilt wasn't gonna leave overnight, but it was also relieving having someone by your side who didn't judge or ridicule you for struggling with this.
"Not gonna lie, hearing that made me feel a bit better. I always felt like some weirdo because of this haha...".
He softly chuckled with you. "I could never find you weird for that. And if anyone dares to say otherwise, I'll kill them" he stated bluntly with a serious expression. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but best not to question him. He really would do just about anything for you.
"So is there anything I could do to help calm you down?" then, his smile turned a bit more teasy. "Maybe this...?~" he asked as he inched his wiggling fingers towards your tummy, waiting to see if you'd allow him to continue or not.
You couldn't help the blush that overtook your cheeks, but you couldn't lie, tummy tickles did sound really good right about now. So you gave him a soft nod of approval.
On cue, his hands slowly wormed over to your tummy. Starting off by lightly caressing it all over, from your sides, your lower belly, around your navel, etc. It was enough to feel tingly but also relaxing.
"That feel nice?~" he asked with a soft smile as he kept working his magic over your torso.
"Ehehe... y-yeah..." a shy smile overcame your lips, slowly growing wider by the moment.
"Hmhm~ Well, let's try to sleep now..." he leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek. "G'night" he then went back and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, as his fingers kept absentmindedly tracing all over your belly. What a perfect way to let your insecurities melt away...
I don't feel sad anymore but I'm still gonna go hide in shame ✌️
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snowblossomreads · 4 months
Taking Care of Business
Pairing: Detective David Friedman x UnhingedFem!Reader
Summary: In where [Y/n] comes to take care of David after an incident that leaves him limping around. (Could be what takes place after Judas Kiss)
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Daddy Kink, Age Gap, Penetrative Sex, Woman On Top, Oral (M Receiving), Multiple Orgasms, Mentions Of Injuries, And once again [Y/n] being a slut (affectionate)
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: It's the 21st of Feb which means happy birthday to our favorite old man!!!! As a present here is a smutty one shot with one of his underrated character who is still battling (and losing) the fight against unhinged [Y/n]🤣🤣🤣 Enjoy!
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When David finally hobbled over to the door with his sprained ankle, he swore up and down he was going to curse the son of a bitch out that hadn't stopped knocking for the last five minutes.
He thought they would get the message that they weren't welcomed after the fifth time they knocked and he didn't answer. It didn't seem to be the case though, as they continued to bang on his door incessantly. 
Finally making his way to the front room, he swung open the door with force, expecting to see some salesman or Jehovah's witness, and ready to tear them a new one. Yet, when he opened his mouth to swear, all words failed him when he saw what, or more accurately who, was standing at the door. 
All dressed up in what could only be described as a sexy nurse's costume, complete with the stereotypical white nurse hat and short dress that left almost nothing to the imagination, [Y/n] stood with a feline smirk on her painted lips, and a glint in her eyes that only meant trouble.
David groaned internally at the sight.
"Nurse [Y/n] here for a Detective Friedman~." She purred, voice sugary sweet as she winked at him. "Heard you got yourself in a bit of an accident last week. Thought you could use a bit of help 'round the house."
"Jesus Christ! What the hell are you wearing? Matter of fact what are you doin' out here lookin' like that?"  
"Oh didn't you hear me the first time? I'm your personal nurse here to take care of you so I need to dress the part! Looks like that ankle of yours ain't the only thing not workin'." She teased, causing him to throw a glare her way for the insinuation that something was wrong with his hearing. "Now are you gonna let me in because it sure is chilly out 'ere."  
To drive home the fact it was colder than normal, she hugged herself, shook her shoulders a little, and rubbed her arms to warm her skin that had some goosebumps. All the while, she let out a little 'brrr', causing him to let out a loud sigh as his hand went to card through his hair that hadn't been brushed that morning.
Peaking out the door and noticing that the neighborhood was unusually devoid of life at ten in the morning, the first thing he thought was whether or not the woman in front of him had done something insane to his neighbors. It should have been a red flag.
The second thought was that he had ignored all the red flags before, so he really didn't have a leg (haha) to stand on. 
Thirdly, with the pout on her lips and the way she had stood outside for god knows how long, he knew she wasn't leaving without doing what she set out to do.  Whatever that was.
If there was one thing [Y/n] was, other than a bit off her rocker, it was that she was persistent. And he was too old to have his neighbors asking why this young thing was standing outside his house dressed up like it was Halloween. 
"Get in here, and I'm not letting you touch my ankle," he growled through gritted teeth. It seemed as if she ignored that last part as she cheered and scurried in, as David stood aside to let her through before he closed the door. "Last I heard, you ain't have a medical degree so I sure as hell ain't about to let you fool around with it and break it." 
Turning to face her, he was suddenly met with her arms wrapping around his shoulder, and her soft lips being pressed against his own which was accompanied by a noisy groan. Call it instinct, or just being aware of how stubborn the minx in front of him was, instead of pushing her away, he wrapped his own arms around her waist and let her kiss him. 
A pleased hum, that almost sounded like a squeal of joy left her throat as her tongue traced his lips, and he had to stop the smirk that wanted to appear because god did she have the most interesting reaction to things. 
'Lord have mercy Friedman you need to go get your head check before she kills your ass too.'
Were the words his internal monologue screamed, yet they were quickly shut down when he parted his lips and felt her tongue slip into his mouth. The hungry little appendage explored the wet warm cavern of his mouth as his own tongue twirled around hers.
His large hand cupped the side of her face, and it caused a shudder to run up her spine. A squeal of delight left her lips as she felt another type of slick begin to wet the thin strip of fabric that she wore underneath her little 'uniform'.
They stood at the front door for a good moment, devouring one another's lips while trying to dominate each other in the kiss. [Y/n] easily lost it as soon as wandering hands squeezed her behind and had her whining in delight. 
It was just enough for him to force his tongue into her mouth before he began to lick and explore her mouth. She tasted of something faintly sweet, and he couldn't stop the low growl that left his throat as he kissed her harder.
The kiss had gotten messy quickly. So much so that when she had pulled away, David could see a thin shiny trail of saliva that was at the corner of her mouth before she licked her lips.
"Aw don't be that way! I don't need to go to Tulane to know that the best way to treat a sprain is to soak it, rest it and elevate it," she beamed, her voice still breathy as she pulled away from the wet kiss with a pleased smile and smudged lipstick. "Plus." She hummed, voice thick with desire, as she trailed a finger down the plain t-shirt he wore while her eyes stayed on him. "Don't need a degree with the type of fooling around I wanna do with you. Daddy."
He bit back the groan that left his lips, as her fingers continued their adventure down his body until she was stroking the growing tent in his boxers. Very much noticing his arousal, the hungry grin on [Y/n] lips only grew wider as she began to palm his erection already itching to get her fingers around it and pussy full of it. 
God damn his dick for getting him into this!
"Come on let me take care of you," she sang sweetly in his ear as she watched the conflict in his eyes quickly be replaced with hunger and desire.
"Take care of me huh?" He grunted, letting out a low guttural moan as her fingers slipped past the opening of his boxers and she began to stroke his heavy warm cock that had already started leaking. "What? You gonna drop,  fuck, on your knees in front of the door, mmm, and blow me doll?"
"I will if you want me to," she said without hesitation, and he could have sworn he could come right there as she continued to tug and squeeze at his cock that throbbed with each flick of her fingers. "Like I said," she whispered, tone full of desire as she leaned close to him with that devilish smirk that had been his downfall many times. "When it comes to you, I'm good for anything you wanna do."
"God damnit," David hissed as he grabbed the hand that was languidly working him, making her let go of him and slipping out from under his boxers. "You're a little slut you know that?" 
"Mhm, only for you," she hummed, before a mischievous look came across her face that had him narrowing his eyes before she continued, "boo." 
She watched as his eyebrows shot up before furrowing in annoyance. A long scowl appeared on his thin lips as the grip on her arm tightened, and only seconds later, was she being roughly yanked towards the couch.
A noisy ecstatic squeal left her lips as he manhandled her while he stomped to the other side of the living room with her in tow. Well, as much stomping as a man could do with a sprained ankle. [Y/n] couldn't help the minuscule amount of sympathy she felt for him when she saw him wince and hiss in pain when he let her go and sat on the sofa.
Good thing she was here to take care of him though right?
Eagerly, she found herself in between parted legs before dropping to her knees in front of him. But before she could find her place below him, he caught her arm, causing her to freeze as a wave of confusion rushed over her when she looked up at him.
"Oh no you don't," he groaned, pulling her so that she stood back up, still confused as ever, a pout formed on her painted lips.
"But I wanna taste you daddy," she whined, cheeks puffed as if she was about to throw a tantrum from not being able to give him a blowjob. 
"Now don't start with me," he warned. "I know how much you love being on your knees, but I got somethin' else I want you to do. And ain't I'm the one you're supposed to be taking care of?"
Pout still on her lips, she nodded.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, sir," she huffed out like a little kid who had gotten in trouble and was being told off.
"Thought so. Now take that silly little getup you got off," he commanded, motioning up and down with his pointer finger. "And when ya done with that," he added, dropping his hand to his stiff erection, and stroking it through his boxers, all while holding her attention and watching her bite her bottom lip. "Come take care of me like you said you would."
She knew exactly what he was wanting, and she couldn't stop the gigantic grin that instantly spread across her face at his words.
"Yes, sir!" 
There was definitely more enthusiasm in that one than the one before, and you would have thought that someone had told her that she had won the Powerball. Granted, to her, getting to ride dick as good as his was maybe just as good or better than winning the lottery.
Slowly, she began to unbutton the top of the dress just like he told her to. Her lustful gaze stayed trained on him, as she languidly swayed her hips side to side in an unhurried beat. With each button that came undone, the lacy bra underneath revealed itself as she licked her swollen lips hungrily, causing David to groan quietly as he continued to lazily stroke himself.  
Finally, with one last flick of her fingers, the entire front of the costume came open, and she pulled it off of her completely and discarded it aside. Once gone, it left her with the heels that she had worn, which were being taken off that second, and a matching set of lacy white bra and panties.
The latter was unbelievably soaked and sticky as it rubbed against her needy core that throbbed, and had been throbbing the moment she had wrapped her fingers around him.  Her pussy needed him inside her and she was going to do anything he told her to do to get it.
Removing his hand from himself, David motioned her to come to him, and she obediently took a few steps forward before getting up on the sofa with him. Knees on either side of his hip, and her hands planted on his shoulders, she lowered herself just enough so that she could rub her clothed opening against him, causing them both to let out noisy moans at the contact of her drenched need.
"Mmm, do, oh, do you like it," she purred as seductively as she could, even though the words came out more breathlessly than she intended to. 
He didn't answer. Instead, she watched him take her pebbled nipple that was barely covered and begin to roll it between his fingers before he gave it a little squeeze.
"Yea, it does look real good on you." He answered truthfully after a moment as he leaned down, and nipped at the covered bud, causing a zing of pleasure to bloom in her chest and make its way down to her core.  "But," there was a look of irritation as he glanced at her, well actually just above her as he leaned back. "Take this fuckin' thing off," he hissed grabbing the hat off her head and throwing it somewhere in the room to be looked for later. 
"Not a fan of the look?" She giggled, leaning in and kissing his unshaven cheek and purring at the feel of the roughness against her.
"Not of that. Where'd you even get it from? It's not even close to Halloween yet for them to be selling that shit."
"Oh I have my ways don't you worry detective. You just lay back," she purred, a lusty smile on her painted lips, as she gently pushed his chest so that he would sit back. "And enjoy the ride~." 
A smirk appeared on his face but it was fleeting. As soon as she had finished talking, she was lifting her hips up, reaching behind her and taking his cock in hand. He let out a muffled groan that became louder the moment she pushed her panties aside and began to stroke her sticky opening with his sensitive tip.
One. Two. Three swipes along her hungry pussy, and his cock was soaked in her juices as she lowered her hips, allowing the head to sink in past her opening before she slowly slid down his shaft. Inch by delicious inch he filled her up. Split her slutty pussy apart the way she liked it. In a way only he could. It was hot, it burned and there was a twinge of pain that accompanied the ac,t but she fucking loved each and every second of it. 
There was nothing like having a man of his size make his home in her, and god would she do anything to make herself ready and available for her,
Her head fell back, just as David's did, as he felt his cock being enveloped by the warm, wet, and welcoming channel that was her cunt. The way her insides grabbed onto him, pulled him deeper into her like a siren's song pulling sailors closer to their doom, had him panting and moaning as his hand flew to her hips for some purchase.
"Fuuuck that's it," he grunted, doing all he could to hold back from thrusting into her considering she was the one who was supposed to be doing all the work. 
Inch by inch he filled her up. And as he lifted his head up to watch her, he swore he could come just from the wanton expression that blanketed her face. Face damp with sweat, and lips parted as whimpers left her, she bit her bottom lip in concentration as she sunk down on him.
Slowly and carefully she took him, until after what seemed like a long agonizing moment, her body finally relaxed completely and she was sliding down him completely with a muffled moan.
They sat for a moment staring at each other. Their eyes lidded, pupils blown, and soft pants leaving them as [Y/n]'s insides spasmed around him. Their noses touched as she leaned forward to plant an unusually chaste kiss on his lips, and he groaned into it as one hand reached to hold the back of her neck.
Over and over she kissed him, from his lips to his stubbly cheeks, which made her giggle as the course hairs tickled her skin. As she nuzzled the side of his face, a strange feeling wormed its way into David's stomach.
Arousal, and something more dangerous than that, swirled around in him, but he didn't have much time to think about it because once she pulled away, he could see that devilish smirk back on her face.
"What are you up-."
She didn't let him finish his question before she lifted her hips, sliding off of him almost entirely before slamming herself back down with force. 
His startled shout mingled with her high pitched moan before the sound of flesh slapping against flesh accompanied them as she began to bounce on him enthusiastically. Each fall of her hips had force behind it, and the angle at which she was riding him had him hitting her sweet spot over and over again without fail. Each hit of that spot had her insides shuddering, her toes curling and him gasping in pleasure as she squeezed around his cock. 
This position had even more perks though. Every time she would seat herself all the way on him, she was able to grind her throbbing clit against his clothed stomach causing a more intense wave of pleasure to bloom in her.
"Mmm, fuck daddy yes~!" She babbled out breathlessly as she fell forward, grinding her hips against him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "So f-fucking big," she moaned into his ear, causing a shudder to run down his spine as he gripped her hips so tightly that there would no doubt be nail marks and bruises on her. Yet the pain didn't stop her at all from fulfilling her duties of taking care of him. 
It seemed to spur her on actually.
Bouncing and grinding on him, she pulled back a little, so that he could take a good look at how disheveled she knew she was. Her breast bounced in her bra that offered no real support as she stared at him with glazed over 'fuck me' eyes.
"Do I, mmm, f-feel good?" The question was punctured with a sharp gasp and a sob as his cock rubbed against that rough patch in her that only brought a hot pang of pleasure and more wetness. "D-does daddy like how tight, ahhh, and wet I am for him?"
Another slide of her down his aching cock, had him leaning forward and kissing her exposed neck, causing her to shudder all around him as he nipped and sucked.
"Y-yea, fuck, yeah," he murmured against her damp skin as he began to take over the pace while his cock began to throb relentlessly from the warm slick that was wrapped around him. Her insides eagerly accepted him deeper and deeper with each thrust, and he knew he would be gone soon with how good she made him feel. "Would have called you sooner if I knew mmm, knew this was your idea of taking care of," he joked, trying to make light of the sticky situation, but all he could let out was another groan as he felt another spasm inside of her. 
Another whine left her throat as he began to pick up speed on his end. The room filled with the sounds of their pants and groans that grew louder and louder along with the sound of his cock pistoning in and out of her sodden insides. 
"Mmmm yes, wanna take care, oh god, take care of you," she babbled uncontrollably as her eyes fought to stay open as the pleasure began to addle her mind.  "Take care, mmm wanna take care of daddy."  The phrase repeated itself over and over as she took him, ignoring any ache in her bones that screamed at her.
Her insides shuddered and clenched down with each thrust and she was so out of it that she hadn't realized that one of his hands had left her hips and had made its way down to her aching clit. With one press of his fingers against her, he had her keening out, her head falling back, and her insides wrapping him in a vice grip that had him choke out a few profanities.
"F-fuck!" He hissed, a raspy gasp left his lips as he rubbed his fingers against her throbbing bead in hurried messy circles that had her twitching around him uncontrollably. The feeling of her insides clenching and unclenching had him letting out a loud groan as he felt himself harden even more, signaling that he was about to fall over that edge.
"Please wanna feel you," she begged, eyes wide and glassy with tears as she felt him about to come. "Need you, please." 
With how polite she was being, which was always such a change from her normal behavior, David couldn't hold back the amused smirk or groan as he began to pick up speed.
"Yeah you wanna feel me doll," he grunted out as he admired the blissed out expression she wore. As if bouncing on his cock was the best damn thing she had ever done. "Want me to make a mess of  this slutty cunt huh?" He asked puncturing each word with an upward thrust causing her to squeal loudly.
"Y-yes! Yes yes," she chanted, "please daddy!"
Gritting his teeth, he began to help her bounce quicker against him, and it had her thrashing her head side to side as he abused her sore cunt. The slick sounds of them fucking only increased with each thrust, and when he pressed at her clit, her insides shuddered and clamped down on him hard. 
The action had him crying out, and his stomach clenching as he stilled against her. Pain and pleasure mixed together before he was shooting hot ropes of cum inside her causing her to gasp and writhe and the tight grip he had on her. The sheer force of him tipping over and coming triggered her own orgasm, causing the pressure that had been bubbling and building in her stomach to explode. 
A broken sob left her lips, followed by a loud groan as a gush of wetness soaked David's entire bottom half with her pleasure. She went to let out another cry, only for it to be silenced by his lips as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her front against his to keep her from falling back as she trembled. 
Tiny whimpers escaped her throat as her insides twitched and throbbed around him as she rode her high out. Her hips stilled as their hearts felt as if they were about to burst out of their chests from how quick and hard they were beating. You think you could hear it with how loud it sounded in their ears.
But, the only sound around them now, was the sound of their lips meeting over and over until one pulled away so they could both breathe. Their pants filled the air, as [Y/n] laid limply against David, who held her and even stroked her back lazily as he tried to catch his own breath.  
They stayed there against one another, catching their breaths and waiting for feeling to return to their numb limbs. It was tempting to fall asleep after such strenuous activity, but with how cool the wetness against the fabric of his boxers had already become it wouldn't be too comfortable. And she seemed to sense that too as let out a yawn as she leaned back, a sleepy smile on her features.
"Take care of you alright didn't I?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't get cocky on me doll, I'm pretty sure I did all the work at the end," he threw back though his tone dripped with nothing but playful sarcasm.
A tinkering giggle left her as she smacked his chest lightly, before slowly, and carefully raising her hips so she could get off of him and stretch her legs that had been bent for a good minute. Watching as [Y/n] slid off of him, he groaned as her wet heat that had enveloped him disappeared leaving him uncomfortably cool. 
Falling back against the sofa once she had gotten up, he had to admit he was feeling much more relaxed than he had in a minute. That relaxed state was short lived though, as when he saw her adorn that sneaky grin again and drop to her knees in front of his spread thighs, he knew he was in for more of her mischievousness. No matter how good it would feel for him.
"[Y/n]!" He warned, but before he could protest too much more, her mouth was on his limp cock causing his hips to jerk forward, and a low groan to be ripped from his throat, as she began to suck on the sensitive flesh.
She wasted no time lapping up the creamy and tangy mixture of her juices and his seed that coated him. And when she was done with that she began to lick up and down his shaft, kissing and mouthing at it before she was taking him into her mouth. It was no surprise that he had gotten hard again, and it wasn't long before he was coming one more time with a muffled moan as he shot more of the salty liquid into her mouth.  
And just like last time, she swallowed it all without protest. A hungry grin on her face as she lapped up any remnants of his pleasure. 
"All clean," she mused, kissing the tip of him once more before slowly standing up with a smirk that could rival the Cheshire cat. 
With her bra off one shoulder, her panties a sodden mess, her lips swollen and her eyes glossy from the tears she had shed, she looked an absolute mess. Yet somehow she still managed to seem ecstatic, and while yes she looked like a mess, she was still a gorgeous mess to him. Maybe it was because she was already a bit deranged that the chaos suited her, David thought as he watched her look around for a moment as if she was searching for something.
It didn't take but a second for her expression to morph from a pondering one to a knowing one as she quickly made a beeline for the hallway. She had moved so quickly that he almost didn't have time to say anything before she was disappearing deeper into his house.
"Hey now where are you going!" He shouted as he whipped his head in her direction, only to catch a glimpse of her before she was out of sight.
"Stay there I'll be right back!" 
Was her muffled command before moments later the sound of rushing water was heard coming from the bathroom. He immediately tensed up as his first thought was that she was going to drown him and that her fucking him was just a very twisted sending off present. Very kind of her, but he wasn't keen on dying right this moment, and especially not by drowning.
"Man, shut up she's not about to kill you," he whispered as he quickly stuffed himself back into his boxers but not without a wince at how cold and wet the fabric was. 
Pushing himself off the sofa, and wincing a bit, he began to limp towards the bathroom. The sound of rushing water became louder and louder as he got closer, and before long he was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. His eyes immediately fell on [Y/n] sitting at the bathtub's edge, her fingers testing the water and shaking the wetness off after deeming it the right temperature. 
Looking up and seeing him standing there, a pout immediately formed on her lips as she stood up, and he noticed she had taken the scraps of undergarment off leaving her bare. Of course, his cock twitched at the sight and he had to hold in a sharp inhale.
"Now I thought I told you to stay on the sofa!" She scolded, a slight whine in her tone as she sauntered up to him. "Can't be puttin' too much weight on your ankle you know or it'll take forever in a day to get better."
Completely ignoring what she was saying, he narrowed his eyes at her and sent a suspicious gaze in her direction. 
"Now look here," he started, backing away a little but pausing to wince once again at the dull throb in his ankle. "I'm not sure what you're up to [Y/n], but I ain't about to let you drown me if that's what you're up to. I'm not tryna be found floating butt naked in my damn bathtub!"
"Drown you?" The surprise was evident in her tone and by the way her eyes widened slightly. For a second he thought he could see a glint of another emotion in her eyes, but when he blinked, she just wore that pout that she would bring out when she didn't get what she wanted.  
"Dave I don't know what you're talkin' about. Are you sure you didn't hit your head too in the accident?" She added, as she began to try to examine his forehead but was stopped as he pulled away a little. 
"Ain't no one tryin' to drown you! Why would I go do something like that to my favorite person." She purred. 
Taking him by the hand, she guided him over to the bath, and he reluctantly followed though he was still a bit weary.
"Just thought a nice hot bath would do some good for your ankle, and well, we done got a bit messy haven't we? Now go on," she said, letting his hand go as they stopped in front of the bath that was steaming and had some bubbles in it. "And don't worry," her voice pulled him out of his train of thought, returning his attention back to her. A beaming smile was on her lips and she had one hand on her heart and the other raised. "I promise to the good lord above that I am not gonna do anything murderous."
Somehow, that didn't give him any more confidence than he had before. But, against every rational thought in his body, which honestly there wasn't much left considering, he did as she asked.
Stripping his boxers and shirt off, and tossing the garments to the ground, he, with the help of [Y/n] who steadied him, stepped in the bath, and he couldn't deny the loud groan he let out when he submerged himself in the hot soapy water. 
It was nice he couldn't lie. While he much more preferred showers, this was a much better way of soaking his foot than constantly using that plastic bucket he had.  His eyes may have also closed for a second as he relaxed in the bath, his shoulders sagging as he let the water soothe his muscles and wash the stickiness off of him.
Everything was so nice that he only had the energy to open one eye when he heard splashing water as [Y/n] stepped into the bath with him. He watched curiously as she lowered herself into the bath before she climbed on top of him once more. 
"Feels good don't it?" She whispered, as she pressed her front against Dave's chest, while her core hovered over his cock that had begun to twitch in interest once again.  Her fingers grazed his upper body before going up to tangle themselves in his thick hair which had a smattering of gray growing in.
With a seductive grin, she didn't wait for his answer before she pressed her lips against his. Chaste at first the kiss was, but it quickly turned into him devouring her fully as she ground her hips against his reawakened excitement. 
Needless to say, bathing wasn't the only thing they ended up doing. She had ended up coaxing another orgasm from them both, and only after he had painted her insides again, did she pull away and let the lukewarm water wash them off. 
He was fucking spent in the best of ways, so much so that she had managed to convince him to take a nap while she tidied up his home after their bath.
"It's what I'm here for!"  She had winked at him, still only clad in a towel as she went to find her clothes that were scattered somewhere in the front room. 
Too tired to even protest,  knowing she would weasel her way out of any argument, he dried himself, and made his way to his room where he pulled on a fresh pair of boxers before he was flopping down on his bed. He had fallen asleep almost instantaneously, not even worried about what she may do to him in his sleep.
When he had awakened from his nap that he didn't even realize he had taken, his first thought was,
There was no reply at the call of her name, nor was there one when he called out again. It was just pure silence in the house, and he hand wondered for a moment if she was still there. Yawning loudly, and wiping the sleep from his eyes, he got up, stumbling a bit as he tried to wake fully. 
Once he had made it out of his room and into the front again, he noticed that the living room had been tidied up neatly. He wasn't a slob, no, but there had been a few empty bottles of alcohol lying around on the table when she had arrived, and they were there no longer.
Anything that had seemed to be out of place had been put back, such as some DVDs that he had left out on the TV console, which were now back at home with the DVDs he had. Everything was neat like a housekeeper had come to clean, though he did notice a piece of paper placed squarely in the middle of the coffee table that caught his eyes.
Hobbling over, he picked it up and read it aloud.
"Better slow it down with all the drinking detective." He snorted at that. No chance if she was still around causing him nightmares at times. "I cleaned as much as I could while you were sleep and even packed you some food which I put in the fridge. And don't worry, like I said, I ain't trying to kill you, who else is going to make me come as hard as you do." There was a pause as he tried to keep a straight face but the absurdity was winning out and he wanted to laugh. "Take care of yourself you hear? Though I don't mind coming back to take care of you."
She had signed it 'love your favorite nightmare', and he was almost reluctant to agree with her as his eyes found one last note on the letter which read.
'P.S. thanks for the ride daddy~', and it had a little heart scrawled next to it. 
This time, he couldn't stop the raucous chuckle that bubbled from his throat until it became a full blown fit of laughter. 
Oh god.
Maybe her crazy had worn off on him and he should actually get his head checked out. Whatever it was, he just stood there, paper in hand in the middle of his living room, shoulders shaking as he laughed.
He probably looked insane to his neighbors if they saw him. It took him a few minutes to calm himself even though he kept chuckling as he put the letter down and went to the kitchen.
Just like the living room, it was spotless, and when he went to open the fridge, he was taken aback by the numerous containers of food in there that he sure as hell didn't make. 
"Well I be damn. She wasn't tellin' no tale," he muttered, as he pulled one of the containers out to observe what was in it. 
He did the same to a few others, each of them containing something different yet appealing. With his curiosity sated, he closed the fridge door as more questions popped into his head as he just stood there. It was bizarre, to say the least, but everything about [Y/n] was bizarre and he should know better by now not to question it. 
But he did, because let's face it, the so called arrangement that they had was bizarre. They hadn't really discussed it, because how do you discuss something like what they had going on. So it was just odd. 
And as he stood, ignoring the protest of his ankle, that he knew she would say something about, he wondered briefly if he had been missing something. Their relationship was transactional, but this particular act did not seem to be that way, and it had his brain trying to figure something logical out.
"Alright maybe you do need to stop all that drinkin, got you thinkin' of some weird shit," he spoke to himself as he felt a migraine coming on. 
Just as he went to say something else he stopped when his stomach began to grumble and he looked down at it with a raised eyebrow.
"Really you're doing this now?" He asked accusingly knowing again that he probably seemed a bit off his rocker. Well…it wasn't like he didn't have tons of food in his fridge now thanks to [Y/n] and if she wanted to off him she could have done so when he fell asleep. 
So with an exaggerated sigh, he went back into the fridge and grabbed a random container to heat up in the microwave. 
Hopefully, he wouldn't be dead in the morning.
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yeehawpim · 4 months
Hiya Pim, the simplicity of your art somehow contains so much joy and feeling in so few lines. I love it so much. It's similar to things like Oobi and The Muppet Show, where a simple puppet or a hand with eyes can convey so much. Keep doing what you're doing. It's pretty darn great. 🤠
AW thank you so much!! 🫂I try haha
Every time I see the muppets or just that style of puppet I'm always amazed how life-like they are and all the little details that get paid attention to, those puppeteers are so frickin talented. Watching them perform makes my animator brain go brrr from the acting and it's an honour to get compared to their work
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spockandawe · 7 months
Hello! I'm burning with curiosity over this question: Why did you decide to bind Mo Dao Zu Shi as a single enormous volume, as opposed to a set of several slimmer volumes? The book must be extremely heavy and rather unwieldy, right? I mean this question innocently and intend no disrespect, the book is quite impressive in its own right.
Ahahaha, absolutely!!! And no offense taken! So in this case, the goal was to get that large working surface to draw art onto. But i do also like doing this when possible, even when art isn't a factor! I did mdzs/tgcf/svsss in smaller volumes too, before doing them in single volumes. It doesn't exactly... bother me to divide a single continuous story into multiple volumes, but i like it better when the whole thing is in one place.
In a traditionally published trilogy, maybe the story is continuous, but the books are structured for those breakpoints. With mdzs or longfics, i have to look for a chapter in the right approximate location that provides the cleanest division point, and sometimes there's no great answer. If I am dividing things like that, it's probably because I'm trying to keep things in my guillotine's capacity rather than commiting to a power sanding adventure (like with mdzs, haha)
It does tend towards books that are kind of unwieldy, but when i work at quarto size, you get more leeway before the books become uncomfortably heavy. Mdzs isn't GREAT to handle, but svsss is the same height/width and 900 pages, and feels FABULOUS in the hands. And honestly, in the end, i mostly read on my phone anyways XD That svsss is the only one of my books I've read major chunks of in person. For me, the process is much more important than the product! And there's a couple of ways that huge single volumes make my brain go brrr, so that's why i regularly end up there, haha
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pomefioredove · 22 days
Hiya!! Can you do a romantic match for me??
Im kinda an asshole honestly. Always insulting people, "you're built like *insert thing" "keep yourself safe" "are you stupid??" (Only done to my friends as a joke, if any of them were uncomfortable with it I would stop) I'm also incredibly sarcastic,,, like,,, to the MAX "thanks captain obvious" etc etc (I can't think of any other examples)
I'm also always cursing- it's a problem, I have the mouth of a sailor and I'm always getting in trouble for it.
Im also very flirty. I flirt with most of my friends (and have acquired smooches, my play is just that strong) But if they're ever uncomfortable I would dial it back or stop completely.
I'm also very physically affectionate, hugs, cuddling, kisses, the whole sch bang, I love it. I would be like, all over someone in public but I'll hug, kiss, hand hold etc.
But I'm the type to like punch their friends in the arm or shake them aggressively. O also do that kind of affections haha. (Like pretending to punch people but stopping at the last moment, I like that)
I'm also very energetic. (Adhd go brrr) always bouncing from one topic to the next if i like the person I'm talking too. I'm also kind of a hater, if I don't like someone either they will know it or everyone else will. (I do enjoy gossip/the occasional shit talk it's so entertaining I THRIVE ON IT)
I'm more an extrovert than introvert but I'm not 100% extroverted. Like I won't just walk up to random people I don't know and start a conversation. (Not my thing)
I also like playing visual novels and various other cozy story based video games (usually open world)
Also I'm goth, dress in all black, the music etc. (I love all types of music minus country) I love makeup as well as vampiric inspired outfits. I also overdressed for everything, it's usually my job amongst the friend group to be the best dressed. I don't do goth makeup but I do love makeup in general hehe
I'm also really loud and love infodumping about my interests hehehe
Also I am girl, 5'2, and am usually always wearing heels hehehe
I match you with 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡
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The First Impression:
He matches your energy. Immediately. The playful insults, the sarcasm, the swearing like a sailor- he's about to teach you curses you haven't even heard before. The back-and-forth is so perfect that you can almost feel Azul losing his patience in the background.
Why He Fell:
Besides the banter, Floyd just loves being flirted with. Giggling and kicking his legs back and forth in public settings with no shame. Oh, and the second you're comfortable enough to be physically affectionate? He's never letting that go. Ever. He would LOVE being playfully punched and shaken and squeezed, no doubt about it. You guys have the same soul in two different bodies, I swear.
Also? Obsessed with your style. The dark and elegant look reminds him of home, and he definitely has a bunch of fancy fishy nicknames for you (his favorite being sea bunny, considering your height and cuteness and tendency to dress in blacks and whites and they're VENEMOUS).
Probably wants to bite you.
The Relationship:
Chaotic but in a cute way. Lots of banter, lots of affection, lots of squeezing and shaking each other to get the energy out. Floyd LOVES shit talking with you, will probably make new codenames for everyone so you can gossip in public. Your discussions are absolutely insane and impossible for other people to follow, like you've developed your own language together. If you'd let him he'll pick you up and put you on his shoulders to chase Riddle (who absolutely hates you both sevens help him).
You guys just click! Absolute menaces (affectionate).
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ui-artdump · 4 months
February 14 Gift Arts Collection
Happy friendship day with many delays...
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For Rosie and Mercie Notes: Lmaooo I was so crazy for them, do you know that I didn't really plan these and my hand just went autopilot? Anyway, Raid had some confidence to kiss Keres? Fr fr?? The Malleutoria is either Malleus chased Victoria and hugged her from behind or they were in an argument and instead of admitting he was wrong he just does that. Nororia is actually insane, Noriko move, it's my turn. /j
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For Erin Haha Shadow Twins with Dusty go brrr, He cannot escape them /j I am so sorry for the grayscale Areia x Horace, I didn't have any idea what Horace colors are sobs ANYWAY MOM AND DAD ARE DANCING /J /J
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For Ellis Its them. The og, the one who gets the happiness whilst in the 2T1L storyline UiO suffers /hsrs.
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For Basil They're so awaawifuaaaaa- I love them so much they are so precious I love these theatre kids 💀. Broken justice x self-imposed justice!!!
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For Jas Mitch? Being soft? Mitch? OOC? Wtf is wrong with him (derogatory) HHHHHHH TOMIGATHA THOUGHTS TOMIGATHA THOUGHTS WON OVER MEEEEEEEE AHDSFJKHDJFAHJF I love this gay fish yuri lmao
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For Fumi I had a vision of them and I just had to do it. I'm ngl, I kind of want what is happening between Shui and Flynn /j
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For Mel Hihi they make me go feral, they are literally so sweet together and genuinely the most unproblematic ship of Feli LMAOOOOO
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For Rev Your honor, them. Oh my god. They go all around my head. Shui is going in for the revenge kiss and Feli can't decide if she wants to kiss Charles or not. (we know she likes the taste /j/j/j)
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bestchar-imagines · 2 years
Motherly S/O comforting Kokichi after finding out he was abused?
Haha backstory hc go brrr-
~ 🥀 ( I'm back, too, bitches-)
Motherly S/O Comforting Kokichi
holy shit ur a dedicated follower LMAO
tw: abuse (in really all forms except sexual), attempted suicide
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Kokichi has a lot of things he wants off his chest.. a lot of which being some bad trauma he's went through in the past. Though he wants to keep up with his facade so he never even hinted at the fact he had some.
Though you had your suspicions. He'd rarely leave his room, keep stashes of food under his bed, furiously wipe down anything he's touched, flinch whenever you enter his room...
It was clear as day signs of something bad.
You gently sat down the small boy in his room, taking ahold of his hands. Admittedly, he was nervous. Scared, even. Was he in trouble?
"And why are you wasting my precious time?" he would boast.
"..Are you doing okay? Don't act like I haven't seen how you act." you state, "Is the wiping things down a sort of.. OCD thing? The food stashing a fear? Or.."
He blinks at you, before bursting into laughter. "Hahaha! Of course not! What do you take me for, a wimp?!" of course he didn't think of everyone with a fear or with OCD as a wimp, it's a him thing.
"Baby boy," you pressed your lips to his knuckles. That was the pet name that always made his heart flutter. "You aren't a 'wimp' if you have those things dear, the complete opposite. You've made it this far supposedly having these things. I find that quite strong. Not to say that those who haven't made it aren't, though."
Kokichis eyes darted to the floor, huffing of annoyance. "..You won't make fun of me?" he caved easily. The pet name had him melt into your desire. "Of course not."
And so, he spilled. It was clear he watered down what happened to him, but it gave you a good idea as to what happened. His father was abusive, mother not so much but having to put up with her husbands things. He'd be locked in a plain room every day up until he was sixteen, given nothing but a small basket of food and water given to by his mother every two weeks, the water more frequently given. His father put paper balls on the top of the door when it was shut, so if he opened the door they'd fall and let the family know he escaped, or attempted to. This would lead to a beating, of course.
They'd give him nothing but a belt in his meantime. They wished for him to kill himself.. he tried. So, so many times. All would fail. He wasn't taught how to make a proper noose so he would be frustrated and start to hurt himself more.
You smile softly, pulling the shivering boy close to your chest. "It's alright now. They aren't here anymore." you state, stroking his soft hair.
"Why don't we both take a bath together, hm? I'll treat you like the prince you ar-" "King." "..King you are."
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wildstar25 · 3 months
terribly sorry to bother, but I've been loving your screenshots since I stumbled on your blog, and like 100% genuinely: how do you get them to look like that? Is it all done in game or is it some combo of mods & shaders? Cause every time I see a cool pose I'm just left wondering how you did it. Obviously I wouldn't ask you to make a massive tutorial just for me, but if there are any resources or general things you'd be willing to share, I'd be eternally grateful!
Hi there! Thank you for enjoying my gposes, and you're not a bother; my ask box is open to get asks after all haha
To answer your question: My gposes are not a product of the vanilla game alone. I'm slapping my explanations under a read more since it's a bit long:
Firstly, I am running reshade, an open source post-processing injector. It's a program that can (in the simplest terms) run various visual filters over a video game in real time. Most everyone I know made the jump from Gshade to reshade last year, so if you look up "reshade for ffxiv" you should be able to find a handful of tutorials. When it comes to finding presets, there are a lot of independent shader devs for ffxiv and generally a quick google search should bring you to a few. Most of the presets I use are outdated holdovers from the GShade days, and I don't know if they are available anymore; so unfortunately I can't recommend any directly, sorry!
In general, I lean towards shaders that enhance the overall brightness and vibrancy of the (imo muddy looking) default graphics. Arsay can quickly get over exposed by the in game 3 point lighting, so putting a shader that boosts the brightness overall really helps preventing that. I set up my lights in gpose at 2, put the character lighting to 100, pick a shader with a LUT that gives me the colours and brightness I want and thats usually enough. sometimes I'll hit the manual brightness in game and mess with that too. I often go into the preset of the shader and muck about with the Depth of field settings depending on what I want. An important note regarding the use of reshade: While reshade does not directly effect in game files or gameplay and it's technically not against TOS (as far as I have read), it is still highly encouraged that screenshots taken with shaders on do not have the ffxiv screenshot watermark visible. Reshade has it's own screenshot button that you can map to any key of your liking that will capture the game and the applied shaders without any watermarks. If you have an nvidia graphics card, I believe you should also have access to the geforce post-process correction tools, and could use that as well to enhance the game visuals. However, I am under the impression it's solely corrective settings (brightness/contrast, vibrancy, saturation, etc.) and you do not have the ability to adjust the depth of field setting, apply LUTs, mess with ambient occlusion, etc. Aka the more in depth rendering stuff that would make your graphic card fan go brrr. I've personally never tried the nvidia filter system so maybe that's incorrect information. Best to do independent research on that!
As well, on the occasion I will bring some screenshots into photoshop and do further, fine tuned, tonal corrections there. Generally this is only when I'm trying to achieve a look that I can't get in game and I try to keep it to a minimum. When I'm working on big photosets or comics, I'll end up doing more corrections just to make sure colours/tones/shading are consistent through out.
On to the second part of the question: the posing. I do all my posing with this tool. It is a tos crime, however it's client-side only and completely undetectable to other players. It gives you full access to character rigs and allows you to not only build your own poses, but export and import poses, outfits, props used by npcs or seen in cut scenes, and character data as well. Tons of people will upload pose files on the various mod archives for others to use, so even people who don't want to mess around with rigs can have fun with their characters. I personally love posing, and it's something I'm very comfortable doing since I have a background in 3D modelling and animation. I do believe in working smarter and not harder though, so what I tend to do is apply an in game animation cycle to my character in question that has a frame or key pose close enough to what I need, pause the animation, turn on posing, and start rotating bones. I never really looked up any tutorials myself tbh, I kinda just messed around with things and figured the tool out as I went along. That said, there are tutorials on youtube if you search for them. "Anamnesis ffxiv guide" or something along those lines should bring up good results.
Anam also gives you further camera control than what is available in game, allowing you to fine tune its position to the .001 degree. You can increase the FOV and zoom range past the typical amount. Bring your character and camera pretty much anywhere on the map too. And you can export your camera setting to use between gpose settings! It's a really great tool, though it has some quirks and can in specific instances crash your game (never change a character while fishing lol)
That's pretty much it! I know this wasn't really much of a guide, so sorry about that. Most of my gposes are a product of seeing a fuzzy image/concept in my head and messing around with various compositions, locations, lighting conditions, ect. until I bring that idea into clarity. It's hard to explain that process in ways beyond "fucking around and finding out (positive)" I suppose to anyone else reading this has specific references in mind, please pass them along to sailor-artemis ! I know being told "just google it lol" isn't super helpful but I really just tend to figure things out on my own ^^;
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Heket Headcanons
Will try anything once
Haha cannibalism go brrr
Huge spice tolerance, even bigger alcohol tolerance
Compulsively feeds the people she really cares about
Feeds Leshy the most, he's a growing worm
Leshy has a Terrible Spice Tolerance and she will sometimes feed him deceptively spicy foods as a joke. Leshy falls for it every time
Would keep those travel size bottles of tajin and tabasco
She puts commonly tajin on her fruit
Loves pumpkin spice and has no reservations about it
Hands are burnproof from cooking
Really likes to officiate weddings
Will bet on how long the couple will last
Mean and stoic on purpose as a kind of defense mechanism
Hard time genuinely expressing feelings and asking for help
Despite this, she would probably be the most forward about expressing any romantic feelings
Would like Sanrio but be embarrassed about it
Would like eyeliner and be very, very good at getting that sharp ass wing
This energy
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Would own expensive eye shadow palettes
Would go to the gym regularly
In any universe and timeline, can pick up all of her siblings, at once
Closet is full of flannels
Does this instead of apologizing
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A common headcanon: she is a very good singer
Contralto queen
Her voice was never the same after getting her throat slit, but at least she can still hum
Can ribbit, but virtually never does
Big complex of "I can insult and bully my siblings, you Cannot"
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voicehydrangea · 6 days
I like your butterfly lair au! Question though: how does Lila deal with the fact that there are… 17+ different experienced adult heroes Likely hunting her down? Villain attacks won’t quite be what they used to.
Hey! Thanks for the Question! The TLDR of it is; she doesn't. They simply don't exist.
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The Butterfliar AU takes place in an alternate universe with information based on my Miraculous Phase a couple of years ago. I never did finish the show, as my extreme second hand embarrassment and inability to focus hindered my ability to watch Miraculous.
At the time of the creation of this AU, I only made it out of frustration for all the Lila slander. As a kid, I remember honestly believing she was the holder of the Fox Miraculous before I fell out of love with the show. I've popped in here and there to just check in on the progress of the story, but I haven't actually watched *anything* past Vulpina. I couldn't do it, I wasn't strong enough.
Seeing how Lila was twisted into such an uncanny character, along with Chloe's backpedalled redemption? That's what started this AU.
I need to make this clear, the Butterfliar AU is fully self indulgent.
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That being said, Butterfliar wasn't made with the idea of multiple heroes in mind. So the actual number of heroes is probably quite few.
I like what the Movie did where the Kwami went to Adrien and Mari on their own, choosing them. I'm going with that logic for the heroes in this universe.
I'm not sure exactly who's there either. There's about 4, I think, including Ladybug and Chat Noir. Chloe is another one. And Kim, I never actually watched the episodes where he's got the Monkey Miraculous. But I recall something about?? How he got his Miraculous being different from the others? I don't think he was directly given it. So I'm interpreting it as the Monkey chose him
He was assigned Monkey by the Universe.
There might be others, but I haven't figured it out yet. I don't think they'll end up being the same characters who get a Miraculous in cannon though.
Again, thank you for your question, I'm sorry if that's not the answer you wanted. ^^'
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On an off topic; I'm not exactly sure how much I want to continue the Butterfliar AU. I have other AUs that are running around in my head that interest me more, lol.
Feel free to still ask though! Its always fun to randomly return to old AUs and be like "Haha AU go brrr".
Have a great day <3
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pebiejeebies · 8 months
┏━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━┓
 -ˋˏ                [ a very long and detailed…]              -ˎˊ
 -ˋˏ                [ BLOG INTRODUCTION! ]              -ˎˊ
┗━━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━━┛
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆The DNI is below,
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ⏳ ₒ So is my BYF,
┆ ┆ ┆   *:・゚And my WTI !!
┆ ┆ *ೃ You can skip this to read them!/gen
┆i love you sm/p!
[❝] Make yourself at home dearest creature/human! You are safe! [❞]
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷
⌘° ┄──────────╮
๑✦: Name(s): 
,, Pebie/Kenzie are humans names. 
,, Xue/Yip/Fizz are cubs names. 
,, Cabby/Cab/Cabster are cabs names.
๑✦: Pronouns: 
,, Pr/ns! (May not be up to date, you can use she, xe, or it if ur lazy!)
๑✦: Sexuality: 
,, Straight
๑✦: Birthday: 
,, 16th June, 2007 (16)
๑✦: MBTIs:
,, Human Irl (INFP-T)
,, Human Online (ESFP-T)
,, Cabby (ESTJ-A) 
,, White Tiger Cub (ISTJ-A)
BYF– !!
│         ✎┊ What I can do?         |
││• Moodboards - Open!
││• Stimboards - Open!
││• Pronoun suggestions - Open!
││• Flag making - Open!
│╰─────────── ·   ·   ·   ·
✮ ⎨Favorite Game(s): 
,, Roblox
,, Minecraft
,, Sky: Children of the light
✮ ⎨Show(s): 
,, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
,, The Amazing Digital Circus
,, II/III (I do not support their actions, but you can ask what they did)
✮ ⎨Movie(s): 
,, Avatar: The Way of The Water 
,, Spider-man: Across The Spider-Verse
,, Coraline
,, Singing in the rain (My dad adores this movie sm<3)
✮ ⎨Kintype(s): 
,, Cabby from Inanimate Insanity Invitational
,, White Tiger Cub
✮ ⎨Animal(s): 
,, Felines (like literally all)
,, Canines (literally/srs)
✮ ⎨Hates: 
,, School
,, My skeleton body (haha dysmorphia go brrr)
,, Gore and organs +more…
✮ ⎨Loves: 
,, Dad
,, Siblings
,, My pets (Two cats!)
,, My IPad (What I’m using rn)
,, Singing
,, Listening to music 
╰────────────────┄ ° ⌘
│            ✎┊ X T R A Z !! |
││1• ➛ I am self diagnosed with ASD, Anxiety, (probably) ADHD ,, 
││2• ➛ Very VERY sensitive person ,, 
││3• ➛ Very forgetful, and bad at understanding ,,
││4• ➛ I cry when I’m mad ,,
││5• ➛ I might have chronic illness ,,
││6• ➛ I’m horrible at wording phrases, spelling, my bad! ,,
││7• ➛ I like to make sure nobody is left out ,,
││8• ➛ I’m In many MANY fandoms ,,
││9• ➛ I use tone tags, I’d like if you use them too ,,
││10• ➛ Has been restricted from the common sense that most ││people know ,,
││11• ➛ I make a lot of mistakes, sorry (reason is number 10) ,,
││12• ➛ I say curse words every now and then, so beware ,,
│╰─────────── ·     ·   ·     ·  ・✦ 
✦ 𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔: ———————————————————
 | ✮ DNI: Do Not Interact
| DSMP/QSMP - I have my reasons.
| SOUTH PARK - I have my reasons.
\ SEXIST +etc…
 | ✮ WTI: Welcome To Interact
/ Xenogenders
| Neopronoun users
| Alterhumans 
| SFW interactions 
| Disabled creatures/humans
| Neurodivergent creatures/humans
\ Object Shows 
✦ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙ .˚🥀ᵎ┊͙✦
Zoinks that was long.. I like to be overdramatically detailed
*puts xer hand over xer forehead*
If you don’t like that either, DNI! /jk /j /nsrs /lh
Uh.. a silly, silly picture of cabby I guess.. since ur still here lol
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