#had a pretty good burger today [thumbs up emoji]
wormstacheangel · 3 years
Almost: Ch 6
Summary: Dean is a little too distracted by everything Cas. Even when he tells himself he has to move on and just be happy for his old best friend. But it's hard when Cas is now just a text message away again.
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Word Count: 2959 More Under The Cut
“Rich people really don’t eat, huh?” Charlie said as Dean gets into the drive-through line for some burgers and shakes. She leaned forward on the seat, her head closer to Dean’s as she tried to look at the menu. “Well, at least I know what their houses look like.”
“Why did we have to leave in such a hurry anyway?” Sam was in the passenger seat also staring at the menu before he turned to Charlie. “Are you getting a chocolate one or vanilla? I’ll get the opposite of you.”
“I’ll get chocolate. You get vanilla and Dean can get the strawberry one.” Charlie decides, patting Dean’s head. “Yeah, why did we leave? Didn’t dreamy little Cas just get there?”
Dean rolls his eyes but doesn’t look back at them as they made kissing noises at him. “I won’t buy you guys shit if you keep this up.”
That shut them up pretty quickly. Good. Dean was still trying to process what was even said. Cas’s number felt like it was burning in his pocket. He felt stupid for wanting to call him already just to hear his name being said by Cas’s dumb raspy voice. Years of not hearing it really was catching up to him. 
Sam then hit Dean’s arm to grab his attention. “Dude, we’re next.”
“Oh.” He went up to the speaker and ordered whatever Charlie kept telling him to say. He wasn’t sure if he got something for himself or even how much it was, just handing his card over when he got to the window. 
Charlie and Sam must have noticed his mind was somewhere else. Lost in the tingle that still lingered on his cheek. Lost in that big bear hug that Cas gave him. The way Cas said his name, like a damn prayer, when he finally saw Dean made him feel weak in the knees and he hated it. Hated that Cas already had such a stronghold of him. 
Of course, they didn’t know that was what he was thinking about. And he’s sure as fuck not going to tell them any of that. It’s his guilty pleasure that he gets to relive in his head and their nosy asses can have none of it. 
As soon as they had their food Dean parked them in the emptier side of the parking lot before turning the car off. “Okay,” He turned towards them and took the food Sam handed him. “Dude, this is strawberry. I don’t want that shit.”
“Too bad you already agreed.” Sam held his shake away from Dean. 
“I paid so I should get first dibs.” Dean reached for it again but Sam held it back, his bitchface front and center. “Sam. Give it.”
“No. This one’s mine.” Sam opened the lid of his shake and licked the top of the ice cream. “See it’s mine now.”
Dean laughed coldly. “Like that will stop me.” Dean was about to jump his brother but Charlie, who probably was tired as shit of seeing their bickering and saw the signs that this was about to turn into an actual wrestling fight, reached forward and took the strawberry shake from Dean’s hand. Replacing it with her chocolate one.
“There. Happy?”
“No.” Not really.” The brothers both mumble as Charlie lifts her hand as a threat and even though she would never actually hit them they saw that she was annoyed. So they both quickly said, “Sorry.”
“Good.” She sat back in the seat and started unwrapping her burger. “Now can we get back to the topic on hand?”
“Which is?” Dean had a mouthful of burger as he talked. 
“Why did we leave so early?” She stuffed a few fries in her mouth as she looked at him with raised eyebrows. Looking like a curious little chipmunk as she chewed.
“Yeah,” Sam took a bite of the small yellow pepper before he bit into his burger. “I thought Cas wanted us there or whatever.”
“He did.” Dean looked down at his burger as he talked. 
“Oh, so you did talk to him!” Charlie moved forward in the seat again. She frowned at him/ “How was he? Nobody looked really sad for it being a funeral and all.”
Dean shrugged. “He seemed fine. Didn’t talk for long cause he told me to leave.”
“What?!” Both Sam and Charlie said at the same time.
“Why’d he tell you that?” Sam asked, looking at Dean with round puppy eyes, probably trying to read Dean again.
 While Charlie quickly picked up with angry steam. “And after telling you to go? What the fuck kind of-!”
“Charles. Breath.” Dean put his burger down and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. “I guess I should tell you guys since I’m gonna have to tell Bobby soon.”
They looked at him. Waiting for answers so Dean quickly told them about the will reading he was invited to go to. Leaving them just as confused as Dean felt.
“But...but why you?”
“Shit if I know, Sammy.” Dean finished his burger off and worked on his fries, dipping them into the shake. “Cas just said Bobby and me gotta be there for it to be read or whatever.”
“What if you get money?!” Charlie hit Dean’s shoulder in excitement. 
“Doubt it. I’ll be lucky if he gives Bobby’s shop back to us.” Sam and Charlie sat back in their seats, nodding in agreement. “I feel kind of bad that a lot of people weren’t mourning and shit but...that dude was weird.”
“Creepy.” Charlie added.
“Gave me the chills.” Sam shivered. 
“Rest in peace, Chuck!” Dean added at the end, holding his spoon up in solitary. “May you give Bobby the garage and hopefully your kids won’t kill me. Salud!”
Charlie and Sam smiled, even Sam who rolled his eyes but played along, as they held their spoons up. “Salud!”
When Dean finally arrived home, dropping off Charlie and Sam first, he dragged his feet to his room. This is around the time he hated living by himself. When he comes home and the lights are all off. The air is still and cold. No warmth or sense of home even if this has been his home for the last three years. 
Dean took off his clothes as he went. Dumping it all into the chair in his room before he pulled the covers from his bed to climb inside them. He was too tired from the emotional roller coaster ride he went on the last few days. Tomorrow isn’t going to be any better so he might as well get some rest now. 
“Fuck. My phone.” Dean groaned as he kicked the covers off and dragged his feet to grab his pants. Digging into its pockets to grab his phone and then stiffening up when he felt the crumpled piece of paper.
He took it out and walked back to bed. Staring at the phone in one hand and the paper in the other. 
“Hmm,” Dean hummed as he studied the number. “So Cas did end up changing it.” Explained the dropped calls and unread text at least. 
Dean slowly added Cas’s number to his phone. He debated on having the name down as Castiel or Cas. Then he debated if he should add an emoji, just something as dumb as a ghost for ghosting him, but he decided against it. 
“Just Cas.” He whispers to himself as his thumbs hovered over the screen. His eyes narrowing at the name that haunted him for years. Cause that’s what he was, right? He was just Cas. He wasn’t even his friend anymore. At least Dean doesn’t think so. Even though he wasn’t so sure if he could be just friends with Cas, not yet, but...“Fuck it.”
He quickly opens a new text box and shoots a small little text.
‘Hey. It’s Dean.’ Dean rolled his eyes but didn’t discourage himself from adding. ‘Just wanted to make sure you had my number too.’
Dean looked at the clock on the corner of his screen and thankfully it wasn’t so late that it’ll be mistaken as a damn booty-call. Not that Dean would do that. Not to Cas at least. Maybe he’ll call somebody else for that later cause right now he feels too damn lonely and it’s just fucking suffocating him. 
He started to scroll through his list of possible hookups - not that big of a list anymore now that people are getting married and shit - when a text notification got his heart racing in his throat. He sat up against his headboard and took a calming breath. His thumb hovered over the screen because he was nervous. It’s probably just a dumb reply too and he’s making this into a big fucking deal when it’s not going to anything important.
If it’s not a big deal then open it. He tells himself before sighing and opening up the text.
‘Hello, Dean. I saved it now.’
“Of course.” Dean rolled his eyes and dropped his phone on his lap. 
His hands went up to cover his face, palms pressing hard into his eyes as his fingers grip at his hair in frustration. He was just mad -no fuck that he was annoyed- at the fact that he gave himself that dumb pep talk and he still held on to hope that maybe Cas would say...what the hell did he want Cas to say to him? 
“Hey, Dean, you looked great today so I’m leaving my fiancé for you!” Dean mimicked Cas’s voice out loud to himself. 
He groaned and picked up the phone again to just shut it off. There was no need to reply to that. The conversation was over. Clearly, the dude was busy with his damn fiancé.
But then Dean stopped short because he found the ‘...’ that kept appearing and disappearing. Damn it! He’s hoping again.
Dean kept his eyes on those dots for what felt like hours instead of the minute that it actually was. His heart beating hard against his chest as he imagined Cas trying to think of what to say. His dumb concentrated face glaring down at the phone. His too big hands holding the phone in between them and his thumbs hovering over the board. Probably overthinking his words or correcting something that just didn’t sound exactly right. Was Cas overthinking his text or was Dean just a dumbass for believing that?
Then finally the dots were replaced by words.
‘I’m sorry if Mick was bothering you earlier.’
Oh. Not what he thought Cas was gonna say at all. 
Dean straightened up against the headboard. Pulling a pillow against his chest to hug as he texted back right away. Dean wasn’t the type to wait to look cool and Cas knew that. 
‘He wasn’t.’ Dean sent first and then he rolled his eyes as he sent the next text. Nobody can tell Dean he’s anything but supportive. ‘He’s a nice guy.’
Even if it fucking kills him inside. He bangs his head back against the headboard a few times.
‘Wow. That must have taken so much out of you to type out.’
Dean laughed. Of course, that bastard will know. ‘Shut up, dumbass.’
‘I’ll let Mick know you think so highly of him.’
‘Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.’
‘Is he not your idol?’ Cas sent and Dean rolled his eyes but Cas quickly sent another one. ‘Are you not practicing your accent so you can be just like him?’
‘Ha. Ha. Very funny, Cas.’
‘Thank you. Glad one of you thinks so.’
‘What? Mick not a fan of your dumb dry humor?’
Cas sent three texts back to back. ‘No.’ ‘At least I don’t think he does.’ ‘He doesn’t seem to understand when I’m being sarcastic’
‘Well, it takes a while.’
‘We’ve known each other for 5 years now.’
‘Oh.’ Dean said it out loud as well. ‘That long?’
‘Almost has us beat.’
‘…’ Dean thinks he fucked up somehow but before he can completely freak out Cas texts. ‘Mick doesn’t come close to what you and I had, Dean.’
His breath catches in his throat and Dean starts to choke on-air as he reads the text again. What the hell was he supposed to respond to that?! “Lol. Good.” Dean jokes out loud as he wrote those words down but erased them just as quickly. 
‘Sorry. I should go. Sorry to keep you up.’
Shit! No. No. Don’t go Cas. ‘No biggie. Talk to me whenever, Cas.’
‘Thank you. Goodnight, Dean.’
‘Night, Cas.’
Then - cause Cas couldn’t get any damn cuter - he sends a sleeping cat emoji along with a flower emoji. 
Something came over him. Dean can say he was possessed or something but he sends the damn heart emoji. Then before he can see Cas’s reply - if he does reply - he turns off his phone. 
“Yeah,” Dean tucks himself in his bed. Covers over his head as he closes his eyes. “I’ll deal with that in the morning.”
“I’m just saying,” Bobby has been just saying all the way to the lawyer’s office. “We better be getting something good if they’re making us waste another afternoon not working. Are they gonna pay our bills? No.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Just get everything out now before we get inside.” Dean tells him as he parks the car. He turns the car off as Bobby already reached to open his door. “Hopefully Chuck liked us enough to just give us the shop back. Cause as long as we own it and not them then that's good.”
“That’s all we can ask for now.” Bobby gets out of the car and quickly closes the door behind him. 
Making Dean flinch as he sighs, his head hanging for just a second before he followed Bobby out. Thankfully, because of Chuck, they got to keep the shop open as long as they have but now they’re in a solid place where they can keep it open, and if one of the Novak’s gets it...Dean was just sure they would sell the property. Their family business will be no more. 
Why else would Chuck want them here if it’s not for that?
Dean quickly caught up to Bobby, who didn’t bother to change out of his working clothes and had the damn ripped trucker cap on, before he noticed that his Uncle was walking towards someone. 
“You’re late.” Cas quickly reaches to take Dean’s hand to drag him inside the large office building as he updates them. “Gabriel is inside trying to keep the peace but don’t worry,” He turns his head to Dean and winks at him. That bastard. “We will be your buffer so you’ll be perfectly safe.”
“Buffer?” Bobby’s voice gets Dean to stop floating away into Cas’s eyes. “We’re gonna need a damn buffer? What has your Daddy gotten us into, Cas?”
“I’m sorry, Bobby. If only I knew.” They get into the elevator and Cas lets go of Dean’s hand to smooth his clothes down. Eyebrow raised as if telling him ‘Couldn’t pick anything nice to wear to this important event?’ but Dean also just came back from work. He was lucky that his damn button-up didn’t have any oil stains. But then Cas smiled, “You look nice.”
Before Dean could answer, or even think of any words, Cas moved on to Bobby. Surprisingly Bobby let Cas fuss over him. 
“The lawyer told us that all of us, including you two, had to be present in order for the will to be read.” Cas fixed Bobby’s hat and nodded before he stood in front of them, facing the door with a heavy sigh. “Hopefully you guys are ready for some fun Novak family time.”
Dean didn’t stop himself as he quickly reached to take Cas’s hand in his. He pretended not to see Cas’s eyes widen as he faced the doors as well. “As long as it’s not some big dumb elaborate joke. We’re missing work for this you know.”
“I know.” Cas squeezes his hand, smiling before he turns towards the doors as well. “I’ll take you both out for dinner after this if you like.”
Both. Dean’s heart raced even if it does sound like a date with his Uncle tagging along.
The elevator door opened and Cas quickly started pulling Dean along again. Bobby clearly was looking at them but right now Dean didn’t care as he bumped shoulders with Cas. “That sounds great. What do you have in mind?”
“Whatever Bobby wants of course.”
“I wanna get the hell out of here.”
“I was thinking more like in the realm of Biggerson’s?”
“Yeah, sure, we can do that too.”
Cas and Dean both laughed as they bumped shoulders, fingers locking together now before they stopped in front of the right door. Cas turned to smile at Dean, it was soft and reassuring but he was asking Dean something.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“If you’re sure.” Cas quickly tells him as he squeezes his hand once before letting go. 
Dean really missed that weight in his hand now. 
As soon as the door opened Cas walked through it - he easily ignored the angry glares that seemed to sting Dean frozen - and Bobby had to shove him a little for him to start walking. When the door closed Dean flinched hoping this would end soon. 
This was going to be a long meeting. But hey, Dean goes to where Cas was patting the extra seat next to him on the couch and falls beside him, at least Cas was here. 
“Now that we have everyone. Let’s get started. And please remember that security will call the police this time.”
Oh. Fuck.
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echo-bleu · 4 years
You always address Alex’s disability so thoughtfully in your writing. “I wish you’d write a fic where...” Michael thinks Alex is blowing him off, but he’s actually at a medical appointment for his leg.
Thank you!! This is a great prompt, I loved writing it. I set out to write maybe 500 words, but as usual that’s not what happened. I hope you like it!
Wordcount: 2322
Also on AO3
Lunch at the Crashdown? Michael types out while getting ready for his day. It's Saturday, so Alex should be off work and they can finally have that date they've been planning. Michael wanted it to be yesterday night, but Isobel dragged him with her to the Wild Pony instead. She keeps doing that, to the point that Michael is starting to suspect his sister isn't going to that bar for the beer.
Not today, sorry, Alex answers after a few minutes.
Michael frowns. He and Alex have been going out for a couple of months now, in that weird limbo between friendly outings and dates where they stay in public to keep themselves accountable. It precludes anything but the chastest kisses, and then only when Alex doesn't freak out at being out in a homophobic town, but it has made them actually talk rather than fall in bed at the first occasion, so they've agreed to keep going.
But this is the third Saturday in a row that Alex has blown him off without an explanation. Michael doesn't understand. He doesn't often have his Saturdays free, since five days a week don't quite bring him the income he needs to keep up with his recently extended social life. But he's been picking up restoration jobs around town that pay much better than car-tweaking recently, so it's allowed him to take his weekends off.
And Alex doesn't want to have lunch with him.
Okay, he answers simply, sadness pinching at his chest. He doesn't bother to offer another option. Alex is allowed not to want to spend time with him, he supposes, and he'll see him tomorrow at Isobel's anyway.
He drags himself to his car instead, deciding that since he doesn't have a lunch date, he might as well do something useful with himself. He picks up some groceries at the store, then heads to the hospital, where he and Liz have been working at her lab since it was rebuilt.
Liz briefly looks up from her microscope to smile at him when he walks in.
“Hi Mickey! What are you doing here on a Sunday?”
“I could return the question,” Michael says.
“I didn't really have anything else to do,” Liz shrugs. She's been working a lot, both for her actual paying job and on their side projects. Max's resurrection, it turns out, is not an overnight thing, even once they figured out how to restart his heart. He needs to rebuild the huge amount of energy that he lost, and that means he's still in a coma, hooked up to machines Alex bought off the Internet and Valenti set up in his house. So, coupled with Rosa leaving town, Michael gets why Liz uses work to take her mind off things.
“I think Alex blew me off again,” he says.
“Alex? I just saw him,” Liz frowns, her eyes still on her microscope.
“Yeah, he had a gap between appointments, so he came to say hello.”
“Appointments?” Michael stops in the middle of setting up his station in surprise.
“Hm. PT or something. You wanted to see him?”
“I wanted to have lunch with him.”
“Alex never does Saturday lunches,” Liz says absently. “The last time he did, we spent the afternoon with Maria and Mimi and he was so exhausted I had to drive him home before we made it to dinner. That's why Isobel settled for Sunday brunches even though Kyle has to bail off every other week. I thought everyone knew that.”
At Michael's silence, she finally looks up. “Wait, you really thought Alex just brushed you off?”
Michael nods wordlessly. He feels like an asshole, suddenly. But then, Alex didn't tell him.
“Wow. Um, I feel like I shouldn't have just told you all this.” Liz bites her lip. “You didn't know?”
“It's okay,” Michael says, his heart in his throat.
“Alex doesn't like talking about this, but I don't understand why he didn't at least tell you−”
“It's okay, Liz,” Michael repeats. “I...I didn't ask. We haven't really talked about this stuff.”
“Well maybe you should. He could use another friend. Someone more available than me or Maria.”
Michael just nods and gets to work. Liz's words have triggered a hurricane in his head, and he needs to quiet it down. He longs for a guitar, but working is the next best thing. How has he missed so much of Alex's life? Even Isobel seems to know more about him than Michael, and yet he hadn't even noticed that Alex isn't really letting him in.
Grand declarations of love and epic sex are not the same as actual communication, but Michael thought they were finally getting there. After the mess with Maria−a fling that ended after just one kiss when Max died, but still hurt them all more than Michael ever wanted it to−it's taken him months to gain Alex's trust back, but he thought that was behind them now, that they were working on building a solid relationship. But how much is Alex still holding back?
They need to talk, Michael realizes. They need to talk before his head manages to spin this into anger and resentment. There could be some innocuous reason why Alex doesn't want to share his Saturdays with him, why he didn't tell him about his medical appointments.
Before he can change his mind, he types a text on his phone. Can we do dinner? I can come over with Crashdown burgers. They haven't done this yet, eaten at each other's place rather than a neutral public space, but maybe it's time. Michael can easily imagine that Alex doesn't want to spill out medical details in a crowded bar.
Alex doesn't answer for another two hours. Michael forces himself to work rather than spin out, until Liz drags him with her to have lunch with her father. Michael feels bad for imposing on their time together, but Arturo must feel how much he needs a distraction as well as his daughter, because he treats Michael to a mountain of food and a dozen different anecdotes about Liz's childhood.
Okay. I have beers. Michael stares at his phone for a moment, lost in thoughts, then sends a thumb-up emoji back.
“That Alex?” Liz asks kindly. She knows what's on his mind, of course she does. She and Michael have grown pretty close in nearly six months of working together in the lab and holding each other up after Max died.
“Yeah. I'm meeting him for dinner.”
“Good. You want to visit with Max until then? I've been trying to read to him in hope that it will wake him up, but it's a bit lonely.”
“Sure,” Michael accepts. It will give him something to do, at least. And he can't imagine what it's like for Liz, who has moved into Max's house to be able to look over him. She needs all the company she can get.
Max seems a little more responsive than two days ago when Michael last swung by. Valenti was able to wean him off the ventilator over a week ago, and he opens his eyes more and more often, though he can't yet talk. It's going in the right direction, at least.
A little before six, allowing for the drive to Alex's cabin, Michael goes back to the Crashdown to pick up the order he gave Arturo. He tries not to let his mind wander too much on the way, because he doesn't want to be angry when he gets to the cabin. He thinks of the positive instead. He's going to see Alex. Even after months, he still marvels that he can just take his car and drive to him, rather than have to imagine him half a world away, maybe in danger, always out of reach.
Alex greets him with a tired smile and, when he steps back to let him in, Michael realizes he's leaning on his crutches. His prosthesis is off, the leg of his sweat pants pinned up, and he's wearing an oversize Star Wars hoodie Michael knows he wouldn't be caught dead with in public.
“Hey. Are you okay?” Michael frowns a little.
“Yeah, just tired,” Alex answers. He drops back on the couch rather than offer his help with dinner, which tells Michael that he must be in pain, too. “Beer's in the fridge.”
“If you need to sleep or something, I don't have to stay,” Michael says, despite his instinct to smother Alex with care.
“No, it's all good. I do need to eat, and I miss you. Bring me water, though, please?”
Michael comes back from the kitchen with a beer for himself and a glass of water for Alex, and starts unloading the Cashdown paper bag on the coffee table, since Alex doesn't seem to want to move from the couch. “I got some milkshakes, I know you like to dip your fries,” he says. “Not that I'll ever agree with that.”
Alex snorts lightly. “Thanks. Sounds nice.”
“Alex, can I ask−”
Alex looks down at his hands. “Yeah. I've been waiting for you to ask for a while, actually.”
“Really? I didn't...I didn't want to intrude, and I figured maybe I was already asking for too much time with you. But I spent the day with Liz, and she said she saw you this morning−”
“No, no, it's not about you, okay? I want to spend time with you,” Alex stops him. “I'm sorry, I should have given a reason.”
“I'm not entitled to your time, even though I tend to forget it,” Michael says. “That's what Liz made me realize.”
Alex watches him for a moment, then nods. Needing something to do with his hands, Michael hands him a burger and arranges the cartons of fries between them. They eat for a while in silence. It's not an easy, natural silence, not quite, but it's not tense, either. Just expectant.
“I have back to back appointments every Saturday morning,” Alex explains. “Shrink, then PT, then the prosthetist every other week. They often run over lunchtime and I'm usually too tired to do anything else for the rest of the day.” He keeps his gaze firmly on his food, and Michael hates to think that he's ashamed. “PT's pretty brutal right now. We're trying out some blades, so it's a lot of running and jumping around. It makes me really sore, so that's why I have my leg off.”
Michael nods slowly. “I feel awful for thinking that you were blowing me off,” he says. At Alex's aborted huff of annoyance, he realizes that he's once again bringing it back to himself. Damn. He needs to start thinking before he talks. “I mean, thank you for telling me.”
“I didn't want to say yes to lunch and then show up late, or bail on you because I'm too tired.”
“I understand, Alex.” Michael reaches out almost by reflex, taking Alex's hand in his. “I get it, it's fine. I wouldn't have asked at all if I'd known. I'm realizing that I've never shown interest in your...health. It's not because I don't care, I do.”
“There's probably a lot we still don't know about each other, Guerin,” Alex says. Michael raises an eyebrow at the use of his last name, an old habit that Alex has given up for the most part. But it's an appropriate reminder of their history. “We missed ten years of each other's life. Just because I know your big secret doesn't mean we don't have anything left to share.”
“I want to share things, though,” Michael breathes.
“Yeah, me too. This,” Alex gestures to his leg, “It's hard. I don't want to...it's hard to let myself look vulnerable. Even to you. Especially to you, sometimes.”
“You remember what you said, 'if anyone's gonna destroy me, it might as well be you'? Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't give you too much ammunition. Because when you lash out, you know exactly where to strike.”
Michael reels back from that, shocked. “Is this about something I said recently?” he asks.
Alex shakes his head. “No. Look, I'm not saying that to argue with you. I'm just...trying to show you where I come from. With my father and my brothers, and then in the Air Force...any vulnerability you show will be turned against you. So my default mode is to hide. I don't want to be like that with you, but you've done it before, too. You go straight for the throat when you're hurt.”
“Shit,” Michael mutters. “You're not wrong. I don't like that it's my defense mechanism, but it is. I can't help it sometimes.”
“I know,” Alex says with a sad smile.
“I can't promise that it will never happen again, but I can promise to work on it? Like...I don't even know how, off the top of my head, but there has to be a way. I−I want to say that things like your leg will always stay off limits, but−”
“You can't promise that, either,” Alex murmurs. “I get that, too. Maybe I just need to take a leap of faith and decide to trust you.”
Michael bites his lip. “Maybe we could meet in the middle?”
Alex meets his gaze, large brown eyes shining just a little, and he nods slowly. Michael leans closer, putting down his fry, and their mouth meet before he even has his hand around Alex's neck.
“In the middle, yeah,” Alex breaks their kiss briefly to shift into a more comfortable position. “Sounds good.” He crashes his mouth against Michael's again.
Michael closes his eyes. This isn't a problem solved, not even close. But they can work on it, and that's all he needs for now.
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Strawberry Icecream.
Dean misses Cas.
Well, sue him for having feelings about his very awesome boyfriend, who is currently living out his highschool dream in Washington, interning at the frigging White House. 'They're very lucky to have you', Dean had said, sincerely, to a very white-faced Castiel, in a student blazer. 'I just hope they let you come back home, when you're done'. And the latter had smiled, in spite of himself, and planted a chaste kiss on Dean's lips.
That was the last time he'd been kissed in the past six weeks. Not the longest span of all time, but it sure feels like an eternity.
It's not just the feeling of lips on his; that shared softness, the sweet ecstasy of such intimacy. The shuffling closer and the teasing apart, the hums of pleasure and all the infinite sparks everywhere. It's not just Cas's kisses he misses. It's Cas.
It's all of him. It's the morning snark, and the having someone to surprise with coffee in bed. It's the checking-in at lunch - they obviously still do that, but those bastards give him only enough of a break to text, and the going shopping for groceries, almost daily, (Cas would have said, it's because they're both really bad at shopping, and also have a tendency to speed-eat through everything, if they've got the stuff at home.) It's the dinners - it's not nearly the same thing, when you're the only one snickering at the sitcoms, through a mouthful of pizza. And it's the going to sleep, together, and wrapped around in all the most perfect ways.
Fuck, Dean misses Cas so much, it hurts.
He hates that he wasn't able to join him in the capital - since bunking twelve weeks off a year, is the kind of dumb thing Dean would've done for someone like Cas, but wasn't allowed to, because that's who Cas is. The sonuvabitch had rolled his eyes in a partial reprimand, when Dean had hinted at it. 'Oh, Dean'. He'd said, in that beautiful fucking voice of his. 'I'm going to be back so soon to ruin that bachelor's life you'll get used to again; you have no idea'.
Well, to hell with that. Dean had learned to dig the committed scene now, okay? He didn't like living alone in their apartment, any more than he liked sleeping all up on Cas's side - trying to bury himself and fit in the impressions on the mattress.
It was a weird life he lived.
He didn't even have any pending deadlines, for a huge fucking change, because most months of college when Cas is around is spent regretting all of his life choices - times when Cas is right there, so warm and delicious and amazing, and Dean has a stupid essay due Monday so he can't join him in bed.
Without too many things to do, but drag himself to every class he's taking, literally everyday - he's this sort of unbelievably punctual these days, which makes no dense - he has way too much time to long.
Dean curses silently at himself at his own trail of thought - a rather sad, long monologue, indeed - and especially his choice of words. Makes him sound like a war widow for Christ's sake, and his man is just a few states over. Kicking ass, for the US government - among other, more boring stuff he has to do.
And that's usually where he stops thinking. It's where he picks himself up from the couch, and sits at his desk with a Mechanics textbook instead - or somedays, it's where he goes over to his neighbor's, to simply hang. Charlie Bradbury recently moved in across the hallway. A complete dork, of the kind to battle his stupid brother - but incredible at taking his mind off of other things. (It was impossible to be discussing Star Wars ships with her while missing Cas.)
But today, he does something different. Instead of shoving his loneliness away, and adding it to the pile of feelings he has built his throne on - read, is sitting on presently - he picks up his phone. Unlocks the screen to Baby staring back at him with blaring, truly picturesque headlights that is Dean's wallpaper - and clicks around till he has opened his chat with Cas.
The last thing they'd been talking about was how Cas's deskmate listens to a lot of Korean music, and he's kind of falling for BTS himself - Dean had asked him, perfectly serious, if he needed to show up at his workplace, to serenade him with Led Zepp as drastic times call for drastic measures, and Cas had sent a laughing-with-tears emoji and added, that he was sure Dean would enjoy them too, and that he'd definitely make Dean listen to it when he got back. The only unread message he had, was a song rec, which Dean rolled his eyes at. The only way he was going to "fall" for a modern-day boyband ever, is if Cas was right by his side, telling him to do it.
Dean's thumbs click-clacked on his phone keyboard until he'd typed it out.
I miss you.
But who was he kidding? He wasn't going to send that. Or say that. At least, that wasn't what he was going to lead with. The reluctance was half-ways Dean's internal hesitation, for unexplainable reasons, and also knowledge of the fact that such a blatant confession would tell Cas just how devastated Dean was, on this end, and he'd probably fly back the next day to check on him. The thought brought a random pricking sensation in his eyes, but he ignored it.
He erased that.
>>> hey, what are you up to?
He hadn't expected an instant response, so he immediately leaped when he got one. A smile, brighter than any that'd made it to his face today, showed up at the pleasant surprise, that Cas was around his phone and probably available to text.
<<< nothing much. got home ten minutes ago.
To read 'home' in any context, than to talk about their apartment with him in it, here at Stanford university - was all sorts of revolting, but he swallowed his first reaction.
>>> half day? did you have food??
<<< yes, to both.
Dean thought of what to say next, miserable because he was bad at this - dammit, conversations always flowed when Cas was in front of him, but he'd never been good at texting - but thankfully, Cas went on.
Dean sighed, softly. Imagining that gave him another smile.
<<< hey, guess what I'm up to?
>>> nothing much.
He pinched his brows together, as he squinted. Would Cas be able to hear him tease, from his words alone? He must, right? Unlike him, Cas was always a good texter. 'Emoticons', he'd just vaguely justify it.
<<< what I'm up to NOW, is smiling
<<< but I'm also getting something to eat. What do you think I'm having?
Dean bit his lip, thinking about it. It's probably like four, in the afternoon, because he's only been wallowing in his misery for an hour before he's texting Cas. That's like a couple hours after lunch for Cas, which means this is probably a late dessert.
That makes sense.
>>> pie?
But then, he thinks about it, and how Cas loves potatoes enough to have them for most meals these days. And he used to frown over Dean and burgers, while gorging on his new love, the world's unhealthiest vegetable, first thing since he got out of sight.
>>> does it involve potatoes?
He sends in, last minute. But perhaps Cas was already typing out his answer, because his message hasn't even been read when he receives another message.
Dean takes one look at that, and is suddenly collapsing on the couch in a fit of laughs. He melts spontaneously, and his phone falls on the carpet, as he bends over, laughing. He can't help it, the image is just too perfect.
Cas yelling those words, at the top of his lungs - that's what all-caps mean, right? - in his deep, gorgeous baritone - looking all rebellious about the last part, just like he can be some days. That ridiculously adorable scrunched-up nose, and that stubbornly jutted-out chin with a defensive glare, which is also meant to stand it's ground in a fight, and just -
It's too perfect.
He imagines Cas in front of him, and he imagines that everything is perfect again - he's right there, and he's pouring his stupid chocolate syrup over a bowl of pink ice creams plentifully, all the while being smug because he's basically breaking societal norms, and just being so fucking proud of himself with that tiny smirk and the pout he'd have, and his -
Fuck, it's hard to even think about it, without getting a goddamn attack about how much he misses Cas.
<<< Dean??
<<< This is the part where you tell me that if that's a crime, you wanna share that cell with me ;)
Dean is pretty sure that in that moment, he dies. He can almost feel the moment his spirit leaves his body, because he's frozen for a full minute - stunned by the amount of love he has in him. His heart is brimming over with emotions, and every string in there is screaming for Cas, in the name of love.
He's known he loves Cas for months now, but he's never fallen so hard for someone.
Yet it only makes sense, in fucking leaps and bounds, that it's Cas. Who breaks all those limits. Who turns Dean into mush, who breaks all his limits, who owns every square inch of Dean and his heart, and who just makes him melt.
It's not even an incredibly romantic dialogue. It's childish, and hilarious, and just so Cas, that all of Dean aches at once.
>>> you're sorta wrong
It's a wonder that Dean can even keep holding onto his phone at this point. He's basically a puddle of emotions, a mess of feelings, letting every current of love wash over him and deride his boundaries, just a little bit more. He's suddenly euphoric; it's like he's seeing his situation from an elevation now, and he doesn't care about anything else - the whiney voice in his head reminding him it's gonna be another six weeks can go screw itself, because Dean loves Cas so much, nothing else can possibly matter.
>>> this is the part where I say I love you
It will always work out. Distances will go away, and Cas will return, and Dean will get to hold him again, and he'll get to kiss him again, and call him an idiot, and then bring him coffee again.
And what else could Dean Winchester ever really need?
Notes: Oh, Sammeh. I wrote after a couple millenia. And there's so many people who've all been heartwarmingly nice about my *block* and I've been getting pretty much a lot of inspiration lately, though I haven't been writing it - but today was different. Today, I was m o v e d, and I told life to shove it's shit someplace else and cleared my brain and fucking wrote this weird-ass tiny piece of feelings.
I dedicate this to @screamatthescreen. She's my texting soulmate (in the sense, that we were made to text each other) and says the most amazing things and I love her and well, she inspired me so hard that I threw away redox and equivalents and began to type. And this came out. Thank you, Zina!!!
Since I'm back on my BS, here's a word out to the tribe: @ctrl-alt-destiel @emmii4 @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @styggtroll @adventurous-blob @petrichoravellichor @all-or-nothing-baby @moderatelypanickedbiromantic @elvenlicht @legendary-destiel @noemithenephilim @galaxy-charm @trenchcoatsandfreckles @naitia @ladywaywarddsc @zoerayne2426 @thekidsmaybealright @hellfire37 @3dg310rdsupreme @impulsivedandelion @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect I have a feeling I'm forgetting people. I should've updated my list, dammit. So sorry if I am, please just drop me a line. Taglist open, Please ask if you wish to be removed/added.
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Eyes on Me
“Our guest for today, Chris Evans!”
Ellen welcomed Chris into the studio. The audience’s warm applause made him break out in a big smile. He jogged the last few steps and gave Ellen a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting down.
“So, Chris...since this isn’t your first time on the show, let’s skip all the pleasantries.”
Chris laughed along with the audience his right hand resting on his chest.
“Sure, I’m cool with that.”
“Last week, a picture of you was taken and it went viral.”
“It did.” His eyebrows raising while nodding his head.
“Uh-huh. Short answer. Let’s see the picture then.”
The audience clapped when the picture was shown on the studio screen. It was a picture of Chris wearing a suit partnered with a baseball cap as if wearing it will disguise him completely. His left arm was wrapped around the shoulders of a young woman wearing a knee-length dress and wearing a matching Red Sox baseball cap. They were seated at the rear of an SUV while eating burgers. 
“As you know, Chris, no one really cares about you in this. It’s her we’re all curious about.”
“I know. That’s the funny thing. Before, everyone will mention the suit or the beard. Now, no one cares anymore.”
Someone in the audience screamed that they still cared to the delight of everyone in the studio.
“Thanks, man. Nice to see I still have fans,” he joked.
“Chris, you need to focus here. This isn’t Marvel so you can’t use the excuse of secrecy anymore.”
“Okay, what do you wanna know?”
“Who is this pretty lady that you seem to be smitten about?”
“You know the answer to that already.” The audience was still very buzzed and excited to finally get an answer to the week-long Hollywood scoop. 
“Yes, but we would still like to hear it from you.”
‘That lovely girl in the picture is Y/N and we’ve been together for a year.” The audience members were shrieking now that they finally got confirmation of the girl’s identity as well as shock from how long Chris managed to hide her from the press.
“Congratulations, now tell us more about this picture. That seems like an odd outfit to eat hamburgers in.”
“It is interesting. I’ll give you that.”
--- one week ago ---
“Chris, what if I mess up?” you sniffed and placed the phone between your right shoulder and ear, your hands shuffling through the papers that are giving you so much anxiety.
“Y/N, listen to me. You are great at this. You give better speeches than the President.”
“That’s not exactly a high bar, Evans.” Still, the compliment managed to bring a small smile to your lips.
“Well, babe. You know what I mean.” he sighed. “I wish I was there to watch and support you.”
“The press is going to be here, Chris. You can’t be seen supporting some random girl.”
“You’re not just a random girl. You’re my random girl,” he whined.
“I am your random girl. Don’t forget that when you flirt with all the pretty ladies at RDJ’s book launch.” You teased, knowing full well he only has eyes for you.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it. Babe, don’t forget to eat. I know you’re anxious but you practiced so much you can recite this in your sleep.”
“Thanks, Chris. I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you tomorrow. I love you more.” Knowing he won’t stop unless he gets to say he loves you even more, you just smiled and ended the call.
Tonight is the fundraising charity event for California high school students that excel in STEM. As the new head of Caltech’s Applied Physics Department, you are tasked to give the final speech about the importance of science in the modern world as well as the direction of the department in the next five years. 
“Well, here goes nothing.” 
You hear your voice being called and you stepped on stage. In front of you, hundreds of millionaire patrons that support education are watching your every move.
You went through your speech magnificently. You managed to pause at all the right times emphasizing the parts of your speech you wanted to highlight. You also managed to just occasionally glance at your notes. Stepping away from the podium amid the applause of all the guests put a smile on your face.
You reached for your phone and sent a thumbs-up emoji to Chris before mingling among the guests that are all excited to talk to you.
Your phone vibrated and a quick glance down showed a message from Chris.
Pick you up in 30? I got food. 
Chris knows that you couldn’t eat when anxious and seeing him care this much made your heart skip a beat over how caring he is towards you.
See you. 
You managed to speak to a couple more people before proceeding towards the hotel entrance waiting for his car to arrive.
“Taxi miss?” the doorman asked.
“No, I’m waiting for someone - oh, here he is.”
The doorman opened the passenger door for you, showing not even a hint of surprise when he saw who was driving the car that picked you up.
“I got burgers and fries in the back from your favorite place and it’s a full moon tonight so let’s go eat at the pier.”
“Did you just ran away from RDJ’s book launch?” you asked. Reaching for the fries, you popped a few into your mouth and then gave a couple to Chris.
“Nah. He kicked me out. Said I was too distracted and looking at my phone. He wants to meet you personally soon. They have a livestream of the event, by the way. You did phenomenally.”
When you arrived at the pier, he reached for the baseball caps in the dash and plopped one to each of your heads. You both went down and sat at the rear of the SUV eating your burgers while staring at the full moon.
--- Present Day ---
“And, apparently, I was followed by the paparazzi.” Chris ended his story.
“They must have been surprised. They thought they were just getting eating habits scoop on Captain America but they landed a hit with your girlfriend.”
“I mean..even we were surprised with how long we managed to keep this a secret. I don’t really care if it gets out but please give her some space, she’s not used to having a camera shoved into her face. “
“Maybe you should give her some shield training just in case paparazzi ambush her.”
“I should...that’s a great idea. It would be fun to watch it happen too.”
“Now, can you tell us how you two met.”
“Well, when I first saw her or when we officially met?”
“They’re not the same? Well, obviously, we want both now.”
--- 2 years ago ---
Chris sat in the private corner of the newly opened Japanese Fusion restaurant. So far, no one has recognized him yet and disturbed his meal. He was with his friends celebrating the birth of one of his friends’ daughter.
A piano sat in the middle of the room. A Japanese guy was playing and singing songs he’s never heard of before but he liked it and thought it went with the feel of the place. The piano man informed the patrons that he was taking a thirty-minute break and welcomed anyone to use the piano during that time.
In the corner of Chris’ eyes, he saw a big group of people egging on a young woman to play the piano. She finally relented and sat at the recently vacated piano bench.
“I would like to congratulate my good friends, Dexter and Keiko, on their engagement. This song is for them,” the lady said. Some of those near the table of the group congratulating the newly engaged couple.
“Eyes on You by Faye Wong.” The lady said as an intro before hitting the piano keys.
Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard
Chris stopped listening to his friends and focused all his attention on the person singing. Her soft voice was definitely giving justice to the lyrics of the song.
I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know? That I had mine on you
It was at that moment that the woman looked up and her gaze fell straight ahead at Chris whose blue eyes were looking back at her. She smiled at him though there seems to be no sign in her eyes that she recognized Chris. Their actions gradually mimicking the song, she continued to sing.
Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming
“Thank you,” she said into the microphone. She cast one last glance at him before going back to her group of friends. Chris noticed a dark-haired man who was obviously very buzzed, aggressively grabbing the woman’s waist. The man placed a quick kiss on the woman’s lips and returned to eating.
‘She’s taken then, too bad.’
“Hey, Chris, man? You listening to us or are you going to stare at that girl all day? Just go ask her out if you like her.” One of his friends had apparently noticed his fascination with the singer.
“Nah. It looks like she came with someone. You guys want to order dessert?”
--- Present Day ---
“Was that guy her boyfriend?” Ellen asked Chris.
“I mean, yeah. She was seeing the guy but it kind of didn’t work out for them. Thankfully.” He raised both hands and made a thumbs-up sign while smiling widely.
“Yeah. We can see how that worked out very well in your favor. Now, would you tell us when you two formally met each other?”
--- 1 ½ year ago ---
You have been invited by a friend to watch the 49ers vs Rams game, the only problem is you know nothing about American football despite being American. You actually prefer to watch the English Premier League. Currently, your team, Tottenham, is playing against Liverpool. Instead of watching the NFL, you were glued to your phone watching your team defend their 1-0 lead during stoppage time.
“Finding the game boring?” You look up to see a handsome bearded brunette wearing a black sweater and shades sitting in the previously empty seat next to you.
“Actually, this is more my thing,” you said while raising your phone still showing the EPL game. “I don’t really understand American Football. I just got dragged today. I already feel bad for wasting space here at the suite. ”
“You’re English?” the guy asked again. Clearly, he was perplexed how an American can be so clueless about his beloved sport.
“Well, if that will get you off my case, then sure, I can be English,”  you retorted jokingly.
“Hey, I’m not judging. I’m just saying this is football.  Although, the 49ers and Rams are kind of weak compared to the Patriots. There is this team called the Patriots. They’re the greatest team in the history of the NFL.  And Tom Brady…that man is a god.” He continued to recite the achievements of his team off the top of his head. You tried to listen politely, nodding every couple of words but your eyes were still focused on the game until the very last second.
“Yes! We won. Take that Liverpool.” You punched the air with your free hand.
Your seatmate looked at you like he was betrayed, “I thought you were listening to me. “
“I was. I’m good at multitasking. See, my game just ended. Full attention on you now. But, who are you again?” you finally asked just realizing that the guy didn’t even introduce himself.
“I’m Chris…Chris Evans.” he held out his right hand and removed his shades.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Now, your name sounds familiar. Your face too, I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.” You shook his outstretched hand while still combing through your thoughts on where you’ve seen him. Finally, it clicked.
“Oh, are you the one who plays Captain America? You look different with a beard.”
“I am,” Chris said with a small smile on his face.
“Oh, wow. I love your movies. Captain America is nice but I love sci-fi movies. I’m a scientist you see so Sunshine and Snowpiercer are my favorites.”
“You’re a scientist?” he asked. His eyes focused on yours. Usually, not a lot of people, let alone celebrities care about your job.
“Yes. I do research at the JPL, and I have some teaching load at Caltech. But, I must be boring you. We can talk about the game now.”
“No, no. I am actually very interested in you, uh, I mean at what you do.” He stammered, blushing at the slip-up.
You laughed not realizing that he really was serious with both of the things he said. You explained to him what your job entails and how it feels like to work at JPL. You also talked about teaching at Caltech and all your smart students who are almost the same age as you which makes you feel weird. In return, you found out that his relatives are also teachers and he has a deep love for space. He also prefers doing small studio movies but the MCU movies provided him a certain set of advantages that the indie movies won’t be able to.
Your conversation flowed effortlessly as the game progressed. He would sometimes stop and point out certain parts of the game and explain it to you patiently. All the while, he can’t help but compare the two teams playing now to his New England Patriots. The game ended in favor of the Rams.
“Y/N, would you like to watch a Patriots game with me? They play the Rams next. I promise I’ll explain all the great plays that Tom Brady will orchestrate.” He looked at your eyes pleadingly. His right hand was clutching your left tightly.
You didn’t have to think twice to agree, “I’d love to, Chris.”
--- Present Day ---
“Did she know it was you from the restaurant?” Ellen asked. The audience also exclaimed, eager to know the answer.
“Not at all. I had to remind her later that we saw each other first at that place.”
“You must have sounded like a stalker,” Ellen joked to Chris. Chris laughed grabbing his left chest, almost falling out of his chair.”
“You have no idea. Anyway, that was the story of how I converted a Californian to a Patriots fan. Yeah! Oh, and along the way, I got a girlfriend.”
“Well, that’s a nice way to put it, Chris, let’s see how your girlfriend will react. Everyone, please welcome our surprise guest, Y/N.”
The studio erupted into loud cheers and applause. Some of the people watching even stood up to see well. Chris had his jaw open, surprised that you would agree to do something like this. He turned around in his chair and watched you come out from backstage. Chris seemed to have gotten out of his shock since he stood up and walked towards you. He enveloped you in a big hug which caused the cheers to go even louder.
“Babe, you okay doing this?” he was still hugging you. His back was to the audience and camera so they wouldn’t see you talking.
“I’ll get used to it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You squeezed him tight before letting go of the hug, which would also go viral the following day. Hand in hand, you walked towards Ellen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely couple, Chris and Y/N!”
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