#guys i swear when i post my drafts it's going to have more than just. himeru
kzmeru · 1 year
masterlist .
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৲⠀socmed au’s !
summertime madness (tsukasa suou)
bad habit (himeru)
here with me (izumi sena, completed)
fifteen (tatsumi kazehaya, hiatus)
☆ recent work : two lovers intertwined (izumi sena x gn!reader)
৲⠀general masterlist !
fine ! ⨳ your lips, my lips (eichi tenshouin x gn!reader)
alkaloid ! ⨳ your lips, my lips (tatsumi kazehaya x gn!reader)
crazy:b ! ⨳ dreaming of you (himeru x gn!reader) we're such a mess together (himeru x gn!reader) all i think about is you (himeru x gn!reader) it's so sweet, knowing that you love me (kaname tojo x gn!reader) say, can i make you mine? (himeru x gn!reader) under the mistletoe (himeru x gn!reader) as long as i'm with you (himeru x gn!reader)
i'd rather die than have to cry infront of you (kaname tojo x gn!reader)
eden ! ⨳ don't get cold, now! (jun sazanami x gn!reader)
switch ! ⨳ i'd rather die than admit it! (natsume sakasaki x gn!reader)
knights ! ⨳ you give your love to me this way (izumi sena x gn!reader)
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 2 months
In another life
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Pairing: Gojo x reader
Summary: Reader is transported to another dimension where nobody knows her.
Warnings: Language, mentions of blood and minor injury.
Hope you guys enjoy, I actually found this deep in my drafts and said what the hell and posted.
Next Part
It was just another typical day where Gojo and his students were walking to the destination of their next mission.
"Why do curses have to cause trouble on hot days, ugh what a pain" Nobara groaned shielding her eyes from the scorching sun.
"I told you to bring a hat" Yuji pointed out, somehow unbothered by the tortuous weather.
"But hats are so tacky!"
"Then don't complain" Megumi sighed annoyed as usual.
"Don't worry, we can get some nice cold ice cream after we exorcise the curse, in fact I know the best spot! It's a little hole in the wall place but they have the best- huh?"
Gojo suddenly whipped around at the sudden burst of curse energy he sensed.
"What the hell is that?!" Yuji shouted as he stared at a hole crackling in the sky getting bigger and bigger.
"Not sure, but I don't like what I'm sensing. Everyone be ready..”
"Right" they all tensed and got into attack positions.
What they didn't except though was to see a head pop out of the warp, followed by a body. A woman seemingly limp, began to plummet from the warp. Which promptly closed the second she had left.
"What the hell?" Nobara squinted trying to figure out if the figure looked dangerous.
Gojo didn't feel any malicious energy anymore now that the warp had vanished so he sprung into action and caught the woman before she became a pile of mush on the ground.
"Sensei what if shes dangerous?" Yuji frowned.
"Hm" he kneeled down still holding the woman. He eyed down her figure. She had some scratches and a few bruises but other than that she seemed ok...
So what was a human doing falling through a warp in the sky.
"I don't believe shes a threat, not that I can sense anyway..."
"The energy from that warp felt seriously freaky" Nobara shivered.
Gojo was about to respond when a glint made him freeze. His brows furrowed when he grabbed the girls hand and brought it closer to his face. Now that was definitely peculiar…
"Mm" the group suddenly all jerked to the form now rousing in Gojos arms.
The womans eyes began to open slowly. It took them a moment to adjust to the light but then when they were fully open they suddenly became full of life.
"Eh?! What happened??" Her eyes widened as she looked around, becoming aware of her surroundings. "T-toru!!" No one was more shocked than Gojo as the woman launched her arms around their teacher as if her life depended on it.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? Ah Of course he didn’t what am I saying…?! I-I'm sorry you had to come save me again, I don't know how he even snuck up on me!" the woman pulled back only a bit to face him, but still held on. "I promise you can train me as hard as you want from now on and I won't complain anymore"
(From now on you are the woman)
You paused noticing his bewildered expression. "What Is it Toru?"
"Um… not to sound rude or anything but….who are you?”
Your face twitched in shock, "Um Toru, now really isn't the time for jokes you know" you pouted slightly.
It was when he took your arms off of him that you felt something was majorly off.
"I assure you I'm not joking" he gently pushed you off and you shakily got to your feet and so did he.
"I don't...I don't understand...Toru, what do you mean you don't know me?" You tried to quell the panic that was rising. Surely he was just playing a prank right?? Right?!?
"You know who I am it seems…" he stated, eying you curiously.
"Know who you- Satoru Gojo if this is a joke you better stop it right now or I swear I'm going to eat all the kikifuku you brought back yesterday! It's not nice to confuse me after being so close to death you know!!"
He only quirked a brow at this, "Listen lady, you just fell from a hole in the sky, If anyones confused its us..."
This caught your attention, "Wait…What did you say?"
"He's right, you fell from this big hole in the sky miss. It closed right away after you came through". Your eyes drew to the new voice and you realized the others were here too.
"Yuji..." his eyes widened and he pointed to himself, "You know me?"
You felt your panic rise more, "Of course I know you! All of you, Megumi, Nobara you're all like family to me, why don't you know who I-" you froze. A cold fear overtaking you. The hole. His technique. You got caught up in it. You weren't saved. Satoru hadn't made it in time.
"I t-think, I u-um" you felt your breathing begin to quicken and forming words seemed impossible.
"I t-think I got t-t-transported by the curse I was f-fighting" you felt your whole body shaking and tried to control your breathing.
"Hey calm down, we'll figure things out soon enough" you stepped back abruptly knowing what that tone and outstretched hand meant.
"D-don't knock me out, you promised you wouldn't do it anymore.." although you supposed that this Gojo had no idea.
He seemed troubled at what to do but sighed a moment later.
"For now why don't we just head back to the school..." you reguarded him for a moment then hesitantly shook your head.
"Alright..." you silently followed everyone, feeling more nervous with every silent step.
The quiet was maddening and you were grateful that Yuji spoke up finally,probably becoming aware of your borderline panic attack "Don't worry, weird things are always happening here. We'll figure whatever this is out ok?" You managed to crack a little tired smile.
Of the many times you had been sat across Yaga, this was the first time you were ever intimidated.
"Start from the beginning" was all he said as you fidgeted in discomfort. Gojo stood beside Yaga, leaning back on the wall, while Yaga sat imposing as if he was dealing with a curse.
You took a deep breathe and recalled what had happened just before all this madness.
"Well I was just leaving my house to go to the school... I recieved a message saying I needed to report there immediately and I didn't hesitate, thinking maybe something bad had happened...but on the way I was attacked by a curse. I'm not really much of a fighter but I am a little skilled at barriars, so I was able to shield myself against his attacks. The curse became frustrated when he realized he couldn't land a major hit and before I knew it he had sent a huge blast in my direction. I shielded but it didn't matter, I remember feeling really hot and then the next thing I knew I was waking up in Satoru’s arms..."
You peeked at Yaga and saw he was deep in thought. Finally after painful silence he finally spoke, "This curse you fought, what did it look like?"
"He looked kinda like that tree curse thing that the kids fought back at the exchange event, except his presence was..." it was then something struck you. You recall feeling something was off the entire fight. Something oddly familiar and it had just hit you what that was. The smell the energy the odd aura.
"Wait…” both men perked up at this.
"What is it?"
"That's why he felt so familiar!" you said more to yourself in your horror.
"Who are you talking about?"
"The curse...he felt familiar because I've sensed that same presence before..."
They waited for you to continue, "Back when Toru and Megumi first recovered that cursed object...and had me place an extra seal on it...but Toru never mentioned it was stolen? Why didn't he say anything...unless it wasn't stolen but then how did he get unseal- shit"
You ran a hand over your face, "You were right about the spy after all Toru..."
"How can you know all this- the exchange event, who we are, private information if we don't even know who you are?” Yaga eyed you suspiciously.
"I think I can answer that" all eyes snapped to Gojo.
"You mentioned a curse being unsealed, one that megumi and I brought in correct?"
You nodded
"Its a just a theory but I have a hunch I'm correct, tell me, what was the curses name?"
"Ah um...lemme think, it was definitely...uh...ama...amamoo, amamee, uh wait...."
"Amamotetsu?" Gojo offered which promptly made Yaga flinch in shock.
"Yeah that's it!" You jumped up.
"Amamotetsu-! But how?!" Yaga tensed shooting up.
"I'm not sure how he got unsealed but...this isn't the first time I've heard this type of thing happening before.."
This caught your attention, "What do you mean?"
"When Megumi and I first retrieved the curse, we teamed up with Nanami. He was the one who told us about this curse's history... apparently this particular curse is known for transcending through times and universes-"
"W-what?" You felt your body slump down. What did that mean?? Did that mean you- that you were in a different universe?! How-what- you felt your whole body begin to shake.
This was the first time Yaga seemed to let down his guard because he now was beginning to understand you weren't a threat.
You felt something warm being placed on your shoulders. You looked up at Yaga through blurred lenses.
"Yaga..." your voice broke as did the dam holding back your tears... how could this have happened?! What were you even supposed to do?! And Satoru, what was he even going through now?!"
"Listen, theres no need to panic, we'll figure it out alright?" He assured you, but it wasn't quite the same knowing he didn't know you." You nodded anyway.
"Satoru, why don't you call Nanami, we'll see what more he can tell us...in the meantime it would help if we knew some more about you and the curse." You nodded and braced yourself for the onslaught of questions.
"First off, it's quite clear you're close to us, so are you a teacher here or something?" You a teacher? If you weren't so upset you'd laugh
"Teacher? No, I actually work in the city..but I do help out occasionally at the school when I'm needed.."
"So then how did you get involved with us in the first place?" you looked over to where Satoru was finishing the call with Nanami.
"Well...Satoru helped me fight off a curse one time, that's how we met. He basically saved me and then convinced me to train with him...since then I've always kinda been around.." you twiddled with the ring on your finger, more specifically the ring he gave you on that special day.
Yaga must've of noticed your hesitance. "Something tells me there's more to the story.." you looked up with sad eyes, then over to where satoru was also now tuned in, phone in his pocket. You took a deep breathe.
"No it's just, it's finally sinking in ya know..." you decided to keep that part about your relationship quiet for now. You were already overwhelmed and just wanted to lie down for awhile. Your injured although mild still hurt and you were now feeling the true exhaustion settle in.
Yaga looked at you sympathetically then nodded, "Why don't you rest for little, Satoru?" He got off the wall, "Nanami will come by tonight, for now I'll take her to Shoko. Yaga nodded then patted your shoulder gently, "Try to get some sleep, we'll figure all this out" you thanked him quietly then followed Satoru out the room.
You quietly trailed behind him in the dim hallway. His back had never made you feel so lonely.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the coldness on your cheeks. Satoru pasued a sec to turn around.
"Hey, there's no need for tears, didn't you hear us? We'll figure it out"
You nodded despondently.
"C'mon, have I ever let you down before?" He smirked.
You smirked through the tears, "Always so confident, no matter what universe huh" you wiped away your tears with your sleeve and walked next to him.
"Well I am the strongest, I'm sure any other version of me would no doubt be the same"
"Yeah maybe arrogant is the better word.."
"Awe don't be mean now, after all for you to be so casual around me, we must be friends yeah?"
"Yeah you could say that..." you absentmindedly twirled the ring around your finger. Remembering the way he proposed all those years ago.
"And here we are, Shoko!” He called busting inside without knocking.
"How many times have I told you not just to barge in here?”
"Well it's an emergency of sorts"
"Huh?" She finally looked up from her work.
You waved shyly.
"And who's this?"
"Well now that's a bit complicated..."
"Take it easy alright, and if you need anything here's my cell"
"Thanks Shoko, oh wait my phone!" You suddenly remembered and frantically patted your body down.
You sighed in relief pulling out the device, seemingly unharmed by some miracle.
But then your brows furrowed seeing the blue case instead of your own and a sticky note with a tongue sticking out. *Bring this to me at work will you baby, then I can see your beautiful face*
You felt your irritation rise, "Of all the days Satoru you had to switch our phones today!? Ugh" you ripped off the note, usually you loved these little pranks but now you wanted to kill him.
"Huh what did I do?"
"Sorry not you, other you.." you clicked the on button and tried a variety of passwords.
Dammit satoru
"Wait is that my phone?" He peered over your shoulder.
You perked up, "yeah it is! Do you know the password?”
"Hmm lemme try" he grabbed it out of your hands and you waited anxiously.
"Got it"
"Wait really?!"
"Yep, All great gojos think alike-" he suddenly froze.
"What's wrong?" You eyed him curiously but he just stared at his phone dumfoundedly.
"How close did you say we were again...?"
Shoko curious leaned over and her eyes went wide.
"What do you mean, what are you looking at?" You moved next to him and gasped at the saved screen. A picture of you asleep in bed in something strappy, barely covered by the sheets and toru leaned over kissing your cheek.
"AH DON'T LOOK" you tried snatching the phone away but he held It above his head.
Ugh his stupid tallness!!
"Satoru wait!" You reached helplessly as he started scrolling through his camera roll. You were mortified to learn that most of them were candid shots of you. Some appropriate and some not.
You excersizing bent over, your sillohette behind the shower curtain, you licking a lollipop, you wearing a shirt of his on laundry day…
"Geez were you stalking her or something" shoko commented disturbed.
"Satoru! please!" Finally he let you snatch the phone back. Your face hotter than the sun.
"So I guess that's what you were hiding..."
you sighed knowing you couldn't keep it hidden much longer.
"I guess that explains a little why you have my grandmothers ring..”
this got your attention.
"Wait what??" Your eyes widened.
"This is you're grandmothers ring?!"
"You mean you didn't know...?" Shoko asked.
"No...you just gave it to me, but you never said it was hers" You felt a rush of warmth knowing how much she meant to him. Probably the only member of his clan that actually cared for him. Sadly she passed when he was young. The truth is this was the ring he gave you when he proposed- or more like told you he was gonna marry you and you didn't have a choice- not that you were gonna say no to the cocky idiot.
"So what's your relationship with other Gojo then?" Shoko asked.
"Well uh...that's a little...." You hesitated wondering if you should say.
"Might as well say it, I mean obviously other me and you are pretty close" he motioned to the phone.
here goes
"I guess some might say...well if you look at it one way...um... I guess legally and technically other you, and me are what some might call...married"
"What no way?! Gojo actually settled down!?”
“Hey don’t sound so surprised! Although to be honest.. I’m finding that a little hard to believe myself..”
“Well you weren’t exactly a one woman guy when I met you..”you recalled all his various flings in the time before you were dating.
“The other me must be worried then huh?”
I sigh, “I wonder if you’ve figured out what happened yet..”
“Don’t worry, I’m really smart, there’s no way I wouldn’t know”
“Cocky bastard” I let out a tired laugh.
“Wait is other gojos phone ringing?”
“Yeah it says “Wifey is calling..”
“What no way!? How?!” I jump to grab the phone and answer the call. Not knowing really what to expect. Maybe the tower got mingled weirdly.
“H-hello??” I call out anxiously.
“Y/n? Where are you!?”
“T-Toru!!!” I can’t help but cry out.
“Are you ok? What happened?? Why can’t I sense your energy in the city?”
“T-Toru I was attacked on the way to the school! I think that curse- amamama got free and he sent me to another dimension!!!”
“Babe..have you been drinking?”
“I’m serious Toru! That curse! The one you and Megumi brought for me to add a seal to! He sent me to another dimension! I’m here with another version of you!!”
“…is this payback for because I said your ass got bigger? Because you know I meant that as a compliment.”
“Y-you idiot!! I’m serious!!”
“No kidding? You’re being serious?”
“Would I joke about something like this?”
“… hold on a sec” a woosh sound emits from the speaker
“I just transported to the road. I can sense the residual energy…I see blood, were you hurt?” He sounds more serious now.
“I’m ok.. Shoko fixed me up..”
“So what…you’re in a dimension parallel to ours?”
“Not exactly… I guess I don’t exist here.. or at least I’m not apart of everyone’s lives..”
“…don’t worry alright? I’ll figure this out, have I ever let you down?”
I give this gojo a knowing look,
“Plus my birthdays coming up, and you promised to do that thing I like as much as I want so how can I let you be in another dimension for too long?”
“Ah Toru you’re on speaker you know!!”
“Hey other me you there?!” Your gojo suddenly shouted.
“Uh yep I’m here..”
“This is definitely a first.. ahem well anyway until I get this sorted out take care of our girl alright?!She’s pretty weak so keep an ey-“
“As I was saying, keep an eye on her. Also make sure she gets iron pills from the pharmacy since hers are here. Oh and she’s allergic to tuna and if she stays out in the sun too long she’ll get this weird rash-“
“I’m hanging up” you reached for the button.
“Hey cmon I’m not there-well I’m kind of there but I just wanna make sure my baby is taken care of!!”
“I’m an adult not a child! You don’t need to say all these things, I can take care of myself here just fine!!”
“Pfft says the one who made me transport home in the middle of a mission to kill a cockroach.”
“Alright alright, I know you’re a big girl. Let me go so I can figure this all out quickly and get you back.”
“Hey, no crying ok?”
“Ok.. I guess I’ll talk to you later? We are meeting Nanami here because he has knowledge about the curse apparently. I’ll let you know how that goes..”
“Alright, later then.”
“Love you Toru…”
“Not as much as I love me”
“Pfft asshole”
“Heh, there’s that laugh I love so much. love ya sweetheart, be careful ok?”
“I will”
For the first time since your arrival you felt some relief.
You awkwardly looked up to the pair and found Shoko dumbfounded and satoru scratching the back of his head.
“Still can’t believe it…”
“Um well that was definitely a first…”
“So what now?” Shoko took a drag seeming bored already.
“Now we go and see if Nanami can make sense of this. Come on, he’s waiting for us.” He motioned and you followed with a bit more hope now.
The power of two Gojos with one goal? Yeah you’d be home before you knew it.
Should I continue this? Make it into a series? Lemme know:) thanks for reading!
Part 2
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milliesdiary · 2 years
What if you are Jace's sister and he realizes you are in love with Aemond (and he also finds out that you two have been having premarital sex) which causes a fight so you go to Aemond for comfort and he soothes you
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𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬; princess!reader, targcest, mentions of sex. for some context: reader is daemon’s bastard child who rhaenyra welcomed as a part of the family. yes, aemond is a hypocrite :/ we still love him tho!! 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; ngl this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile because i hate it. im going to be working on commissions for a bit though, so i decided to post it anyway to keep you guys fed :) please reblog and comment with your feedback. it means the world to me and keeps me motivated! ♡
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Those were Jace’s words the second you walked into the dining room for breakfast. They take you aback, shock you into a frozen stupor. 
You and your family have been in King’s Landing for the past few weeks, trying to set aside their differences with the Greens and do their best to reconcile. It has been rough for your younger brothers, though you have been having a brilliant time. 
You and Helaena spend plenty of time together, Alicent treats you kindly, and Aegon leaves you alone. And Aemond? Well... you and Aemond are closer than most in terms of relationships. 
But that’s a story for another day. 
No one else is in the room thankfully — Luke wakes up later in the day, Helaena is presumably outside catching bugs, and your mother is probably off at a meeting with the court — so it’s just you, your younger brother, and the few servants that set the table. 
Jace gives you an unimpressed look; his chestnut-brown eyes are slightly narrowed, lips melded into a frown. “You love Aemond,” he repeats. 
Your heart nearly stops when he says it, and you’re instantly terrified you’ve been caught. It would appear that misfortune has a tendency of catching you off guard. You honestly don’t know what to say. 
“...That is quite an accusation,” you try to deadpan. That heated expression of his is chilling; you invite him to sit next to you in hopes of extinguishing it. “Why don’t you just sit down and eat?”
Jace isn’t deterred. He holds his head high and keeps his voice stern; a trait he has undoubtedly learned from your mother. “You told me a couple moons ago that you had no affections for him.”
Oh, Gods. You don’t really want to sit here and listen to him complain about how much of a burden you are from rejecting all of your parents’ attempts at arranging a marriage. For hating every single man they tried to set you up with. You scold yourself more than enough. 
“I know what I said. And I mean it. I do not love him, Jace.” You let out a nervous laugh, trying to come across as naïve. The servants are staring now. “What has brought this on?” 
“You must think of me as a fool.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you acting so innocent?” 
“I don’t love him, Jacaerys. I swear it.” A bitter lie. 
For a fleeting moment, you think you’ve won; your brother stands next to the table without saying a word, his mouth clamped shut as he bites the inside of his cheek. 
And then he drops the bomb. 
“I know you have been seeing each other,” Jace says. It doesn’t come out as a question; it’s a statement. “Stealing each other away in the night.”
Your heart drops in a single second. How does he...? 
For these past few weeks, you thought you were being careful. Undetected. There was never anyone around when you slipped through the dark halls of the Red Keep every night and sidled up to Aemond’s door. Not a single voice to stop you as Aemond tugged you into his room and spoke High Valyrian in your ear as he undressed you, as he kissed you senseless, fucked you senseless. It was a dangerous game, of course — but you never actually expected to get caught. 
“…Where did you hear that?”  
“A kingsguard told me that you parted from his company last night.” Jace’s mouth twists into a disgusted frown. He hesitates, almost like he physically can’t say what comes next. “...From his chambers.”
In that moment, you knew it was over. The gist was up. 
“Tell me it isn’t true.” 
And that’s the thing: you can’t say you don’t love Aemond, because it would be the furthest thing from the truth. Your hands fall to your lap and you fist your hands in the skirt of your dress, begging for courage. 
“Don’t tell mother.” 
Your response — shameful and pleading — speaks volumes. It makes Jace’s skin boil; he had been praying that the knight was wrong. And that hope he clung to so religiously? It’s gone. You can feel the symptoms of a dispute brewing: sweaty hands, agitated eyes, labored breathing. Tension hangs over you like a dark cloud and refuses to dissipate. 
“Why?” Jace looks disgusted, repulsed even. It sparks a flame inside you. “You saw his true colors that night. All of us did. Baela, Rhaena. Luke.”
You know what he’s referring to. It is a memory that you want to squeeze the life out of. 
“I thought we talked about you sorting out your priorities,” he continues. “What self-respecting daughter of the future Queen runs off and beds whoever she likes without a marriage proposal?” 
Yes, perhaps your growing annoyance is misplaced. Your brother wants the best for you, and it’s only natural that he would have his reservations about Aemond.
But he doesn’t know the man like you do; he hasn’t seen his hidden softness.
Sometimes people lose their ability to be recognized when they are joyful — in a pleasant way, of course. Aemond is one of those people. You’ve seen him smile once before. Truly smile. It was not sly, snarky, or coy; for once, it was the sincere kind. You wished he would do it more. It was incredibly beautiful.
If only Jace could have experienced it.
“Don’t speak about him like that,” you mumble. 
"I won't restrain myself to appease your ignorance.” 
Inhaling sharply, you take a seat at the table and busy yourself by playing with the napkin beside your plate. It’s a feeble attempt at controlling your rising panic. Jace must think you’re acting a bit too calm, because he seems to bristle at your alleged indifference. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you. Really, I am. I was just scared—“
“You lied.” 
“It was a white lie. No harm was meant to come from it.”
Jace fixes you with a firm scowl. “A white lie? A white lie? Meddling with our uncle who you are not betrothed to is not something that just happens.”
“You are blowing this out of proportion. I did it to keep you from getting upset and—“
“This is not just about the lie itself,” Jace huffs. 
“Then what is it?”
“You believed I wasn't worth your honesty.” 
Your gut tightens at his remark — you know he’s right and that he deserves to be informed of such things. Finding out that someone you care for is hiding something this important is a rude awakening. 
But you can’t stop. 
“I knew you would act like this,” you retort. Raising your voice wasn’t planned, but it happens anyway. It feels like your veins are being ripped to bits as the telltale marks of wrath sweep throughout your body. “I will do you a favor next time and not tell you anything at all.” 
“Or you could not encourage him,” Jace spits out. “You think that he does not act like his brother, Aegon? For all you know, he could be gallivanting with a servant every second he is not with you.” 
Your jaw tightens so firmly that it seems to lock in place. You’re pissed now. “Aemond is not like that.” 
“When you see him next, you can tell him to jump in the damn Dragonpit,” Jace continues. You aren’t used to hearing such crude language from him; it has you reeling. “Perhaps he’ll do that after he’s done fucking you.”
Something inside you bursts. Agonizingly. Ferociously. It's a jolt to your system that throws everything off-kilter. It is a painful fury that splits you in two. 
You slam your palms down on the table and rise in your chair; you're astonished the wood doesn't split with the force of it. The plates and forks clatter, and Jace almost jumps. The servants bustling around you certainly do. 
Your brother has some nerve. You want to spit foul names in his face. Wish to seize him by the collar and force him to kneel before your feet, because why? Why can’t you be with who you want? First it was Daemon who denied that you ever get betrothed to Aemond. Then it was your mother, and now it’s him. 
“I do not need protecting, Jace!” Your chest is rising and falling faster now, like the erratic pull of the tides. It feels like there is so much bottled up energy inside of you that you could scream, erupt, or break something … you need to break something. You choose his spirit. “I don’t need you at all!” 
Jace’s expression falls then. Along with it goes your anger. 
His gaze flits to the ground for a second — as if the stone is a safe haven from your wrath — and you’re about to apologize when he lifts his chin to glare daggers at you. 
“I get it now,” Jace laughs bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief. “You would do anything to be held by him. Ceasing to care about who he might hurt next and ignoring his callousness. You see only what you want.”
In his rage, Jace’s lips spew poison from deep in his chest, a dark place that you didn't even know he had.
“You make me wonder how I ended up with a delusional lunatic for a sister.“
Dead silence.
The two of you are just staring at each other now. Jace braces himself when you step away from your seat; he looks like he’s expecting you to slap him, like he’s preparing himself for the sting. 
And as much as you would like to do it, you just walk away.
You’re not even sure if Jace tries to stop you at first. Not sure if a servant tries to tries to grab you by the arm. You are running on pure adrenaline, pure buzzing energy, blood pumping like a battle cry in both eardrums. 
It takes until you’re exiting through the giant wooden doors to hear Jace yelling your name — and you loathe how worried he sounds, detest it — and then you’re practically running through the stone hallways. 
You want to go to bed. Shut everyone out and sleep until you awaken in a different world: one where you are not expected to get married to certain people, where your brother doesn’t expect you to be a person you can’t, and the 'losing an eye’ thing never happened, and … and it’s just you, Aemond, wrapped up in the sheets of your mattress. That’s all. 
The world is just cruel. 
Every step echoes as you make a beeline for your room. Tears slip down your cheeks and your fists quake; everything hurts. Emotionally, at least. You’re too worn out, too aggravated, too... mad? Hell, you’re not even sure if you’re still mad. The emotion that rips you apart right now feels more like an indigo-drenched sadness than a red-hot anger. 
It’s a strange, crushing feeling that has you stifling a sob while rounding a corner. 
But, as if the universe hates you, you catch a glimpse of that ethereal man — the fucking bane of your existence — walking down the same hallway. His back is to you, long white hair swishing with every stride he takes, and his posture is strong. 
You don’t want to ruin his day. Spoil the mood, or show how weak you can be.
You call out his name anyway, because there’s only one thing you can think of in this moment. A mantra:
I need you right now, My Prince.
I need you to truly look at me and understand me.
Aemond, I need you to see me.
The man turns then. He says your name, and you, who denied loving him, practically run and throw yourself into his arms. 
For a moment, Aemond doesn’t move a muscle; he’s confused, at a total loss. But then his palms slowly come down to your waist, supporting your body as he allows you to sniffle into his tunic. 
He doesn’t speak for awhile. Instead, he just looks down at you.
Your cheeks are dressed in tears that resemble droplets of honey. Your gardenia scented hair, pressed against his chest, is beautiful. He discovers an unexpected heaven amidst your grief. 
“He doesn’t want us to be together,” you try to whisper, but the words falter and trickle pitifully out of your mouth. They lack the power that you so urgently need. 
At first, Aemond is silent. He has no idea what you’re talking about; and then it clicks. Jace. 
Aemond has never been one to comfort others. You don’t really expect him to do much, honestly. But when he decides to speak, his tone is gentle and holds no judgment. “Your dear brother has found out about our arrangement, I presume.” 
You pull away slightly to stare up at Aemond. You drink in every plane of his face; those high cheekbones, his pretty lips, the silver hair that brushes the ridge of his jaw and the scar he hides. You want to absorb all of him. 
Aemond’s hands come to rest on your elbows, and then they slide all the way down your arms until he’s tenderly holding you by the wrists. He doesn’t give you a chance to answer before speaking more resolutely. “Did he hurt you?” 
“No — No, of course not,” you sniffle. Jace could be stubborn and fierce, but he would never lay a hand on you. “He was just being a brat. We got into an argument and he was ... he was mean.”
Aemond hums at that. “It must not have been too bad then. He is all bark and no bite,” he muses softly. Every syllable is gentle, each vowel soothing in its own right. He’s calm somehow.
It’s in these moments that you wish so deeply you could be like Aemond. Wish that you could stand your ground, despite wanting to run away. Wish that you could hold the barbs of someone’s anger in your palm and not get stung; not allow the sharp edges to slice under your skin and leave streams of blood in its wake. 
But you are not strong like him. 
With bated breath, you move to embrace Aemond once more, arms wrapping around his middle as you press your nose into the leather of his tunic. 
It doesn’t last long. 
Aemond leans into you, and then with both hands on your shoulders, gently tugs you away from his chest. You glance at him in confusion, and meet his gaze with an infantile glare. 
For a second you think he doesn’t want to hug you. That he’s about to chide you for being a big baby, for getting in a fight with your sibling and blowing things out of proportion. 
But then you quickly realize that he just wants to see your face. 
The truth is, Aemond doesn’t want you to hide in his arms. He doesn’t want you to bury your head into his chest and conceal your pain, or for you to dig your face into his clothes until each cheek is dry and you look composed again. 
He wants you to share every emotion with him openly, no matter how warped or ugly or bruised. 
Perhaps that’s what love is; recognizing someone's greatest vulnerability and still choosing to love them. 
It’s hard to place what emotion rests itself in Aemond’s eye after that, but whatever it is almost has you numb to how he’s holding both of your hands in his own. That is, until he trails a thumb over your knuckles. 
“Convince Jace, please,” you beg once more. The edges of your mouth start to turn downwards as you tear up again, and Aemond’s eye follows; he takes in your grief intently, and you are fully conscious of that fact. “Please. Show him you are worthy of my hand.” 
There’s a sort of surprise that swirls in his lilac gaze; however, his lips are in a straight line, his face nothing else but cold, and you can picture the war that rages inside his head. 
“I bear a hatred that could draw blood,” Aemond finally murmurs. “Those who do not deserve to be forgiven will not know my mercy. I will not betray my feelings to please others.”
“Try, Aemond. Please. If not for you and your sanity, do it for me.”
Aemond can only stare at you — his only love, his life, his breath of fresh air. The woman who he hopes will be his future wife despite your family’s distaste. He inhales deeply, chest rising and flattening the creases in his tunic, gaze roaming the tear-tracks on your face. And then he caves. 
But not before making a demand. 
“Do not cry, my love,” Aemond breathes. “It does not suit you.” 
And when you blink up at him so sweetly, nodding in a wordless vow, Aemond presses a kiss to the crown of your head. Then he kisses your left cheek, and the right, before slowly tracing his lips against your own. 
“Your body is mine,” He whispers into your parted mouth. “And I will find a way to claim it. They will have no choice but to accept me.” 
Aemond is a professional at pressing your buttons. It’d be a lie if you said it didn’t excite you; quickly, you capture his lips into a searing kiss. He returns the favor, knowing damn well that you want him, and yet he doesn’t tease in between kisses. He chooses tenderness over taunts just this once. 
The air is filled with a sentence unsaid: 
Touch my soul with warm words, and I shall do whatever you wish. 
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thelost-in-time · 10 months
Soft glances and fleeting touches
Honkai Star Rail men x gn! reader
Little romantic moments shared between you and the HSR men that makes them fall more in love with you.
Warnings: Blade speeding up on a motorcycle, and me not knowing Sampo so well
Genre: fluff
Also, I wanted to write for Welt and Luocha, but I couldn't think of anything 😭 this has been in my drafts for 3 weeks just bc I didn't have any ideas for them
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Dan Heng and you were in his room on the Astral Express, or the Archive Room, laying together as you recounted fond memories from your adventures.
Dan Heng listened to you talk about your latest trip with the Express, talking about the little things you found, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw the way your eyes lit up.
Dan Heng could listen to you ramble about things you love for hours on end without getting tired, he loves hearing you ramble, and he loves the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about something you love.
Jing Yuan loves taking naps, and that's no secret, but what is a lesser known fact is that he loves taking naps with you.
Jing Yuan sometimes wakes up before you (by some miracle) and can't help but admire how peaceful you look when you sleep. Whether you sleep without moving or sleep in all wild positions (you know what I mean....? Think Anna from Frozen), he loves admiring you either way.
Jing Yuan falls more in love with you everytime he sees you looking so carefree while you sleep, and he wishes he can keep that peace for you even when you awake.
Blade loves taking you on his motorcycle for night drives, because he enjoys the feel of you holding onto him while out on the open road, under the stars.
Blade will sometimes speed up a bit to have you hold onto him tighter, and even smirks when you yell at him to slow down. But he always finds a way to ease your worries, whether by slowing down, or talking you through it. (Unless if you're scared by him speeding up and can't calm unless he slows down, then he won't. He would never make you uncomfortable on purpose)
Blade falls deeper in love with you when he sees you under the night sky and leaning against his motorcycle.
Gepard loves when he sees you getting along with Serval and Lynx, the two people he loves the most in his life.
Gepard is a man who grew up with a lot of family, and so family is important to him. Seeing you so easily get along with Serval and Lynx is enough to send his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
Gepard swears he falls in love with you again when you talk happily about how much you love his sisters, because you love his sisters and they love you too, that's all it takes to make him fall much deeper for you. Careful or he might just as to marry you sooner than you think.
Sampo usually asked you to accompany him whenever he had some tricks business to do, and if you went willingly without arguing, he froze.
Sampo will not admit it, but he's ecstatic for you to accompany him without him having to bribe you with anything.
Sampo ult animation where he gets on a knee and pulls out a box? That's him on his knee and pulling out your favourite thing as a way to show his love and appreciation for you. He's happy to have found a fellow prankster.
Caelus (has the options to break the fourth wall) loves sending you random memes or making meme references with you. Or just any post he thinks you'll like in general.
Caelus would absolutely fall even more in love with you if you send him memes and stuff back. Bonus points if you guys are with both your guys' friends and you just off-handedly bring up the meme reference he told you about. (And if the others just go "???" Even better in his opinion, since it can he an inside joke thing)
Caelus would also absolutely melt if you sent him a good morning text with one of your guys' inside jokes.
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Likes and Reblogs are welcome!
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shewrites444 · 3 months
unexpected - part 1 & 2 [ xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ i’m alive! i haven’t posted in ages and i’m terribly sorry. i’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and finally finished it up. it's a part 1 and 2 that just made sense to put in the same post. ]
word count - 5.5k
[ summary - the reader and xavier have despised each other for years, but when she discovers his unexpected attraction to her after being a bit too nosy, their dynamic takes a complete turn. ]
[ warnings - enemies to lovers, angst/jealousy, swearing, dirty talk, oral (f), unprotected sex, bit of degrading. ]
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁part 1 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
i was never a big fan of school dances, especially the kind where wednesday addams stole the show for wearing all black, despite that being typical of her, so i didn't really understand what the surprise was for. i had always been fairly close to enid, but when wednesday transfered to nevermore, our friendship diminished in some ways, but i wasn't drastically devastated or anything - i needed to focus on my education anyway. despite my new and improved academic achievements, enid managed to convince me to come to the r'aven, which i did solo, contrary to the norms at nevermore to never attend such a large event alone.
"she looks gorgeous, don't you think?" enid said next to me, a bit of excitement and pride in her voice as she clutched tighter on her glass of punch, watching the black haired girl walk in with tyler, a blank expression on her face.
i shrugged lightly, taking a sip of my drink as i leaned against the empty chair in front of me. "i mean, she's okay." i said plainly. i didn't even mean it out of jealousy or spite, i really didn't view wednesday to be as unique as she was painted to be by people like.. him, yeah, xavier thorpe.
i thought of xavier because as enid spoke in return to my dry comment, i saw the boy staring at wednesday with a bit of disgust, probably at her date, and also with himself. i would hope that was for being so obsessed with someone who never even returned his way-too-obvious feelings, but who was i to mindread?
i laughed lightly, nudging enid to look in xavier's direction, bianca's expression dropping to clear aggravation and jealousy as she watched her date's face. "why do you think she came with him when she probably knew he was going to react like this?"
enid shook her head, frowning a bit. "i don't think she thought about it like that at all. maybe she thought they would get back together."
"yeah, right." i set my glass down on the white table. "xavier has been mentally dick-riding wednesday since she got here. he wants what he can't have like most guys."
"then why doesn't he want you?" enid asked, giggling as she nudged me. i rolled my eyes and pushed her with my own shoulder.
i grin, looking over to her. "because he hates me so much he can't physically imagine fucking me. remember, he said that during our game of truth or dare last semester."
"oh, believe me, i'll never forget that." she takes a large sip from her cup, laughing through it. "i can't believe he said that in front of half the grade."
"i can." i smirk, taking her empty cup and grabbing my own off the table. "i'll be back with some more punch."
she nods and mouths a small "thank you" as i walk off, lightly pushing myself through the crowd of students and round tables, until i reach the trash can and the punch table that was next to it. i began to fill enid and i's new cups before i feel a tall, lanky, and, oh, deathly aggravating, presence next to mine.
i sigh, turning my body towards his as i look up at xavier thorpe. "upset about your public rejection?"
he rolls his eyes, grabbing a cup and beginning to fill his own after i step away from the bowl. "at least i have a date. i think you're the only person here who doesn't."
"maybe i'm untouchable." i tease, sipping from my cup and looking down at him while he shoots me a grossed out look as he leaned down to grab bianca a glass. "perhaps i stand out more than wednesday, but you'd probably say that was impossible. delusion does something to a person, i suppose."
he scoffed, leaning up straight and looking down at me, as if i appeared to be lesser than him. "you're a real asshole, [y/n]. you know that, right?"
i shrug, clearly unbothered by his comment. "it's my best trait."
walking back to enid, i can hear xavier's annoyed groan as he heads to the opposite side of the room to meet a very pissed off bianca. i pitied her, but at the same time, she agreed to go with xavier thorpe, so there wasn't much i could validate from that decision.
i noticed enid flirting with her date, so i set her drink down on the table and walked back towards the entry door, slipping through it silently and down the dark hallway that led to the dorms. everyone was occupied, and i didn't mind being left alone for a few minutes anyway. i was never a big fan of loud music, or parties, so it didn't suit me much there - i was mainly more of an emotional support for enid than anything. i didn't mind it much at all, but she was with her date, and i would never complain about some alone time on campus.
i slowly creaked open an empty classroom door, walking into the room full of desks and lab equipment. i quietly turned on the lamp aside the teacher's desk before sitting down. i reached into my pocket to grab a small bottle of vodka before pouring it into my drink. as i lifted it up to my lips, i hear a loud knock on the open door, making my eyes widen and avert to the glass bottle in my hands, which i quickly tossed into the trashcan before looking to who was at the door.
i rolled my eyes as i saw xavier, taking a gulp of the drink, which i quickly realized i needed for this interaction that was about to occur.
"what brings you here? did you think of any insults that pertained to something relevant?" i asked, turning the rolling chair towards him as i cross my ankles. "if so, i'm happy to hear what you've come up with this time."
"shockingly, i've come to ask if you wanted to drink with me, but i see you've already started by yourself." he says, leaning against the door frame, putting his hands in his pockets as he references the trashcan.
i gasp with heavy sarcasm. "me? drink with xavier thorpe?" i grin, standing up. "did bianca say no since you publicly humilated her by drooling over wednesday addams?"
he pursed his lips together as a red tint collected onto his pale cheeks. "no, i didn't ask. she's been ignoring me anyway tonight."
"can't blame her, i must have rubbed off on her." i say, handing him my drink as he very quickly took a sip. i blink a bit in surprise. "are you trying to get fucked up?"
"why would i not?" he said with a bit of a frustrated tone. "i'm not going to act like i don't feel bad for screwing over bianca like this. she fucked me over by using her powers when we were together, but i didn't really plan on being a dick to her tonight, it just happened."
"it just happened." i say in a low voice. "you really need to think things through before you say or do them, xavier thorpe. can't ask someone to go to a dance with you just because your first date ditched you. especially your ex."
he shook his head, handing me back the half-full cup. "what am i even doing talking to you about this shit? whatever." he said, turning to face the door. he seemed embarrassed. "see you."
i stare blankly at his confusing but unsurprising response. it seemed him opening up to me and me not giving him a sympathetic reaction pissed him off, but i don't really know what he was expecting from me in the first place. we hadn’t gotten along for years. truthfully, i couldn’t even pinpoint when our mutual disliking started, but it had always been around.
“you know, i may not be quite fond of you, xavier, but i’m here if you need brutal honesty.” i raise my tone as he walks off, leaving me with no response. i sigh, now a bit embarrassed with myself for displaying a small portion of kindness to him.
i turn around, finishing my drink off and tossing it in the trash before i walk down the hallway, opposite of the dance, back to my dorm room.
as i approach my room, i glance down to see a dorm key on the floor. my brows raise and i lean down, grabbing the metal and reading the side of it. my eyes widen when i see who’s it is. obviously, no other than xavier thorpe's.
“oh, shit.” i mutter.
i wouldn’t act like i wasn’t a nosy person, especially towards my nemesis - of course i’d be going to snoop in his room.
his dorm was a few down from my own. i quietly unlocked the wooden door, sliding myself through the cracked frame and gently shutting it behind me. flipping the dim lights on, i scanned the messy, yet also oddly organized bedroom. given that xavier thorpe was a strange person, at least to me, i very quickly found something interesting. his sketchbook.
i walk towards his desk, picking up the red journal and flipping through it, seeing well drawn pictures of different animals, instruments, nothing interesting.. until, the last few pages, which were not photos, but writing.
as much as she made my blood boil, her fierce personality grew on me, far more than i expected it to as the years went on. the hate i once possessed so deeply was altered into a deep, truly intolerable lust, one that i could never showcase to her, only myself, surrounded by my own walls and left to think of her alone, touching myself to-
my eyes widened and i shut the book, setting it slowly and quietly on the desk, exactly into its original place. good god, who the fuck was xavier writing a-list fanfiction about?
i bit my bottom lip, shaking my head as i glanced back down at the sketchbook. no, i couldn’t keep reading it. as much as i loathed him, this was personal. i would be drastically upset if someone read information of mine so private. it was like my hand was unconsciously gravitating towards the book anyway.
“i’m such an asshole.” i muttered to myself, opening the pages again, and back to where i left off.
her dominant words, her demands for me to fuck her in such an intimate, yet so dirty way that it was almost unimaginable. my body on top of her own, her arms wrapped around my drenched skin as i pushed myself inside of her warm, tight walls, walls that held me inside and possessed me as her own. [y/n]-
“oh, fucking hell..” i whispered with shock, now slamming the book shut and setting it back in place immediately after reading my name in the following sentence.
it was partially horrifying, but also oddly compelling that xavier thorpe, the same person who would probably stomp on my grave, was writing detailed scenarios of us fucking in his spare time. genuinely, i couldn’t wrap my head around it, but i didn’t have much time to regardless, as i noticed on his alarm clock that it was reaching close to midnight, and the r’aven would be over soon.
i turn the lamp off, the room shading itself into darkness immediately, as i walk to the door. my hand reaches to open it, and it instead comes towards me as xavier walks in. my eyes widen in fear, and i freeze up, the key in my hand as xavier flips the lights on, and stares at me, shocked and more confused than anything.
“you.. you took my spare key?” he asked, shutting the door and leaning against it, crossing his arms.
i shake my head, handing it back to him. “no, i found it on the floor.”
“so, you came to my room, rather than give it to me when you found it.” he said, following my explanation. “trying to rob me of everything i’ve got?” he gestures to his closet. “about the most expensive thing i’ve got is a pair of nikes, so have at it.”
i roll my eyes, my face a heated pink, so much so that i could feel it burning on my cheeks. “no, that wasn’t the plan. more curiosity than anything. truthfully, i just wanted to snoop around.”
it seemed the idea of his sketchbook didn’t even cross his mind. “oh? to find what?”
“well, i found some written porn.” i say quite boldly, looking up at him. “on someone very unexpected, actually.”
i watched his expression drop, and he shook his head in what seemed to be more disbelief than anything. it quickly shaped itself into anger, and some embarrassment. “you read my fucking journal?”
“i didn’t mean to.” i cut him off before he could speak any further. “it’s not like i wanted to voluntarily read that.”
“f-fuck..!” he yells, covering his face in embarrassment, the key slipping out of his palm and onto the wooden floor. “oh, god, you’ve got to leave, [y/n]. please leave.”
“will do.” i sigh, awkwardly nodding, and noticing his shaken up stance. “but you are sort of blocking my exit.”
he moves out of the way as i speak, probably the fastest i’ve seen him move in his life. i walk towards the door, reaching to open it, before i stop. i glance up at him.
“can i ask you what provoked such writing about myself before i go? does my hateful nature turn you on? i didn’t mean it to be that way.”
he shook his head, sighing. he looked up, unable to meet our eyes. he bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. “no, i.. i..” he sighed heavily. “you’re unattainable. someone i can’t ever imagine doing such things with for so many different reasons.”
“well, you clearly can’t get with wednesday either but i didn’t see pages of sexual encounters written about her.”
he steps back, shaking his head once again at my comment. “you’re completely different people, [y/n]. it’s not the same.”
“what’s so different?” i ask, now a bit intrigued by the conversation. i lean against the doorframe. “i’m genuinely curious.”
he finally looked at me, his mouth hung open as he stared at me for a moment. “the difference is you’re the only person i’ve ever wanted to fuck but deeply despise at the same time. it confuses me, and i.. i know it’s so weird, but writing about it was the only way i could… uh, process it, i guess.”
oh, god. his words pierced my core. not in the violent, gorish way i’d prefer them to, but rather a more sexual fashion that created a massive disruption in me. the forming wetness between my legs unsettled me.
“you’re right, it’s time for me to go.” i nod, opening the door as i spoke. “goodnight.”
i walk down the hallway, staring at the floor the entire time until i get to my dorm. i could hear him hesitate before shutting his door after he registered the conversation was over.
i shut the door behind me, quickly taking off my dress and setting it on my desk before getting into my bed, bare aside from my underwear, which i was starting to slide off hastily and dropped to the floor. he wouldn’t know of this. he wouldn’t know i wanted it, too, as strange as that seemed to me. it was something i needed to now keep to myself, just as he did previously. this was it, no more than this. one time touching myself to that asshole. one time.
the sensation was so fresh, so hard to grasp that i felt a sense of euphoria wash over my heated body as i closed my eyes, running my fingers down my stomach and to the slit between my legs, sinking myself into the imaginative state i was in as i ran scenarios through my head, consisting of the most unexpected person they could withhold.
one time. i thought again. one time.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ part 2 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
as expected, xavier and i's feud was drastically dialed down after that night. the classes we did have together that we used to bicker in were now silent, which was a weird feeling, but not as weird as what happened last weekend. i tried to black it all out of my head, and i was correct about touching myself to xavier thorpe being a one time affair. at least i held myself accountable for my singular mistake, and didn't make it some sort of off-putting habit.
xavier, on the other hand, seems clearly disturbed by our now lessening exchange of words, even if it was a simple insult shot across biology being absent. i could visibly see it on his face when i walked into the room, his eyes darting down to his textbook, and his lips pursed together in what i would assume to still be fresh embarrassment. i felt bad for him in more ways than one, i would admit. it was his personal thoughts, and i did invade them, but also cut off any further explanation he was going to give me that night.
cutting me out of those overbearing thoughts was the bell for last period, the students at my table scrambling their books into their hands as they rushed out of english. i sighed, slowly standing up and beginning to pack my bookbag. i didn't have any classes for the rest of the day, so it was time for me to head back to my dorm and start working on the paper we just discussed for the past hour and a half that i blacked out of.
"can we talk?" i hear faintly from the side of my desk. i look up to lock eyes with xavier, and my face immediately reddens. i press my lips together and breath lightly out of my nose as i think of how to even respond to his sudden question and frankly, startling presence.
"i don't think you're a creep, if that's what you're wanting to talk to me about." i say honestly, slinging my backpack across my shoulder. "i do think this obviously has created much tension between the two of us that will probably never fade out because of how substantial the situation is, but i think it's for the best, regardless. the semester is almost over an-"
xavier sighs and shakes his head. "no, not that - i mean, i, i agree with that, but i just wanted to explain myself. i don't want the last conversation we ever have to be what we had last weekend."
"understandable." i return. "so, uhm, you can come to my dorm if you'd prefer? this doesn't seem like something appropriate to discuss in the commons. but try to walk a few feet behind me so no one sees us together. bad for our image of hate towards one another."
he sounded relieved that i agreed to talk to him, and let out a small chuckle at my demand. he follows me to my room, with distance as directed, and comes in shortly after i do. i set my room key on my desk before gesturing for him to sit on my bed, and i sit against the headboard, facing him while he awkwardly positioned himself at the end of the mattress.
he cleared his throat, resting his nervous hands on his thighs as he looked at the ground. "i just wanted to apologize. i know that made you uncomfortable, and believe me, it made me pretty uncomfortable writing what i did, but at the same time, it's just how i get my words out. i.. i am really sorry if i violated you in a way. i didn't mean for you to ever see that, and i obviously didn't show it to anyone else. i burned it all last weekend so that it's gone and no one will ever see it but me and you."
i blink in surprise at how adamant he was about getting rid of the evidence he probably spent a lot of time writing. i nod, leaning down as i sink into my propped up pillows. "it's okay, i don't feel that you did that to make me feel weird. you obviously never expected me to see it, and i'm sorry for violating your privacy in the first place. i appreciate you getting rid of it."
he gave me a soft, but still uncomfortable smile. "so.. so we're good?"
"sure." i shrug, sitting up as i felt the conversation beginning to wrap up. "back to mortal enemies? or would you prefer strangers?"
he looked caught off guard by my question, his eyebrow raising at my words. "is there an option that combines the two of them in some way?"
"eh." i cross my legs and lean forward as i speak. "perhaps."
i hear the rain begin to beat against my bedroom window, the sky diming to accompany the sudden thunderstorm, then look to xavier in response. "you better go if you want to make it back to your dorm without getting drenched."
"yeah, you're right." he nods, clearing his throat uncomfortably before standing up. he looks to me, watching as i stand up in return. "well, i'm glad everything is okay."
i nod silently, the two of us staring at each other, unable to process a proper way to say goodbye. i mean, how could we with the conversation we just had?
"uh, me too." i cross my arms and shake my head out of the eye contact, looking up to him. "i'll see you tomorrow in biology?"
"yeah." he nods, turning towards the door to walk himself out.
"oh, here." i walk in front of him to grab my key. "i need to unlock the-"
"can i kiss you [y/n]?"
my cheeks redden and i set the key down, turning to face him. i blink in disbelief. "kiss me?"
"i'm sorry, that was a heat of the moment thing, i didn't mean to make this weird ag-"
"no, it's fine." i walk towards him as i cut his stammering words off, leaning up to take his head into my hands and pull him down to my height, pressing his warm lips against my own. he hastily wrapped his arms around my waist, our bodies gravitating to my bed as i push my weight onto his thin, light build, climbing on top of him and moaning lightly into his mouth as i ran my fingers through his long strands of straight hair.
while there was no rush to this sudden circumstance, we were kissing like we were on a time crunch, hands running down each other's clothed bodies and very quickly taking them off. xavier begins to unbutton my school shirt, the nude colored bra that laid behind it exposed to his eyes, which were visibly glued to my chest as he undressed me. i unbuckled his belt in the process, looking down at him while he moved his head closer to my chest, trailing kisses down my heated flesh and lightly brushing my bra out of the way for a moment as his lips kissed my nipple, tongue circling the stimulated bud which only earned a moan from my lips, xavier's body twitching against my own while my pleasure transferred into his own.
i reach down between us to slide my hand into his pants, a bit slowly to make sure he was okay with it, which he very quickly signaled by lightly bucking his hips towards me in return. my hand was met with his erection, straining in his khakis as i jerked it off, moans escaping from his pink lips and vibrating onto my chest which was starting to cover in light hickies and salvia.
he breaks himself away, forcing my body onto the mattress and my hand out of his pants, his own build getting off of me and onto the floor, his knees against the hardwood while he pulled down my skirt, and my underwear, my face dark red as i was nearly naked before him, nothing but my lopsided bra and half buttoned shirt.
"you don't understand how long i've wanted to taste you." he says through a low, seductive yet needy tone of voice. "i've wanted you in my mouth for what feels like ages." he leans down, taking both my thighs into his hands and pulling my bottom up and towards the end of the bed to reach him.
i was speechless, sitting up and staring down at xavier while he began to trail wet kisses into my inner thighs, his mouth soon reaching my pussy and beginning to lick the outside with great tease. i gasped at just his most gentle touch, one hand holding my body propped up as the other reached down to cup the side of his left cheek. he looked up at me, watching as i gave him a small nod to go further.
his tongue attacked my clit, sucking on the bud and my wet skin while one of his hands snaked between my thighs, gently pushing two fingers into my slit, stimulating my body through more ways than i imagined he would so soon. i moaned, closing my eyes and immersing myself into the moment, finding it still hard to believe that his head was between my thighs now when i would've laughed at the thought of this a few days ago.
watching xavier eat me out was so attractive, i almost couldn't comprehend what him fucking me would feel like. he knew what he was doing, holding our eyes as he pushed his fingers inside me, his touch sucking against my clit and twirling around in circles to tease me further, sparks sending themselves to my hot core. it felt never-ending, in a good way, of course, the way he was able to make me feel. the way he made me want him after all this time hating each other was insane. it was rather impressive more than anything.
i leaned forward, watching him pull his lips away from my middle and to my lips, the taste of my own pleasure now against my mouth, his tongue pushing forward and clashing against my own. with his fingers still in me, he adjusted our position, now on his knees in the bed and hovering a bit above me, watching as my mouth hung open at his touch, the feeling of another finger slipping into my tight walls. i could feel myself wrapping around him, which he visibly took note of, as the expression on his face shaped into a smirk, almost like he was proud of himself for the way i reacted to his strengthening touch.
"i've got to stretch you out if you want me to be inside you." he remarks, leaning down to kiss me between the sinful noises that left my lips. "you want me to fuck you like i hate you?"
"shouldn't be a hard thing to do." i grin, pecking his lips, gasping as he curls his fingers inside me at my response.
xavier pulled his wet fingers out, slapping them against pussy as i arch my body in response to the intense touch, my eyes widening as i look at him in surprise. he could only chuckle, standing up and taking his pants and boxers off, his hard length pointing itself towards me as he steps closer again, knees on the mattress and cock aligned with me. he wasn't lying - he was quite long, as i could have imagined by his height and lanky build, but he was thick, too. he was much more than i imagined he was, but i wasn't complaining.
he leaned closer, helping adjust my body to where my feet were now resting on his bare shoulders, spread wide as he pushed inside me, my eyes shutting and mouth opening at the feeling of him slowly pushing inside my body. good god, he hurt, but at the same time, he felt so fucking good.
he held me by my ankles, his hair moving with his rhythm as he kept a slow, intimate pace, watching as my breasts moved with his thrusts, briefly, until he pulled out. i blinked, confused. "is everything okay?"
"you want me to fuck you like i hate you, right, [y/n]?" he asks flatly, his hand running down his cock, before nudging me to flip over.
my cheeks redden and i shake my head. "i would think you'd want to see my expression when doing so."
"who said i wasn't?" he grinned, grabbing me by the hips and tossing me over, pressing his hand on my stomach to arch back before pushing himself back inside.
i gasped, unable to react as he grabbed my face, guiding it towards him and leaning down to where we were able to meet eyes, my hair fallen in front of my face, which he adjusted to fit behind my ears. i could see it in his eyes that he wanted to watch my expression in every way while he pumped his cock inside me, stroke after stroke causing me to moan, my vision clouding with the harder he held my face, the harder he fucked me and made my legs nearly melt at his rough touch.
"you're so fucking beautiful," he coos, placing a rough, wet kiss against my lips. "so fucking beautiful when you take me inside you, i can feel you tightening against me, [y/n]. i didn't think you'd want me around you much longer, but look at you."
"shut the fuck up." i say through pitiful moans, my hands holding the bedsheets as he talked. "you're not always going to have the upper hand."
he scoffed, picking up his pace, pecking my cheek before leaning up, his hand moving to hold the back of my neck while his thrusts only grew strong from his new position.
"says the girl who's letting me fuck her from behind with her ass propped up for my bare cock." he smirked as he heard me groan in annoyance. "you can tell me you like it, no shame in it."
i roll my eyes, now trying to hold my tongue. i figured this wasn't the time or place to cuss out the same person who was actively pounding me with his cock. "just shut up, xavier."
he leaned down to kiss my cheek quickly, his lips leveling to my ear. "i think you know me well enough to know i'm not going to."
he lifted himself back up, holding my ass as he guided me back and forth, the sounds of our wet skin slapping together while i enveloped his cock inside me, the stimulation far too great to not earn us both a very quickly approaching orgasm.
i felt him moan lightly from behind me, our voices, and bodies, and noises, sync together while the room seemed to grow hotter and far too much for either of us to handle, until we both finished, xavier staying in me for a moment before slowly pulling out, his cum leaking lightly between my shaking, red legs as i laid down on my back.
he laid down aside me, reaching over to undo my top completely and help guide my bra off, leaving the two of us now completely naked, lathered in our own, and each other's, sweat. i felt him wrap his arms around me and i rolled my eyes, lightly trying to nudge him off me.
"you're sweaty." i say, watching him laugh at my remark. "what's so funny?"
he stopped me from my squirming, taking my hand into his own and wrapping his arm around my waist. "you'll never be quiet, will you, [y/n]?"
i shake my head, my expression lightening as i look up to him. "i'm not the one who was begging to taste the other. remind me who was on their knees earlier?"
"i hate you." he playfully nudges me, pulling me closer. he sighed, and look up at the wood ceiling, his tone dialing down as he pursed his lips together.
"you know, you physically feel good, but this felt good, too." he gestures to the two of us, which i only blushed in response at.
"xavier thorpe, are you admitting you've peaked an interest in me?" i tease, squeezing his hand in response.
he rolled his eyes, shrugging softly. "maybe so, but no worries, i'll still follow a few feet behind you in the hallway."
"look at you, already listening. guess i really do have the upper hand in this, don't i?" i sit up, watching as he followed my actions. i reach over to hold him by his face, kissing him once again.
he chuckled, holding me by the back of my head as he returned the kiss. he raised his eyebrow, a bit of reflection on his face from what just happened. “why the sudden change of heart towards me?”
“i don’t know.” i shrug, looking from his lips to his eyes. “i guess we’ll have to see how this unfolds over time.”
“i guess so.” he grinned, kissing me once again. “no worries, ill still make sure to embarrass you in some way on monday in biology.”
“you wouldn’t dare.” i smirk, lightly nudging him onto his back as i climb on top of him. “good luck, xavier thorpe.” i begin to trail kisses down his neck, his arms once again wrapping around my waist.
“words of good luck from the enemy? today’s full of surprises.” he teases before sliding his hand between us.
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poetryandfluffycats · 2 months
Just one time~
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A/N: I'm working on requests I swear I just found this in my drafts and felt the need to post🤍
Pairing: Izumi Sena x fem!reader
Warnings: very suggestive, dub-con, izumi is a bitch, mentions of makoto, yandere themes, biting, established friendship
Content: Izumi is your friend, a close friend, he'd never do anything to hurt you. You hardly even notice when he starts getting a bit too close for comfort.
Words: 1.5k
Oneshot under cut!
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It started out slow. So slow you didn't realize what was happening.
You'd see Izumi in the halls. He'd greet you and you'd greet him. He'd ask how you were, you'd ask how he was.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then the texts came.
"How was your day?" "Are you busy" "Do you wanna hang out?"
Still normal, still friendly. You were always happy to talk to one of Yumenosakis top models, so you'd answer him.
"it was good" "nope, not busy" "yeah, sure:)"
You'd hang out together. He'd take you out to lunch, or shopping, or he'd invite you back to his dorm to watch a movie. It was always a good time, you'd always have fun.
Sometimes his hands would linger on you, or his hugs would last longer than needed, but you just wrote it off as him being affectionate. Maybe he was this touchy-feely with all his friends? You preferred over him being rude and unpleasant towards you, like he was to most people, so you never said anything.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
Soon, his texts started to become more frequent.
"i'm bored, wanna come over?" "did you see the photos from my shoot?" "are you awake? i cant sleep"
Still, you didn't mind.
He was charming, kind and fun to be around. He had such a way with words that could make any girl swoon. It was hard not to blush at how much attention he was giving you. And also hard not to notice how mind-blowingly atractive he was.
He was everything a guy should be and more.
And he seemed to like you alot.
So, you kept texting him. You'd always say yes to his invitations. You were happy to oblige, happy to ignore the lingering touchs and longing looks, and you quickly found Izumi becoming one of your best friends.
It wasn't until the texts started to become more forward that you started to notice something wrong.
"mao and kuro are out, come see me;)" "wish u were here" "are u alone right now?"
They were... odd, to say the least. But once again, you tried to write it off as Izumi just being Izumi. He was always flirtatious, but there was no way these texts meant anything right? After all, he was in love with Makoto Yuuki, right?
"can u come over? so lonely:("
You were about to reply when another text popped up.
"need u here"
Your heart fluttered at the message, you couldn't tell whether it was from excitement or uneasiness. He needed you. You were wanted, that was a good thing, right? You had gone over to his dorm at night many times before, even slept over before, surely this time wouldn't be any different.
Not giving yourself any more time to dwell on your doubts, you typed out a response.
"on my way"
The walk to Izumis dorm was a long one, since he lived on the top floor, but thankfully it gave you enough time to compose yourself and beat down that growing feeling of anxiety in your stomach. There was nothing weird about wanting to spend time with a friend, that's all he wanted to do. Hang out, watch a movie, talk late into the night then go to bed. Just an ordinary sleepover. He would never try and...
No, it was wrong to think that. You shook the thought out of your head, quickening your pace. He wouldn't do that, not to you.
Not to a friend.
The anxiety didn't stop however, even as you stood in front of Izumis door. Your hand trembled as you raised it to knock on the door, and you let out a surprised yelp when it opened almost immediately. Almost as if he had been waiting right by it.
Izumi stood leaning against the door frame, his usual smirk playing on his lips. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come," His eyes scanned up and down your body and his smile grew wider, "you look nice"
"Oh, uh, thank you..." You mumbled, feeling your cheeks flush red. It wasn't like you had gotten dressed up to see him or anything, just wearing a plain crop top and sweatpants set, but if he thought you looked nice then it must have been true. Izumi did have pretty high standards of woman after all.
"Are you going to come in? Mao and Kuru are out, so we have the whole dorm to ourselves... its quite romantic, don't you think?" He winked at you, the redness in your cheeks intensifying under his gaze.
You took a step into the dorm, forcing a smile and giving the silver haired male a playful nudge on the shoulder. "If you wanted romantic you should've invited Yukki-kun over, not me" You teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere as much as humanly possible.
"Well, I didn't" The playful tone in Izumis voice was suddenly replaced by a more serious one, his smirk falling and curling down into a frown. He stepped in front of you, effectively trapping you between himself and the wall and blocking you from going further into the dorm.
You swallowed. His perfume was strong and intoxicating, clouding your senses. He smelt so good...
"I invited you, so lets not talk about Yukki-kun, alright?" He rested his forehead against yours, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His voice dropped down to a whisper, hot breath fanning over your lips, "How about we just focus on each other, huh?"
You knew where this was headed, and you hated it.
"S-Sena, please" You whimpered, pressing your hands flat against his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. However, he refused to move, his hands snaking down your body to firmly grasp your hips and pull you flush against him.
Izumi hummed, ignoring the discomfort in your voice and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, "So annoying... god you smell good, its driving me crazy..."
Panic began to rise in your stomach again, the earlier feeling of unease from your walk here returning on full blast. He wasn't stopping. Why wasn't he stopping? You pushed at this chest again, harder this time, but he didn't even budge an inch. He simply chuckled, tightening his grip on your hips to the point where it was almost painful.
You needed to get out of there somehow. You couldn't let him take advantage of you. Not like this.
"Please Sena! You're scaring me-AuGH!-"
Your plead was cut short as a pair of teeth sunk deep into your neck, mere centimetres away from your pulse point. In fact, if he moved any closer he'd be ripping your throat out. The message was clear.
Shut up and stay still, or else.
"If you really care about me, you'll let me do this" He whispered, retracting his teeth from your neck and soothing the bruising mark with his tongue, "Don't you care about me? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I-I care about you, you're my best friend! Its just-"
"Just what? Are you really that selfish? I need this! Just let me have you goddammit! I need you!"
You gasped at the outburst, the panic that had been bubbling in your chest finally exploding as tears began to run down your cheeks. Izumi had never raised his voice at you before, he never shouted at you. And it terrified you.
Noticing the tears on your cheeks, his grip on you softened, his previous look of hunger and lust turning into one of guilt and shame. He took a step away, running his hands through his hair and sighing heavily.
"Shit, (name), I'm so sorry, please don't cry" He reached out to grab your hands, bringing them to his chest, "I shouldn't have yelled, I know you're scared but... please... I need this, I need you to trust me"
You stared down at your hands on his chest, a small part of you finding the gesture oddly comforting. Maybe this was how things were meant to be? Even after his outburst, he was so calm in his tone. So sure of himself, so sure of what he was saying even if it did sound obscene. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to help him out.
What type of best friend doesn't help her best friend out when he needed it?
You meet his gaze. He was so desperate, so vulnerable, so lustful. It was a look you'd only ever seen him direct at Makoto, the man he supposedly loved with all his heart, yet here he was using it towards you.
It confused you.
Why was he looking at you like that when he was meant to be in love with Makoto?
But that didn't matter in this moment, not to Izumi at least. All that mattered was him getting what he wanted, and what he wanted was you.
"Just one time right? That's all you need?" You mumbled, your voice barely audible.
He nodded eagerly, that oh so familiar smirk returning to his lips, "Of course, one time. I'll never ask again, I promise"
You bit your lip, thinking over the situation just one more time. It was just one time, one time then he'd go back to Makoto and then things would go back to normal, right? One time...
"O-okay, you can have me"
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snaillock · 10 months
your relationship with bllk men as mitski songs
(kaiser, sae, oliver)
my posting has been very slow recently so to celebrate mitskis new album (and to feed into my eternal obsession for her music and lyricism by combining it with another thing im way too obsessed with), i dug up this old ass draft and finished it instead of giving y’all an actual fic
tags: gn!reader, angst(it’s mitski duh), yeah basically no fluff/comfort in here, suggestive-ish in the oliver one, me being a dork and combining two big interests of mine
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michael kaiser - i don’t smoke
So if you need to be mean Be mean to me I can take it and put it inside of me If your hands need to break More than trinkets in your room You can lean on my arm As you break my heart
his career can be a lot on his shoulders at times even with the cocky and arrogant facade he puts on for the performance of each match he plays. he has a tendency to keep it all in to bask in the glory of his luxurious life.
you understand. you know he’s currently too prideful to deal with his true feelings, especially all on his own. you just want to be there to know he isn’t alone and that he can be open with you. so you sit there, giving him a listening ear as he lashes out and releases every awful word in the book towards you when everything finally becomes too much for him to bear. you wouldn’t want him to have a very public meltdown when it happens so it’s better this way. you have remind yourself to take none of it to heart because he doesn’t mean those all harsh words. he just needed an outlet for those frustrations.
you also don’t want the weight and significance of his career to separate you two. you’re already so damn lucky to be with someone like him. you want to prove that you can handle it. you know you can. you’re sure you can help him figure this all out somehow. love just takes compassion and patience, that’s all it is. just taking it one step at a time.
it’s just compassion and patience. right?
Just don't leave me alone Wondering where you are I am stronger than you give me credit for
sae itoshi - i want you
You're coming back And it's the end of the world We're starting over and I love you darlin' And I am done, dear
he swears he will make time for you someday. sure those words have been promised over and over again like a broken record but he truly does love you. however you’re starting to wonder if mutual love is truly enough to keep you two going.
the truth is his life is currently too big and important for him to take any focus away from it. the last thing he needs is a distraction. all of which he has very clear multiple times, even along with his contrastingly hopeful promises. though his tone is quite neutral, never letting his emotions seep through as if he’s programmed to do so. meanwhile you have to desperately hold yours back to not seem like an idiot.
it’s never been easy to express how you feel in front of him. you desperately wish you could but the inconsistency of your relationship that’s barely holding up renders it pointless. this over and over/back and forth thing that’s going on between you two is exhausting. it only leaves you lost and confused. you begin to wonder if staying is even worth it at all. even with the speck of hope that it could eventually work out. even if you love him.
You're in the house And I am here in the car I just need a quiet place Where I can scream how I love you
oliver aiku - eric
You like control, well, I do too Take off my clothes and watch me move You can come closer, I'll let you hurt me how you choose
you deeply crave a loving and fulfilling connection with another but unfortunately the other you desire is him. a guy who’s born to be a player and only wants to fool around with multiple people.
you know getting attached would only cause you so much unnecessary pain but your naive heart couldn’t resist him. you know that he doesn’t see you for more than what you give him at night but you were still a fool to fall for him.
enough of a fool to fall for him knowing he’s not ready to settle for one person. you could see it from how you would lovingly gaze at him while he leers at someone else behind you. you would still give yourself up to him if you could, offering anything he wanted out of you.
despite better judgment, you stay with a pained and aching heart. constantly yearning for more.
But how long, how long can we play this way? I'm tired, I'm tired of not loving you My heart, my heart wants to hold you But I know, I know, I know the rules
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taglist(lemme know if you wanna be added): @userwithlotsoftime @lucas2060
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mybrainproblems · 5 months
hello, i'm finales georg...
i don't want to further clutter up the notes on this post while responding to the tags below but the persistence of the "finale is short/scenes are missing/extra ad break” conspiracies drives me absolutely bananas when i've watched the finale ten times and have posted about this A LOT trying to clear things up. (disclaimer that yes, i'm a goddamn destiel shipper but i care about Facts above all.)
ok but this is weird because i'd swear the episode was shorter (11 missing scenes!) but okay. maybe we all mandela effected ourselves into #beleving that. because it felt shorter. but i will die on the hill that it had another ad break. i understand this person has the thing #recorded with ads so i am thinking maybe different ad breaks in different idk time zones??? #because the finale did air an hour earlier in canada so maybe idk i am reaching here but maybe different states or whatever had different #ad breaks??? as for the last minute changes - wasn't the cover band asked for permission to use their version of carry on like a week before #the thing aired??? so even if the episode was 42 minutes and had no additional ad break - which i am side eying but lets say all was normal #i will always say they were changing thing until the absolute last minute (carry on my wayward son X 2 #the crew on the bridge which is not only giant 4th wall breaking but also wow they really got all those people in one place in times of #covid???) #anyway. tinfoil hat stays on sorry guys :/ (via @officialmisha)
short and snarky: there are plenty of real and sourced examples of network homophobia and scripted/directed destiel scenes being cut to point to. we don’t need to make this stuff up just bc the finale wasn’t what we wanted. so it’s not the mandela effect — it’s ppl repeating a conspiracy/rumor bc it supports their narrative and it’s easier and more fun to repeat something that supports a narrative they already believe (misha or something destiel was cut) vs the boring act of fact checking.
longer circumspect answer with links bc like many ppl i am in my debunking era and i rewatched "roblox_oof" last night.
like i said. i've watched the finale ten times. i’ve gone over the episode with a fine toothed comb and posted a detailed breakdown of timing marks on my blog. it’s actually extremely obvious where the ad breaks are once you know roughly where to look for them (they have a longer fade to black instead of a quick cut scene change). there’s no room for extra ad breaks and i think this conspiracy/rumor persists in part bc the episode feels so sparse in terms of cast and the fact that the episode’s momentum hits a barn post (and rebar) less than 20min into an hour-long programming block.
also i’m begging ppl to actually look at that timing mark post. it’s very straightforward and i spent a lot of time on it. i don’t care if ppl plagiarize it at this point if it means this conspiracy stops. i've got almost every second accounted for.
the "eleven missing scenes" that you're thinking of are probably from the finale script of questionable authenticity that @spnscripthunt acquired back in 2021 which can be found here. it's dated as the “final draft” from 11 sep 2020 and filming on 15x20 wrapped on 10 sep 2020. as noted at the bottom of this superwiki page "[the] script came from someone claiming to have been the person who did the closed captions for the show in Russia. There are some indications that it possibly may not be authentic, but this has not been confirmed."
if we go with the possibility that this was a transcript meant for subtitles, the "omitted" scenes were probably written but never filmed since it's the "final draft" and not a color revision (blue, green, yellow, etc). unfortunately, i’ve lost track of where i read it and a preliminary duckduckgo search isn’t bringing it up bc there's a program for script writing called final draft, but iirc the “final draft” version of a script is a transcript of what was filmed (e.g. there are parts of that 15x20 script that ended up being deleted scenes on the DVD). spnscripthunt also has an example of a confirmed final draft for 09x02 (funnily enough, also a dabb-penned ep). if anyone can confirm with a source that i have the purpose of the “final draft” version designation wrong, please let me know! i love being proven wrong with Facts.
i do want to acknowledge that the two “final drafts” do look different from each other and the 15x20 one doesn't look like a “real” final draft script since it lacks the revision/versioning dates that a script would normally have on the cover page. it could be that it was intended for subtitles; there's the chance it's been re-typed to anonymize it if there was anything indicating who the "owner" was, tho that seems a wee bit cloak and dagger to me. and again: it's considered of questionable authenticity. there are some things that don't quite line up but oh dear god i don't want to get even further out into the weeds than i already am.
i won't disagree that it's weird as hell that neoni only got asked about using their cover seven days prior to the episode airing (tiktok here). my personal theory is that they were hoping to get a more expensive song (maybe a zepp song, idk) and didn't manage to secure the rights in the end. again: this is pure conjecture on my part! but i could absolutely see someone working on the show hearing neoni’s cover and liking it and then maybe they were using it as a placeholder until it got down to the wire and they had to make a call/send the ep to networks. because yes, it is baffling they played a song and then a cover of it with only a 40 second break between. (i do actually really like the neoni cover! the placement is just weird and i think it could have worked if they had the kansas version at the beginning and closed with neoni's full cover.)
as to the 4th wall break COVID stuff: robert singer talked with variety magazine about filming the last two episodes and the logistics of filming during a pandemic. whether they should have been filming during a pandemic is a separate discussion but their use of office vs set pods, strict quarantining and daily testing meant that they had zero positive tests in the month they were filming (18 aug to 10 sep). so given all that, i personally don’t think it’s totally out of pocket to have everyone standing outdoors on a bridge for maybe an hour to get a drone shot of them together. (i won’t get into incubation periods and viral load, but if everyone tested negative that day and every day for a month prior, it was a fairly low risk scene to film outdoors and for all we know everyone was masked until the last possible second. there were plenty of outdoor masked protests in 2020 that weren't superspreader events.)
and before anyone brings up “but misha was in vancouver!” i know someone who looked into it and they said no dice, nothing matched up between the backgrounds in those pics and places in vancouver. his statements about “us” going back to set over the summer were pretty generic in hindsight and “we”/"us" could be him or the spn crew generally. unfortunately i’m not able to find those tweets but the use of “we” was likely so as not to give away he wouldn’t be returning to set. (bc we were absolutely casbaited!) and bc it comes up a lot: the "onion field pic" was from when they were filming 15x17 and was not taken while filming 15x19 and 15x20.
besides, it would be ridiculous to go through the financial and logistical headaches of bringing someone into the country to film during a pandemic, only to cut their scenes in the end! honestly, the script is pretty tight when the scenes are given so much breathing room! the only thing i could see being further cut down is The Monologue and even then, i don’t think there was any intent to cut it down given it was filmed in fairly long takes.
i’ve said it many times before, but i believe the finale was fucked long before they returned to set. walker got the green light in sep 2019 and it was being marketed heavily as a “follow on” show to spn given jared’s involvement. the demo they were courting for walker has little to no overlap with the demo for destiel fans — why would they want a finale that catered to a demo they weren't interested in courting? we just went through a historic double strike that exposed so much of the rot of business interests overriding creative vision. this isn't completely unfounded conjecture.
i will not apologize for the length of this bc i wanted to be thorough, but i do want to give context that i think the reason these conspiracies and rumors grind my gears so much is because anyone can fact check all of this. the truth is out there and absolutely none of it is that hard to find. the most time consuming/difficult part of this was finding someone who had a DVR’d copy of the finale from when it aired live and they actually found me themselves after i’d been low key asking around for a year!
and like. i get it. conspiracies are fun. but there are so many sourced instances of network homophobia and destiel being cut that it's like. why is this something folks are hanging onto? the cw is notorious for having upper level meddling with finales bc there's a follow-on show they want to shuffle fans along to and spn is no exception.
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penname-artist · 6 months
Merry Chrysler-
I swear I am totally not biased when I say that I'll side with Shu's headcanon of Lightning being very into singing and then getting caught doing so and being good at doing so while putting up Christmas decorations. Okay. Maybe a LITTLE bit biased.
But I am NOT biased when I say that he and Mater BOTH do it and they have a habit of starting a lyric and waiting for the other to give them the next one so they can duet the rest. It's adorable, but it drives the town crazy just as much.
Red always puts something happy and festive on the old Stanley statue. Some years it's a wreath. Some years he has a red glowing nose. Sometimes he gets little antlers. It's a nice nod to his love for the holidays, and it makes Lizzie so happy.
Finn and Leland used to play that silly Hide the Pickle game on Christmas morning, except with very ramped up stakes because they loved a challenge. Since his passing, Finn's now dangerously taught both Mater and Holley to play. Mater tries his best, though he's not great at hiding them and he's lucky at best with finding, and Holley, well...let's just say that she did such a good job her first time trying to hide it that they all gave up looking, and ended up having to buy another one to use.
Every year, Dusty goes out and puts up tacky Christmas lights for the year. And every year, he and Chug get tangled in it. And every year until 2013, Dottie was tasked with helping them out. Since 2013, every year she puts it up to Skipper and Sparky to do instead. Never fails.
You ever heard of something called a "Drive thru nativity scene"? I've been to one, once. You sit in your car and drive through a live reenactment of the towns and the nativity, and you pay fake coin taxes at certain stops, and dad almost got put in fake jail by Roman soldiers because he wouldn't pay those taxes anyways the point is they have one that they do at Radiator Springs now and over the years they have garnered a lot of traffic. Sally and Lightning only did the Mary and Joseph bit one year, and it ended in Joseph being run over by fans and backing up the line, so he lent his role to someone else (it changes every year)
During his reign over the Lodge, Cad Spinner went above and beyond for Christmas light displays during the holidays, which ate up the electric bill for one and left a fire hazard for another. When Jammer took over his position, though, the annual display had become wildly popular, so - with the assistance and better pay of the Piston Peak fire and rescue - they kept the event running. So long as Ryker stayed close by.
The Smokejumpers pulled an Epic Christmas Prank on - or rather with - Cabbie one year. He had no idea what everyone was giggling about, as they boarded up to drop over a fire. And then later, Maru held up a photo he got of him while he was taking off with them. He rolled his eyes at the sight of the bright red "ELF BACKUP" sign written across his hatch.
Blade's not really a Christmas guy, but, there's one thing he enjoys during the Christmas season, and that's peppermints. He's fucking addicted. Maru will catch him swiping them from the little bowl Patch puts out in the mess hall, and they go through a whole bag in less than two weeks. Addicted I tell you.
Specifically in humanized land, Cabbie has whittled - while Windlifter paints - simplified wooden nutcracker statues, reflecting the features of each of the Smokejumpers. There's five on the mantle in the mess hall for them, and another shelf that holds a handful more for the jumpers past.
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 5 months
One in Eleven Million (ch. 9)
damian wayne x reader x jon kent
(A/N): So I have literally drafted the post for the last chapter in order to get it out by the end of the year. It will happen, I swear.
Series masterlist can be found here.
warnings: anxiety, airport, train station
wc: ~1300
The baggage claim area was packed when they arrived. Damian scanned the crowd quickly once, then once more. He knew you had a bag. You had to be there. A large man elbowed his way through the crowd and Damian had to restrain himself from forcibly removing the man from his vicinity. 
“Anything?” Jon asked from beside him. Damian opened his mouth to say no. His eye caught on movement in his periphery. 
You were off to the side, most likely trying to avoid getting trampled by the crowd. Your arms were wrapped tightly around yourself, eyes scanning the moving conveyor belt despite its lack of suitcases. 
“Hi,” Jon started as they came up behind you. You let out a startled exclamation, nearly tripping over your feet in an effort to see who was talking to you.  
Damian winced internally. He figured you’d hear the rattle of their carry-on bags. In hindsight, everyone was carrying some form of luggage. They were standing at the baggage claim. 
“Hi,” You said. “What are you doing here? I thought you left.” 
Damian’s heart tweaked in his chest. He heard what you didn’t say: I thought you left me.
“I mean I know you don’t have suitcases,” you rambled on, “so there’s literally no reason-”
“We were looking for you,” Jon interjected. “Even if you didn’t want to see us again, we could have at least said goodbye.” He was hurt, Damian realized, getting defensive.
“No no that’s not what I meant.” Your voice was frantic. “I just-I know you don’t have large bags and you have each other and probably some better way to get home than finding a last-minute train so when I didn’t see you, I figured you’d just…” The sentence trailed off in a shrug. 
“But we’re here,” Damian argued. “And Jon and I were already planning to take public transport.” 
Your eyes searched beside Jon’s shoulder, scanning the suitcases coming down the conveyor belt. 
“Do you need help getting your bag?” Jon asked, following your gaze. 
“No, I got it. Meet you back here when I get it?” 
Damian nodded. 
“Do you want to leave your backpack here?” 
He could almost see you mentally combing through the pros and cons. 
“If you leave with my stuff,” you began lightheartedly. Damian could hear the underlying anxiety in your voice. “I’m going to be really pissed off.” 
You handed the bag to Jon and disappeared into the crowd around the belt. 
“Do they think we would?” Jon asked Damian. Damian resisted the urge to reach up and smooth the wrinkle in between his eyebrows. “Just leave, that is? I mean if they knew who we were-”
“What’s to stop them from thinking they’re an obligation then either?” 
Jon sighed, pouting. Damian bit back a smile. It was adorable.
“You’re right. I hate it when you're right. It happens way too often.” 
A huff of laughter escaped Damian. A moment of comfortable silence lingered in the air, interrupted by you pushing through the crowd with a suitcase. 
“Okay this is it,” you declared, taking your backpack back from Jon. Your relief was unmistakable. “So the train stop that gets us to the main station is in terminal A, I think. Are you guys taking a train back too?” Jon shrugged, glancing at Damian.
“We hadn’t actually gotten that far yet.”
“If we need to catch a local train, we should head that way now,” Damian suggested. “We’ll figure out the rest on the way.”
“So what train are you taking?” Jon asked halfway to the airport train platform. 
“Uhh wait one sec.” You pulled out your phone, tapped the screen a couple times, then handed it to him. “Here. That’s my ticket.”
Jon turned the screen—open on the Amtrak app—towards Damian. He was already pulling out his phone. Damian dipped his head towards the screen, scanning the list of trains for the correct one before purchasing two tickets. Bruce’s credit card auto-filled into the payment information. Damian doubted his father would even notice. 
“Alright, we all have tickets for the 119 train to Gotham.” Jon handed your phone back and you shoved into your pocket. 
“Now we just have to get there.”
You didn’t think Jon had ever been in a train station before. Or at least not this one. He’d spent the majority of the half hour you’d all been sitting in the station alternating between talking to either you or Damian or looking around and asking you questions about your previous experiences on trains. 
“You have a terrible track record with transportation,” he frowned at you after you recounted a two-hour train delay. It had pushed your arrival time at home until past two in the morning. The face he made was really sweet. “Yeah I kinda do,” you laughed, shifting on the wooden bench.
Train stations overall, you found, were less overfilled and more comfortable than the airport, this one especially. You wouldn’t want to get delayed at Gotham Station (you knew that from experience too), but this station was much nicer. Less so at midnight, but that had more to do with your exhaustion at that time than the station. Damian, on your other side, was typing on his phone. He’d gotten up a little while before to make a call then came back and declared he’d sorted out who was picking him and Jon up once they arrived in Gotham. 
You glanced up at the big screen in front of you once again. This time, your gate and track number were up on the board. 
“Gate seven, track eight,” you read aloud. Beside you, Damian’s eyes snapped up to the board. Jon turned to look at you. 
“What?”  You pointed at the screen. 
“Our gate and track number. We should go now before the line gets too huge so we can get seats not already occupied.” 
Damian nodded, collecting his belongings. Jon followed, pulling his jacket back on before flashing you a smile. 
“Alright, let’s go.” 
You were quickly vindicated in your decision. The boarding line stretched all the way out towards the restrooms at the back of the station. When you got on, the train wasn’t empty, but it was close enough. With an origin in Baltimore and an end stop of New York, Philadelphia was one of the larger stops on the train’s path. You dropped into the first empty seat you saw with a likewise empty seat behind it, shoving your suitcase into the limited space allotted to legroom. It didn’t fit, but you really didn’t want to check your bag. Again.
Damian dropped into the seat behind you. Jon sat down next to you. 
“What-?” you asked, confused. “Don’t you want to sit together?”
“We are,” Jon shrugged. He leaned towards you, voice lowered. “Besides, Damian could probably use an hour not squished in between a whole bunch of people.” 
You turned around just enough to see Damian shove both his and Jon’s carry-ons onto the window seat and sink down heavily into the aisle seat. 
“That’s smart; I do it too,” you approved. “No one wants to take the window seat with a stranger.” Damian offered you a nod in exchange. He looked the way you felt after hours upon hours spent with people you weren’t comfortable with. That is to say, socially exhausted. 
You turned back around, crossing your legs so that you could sit somewhat comfortably even with a huge suitcase taking up all your legroom. 
“Turn it sideways,” Jon suggested. “So it’s not so tall.” 
“But it’ll take your legroom,” you protested. Jon shrugged and did it anyway, maneuvering his backpack to rest on top of it. You followed suit, shifting your seating position to accommodate the new space. The fabric of your pants had no traction on the smooth material of the train seats.
“See,” he said. “So much better.” 
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Thanks.” 
Through his glasses, Jon’s eyes shone. 
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fatuismooches · 5 months
a girl i liked likes someone else and i mayyy or may not have subjected myself to listening to her talk abt it bc she asked…HAPPY NEW YEAR, SMOOCHIESSSSS!! bc yk who wouldn’t like someone else and then make me beta read a poem they want to send?? MY DEAR HUSBAND PANTALONE <33
insanity he would write reader LETTERS all in the nicest cursive. but imagine when they were much younger, when his writing was less pretty and more chicken scratch. barely knew how to write, but he still wanted to send you personalized letters when you were working too hard. maybe his writing over the years has evolved, both the words he used and the way his handwriting slowly became more refined- the content has not.
(he gets a lil golden box for all of the letters he has been sent back for sure)
YK WHO ELSE WOULDNT MAKE ME DO THAT…MY MAN..CAPITANO ❤️ (he’s my husband and HE KNOWS IT). sure hes the captain of the entirety of the fatui, sure he’s fought in wars and won fights of grandeur. will he happily lift reader up to get a small jar at the back of the cupboards? YES. will he slightly remove his helmet only to give reader a kiss (probably two)? yesyesyes. him on one knee like a knight, promising to forever protect reader? uhm! yes!
- 💌 anon
(x, x) <- (Funnily enough I have some posts similar to this.) AND YES, HAPPY (LATE) NEW YEARS DEAR 💌 ANON! I hope your year gets better though, I'm really sorry that happened to you :( *hugs you tightly*
Pantalone's handwriting when he was younger was definitely nothing special... struggling through poverty, he was barely learning how to write. You would still read through his letters with his less than elegant handwriting of course, because it was from your friend who put in all this effort for you. But that wasn't enough for him, even at a young age he'd decided that you should be awarded only the best, as he already made up his mind to pay you back for everything you helped him with.
So as the years went by, he studied and practiced improving his handwriting, writing whenever he had the time to. Not just for himself and his goals, but for you too. Countless drafts not making the cut because he wanted the best perfection he could achieve at the time to be viewed by you. Picking up on the language from a multitude of books so he could portray your beauty and his love for you in a proper manner which you deserve.
(He keeps the box in his office so he can reread your letters when he needs a break... one could see how old the paper is, spanning from literally decades back, but he still keeps it in as pristine condition as he can.)
After Capitano begins to get over his fear of hurting you, he's the kind of guy who'd be a bit sad and disappointed you pulled a chair to get something instead of asking him... he definitely loves when you rely on him! Capitano may not be good at a lot of "normal" things, but he's always willing to help you. He probably makes you close your eyes when he takes off his helmet to kiss you... despite how much he loves you, it's still going to be a long road to see if he can be vulnerable enough to reveal his true self. But even so, he swears to forever be yours.
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bqstqnbruin · 10 months
See You Again
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I'm actually posting a fic for the first time in seven months aka the first fic I've finished in seven months peace love teaching
anyway, I wrote this for the lovely @wyattjohnston's summer fic exchange! I got to write for @selfindulgentpoorlywritten but I've never written for Nico before, so I hope you like this (I was fully inspired by my own mess of a life)
Edit since I’m a dumbass thank you to @kat-hearts for reading this first and being amazing ily 😭
One of the characters, Nat is nonbinary, and I did my best to make the reader gender netural, which I haven't done before on either account, so I hope I did it justice (if something is glaringly wrong, please let me know!)
Warnings: I was mean with the ending? A little? Also, some swearing, drinking, almost physical fighting
Word Count: almost 2.8k
“When was the last time you saw him?”
You tried to shift through your memory to figure that out. In person, the last time was sometime in the first week of December about two years ago. Thinking about him, which thankfully didn’t count, would involve you giving a much more recent answer, way more recent than you would really like to admit. “I don’t remember.” 
“Well,” your roommate Nat says, looking down at their phone. “I have bad news.”
“Fucking hell,” you moan, tilting your head to hit the back of the seat of the Uber. You knew what they were going to say before the words even started to come out of their mouth.
“Nico is going to be there tonight. With all the guys.” You let out another groan, the Uber driver giving you a scowl through the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry! Jack didn’t know he was coming, or he would have told us way before we got ready.” 
You stare out the window, trying to think of all the ways that you could get out of this situation. You already paid for the Uber and didn’t want to pay for another one. You weren’t about to go somewhere by yourself, especially since the bar you were heading towards wasn’t within a reasonable walking distance if you were to go somewhere by yourself, and no way was Nat going to leave with you without Jack, and Jack, of course, wasn't going to leave without his teammates. 
“We can go back right now and I’ll tell Jack to have fun with his team instead,” Nat tells you as if they could read your mind. They put their hand over yours, trying to give you any sense of calm that was setting into your panic. “We do not have to be around Nico.” 
“What kind of person tells someone they like them but not enough to date them?” you mutter, knowing you and Nat have had this conversation many times on your kitchen floor, drunk and crying together at 2 in the morning. They had introduced you to Nico one night after a game when the team went out to celebrate. They had been dating Jack for about a year at that point, meeting him through his brother at Michigan and reconnecting when they both realized they were going to be in New Jersey together. Quinn had used the reasoning of, “he won’t know anyone in the state,” only for everyone to realize later that he knew Jack had been smitten with Nat since they met. If only you had been so lucky. 
You had known of Nico, obviously. How could you not? He was the captain of the Devils, the team you grew up surrounded by, the number one draft pick in the sport your roommate never shut up about. He covered your social media feeds without you really wanting them to and everyone you knew talked about what a great game he had the night before. You couldn’t escape the idea of him, no matter where you went. 
When you met him that night a few years back, there was something about him in person that you were drawn to. He had been just an idea to you, not someone you could think about as being real. You spent that entire night with him, your friends either wandering off or you too enthralled with Nico to notice that they were there. Nat and Jack were heading back to your place before last call, and you were left knowing that you had to see Nico again.  
He asked if he could kiss you, making you melt as his hand gently snaked its way to your cheek, pulling you close when you said yes and covering your mouth with his. You waited for his text the next day, anxiously checking your phone until he finally did after 3 pm. From then on, you told each other everything, texting each other whenever you could, him calling you and heading over to your apartment whenever he didn’t have an obligation to the team. You fell hard for him and you had believed that he felt the same about you. 
“The kind of person who doesn’t know what they have until it’s gone,” Nat tells you, trying to pep you up. “Hey, we can find you a guy that is just as hot as Nico tonight.” 
“I’m gonna move to Ireland and isolate myself with the spuds.”
“Act like you can be away from me for that long,” they tease, earning a laugh from you. “I’m serious, though. Tell me what you want to do, or who you want to do, and Jack and I will make it happen.”
You didn’t want someone just as hot as Nico, you wanted Nico. You hated the fact that there was more than one time that you had pulled up his messages on your phone, part of you unable to delete that conversation thread even though you knew it would be the healthy thing to do. But you weren’t known amongst your friends for doing what was best for your mental wellbeing, so you kept them, going back through the conversations you had in the four months you were seeing him. The last text was what haunted you the most, him telling you that he was going to be back in Switzerland for the summer and that he ‘didn’t want you tied down to one person’ while he was gone.
He said he would text you when he was back. 
He never did. 
There were multiple times when you wanted to text him, but you never did, either. 
“Yeah,” you manage to choke out. “Let’s do it.” 
You spend the rest of the ride in silence, trying to think of where in the bar you would be able to hide from Nico so that he wouldn’t see you. The guys were already inside, Jack telling Nat about 10 minutes ago that they went to start drinking as fast as they could. 
The bar was somehow muggy inside, as if the beer itself hung in the air rather than the sweat of the nearly one hundred drunk people that were crowding every square inch of the floor. Jack was easy to spot for Nat, his five foot eleven frame not the largest of his teammates, but still distinct enough that your roommate had left your side within seconds of entering to be with their partner. 
So much for finding you someone tonight. 
You tried to stay away from him, closer to Nat and Jack as best as you could, but they kept wandering off from you. The last thing you wanted to do was go with them when they were both on their way to drunk and have a history of doing slightly illegal things in the bathrooms at bars. 
You had to find someone to talk to. Any person who looked interesting. Any other guy on the team who you were friends with, but that was really only Jack, and that was really only because he’s dating Nat. Your phone was your only comfort, finding a table that had been pushed up against the wall and hoping that there was something you could doom scroll on that would distract you from looking towards Nico. 
He had the right to do what he wanted at the bar with his teammates. You weren’t together. 
“You ok?” you hear during a lull in the music, pulling you away from your phone for a moment. You didn’t know who was standing in front of you, one of the newer guys from the trade deadline that Nat definitely hadn’t introduced you to. He was waiting for you to respond, looking like he had wanted to sit down with you.
“Yeah, just, not a big ‘going out’ person.”
He lets out a nervous laugh, a smile that sends a jolt through your system that you hadn’t felt in a while. Since Nico, if you were really willing to be honest with yourself. “Me neither, honestly. I’m just here because I didn’t have anything else to do.” 
“I got dragged here with my roommate so they can be with their boyfriend,” you tell him, gesturing to Nat and Jack trying their best to sneak out of the bathroom, Jack’s shirt buttoned wrong, both of their previously neatly styled hair in a mess that you only saw after hearing them the night before. 
“So that’s the infamous Nat,” he says, taking the seat beside you. You nod as he continues, “Jack never shuts up about them. Not that Jack shuts up about anything or anyone, ever, but especially not Nat.” 
“I always knew he was a good one,” you tell him, introducing yourself so he knew you as more than just, ‘his teammate's partner’s roommate.’
“I’m Timo.” 
You spent the rest of the night bouncing between the table and the bar with Timo, him buying you every drink you wanted. There was something about him that was different, but you couldn’t focus all of your attention on him. 
He was talking about his time in San Jose while you were waiting for your next round of drinks. You couldn’t focus on a word he was saying, Nico within your line of sight talking to a girl. A really attractive girl, you might add. You felt your heart drop, feeling a lump in your throat forming faster than you could lie to yourself about that scene having no effect on you. Naturally, Nico would talk to other people. You hadn’t talked to him in two years, let alone seen him in person. Just because you couldn’t get over him, no matter how hard you tried, that didn’t mean he didn’t get over you.
“And then I got traded here, and I love it, so far,” you tune back into Timo, who is suddenly much closer than you remember. It’s just because the bar is loud, people are starting to crowd for drinks, and, fuck, you have to admit, he’s pretty hot. 
Nico was still watching. 
Timo took your hand, leading you off to the table where you were before, the drinks in your hand probably not ones that you needed to begin with. His free hand snaked its way to your waist, pulling you close to him. You could feel your heart racing faster with every inch he got closer to you. You wanted him to kiss you. 
You thought you did. 
“I’m sorry,” you pull away right as his lips were about to meet yours, tears starting to form in your eyes, leaving the drink he bought you in his hands as you ran from him. Your breath catches in your throat while you try to find Nat and Jack, just praying that they weren’t back in the bathroom or too intoxicated in general to help out. 
You heard Timo calling after you, somehow, through the volume of the music and your own drunkenness, breaking through and getting to you. You didn’t want Timo calling your name, you wanted it to be Nico. 
You needed it to be Nico. 
“Hey, hey,” you hear, feeling a familiar hand gently place itself on your arm. You turn around, Nico’s face a mixture of concern and fury. “What did he do?” 
“He, he,” you stammer, the tears falling faster the more you looked at him, every memory you had with him suddenly rushing back into your mind. “He didn’t do anything. You did.”
You yank your arm from him, trying to find anywhere to be in the building that didn’t have one of Nico’s teammates looking at you causing a scene. You knew he was following you, calling your name again and again over the music. People were starting to stare, but no part of you cared, trying harder to not let the tears that were burning your eyes fall down your cheeks. 
Nat and Jack were nowhere to be seen, the rest of Nico’s teammates trying to figure out what was going on when you burst through the front door of the bar, the cold fall air hitting your face as soon as you did. You let out a sob, trying to steady yourself against the wall of the building, sliding down to the ground while people waiting to get in tried to figure out if they should help you or if you were just another drunk person having some sort of meltdown that was none of their business. 
“Hey,” you hear, a soft voice coming from above you. “I’m so sorry if I did something wrong.” Timo slid down next to you. “I read the situation wrong, I thought you were also into me.”
“I am, I just,” you start, trying to think of what to say. 
“Hey, what the fuck did you do?” Nico yells, pulling Timo off the ground. “What did he do to make you cry?”
“Nico, stop,” you let out, Timo looking both confused and terrified by his new captain’s hand on his shirt collar. “He didn’t do anything.”
“What the fuck did I miss?” Timo asked, slowly trying to back away from Nico staring you down. 
“Why can you talk to other people and I can’t?” you ask him, feeling your sadness turn into anger. “You had no issue not talking to me for the last two years.” 
“I’m gonna go,” Timo lets out, barely loud enough for the two of you to hear and sneaking away before you could notice. 
“You didn’t want to talk to me,” Nico counters, taking a step towards you. “But you wanted to talk to TImo instead?”
“Where the fuck did you get that idea?” 
“You never texted me. You’ve spent the entire night avoiding me. You think I didn’t see you when you were by yourself on your phone?” 
“You were in Sweden. And you could have come up to me and talked to me, what was stopping you? Oh, that’s right, your new girlfriend.”
“Switzerland. And she’s not my girlfriend. I haven’t seen anyone in ages.”
“Wherever you were, you weren’t here,” you tell him, your back against the wall. How long had it been since he had last seen someone? There was no way you had been the last person he was with. “You told me you didn’t want to be tied down while you were back home. You didn’t even want to talk to me, because if you did, you would have.” 
“You’re joking,” he scoffs. “You think I didn’t want to talk to you? Every fucking day I have thought about how our conversations would go when I saw you after you get home from work. I would think about you telling me about your day, about everything you would tell Nat, or whoever you were seeing at the time. Every single person I saw in the last two years, I wanted them to be you.” 
You didn’t know what to say, letting Nico’s words sink in. “Then why didn’t you text me when you came back from Switzerland?” 
Nico took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and tilting his head up to the sky. “Because I thought there was no way someone else wouldn’t have realized how amazing you are. There was no way I could be someone who you thought was worth waiting for.” 
Nico takes a step towards you, his hand gently taking yours. This was a moment you had been thinking about since he left for Switzerland two years ago. You knew he was going to kiss you, having you pinned against the wall of the building. His free hand cupped your cheek.
“There you guys are!” Nat interrupts, them and Jack clearly having just finished up doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. Nico steps away from you, clearing his throat, the red in his cheeks so noticeable there was no way even your roommate wouldn’t comment on it later.  “We’ve been looking for you, for um.”
“Long enough,” Jack finishes their sentence, a stupid smile covering his face. You knew he was lying, but no part of your brain was letting you focus on that. Nico leaned against the building, his arm up over your head. “The uber’s almost here. Are you ready to go?”
No. “Yes.” 
The three of you leave Nico standing there by himself, Nat and Jack falling asleep in the Uber as soon as it gets on the highway. 
You check your phone for the first time in a while, a lone notification popping up on your phone that hadn’t been there in almost two years. 
‘Nico, iMessage.’ 
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Idk if my request came through but I thought about a fic where any driver enters airplane dad mode when he and the reader and their kids go on vacation? 🥰
(Hii! I'm so happy to see that you still follow me, and I say this because I have your dad!driver idea in my inbox still because I wanted to do a series but realistically I don't think I'll do it, but I kept it just in case! I swear I wasn't ignoring it! (And sometimes I looked at it and thought "yep, this person is no longer here for it!". Also, the other one did come through, I just had it in my draft and I was so sure I had posted it already, my apologies!)
"Do you have everything?", Charles asked, "yes, the bags are in the car, the kids are ready, but are you sure you should leave now?", you questioned, "I agree that we need to be in the airport earlier, but maybe not his early", you tried to reason, "the airport is not that far way either".
"Better safe than sorry, we might get traffic", your husband reasoned back, grabbing his wallet, "C'mon, off we go so I can close the water in case something goes wrong and we get a flood when we come back", Charles urged, "mama, is everything alright? Papa is a bit... rushed today", Hervé pointed out, grabbing his backpack, "yes, he's worried we won't make it on time to the airport, but I think we're fine", you noted, "but we will do as he says, yes? No need to rush him some more", you smiled at his attentiveness.
Arriving at the airport, it wasn't busy so checking the luggage in was fine and rather quick, Charles ushering you to the lounge so everyone could use the toilet once again, "Amélie, don't you need the bathroom?", her father asked her, "I already went at home, papa. I don't need it yet", she simply said, carrying on and playing with her notebook, "okay. Where are all the passports?", he asked for what felt like the millionth time, making you open your small bag and show them, "let me keep them, okay? Maybe it's better since we have these grabby hands here and we don't know what his curiosity might get out of him", your husband playfully teased Thomas, who you were holding on your hip, kissing his head before looking at the other two kids, "Papa seems to have forgotten that I usually travel to race weekends with you kids on my own, and we do just fine", you to your youngest tapping his nose and getting a sweet giggle out of him.
"C'mon, guys, the gate is opening now! Here, I'll take this", your husband announced the second the number appeared on the screen, grabbing the small piece of luggage you kept with you in case something happened to your bags and you couldn't get to them right away when you got to your destination, so it contained a change of clothes for everyone, basic toiletries and chargers.
"Papa, wait! My legs can't keep up with you!", Amélie yelped, seeing her father walking faster than what she could, "mine too!", Hervé complained, "it's not like the plane is leaving without us", your eldest said, breaking you out of your serious expression and giggle, "your papa is in airport mode, my loves, I'm afraid we can't do much", you said, walking alongside them so they felt secure enough.
"Is everyone strapped in okay?", Charles checked once you were all on the plane, "yes, papa. Now sit here next to me, you don't need to be worried. We're on the plane, see?", Amélie said, cuddling up to him as soon as he sat down, "I know amour, I just wanted to make sure we got here on time", he smiled, kissing the top of her head and smiling when he saw that Thomas was napping on your chest, "papa, you were running through the airport, it would be impossible to not be here on time", Hervé forwarded. Looking at you for some back up, you shrugged your shoulders, "they're right, you're an airport dad, mon amour".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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oddballwriter · 9 months
Last Warning
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Summary: Steven wasn't usually a brat when it came to sex. But sometimes he really acted like one. So sometimes you need to put him back in his place. 
Warnings: Sub!Steven with Dom!Reader. Brat taming and brat behavior. Implied pegging (via strap-on) at the end, the reader's gender is never actually said and there is no mention of their pronouns either so you can apply whatever gender you want or as you identify as. Oral and deep throating (reader receiving). Hair pulling. Manhandling. Steven lowkey being slutted out. This is Steven-centric but the rest of the system gets mentioned and the reader and all three are already in a relationship.
Author’s Snip: I was going to write a whole smut that involved pegging but I lost my momentum and could find it. this fic has been sitting in my head and drafts for a while too and I thought it was so great even without the full idea, so I'm posting it now. The end might be a bit wonky so forgive me for that. Listen I worked hard on this lol. I still put my guy pussy in this and I'll be damned if I don't write it.
Note: I didn't fully proof read this. I just kind of brushed through it once so please do your best to ignore any typos or weird grammar.
If I find underage blogs interacting if this blog then I will not hesitate to instantly block with no buts. I do check. So this is your one and ONLY warning
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request!
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"What's taking so long?" Steven complained from the bed, almost completely naked say for his pair of briefs that you told him to keep on. He propped himself on his elbows and looked towards the bed post where you stood.
"I'm fixing the strap." you answer chuckling at his impatience. "Why'd you even take it apart in the first place?" Steven asked, still having the same dissatisfied tone. "I wanted to clean the dildo, sweetheart. You can't be mad at me for practicing good sex toy hygiene." you answer again with a slightly more stern tone, "Just be a good boy for me and wait." you promise.
You already knew that the boys had different things that they were into after a while of being together. As it turns out, Steven, although he did enjoy being submissive and doing whatever you wanted, can be quite the brat, if he's antsy enough. Which he was right now. He had made it not so subtle that he wanted you to fuck him, and you were perfectly fine with giving it to him. But you found it a bit funny that he was acting like he was the one in charge with his little complaints. Usually you were able to talk in a stern tone to up him back in his place.
"Well it seems like with how long this is taking, I'll have to be railed up again once you're done fixing it all back in place." Steven grumbled under his breath.
So he does want to actually play that game now, does he?
"Steven," you say looking directly at him and creating an even sterner voice, "This is your last warning. If you keep being a brat then you're going to get treated like one." you threaten.
Steven heeds the warning and lays back down completely again as he waits. You could still sense that he wanted his desire to be satisfied now but didn't do anything other than wait for you to give it to him since your dynamic was that he needed to ask and have you satisfy him rather than doing it himself or take whatever you gave him to do such. You were glad that Steven wasn't willing to be a big enough brat to start touching himself without asking.
"There!" you announce, finally having gotten the whole strap on fixed on properly. You were about to give Steven exactly what he wanted until you heard him mumble "About time.", most likely talking to himself and only meaning for it to be heard by himself, but you still managed to hear it. You said it was his last warning.
Steven seemed to notice that you heard him and his face immediately became flushed. "I didn't mean it, love. I swear. I'll behave now." he stammered out as you made your way to where he was on the bed. He tried to scoot away from the edge of the bed where you stood yourself, but you manage to catch his ankle and pull him back towards you.
"Off the bed and on your knees." is all you said to him as you brought him to the edge of the bed with you, "I'll remind you exactly why I clean the parts of my straps." you say as you guide Steven into the position you ordered. Steven lets you manhandle him but continues to talk, "No, please. I wasn't that bad that I have to you use my saliva as lub-" Steven begs. "You'll get your lube." you tell him.
"I just want to put that pretty little mouth to better use since all you want to do with it is give me attitude like you weren't begging me to fuck you ten minutes ago." you explain before firmly grabbing his jaw, putting enough pressure on a specific spot to have you be able to manipulate it's movements, "Now open up." you demand as you guide his face towards your groan by pushing the back of his head. Steven does as he's told and timidly opens his mouth and darting out his tongue like he usually does when you have him give oral to your strap.
Steven wraps his lips around the tip of the dildo with the occasional licks. He gives you little glances up, clearly giving you puppy eyes. But it's not working on you tonight. "Quit being shy with it. We both know you can do better than that. I said use your mouth." you instruct as you push his head closer to you, making more of the dildo attached to the strap go farther into Steven's mouth. Steven lets out a whine before, again, doing as told.
You might not be able to actually feel the sensation of Steven, or any of other boys's mouth, around the dildo but you did get something out of watching them doing it. Like the attempt to do it right and keep a pace, or handle the pace you were making them go at via you grabbing their hair and making them move. Steven was cute, in a way. Sure, making him blow your strap would lead to him making that sort of nasty gawking sound and have drool run down his face and maybe drip. But he made these whining noises that just did something to you on top of the fact that he'd keep his hands both to himself, and off himself, and put them on his lap instead.
After a while of letting Steven go at it you push him away saying "Alright, that's enough.". Upon Steven and the dildo separating, a string of drool sticks to the edge of it and Steven's lips which curl into a little smile as he looks back up at you.
You know he thinks that the punishment and lesson learning is over, which really is a poor sense of judgment since he should also know better on that and that it's usually not that easy. So you decide to be a bit evil by not saying anything other than a simple "get on the bed for me." and nothing else.
Steven gets back on his spot laid out on your shared bed, on his back. But you quickly flip him over onto his stomach and grab a handful of his curly hair to make him lean backwards, keeping him from putting anything other than his hands and knees on the bed.
Steven lets out another whiny moan trying to voice his displeasure without getting himself into more trouble with you. "None of that." you say in a stern voice again but this time with a smile on your face. "I told you you were going to be treated like a brat. You thought that I was just going to give you what you originally wanted after just making you use your mouth?" you ask. You shake your head, "No. You're not getting the pillow prince treatment. If you had just behaved then you would have but not anymore." you scold as you let go of his hair to pull off down his briefs. You move away for a bit with a bottle of lube, "You're lucky I'm giving you this." you say as you come back. "If it were Jake then the spit is all you would be getting." you claim as you lather the dildo part of the strap-on. "But I guess you were good enough taking a strap down your throat. So be thankful for that." you say as you draw near to let the fun really begin.
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spiderluvbot · 1 year
𝗞𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗢𝗥 ─── ​🇪​​🇹​​🇭​​🇦​​🇳​ ​🇱​​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​​🇷​​🇾​.
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summary: sometimes you have to remind your boyfriend that he's the only one for you, not that you mind.
genre: does this count as hurt/comfort? insecure!ethan so angst, like five seconds of fluff, gets suggestive at the end.
pairing(s): ethan landry x fem! reader.
words: 1.3k.
warnings: mdni, swearing, alcohol consumption, suggestive themes, technically proofread but i'm shit at grammar, i repeat the same word like 500 times, non-ghostface ethan, also he and anika are best friends because i love them.
author's note: first time writing something suggestive (first time writing anything lmao). do i think this is shitty writing? yes. do i think it should stay in my drafts and never see the light of the day? yes. will i post it anyway? yes. enjoy ig.
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Ethan downed yet another one of the drinks that Chad had prepared for him while attempting to listen to his friend, the colored lights blinding him as his eyes darted towards the crowd.
"Dude, are you even listening?" The cowboy by his side sighed before looking back at the table, wondering what to fill his cup with next. "Maybe you should just go find her."
"She said she would meet us here. And she texted me that she was by the door like twenty minutes ago. Maybe she's just talking to someone." Ethan's plastic cup looked more and more interesting by the second, he could feel Chad rolling his eyes before his hand forcibly tapped his shoulder.
"You already got the girl, Ethan. There's nothing to worry about."
"Yeah. thanks, Chad."
"Ethan!" You made your way through the dance floor to your boyfriend, ignoring a few classmates that tried to stop you and quickly greeting your boyfriend. He couldn't help but notice the boys following after you, even when he had you in his arms and painting his face with your lipstick.
The much more muscular, confident, popular boys.
The kind of boys that you should probably be dating instead of him.
"Aw, this is so cute." You smiled, using your finger to grab the cardboard and pull him closer, leaving a small kiss on his lips. "Did you make it yourself?"
He felt his cheeks getting warm and finally dared to look at you. "It was a last minute thing."
"Yeah, right. He spent like a week on it, said he wanted to impress you." Chad ignored Ethan gaping at him and left with the excuse of finding Mindy, laughing at his own comment and holding his stomach.
Great, now you knew about his shitty DIY skills, he had never felt more embarrassed in his life.
You held his face between your hands and pressed more kisses where the helmet allowed you, continuing to paint him a soft pink.
"Well, consider me impressed."
"I even used velcro." He joked.
"Oh my God, take me back to your dorm."
You threw your arms around him, both laughing and stumbling around in your blissfully intoxicated state. You focus on his eyes, soft brown, long lashes, half covered by light curly hair. Eyes that look back at you with so much more love than one could ever imagine.
The intimacy of the moment is broken the second you feel a hand on your arm.
You're pulled away by Matt, a guy from your literature class, as he and his friends seem to make a barrier between the two of you. His grip becomes stronger when you try to back off.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Come play beer pong with us!" He starts pulling you towards a table, further and further away from him, and Ethan can't help but think that you just make more sense over there, surrounded by shirtless jocks and popular mean girls that somehow everyone loves.
Hell, it would be easier to picture you dating Chad rather than himself. He still couldn't figure out how he got you to date him when you were so out of his league, and the worst part was that everyone thought the same. He could see it in the way people stared at you two, at the way people (including your friends) mocked your relationship, in the way he thought you looked beautiful in your costume while he looked like a total loser (even if you said otherwise).
He felt something cold in his hand and looked down to see he had crushed his plastic cup and sighed before making his way to the table in search of some napkins.
Anika's calls for him made him stop by the couch she and Mindy were occupying. His body collapsed on the old cushions and he dumped his head on the girl's shoulder, letting out a groan in hopes it would make her say something that would make him feel better.
"This again? You know she loves you, Ethan. You don't have to be so dramatic about some random dude liking her."
Anika tried to hold her laugh at the feeling of Ethan mocking her girlfriend against her shoulder, because of course Mindy would say exactly the same things Chad always says, and patted his leg before turning to look at him.
"You know, you should just tell her how you feel, E."
"No, that's shitty advice."
"It wasn't shitty advice when it got you a girlfriend." She rolled her eyes and looked your way. "Ugh, she looks like she wants to die in there. Just take her upstairs, where you can talk in private, and talk. about. it."
"Fine." He got up and made his way to you, pretending to crash into Matt hard enough to make him dump his vodka on himself, and took advantage of the distraction to pull you away.
"Look at you, my knight in shining armour." Your smile disappeared once you saw his sad expression and you grabbed his hand as it was replaced with a frown of your own. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Can we talk in private?"
"Sure." You guided him through the room and made your way up the stairs, searching all of the rooms until you found one that wasn't occupied by a bunch of horny students.
"Okay, what's wrong?" You turned around to find your boyfriend sitting on the bed, playing with his hands and avoiding your gaze the way he did when he was extremely nervous.
"Do you- do you wanna break up with me?" Ethan stuttered and looked up at you only for a second before focusing on his hands again.
Your mouth opened in disbelief and you went to sit by his side, taking one of his hands on your own.
"That doesn't make any sense." You chuckled at the sheer stupidity of the thought before noticing his teary eyes and getting serious again. "Why would you think that, E?"
"We don't make sense together." Ethan sniffed and lifted his hand to wipe a tear. "You should date someone better, someone more like you... someone like Matt."
The words made him feel like his throat was burning up, and he felt rage, at both his tears and the fact that he kept letting people get to his head.
"That's fucking bullshit, Ethan." You grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look at you. "I don't give a shit about people like Matt. I love you, okay? Nothing's gonna change that."
You pulled him towards you and planted a kiss on his lips, starting soft and barely touching until he felt comfortable enough to pull you closer and kiss you harder. He got on top of you as you both fell on the bed and his lips traveled to your throat, leaving a tingling sensation on the way. Soft whispers of 'I love you, I love you, I love you' against your neck as he hid his face and started desperately rocking his hips against yours, one of his hands finding the way to your chest while the other tightened against your waist.
The cardboard of his costume burned and scrapped your skin, but it didn't matter, you would give him anything he needed, always. And right now he needed to have you close and feel how much you loved him.
So you pulled him closer and took off his helmet. You pulled his hair the way he liked and kissed his cheek repeatedly before turning until his body was against the bed and you could lift the part of his shirt that wasn't covered by the costume, leaving soft kisses on his stomach, traveling down, down, down.
Your hand slowly opened the button of his pants as his hips raised and low whimpers left his mouth, you could feel him twitch against your lips, through the fabric of his underwear, and your eyes focused on the small wet spot in them. You thought about how much he meant to you, and decided you could spend the rest of your life proving it to him, having him just like this, your pretty knight in shining armor.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
Basic Training Ch 2
This is a new Elvis Fan Fic set during his basic training at Fort Hood WIP I am playing around with for the summer. Comment, reblog , tag and let me know what you think or if you would like to be added to the taglist.
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Thanks to my ever alpha @whositmcwhatsit who read the rough draft and made it so much better. Thanks Jader Gator. I love you and I think you know that I go between being so in awe of your writing that it is paralyzing to being inspired to write just to get close to what you create.
There are so many good writers in our fandom, and I am lucky to be friends with a little group of horny elvis witches who put up with me, answer my random questions and help me figure out narrative roadblocks, so thanks, as ever, to my sister wives @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis for helping me write. You guys are so talented I feel lucky to breathe your air, you teach me everything.
Summary: Elvis surprises Bess at her office to thank her and gets to know some of the other women on post.
Word Count: 4.9 K
Warnings: None. Swear words? Handsy charming naughty Elvis?
I have formulas, tropes, motifs that I always go back to consciously or unconsciously.... whatever... as I was naming this chapter I realized how chapter two is always about the nicknames..... Here we go...
If you need to catch up, read Chapter 1: I Don't Date Soldiers here
Basic Training Chapter 2: Lil Moo Moo & Tupelo
Wednesday, April 2, 1958
1715 Hours (5:15 p.m.)
Fort Hood Front Office
“Oh, give me Burt Lancaster any day over Elvis Presley.”
Mabel’s eyes didn’t leave her work as she said this, not even when she placed her cigarette in the ashtray on her desk, the keys on her typewriter plunking up and down in her glasses’ reflection as she typed. Unflappable and wry, Mabel was a career civil servant with the commemorative lapel pins to match each milestone from her twenty six years and counting career at Fort Hood. Her light green metal desk was set in the center of the large outer room in the base’s front office, right in front of the CO’s door. Bess’s desk was to the right, across from the XO’s secretary Rose, who left everyday right at five o’clock on the dot. 
The other two women Bess shared an office with were almost polar opposites. Rose worked punctually from eight to five every day, while Mabel was always the first to arrive between 6:45 and 7, and often the last to leave, determined to stay on post until the CO left. 
Bess fell somewhere in-between, arriving most days with her father at 8 a.m. and then pushing him to leave as early as possible. But with her father out of town, Bess was mistress of her own destiny; a mistress who apparently couldn’t bear to leave until the final details for an awards ceremony tomorrow afternoon were hammered out. 
Which is why she was perched on the corner of Mabel’s desk at 5:15, or at least it had been before Dori arrived. Waiting for her father, the CO, to return from inspections, Dori had turned the conversation to her favorite topic of late: her quest to meet Elvis Presley. Tonight she was specifically wondering if he would come to the MWR dance that weekend. This had prompted Mabel's unsolicited preference for the tall, athletic physique of Burt Lancaster.
Dori giggled. “How many times did you see From Here to Eternity when it was in theaters, huh Mabel?”
“More than I’d care to admit, Ms. Crenshaw.” Mabel lowered her bifocals as she hit her typewriter keys slowly, looking down every few seconds at some hand written notes. “And every time they play it on TV or show it here.”
“And how many times did you see Jailhouse Rock, huh, Bess?” Dori teased.
Bess blushed. “Only once.”
Mabel paused her typing and picked up her cigarette again. “I have the feeling Bess has turned sour on those Presley pictures. You should have seen her last week, damn near punched a dent in her desk after a reporter ran her off the road.”
“Ah, no, Bess loves Elvis.” Dori checked her lipstick before putting her compact back into her purse. “She’s lying too. I remember seeing Jailhouse Rock with you and the soldier on duty said you’d been to our sweet 'lil ol base theater every night that week.”
Bess fixed Dori with a grimace, mumbling defensively. “That was Loving You, and I only saw it three times. People were talking through it the first two times.” She shifted, rolling her thigh over Mabel’s desk as she balanced herself. “I didn’t care for Jailhouse Rock, though, kinda thought the main character was a jerk.“
“Oh honey, that’s what made it so good.” Dori’s high voice vaulted up the ceiling “Don’t you just find him scrum-diddly-umptious actin’ all tough and mean, but then being hung up on his lil ole manager the whole time?”
Bess straightened the stack of files on her lap.
“No, Dori, I don’t care for quiet, mean, brooding types who can’t just be a man and tell me how they feel, playin' mind games instead. And, as for Elvis, honestly I can take him or leave him. There are twenty thousand men on this base.” Bess straightened her ponytail, balancing her files on her lap as she spoke. “Why, I could find you ten Mississippi tall boys who can play gee- tar and yodel at you before mail call is done…”
Bess’ voice trailed off when she noticed Dori gasp and cover her mouth with her hand, eyes wide with shock as she smacked Bess’ knee. Mabel whistled low, her eyes quickly fixing on her typewriter as Bess shifted around on the big desk.
“What? What is it….” Bess’ jaw fell open and dropped her files to the ground. She felt them slip over her skirt on their way, unable to stop them, it was as if she had forgotten how to use her hands. No, all she could do was cringe with embarrassment at Elvis’ downward smirk as his eyes flitted up to look at her.
“Oh cluck a fuck, I mean fuck a duck - I mean, oh cluck!” Bess heard herself cry out reflexively, then remembering how to move, she scrambled to pick up her papers. She was grateful for Dori’s unflappable poise as the blonde hopped over Bess’ hunched body on the ground and introduced herself to Elvis, adding:
“Please excuse my friend there, she flunked outta finishin’ school.”
Bess watched Elvis kiss Dori’s extended hand with mild amusement as she squealed and smiled and unleashed her excitement onto him, her hand already on his chest.
“I been prayin’ every day to run into you, Elvis - Oh, may I call you Elvis?”
“Yessum, I -”
“Oh good! See, I knew we’d be great friends, I just knew we would! I have been all over this base hopin’ to run into you. Why, we’re all just pleased as punch ta have ya round here, aren’t we?”
She turned to see Bess still on all fours, curly brown hair half loose from her ponytail, while behind her Mabel looked up and grunted softly in salutation before continuing to type. 
Mabel’s cranky glare and Bess’ antics on the floor did not create the mood Dori had envisioned for her first meeting with Elvis Presley. She looked down and her broad smile wavered for a moment as she realized the top button of Bess’ shirt was undone, revealing her bra completely. Dori’s painted pink lips popped as she nudged Bess with the tip of her heel and whispered through her teeth.
“Stand up, Bess honey, fo-ar gawd’s sake, ya shirt!”
Bess jumped up, fixing herself as a big red blush grew over her face, made worse as Elvis caught her eye with a wink. Mabel stopped typing for a moment and motioned for Bess to come and look at something while Dori kept right on talking to Elvis with her hand now firmly around his bicep.
“Now, don’t pay no mind to Bessie’s talk about you and your pictures, why, we’re all big Elvis fans round here, the biggest fans ya ever met.”
Elvis cocked his eyebrows up at Bess’ simmering glare from where she now stood behind Mabel’s chair.
“Huh, yeah, that’s sweet of ya, ma’am -”
Dori put her finger to Elvis' lip. “Dori, honey, puhleeze!”
“ - Uh, Dori.” Elvis’ spoke carefully, as if forming every word in the back of his throat before speaking out, his voice was soft and shy. “I don't s’pect everyone to like all my pictures. After all, I didn’t write them, it’s just a job to me.” He winked again at Bess. “S’pose I mind even less if they like some of my other movies. Like ‘em enough to see ‘em every night a tha week.”
Bess felt her cheeks redden even more, but before she could think of a clever reply, Mabel elbowed her and pointed at the XO’s handwriting.
“Can you read that? It looks like repercussion, but it could be reprimand as well.”
Bess picked up the legal pad for closer inspection and turned to the others, motioning for Dori to come take a look. She hadn’t expected Elvis to follow, but he did, making himself right at home and angling his tall body behind the women. 
He snuck his hand around Bess’ waist as he looked at the writing Dori held up for him, eyes forward and completely detached from the movements of his fingers rubbing along the waistband of Bess’ skirt until she pulled them off. This made her stumble to the side and gave Elvis an excuse to openly grab her waist and steady her, She frowned, flustered by the way his long fingers navigated the crease right where her waist met her ribs, his thumbs squeezing tightly and then rubbing gently over her as he asked if she was ok. 
Pushing Elvis’ hands away, Bess whispered that she was fine, trying to slow her pulse and still the shivers that ran up her spine. Her whole body trembled, aware of his proximity to her, and she refused to meet Dori’s now extremely curious eyes over Elvis’ shoulder. Nodding, he turned back to the others and helped himself to the paper, declaring that it was repercussion as he introduced himself to Mabel, kissing her hand, and asking her about the tiny, porcelain figurines on her desk as she giggled.
“That’s Lady and Lola, my brother brought them back to me from Japan. Are you a dog person, Private?”
Bess made her way back to her desk, taking in the youthful bloom of Mabel’s beaming face and girlish laughter. She had never seen her co-worker this cheerful and open before. Dori’s face was aghast as Elvis ignored her and made himself comfortable on Mabel’s desk, asking her for a cigarette and then turning with a conspiratorial whisper as he asked them not to tell anyone. 
Dori began tapping her fingers along her crossed arms harder as she watched Elvis put his hand on Mabel’s shoulder, while the older woman batted his thigh and chuckled at his jokes about dogs. Bess smiled to herself at the way Dori tried to wrest the conversation back by talking about how she used to have the sweetest lil ol’ poodle in the world when she was a girl. But it was an uphill battle, because now Mabel was pulling out her secret tin of homemade shortbread and asking Elvis what he thought. He had to try five pieces before he could adequately decide his verdict, and he moaned as if he had never had shortbread before. His voice was low as he stuttered “Mmm hmmm mmm hmm mmm” in a hum, and Bess dropped her pen when he caught her eye and licked his lips, proclaiming through crumbly mouthfuls that it was “the best doggone cookie he’d had in a long while.”
Bess shook her head at Elvis’ transformation from the shy soldier who had walked into the office to the confident, cocky rascal he was now, only minutes later. Elvis was masterful, she mused, and it was down to the attentive way he looked at each person he spoke with, talking to you as if you were the most important person in the world and responding to everything you said and did with his eyes. No, with his whole body really, she thought. He had a magnetic energy that had drawn her in the moment they met Friday. Now that same magnetic energy was doing its work on Dori and Mabel before her very eyes, as he engaged with them in a way that was humble, considerate and disarming. Some soldiers were stiff and uncomfortable here in the front office where there were often three to five women bustling about. Elvis on the other hand, seemed to be in his element amidst a group of women vying for his attention.
Bess found, to her own chagrin, that this included herself and was disappointed by her own desire to get his attention. She held out until she could no longer help it and interrupted their conversation with a loud, authoritative cough.
“I’m sure you didn’t come to our building to talk about puppy dogs and shortbread, Private, we don’t want to keep you from your tasks or the mess hall.”
Elvis turned to look at her from where he sat on Mabel’s desk and began throwing his olive patrol cap from hand to hand as he gulped.
“Uh, well ma’am, actually, I came up here hoping to get a word with you, Bessie. Uh, I mean Miss Schwartz.”
Now it was Bess’ turn to swallow and once again avoid Dori’s questioning eyes. Mabel’s eyes snapped down to her typing, her face back to being an expressionless stone wall.
“Sure thing, um, walk me to my car? I just, I was just about to leave, I just, uh, need to put these in the Commander’s office.”
As she walked back to her father’s desk, she heard Dori’s voice ring out behind her.
“I didn’t know you were acquaintances with Bessie. That busy bee, she really gets around this base, huh? I reckon she knows more soldiers than the rest of us combined.” Bess smiled to herself at Dori’s insinuation. “ Are you here to ask her to the dance?”
“Uh, no ma’am, Dori, Miss. I, uh, reckon it's better for me to keep a low profile this weekend, let the boys enjoy their night.”
“Well, you know, that attitude might give our boys the wrong impression, like. Make the guys think you fancy yourself too good for our simple, lil ole MWR dance.”
“Uh - well- “ Elvis’ face lit up when Bess rejoined them and they shared a lingering smile that Dori vowed to interrogate Bess about later.
“Oh let him be, Doreen,” Bess murmured, her voice breathy as her heart fluttered once more at the depth of Elvis’ knowing, penetrative gaze. “Uh, he, uh, the boy, man, the man clearly doesn’t want to go. And he already knows that I don’t go on dates with soldiers.”
Mabel had stopped working again and was now chewing the edge of her glasses, leaning forward on her chin as if she was watching a soap opera unfold in front of her desk.
Dori pursed her lips and placed her right hand on her hip energetically. “Oh he does now?” She said playfully, flouncing up the bottom of her blonde bob. ”Well, Private, you’re in luck, because I do date soldiers. I’ll pick you up at 8.”
Elvis looked to Dori, then back at Bess, his confused expression transforming into a smirking wide smile as he registered Bess’ frown. Bess looked down, picking at a chipped piece of her thumb nail until it came off, as if it was the most important thing in the world and needed her attention immediately.
“Huh, well, whoo boy.” Elvis eyed Bess again, then his lips screwed up into a wider grin as he chuckled mischievously. “I don’t hardly know ya, but I can’t say as that’s ever stopped me before.”
Bess’ heart did a series of flip flops as she watched Elvis laugh with Dori. She wasn’t sure what she disliked more, the fact that her friend had just maneuvered herself into a date with Elvis, or that she was jealous. Bess decided it was the later and that she would will herself not to care. 
Elvis' eyes flickered over her for a second and Bess suddenly had a sense that he could tell exactly what she was thinking and feeling in that moment, and she returned to picking at her thumb nail. She was vaguely paying attention as she heard Dori tell Elvis that she’d meet him up at his barracks Saturday night, but she thought Elvis smirked wider as he took in the smile that she forced her lips into.
“You’ll be there, won’t you, Bess. Even though you don’t date soldiers?” Dori looked at her, adding another few fluffs to her hair for absolutely no good reason.
“Hmmmm. Well, I usually do, since the CO encourages all the single female employees to go, but I did have some research st—”
“Don’t be silly, of course you’ll come, it’s gonna be so much fun. I can already tell. There’s gonna be a live rhythm and blues band we hired in from Houston. They are just the bee’s knees, and I’m on the MWR committee. My theme for this dance is Spring Fling, cuz it’s spring! The decorations we got are so adorable, floral Chinese lanterns y’all. I cannot wait.” Dori squeezed her hands into fists and did a little dance in place.
Elvis turned back to Mabel. “You comin’ Saturday night, Miss Maybelline?”
Mabel giggled like a school girl instead of the fifty year old woman she was.
“Every one I can make it to, CO’s memo encourages all single women on base to attend.”
Elvis took Mabel’s hand in his, softly trailing over the top as he kissed her knuckles and smiled devilishly as she giggled again.
“Well, be sure ta save a few dances for me, mmkay, honey?”
Mabel nodded with a giggle and a wink. 
Elvis’ cocky smiled followed Bess' curt nod out of the office and into the back stairs of the building where her voice echoed down the concrete stairwell.
“You know Private, I really wish you wouldn’t come to my office unannounced.” She paused two steps below him and turned around so he had to stop himself from slamming into her finger as it pointed back at him.
“Hold on a minute there, baby, now, what’s wrong with being friendly?” He grabbed her finger. “Careful where you point that thing, woman. First lesson of basic training is safety. Thought you’d a know by now.” He grasped her hand and softened it into his fist. She seemed to lose her train of thought looking up into his eyes. “What’s got your panties in a twist, Bessie Boo, you ain’t jealous, are you?”
Elvis was decidedly less polite when they were alone, Bess realized. She wasn’t sure she liked it, or the way it made her feel as she pulled her finger away and kept descending down the stairs in front of him, her voice a little shaky.
“Of Dori? No, no, not at all. In fact, that all seems to have worked out the way it should.” She shoved the door at the bottom open and headed toward her car as Elvis’ long legs made easy work of striding next to her.
“Why’s that?”
Bess turned as she got to her car.
“Cuz, well, you seem like a good match.” She smiled, trying to really mean it, trying to keep her voice cool and nonchalant. “Dori, is, well, she seems to have the sort of, um. Well, that is, she’s very glamorous. And popular. And attractive. She’s a lot like the girls you’re always with in the fan magazines. I think you’ll have a lot of fun.”
Elvis stepped closer, fixing his work cap back on his head. “So you read the fan magazines, huh? Thought you could take or leave Elvis Presley.”
Bess didn’t know if her cheeks could take the constant flushing she was experiencing. She leaned into the hood of her car, changing the topic as she spoke to the blue paint.
“Look, why did you come by my office?”
Bess leaned her back into the car, and he reached out for her waist, rubbing his hands along the sides for a moment, before taking the handle next to it and pulling it open, tilting his head to get in.
“I uh, I came by because I wanted to thank you. Think we could just talk for a spell?"
Bess swallowed and nodded. After a few moments searching, she discovered her tongue where she had left it on the roof of her mouth and did her best to eke out intelligible words. They scooted along the white vinyl car bench until Elvis got to the other side and leaned back, stretching out his arms and looking at her.
“I know'd it was you that talked to Sergeant Norwood.”
Bess looked down. “I, ugh, actually. That would be highly inappropriate of me to talk to a senior instructor in your company and ask for any special treatment.” She looked back up at him. “But, um, how’s it going?”
Elvis grinned wide. “He’s, uh, well, he’s instruction’ alright,  instructed me to come over to his house here on post after dinner most nights. He, uh, well, I uh, he lets me use his phone to call home and get a few hours of shut eye at their place. Though I preferred the bed at your house, Bessie bug. Cushioning there was better.”
Bess let out a snort as Elvis slid down to put his head in her lap, just as it had been that first night in her guest room. He pulled her right hand in his over her chest, threading his fingers through hers as he looked up into her face with apt admiration.
“Ya are the first real friend I’ve made here.”
“Hmmm. Seemed like you were doing all right making new friends upstairs.”
Elvis smirked, his squeezed his fingers between hers.
“You are jealous a Dori. Jus say tha word and I’ll take you to the dance too, baby. I could take both of you as my dates, ya know, nuff a me ta go ‘round.”
Bess tried to take her fingers back, but it was a half-hearted attempt and his hand was so much bigger than hers. Resigned, she squeezed back and sighed, looking out the window.
“Ha, I’m sure. But, no, I’m not jealous, I’m just giving you a hard time, Presley. You sure seem like a fast operator.” Bess felt an aching warmth blossom in her belly as his thumb rubbed the inside of her palm.
“Honey, I didn’t operate nothing, I’m just an innocent bystander caught in the eye of Hurricane Dori. If anyone is operatin’ fast, it’s your friend back there.”
“Yeah, well, you have to forgive her, she had a lot more going on in Savannah than she does here. We are sorely lacking in ladies’ charities and fancy galas for her to host. So Dori gets all pent up, all that energy and nothing to do with it. Maybe you can help wear her out. " Bess arched her eyebrows suggestively, her voice was light and teasing. "By dancing, I mean, of course.”
“Huh, sure. How ‘bout you? Will you have any pent up energy ya wanna dance off with an ol’ friend?”
“Ha, I’m about as old a friend to you as Dori is.”
“Nah, honey, you’re different, we go way back now. I don’t know anyone who’d risk their job to take a po’ boy like me home an feed me an’ take care a me so good.”
Elvis' eyes welled up and Bess softened, thinking he might cry. She found herself soothing the top of his forehead with her left knuckles.
“Hey, ssshhh, hey. You would have done the same for me, right? If our roles were reversed and I was a new recruit being trained for combat?”
The left side of Elvis’ face lifted into a crooked grin. Bess was transfixed watching the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.
“Course, course I would. You know, I’ve spent the last two years running from women chasing me, I reckon the Army’d be in better shape if they’d put ya girls into combat. Ain’t nothing more terrifying than a hoard of twenty thousand screaming girls coming for ya.”
“Ha, yeah, probably makes basic training seem like a breeze.”
Bess smiled down at Elvis, and made her fist into a fake microphone, affecting a serious, transatlantic accent like the reporters at his press conference last week.
“So, Private Presley, what do you think, is basic training harder or easier than running from women for a living?”
Elvis chuckled. His right hand let go of Bess’ fingers and snaked around her waist. “Well, ain’t nothing like getting clobbered by a swarm of women. I s’pose the main difference between those girls and the Russians is, they don’t mean to hurtcha. They’re just tryin’ to get themselves a piece of ya for a souvenir.”
Bess’ raised one eyebrow, her reporter microphone hand still at attention.
“Oh? Please tell us, the American people want to know, which piece of you are these girls trying to get their hands on?”
Elvis burst out laughing. “Uh, no comment, though I could show you later if you want.”
Bess blushed at the glint in his eyes, and kept talking. “Hmm, fresh. Next question, how devastating was it to get your haircut?”
“Well, now, that didn’t bother me none at all. You know what they say, hair today, gone tomarra."
He paused, grinning at her tepid "Ha. ha. ha."
"But no, I ain't sore. Now, if it weren’t never gonna grow back, yeah, sure, maybe I’d be sore, but I don’t mind following the rules and cutting my hair like all the other boys here. I’m actually starting to like it.”
Bess combed her fingers through his crew cut.
“MMhmmm. I liked it better long, but you know me, I hate soldiers.”
“Picked a weird place to work then, Bessie, ain’t nothing but soldiers here.”
“This is just temporary, till I figure out what’s next for me.”
Elvis looked down towards his knees, speaking softly. “Yeah, jus temporary. That’s what my manager keeps sayin’, but man oh man, I think it’s all over for me. Ain’t no one gonna remember me in two years.”
“That’s not true. Trust me, it just feels that way. How many records you sold?”
Elvis leaned his face into her fingers as they cupped his cheek, he could feel Bess’ thighs tremble slightly underneath her skirt and it made him smile. He looked up at her big brown eyes sheepishly.
“Oh, I don’t know, ‘bout 25 million I s’pose.” His voice was casual and aloof til he cried out at the smack of Bess’ hand hitting his shoulder.
“Ha, I would have guessed 4 or 5 million. 25? I can’t even picture a stack that high. It would go all the way to the moon, probably. You’re thick, you know that? Like we could forget you with all those records out there, spinning 'round in people’s homes, on the radio. No, I think the Russians would have to bomb us to kingdom come before we forget about you, what with 25 million records playing all over. ”
“You’re sweet, Bess, you know that? My uncle used to have a cow named Bess.” He grinned up at her and made a moo sound. “Lil' Bessie Moo Moo, she was sweet, just like you… Moo Moo.” His voice tapered off as Elvis' hand began to trail up the side of Bess’ body. His voice became low and earnest. “She had the sweetest milk.”
Bess shivered at the touch of his fingers before pulling her head toward him. Just as she was an inch away from his lips, she stopped him, and tilted back up, fake microphone fist in her hand again between their faces.
“And, I know our listeners will want to know this important detail, where exactly was this cow, Private, Memphis?” She was the reporter again, and her heart thumped with a beat of regret as she took in the split second of disparagement that played across his face as she lifted her lips away from his. But then it was gone and he was back to playing cool with a grin. 
“Nah, back in Tupelo where I was borned and raised.”
“Tupelo, huh? Well, tell us Presley, why does all the good rock and roll music come from that part of the country, places like  Mississippi, Tennessee?”
Elvis nestled his head back into Bess’ thighs, scrunching up his lips as he thought.
“Don’t know, I guess we jus have a history of it, it's a place where ya got Black rhythm and blues and country and western, spiritual music. It's in the air we breathe down there, I guess, gets all jumbled up and out comes rock ‘n’ roll.”
“Well, Private, is rock n’ roll the secret weapon we’ve all been waiting for to take down communism and restore civilization to Eastern Europe and Russia? And if so, when are you being sent over enemy lines?”
“Now, maybe you’re on ta something there, pretty sure it’s already destroyed civilization state side.”
“Oh, definitely, the very fabric of our society is crumbling, just ask any parent and they’ll tell you that their teenager hates school and wants to have sex, all because of rock ’n’ roll. No teenager ever felt that way before they heard your music.”
“Huh, you’re a smart ass, you know that?”
“I’ve been a smart ass since you met me. Try to keep up, Tupelo.”
“Huh, yeah, ya a piece of work, lil' Moo Moo. And ya asking for it talkin’ to a man like that.”
Elvis pinched her soft, springy sides as he chuckled. Anyone walking by the blue Ford would have only seen Bess’ silhouette sitting up, head tilted back in a deep, guttural laugh for the first time in almost a year, as Elvis lay back in her lap, tickling and pinching her. They sat in her car for another hour, as Bess fussed over a cluster of razor burn below his ear, and he asked her about her life, getting to know as much about her as she was willing to reveal until she had to push him off her lap to go meet Sargeant Norwood, dismissing his offer to come back to her house and show her that souvenir all the gals were chasing after
Read Chapter Three Here
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