#guys i created a monster
monstriiss · 2 years
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theveryworstthing · 4 months
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"Welcome! I'm glad to see that we still have people interested in volunteering. We have 6 positions open this Riverseason, 3 at each of the base camps. After you fill out your paperwork I'll take you to meet the new Companions and we'll see who you connect with!"
every few years after a heavy rainy season the river swells and a lush, high, patch of forest grows around its fattened middle in a matter of days. during this time strange Creatures emerge to nest in the surrounding area, which is seemingly a safer place to rear young than the forest, and then migrate back when the river begins to lower in a few months. neither the creatures nor the Townsfolk know why the forest appears or what exactly is going on with the river but they learned long ago to (mostly) live in peace. 
while the forest makes most people uneasy, some are very eager (maybe too eager) to explore it. this includes some young Creatures who seem equally compelled to Enter. experience says that mixed teams have a better chance or survival (little guy with Powers + person with thumbs and camping supplies is a pretty good combo even if communication can be rough sometimes) and so that is how the scouting trips operate. scouts start at either upriver or downriver base camps just outside the forest and try to follow the river the entire way to avoid getting lost.
it is so easy to get lost.
most people lose sight of the other scouting teams about half a mile in even though they're all following the same river and going in the same direction. best case scenario is that you make new discoveries, map out a few things, and make it out the other side in way more time than it should really take to walk to the other side. worst case is you can't find your way out before the river starts to dry up and you hope the rain is heavy next year. 
pictured above are the little Companions ready to hike in with someone this season. you will only learn their names if you connect with one, but in loose power typing terms we've got:
a prophesy type (omens good and bad. tea leaves, smoke, tiny bones)
a wander type (never settled and never has to be. a shifter of sorts)
a fungal type (more than it seems. eager for friendship)
a celestial type (looking into the void. navigating by starlight)
a dirt type (grounded and persistent. a terror to terrors)
and a sylph type (the air in your lungs. the invisible belief)
which Companion will you choose? what name comes to you when they choose you back? 
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200llbun · 2 years
Au where Dipper is deadass blind (working at the library) and cannot see the tall lanky monster thingy in front of him and just kinda assumes it's a human - he knows somethings a bit off about the guy, but he stops his assumptions there bc it's rude and he got over his paranormal phase years ago. (He didn't)
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timetravellingkitty · 19 days
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the jumpscare I got when I saw this notif is indescribable. local girl gets white man fired cause of a tumblr post
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desperatepleasures · 5 months
ok hear me out. kabru wanting to fuck laios but also not wanting to fuck him because he is absolutely certain that sex with laios would have to involve some kind of weird monster roleplay. but because kabru is kabru he overthinks this and spends an unhealthy amount of time figuring out how to negotiate around this and deciding what he would or would not be comfortable with (all without actually talking to laios or making any kind of move whatsoever).
then eventually they do get together and before they hook up for the first time kabru is like okay we need to talk first and he goes into great detail about exactly what he is and isn't willing to do and what monsters he is and isn't willing to roleplay as
and laios, to whom it has never occurred to blend his monster fixation with his sex life, just listens like "😳😳😳" and develops several new fetishes on the spot. and at some point laios is like wow I'd never thought of that before! and kabru is like oh. oh no. I've made him Worse.
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wisyhana · 5 months
Something that saddens me about some stories is how Yugi is affected by it for the sake of the plot. Let me explain.
For me Yugi is a very shy guy who always wanted to have a friend in the beginning. But why he seeks for one? Well, he always had a huge fascination for games from very little, but you know how sad is to not have someone to share that joy. It's very lonely even if you love it. Despite being alone he kept playing those games.
Yugi is such smart person specially when it comes to understanding games. He's also very curious specifically with games. He's very serious when it's about games.
Yugi never actually fought for justice, he never wanted to be someone big or famous, he only were a simple guy with a big brain and heart who only cared for the one he loved. Sometimes he went and saved someone else, because he knew when a game was taking a crazy lead and went out of the road.
We get it, Yugi loves games and loves to share that joy. He takes it seriously but never forget that a game is still that, a game. He ends up being a creator himself, you know how important is for him!
So when I see Yugi in different stories I always look for what's replacing Yugi's fascination, that special thing that moves his curiousity and ingenuity. And I don't find it too often.
I stay there sad cos I love that uniqueness of Yugi and I feel is wasted for the sake of other things (example: romance)
Playing is his way of communication, is what moves him to seek for friendship and keep people close to him. You can explore so much from it!
So why we keep avoiding this vital part of his story and personality? This uniqueness of Yugi that makes him so special and interesting? And how could we replace that?
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fahbev · 2 months
An Incorrect Retelling of Batman and Robin (2009) Issue # Fuck if I know
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what do u MEAN this isn’t how it happened?
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binghe-malewife-goals · 5 months
Frankenstein Creature/Victor long fic save me... save me Frankenstein Creature/Victor long fic...
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strixcattus · 19 days
if you wouldn’t mind, could you share the class system and magic workings of your stp dnd au?
There's a worldbuilding side to this and a game mechanics side to this. I'll start with the game mechanics, since that part's quicker.
I've made the general decision that the game the characters are playing is something that on the surface looks pretty much like D&D (same d20+ability score+skill system, for one, and pretty much all the terminology is the same), but if you poke into the mechanics of character creation it's not like D&D at all. Which is to say that classes in-game aren't quite the same as classes in D&D.
It's like college, you know? Eventually you have to declare your major (class), and you'll have to take a certain number of courses (skills) in the major (class), but that doesn't stop you from exploring courses outside of it (taking other classes' skills) as long as you can still meet the requirements for what you're trying to do.
(I imagine there are a few skills that are locked to specific classes, and others to specific patronages—a divine cleric and warlock both get to dip into a list associated with celestial magic, while their demonic counterparts have access to an assortment of more infernal abilities.)
This is how the party can have three bards who each have an entirely different relationship with magic. Contrarian is (ironically) the only one playing a normal bard, while Smitten has been almost exclusively taking non-magical bard skills, and Opportunist poured half his points into taking progressively higher ranks in a single non-bard skill.
(Most of the party is playing a single-class character. Skeptic and Broken are the primary exceptions, with neither of them having a class yet—Skeptic has a single, very expensive sorcerer skill and everything else isn't attached to a class [think extra proficiencies], while Broken has been using a level 0 character sheet the entire time, with his real sheet being held by the Narrator until the party reaches the point where all his level-locked skills become available.)
On to the worldbuilding/magic system side of things. I'll break this down by spellcasting class.
ARTIFICER: The line between artifice and wizardry is extremely blurred, and generally it's just a matter of identification, with casters on both sides being extremely uppity about their personal definitions. Generally speaking, artificers create magical effects primarily through mundane tinkering imbued with magic. They can't really take spell slots through their class, but they can create reusable magic items.
BARD: In this world, music is inherently magical, but there are some who put genuine effort into increasing the magical output of their music. Their magical repertoire is mainly limited to healing and support spells—even focused magical training can't summon fireballs by the power of music alone. There are a few bards who can manipulate other's actions or even take over their minds entirely, though...
CLERIC: Clerics can gain their magic either through actively being granted a higher status from the god they worship, or passively absorbing some of the powers of the Sleeping Gods through faith and luck. Either way, it's a pretty lax contract—their power is drawn from their god, so they'll lose them if they taper off in worship or start going against their god's morals, but all a deity ever really asks from a cleric is their faith.
DRUID: Druids draw their power from the interconnected network of living things called the Networked Wild, tapping into it momentarily to summon storms or communicate with plants. Their powers are, of course, stronger when there are a lot of living things nearby, but it's hard to cut them off from the Wild entirely. Druidic magic usually uses a one-way connection with the Wild—giving it a command to produce a spell—but some more powerful druids take the risk of opening their mind to the Wild entirely, gaining immense awareness with the danger of losing their individuality.
(Paladins and rangers exist in this system, but they don't have their own systems of magic. Paladins are essentially martial classes who tap into clerical magic, while rangers are martial classes who tap into druidic magic. They do have some class-specific skills, but most of what they can do comes from a combination of other classes.)
SORCERER: Sorcerers' magic is innate—less powerful, but more readily available and often more customizable. Some sorcerers can trace their magic back through their bloodline to a demonic, divine, or otherwise magical ancestor, but just as many gain their powers seemingly at random. Generally speaking, sorcerers have their potential from birth—it's not unheard of for someone to be struck by lightning and walk away with powers, but anything granted by an outside force with any measure of awareness will probably come with a clerical or warlock pact.
WARLOCK: Warlocks are similar to clerics, and can actually have any patron a cleric might (though they can also have patrons a cleric could never dream of). The difference lies in the terms of their agreement. While all a cleric's benefactor wishes for is some form of worship, a warlock is expected to provide some sort of service to their patron. For most, it does pay off in the benefits—innate abilities that don't drain from a finite pool of spellcasting energy.
WITCH: Witches deal in curses—similar to spells, but more permanent, sometimes more powerful, and more difficult to resist. The catch is that every curse has a condition that breaks it, usually tailored to the target—and the more powerful the curse, the easier it has to be to break. The condition generally falls into one of three categories: personal growth, giving up something of value, and a fetch quest. Witches can also control nature spirits, with each having their own specialty—local lakes or animal species, or even (if they're ambitious) a section of the Networked Wild.
WIZARD: The academics of the magical world, wizards gain their powers through study. They have the potential to be a jack-of-all trades (more so than any other single casting class) or to narrow in on a single field of magic and attain incredible magical abilities. There's some overlap with artificers, but generally wizards are considered to rely more on magical power than mechanical contraptions, and they have more ready access to spells.
(Making magical items, especially potions, is within the domain of both wizards and artificers, but the skills involved all technically belong to the Artificer class. Likewise, if an artificer wants to fill out their spellbook, they'll have to buy spells from another class's list—usually Wizard's.)
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scrollonso · 23 days
i just read strollonso angst and it ended with fernando saying "i'm sorry, mi sol" and i'd like to take accountability for bringing this upon myself by making fernando call lance mi sol in first kiss
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bonefall · 7 months
Voted for Bumble bc of course but also if you think Alex would not pspsps Bumble you are wrong. If they could communicate they would go to therapy together /s
If then could communicate they would go to therapy together
Kyle/Green Lantern resurrects her but then he becomes convinced that she's not the same person she was before the incident, OR SOMETHING SOMETHING Black Lanterns aren't ACTUALLY bad they're just misunderstood Grim Reaper types, in either case Alex ends up breaking it off with Kyle because they've become very different people.
And then Bumble's there
And then they go to therapy or Alex adopts Bumble, and then uhhh Bumble's like one of the superpets. Like Krypto the Superdog. Free premise go forth and play with it if ur a DC fan
#bone babble#Again I don't actually know a lot about the DC universe besides what my friend tells me#But also from reading into the Black Lanterns having them be evil sound like a WHOLE wasted opportunity#Lanterns are supposed to be emotions yeah? so why the hell are we downplaying the emotion of GRIEF?#There's a whole lot you could do with that actually. Death doesn't deserve to just be a villain of the week#And hell. You could explore some WILD emotions here about Alex becoming so much more than Kyle's tragedy#Can I still mourn you when you aren't dead?#What does it mean for me that the worst thing that ever happened to me has become an opportunity for her?#And... does this make me selfish for not being happy for her?#For not trying to understand the person she has become? for only thinking of how this impacts myself#RE: THIS IS NOT A DIG AT DC FANS#BUT I want to share that like... a reason I've kinda had a hard time getting into comics is because like... really interesting premises--#like that often get turned into Monster-of-the-Week struggles for the heroes to punch into submission#I've probably just seen really bad summaries or not found the editions that would appeal to me specifically#But it's kinda why the only DC hero I'm really interested in is Superman#Because a lot of his thing is that he's a good GUY#And that creates a lot of interesting moral questions#Like YES he's a good guy. YES he has no ulterior motive. But what if he DID?-- how can EVERYONE ELSE in the universe truly know that-#for sure?#And that's cool and I really like the snippets I've seen especially between him and batman#But anyway. so much fridging and misogyny in the world of comics has kinda turned me away from getting into it#because. VERY often. Misogyny can be... *tied* to a bit of a lack of imagination. Or empathy on behalf of a particular writer#RE: There is good stuff in DC PLEASE understand im not trying to be insulting
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astarab1aze · 14 days
sortia and hydre getting cancelled over a shared, public, oddly specific discussion about genocide 💀
what would my muse get canceled for on twit?
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i'm crying because you're probably right, oh my god. oh my god. they'd be discussing, in full view of however many billions of people use the site, the philosophy of it, the purpose of it, hypotheticals and 'what if's, how one such as a cosmic force would enact one and whether it's still considered genocide if it comes in the form of a 'natural disaster', are the gods on the hook for it?, asking so so so many inappropriate and insensitive questions- oh my god it would be the worst conversation ever, it'd be like a red.dit thread. they would be blocked, deleted, and canceled forever. permabanned. or tacitly allowed to exist on-platform. twit's a Place
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strawberri-draws · 11 months
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Recent monster designs for a thing
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sp00ky-scary · 4 months
gnawing at the bars of my enclosure because I just thought of some vampire ocs and I wanna draw them so bad but it's 1am and I need sleep
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monsterfloofs · 1 year
Does anyone know of any lesser known monster / creature artists and writers to follow?
Not to say I don't love the amazingly super talented, already established artists out there, but their work gets so much praise and attention already, I wanna find and support the smaller beans that also deserve to have their stuff shared and given love!
For the small beginning artists / writers, those who have a hard time not comparing your work to others and getting discouraged.
I love you guys, keep creating, you are super valid and amazing♡♡♡♡
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felizusnavidad · 6 months
my sister whispering "i am not throwing away my shot" in my ear may be the funniest thing that happened to me today
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