#guess which film i just watched?
piffany666 · 1 month
Pov: you've been raised to belive that the moment you become 16 your deemed f*able so you have to pretend your 12 and where a chastity bracelet all while simultaneously exploiting yourself on stage. Oh and there's this anoying dude with nice guy syndrome following you around and awkwardly fawning over you hes also your dad's apprentice (whos a drunken asswhole who hides important information from you) suddenly this cool and charismatic theatre kid with memory loss joins your theatre group and makes everything awsome! For some reason the nice guy played by Andrew Garfield hates him wonder why? Anyway turns out the reason why your dad is a weirdo is because hes selling you to the devil the moment you turn 16. So naturally you f*k the mystery man (whos age is conveniently conspicuous despite clearly being like 40 max) and find out that hes actually a really terrible person like the SCUM OF THE EARTH. So you pick the less of 2 evils and just give into the devil exept your dad made a deal with him AGAIN and now your free to be with Andrew Garfield i mean mediocre man number 2
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shima-draws · 7 months
Saw your tags and omg HARD AGREE. Dragon Cry is SO bad nfkanmdsa
Actually yes thanks for giving me the excuse to rant. Hold on. I'm typing furiously rn.
-Okay first of all they gave us the most ridiculously confusing plot I've ever seen. The twist with Sonya being Animus was kinda cool but they never really. Explained why she had a bond with him? She mentioned he used to be kindhearted at some point but we never see that literally ever at any point in the movie?
-The storyline is so all over the place it's a HOT mess. Especially the scene right after Natsu escapes the weird bird cage thing he runs off to find the others and suddenly they're all there? For some reason? Where did they come from. Why didn't they have a little reuniting scene. I literally rewound the movie to make sure I didn't accidentally skip a scene but nope they just made the most awkward cut/story progression in history I guess!!!
-The fanservice was so. SO bad. Like yeah the majority of the time I can at least tolerate it but this time it just made me extremely uncomfortable. Why are Erza and Lucy's boobs SO fucking large. Why did they have to make Lucy dance in like two strips of cloth. I thought I woke up in an alternate universe where Fairy Tail was a hentai. I genuinely wanted to vomit lmao
-The animation style really threw me off like I can tell it was either animated by a different studio or they wanted to try a different art style for the movie? But it just felt wrong and the proportions and faces were weird and. Yeah idk.
-What was up with the Three Stars?? Iirc we never got to learn their names or what their motivations were they were literally just. There. And they were built up to be these super powerful wizards only to get their asses kicked by FT like two scenes later. I get that being a movie obviously the fights had to be shortened but they literally did the same thing in Phoenix Priestess but WAY better. They really were like yeah uh we need some enemies for Team Natsu to fight let's just go with these guys and not give them any personality or backstory or motivations. (Except for the doll dad he was okay I guess)
-WHY WAS LEVY THERE. LITERALLY. ACTUALLY. She literally did nothing she served NO purpose in the movie she was just there?? Did they just want to shove in as many cameos as possible??? I know generally Levy isn't much of a fighter which is fine, I was kinda expecting them to do a Gajevy scene where Gajeel rescues her from some soldiers or smth which would have been fine but they didn't even do that. She literally just stood there and had like 2 voice lines. GO GIRL GIVE US NOTHING
-SPEAKING OF CAMEOS this is more personal beef than anything but man WHYYY wasn't Loke in the movie,, my boy my beloved my stupid idiot lion I'm so mad he wasn't even onscreen for like, 5 seconds
-I'm sorry but Juvia was so unhinged this movie her possessive/stalker behavior over Gray was actually super fucking creepy lmao
-What did they do to Happy. What the FUCK did they do to Happy
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-ALSO the scene where Happy and Lucy were crying over Natsu and we got tons of flashbacks from his POV of people who are important to him? WHY THE FUCK WASN'T HAPPY THERE?? They literally showed everyone from Fairy Tail precious to Natsu except Happy and I'm just sitting here like. HELLO?? You are SO wrong for that
-I will say I DID enjoy the little Nalu teasers we got especially the scene where Natsu showed Lucy the stars 🤧
But yeah I was here for this and this only:
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The Nalu + Happy family bonding moments made it OKAY
Anyway sorry rant over. Dragon Cry bad. Natsu's brief moment of looking half dragon was a super sexy character design choice but the buildup is not worth it imo
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midnightwind · 2 months
shout out to a guy I was friends with in high school who invited me to hang out at his place to play Halo who proceeded to do 0 things to help me, a person who openly stated they never played the game let alone shooters, find enjoyment or weapon spawns or Anything and spent like 4 hours sniping me from across the map then wondered why I never came back unless the other token girl was coming along
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valentivy · 1 year
am i the only person who was genuinely deeply disturbed and upset by the new guardians of the galaxy movie
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wojit · 6 months
Turns out Nobuhiko Obayashi can make a fairly normal, rather sedate film, and make it damn well. I really want to see, like, so much by this guy.
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swedishboyfriend · 2 months
last night i dreamt i was on a work placement with uni and i was pissed off at first cos it wasn't for tv and film (my degree) but then the guy set up a projector and we critically analysed the cegan porno
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louismygf · 2 months
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just recently watched this is us with my college friends
#tbqh i found it kinda boring 😭#the louis clips were so not enough#ive watched some clips online prior to actually watching it (for the first time might i add)#one of my friends had a cousin who was crazyyy ab 1d so she dragged her out to the cinema to go watch it when it came out and in 3d lol 😭#the 3d schtick is so funny 2 me lmao 😭#my friend recalls freaking out in the movie theater bc she was a major niall fan at the time. she said 3d niall was so close 2 her face lol#anyway. ab how i watched some clips online prior#i was actually waiting for the louis n his sisters part or the one where he visits his school or smth#my friends.... they literally don't know a thing ab louis personality-wise so they didn't really get much from it#UGH i should download aotv and make them watch it that was way more interesting (but idk? smth about it feels like it's made for fans only?#but... i'll suggest it the next time we get together 🙏🏼#anyw back to my review.#simon cowell's face was a jumpscare what can i say. it was so evil how nicole scherzinger was just. completely written off#im from the future i Know things#<- and like. about this. i felt kinda bad being cynical about the movie when i know my friend is Still an ot5 at heart#i think i broke her 13-year old heart a little 😭#it's so weird how the movie keeps singling out zayn about him getting kicked out or him talking solo music etc kskdj. feels v pointed Lol#they really just documented the 1d-mania & madness they ensued huh.... i think 2 of my friends (bts fans) weren't as impressed LOL 😭#they kinda flamed their performances and stage outfits which is. yeah i agree. kpop idols do WAY more than just.... that (1d) kskskd#i guess i'll make them watch the extra clips next time (o haven't seen all the clips yet i think)#OH and 😭 why was martin scorsese in the film that was hilarious#didn't have a lot of realness to it. is what i thought of the film. yeah. this is(N'T) us ✊🏽😔#maybe... i am too much of a hater#i liked... the... um. it's hard to highlight things i liked ab the film when im Not a 1d fan 😭 like im a louie ONLY idgaf ab 1d 😔#the part ab louis audition.... im sorry babie the editors did u dirty but it was so funny........😭#<- though i imagine it solidified people's (wrong) opinions about him :/
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queer-crusader · 10 months
okay separate post about Will Turner because i love him actually
my man throws his sword twice in this film. Once to block off Jack's exit during their fight in the workshop, and once to save his life at the gallows. This man is a SPECTACULAR swordsman (and during that fight in the 'shop? When Jack tests his skill? it feels less out of curiosity and more sort of mentor-y. I think that's the most truly captain-like we've seen Jack, but that's about Jack, not Will. Still, love that moment). But MORE than that, he is a good man and a good pirate.
His whole arc gets put into a few simple words by Jack:
"The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do, and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that someday."
Throughout the film we go from Will seeing absolute red at the mere mention of pirates, furiously trying to kill Jack and dispute the fact that his father was anything else than a merchant sailor, to who he is by the end of it. We see him in the brig of the Pearl with the other crew members as he asks them about his father, and when Pintel and Ragetti tell him Bill never felt comfortable with the mutiny and sent off the treasure because he believed they all deserved to be and remain cursed, and Mr Gibbs called him a good man... His face lights up. Because now he knows for a fact Bill Turner was a pirate and a good man. He had principles that he stood by. And it helps Will to accept the same duality within him
There's also the whole class difference between him and Elizabeth and Norrington that i think is so fascinatingly written. Will knows he is of lesser standing and cannot afford to step outside of it ("How many more times must i tell you to call me Elizabeth, Will?" "At least once more, miss Swan. As always." "...Good day then, Mr Turner") while Elizabeth is more brash and outspoken towards him, especially after her dream that transported her back to her ten-year-old self. He behaves like a gentleman (because he is a good man, but also because he has to), but as the film is set in motion, his frustrations at being overlooked and ignored due to his standing despite his heart and skill start to shine through. When Elizabeth is taken, he bursts into Norrington's tactical meeting to retrieve her, telling them all his plans aren't good enough when Norrington responds drily and with this unwavering reason in his voice, and slams a hatchet into the map. Norrington takes him aside and, now with strain shining through in his voice, reminds Will to please remember he is not the only man present who cares for Elizabeth (referring to both himself and the governor, her father, who is also present).
Norrington later calls him rash for acting when the Navy was working on a plan, which does track - Will is rash. But it does make me think if that rashness and the outbursts are supposedly a sign of the fire of piracy in his blood, or also a representation of his class and the effect that it has on him for being treated constantly as lesser than when he in truth measures up so well. He has to fight for everything dear to him. But that fire and passion of course do remain even when he finally gets to be with Elizabeth and no longer has to fight for her. Anyway, all that to say that my man has heart. And i love him very dearly
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mackmp3 · 3 months
ok so hamlet 2009. first half in on youtube i did not realise this was only the first half. video quality is Kind of Bad. but yknow, watchable. relaise that is not the full thing, and ofc the Only website that has the whole thing is the one i cant get a downloader to work for. which is fine but its one that takes AGESSSSS to buffer but its good quality & has subtitles which is an improvement but nghhhhhhhh
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the-trans-dragon · 8 months
What if they didn't put ads every 3 posts. Three posts between ads, literally. Not even counting the ad for Tumblr Live.
Also what if tumblr didn't know what city Im in. I do not want my location tracked or stored anywhere unless I give explicit ongoing permission, like with my GPS app that I allow to track me only when the app is open, and then it deletes the data (allegedly) when I stop giving permission.
#ugh i do SO much to try to keep my location private. i use an android with all the tracking things Off (except for my weather app#which is a highly specific app that does NOTHING except provide weather; and i have the location turned Off so it doesnt even know where i#live). my tumblr email is not connected to any real life stuff because i made it when i was very closeted and made a new email and password#for it and never linked them to anything else. i have bare minimum apps. i use firefox and duckduckgo.#for shits sake i use a small barely-known map app because any Map App that has had large success under capitalism is inevitably going to#start selling private info or working with a cheap security system designed to allow quiet data leaks.#i guess i use gmail and gphotos but my phone doesnt HAVE a native Photo App. i have to use one i download and im too damn skittish to try#i guess i did get netflix recently....sigh.... i figured they WERENT tracking me because they email me EVERY TIME I USE NETFLIX to alert me#that OHHHH A NEW DEVICE IS USING NETFLIX AAAAA WHAT IF ITS AGAINST NETFLIX POLICY OH NOOOO. so i figured they didnt have a way to ID me.#UGH. CAN I PLEASE EXIST WITHOUT BEING MONITORED FOR FIVE SECONDS. can i please access Social Media which is a shitty substitute for actual#human connection but its the best i have--without someone noting my location and then trying to sell me things??? can i please watch film???#i cant go to a theater because my region does NOT believe in covid and not even medical staff attending Very Ill Patients wear masks anymore#stupid fucking homophobic transphobic anti-vax society has made it too dangerous for me to access most Not-Online forms of enrichment. and i#cant even use the Internet (a magnificent ASTONISHING human creation) without being tracked and advertised to.#ugh..#humanity is just so cool and brave and kind and amazing and yet we have taxes and advertisment IDs and traffic and medicine shortages.#its not like the ads even work. even when it shows me stuff i DO want. i cant fucking afford things. i already have spent too much money on#things that i dont need like Good Food and Entertainment and Juice. ugh....okay i do need food and liquids....Good food even. my body cant#survive on College Foods like it could in the past. And i might literally die if i dont buy juice...#and i guess its really really really heartwarming to have good entertainment to take breaks from all the stress.... its not like i havent l#..... like im so frugal. thank god my partners encourage me to buy myself things. i have been so much healthier since giving in and buying#Non-Water drinks instead of just Chronically Drinking Less Than A Bottle Of Water A Day. my partners are so good and sweet 😓 i shouldnt be#upset with myself for letting them convince me to take care of myself. that isnt fair to them or me so i will stop doing that now.#my faith in humanity is mostly just knowing that my partners exist. theyre so sweet. if people like them exist--then i have faith in humanty#no pressure lol. they are both so good and perfect regardless of how much energy they have to spare for Being Good. they are just inherently#very dear and good to me and for me. but just because i have faith in humanity doesnt mean im gonna stop complaining the whole time!!!!!! i#will whine about the bad stuff forever!!!! and BITE IT if i ever get the chance. but i will complain until the bothersome things go away.#if i complain my whole life with no results then...! so be it. i will whine and it will be art somehow.#sorenhoots
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magentagalaxies · 7 months
on the note of kith season 6 (didn't want to derail the other post but have been thinking about this lately): one of the only things i disliked - or, rather, that felt off about the revival - was how crisp everything felt in terms of the aesthetic. like ik filmmaking technology has evolved since 1994 and they couldn't do the live studio audience even tho they wanted to bc of covid, but idk the original series despite clearly working with cbc and hbo always had this diy energy, vs the new season just very much felt like oh this is a corporate thing that was location scouted and filmed on a lot
but what's interesting about this fault is that you look into anything else the kids in the hall have made themselves in the past decades and it still has that exact diy aesthetic, sometimes unintentionally but that's the best part. like, i'm the most familiar with scott's works for obvious reasons, but you look at something like contemporary mouth congress music videos or any other video project scott's made just bc he wanted to make it and you can see obvious green screens, the fact that it was clearly filmed on an iPhone, using stuff around the house as props, etc. and if you look at bruce's youtube channel you get that sense as well, and it's so delightful to see bc yeah this comedy isn't a corporate entity, it's just something these guys have to make bc they are passionate about it
anyway i guess what i'm saying is if they ever decide to do another kith revival season they should have paul bellini direct it on his iphone 5 and film 99% of it at the toronto library's green screen room
idk maybe this post is too niche bc a lot of the stuff i'm citing (i.e. mouth congress music videos) hasn't actually been released yet and also i have literally been on these diy sets in the past year where someone just set up a pop-up greenscreen in their living room and my "job" is to make sure the pets don't wander into frame. but yeah idk i find it very funny that watching the revival my only complaint was the lack of that genuine diy spirit and then one year later i'm part of that type of production
#no idea if this is relatable i just had thoughts lmao#this is also inspired by the obvious greenscreen and using-his-real-cast-as-a-prop in scott's promotional video#like again it's probably bc i've been there when scott and paul are just casually filming something at paul's apartment#but i look at something like that and i can just feel all the conversations that went into putting it together#and it's funny bc i get that sense watching the original kith tv show but not as much the amazon show#(which is wild bc i have heard behind the scenes stories from the amazon show too??? spoiler alert people were very stressed)#and i also think the diy tendencies are why i even had a chance to connect with the kids in the hall#bc so many comedians just get accustomed to working exclusively on projects that a studio has set out for them#but the kids in the hall and ESPECIALLY paul bellini love smaller projects where they get to build something from the ground up#paul has made 5 different feature films that he wrote and directed and filmed entirely on an iphone 5#(not sure if they were all specifically that model of phone he may have upgraded at some point lmao)#(also he's planning to release them onto youtube soon!!)#but yeah the goal with these iphone films was never to win every award and make a bunch of money. it's the passion for making movies#and i think since i'm a very diy-oriented person who's like ''idc if someone gives me permission i'm gonna make a multimedia musical''#that's what made paul see potential in me which is why i even got the chance to do any of this stuff#anyway i guess what i'm saying is my advice for everyone is: just make the thing! even if you have no budget and no backing#bc even a scaled-down version of the thing is still impressive bc you made it!!#if scott thompson can film a ''crowd scene'' in scottland by drawing faces on a bunch of fingers and just filming people's hands#you can make your project something iconic
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no1ryomafan · 6 months
Yknow one thing I hate to do is compare mechas given they’re all pretty different even putting the clear influence a lot have on each other aside and I don’t like the idea that I’ve seen a lot of mecha fans subscribe to where “if you like this one show you HAVE to like these other ones” but this is less of a comparison thing especially because I’m not petty or anything since it’s just something I thought about:
Mazinger v Getter when it comes to their recognition tends to boggle my mind a bit. Since it feels like there are more dedicated Getter fans around that talk about it than Mazinger fans, but Mazinger is more recognizable to the point it gets more funded stuff than Getter.
I was thinking about this when I was watching Mazinkaiser, and I can’t confirm this but I found it interesting that it almost (felt) like this ova spawned out of Getter making a comeback before Mazinger did, since Armageddon came before and was massive hit, than was followed up with a game + shin vs neo by the time Mazinkaiser was made. Like they even got Armas art director to work on it and the studio doing it was Brains Base who made the getter OVAs.
And in terms of recently all the stuff with Grendizer, which I know was SUPPOSED to get another an anime way before this, is now finally getting something coincidentally after Getter Robo Arc. And everyone is already pointing out between the two Grendizer looks waaay better then Arc so it’s clear it has more money put into it, yet I wonder if Arc didn’t happen if they would bother to touch Grendizer since Arc was them also finally giving the Getter team who NEVER got to be in a anime- well, a anime. And now the most neglected pilot apart of Mazingers universe is getting his own show.
I understand why Mazinger is more known and funded since it was the first self piloted mecha and something Go Nagai, a man who arguably changed the industry a lot, made so his works are always gonna be rebooted for the sake of memory, where as Getter sorta lives in Nagai’s shadow sadly even if Ishikawa memory is respected, but I feel like almost Getter is the one to test if things will work and then they’ll see if they can do stuff with Mazinger again.
Or maybe it’s just two coincidences and we’re just going through a long coming mecha renaissance of older properties of the genre, but I’m still rotating it heavily.
#meg text#mecha rambles#this isn’t even me desperately asking for another getter show either because I know it’s 50/50#I don’t expect a anime next year for 50 if grendizer happening even if it’s just a announcement#and fuck knows what’s going on with that live action movie which who knows could be good unless they get like idk Anno maybe?#given his trend with a lot of recent “shin” films despite how mecha fans feel about his works lol#but all I expect/want is another damn spin off manga and the next SRW to actually do something new with getter#but I seriously find it interesting how unless I’m crazy getter really lead the way for mazinger to come back#like it PROBABLY would’ve made a comeback by itself but getter said “nah bitch me first”#I know Nagai still did some mazinger stuff after the toei lawsuit but ishikawa was cooking first#I guess this is just a reflection how getter is super significant to the genre but not a lot of people give it the acknowledgement#despite the fact it made a entire fucking sub genre which arguably is as big of a deal as mazinger being the first self piloted robot#especially given how many combiners existed (and became super noteworthy like Gurren and voltron)#I don’t even hold getter on THAT pedestal bc I hate making my interests seem perfect but getter is soso significant to old anime culture#yet it’s stuck in limbo of “it’s not unknown but no one ever talks about it”#I can’t complain bc if Jeeg was instead the mecha show I was super autistic about I’d be more miserable LMAO#(Not like I’m not sad I can’t talk about Jeeg easily bc no one watched shin but- yknow)#it ain’t about it rn
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bbreaddog · 10 months
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nbstevonnie · 8 months
only you - good film
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
Me, an American, researching the fall of the Roman Republic and noticing some... parallels:
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Image description: a gif from what looks like a 90s anime film, showing a woman leaning in to look at a computer and seeing that it is glitching and repeating itself. She looks at it wide-eyed in concern and fascination.
#original#american politics#rome#roman empire#really Rome fell multiple times in a way. I feel like the Roman Republic dissolving and becoming an Empire is a kind of fall.#listen. i want the state to dissolve as much as the next guy but we have got to get on this community organizing and defense business ASAP#because when empires fall it often ends most poorly for the folks who are already the most in need of help#and that is the extent of my modern knowledge. my ancient-world knowledge tells me now is a good time to invest in#horse-mounted combat.#so i guess i should learn more about the gun debate as it pertains to Black liberation bc i only ever hear the white side of the gun debate#and I'm not saying that Erik Killmonger was RIGHT i am just saying that he was actually probably right and there is a reason that the film#had him strangle an old woman and burn the sacred flower grove after becoming King of Wakanda and the reason is that otherwise he is#just the hero of the film.#and we can't have a marvel film that isn't painfully centrist and we can't have a marvel film that changes the social landscape of the#shared universe#anyway i do still think mounted combat sounds rad as hell but it is possibly outdated lol#also i heard this great limestone recipe for building GREAT BIG DOMES#which seemed important to Rome. their domes outlasted their shitty government anyway.#if anyone shows up claiming to be the next Caesar kill him immediately. but watch out. he has a nephew who will HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE DOGS#that was an octavian caesar joke. he was julius Caesar's great nephew and (posthumously) adopted son#and also the single scariest bitch in roman history. if this was Heathers he'd be the red one. and also Veronica would die halfway thru#because you DO NOT WANT TO FUCK WITH OCTAVIUS CAESAR
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venacoeurva · 1 year
There’s SOME physical person shaped entity under Kurk’s outfit and given his association with the darkness and his little personal realm of the Comforting Dark I imagine he’s like a silhouette of a person when you see them at night and they’re darker than the pitch black or a shadow person based on how they’re described as a vacuously and impossibly dark form, maybe with the slight rim lighting outline his jaw and ears and whatnot. He probably lost or gave up his mortal skin long ago since he was privy to being a demiprince his entire life
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