#guardian ladybug
lune-room · 2 years
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little-taiyaki · 1 year
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Pound it!
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luluy33art · 9 days
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Sooo um- I have this AU where Chloe is adopted by Master Fu- Just look at her playing with Wayzz omg I can't she's such a baby 😭🤚♥️💘💝💖💗💕💞
Provisional name for the AU: Guardian!Chloe AU
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ladyofthenoodle · 11 months
i don’t love chat noir not being in final fight with his father, but at the same time i do love that this was the first finale where we see ladybug 100% confident in the face of impossible odds. she’s clearly terrified out of her mind but she never stops and doubts whether she can win. and it’s not that she doesn’t still need her team because she does and everyone is behind the scenes helping her, but this is the first finale we’ve seen her without any doubt in her ability to win. it’s the first time she doesn’t need a pep talk from chat noir to keep her going.
but even though she doesn’t need a pep talk and he’s not physically there with her, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still need him. it means that he’s part of her now even when he’s not there. you can feel the boost of confidence after she transforms into bug noire and it’s more than just the added power. it’s that this time she doesn’t have the ring because he abandoned her but instead because he has faith she can and will save them all. she can only do it without him because he believes she can, and through that she can believe in herself. she’s finally able to internalize the things he’s told her every finale. girl didn’t doubt for a second that she could kick gabriel’s ass and reform her team and she didn’t doubt her chat noir would be part of that team. i love how confident and strong she was and how far she’s come.
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via-the-local-witch · 3 months
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This is a collection I never finished it was going to be all my miraculous redesigns but I've changed my art style a fue times since then so I thought I'd just posted what I had
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jascurka · 2 years
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I could swear I had an ask in my inbox about drawing the miraculous girl gang as guardians of Kandrakar but I can't find it, maybe I just dreamed that up? Sorry theres no mylene dsfjh
I'm having second thoughts now about switching mylene with Rose, so that Mylene has the element of earth because of how much she cares about the earth but I drew Rose in her place instead because I just wanted her and Juleka to hold hands and that IS a valid reason.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 4 months
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Lady Virulent! An akuma design for Marinette that I'm finally content with! I've gone through so many different versions for her but none of them really felt like an akuma design until now
I think i've gone through so many that I'll just make a video of all the different versions I went through until I got one to my liking. And even with this design, I think I'm going to change it from a skirt to a pair of FLOOFY mushroom pants since I think that'll work a bit better
i'm gonna do another drawing of her at some point where her pose will show off more of the design and i'll incorporate da pants then
Under the cut I'll have some reasons for why I picked certain elements
In the fic where I do a different take on ml (It's not super necessary for u to know the details on that wip I got going on for this) I'm having it so that she gets akumatized ltr on and her whole theme is poisoning, causing poison infecting others etc etc
so.. MUSHROOMS and toxic gas
She don't actually got hair it is just the gas that surrounds her head all fun like. The mushroom on her head is meant to look like a beret. There are mushrooms that go up her legs and neck since I thought it would be a neat design choice from seeing dying trees with mushrooms growing up the trunk.
She don't got no normal feet since I couldn't figure out how to make the Toxic Gas shoes look like mushrooms when her feet aren't. Pointed.
Her powers (so far since this is wip) allow her to force other people into living out the worst damage they've caused other people. Whatever their worst tormenting strategy was and what damage it did to the person. The power ignores if the person has apologized or made up with the person they hurt.
She can pull off the mushrooms that grow around her waist and through them at people like bombs that'll explode into more of the toxic gas that initiates her power.
Where's the akuma?
Her earrings :)
The spots in the design are meant to, obviously, make the outfit look like mushrooms, but also to call back to her ladybug (ladybelle in my thing) form! They also serve to give a sickness look to her skin, and I think it'd be neat if the spots never stuck to one place in her design, always moving around
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This was a first try for trying to animate how they move that I'll likely redo at some point. This animation isn't exact to how I think her spots would move around but, I'll throw it at you to give an idea
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ck2k18 · 8 months
What happened in Rocketeer doesn't mean that Nino couldn't be a good miraculous guardian if given the chance. He never had an issue with secrets before, keeping his identity as Carapace a secret from his girlfriend until Ladybug revealed them. When he did tell, it was Adrien, his best friend who he trusted. Plus, he was pretty emotional and he's 14. He'd be a different kind of guardian than in early fandom fics, but he could definitely be one. He has a strong drive and sense of responsibility and good leadership qualities. In this essay, I will
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Redesign of my Chat Noir redesign to go together with my rewrite which I will talk a lot about under the cut. I'm pretty set on this design too and will link it at the beginning of the fic when I get ten chapters completed and ready to post :3
What is different from canon, why I am changing some things, etc. Feel free to just read my thoughts around the design if you want to read my fic without any guidelines of what I'm planning so far for him
BUT I won't spoil anything major dw
The design:
I've changed chat noir's design so it would blend in more at night. The preferred the sleek black tones over the glow in the dark green I gave him before. I take a whole lot of inspiration from the PV of miraculous ladybug in these designs so of course his hair is still floofy.
When initially designing Chat noir, the tips of his hair are darker since I really liked that trait some other redesigns gave him so I included it without making his whole head of hair black.
I got the idea to base his design off of rust and RAN with it! He still has some greens in his design but they've shifted closer to yellow green and gold for the color scheme!
I've liked the idea about the clothes in the hero designs looking more cloth like too so I've incorporated that into the design with pockets and a zipper cause I can. Since Adrien has been thinking about being a superhero for a while, his design is more thought out were it could be.
EDIT: Forgot to mention!! Ladybelle has a lil more black in her design and now chat has a little more red! :3 matching
I saw some concept art of Chat Noir with a hat at one point and I loved it so much I wanted to keep it in to a certain extent, SO Marichat moment all the way. I decided to add the bells back into his design (I missed them) and took inspiration from @/callimara's Chat Noir design.
Chat noir will still be very cat like in this and I thought it'd be funky if his feat were like a cat's
Overall it isn't much of a design change for some aspects but I really like how it turned out!
K story stuff now:
I want to get ten chapters done before I post chapters again on the first fic since I don't think I did the best job introducing what I've changed. This isn't talking about adrien agreste's life this is more his role as Chat Noir. I'll get to adrien when I get his redesign sheet finished
(any part of this section might be edited in the future but this is basically part of my ideas)
Honestly a whole lot of the fic(s) is(are)
Fault of canon? -> Solution
I've been developing for two years now and I just gotta write it out... Entirely hinging on my execution sigh
Chat noir's powers are now on a more equal footing with Ladybug's (Ladybelle now) and I'll get more indepth when I post Ladybug's redesign and stuff but basically
The miracle box is a mix mash of several miraculous's from other boxes due to an event Guardian Marianne caused. Supposedly, she unleashed the Rabbit kwami of time on the guardians in an act of defiance. Resulting in rips in time eating away the members present for such an event, burning to death in fire. Marianne managed to run away with the miraculous's she could obtain and do her best to live her life knowing what she's done.
The Ladybug and Cat miraculous are a duo pair. Strongest when used in a partnership. Many are tempted to use both at the same time for what the powers merge to become but this isn't the strongest path.
Tikki and Plagg are soulmates you could say. They aren't really romantic but they are bonded for life. Never one without the other.
They are the only miraculous pairing in the new mixmash of the guardian box. Eventually Marianne gives the responsibility to Master Fu, her lover, before the rabbit comes after her as well.
I'll talk more about the changes I've made to Tikki's character in Ladybelle's post but as a part of the Miraculous cure, something all pairing miraculous's have to purify evils and darkness, it requires both parties to be present. Usually some form of touch or communication initiates the Miraculous cure
"Pound it!"
Chat noir can use his power alone to defeat evils but it's like cauterizing a wound. He doesn't figure this out for a bit.
I'll talk more about the miraculous cure in Ladybelle's post
This is still a part of the story I'm working on but:
the miraculous of destruction gets more powerful the longer the user wields it. With techniques and familiarity, Chat noir will be able to make black pockets of nothing just from a touch. Yes I'm including this from the concept art. Though he'll only get this later down the road
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Chat noir is still a form of escapism to Adrien and part of his character arc is realizing he can't rely on it like that. A large part of adrien's character I'll talk about in adrien's post ties into Chat Noir too
I'm still figuring out some plot points for him so this is where I'll end this off. But I will say I'm planning on Chat Noir getting more time with the kwamis and more of a role in the Guardian arc and guardian stuff in general
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redtippedfox · 5 months
I don’t know if this has been asked at all but have you ever thought or tried to create like your own Miracle box or like your own miraculous ocs?
I have created my own miracle box, I'm currently working on my Miracle Box which is based off of the Western Constellations. It's still a work in progress but you could find it under the tag "The Constellation Guardian au or Constellation Miracle Box"
I'm working on Capricorn right now but more are coming.
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wilygryphon · 4 months
Guardian Cheng - Miraculous Ladybug AU
Another Guardian survived the temple’s destruction due to not being present when Feast attacked.  That Guardian, searching for other survivors but not finding any, trained an apprentice in the ways of the Miraculous Guardians and passed his Miracle Box down to her.  That successor passed the legacy on to her descendants until it came to Sabine Cheng.  When Sabine moved to Paris, married Tom Dupain, and had Marinette, she taught her daughter the same (somewhat independently evolved) ways that she had learned, and even had Marinette train with some of the Miraculouses.
When Fu gives Marinette the Ladybug Miraculous, unaware that she lives with a Guardian, Marinette tells her mom.  Sabine puts the earrings on herself and gives Marinette a Miraculous from her box, which she already has experience using, and they go out together to fight the Akuma.
After defeating Stoneheart, Sabine takes authority and brings Chat Noir aside so that he can tell her his identity, and she allows Marinette to share her identity with him.
Sabine confronts Fu over giving the two most powerful Miraculouses to two teenagers and making them fight supervillains.  When Fu says his piece, they agree to work together to train Marinette and Adrien and combat Hawk Moth.
Ladybug!Sabine offers motherly advice and care to the class, including Chloé and Lila.  Civilian!Sabine civilly clashes with Gabriel, André, and Audrey over their “parenting”.
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
Kwami Swap Amnesia AU
Sort of follow up to this comic
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Ghostbug is learning that things are a lot more different that she realised. It seems that being a teen celebrity with a packed schedule as well as being a solo superhero leaves no time for socialising or making friends...
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jupitertheegg · 1 year
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luluy33art · 7 days
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Angst for baby Chloe yay
I did this mostly without references so if there are any errors that's why 😅
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ladyofthenoodle · 8 months
(jumping off this post from @ck2k18)
fandom loves to speculate about who would be a “good guardian” and why they’d be good at the job. and often these reasons are things like being wise, mature, chill, good at keeping secrets…
but marinette is none of those things! fu picked her because she was clever and stubborn and refused to take no for an answer. now, maybe fu is not the expert either because he didn’t finish his guardian training, but su han AGREED after getting to know marinette. and he didn’t agree because she decided to fall in line with guardian traditions, he agreed because she’s making it work her way. and then he says he needs to catch up with modern life.
canon has pretty much said that be able to go with the flow, stay detached, etc., AREN’T good qualities for guardianship. that good guardians are people who will question things and fight for things and live in the real world. good guardians are leaders, not just in the sense of managing a group of individuals but also in a sense of paving the way forward.
good guardians are people like marinette. people like alya and nino. people like mylene, even, who we’ve seen question authority and fight for a cause she believes in!
and yes, a good guardian would question the need for secrecy and make their own judgement calls on who they want to trust.
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summerfrwrks · 1 year
imagining my ships in different lifetimes: reincarnation my beloved
thinking about writing it but i want it to be historically accurate as i can make it which would either make or break me: research my unbeloved
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