#guardian angel pac
faerytreealtars · 1 year
♡ Letters from your Guardian Angels ♡
Welcome, my dear ones, to this pick-a-card, or I should say Image to receive a letter channeled just for you by your divine guardian angels. So trust your intuition or take your time to breathe calmly and choose the image that calls to you! Remember to only take what resonates with your heart. I hope this letter helps you find guidance for your journeys ahead! ♡.
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Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3
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Pile One: [Cards: Seven Of pentacles, Five of Wands, Nine of pentacles, two of pentacles & The Empress]
My Dearest Pile one we see you working so hard to overcome all the obstacles and challenges presented to you. You are not afraid to face and at times battle the demons within you, for this we are ever so proud of you and, do indeed, feel very lucky to be able to call you our little star. We encourage you to continue working on whatever creative endeavours you are currently pursuing, be it as a hobby or a hopeful future career opportunity. We see great success for you if you continue to hold belief in yourself just as we will always see the potential and believe in you. You, My dear will bring more change than you let yourself believe. This change, of course, must begin within you. Keep up the great work and remember you are unconditionally loved. Your, Guardian angels ♡
Extra: ♡ "My favourite things" -the sound of music ♡"Over the Rainbow" - The Wizard of Oz ♡ Faeries ♡ Pink and green ♡ Nature rebirthed ♡ Blooming flowers ♡ A little mouse ♡
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Pile Two:
[Cards: The Empress (reversed), Four of cups, Queen of Swords (reversed), Five of swords & the Devil ]
Dear Pile Two
We know you are struggling, times seem bleak, the future seems hopeless. Even if you have not quite admitted this to yourself we can see how your soul weeps. Even though the days seem dark and the path ahead an unending struggle through jagged thorns and twisted trees, please know we are here for you. Don't give into defeat just yet as brighter days can still be ahead of you. You are not seeing the world clearly right now and those you call loved ones or dear friends are not as loyal to you as you are to them, they are not good for you, I'm sure you know deep down who we are referring to. There are others though who wish to help, ourselves included. While they may tell you things that are truthful for you to handle hearing at the present moment we urge you not to push them away. To finish this letter we simply wish to say even in the darkest nights you can find the stars.
Your Ever-faithful Guardian Angels.
Extra: Lilith Sign  ♡ "out with the old and in with the new"  ♡ Self-help books  ♡ Black Cat  ♡ Sad eyes  ♡ Wounded child  ♡
(Pile two I would like to say I don't know what each of you are going through I'm sure it differs for each of you but I usually take reversals yet your Angels insisted that they remained reversed and I will also mention while channeling your letter I got a lot of dark and upsetting images within my mind, I won't say much more in case of triggering any individuals. I would just like you all to know I am sending great amounts of love and support to you. If you need any advice or just someone to talk to, don't be afraid to send a message ♡ )
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Pile Three:
[Cards: Two of swords, The magician, Page of wands, the chariot, Six of Wands ]
Dear Pile Three
We first wish to say we are so very happy, overjoyed even, for you! You are making such big strides toward accomplishing your dreams and goals. You are awakening the magic within and there is no stopping you! We cannot wait to continue this journey with you. Be assured in your choices and do not doubt what your intuition guides you to do for we promise that if you make a choice to do something that makes your soul happy you will never go wrong! Keep believing in yourself and don't forget to rest now and then. You can't be your best self without first looking after yourself.
From Your Guardian Angels
Extra: Shooting star  ♡ Fireworks  ♡ Celebration  ♡ Sun Signs  ♡ Red  ♡ Good Luck spells  ♡ Orange Butterfly  ♡ "Go your own way" - Fleetwood Mac  ♡
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I hope you found a letter or a message within them that is of help to you. Until next time I send best wishes to all of you! - Fae
Tarot deck used: Beautiful creatures Tarot
Moon Position: New Moon (0%)
Day of the week: Tuesday - Týr - Masculine energy ideal for taking decisive action, making new goals, or beginning a new task. Avoid conflicts and don't let aggression cloud your emotions. Lucky colours: Red & Orange.
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thesensteawitch · 13 days
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls! 💘
This is a collective reading. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Feel free to message me in case you wish to book a tarot reading with me.
Booking Form|Rate Card
Tips are not mandatory but are always appreciated.
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Strength, Page of Cups
This is about a dream. Either this pile is a writer or a singer. Maybe both. You are afraid of the competition. You are supposed to release the fear of being seen. Not that you don't want your art to get recognized, but there's something within you that you don't want the world to see. You're afraid to be judged by others. You are afraid that the world won't accept you. But the cards are asking you to show the world the real you. You have great ideas. Your imagination runs wild. The creativity that is burning in your heart can lead you to great success and recognition. Somewhere, you are afraid of the change. You need to speak up. It's time to show the world what you have. Don't create in isolation. Let others be a part of your creative journey too.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- King of Swords, 7 of Wands, Page of Swords, 7 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Cups, The Hierophant
You come off as a logical and intellectual person, but others do not know how indecisive you are. There's so much overthinking going on behind any move you make. You constantly battle to find the right words or make the right choice so that you can free yourself from any bondage. You sometimes wish to find a shortcut to peace, but you know there isn't. You have to make choices and live a life that is an outcome of your will. You truly want to free yourself from the never-ending battle. Your heart seeks peace among this chitter chatter of the world. You are trying to find a way out of a tricky situation. It's advised that you go by the books. Do the right thing. But don't be too rigid, either. I think you really need to talk with someone about your conflicting situation and thoughts.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Tower
You have been working on something for quite a while now. You are patiently waiting to see the results of your work. The good news is that the results are manifesting in your reality. You do wonder, though, why it's slow. I also feel that you are waiting for the connection to revive again, which abruptly went down. You're holding on to hope. I just heard, “Living for the hope of it all." The universe is testing your commitment towards your goals and as a person. There's some sort of nostalgic feeling in your heart. Lately, you have been living in the past a lot. I also see some of you revisiting the past and making sure you don't make the same mistake again in the future. You faced a terrible ending to a connection. The dream you had shattered. And now you clearly see why! Now you seek stability in your life, and you're not impatient anymore. You're okay with taking things slow. The universe is also testing your patience, and you know it. I also see you taking care of your body and spending time in nature. You're really taking care of your heart, pile 3.
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Messages from your guardians
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Pile 1
Signs: mentors, spiritual guides, ancestors (old woman), dragons (I heard "dragon soul" but I don't know much about dragons so,,,, takes what resonates), guardian angel, Archangel Raphael, green color, rivers, 1111 (I heard that you should read about this number's meaning and also to pay attention to how you feel when you see this number, it's important because has some kind of message in this and will be different for everyone!).
I feel like some of you has been through some kind of "spiritual awakening", it's like something has happened and now you understood what was necessary and a change of some kind is coming. Wait this is the message of someone: yes you understood and yes the change will happen - well, actually already is lol - and that's your confirmation. Also: there will be a "crisis" of some kind, or happened already, it's to remind you what YOU truly want and what's need to let go, it's kin the way of the Universe test you (I know it's sucks, believe I know......... but, this kind of situation teaches A LOT so me EXTREMELY aware, try to take notes because I swear to you, helps!).
Humm, some of you need to do little adjustments here and there and have a moment of rest, you know when we start our spiritual journey and we read about so many things, we wanna try it all but at some moment just feels like you are stuck? That's it here, it's like you are a vessel and you have been filled more and more and some of this was good but some wasn't and you need some time to "take the trash out", you need to stop and look at all this and see what servers you and what not.
If you are going through some hardships your guardians want you to know that first: you are not alone (please call upon them when you need, I promise they will help. But you need to ask guys😭💗) and you need to have trust to move forward of this situation.
"What you believe it's true becomes true, kid. You are halfway of your goal but you need to be more disciplined and put effort. Commit yourself to what you wants and don't give up." Alright for you all I need to say this: remember the thing about the universe test us? It do this to see if we have learned our lesson, so any dramas that may happen you need to see just as a stepping stone to where you want to be/your goals.
This is now just my own advice: call them, talk to them. It can be ANYTHING. Light a candle, write a letter to them and read out loud, pray, meditation. Can whatever y'all want to be. They are with you and really want to help.
You shall receive good news because abundance is coming at waterfalls to you, give abundantly and you accept with gratitude if you are given (I feel there is people here that just don't know how to accept things, either material or emotional help and your guardian wants you to learn this).
For anyone trying a business: it's gonna be blessed!! Expect thing to work really well because I can tell you: wealth is on its away to you.
Please have more faith in yourself Pile 1, seriously you guardians see you like someone SO capable (king of Wands) you can do it! (Whatever this "it" means to y'all, know that YES U CAN! and I believe in you👽🙌)
Last but not least: When was the last time you heard your feelings? You give them some kind of, you know, attention?..... pretend you are fine, you are strong, a warrior blablabla it's needed sometimes, but if this is your normal it's bad, blocks your heart center and the energy which can make you feel sick and warm you hole body. You need more balance when related to your emotional and self-care. Take more care of your spiritual body. (People who likes crystals: rose quartz it's good for you!)
Pile 2
Signs: green color (pile one had this too lmao maybe y'all need to work on your heart chakra just saying 🤷‍♀️), leo, fire signs and fire placements at your big three (so weird when I receive this things because it's very specific and because I don't even know too much about astrology so I was be like "damn... its really specific" lmao never mind ignore me), aquamarine (loved this because the picture of this Pile is a mermaid🤭🥺), color pink, pisces, 111, 444
Humm okay, first of all your guardians want you to know that some things need to comes to a end because teaches you what was supposed to teach and now it's just time to end, and you don't need to be sad about that because ends also means create space for new things, people, experiences. I feel like this is Love matters, well there is 2 options here: the first one it's all that I said, and the second one is that you are ending this to meet your "special someone" (since there a increase of Twin Flames on earth this time, maybe you are ending this relationship because you gonna meet them soon and you learned the lesson with this person). But for some of you is a friendship. Yeah, it's right, nothing will come of this situation (its literally what the card says), meditation, time out and you know, just be a little contemplative will help you. Surrender to the Divine (whatever The Divine are for you) will help, believe that you will get what you need (I thought this were for the people that are working on there skills but your guardian was like "NO! IT'S NOT!!!!!!) and I came back here and yes it is for you really).
If you are into mantras I recommend "Om Namo Narayani" which basically means I surrender to the Divine.
(I think this is for a really small group: don't let your pride get in your away okay? You need to work in group and balance your needs with the needs of others. Its important and you need to work on this!)
The other message here is that: you are doing SO GREAT at your job/craft. Really, your guardians are proud of you for better your skills and know that you are doing a really good job!
And you need to hear you on thoughts, someone here has been anxious as and your guardian wants you to calm down, repeat to yourself "this thought isn't mine" and start to calm yourself, your guardian wants you to know that you are not alone, but you need to take better care of yourself especially related to your anxiety!
Pile 3
Signs: male guide, trans men (fo explain: someone here reading this are and this is the sign that yes, this is your Pile Hello😙💗), seashells, collect rocks (I don't who you are but you have such a good and fun energy lmao you know this person who just looks like a really good friend and person? It's you), color read, Divine Feminine path (or something related to the topic), life path number 3? (You got FIVE number 3), 666, number 9, pink hearts, Grenade and red jasper (it's more likely you should try to use them, will help you have more energy)
This pile have STRONG feminine energy and also priestess energy (which means that you can be one, become one in the future, was one in some important past life or just have the characteristics of one!)
Okay, some of you has Mother Mary as one of you main guardian (She and Archangel Mary are not the same! I can talk more about this if y'all be interested♡) and I feel a lot of you are working on something new and she wants you to know that: it's worth, this project is important, the world deserves to see the incredible person you are. And also to know that you are entering a knew phase and will bee FULL of good things and blessings, omg I can't calm myself its SO AMAZING really there us so many blessings, so many good moments. Okay I need to calm myself down or things gonna be all messy lol sorry I get really excited with this messages, your faith will be renewed, you are entering a peaceful loving phase, filled with calm energy and personal growth. Your belief that your dreams can manifest are working well, there us a big "yes" coming your away (I'M SO HAPOY FOY YOU, HERE, TAKE MY HUG). Whatever situation this is: is blessed, if you chose this pile probably you are starting all over again in some away, can be on a new/better course or just feeling more positive about archiving your goals.
(Very small group who are feeling stagnant: life goes on cycles and you are going enter a new one now! Likely our friend Pile 3 it's a moment to you to trust in the Divine (again: whatever the Divine is for you). Your guardians want you to trust your feelings and intuition (because logic won't work right now) and speak positively because "your words have power. Say what you want will work, and believe in it" (someone guide said and it's a man).
I need y'all to take care of yourself, your guardians want you to be more in touch with your intuition, your body (dance, yoga and stretching can help) and on do creative things, also try to just go more with the flow, be less controlled (some here are control freaks help) and just... take better care of you, u know?
Oh, I almost forgot: Its time to spread your wings and fly, universe is supporting u right now (your guardians want you to know that because apparently you don't have much physical support so ita important to you to know that). Youe hard work will pay off, I promise you (and for anyone who was wanting to travel: can happen soon)
Pile 4
Signs: aries, pisces, waterfalls, Mexico, ireland, 333, 6666, Angel's, Saint Mary (it's a place in Jamaica).
"You need to take a break" that's what I heard, for some of you I feel like you have to much energy, and you are doing to much things and it's time to get inwards and have some time of to chill, I think you don't like to open up to others because what I'm feeling is that you guided are talking but I just can't understand (like you didn't want help from other person, or that anyone no one knew what going on...) okay I assume its related to your job, or group you live with, looks very...heavy, a sense of hostility and conflicts. Your guardians want you to know that: first isnt your fault! Sencond: try to find common ground and focus on mutual collaboration rather then the competition. You need to focus in maintai you inner peace and don't let the environment you are get the best of you.
For other group here: your guardians always you to take action, to do you best and BE HAPPY (and proud) WITH THAT! (My perfectionist group, maybe?). I think there is something you want and this is a huge YES, but you need determination (and probably a long term plan).
And our last group (but I think this applies to the one before) you need to balance spirituality and practicality (I feel you, same boat here 🤡) WAIT A MINUTE BECAUSE I'M A HOPELESS ROMANTIC SIR, the card says "a new male is coming into your life" nd the other one (the one about balance) SAYS THAT THE PERSON CAN BE A SOULMATE OMG GUYS THE CARDS COMPLEMENTS EACH OTHER THIS IS SO CUTE I CAN'T I'M SORRY-
I couldn't help myself to freak out sorry Pile 4, getting back to what I was saying: Your intuition won't let you down and you need to trust it, and your guardians also wants you to know that you need to take more practical steps and be with your head in the clouds less, they ask you to find balance between your responsibilities and your dreams (maybe you have to work but are trying or want to try your new business, stop dream about it and think "what can I do NOW to make my dream happen?" Or "What step can I do NOW with what I already have to start my business?" Questions like this will help!.
This is coming so strong omg: Your soulmate is coming guys, I mean really appeared 3 times in 2 cards (besides you got The Emperor which can means Divine Masculine depends on the topic. Anyhow just takes what resonates).
COME HERE: When things get hard you have emotional balance? Your guardians want you to work on this, because sometimes the solution is right in front of you but you are to angry, sad or agitated to realize.
I hope this message reaches everyone who needs. Bye bye from me and your guardians 🤣🤭 see y'all soon.
- Lia
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priestessofsirius · 8 months
PAC ☆ Sweet things about you
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Hi!~ Welcome to my first ever pick a card reading! This reading will be about what makes you such a sweet person. Please feel free to tell me your opinion on this reading. I appreciate feedback. It would help me a lot! :) Remember to only take what resonates. You always know best! ❤️
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Pile 1
I can't even explain the beauty and depth I felt from the cards in this pile! You possess a profound understanding of the human psyche and see humans and the human experience from a very intimate, sentimental and artistic perspective. You're empathetic, emotionally deep and understanding. You're deeply touched by art. Your loved ones see you as their angel and baby. You're their light. You reverberate warmth and brilliance. You make people very happy and provide them with hope and certainty, like a lighthouse. Other people experience a realignment with themselves upon encountering you. So precious and pure. You're loved and loving and you just want the best for others. Your inner child is awake and thriving. You have a healing and childlike energy and healing hands. You like to play and spread joy and I'm also feeling that children love you. You're so cute pile 1, you deserve the world!
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Pile 2
Right off the bat I'm feeling strong parental energy. You're so protective and responsible, a nurturer and a provider. You care so deeply about your loved ones and would go to the ends of the world for their sake! You like planning things for them and just want to do everything for them. You're like both a knight and a nurse, and you definitely give off a lover warrior energy. You're very smart with money and enjoy taking the financial pressure off from others. Strategic, smart, sharp, trustworthy and reliable. You're strong and capable and can be trusted with anything. You would make a great leader honestly. One of the cards had a picture of a white dragon flying in the sky with a sword in it's mouth. That's how you feel like, a true knight! But you're actually very soft on the inside and want the same treatment from others. You're so cool pile 2, you make my heart beat!
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Pile 3
You're just and balanced and you love justice and balance and keeping the order. Wise, people go to you for advice. You have a lot to teach others. You're seen as very respectable and a role model in your community and are highly regarded as a religious or spiritual person. Good hygiene. You watch over and protect your loved ones in the spiritual realm, you might've already noticed that. I'm getting this image of you ascending to the sky at nighttime when everyone's asleep and watching over them. Strong moon energy and high priestess/priest energy. You feel like a spiritual guardian. You're a spiritually elevated being and you've reached high levels of consciousness. Stubborn and strong-willed. You always persevere and you know how to master your shadows. Which makes you give off an energy of calm strength. You inspire clarity in others. How admirable pile 3!
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You've reached the end! Thank you for reading!❤️
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
What is coming for you soon?
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Expect a new job offer if you're unsatisfied with your current job.
If you have been feeling down lately expect to have a blasting time by yourself.
I'm seeing a new relationship. For some it is going to be a soulmate relationship .
If you like gothic things , I'm seeing that you're going to buy the things you have been searching for.
Someone you have been thinking about is going to come to you. This person may have disappointed you in the past.
I'm seeing the completion of a difficult cycle. Your health is going to improve in the next 30 days.
I'm also seeing an ending here but don't worry this is going to be for the best of you.
You may get invited to a wedding and let me tell you, you're going to have a grand time there.
People who have done you dirty are going to get their karma and they may come to you with an apology. It's up to you if you want to forgive them or not.
You're going to receive an unexpected present from someone. This present may be something you have always wanted.
Please help
Pile 2
Do you know you have been watched pile 2? A lot of people have their eyes one you.
You're going to shine in your work setting and people will start to recognize for who you ate.
If you have participated in a competition or something expect positive response. Either you'll top or people will recognize you even if you don't win.
A lot of people will come to you , they would want to be your friend but be careful not all of them will have good motives.
All your hard work is going to pay off in the next month and all your manifestations are going to come true.
You may feel burdened by all the responsibilities on your shoulder but don't worry everything is going to work out.
A new person is entering your life and they will bring you stability.
If your family has been going through financial issues, I'm seeing that your father's job/business is going to pay him more.
You may change places/home/schools and this change is going to be very sudden.
Exactly 10 days from when you read his pac, some good news will come to you.
Please help
Pile 3
You may get to meet your old friends. They are going to reach out to you soon.
I'm also seeing an end of a relationship/friendship that was toxic for you.
You're a magnet to good things right now my pile 3. Ask and you shall receive.
I'm also seeing an exciting event for you . Some of you may get invited to a certain event and you'll cherish the memories of this event forever.
I'm seeing that some of you may have been working on a project for a couple of months now, I'm am getting that you will achieve great success in it.
Someone may try to send you the evil eyes or is sending you right now. You are being told to protect yourself and your people.
One of your friends/someone in your circle is talking about you behind your back. This person is distrustful.
I'm getting that some of you may need to change your furniture or you might renovate your house/room.
Try to eat more vegetables and fruits because if don't get proper nutrition you may get sick in the upcoming days.
You may travel somewhere in the summer. This vacation will bring you balance and relax your mind.
Please help
Pile 4
If you have applied for a scholarship, you're going to receive the email soon and results will be in your favor.
You're being told to trust your intuition or gut feeling in regards to new people entering your life.
You will be guided by your guardian angels, no need to be so stressed out.
Someone might criticize your work, don't be mad at them try to understand why they are criticising you.
I'm seeing a huge physical glow up for you. People are going to be stunned by your beauty.
You might get a vision about the future. Don't ignore this message, it can help you in challenging times.
The efforts you're putting in your work is not enough for it to achieve the success you want it to. Increase your efforts a little.
Some people might try to bring you down because of their own insecurity, don't lower your standards because of them.
Don't sign any documents without reading through it first. Even if itst from someone you trust wholeheartedly.
If someone has betrayed you once, they'll betray you again when they get the chance to. DON'T EVER TRUST THEM AGAIN.
Wear more green to attract abundance. And take care of your feet.
Please help
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fr-likes-chocolate · 5 months
I read about the whole bolas cult au you have here and it's really intersting. One question do the eggs or the federation exits in this au? If so how do they contribute to the story?
So heaven and hell holds the souls of everyone who has ever died combined, its like 117 billion people. Most normal beings only know big names like archangels, 7 deadly sins, Satan, and God.
This allows for a small group of angels and demons to coexist on earth go under the radar of almost everyone.
Not much is known of them, but they most certanly have heard of Bolas.
As for the eggs, it depends.
Chayanne is an orphan that was hiding out in the commune, Phil was slowly befrending the poor child untill Soulfire exacuted a stealth mission into Bolas, where Missa met Chayanne and took him back to his home. Phil was not happy about this.
Tallilah is Wilbur’s daughter, as Wilbur is on a missionary trip, using his music skills to spread the good word of the Angel of Death, Phil cares for Lulah in the meantime.
Bobby was unfortunately killed in a car accident, his death led to Jaiden and Roier to part ways.
Flippa was always a sick child, Charlie was her father and Mariana was her guardian angel. She is the main reason Charlie joins Bolas, Phil promising to reunite father and daughter when Charlie’s time came. Mariana was not pleased when he found out, so he helps soulfire in order to save Charlie.
Trump was much like Flippa, his death was a huge part of the reason Maxo eventually joined Bolas.
Tilin is Quackity’s child, not much to say about her, she’s alive and well.
Leo lives happily with his parents in Bolas
Dapper and Ramon are childhood friends of Leo’s and were sad when she moved away, dapper was ecstatic when Bad told him that Leo may be moving back soon.
Richas is a foster kid living with Pac and Mike. Forever babysits him (so did cellbit before Bolas, now tazercraft won’t let him near Richas)
Pomme is Etoiles’ daughter. She is quite adventurous and has secretly befriended Baghera.
As for the three new eggs? I’m not sure how to tackle their placement yet.
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thynisia-pac-readings · 8 months
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PAC - What brings joy to you? How to bring joy to yourself?
[please do not copy or reproduce any part of this reading, thank you]
This reading is meant to assist you in connecting with the vibration and experience of joy. While this is for guidance, it is also meant to be fun. These groups are collectives, so take what resonates only!
I'm happy you chose to read this pick-a-pile, and may it bring you closer to the light within you. 🌻
Now slowly take 3 deep breaths. Ask your guardian angel to help you find the relevant pile for you and let your intuition guide you throughout this reading. Enjoy!
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Pile 1
Signs: pay attention to yourself. apple. justice served. I love you. India, US.
Pile 1!!!! Pile 1, pile 1, pile 1. As I shuffled the cards, I found myself singing. I can bet most of you find joy in singing freely, and even a card fell, backing this up.
I'm also getting that to find joy is to find bliss, and to find bliss is to find joy. That is what joy means to you, pile 1. For you, bliss can be found in your peace and quiet, it can be felt through the divine and experienced during meditations. Being by yourself and not talking, is healing for you. It also helps you to get in touch with yourself as well as your divine team. Again very healing, centering, and therefore it's easier for you to feel that bliss and joy.
Someone here could have a bird or parrot, I think your bird is funny AF and makes you laugh a lot.
Some of you may be close to a grandparent, and so the advice here is to spend time with them as it is a very good way for you to bring joy to yourself (and them!).
We've got the romance card so some of you may feel most joyful when you're in a relationship. But mostly, what I'm getting is that being there for people and supporting them is what brings you joy, always - whatever kind of relationship that is! I feel like you bring out the light within people, the angelic aspect they didn't know they had. That tells a lot about you too, pile 1.
Back to the singing, I also feel like it helps you release a ton of heavy stuff (feelings, painful memories...) that you don't want trapped in you or that you don't want to carry anymore. It also helps you to unleash your true self. There's definitely an element of transformational healing there with singing or songwriting, and the divine is strongly encouraging you to keep doing that.
Some of you could be singing with your own family members. For some, singing is a key characteristic of a side of your family since many generations! How cool is that!!
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 2
signs: having fun adventures, taking joy in learning, living freely and passionately (see moon & mars in Aries and Sagittarius). Brazil, India, NZ, South Pacific, UK. 44.
I saw deep blue as I was shuffling the cards (in my mind's eye), and sure enough most of the cards had a deep blue in them. I also sensed some sadness from this collective. This deep blue could mean something to you, or it could just represent this sadness of yours.
For this Pile, the divine is asking to bring forth your patience in things, as joy will definitely find you. It seems like you really struggle with it at the moment, so this reading is a welcome guidance for you and I am happy that you chose to read it. :)
For your collective, the divine seems to highlight the importance of patience and growth. They are asking you to cultivate yourself, cultivate discipline/persistence and cultivate patience as good things are headed your way while you practice this cultivation. You could find it useful to listen to monks' wisdom and how they cultivate themselves on patience, discipline, persistence, as well as how they face challenging experiences. Preferably, find books written by them on the subject, as they can freely explain everything. YouTube videos cut many parts out and are nowhere as comprehensive/rich as the monks' own books.
Finally, you are asked to trust yourself as you navigate through the difficult path you are walking on. It is not easy and sometimes you may feel like you are losing balance, but listen; even the whole universe is in a constant fight for balance. Complete balance between the light and the shadow does not exist and that's what makes the universe alive! You are the universe too, you are a spark of God/Creator, and hence it is perfectly normal for you, like all of us, to continually try to find a balance. It's all part of the experience, you beautiful wise soul. And what can be more amazing than knowing that we are alive, that we are all experiencing joys and pains, just like the universe is both made of light and dark..!!
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 3
signs: someone is named Grace and it's for a reason - maybe your mother named like this on purpose, Pile 3 you could have a very gentle voice that soothes people, there's a lot of kindness in your voice as I have myself talking this way throughout your reading (yes I talk out loud during my readings). traveling could be a source of joy. US, Australia, UK.
A lot to unpack here (in a good way) but it's also pretty clear to me. It feels like you are Earth angels or Starseeds, I mean to everyone you're literally like a light sent on Earth. You yourself feel like you have a lot of love and care to give to people, so much so that you want to make of it your career. So take it as a sign if that's what you've been thinking about.
The divine are really highlighting that you have a strong connection to your intuition and that a major purpose of it is to be used in service to others. You are divinely guided, and you definitely have your own mission or purpose in this life on Earth, which is to assist and guide others towards their inner light, their inner spark of Creator/Source.
You may be hesitating at the moment but trust your intuition, you will find joy on the path that the divine accompanies you on. Worry not, whatever path you chooses, the divine will always support you. However this reading is about what brings you joy and how you can bring joy to you. ;)
Now that's out of the way, let me indulge in the feeling I got from you Pile 3! It's a secret shh, but you're my favourite pile of the 3! xD
I got this really sweet, caring and loving energy from your collective, it's beautiful! Your spark is really focused on assisting others, which makes me think you're more likely an angelic aspect than a starseed. You love others but you also let others love you - and by letting them love you, you are helping them to nurture and express these energies more! In other words, people feel safe to express these caring energies towards you as well.
In terms of vibration, love and joy are not so far off from each other and they are actually interconnected, aren't they? :)
So there you go Pile 3, keep true to yourself and your values, keep shining your light (love) inside out, keep hugging others within your angel wings ~
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
Obviously, this type of reading is amazing to do because you're bathing in the energy you're reading about! Amazing. Again I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what piles you got and what your thoughts are~
Thynisia <3
This reading was done partly through cartomancy, divine channeling and my personally made paper note signs. I thank Source, Gaia, and all of our higher selves and guardian angels for supporting and blessing this reading. 🙏🏼
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themanlykittenkayden · 4 months
A fun hybrid AU project I’m working on at the moment:
- Canon:
Philza- Crow Avian
Bagheera- Duck Avian
Jaiden- Bluebird (Bluejay?) Avian
Bad- Fallen Angel Demon
Mouse- Demon
Tina- Demon
Slime- Slime-shifter
Foolish- Demigod of the Living (part totem, part shark- one of the oldest living creature)
Rubius: Bear?? (I’m sorry I know too little about him)
- My More Fleshed Out Headcannons:
Fit- Just a very, very irradiated dude, Lone Wanderer style
Wilbur- Elf, long living and free spirited, affinity for music and wandering
Pac- Deer (I will admit this has more to do with my love of Beastars than Pac himself, but it’s fitting)
Roier- Arachnid
Etoiles- Wood nymph, Cucumber. (Why Etoiles? Why a cucumber?)
Forever- Dog- Loyal, dedicated, hardworking, all of it to a fault that he is subject to being led astray
Nikki- Cat, Just vibes really, and I see her often depicted as one
Missa- Demigod of Death, wanders between the over and underworlds, guardian and guide to the weak and fragile
Tubbo- Shapeshifter, usually presents a raccoon though
Bagi and Cellbit- Incomplete Shapeshifter*, look mostly human, or like a cat hybrid without the ears or tail, just sharp nails and teeth and strange pupils
Quackity and El!Quackity- Shapeshifter*, presents as a duck avian and cuckoo avian respectively
- Less Concrete Ideas:
Note: I don’t really watch most of the creators from this point so I’m going mostly off secondhand account and vibes
Maximus- A wolf hybrid turned into an automaton via experimentation
Lenay- Water nymph, as suggested to me, based on a comment from Tubbo
Mike- Shapeshifter, just based on vibes
Aypierre- Elf with some wicked automaton prosthesis
Vegetta, Antoine and Mariana- Demigods of Unknown Origin
- Unsure, Ideas and suggestions welcome:
Felps, Kameto, Carre, Pol, German, Willy, Rivers, Luzu
* In this headcannon Cellbit, Bagi, Quackity and El!Quackity are all products of the Federation Hybrid Experiments. The Fed was trying to produce shapeshifters in an attempt to free people from normal physical limitation, and Cellbit and Bagi were produced first but came out incomplete. Later they perfected the concept and produced Quackity and El!Quackity
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l8dyvenus · 2 years
PAC Reading #4
What Transformations Will You Go Through This Scorpio Full Moon?
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NOTE: this is a general read, take what resonate and leave what doesn’t. If you would like to book a personal reading, my prices are located on my page. If you would like a free reading, DM me for an exchange. Enjoy my Loves 🤍
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- NO!
- Power & Intention
(Two of Pents, The Tower, Knight of Pents)
This full moon will bring an end to stubborn indecision when it comes to change. Deep down your intuition has been telling you it’s time to come out of your comfort zone, but old toxic ways and habits has more of a hold on you than the desire to be free. When this happens, It may feel like you hit rock bottom, but this tower moment is creating a new beginning. It is helping you gain the strength and confidence to actually take the physically steps to move forward. You have deeply felt the need to move—manifesting even—but you have been feeling stuck and stagnant for a while. Could even be for a reason you may not even know. Things will move slow, but you will get to the end where you are fully healed and successfully. Though on this journey, a need to be your true authentic self is a need. This will help allow others that are like minded gravitate towards you. Unwanted vampires will slow your growth. Learning who and what is for you and what is not is pivotal.
+ “Unexplained & Unapologetic”
+ “Ask For Wisdom To Know Exactly What To Do”
+ “Not The Best Time To Do You”
+ “Increase Your Efforts Of Winning By Having The Right Spiritual Teachers In Your Corner”
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- Listen Deeply
- Healing Energy
(Six of Cups, Four of Wands, King of Wands)
A transform of healing family wounds and old trauma will be a big them for you this full moon. I’m hearing Chiron in 4th or Scorpio IC. Maybe even 4th H placements. You could be a very nostalgic person and value/be proud of your family traditions and upbringing even if it was dysfunctional. Though, I’m getting a strong feeling some of you are wanting to be independent and break free from those old limited traditions to create your own. It’s been hard, difficult even, but you’ve been really trying to transform on your own but on the other hand, wanting to give up. This full moon, you may find yourself stepping into a new and higher level of healing. Of understanding yourself and your family but this time the focus will be more based on you. Your needs, your wants, and what works best for you as it is your world, your life, and everything should revolve around you and your happiness. You could belong to a family where your needs were always put last or you felt like you were never heard or listened to. All of this is about to change as you will now find peace in the comfort of your own skin. Raising your own voice to what’s right for you. Continue to listen to your guides, your intuition, signs, and synchronicities you’ve been getting. 
+ “Appraise The Value Of Your Attachment In Terms Of Your Individual Long Term Goals”
+ “999”
+ “What If You Commit To This Fully”
+ “Slow Down & Consult Your Inner Voice”
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- Guardian Angel
- Surrender
(Seven of Cups, The Sun, Four of Pents)
You have a strong urge to control situations and just like Scorpio, this full moon all control will be stripped away from you, allowing you to transform to have a clear vision. You already know the answers you seek. The manifestations you desire. The life that you want. But there is still this lingering anxiety and paranoia of growing, learning, and becoming your own wether it is to create your own business, take up that class, investing your money into something, etc. There is a risk you want to take but you have all these ideas of how the situation may go. This full moon will help you see there is happiness and financial independence in whatever you have been thinking about doing. Stop the back and forth energy and get to it. I’m hearing you’ve been doing a lot of planning and procrastinating instead of actually building and taking action.
+ “Learn To Embrace The Unknown”
+ “Be Patient”
+ “Get Out Of Your Own Way!”
+ “Peace Is Priceless”
+ “Get Out Of Your Own Head!”
Blessings & Abundance To All, Asé My Loves, And Happy Full Moon 🌺
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dez-wade · 7 months
Since Forever's guardian angel — Pac — didn't get on the server today, if Forever's is streaming today, there's a good chance that he might actually for the first time fall for the trap someone set on his base. Congratulations, Bad!
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faerytreealtars · 7 months
₊˚⊹♡ Your Love Story ˏˋ°•*⁀➷♡•°`.
Hello again, Saplings! 🌱 A new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  
I wouldn't say I am one for love readings, Don't get me wrong I adore Love, helping and seeing others find the love worth them and bringing loving energies into this world, and that comes in many forms throughout life but I personally feel more drawn to focusing on self-love, we shouldn't chase after love. Whatever is meant to find you will find you, the right time and right place. That's my belief, perhaps a bit stoic in its methods. Still, I know many of my lovely saplings do care for love readings, and in appreciation of all of you I have made this reading which tells a little snippet of your love story.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕
Song: Exist for Love - Aurora
Faery-Tale: The Little Mermaid - "We must all make our sacrifices in the name of true love, are you willing to make yours?"
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[Cards: Knight of Swords, Four of Pentacles & Ten of Cups + "The Tinderbox Soldier: Ambition" ]
This is a love story spanning years or centuries, this true love is one that is from the past, Perhaps you knew of them in childhood, or for others, I am picking up a past life connection that is unbreakable even through death and rebirth you will find each other again and again. Before this love story can open up to chapter one many of you will be making an important decision that will be bringing the final chapters of your old life to a conclusion. This will allow the new book of life to begin with your soulmate as a main character in it. In any case, they will be the ones to approach first. They will come across as very well-spoken & intelligent, perhaps a bit of a charmer. This may cause some mistrust at first as they may come across as a 'player' But they are actually a very mature, loyal, and stable person looking for a lasting and fulfilling connection. If they are not mature & stable they're not the one. You may meet overseas, while traveling or on a trip of some-kind
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Pile 2
[Cards: The Hierophant, Two of Wands & Knight of Pentacles + "The Frog Prince: Intimacy"]
This love story may begin with a change in jobs, or workplace, or the beginning of a creative passion project close to your heart. This person may join up with you to work on this project or be a colleague, I'm also hearing for a very small percentage of you they may be a client, take that only if it resonates and is allowed in your job role. I got overwhelmed with the feeling of annoyance and stress while shuffling the cards so I think this person may annoy you at first, they will not seem your type or there was a misunderstanding at the beginning of the connection. Besides that, I see a traditional and loving courtship taking place with the masculine energy taking charge but remaining gentlemanly & courteous. It will be a slow-burn relationship but that is what will bring more fulfillment and deep bonds to the connection. You will both create a life of comfortable abundance and stability together.
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Pile 3
[Cards: Wheel of Fortune, Five of Wands & Strength + "Red Riding Hood: Rites of Passage"]
This is a love story that has been devotedly written, watched, and protected by higher beings, spirits, and angels. This is a high-level soulmate or twin-flame connection so don't expect it to be easy, it will require deep strength, persistence, and patience on both your parts for it to work, but it will be guided and protected always. Do not worry or fuss over how to meet them or when it will happen for these divine unions are unpredictable, the advice today is to focus on yourself and live your life for you, not some mystery soulmate. The rest is being shrouded from me as it is not yet to be known by us mere mortals - actually, I'm getting the Frodo Baggins meme "All right, then keep your secrets" in my head so sorry that's all I've got for you today
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Many thanks to all of you lovely souls, Your Guardian Spirits and Angels, and, your future loves too for letting me do this reading for all of you. I hope you enjoyed it!
If you are looking for more in-depth readings catered to only you, and you alone. Feel free to check out my personal readings, the link is up top or you can check this helpful post to understand how my readings will aim to help you!
~Much love, Fae 🍀🧚🏻‍♀
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
Hello as of now, i'm still answering all of your ask from the game I will release them once i'm done since i am currently on the half and i never knew you are alot like holysh*t you were almost 50 people?!?! Also i have some personal paid reading to do too. So i'm asking everyone to have patience since unable to answer them yesterday since blackpink have a comeback lol and i have to joined streaming their songs so sorry for that.
btw just a teaser for all of my upcoming pacs 😵
mini pac readings
your future spouse good and bad qualities
how you future spouse describe you + how they imagine their future life with you using a song.
what makes you unique
what type of aesthetic(s) are you
you and your fs , future home/house pt.2 with pictures/moodboard.
healing messages for you
18+ your sexual aura energy
your future friends
a reminder to appreciate yourself
will you be rich, wealthy or successful
18+ who is simping over you
about your last carnation
messages from your guardian angels
extremely detailed pac readings
wedding day with your future spouse
extremely detailed reading about your future spouse pt.3
and many more since i have more pending pac on my drafts. Thank you so much everyone !! 🤍🌷
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
Qbagi is great, she goes "I'm vegetarian" and nobody questions about it
Then later she tells qpac she's not really vegetarian "I don't remember anything, how am I supposed to remember I I ate bacon or not?" she fooled us all but she's has a point
But oh, it was funny when she said she was vegetarian the first day because before she arrived people were talking on how would be funny she and qcellbit were siblings and she was vegetarian because qcellbit is a cannibal
Qcellbit has a reason to be mad, because the federation was part of his life since the beginning and all the suffering he got through before returning to the same place? Yeah, though is not qbagi's fault but I can understand why he would be... I don't know the word but... Yeah
But at least he knows she will be by his side
For some reason, this reminds of a similar thing with roier
Like, did you see, during maximus show(?), when there was a moment that he mentioned a lot of crimes he had supposedly committed and roier went "this does not reflect the person he is today"(I remember some people joking about it lol)
"I don't care, he's my husband/brother"
-qroier and qbagi probably
On unrelated note, I've forgetting to say, but I was glad to see that Slime was playing in the qsmp recently, I've been wishing to him to join more for a time, he's a interesting guy
For curiosity, there's some to download a vod from twitch??? My twitch is kinda bugged when it comes to both watch on live and that already ended
The world hates me fr/j
"Quick pac hide your other leg"
That broke me, WHY WAS THAT SO FUNNY???
Also, I've seen someone says that Walter Bob appears a lot to the Brazilians to help them, when TazerCraft got arrested, to help Bagi on her first day and now when Forever went to the nether
He's truly the Brazilian protector, isn't he?
Walter Bob come back I miss you 😭
Also, I have little idea of what's going on in the frenchs' lore but the frenchs are getting content recently, good for them(Does that sounds sarcastic???*) It's has been interesting
*It sounds to me but might be because that sentence is normally used sarcastically on Portuguese so I'm not sure on how it's sounds on English, but it's not meant to be sarcasm
Also did you that Jorginho(a porra do soro) appeared other day? I have no idea of what the admins were thinking when they created that thing, but they were into something
- 🍽️
I love how q!bagi was just lying from the very start. she came to the island and she had a plan 🔥🔥
i saw someone on tumblr mention like what if qcellbit asks bagi to eat a heart (maybe if a federation worker? or someone?) to lik eprove that she is really being true or will stick with him (because i think that’s something he did in Fuga impossível? i haven’t been able to watch it so i don’t know) but !!!!! that’s such an insane idea!!! especially because she would most likely do it!!! like akmdknvkjksm THAT WOUDL BE SO INSANE!!
qbagi 🤝 qroier never faulting qcellbit for all the things he’s done in the past and present because they care about him and believe in him. i hope they get a chance to talk today or at some point in the future about qcellbit :”))
YAAAA I LOVE SLIMECICLE!!! he’s so cool he’s so good at rping and making me want to scream in agony. he’s going to be streaming again today during the lore event (he’s even starting his stream at the same time) so !!!!! looking forward to it even though i cant watch <//3 IM GLAD YOU LIKE HIM THO :DD HES AN VERY INTERESTING LITTLE GUY
i think if you looked it up you could find ways to download twitch vods? i’ve never done it before so i don’t know D:
Walter Bob is genuinely like the Brazilians guardian angel, if anything happens to him (like permanently dying) i’m going to be so sad :((
Your sentence doesn’t sound sarcastic!! Don’t worry king! Good for them can be used both genuinely and sarcastic in English, it’s easier to tell when people talk it’s always hard to tell tone over just text lol so don’t worry it’s good 👍
i don’t know what/who Jorginho is :00 maybe it’ll be related to something today? >:3c
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hanitarot · 2 years
Some of the PAC topics I have in case you like them hehe 💕
1. Where will you be in 5 years? 💌
2. What can you do to heal your inner child? 💌
3. What does your guardian angel want to tell you? 💌
4. Nature and personality of your spirit guides 💌
5. What will the person you're thinking in your head right now think of you and say to you when they meet you again? 💌
Thank you and have a great day ❤️
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Thank you, sweetheart!! I will add them to the masterlist
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psychelis-new · 4 months
Hi Lys, thanks for doing the New Year’s message. I relate a lot with one of the piles.
I’ve been complaining about something to my Guardian Angels and the pile I picked felt like a respond from Them.
I’m so grateful for the reading, thank you always 💕
Hey thank you a lot for your feedback. I appreciate it a lot! I am very happy that you have found an answer for you in that pac (I do felt Guardian Angels' energy around while channeling). :)
Take care and all the best<3
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
‘Guardian angel’ donors poured more than $440.9 million into 73 federal super PACs during 2022 cycle • OpenSecrets
Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund, holds hundred dollar bills as he speaks during the Bitcoin 2022 Conference at Miami Beach Convention Center on April 7, 2022 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Marco Bello/Getty Images) “Guardian angel” donors poured more than $440.9 million into 73 federal super PACs during the contentious 2022 midterm elections, a new…
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