#great idea! terrible execution!
cmykristyart · 6 months
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Sometimes.... ideas are better left in your head
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cookinguptales · 12 days
I will never forget the time I was giving a presentation in college and I was trying to be diplomatic about freud like "well, he did some positive things, but he also set [xyz] back about a hundred years, and--"
and my professor interrupted me and was like "really? what positive things do you think he did?"
which left me FLOUNDERING trying to name some and she is just. smiling at me like the fucking cheshire cat.
honestly, though, thank you ma'am for teaching me not to couch my criticisms in compliments I don't believe just to keep people from getting mad lmao
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demeterdefence · 28 days
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once again the red eyes have lost ALL meaning and it's a huge shame. a scene where she finally has some level of power over apollo, however contrived, and she just looks like she's a demented owl. it's a massive waste of potential and visual storytelling.
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kodyisover · 1 year
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what good is being guitarist boyfriends if you don't use your powers to antagonize each other
( on twitter )
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angels-and-wizards · 3 months
Hi! I just came up with a cursed headcanon that I'm sure all of you will hate just as much as me!
So you know bi generation? Yeah the cool concept that makes 2 canon doctors? So Davies has stated in an interview that he likes to believe that it's retroactively happened to every incarnation. Obviously this is wild and a little out there, BUT the fact it's a retroactive effect means that it can definitely still gel with what we've seen previously. And it's a fun little fanservice thing the way is typical for Davies. Like, oh all of the 15 doctors are all active (fun fact this makes 4 Tennant Doctors all active currently lol), and it kinda can help address issues like season 6b.
Basically, it's silly and fanservicey but it's fun overall!
However... I don't think he thought about another recent controversial lore bomb - The Timeless Children (TC). Now, if every single one of THOSE doctors bi-generated... that would be a LOT of Doctors.
This is where the headcanon comes in, cos like... if you accept Davies' headcanon then you *have* to assume it applies to the TC. However, this obviously creates a bit of a... weird thing with how many there are.
So, what if Tecteun had all the bi-generated Doctors' minds' erased... and then stuck them into Time Lord society as children. Meaning the vast majority of Time Lord society is technically a Doctor. I imagine Tecteun would still have augmented herself and possibly some other Shobogans, but this would mean that the Doctors would go on to become Time Lords. Something about that makes me laugh idk
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i need to tell you all that the outline doc sitting in my "eros and psyche on the staircase soundtracked by springsteen" folder is laughing at me in 5.5k words and I'M STILL NOT DONE WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT YET
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doitforadamparrish · 2 years
ok dont @ me but like am i the only one who only likes aftg like, in theory? like I wish I could :/ completely rewrite the books to actually give the characters the depth they deserve??? Like every time I see an andreil post it’s literally just loosely based on book andreil but mmm it’s a completely liberal interpretation… and usually that actually makes it somehow better?? like I’d give the whole trilogy fr 1.5 stars and I love them so much I promise you I just feel it’s just such an injustice they didn’t get like 15 more editorial reviews?? I can’t even re read and I jump several paragraphs at a time because they’re so messy and disorganized I just can’t keep up
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ipso-again · 2 years
I feel like I have genius dumbass energy and I think that’s very Mike Wheeler of me
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millioncat · 2 years
Does the anime adapt the Chimera Ant Arc better than the manga did it?
Because I technically liked the idea of the Arc but felt like the way the manga adapted/handled/portrayed it was pretty... let's say not so good. That's why I was wondering if the anime version is at least a little different. Maybe they added something to it? Does anybody know?
I would genuinly like to see a well done version of the arc and I don't wanna hate on Togashi. I understand the long breaks in between chapters for him is what made it so chunky. But that's why I was hoping the anime made it less chunky.
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soloh · 2 years
Happy Matariki to everyone getting to enjoy the public holiday, primarily all the Pākehā people in office jobs who actually get the day off, while job sectors that Māori predominantly work in such as healthcare, retail, and hospitality, don't shut down in any capacity except for a tiny handful of small business owners making the right choice to close for the day.
Y'all are welcome for the day off though 🙄
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deadpansasser · 7 months
I think 121 is too many followers, time for a trim
I hate lucario
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myname-isnia · 8 months
I want to draw my OCs I want to draw something nsft I want to draw the character I made for my school project I want to draw mlp humanisations I want to draw an owl house au I want to draw vent art I want to draw characters from the tale of bygone years I want to draw characters from magnificent century I want to draw my sims 4 families I want to draw portraits of my favourite actors I want to draw characters from soviet movies and cartoons
And yet all I’m doing is sitting here doomscrolling for hours
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abnerkrill · 1 year
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fantastic rebuttal to "writers don't deserve better pay because the stuff they write is terrible/unoriginal", full thread here
(to explain, the "Unknown" under his name is from a add-on bot detector; it usually can assign a percentage likelihood that a user is a human being and not a bot, but I think the blue check system disrupted the add-on so it says "Unknown" underneath his name now.)
[image id under the read more:
May 7, 2023 tweet thread from Tom Vaughan @/storyandplot
With #WGAStrong rightfully in the spotlight this week, I've seen some less-than-sympathetic comments focusing on the lack of originality in our projects. This is a fair criticism of the system, but not the writers. A quick history of how we got here (thread emoji)
The first thing to understand is that Hollywood has NOT run out of new ideas. The studio’s preference for I.P. has nothing to do with regurgitating ideas and everything to do with MARKETING.
The late 60s-70s is generally considered the artistic high of the studio system. Ironically, many contribute this to corporations buying up the studios! The corporations knew they had no idea how to run a movie studio, so... they put creative people in charge.
This is how you got the run of so many great films the studios would never make today. They also took bigger chances on young, promising talent (the first "film school generation" of filmmakers.)
But with the success of JAWS and STAR WARS, the corporations demanded more of those kinds of hits. The creative folks insisted such things were unpredictable, and the business folks said let's make them less so.
(Sidenote: This was also the same time a completely different phenomenon was happening. A/C was becoming the norm for theatres, making summer movie-going much more attractive.)
Over the next decade, more and more MBAs and marketing people gained influence in the studio system. Being business folks, huge hits were not a creative problem as much as a product/marketing problem.
The 80s is when the “high concept” became pre-eminent because it narrowed a sales pitch to one sentence, a trailer, and a poster. This made everyone a marketing agent for a movie because everyone could explain what it was about!
In the 90s, marketing became just as important as the film itself (reflected in their respective budgets) when Hollywood discovered they could profit from fifty years of pre-existing awareness for old TV shows and movies.
This allowed the marketing department to move away from pitching a movie and convincing you to go see it (lower success rate), to simple “audience awareness” and building anticipation. (higher success rate.)
The audience knew what THE FLINSTONES the movie was. They just needed to know the casting and when it opened. No one needed to have the remake of GODZILLA explained to them. They just needed to know when it opened.
The marketing department prefers AWARNESS over SELLING because awareness is something you can throw money at. Selling is harder, and it’s less predictable. This is why franchises are so valuable.
Whenever someone says, “That’s something I can sell!” It’s usually something that can sell itself. What they mean is, "I just have to let people know about this!"
Hollywoods's reliance on property the audience is already familiar with is 100% because... the audience is already familiar with it. It is easier to market the product and this increases its chances of success.
This focus on I.P. has become so pervasive, many, including executives themselves, have forgotten WHY it's valuable. They'll option an unknown comic BECAUSE it's I.P., forgetting that it's unknown and lacks the main asset of I.P.
Writers do love writing on an I.P. that means something to them. Every Star Wars fan who became a filmmaker would love to work in that universe. But we do not love it more than our own original work. We would always rather work on that.
So when you see another remake, or reboot, or adaptation, and think, "Can't they come up with something new?"
Remember, the answer is yes. Yes, we can. And we want to. You can blame the market or the marketing, but either way, the widespread production of truly original content is just not the studio business model we're in right now. #WGAStrong
end ID.]
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comicaurora · 6 months
As someone who might be interested to make their own webcomic one day: Why did you decide to put Aurora on its own dedicated website instead of a platform like Webtoon or Tapas?
Don't get me wrong, the site looks great but it gotta be a lot of work to maintain, right?
It was a couple week's worth of work to set up and polish, and I've had to do very minor adjustments every couple months. In return I don't need to deal with ads, I don't need to conform my story or layout to any sort of site standard, I haven't been locked into any publishing arrangements and I can customize the site however I want. For me, that's an easy trade.
When the channel started getting big several years back, we started getting approached by multichannel networks asking to absorb us in exchange for guaranteed clicks. We decided very early on that we weren't going to do that, in large part because even the multichannel networks that weren't scams were at all times one executive decision away from exploding and taking all their subsidiaries down with them. We saw it happen to Machinima, and recent years have seen even more cases where one boss's boss's boss who doesn't know what they're doing absolutely wrecks everyone's arrangement - like how Unity spontaneously destroyed everyone's trust in them by trying to retroactively charge game devs for user downloads of their game, or how the Escapist fired the one guy who was holding their channel together, or when CollegeHumor got corporate-mandatedly forced into pivoting to Facebook video and then everyone got fired when that turned out to be a terrible idea, or even the whole Channel Awesome thing. Big conglomerates of small indie creators tend to catastrophically explode on the regular, scattering those creators to the winds and potentially destroying the archive of their work.
We've even seen social media platforms thought of as solid staples of the online landscape start withering away because one idiot buys them out and starts chewing on cables. People whose entire professional networking presence is on Twitter have had a really rough year.
From my perspective, centralizing the world's webcomics into two or three baskets is a really good way to lose all of them at once. Also I put all this work into never having to deal with a boss, and it would be weird to go out of my way to change that.
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If Percy can control a goddess's tears and saliva, poison, and water in a person's lungs, then why can't Jason and Thalia suck air out of someone's lungs to make them momentarily stop breathing atleast for a little while or smth? it's very much possible, i swear am i the only one who feels like the Grace siblings were severely underpowered considering that they're the children of the king of all gods? i get that uncle Rick probably didnt want them to overpower or overshadow Percy, but they could've had atleast a little more power.
Also, it's kinda obvious that Jason constantly getting knocked out is just a cheap and not very subtle way to make sure Jason doesn't "take" Percy's spotlight imo. Rick kind of overdid that to the point it became a joke, it's like he was afraid percy won't be seen as "cool" anymore, if jason had surpassed him, so he did everything he could to undermine jason's power to best of his ability, while simultaneously shoe-horning that jason is a Roman legend who had great achievements. Fine, don't give him new achievements, but couldn't we have gotten a flashback of his old achievements atleast? His fight with trojan, or him toppling the black throne, and fighting krios, atleast in Reyna's pov? Jason winning atleast one solid fight wont hurt anything or make us love percy any less.
It's clear that Rick CHOSE Jason to be Percy's equal or foil, but he never actually wrote them as equals with fair amount of power imo, it was a good idea to have them as parallels, but the execution was terrible. It made it seem like Jason simply exists for the sole purpose of making Percy look better (which isn't even necessary, mind you, bc Percy is always our OG king), by saying "ha! See! Percy is so much better than this useless upstart of a hero!" By giving him all the bad stuff percy doesn't have.
It's kind of like Cho from Harry Potter "existing" to make Ginny look like the superior partner for Harry and was discarded as soon as she served her purpose, scarily like Jason.
Jason's character deserved sm better. He had a great backstory, all he needed was a little more spice to his personality + a little more power
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy pride! Can I request god!percy or dealers choice
Aziraphale is a hostage and he doesn't even know it.
There must always be a Supreme Archangel in Heaven.
The Ineffable Plan is shit and it was shit from the start and Crowley doesn't feel a lick of guilt in the part he played in destroying it. Humanity deserved a fighting chance, after all, and they'd made good on it - Adam, a boy after his own heart, had made the choice to save them all.
Crowley had not created the universe only to watch Her destroy it. That was always Her problem, really. Great big ideas and piss poor execution. Which is why She'd give him a long list of impossible ridiculous things and he would work out how to make that make sense in a world where sense is a thing that had to be made.
Eden was a trial run, one of many. Making people in Her own image was proving difficult, because She didn't know what She looked like and had always been resistant to hearing Herself described.
She'd made Adam in the angel's image, and Eve, and it looked like She'd finally made a successful prototype.
Then they'd fought over what was to be made of Earth, of the people, of all the things he'd made in the vastness of space. If there's no people to tilt their heads back and look at it, what's the point of making it? If galaxies exist, but they evoke no wonder, are they even there?
He had decided to make things difficult. He had decided that if humanity was going to go toe to well, metaphorical toe with Her, then they needed an edge.
They needed Knowledge.
His sentencing had been swift and unanimous and he wasn't going to be a 38th level recording angel scrivener, thank you very much. They'd talked and talked about how terrible the PR would be, over another prince of Heaven falling to Hell, and how difficult he was making everything and how extremely bitter they were that he, as a writer in the Book of Life, could not be erased from it without also erasing everything he'd done, which was rather a lot. Pages eleven to three million six hundred and two, to be exact.
So he had not fallen, precisely, so much as sauntered vaguely downwards.
Which he felt was rather obvious, and yet no one seemed to notice, the same way he was able to march back into Heaven with a clothing change. He was impossible, and so he could not exist, and so he did not.
He had wings and he could perform miracles indistinguishable from an angel's and yet no one ever suspected a thing.
He'd though that maybe he would be made when he walked onto holy ground to bail out Aziraphale, but luckily angels don't often seen demons walking into churches. Usually because that's about when they catch fire.
Which suited him just fine, actually. It had all worked out, more or less, until now.
Saraqael had not forgotten him and didn't even try and tell him off for walking right into Heaven. Michael and Uriel's silence had been odder, but he'd had more important things to focus on at the time.
Now he understands why.
They want a new Plan and She isn't giving them one.
The Metatron knows there is one angel who worked alongside Her in the universe's creation. One angel who successfully interfered in Her plans and knocked things astray. One angel who's hands rested besides Hers on the Book of Life.
They don't want Aziraphale to lead.
They want the Archangel Raphael back in his rightful place, the Supreme Archangel, and they want him to once more muck about in Her plans and give them the war they're craving.
And they know going through Aziraphale is their only chance, the one person that could tempt Crowley into taking up his old name and his old mantel and stepping foot once more in blasted Heaven with his halo around his head rather than tattooed along his face.
They have Aziraphale.
Now Crowley can only wait and hope that he figures out the truth in time, before he's forced to defy Aziraphale like he once defied Her.
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