#great for trad animation
katyunderthebed · 4 months
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Goose flickers between geometry while it flies (not finished teehee)
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ehhgg-art · 1 year
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guess what i’m rewatching
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threewaysdivided · 10 months
G.R.R. Martin once planned to have a time skip in between each chapter of the books, but discarded it because it would require large amounts of flashbacks and expositions to get the audience up to speed. Boy, it sure is great that YJ only had one season so we didn't have to worry about each sequential season having to allocate precious episode time to explain what happen in the gaps while also developing new characters and plot lines /s
Sadly I cannot speak to or for Mister George Raymond Richard Martin's storytelling as I managed to miss the boat on both ASOIAF as a book series and Game of Thrones as a TV phenomenon. However, it certainly seems like he made the right decision there. Smart man.
As for the Young Justice Animated series... I can only agree. While I would have loved to see a continuation of the mystery, and think there was a lot of potential in the original cast of heroes and interesting things they could have done with The Light, I'm glad that DC made the call to cancel the show and move on to new projects when it became clear that the tone and themes didn't fit with their brand-pivot to New 52 edginess, rather than trying to forcibly crush the series into an incompatible mold for use as a marketing vessel.
Plus, the more complaints I've heard from other franchises about what happens when you leave Greg Weisman creatively unsupervised, the more likely it is that we would have just been in for a bad-fanfic barrage of random new characters, arbitrary time-skips, jumbled perspective-hopping, attempted twitter-retcons and general throwing-ideas-at-a-wall that he seems to use in place of actually learning basic narrative techniques like developing a story arc, maintaining character consistency or creating proper causal links between concepts, all seasoned with a heaping helping of Joss-Whedon-inspired performative virtue-signalling, creepy rape-y garbage and fetishistic sexism. Bullet dodged, methinks. Our city now.
There are fine things that are more brilliant when they are unfinished than when finished too much. - François de La Rochefoucauld
Here's to a rare and pleasant display of creative honesty.
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[Goof-posting because there's really not a lot about YJ's problems that I haven't already dissected at length. If you want a serious technical look at the scope and structure problems the timeskips cause then I've gone into it here. You can also try here for a deeper dive into how the timeskips are actually just a symptom of a bigger problem of narratively directionless story-contradictions being hastily papered over by a largely-untalented privilege-poisoned embodiment of George Lucas Syndrome and a largely-inexperienced adaptation producer who didn't have the original-storytelling chops to compensate for his co-runner's bullshit once the actually talented original production/ directorial team left the picture. C'est la capitalisme, I guess.]
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st-just · 2 months
Odd recurring tick of vaguely trad-ish/Civlizational Greatness guys trying to do big theories of everything is that the inherent very important fundamental differences between men and women (women physically weaker, more reliant on cooperation and social organization/politics, need tools/weapons to have any hope at all in physical contests) is, like, very nearly identical to the inherent very important fundamental differences given between animals and humans.
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Some things I’ve been thinking about. At times being an American trad witch is incredibly frustrating and at others it’s absolutely exhilarating, rewarding. Reconnecting with my ancestral ( primarily french and scottish ) lore, magical practices, witchcraft etc has and will continue to inform my practice but I’ll never be a “french” witch. I’ll never be a “scottish” witch. I can find a lone hawthorn or a sacred tree guarding a hidden spring to tie the cloutie to, I can divine via a snail’s mucus trail, Fly to the Sabbath to meet The Abbess, heed the Dame Blanches, pluck the golden bloom with songs to St Columba, safeguard me and mine via silver, spring water and juniper. Yet there’s many things I’ll never know or be able to do. Whether that’s because these things are so tied to the land or a specific place, language barriers, ( working to overcome this one ) or due to the ( well warranted) gate keeping of lore and practices.
This used to be a source of great confusion for me. I think because I was afraid( due to my previous new age fuckwittery ) to experiment, do anything other than what I understood as “traditional”. My understanding being too rigid at the time; the pendulum swung from one end of the spectrum to the other. This delayed my progress and “froze” me. I was left wondering what an “American” trad craft would look like; most our books do come from a European POV. Learning of our own magical traditions as well as those of my Canadian family ( still working on that one haha ) helped. Reading Robin Kimmere helped. Reading Schulke, him being an American and writing on American plants, helped too. I’ve come to know Sugar Maple and Plantain as powerful spirits. Both teaching important lessons on how to rectify my ancestors mistakes, to foster relations with the First Peoples and how to incorporate the magic of this land into my craft. Rather than being frustrated by my being American I see it as a challenge now. I get to explore spirits, plants, places, animals, spiritual/physical ecologies ( is even really a difference between these?) completely unknown to my ancestors. I get to reconcile the old and the new. To learn from Spirit Direct. Tradition isn’t the worship of ashes, it’s the preservation of Fire. New wood must be added to keep The Fire burning. The Devil of this land certainly is a spirit of the unknown.
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I am the land, the land is me.
I don’t own it, to it I owe all.
To it my body will return, the tithe paid.
I’m not rolling hills of heather, white chalk cliffs, the monk’s island nor the azure coast. The memories of these places echo distantly in my blood, sung alive by my ancestors shades. Part of me they’ll always be; yet it’s not who I am. Not what I am.
I’m craggy shores, dull-jade waves bearing down upon the tired rocks. I am musky pine forests veiled in mist. Sun-venerating oaks hugging the shoreline. Bleeding alders in damp ground swelling. Proud maples sustaining generation upon generation with their boiled blood. Death-grey clay, exposed by running spring.
I am the kudzu, the itching moth, the knotweed, the Norway maple, the ivy wrecking havoc upon the land. My surname and light skin proof of a genocide ongoing. I am my ancestors sins; the specter of the Old Growth forests, their grief hanging over the land like a fog. Every interaction with The Land tinged with sadness, loss.
I am my maternal side’s copper curls. Melusine’s pride. Ave Landry! Ave Gauthier! Forebears mine.
I am my paternal side’s grief. The end result of decades of cultural warfare. The Jesuits stole our name….my hair will not be cut.
Never will I libate these glacier carved valleys with booze.
I am the plantain, learning a kinder way. The sumac reclaiming the orchard.
My Februarys, my Marches aren’t snow drops and daffodils peaking through the frozen ground. They’re steely skies and walls of sleet. Bloodroot heralds winters wane; not Brigid’s flower.
My June isn’t fields of poppies, it’s seas of crimson staghorn blooms skyward reaching.
My augusts aren’t golden shafts of wheat, swaying in summer’s last breaths; they’re explosions of neon-violet and honey-yellow. Corn ripening on the vine, supporting the climbing bean. The cicadas song reverberating.
Old Michaelmas marks harvest’s end, October potatoes long buried in soils darkness finally exhumed. The Devil his Rosy Briar to ascend and plunge.
With Novembers first snows the Dead come in.
I’ll never process around a standing stone nor know what it is to live and eat off the land my dead lay in. Finally, I’m learning to be at peace with this. To love and know the land I live on. I’ll always be a stranger here, a guest. I hope to be a good one.
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triple-asstro · 7 months
can we get a mm tmnt (all of them or just Donnie if you don’t wanna write all of them) with a super trad goth reader, like with super teased out hair, blatformes, lots of eyeliner. And maybe she has a weird hobby like taxidermy or bone collecting.    I love you’re work btw💗💗💗
a/n: first of all, THANK YOU SMM!!! It always invigorates me to hear someone loves my work <3 
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When you meet him, he’s kinda like this: 👁️👄👁️
He’s seen goths like you on live streams 
But you see, there’s a difference between seeing something through a screen
And experiencing it in real life
He’s so excited to see your hair
It’s super bright, so it makes you stand out
This adds a pro in that you hardly get lost 
But also, you draw attention too much
As you got closer to both him and the brothers, you started to open up a bit 
Donnie even offers to do your eyeliner for you
Watching anime like Death Note and Steins:Gate
Always goes on Hot Topic runs with you
He’s huddled in the AOT t-shirts and merchandise
While you slide a few dollars to the cashier to seal their lips 
(and maybe steal a few more makeup palettes along the way)
As you make more trips, you see one mini taxidermied wolf on the shelf
You’ve loved taxidermy all your life, fascinated at how people can make animals so lifelike without actually making an actual living animal 
But, because telling others that you love stuffing dead animals to preserve them is not exactly a great convo starter, you had to sustain your excitement
You secretly bought it after Donnie had left
When you arrived back at the lair, your bag that contained your taxidermed wolf haphazardly ripped out of the black plastic bag
Clattering in front of Donnie in classic sitcom fashion
"It's not a weird fetish thing, I swear-"
Thankfully, he was understanding
Saying something along the lines of: "I'm a mutant, I've seen weirder"
After Superfly's defeat, everyone practically crowded around you and Donnie
Everyone was interested in the trad goth covered in metal piercings and the turtle man in the Jojo's hoodie.
But thankfully, you guys could always rely on each other
and your guys' mini taxidermy wolf for support
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entomolog-t · 2 months
Got an Idea
In the world of "Bite Me" vampires are real tiny parasitic things, right? But they're still vampires. Does that mean there are people like paranormal hunters or something? There's so much potential in these...
So to avoid spoilers I'm going to be pretty vague-
Vampires in the Bite Me universe are abnormal but not paranormal (though I will be doing a paranormal au because there is SO MUCH potential so by all means I can try to answer some more trad vampire stuff if talking about the potential au).
THOUGH- that doesn't mean that the tiny lil bloodsucking activity has gone completely unnoticed right? I mean, Aedes can't possibly be the only vampire who's been caught...
Vampires are completely normal biologically speaking, in that they don't have supernatural powers. The vampires in the Bite Me universe are essentially just a type of well adapted parasite. Some lil tidbits about their biology-
⚠ Nerd Alert ⚠
They are nocturnal- and hunt at night. Their eyes are adapted for low light conditions, though they can still move freely in the light.
They have an instinctual fear towards light (feels open, the feeling of being watched etc...) essentially to avoid predation by animals or being spotted by humans
Vampires have keen senses (hearing, smell, taste, sight) and phenomenal reaction time in order to help hunt. With their processing speed and keen senses, unless you catch one in the act or manage to corner/trap one, vampires are extremely hard to catch by just grabbing (cough cough, unless a certain lil someone likes to be grabbed) His senses dull when not in active "bloodlust" in order to keep the mind from being perpetually overwhelmed by everything all at once, though even dulled they are remarkably keen.
They are stronger than humans (relatively speaking), and quite durable. They have a high density of fast twitch muscles that helps further bolster their reaction time.
I've dabbled with the possibly of them having mild electroreception (basically in order to have a 6th sense towards heart beats as the muscle contracts) BUUUT I want to play around with the speculative biology with that. Mammals don't typically have an electrosense (more of a fish thing) but there are exceptions- yet those are still water based (with the semi exception of the echidna) so I'd have to do some pretty hefty playing around if I wanted to make it work.
They're allergic to garlic (along with a lot of other foods). Carnivorous, especially blood based parasitic diets leave an organism with an extremely reduced gut (Fun fact, theres actually a reason behind Aedes' slutty lil waist 😭) so they typically lack the ability to digest some harsher irritants, garlic being a big one. The smell is also extremely pungent so, yes, it absolutely will keep Aedes away (though it would have to be crushed)
Vampires in Bite Me do have one ability that feels almost supernatural- they are natural mimics. Vampires have incredible vocal control and ranges. This is incredibly useful to both ward off predators and lure in prey. Because of this- there are some typical tactics they use to avoid being caught (Some in more remote regions will mimic a rattlesnake rattle to deter a person from coming closer if they get spotted- and are usually able to slip away while the human calls pest control). This skill has led to both folklore and urban legends, about weird sounds occurring in strange locations. With their speed and skills in avoiding detection, a person would likely assume their house is haunted well before thinking theres a little vampire running around their house
Typically their bite is mildly numbing- though a very small number of people have a mutation that makes the numbing nearly completely ineffective (June being one of them). In that case, the numbing tends to work against its intended purpose- the numbing instead being noticeably tingling, and without the numbing agent, the anticoagulation factors and vasodilators within the saliva increase sensation in tandem with the increased bloodflow to the bite area, as well as giving the overall area a warm sensation.
That was a chunky lore dump.
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everlastlady · 10 months
Oye oye!! ¡Estoy aquí para enviar ese enfrentamiento! I’m the vocaloid anon that asked if you take matchups and since you do and want me to send one, then I shall! So I want a Romantic matchup for Hazbin Hotel please and I want a male matchup pls! (^^) とにかく始めましょう!
My name is Joey, I use he/him pronouns, im transgender aromatic unlabeled and bisexual, i have adhdism and BPD, and im a very cool person😎/hj
personality: I’m a ENTP and Extroverted but at first I’m a little awkward when I meet new people so it may take a some time to adjust to that new person but it’ll be good! I love to ramble about my interests a LOT, I also enjoy talking to someone about really anything, i love to make silly/sexual jokes, I have positive and negative traits ofc but lets start with the positive ones hmm? So I'm highly attuned to the smallest details, and I'm often the first to notice patterns in a system or a group of people. I tend to enjoy strategizing, problem-solving, and brainstorming new ways to complete everyday tasks. Now for the negative ones now When I'm bored or feeling trapped, I become anxious, scattered, and impatient. I may make impulsive decisions or take needless unnecessary risks, and one more thing that I'm not proud of at all is that I vape a lot when my anxiety goes through the roof. Now anyways with that, I have a huge passion for dancing, like I love it, I enjoy doing parapara dancing is a traditional thing where I dance to tech/euro music, but I also do regular dancing I love vocaloid a lot so I dance to a lot of the songs, I would love to dance with my partner and it can be slow dancing, etc idc anything PLEASE!!! also I enjoy flirting with my partner in different languages like Japanese and Spanish the nicknames I love to use would be ハニー (hanii), 恋人 / こいびと (Koibito), Mi amor and Mi alma, I have all the love languages I'm serious lmaoo, for dates it would be like going to a movie theater and then afterwards we can go get dinner, or personal for me I would like to go to an arcade and the shop for a little and whatever my partner wants really lolz xP
appearance: I'm 5'6, i have a rectangular body, I have dyed black boy hair with bangs, inhale brown/hazel eyes, I wear glasses, I also have piercings on my nose, lips, ears, eyebrow, etc 😭, I also wear a shit load of styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, cyber goth, mall goth, and nu goth), gyaru (himekaji, hime gal, rokku, manba, banba, agejo, kogal, tsuyome and kigurumin) scenemo/emo, and vkei ouji and lolita, I usually wear those for fun, when I'm going out somewhere, social media, etc but when I'm at home/school/work I wear street clothing type of stuff like a sweatshirt and baggy pants hehehe
hobbies/interests: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, fashion, art (painting, drawing, pottery, digital art, etc) learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, volleyball, dancing, singing, listening to music/making music, playing piano/electric guitar , writing, collecting stuff(clothes, seashells, etc), shopping and more on
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friends, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, a silent voice, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad, eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders (idc that angel dust is a spider since he does not look like one but I’m scared of actual tiny ass spiders 😭)
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) and more....!
どうもありがとう !¡Que tengas un gran resto de tu día o noche!
Hello! Thank you for submitting I was literally deciding who to match you with that I was thinking about Angel Dusk, Alastor, and Husk. I almost choose Alastor but I decided Husk needs some love but I do drop an Alastor hint 👀 so I hope you like that and this story.
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Magical Date
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Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story that this lovely person requested. I have many request to complete so this is me knocking out one of the request. My inbox is closed at the moment but I'll still be posting and will open it back up soon.
Word Count: 1903
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Husk didn’t really care about working at this hotel. In his words he didn’t want to do any charity work. But Alastor made him stay and help out. Husk really couldn’t say no and there were reasons behind it. Reasons Husk didn’t feel like telling anyone and couldn’t tell anyone. So Husk did his work at the hotel. Sometimes he complained here and there. Having to tell Angel to screw off and for Charlie not to hug him for doing a good job. The only people he could stand were Nifty and Vaggie. Husk would just work, drink, and sleep. Everything just felt like a cycle that was until Joey had joined the hotel. Husk stared at Joey for a moment and felt a weird feeling in his chest but he thought it was just from the alcohol so he pushed it aside. Charlie had called a meeting and introduced Joey as someone who will be working here at the hotel. That he would be helping with the teenage sinners. Husk hoped that Joey wasn’t annoying as the others. And to Husk surprise he wouldn’t but Joey would make sexual jokes with Angel or silly jokes with Alastor. Joey was great at his job when it came to teens understanding certain patterns that landed these teenagers in Hell. He was always helping Charlie with ideas for the hotel like when they threw a summer festival at the hotel and everyone had fun. Husk himself even enjoyed it. Husk found himself enjoying seeing Joey. It was night and Husk had finished closing the front desk, he decided he earned himself a smoke break and walked outside to the back alley. That’s where he stopped Joey and saw him smoking. Husk wasn’t up to date with many things but he could see that Joey was vaping. Husk never understood anything about vaping but he wouldn’t judge because times are changing and things are and will be different. Husk walked over and saw that Joey was upset. Husk pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “ What’s up with you? “ Husk said as he placed the cigarette to his lips. Joey looked over at Husk and sighed. “ I made a stupid choice. You see I wanted to impress Alastor even though Vaggie warned me not to do so. I asked Alastor to dance thinking I could wing it since I love to dance but I accidentally knocked down Alastor’s radio and broke it, even though he said it was okay. I couldn’t help but cry and run off because I embarrassed myself and I feel so fuckinf stupid! “ Joey said. As he weeps and looks down. Husk sighed and looked at Joey, feeling bad Husk knew how it felt to be embarrassed when trying to impress someone. “ Hey, now don’t beat yourself up, sure you might have embarrassed yourself but come on we all screw up and make fools of yourselves. I’m surprised that Alastor didn’t send you to a different part of Hell for breaking his radio. So if he didn’t then he must not have been upset. But again don’t beat yourself up. “ Husk decided to try a tactic that Charlie had him do whenever he was upset. “ Joey, look at me. “ Husk said. Joey stared at Husk with tearful eyes. Husk wipes away Joey’s tears and gives him a serious look. “ This may seem silly but just follow my lead. “ Husk looked around and lifted his arms in the air. Joey stared at Husk with confusion.
“ Come on, just do it. “ Husk said. Not wanting anyone to walk into the alley and see them. Joey nodded and lifted his arms in the hair. “ Close your eyes. “ Husk said while he closed his eyes. Joey closed his eyes. “ And now deep breathes in and out. “ Husk said. As he was teaching Joey some breathing exercises. Joey did what Husk said. The two of them taking deep breaths, pausing, and then breathing out. This continued for a few minutes and Joey started to feel better. It also made Husk feel better that he didn’t want to smoke. Husk opened his eyes and dropped his arms to the side. “ Alright, do you feel better. “ Joey opened his eyes and smiled and gave a nod. “ Yeah, I feel a bit better thanks Husk, can I give you a hug? “ Joey asked. This surprised Husk because his boundaries usually weren’t respected mostly by Angel, Alastor, and Charlie. “ Eh…. sure but make it quick. “ Husk said, mumbling. Joey hugged Husk for about five seconds then pulled away. A part of Husk wished the hug lasted longer but he couldn’t get attached. “ I~I’ll I’ll see you around Joey. “ Husk walked back inside the Hotel. Joey smiled and was grateful that Husk calmed him down and talked with him. The next morning Joey was listening to just a couple of songs from the musical Hamilton. He had gotten Charlie addicted to the musical that the two would sometimes listen to it. Husk couldn’t stop thinking about Joey yesterday after what happened. He thought about asking Joey to have a drink with him but he wasn’t sure if Joey was a drinker so he thought maybe he could take Joey to a magic show that was happening. “ Come on, just ask them. “ Husk thought to himself. Husk closed his eyes and sighed. Maybe getting out of the hotel would be good and he could share his special interest with someone. Husk took a deep breath and walked over. He tapped Joey’s shoulder and Joey turned around, he took off his headphones and smiled. “ Hey Husk, what’s up? “ Joey said, with a sweet smile on his face. “ There is this magic show happening tonight, do you wanna go or not because you don’t have to go if you want, I don’t care. “ Husk said, mumbling the last part.
“ Sure, Husk, I would love to go with you to a magic show. Better than staying up another night and playing my game. “ Joey said, chuckling nervously. Joey didn’t want to tell Husk that he stays up late at night playing Mystic Messenger and Genshin. So maybe a change of routine would be nice and Joey hasn’t really explored all of Hell. Husk was happy to hear that Joey agreed to go to the magic show with him. “ Great! “ Husk coughed and looked at Joey. “ I-I I mean great… I’ll pick you up at 8pm. “ Husk said, trying to sound more serious. Joey chuckled seeing that Husk was trying to act chill. “ I’ll be ready then, I have to go now. I promised Angel and Niffty that we’ll go shopping. “See you tonight Husk. “ Joey smiled and walked off as Husk felt his heart do a little dance. He walked off not knowing that a certain radio demon was watching. When it was getting close to 8-pm Husk was dressed up all and had one single rose that he didn’t steal from the hotel garden. He walked towards Joey’s apartment and knocked on the door. When the door opened, Joey stood there dressed up in their romantic goth style which Husk thought Joey looked amazing. “ This is for you. “ Husk handed Joey the single rose. Joey reached out and grabbed the rose and smelled. “ Thanks. “ Joey turned around and placed the rose in a vase and stepped outside his apartment to lock the door. The Husk and Joey walked to the entertainment place called Demonic Entertainers. Husk walked up to the booth and paid for two tickets. He walked over and handed Joey his ticket. “ The show shouldn’t be too long so if you want we can go get dinner after. “ Husk looked at Joey while rubbing the back of his neck. “ I don’t mind paying for the dinner either. “ Husk said. He wanted to impress Joey u tonight and treat him this night. “ Dinner would be nice. “ Joey said. Husk smiled and walked with Joey inside as they handed their tickets to the guy.
Joey and Husk took their seats while the show was about to start. Joey could see how excited Husk was for this show to be at this place. Joey made a mental note. Husk was like an excited child while watching the show on stage. The magic was always amazing to Husk. After the show was over Husk couldn’t stop talking about the magic show. Joey thought this was adorable watching Husk go on about the magic show. Once Husk was done speaking. He looked at Joey and let out a nervous chuckle. “ Sorry if I’m boring you. “ Husk said. “ No you aren’t boring me, I don’t mind hearing you talk about something you are passionate about. “ Joey said, walking down the street with Husk. “ Thanks, Joey. “ Husk continued to walk with Joey and found a nice small dinner called Auntie Bee’s Diner. He opened the door for Joey and The two walked inside the smell of the food made Husk’s stomach growl. He hadn't eaten anything all day; he had been too excited to take Joey to the magic show. The two of them took a seat as the sheep looking demon woman handed them their menu. Husk decided to order a steak and eggs with a small drink. While Joey ordered whatever looked tasty on the menu. The waitress gave a nod and walked off. “ So Joey, how did you end up in Hell?, if you don’t mind me asking. “ Husk took a sip of his drink. Hoping that Joey wouldn’t find that question uncomfortable since most people who end up in Hell had traumatic experiences. Joey closed his eyes thinking about how he ended up in Hell and told Husk about how he came to be in Hell. Husk made sure to listen since he wanted to learn more about Joey. “ You had an interesting life. “ Husk said. “ And now I have an interesting life in Hell. I even found out I could put hits on my enemies who are still alive. This guy named Blitz gave me one free kill for next time because he said I was cute. “ Joey said. The last part made Husk feel a bit jealous but he wouldn’t show it. The waitress came back with the food. After eating and talking, Husk paid and walked with Joey. Husk walked Joey back to his apartment and smiled. “ I’m glad we got to hangout tonight, thanks for your company at the magic show. You aren’t as annoying as the others at the hotel. “ Husk said. “ No problem, thanks for inviting me, I had lots of fun, maybe next time I can treat you. “ Joey said smiling. Husk and Joey stared at each other for a while. Husk wanted to make a move but his mind panicked that he didn’t want to just leave. He kept thinking about how he should just kiss Joey but he hasn’t had to worry about these things for years. Husk was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Joey’s lips on his. Husk kissed back as Joey smiled. “ Goodnight Husk. “ Joey closed the door.
Husk stood there touching his lips and couldn’t believe what happened. But he was glad that it happened. Husk looked at Joey’s door and chuckled. He couldn’t wait for the next time him and Joey get to hangout because he would make sure to be more confident because knew that he loved Joey.
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violetsandshrikes · 11 months
Can you clarify what you mean when you say people need more information on hormones and don't understand them? I don't think you're TERFy but things have been bad recently.
Sorry this has taken weeks to reply to - I got caught up with uni and then family things, and I was trying to think of a good way to explain what I meant.
From memory, when I posted about needing more hormone education, I meant in the general public as a whole, and stupidly I actually forgot about gender because I was thinking about the rise of the trad era and their beliefs, and a lot of the (sometimes very strange) misinformation they spread about health.
Since getting into animal hormones and working with them, I’ve had a lot of strange questions from different people, whether that be family, friends or strangers. At first I was honestly quite confused and a little horrified at some of them, but it came quickly apparent a lot of people just…don’t have any basic information to work off of, and so it’s really hard for them to take an idea presented and decide if it has any truth to it or not.
One example I’ve seen a lot is people really concerned about testosterone - particularly a lot of men, usually younger, really concerned about their testosterone levels for various reasons. I was at an event and I had heard the older teenage son of a family friend talking to people about how there was basically a movement within governments and heath orgs to give men low testosterone because destroying masculinity and so on. When he mentioned being worried about his own low testosterone, I just simply asked him if he’d requested a blood panel from his doctor. And he wasn’t the only one who looked…genuinely confused. People were arguing that you couldn’t just ask your doctor for a basic blood panel. And I was like uh…yes you can. If your doctor doesn’t want to, that’s usually a pretty good sign that the working relationship isn’t going to be great, and you should seek a new one. A lot of people seemed really confused by this concept as well (which is a whole other concerning kettle of fish).
I think that basic health and biology is already pretty poorly understood by a lot of people for a variety of reasons. Hormones in particular are a bitch because they can be complicated to explain, and because of that, it’s easy for an air of mystery to be added and for them to be used for people to peddle some real bullshit.
Ideally, I think we need more science communication to the general public about what hormones actually are, what they do, that you can ask to have them checked on a basic level and HOW to do that, and genuine signs that you should be concerned about. I think good public health campaigns would help disperse a lot of general misinformation and fear around them.
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apollowhoo · 10 months
i saw you accept matchups and I wanted to send one in :D so may I request a Platonic Matchup for Danganronpa, Hazbin Hotel, Alice In Borderland and TBHK (if your fine doing four— If not you can get rid of TBHK) 어쨌든, 시작하자!
my name is joey, im 4teen, i have autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD & BPD, im transgender (ftm), aromatic bisexual and unlabeled
appearance wise, im pretty midsize, im 5’6, white skinned, i have dyed black boy hair with bangs, hazel eyes, dark eyebags, piercings, i wear a lot of different styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome and kigurimin) scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, when I’m at home/work/school I wear Streetwear clothes such as baggy stuff and I also wear a lot of Y2K stuff too
I’m a Aquarius, an ENTP/INFP, 4w3 and Extroverted
My top interest is anime/manga, my other main interests are gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, fashion, music (including Vocal Synths! I’m a vocaloid producer and a regular one too), filmmaking, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning instruments, learning languages, tabletop RPGs, rhythm games, cosplaying, watching documentaries, going on walks, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, dancing, science/history, and cooking, art is definitely my top main hobby rn, im dedicating a lot of time to it
Im usually awkward at first when I meet someone new, unless if I feel really comfortable or if I’m in a safe situation, when I’m comfortable with a person you CANNOT shut me up, I’ll be rambling about my interests and shit, i have a hard time communicating and understanding social cues due to my autism, my emotions come off as sarcastic or silly, im someone very entertaining and calming to be around with, i have a hard time taking everything seriously, and I find humor in pretty much, i also feel the urge to correct any faulty information, i also talk very differently with my words since some people say I use “BIG” words, for the most part I’m pretty chill— but what some would consider “repressed anger issues” and I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked.
I’m like the dad friend and I have a bad habit of being a therapist for my friends, i like to keep stuff with me when I go out like chapstick and some water bottles for my friends and me as well, i really like to make things for people I’m close with and that includes drawing stuff for them as well, i have a realllllyyy overactive brain. i tend to get really deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own to long, so I try to keep myself and mind occupied with stuff to distract me, i dream to become a lead singer for a vkei band, also I know 6 languages which are Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish and French
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friends, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad, eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders (not Angel Dust, i love him sm)
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) yuno gasai (future diary), gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen), kangel (needy streamer overdose), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose) urumi akamaki (alice in borderland) and more....!
merci beaucoup! أتمنى لك يومًا رائعًا!
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(This is my first match up, i hope i did it right😭)
You would get along well with Hajime Hinata!
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With your shared interests in manga, rhythm games and Vocaloid; you two could have never lasting conversations about your interests. Hajime’s reserved self and your initial awkwardness would quickly lead to a healthy friendship.
You would be great with Alastor!
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Your interest in anthropology, puppets and music would definitely intrigue him! He could find your chaotic humor amusing and both of you could bond over your artistic interests.
In this chaotic world, I’d match you with Urumi Akmaki!
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Your interests in anthropology and games would get her attention. Despite her mysterious and off nature, you being the dad and the therapist for your friends could force her to open up and share her feelings with you.
I’ll match you with no one other than Hanako!
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Hanako’s mischievous and playful self could match with your humor and your love for making others smile! Your interest in supernatural could lead to entertaining conversations about spirits. He would also ask you to draw him. For sure.
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postoctobrist · 1 year
I'm a bit confused about dogs and Islam. Many great dogs (Afghan hounds, Salukis, Near Eastern guard and herding dogs, etc) are from the Muslim world, but I'm also pretty sure I've read that dogs are considered impure, so is the idea that you can keep dogs only as working animals? I never learned anything more than the five pillars of Islam in school, so forgive my ignorance :^)
No you have it exactly right! For myself I am quite heterodox about this because I love dogs, but the trad view is that they’re not just ritually impure (not a big deal, you just clean yourself before praying, which you’re generally doing anyway) but should be avoided unless you have like a work need for one
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all-things-gothic12 · 8 months
Goth? What it is + Some of my fav songs.
Hello, my blog is going to be about my enjoyment of all things gothic. Ranging from literature (novels, manga,comics), to the television aspect (movies, shows, anime), fashion and also to of course the music.
Growing up I always listened to rock music as both my parents are super into the genre and subgenres. Once I started consuming more media I realized that I enjoyed certain things over others, which led to my subsequent enjoyment of gothic things. “Gothic things” is such a huge umbrella of topics, and it’s all amazing, there’s so much to explore and consume that it seems overwhelming at times. Gothic media has influenced me tremendously, to how I dress, to my art, and even with some of my world views. The romanticism of darkness is so romantical that I love writing about it.
Before I do start info dumping about gothic topics, here is a slight definition of what a goth is and what the music is in of itself:
Being gothic is usually described as someone that enjoys the darker things in life, although the only parameter to being goth is to listen to the music. Most goths actively dress in gothic clothing such as all black, black hair, all black makeup. (This is of course a generalization mainly describing trad goth: there are multiple different types of fashion though). 
Gothic music is littered with lyrics of the macabre (vampires, death, monsters, ghouls, etc.). Usually paired with a bass and dark slow melodies, goth music is as stated prior a romanticism of darkness (not to be too edgy). 
If you WANT to be goth you NEED to listen to goth rock.
You can listen to goth rock WITHOUT being goth though.
Below is one of my favourite Goth songs, Sisters of Mercy were one of the biggest pioneers of the gothic genre with their darker lyrics, darker imagery and overall macabre vibe. Lucretia My Reflection is one of their best songs because of all those reasons, a great introduction to the sound of goth rock it plays heavily off of that wondrous romanticism of sadness and decay.
Another of my fav goth songs being The Killing Moon (the main track from Donnie Darko, a great film). Like Sisters of Mercy they exhibit a great raw showing of what goth music is at it's core. Just lyrics about silly goofy dark things. Which I love so much. Not to mention how great the lyrics play into Donnie Darko's imagery as a film.
Thanks for reading all of this, and I implore everyone to listen to these two songs, they're great (I am biased).
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mysteriawrites · 9 months
I wanna say tysm for doing my OC matchup request :D so I wanted to send other matchup request for myself! anyways may I request a Romantic Matchup for Oshi No Ko? 어쨌든, 시작하자!
my name is joey, i have autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD & BPD, im transgender (ftm), aromatic bisexual and unlabeled
appearance wise, im pretty midsize, im 5’6, white skinned, i have dyed black boy hair with bangs, hazel eyes, dark eyebags, piercings, i wear a lot of different styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome and kigurimin) scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, when I’m at home/work/school I wear Streetwear clothes such as baggy stuff and I also wear a lot of Y2K stuff too
I’m a Aquarius, an ENTP/INFP, 4w3 and Extroverted
My top interest is anime/manga, my other main interests are gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (including Vocal Synths! I’m a vocaloid producer and a regular one too), filmmaking, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning instruments, learning languages, tabletop RPGs, rhythm games, cosplaying, watching documentaries, going on walks, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, dancing, science/history, and cooking, art is definitely my top main hobby rn, im dedicating a lot of time to it
Im usually awkward at first when I meet someone new, unless if I feel really comfortable or if I’m in a safe situation, when I’m comfortable with a person you CANNOT shut me up, I’ll be rambling about my interests and shit, i have a hard time communicating and understanding social cues due to my autism, my emotions come off as sarcastic or silly, im someone very entertaining and calming to be around with, i have a hard time taking everything seriously, and I find humor in pretty much, i also feel the urge to correct any faulty information, i also talk very differently with my words since some people say I use “BIG” words, for the most part I’m pretty chill— but what some would consider “repressed anger issues” and I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked.
I’m like the dad friend and I have a bad habit of being a therapist for my friends, i like to keep stuff with me when I go out like chapstick and some water bottles for my friends and me as well, i really like to make things for people I’m close with and that includes drawing stuff for them as well, i have a realllllyyy overactive brain. i tend to get really deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own to long, so I try to keep myself and mind occupied with stuff to distract me, i dream of becoming a vkei singer for a band, also I know 6 languages which are Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish and French
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friends, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad, eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) yuno gasai (future diary), gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen), kangel (needy streamer overdose), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
merci beaucoup! أتمنى لك يومًا رائعًا!
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We Interupt your regularly scheduled program for.......A MATCHUP TRADE WITH: @toyafreethoughts!!!!!!!!!!
Hihi thanks for doing this trade with me, also your welcome for your previous matchup it was a hard one but i had fun. Now DRUMROLL PLEASE!
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I think you and Ruby would compliment each other really well. You’re similar enough to match each other’s energy while also having your differences being able to bring out the best in the other person.
You two met when B Komichi was making its comeback with their new members. So far they had been using the songs from their predecessors to get by, but the strawberry productions knew they were gonna need to produce some new songs and soon: and that’s where you came in.
You see in this universe you were an up and coming composer. Creating songs using Vocolaid synthesizers (srry if the terms are wrong or this isn’t how it works i don’t know a whole lot about Vocolaid.) and uploading them to YouTube. Your songs would get hundreds of thousands of views within hours of them being uploaded.
One day you got an email from Strawberry productions on about a business proposal about being B Komichi’s new composer. Despite being nervous you took a leap of faith and accepted the offer. After a few meetings you were officially a member of Strawberry productions.
In order for you to produce songs that best fit the new B Komichi image, they decided to set designated time for you to spend with the girls one on one and then as a group. You were pretty shy so you mainly quietly observed the Kana and Mem and got them down pretty easy. The ones who really took you in for a loop was Ruby.
From the moment you met her she was so bubbly and energetic. Her friendly nature made it easier for you to come out of your shell and she tried to include you in everything and make you feel at home. You two would talk for hours about your interests especially the ones you shared and she would devote her full attention to you.
After working with the group for awhile and getting closer to them you started to notice something: a lot of your songs were made with Ruby in mind. This made you realize that you were falling in love with your coworker!
At first you started avoiding Ruby. You needed time to properly process your feelings and your overthinking tendencies made you believe that being romantically involved with her could ruin both your careers and that she would never go for a guy like you. Until one day she put an end to that and confronted you.
She was very concerned about you and missed your presence, however Ruby does have considerable emotional intelligence and could tell you didn’t wanna talk about it so she just told you that no matter what it was she would be there for you to make you smile.
Those words gave your the courage to confess. So you did what you knew best, you wrote her a song. You brought her alone one day after work when it was late and everyone had left. You sat her down, closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and sang your heart out to her.
When you were done you looked to her nervousness waiting for her reaction. What you didn’t expect was her to be crying. What you also didn’t expect is when you rushed over to her to check if she was ok, she jumped and hugged you squealing yes. And that’s the story of how you two became a couple.
Ruby always encourages you and is able to calm you down when you go into a spiral. She helps you in social situations and is always able to make you smile during bad days.
You take care of her when she forgets to take care of herself or when she gets a bit too reckless or has a particularly airheaded/ditzy moment. (Aqua approves of you because you protect her like he would).
Dates between you two consist of the following: late night anime or video game sessions, private karaoke nights, going to McDonalds at 4 am (although you will get scolded for it because “junk food will ruin Ruby’s idol figure”), and aquarium dates (just cause i feel like you would both like aquariums)
You and Ruby a good couple because you take care of each other in ways only the two of you can.
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Thanks for doing this with me it was so fun and honestly i really like writing for oshi no ko. Hope you enjoy your match.
Runners Up: Ai Hoshino, Mem-Cho
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Since I have been praising Bocchi so much I will also lay down some criticism - its ‘concert’ scenes are not hitting the high water marks its slice-of-life scenes are. Bocchi has had two so far, the audition in episode 5 and the performance in the lates episode 8. Episode 5 is more of a straight shot, while Episode 8 has them sort-of botch their first song due to ~events, the same song you heard in Episode 5, before Bocchi moves to elevate them for the next two. These scenes are done ‘straight’, full camera lock on the band actually performing.
I won’t say Bocchi is “low budget” since I don’t know that; what I will say is that it very frequently keeps its motion, character linework, frame count, etc pretty simple. A lot of the crazy animation breaks are extremely energy intensive as like a creative lead; but taking say live action film reels of water flowing out of dams is not taxing the animation department. As such the limited animation is complemented by the style breaks, being the source of the creativity while giving the team time do the limited things it does well.
As the concerts scenes are played straight, they don’t have this technique to bail them out, and the seams start to show here. The band performance just have this, hm, stiffness to their motion, which I am finding very hard to showcase on tumblr with its limited gif size - you can see the whole sequence here on Sakugabooru. Essentially in these scenes there are times when the camera is stationary on a character, and times where their movement means they are “3D” and the angle of the body being displayed shifts; and in those latter parts their work on the movement isn’t quite up to task. Still good! But not amazing.
In the second concert of episode 8, as I mentioned they screw up the song we heard done well in episode 5, and this is communicated to the audience via the fact that the song itself is different and worse...but only like a little worse. I have heard some people say its really notable, but others say they literally could not hear the difference, and I was more in the latter camp. Meanwhile the animation for the sequence is pretty similar to the first one, they look less enthused and it has less dramatic cuts (they aren’t visual language amateurs after all), but its the same concept. 
What I’m building to is that the scenes want to communicate A: badass music vibes, and B: a ‘bad performance’ and a ‘good performance’, but aren’t stellar at that. They don’t quite have the chops to make the super-amazing trad concert visuals, and the audio isn’t up to the job of communicating the bad performance. I get why the audio can’t do that job, its a more subtle art, but the visuals aren’t allowed to convey this gap either as they aren’t willing to get abstract here. Most of the work of the episode 8 scene is actually done via voiceover by Bocchi, which is tbh always the lazy man’s default answer to a conveyance problem.
Bocchi *should* be applying creative, abstract visual language to elevate these scenes, but its not due in my opinion to what a call the “God Knows” trope. In 2006 The Melanocholy of Haruhi Suzumiya aired its 12th episode, Live Alive, which featured a full on concert performance by Haruhi singing the song God Knows:
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And at the time it was like the best animated thing TV Anime had ever seen. Haruhi was that in a lot of ways, it was the show where KyoAni first ‘perfected’ their stylistic approach that would become the anime quality standard for the next decade, and God Knows was one of the peaks. After Haruhi, a lot of shows would copy this sequence, some more literally than others, but the way of doing a concert performance - this sort of ‘concert realism’ mimicking the camera angles of a live filmed concert - became the standard way to communicate rock. 
But its not 2006 anymore- the amount of detail Haruhi has is great, amazing, but not special, and we have seen dozens of imitators. Dutch angle drum sequences don’t wow, and they especially don’t if you are Bocchi and your depiction of realistic motion is not your strong suit. This is however what the genre *expects*, the default, you know it will work even if it wont amaze. I think Bocchi fell into a trope trap - breaking the mold on the “God Knows” staple is just a bridge too far for them, even if I think they should have.
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r1ddlessy · 2 years
take a look around, honey bunny... you'll want a guide, won't you?
❁ fluff
❆ angst
✉ smut
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𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐊𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳
𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘳𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘴!
lip gloss lessons ❁
self care, baby ❁
klitz with a trad goth reader ❁
klitz with a Hispanic reader ❁
big spender ✉
anniversary gifts ❁
fashion show ✉
shopping trip ❁
unexpected visitor ✉
tech troubles ❁
movie date ❁
study date ❁
with an intimidating reader ❁
matching outfits ❁
pretty boy❁
two bunnies❁
sick day ❁
slow hands ❁✉
groupon love ❁
be my daddy ✉
pretty when you cry ✉
naughty girl ✉
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧
when he's not commiting domestic terrorism, he's a talented opera singer!
nothing yet...
protective edward nashton ❁
edward nashton bumping into his crush from the orphanage ❁
stress reliever ❁
insecurities ✉
meeting a bimbo ✉
bad day ❁
with a hyper-feminine girlfriend ❁
having a partner in crime ❁
homework help ❁
bedtime rituals (plus size reader) ❁
fashion show ✉
caught red-handed ✉
stress reliever ❁
panty thief ✉
naughty girl ❁
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫-𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐬
you'll look great on paper...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
wrongful accusations ❁❆
control freak ✉
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐱
he's greasy and he'll spit in your burger, but maybe you're into that?
the princess and the pervert ✉
nothing yet...
stealing his hoodies ❁
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞
he's a whiny, spoilt cowboy but he's hot and rich!
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
tough love ❁
bad day ❁
loves animals and wears a suit...need i say more?
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
tit for tat ✉
consequences ✉
come as you are ✉
go to town ✉
klitz, percy, jay, and calvin as sugar daddies ❁
jay, edward, calvin and klitz's kinks✉
thanks for checking this out, pumpkin...can't find what you're looking for? pop me an ask and i'll see what i can do for you <3
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nian-7 · 9 months
Hihihii!!! I hope ur cool if I send this request in right now to you :D so may I request a Platonic Matchup for banG dream and project sekai please? 어쨌든, 시작하자!
my name is joey, im 4teen, i have autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD & BPD, im transgender (ftm), aromatic bisexual and unlabeled
appearance wise, im pretty midsize, im 5’6, white skinned, i have dyed black boy hair with bangs, hazel eyes, dark eyebags, piercings, i wear a lot of different styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome and kigurimin) scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, when I’m at home/work/school I wear Streetwear clothes such as baggy stuff and I also wear a lot of Y2K stuff too
I’m a Aquarius, an ENTP/INFP, 4w3 and Extroverted
My top interest is anime/manga, my other main interests are gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (including Vocal Synths! I’m a vocaloid producer and a regular one too), filmmaking, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning instruments, learning languages, tabletop RPGs, rhythm games, cosplaying, watching documentaries, going on walks, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, dancing, science/history, and cooking, art is definitely my top main hobby rn, im dedicating a lot of time to it
Im usually awkward at first when I meet someone new, unless if I feel really comfortable or if I’m in a safe situation, when I’m comfortable with a person you CANNOT shut me up, I’ll be rambling about my interests and shit, i have a hard time communicating and understanding social cues due to my autism, my emotions come off as sarcastic or silly, im someone very entertaining and calming to be around with, i have a hard time taking everything seriously, and I find humor in pretty much, i also feel the urge to correct any faulty information, i also talk very differently with my words since some people say I use “BIG” words, for the most part I’m pretty chill— but what some would consider “repressed anger issues” and I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked.
I’m like the dad friend and I have a bad habit of being a therapist for my friends, i like to keep stuff with me when I go out like chapstick and some water bottles for my friends and me as well, i really like to make things for people I’m close with and that includes drawing stuff for them as well, i have a realllllyyy overactive brain. i tend to get really deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own to long, so I try to keep myself and mind occupied with stuff to distract me, i dream to become a lead singer for a vkei band, also I know 6 languages which are Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish and French
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friends, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad, eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) yuno gasai (future diary), gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen), kangel (needy streamer overdose), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose) urumi akamaki (Alice in borderland) verosika mayday (helluva boss) idia shroud (twisted wonderland) and more....!
merci beaucoup! أتمنى لك يومًا رائعًا!
hii! i hope you find these matchups are sufficient since it's my first time doing one of these. enjoy!
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I match you with...
Mizuki Akiyama & Ena Shinonome!
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-The three of you are a chaotic trio. They both appreciate you a lot even if they really don't show it. You help them a lot whether it be with mental health or just simple things.
-Mizuki loves your sense of style. They absolutely adore going out shopping with you and finding clothes. It's one of their favorite things to do with whenever you both hang out together.
-They also love to just talk with you, it truly doesn't matter about what. Mizuki loves to just sit and talk and join in if you happen to be making something.
-Ena loves to do art 'challenges' with you if you ever bring one up. She finds them enjoyable and you always make her feel better about her art if she thinks it's not up to her own standards.
-It's an enjoyable friend group and you three always have each others back no matter how much you mess with each other.
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I match you with...
Reona (PAREO) Nyubara!
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-She adores your style. It doesn't matter what you're wearing, you'll always be receiving compliments from her on your outfits. She thinks they're so unique and fit you so well!
-Reona also loves your rambling about whatever topic you're interested in. She'll listen to you for hours just because she gets excited about it as well!
-The amount of foreign languages you know surprises her and she always loves to hear them all. It's so interesting to her to hear so many different languages.
-She always wants to repay you for all the cute things you make her! She cherishes them all and has them in her room. She'll do her best to somehow repay you for how nice you are to her!
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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