#grave robbing?
mudwerks · 1 year
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Took Little Clothes Of Her Dead Baby,” Toronto Star. May 6, 1932. Page 2. ---- ‘Contemptible,’ Says Court to Man Who Claimed Trunk - Must Be Returned --- ‘I think it is a contemptible trick. That trunk had some of the clothing of her dead baby in it. You should be tied up somewhere along the lake with a brick,’ said Magistrate Browne in scathing accents to George Wood, a truck driver, charged with theft.
His worship’s indignation was aroused by the story told in the witness box by Mrs. Mildred Morgan. The lady, who had once been housekeeper to the accused’s father, described how she had loaned $9 to Wood to enable him to buy a license to operate his truck. He had given her a trunk as security till he paid her back. She had then gone to Erechin, taking the trunk with her and in it she had placed the clothing of her dead baby which she was treasuring in its memory.
His truck license secured accused had driven to complainant’s new residence and there, in her absence, had told the people of the house she sent him for the trunk and had taken it away with the baby clothes and other valuables it contained. She had not seen it since.’
The bench directed Detective-Sergeant Johns to escort accused and complainant to accused’s home and there to see that the lady got all her belongings back. He also ordered accused to pay back the $9 he had borrowed and added: ‘Remember young man, when you are square with her you will be square with me and not before.’
Accused was then remanded till tomorrow and he was taken to the cells to await the escort of Detective-Sergeant Johns to his home.
Found lodging in a freight car on the Don flats and potential recruits for the Don ‘jungle,’ Gordon Kingswell, Pat Fitzpatruck, Walter Richman, John Roddy and George Lacerto, were fined $10 or ten days each in early court.
Taken in because he was begging from door to door on Glen Rd. and so disturbing the residents, who have become nervous since recent Rosedale burglaries, John Driscoll was sent to jail for 30 days. An officer stated he was under the influences of liquor and the bench recalled he had appeared in court a week ago.
Frank Goetze, with no work and no friends, was sent to jail for a clean-up after which he will return to Hamilton, his home town.
When John Rollman, from the United States, was charged with attempting to take his life, he asked the bench if the offence was a serious one.
‘Yes it is,’ replied Magistrate Tinker. ‘The doctors report that you were depressed and worried because you have no work. You will go to jail for ten days, after which you will be deported.’
‘I think we will have an investigation to find out who is giving you drink,’ said Magistrate Tinker when Cecil Boohan, aged 18 and charged with being drunk, told the bench he had been drinking for a year. He was remanded for sentence.
Charles Price, alias Rice, was fined $50 or a month in jail for being drunk, as were William Thompson and William Mitchell. Eight others were remanded for sentence.
Williamus Swentsitski appeared on a B.L.C.A. charge. Police told of finding the contents of a bottle of alcohol flooding the floor of his home, it was collected in a sponge and duly analyzed.
‘What did the analyst say?’ ‘It was alcohol, sir.’ He was fined $150 and costs or three months.
‘He appears to have enough money to pay a solicitor to represent him and yet he cannot pay $50 for the damages for the other man’s car. He will be fined $50 or 50 days,’ said Magistrate Browne, when Vernon Byers was convicted of reckless driving. He was denied a second week’s remand to get the money and descended to the cells looking decidedly startled.
Because they got two tons of coal and paid for it with a worthless cheque and subsequently burned it up, Alfred Amoe and Percival VanKoughnet, who are housekeeping together, were fined $10 and costs or 30 days each. The charge was theft.
Reckless Driving B.L.C.A. and reckless driving were the charges against Arthur Griger. Accused pleaded guilty to reckless driving and was fined $10 and costs or 30 days and his permit to drive was cancelled for 30 days. The B.L.C.A. charge was withdrawn.
Given a chance by department store police the day before, George Keishan, a nervous looking lad, returned and stole a pair of socks. To-day he was placed on probation for two years and was ordered to keep out of the big stores.
Charge Withdrawn Aarno Kornhoner, a Finn, pleaded not guilty to a charge of assaulting Mike Longo. Longo said accused chocked him, tore his clothes to strips and scratched his neck. The reason for the assault was that complainant owed accused some money which he had not paid him. The alleged assault occurred in accused’s room. The charge was withdrawn at the bench’s direction.
Threw Glass at Cyclist Charged with aggravated assault on the person of Edward Haddock, William Mason pleaded not guilty. Haddock, a small boy, aged 11, appeared escorted by his mother. The lad said he was riding up and down on his bicycle when a girl threw some glass in front of his wheel.
‘I got off my bicycle to hit her,’ said the lad, ‘and she ran into the house.’
‘Did you hit her?’ ‘No, sir, I could not catch her.’
Because of this, the accused, who was father of the girl, allegedly chased the lads and kicked him and a $3 doctor’s bill was the result.
The bench ordered the accused to pay $5 and when the family disputed this decided to go into the case fully at 2 p.m.
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ars-ceratinus · 2 months
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How Much Longer (2024), Oil on Canvas - 3ft x 4ft
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*pries open your casket, smirking* Decomposing down there all by yourself, gorgeous?
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fredoesque · 3 months
something morbidly funny about crozier leaving behind excess food supplies for the mutineers in ep 9 and then later burying jfj instead of eating him only for the mutineers to find (and presumably eat) him anyway. "i will not take away any chance for them to survive." <<should not have said this where the camera could hear you
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youre-only-gay-once · 10 months
our glorious working class castiel versus their wicked bourgeoisie aziraphale
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snufkins-boot · 2 months
Dc x dp idea: kill yourself
Listen, I firmly believe that Danny and any of the bats would flirt like fucked up little animals, disgusting little creatures.
I’m using Damian as an example because take a wild guess based on literally fucking anything I’ve ever posted on who my favourite is.
Danny, if ghosted for long enough, would probably just say kill yourself, not as in ‘go die whore’ but ‘let’s be immortalised together forever’. Even better if it’s ghost queen or king or whatever Danny because he’s basically just offering a green card to the afterlife and that funny as fuck.
And Damian would bring him skulls and poisonous mushrooms and keep several tabs on his location at all times and points because he is his mother’s son after all. He’d kill Freakshow or something and put a bunch of flowers into his hollowed out bones for decoration and hand it to him because love.
This doesn’t even have to be dc x dp, I just firmly believe that literally any of the characters from Batman or Danny Phantom would flirt like serial killers.
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odinsblog · 2 months
The IDF stealing people’s jewelry in Gaza. Petty thieves. And these are supposed to be the good guys?? GTFOH.
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thyhauntedmansion · 6 months
She’s so silly🥰
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vieramars · 19 days
I had to sketch the toxic enby yuri
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“WHERE ARE.THE REMAINS,” Daily British Whig (Kingston). December 18, 1911. Page 3. --- Of William Coleman Who Died In Generai Hospital. ---- Enquiry is being made as to what has been done with the remains of the late William Coleman. The deceased had been working on the C.N.R. near Perth Road, and was fatally hurt by a stone falling and striking him in the head. The remains were said have been buried in Cataraqui cemetery, but on enquiry it was found that they had not been interred there. If the remains are not claimed within forty-eight hours after the death took place it is the duty, of the anatomy inspector, to look after them. As yet he has not any information to what has been done with the body. The remains may have been buried in another cemetery.
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sol-draws-sometimes · 19 days
✨Real goth girls dig graves✨
No??? Not even Mary Shelley dug graves, she only fucked on them
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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artistsfuneral · 2 months
Digging up and robbing the grave of Lambert's mother might not have been the most romantic thing Aiden has ever done with his wolf, but it definitely made it's way into his top 5 when Lambert got on one knee and proposed to Aiden with a slightly muddy ring.
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shinythingsarecool · 10 days
Ok but if hezekiah wakely and ink5oul lived in the same timeline, they'd be friends
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One thing about Dr. Daniel Cain is that he’s gonna be positively shit at his job
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