#good job Fancy!
naamahdarling · 2 months
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I have messed up a lot of things, but loving this baby isn't one of them.
She is so soft.
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attleboy · 4 months
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QUICK GUYS while it's still relevant!!! do your thing!!! 📸 okay good you can go now
original by glitch...you've probably seen it 10 million times by now
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now for bonus content... flat color version
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andddd individual characters... jax is a little halfbaked in spots sorry you weren't seeing those bits in the full thing anyway
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i also made some doodles based off eizouken clips i found but i ended up making a lot so i'm just gonna give that its own post tomorrow :)
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pancakemolybdenum · 4 months
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@josuyasuweek-2024 day 1: part-time jobs / food / meet-cute au
stealing food at lunch break
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tenvishund · 4 months
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F I S S I O N - Why the hell do you hurt yourself for this?
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bluepallilworld · 7 months
The sun goes down and the creatures...
It is time...
Welcome to the party!
Here's the dark cream shipkids halloween collab!
Warning for blood, halloween music and some horror themed background elements ;3
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Close-ups! (Click)
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Credits time!
The kids:
-Mimosa and Mu are mine
-Celestial Star and Luna Light belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish
-Estrella belongs to @shinechermont
-Aim belongs to @zu-is-here
-Ruby and Meridix belong to @orange-dreamzer
-Ares belongs to @puddle-of-creativity
-Nightingale belongs to @catlover31
-Soltice belongs to @laf-e-taffy
-Diaphanous belongs to @amarald
-Mirage belongs to @ari-cuno
-Mager belongs to @faeroviolet
-Fenzo belongs to @im-to-good-for-names
-Andromeda and Eclipse belong to @dragon-tamer-1
The background+ team (look at how big it was this year!!!):
- @diofasolia did the music (spooky scary skeletons :P) (I did some singing), the customized pumpkins, the bloody chair and the lovely lady coming out of the tv
-@orange-dreamzer did some bats, the big cake, a... flower a bit special and empty wrappers
-@pmd-appreciation did seats (pumpkin pouffe, dusty stool, skeleton armchair), the cauldron of snacks, horror movie poster, string of bats, the window, the drinks, the candles
-@amarald did the table, the black cat, the chocolate cherries and a witch hat
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guideaus · 5 months
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i was looking for 'hikaru's 'idk :(' moments in hgsn and i realized its rarely there besides kinda the above pages until vol 4. i really think yoshiki ended this arc in vol 2 with "i'll have to teach him." and then proceeded to not really teach him anything or even question hikaru again, lol
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by volume 3, yoshiki's stabbing hikaru bc he's given up after hikaru fucking up again😭 the events between "i'll have to teach him" and "let's look into it", yoshiki really just hangs out with hikaru (but now knowing he isnt the original hikaru) and assumes accepting him as a friend and letting him take out a hostile ghost or two solves the initial problem of hikaru not entirely having the same perspective of humans.
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only hikaru putting an effort in to stabilize yoshiki's mental state in return for earlier gets yoshiki back to actually trying to think about the problem with hikaru's support
i know people are joking he's also currently avoiding thinking abt other events going on (dead guy on news, the fate of the old guy) and i think thats similar, lol. yoshiki's not fully able to handle it all with just him and hikaru. he goes from "i'll have to teach him" after laughing off smth hikaru did that he didnt like to "lets look into it" after establishing boundaries. i think he's definitely developing in that regard, and maybe more if other characters aid them..?
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daybr3akshell · 11 days
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sastiel as aziracrow<3
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ Settling In… ]
Part 5.0 of 6 🌹
@rebouks @gothoffspring @wastelandwhisperer @hallasimss @lre333 @bionibots @anarchosimdicalist @dirksdreamer @hauntedtrait @yikessims @foxsimthings
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tamaharu · 10 days
i hate trying to find a job i hate trying to find a job i hate trying to find a job
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bitchfitch · 5 months
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I did some lino outfits bc I like dressing him up. Please ignore the fact that he should have 2 flesh legs in two of these.
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idlesuperstar · 1 year
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- He’s the same man I knew before in Ireland, but lately...I’m...changed...by him.
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soldier-poet-king · 4 months
being full of extreme emotions 24/7 does NOT make you good at expressing emotions, especially when it's sanitized, socially-ordained sentiment demanded by professional etiquette. in fact, being super upfront and genuine about my emotions makes this faux behaviour MORE excruciating, imho
source: i am consistently the most emotional person on the face of the earth, but am experiencing The Agonies trying to write thank you cards for my second-last day at work
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lavenoon · 1 year
hi so I am extremely soft for Sun basically being all-hands-on-deck for assisting Y/N with outfits, Moon wanting Y/N to be comfortable, and Eclipse being all here for nice textures
how would the boys react to Y/N asking them (independently) to help them put together an outfit (something complicated that needs an extra pair of hands with buttons/zips). can be pre/post-reveal depending on desired fluff content - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Pre-reveal: Sun: Flattered beyond compare - them asking means they trust his judgement enough to put their outfit in his hands! For a peacock like him, who's job is reliant on looking the part, that's a big thing. There's also, uh, the thing about having to go up into their room, their private space, to maybe survey what they have? The thought will fluster him enough to fumble, and ask if they have a few things in mind already, and ends up moving the fashion show downstairs. Just take anything that could come in handy to the living room, he can work with that! Would love to take his time and invite them to a shopping trip, but feels like that might just be too much and sticks with what's available. Will however gladly offer to lend things to them - perhaps a specific tie would match better, or a certain set of cufflinks... Very gentle, but focused while working with buttons and zippers. He takes pride in being asked, so he won't risk damaging anything or hurting them by getting distracted. By the time he's finished the bitter pang of knowing this outfit isn't for him comes back to punch him square in the face, and he's lucky he's always smiling because otherwise it would be hard to keep up. Y/N doesn't miss the way his expression twists, and can't quite make sense of it before he leaves with a quick, but genuine compliment.
Moon: So you have chosen violence. Given that this is reverse coded, you have the shy boy, who is awkward af around the nice landlord already, who has no clue about fashion as his only focus is "dark color scheme and good to move in." He near panics, but agrees to help in any capacity he can - then follows Y/N into their home while just listing off disclaimers about how he's really not that knowledgeable and doesn't know what he's doing with outfits half the time, but if they're really sure - Ends up being the one giving the least "advice" because Y/N could try on anything and he'd say they look great, with that earnest expression that just makes it impossible to be mad about it. Y/N can try the process of elimination, and he does a lot better answering "this or that" questions. The living room ends up a mess by the time he's actually starting to help, almost hesitant to make contact. His gaze keeps flitting up to their eyes, checking in with them if things are still okay and he's good to continue. Ends up losing his anxiety by the end of it, giving them a couple earnest compliments. But once he's out the door and back alone he realizes that's it, that was his role in this and that's what it'll always be, and that does sting a good bit.
Post-reveal: Sun: And here you have chosen death. No longer concerned about propriety and overstepping, because now boundaries are all in the open and secrets no longer exist, he's very eager to show Y/N the full extent of his knowledge. Will no longer be too shy to go into their room, either, and Y/N will have some mild regrets over him judging what they have available. Will also be much less coy about sharing his own wardrobe, and given that he wasn't shy about it before there's just a lot waiting for Y/N. Will still be focused during the actual buttoning and zipping, but his touch will linger longer when he draws his fingers back down the line of clothing he just closed up. God help them when it's at their back - you know what you do when there's sudden pressure drawn down your back? You arch into it, and Sun is living for it when Y/N just moves with his hand, maybe eliciting a small gasp... "There, all set" - and his grin is entirely too innocent when they turn to glare at him. Maybe missing the touch already, which is exactly what he intended <3
Moon: A little less violence, good for him. Given the lack of secrets Moon is much more comfortable explaining that his sense of fashion is very much just "I need to work in it and not get killed by Sun if he happens to switch into it" which will make Y/N laugh and set the tone for the rest of the little fitting. He'll be much more of a menace, pretending to contemplate and at times even impersonating Sun and trying to mimic his speech patterns just to make Y/N crack up as they hold different shirts in front of their body. But when he asks them to "Come here?" with that gentle smile, they don't even hesitate for a second. He's much more confident, maybe even letting out an appreciative hum as he works the buttons/ zippers. Of course, he'll want to look at his handiwork, and helps them turn with his hands on their sides, before grinning like a Cheshire cat and asking if they'll need help getting out of it later, too? Earns him another laugh and a playful smack to the face, but he only laughs too knowing that he will get to help them get comfortable after, too <3
Eclipse: (though not for AU!Y/N, and more a s/o) Eclipse: Oh, he wants to have fun with this! He'd love to start from scratch, and start it all off with a shopping trip to just look around! If the energy is there, he'd love to go to multiple stores and compare, mixing and matching whatever you like, and looking for accessories in the same go! (or another go. multiple trips is also fun, he just gets excited! online shopping he's also definitely open for, if that's more comfortable - he just likes the added bonus of exploration) The actual putting on he'll be quieter, but still giddy. Torn between reverent staring, excited noises and hand clapping, and actually helping, he's a bit of a scatterbrain about it, but it's okay! Just take enough time to get ready! Very, very careful and gentle with any buttons or zippers - he doesn't want to pinch you, or break anything, and animatronics are strong enough for a mindless little tug to end with a loose button or damaged zipper. With four hands he's got a good advantage though, and two can take care of buttons and zippers, while two can hold the rest of the fabric in place. If that happens by having his hands rest on your shoulders, sides, hips, or even all of the above depending on where he's currently zipping/ buttoning, that's between him and you! Will shower you in compliments as soon as he's done, before quietly asking if you like it, too - because he knows that's the most important part, and if he hasn't helped you before and/ or you have very different tastes in fashion, he'll want to check in that everything went well and you're satisfied! <3
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mwahrails · 1 year
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some keys
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sarastuss · 5 months
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i receive: a like on this post. you receive: sarastus in your ask box. ☀
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miodiodavinci · 2 months
the burnout is real lads . . . . .
#which is to say that i came home and just stared at the wall for roughly 2 hours instead of completing my documents#it was at least validating to get to talk to one of my coworkers today#and hear that they're just as burnt out as i am#and usually have to sit in the parking lot for 4 to 5 minutes before they come in because they just don't want to be here that badly#and it feels hard to admit because this is typically thought of as a passion driven profession#and it's like#neither of us have lost the passion for it???#it's not that we hate our jobs#it's just that we both feel like. we're putting in increasingly more effort week by week but we're just.#no longer getting results.#i mentioned how i feel like my faith in my ability to do this kind of work has just plummeted to zero#not at all helped by my mentor constantly pushing me to go faster and faster but then getting mad when my presentations go poorly#because i went faster or reduced the amount of material or cut the Q and A section down 10 minutes#i just feel . . . . . tired . . . . . . . . . . .#i still need to write three planning documents for tonight#one of which needs to be Really Good because my direct supervisor will be looking at it#but my god#i just want to sleep for three days straight and then stare at a wall for another three#i'm so close to the end though . . . . .#just another 15 of these documents (including the three from tonight) and that about covers my internship#of course then there's also the seminar work and the group project and all the fancy official employment documents#and. the portfolio project (a man screams in agony)#but god . . . . . . . .#so close . . . . . . . .#so close . . . . . .#once i'm free from the portfolio it's back to zola work and THEN . . . . . . . . . .#i can finally have a substantial mental health break for the first time since last may ;;; _____ ;;;
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