#going from the fun and colorful designs and feel of pla and into… This. just feels like such a step down ugh
stormy-blossom · 7 months
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Guess who decided to update Erisu's reference because she hated the old art!
In all seriousness it was because I've updated her design a bit since I made that old one, bangs and eyes more specifically. I also decided to add some new doodles to the side.
Ive made it kind of obvious recently, yeah I'm shipping her and Volo, have been for a while but I'm a little embarrassed to share stuff like that... I've decided to call it: Ancestral tale shipping so I'll use that to tag anything I make with them if you're interested :)
Just gonna post the extra info from her old reference here:
She joined the Galaxy Team a few years ago, as she is in her early twenties by the start of the PLA events. She is sort of a... weird older sister figure, she will poke fun at you as siblings do, but she'll also beat up anyone who insults you.
Her father was banished from the village when she was much younger after a Pokemon he had caused severe damage, and he refused to release it. She doesn't know if he's alive or not, but she has a feeling he isn't. Because of this she had a very close relationship with her mother.
She dyes the tips of her hair blue because it was the same color as her father's, she does it in sort of memory of him.
At the beginning of the game she'd only have a Quilava (a gift from her father) but later picks up a Petilil and Zoura.
She's known Volo since he first started visiting the village with the guild when they were both younger. She would talk to him whenever she knew he was there. She considers him a good friend and really enjoys listening to him go off on tangents about Hisuian history.
Now speaking of Volo, he's the one who gives her the Sunstone to evolve her Petilil into Liligant.
She's a bit resentful towards Kamado since her father was banished but gets along rather well with the rest of the Galaxy Team.
She also sees Laventon as a bit of a father figure, so she likes to joke that she, MC, Akari/Rei, and Cyllene are a family.
She'd end up standing up for the M/C when they get banished, ending up with her also having the same fate.
Quick thing about El, she's my Sinnoh protagonist and as said Erisu is her ancestor.
I just think shes neat, originally she was going to act as MC before I found out they got isekai'd, so I decided she would be my mc and I would just rewrite the story a little. But then I actually played the game and created my own character so now I have a story with my protagonist and the kind of abandoned AU where Erisu is the protagonist.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I’d love to see a review of the hippopotas line if you haven’t done them yet!
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I just love the general idea of Sand Hippos. Like, hippos don't get nearly enough attention for being Creatures That Will Kill You, so taking something as powerful as a hippo and then slapping it somewhere that isn't the water just makes them that much more terrifying. There's also some neat biological elements, though we'll get to that later.
Anyway, Hippopotas is charming, and captures the cuteness of baby hippos pretty well. The eyes are fun, as they allow it to sit in the sand with only the eyes visible, like an exaggerated version of IRL hippos:
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Also, the females have an inverted color scheme from the males. Pointless sexual dimorphism is always something I enjoy, so I like the attention to detail here.
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However, while I like what Hippopotas is going for, I'll admit that the design doesn't quite do it for me.
First, this is solely personal preference, but something about how huge the nose is relative to the rest of the body, especially the eyes, throws me. It feels a bit disconnected from the body.
Secondly, the camo markings. I like the idea of them, but the way they're on the torso and nowhere else in the design makes the head feel even more disconnected from the body.
And this one's minor, but what's up with those two flaps by the eyes? Like, why are those there? Once again, not major stuff, but just stuff that keeps me from liking it as much as I could.
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Side note, it looks the best when lying down and I wish it was depicted like this more often.
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Hippowdon is a bit more my speed, mostly because it fixes the stuff that bugged me on Hippopotas. The markings on the body are now consistent, the head isn't as oversized and has more defined anatomy, etc.
But what I really like about it is the way the sand works. It eats sand for sustenance, then blasts it out of those holes on the body. That's just cool!
Though with that said, this line REALLY needs to be placed near sand in the wild as much as possible. In PLA they're just in a swamp, and the coolness of the sand element is completely lost. Likewise, it lost the lying down pose and all of the sand when it was converted to 3D, and that's just not nearly as good.
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My only real complaint (outside of the pose thing) is that the colors don't quite do it for me. It's got kind of an ugly phlegm-yellow shade to it rather than a more neutral tan, and the grey and yellows are too close in lightness; the grey either needed to be darker or the yellow lighter to give the design proper contrast. Hippopotas' colors were much better in this reguard.
The female is all grey, which I actually like a bit more, but it's weirdly inconstant. Shouldn't the yellow and grey areas just flip-flop, like the way the colors do on Hippopotas?
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Also, side note: I like this 'dex entry. Hippos have some mutualistic relationships with fish for cleaning purposes IRL, so I like seeing some strange Pokemon-style mutualism in action.
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So overall, these are some pretty cool sand hippos, even if I prefer Hippowdon a bit over its pre-evo. Keep them in the sand though Gamefreak, please I'm begging.
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Actively getting nostalgic over the Alola region right now.
Like, pkmn Black was my first game, and I have some strong opinions on pokemon from that Gen. However, I'd say Moon was the first game I really got invested in.
Decidueye (my boy Evergreen) was literally such a good starter. Left a lasting impression on me, and it was the first time I genuinely liked my starter. As much as he was not the best choice for the game or whatever, the problems others seemed to have didn't happen for me, and he was my ace the entire time.
I wish I could remember the rest of my team, or find my cartridge, (I believe I had at least a Sandslash + Marowak) but I know for a fact I had a connection with those pokemon.
Plus, for as weird a storyline (between the evil team being a bunch of push-overs and the bad guy just being sone blonde kid's rich mom?) it remains one of my favorites! Like, yeah! I'm just some random kid completing my trials, but I will absolutely rush face-first into these rifts! I'll go fight your mom for you, Lillie! I'm gonna rush into the middle of an overrun town just to get my stamp or whatever!
It was just really refreshing and silly!
Not to mention the graphics (which, arguably, I liked the Protag's blank stare lmao), the ride pokemon available, the regional variants, the poke-beans, etc. It was really really fun to see old pokemon get spotlight again, like Stoutland. One of my favorite ride pkmn!
And, again, I want to emphasize. You literally go into multiple other dimensions! They just... let you waltz right in!!! Guzzlord's dimension is terrifying. It's so cool.
It may not have been a perfect game by any standards, but it introduced something that held up really well in future generations.
1) Team skull was the first (to my knowledge) silly enemy team, and it worked well because it gave an opportunity for them to better themselves. (Plus, Gusma's design is too good.) Team Star and Team Yell follow this same trend, and it's good to see that not all the 'evil' teams are something the protag is forced to deal with. Sometimes they're just regular people who get their intentions misinterpreted by others. They just need a lil nudge in the right direction for others to see their true colors!
2)Hidden end-game villain. Granted, I might be wrong on this one, but it seems like most of the generations before Alola were like "This guy/gal? That's the one you're fighting to get the legendary in about 8 gyms." And that was that. And this time, which Lusamine definitely gave off bad vibes, I don't think it would've been readily apparent to the characters involved that she was the true villain until it really was too late. We see this happening again w/ Rose in sw/she, where we're ensured he's just trying to help the region, then he goes for the Darkest Day or whatever.
3)Something that wasn't gyms. The trials and kahuna battles were so refreshing, my goodness. As bad as I was with the sos calls or the totem pokemon battles, they were always fun. It didn't feel like a professional trainer was beating me to a pulp for fun, it felt like a big strong pkmn was declaring me unfit to proceed, so I kept fighting until I succeeded. It doesn't really track to the following games, although it does have similar aspects to the Path of Legends in sc/vi or the noble pokemon in PLA. Plus, technically I guess the gym trials in sw/sh?
I could rant for days about how much I like this game, but I wanted to infodump a out it while I was tired. If anyone sees this and has opinions (even if they differ from mine) please reblog it w/ them, or like, drop me an ask regarding it. I love talking about pkmn.
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snazzyscarf · 2 years
gonna be honest the new pokemon games look like shit
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woodstockbtswriter · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)
Word Count: 1.84K
Summary: After a long day, you and Yoongi could both use a little reassurance.
Author’s Note: This story is part of a headcanon of mine where Yoongi meets you during season 4 of Bon Voyage.
“You kissed me last night, Yoongi. You kissed me, and then ignored me. You’ve been avoiding me all day. Yesterday, I was sure you liked me. But after today… I have no idea what to think.”
Yoongi’s brow furrowed deeper, his lips forming a pout. He loosened his grip on your fingers just enough to rub his thumb back and forth across the back of your hand.
“I thought you wanted to spend less time together on camera,” He explained, his tone questioning, “because of what the producer said. You were distant with me all day yesterday, yeah? I was just following your lead, trying to make things easier for you… Was I wrong?”
Relief kindled within you. You looked up into Yoongi’s dark eyes as he searched your face, your own eyes full of hope.
“So you didn’t want to ignore me?”
“No.” He scoffed as though surprised you had to ask. “Of course not.”
The corners of your mouth lifted as a smile started spreading across your face.
“So you want me around?”
Yoongi squeezed your hand, but his face was expressionless.
He said the word so simply, so dispassionately, that if you didn’t know him, you might not have believed him. But you did know him, and you knew he meant it.
Your smile swelled in tandem with your heart.   
“So you don’t regret kissing me?”
Yoongi was taken aback, a look of disbelief twisting his features.
“What? No! Why would you even think that?”
“You thought I had a crush on Namjoon,” You reminded him, your smile becoming a smirk, “So can you really blame me?”
“I guess that’s fair.” Yoongi grumbled, the tension leaving his face. “But listen, noona… I never would have kissed you if I wasn’t sure.”
His words awoke a swarm of butterflies in your tummy, but you kept your smirk.
“Sure about what?” You asked innocently as you stepped closer to Yoongi, leaving barely any space between your bodies.
A blush immediately colored his cheeks.
“Yah…” He groaned, but he couldn’t stop his gummy smile from breaking across his face. “Aish, noona,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Don’t make me say it.”
Your heart was throbbing, but you were having too much fun teasing Yoongi. He was never cuter than when he was embarrassed.
“What? Say what?” You played coy. Though you were fairly sure you knew what he meant, you wanted to hear the words from his mouth.
“Aish.” Yoongi groaned again, his annoyance over-exaggerated. “That I like you.” He huffed, actively avoiding your gaze.
You beamed at him until he finally peeked up at you, abashed. Then with a deep breath, he lifted his face, looking you in the eye.
“I like you, yeah?” Yoongi said again, all traces of embarrassment replaced by sincerity. “I can’t remember the last time I liked someone this way.”
Your heart soaring, you didn’t hesitate to respond.
“I like you, too. A lot. But I think you already knew that.”
It was Yoongi’s turn to smirk.
“Are you sure you’re not biased?” He asked, his back teeth flashing.
You chuckled appreciatively, and Yoongi’s smirk became an affectionate gaze, his eyes caressing your face before focusing on your mouth. His tongue ran across his bottom lip as he watched you, and when you noticed, your laughter faded. Swallowing in anticipation, you lifted your chin, offering yourself up to him.
Touching his free hand to your face, Yoongi gently bent your neck as he tilted his head in the opposite direction, leaning in close. Your eyelids fell shut instinctively, and you felt his warm breath dance across your lips in the brief moment before he kissed them.
You melted against him, what little space there was left between you disappearing as your mouths connected. His smooth lips felt even better than you remembered, and you pressed your own lips more firmly against his in an effort to fully commit the feeling to memory. As you drew in a breath, his familiar scent filled your head, overwhelming you in a way that was both comforting and exhilarating.
You might say you’d been looking forward to this moment since last night, but truthfully, the way the day played out, you’d doubted it would ever come. And the intrusive thought that you might have to endure a similar day tomorrow disrupted your enjoyment of the moment.
Reluctantly, you pulled away from Yoongi, your free hand resting on his chest. His eyes were slits, his lips still puckered as your thoughts spilled out.
“So as relieved as I am to know you feel the same way I do,” You rushed, “We have got to find a happy medium between ignoring each other and being totally obvious in front of the cameras. I mean, you cannot keep kissing me like this and expect me to just act like nothing happened.”
Yoongi smiled faintly, smoothing your hair back from your face.
“What if we pretend the producer never said anything, and go back to how we behaved before? No one ever said we have to avoid each other. I don’t see why you and I can’t spend time together while you’re spending time with the other members.”
You liked the sound of that, but you weren’t sure it was that easy.
“You’re not worried about the crew - or ARMY - noticing we’re… more than friends?”
Yoongi sighed heavily, then tugged your hand, moving towards the bed. You followed him until he sat down, dropping your hand as he scooted back to lean against the headboard.
“Come here.” He said, patting the spot next to him.
The sight of Min Yoongi lounging on your bed as though he owned it made you pause, but you obeyed him, crawling across the comforter to take a seat close by his side. When you were settled, he wove your fingers together again, holding your hand atop his thigh.
“We can be friendly on camera and still keep our private life private.” He gently assured you. “I know this experience may not have given you the best impression, but the film crew are actually very respectful of our privacy. I’ve worked with most of them for years. What they asked of you… They only had the best intentions for the sake of the show. I don’t believe any of them would truly try to keep us apart. Or expose us.”
You frowned contemplatively. 
“Okay, so… we’ll just act natural?”
Yoongi nodded. But when your frown didn’t fade, he lifted his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Come here.” He sighed again, pulling you against him. 
You fit into Yoongi’s side, your head resting on his chest, beneath his chin, and you could hear his heart beating beneath his ribs. Noticing the rhythm of his breath, you attempted to synch yours to his.  
“I don’t want you to worry about it anymore tonight.” Yoongi told you, sliding his fingers through a lock of your hair, stretching it down your back. “I want us to enjoy this time together.”
“Okay, no more worries.” You agreed, relaxing as you savored the softness of his t-shirt beneath your cheek. Idly, you smoothed your fingers over the fabric, letting your hand come to rest on his tummy. He really was so comfortable. If you closed your eyes, you could probably fall asleep in an instant.
Yoongi’s fingers paused, tangled in your hair. You felt him inhale deeply.
“Your hair smells so good.” He murmured, pressing his face to the top of your head. His breath made your scalp tingle.
You sniffed, your face in Yoongi’s shirt.
“You kind of smell like garlic.”
You felt his stomach muscles contract, and knew without having to look up at him that he was holding back a laugh.
Sitting up to see his face alight with amusement, you couldn’t resist stealing a kiss. Yoongi smiled against your lips.
“You know,” He chuckled softly, “I knew I was going to like you before I even met you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“They showed us pictures of you, when we filmed the segment to tell you that you’d won the contest. And they told us a little bit about you.” Yoongi explained, his expression softening.
“Oh? So what was your first impression of me?” You prompted, lying back down and snuggling up to him again.
Yoongi resumed combing his fingers through your hair, his deep voice low and soothing.
“When I heard you did interior design, and saw how beautiful you are, I was intrigued.” He replied. “I was looking forward to meeting you.”
“Tell me all about it.” You said sleepily. Your eyelids were getting heavy, but you weren’t going to waste a moment on sleep. Not while you had Yoongi all to yourself. “Tell me about the night we first met. I want to hear your side of the story.”
Yoongi hummed, recalling the memory, and you felt the sound vibrating in his chest. When he spoke, his voice was softer still, almost as if he was deliberately trying to lull you to sleep.
“I was probably just as nervous as you were that night at the restaurant.” He admitted. “But you were so easy to talk to, so kind and genuine, you put us all at ease. And when you said I was your bias…” He trailed off, and you imagined a grin forming on his face. “I quickly realized after that night that I was attracted to you.” 
You smiled to yourself, and your eyes slipped closed without your noticing. Yoongi’s hand finally fell still, resting on the small of your back, but he continued speaking.
“It scared me.” Yoongi confessed, his tone more sober. “I haven’t let anyone get close to me in a long time. And you know I don’t usually open up easily. But the fact that you’re a fan who already knows so much about me… makes it easier somehow. And as I’ve gotten to know you this past month, and spent time with you this week… My feelings have grown faster than I thought possible.”
You opened your eyes, worried you had strayed into a dream. Yoongi was rarely so honest about his emotions. You listened more intently, determined to not miss a word.
“I could fall for you, noona,” Yoongi breathed, his voice a whisper, “And that terrifies me. But I want to trust you.” 
Your head was heavy with drowsiness, but you lifted it again to see the vulnerability plain on Yoongi’s face. His eyes widened slightly; he was obviously a little surprised that you were still awake.
“You can trust me.” You promised Yoongi, touching his round cheek.
His eyes fell shut, and he turned his face to press his lips to your palm.
“Then I can be brave. For you.”
Full to the brim, you leaned in towards him. He met you halfway, taking your mouth with his, and you let all of your emotions pour out as you sealed your promise with a kiss.
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dbzebra · 4 years
Surpassing the Strongest
Im back on Marten bs lol
This is something Ive wanted to do for a while now. A 28th World Tournament / End of Z retelling, which focuses on Goten’s plans to follow in his fathers footsteps like Goku originally planned back in the Buu Saga. Ignores DBS obviously.  Anyway this is just a oneshot for now but may possibly make it into a longfic.
May, Age 784.
Ten years of peace had passed since Majin Buu's defeat.
The cool spring air blew in from an open window of Orange Star High School. Son Goten was lost in thought as the lecture droned on from in front of him. He couldn't hear what the teacher was saying. Rather, he didn't really care. He wanted to be outside and enjoying the day. Flying around or out on a date.
Ya know, something that was actually fun.
Something, anything but being cooped up in a stuffy building all day on such a nice afternoon. If Goten closed his eyes, he could feel himself soaring through the clouds on the Flying Nimbus, the wind in his hair and the whole world below him. Ever since he learned to fly, it's been his absolute favorite thing to do.
"Man, I wanna go to the beach!" Goten whined to himself and continued daydreaming about the endless possibilities of summer fun when he heard two kids whispering from the back of the classroom that piqued his attention. Super sensitive hearing really came in handy sometimes!
"Did you hear? Mr. Satan won't be participating in the World Martial Arts Tournament next week. He announced his retirement yesterday."
"What, really?! Maybe I should enter then. Now I'll actually stand a chance."
"Noooo! Mr. Satan can't retire!" Another kid chimed in, slamming his fists down on his desk in despair. "He's my hero! The strongest guy in the whole universe!"
"It's true man. I saw it on TV. He's all bald now too. Mr. Buu is gonna sweep with him gone. He's unbeatable next to Mr. Satan!"
"Awww… Yeah, you're right. Buu is unstoppable! He's never even been touched in a fight once!"
Goten snickered to himself. If only they knew the truth. "Speak for yourself. Me and Trunks almost beat him when we were fused together!"
The more Goten thought about it, the more it intrigued him.
He always loved the World Tournament, ever since he was a kid. Growing up, Goten loved hearing stories from his dad, Yamcha and Krillin about their fights from the old days. He collected all tons of World Tournament merchandise over the years, most notably of which were figures of every finalist leading back to the very first Tournament. The premium edition figurine of his father as a teenager during the 23rd Tournament was his most prized possession. He had to send in like one hundred postcards to a sweepstakes to win. The day he got the letter in the mail saying that he won, he almost flipped.
The news of the upcoming Tournament re-ignited a fire in the young Saiyan.
"Maybe I should enter! I'll run it by Mar later..."
The final bell rang as class was let out for the day.
Goten stretched his arms out wide upon walking out the front doors of Orange Star High with an extra pip in his step. It was finally the weekend!
He spotted his girlfriend leaning against one of the pillars at the front gate, sporting her signature twintails. She was waiting for him! He grinned and picked up his pace a little bit. Marron twirled a strand of blonde hair in her fingers as she absent-mindedly watched a capsule-plane go by from above. 
Being a sophomore, sixteen yer old Marron was on the cheer squad and wrote for the school newspaper. Like most girls her age, Marron loved shopping, but her true passion was writing. It all started when she used to read fantasy books and write in her diary as a little girl. She hoped to work for a big fashion designer as a writer when she got older.
"Hey there, gorgeous." Goten said while he snuck up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
Marron flinched in surprise, but lit up when she heard her boyfriend's voice. She swung around and jumped into his arms, planting a kiss on her boyfriend's face. "Goten! It's great to see you!" Marron said and kissed him again, just for good measure. He definitely wasn't going to object.
“You too! So how was class?
“Boring. I’m starting to see why you and Trunks skip all the time.” Marron huffed, and then playfully poked his chest. “I guess being a delinquent like you has its perks~!”
“Told ya!” He said with a cheeky grin, eager to tell her about what happened today. “Anyway, ready to go?”
Marron smiled and grabbed his hand affectionately. A date was just what she needed right now. "Sure! Where are we going~?"
"There's an ice cream stand near the park about three blocks that way." He replied, gesturing over his shoulder with this thumb. "I'm friends with the guy who runs it!"
"Sounds great! It's such a nice day out! And I don't have to be home anytime soon anyway, so we have the whole afternoon to ourselves!" Marron chirped and playfully pulled him along.
After a bit of walking, they reached their destination . It was one of the more popular spots, so there wasn't a surprise there was a line.
"If I don't get something in my stomach soon, I might just eat my own hand!" Goten whined, his stomach growled almost as if it was agreeing.
"I'd pay to see that." Marron laughed.
Soon enough, it was their turn.
"Well well, look who it is! My number one customer!" The man at the stand said. He was an older man, about Goku's height. He had a kind face with short grayish hair. "Welcome back, Goten!"
"Hey Mr. Sherbert!"
"On a hot date?!" Mr. Sherbert said as he winked at the two teens. "You'd better treat her right, you hear?"
"Yeah! I'd never do anything bad. Right Mar?" Goten grinned. Marron blushed a bit from next to him.
"So what can I get for you two kids today?"
Goten already knew what he wanted; he had thought about it on the way over. "You first."
"Hmm..." Marron scanned the options until she found just the right one. I'll take a medium sized scoop of mint on a waffle cone, please." Marron said, eyeing the green-colored ice cream in the picture.
"Comin right up, miss! And how 'bout for you, big guy? The usual?"
"You bet!"
The older man laughed out loud. "I'd expect no less! A triple deluxe cone of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, comin' right up!"
"How much do I owe ya?" Goten said, digging into his pocket for his wallet.
"This one's on the house, kid." Mr. Sherbert said, waving off Goten's attempt to hand him money.
Goten and Marron both looked shocked.
"What, really?"
"Yep. Don't worry 'bout it."
"Wow! Thanks a lot!"
"Just make sure you show this nice young lady a fun time on your date, okay?" Mr. Sherbert said with a kind smile, as he and Goten shared a laugh.
"I promise!"
After that, Goten and Marron got their food then took a seat on the grass in the park across the street and ate their snacks together.
"So, tell me. What's the big news?" Marron asked as she finished off her food, feeding off his anticipation. She could tell it was something big- whatever it was. "You've been antsy all afternoon!"
Goten fell backwards onto the grass and put his hands behind his head. "Well, I heard something interesting in class today!"
"You mean you actually paid attention?"
"Nope!" Goten declared without hesitating one bit. 
Marron rolled her eyes with a giggle. She expected that response. 
"It's about the World Martial Arts Tournament."
"Oh yeah!!” Marron exclaimed. “That’s next week, right? What happened?"
"Mr. Satan retired. And I'm considering entering. I’m sure Trunks and my dad will too.”
Marron gasped and clasped her hands together joyfully. "Oh my God, Goten, you totally should!" Marron exclaimed, putting her hands on his knee. "It would be so cool! Plus, it'll be like a little vacation for us!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course! You'll do great!" Marron declared happily. She gently took his large hand in her smaller ones and stared deep into his eyes. "You've been training so hard these past few years. I know that better than anyone. You said you wanted to surpass Goku someday, right? Well this is your biggest chance. I’ll be your cheerleader the whole way!” Marron declared that as if it were a love declaration.  But it didn’t matter what place he came in. To her, Son Goten was already number one. 
Goten liked the sound of that. He sat up and stole a quick kiss from Marron's lips when she wasn't paying attention. He pulled back and saw that the blonde was staring down at her dress, a scarlet-red hue covering her cheeks from ear-to-ear.
“You're the best, Mar. And you're right. I'm entering. And I'm going to win!"
"W-W-Warn me before you do that! I-I-I wasn't ready!" She stammered out, fixing her hair to distract herself from the sudden kiss. It was only a moment, but she felt the love and appreciation he had for her in it.
A sly grin made it's way onto the half-Saiyan's lips. "Okay then. I'm warning you now."
Marron didn't have time to react as she screamed with laughter when he pounced on her a moment later. They fell back onto the grass together and started making out, not caring who saw them.
It was almost dusk when Goten and Marron parted ways for the night. As the young Saiyan approached his home in the mountains from above, the sky had become a brilliant orange and red hue. It was like a wild flame slowly dying out into the calm darkness of the night. Sunsets were always soothing for him. When he was still a small child, Goten used to watch the sunset and think of his dad, wondering if he saw the same sunset from Other World. 
Goten dropped down onto the grass in front of his house; smoke coming from the chimney. Goten smiled widely. He could smell dinner from here! "Oh boy! My favorite! Nothing beats Mom's cooking!"
“I’m home!” Goten called upon walking in.
“Hey kiddo! Grab a seat, it’s chow time!” Goku waved to his son, already seated at the table.
Chi-Chi placed the last plate on the table and then sat down herself. “Welcome home, honey!”
Goten sat down and together the family of three started eating. Chi-Chi paced herself while the boys ate in typical Son fashion-- as if it were their last meal ever (and seemingly never even came up to breathe). Chi-Chi sighed with a smile. She was used to it by now. 
“Man Chi-Chi, you outdid yourself! This is really great!!” Goku exclaimed and went back for a fifth helping. “Your food is the best in the whole world!”
Chi-Chi touched her cheeks, bashfully smiling. She was even blushing a bit. “Oh, stop teasing, Goku. You're embarrassing me!”
“I’m serious!” Goku continued.
“Um, Mom…” Goten started hesitantly. He scratched the side of his cheek, thinking how to word his next question. “Sorry to ask this so suddenly, but… can I take a week off from school?” He said and then braced himself for the ‘no.’
Without flinching, Chi-Chi put down the tea she was sipping and smiled. “Planning a romantic getaway with your girlfriend~? I don’t mind, but if something happens are you prepared to take responsibility? A girl’s virginity is a special thing, Goten!” 
Goten instantly did a spit take. He hacked and coughed and Goku patted him on the back. Once the teen caught his breath, he went pure red from embarrassment. Or was it from shock? Probably both. 
“What I do with Mar is none of--- W-Wait! There’s no romantic getaway!” Goten practically shouted. 
Talking about that type of stuff with Trunks was one thing, but it was the absolute LAST topic of conversation Son Goten ever in a million years wanted to have with his mother. 
“Oh honey, stop being so dramatic. I’m no fool. I know how much you two love each other, it’s only natural!”
“Mom! Enough! I’m not talking about this with you!”
In the years since Buu, most things didn’t bother the Son matriarch anymore. Chi-Chi let things slide. She even started wearing her hair down or in a ponytail more often than not. And became brazent with her playful teasing. Too brazent for Goten’s own good. First Gohan, now him. Goku almost felt bad for them. Almost. He found it amusing. 
Goten slapped his cheeks and quickly shook off the image before his mind could wander any further to any thoughts that might make him not able to ride the Flying Nimbus anymore. 
“Besides, 18 would kill me, revive me with the Dragon Balls, and then kill me again!!” Goten said, getting a laugh from his parents. They were laughing because they knew he was right. 
“Of course, honey. Now what’s the real reason?” She knew Goten would likely skip anyway. Goten didn’t think she knew, but she did. She was smarter than she looked. But still, she appreciated that he came to them first, whatever the reason was.
“I want to enter the World Tournament.” Goten declared, surprising both of his parents. 
“I’m in too!!” Goku replied with the same confident grin his son had. Goku had a feeling Goten would. “There’s this guy I’ve been keeping an eye on lately. He’s got some insane power within him, more than he realizes. I have a hunch he’ll be entering the Tournament next week.”
Though he didn’t say this aloud, Son Goku had another reason he wanted to enter the Tournament. A lesson that his master had taught him long ago. 
“A hunch?” Chi-Chi asked, somewhat worried. She had gotten used to the peace again. They all had. The last thing she wanted was another creep with an inflated ego dragging her boys into another universal death battle. “Sounds like bad news to me.”
“No need to worry. This guy’s totally pure of heart.” Goku replied, easing his wife’s fears.
“So who is he then?” Goten said, in between heaps of food. “Do we know him?”
Goku flashed his signature wide grin. “Sorry! Not telling. You’ll have to wait and see for yourself!”
Goten slouched back in his seat and frowned. “That’s lame. You’re no fun.”
“We’ll have to train for the Tournament just to be sure! I have a feeling this is gonna be a fun one!”
“I had a feeling this day would come sooner or later.” Chi-Chi said, sighing slightly. It was tough for her seeing her baby boy growing up into a man. He was almost done highschool, in a loving committed relationship, and now following in his father’s footsteps as a fighter. Soon he’d be out of the house and out on his own. The thought almost made her tear up, but she supported him nonetheless. The Son matriarch excused herself from the dinner table to hurry into the hall closet and pulled out a large white box with a bow on it. 
Upon returning, Chi-Chi glanced to Goku for a moment and then handed her son the box. “I know your eighteenth birthday isn’t for a while, but I… we wanted you to have this before your big day. I made it myself.”
Goten raised an eyebrow at the box, shaking it slightly. It didn’t sound like a game or anything like that was inside. Now he was really curious. He carefully lifted the lid off of the box to see a brand new gi. His current one was fine and all, but it was getting a little too small and worn out over the past months of consistent training. 
“Whoa! This is…” He gasped.
It was an orange gi, much like his father had worn for decades. But what made it different from Goku’s was instead of blue, Goten’s new gi had a black undershirt, and matching black belt, wristbands and boots. 
Goten smiled as wide as could be as he lifted the gi out of the box to get a better look at it. “This is great! Thank you so much! I’m gonna go try it on!!” He said and ran to his bedroom to change. 
Goku and Chi-Chi idled about in the meantime, cleaning up from dinner when the teenaged Saiyan returned shortly after. 
Chi-Chi’s eyes lit up like stars while Goku proudly beamed from beside her. 
“Oh, look at you! You look so handsome!” Chi-Chi gushed, fussing all over her son despite his protests. “You look just like your father did when he and I reunited at the Tournament all those years ago! Ahh, those were the days~!”
“Yup! Lookin’ just like his old man!” Goku said. “Except for the hair!”
“Hey! Don’t hate!” Goten whined. “This hairstyle is stylish!”
Goten had recently changed his hairstyle to stand out from his father. Instead of his father’s signature palm-tree hairstyle, Son Goten let his hair grow out. It still shot out in most directions, but was now much longer and shaggier, reached the back of his neck. He liked it a lot more. Even better, Marron said it made him look super cute. So he decided to stick with it!
“Training begins tomorrow!” 
Goten smirked. He couldn’t wait. 
The next day, Son Goku came into Goten’s room bright and early, ready to start. They didn’t have much time to prepare! He found the teen was curled up in a ball, clutching his pillow for dear life. 
“Rise and shine, kiddo!” Goku swung open the curtains, bringing the hot bright rays of sunlight right onto Goten’s face. 
Goten winced and half-opened one eye. “...Dad? It’s ...7 AM! On a Saturday. Come back in like three hours.” Goten grimaced and then pulled the covers over his head, hoping his father would go away. It was too early for this! He was in the middle of an awesome dream too! 
“No way. We’ve only got six days till the tournament! We’re gonna train for three days, and then rest for three days.” Goku said and yanked the covers off the bed entirely. “We’re getting breakfast out on the road, so get up or you’ll miss it!” 
Goten groaned even louder than before, finally sitting up. The teen rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly. His hair shot out in every direction even more so than normal. Under most circumstances he wouldn’t mind early morning training, but his bed was too comfy to leave it right now! If he went back to sleep now, maybe he could continue the dream he was having! “Can’t today be a rest day?”
“Nope. Now be outside in ten minutes or your mother said no dinner for you!” Goku grinned teasingly, knowing that was his son’s weakness.
“Oh come onnn! That’s--. Ugh. Fiiine!” Goten whined. “Cheater.”
After brushing his teeth (still half asleep) Goten threw on his new gi. Knowing how their sparring sessions usually went, he hoped it wouldn’t get destroyed after not even having it a full day. 
He tiredly dragged his feet out to the kitchen where his mother was waiting for him. 
“Never shoulda entered this stupid Tournament…” He mumbled to himself and yawned again. 
Chi-Chi shook her head, laughing. “Oh hush. It’s not that bad. You know how your father gets in times like this.”
“Yeah, yeah. He could’ve at least waited another hour though!” Goten said and then went outside to see his father talking with Gohan as little Pan ran around at their feet.
“Oh, hey Gohan!” Goten said happily. 
“I see Dad’s puttin’ you through the ringer, huh?” Gohan chuckled when he saw his brother drag his feet out onto the grass. “I was down that road plenty of times growing up.” 
Goku had traded his signature orange gi for a blue gi with dark bluish-green pants, black shoes and orange wristbands. He still dearly treasured the Turtle School colors, but wanted something different for a change. 
“Uncle Goten!!” Pan cried happily. The toddler wore a little red gi, a present she got from Goku and Chi-Chi for Christmas the previous winter. Pan jumped into the air and came flying at him like a football player trying to take down the quarterback. 
Goten braced himself for the hug just as Pan slammed into him, laughing. “Hey, squirt!”
“I’m not a squirt, I grew two inches!” 
Pan giggled. She loved her uncle so much. He was like a big kid, but also an adult! Pan didn’t really get how that was possible, but she just wanted to be just like him. He showed her all the funnest games, and always knew all the coolest places to go! Plus whenever he visited he always snuck her candy when Gohan wasn’t looking. 
“Guess what Uncle Goten? Daddy says I can enter the World Toonament!” 
Goten couldn’t help but laugh at her pronunciation of the word tournament. “Wait, what? You’re sure it’s okay if she enters, Gohan?”
Gohan nodded. “When she heard Mr. Satan used to be the Champ, it’s all she wanted to do. Videl and I agreed that since there’s no threats anymore, it wouldn’t be a big deal. There’s no Junior division this time, but we’ll all be there anyway. So no harm done.”
“You’re right about that! Besides, I think she can give Goten a challenge!” Goku said, winking up at Pan. 
Pan tugged on Goten’s pant leg. “Is it true you’re comin’ fishin’ with us?” 
“Sure is, Pan! Come on! You can ride on my shoulders!” Goten said and picked the little one up. She felt so tall!
“Alright, we’re heading off!” Goku said. Pan cheered while Goten smirked and pumped his fists. Now that he was fully awake, he was ready for action.
Gohan trusted his father more than anyone else in the world. He went over to affectionately pat his daughter’s head. “Bye, Panny. Be good for Grandpa and Uncle Goten!”
“Okay Daddy!” 
And with that, the three were off. Gohan watched them go and then went back inside for his morning coffee.
The three followed the dirt path to a pretty meadow nearby. Dew glistened on the blades of grass, as the sun continued making its way over the mountain horizon. A river gently flowed into a waterfall that spilled into a sprawling crystal clear lake.. It brought back a wave of nostalgia for Goku as he could remember the countless times he went here to fish with Grandpa Gohan growing up. 
Goten placed Pan down and stretched as the toddler immediately ran over to the river’s edge and stared in awe. 
"Alright before we start training, whaddya say we get some breakfast? I’m starving!" Goku said, already prepping. 
"Sure! I got it covered! I’ll get us some fish!”
"My favorite!” Goku said. No matter how many times he ate Paozu tuna, it didn’t get old.
In the meantime, Goku gathered firewood and then fired a tiny ki blast to start a fire. Pan helped by throwing sticks to make it bigger. He placed three large wooden stakes over the fire, one for each of them to roast their breakfast on. 
Goten got down to his boxers and dove into the river. It was cold, yet refreshing. If he wasn't fully awake yet, he was now. The teen swam around a bit until some huge fish caught his eye. Common for this area, the Paozu fish were at least five times his size, and normally blue and white in color (but there were other colorations as well). Four of them spotted Goten at once and rushed towards their prey, each with the intent to swallow him whole. 
Goten became motionless, waiting for the right moment. As the first approached, he swam down and kicked it in the side, killing it instantly. The teen then disposed of the other three aquatic attackers in a similar fashion.
Goten swam around and gathered his food. One for each of them and one extra! They could split the last one. 
With their breakfast caught, the three generations of Sons sat around the fire, enjoying the morning together while they ate their breakfast in typical Saiyan fashion. 
Goku burped and rubbed his stomach upon finishing. “Man, that hit the spot! Now it’s time for training!” 
“I wanna train too, Grandpa!” Pan exclaimed. 
Goku ruffled Pan’s hair, making her giggle. “You like flying, right?” He asked, knowing the answer already. 
“Mhmm!” The four-year old gleefully said, raising her little hands into fists. 
“Alright, well how about this? I want you to fly around the world as fast as you can!”
Pan’s little eyes lit up. “Really? Okay! Can Uncle Goten come with me??!”
Goten laughed and knelt down to be on eye level with the toddler. “I’d love to, Panny, but I gotta train! Next time I’ll go with you! And I’ll show you something real cool!” 
“Pinky promise?” She said, holding up her little finger.
“Of course.” Goten grinned and they shook on it.
“Alright, bye Grandpa! Bye Uncle Goten!! I’ll be back soon!!” Pan waved and took off to the east. 
Once Pan was out of sight, the Son boys could truly focus on their training.
“So, what’s on the agenda??” 
"Okay, Goten. First, I need you to power up as high as you can possibly go." Goku folded his arms and smiled confidently. "I know things have been easy in these peace times, but I wanna see the progress you've made. You've been training primarily with Trunks, right?"
Goten nodded. "Yeah. At first it was pretty casual but these past two years or so we've really gotten serious."
Goku had full faith in his son. Though Goten was suppressing his energy, Goku could feel the sheer amount of power he had within him. In his fight with Buu, even as a child, Goten showed glimpses having more potential than even Gohan. At only seven years old, he became a Super Saiyan just by sparring for fun. And when fused together, Gotenks was one of the strongest fighters in the entire universe.
"...Alright, then. Here goes!" Goten smirked. He then took a deep breath and let out a mighty roar as his power skyrocketed. "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
A wild golden aura erupted around the teenager's body while lighting violently sparked around him. Goten's muscles bulged somewhat while his shaggy hair stood completely upright, becoming sharp and jagged. First, Goten's eyes turned to an emerald green. Then, his dark black hair became the signature golden-yellow. The lightning increased in intensity as Goten didn't stop there and kept powering up until a burst of light shot from the teens body.
There stood Son Goten in a fully-powered Super Saiyan 2 state. The splitting image of his father. His facial features were relaxed and he was in complete control of his energy; a far cry from ten years ago when he had gotten carried away at the Tournament.
"How's this?" Goten asked, smirking slightly. “At first, it took a lot of rage to transform, like I had to picture Majin Buu hurting Mar or Mom again. But it’s easy now!”
"Amazing, Goten! Wow! I'm so proud of you!" Goku beamed with pride at how far his son has come. At only seventeen years old, Son Goten had mastered Super Saiyan 2. Goku wouldn't be surprised if he was on the edge of unlocking Super Saiyan 3!
"Me and Trunks are just about equals."
Equals?! They were equals? If that really was the case, Goku could truly put his worries about leaving the earth to the next generation to rest. "No wonder You got so strong so fast!"
"How would you compare us to Majin Buu? Like a ballpark."
"You mean the evil one? Hard to say exactly, but you're definitely stronger than Vegeta and I were at the time. If both of you attacked together at full power, you could have possibly beaten him before he split good from evil and lost most of his power. But you know more than anyone how unpredictable Buu can be. Even though he's good now, you have to be careful. If you get matched up against him, you can't afford many mistakes against a guy like that.”
Goten pumped his fists happily. "Right! Thanks, Dad! So, what now?"
"Power down to normal. Goku said and slipped into a fighting stance. "Let's have a quick spar. This time, no transforming.”
"Huh? Are you sure? But you'll kick my ass!"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm gettin' old ya know! Now come on.” 
Goten nodded and after a deep breath, his hair and eyes returned to their normal black color. He clenched his fists and then slipped into a fighting stance. “Just watch the gi, okay? It’s brand new, and I was hopin’ to surprise Mar with it.”
Goku smirked. “Sure. I’ll let you have the first move.”
“You’ll regret that!!” Goten instantly burst forward, appearing as only a blur. He swung a volley of powerful kicks directly at his father's face.
Goku smirked as dodged with ease but Goten was relentless. Kick after kick he didn't stop. That continued until Goku grabbed Goten by the leg, and prepared to counter. "Got ya."
"Not so fast!" With his other leg, Goten swung but that too was caught. Goten squirmed and fought to break loose, but Goku’s grip only tightened. Growling, Goten spread his arms wide, unleashing an Explosive Wave at point blank range. 
Goku was hit dead on and lost his grip, staggering back somewhat as Goten landed. "OWW! Good one! That actually hurt! But I'm not even getting started yet!" 
Goku vanished from sight and reappeared behind his son. Goten swerved around just in time to see his father pulling his fist back, ready to strike. 
However the blow went right through his son as if it were an illusion. 
“An afterimage...” Goku said, smirking.
Two copies of Goten reappeared to Goku’s side. Then, the real Goten appeared from above and swung a ferocious kick at Goku, but that too was nothing but an illusion. 
“W-What?!” Goten exclaimed and jumped backwards, searching around for his father’s energy.
“I invented that move! Ya gotta be better than that!!” Goku said from a few yards away, smiling mischievously with his arms crossed. 
Goten ran towards Goku again, but this time Goku vanished completely. The teen flipped backwards just as Goku came into sight, narrowly dodging the counter. Goten burst forward and immediately slammed Goku in the back of  the head, this time hitting finally it’s mark. 
Goku was sent careening down towards the ground, but he caught himself and safely landed on his own two feet. He winced, rubbing his head where Goten hit him. “He’s tougher than I remember!”
Goten continued his assault, flying down towards his father and firing multiple energy waves at Goku.
Goku deflected the blasts away from himself, sending the blasts far away from the fight to explode in the distance. Goten charged a bigger blast in his left hand, firing it directly forward. Goku stayed absolutely still, waiting for Goten's blast. At the last moment, Goten curved the blast up and it exploded into multiple blasts that shot in every direction, wildly zig-zagging around without any sense of direction or course. 
Goku watched each blast intensely, waiting for the right moment. 
“He’s distracted!” Goten blasted forwards, head first, at full force, slamming directly into Goku’s back. 
Pulling his arms back into the signature pose, Goten his hands together. “KAAAAA… MEEEEE…” The blue energy began to build as Goten’s ki spiked. “HAAAAA… MEEEEE…”
Goku recovered and came to a sliding halt on the grassy terrain. The Saiyan hadn’t felt this excited in years. Goku smirked and raised his power level to match Goten’s. Just then, Goten vanished. 
Goku’s eyes widened and crossed his arms over his face, just as Goten appeared in front of him.
The blast hit Goku dead on, creating a super massive explosion that could be felt all the way at the Son house from far away. 
Goten jumped backwards to gain distance. The teen hovered there, his senses on full awareness, waiting for his father to emerge from the smoke. A palm-tree hairstyle and bluish-green gi appeared through the smoke soon enough, completely unharmed. He was smiling! 
“I see you’ve finally mastered the Instant Transmission. Great work!” Goku grinned, folding his arms. 
The Instant Transmission technique. Goten had asked his father to teach him the attack about two years ago when he started his training. Right around the time he started dating Marron. Goten motives were as clear as day.
“Yeah! Thanks again!” Goten said.
“You won’t fool me twice with that move though. Come on, let’s keep going!”
“You bet.”
They rushed each other at the same time and collided. A powerful yet invisible tremor shook the area as their fists met. The father and son duo crashed blow for blow as they rose higher in the air. Their attacks grew more intense the higher they went.
Eventually they disappeared, and could only be seen by the tremors echoing throughout the grassy training grounds. 
At first, Goten traded blows evenly with his dad, countering each blow with ease. But as their struggle continued, Goku slowly raised his power and started overwhelming his father. He managed to land a crushing blow to the gut, making Goten falter. Goku went to punch him but Goten phased out of the way, reappearing some significant distance away and hid his energy singal. 
“Now’s my chance!”
Goten got into position and powered up to full. In an instant he pulled his hands back, charged two blue blasts of ki in his hands and fired. The beam exploded in a marvelous blue light, hitting its target dead on. “Gotcha.”
Goten waited for movement. But when the smoke cleared and Goku was gone! The teen growled when he saw his father simply dusting off his gi on the grass below. 
“Dammit! He’s not even hurt!” 
To Goku’s own surprise, he was just a bit out of breath.  ”If I’m not careful, he actually may get the advantage. He’s even further along in his training than I originally thought.” He smirked and then raised his hands close to the center of his face with his fingers spread out toward his eyes. “This was fun, Goten, but you’re not winning this fight.”
Goten braced himself and shut his eyes. “Oh crap!”
A blinding white light exploded from the Saiyan father’s body as if a second sun was right there on the battlefield with them, covering everything in sight. 
Despite being temporarily blind, Goten’s other senses kicked into high gear. He felt where Goku was going to appear and attempted to counter, but missed every attack. Goku simply side-stepped or caught everything Goten threw at him. 
Goku smirked, reappearing right behind his son. "Come on! Focus! You're better than that, Goten!" He said right before flipping behind Goten and kneeing his son right in the back.
Goten was flown forward as he grunted from the impact of the hard hit, trying to regain control of his body as his sight finally began returning to him. 
Goku pursued his son, pounding him into the ground causing cracks and the ground itself to rise up from the impact. Goku then grabbed his son by the legs and threw him into the air. Goku flew straight up, stopping above Goten. He threw a punch at Goten but Goten managed to duck, countering with a jab to the gut.
Goku vanished and kicked his son upwards, and with a flare his energy unleashed a monstrous kiai that had Goten flying backwards, unable to recover. 
A boot connected with the boy’s face and he was sent shooting towards the ground yet again. 
“Try and stop this one!!” Goku cried and unleashed a volley of rapid-fire blasts. Goten’s head was still spinning from the kick, so he didn’t have time to block the dozens of golden Ki spheres that crashed into his body one after another seemingly without end. 
Finally, Goku built up one last, super-large energy ball for the final attack. 
Goten had just enough time to land on his feet and catch the ball of ki. He grunted as he felt himself being pushed back, but with a flare of his aura--almost turning Super Saiyan until he remebered the rule, managed to send it flying away. A massive explosion echoed from afar where the impact was. 
Goku floated above him with his hands on his hips, smiling proudly. 
Goten heaved and huffed, now feeling exhausted as if he sweat from his brow.  He really could have kept going, but decided against it and shook his head. “I’m done for now. You win....” He said and plopped down on the grass.
The fight was over. Goku grinned and flashed dual victory signs. “You did amazing, Goten. Really had me there!” 
“One of these days, I swear, the shoe is gonna be on the other foot!” Goten declared in between heavy breaths. At least his gi didn’t get ruined. 
“And I think that day will be sooner rather than later.” Goku smiled and sat down next to Goten on the grass as they waited for Panny to come back. 
Only six days remain until the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament begins!
52 notes · View notes
higherxoplaces · 3 years
The Universe Put Us Here for a Reason- Part 1/2
I don’t think I ever really enjoyed clubs. The loud music and hoarding strangers always had me leaving with a headache. But there was always a fear of missing out that whispered behind every objection. It's what motivated me to sit at my vanity in front of the hundreds of products that crowded the surface. It’s what made me change my outfit ten times and carried me to sit in the front seat. I sang, danced and drank thinking that it would make me miss the comfort of my bed less. But when I saw how much fun my friends had, I stayed. What kept me from running was the pure joy radiating from the people who I loved most. Sawyer, Sebastian and I all had a full course load with jobs and if partying is what got them through their stressful weeks, who was I to stop them.
Sawyer had pulled Sebastian on the dance floor. Sawyer glowed under the colored lights as she swayed her hips to the beat of the bass. She was happy any time she wasn’t forced to wear the stiff collared uniform enforced at the restaurant she waitressed at. Sawyer always took pride in expressing herself outwardly and gained confidence when wearing heels and a mini skirt. Sebastian followed her lead, trying his best not to spill their drinks. He was finishing his first beer and his sobriety showed in his slightly stiff movements. Sebastian stood tall with deeply tanned olive skin and full dark brown hair. Anyone of the females here would have gladly occupied his time but instead he chose Sawyer.
I stayed on the sidelines. Finding myself perched on a barstool as I kept an eye on my friends. I never drank as much as everyone else. Not because I had any strong beliefs against alcohol I just didn’t like being hungover in the morning. I kept myself entertained by people watching. I like watching the shifts in the crowd as the music changes. I sipped on a vodka cranberry that was more juice than anything else. My attention was stolen by two girls in hysterics coming out of the bathroom. I was trying to see the guy they were pointing and yelling at when Sawyer snuck up on me. She ambushed me from the side, nearly knocking me off the stool as her arm wrapped around my waist. She was panting with a smile on her face and glassy eyes. Sebastian was on her heels and sidled up to my other side. 
“Mars,” Sawyer whined, her head coming to rest on my shoulder, “Why are you sitting here all alone?” 
Sebastian had his arms crossed while he leaned back on the bartop. His olive skin glowed and the blacklights made his pearly white teeth glow blue. Sebastian had started to feel the effects of the room’s growing humidity as he fought with damp curls to stay in place and out of his eyes. “You’re not hot right now?” He asked. 
I had to crane my neck to look up at Sebastian. “Thankfully no. It’s not too bad over here. This spot is perfect for people watching, might just take up residency here for the rest of the night.”
Sawyer huffed, the alcohol on her breath made me crinkle my nose. She lifted her head, still keeping her hold on me. “Oh no you’re not. I wanted us to jam out together. And who else is going to sing all of the throwback songs with me.” 
“Sebastian can dance with you,” I volunteered, “He might not know all the words but he can make sure you don't start a mosh pit.”
Sebastian shook his head, “Nope can’t do it by myself. I’m going to need back up.” 
“Marzipan,” Sawyer’s eyes widened, blue and round, when she used her nickname for me, “Please I need my favorite dance partner.” 
I patted her arm, the best comfort I could provide in our awkward position. “If this is you trying to guilt trip me into dancing, know that it’s not going to work.” 
“I already know I have to get you inebriated for you to dance. Please, you act like we haven’t been friends for the last five years.” Sawyer rolled her eyes. 
I groaned, “But I already got comfortable.” 
Sebastian hummed in amusement at Sawyer and I bickering. “She’s not going to let up Mars. Chronic Believers are supposed to have a set tonight.” 
I should have known why Sawyer had insisted on coming to this specific club. Phazed was an older establishment that profited on it’s tradition alone. The alcohol was cheap and there were a lot of people we knew here but the overall atmosphere was so overwhelming. I would have preferred the bonfire that we had been invited to. Chronic Believers helped me understand what felt like the endless sea of people that seemed to fill in the already packed space.They were a band that held most of their celebrity status on campus but still earned a decent online following. Their sets were entertaining from the few I could actually pay attention to. Most times the roaring audiences drowned out the songs. The only time I’d seen their faces were quick glances as I scrolled through social media. 
“Fine,” I agreed and hopped off the stool. Sawyer detached herself from me to cheer and even clap. “But you're coming with me. Both of you.”
Without objection she followed, only stopping to refill her cup before we made our way to the side door. Sebastian let us lead him, never complaining as Sawyer and I pulled him by either hand. We had to bob and weave to avoid dancing bodies and scattered chairs and tables. The outside air had an early fall chill. I wished I hadn’t left my cardigan in Sebastian’s car but it wasn’t cold enough to deter me from finding a secluded spot at the back of the designated smoking area. Having come here so often I knew rounding the corner if the building brought you to a pocketed corner where a cluster of bushes separated the space from the back employee parking lot. It was away from the stench of the dumpsters and not a lot of people knew about it. Lucky for us we were the only ones back there at the time. The music turned to distant thumps and the only voices we heard were whispers in the wind. We dropped down to sit on the concrete bench provided, the freezing stone seeped a chill to my thighs and backside through my jeans. I couldn’t help but admire the sleepless streets of the city. In the daylight it held a quaint charm but now it was littered with cigarette buts and red solo cups. Sawyer was unbothered by the change of temperature with the alcohol warming her from inside. Sebastian in contrast had goosebumps forming on his forearms. 
Sawyer produced a disposable vape pen and cell phone from her cleavage. WIth her first pull we were surrounded by a strawberry scented cloud. The street lamps provided us enough light that I could make out the varying expressions of my friends, but still far enough away to keep the gnats and mosquitoes from bothering us. Sebastian sipped from Sawyers cup, frowning at the burn of the vodka. Sawyer had a lazy smile and leaned back on one arm. The spot wasn’t ideal but it was a nice break to the constant stimulation of the club. 
“So are we all in agreement that tonight was much needed?” Sebastian asked, his voice breaking the comfortable silence that had settled. Sawyer hummed in agreement and cocked her head to the side in the same wonderment. 
I had been lighting one of the pre rolled joints I kept handy at all times, almost choking on the thick smoke when I tried to laugh. “After a long week you look forward to watered down drinks and cold alleys,” I managed to choke out between ragged breaths. The musky scent didn’t mix well with the strawberry smell. “We could have had fun and been a lot warmer if we had stayed at my place. I would have even cooked.”   
Sebastian hummed with a shrug of his shoulders. Sawyer huffed, her eyes rolling, “We can stay in any night. Tonight offered us an opportunity so we are taking it.”
“Listen to Sawyer, Mars. There might be something to her fate written in the stars spiel. Maybe her crystals told her something magical is going to happen tonight.” Sebastian quipped as he took the joint I offered him. 
I was starting to feel my body relax and welcomed the haziness that clouded my brain. The stillness of the nighttime might have been unnerving to others but it brought comfort to me. 
“I’m not trying to make a psychic prediction, I'm just saying everything happens for a reason.” Sawyer said, making herself giggle. 
“Or,” I countered with nudge to Sawyer, “You know that you're pretty enough for the frat boys to buy your drinks all night.” We all laughed now. Sebastian going into a coughing fit, wheezing to catch his breath. 
Sawyer threw her head back, her silver septum ring flashing in the yellow light. “Oh no,” She said suddenly, her face twisting an undisguisable expression, “I laughed too hard and now I have to pee. Damn you vodka.” Her declaration only made us laugh harder until Sawyer squeaked and crossed her legs.
“Go to the bathroom,” I told her, trying to put some authority in my voice. A fleeting attempt as I still couldn’t hold back laughter. 
She sighed, her fringe bangs fluttering against her forehead. “Hold on,” She said with reluctance. In one swift motion Sawyer had plucked the joint from between Sebastian’s lips while managing to rattle her cup enough and the red liquid sloshed over the sides. After two consecutive lung fulling pulls she gave it back to him. Sawyer pulled herself up, taking a moment to fix her skirt. Turning to me said, smoke spilling with her words, “I totally respect that you don’t like alcohol but I’m feeling pretty good right now.”
I rolled my eyes and used one hand to poke her hip. “Go to the bathroom,” I reminded her. 
Sawyer swatted me away while she was inhaling from her vape pen. “I’m going. Stop being so pushy.” 
I reached for the joint, Sebastian placed it between my middle and index finger. He was standing up and dusting off the seat of his pants. “I’ll go and make sure she doesn’t get lost. Are you good here.” 
“Yeah I’ll finish this and meet you guys in there.” I said 
Sawyer looped her arm through Sebastian with a theatrical salute. “Randevu in ten minutes,” She confirmed, “Then we will be dancing our pants off.” I knew I could deter her from her plans. I knew one way or another Sawyer would have me in the middle of the dance floor with her even if it meant dragging me by my hair. When I didnt respond immediately she held out a ring adorned hand and said, “Pinky promise.” 
Begrudgingly I hooked my pinky on hers in the wordless promise. Sawyer, pleased with me, turned on the balls of her feet and bounced away. Sebastian fell into step Sawyer as they made their way back inside and I was thoroughly impressed that Sawyer was able to keep her balance in the six inch heels that she wore. 
“I’m gonna time you,” Sebastian called over his shoulder, “And text me if you need anything.” I gave him a thumbs up, not feeling like yelling after having to for the past two hours with the blaring music. Even in the limited light I could see Sawyer lifting the red cup and finishing what was left in her cup.
As their silhouettes disappeared into the darkness I was left in silence and I was not bothered by it. I pulled out my cell phone, starting a cycle of scrolling through Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, really only paying attention to every other post. The trill of the nocturnal birds kept me company as the minutes ticked by. The will to focus on the screen lessened as the high set in. The words and pictures started to blur together and gave me a headache. I abandoned my phone on the empty space of the bench and closed my eyes, allowing myself to lean in to the high. Until the chirp of my phone cut through the peace. A text message from Sawyer, why I expected something different is a question for another day. What I couldn’t predict was the series of text that came after, one right after another.
OMG I am going to start screaming any minute!!! 
Chronic Believers have entered the building
Our friend Seb apparently knows one of the guys helping out with merch and got free tshirts
I’m not gonna lie but I kinda took advantage and got one in every design
I immediately sat up ready to take off sprinting to the club and shut the whole establishment down before reading the second text. The playfulness of it told me that she wasn’t about to end up on the internet for the next viral drunk girl fight. However with Sawyer, that didn’t eliminate the suspicion that she was up to something. A beat of silence passed before the next text message came in. It was her need for theatrics and dramatic timing. As a film student Sawyer often translated her skills into other aspects of her life. Then a picture popped onto the screen. The bright flash lit up Sawyer’s face and she wore the biggest smile I have ever seen her have. In her arms She held her loot of t-shirts and looked as if she was on her way to the laundromat with the amount she had. 
My joint died as I waited for Sawyers  ext. I set my phone back down in the grass beside me and went to work relighting it.  When I didn’t answer right away Sawyer texted again. I didn't pick up my phone until I had a steady burn and the tip of the joint glowed red. The newest text message made me laugh out loud. 
Call my parents and tell them i wont be home for Christmas because I have decided to dedicate my life full time to be a groupie lol  
I was thankful for Sawyer's company even if it was through text messages. While I could do without the claustrophobia and the pounding in my ears that never failed to carry in to the morning, Sawyer and Sebastian were the only thing that made it tolerable. And that could be said for life as well. 
I dont think admissions gives out refunds on tuition 
Also I dont think a touring bus is as glamorous as you think it is 
The three little dots appeared in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. I waited for Sawyer's response as I continued to take drags from the considerably shrinking joint. My face was starting to get warm and my lips felt numb. I felt as though I could float away like an unattended balloon. The buzzing in my brain was like a white noise machine, soothing but pushing most of my thoughts to the four corners for another time. My phone dinged again, startling me in my stupor. 
Also I need you to hurry up because I need you to make sure im still cute incase I see Gibby
I wished I knew which one Gibby was, as much as Sawyer expressed her love for Chronic Believers on a daily basis I was guilty forgetting a lot of the specifics. The guilty only subsided when Sebastian was around and had ro get clarification as well. 
Is gibby the base player or the drummer 
I just ask that you tell Sebastian to record it if you have to resort to Blair Wood’s patented bend and snap
If it somehow worked out that Sawyer would get her chance the live out her fantasy of meeting, and surely charming, Chronic Believers it would also be the closest she has come to meeting a celebrity. It was even funnier to imagine Sebastian, standing stoic as ever as Sawyer lost her composer. So I refused to sabotage her excitement. I prayed that Sebastian would at least translate for her, knowing Sawyer got tongue tied when excited. I typed out my next message double checking for spelling error, not trusting that my first attempt would be mistake free as my motor skills felt like they lagged. 
The drummer duh
Sawyer sent a laughing face emoji followed by a fingers crossed emoji. I tapped out of Sawyer’s message thread and clicked in to Sebastian’s. The clacking of my nails on the glass screen seemed louder than ever in the still air. 
Almost done outside. Meet you guys by the bar? 
Sebastian’s text was almost instantaneous. 
Will do. Let me know if you need us? 
I sent a thumbs up and locked my phone, letting it fall into my lap. I relished in what could be my last peaceful moments of the night. My eyes closed and I fell into an impromptu meditation. One arm supported my weight as I leaned back and stretched my legs out. I focused on the muted sounds, letting them ground me in the moment. The scraping of tumbling leaves, a car horn on the main road a few streets over and footsteps. Then I recognize the distinct thump of the heavy industrial door leading into the club swing shut. When I opened my eyes I expected to see a stumbling couple in search of privacy. Instead I saw a lone figure rounding the corner. 
When they passed under the street light I saw it was a guy. His focus was on his cell phone as he walked. He didn’t notice me until I sat up. Both my hands got busy, forcing me to balance the joints between my teeth. One unlocked my phone and pulled up Sebastian’s contact option as the other unhooked my mace from it’s place on my belt loop. 
“I didn't mean to scare you,” The stranger spoke first, “I thought I was the only one who knew this spot.”
I hid the mace in my palm, he still had potential to not be creepy. Raising an eyebrow I took the joint from my mouth holding it with two fingers behind my phone. “It’s okay. I don't usually see anyone back here either. Unless they are going behind the dumpster.” 
He chuckled, breathy and sinful. “Oh the infamous dumpster. Nothing sexier than spiders and trash.”
Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was the way he dropped his already deep voice an octave to make spiders and trash sound salacious. Either way I awarded him a smile. “Well it sounds like you know from experience,” I teased. 
“Never been, but I have enough friends to hear the stories.” He took a few steps forward. Not enough to ring any alarm bells but close enough to let me know he was engaged in the conversation. I could now make out his strong features that casted jagged shadows on his dark jacket. He had a face that seemed vaguely familiar but I couldn't place it to a specific name. 
“I’m Hudson,” He introduced himself. It fit him. Hudson was tall with wide shoulders and a lean build. His dark hair was styled just messy enough to be on purpose. Along with a denim jacket he wore black distressed jeans and a black t-shirt underneath. His outfit was clean and well fitted, however the classic high top vans he wore had seen better days. The tattered laces and scuff marks told stories of past adventures. 
I disarmed the trigger of mace but still kept it in hand as I began to gather my things. “I didn’t mean to monopolize the only quiet hiding spot,” I said bracing my feet so I could push myself up. 
Hudson put a hand up to stopping me. “No stay. Don’t feel like I’m running you out,” He said before quickly adding, “I mean if you want to of course. Besides this might be the only quietude you have for a while.” 
“Are you hiding from the chaos too?” I asked, recognizing the need for clarity when everything around you felt like a riot. 
“Hiding is a strong word,” His eyes flickered to the ground before returning to mine with the rest of his answer, “I’m having a conversation with a pretty girl.” 
I would have never admitted it out loud but I was blushing, grateful for the cover of darkness. “Well who am I to stop you.” I hoped my voice was even and projected a false confidence. Hudson didn’t seem to notice as he didn’t hesitate to collapse on the bench next to me. My taser was returned to my belt loop and I reminded myself of the quick release latch that it hung off of. I offered what was left of the joint. “I promise that it’s not laced.” 
A beat passed before Hudson accepted, his smile growing wider when he did. Never taking his eyes from me Hudson brought it to his lips and took a generous inhale. On the exhale he coughed a few times but not the chest rattling ones I had expected. He grinned as he tilted his head back to watch the smoke dissipate above us. “Wow, that was smoother than I thought.” 
“The weed or the fact that your lung almost collapsed.” Hudson laughed and offered the joint back. I shook my head and said, “I’m good for now. You are more than welcome to kill it.” 
We sat in a comfortable silence as Hudson took pulls. I unlocked my phone to find two text messages from Sawyer. 
Did you get eaten by a coyote? What is taking you so long
Text me you are okay. I need my dancing partner
Than one from Sebastian. 
Are you doing okay? Sawyer is ready to send out a search party and will be very upset if she loses her ‘front row’ spot
I responded to both of them in the group chat that included all three of us. 
I’m good, just got caught up talking to a guy 
I sent the message then turned to Hudson. He spoke first catching slightly off guard. “Is gibby the base player or the drummer I just ask that you tell Sebastian to record it if you have to resort to Blair Wood’s patented bend and snapIf it somehow worked out that Sawyer would get her chance the live out her fantasy of meeting, and surely charming, Chronic Believers it would also be the closest she has come to meeting a celebrity. It was even funnier to imagine Sebastian, standing stoic as ever as Sawyer lost her composer. So I refused to sabotage her excitement. I prayed that Sebastian would at least translate for her, knowing Sawyer got tongue tied when excited. I typed out my next message double checking for spelling error, not trusting that my first attempt would be mistake free as my motor skills felt like they lagged. 
The drummer duh
Should I only refer to you as ‘pretty girl' or can I know your name?” 
“I think it’s only fair,” I paused, the light from my phone screen glowed in the space between us, “But only if you do me a weird favor.” 
Hudson only continued to grin almost as if he was on the verge of laughter, “I will only participate in your weird favor if you take my jacket. You look like you need it more than me.” 
Before I could object Hudson was already shrugging off his jacket and I was surrounded by the warm denim. The exchange was quick as Hudson held the joint with his lips, the tip red and crackling.  He draped his jacket over my shoulders and retreated back to a friendly distance. Hudson’s cologne clung to the fabric. I used the jacket as an improvised cloak. The scent was sharp and fresh yet warming. 
“So what is the weird favor?” Hudson asked. Even sitting down, Hudson was taller than me. I found myself lifting my chin so I could study him. Fear ached in my stomach at the thought that this might be the only time I would have to spend with Hudson. I memorized the small things like how his jaw clenched to hold back a giggle that threatened to bubble out. Or how he would lick his lips each time the wind would pick up. I couldn’t tell if his eyes were green or brown but I could imagine them warm and inviting in the right lighting. Again he laughed, a sound I would not mind hearing on repeat. “I’m starting to worry what this favor is.” Hudson’s eyebrows raised in question. 
That’s when I noticed that I had been staring. Wide eyes and slacked jawed, I was proud of myself for not literally drooling. I lagged at myself, the sound breathy and forgin to my own ears. “Sorry, I completely blanked,” I was painfully aware how my voice faltered. I was also newly conscious of how my hair had been slowly escaping the confines of hair tie and fell at odd angles. “It’s not too weird,” I promised, “Would you mind taking a picture with me. It’s for my friends, in case you are a serial killer.” 
Hudson didn’t flinch. He gave a heart melting smile, one that was lopsided and toothy but full of charm. “How should I pose?”
“Here,” I said shifting closer to him, “Behind me is okay, nothing too crazy.” 
“Is it cool if I put my arm around you,” Hudson asked, leaning forward. 
THe butterflies that erupted in my stomach surprised me. There had been plenty of guys who had put their arm around me, a gesture innocent enough. However none had ever asked. Yet here was Hudson, patiently waiting for my permission. And when I did he gently draped his arm over my shoulders, letting me relax back into his embrace. I held up my cell phone, angling it so our faces were center. We shifted until what we saw on the screen wasn’t so blatantly awkward. I found myself completely comfortable in Hudson’s embrace. His chest was flush to my back with his forearm secured across my chest. I was surrounded by the warmth that radiated off of Hudson. 
“Ready?” The question came in a squeak. 
“Hold on,” Hudson turned his head, bringing the joint to his lips and taking one last long pull before the glowing tip faded. I felt his chest expand, balloon for a moment then compress. Not once did he loosen his hold. On the exhale he crushed the butt under his sneaker. “Ready,” Hudson confirmed as he settled back. 
I gave a countdown before clicking the button and the shutter went off, blinding me as the flash pierced the darkness. Hudson ducked his head down to inspect the picture and awed. I agreed with his praise. You would have never guessed we’d only met less than ten minutes ago. Both Hudson and I wore stupefied grins. “Wow we look good together.” I blurted out and immediately regretted it. 
Hudson chuckled and took his arm back. He didn’t fully pull away from me. In the absence of his arm, Hudson still stayed close. I missed the warmth that he surrounded me with, even with the jacket I wanted Hudson’s embrace again. 
“I was thinking the same thing. But-” His pause was punctuated by a wagging finger, “We can talk about how cute we are together later. You still have to hold up your end of the deal.” 
I was typing out a quick message to go with the picture while I was listening to Hudson. When the message was sent, before I could lock my phone, Sawyer's message appeared underneath mine. It was a series of drooling emojis. I felt a surge of confidence from her support. 
“What about the mystery?” I asked when I put my phone down.  
Hudson shrugged and a sitcom worthy sigh pushed passed his full lips. “By all means uphold the mystery but I think it might get a little old if I call you honey the whole night.”
I wouldn’t have minded at all. The word sounded like it was made for his voice. “I’m sure you can think of other pet names,” I joked with the hope that it would deflect how flustered I truly was.
“Yeah there’s baby, sweetheart, sugar and darling,” He listed off on his fingers, “But I’m not really a fan of those. I hope this isn’t our only meeting for the night and it might not be effective if I’m looking for you and I shout one of those into a crowd of people.”
“So you’re a man of efficiency. I can appreciate that,” I paused watching Hudson’s brows raise, my teasing intriguing him. “For efficiency's sake of course, I’m Mars.” 
“Mars,” He repeated back as if testing the sound on his lips. The question was obvious in the way he tilted his head. 
I laughed, used to the questions that followed every introduction. “My mom is an astrologer. Certified hippy and fortune teller.” 
“The planet of energy, action of desire. Do you live up to your name?” 
I raised my eyebrows in genuine surprise. “Impressive. Was it Seventeen Magazine or Cosmo?”
Hudson rolled his eyes, “In my defense my sister had a monthly description to both and I’m an Aries.”  
“You know they just recycle horoscopes right?” 
Hudson mimed himself being stabbed in the heart. “Why would you tell me that. How will I know to watch out for great financial opportunities each month?” 
I laughed at his dramatics, “Oh I’m sure their on staff astrologist isn’t just another overworked intern using a computer generated tarot card application they found on Google. Have you ever had a genuine tarot reading?” 
“Well there was this one time when I went to New Orleans with my friends and-” Hudson was interrupted by the chorus of a song from Papa Roach. He apologized and fished his phone from his back packet. There was a second of hesitation, his eyes bouncing from me back to the phone before he pressed talk and brought it to his ear. Hudson didn’t bother with a greeting to who ever was on the other line. He listened for a few seconds before saying, “I know, I just got distracted. I’ll head back now,” A pause, then he smiled looking back at me, “A good distraction I promise.” I could hear what sounded like a round of cheering on the other side. “Everything ready? Alright cool. I’ll be there in five.” 
Hudson hung up the phone and returned it to his pocket. A pout tuned down the corners of his mouth. Before he could explain I stopped him, “It’s okay. We’re at a party, can’t sit in a frat house lawn forever. But I will hold you to your early promise of finding me later.” 
“Scouts honor,” Hudson promised, holding up a three finger salute, “If Mars doesn’t work then I will be shouting Honey all night.” 
I giggled a girlish sound I wasn’t used to. “It’ll be like Cinderella, except instead of a glass slipper it’ll be a pet name.” 
We fell into a comfortable silence. I was well aware of Hudson’s gaze on me. So desperately I wanted to tell him to forget the party and just stay in the solace of darkness with me. But we were truly only strangers with our own priorities for the night. As supportive Sawyer could be when it came to her friends' love lives I still made a promise to her well before Hudson stumbled for my attention. 
“I heard that the Chronic Believers are playing the club tonight so it’s probably gonna get crazy in there,” I said, an attempt at stalling, “Don’t get sucked into the pit.” 
Hudson sat up a little straighter and grinned a little wider. “Do you go to Chronic believers’ shows often, like a fan.” 
I shrugged, “Not really, their whining emo boy band style isn’t for me. I come to a lot of their gigs for my best friend Sawyer. She’s the real fan. Most of the time I get pushed to the back -” It was my turn to be interrupted. The ringing was the familiar beeps that signaled Sawyer  was calling. I tugged my phone from where it was tucked under my thigh. If I had the option to decline her call without the risk of Sawyer immediately going into a panic, I would have. So I apologized as best as I could to Hudson, before sliding the accept button. Hudson was far from bothered, nodding to me with understanding.
I was greeted with the static of booming speakers and Sawyer shrieking before it dissolved into a giggle. “Sounds like you’re having fun,” I questioned. 
“Do you know how much I love you right now,” She said, the vodka obviously taking its toll on her speech. Between her slurring and the party raging around her I could barely understand Sawyer when she asked, “I could totally kiss you right now. Wait, Are you with Hudson, can he hear me?” 
I giggled and stole a peek in Hudson’s direction. He busied his hands with a stray piece of thread but his chuckle gave away his poor attempt to hide a curious ear. “You're yelling into the phone so yeah he can hear you, keep it PG-13.” 
“Well, I proud of you and dont fuck it up.” Her voice faded for a second like she was covering the speaker, then another loud giggle. “Don’t worry about going to the bar, make your way to the front we’re right in front of the stage. I’ll have a fresh drink waiting for you when you get back.” 
“Okay I promise, five minutes.” I said. She made a vague threat before telling me she loves me and hung up. Turning my full attention back to Hudson. “I think we have to stop stalling and go back in.”
He groaned and it melted into a laugh, “I figured, just didn’t want to.” Hudson stood up and stretched, his shirt raising to expose solid muscles underneath. I made one last check that I had all of my belongings before taking Hudson’s extended hand. He pulled me up, assuring I was steady with a gentle hand on my hip. 
“Maybe if we walk slow we can have another minute or two?” I said when my feet felt heavy taking the first steps.
“I’ll go as slow as you want me to,” Hudson said, offering me his elbow for me to hold on to. I gave no second thought to placing my hand on his bicep, the rigid muscles flexing under the thin cotton of his shirt. I was  thankful for the continued warmth that Hudson provided as the wind picked up. We walked in a comfortable silence for most of the way back to the house. The rest of the world slowly came back into existence as the voices from other patrons came out the door, bringing the pulsating soundtrack with them as the door swung open. Hudson and I stepped out of the way to allow them to pass. His arm flexing protectively around mine as he paused to look down at me.“How long are you staying after the set?” 
“Not really sure,” I told him, “I usually just go with whatever my friends decide to do.” 
“Well I plan on keeping my promise to find you. So maybe you might be able to convince them not to leave right away.” 
“I’ll see what I can do. Some say I have a talent for persuasion,” We  separated from each other but like a pull of gravity Hudson and I stood face to face with barely two inched between us. He leaned against the brick wall with one shoulder, his hand balled in the front pocket of his jeans. Hudson’s eyes moving to my mouth as I bit my bottom lip did not go unnoticed by me. I rode the wave of confidence that flipped in my stomach.  “But if you can’t find me with all the dancing drunk people. Take my number.”
Hudson’s eyebrows shot up and for a passing moment I braced myself for rejection. It was quickly soothed by Hudson grin growing even wider. “Would you believe me if I told you I was trying to work up the courage to ask you. I thought I missed my chance after we took the picture.” 
I laughed at the fact that we were both adults and still held onto the same consternation that highschoolers did. Hudson produced his cell phone and handed it to me in a matter of seconds, the dial pad at the ready. “You should have just asked,” I spoke while I keyed in my phone number, “I was here thinking that once we went back in we would lose each other for the rest of the night.” 
When I handed his phone back Hudson typed out a message to me and I felt the notification buzz before he had it back in his jeans pocket. With his attention back on me I realized how much more I could clearly see of him in the new light. His hair was a deep brown and had a softness that made me want to run my hands through it. But what captivated my attention was the faintest of scars that connected from his top lip to just under his left nostril. So badly did I want to reach and trace the thin pink line. 
“I hope you know I mean it Mars,” Hudson spoke, full lips still curled into a half smile, “I want to see you again.” 
Before I could express my absolute delight in his statement a whistle cut through the humming noise of whispered conversations. Hudson recognized the sound immediately, his eyes rolling and he mouthed an apology to me before spinning me back around. 
The guy was coming towards us in a light jog and held an expression of annoyance. As he came up the side street I realized he looked identical to Hudson, save for the fluorescent green hair and paler skin. “We have been looking for you for the past thirty minutes, where the hell have you been. Smoking a cigarette doesn’t that fucking long.” 
Hudon sighed and stepped aside so the guy with the green hair could see me. “J this is Mars, Mars this is my brother Julian.” 
Julian’s head tilted down, eyeing Hudson’s jacket still around my shoulders. The annoyance melted instantly and Julian’s eyes lit up in intriguement. “Well Mars you fit my criteria as a plausible distraction. I wish I could leave you kids to,” He paused, his lips puckered as if trying to find the words to say, “Further distraction but my brother and I have an entire club to entertain.” 
Hudson groaned, and I could only imagine them as children egging each other on. “No worries, I was just giving Hudson his jacket back.” 
Julian moved between Hudson and I turning his back so he was facing the heavy metal door. He didn't have to be facing us to know Julian had been grinning as he spoke. “Not blaming you at all,” A pause, just long enough for Julian to pull the door open, “Just the way your jeans are fitting you tonight.” 
Hudson shoved at his brother’s shoulder eliciting a boisterous laugh from Julian. Hudson was less than amused, “J, just go inside, I'll be there in a second.” 
“You said that last time. At least get her your number.” Julian teased. 
Hudson bit back the retort. Instead raising the middle finger to his  brother’s retreating back. The hiss of the Pneumatic controls above the door punctuated Julian’s retreat. “He’s an asshole. I promise it’s a personality thing and not a trait passed through genes.” 
I smiled, genuinely amused with Hudson’s brief regression to boyhood. “Here,” I said shrugging off the jacket, “I promise not to hold it against you or him.” 
“Hey if your still cold-” Hudson spoke with fidgeting hands. 
I interrupted him with a shake of my head, “Hudson you’re stalling. I’m going to keep my end of the deal and stay after the set so you can keep up your end. Besides, both my friends and you friends are looking for us. I have to let Sawyer know that I didn’t fall down a well or got kidnapped. You don't need to give up your jacket for insurance.” 
Hudson made a face that I could only describe as awe but he was quick to replace it with a smile that made my heart race. “Pinky promise so I know it’s real.
My first reaction was to laugh, not remembering the last time I had made a pinky promise with someone other than Sawyer. Her firm belief that breaking one would result in a missing appendage. But I was brought to an abrupt silence when Hudson extended his in the closing space between us. My eyes moved past the black painted nail and locked on to the black line work that curled under his cuff. I silently cursed the cooling temperatures that October brought.
“I’m not kidding. I need reassurance. Say what you want about a pink-”  He was expecting to have to win me over. He was surprised, adding a sparkle in his eyes. They were brown, I noted. 
“I don’t break my promises. It’s kind of offending that I would give the impression of a person that would,” I chewed my lip to hide the smile. 
Hudson tucked one of my rogue curls behind my ear, static ignited where the pads of his fingers grazed my cheek. “I’m holding you to it.”
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bwprowl · 5 years
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I really dig how Bandai’s Super Mini-Pla line is coming out with affordable, fully-functioned versions of more and more classic Sentai Mecha (as well as others, hey Voltron and Gridman!). Case in point: I really never thought I’d get a good toy of the regular robot from my long-standing fave Choujin Sentai Jetman, but here I am now, having assembled Jet Icarus in sweet tiny plastic-model form. Barely took me an afternoon, and it was definitely worth it.
The individual jets of the Jetmans aren’t exactly the most thrilling designs on their own. Sentai was just moving away from boxy vehicles bashing together at this point (with Zyuranger’s mecha a year later really revolutionizing things), so what you get is five chunky planes doing their best to look distinctive and evocative of their namesake birds. Jet Hawk being the center Red of the bunch is the most individualistic, but also kind of the most unintentionally hilarious? Like it has to form the center torso of the robot, so it’s curiously cuboid in a very noticeable way, even as you assemble and fiddle with it and realize how much moving bits it has going on to facilitate all that. Honestly, putting it together and seeing how it works makes me appreciate it more in spite of its, shall we say, charming proportions.
Conversely, Jet Swan and Jet ‘Condol’ make for probably the most coherent jets, and they’re barely distinct as a result. The design of Jet Icarus as a whole is really committed to a homogenized combined robot form, and that means these bits forming the legs get to be as similar as possible. It’s actually nice assembling them, once again, to really become aware of the bits they have that do differentiate them, like the wing shapes and accompanying decals, and how Jet Swan tries to work in more whites and pinks while the Condor just commits to the overall black scheme with some red accents.
And then there’s the arms, Jet Owl and Jet Swallow (go ahead and laugh). These are definitely the most clearly-compromised, being as they are Just Arms with wing-packs stapled on. Jet Owl in particular with its underslung surfboard and adorable bug-eyes at least rocks its particular flavor of goofy. Meanwhile, I may be biased since Ako is my favorite Birdman ranger by a country mile, but I think Jet Swallow works pretty well for what it is, mounting that sleek shield-to-be set of moving wing-blades on top and wearing that swish blue color scheme and narrowed eyes like a boss.
As is often the case with these types of Sentai bots, there’s an intermediary big-combined-vehicle thing mode for these, and it’s actually really cool. I’ve always loved how impressively-solid the Jet Harken looks, bits and corners folding out to streamline the thing into a singular wedge shape. It’d make for an impressive combined display on its own if you had a flight stand for it. Anyway, the transformation and combination to this or the proper Jet Icarus mode can be surprisingly involved. Well, the legs and chest anyway, the arms just kinda pop on. There is some slight partsforming here, having to swap some panels on the feet and attach the fists, but it’s surprisingly unobtrusive given what I’ve seen other Mini-Pla get up to.
And the combined Jet Icarus is pretty impressive in this format. I’ve always dug the heck out of what an unabashedly basic design this thing goes for, you can practically *see* the cardboard boxes they built the suit out of. It’s honestly more impressive that they figured out a working transformation to this simply-shaped mecha from the variously-angular jets, and the model kit shows how it works quite nicely. This is also where the details of the Super Mini-Pla get to shine, with the pre-painted gold chest bits and head details adding that extra touch of quality you would want with being the only working toy of this thing available in the past twenty years. He’s super-posable too, with fairly complex hip jointing and Gundam-skirt-style armor to accommodate it, elbows and knees with tons of range, even some pretty broad ankle posability. It’s pulled off via some pseudo-sliders that I’m not crazy about, it kinda feels like you’re about the disassemble the feet if you pull them out too far. But my misgivings aside, they do work just fine. It’s also got an absolute buttload of weapons. I think I naturally favor the ol’ sword and shield, but if you want you can kit the robot out with any combination of the absurd amount of pointy things it includes, particularly the friggin’ giant morning star.
Even apart from the association with one of my favorite toku series ever, this is just a cool little set of model kits that combine into one bigger, cooler model. Like a lot of the Super Mini-Pla sets, it properly captures the old-school appeal of a design like this, while updating its functionality to the standards we would want. It’s a fun build, with a fun toy resulting once you’re done. I’m real glad I picked it up, and that I didn’t wait too long to put it together. *looks forlornly at lingering unbuilt model kits*
Hope you had fun, everyone! Stay cool, and I’ll see you next time!
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itsme690 · 5 years
Bad Day Part 6
**NOTE** I don't really think Lucy is like this but this is just how the story played out*** _____________________
It was the last week of filming and everyone was beginning to get sad knowing they weren't going to be seeing each other daily anymore, specifically Joe. He was such a sweetheart and seeing him upset broke my heart.
"Dude, we all got phones, you know we all will still talk in our text chain! We aren't going to forget about eachother just like that!" Rami reassured Joe, slapping him on the back.
"Yeah yeah and I've always got good old cardboard Ben to keep me company!" Joe winked in Bens direction who then just rolled his eyes. After the last 7 months the four of them have created such a beautiful bromance, not even I could understand it. While Lucy and I have become close friends. Although we had our daily arguments it was nice to have a girlfriend in this country to have girl time with. Tonight we were all going out to a club of Lucys choosing. She was familiar with the area so we trusted her choice.
"I think its about time we go to get ready, wouldn't you say Y/N?" Lucy stood and headed towards the door or the trailer. I nodded, bending down to kiss Ramis cheek.
"And I'll be seeing you later.." I whispered in his ear and tapped my finger on his nose. His hand gripped my thigh tight, and he srunched his nose while biting his bottom lip.
"Can't wait babe." He grabbed he back of my neck and pulled me in for a passionate kiss before I had to leave.
"Oh get a room.." Gwilym chimed in, rolling his eyes and everyone laughed. Rami broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against mine. I got off his lap and stood in front of him before leaving with Lucy. Rami smacked my ass as I walked away from him and I shot him a look that he knew he was in for it tonight.
Lucy and I had arrived at the Club 49 before the boys so we continued our conversation in the limo before getting out.
"Have you gotten any more wedding planning done?" She asked. By now Rami and I had figured out a location which was the toughest task. We agreed on a summer wedding on the beach. The ceremony will be small, with just our family and closest friends. But the reception will be held in a large ballroom, big enough for many more friends to join and celebrate with us. "Have you picked who you want to design your dress?"
"A designer? I was just going to to go bridal dress shopping with my mom and friends back home." I didn't think too much into needing the perfect dress.
"Oh honey no, you are marrying Rami Malek. You will get a designer to make you a one of a kind gown. You aren't just anybody anymore, you get treated with the same praise and admiration as Rami does." I guess Lucys right. Up until now Rami wasn't widely famous, but now with playing Freddie Mercury I can't help to think that our lives are about to change drastically. Before I had a chance to say anything there was a knock on the window. Lucy rolled it down, it was Gwil letting us know they would be inside getting drinks and for us to take our time. She turned around and saw I was pale as a ghost. "Are you alright sweetie?" I nodded.
"I will be. Lets go inside." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I've been with Rami for years, how much is going to change after getting married? I got out of the limo behind Lucy and straighted up.  Looked at my reflection in the tinted window, I ran my hands down my rose gold sequined dress. It was tight fitting with a plunged front and chain strap detailing, leaving my back bare. It was the shortest dress I have ever worn, only going down mid thigh. Lucy let me borrow some strappy silver heals and a diamond choker necklace.
"You look stunning Y/N. Rami isn't going to be able to keep his hands off of you!" I smiled and retuned the compliment.
"I bet you will really capture Bens attention tonight." I teased her and she rolled her eyes. For the longest time I thought Lucy was into Rami, especially after their nearly naked scenes that they had together. Lucy was the flirtatious type that didn't hide her feelings. Rami always reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. He was in no way attracted to her whatsoever. She was far too young for him and was not his type. He would remind me of our life back home, how he couldn't wait to go back to the quiet life we had together. Lucy told me over and over that she didn't have feelings for him but it was just something I couldn't believe. Rumors went around  set that she would opened her legs to anyone that would give her any sort of attention. Rumors are just rumors but somehow I believed this one to be true.
"Whats so special about tonight? Ben has never given me the time of day, so why tonight?" I couldn't disagree with that. Ben is usually so wrapped up into himself that he doesn't notice the people around him.
We walked hand in hand inside to the boys. There they were. Standing in the corner of the room trying not to make too much commotion. The four of them were dressed similar with tight black pants, a black jacket, and each had on a different color buttondown shirt. On the table was a set of 6 amber colored shots which they were waiting for us to toast.
"Its about time!" Joe snickered. Rami turned around when he heard us walking up behind him. His eyes flickered from my eyes down the entirty of my body and back up again. "Damn girls, you guys really out did yourselves this time!" Joe said and Lucy and I giggled. Ramis jaw dropped before he gently placed his hands on my hips.
"Would ya look at you!" He pulled me closer flush to his body and placed a quick peck on my lips. "You look so beautiful Y/N." I smiled and linked my fingers together around the back of his neck.
"Thank you. I thank Luce for helping me find the most perfect dress." I winked her way but she was too busy trying to get Bens attention.
"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" Joe sang excitedly. "Now that the girls arrived, its time for SHOTSSSSS!!" We all turned to the table and picked up a tequilla shot from the table.
"Alright, whos making the toast?" Gwilym asked. "It won't be me this time!"
"I've got this." Rami chimed. "This has been the best seven months of my life. I have made the best of friends among you guys and although we won't be physically together everyday anymore, we have our text chain and will still be attached through technology. Y/N, I thank you for sticking with me through everything and I can't wait to be able to call you my wife. Don't worry guys, you all will get an invite. to the wedding!"
"After being friends for the past 12 years you best invite me!" Joe joked, nudging Ramis arm.
"This is for Queen and Freddie." Rami finished and everyone took their shot, slamming their empty glass down on the table.
"Ugh why are we always doing tequila shots?" I muttered. Everyone but Gwilym and Ben made disgusted faces after taking their shot. Rami shrugged and raised his eyebrows, pointing at Ben and Gwil.
"Group hug!!" Joe insisted, wrapping his arms around Rami and Ben. We all huddled together for a quick moment before the DJ started to play the next song.
"I don't know about y'all but I'm going to dance!" I grabbed Lucys hand from behind and pulled her onto the dance floor. The beat of 'In Da Club' vibrated the empty glasses on the table. "I love this song!" Rami, Gwilym and Ben all stayed back while Lucy, Joe and I went out and swayed to the beat. The strobe lights flashing were blinding. Joe was loving his life with Lucy and I dancing so close to him. Rami was watching my every move from across the room as if he wanted to undress me right then and there. I continued to dance with Joe, teasing and seductively beckoning Rami to come and join me on the dance floor. Finally the remaining three boys made their way out. I swayed my hips with Joes not breaking the eye contact with Rami. The look in his eyes were growing darker as he took me in.
"You're one lucky man, mate." Gwilym whispered to Rami. Lucy, now dancing by herself, was trying to grab Bens attention but he was busy watching another group of girls dance upon one another.
"Gwil...will you dance with me?" Lucy asked him in a whiney voice but he denied. He wasn't the dancing type. He excused himself and went for a smoke.
"I will Luc." Rami sneered, still not breaking our stare. He knew how I felt about her from the beginning. He was doing this on purpose to get a rise out of me. Lucy draped one of her arms over his shoulder and began dancing with him trying to keep the drink in her hand steady.  I tried hard not to let it bother me, I turned around to face Joe and grinded my hips against his. I felt Ramis stare still on me, he was such a tease. Two can play this game.
"Woah, Y/N!" Joe exclaimed, placing one hand on my hip and the other on my lower back pulling me closer.
"Hands!" Rami snapped and Joe instantly removed his hands off of me. "This games all fun but no touching using your hands!"
"Sorry bro!" Joe threw his hands up in the air and let me continue swaying my body on his. Lucy looked as if she was enjoying herself way too much being that close on my fiance. She turned around and grinded her slutty ass back against him. I felt my heart pounding out of my chest and all I wanted to do was yank her off of him. I had to keep my cool, at least for now. Ben finally noticed the little game we were playing and decided to join in on the tease fest. He made his way up behind me, now sandwiching me inbetween him and Joe. I saw the rage in Lucys eyes when she looked up and saw Ben grinding behind me. She turned back to face Rami and rested her hands around his neck, playing with his hair.  Thats when I had had it. I felt her gaze on me. I turned around to face Ben and dropped my head back on Joes shoulder still swaying to the beat of the music. I slithered my hands around Bens waist, pulling him in closer. Rami lost it. He pushed Lucy off of him and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of between the other two men.
"You're pushing your luck babe, thats not how we play this game." He bit his lip and pulled my hips in tight against his. "You're mine, not theirs. Don't you dare be a little shit like that to me again." I felt his hot breath on my ear. He squeezed my ass tight. I had never seen him so territorial before, but damn I loved seeing him like this! Lucy had wedged herself between Joe and Ben and was content dancing with them while Rami and I headed to get drinks. The bar was swamped with people anxiously waiting for their drinks to be made. I pushed my way through and leaned my elbows on the edge of the bar. Rami settled in behind me resting his hands against the edge, surrounding me. I loved this feeling more than anything.
"Fancy seeing you here.." came from a familar voice two people over. Gwil finally had returned from outside. "Anyone else out there need a drink while I'm here?"
"I think Luc was running low on hers. Vodka and sprite." I nudged Ramis stomach hard. "Oww! What the fuck babe?"
"She does not need more! Do you remember what happened last time she had too much to drink?" I rolled my eyes. Last bar night out she drunkenly hooked up with not just one, but two complete strangers! One time she even tried kissing me after having a few too many. "Shes a sloppy drunk!" But it was too late, Gwil had her drink in his hand along with his beer.
"I'll keep an eye on her. I'll meet you two back out there!"
We finally got our drinks after what felt like forever. When we got back to our group on the dance floor Ben and Joe had their arms around eachothers shoulders and were swaying completely off beat to the music.
"Y/N...!! Where have you beeeeen? Come hereeee!" She whined, grabbing my forearm with her bitter cold hand. "Dance with meeeee!!!!" She spun me around and began grinding me from behind and petting my hair. "You have such lovely hair y/n! Did you know that?" I shot Rami and Gwil a look. She definitely did not need this drink. Gwil came over, taking her hand suggesting she should go with him outside for some air. "You can't tell me what to do!" She pulled her hand out of his so hard she nearly toppled over, spilling the small remainder of her drink on the floor. Joe and Ben finally came back down to Earth and saw what was happening.
"Lucy, dance with us again!" Ben said hopefully. If they could get her inbetween them again then she'd be fine. I pulled Rami around me and wrapped his arms around my waist and finally got back to the beat of the music.
"Oh come on dude, I don't think y/n would mind too much if you come dance with us!" Rami lured Gwilym to my front. Swaying our hips to the rhythm of the song.
"Hey Joe, look over there, hes cuteee!" Lucy slurred. "But you know whos the cutest man here?" She nodded her head at Rami. Leaning her head back on Joes shoulder she said "Rami.." in a audible whisper. I dug my nails into Ramis forearms and clenched my teeth.
"Let it go baby, shes drunk. Like you said, shes a sloppy drunk." I sighed as he began to kiss the back of my neck and shoulder. I turned around, lifting his chin with my index finger, I kissed his lips. I felt the heat of Lucy watching our kiss. She was getting so angry. Joe saw it in her eyes that she was going to do something that wouldn't end well.
"Lucy dont!!" He tried grabbing her but it was too late.  I broke the kiss to find her stomping toward us.
"You think its okay to go ahead and flaunt this little so called relationship thing you two have going on?" She pushed me to get close to Rami but Gwilym caught me. "You think kissing her is great? Get a load of this!" She grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. Without an instant he pushed her off.
"Lucy what the fuck are you doing?" Rami backed away from her. Ben and Joe just stood in awe not knowing what to do or say.
"Don't lie Rami! You liked it! And you enjoyed our topless kissing scenes together! Tell her! Tell her its over between you two!" I had enough. Gwil let me go and I got up in Lucys face. "Oh honey, he doesn't want you. He doesn't need you. You are a nobody. Ramis famous now. Hes destined to be with someone like me." She flicked her hair over her shoulder.
"You know what Lucy? Rami does deserve the world. And trust me when I say this, you are not that. From the day I met you I thought you were such a brat. You got everything handed to you on a silver platter. But why? Who is Lucy Boynton anyway?" I heard faint applauding come from Joe and Bens direction. Lucy shot them her distinct side eye and they stopped clapping. She looked defeated. "I'm over this. Come on Ram.' I turned away from her and kissed him passionately knowing she was still watching. "Oh and one more thing.." I turned back to her and slapped my hand across her face. That was for kissing my fiance." She gasped, placing her hand over her cheek right where I had just layed my hand on her. I grabbed Ramis hand and stormed out of the club.
"Woah babe, where did that come from?" Rami asked, eyebrows raised. "That was really hot!" I didn't feel the need to respond right away. Not until we got outside and the warm air hit my skin.
"No one touches my fiance." Tears built up in my eyes, trying hard to choke them back but failing. He wiped away the one tear that escaped down my cheek with his thumb. "Are you sure?" I sniffled. I buried my head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
"Am I sure what low?"
"That you want to be with just a nobody like me?" He picked my head up to look in my eyes.
"You are not a nobody. I love you with everything I am, forever and always. I can't wait to be able to call you my wife in a few months. Why don't we head out and I draw us a nice bath and we can celebrate our own way one last time in London?" I shook my head and smiled up at him.
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larpgourmet · 5 years
How to Feign Alcohol
Every great LARP has some sort of bar or tavern, but most LARPs allow for people under the legal drinking age to play -- which means that serving alcohol is usually a no go. Where I play, in Southern California, it’d also be doubly dangerous to drink something so dehydrating in the heat while being so active. So, how do you serve alcohol without serving alcohol?
For this post, I’m going to focus on simple bottled drinks, liquor, beer, and wine. I’ll do some recipes for faked mix drinks in a separate post.
Amber Liquors (Cognac, The Whiskey Family, Rum, Resposado) If you (like me) enjoy bourbon or whiskey, and you only want to emulate drinking such a drink -- you can imitate it easily with iced tea. You may need to play with the brewing time so it’s the right color -- but that’s how they do it on TV! Bonus, if you have something with a little caffeine, it’ll help perk you up! Black tea is best for this, as the color will be the closest. Simply bottle in a pretty decanter of some sort, and you’re good to go.
If you don’t like tea, apple juice is also pretty close in color, and doesn’t have the caffeine!
If you’re hardcore about wanting a flavor to match your offering, consider finding a vanilla honey tea. Most amber alcohols get their color as a result of the oak they’re aged in, usually adding notes of vanilla, honey, or molasses to the drink. Getting a tea flavored in the same vein will help! There are also teas that are designed to taste like amber alcohols, shop around!
Silver Liquors (Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Rum) For the easiest trick, just use straight water. But for added benefit, a clear sports drink will give you extra electrolytes while you’re drinking. If you go with the sports drink option, consider naming your alcohol to match “Raspberry Vodka” or “Cherry Vodka” for instance.
Cream Liquors (Amarula, Irish Cream) The signature look of cream liquors is that they do have milk (or cream) in them, but they’re mixed with something else that carries the alcohol. Consider making something like a cold chai tea latte, or other tea latte. The slight brown color of the tea will color the milk and give it the right kind of look. If you go with a chai latte, consider naming it as a Spiced Cream Liquor, for instance, as chai is a very spicy tea.
It’s also very easy to get creamers in Irish Cream, Amaretto, and Hazelnut  flavors. Rebottle creamers in pretty glass bottles, and label appropriately for the best visual appeal!
Be careful to keep these cold!
Coffee Liquors (Kahlua, Coffee Brandy) This is a fairly easy one! I would just serve straight, cold coffee. If you can get away with a decent kahlua flavored coffee, it’ll add a very nice smell!
Other Colored Alcohols There’s a variety of other colors in alcohol. Absinthe and other herbal liquors, like Jagermeister are usually green (food dye is your best option here.) For an added bit of realism, get an anise flavored extract to make your drink taste like anise.
For other less natural colors, look no further than a booze like Hypnotique, which is an odd blue swirly color (try blue food dye and edible glitter in your bottles).
And some liqueurs are dyed to be more beautiful. (Liqueurs, for the record, are sweeter, less alcoholic drinks. They tend toward being more syrupy (higher in sugar) and are often flavored with different things, like berries, honey, or nuts. They can be either silver or amber colored, or they can be colored artificially to be pretty much anything else in the rainbow.)
Wine Honestly, I think your easiest wine trick is to go with the sparkling grape drinks, and sparkling apple juice that’s readily available at any grocery store. If you’re feeling extra, you can always paint the labels to make them come from a winery that would be appropriate to your setting!
There’s a wonderful woman at my game who mixes a little vinegar in with her drinks (I’ll have to ask her for the recipe sometime, if she’s willing to share), to give them a bit more of the wine bite. Bonus -- apple cider vinegar is very good for your system.
For some more esoteric wines, like mead, you’re probably better using apple juice. If you’re trying to get the right flavor, consider adding honey to the apple juice and boiling the mix down so it thickens a little. It’s not the healthiest thing in the world, but slightly syrupy apple-honey will taste good (mix in some cinnamon to be really bougie) and if you serve it in small glasses as a speciality drink, people will love it!
Beer I think my favorite for this is home brewed root beer, or sarsaparilla. Totally non-alcoholic, fizzy, and served in fun bottles -- this is a great booze alternative for anyone who’s looking to do something more creative with their faux alcohol.
Don’t know where to start? Check out the link below for a home-root-beer kit you can buy on Amazon for about $16.
Final Thoughts The real win here will depend on how you sell the bottle. If you’re old enough to drink for real, save any interestingly shaped booze bottles and paint the labels to fit your world, then simply fill with whatever liquids it needs. I’ve also made a game of relabeling certain other juices and things so I could make a cocktail completely of sodas and juices. “Fire Whiskey” could be cranberry juice, as a for instance.
Home made labels on a home printer will go a long way to selling the effect. Avery sells printable labels that have a nice texture on them. For an added bonus, increase your in game economy -- hire an artist in game to generate the art for your label for you! Check out the link below:
If you’re running a bar or tavern in game, just make sure to leave a little note as to what is actually in the bottle, in case someone has an allergy or aversion -- or just doesn’t like the specific drink. A smaller sticker on the back of the bottle that is clearly marked with the real liquid will help a lot.
Another trick -- bring a funnel with you, and leave the larger bottle in your cooler. If you brewed iced tea, or brought apple juice for your bar, for instance, leave the majority of the tea or juice in your cooler, and simply pour a bit into the bottle based on how quickly it sells. That way it’s always pretty cold, and you don’t have to worry about it.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Based on your recent post about plusle and minun, I'd love to see you rate / compare&contrast the various pikaclone designs, if you're willing!
(Note that I already did Morpeko here and Pawmi here, so I'm not going to repeat those two.)
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I'll be honest, I'm not big on the pikaclones at all. I actually like the original Pikachu line quite a bit (Raichu is one of my all-time faves), but I just don't really see what the point is of creating a bunch of electric rodents with electric pouches. They're never as popular as Pikachu itself--in fact, I feel like I've seen more criticism than praise for them, though obviously they have their fans--and because none of them evolve so far, they're mostly forgettable.
However, out of all the pikaclones, Plusle and Minun are probably my faves, for one specific reason: they actually have a concept with the positive and negative charge thing. All of the other pikaclones (up until Morpeko, and its concept didn't have anything to do with the electricity thing) are just rodent + electricity, so these two feel a bit more meaningful.
And the designs are pretty decent, cream with some colored accents. I like the pluses in minuses in the cheeks--makes them feel meaningful instead of tacked on, like most of the other clones--and the tails. Switching the colors between them also makes for an easy way to tell them apart.
One interesting thing about these two is that according to betas and datamining, Plusle was originally supposed to evolve into Minun, or something that was in Minun's spot. While part of me feels like it makes sense for these two to be counterparts, part of me feels like Minun evolving would've given the line more of a purpose/use, and would've made it so that way they weren't taking up two separate 'dex slots. You'd need to adjust Minun's design more, as right now they look too similar to each other, but I could see it working with the right design.
Also, final note: all of the pikaclones (up until Morpeko if you count the other form, or Pawmi if you don't) have the exact same :D expression. I feel like Plusle could've stood to be more gloomy in contrast to Plusle's positivity, for obvious reasons. It would've emphasized the concepts more, but more importantly, it would've kept the two from being near-identical to each other.
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Pachirisu is where we start to get into the Pikaclones that are just animal + electricity, and honestly I find all of these guys kind of boring. That's not to say they're badly designed--I like Pachirisu's color scheme here, the way the ears mimic the tail, and the stripe running down the length of the body--but there's just not enough conceptually to justify their existence, even if the designs themselves are fine.
Also, I find Pachirisu's existence funny, because according to the designer, the Pikachu line was based off of squirrels. So we get a copy of a squirrel Pokemon except it's just More Squirrel this time.
Side note, PLA mentions that Pachirisu is related to the Pikachu line, presumably by common ancestor. It's not the first Pokemon to be canonically related to another, but it at least adds a little something from a biology perspective.
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Emolga is kind of in the same ballpark as Pachirisu for me. I like the design; I'm a sucker for black and yellow color schemes, the way it looks like its wearing a cape and cowl is fun, the way the back is all black with the yellow wings underneath, etc.
Also, a flying squirrel is at least an interesting rodent to pick for this, and it lends itself to the flying-type well. In general, the addition of secondary types was a much-needed addition to the pikaclones that helps give them more individuality. Its still fairly underwhelming despite this however, just due to not having much of a concept.
Also, visually, the face always bugged me a bit here. Why are the eyes so big? I also would've like to see a tiny bit more of a muzzle as well, just for the cuteness factor.
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It's only as I look at all the pikaclones together that I'm realizing that Pawmi is our first pikaclone to have a quadrupedal stance as the default.
Anyway, Dedenne doesn't do much for me. I feel like I should like it because it's more Raichu-esq, but that's the thing--if it's similar to Raichu, then why would I ever pick it over Raichu? And while the design is fairly harmless, it doesn't bring much new to the table. Pachirisu has a unique color scheme, Emolga is a flying squirrel, etc. Dedenne has similar colors to Raichu and a body shape somewhat similar to old-school fat Pikachu, so it's even less unique than the other clones.
Also, it's part fairy-type for... some reason. Like I said with Emolga, the flying-type made perfect sense with that design, but the typing here feels fairly obligatory. I've heard some people say its referencing how the tooth fairy is a mouse in France, but if so way more interesting things could've been done with that concept. The concept seems to be theme around antennae more than anything as it stands.
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I am not joking when I say that I quite literally forgot Togedemaru existed until I Googled it. And... yeah, not really that surprising. Honestly, I think this is my least favorite pikaclone just because of how generic it is. It at least has a unique palette (unlike Dedenne), but what else is there to it?
It seems to be based off of Ryukyu spiny rats, but what's the point of basing it off of something spiny if the spines are down almost constantly, making it completely round? If it had a bristly back, kind of like Sandslash, that would at least make it stand out more visually. The typing's also obligatory again (this time steel); perhaps playing around more with that and making the spines metallic or something would've given it more to work with.
Also, I really don't like how the tail just sticks out of the back. It might actually just be a giant spine, but if that's the case, why is it out when all of the other spines are flattened?
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Once again, it's too harmless to really be bad, but it's also too harmless to really be memorable either.
So overall: Plusle and Minun are fairly useless but have the best concepts out of them all, Emolga's got a nice design and good secondary typing, Pachirisu has a good color palette, and Dedanne and Togedemaru feel forgettable to me.
As a side note, I really wouldn't mind personally if they just stopped making pikaclones and instead gave Pikachu regional variants for each new region (esp. if Raichu gets them as well). That would create less 'dex clutter and at least would re-emphasize the mascot instead of creating a bunch of lesser mascots. Prayer circle that Pawmi will get to evolve, at least.
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midnightghostwriter · 7 years
close encounter
↬ summary: a trip downtown turns into more than you bargained for
↬ genre: fluff
↬ pairing: jay park x reader
↬ word count: 2.7k
a/n: okay so this is 100% just because i like this story and this week has sucked so here have more fluff. istg someday i will update with something new, but for now bear with me and have this instead.
i will probably change the title bc idk how i feel about it lol
The Pacific Northwest was known more than anywhere else in America for being rainy, gray, and cold, especially during the extended winter months. This fact only became more true the closer one drew to the various bodies of water dotting the state of Washington, leading you to wonder what had possessed you to go on this excursion. It wasn’t precisely far to reach the damp streets of Seattle, but it was far enough that by the time you’d arrived at the bustling hub of Pike Street, and managed to orient yourself at the bus stop a few blocks away, the rain was drumming a fiercer beat than the brave buskers trying to earn a few bucks from passerby despite the inclement conditions.
Hood drawn tight about your face, you dodged your fellow pedestrians as best you could with your vision so limited to what laid directly in your path. You were met with success, ducking into the blessedly covered marketplace. Past the inexplicable statue of a golden pig surrounded by flocks of tourists taking photos and into the warmth of the covered walkway that wound between stalls and established shops alike. The warm air was filled with a myriad of scents; soft florals of the multitude of flower stands, the distinctive smell of fish and seafood fresh from the nearby piers, the hidden sour smell of so many bodies packed into the space. It was almost overwhelming and yet you found yourself enjoying it. It was not often you were able to experience it, and you wanted to commit it to memory in as much detail as possible.
Across the cobbled floor, dampened from the rain soaked soles of shoes that had preceded yours, your feet carried you, slowing their hurried rush to escape the less savory weather to a stroll that allowed you to take in the sights. Past the famous flying fish stand where experienced fishmongers tossed the large sea dwellers into the waiting hands of patrons in the crowd; past the classy restaurant that had managed to claim a small section of the market for the more upscale customers; past a natural food stand and another selling an assortment of wares tourists would brandish to prove they had set foot in this cultural hub.
You allowed yourself to fall into the current of tourists and locals alike, you falling somewhere in the middle as you marveled at some wares and rolled your eyes at others. But nothing caught your eye, and you weren’t keen on truly shopping here anyway. So you followed the flow of people until the line of shops once again opened onto the equally bustling street, blinking a bit as you stepped into the dim grey light. Pausing, you glanced about you before deciding to make your way toward the more formal shopping district a few blocks away.
A slight detour to secure a warm drink from the city’s famous coffeehouse, and you were puffing warm air into the damp chill outside the entrance to H&M. Another stream of chattering people helped you through the doors into the store, some trendy song or another filling your ears as you moved off to the side to avoid being run into. Idly you circled some of the sales racks near the doors, picking at vibrant patterns, and simple colors in fashion-forward cuts.
Intent on your search, you didn’t notice the new rush of shoppers come inside just as you rounded the rack. Your indiscretion found you colliding quite abruptly with an unexpected presence, a flash of gratefulness that you’d consumed your coffee and thus avoided splashing the beverage onto them flitting through your mind. The empty cup tumbled from your fingers as you stumbled a bit and reached for the nearest thing to steady you, which just so happened to be a pair of well-muscled arms that had reached for you. As you took a moment to regain your balance, you couldn’t help a twinge of vague recognition for the tattoos that spread across the tanned skin from beneath the rolled sleeves of the person’s shirt. Hadn’t you seen that design somewhere before?
Then you remembered your situation, and a muddled rush of apologies came tumbling past your lips. The words were met with a low chuckle that had your eyes sliding up the body in front of you to meet your victim’s, the sight nearly tearing a gasp from your throat as your own orbs widened in surprise.
“Nah it’s my fault, I wasn’t paying attention,” the guy supporting you assured, hint of a smile playing at his lips. You tried to remember the second nature act of taking in oxygen as a red-hot blush swept across your face. This became infinitely harder when a full smile lit his features at the wide eyes and dropped jaw you were now sporting. “I’m Jay.”
“I know.” The words sprang unbidden from your gaping mouth and you snapped it shut, mortified. Your blush darkened as he laughed again, polite smile now a genuine grin. “I-I mean, I’m…” You eventually managed to provide him with the syllables of your own name and he nodded, repeating it back almost as if he were testing out the sound. Your heart flopped funnily in your chest, eyes darting away from his to focus on a pair of heels on the rack next to you.
“Hey, I’m actually from around here,” he started and you resisted the urge to tell him that you knew that too. “How about I show you some of my favorite spots? You know, as kind of an apology for almost body slamming you into those ugly ass leopard leggings.” At that exact moment you realized your fingers were still resting on his biceps and you tore them away to run a hand through your hair in a manner you hoped was casual, the other diving into the sanctuary of your coat pocket.
“Th-that sounds like fun!” You agreed, hoping he couldn’t hear the nervous strain in your voice or see how your smile wavered shyly under his gaze. You instantly regretted chancing a look at him when you saw his smile bloom again and your heart tripped across your rib cage.
“Great, let’s go,” and you were left no choice but to follow when he turned to lead the way out.
You hadn’t been sure what to expect when you unthinkingly agreed to Jay’s proposal. Maybe he’d bring you to a place in the warehouse district on 1st where he used to practice the dances he was so known for. Or perhaps some hidden corner of one of the parks where’d he sat and thought about the path he wanted his life and his music to take. Hell maybe he was just going to ditch you in some god awful corner of Columbia or something and leave you for dead.
But lucky for you Jay stayed true to you, guiding you along the crowded streets and weaving between alleyways on your own personal tour. Even when he brought you somewhere you had visited in years past, you smiled and laughed at the stories he added to your own memories of the location. With every minute that passed in his presence you found your earlier nerves about being in the presence of someone you so admired slipping, replaced instead with a fondness for the boy beside you.
Pleasant surprise reigned once again when you were dragged (though not quite so forcibly) to a quirky shop of some persuasion you couldn’t discern from the sign. Tucked safely within its warm interior, it suddenly hit you again just who you were with. Sneaking a peek at him, you were startled to find his eyes meeting yours, almost as if he had been doing the same.
“I-is this another spot on the Jay Park Exclusive Seattle Tour?” you asked, trying to tease him and cover up the race horse of your heart in your chest. With a chuckle he shook his head.
“Nope, just looked good and I’m starving,” he replied simply and you snickered.
“Ah, so even the great Jay Park can be won over through his stomach.”
“Is that so wrong?”
“Nah, it’s cute.” The words tripped past your lips before you had time to think, but the raised brow on Jay’s face shed some light on your Freudian slip. “I-I mean, uh, oh shit.” The amused smile on his lips split into full blown laughter as you panicked.
“Pay attention or you aren’t getting anything to eat.” The unexpected reprimand was accompanied by a playful smack to the back of your head, effectively cutting off any rambling apologies or excuses you may have had. Flustered, you glanced at the menu and spat out the first item that looked even remotely edible.
Cowed into silence by your slip of the tongue, you followed him to a table, trying and failing to not overthink every move you made now. Completely lacking any of your usual grace (if you could be said to have even a modicum of the stuff), you flopped into the chair across from him, eyes glued to the granite table top. Jay remained silent, allowing you to wallow in your thoughts that he probably thought you were ridiculous, or even worse you had made him uncomfortable with your comment. God, could this get any more awkward?
Before your brain could spell out each and every way things could be infinitely more awkward, you were started from your thoughts by the appearance of your food. You glanced up from the plate placed before you to find Jay settling back into his seat, already beginning to devour the sandwich he’d ordered.
“Sorry, I should’ve gone to get the food since you paid,” you managed after a moment, your voice hushed with nerves. The reassuring smile he flashed your way sent your heart spiraling out of control and you could feel your blush making its return. You ducked your head, hoping your hair could conceal at least some of the red tint from his vision.
“Don’t be sorry. You say that too much.” He reached across the table and stole one of your fries, smiling teasingly. “Now hurry up and eat or I’m taking yours. I did pay after all, so it’s technically mine anyway.” Finding a small sum of courage with his teasing, you scooted the plate closer to you, rearranging your features into mock offense.
“Nice try but you already gave it to me so it’s mine now.” As if to stake your claim, you lifted one of your fries and pointedly ran your tongue across it before dropping it back amidst its brethren. You repeated the stunt with the top of your sandwich, too caught up in your joke to notice the way his eyes followed the action. “See? Would you really want those now?”
“Jesus, you didn’t have to slobber all over them, Scooby Doo.” You stuck out your tongue again and he pretended to cringe away. With a giggle you picked up your food, taking a bite and finding that you liked it far more than you expected, just as you did your companion.
After the food was consumed (Jay still managing to take a portion of yours hostage, not that you minded terribly) and your energy appropriately restored, you let him lead you from the quaint restaurant and resume your wandering. A glance at the perpetually gray sky, now several shades closer to the black of night, told you that it was probably time to get going if you didn't want to be stuck in Seattle until the morning. Before you could voice these concerns and your need to find the nearest bus stop, however, Jay stopped abruptly, you nearly crashing into him for the second time that day.
“What the heck Jay, say something before you stop like that!”
“Sorry,” he murmured with the presence of mind to look a little abashed at your reprimand. “This is my stop, though.”
“Your-- what?” At last you glanced at the building before you and were surprised to find a hotel. Oh. Of course, he was just visiting so he was probably staying here.
All at once it hit you. This was it. Jay would go inside to his hotel room, you'd board an overcrowded bus, and you'd never see him again except on sns and splashed across articles by zealous netizens. He would go back to Korea and lose himself in his music, and his memories of this day would disappear somewhere over the Atlantic. Your heart twisted painfully at the thought, but you did your best to hide it with another teasing grin.
“Why Mr. Park, what will the keyboard warriors say if they find out I was at your hotel? I should probably leave before they find us!” You made a show of glancing around as if looking for spies in the long shadows of the streetlights and he offered you a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
“You know… I'm still going to be around for a few days.” Your eyes dart back to him, though his gaze is focused on the cracked city sidewalk, hand resting on the back of his neck in blatant nervousness. You tell your heart to stop hoping so it won't be crushed later. “We could… Do this again.” Too late. But his words still take you by surprise, washing all other coherent thought from your mind.
“I… What? Huh?” Smooth.
“Today was fun, and I want to see you again,” he says, the words spilling out into the cracks between you rushed, as if he’s afraid taking too long will change your mind. A tentative smile spreads your lips.
“Really?” Your voice is small, hushed with the ghost of a younger girl with a dream like this, hoping against hope that it was really coming to life.
“Really. Gimme your phone.” You slide the device from your pocket and place it in his hand, committing the warm brush of his fingers against yours to memory. With anxious eyes you watch as they fly across your screen and then suddenly you're looking at a string of numbers with his name across the top. “Call me as soon as possible.” Bubbling over with happiness, a giggle escapes you as you tuck your phone away.
“Okay.” He smiles properly at your acquiescence and you think you could get used to seeing it, even if the return of your skipping heart tries to remind you no, you never would.
“It's getting late, you should probably go before it gets too sketchy.” You roll your eyes.
“This place is always sketchy,” you shoot back. “But I guess I should. If I miss the next bus I'll be stuck out here for another half an hour.” And yet neither of you moves. You, because you are afraid the moment you turn away this will all become a beautiful dream and he'll vanish with it, and he because of a reason you don't know and don't dare to guess. But it's now or never, so with your heart in your stomach you wave and turn away. You make it maybe three steps before those already familiar fingers close around your wrist, yanking you back around with a Wait.
And then before you can say anything or process how you're so much closer to him than you've dared to be all day, or the way his arms feel around your waist, or how wow his eyes are way nicer up close, his lips are on yours and holy shit this is the last thing you expected but you definitely don't object. Especially when you lean up just a bit and you realize that you can feel his heart beating just as fast as yours when it occurs to him that you're actually kissing him back.
It's only a second, a breathless, heart-pounding, everything you've ever wanted in the world, second and then he's pulling away, staring at you in a way that has your stomach doing back flips. And then, in true Jay fashion, he ruins the moment entirely to mumble you forgot this.
And fuck if that cheesy line doesn't make you want to kiss him again.
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skeletonbuddycos · 7 years
Building Pyrrha’s sword: Miló
so when i first started planning out this costume at the beginning of the year, i jokingly told my friend she could make me a sword to go with it...........& then she actually did it. yay for friends who encourage each other to take on ambitious builds! you can find thea at her website & on twitter
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Creating a replica of Pyrrha’s sword was quite a challenge. As this is the first real prop that I’ve designed and built from scratch, I had to learn a lot of techniques and skills to pull off something convincing. This post attempts to document the build process, tools, and techniques used to create this prop.
Part one: research & references
My first step was to figure out what this sword looks like and how I wanted to bring it to life. I had to get a sense of the size, shape, and colors used and how I would map those into the real world. This requires research and collecting references. It’s important to gather references that show multiple angles so you get a sense for all three dimensions. It’s also useful to get references from multiple sources because it might show the item in a different style which sometimes makes it easier to decide how the item should look in real life.
The easiest and most obvious set of references are just using screenshots from the show, like these:
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(Source: Rooster Teeth)
RWBY in particular is a great resource for references. The show is 3D animated, so the items generally have plausible construction and proportions.
While researching I also found that the late Monty Oum provided clean references for all the RWBY characters on his Facebook:
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(Source: Monty Oum)
The references so far are probably enough to start building, but I didn’t think that the colors used in the show would translate well into real life. After all, RWBY intentionally uses a simplified art style with bold color and sharp lines. So this is where I started looking for “non-canonical” references - fan art and other cosplays.
In some fan art, Pyrrha is rendered more in gold than yellow and the crimson is lightened up a bit:
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(Source: Infinote on DeviantArt)
Sheena Duquette did an excellent 3D-printed version of Milo that used a significant amount of gold:
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(Source: Soulfire Photography)
With these references in mind I could start designing and prototyping.
Part two: designing & prototyping
Now that I have some idea of what I want it to look like, I needed to design it and figure out how I want to build it. My design is very influenced by the tools available to me. I live in an apartment, I don’t have access to significant woodworking equipment, but I do have access to a small makerspace at work with a laser cutter and 3D printer. How you design and build a prop is so incredibly dependent on what tools and skills you have access to. If I had access to proper woodworking equipment like a CNC router, this would have been a significantly different build.
I designed this prop to build constructed out of layers of laser cut wood with a few 3D-printed embellishments. 
Since I’m designing this for laser cutting, I designed everything in vector layers using Affinity Designer (I’ve seen other people use Illustrator or even InkScape). The first thing I did was use the references to create a rough outline of the sword and laser-cut a prototype to test the size:
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(Rough outline in Affinity)
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(Laser-cut size test out of cheap plywood) 
I could have actually just used paper for the size test, but I was still learning the ins and outs of using the laser cutter and this was a good way for me to get used to the materials and processes involved. I decided after this that the sword was too big so I scaled everything down by 15% and cut a new size test - it seemed perfect to me at that point.
The next step was to start designing all of the layers and embellishments on those layers. I designed most of the layers initially with the material that was readily available to me at the makerspace: cheap 2.8mm plywood. You can see the layer vectors as different colors here:
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(Layers in Affinity)
Due to the size limitations of the laser cutter and material size, I actually designed some of the layers to be cut in separate pieces. These pieces fit together like puzzle pieces:
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(One layer with multiple parts in Affinity)
While designing the layers I printed several prototypes and dry fit them and improved the design. I went through about eight or so iterations before I felt comfortable with the design enough to do the final build.
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(Dry fit of a prototype)
During this time I also designed a way for the sword’s blade to be removable to help with transportation. I didn’t get any pictures of this during the prototype, but there’s an explanation of it in the build section.
Once I felt comfortable with the prototype, I glued it all together to get a feel for what the final build would look and feel like.
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(The final prototype assembled)
Note that I didn’t design or prototype any of the 3D parts at this stage. Since they’re all part of the “back” of the sword they could be just attached on later. I also wanted to get the final assembled laser cut parts so that I could accurately measure the dimensions of the real object to better design the 3D part.
Step three: building
Now it’s time to build this thing. During the prototypes, I decided that the cheap plywood wasn’t going to be acceptable for the final product. I decided to use 1/8" and 1/16” maple stock (from Inventables) for the final build. I used the 30W Epilog Zing 16 laser in the makerspace to cut and engrave all of the pieces out of the stock.
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(Laser-cut and engraved parts)
During this time I also had to figure out how to do the gold design in the middle of the sword. I wasn’t content with just stenciling in a flat design, so I decided I wanted to engrave and color fill it. It took me ages to figure out an incredibly simple and low-tech solution to this. First, I painted some stock red and covered it in masking tape:
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(Red-painted maple stock)
Then, I engraved through the masking tape, paint, and stock. I did this in multiple passes with low power to avoid burning the wood and tape:
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(laser cutter engraving the design on the stock)
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(The engraved and masked pieces)
Now that I essentially engraved a paint mask, I used gold spray paint to do the color fill:
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(gold-painted parts)
Then, I carefully peeled off the masking tape:
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(Masking tape in process of being removed)
And then I had two beautiful color-filled parts:
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(The finished part, finally!)
With all the laser-cut parts ready, I did a dry-fit of everything to make sure it all worked:
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(Dry-fit: looking good!)
Now the fun part: wood-gluing everything together:
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(Making good use of the hundreds of clamps I bought for this)
It felt really great to hold this in my hands once it was completely glued:
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The last part of this step of the build was to finish the blade removal mechanism.
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(Blade locking mechanism and cover)
There’s a circle in the center under one of the emblems that works as a lock that's screwed into place. This locks the central blade, and the central blade in turn locks the main blade. The emblem is removable and is held in place using a couple of magnets (which I did number incorrectly, whoops). Fun story, when I first placed in the magnets I had the acrylic middle blade in place as you see here. I accidentally drilled into the acrylic and partially glued the magnets to the acrylic. That was a huge pain to fix- it involved a putty knife and lots of swearing.
Step four: 3D printing 
Now that I had the finalized laser-cut parts all assembled and ready to go, it was time to create the 3d-printed embellishments.
The first thing I printed was the parts that comprised the barrel. I designed these using OpenSCAD and some simple formulas.
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(Middle barrel part in OpenSCAD) 
I printed them in PLA on my adorable but powerful Lulzbot Mini. I then glued to the main prop using tacky glue and then blended them in with wood filler and some super-glue.
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(Barrel piece glued onto the prop) 
Now for the most difficult part: the barrel cover. I am by no means a 3D artist - I barely know how to use 3D software at all. However, I did use some CAD software in high school, so I’m practically an expert, right? I used Affinity to draw the outline of the barrel cover then used Fusion 360 to model it into the part. I used measurements directly from the real prop to make sure this was designed to fit exactly.
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(The basic barrel cover shape in Fusion 360)
I printed this basic shape to make sure it fit and then started to figure out how to do the engravings on this part. This was actually the most frustrating part for me. Fusion 360 kept freezing and crashing which was extremely frustrating. I’m not sure if my Macbook is just too wimpy to handle serious CAD work, but it was baffling to me that such a seemingly simple part was causing Fusion 360 so much trouble. Eventually, I found a hint online about disabling build history which allowed me to actually finish the part and all of the engravings without ripping my hair out and throwing my computer across the room.
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(The final design in Fusion 360, sliced up into three parts so it’ll fit on my Lulzbot Mini)
With the design complete, I printed it. My Lulzbot churned out the three parts over two days and it came out fantastic:
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With all that done, all I needed was the little barrel poking out at the end. I whipped that up in OpenSCAD.
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(Barrel and trigger glued in place)
Step five: painting
With the prop assembled, I spent a few days sanding and filling various parts to prepare it for painting. Because of limited space, I choose to use spray paint for this and paint at a friend’s house. I used Krylon ColorMaster spray paints. I painted the whole thing with a gray primer, then painted the gold sections, then masked and painted in the red sections. I finished the whole thing with a pass of clear coat.
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(It’s painted!)
While the 3D design was the most frustrating, the outcome of the painting was the most disappointing to me. While I think the paint job is okay, I think I can do much much better. I felt rushed because I was borrowing another person’s space (despite them being wonderful and accommodating) and it was hot outside (I had a nasty sunburn from doing this). I was also really disappointed in how little control I felt I had over the spray paint. In the future I want to use an airbrush, but I don’t presently have the space for it.
Final thoughts
This was an incredibly ambitious item to try to build as my first prop. I’m honestly really proud of the outcome and I can’t wait to build my next prop. I learned so much about laser cutting and a little bit about 3D printing. I learned that I suck at painting. I learned that it’s critical to understand your tools and skills while designing your prop. I learned that I really wanna get access to proper woodworking and painting equipment. Hopefully someone else finds this build log useful- good luck!
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skkaw · 4 years
It’s one thing to appreciate your favorite show, but it’s a whole other thing to make fan art from the show yourself! Of course, we here at SKKAW.BLOG just can’t help going the extra mile to quench our fan-based-thirsts. Locke and Key was a particularly interesting show for me as I liked the premise of using keys to open doors to other places or gateways to other things in themselves. If you haven’t seen the show yet we highly recommend go watch it on Netflix. Also, visit our Locke and Key review here and let us know what you think of the show yourself.
The show revolves a lot around using keys. As Justin goes into detail in his Locke and Key posts here and here, the keys are pretty important to the plot and storyline of the show and comics. So being a fan of the show myself, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some keys! Of course, I could go purchase some keys myself from Skeleton Crew Studio, eBay, or Etsy, but where’s the fun in that? Why not just make our own! Having recently got into the 3D Printing, I was all up for the challenge to make authentic-looking keys from the show and comics.
Now I won’t go into too many details regarding 3D Printing itself. I’ll reserve that for another post coming soon. For now, I’ll outline the major steps I took to make our own Locke and Key keys below. But if you do have questions do feel free to leave us some comments or contact us directly here.
The first thing I did was search the interwebs was for 3D printer designs or files called STL files. That file type are the designs that 3D printer software uses as a base to build the 3D print model. Again, I’ll go into more detail regarding the intricacies of 3D Printing in another post but for now, suffice it to say you need to find a 3D model to get you started.
Luckily, someone already made some 3D Printer STL files of some of our favorite keys. A Google Search of “Locke and Key 3D Print Design,” was enough for us to kind some epic designs to start with.  We’ll list all the links to the designs we had at the end of this post.
I wanted to start with something simple so I went with the Anywhere Key first. It’s pretty straightforward since it’s made of a single piece and the design isn’t too complicated. This printed in about 20 minutes and came out great. I did make one adjustment, I shrunk the size to 80% to increase the build speed. I’m glad I did too because it came out great! The material, if you’re wondering is PLA (Polylactic acid)– a recyclable plastic.
But it’s not without its own challenges though. For example, my first print of the Anywhere key didn’t quite go so well, see below.
I later found out my 3D printer settings were a bit off (the 3D Printer bed wasn’t hot enough) but I worked it out and everything else printed smoothly.
Once I made one key, I got the itch and had to make more! I then proceeded to make the Shadow Key. This key was a bit trickier to make as it required some Lego-like put-me-together skills. Basically, it came in several parts which I printed separately, painted, and then glued together. See below for a photo-collage of  my build:
After the Shadow Key, I was almost at my fill of printing keys. It looks straight forward but it does require some time, skill, and effort to make them. The trickiest part of the Shadow Key was painting and piecing together all the parts! But it was fun to make for sure and I really enjoyed building this one the most.
After making the Shadow Key, I wanted to get at least a couple more keys to fill up our Locke and Key collection.  I chose some keys which didn’t require more work than printing and painting.  I settled for the Omega Key, Ghost Key, and Head Key. See below post-printing of each of the mentioned keys.
After printing each key,  I hand-painted each key. If you asked me which part of this build was most challenging it would be the painting. First off, colors aren’t my strongest suit. I’m partially colorblind (only to some particular shades of green and red), but thankfully the colors were a bit straight forward. The colors I used for the keys included black, white, gold, and aluminum. I used gold for the Anywhere Key and a mix of gold and aluminum for the Head Key. Finally, I used black and white were for the Ghost and Shadow Keys. The Omega Key was easiest since it is pure black. I also used acrylic paint, which works great on PLA. See below for the final results:
From left to right: Omega Key, Ghost Key, Shadow Key, Head Key, and Anywhere Key.
And there you have it! Our own set of Locke and Key keys. We feel so powerful! I guess we’re the keepers of these keys now . . .  I just hope we don’t run any trouble similar to the Locke family . . .
Links to 3D Print Designs:
Locke and Key Collection 1 by @CreateCafe3D via myminifactory.com
Head Key – Locke and Key (Comic & Netflix Version) by via thingiverse.com
Locke & Key – Ghost Key by Pan_Kuba via thingieverse.com
Have any questions regarding our Locke and Key key builds above? Or, want to share your design stories with us? Please feel free to leave us a note in the comments section below.
If this got you curious or interested in 3D Printing and don’t know where to start, be sure to check out our follow-up post on 3D printing in general, where we go into detail on our 3D printing experience. This includes choosing a budget-friendly printer, putting that printer together, and printing and painting some cool stuff.
And, as always, be sure to keep following us for more on pop-culture, crafts, maker culture, comics, reviews, and more!
We're big fans of the #LockeandKey, including the #Netflix show and comics. So of course we #3DPrinted our own keys! Check out our post for more info on our build @lockekeynetflix #3DPrinting #FanArt It's one thing to appreciate your favorite show, but it's a whole other thing to make fan art from the show yourself!
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bynicholedanielle · 4 years
Hi all! Welcome back to Blogmas! Told you all I would be back in no time. What are we at? less than a week until Christmas! Haines. I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself. We all know I love giving gifts. It has got to be one of my love languages. The thought I put into each of my gifts for others is insane. With that said, I wanted to share with you a gift guide with gifts I am personally wishing for that work great for any girl in your life. Friends, family, etc all of these gifts are great present ideas.
So I am just going to hop into it.
Number 1. A Mini Skin Fridge. Yep you heard that right. Okay so along with the one I am linking, which is surprisingly affordable, it is seriously so on brand for me. Light pink, mini, and dealing with skincare? Yes please. Every woman should have this on their bathroom counter. It is basically a mini fridge for your skin care products. Serums, lotions, eye cream, rollers. You name it, so many products can be stored in here without it being too bulky. Why do you need this you ask? Not only is it a treat to put on nice cold products that wake you up and leave you feeling revitalized, it mainly helps with puffiness and gives your products a longer shelf life. So go pick one of these up. I linked one from Amazon for about $40-$50.
Number 2. A solid gold band ring. No this is not replacing my engagement ring. But I would wear it on my right hand ring finger. I absolutely love what a solid gold band looks like aesthetically and I want a real gold one because I am tired of buying cheap rings that leave my finger green and fades super fast. This one is the perfect thickness and again just adds a bit of shine for that special someone. Pro tip: Look at Kohls for really good deals on these. Stack those coupons to get a good price for it!
Number 3. Big, bold hoops. Okay. What girl doesn’t need a good pair of hoops. But we are going to get specific. I have gold hoops that are thin and are fine, but I don’t think they add the pop I am generally looking for. So the ones I am linking are great. They are hollowed out so they aren’t too heavy and they are a great dupe for higher end brands. These look great dressed up or can be used for your every day hoops. Seriously I will wear these with sweats and a low ponytail and they will immediately take you from looking like you just rolled out of bed to looking like you could go anywhere. These ones are a whopping $7.99.
Number 4. An iPad. Okay so I know not everyone can just go out and gift these too all of their friends, but hear me out. This is a great appreciation gift to give back to your parents. Or heck to even gift yourself with those gift cards I know you are about to get over the holidays. Collect your gift cards and make a bigger, more quality purchase. The rose gold is my absolute favorite and pair it with an apple pencil for that graphic artist, photographer, or tattoo artist in your life.
Number 5. Keychains! Okay I may be a little biased here, but seriously these make great bulk gifts for friends, family, or coworkers! Get a fun saying on it or a nickname works too. Pro tip: Use them as stocking stuffers or as gift tags on gifts! $9.99-$14.99
Number 6. Coach bag. What woman doesn’t want a practical, high end bag? Not only are these super cute, but they are seriously well made. I wish I could narrow it down to just one that I want, but it is impossible! I have been eyeing some really cute designs lately and for some reason I am coming back to find that I want a white purse. It is super chic and very different than my normal black bag. Get them on the Coach Outlet online for a great deal with 70%  off right now. I will link my top two contenders down below and vote for which one you think I should get.
Number 7. A facial. Dang I am afraid to admit this, but I have never had a professional facial. I know, with how much I love skincare, I’m not sure how this hasn’t happened yet. This is great for anyone in your life, male and female. Pamper your girl with some good skin vibes.
Number 8. What We Said Merch. UGH! I need all of their products on their site. If you don’t know What We Said is a podcast with Jaci and Chelsea, two girls that basically turn into your best friends when you listen to this podcast. They just launched their merch and oh boy is it cute! I need all four pieces pronto. $50-$55
Number 9. A heated eyelash curler. So we all know that using an eyelash curler is out. Damages your lashes and yanks them out. Ouch! Well the new thing is here. A heated eyelash curler is the perfect gift for about twenty bucks to give your girl. I personally just ordered one and tried it and dang it makes a difference without the hassle of yanking out your eyelashes. Basically think of a curling wand for your eyelashes yet it is safe to use near your eyes. An beauty fan will appreciate this gift!
Number 10. Disney merch! Okay so this may be a specific gift for a specific type of person, but if the person is like me, they will love some new Disney merchandise! Okay to be specific, I have a few different products I have my eye on. First, the new Arendell Aqua Minnie ears. Second, the Arendell Aqua Alex and Ani bracelet. Lastly, any phone case that has the Disney castle or Frozen characters on it. Okay so all of them have to do with Frozen. What of it?
Okay so there is my list. I know this is last minute, but if I know some of you, I know that you put off shopping until the last minute and need some good gift ideas. So hop on it and get to shopping. Comment below what items are on your list. I would love to hear them (and possibly add them to my list). Merry everything and happy Blogmas!
Love Always,
By Nichole Danielle
Ps- Find all the links to the products below!
Skin care fridge: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07X21DGZ6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Gold Ring: https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-3745522/10k-gold-4-mm-polished-wedding-band.jsp?color=Yellow&prdPV=10
Bold Hoops: https://www.target.com/p/thick-hoop-earrings-a-new-day-153/-/A-54138357?preselect=54004560#lnk=sametab
iPad: https://www.target.com/p/apple-ipad-10-2-inch-wi-fi-only-7th-generation/-/A-78305935?preselect=54184181#lnk=sametab
Keychains: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ByNicholeDanielle
Coach Bag: https://www.coachoutlet.com/coach-jes-crossbody/F75818.html?search=true&dwvar_color=IMCHK#q=jes&start=6
A facial: You are going to have to go to your local spa for this one 😉
What We Said Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/wws-awesome-pink/
Eyelash Curler: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YG3BVG4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Disney Merch: https://poshmark.com/listing/Disney-Arendelle-Aqua-Headband-5d72856fbbf076a74e28ce49?utm_source=gdm&ad_partner=google&l_con=NWT%2FNEW&utm_source=gdm&utm_campaign=1882530939&campaign_id=1882530939&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-866763510872&gcid=347613920610&ggid=73060198747&gdid=c&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2dGyyePH5gIVAdbACh3l7gwaEAQYAiABEgIeQvD_BwE
  Top Ten Gifts to Get Her for Blogmas Hi all! Welcome back to Blogmas! Told you all I would be back in no time. What are we at?
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
40 Best Personalized Gift Ideas For The Special People In Your Life
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40 Best Personalized Gift Ideas For The Special People In Your Life
Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 July 24, 2019
Personalized gifts are a great way to make someone feel special. Whether it’s a friend who’s getting married, your sibling who just graduated, or your mum who you feel like thanking for no specific reason, personalized gifts are more thoughtful and appreciated. Personalized gifts mean a lot as it takes time and care in choosing the right one. Besides, nothing’s stopping you from buying these for yourself. Self-care, anyone? Let’s look at 40 best personalized gift ideas that will help you make someone’s day.
40 Best Personalized Gift Ideas
1. Personalized Thermos With Name
This thermos is double-wall vacuum insulated and available in sizes: 20 oz and 30 oz with free engraving. This cool tumbler can keep your drink warm for about 24 hours and cold for around 36 hours! It is a spill-proof thermos, and the engraving is here to stay. It is available in over 10 colors, including blue, black, white, and pink, and you can get these for your entire tribe!
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2. Personalized Sequin Pillow
A custom-made throw pillow is a superb present for anyone who loves being home and waking up late. So, if you have a friend who prefers to stay indoors, this sequin pillow with their favorite photograph can be an ideal birthday present. This custom gift idea is made of reversible sequin and soft suede and comes with stuffing. The size is 16″X16″. The flip technology makes writing and designing on the mermaid sequin pillow easy. All you need to do is run your fingers across the sequin to get a picture or pattern. It is the perfect addition to the home or bedroom.
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3. Personalized Photo Luggage Tags
Has the travel bug bitten one of your loved ones? This luggage tag is perfect for someone who is always on the move but also keeps getting confused with baggage at the airport. What could be better than a picture of them or their name on their luggage tag? Make their life simpler by gifting these luggage tags. It comes in a pack of 12, and each tag holds a 2.5″X3.5″ photo or drawing insert. These tags can be easily attached to any suitcase or bag by looping them through the handle.
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4. Personalized Makeup Bag
Gift this cute customized makeup bag to your bestie with her name on it. There’s no way she’s not gonna love you! This cool customized gift idea helps you keep all your essential makeup products in one place. The bag is made of a poly-cotton blend with textured linen and soft canvas feel. An image is embedded in the fabric, so the bag stays soft. It can be machine washed and dried.
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5. Inspirational Bracelet
Friendship bracelets never get old, and this bold, modern, and totally cool bracelet with an engraved slogan could be a great present to mark your friendship. Make a pact to wear them forever! Since it is made of stainless steel, it will never rust, stain, or corrode. The edges are rounded, which is why it will never scratch your wrist. It is adjustable and fits most wrist sizes.
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6. Best Friends Necklace
Are you and your bestie going to be living in separate cities, states, or countries? These matching necklaces that fit like a jigsaw puzzle will remind you of each other all the time. This awesome personalized gift is a great way to commemorate your friendship and live with the belief that nothing will ever come between you two. The necklaces are made of alloy, are 1X1.5 inches long, and come with jump and key rings. You can gift this to your friend for their birthday or Christmas.
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7. Personalized Heart Keyring
Know a friend who’s just moved into a new house? Or has bought a new car? This heart-shaped keyring with their name on it will be a great accessory to keep their new purchase safe and secure. It has a chrome-plated base and is encased in urethane, which offers durability.
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8. Personalized Shorts
This makes for a cool personalized gift idea. You can customize these adorable booty shorts with your friend’s name and gift it to her. You can also add a slogan or word. It is available in a variety of sizes (small to X-Large) and various colors, including black, white, and pink.
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9. Personalized Photo Magnets
These photo magnets are the perfect anniversary, birthday, or holiday present! Print the photos and gift away. They are very durable and will not fall off the fridge even if you slam the door. They come in packs of two, and each display holds five 4 x 6 photos. The front-loading pockets make it easy for you to insert pictures even if they are on the refrigerator. You can stick these magnets on the fridge, locker, or cabinet.
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10. Personalized Leather Journal With Name
Making journals is not everyone’s thing, but if you have a friend who likes to write her thoughts down, record recipes, or just doodle, this personalized leather journal with their name embossed on the cover is a fantastic gift idea. It has a vintage feel and is available in classy, earthy colors.
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11. Personalized Water Bottle
This stainless water bottle is an amazing customized gift idea for birthdays, weddings, and parties. It is fully customizable, and you can add text and images of your choice. Whether it’s a short hike up a hill or a day out with friends, a bottle that has your friend’s name on it is going to liven up her day. This bottle is microwave and dishwasher safe.
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12. Personalized Moon LED Lamp
Gift this enchanting moon lamp to your friends to let them know that you love them to the moon and back! This lamp is designed in accordance with NASA satellite images to make it look true to nature. It comes with a stand, is battery-powered, and lasts up to 8 hours once fully charged. It uses eco-friendly and non-toxic PLA, which makes it safe for kids as well. You can change the color of the light to yellow or white, depending on your mood. Customize it with photos or words and watch your friend squeal with delight.
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13. Personalized Calendar Keyring
A calendar with a special day marked to make your loved one remember and never forget what that day meant. It comes with a keychain, so they are always going to have this on them. One of the best personalized gifts, isn’t it? This stainless steel and engraved gift idea comes in a gift box.
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14. Personalized Apron
Know someone who is obsessed with cooking or baking or just being in the kitchen? This apron with their name on it is going to make their happiness know no bounds. Perfect for your mum, dad, sister, friend, cousin, or anyone else who is into food. It is made of poly-cotton with straps around the neck and the waist that are adjustable.
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15. Personalized Name Letter Art
Here’s an extraordinary personalized gift idea! Choose images and words of your choice and get the perfect frame with the right balance of colors and textures. If your loved one enjoys nature, a framed sign with nature-related photographs that form alphabets of their name can be a great gift that they can hang on their wall or display on their coffee table. These awesome custom frames are available in different colors.
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16. Personalized Clock With Photo
You can hang this wall-mounted frame in any room. Whether it is Valentine’s day, a wedding anniversary, a birthday, or a holiday present, you can never go wrong with this clock that has your loved one’s photo. It is battery operated and made of durable material. The frame is made of glass and is waterproof and easy to clean.
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17. Personalized Jigsaw Puzzle Photo Frame
Get this cool jigsaw puzzle photo for your friend or a close one. Turn their pictures into a fun-filled jigsaw puzzle and watch them have fun piecing it all together. Even more fun if the project is timed! This makes for an amazing gift for birthdays and anniversaries. The photo can be horizontal or vertical. The puzzle comes in a flip-top box with the image printed on top.
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18. Personalized Mobile Cover With Photo
With everyone having iPhones these days, things can get confusing if you’re hanging out in a group. Who knows when you might just pick up someone else’s phone and walk off? Or, if you have an absent-minded friend who’s capable of doing that, this cover with her photograph on it is going to make life much easier for her. This cute customized gift is available for iPhone 7 and 8. It is durable, and the case protects the phone speakers and redirects sound.
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19. Personalized Laptop Case With Photo
This sturdy laptop case is perfect for the Apple MacBook Air 13-inch laptop. It can have your favorite pictured moments on it. If it’s your BFF’s birthday, get a picture of the two of you on it! This cool custom gift is easy to use. The rubberized feet pads keep the laptop stable. It allows maximum heat dissipation and disbursement and protects your laptop from scrapes and scratches.
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20. Personalized Watch With Photo
Customized watches are a great gift idea for anyone who’s always in a hurry but never on time. It could also be the perfect present for someone who loves accessories. And with their photo on the dial, what’s not to love? This strap is made of genuine leather and has a buckle closure. It is water-resistant up to 30 meters. The material is durable and scratch-resistant.
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21. Personalized Engraved Wooden Photo Frame
One can never go wrong with a photo frame. This engraved wooden photo frame can be a special present to your loved ones with their most flattering photograph in it. It has a glass insert and a laser engraved wooden frame with a black oak finish. It also has an easel that is attached to the back of the frame. You can choose to frame photographs in the landscape or portrait modes.
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22. Personalized Sparkly T-Shirt
If your BFF loves bling, what better than to get a personalized in-trend t-shirt for her? Get two of these with your favorite quotes imprinted on them and sport them together. Most fun present ever! The T-shirt is made of 100% cotton and is available in a range of colors like black, white, blue, and red.
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23. Personalized Mouse Pad
A lot of people don’t prefer trackpads, especially if they are gamers or artists. A customized mouse pad with your best friend’s name on it with a lovely design will make their day. You can also customize the mouse pad by monogramming it with the initials of the person you are gifting it to. This mouse pad has a polyester surface with a natural and biodegradable rubber base, which is comfortable on the hands and wrists for long hours. It comes in a colorful gift bag.
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24. Personalized Comforter Cover
This is an ideal gift for a newly married couple. This comforter cover can have their names on it, and it comes with two matching pillow covers. This cute customized gift is machine washable and has a hidden zipper enclosure. This made-to-order cover is made of 100% polyester.
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25. Personalized Mug With Photo
Whether your friend loves coffee, tea, juice, or even just plain water, this funky mug with their photograph on it is going to make them feel loved. This mug is made of BPA-free material, holds 15 oz of hot or cold liquid, and comes with a secure spill-proof lid. It displays photos up to 10”X 4”.
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26. Personalized Passport Holder
Do you know someone who’s going to be traveling overseas for the first time? This darling passport cover with their name on it can make all the difference. Make their maiden abroad trip even more special by gifting them this customized passport holder. It’ll keep their passport safe, and they’ll be thinking of you on their travels! This personalized gift is handcrafted and made from eco-friendly leather. It fits all standard passports.
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27. Personalized Pen Set
There is no way anyone who is into vintage items is not going to fall in love with this pen set that has their name engraved on it. This pen set is perfect for your friends, parents, grandparents, or favorite uncle. This set includes one case, one rollerball pen, and one ballpoint pen in black ink. It is made of high-quality rosewood.
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28. Personalized Pen Stand With Clock
A customized pen stand with a clock is one of the best personalized gifts ever. It is perfect for anybody who works at their desk for long hours and needs to keep a constant tab of time. It is made from red mahogany wood and features a clock, a photo frame, and a refillable pen. You can insert a photograph of them and get their name engraved. It is a wonderful gift for someone who has graduated or got a new job.
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29. Personalized Chocolate Drop Labels With Photo
What can be better than giving chocolates to your loved ones? Chocolates with drop labels that have their photograph! There couldn’t be a more apt birthday, Christmas, or wedding present for someone with a sweet tooth. This awesome custom gift fits Hershey’s Kisses and has a matte finish.
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30. Personalized Photo Wall Art
Art lovers, take notice! This super cool photo wall art allows you to print your favorite person’s picture directly on handcrafted wood pallets. If you’re bored of gifting a traditional photo frame, this is an ideal alternative. It comes with jute rope, which makes it easy to hang on the wall. It is eco-friendly, heat and water-resistant, and available in nine different sizes.
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31. Personalized Business Card Holder
One can hardly ever go wrong with gifting a business card holder, especially if your friend, cousin, sibling, or mum is always on the go. This personalized leather card holder with their name engraved on it is as classy as it can get. You can also monogram the initials of the person you are gifting it to. This is one of the best monogrammed gifts that is made of genuine leather, stainless steel, and felt. It holds up to 12 standard business cards.
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32. Personalized Tote Bag With Name
Are you throwing your BFF the best ever bachelorette party? Think no further. These charming tote bags can be customized to fit all your friends’ names. You can also include the wedding date! They will surely use these absolutely adorable bags later and think of all the good times. The bags are available as singles, a set of three, or a set of six.
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33. Personalized Coasters With Name
So, a loved one is getting married and moving to a new place? They are definitely going to need and want these customized coasters with their monogram in their new set-up, especially because they’re gonna keep the polish on the furniture intact. These coasters are made from high-quality bamboo and are durable. They can be used for any kind of cups, mugs, and glasses.
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34. Personalized Wrapping Paper With Photo
Yep, these baubles are still trending, and what’s a better way to wrap your friend’s present if not in this cute wrapping paper with their photograph on it? This is one of the best ways to ensure your gift stands out from the rest. The paper is thick and wide, so it is great for any gift size. It comes in appealing and vibrant colors and stunning patterns and customized with a photo of your choice, which will make the recipients bounce with joy.
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35. Personalized Jenga
Jenga is so much fun to play and can be the perfect birthday present for your friend. Imagine how special it is going to make them feel once they unwrap it and see their name all over the wooden blocks! Worth going the extra mile, right? This awesome custom gift includes 54 wooden blocks, a wooden case, and 1 wooden die. The blocks stack to about 10″ tall and individual blocks are 3″ X 1″ X 5″.
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36. Personalized Candle Tins
Whether it’s a wedding or a party, these personalized candle tins make for great gifts. The set includes 12 candle tins in organza bags. Each tin has a diameter of 2 inches and a height of 1 inch and can hold a 2-ounce candle. They are available in two color variations – black and pink. You can personalize the text to include your wedding date, monogram, or a thank you message for the guests.
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37. Personalized Love Crystal
This is a sweet anniversary present for your best friend and her beau. Commemorate their favorite and most important day with this love crystal. It is an amazing opportunity to turn their precious memories into a stunning keepsake. The photograph is laser engraved and does not fade at all. It also comes with free matching laser crystal keyrings.
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38. Personalized Cocktail Glass
Whiskey or cocktail glasses are rarely ever a bad idea unless the person you are gifting them to doesn’t drink. Get funky quotes, one-liners, or even names and monograms embossed on them. They are made by Libbey Glass, and each glass holds 11 oz and is 3.5” tall. The glasses are dishwasher safe, and the engraving is permanent. This makes for a wonderful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or parties.
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39. Personalized Slippers
Your BFF is getting married, and you cannot contain your excitement! Keep calm and surprise her with these fantastic, oh-so-cool bride slippers. She’s gonna love you for making her wedding so special. They are made of cotton and towel fabric with rubber soles and metallic embroidery.
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40. Personalized Towels
This matching towel set with customized names is an endearing present for your favorite couple. Gift it to your parents or grandparents – they’re gonna totally love it! If you are planning to hit the beach with your friends, this is the ultimate thing to carry and show off your girl tribe! It comes in a set of two and is made from 100% Turkish cotton. It is available in different sizes: hand towel, washcloth, bath towels, and as a six-piece towel set.
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A personalized gift not only lets your loved ones know how much they mean to you but also enhances the joy and makes occasions special and memorable. Spread smiles by giving your loved ones any of these personalized gifts. Let us know how they liked it in the comments section below.
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Harini Natarajan
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-personalized-gifts/
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