#gods ima miss them
Alright, here we go
First and foremost I want to talk about what flying bark's animation has meant to me.
In a world where every day I see 2d animation being rejected for cheaper 3d and puppet animation at every turn, Monkie Kid's animation was the one of the first things that gave me hope for the future of 2D animation. I can't tell you how long I've been wanting a 2D animated show, growing up I wanted one so desperately, I craved good animation amongst the stiff 3D and flat storytelling, so when I got it, when Monkie Kid happened, I was so unbelievably happy. It was everything I wanted in a show, gorgeous animation, excellent voice actors, romance free and friendly to my desperate friendship-craving, romance-overstimulated brain and written in a way I enjoyed so much. I struggle to describe exactly how much I’ve adored everything this show has been up until this point. It truly is a masterpiece.
Monkie kid has kept me company during the lowest and roughest points in my life. I got to such a bad place mentally but Monkie Kid’s fast-paced, snappy, detailed, colourful bright animation brought light into my darkest mental times and not only helped me stay connected with people but kept me creating even when I wanted nothing more than to lay on the floor and never move again. I'm aware most of the flying bark team is active on the bird app and none of them are gonna see this most likely but I still just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for animating this show, thank you so much for giving it your all. Thank you so much for giving me something I’ve always wanted so perfectly. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for keeping me company at my lowest, thank you for sharing your joy of animation so I could catch some of those rays of sunlight and feel a little of that joy too. Thank you for your positivity and good vibes, thank you. 
I know so many people have gotten inspiration from flying bark and I have to add myself to the infinite list. My art has improved so much thanks to their inspiration. My style has developed, I’ve had so much fun, I’ve written some of my favorite works ever based off of expressions that the characters make alone. My last amv I made because I was so grateful for the animation that we'd gotten up to that point. I wanted to showcase, to thank, to appreciate. I didn’t know it would be a goodbye. Words can't describe all that flying bark's animation and even their storyboards have done for me. When nothing could make me happy, monkie kid wormed its way into my brain and somehow kept me in one piece. I know that wouldn’t have been possible without the animation that left me at the edge of my seat, breathless and laughing over how incredible it really was every single time. Every new clip, every new episode I’d pause and rewatch again, I’d rewatch over and over, I’d take screenshots of every goofy background character, I’d screenshot every expression I could, I’d go through episodes frame-by-frame, literally one at a time for hours on end just so i could catch every detail, I’d open my eyes wider and wider to try and take in every bit I could in a way I’ve never been able to do before because there is nothing else out there like monkie kid. There was nothing as fun and as joyful as every single frame that flying bark gave us. And I am going to miss that so much.
The fact that season 4 was a sendoff is so heartbreaking to me, it's hard to describe how devastated I feel knowing something that kept hold of my hand when I was facing hard hard things in my life is suddenly gone. I don’t know how to ever express how important this show has been to me, it’s kept me going and helped me get to a place where I could breathe again. It’s connected me with some of the greatest people I know. It’s given me incredible experiences, introduced me to what animation could be and I can’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt having to say goodbye so suddenly. 
I know this isn’t the end of Monkie Kid as a show. I know season 5 is still coming. And I also know Monkie Kid has lost a huge part of what made it unique and special, a huge part of its heart and soul. Without flying bark it feels like half the show is missing and although I hope I can still support the show, no one can deny the cavern-sized hole that is left by flying bark’s absence in it. The animation team has such an incredibly positive atmosphere around them that just absolutely radiates from the things they create. I am going to miss that so desperately in monkie kid. I’m going to support every other show flying bark works on, I’m still going to love their animation wherever it goes, but I am going to miss it in monkie kid like nothing else I’ve ever missed.
I do have some other thoughts regarding the new changes in monkie kid but I wanted to keep that separate from the actual farewell, so that’ll be it’s own post and I just want to end this by saying thanks for everything Flying Bark you’ve been a real one. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re already being missed so hard it hurts. Keep those good vibes and keep up what you’re doing. You all really are incredible and an inspiration to artists everywhere. We love this show because of the voice actors, because of the writers, because of the music but a great deal of people loved this show because of you. You’ve inspired a community of artists, you’ve inspired me. Thank you flying bark for everything you've given us, you gave it your all and I’m gonna carry the impact you left on me for the rest of my life. 
LOVE YOU FLYING BARK. Here's to a bright future. Thanks for everything <3 
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ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 703: The third years' gaze
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Pag 1
1: In the same place as back then, in the same car.....
And also.... with the same feelings!!
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Pag 2
1: There's already an 8 minutes gap
2: He has no chance if he doesn't increase his rotation of another 10 turns, sho
3: Raise your cadence of another 30 turns!!
4: Yessir!!
8: I wonder why I can't keep my eyes off Onoda now
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Pag 3
1: Finally, the beginner Onoda....
He caught up to Naruko too!!
Onoda-kun is amazing.... he.... he passed five people...!!
2: This race got interesting...
3: People
4: Can grow surprisingly fast
5: I learned it from Naruko-kun earlier
6: Onoda stood up!!
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Pag 4
3: Princeeess!!
4: Waaaaaaaagh!!
5: Waaaaaaaaaa
Amazing, sho!! It's a dream, sho!!
6: Ohhhhh
7: That was a good race
Rest now, retire
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Pag 7
4: Kakaka “that day two years ago”?
If Kinjou-san and the other third years were feeling like this while watching our race?
5: Yeah
6: In this car
Same as us!!
7: And looking at the same cours.... huh!!
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Pag 8
1: Like our hearts are dancing now while watching the first years' desperate battle before our eyes
We got closer!!
2: That Captain Shades, and the old man, and Makishima-san, were worrying and rejoicing while watching us run? That what you're sayin?
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Pag 9
1: Definitely!!
6: Yeah, they were extremely excited
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Pag 10
1: That's right!! Kanzaki, you were riding the van that time!!
Well, yes
Ya!! That means Touji-san was driving the car, too!!
2: Ohhhh
3: His expression didn't change, but Kinjou was smiling
Onoda.... he said he couldn't keep his eyes off you
4: Huh!? Eyes!?
Really? Aaahhh...!!
5: Tadokoro screamed “amazing” so loud at your “sprint climbing”, Naruko
Kakaka, seriously!? Of course he did!! But the old man never said a word about it!! Why!! I guess he was shy!!
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Pag 11
1: Imaizumi.... Kinjou kept saying until the end that you would be the one to take Minegayama's peak in the first years' race
2: Yeah
3: Kakaka but you lost to Onoda-kun
Shut up, you lost to me at the finish line
4: Makishima-san....
6: He said that it would be impossible for Onoda-kun to catch up with Imaizumi-kun and Naruko-kun
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Pag 12
2: But when Onoda-kun caught up, and Naruko-kun pushed his back and he ran up the mountain
3: And then he won against Imaizumi-kun at the peak
6: Goooo Onodaaa!!
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Pag 13
1: He cheered for Onoda-kun the loudest
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Pag 14
3: No no no, that's... Makishima-san did!?
Ahhh... really?
Waaaa I'm so thankful.... me!?
The other side of that day's race, no, that's-
4: Oh.... oh.....
Kanzaki-san, are you exaggerating to encourage me?
5: Nah
It's just as Miki said
6: Don't be so incredulous, Onoda-kun
Don't be shy
I'm.... I'm shy....
7: That race was so exciting
But they didn't talk about me....
But I was racing, too....
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Pag 15
1: Three people are chasing Kinaka!!
2: They're filling the gap!! Now it's 2 or 3 metres!!
3: Will they be able to catch him!? Will they finally... pass him!?
Just a little more
4: Yeah
They're goal is to surpass Kinaka, that's why they joined the club
In terms of distance,they're already close
5: But....
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Pag 16
1: Yeah
2: In road racing, you fight with the opponent right before your eyes
Only a bit more!!
3: But also
4: With the topography
7: You also have to fight with the “road”
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Pag 17
1: From here on, Minegayama's slope becomes much harder
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Pag 18
1: It's the steep slope!!
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Pag 19
1: Wha- wait- Kei-chan, what's this
It suddenly became harder
A wall!?
2: This is bad, Kyou-chan
The slope it's steeper
Let's switch to a lower gear!!
3: There's no such thing in basket!!
4: Dammit, we only needed a bit more!! Wait, dammit!!
Kinaka is getting away!!
5: Alright, let's switch to a lower gear!!
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Pag 20
2: Minegayama's nickname is Kabezaka*.... in this kind of road, where the slope changes, the difference in experience comes out
Before the the steep slope, Kinaka kept climbing by turning his legs and using inertia, and after that he stepped hard onthe pedals
(*NdT.: a word play with the words “kabe”=wall, and saka= slope)
3: The gap is widening!!
It was incredible how they caught up, but those three might drop out here....!!
8: No.....!!
9: Yeah
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Pag 21
1: Between those two, who are having an hard time
2: One person is coming out!!
4: To climb up the slope!!
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Pag 22
2: It's Rokudai-kun!!
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pissfizz · 2 months
I’m going to lose my mind oh my god I am so scared for this quincenera wtf
#NOT MINE BTW I MISSED MY CHANCE LMAO#but Jesus Christ family I’ve never met before flying in from Panama…. god I’m so scared#I’ve already been dealing with some wack ass imposter syndrome ass shit cuz of how I was raised this is gonna make it SO MUCH worse#I DIDNT EVEN KNOW PANAMANIANS GOT QUINCES#i was raised with almost zero influence from any culture whatsoever I wasn’t even raised close to that side of the family#and like I’m mixed with white but I can’t even use that as an excuse cuz the cousin who’s quince it is is also mixed#and that side of the family is super tied to the culture and they speak Spanish and shit#i don’t even speak Spanish even if the family from Panama doesn’t think ima. total embarrassment what if most of them don’t speak english#when I’m surrounded by white people 24/7 I feel like a total outlier but the second I’m around anyone else latine I feel like that but WORSE#i don’t speak Spanish I don’t know anything about the culture I’m from the fucking pacific northwest and do digital art and watch anime#i am so far completely removed from everything I’m gonna be sick#my grandma is already so judgy about stuff my uncle was even WORSE and made fun of the stuff that was too white or too American about me#my cousins throwing the party are the least of my worries cuz at least their mixed and second/third Gen too#but oh my god the family I’ve never met before I’m so scared I’m so scared#i was already thinking like. can I even call myself latine bc of how I was raised and how far removed I am from everything. I’m mixed so -#-should I just associate myself more with the white side of my family. am I being fraudulent by identifying with that term just bc I have -#-the blood is that even enough maybe that kid had a point when he said I shouldn’t count as hispanic if I don’t know spanish#and thinking about showing up to my cousins quince as. me. it’s terrifying it’s awful I want to go I want to meet these people I want to -#-celebrate my cousin and be happy for her but GOD what if everyone hates us and just tolerates us cuz we’re related to them#i would say we’re the black sheep of the family but I feel like white is more fitting cuz I feel like we’re just slightly brown white people#god god god I’m so stresssd out by this#is this a weird thing to be worried about is this stupid is this selfish#and to make matters worse I DONT KNOW WHAT TO GET HER FOR A GIRT#vent
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monoxhrome · 3 months
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i doodled some kaminomi from memory while waiting for the test to finish
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duskerot · 11 months
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dyk3-on-a-byk3 · 1 year
remembering a few years ago when one of my friends made a joke about heroin and my other friend was like "don't joke about heroin they (me) almost lost a family member to it!!!" and i immediately went "no she's fine that was funny as fuck lmao"
#also i would like to note that the friend who tried to defend me or whatever ended up being a shitty ass person sjsksheksk#i haven't talked to them in a WHILE#the other friend tho (the one who made the joke originally) was really cool but i lost contact with them :(#oh and the toxic friend would basically lose their mind when someone made a joke they didn't like#instead of being like “hey i don't really like that joke can you not say stuff like that please?” they'd go “YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON-#“HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT I HATE YOU”#and then block me and the other friend and leave the gc#and then like 10 minutes later unblock us and come back like “oops sorry i got mad lol but it's really not my fault 😗”#also they were like . obsessed with dsmp#karl specifically oh my god#that bitch was creepily obsessed with him#i said he was cute once (this was back when i thought i was pan) and she blocked me for like 2 days#and she was still angry afterwards#i do not miss her hdjsjsjakwhhejrj#OH ALSO#the other friend (ima call her dee)#was going thru what i think was a depressive episode and this girl (i don't remember her name so ill call her kay)#DEADASS MADE FUN OF HER AND LAUGHED AT HER#DEE WAS LITERALLY CRYING AND KAY WAS FUCKING LAUGHING#UGHHH im still angry about that#kay was really a toxic pick me girl im so glad she is out of my life#oh and last time i talked to dee she said she stopped being friends with kay so thank god for that#i do miss dee sometimes tho she was fun as hell and really nice too#hope she's doing ok#OH HOLY FUCK THIS IS LONG#OOPS#LMAO sorry i really had to rant for a bit#i might edit this if i think of more stuff
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theoddest1 · 4 months
Let's Actually Talk About The Issues With Vivziepop
Okay, first off, hello you beautiful people! Sorry about this foreboding title, but I needed to catch y'all attention on this so I can break down the issues that I and many have with "Hazbin Hotel" and "Helluva Boss" creator, Vivienne Medrano. Now I am sure you all on here are already aware of at least a couple of the controversies that revolve around this particular creator and if you have seen my posts floating around already, some have been greeted with the problems surrounding her social media presence and just her overall as a person. I know seeing another callout on her seems very very tiring at this point, but I felt that a lot of the current callouts missed key details that were not at all addressed or properly delved on. I plan on shedding light on my issues with her and I hope you get where I am coming from when I say that she sucks.
Okay, I am starting off with Vivienne's blatant use of bully mentality, her agreeing or encouraging her fans to call people who see flaws in her works sub-humans or harass those who find issue or simply jest about her works trademark cussing and and overcrowded designs. She has had this issue for YEARS and refuses to grow up and act her age despite many telling her, even her own fans at times, that she shouldn't be acting so unprofessionally. Clearly, she doesn't care and thanks to her fanbase caring more about her feelings than her being better she feels as though she doesn't need to change or do better. This goes for her friend group as well, who defend her tremendously and act as though she is never in the wrong. Name one time a friend of hers called her out for acting childish, I'll wait.
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Now, you're probably wondering, "Wtf could they have done to warrant such a response?"
Criticism...That's all they did. (White Text is random peeps they would speak with or maybe mutuals)
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Keep in mind...they used to be a fan as well. They were also a minor at this point
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But, Viv doesn't care, this person's critical yet harmless tweets about her shows is what lead to her painting them in a horrible light and making them out to be someone who has attacked her personally and as "nasty".
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Rich coming from Viv since she is completely fine doing exactly that for "Ava's Demon". Not only does she criticize it, she takes a shot at the creator as well, but GOD FORBID others do the same towards her.
And according to someone who knew her well, it's all cause they felt creeped out by her.
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Her hatred for criticism is so prominent that Ima makes that a section of its own. But let's get back on the topic of bullying.
Vivienne has a fanbase filled to the brim with pushy and overall annoying individuals who have harassed, threatened, disrespected, and wished harm on many people, all cause someone had a negative thing to say about Vivziepop's mid af show. One of the earlier known instances is the one revolving around a MEME of all things.
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This was what started it all, and it led to both parties blocking each other and people being mad pushy and calling them an idiot and the like over their opinions. Now look, their take and you're opinion on said take is fine so long as you stay respectful and humane about it all, but don't dogpike someone all cause they think HH sucks. And while Viv can not control her fanbase, for they are not a hivemind (some of y'all act it tho, ima keep it real) she is seen here ENCOURAGING the behavior. Tell me how someone who doesn't even like your trash ass show has the sense to tell people not to harass others, someone with a smaller following, but not your grown damn near 30 year old ass?
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Oh, but people wanna act like she can handle criticism, is a sweet person, and grew from her past experiences. Fam, she was 27 in this screenshot [December 16, 2019] and has shown no change from 2013 to fucking 2024. Over a decade of the same petty ass behavior, and keep in mind, according to several of her old friends and workers, she is worse behind close doors. WORSE. She's already acting like she got no damn sense out in the open, imagine behind closed doors.
Last but not least, a glimpse into her outright blatant slander towards Dollcreep, a once good friend of hers that she even visited and spoke with frequently!
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She stated that they fetishized pedophilia yet according to the victim and friends of the victim who were once friends with Viv as well, Viv actually threatened to end their friendship if he hadn't drawn NSFW art of her character and his character having sex [Addi was 15 at the time this was drawn]
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On top of that, she liked the post, something she didn't need to do. The art also depicted things she had regularly drawn on her own. Addi being tied up forcefully, being sexualized, being harmed to some degree through bondage, etc. The claim that she forced DC to draw this out is backed up by her own art depicting similar elements. Also, if my memory serves me well, Viv and Doll were 17-18 years old [Doll was 17 Viv 18] and have a 1-year age gap. The way Viv frames things here is as if DC was way older and imposed some sort of power over DC, which sources say otherwise. If anything, Viv had a LOT of control throughout all of this drama, which deserves its own section.
I'll be making posts that talk about the different issues regarding Viv, so one post isn't too long (this one is already lengthy enough) and that you can just pick at one post targeting certain issues around this creator.
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fl0w3r-33 · 2 months
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“Stop Moving…”
summary:your sitting on your boyfriends lap and try teasing him a bit…..
WARNING: smut, fem!reader x dom!chris, fingering, p in v, unprotected(wrap it up kids), squirting, spanking,ma, mama , baby, sweet girl, nicknames, aftercare!
a/n : if you this it’s bad i’m sorry 😭😭 ( not proofread😬 )
“hey guys i’m here!” I say walking in the triplets house to see them all sitting in the living room watching a movie. I walk over and dap up Matt and gave Nick a hug before making my way over to Chris. “Hey baby c’mere.” He says while patting his knee motioning for me to sit. I sit down with a smile feeling a kiss on my cheeks from him.
As the movie goes on everyone’s getting tried , I move back closer to chris to get more comfortable with a deep exhale. His hands flew to my waist with a low groan, you can feel his breath on your neck and that’s making the heat between you legs grow. I move my hips again just to tease him, his grip tightens “stop moving…..” he wimper from the nook of my neck. You feel something rubbing up against your inner thigh. “Chris, can you move your phone?”I whisper back to him. “That’s not my phone mama.”
“Alright Ima go, i’m tired a shit!” Matt says walking toward the fridge, grabbing a root beer. “yea same here, night yall” Nick says giving me and smiling walking to his room. “night!” Chris tells trying to cover up his yk problem. “Come on let go to my room.” He groans with winking at me.
I turned the door knob to Chris’ room walk over to his closet well he lays down on his bed facing me. I feel his eyes on me i chose to give him little show. I slipped out of my shorts and my shirt, “accidentally” dropping one of his shirts then excessively bent over to grab it .I heard movement behind and a few little sounds from Chris but ignored it.I felt a hand snake around to my inner thigh missing with the hem of my underwear. “Yk, what you doing to me baby?” he asked pressing his hard on to my ass. “ No?” i giggle, acting clueless.
I wiggle out of his grip and slightly run over to his bed and pull the covers over my head. I felt the weight in the bed shift and feel his hand running up and down my body. “ Baby it’s 12:26am, go to sleep.” i whispered/ yell and him. “ You can’t tease me like that then go to sleep” he sits up on the bed. I didn’t answer. I kick on our covers turning over and palming him through his pants. “Fuck” Chris says with a low shaky voice. “Take your pants off” he says leaning down to my face giving me and long kiss while i struggling to pull them down. He starts rubbing my clit. I gasped and that gave him access to slip his tongue in my mouth kissing me deeper. “God your so fucking wet, it from me right ma” he said while moving his long fingers up and down my folds. “Yes Chris, it’s from you” struggling to get that answer out. “ Good girl” he slips two fingers in me. i moan loudly, gripping his arm casually him to cover my mouth. “ As much as i love those pretty moans of yours, you need to keep it down. We don’t want them hearing us do we?”hes said breaking the kiss and look down at my naked half.
“Chris please” i whimper. “Please what baby tell me” he said curling his fingers inside off me. “ Please go f-faster” i blurted out. He speeds up a lot quicker than I intended. I’m a moaning mess while feel a knot build up in my stomach, clenching around his fingers. “ Aw are you close” he pouts and me. I nod while trying to not moan to loud. “ Words mama, let me hear you” he curls his fingers on my g-spot. “ Fuck yes Chris” i say squirm lifting up my hips. He smirks pushing down on my stomach and holding his hand there. “fuck chris i’m so close” I say leaving scratches on his arms. “ I know baby, you’re doing so well sweet girl” he says quickening his pace. “The sudden praise pushed you over the edge, squirting all over his hand and forearm moaning his name constantly. “ Good fucking girl.” he praised landing a slap on my sensitive clit. My legs start to slightly shake as i’m coming out of my high.
“Can i ride you?”i asked in a soft voice while still breathing heavily. “Yes please” he says placing me on his lap. I pull my shirt over my head, letting my boobs spill out in front of his face. I felt his dick twitch through his thin boxers. “How are you so pretty “ he says not even hiding the fact that he’s looking straight at them.He pulls me closer putting one i’ve them in his mouth and squeeze the other ones. “ Fuck omg” i say with my eyes closed, starting to bounce on his clothed dick. I turned around so my ass is facing him and he giving it a hard slap. I jolted forward. I put my hand in his boxers, grabbing his dick and pulling it out earning little groans from him. “ Fuck just sit on it. You weren’t scared infrount of my brothers earlier” with another hard slap on my ass. i turned over sinking down slowly on his dick. “Fuck your too big” i say putting my hand into his hair leaning over to giving him access to my boobs again. “ You feel so good mama. i love this pussy so fuckin much” he says through gritted teeth. I moan his name arching my back making him hit my spot better. “Fuck mama keeps going” Chris says grabbing my tits. I start clenching around him feeling his dick twitch inside me. “Mmm i s-so close Chris.” i say my legs giving out and the thrusts start to get sloppy. “Cum with me sweet girl.” Chris said grabbing my waist to keep me stable.I scream into his chest letting my body fall. He thrusts in my a few more times before lifting me off of him. “Shit baby you didn’t so good. Are you ok?” he asks standing up. “ Yes thank you baby”
He walks back over with a towel cleaning up his and my cum. “ So it’s late sleep and i’ll run us a bath tomorrow morning?” he asks handing me clothes and laying down next to me. “ Aw that sweet, yes that would be nice” i say pulling his shirt over my head.I got comfortable in his arms relaxing and closing my eyes. “ I love you baby” i say. “ I love you so much more ma” he croaked from behind me as we drifted to sleep…..
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romanarose · 2 months
I Miss You, Mr. Miller
DBF!Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: Joel makes you WET wet.
There's a pun here about eggs somewhere.
Warnings: Masturbating, sex toys, body worship, "little bunny", joel making sure reader knows he's old man, degrading, almost getting caught.
Immersivity: Reader is fem, dresses very feminine. Drinks and celebrates Christian holidays, not is christian but like family and culturally. Major age gap. Big girthy age gap but reader is 21+. Mentions of church.
A/N: Part of the DBF!Joel Holiday fuck series but you don't gotta read the previous part. I missed Easter OOPS so now we get a flashback.
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You liked to start off slow, take your time with yourself. Hands, gliding over your shirt, feeling your body all the way down to your thighs. You learned this from Joel.
Sure a quickie was fun, especially under the threat of being caught, but Joel preferred to take his time with you. Likewise, you started to mimic this when masturbating. Joel you could, theoretically, take the vibe to your clit, put on some Gone Wild Audio and git’er done, but why? Why not show your body the appreciation it deserved. You were beautiful. You were sexy. Joel wasn’t the only one who could enjoy it.
Joel knelt before your spread legs, hands running up and down your pretty little Easter dress. Your dad had invited Joel over for Easter dinner, and you’d stayed in your dress all day to make sure he saw you in it. Joel was certain to show his appreciation.
“Such a pretty dress… such a pretty little bunny…” His fingers tweaked your nipples as he eyed you. “M one lucky old man.”
You giggle. “Thank you, Mr. Miller.”
Joel hummed. He loved when you called him that. Today, he’d had to hide the bonner he was sporting after you greeted him as Mr. Miller in your cute dress, hair all done up… he couldn’t stop thinking how he’d railed you in the church bathroom after Good Friday services… dirty, dirty girl.
Your hand skimmed over your clit at the memory… you might not need any porn this time, you were so turned on, so sensitive… you whimper at the first touch. Cupping your breasts, you try to get the feeling Joel gave when he touched them, but it wasn’t the same. Joel’s hands were large, rough, sure… Still, it felt good touching such sensitive parts of your body, and you sigh. You remember how much Joel praised you on Easter, touch yourself to the echo of his voice.
“Darling, beautiful girl… just look at you, cock dumb girl begging to be fucked with her dad downstairs… surrounded by teddies and pink frilly pillows… act’n like such a good girl, but you ain’t, are yuh?”
“Joooooel” You whine under his touch. “No, I’m a good girl…”
“Nuh-uh” Joel rips open your white tights to find you bare. “Good girls wear underwear to church.” he runs two fingers up your slicked up cunt. “Good girls don’t get wet for grumpy old men.”
You plunge two fingers into your core quickly dissatisfied so you add another. That makes you moan. You begin to pump them in and out of yourself, nowhere near as thick and god, not hitting close to how deep Joel hits you, when he fucks you raw. It’s wholly unsatisfying, but you were just getting started.
Joel finger fucked you, his two middle fingers pumping you at a rapid pace. “Naughty, naughty girl, little cunt clenching on my fingers… I can feel how tight you're getting, but you can’t cum yet… you wanna behave, don’t you? Or are you just as bad as I thought you were… Jesus Christ darl’n, can’t wait to get my cock up my bunny girl's guts again, shit, ‘m gonna miss you.”
Sarah was graduating college next year, and Joel was taking her on a road trip for a few weeks to tour colleges. Tommy had joked, saying he could ‘take care of yuh’ while he’s gone but Joel smacked him upside the head.
“Joel” you whimper. “I think… fuck… I think I’m gonna pee” 
Instead of getting off you, Joel grinned. “Keep hold’n, baby… Ima take care of you.”
You stuff your cunt full of four fingers, just trying to get a taste of what Joel left you with, a bit of that memory. Chanting his name, ‘Joel, Joel, Joel’ You chase that high that’s starting to build in your stomach. You remember how he fingered you, how he kissed your neck, arms, stomach, legs, every single inch of your body he loved so much.
“Joel!” You try to warn him again, but he’s not listening. Instead, he brings his face close to your dripping hole. 
“Let it go, sweet bunny, let go.”
Fuck. He edged you for 20 minutes, even as your mom walked past your door gossiping on the phone about Mrs. McKenzie’s nose ring. You’d warned him, now he’d deal with the consequences. Can’t be as bad as when you’d thrown up on him after St. Patrick's Day.
But when you let go, you cum. It’s hard, liquid shooting out of your body but it didn’t feel like pee. Your legs shake, body seizing up in shock from the sheer force of your orgasm. Joel laps it up, hungrily devouring your, drinking you up like you were communion wine. 
Vibrator on your clit, you remember how Joel ate you out as you came, grinding his hips against the bed, small little moans escaping his pretty little mouth, he bucked and licked and humped and sucked, growling when you stopped and eating you out until you came again, desperately biting your lip to not scream his name. Here in your apartment, in your own bed that Joel carried up here on Presidents Day, you could scream if you wanted to. And you did. Your orgasm hitting you, you keep the vibrator to the exact pressure it was at and ride out your orgasm wishing it was on Joel’s face.
Joel kissed you, his soaking wet face and beard all over yours as you lay there in shock, completely spent from the orgasm. 
“What…” You pant. “Was that…” 
Joel couldn’t keep his mouth off your skin very long, only barely managing to mumble that you squirted. “Such a good girl, oh my god, I was wrong, you’re just, fuuuuck, such a good fuck’n girl…”
You smile against him. “You gonna fuck me or what, Mr. Miller?”
Joel ground his crotch against yours. Wet. “Your little stunt make me cum in my pants like I’m a fuck’n teenager again, yuh lil brat.” He flicked a tit playfully.
Once every last bit of pleasure was exhausted, when you had cum your hear out to the thought of Joel fucking Miller between your legs, loudly and proudly. You sit up and smile at the phone at you pillow, still recording. You make sure to save the voice note in messenger, then cue it up to send it to Joel.
Sweet Thing: Use headphones, don’t open around Sarah ;)
*Send* You fall back on your bed, smiling.
“Joel?” Your dad called along with your name, making you startle. “I know you’re in there!”
You look to Joel in a panic, eyes wide and scared. Not scared of your dad, perse, he was good natured. Scared of disappointing him.
Your dad again. “Your boots are still at the door and it’s too muddy to go outside without em, open the damn door.”
Joel turned to you, whispering. “I’ll take the fall, it was my idea.”
You and Joel both stand, looking more proper. Joel’s black pants covered the fact he came in them, and your dress covered your ripped tights“Joel, no-” But he cut you off with a stern look.
“Ima take care of you, darl’n, understand?”
You nod. Joel unlocks the door and your dad steps in, arms crossed. “I know what you two are doing.”
Joel steps forward. “Listen man, it ain’t her fault.”
Your dad held out a hand. “Hey, I don’t care if you guys smoke weed together.”
You blink. He thought you were sneaking off together for a blunt? “Oh… you don’t?” You don’t smoke weed. Joel does, but you never found much interest. 
“Nah,” He waved his hand. “Just do it behind the garage, okay? It ain’t legal here yet. The neighbors can see your window from here.”
Joel cleared his throat. “Right, right, thanks man.”
“Thanks dad, sorry.”
Your dad chuckled. “I’m the cool dad, remember!”
 Your dad was absolutely not cool, but he was fun. A good dad. And you and Joel dodged a bullet, but you needed to be more careful. You run off to pretend to smoke a blunt.
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Lum to me: Are you not doing the holiday Joel series anymore ;-;?
Me: Did I miss a holiday?
I relayed this story to Clem and said "not my fault, I don't celebrate easter anyway, Jesus means nothing to Jews"
She's right! but she didn't have to say it :((((((( lmfaooooo
Anyway I did a new chapter of this AND and new Room's on fire so, y'all'er welcome XD
Check out my upcoming pride event!
Im phasing out my taglist, so make sure to follow @romana-updates
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382 notes · View notes
von2dutch · 9 days
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Part four
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey Uso x Black Fem reader | word count: 5.6k | warning : smut, toxic behavior, protected sex | 18+ ONLY
Hey my baby dolls so this is chapter four and ima let you all know now this was a heavy long chapter so sorry in advance but other than that enjoy!
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Lastly, Enjoy
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“Bitchs get into relationships and forget about they friends huh.” Jasmine spoke on FaceTime while Dakota cut up some strawberries.
Dakota chuckled as Jasmine's face lit up on FaceTime, holding a surprised look. "Omg jasmine I did not forget about you," Dakota said with a smile.
“Did too! I was first before his ass.”
Laughing once more Dakota spoke again “Jas you know you my baby girl stop being stingy with me.”
Jasmine's eyes rolled as she pursed her lips before speaking. "Whatever, but I'm happy for you, Kota. All I see on Instagram is you smiling, and you've been glowing so brightly. I'm so happy that God answered my prayers because all I wanted was for my best friend to find true love. She deserves it."
“Awww jas you gon make me cry.” Dakota smiled big before making a sad face pretending to cry Jasmine’s laughed at her dramatic acts.
It had been almost a month since Jey asked Dakota to be his girlfriend and the month of February was almost over and time for Josh to go back to work something he dreaded himself.
Ever since the two got together in a more relationship standpoint they were inseparable to say the least. Jey was even more of a gentleman and lover boy than she had ever imagined , he got her flowers , feed her, rubbed on her, and he was also very affectionate and I mean VERY along with being a very touchy man. And most importantly the two had sex almost everyday he couldn’t resist his presence towards her and I mean they fucked from everywhere in the house beside the bed room. Joshua was a very freaky man to say the least.
Jey was a gentleman and a lover, he treated Dakota with the utmost respect and care. He showered her with flowers and gifts, fed her, and made her feel special. Their sexual chemistry was electric, and the two of them couldn't resist each other. He was a very kinky and open minded man, and he left no stone unturned in satisfying their desires.
In conclusion the two were infuriated with eachother.
“Omg Kota you remember that date I had a while ago? Why we doing the thing and all getting freaky and I accidentally farted out my ass while we in doggy style and I told him it was my pussy he said I’m lying and that he smell shit!”
Dakota couldn't contain her laughter as she shouted at Jasmine, “Wtf is wrong with you.” Despite Jasmine's attempt to tell her to stop laughing because it was something serious, Dakota continued to laugh uncontrollably anyways.
“Dakota that shit Isn’t even that funny.” Jasmine mumbled rolling her eyes “Ima hang up if you keep laughing at me.”
“Okay!okay! I’ll stop jas—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey walked inside the kitchen. Jey couldn't resist flirting a bit as he walked into the kitchen and saw Dakota cutting strawberries. He slipped his hands around her waist and smacked her on the butt playfully, leaving a trail of light kisses on her neck. "Come on, Ko, it doesn't take that long to cut some strawberries," he teased, his hands continuing to explore her body he placed his hand on her pussy rubbing at it. “I missed you.” he whispered in her ear, his voice low and husky.
Dakota squealed with pleasure as Jey touched her, her body responding to his touch in an instant. "Baby, I was just coming back up the stairs," she protested, giggling at his enthusiastic greeting. "I haven't even been down here for more than a minute!"
“Mmhmm whatever uce.”
“ Aye aye y’all bet not get freaky on this damn phone I know that!” Jasmine shouted through the phone, interrupting their conversation. The two of them stared back at her, both bursting into laughter.
"My bad, Jasmine," Josh said with a friendly nod, before turning his attention to Dakota. Without warning, he leaned in close and began kissing and licking her neck. His movements were animalistic, reminiscent of a lion eyeing its prey before pouncing. Dakota let out a soft moan, her breathing quickening as his tongue traced circles along her sensitive skin. Josh pulled back for a moment, his eyes blazing with desire as he stared into hers.
“Y’all just go do all that while I’m on the phone really?! Knowing ion got a man just crazy.” Jasmine ranted on fake crying while Dakota and Jey just continued to laugh.
Dakota turned around from the phone and found herself face to face with Joshua. He was wearing a white-grayish shirt with cut sides that revealed his tribal tattooed muscles and chest. His black Nike shorts had a touch of orange on the side, and he paired them with Nike slides and black Nike socks. His hair flowed softly as he stood there.
“Mhmm where you going Mr?” Dakota acquainted with a question reading her eyebrows.
“Going to the gym with Jimmy and solo before we gotta go back next week, that’s why I was tryna get you to hurry back upstairs so we can do a quickie before I leave but you wanted to be on the phone.”
“Josh please you’ll be fine we went all morning.” Dakota replied completely tuning out Jasmine being on the phone.
Dakota glared at Joshua, her eyes locking onto his as she pointed her finger in his face. Her tone was clear and firm, leaving no room for argument or misunderstanding. "Listen up," she said, "you better be back by 6 on the dot. And I'm not just saying that shit for the fun of it. I mean it. If you miss dinner tonight, you're in for some shit. Got it?"
Joshua swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that Dakota wasn't joking around, and he didn't want to find out what the consequences.
“Yes ma’ma!”
"Now give me some love before you leave, Big Daddy," Dakota said with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She reached out and took hold of his cheeks, gently pulling him closer as she delivered a soft kiss.
Jey sighed softly, unable to resist her charm. "Stop giving me those baby ass kisses and come here," he ordered, his voice dripping with desire. His hand wrapped around her neck, the touch gentle yet possessive, as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths.
Pulling back Dakota pushed him playfully before smiling shyly “Okay that’s enough cause I see what you trying to do.” She glared at him while he laughed knowing he was caught.
"Aright, alright, you caught me, but just one more and I'm out, okay?" he whined with plead.
“Okay one more and that’s it!” She gave in pulling him in for one more kiss He of course had to take it over board and tongue kiss her , his hands grabbing possessively around her ass before smacking it pulling himself closer towards her body chest to chest.
Jey pulled back smiling devilishly his gold grills peaking through “I love you Ko.”
Dakota smiled softly as she watched Jey walk out of the kitchen, heading toward the garage. "I love you too," she called after him, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "And More."
She watched him closely for a moment, taking in every detail of his appearance - the way his shoulders moved, the way he walked with confident, determined strides. She knew her love for him ran deep, and she was grateful for every single moment they shared together.
“I miss him already.” Dakota sighed softly, her pout turning into a frown as she realized just how much she missed him already. pouted with a frown upon her face.
“Girl you so dick whipped city girls down 1000s points.”
UceyJucey • instagram story
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“56,57,58,59,60!” Jey shouted out before jumping down from the pole by his hands which held his weight.
Josh shouted at his twin brother, "I told you I'm the better twin, Jim!" His words seemed to hang in the air as his defeated twin stood there, with the weight of defeat evident on his face.
“Man whatever you cheated Josh!”
“Man no i didn’t you just made yo’ ass gotta pay me $50 and I won.” Josh shouted back at his brother while solo stood there watching his older brother argue back and forth like they always did.
Jey had been working out at the gym for nearly four hours, and as it approached 6:00, he found himself caught in a familiar dilemma. Originally planning to leave at 4:00 to make it home in time for dinner and avoid Dakota's nagging, Jey's plans had changed when his brother challenged him to their daily competition. The two brothers had a fiercely competitive nature and would often challenge each other to prove who was better at various activities.
Jey stormed over to the bench, his breathing heavy as he sat down to catch his breath. "I didn't cheat!" he retorted, his voice laced with anger and exasperation. "It's you who can't handle losing, man."
He grabbed his phone from his duffle bag and noticed four missed calls from Dakota, his expression changing to one of guilt and apprehension as he checked the time. It was almost 6, and he knew he was in trouble. 5:59, to be exact.
“Fuck.” He mumbled to himself as Jimmy walked over noticing the worry in his brothers face he asked. “Whats wrong uce?”
Josh looked up from his phone sighing “Jimmy I was supposed to be home by 4 and it’s now 6.” He stressed as his two brothers laughed at him because it wasn’t the first time he was late home and Dakota got on his ass about it like last week.
Staring at his brothers with anger in his eyes and annoyed by them thinking it was funny.
“Man this shit not funny.” He voice aggressively and violently he grabbed his bags roughly before walking out the gym towards his car his brother trailing behind like lost kids all jumping inside the car.
“Josh I know you ain’t mad you late.” Jimmy spoke up still laughing at his brother.
Turning his head from the road Josh stared at his brother before speaking. “Shut up cause it’s your fault I’m late. I need to stop by the store and pick up some.”
After an exhausting drive back from the gym and the store, Joshua finally arrived home with his brothers. As he parked the car inside the garage, he carefully opened the door to his home, attempting to enter quietly. However, his attempt was thwarted when he was caught by Dakota, who was standing by the door with her hands on her hips.
Jey came to a sudden halt, a small smile playing on his lips as he attempted to divert her attention before clarifying his actions. "Hey Ko baby, I missed you," he said, leaning in for a kiss. However, she sidestepped him, pushing him away and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“So why were you late this time.” She asked Her voice dripped with authority as she inquired about the reason for your tardiness. She had clearly set a specific time for you to be home, and she was not in the mood for any excuses.
Jey glanced back at Jimmy and pointed an accusing finger in his direction, "I swear it was Jimmy's fault. He always wanna challenge me ko.”
Jimmy smirked maliciously as he chimed in on the argument, knowingly lying in an attempt to stir up more trouble. "He's lying, Koko," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "I told him he should leave at four, but he insisted on sticking around even longer. He said you'd be fine, even though he knew you were expecting him home at 6. It's clear who's in the wrong here sister in law.”
“Now you're just fucking lying, Jimmy!" he spat. "I never said that, and Solo can back me up on that! Solo! Back me up!" Jey yelled, but Solo remained motionless and quiet.
Jey's expression turned to one of anger and frustration as he looked towards Solo for support, but Solo remained silent, refusing to get involved in the conflict. Jey turned back to face Jimmy, his voice dripping with barely controlled fury. "
Dakota, tired of the two arguing, rolled her eyes before shouting, startling them. “Look, I don’t care whose fault it was, but someone is getting in trouble. You three go wash up, and I’ll make the plates.” she announced firmly.
“Yes ma’ma.” All three answered, scrambling to dash up the stairs. Jimmy and Jey were at it again, arguing over who could reach the top first.
“Josh you cheating I was up the starirs first!”
“Man no I didn’t!”
As Dakota made her way to the kitchen to set up the plates, she couldn't help but shake her head in exasperation at the antics of the two. “These two just argue all day.”
After a few mins of making plates the boys played solo and Jimmy made there way down the stairs into the kitchen sitting at the island table.
“It smell hella good in here Sister in law, you making me miss trin girl.” Jimmy joked attempting to fake cry making Dakota laugh at his dramatic performance.
“Jimmy please and I’m not married to your brother yet so stop with the in law.” She rolled her eyes passing Solo and Jimmy their plates awaiting Jey to come down the steps next for his.
“Yet.” He replied.
“And what makes you think we’re gonna get married?” She arched her eyebrows with a skeptical expression.
Before he pole Jimmy took a sip of his water and answering her question. “Well for starters you all that man talked about at the gym ‘I wonder do ko miss me’ or ‘I wonder if ko done cooking yet’ and other shit ain’t that right solo?” He glanced over at solo for back up with him nodding with a yes to confirm.
“Then when we went out for drinks like last week he was drunk and started showing every female in the club a picture of you in his wallet talking about ‘That’s my fine ass wife y’all she take all my dick good’.”
“You forgot the suck dick good and squirt like a fire hydrant too.” Solo chuckled added on to Jey silly ness.
“Omg he is embrassing.” Dakota face palmed herself from embarrassment and also to stop from laughing. She knew how Josh got when he was drunk. He became very jokey and talking his shit no matter if anyone liked it or not but he also became very hornh as well.
She remembered the first time he called after having a few drinks with some of the guys from work after a great show at summer slam 22’.
“Dakota you want another shot?” Jasmine asked over the music while Dakota nodded her head yes she grabbed the drink downing it before she shouted. “I love life.”
“Yeah a little to damn much no more drinks for you boo.” Jasmine shook her head with disgust while Dakota pouted.
“But that was my first one Jasmine and—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence her phone rung in her hand she glanced at it and noticed it was Jey calling her through FaceTime.
“Jas I’ll be back.” She shouted over the musics dismissing herself from the group of women she walked through the crowd towards the bathroom she locked the door.
Dakota looked in the mirror making sure she looked okay before she answered the phone a drunk Joshua appeared on the screen smiling ear to ear.
"Hey Ko, baby!" Jey's voice came through the phone, his words slurred and groggy. Dakota could tell he was high and drunk from the way he spoke, his words coming out slowly and clumsily.
Dakota sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "What's going on, Jey?" she asked, her tone filled with concern. "Are you alright?"
Nodding his yes he spoke again. “Yeah I’m cool I’m just a little drunk, aye baby why jimmy fall out the car?” He laughed loudly while Dakota started back not finding it funny.
“Joshua where are you?.”
“Vegas, Trin taking us back to the hotel she outside with Jimmy while he throw up.”
“Josh I told you not to get that drunk you don’t listen.” Dakota stressed sighing she shook her head.
“I’m sorry pretty mama, I promise I won’t no more you feel me?” He pouted poking his bottom lip out.
“Yes Josh.” Dakota rolled her eyes giving it.
"That's my girl." he said with a sly smile, his face lighting up with excitement. "I miss your fine ass, mama." He laughed, running his tongue along his lips in a seductive manner, as if tasting her already. Dakota felt a rush of desire course through her as Jey's words hung in the air, the promise of things to come exciting her in way she couldn't wait to explore.
“I miss you too bub.”
“Ima make that pussy squirt when I come back.”
Dakota's eyes widened in shock as she shouted, "Joshua!" His choice of words made her blush, and she hated that she liked it, but she couldn't resist it.
“I’m just saying ko, I can’t till I’m fucking you on my balcony and you tell me you love me while I’m in it.” He licked at his lips once more staring at Dakota through the phone undressing her with his eyes.
He was like a ravenous lion, eagerly waiting to devour her. He couldn't control his insatiable appetite for her, and the intensity in his words made it clear that he meant every single one of them.
“Can’t wait to get back and look at the faces you make while I’m in it. Tell me how deep my dick in yo’ pussy bae.”
“Joshua fatu if you don’t stop!” Dakota glared at the phone rolling her eyes playfully.
This was the one thing she hated when he got drunk he became so horny.
Flashback over
“And that ain’t all he did Ko ko he said he wanted to stick a straw in yo— what y’all talking about?” Jey asked as he approached the kitchen he came behind Dakota. she felt Jey's strong arms wrap around her, his breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. Dakota's breath hitched as she felt Jey's lips meet her skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Nothing," Dakota replied, her voice a hushed whisper as she looked up into Jey's eyes. She then leaned forward, her lips brushing softly against his before she pulled back, turning away from him. Josh stood silently beside her, his plate in hand and his arm draped casually around Dakota's lower back and hips. She leaned slightly into his touch, their bodies pressing lightly against each other as they both focused their attention on their meals.
Dakota.Valentine • Instagram story
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Dakota stepped out of the pool gracefully, droplets of water sliding slowly along her toned body, highlighting every curve. Her long braids clung to her wet skin, sending small rivulets of water running down her back. As she walked towards Jey, her breasts bounced and jiggled, their fullness evident even through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. Her ass swayed with each step, the curve of her hip accentuated by the damp fabric hugging her shape.
As the sun descended slowly, the captivating sight unfolded before my eyes. The palm trees danced in the chilly breeze, while birds soared gracefully alongside buzzing insects.
After dinner Josh had took his brothers home and came back and wanted to get in the pool before it got dark so him and Dakota decided to dip in.
He had a large wide pool in his backyard and he always wanted Dakota to get in it everytime she visited but she always declined.
Dakota smirked slightly as she walked towards Jey, his gaze fixed on her as he motioned for her to take a seat on his lap. "Why are you just staring at me?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as her hips swayed seductively. Jey grinned mischievously, his hand patting his thigh invitingly. "Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful ass women?" he replied, his eyes roaming over her form appreciatively.
“I mean can you?” Dakota said With a teasing smile, Dakota straddled Jey's lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him close. As their bodies connected, she felt a jolt of pleasure run through her as she became fully aware of just how close they were. Her heart raced as she felt Jey's breath on her neck, his hands moving to gently grip her hips. "Mmm," she moaned softly, her body already eager for what was to come.
“Mmhm you gon let daddy make you squirt on this dick later huh?” Josh smirked while Dakota's breath caught in her throat as Josh smirked at her, his fingers slowly undoing her swimsuit top. Her eyes followed the fabric as it pooled at her feet, leaving her exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. As he leaned in, licking at her areola, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
The sexual tension was high and Joshua wanted to be the first to set anything off. He always wanted to be in demand and Dakota gracefully let him because he did it so smooth and gentle.
"Mhm, you don't even have to ask, baby," Dakota replied, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. With a confident smirk, Josh began to slowly undress her, revealing her generous curves and lush body. She shuddered under his gaze, his eyes trailing hungrily over every inch of her. "I'm all yours, do your worst,” she teased, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Leaning in Dakota embraced him with a kiss which turned into a much more intimate kiss and intense one as they explored each others mouth. Tongue kissing with his hand sneaking towards her pussy to rub at it softly.
But before anything could go any further his phone rang which made Dakota stopped but he pulled her back in.
“Josh your phone is ringing.”
“So let it ring,” he said with a shrug as he pulled away from kissing her. Just as he did, his phone began to ring again, causing him to let out an exasperated huff.
“Josh just answer the phone it might be your mom.”
“Man it ain’t her she be sleep by 6.” The frustration in Jey's voice was palpable as he snatched up his phone. "Man, what?" he snapped into the phone, his annoyance radiating through the air. Dakota could see the tension in his body, his jaw clenched tight as he gritted out the words. She could feel the anger brewing inside him.
"Who is it, Jey?" she asked softly, grabbing her bra strap to cover her chest.
Jey sighed heavily, his annoyance turning to exhaustion. "It's Jimmy ," he muttered.
“Aye don’t be answering the phone because you was tryna get freaky and can’t!” Jimmy shouted loudly over the phone, as Dakota could hear him and burst into laughter.
“Uce what you want?” Jey asked already annoyed with his brother.
“I was calling to tell you to bring the drinks tomorrow for mom’s family get together and did you get the outfit ma got for Koko!”
“Fuck I forgot about that and yeah I got it she can fit it but that’s all you called to tell me about some damn drinks Jonathan?”
“Uhh yeah now get some rest and stop tryna get ya dick wet!”
As Jimmy opened his mouth to speak, Jey abruptly ended the call. Letting out a sigh, Jey leaned back in his chair, while Dakota looked down at him with a curious expression.
“What did he want?”
“To get some drinks first tomorrow.”
“Oh I almost forgot about your mother’s gathering she invited me too I’m so nervous.” Dakota expressed fidgeting with her hands.
Dakota was feeling incredibly anxious about meeting his mother. She was unsure whether she would approve of her, and she worried about making a good first impression. All she wanted was to excel in every situation, including meeting new people.
“Ko baby, you ain’t got nun to be nervous about she’s going to love just as much as I do. I mean my brothers like you so that’s plus.” Jey reassured her which made her feel a little at ease.
“I got you aight?” He gazed up at her with reassuring eyes, offering both comfort and a sense of security.
“Okay.” She sighed softly before getting up from the chair she walked towards the sliding doors to inside the house she dropped her bra down on the floor along with her bottoms. He naked silhouette in clear vision to him.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” She looked back at him slightly her breast sitting nicely with her freshly waxed pussy soaked.
“Hell yeah!” Joshua replied back jumping up before throwing her over his shoulder bridle style running into the stairs as Dakota giggled.
“Joshua put me down!”
“That's it...you gon' take all this dick...you know it's yours." Jey coached on as he fucked Dakota in collapsed doggy. Grabbing at her hair he pushed her head down further as he went deeper her ass cheeks clapping against him.
“Jeyyyyy.” Dakota screamed into the sheets as he went harder each stroke his hand firm on her neck to hold him up as he fucked her harder.
Dakota layed on her stomach, his dick sliding deeply in and out of her pussy as her walks clenched around him. Milking every drop as he crushed her body.
“Un huh you a nasty ass slut huh mama?Tell Daddy how that dick feel, baby, talk to me,”
Dakota fingers scratched at the sheets her eyes brewing with tears as he pulled her head up to look into the mirror infront of them he watched as he smiled while devouring her hole, gold grills peeking through, his tattooed chest heaving up and down with sweat all over him.
The two had been going at it all morning staring from 7 to now 9 am, & Joshua had no attempt of letting up whatsoever. And Dakota loved she craved it.
Nobody could fuck her like he could.
“It feel so good daddy.” Dakota moaned out biting her bottom lip she felt herself clenching around him indicating she was about to come, she felt his dick twitch inside her indicating he also was close very close at that.
Jey bit his lips looking at Dakota’s ass and then to the mirror, hips automatically going sloppy looking at her fucked out face.
“you look so fuckin pretty Ko, just like that.” He breaths and starts pounding harder, slapping her ass.
“Fuck I love this pussy.”
“g-gonna cum!” She whimpered out against the sheets, line of spit from the white sheets to her lips.
“I know baby come on this fucking dick.” Loud clapping and sticky plap sounds were heard and soon, she was squealing and splashing sounds were heard too as she squirted over his dick and into the covers.
With a swift and graceful motion, Joshua flipped Dakota onto her back, pinning her wrists down beside her head. She moaned softly, her body arching beneath him as he leaned down, claiming her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer, as the heat between them ignited.
“Good morning baby.” Dakota breathed out with a small chuckle staring back up at Jey.
“Good morning beautiful, you good? I should’ve went to hard on you.” He said as he noticed how red her cheeks from her crying tears of pleasure.
“Baby it’s okay you know I like that.” Dakota said shyly.
"Don't matter, still should've gone harder," Joshua muttered, his brows furrowing as he reached for his boxers. Dakota stood up, her 5’3 “ frame coming up short compared to his 6’2 stature. She watched as Joshua slid his boxers up, his muscular physique flexing as he pulled them into place.
The melodious chirping of the birds filled the air, drifting in through the open window as the radiant sun ascended in the sky, casting its golden rays through the billowing curtains.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” Dakota asked before walking into the bathroom.
“Yeah come on.”
UceyJucey • Instagram story
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Now that be how the story goes
Brown Sugar got me open now I want some more
Always down for a ménage à trois
But I think I'ma hit it solo, hope my niggas don't mind
Stick out my tongue and I'm 'bout ready to hit this gritty pretty bitty with my sisters
As D'Angelo's smooth vocals echoed through the room, Dakota was getting dressed looking into the mirror to make sure she looked okay.
“Ko you ready?” Joshua asked impatiently. He had been ready for the last hour, and she was still getting ready. They were already running late for their visit to his mother's house.
“Yes, baby how do I look?” Dakota turned around doing a 360 showing her off her dress which showcased her cleavage a bit at the top.
The couple were matching with his family traditional Samoa Tribal Māori shirt which went along with her dress and design.
“Baby you look beautiful I don’t why you keep stressing.” Jey answered getting up from the bed he wrapped his arms around Dakota staring into her eyes.
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure Ko, you the finest woman I know. Witcho fine ass.” Dakota's cheeks flushed with a faint red as Joshua showered her in affectionate compliments, her smile widening with each word. Feeling his lips on her neck, she let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering shut as she reveled in the moment.
“Now let’s gon and leave because if Jon call me one more time ima get mad.” Joshua chuckled grabbing Dakota hand leading them down the stairs towards the garage he opened the door for her letting her in first.
“Such a gentleman.” Dakota smiled as he closed the door and ran over to the other side and hopped in staring the car he pressed on the garage opener backing out.
His Mothers Home
“Finally y’all ass made it.” Jonathan shouted out as he walked outside his mother’s when Josh pulled into the drive way.
"Finally y’all ass made it," Jonathan shouted out, his frustration evident as he stepped out onto the stoop. Joshua pulled into the driveway, his gaze on the horizon and his expression weary. "Took you long enough," Jonathan added, a hint of amusement in his tone. Dakota leaned against Joshua, a faint smile playing on her lips. "We're here now," she said softly, feeling a sense of warmth in the familiarity of the moment.
With a roll of his eyes, Joshua stepped out of the car, his gaze meeting Jonathan's as he spoke. "Man, it ain't my fault Ko was taking all day," he said, his tone teasingly accusatory. Dakota gave a small giggle as she smoothed out her dress, feeling Joshua's familiar gaze on her. "What can I say? I'm a diva," she teased, her smile widening as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Joshua's amused grin only widened at her words, his affection for her evident in his every glance.
“Aye don’t blame nun on my sis in law!”
As jey went to open the trunk to grab the drink Jonathan helped Dakota out the car closing the door. He could tell she was nervous by the look on her face and he laughed.
“You nervous?”
Dakota's voice trembled with worry as she turned to Jon. “I mean, what if she doesn't like me?” Her anxiety gripped her even tighter now that they were here.
“You sound just like trin when she met my mother 10 years ago she was nervous just like you and my mom liked the min she met her so you don’t have anything to worry about girl.” Jonathan comforted Dakota, drawing a parallel between her nervousness and that of Trin when she first met his mother a decade ago. He assured Dakota that she had nothing to worry about because his family was warm and welcoming, just like they were with Trin. His words were meant to reassure Dakota and alleviate her anxiety about meeting his family.
“Trust me she’ll like you.”
“Okay and thank you him seriously you kinda helped.” Dakota smiled softly at him.
“No problem sister in law now let’s go meet the fam!” He added wigh excitement.
“Aye man are you gon help me or just keep talking uce?!” Joshua shouted while struggling to carry the drinks to the door.
“For you to be the strongest twin you sure can’t hold shit give it to me.” Jimmy snatched the drinks from Jey walking towards the door he kicked it opened with his foot with Jey and Dakota trailing behind him.
The sound of the Maze band being played boosted throughout the home as Dakota fiddled with her fingers becoming anxious.
As Jey made his way inside, his mother's voice echoed through the house. "I figured that was you coming inside," she said, descending the stairs to greet him.
“Hey my baby.” She embraced him into a tight hug. He had been on the road so long she missed her son along with his other two brothers.
“Joshua is this the beautiful woman you’re always talking to me about?” She asked glancing over at Dakota as she stood next to him with his arm around her.
"Yeah, this is the Dakota I was telling you about," he said with a shy smile as he proudly introduced Dakota to his mother.
“It’s finally nice to meet you honey.”
“Same here Mrs.fatu.” Dakota smiled softly.
“Oh honey you don’t have to call me that just call me Lin.” She waved off embracing Dakota into a hug.
“Well come on in don’t be shy , Joshua you go help your cousins finish setting up the tables in the back and I’ll take her in the kitchen.”
“Yes ma’ma! Baby you gon be okay?” Josh asked Dakota to make sure she would be fine because he could tell she was still a little anxious.
“Boy she’ll be fine now gon on!” Lin waved him off as he put his hands in surrender walking away with a hug smile on his face.
"Boy, she'll be fine now, go on!” Lin insisted, waving him off with a smirk. "Alright alright I’m gone!” He flashed a playful smile as he strolled away, leaving Dakota and his mother alone in the hallway.
As they reached the kitchen, Joshua's mother greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling with love, her voice soft as she spoke, "Come, dear, let me introduce you to the rest of the family." As Dakota followed her lead, she could feel the warmth and familiarity of family surrounding her, feeling a sense of belonging as she took in the scene.
Upon meeting the rest of his family, Dakota began to feel a sense of ease. Their warm welcome and genuine affection made her feel like she truly belonged, particularly with his mother, who seemed to take great delight in Dakota's presence.
As the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow, the time was approaching 7 pm and the party was still going strong, with a few people starting to head home. The rest of the family was engrossed in a lively game of spades, enjoying drinks, while the women engaged in animated conversations.
Feeling arms around her Dakota felt a kiss on her cheek and the smell of Jeys cologne. “You good ko.”
With a faint blush on her cheeks, Dakota felt a sense of warmth and affection as Joshua pulled her into a tight embrace. Her eyes fluttered shut momentarily as she felt his lips brush against her cheek, the familiar scent of his cologne washing over her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she cuddled into his chest, feeling a surge of love and comfort that only he could provide. "Mhm," she murmured softly, her voice muffled against his chest as she leaned into his embrace. "I'm good as long as you're by my side."
“Good cause I’m gon be here forever.” He replied meaning every word.
“Today was so fun they were actually so lovely babe you were right.”
“Told you they’ll like you.” Joshua smiled the two watching as the sun continued to rise down.
“Ima go help my ma with the dishes I’ll be back.” Jey kissed her cheek before running off back into the house leaving Dakota in the backyard.
While Dakota stood and continued to watch the sun she felt a presence behind her and turned around being met with someone she felt familiar with.
Dakota was surprised to see who was approaching. "Joe?" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it! It's been at least two years since I last saw you!
“Same here.” He walked towards her even closer closing the gap in between them he looked over not believing how good she looked. “You look good as always.”
“Well thank you! You don’t look to bad yourself might I add, What brings you here!” She asked.
“This is my aunt families get together.”
“Wait Jey’s your cousin?”
Nodding his head yes he laughed at how confused Dakota face was. “He didn’t tell you huh?”
“No not at all!”
Dakota was shocked to say the least she never knew they were cousins I mean Joe had never mentioned them when he used to date her cousin Deandre two years ago and he met their family.
Now here she was just now finding out.
"What a small world, huh?" She mused. She tilted her head up, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she met his gaze. “Yeah a real small world," joe teased, a giggle escaping from her lips.
Before anyone could gather another word out Joshua watched closely from inside the house jealously glinting inside him.
He watched as Dakota and his cousin Joe formally known as Roman reigns conversed outside.
He had three reasons for not allowing Dakota to meet Roman. He was familiar with his cousin and his behavior. Since they were children, Roman had always pursued anything Joshua was interested in. It seemed like Roman was currently interested in Dakota, and Joshua was going to be dammed if he let that happen.
“Aye uce what you staring at so hard.” Jimmy asked unaware of what was going on till he looked towards where Josh was staring at he sighed.
“Aw shit.” He sighed shaking his head as his brother walked outside already knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
“Yes she’s doing great ac— before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey came out wrapping his arms around her interrupting their conversation.
Roman's cheerful expression faltered for a moment as he met Jey's gaze, taking in his expression of irritation. But the smile quickly returned, if not a bit more forced this time, as he spoke. "Oh wassup uce, I was just looking for you.” he greeted, his tone light despite the tension in the air. Jey narrowed his eyes, his tone tinged with an edge of annoyance as he responded, "What?" Roman took a deep breath, his smile widening as he looked back at his cousin, undeterred by Jey's frustration.
“Oh were you? Cause it fucking look like you all my woman’s face Joe. So tell me what else you looking for?” A wave of anger rushed through Joshua as he registered Roman's words. He stepped forward, pushing Dakota behind him in a protective gesture as his eyes flared with irritation. "Huh what was it?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous as he locked eyes with Roman. His fists clenched at his sides, and Dakota's hand instinctively reached out to rest on his arm, trying to soothe him.
Dakota intervened, saying, "Okay okay, that’s enough Joshua, stop." She stepped in between the two, gently pushing Josh towards the house and welcoming him inside. They walked together towards the door.
Stoping in her tracks Dakota turned around to face Joshua to his face. “Joshua wtf is wrong with you!”
“What’s wrong with me? Nah more like fuck wrong with him ko you don’t know him like I do.”
“And what is that supposed to mean.”
“It means he tryna fuck on you ko! He does that shit Everytime I bring someone around him.”
“Oh so you bring other girls around huh?” She stoped back crossing her arms over her shoulders glaring back at him.
“Dakota that’s not what I meant.” Jey’s voice softened as he attempted to grab Dakota but she pushed him away.
“No that she exactly wtf you meant Joshua!” She shouted bringing attention to the few people in the house as they stared to advert their attention on them.
Jonathan heard the two inside arguing he made his way inside the house to calm the situation as best as possible.”aye wth going on now?”
“Your brother is being a complete jealous bitch right now.” Dakota snapped.
“Oh so ima a bitch? Man fuck you Dakota real shit uce.” Jey threw back at her before Jon got in between them.
“Aye aye y’all cut this shit out!”
“No because he’s jealous and acting an ass for no reason all because I talked to Joe.”
As Jonathan stood there, it suddenly struck him like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, he finally understood the source of their argument. It appeared that conflicts like this would persist as long as Josh continued to bring anyone into Roman's presence.
“Nah I just know he wanna fuck you Dakota why ca—.” Before Joshua could finish anything he felt his phone going off with notifications from Instagram, iMessage and twitter.
He grabbed his phone out his pocket putting in the code he went to Instagram to see he was tagged in a post.
He felt his heart dropped like someone had stabbed him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing most of all what Dakota would say when she saw it.
“What? What is it.” Dakota asking before snatching the phone from Joshua she read the post.
Then that’s when everything became a blur to her as she felt her heart drop a million miles she couldn’t feel her fingers as she dropped the phone on the floor.
Dakota could feel her heart plummet, the world around her fading into a blur. Her body tensed as if preparing for impact, and time seemed to slow down to a crawl. With a faint tremble in her fingers, she lost her grip on the phone, watching helplessly as it slipped from her grasp and clattered onto the floor. She was paralyzed in place, unable to move or speak, the weight of the situation suffocating her. It was as if everything around her was fading away, leaving her alone with her thoughts and Joshua's fierce gaze.
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Oop! Roomies Professional WWE wrestler Jey uso and mistress girlfriend Dakota has been seen out and also Nudes plastered all over the internet of now! What do we think? 👀 #roomies #TheShadeRoom.
@Living for my kids__001 : this just a damn mess she should’ve knew better than to send her nudes.
@Keisha_thebomb: no shade this her damn fault.
Jeyuceysfacepaint : Omg not my man!
@Theusostagtitles: oh he fucked up omg Joshua.
“Ko, baby I swear I di— YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Dakota shouted out at him with tears streaming down her face with rage.
“Y-you told me you would never post my fucking nudes Joshua!”
As Dakota stood with teary eyes, Joshua's voice rang out, filled with desperation. "Dakota, I swear, I ain't post that shit." he insisted, his tone tinged with anger. She turned to face him, her trembling body a palpable reflection of her inner turmoil.
Dakota's tear-streaked face twisted in anguish as she whispered, "I trusted you." Joshua stood before her in silence, his heart heavy with regret. He took a hesitant step toward her, wanting to offer comfort, but before he could speak, she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face.
“I fucking hate you! I swear I do Joshua.”
"Ko, you don't mean that," Jey denied her claims, fully aware that deep down she didn't mean what she said.
As tears streamed down Dakota's face, her words spilled out in a heated eruption. "No I do I fucking hate you I can’t you did that shit.” she seethed, her expression filled with anger and hurt. "I hate you with all my damn heart!" she hurled at him, her emotions teetering on the edge. Jey tried to follow her, his movements halted by Jimmy's firm grip, his face contorting with frustration. "Just let her go uce.” Jimmy urged, his voice calm and steady as he held Jey back. "She needs time to process what she's feeling."
Just like that in seconds everything was gone.
The one thing he valued the most gone in an instant.
To be continued…..
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Hey my baby dolls! So I know this chapter was long and I’m sorry I know some reader may not like long chapters so I apologize.
But I know y’all mad at how I ended things I knowwww but next chapter is a little better I promise!
Like always stay blessed and thank you for tuning in! Niyah out 🎀
180 notes · View notes
huhniebowl · 3 months
Mourlin Rouge
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dominic fike x reader
warning(s); mentions of drug use, lil spicy & once again a try at some plot, so it’s a little long!
a/n; hey...been a while🧍🏾‍♀️...real shit i missed y'all.
ima try and wheeze my way back up in here. here's my apology... thanks for the request♥️
not proof read yet!
You push and shove your way through sweaty, sticky bodies trying to get to the bar. The bottom of your boots stick to the candied floor from spilled drinks, and God knows what else. 
You're positive that if it weren’t so loud in here, you’d hear the toe-curling sound of your soles detaching from the sealed concrete. 
This wasn’t how you envisioned your Saturday night to go; in fact, it wasn’t supposed to go like this at all.
What was meant to be a night of takeout and reruns of Supernatural suddenly wasn’t when your best friend, Aria, rang your phone. 
Lights from the provocative club paint the room in deep crimson and make it hard to distinguish the faces and details of the clubbers.
Maybe that was the point of it. To hide the platinum pink hair of the woman you thought was blond, but remember the way her skin-tight dress glittered as she moved.
It had been a while since you felt that unreachable state of bliss.
You’re jealous. 
Jealous of the people here. They aren’t here for a long time, you could tell by the way some were leaning over glass tables with rolled dollar bills—noses powdered white. 
Or how they drop unicorn-shaped tablets on their tongues before kicking back a shot. They have no purpose, nothing to lose if shit were to hit the fan. 
You grimace, no stranger to that state of mind. But that’s not you anymore. 
Hasn’t been for years. Not since you met him. 
In time, you make it to the bar, tall bottles of alcohol lined up in the wall, a golden glow emitting from behind them, and a bartender whose breasts look as if they're about to spill from her top. Betty. 
Her nickname was given thanks to her curvy figure, pixie cut, and melanin skin.
Proclaiming her to be a real live Betty Boop. She’s familiar with you, as this isn’t your first time here, but it’s been a long while since you’ve set foot. 
A thick cloud of smoke disperses from her lips, she winks at you, and you grin. 
No stranger to her flirting. 
“Haven’t seen you round’ here inna minute, you ain’t cheatin’ on me now?” her southern accent loud and thick.
“Could never do that you Betty, you know that.” You counter, leaning forward a bit and into her space. 
You order something strong and sweet, voice open and teasing. Used to playing your cards right and getting your first drink free with her. 
Betty gives you a once over, eyes playful and pupils blown as vapor steams from her nostrils, and clouds around you again. It’s sickeningly sweet. 
The smallest smirk grows on her face, and then she goes about doing her job—bending down into a cabinet to grab what looks to be an expensive Vodka—playfully shaking her ass in the process. 
You get comfortable on the stool and unstick your boots from the ground, placing them on the stool’s metal foot rod. 
Your lips curl up at the resistance. 
Out of all the clubs Aria could have picked, this is always the designated meeting ground. 
Mourlin Rouge. 
It's a lewd place within the red district of LA. You used to love it here, came every weekend with her and your friend group. 
With him. 
A Friday and Saturday night hotspot for the young and reckless. Music loud, K bumps on gold platters, and the weighted stench of marijuana. 
You contribute to the stench. Weed fragrancing off you since you hotboxed your car before coming inside. 
Your high is a pleasant one, Wedding Cake, always your go-to when clubbing. 
Your name is shouted out, and you faintly hear it under the bass of the music. You crane your neck over your shoulder and lazily scan the onslaught of clubbers for the face with the familiar voice. 
A tan arm sticks out, then a leg clad in leather pants before Aria shoves the rest of her body through the crowd. 
Similar to what you did moments earlier. 
You reach a hand up, ready to wave her over when you make eye contact, but your arm stills mid-way when a few other people filter in behind her, following in her footsteps. 
The look you share is brief, but she looks nervous. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips pursed to the side. 
Then you see him. The side of him, and suddenly the look on Aria’s face makes sense. 
Your stomach churns and you quickly swivel back around to the bar before he can see you. 
Betty comes back and slides a tall glass of alcohol towards you. It’s pink, has sugar on the rim, and a cocktail toothpick with a lacy black panty on the tip.  
You grab it the second it’s within reach and take a much-needed sip. 
Quick to get rid of the sick feeling in your stomach. It burns the entire way down, just as you hoped. 
It’s uncanny how after months, just a look at him can make your body curl in itself within seconds. 
You part your lips, ready to catch Betty’s attention to add a tequila shot when an arm slithers around your bare torso. The tattoos are a dead giveaway, your body knows who it is before your brain can catch up. 
His touch is scorching and reminds you of the nights you'd curl into him to warm yourself. 
He tugs you back and presses you against his chest. You feel the cold metal of a necklace on your back, no doubt the one you bought him. 
The pendant digs into the top of your spine, as you grip the sides of your chair. 
You take a deep breath when the hand around your waist spreads open, palm now resting on your hip. It takes all your strength not to succumb to old habits. 
To curve your body to fit into his grip, reach around to scratch at his jaw as you turn your head to leave a glossy kiss on his neck. Right over the tattoo he has of your lips. 
He smells familiar, spicy, and warm. Your clit pulses at the remembrance of it all. 
“Dominic,” You start, voice shaky. You clear your throat, quick to cover up vulnerability. 
You don’t miss him, and he’ll be aware of that by any means necessary. 
“Get off.” 
He no longer has access to you like this, he’s crossing a boundary. One that you’re having trouble keeping up. 
With more effort than you’d like to admit, you yank his arm off you and cross your legs. Swiping non-existent lint off your shorts. Anything to keep yourself from facing him. 
Your breakup was nasty, though you both never ventured past the title of a situationship. So you’d hardly call it a breakup. And that was the problem. 
Dom was ready for something more, more than just a fuck, and so were you. But you didn’t trust him, not with a reputation like his. 
Hell, you both started messing around because of his reputation. He was known for no strings attached. A nice fuck, a good friend.
Simple and to the point. 
But you both never expected it to stretch out like this. For feelings to develop, for them to be mutual. 
You got scared, scared that this was just a phase for him and not real. Because it was so real for you. To a point where it felt like your lifeline. 
You broke it off and went no contact.
The night of you and Dom’s argument is something you’ve never been able to forget. You’d never seen him so distraught. So angry.
The intensity of it all reached heights you didn't think was possible. It’s been 3 months since then and the weight feels as heavy as it did back then. 
“Girl, hey!” Aria steps to your left, her hands interlocked and resting under her chin as she smiles brightly. Voice up a pitch. 
Something she subconsciously does when she knows she's fucked up.  
“We saw him and some of his friends while waiting in line. We sort of just merged.” She eyes your other friend, Chloè, who fiddles with her hands and gives a weak smile.
You sigh, and can’t help but wonder if this was planned. The two of them time, and time again have told you that you acted irrational, that what you did wasn’t fair to him.
 And you know. But you've convinced yourself that it's too late to reach out. To make amends. You've made your bed, and now you have to lie in it.
Chloè begged you to reach out to him, and you shot her down every time. 
Aria adjusts the strap of her skimpy top, which didn’t need fixing but is now twisted around. Another anxious habit of hers.
This was planned. 
You nod your head and muster a smile. “It’s cool. We’re all friends here.” 
You look around towards the mixed group and try to play it neutral when you make contact with Dean. Dom’s closest friend. He’s staring blankly at you, judgment and anger bleeding out from his demeanor. 
You cower under his gaze and divert your attention elsewhere. You can’t say you blame him. 
“Uh, Jim Beam. Neat.” Dom’s voice rumbles behind you, he’s still so close you can feel the vibrations. He didn’t take your aggression seriously, and you’re not surprised. 
He knows your body inside and out. Knows exactly how you tick. He’s seen the worst side of you, as well as the best.
Your weak attempt to keep a staid act was pointless. 
It's why you can’t help it this time when you slyly turn to glance at his side profile. Your first official look of the night.
He’s looking at Betty as he orders, jawline sharp and lightly stubbled over. 
Your eyes move up to his hair. It’s down to his neck now, slightly curled up. The start of a mullet.
The front of his hair long and curly and cascades down the side of his face. Stopping just under his cheekbones. He’s changed so much. 
“She’ll have a tequila shot, salt rim.” He remembers your order and your foot twitches. 
Before you can move, Dominic turns to you. Locking you in place with the eye contact you’ve been trying to avoid since the moment you saw him. 
Your breath catches in your throat, heart thumping against your ribs. 
He leans down so he’s level with your ear, hot breath fanning against your neck, “Right?” 
Your arms wisp over with goosebumps. 
His eyes are hooded, glossed over. You can tell he smoked before coming in. He roams over your face, stopping at your lips, before slowly looking back up. He leans in closer, and something in his face glints. 
An eyebrow piercing. That’s new. 
It looks completely healed, and your fingertips tremble with the need to softly run over it. 
The parallel of the gold glow emitting from the bottle wall, to the red lighting of the club wash over him. He looks downright fuckable, and your self-restraint is hanging on by a thread. 
It doesn’t take much for you to start remembering what you’ve tried so hard to bury.
Remembering how his lips felt when leaving reassuring kisses on the parts of your body you hated most. 
How’d he laugh when you’d fuck up a string while he was teaching you to play guitar.
Arms wrapped around your middle and chin hooked over your shoulder as you sat in his lap in his studio. Arms and hands pressed and tangled over each other as he taught you an A cord to a B. 
How he’d stare at you as if you were the sole reason for his existence as his hips moved at a pace that always had you on the brink of admitting the immense amount of love you hold for him. 
He’s giving you that look now. You need to get out of here. 
You swipe your clammy palms down your thighs and shoot up from the barstool, making a beeline to the bathroom and not sparing a look back toward Aria or Chloé. 
You fall into the door when you make it inside.
The single restroom is washed in a warm low light. It’s surprisingly clean, with a bathroom vanity, and square mirror.
You take deep breaths to try and calm down. 
“Fuck fuck, fuck!” You whisper yell, adjusting your top and moving over to look at yourself in the mirror.
Sweat starts to pebble on your forehead, and you hastily pull tissue from the dispenser to pat at your face. Careful not to smudge your makeup. 
You’re racking your brain, trying to think of all the ways you can escape the club when the door clicks open. 
You freeze, looking at the door through the mirror. It’s Dom, and he looks at you through the reflection as he locks the door behind him. 
Something you thought you did.  
You’re not thinking straight anymore, the only thing your mind keeps repeating is Leave! Get out! 
Your body moves on auto, and you throw the paper towels down, gripping your mini purse tightly as you take long strides to the door.
Dominic doesn’t move, he stays firm in front your only exit, and watches your acrylics hit against the handle in an attempt to grip it. 
“Dom fucking move or I swear to God.” Your voice comes out weak and desperate. 
The strong tilt you had at the bar is gone. 
You feel your body start to weaken, tears threatening to spill at your waterline. 
“Dominic please.” Your voice simmers out, and your arms fall limp at the handle. He doesn't budge. You feel his eyes on you, and you suddenly feel small. Bared.
Dom softly brushes his fingers against your collarbone, moving up to your throat, then gently pulling you towards him by the sides of your face.
You keep your eyes on the sealed concrete. 
“Stop.” He speaks against your lips, “Stop fucking fighting me.”
His voice is as weak and tired as yours.
It’s silent between you, your breaths mingling together with the muted bass in the bathroom walls. 
“Can I trust you?” You finally speak. Vulnerability leaks out of you in waves, you’re on the brink of giving in.
You’re surprised you lasted this long in your resolve, your want to give yourself to him present since the very beginning of all this. 
“I want this so bad. I want you so fucking bad, but can I trust you? Can you even trust me after what I—” You choke up, shaking your head. 
“Yes, you can trust me.” he nods his head, “And despite it all, I trust you. With every fiber of my fucking being.” His thumb moves to swipe at your bottom lip, “I’ve never been more sure about anyone than I have with you.” 
He tugs on your chin for you look at him, and you follow. Willingly locking eyes with the man you swore you didn’t need.  
“I swear it,” Dominic says your name with finality, leaving no room for you to doubt him. 
And it’s all you need. 
You drop your purse to the floor, and eagerly tangle your fingers in his hair, yanking him to your mouth. Everything feels hot, your heart thrumming through your ears.
He kisses you feverishly, something about it almost primal.
Something spreads throughout your chest. It’s so strong, heavy, and so liberating that your fingers start to tremble. 
You’re relying solely on muscle memory, when Dominic grabs a handful of your ass underneath your skirt, your flesh protruding between his fingers.
You let out a whimper, a confirmation only he can understand, and you jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his hips. 
You feel his arms flex as he swings you around, everything around you a dizzying blur until he sets you down on the edge of the sink. 
The cool ceramic sends a shiver down your spine, contrasting with the heat radiating from your skin, as you feel its smooth surface touch the curve of your ass.
Dominic doesn’t let off your lips once, taking everything you’ve denied him. You’re completely swallowed by him and let yourself fall into it without any restraint. He’s touching you everywhere, picking you apart in a way only he can do.
You try to pull back, "Dom," you whisper, the sound barely escaping your lips.
He tries to chase them, and you let him, unable to deny yourself. Your lips hover over eachother, open and panting. Anything to stay close.
So you try again, “Dominic."
His name falls from your tongue soft and determined.
He fully pulls away to pepper messy kisses along your throat, each one pulling you deeper into a fuzzy headspace.
Your hands, still trembling, tighten in his hair, silently urging him to return to you.
You guide his head back up until his gaze meets yours, his breath ragged and heavy against your skin. His hands grip your sides tightly.
His fear of losing you is still there. Your heart clenches at the realization.
"I love you." Each syllable is weighted and leaves no room for hesitation. 
Dominic's body stills. 
"Say it again," He whispers, his voice a plea. Staring at you with the same intensity he had the last time you saw each other.
"I love you," You repeat, the words a fervent affirmation of your unwavering devotion. His arms wrap around you, pulling you close. 
"Again, please," He implores, his voice sounds broken, disbelieving. Scared. He buries his face in the safety of your neck. 
With gentle hands, you cup his cheeks, guiding his gaze to meet yours once more. 
"I love you, Dominic," You murmur, voice laced with raw honesty.
"I love you so fucking much and I’d never do anything to hurt you again. I promise."
You brush his hair back and leave tender kisses over his face, “I’m so sorry. You have me now. All of me.”  
Dominic’s eyes start to gloss over, big, brown, and so full of love.
He nods his head firmly, and for the first time in a long time, you see him smile. It’s a genuine one, a real one. All teeth, and dimples are on full display for you, and you only. 
It’s the same smile he gave you all those years ago when you realized you had fallen for him deeper than you believed possible.
“I love you too.” He noses at your jaw, closing his eyes and melting into your body, “But you already knew that.” 
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emotionaldamages · 8 months
soft launch or hard launch - max verstappen
in which shes in a secret relationship with a certain redbull driver
social media au
part one| part two
note- this is my first time writing so it might not be as good, but hope you enjoy♡
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Liked by lewishamilton,maxverstappen, and 1,132,753 others
lando.jpg wild vera on a train @verahamilton
lewishamilton that is not my child, thank you very much
verahamilton that is just wow
lando.jpg shes currently emotional about that
verahamilton no tf I'm not
username shes so pretty
carlossainz55 shes always climbing something
username I deffo ship her and lando
verahamilton I'm happily taken:)
username we just gonna ignore the lonely train..
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 3,898,753 others
verahamilton vacation with my love♡
username oh myyyy a soft launch
username my wife😿
lewishamilton young lady who is that
pierregasly kika is gonna have a huge talk with you about this
landonorris I cant keep quiet for longer
verahamilton better keep ur mouth shut child
landonorris yes mother
username pls he so scared of her
username ima go lay on the highway
verahamilton pls dont
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*pretend it says vera and not rihanna
verahamilton guess who @harperbazaarus
username mother.
username icon of the century
username I would go in the shark for u
landonorris yall some horny fuckers
verahamilton lando no cussing
mclaren listen to your mother lando!
landonorris IM OLDER
username I love lando so much
maxverstappen ♡♡
username I know yall see that...
username max...
username you telling me sid from ice age pulled her
georgerussell63 Y'all hear something
verahamilton yo momma(I love ur mother alot)
verahamilton has posted a story
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@landonoriss I know something you doonnttt, I know something you will never knooowww @verahamilton and @hersecrectbf
verahamilton the shit that happens when u bring ur child smh
landonorris you love me tho:)
verahamilton I guess so
landonorris bitch
username lando singing that one song rn
username what if THATS lando
username not possible, vera is taller than lando, that dude is taller than vera
georgerussell63 why are you the only one who knows who it is
landonorris I caught them making out in my house😔
username poor lando traumatized
verahamilton bitch I told you not to walk in the room
landonorris LIAR, oh wait.. you did
username vera the children miss uuu
username someone get me my inhaler rn
username I screamed to loud
lilymhe OH MY OH MY DEAR
kikacgomess my heart is broken💔
pierregasly do I not just exist
kikacgomess no you dont not when vera is around
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@landonorris tired of these people hiding
username this has ruined me wtf
username vera ur paying for my therapy sessions
danielriccardo VERA AND MAX WHAT.
lewishamilton oh..
username lando is so dead
verahamilton I'm going into hiding
maxverstappen let me go with u
username THEIR SO CUTE
username I want what they have
georgerussell63 I just heard lewis yell at the top of his lungs in the paddock
username someone check if max is alive
username oh myyyyyyyyyy
verahamilton SEE YALL LATER
carlossainz55 cuties
username are yall breathing ok??
1K notes · View notes
dabuggh3 · 2 months
Heyyy Can you write smth cutesie abt picking hamzah up after he gets too overwhelmed at comic con. I couldn’t stop thinking abt it the whole time watching it was rly funny😭😭😭 Please and Thank you
HIII YESS, no because when I was watching the video and I literally started getting anxious because of how overwhelmed he was. I paused the video😭. But anyways thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoyyy!!💗
Hamzah calls you to come pick him up from comic con because they were done shooting the video for slushynoobz. You get in your car and head over, you arrive and he gets in the car. The first couple mins were quiet, “ So how did it go?, did you like it?”. “ uh it was good there were so sooo many people on one of the floors it was actually crazy, we had to sit down for literally half of it” You look over at him and he was holding something.
“ What did you buy?” He looks down and starts bursting out laughing as he shows you, my little pony oven mitts. “ Hamzahhh” you say laughing. “ Waitttt, okay me and Martin were passing by and there was just like a huge ass stack and we were like what’s this, and we started talking shit and the lady was like oh they’re home made, they’re home made like 5 times, and idk what came over me and I just bought them.”
“ They’re kindaaa cute” you say looking at them. “ I wasted like 30 dollarssss, I saved 5 dollars tho, we bargained with the lady ” he says smiling. “ 30 dollars is actually crazy, but they’re homemade remember”. “ Stoppp, oh my god and someone called Martin the skinniest Spiderman they’ve ever seennn”. You laugh , “ that’s so meann”.
“Babe I swear I was looking at some people and I literally wanted to gag so bad I don’t even know why”. He continues talking then he goes silent, just staring at you,“ What’s wrong” “ You’re so pretty you’re glowingggg” he says admiring you. You turn and smile at him. “Even on shrooms, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen”
For the rest of the drive he continues talking, pointing at random signs, and telling you what he’s seeing. You guys arrive, parking into you’re apartment complex, “ Yea and Martin went over and asked him for a hug and I was like boy he don’t want no dam hug from youu, the guy looked so scared I recorded it.” You both laugh so hard, “ Okay we’re here let’s go” “ Huh, I swear the car was still moving”
You guys enter the apartment, and Hamzah changes then plops down on the couch. “ Do you wanna eat something orrr” “ No I’m okay I’ll eat later” “ Okay” you walk over and sit next to him, “ Want to watch something” you look over at him as he sits with his head back eyes closed, “ uhhh yea,” he opens his eyes and turns looking at you. He smiles and leans over to kiss you. He then positions himself, laying on your chest. “ Do you wanna watch Arcaneee??” You say in an excited tone.“ Yesssss” he says smiling.
You and Hamzah lay on the couch as you rub his back. And he keeps pointing out random stuff from the show that he’s never noticed, “ wait was that always there I swear it wasn’t”. 30 minutes pass by and while laying down, you feel his stomach growl. “ Babe are you sure you’re not hungry?” “ No” “ I literally felt you’re stomach growl right now, ima go make you something” you try getting up. Hamzah holds onto you harder while making himself heavier, “ I’m not hungry, don’t leave” he says muffled because his face is buried in your chest. “ I’ll take like 20 mins and I’ll be right back, I’m literally right here next to you in the kitchen”. “ No”. “ Okay then come with me”
Eventually Hamzah agrees and comes with you to the kitchen. You end up making him a sandwich. While making it Hamzah is just hugging you from behind, watching. “ Are you sure the mayo’s not expired, it’s kinda a weird color” “ No it’s not, trust me”. You finish and go back on the couch. Hamzah sits back down and eats his sandwich. He then goes on a whole rant how Martin didn’t want to finish watching Arcane and he’s missing out. Then he starts talking about the slushies, “ I hope they actually enjoy the video, I feel like we looked so dumb” he laughs. “ Nooo, they’ll enjoy it dont worry”. Eventually he starts getting tired so he starts quieting down and ends up falling asleep.
I hope this isn’t horrible 😭.
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 6 months
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,,Heartbeat''- C.S.
Warnings- smut, cussing, suggestive content.
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,,Text say that 'it's not fair'
thats code for 'he's not here'
and ima flirt with this new girl
and ima call if it dont work.''
Evelyn heard a ding from her phone, indicating that she had gotten a text from someone. She hadn't moved from her bed today, not really having a reason to. She lifted her phone, and let out a sigh as she saw 'Chris has texted you.' fuck.
Evelyn has been 'friends' with the triplets for years now. She's always been closest with Matt, oddly enough. Around two years into their friendship, Chris and Evelyn had began 'hooking up' in Chris' words. She couldn't stand him. She couldn't stand it. She was going insane.
No matter what she was doing, if Chris wanted to fuck, she had to drop whatever she was doing, however important, just to give him what he wanted. But god forbid if Evelyn ever wanted anything in return. If she texted him, she wouldn't get a reply for days.
She met a boy, Jake, and they started dating. Unlike Chris, Jake didn't just use her for sex. He really loved her. She loved him too. She cut contact with Chris, told him to stop texting her, and she wouldn't go to the triplets house, she'd meet them elsewhere. She didn't want to see him. She had been dating Jake for around four months now. Sure, sex was great with Jake.. but he wasn't Chris.
Jake has taken a trip with his friends to a different state for a week, and this was day two of him being gone. Evelyn clicked on the notification, and sighed at the message.
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fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK. What was she doing?? It's okay..right? Jake won't know. No- she can't hurt him like that. Once Chris gets there she can just tell him to fuck off.. right?
She must've been thinking about it for a few minutes because she was suddenly snapped back to reality when she heard a knock at her door. Holy shit. This is really happening.
Without even thinking, Evelyn starts walking down the stairs. Even though it was nearly 8:00 P.M. she had still been in her pj's from the morning before. Just some shorts and a baggy tee. She opened the door to reveal Chris standing outside, in just grey sweats and a black tank top that stuck to his body perfectly, looking at his phone.
Evelyn had forgotten how good Chris looked, so she just stared in awe. His eyes looked up from the phone, his head not moving, as he chuckled. His eyes looking up at her through his messy hair just did something to her every time.
,,Miss me?'' He teased, sliding his phone into his pocket. ,,Soo.. you gonna invite me in or re we just gonna do this outside..?'' He laughed, as she kept a straight face. He noticed, and stuck his hand out and placed it gently on her jaw. ,,Hey, Ev, Whats wrong, baby?'' He asked her, as she pulled away from his touch.
,,Don't call me that, Christopher.'' She frowned, causing Chris to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
,,What..? What's wrong, Evvy?'' He asked as she cringed at the name. He's the only person who calls her that. She felt tears threatening to spill, as she held them back.
,,Chris.. we can't.'' She shook her head, looking down at the floor. She felt Chris' hand meet her jaw, pulling her face up to his, as he kissed her gently.
She knew she should've pulled away, but she couldn't. She kissed back, as she felt Chris smirk against her lips. He slowly pulled away,
,,You sure?'' He joked, and she shook her head and pulled him into her house by his collar, slamming the door behind them.
''God, I hate you so fucking much, Christopher..'' She scoffed.
,,Oh, but you love me..'' He smirked, before quickly grabbing Evelyn's hips, bringing her closer to him, before smashing his lips roughly against hers, the kiss this time was the complete opposite of the one they had just shared moments before. She pulled away, her hand sliding into his, as she pulled him up to her room.
,,Ya know, I could've just fucked ya down there,'' He joked,
,,Yeah, and smash my hips into the counter? I'll stick with my bed.'' She rolled her eyes, before getting on her knees.
,,Damn- sucking me off already? Thought you'd wait a bit you whore.'' Chris smirked down at her,
,,Watch your mouth, Christopher.'' She threatened, as she suddenly grabbed his half-hard cock through his pants.
,,o-oh fuck..'' He groaned, caught off guard by the girls sudden action.
,,let me hear you, baby..'' Evelyn smirked at the boy above her. Out of all the times they had fucked, she hadn't been the dominant one, but that was about to change.
,,c'mon, ma.. please..'' He whispered, his voice raspy as Evelyn began to palm him through his pants. ,,please..'' he whimpered. She slid her hands away from his cock, before kissing it through the fabric of his pants. She started to pull them and his boxers down, his now fully hard cock slapping against his clothed stomach.
He began to slip his shirt off, before she slapped his hands.
,,Did I say you could take this off?'' She growled at him, before he shook his head,
,,f-fuck.. 'm sorry ma.. p-please..'' he begged. She has never seen Chris this submissive, and it was driving her insane.
,,Go ahead, baby..'' Evelyn nodded, as she started to stroke his cock painfully slow. He ripped his shirt off and through it across the room, as he let out small whimpers. ,,sit.'' She motioned to the bed, and he quickly complied, shuffling to the bed, and sitting down.
Evelyn placed her hands on his knees, and licked from his base to his tip, collecting his precum on his cock. The small whimpers and moans falling effortlessly from Chris' mouth was what kept her going. She took his dick in her mouth, it hitting the back of her throat as she gagged, but she didn't stop.
Nothing would stop her from doing this besides Chris. Not even her boyfriend walking in would stop her. She's missed Chris so much. She felt his hand grip her hair, pushing her down and up, her mouth gliding around him.
,,mmhh.. fuckk..'' he cried out, his head falling back. She quickly pulled off of him with a popping sound, knowing he was close, ,,ma.. p-pleas-e..'' he hiccuped.
,,don't worry, baby. You'll cum soon.'' She promised. pushing him back against the bed, her mouth connecting once more with his.
He laid back, his hard dick throbbing. Evelyn- still fully clothed- sat on Chris' lap, just a little above where his dick was.
,,Ev- please..'' he pleaded, as he pulled away from the kiss, slipping his hands up her shirt, tugging at the hem.
,,Go ahead, baby.'' she nodded, giving him permission to slip it off, which he quickly did. Her black bra showcasing her breasts perfectly made Chris want her impossibly more.
,,Fuck, baby. I don't remember you looking like that..'' He groaned, his hands sliding back down her body to the waistband of her shorts. He tugged gently at them, before Evelyn lifted her hips, allowing Chris enough room to slip them off. Evelyn sat on the naked boy, in only her bra and underwear.
Chris let his hand slip to her panties, gently rubbing her slick folds through the wet fabric. She let out a small whine, causing Chris to chuckle.
,,You like that, don't you, ma?'' He teased, causing the girl on top of him to shake her head,
,,Know your place, Christopher.'' She grow;ed, causing him to immediately apologize,
,,s-sorry ma..'' he whined, his hands meeting her hips. ,,Jus wanna make y-you feel good..'' he pushed her hips down, causing her to grind on him.
,,Holy shit, baby..'' She gasped. She needed Chris so incredibly bad.
,,I-I wanna taste you, ma.. p-please..'' He begged, as Evelyn nodded. He sat up, his lips meeting her neck, sucking and biting, leaving deep red and purple marks behind. His lips trailed down her neck as his hands fumbled with the clasp of her bra.
As he slipped her bra off, his lips met her one of her nipples, his hand toying with the other. She let out a quiet moan, as her hands snaked up and down Chris' bare back. His mouth left her nipple, continuing to place kisses down her body.
He got to the waistband of her panties and sighed, before laying her back, his face between her thighs. She felt his hot breath on her core before feeling him place a soft kiss on her clit through the thin wet fabric of her panties.
,,So wet for me, ma..'' Chris mumbled, before pulling her panties off slowly.
,,Chris, don't tease me,'' Evelyn warned him, as he nodded.
,,Sorry mommy..'' he apologized, the name making her shiver. his mouth came into contact with her pussy, flattening his tongue, lapping it up and down between her wet folds.
''mmph, fuck, Chris.. making me feel so good..'' She whined, her hands quickly finding his hair, before gripping it tightly. His tongue met her clit, as he brought two of his fingers up to her mouth for her to suck.
She rolled her eyes but obliged, sticking his fingers into her mouth, coating them in her saliva. He pulled them out after they were soaked, and brought them down by where his mouth was. Evelyn forgot how hot he looked while he was eating her out, it was driving her insane. He slowly pushed one finger inside her, her letting out a quick moan, her head falling backwards.
,,H-holy shit..'' She moaned as Chris stuck another finger in her, continuing to pump inside her.
,,You taste so good, mommy..'' Chris mumbled, momentarily pulling his mouth away from her cunt. He quickly went back to work, and Evelyn was becoming a whining mess as he added a third finger.
,,Mhh, fuck- Chris.. I-I'm close-'' She struggled, as she felt her release inching closer. Her grip on his hair tightened, as her eyes squeezed shut, as she felt the knot in her lower stomach snap. Chris didn’t stop working his tongue, he continued to lick up all her cum.
His head lifted, and she quickly pulled him into a kiss, her legs shaking. She could taste herself on his tongue, but she didn’t care at all. She needed Chris so bad.
She pulled his body impossibly closer to her, his dick rubbing against her folds, causing both of them to let out a moan.
,,Fuck me already, Chris,'' Evelyn demanded. Who was Chris to deny her wishes? He pulled his dick in his hand, stroking it a few times, before lining it up with her hole.
He started to push in, and once the tip was in, he let his own dick go, to put both of his hands above Evelyn's shoulders to stabilize himself. They both let out groans as Chris continued to push himself deeper in her. He finally pushed all the way and waited a bit before starting to slowly thrust in and out of her.
,,Wait- shit Ev, your on the pill, right?'' Chris stopped and looked up at her, causing her to chuckle and nod,
,,yes, Chris.'' she rolled her eyes, and Chris started to thrust in and out of her again, this time at a much faster pace.
,,Mph- Fuck.. y-your so tight ma..'' Chris groaned, as Evelyn gripped his shoulders tightly.
,,d-don't stop, Chris..'' Evelyn pleaded, and Chris obliged. The male continued to thrust into her, both of them letting loud moans flow out of their mouths effortlessly.
,,M-mommy, I-I'm close..'' Chris panted, one of his hands making its way to Evelyn's hips, holding her in place. His grip was so tight, she was sure it would leave bruises, but that was the least of her worries right now.
,,Cum for me, baby.'' Evelyn moaned, and Chris did just that. He released his load into her, and she did the same.
,,H-holy shit..'' Chris groaned, as he pulled out of her and plopped down beside her on the bed. ,,You still regret it?'' Chris whispered.
,,Hm?'' Evelyn mumbled.
,,Do..'' Chris sighed. He propped himself up on his arm, looking into Evelyn's eyes. ,,Do you like me? Do you regret what we just did? Would you pick him over me?'' Chris asked, and Evelyn's eyebrows furrowed.
,,Of course i like you Chris. I wouldn't let you fuck me if I didn't like you. If I'm being honest.. i really like you. Like, a lot. I do this with you because I think it's the most I'm going to get from you. I know you won't date me, but i really fuckin like you, so I do whatever you want me to as long as it means I can have you.'' Evelyn sighed, closing her eyes, Expecting Chris to let out a snarky remark.
,,Who said I wouldn't date you?'' Chris asked her, causing her eyes to shoot open and look at him.
,,Chris, don't say shit like that when I have a boyfriend.'' Evelyn shook her head, and Chris chuckled.
,,Evs, we literally just fucked, and your worried about me confessing my love for you?'' Chris shook his head.
,,Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm not worthy of him anymore, but if you confess your love foe me I'll feel so shitty.'' Evelyn confessed.
,,How come?'' Chris asked, tilting his head in confusion.
,,Because, Chris.. Your so fucking stupid. I've always wanted you. I started dating Jake, in hopes he'd give me everything you wouldn't. Like actually going out with me, cuddling, doing.. couple things, instead of just fucking all the time and leaving.'' Evelyn shook her head, and Chris' gaze softened.
,,Holy shit, Evvy.. Why didn't you tell me..? You know I wouldn't have wasted a second to get with you.'' Chris whispered, and Evelyn let out a frustrated groan.
,,Oh my fucking god, Chris. Don't pin this on me. You know good as hell I've always wanted you. You've just always been too 'scared of commitment'.'' Evelyn snapped, causing Chris to look at her sadly.
,,Evs. I'm so so so fucking sorry. I love you. You know that. And your right. I'm a pussy. I wanted you so bad I should've just asked you out before Jake got to. Damn me for that.'' Chris apologized, and stood up to put his clothes back on.
,,Chris, no.. I didn't mean it like that.. I'm sorry-''
,,No, your right. It's MY fault that I didn't ask you out. Forget the fact that you could've asked me out, no. Because in what fucking world would that happen, Evelyn? I'm sorry for loving you. I'm sorry that you love me, but I can't do shit about that now, since you got your new fucking boyfriend that you basically just admitted to not liking.'' Chris scoffed, as he finished putting his clothes on.
,,Will you go out with me?'' Evelyn asked as Chris was just about to walk out of her door. She wasn't sure why she asked it, she knew it was wrong, but fuck, she did love him. He froze.
,,What.?'' he asked, his heart beating out of his chest.
,,Chris, will you go out with me?'' She asked again, and he turned around.
,,What about Jake?'' He asked, and Evelyn stood up, and made her way towards Chris.
,,Fuck Jake.'' She said, her lips meeting Chris'.
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tinythebunni · 11 months
Bratty Baby part 2
Bratty Reader x aged up!Earth 42!Miles Morales
Miles is 18 in this!
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Miles laughed, a loud hearty one, head tilted back and canines exposed. He chest shook with laughter and you shook in fear on his lap. When he looked down at you once more, he looked different, almost predatory.
“Oh Chiquita, Ima do so much more.”
Before you could even comprehend what was happening Miles had you flipped over his shoulder and was up and on his feet, walking towards your bedroom.
He dropped you down on your bed, watching you with lidded eyes as you backed towards your wall and stared up at him.
He walked over to your headboard and sat down, swiftly grabbing you by your ankle and pulling you towards him. You didn’t resist him, you knew this was gonna happen and God were you excited.
Miles could see the damp spot in your panties just by looking up your dress. You had on no shorts under, the underwear you had on being pink and white stripped. He remembered those ones vaguely, they’d been on his dresser before.
A few weeks ago, while he was over at your house and you were in the shower, he stole your under. He’d wait until it was dark out and his bedroom door was locked and he’d pump his cock to the smell of your panties. He’d place them around his tip and fuck himself until he couldn’t take it anymore and an orgasm washed over him.
The thought of you wearing the underwear that had an insane amount of his cum on it made it even harder for Miles to think, and it made him harder.
He pressed him thumb to your clit and watched as you squirmed in need. He looked up at you through lidded eyes and heavy breaths and smiled. “All this for me? So what, you get all hot and bothered from the thought of being in danger?”
The whimper that escaped your throat was enough of an answer for him.
“I could hurt you, you know. Really bad, baby. I’d do unimaginable things to you, things that would keep people awake at night.” He smiled and you saw his canines gleam in the moonlight. Your breathes we’re getting heavy now too, just the thought of him being able to hurt you and you not being able to do anything about it made you needy.
“Don’t get all shy on me now, mi vida. You did all this and for what? Just to tease me?”
“M sorry! Jus missed you Miles” you whined, pouting with teary eyes. You started to feel bad for how you acted, you probably worried him so much.
“Coulda just told me instead of actin’ like a slut on the streets.” His words pierced your crybaby heart. With tears running down your cheeks, you whimpered and attempted to apologize.
“M so sor-“
A hard slap on your achy cunt stopped your sentence as a moan bubbled up and out your throat. You choked on a sob as you looked down at Miles. He was glaring up at you, hands sliding up and down your thighs.
“Don’t fuckin lie to me cariño. Me and you both know this is exactly what you wanted.” He growled as his hands inched up your thighs towards your panties. Hooking one finger into your waistband, he swiftly pulled them down to your ankles.
“You wanna act like a dumb whore, you’ll get treated like one.” He trailed his nose up your legs until he was face to face with your cunt. He licked a strip up and suckled on your clit before pulling away. Wet kisses trailed down your thighs, love bites sprinkled in between them. You were sure he was leaving bruises.
Once he was back down to your ankles, he caught the waist of your underwear in between his teeth and pulled them off of you. He spit them out over by your dresser. While his head was turned, you could see the vein in his neck pulsing. He looked back over at you, the look in his eyes completely feral.
“Spread your legs for me, mi reina. Lemme see all of you.”
You did as you were told and spread your legs as far as he wanted you to. He lifted up your right leg and hiked it over his shoulder. he laid flat on the bed and caressed your thigh. he licked from your aching hole, to your throbbing clit. he looked up at you with low lidded eyes and placed his tongue on your cunt, finally giving you the relief you so desperately needed.
his tongue thrust into you, with a desperation to taste you that matched yours. his rapid movements stirred a fire in the pits of your belly, feeling the urge to cum already. he removed his tongue and replaced it with his fingers. his tongue, drawing figure 8's on your clit. your legs were shaking and your hips arching up off the bed, trying to get closer to him.
his fingers scissored inside of you, getting you closer to your peak. miles started moving his fingers at an even faster pace, hitting that spongey spot inside you. miles could feel your orgasm coming, he removed his fingers and tongue right as you were about to cum.
your ruined orgasm quickly souring your mood. you whined and pushed your hips up, begging for some kind of relief. "hush mi hermosa, you didn't think i'd let you cum that easily, now did you?"
quickly flipping you over so that your ass was face up, he lifted you up by your hips until you were on all fours with your face to the mattress. he ran his hands from your waist down to your ass. you. hold feel his hands groping you, claiming you. he slapped you cheek with a fierceness that would be sure to leave a mark.
"stay still mamí." miles pulled away from you and you felt his weight shift off the bed. you obeyed his command didn't move an inch. there was some rapid shuffling, and then you felt him. his tip, probing your aching hole. you remember ever detail of his cock, it's hard to forget. 8 1/2 inches, thick in girth, one. din leading from his tip to the middle and another leading from the base to the middle. he was trimmed, almost clean shaven. god, you loved his cock.
you felt him enter you slowly, groaning as he finally bottomed out. he leaned over you until his mouth was right by your right ear. "be a good girl and i might let you cum. understood?"
you nodded enthusiastically, you'd do anything for him to fuck you right now. he thrust into you at an achingly slow pace, pulling out until he was almost out of you, and then thrusting back in with force that has the whole bed shaking. he sped up until your hips were shaking from the force of his thrusts. you could feel him your belly.
he was fucking your so good. you could feel him throbbing inside you, you loved it. you could hear his little groans and moans he tried to hide. "you're doing so good, f-fuck this pussy is so tight." you moaned in response, he was fucking you dumb. all you could think of was him.
he lifted you up until your back was flush with his tummy, the new angle allowing him to hit you even deeper with his thrusts. he trailed his hands from your ass, up to your waist. one hand went to your throat, the other to your belly.
he rested his hand on the bulge that was moving in your tummy. "feel that baby? that's me inside you, i'm fucking you so good aren't i?" at this point you were nodding with everything he was saying, you just wanted to cum.
"you're so fucking tiny, bet you'd let me do fucking anything to you." he used the hand on your throat to turn your head to kiss him. he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, quickly winning the fight for dominance, not that there was much competition. his thrusts got faster as he felt his own peak building up. you wanted to cum so bad but you knew the rules. you always cum together.
"Miles! i wanna cum so bad, please please please lemme cum!"
you were babbling at this point, you'd say just about anything to cum. "so fucking needy baby. s-shit oh goddd! your milking me, goddamn minx."
he sped up the pace, the hand that was previously on your stomach, trailing down to your clit, making you get closer and closer to your orgasm. you felt his tip throbbing as he fucked into you, he was gonna cum soon too. he sped up his thrusts and he trailed his lips up to your ear,saying the 4 words that gave you permission.
"cum for me baby."
your hips spasmed against his own as he fucked you through your orgasm, him having his own as well. he stayed inside you for a bit, enjoying the warmth you provided him. he eventually pulled out, kissing your forehead and grabbing a rag to clean you off.
he cleaned you up and started you a bath, making sure to whisper sweet nothings and place kisses in all the places he knew made you feel calm. you felt safe with him, and that's all he wanted.
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iluvmorales · 1 year
heyy! could you do headcanons where the reader is a female and is ganke's cousin and miles fell first but she fell harder? tysm if you will do it<3
summary Winter break, in Brooklyn w/ your favorite cousin. What could possibly happen besides you falling for his best friend..in a day?
a/n I had fun writing this! Tysm for the request ma
word count ??? (A little long)
winter break. Visions academy had kicked the students out of the dormitories and sent them back home. So what better time to visit your favorite cousin than now? Ganke had offered to show you around Brooklyn if you came to visit New York for the 3-week break.
You stood infront of the townhouse with ganke, waiting for the friend y’all were supposed to hangout with today. The scarf and puffy coat only provides so much warmth and it was starting to turn your nose and cheeks red. Finally, a tall lanky boy with a taper fade turned the corner, waving at ganke, then looking at you with a smile that slightly faltered
Miles could feel his heartbeat fasten when he saw you. Pretty furry earmuffs, rosy cheeks and nose with a scarf that looked like it absolutely drowned you with your plump lips barely peeking over the wool.
“Y/N this is miles morales, miles Y/N Lee. My fav’ cousin” Ganke ruffled your hair before you swatted his hand away. Even though you were cousins, he always watches out for you like you were his little sister. Miles shook your hand, his gloved one providing your bare hands with heat.
He could tell your hands were freezing just by the way they were stiff and changing colors.
“Your hands look cold, here” he slid off his gloves and gave them to you causing you to panic. “Nono it’s okay I can’t accept this” you smiled sweetly, pushing his hands back to his chest. Miles just sighed and took your hands, sliding in the gloves.
By now, your cheeks were suddenly warm instead of cold, and your heartbeat was speeding up. God he was cute and a gentleman?
“Thanks miles” you smiled, earning a nod and a hum from him. Ganke clapped concluding-ly; “well, let’s show Y/N the best cafe in the city” Ganke turned to miles with a thumbs up before walking, you and miles following behind.
Ganke didn’t miss the tension in the air, it wasn’t awkward or Ima-kill-this-hoe tension. But a lovey-dovey tension.
After about a ten minute walk consisting of miles making you laugh and Ganke chiming in every now and then, you finally arrived at the cafe. “Woah- the graffiti is soo pretty” you stared with stars in your eyes. The walls inside and outside of the cafe were covered in the best graffiti you’d ever seen, but they kept the rest of the cafe modern.
Miles could only look at your eyes and how you had stars in them and think, how would you react to his own graffiti? It’s just as good.
“You know, Miles also does graffiti designs. He’s super good too.” Ganke retorted, winking at miles. “Really?!” You turned, facing miles. Now you were looking at him with the starstruck look in your eyes. He wished you could look at him like that forever. Ganke elbowed him to bring him back to reality. Miles cleared his throat: “yeah- I can show you some of my works if you want? We can swing by my place.” He smiled as you nodded rapidly.
Ganke ordered, then miles, who offered to pay for yours. No, INSISTED. Over and over again until you gave in.
“My place is literally just around the corner, So comon” miles lead the way, turning behind the care and walking down to the intersection. He grabbed your hand; “a lot of accidents happen here, so let’s hurry” he smiled at you, then nodding at Ganke. You only nodded, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
When you all finally made it to his apartment, he warned that his parents might be home and to just let him do the talking if they asked anything.
You nodded and followed in behind the boys as they went in. A beautiful woman with a side braid greeted you all; “Ganke! So nice to see you!” She gave him a hug and the cheek kiss. She looked at you with a smile: “and you bought a friend! Hi, I’m Miles’ mom” she greeted you sweetly. “Mom this is- miles was cut off by you “it’s so nice to meet you mrs. morales, I’m Y/N lee, Gankes cousin.”
Rio was over the moon about your respectfulness since so many kids your age nowadays insisted on calling adults by their first names.
She smiled at you sweetly one last time before shooing you all to miles’ room. “Y/N you made a good impression, I remember gwanda calling my mom rio and she was pisses” miles laughed, sliding off his coat but leaving on his hoodie and jersey. You shrugged with a smile, doing the same; “parents always love me.” To which Ganke agreed. And they’ll love when miles brings you home as his girlfriend, and not just Gankes cousin.
After you’d all gotten comfortable, miles went through his sketchbooks. You laid on your tummy, next to miles on the floor and Ganke sat on the bed listening to music. Miles was showing you all the designs he’d come up with but could never paint because of the cops (aka his dad)
Your finger pointed to a beautiful tag that read power with a silhouette and a bunch of cool designs around it with a drippy affect. “I like this one, is it your own tag?” You asked, removing your gaze from the paper and up into his brown eyes. “Yeah, me and my uncle came up with it. Even though it is really simple” miles shrugged. You hummed and continued flipping through the pages.
The sun had already went down, Ganke was passed out on the bed and you and miles were on your backs still going through all his sketchbooks before you flipped a page, and felt a pain in your chest.
“She’s really pretty” you choked out, flipping through all the pages of a girl with a interesting haircut. Miles eyes turned to the page and freaked out. “Ah yeah, uhm that’s really old.” He replied sighing, hoping it wouldn’t ruin anything he started. You hummed setting the sketchbook down and staring at the ceiling.
Were those little gestures and time you spent just him being friendly?
“It’s already 10, you guys might as well stay the night” miles chirped, causing Ganke to just nod tiredly. You sat there confused. They were just allowed to decide that whenever? “But I don’t have any clothes..” you sighed. “I can put yours in the washer and stuff while you shower. There’s towels and stuff in the restroom already.” You nodded before heading to the restroom and sliding your clothes to miles beneath the door. The shower was peaceful and miles had left your clothes perfectly folded outside the door, but with an extra tee and shorts. They were his.
After getting dressed you decided jeans and the shirt you had on earlier weren’t too comfy so you just wore the extra clothes he’d given you.
You stepped out the restroom with your hair tied up. The living room was dark but Ganke and miles were on the couch playing video games. Well Ganke was dead sleep but miles was up. “Finally! I was waiting for you-“ he cut off when he turned to face you. You looked adorable in his clothes, they were loose on him so they were even bigger on you. You smiled at him: “Yeah my bad, thank you for the clothes though miles” hearing you say his name so sweetly made his heart pound even more. He nodded; “of course” you went to take a seat on the opposite side of ganke, miles between you both.
The rest of the night consisted of you and miles playing video games while eating snacks, whisper yelling trying to do anything but wake up his parents.
It ended with you passed out laying on your tummy and miles laying sprawled out, head resting on the small of your back. He didn’t know, but you were smiling at the sight of him laying so peacefully on top of you.
He fell for you in a day, and you’d fallen even harder without him knowing.
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