#go pay attention to your local elections people
king-k9 · 1 month
i am only getting but the fainest whispers of this Drake & Kendrick beef or whatever is happening through a small amount of tumblr posts and the Garbage Day newsletter. don't know what tf is going on and I may sound holier-than-thou for this but can i just say. i am so glad i dont have tiktok/twitter/whatever cause like. why are we caring about this.
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renthony · 3 months
Just curious. How bad has Biden been at controlling COVID-19 in your view?
First: I already responded to a similar question you left on this post.
Second: Biden has been atrocious for COVID-19 safety and management. COVID-19 is still killing people, and our president has done a horribly insufficient job in mitigating that. "Better than the Republicans" is not the same thing as "good" or "effective." Biden's abysmal reaction to COVID-19 is part of why I'm so thrilled that the Uncommitted campaign for the Democratic primary has achieved some success. That particular campaign is focused on ceasefire in Palestine, but the People's CDC explained in a statement how Palestine is also very much a public health issue. We need to scare the bastard and actually do some of that "pushing him left" that people claimed they'd do after getting him elected. Though it seems to me like a lot of people just settled for, "okay, we got rid of Trump, we don't have to worry anymore."
Third: While I'm at it, people have to do more than vote. You have got to get involved. You have got to do more than participate in the presidential election once every four years. Join a union (may I recommend the IWW?), follow the guidance of The People's CDC, volunteer for your local Food Not Bombs, get involved in a tenants union like the Autonomous Tenants Union Network, read Riot Medicine, get trained in first aid and get involved in a street medic group, read up on your local politics and get involved on the small-scale, do something in addition to voting in the presidential election. Even if you're limited in how much you can personally participate, find the people who are talking about these issues and signal boost them, and share the information with others who may be more able to participate more. If you can tell people to go vote in the presidential election, you can also tell them to go do other things, too.
Now, with all of that out of the way, here are some links related to Biden's abysmal COVID-19 response:
During his 2020 campaign, Biden promised immediate $2K stimulus checks. Instead, he delivered $1,400. Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Velena Jones for NBC Bay Area: "‘Too expensive': Bay Area residents shocked over new COVID vaccine prices"
Reuters: "COVID vaccine manufacturers set list price between $120-$130 per dose"
Joseph Choi for The Hill: "Free COVID-19 test program to be suspended for now"
Disability activist Alice Wong writing for TeenVogue: "Covid Isn't Going Anywhere. Masking Up Could Save My Life," and the follow-up article, "COVID and the 2024 Election: What Biden and Democrats Owe High-Risk People."
Laura Weiss writing for The New Republic: "Democrats Can't Keep Ignoring Covid in 2024."
David Cohen and Adam Cancryn for Politico: "Biden on '60 Minutes': 'The Pandemic is Over.'"
Alex Skopic for Current Affairs: "COVID-19 is Still a Threat. So is Biden’s CDC."
Adam Cancryn for Politico: "Biden Appears to be Over Covid Protocols."
Paul Thornton for the Los Angeles Times: "Covid Still Rages, and the Biden Administration Isn't Helping."
Eric J. Topol for the Los Angeles Times: "The U.S. is facing the biggest COVID wave since Omicron. Why are we still playing make-believe?"
We should have free, universal testing. We should have free, universal vaccination. We should have free, universal treatment. We should have financial assistance for those of us who can't work outside the home. We should have mandated work-from-home for any job that can be done remotely. We should be emptying prisons and paying attention to the way disease and abuse proliferate inside their walls. We should have COVID-19 safety PSAs and government support for universal masking. We should have free distribution of N95s. We should have mandated masking in medical settings and public spaces. We should have a higher minimum wage. We should have healthcare reforms. We should have strong worker protections. We should have improved infrastructure. We should have a president who gives a single flying fuck about how many of us are dying.
And we have none of it.
But we sure seem to have money to keep dropping bombs, arming cops, terrorizing the vulnerable, and imprisoning innocent people to use for slave labor.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
Male Yandere Husband x Pregnant Female Stepford Wife Reader
(I don’t think you’ve done anything like this yet? So if not, think you can try?)
I want him to be a master manipulator, but really delusional in a loving/devoted sense. Believing that what he’s doing is for our best interest, as well as the baby’s. That includes confining us at home, always being with us 24/7 when we’re outside our home, etc. And generally getting us to be 100% dependent on him, (like we already weren’t heavily dependent on him before…)
Thank you!!! 💝
Yandere! Husband! Politician x Pregnant! Fem! Stepford! Wife! Reader
I got busy with University that I only got to write right now. I'm so tired lol
Journalism is... Something...
I had a hard time incorporating the yandere stuff with such a willing reader, but I tried LOL.
This one's only got two sections, since the both of you are married already, so it went straight to the yandere-ness.
But here ya go! Requests will be back on once more!
BTW, the master list is up now! It's my pinned post.
Yandere! Politician name: Maximus
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Just like his name, he was the greatest Politician out there. Whatever that means.
He's charming, intuitive, generous, kind, and compassionate.
Every election season, if you ask people who will they vote as a mayor or whatever position Maximus ran as, they'll say
"Isn't it obvious? Of course it's Maximus!"
So it didn't faze the people that he won whenever he ran.
As young as he is, he's always been active in the political sphere. From the student council, he's always been in the highest positions out there. Secretary, Vice President, and President.
Hell, if you ask him to do treasury, then he'll gladly accept and do it much better than the current treasurer or auditor. No specks, no crumbs, a clean liquidation sheet.
And when he graduated as the University president, local parties flocked towards him to invite him in their political party.
So many choices for the great Maximus.
After many days of researching and finding out the dirt, secrets, strengths, and weaknesses of each political party, he chose a party suited for the straight laced man.
That, and that you were there.
You were the unlisted assistant of your father, who was running as vice mayor, and is finding a mayor to be with.
This was perfect.
Maximus has always liked you.
Scratch that.
He always loved you.
You were the daughter of a well known governor inside your city. Pristine, shy, quiet, and always had a smile in your face, everyone back in school liked you. You were the epitome of etiquette and manners. If parents want somebody to compare to their child to belittle them, it would be you, little miss perfect.
Both of you live in a small city, almost a town size. So everyone knew each other, and you both lived in the same district.
it's just that he didn't fly under your radar from how busy he is.
Unlike your father, you never joined politics. You just sat there, studied, did some small knitting projects or sewing. Maybe even drawing if you felt like it.
At first, Maximus didn't really pay you any attention, until he heard your conversation with your friends.
"What? Seriously?"
"I am serious." Your melodious laugh echoed through the empty halls. It was already 5pm, and only a handful of students are left.
"But... That's so traditional lol."
"I know, but really. I just want to stay at home, serve my husband, take care of our kids... You know, the gist."
"But, you said you'll do Social work, Home eco, or culinary in Uni. So what's up with that?"
You just smiled at your friends until they said "oh..." in understanding.
Those courses can help develop your home rearing skills.
"I mean, sure. If you're happy with that." One of your friends finally broke the silence, followed by "meh's..." "eh..." and grunts of approval.
"Thank you for accepting for who I am." You smiled once more at them and they gave you an understanding grin.
Then and there, Maximus became curious about you.
Maximus also had a traditional way of thinking. Not all women, but his wife should just be staying pretty in his home, while taking care of their children...
He knew that only a small percentage of people would be open to that notion, and he was fine with it.
It did made him feel lonely sometimes. He's always dreamt of a domestic life, but the woman is always a faceless grey glob. He just can't see somebody in his life who would be willing to be like that.
So when he heard your conversation, that night in his dreams, he woke up sweating and confused when the faceless glob greeted him. But rather than the glob, it was you. Smiling with two children who looked like the exact perfect mix of the both of you.
"What the fuck..." He breathed out of his mouth, shaking his head.
Now, every night, his dreams were infiltrated with you.
And that started in highschool, all throughout University, up until you both graduated.
Your paths never crossed once more, since he's in AP classes most of the time, both of you were on different blocks in senior highschool despite having the same strand, and he chose Political Science in University while you did BS in Home Economics. But he always peeled his eyes for you. Dismissal, lunch, even breaks.
His friends teased him for having such a long time crush, and he just laughed and waved his hand.
And when the both of you graduated, he's about to confess his feelings when he saw you talking with a man, with eyes so wide and filled with adoration.
He felt his heart break.
He was numb, standing there and looking at you interact with the man who was smiling down at you with a ruffle on your hair.
He felt irrationally jealous.
Wait, him? Jealous?
He never felt jealous.
Did he?
He doesn't know anymore.
All he could see is you holding a bouquet of lilies and smelling it while the man hugged you.
He wants to rip the man limb from limb, desecrate his body, and feed it to the alligators.
Why is he wrapping his arms around you like that? He never heard you getting a boyfriend?
And he has a lot of connections to know.
Then he scoffed, like a breath of fresh air rushing into his lungs.
He needed a break.
When did he act like this? When did he become so...
He doesn't even know what it's called.
He's always been a good man. One that doesn't know anger, jealousy, possessiveness...
But what's this? Feelings that stirred inside him threatened to spill out.
So he ran away before it would get worse.
Years later, seeing your name in that certain partylist, he knew he had to join it. Just for a one sided closure he needed.
"Hello! You're Y/N right? You went to the same... School as me!" Maximus said, leaning his upper body to meet your face. His face soft, gentle, and mellow.
"O-oh! Hello sir Maximus! I knew we did, but I didn't know you knew me..." You shyly answered, your thumb brushing against the back of your other hand.
Maximus gulped.
He didn't realize how much he is missing you.
His eyes scanned towards your desk and his eyes widened a bit when he saw the man once more with you in a photo, but this time, with your father and mother.
So, with his trembling lips from the sudden hope bubbling inside him, he pointed.
"Is that your family?" He whispered and you nodded with a soft smile of adoration.
"Yes. I love them a lot." You said, caressing the photo. "That's my dad, mom, and my big brother."
"Oh! That's amazing. It's rare to see a tight knit family nowadays. I mean, families falling left and right, can't people just communicate and--" Maximus rambled, not even caring if the things he's saying is insensitive. He was just so happy that he actually has a chance to woo you.
"Is that so? I mean, my family had fallouts, and sometimes communication is not enough. Actions speak louder than words, of course." You said, carrying the conversation further.
Maximus grinned before taking a seat beside you and talking about deep, familial stuff. With him sprinkling hints of him being a traditional man.
You didn't miss the hints, evident from the blush forming on your cheeks and the shyness emanating from your words faltering.
And he found it adorable.
Once you both ran out of things to debate, he held your hand gently.
"Hey, y/n, what do you think about going on a date with me?"
The rest is history.
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"Darling, I'm home!" Maximus yelled once he got inside the mansion. "Today was a bit of a mess..."
Maximus heard an excited gasp and shuffling before he saw you waddling towards him, with a 7 month pregnant belly.
"Welcome home, darling." You greeted him with the smile he loves.
You took off his coat and hung it on the rack, before guiding him towards the kitchen.
"I helped cook today! The dinner for this night is lamb ch... Maximus?"
Maximus has a frown on his face, looking at you with such a disapproving look.
"Darling, why are you working in the kitchen?" He gently asked, caressing your belly. "You're pregnant, you need to rest always!"
You shrunk down a bit, sad.
"But I want to serve you again..."
Maximus' eyes softened at your words before giving you a loving kiss on your forehead.
"I know, darling. But that's what the chefs are for right? The servants too. I hired them to take care of you. Of us." He said, guiding you to the couch and gently sitting you down. "I don't want you getting tired. You're already being burdened by being pregnant and nurturing our child."
You nodded, easily swayed by his words.
"I know... Give me a kiss?" You asked, tilting your head up. He chuckled and gave you a soft peck.
"There. Now stay there, alright? We'll be eating here in the living room. You're already walking too much." Maximus said before hugging you and going to the kitchen.
Once he got to the kitchen, he grabbed a knife and threw it at the chef that was already cowering in the corner.
"Why did you let Y/N work?" He growled out, his eyes sharp, deadly, and authoritative.
Ever since you got married to Maximus, his protectiveness shot through the roof. He doesn't like it when he doesn't know where you are, he doesn't know when he doesn't know what you are doing, he doesn't like it if you talked to people he doesn't know personally.
He installed cameras, mics, and planted people around you that he knew he can scare into submission.
Especially now you're pregnant, he's making sure you always stayed beside him.
When did he become so twisted, from the nice, generous, and kind politician, to something like... Him?
"S-sir, the madam insisted on cooking for you!" The chef trembled out.
You were a rare type of woman who was so open to just being at home, and be the wife he needed to see every time he goes home.
He can't let you go.
Maximus sneered and bit his nail, eyes sharp with thoughts.
"I need to drill in more thoughts into her pretty head..." Maximus grumbled.
You were already so willing just being inside the mansion, and so open to his manipulation that you weren't aware of.
He told you that you don't need to go out, that the world was a scary place for a wife like you. And that whenever you go out, you needed to be by his side.
He's already working so hard serving the city, and serving you is a bonus, and a privilege.
He's so occupied with taking care of the place both of you growing up, yet had the time, love, affection, and care to single you out and shower you with his attention. Why would you need to do anything other than serving him as his wife? That's blasphemy, and selfish.
He drilled that in your mind.
And you were so accepting of the fact too.
"If she insisted on helping in the kitchen once more, tell her 'what would sir think?', okay?" He spat out at the poor chef before suddenly smiling. "Don't tell anybody this, or else your family gets it."
He walked away with a triumphant smile and grabbed the food from the counter.
He walked towards you, and saw you scratching your cheek softly confused and scared, almost.
"What's wrong, darling?" Maximus asked, worry etched on his face as he sat down beside you.
"Oh, uh, I just..." You gave him your phone, which was ringing with the number of the exclusive nursery room designer he hired. "C-can you talk to him? I don't know what to do..."
Maximus shivered, seeing you so dependent on him.
Clueless on what to do, on what to say.
He smiled before taking the call for you, with his hand holding yours.
You didn't even start eating yet, waiting for his words to start.
His cute little wife can't even eat by herself.
How... perfect.
This was his perfect life.
With the perfect wife.
And he'll be damned if he didn't protect this.
If he didn't protect you.
So just be swayed with his words and put yourself in his palm.
He will make sure you are well taken care of, and that your pretty little brain will not hurt from thinking too much.
That's a promise.
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I've been feeling climate anxiety lately. I think it's really necessary to change everything and progress towards a postcapitalist future that doesn't endanger our planet, our Pachamama. But I don't see how that will be possible. What do you think about this?
Hiya, thanks for getting in touch and sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I get a lot of asks like this so I think I might make this another masterpost. Here’s climate anxiety solutions according to me:
1) Accept your feelings. Recognise that fear, grief, rage and despair are all normal, healthy, human reactions to paying actual attention to what is being done to our planet right now. You aren’t wrong or sick or overreacting by feeling them. Sit with the emotions, allow them to wash over you, cry, smash plates, punch a pillow, journal, write poetry, yell at the news, scream in the woods! Trying to repress these feelings will just make them harder to deal with.
2) Recognise that the paralysis of climate anxiety is not a good place from which to make a difference. Try to let horror, guilt and self-blame go, and lean into the love for people and planet that motivates all eco-anxiety. Start consuming good news stories and keying into activist spaces so that you can learn how others are claiming agency to fight this problem, and how you can emulate that. Remember that despair absolves you of responsibility and that true solidarity with the most affected means letting your emotions drive you towards action.
4) Educate yourself through reading, listening to podcasts, attending talks, seeking advice from elders, and more - whatever works for your particular life and circumstances. The more informed you are about these issues the more you’ll feel able to address them.
3) Make as many changes as you can in your personal life. Are you eating a high-carbon diet? Try to reduce that. Are you consuming a lot of water or energy resources? Look for green and low-intensity alternatives. Examine your transport habits and prioritise walking, cycling, trains, low or zero emission buses, sailing, and replacing longer-haul journeys with remote options. If you live in a throwaway culture, try to prioritise reuse and repair over consumption. Consider how your livelihood impacts the planet, and if it’s negatively and making change is possible for you, start the process of moving towards an occupation that lets you make a more positive difference.
4) Fight! Join a campaign group, write to your elected officials, attend a protest, donate money to causes if you can, commit civil disobedience if you feel willing and able. Put pressure on governments, businesses and the public to change their ways.
5) Prioritise joy and connection. Spend time in nature, watching animals or foraging for plants or swimming or walking or just letting it all wash over you. Link up with other people to talk through your worries, go hiking, lobby for climate justice, safeguard ecosystems and pass down your local heritage. Sometimes, take a day or two to check out of all these issues and problems and just spend time drawing, cooking, playing games with loved ones, or whatever it is that relaxes you. There are enough of us that you can take the time to avoid burnout.
I hope some of this was helpful, and do please get back in touch if you have any other questions or queries. You’re part of a huge global community of people who love and revere the earth and want to build a better future for all life upon her. Hold onto that.
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ancientstone · 5 months
Okay Brits I need you to start paying attention.
We are likely in a General Election year.
We are going to be voting which political party we want to govern us the next five years. As of yet we don't have a date (the latest it could be held is January 2025, though it's probably going to be in 2024), but you need to start listening to what's going on so you can be ready and make an informed choice.
In the last General Election, the turnout was 67.3% across the UK. People often say they didn't vote because they didn't understand the politics or "they're all the same anyway."
When a General Election is called, Polling Day will be 25 days later. If you're working, busy, or just have life stuff happening, you may not have time to do the research you want. This is why it's important to start doing things now.
1. Are you Registered to Vote?
You can register to vote here.
You can check if you're registered by going here.
You must 18 or over on Polling Day to vote in a General Election.
You must also be one of the following:
A British, Irish, or qualifying Commonwealth citizen. (You can check here if you're a qualifying Commonwealth citizen)
Be resident at an address in the UK (or a British citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years)
Not be legally excluded from voting
According to the website, while registering, "You’ll be asked for your National Insurance number (but you can still register if you do not have one). After you’ve registered, your name and address will appear on the electoral register."
There is also an option to register to vote anonymously "if you're concerned about your name and address appearing on the electoral register for safety reasons." The link to that page is here.
You can register to vote by post by going here and printing out the forms.
If you would like a step-by-step guide to registering to vote, here is a page that has a pdf doing just that. It is also available in Welsh.
2. Get a Photo ID
We now need to show a photo ID when turning up to the polls.
Here is a list of valid forms of photo ID.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get a valid ID, otherwise you will be turned away from the polling station.
If you vote by proxy, you need to "take your own ID when you go to vote on someone else’s behalf. You do not need to take theirs."
According to the website, "The name on your ID must match your name on the electoral register. If it does not, you’ll need to:
register to vote again with your new details
take a document with you to vote that proves you’ve changed your name (for example, a marriage certificate)
Small differences do not matter. For example, if your ID says ‘Jim Smith’ instead of ‘James Smith’.
If you do not have a type of photo ID that allows you to vote, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate."
3. You need to apply to vote by post
You can apply here.
You need to be registered before applying.
To apply you need:
"The address where you are registered to vote
Your National Insurance number or other identity documents, e.g. a passport
the specific date of the election or referendum you want to make a postal vote, if you only want a one-off postal vote
You’ll also need to upload a photo of your handwritten signature in black ink on plain white paper.
If you cannot provide a signature or one that always looks the same, you may be able to apply for a postal vote signature waiver within the service.
You might be asked for extra documents to identify you."
The linked page has an option for downloading an application form to send in by post.
4. Start Researching!
Think back to the last few years.
What did you like, and who did them? What about the opposite?
Is there something local happening in your area, and who is pushing for/against it?
Look up the parties' social media - what do they promote, promise, and call out?
Here are some resources:
An overview of the political parties
BBC News page for current politics
How many MPs are in which parties
Information on General Elections/when ours will likely be held
The other key political events in 2024
General info around voting, elections, boundary changes, etc.
2024 Will likely be the year the UK votes for the next political party in charge.
You need to register to vote.
You need a photo ID to take with you.
You need to apply to vote by post.
The best time to start looking into the parties and what they do is now, so you can be informed later on.
The rest of the world is welcome to share this!
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rebornologist · 4 months
Gosh, do you know how much your works are valued??? I hope you do since for some, especially me, these works have been the only thing fueling my ten year long love for khr~ Anyways is it OK to request for college and romantic headcanons of Giotto?
♡♡ hiii dear! Thank you so much for your kind words. If you don't mind, I've just compiled all of my Giotto HC reqs instead of making multiple posts, since there is a (variable) amount of overlap between them.
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♡ Giotto in College & in Love ✧
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༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ ⁺˳₊ ♡ ₊˳⁺ ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
Giotto was not particularly outspoken in class settings, but he was a fine student and fairly active and keen to engage with the local community. He went in undeclared and eventually settled into political science because it was simply what interested him, in addition to a lot of philosophy and some studio art electives. He’s a good writer, and can whip up a crazy effective grant proposal. He enjoys creating things with his hands, such as pottery, forging simple metal jewelry (namely rings), and painting. As he got caught up with work more, he got less and less time for those creative hobbies.
He participated in a lot of direct action groups on campus and ran for some position in the legislative branch of the associated student government. He had a group of close friends that included G and Cozart, and the group would be found floating around, sitting on grass in the quad or in the student community building’s meeting rooms, discussing various things that may or may not be related to student gov.
Giotto is a pretty hopeless romantic, in the way that.. he has a tendency to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, firmly believing in the good of humanity. While he romanticizes the grind, his partner would likely be the one that reminds him to take a step back and rest. He’s surrounded by people with big hopes and dreams, as he should, but it can be a little too inspiring. He’ll lose a lot of sleep because he spends time thinking about the good and the bad and the ugly and the beautiful.
His partner is always there to listen to him ramble about his hopes and dreams, but they’re also there to ground him, remind him to pay attention to them, to get ready for bed, snuggle up, meditate, literally anything to take his mind off of what his next move is. Sometimes, the next move should just be.. nothing, for now.
They remind him that they want to go into the ceramics studio next week, and he pauses. His breath is held still in his chest as the constantly turning gears slow almost to a stop, and he takes a moment to process before he exhales audibly, with a soft smile “...it’s been a while, huh?”
Initially, he was very formal in the way that he pursued his s/o-to-be. They started as colleagues or friends, and something about them just.. caught his eye. For being such a well-spoken man, he cannot put to words what exactly made him feel so strongly about them, but he feels it very viscerally. He opens doors for them, bringing them tea and coffee, gifting them a little painting or a handmade mug, before finally mustering the courage to ask them out to dinner with a whole ass bouquet of flowers.
I don’t see him as anything but a friends-to-lovers type of man. Even on a first date, the dialogue and banter flow as usual, and there is a natural chemistry on top of their preexisting friendship. He tries his best to pace himself in terms of what is considered a “natural” progression of the relationship, but it’s almost as if he knows that he’s all-in with his partner from the get-go. His loyalty and devotion is unmatched.
One time, as a joke, his partner referred to him as their husband. He malfunctioned right then and there. If he had a tail, it would have been wagging. He laughs it off in front of his friends, as if that was a regular occurrence. Afterwards, on the way home, he hits them with the “Do you really think of me like that?” silence… 30 seconds later, he speaks up again as he is driving, “Hypothetically, when do you think is a good time to get married?” It’s adorable. It does become a regular occurrence after that.
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I have written a bit on this before, so ngl.. idk what other bases.. to cover
He’s confident, but he doesn’t have a huge ego. The times where he feels most egotistical, actually, is when his partner is so painfully attracted to him. He’ll catch them gawking at his hands as he adjusts his watch and jewelry, and a playful smile dances across his features, golden eyes twinkling with mirth.
“Like what you see, dear?” He fans his fingers out, displaying the rings on his finger, before flipping his palm upward and gesturing salaciously for his love to come closer.
Is really sweet and enjoys teasing and worshiping every inch of his lover, just so that he can take note of every reaction. He’ll notice every little gasp, every flinch, twitch, whimper, etc. He loves a vocal partner.
Sex is something that he enjoys taking his time with, so if there’s something that you want to leverage to pull him away from his work, that might be it. He tries really hard to stick to his scheduled activities, but he doesn’t mind getting distracted by his s/o for longer than planned. At some point, he starts to account for that when he plans for the day or the week.
It’s really funny when he hits them up with the, “hey babe… my sweet.. angel, darling… I know that we have our date tomorrow afternoon, but.. I have a meeting that evening..” his s/o knows exactly what’s coming, “are you available to.. start earlier so that we can have more time together?” UM YES.
Is not particularly kinky himself, but super open minded to trying out anything that his partner may be into. He loves to please, so he’ll definitely at least be open to hearing about any fantasies they would want to fulfill. Some things are off the table, he’s not a huge fan of play that revolves around non-consent because he’s kind of.. a softie through and through, but he dabbles in praise, gentle degradation, being a pleasure dom, etc.
He’s a little more interested in group play than you’d expect, because he’s fairly romantically monogamous, but if a partner asked to bring other people into a sexual scenario, he’d be like, “oh.. oh, yeah.. are you thinking of [redacted]?” IDUNNO Y/N ARE YOU?!?!
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✧ a/n: rb with who u think redacted is
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solarpunkcast · 7 months
I'm sorry if this comes across as ignorant, but I'm very genuinely asking. I see a lot of (justified) criticism of the idea that voting Democrat in the upcoming USAmerican elections will help anything, but as a very inexperienced leftist, I'm somewhat at a loss for what to do otherwise.
I certainly don't want to vote for pro-genocide Joe Biden, but what's the better option? Vote third party? Not vote at all? I know that elections aren't going to fix anything on their own, but they still happen regardless, and you have to make a choice of what to do about them.
the only voting that won't feel like dipping my hands in blood is local, and those elections are something to legitimately pay attention to since they include school board elections (on top of being, you know, where you fuckin live).
but local elections aren't what the VoteBlue crowd try to guilt you into! and outside of telling other people to pay attention to their own local voting, you getting involved in local voting is mostly going to be offline and/or geofenced to your district.
if I do vote federally again, it would have to be for someone who doesn't support genocide. period. "Voting" as an institution might be A Right, but GIVING your vote is a PRIVILEGE that a candidate has to work for in order to receive.
you do not owe anyone your vote period. withholding your vote is a legitimate option and choice. anyone who wants to believe in electoralism must accept this reality.
and one more time: a party who supports genocide overseas is not actually interested in saving you.
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hagoftheholler · 2 years
The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade, taking away our rights to bodily autonomy and privacy, and Oklahoma v Castro-Huerta (which was only active for 2 years), attacking tribal sovereignty.
They also ruled with Engel v Vitale that teachers, coaches and other school staff can lead prayers in school (which is essentially giving them the right to force children towards a culturally & religiously Christian direction, regardless of the child's family's religious beliefs).
Not to mention that a Tennessee court rejected a lawsuit filed by a Jewish couple; which was about how they were discriminated against and rejected from fostering children because they are Jewish.
AND now cops are no longer required to recite your Miranda Rights to you when you're being arrested.
They have openly expressed the potential to go after the following rulings next:
Indian Child Welfare Act - the ruling that protects Indigenous children and keeps them with their families/tribes
Griswold v Connecticut - the ruling that allows married folk the right to contraceptives (birth control, condoms, etc)
Obergefell v Hodges - the right for those who are the same s*x to marry
Lawrence v Texas - literally your right to privacy in the bedroom, if you catch my drift
Moore v Harper - your literal fucking right to DEMOCRACY
Everybody is affected by these. Every single one of you who lives in America. This country is quickly heading in the direction of fascism. Everybody needs to start fighting back because regardless of your "beliefs", your fucking rights as a human being are being violated.
If you're physically able, get out there and take part in a protest. Keep sharing information and links to resources (do not fucking let these things stop "tending"- people need to stay informed). Contact your state's representatives. Pay attention to your local and state elections. Fucking run for one, if you are able.
The following are resources on these matters. If y'all have any more links to petitions, fundraisers and other informative posts feel free to reblog with links.
Linktree to various petitions and funds you can donate to
Petition for the Senate to pass the Equality Act
Abortion Medication by mail
Understanding Abortion & Pregnancy from a Biology Perspective
Doctors willing to Sterilize AFAB
Protest Safety Tips for Activists
What are your Miranda Rights?
And for those of you going out to protest, especially look at your Miranda Rights and the Protest Safety Tips. Don't talk to cops without a lawyer present. Change your phone's setting to unlock with a password or pin (cops are more than willing to take your phone and unlock it with your face or finger print). Wear black to protests (the more people that wear the same color, the less identifiable you are). Wear sleeves and a face mask to hide anything that would identify you (and to protect your skin).
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robertreich · 2 years
The One Thing to Know Before You Vote
Many of the biggest issues affecting our day-to-day lives are determined by state and local officials who are running for office down here — as well as ballot measures.
But these races at the bottom of the ballot often receive less attention — and fewer votes — than federal positions that appear at the top of your ballot.
Why? Well many people who vote simply don't fill out their entire ballot. It's a serious issue.
And I get it. I mean, how can you be expected to know what a comptroller does? Does anyone really know?
And you may not be familiar with all of the other names you see on your ballot.
But these state and local government officials are going to be vital for holding on to what we have –– protecting many of the rights that extremist Republicans in Washington and the Supreme Court are actively trying to erode.
Down ballot races are also critical if we want to advance progressive changes at the state level –– like raising the minimum wage, instituting ranked choice voting, inscribing abortion rights into state constitutions, expanding Medicaid, protecting trans youth, making public higher education more affordable. All of these become possible when we pay attention to down ballot races.
Control of many state legislatures is often determined down here — by a handful of races that can swing in either direction based on a relatively small number of votes.
Republicans have been focused on state and local races for decades — especially when it comes to funding them.
It’s long past time for the Democratic Party to do the same.
On top of that, ballot roll-off — a phenomenon where people vote for top-of-ticket candidates but then don’t vote for down ballot offices — has been a huge problem for Democrats as of late in key battleground states.
A recent analysis of presidential election results from 10 swing states dating back to 2012 showed that in contested races, the Democratic presidential nominee at the top of the ticket received more votes 87% of the time compared to Democratic state legislative candidates at the bottom of the ballot.
On the flip side, the Republican nominee for president received more votes than Republican state legislative candidates just 45% of the time.
Folks, it’s not enough to just vote for President — or even Governor — and call it a day. As we have seen, the consequences of doing so are enormous.
So here are a few things you can do to get prepared to vote down-ballot.
Get your ballot early — request a sample ballot from your local election office. Take it home and familiarize yourself with it.
Next, research ALL down ballot candidates. There are some great organizations to guide you — Sister District, The States Project, Bolts Magazine, and People’s Action are just a few. I’ve linked to them below, but feel free to leave a comment with other local resources you’ve found helpful.
Lastly, connect with your friends and share this information. Get them to vote down-ballot, too. Research shows that texting a friend about voting increases turnout.
We don’t win overnight. We win by connecting with our communities. Paying attention to candidates up and down the ballot — even organizing for them.
When it comes to power in America, remember to vote for the little folks down at the bottom of your ballot.
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Things to Know Before You Vote
Disclaimer: As you can probably tell by my blog name, I'm a right winger. I vote Republican or Libertarian and I've only voted for a Democrat once when I was 18 and I still regret it to this day. But the information I'm providing in this post is an unbiased as I can make it. I want this to be a general guide so people can make as informed a decision as possible when they go to vote. If you don't believe me, read the post for yourself and decide.
Things to Know Before You Vote
First, check out a sample ballot to familiarize yourself with the candidates running and the issues up for consideration. Pay special attention to the names down ballot, and extra special attention to the ones without a party affiliation. Sample ballots can be difficult to find, so it might take a little work. For example, I live in Ohio, so what I do is go to the Ohio Secretary of State website, click on my county, put my name in, and it will give me a downloadable PDF of my ballot. This will be the same ballot you get when you go to vote. I said it before, but it needs to be repeated, pay special attention to the candidates with no party affiliation. These are usually for judge spots, and those are super important. You can't just vote for the one with the name you like. Bad judges can ruin your district. When you see these candidates, you need to look up who they are. You can do that by putting their name, along with the position they're running for, into a search engine. Or you can try a website like Ballotpedia that collects election information, but those sites don't always have every candidate listed. More on Ballotpedia after the break, but for now let's talk about what happens if you can't find a listed party for a candidate. Sometimes you can't, but that's okay. Pretty much every candidate will tell on themselves. Just look up who endorsed them, which they will usually have on their websites, or it can be found through searching. If they're endorsed by a bunch of Democrats, chances are they're a Democrat, and vice versa. They'll also usually state their positions on issues somewhere, or in the case of an active judge, you can find how they ruled on cases with some more searching. Both of those are more important than party affiliation, especially if they were unopposed in the primaries. Once you know who you want to vote for, write their names down and take that paper with you to the polls. It's not illegal to look at a piece of paper while you're voting. It is illegal to campaign within 500 feet of a polling place though, so don't pass that paper around inside the building, or you might be in trouble, depending on how strict they want to be.
Now, I know searching each name on your own is really tedious, so let's talk about aggregates.
I'm going to use Ballotpedia for this post. They seem to be mostly non-biased, and I used them for my last local election and it was a great help. But if you have a preferred alternative, feel free to use that instead.
It's easy to use Ballotpedia to find candidates in your area. On Ballotpedia the "sample ballot" isn't really a sample ballot like the one you get if you followed my advice earlier. It's a list of the issues on your ballot and the candidates running in most of the races, but not all. You can click on the issues and the candidates and find information on who they are, what they support, what they've done previously in and out of politics, who they ran against in the primaries, how many votes they received, etc. You can read brief summaries of the issues, along with the exact text that's up for a vote, and you'll usually see a short summary of what supporters and detractors have to say about it, complete with actual quotes. You can also see a lot of info on how your district voted in the last election, and some other interesting stuff. They try to present both sides of the issues, but as always research further if something seems off to you. Candidate pages are usually decently detailed, with links to each candidates website and social media (if they exist) so you can read what they post for yourself.
I can't stress enough how important it is to know who you're voting for. Don't just blindly vote, or assume you know what a candidate supports. I know it's work, and I know it's boring, but you'll feel great when you show up and know you're making an informed decision. Especially in local elections. Those can be decided by the smallest number of votes between winners and can have lasting consequences not only for your town, but for you directly. Vote wisely.
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keefechambers · 2 years
i was hoping to have a piece for work done for this but tumblr hates links anyway so i'll just get on my soapbox without the full force of local journalism on my side i guess
anyway there's a demonstrated, organized, concentrated effort by right wing political groups masquerading as concerned parent groups to overrun municipal and local elections for things like school board candidates
yeah, you know those right wing parents complaining about gender queer and lawn boy and the existence of gay people in a classroom setting? it's absolutely an organized, funded republican psyop
they're trying to flip shit red at the local level in even the bluest areas and they'll succeed a lot of the time because people do not pay attention to local elections
regardless of your own (earned) cynicism about broader federal elections and how much good they do or do not do, not voting is not the solution. i understand the burn out of hearing from out of touch liberals whose only solution ever seems to be saying "vote" and then doing nothing when elected, but here's the thing -- voting is a solution in tandem with other solutions, not just the be all end all.
all that to say: while your life may not drastically change based on who wins your state's senate seat or who is in your house of representatives, it WILL drastically change if your entire city counsel or all of your county commissioners are now suddenly Christian nationalist/Qanon/culture war crusaders.
Elected positions like judge, sheriff, school board members, board of elections members, etc. are elections that people pay absolutely no attention to but actually have some kind of foundational impact on your day to day lives. These elections can be decided by margins of dozens of votes and when bad actors are in the background drumming up controversy and support based on anti-LGBTQ or anti-immigrant hysteria or even just straight up conspiracism (QAnon adherents are targeting secretary of state positions), it can and will affect people.
So yeah, go out and vote. but hone in on those smaller local elections too. sweeping federal change might be difficult to get in the short term, but your cities could be harmed in the short term because the fact is that the right wing is better organized and more unified in their intentions than anyone from the center over and that gives them an advantage in smaller races.
pay attention to who is running for your city council and your local school board. tell your friends and family, too. seriously!
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lakecountylibrary · 11 months
Howdy! I live the area and want to know how to best support your library right now amidst all the book bannings and political suppression of library resources nationwide. Other than checking out books and stuff, how best can people support their libraries?
What a lovely question. Thank you for asking.
Of course using the library as you mention is important! But other than that I'm happy to say it's pretty simple. Here are our four top suggestions:
1: Tell your friends how great the library is. It can be as simple as posting your book haul to your blog, wearing a pro-library pin, pestering helping all of your friends and family get library cards, or using the swag we hand out at Farmer's Markets: just little day to day things that spread the word about why libraries are great.
We call this advocating for the library and what it does is build up a strong wall of positive feelings about the library in peoples' minds that can stand up to whatever insidious lies book banners come up with.
If you want to get really extra about it you could write to your local politicians (especially the ones who appoint library board members) or newspapers just singing the library's praises - it's rare for politicians in particular to hear about us unless there's a problem and getting in with some positivity while things are quiet could influence them when things get loud.
2: Pay attention to your library. You, my wonderful anon, have obviously already got this one down, but for the folks in the back - when the beacons are lit and the library calls for aid, we need everyone to answer.
Find out how your local library communicates and tune in. That may mean subscribing to their email newsletter or following them on social media - wherever they're talking, go there and listen. What you've heard about happening in other states can easily happen in yours and this is how you'll know exactly what your library needs when the time comes.
3: Vote in your local elections! Library boards are appointed by elected officials (for example, ours is appointed by various school boards, the Lake County Commissioners, and the Lake County Council). If you want a board that will defend readers against book bans, vote accordingly when the time comes.
4: Say nice things to your librarians, in writing if possible. Are there comment cards at your local library? Fill one out. Is there an online form? (Ours is called Ask a Librarian but it's for comments too!) Submit one telling us about something we're doing right.
Tell us how much you love the last event you went to, or how thrilled you were to find a certain book on our shelves, or how much you liked that Pride Month display. I don't care how small it is, if it made you happy we want to hear it.
These kinds of things are lovely to receive and a huge morale booster - and they are also direct, quantifiable evidence that we WILL print out and stack up in front of the board of trustees, politicians, the local news, the pope and/or Dolly Parton. As needed.
Those are our top tips! They seem suspiciously easy, right? Don't underestimate how helpful they are - and how helpful YOU are.
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linddzz · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
House Democrats to Vote on Codifying Same Sex and Interracial Marriage to Force All Lawmakers to Go On Record
Pay attention to how your representatives vote on this. See who votes against or who decides not to vote. Midterms are coming up and are honestly more important than who is president IMO.
If you're not morally fully against voting (I'm not gonna get into that argument on this post, this isn't for that), remember this for midterms. Honestly midterm elections are more important than the President. If you don't like voting for Congressional and Senate seats, look down ballot at your local elections, those are the ones that far right people have been showing up for for years and have a much more immediate effect on your community.
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See this is why I can't stand default liberals.
Fact is looking at things HONESTLY what do we see?
A man that has not been charged with anything. And you can say "OH WELL HE'S BEEN INDICTED". Ok? You can Indict a ham sandwich. What's your point?
Fact is States rights matter yes. But they do NOT supercede the US Federal Constitution. Especially not for a Federal Election. ESPECIALLY not when the person in question has not been charged with anything. And now SCOTUS has more or less decided to take the case as we knew they would. And it's very likely that end up being the case that the 14th does NOT in fact include the President.
Because let's be honest for a moment. Dems do NOT know what it would mean if they could just take Trump off the ballot for no reason without charge. That precedent? That would mean that Rep run states could take off Joe Biden. Why? Well because he has sold us out to China and other foreign nations, and has accepted bribes from other countries, in order to keep getting money through his son.
If you ask me, that might as well be considered insurrection. AND that's not also including letting wave after wave of people swarm this country ILLEGALLY, and then using our tax dollars to give them housing, food, and an allowance. When we can't even take care of our own homeless or poor. Hell that's more than insurrection. That's TREASON. So all red states or states that are purple but headed by Red politicians should strip Biden off the ballot. Oh would that bother you? Why?
No one has any proof at all that Trump was associated with the rather small scale riot. Other than, "I believe that he did it because I hate him". Trump would have never allowed it for 2 reasons.
It would make him look bad and make him look weak
Them doing what they did means they were not paying attention to him. And given that he loves attention, my guess is that he is pissed people ignored him.
This ALSO not counting the fact that he explicitly said be peaceful and ALSO ALSO said that the Reps are the party of law and order. That is not a "Go raid the capital". And unarmed no less.
Fact is and remains. This is not a states rights issue. And states rights DO NOT come before the Constitution. Because if they did, then California could ban free speech, implement slavery, and ban guns. But because we are FOUNDED on those documents, they can't just ignore them. What's more, again, this is in regards to a federal election. Not a local election. Meaning if any state strips a candidate off at all, they are actually in violation of the law. And could be considered meddling in elections. The POINT of the 14th amendment was not for the president. It was to ensure that no issues arose for state electorates. Because those are NOT federally elected. They are locally elected.
And even supposing that a local politician DID get pinned with this, they'd have to be found guilty by a court of doing so before they could even be removed. If not, then it would stand to reason any opposition at any point could accuse the other side of having "Committed Insurrection" and then the courts, who'd side with the ruling party, could just go, "Yup". And have the other party removed. Making their state effectively a fascist regime under monopoly rule. And you think that's all well and good......right up until infiltrators come in and flip the script. Then you're the ones that'll get f*cked in the end.
Think logically about sh*t. Because when you don't you end up shooting yourself in the foot, and then you blame everyone else BUT yourself. And it's frankly pathetic.
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baronfulmen · 5 months
Why do you keep saying that I can't vote third party?
I get this question every time I try to talk about the presidential election, and it seems like a lot of people don't understand so:
You ABSOLUTELY CAN elect third-party candidates in local elections, and in fact local elections are where you want to focus your efforts if your goal is actual change. That's where it starts, that's where you have more power and influence, PLEASE everyone stop only talking about the presidential election. With that out of the way...
Yes, voting 3rd party for the presidential election is pointless and always will be.
(Unless we make big changes to the system itself, which the people in charge don't want because then they might not be in charge anymore.) Our political system, as it currently exists, can't support a third party. You win the presidency by getting 270 electoral votes, and if nobody gets enough the House of Representatives gets to pick the president. They will not pick some third party candidate.
So if you (for example) start a new party that appeals to the far left, they won't get enough to win since most of the country isn't like Tumblr and wouldn't vote for a far left party. They will also pull voters almost entirely from the Democratic party, guaranteeing a Republican win.
So what do you do instead?
You PAY MORE ATTENTION TO LOCAL ELECTIONS! Pack Congress with better politicians. The above two party restriction could be fixed in a couple ways (probably the most straightforward would be ranked choice voting) but that's not going to happen in a vacuum - you need to start change locally and force policy in the direction you want to see. The presidential election doesn't do that. It never has, and never will.
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greypetrel · 9 months
☼for all your kiddos! :]
Hello there! :D Thanks for asking, this has been fun!
Tis the prompt list
☼ - appearance headcanon
Alyra: Appearance is but another type of armour, and she likes pretty things, borderline on being vain. She totally can live without it, but she likes dressing up, fancy dresses and long gowns. Her favourite part about herself is her hair, she likes the colour very much. When she was with the clan, she never let it grow past her shoulders for practical reason, but the moment she settles down in Amaranthine and realizes she has time and the occasion... She'll go for a trim every once in a while and let it grow, and she'll start to sport more and more complex crowns of braids. How much time does she spend on it? Not important, don't worry about it, her morning routine is as methodical as her ruling.
Raina: She has mild gender dismorphia when she wears skirts. Her teen years were miserable because Leandra insisted on her dressing feminine and keeping her hair long. When she was 19 she chopped it all off after a quarrel, and when she discovered that her mother didn't disown her, she never looked back. She's pretty good at cutting hair, actually (she won't pay for an hairdresser). As for clothes, she likes to dress up every once in a while, will love how she looks in your our-world Regency fashion. Her wardrobe has a strict palette of black, white and red. She started to wear kajal on her eyes after she started spending more time with Isabela. She made her up for fun once, Raina liked herself in it and kept the habit, knows how to do a cat eye on herself and others, and quite enjoys lipstick. In a modern world she'll hate foundation with a passion, tho.
Garrett: He pays a lot of mind on his physical appearance. In a modern world, he'll be your local gym guy, who'll wake up at 5 am to get to the gym before work. He never skipped an arm day and it shows. Fenris likes this element. His body is a temple and he'll care very much for it. Elected best Beard in Kirkwall 9:36 (and best beard in Skyhold 9:41, Aisling -the jury- was tipsy when she said it but he'll take it as an official victory and brag about it). He pays considerably less attention on his clothing. He is the kind of person who'll buy the garment he likes 10 times, and get on with his life, so he doesn't have to think about what to wear too much. He would define it as a capsule wardrobe, Raina will define it as having an uniform like Donald Duck.
Aisling: She doesn't understand fashion, Josie tried to explain it to her, but it all entered one ear and ran out from the other. She likes dressing fancily, every once in a while. In the Inquisition she discovered that she likes skirts and dresses, but she will unironically say that shoes are an evil way to oppress people and will fail to comprehend the exact purpose of socks ("Why would you wear shoes if you need a garment to protect your feet from them? WHY?"). She cares much more for practicality than for aesthetic, but will only wear coloured garments if she can choose. She doesn't like black for wearing, and white even less because it will get dirty too quickly. She's very good at braiding hair, loves braiding other people's hair and for other people to braid hers.
Radha: She has a magpie brain and likes shiny things a lot. She loves jewelry, necklaces and earrings in particular. When she wore her hair long, she loved to braid baubles into it. Little trinkets of metal or shells. Nonetheless, she has a love/hate relationship with her hair: it's curly and soft, she'll take great care of it and treat it often with olive oil to keep it nourished and shiny, since curls are dry. She always smells like olive oil, as a consequence. But, she is annoyed by it, she hates when it gets in her eyes, how it gets poofy when it rains, how she can't comb it without soaking it. She loved when she wore it long and she and Aisling made turns to braid each other's hair, but she's really more comfortable with it being short. She won't go out in the morning without make up on. Always a thick line of kajal on her eyes, she perfectioned the cat eye technique, and loves a good rouge on her lips.
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