#glee 3-2-1 prompt challenge
mellyssageversee · 1 month
Eclipsed - Chapter 2
ZoLu/LuZo AU (Sun God Nika)
Summary: Sun God Nika is accused of a crime he did not commit. Nika goes into hiding to avoid being hunted by other Gods who wish to have him replaced. This inadvertently plunges the world into darkness, triggering an ice age. Only one human has faith that Nika will return the Sun.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Zoro released a content sigh, relishing the warmth that enveloped him as he lay on the familiar soil of Isshen Dojo’s garden. Basking in the sunlight, a smile graced the swordsman’s face. It had been so long that Zoro nearly forgot the sensation of the warm earth against his skin. Despite his closed eyes, Zoro sensed someone at his side.
“I knew I’d find you here…” Kuina’s teasing voice echoed above Zoro, prompting a subtle stir. “Come on, lazy bones. It’s time to wake up! Wake up!”
Zoro attempted to open his eyes, but found the task challenging. The warmth was too inviting, too comfortable.
“Wake up!”
Zoro furrowed his eyebrows. The voice had changed. That wasn’t Kuina’s voice…
“Do you usually sleep this loooong?!” The voice whined.
Zoro slowly blinked open his eyes. A blinding light from above cast a glare across his vision. He could barely make out a childishly wide grin that reminded him of his friend.
“Finally!” The unexpected stranger bounced up happily, his fists raised over his head victoriously, as if Zoro's awakening was a great feat. The stranger turned his attention back to Zoro, his wide smile never faltering. Zoro, feeling petrified in the spot he lay, noticed the stranger's bright, glowing red eyes and white hair that danced like fire. As his disoriented gaze wandered, he realized he was in a surprisingly warm cave, the surroundings unfamiliar and surreal to him.
“All I can say is: Wow! I’m surprised that there is a human that actually still likes me!” Nika’s beaming smile seemed to intensify his light. The sight of such genuine glee had become foreign to Zoro. To see another full of such joy made his heart involuntarily quicken. “So! Who do I have the honor of thanking for sticking up for me back there?”
Zoro sat up cautiously. His mind raced to catch up with what was happening. A God was there before him. Not just any God. Nika! The one who had been missing for months. The one with the power to return light to their dark world was sitting before him, tilting his head in an inquisitive manner. His red eyes bright with curiosity. For a moment, Zoro wondered if he was dead. How else could he explain this encounter? The last thing he remembered was falling into the snow. Did he freeze to death?! No, he’d know right away if he had died…
“You have a funny look on your face. Most of you mortals seem to get this way when meeting me.” Nika sat down and reached forward to pinch Zoro’s cheek, as if trying to encourage Zoro to change his expression. Zoro couldn’t help but notice how warm the God’s touch was. “You don’t have to get so serious! All I’m asking is for your name.”
Despite Nika’s encouraging words, Zoro still couldn’t help but be taken aback. Kuina was right when she said the God was unique. Nika didn’t hold himself above Zoro. He spoke to him as if he was an old friend. In fact, the God had almost a childish nature about him. The way he now positioned himself to sit with his legs crossed next to Zoro, the way his smile never faltered, the way those large eyes glistened with wonder.. Nika was unlike anyone he had ever met.
“Zoro..” Zoro finally found his voice to answer. Nika’s eyes shone happily at the reply, which caused Zoro’s stomach to twist into knots. Perhaps it was his gut telling him he needed to address Nika with more respect? “My name is Roronoa Zoro.. uh all great and powerful Sun God Nika.”
Nika immediately scrunched his face in distaste. Zoro didn’t blame him. It felt awkward to address the God in such a way.
“Gross.. no need to get all formal. I just wanted to know Zoro’s name.” Nika let go of Zoro’s cheek. The swordsman couldn’t help but frown at the loss of warmth upon his face.
“Well, I’ve never met a God before. I don’t know exactly how I’m supposed to address one!” Zoro replied with a bit more candor. The interaction was becoming more casual, and Zoro was starting to feel a bit more at ease in the presence of the unconventional Sun God.
“Nika is fine,” Nika said with a shrug, his attention turned to a hangnail on his thumb, which he began to pick at as he continued, “Unless we are around other humans. Then you can just call me Luffy.”
“Luffy?” Zoro asked aloud. Then another question popped into his mind. “What do you mean by me addressing you that way in front of other people?”
“Well, I can’t have you addressing me as ‘your royal sun god’ around others.” Nika explained rolling his eyes like it was obvious. He picked the hangnail free and promptly flicked it across the cave.
Zoro blinked in confusion.
“Okay, that title is nothing like what I said before. And I still don’t get what you mean about us talking in front of others.” Zoro said, a bit more heatedly this time. Zoro never liked dancing around a subject. He preferred straightforward answers.
“I mean when we're traveling together.” Nika frowned, appearing equally upset. As if his answers were the most obvious things in the world, and he didn’t like that Zoro couldn’t understand right away. “You already know that others don’t like me. How would they react if they saw me in person?”
“What do you mean when we travel together?!” Zoro’s voice grew louder as shock took hold of him.
“Geez… I thought Zoro would be a lot smarter since you know I didn’t harm that island.” Nika said with a pout. The God leaned back against the cavern wall with his arms crossed.
Nika’s offhanded comment surprised Zoro yet again. He had always known the God wasn’t responsible for what happened to Ohara, but hearing it out loud from the God himself filled Zoro with vindicating relief.
“You were right at the tavern. I'm set on bringing back the sun, but first, I've got to clear my name. And Zoro’s the one who's gonna be my partner in uncovering the truth.” Nika asserted confidently.
Zoro buried his face in his hands, grappling with the confusion stirred by Nika's vague answers. With an exasperated exhale, Zoro lifted his head, determination ablaze in his eyes, poised to extract some clarity from the enigmatic God.
“Alright, let’s say I’m on board with helping you-” Zoro began slowly.
“Which you definitely are!” Nika chimed in confidently.
“No interrupting.” Zoro scolded. He blushed when realizing he shouldn't be scolding a God but he found a certain comfort in their banter. He continued, “If we're traveling together, I need more information. So, let's start from the beginning. I know you didn’t destroy Ohara, but if you're innocent, then why did you vanish? Why did the Sun suddenly disappear?”
Nika's grin finally faded. A hint of sadness flashed across the God’s eyes.
“Humans aren't the only ones who think I messed up that island.” Nika shifted his gaze away, seemingly reluctant to make eye contact with Zoro while explaining. “Other Gods share the same idea, and they're demanding I be replaced.”
Zoro's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Gods can be replaced?” Zoro questioned, wondering why, if that were the case, the other deities hadn't taken action to end the world's darkness by replacing Nika during his absence. “How? Isn’t the whole point of being a God is that you were born with your gifts. Isn’t that what sets you apart from us humans?”
Nika’s demeanor shifted. A dark look flashed across his eyes when he answered.
“Being born with our gifts never stopped other Gods from wanting more power and finding ways to take it.” Nika’s reply was so dark, so ominous, it made Zoro shiver despite the warmth of the cave. Nika, as if sensing Zoro’s discomfort, immediately switched back to his wide maddening smile. “Anyways, they planned on executing me so someone else can take my place.”
The swordsman couldn’t believe what he was hearing, nor could he understand how Nika could say something like it was an offhand comment.
Zoro's protective instincts kicked in, his hands involuntarily reaching out to grip Nika’s. Wide eyes turned toward Zoro, surprised by the swordsman's intense reaction. 
“How can they just decide that after all the good you've done?! Did they even try to find another culprit?!”
Nika's surprise transformed into gleeful excitement, his features lighting up with a wide grin.
"I knew I’d like you." Nika beamed, seemingly unfazed by the anger on Zoro's face. The God was clearly delighted by Zoro's immediate protective response, finding joy in the swordsman's fierce loyalty despite their recent acquaintance. "Nope, they didn't bother looking for another culprit. The evidence pointed to me. Only my brothers believe in my innocence."
Nika gave the swordsman’s hand a tender squeeze, his warm touch causing a subtle blush to spread across Zoro’s face. As they shared this moment, a lingering ache of sadness toward Nika’s situation settled within the swordsman, he sat there silently waiting for the God to continue unraveling the events that led to the Sun’s disappearance. 
Nika glanced upwards, seemingly envisioning the events that led to his current predicament.
“Many of the other Gods were divided on what to do with me. They fought a LOT! That’s when some Gods decided to take matters into their own hands. They chose to execute me themselves.” Nika explained.
“How is trying to take down another God not a crime?!” Zoro asked in disbelief.
Nika rolled his eyes, as if the answer was obvious. 
“If the God supposedly did something wrong against humanity, it only makes sense to get rid of them. Ohara housed the temple of the God of Wisdom. Destroying the island erased sacred knowledge, lost forever in both the Mortal and Celestial Realms.”
Zoro had always known Ohara as the home of brilliant minds, but the revelation that it held knowledge sacred to the Gods added another layer to the tragedy.
“What happened when they pursued you?” Zoro prodded Nika to share more.
“My brothers tried to shield me, but it got dangerous for them. I couldn’t let them risk their safety for me, so I decided to come to the Mortal Realm to investigate myself. If I can prove my innocence, maybe the other Gods won't chase me. But I've been here too long. Cut off from the Celestial Realm, I can't provide the Sun.” Nika explained with a hint of sadness.
A heavy weight settled onto Zoro's heart. The revelation of Nika’s situation hit him hard; people had assumed the God abandoned them, not realizing Nika was fighting to survive.
“You say you need my help, but what can I do?” Zoro asked uncertainly. “I know nothing of your world. How can I assist in proving your innocence when I don't even know what to look for?”
Nika offered Zoro a reassuring smile, acknowledging the swordsman's concern.
"Well, I need someone like Zoro by my side. You're strong, and you've got a good heart." Nika explained. "I'm not the best at dealing with humans, and you can help me navigate through this world. Besides, I trust Zoro."
Zoro shook his head and chuckled in disbelief as he processed Nika's words. The idea of the Sun God relying on him to navigate the complexities of human interaction was both amusing and somewhat ironic. Zoro, often reserved and straightforward, couldn't help but find it peculiar that Nika saw him as the go-to person for this task.
"Well, you better be prepared," Zoro remarked with a smirk. A rare smile crossed his lips, and he felt a flicker of warmth in his chest at accepting the Gods request. "Interacting with ‘humans’ isn't exactly my strong suit either, but I'll do my best to keep you out of trouble."
Nika’s eyes sparkled with excitement, the infectious energy of a carefree adventurer. The God abruptly rose to his feet, stretching his limbs like he was preparing for an exhilarating journey.
“Great! Let’s get going!” Nika beamed happily, exuding his infectious enthusiasm. The God already started walking towards the exit of the cave, but Zoro was quick to rush after Nika. The swordsman grabbed into a fistful of the God’s shirt.
“You can’t just go out looking like that.” Zoro scolded, his voice carrying a protective undertone. His expression turned more serious as he felt more duty bound to protect this whimsical being. “People are going to know you’re a God right away if you go out with flaming hair, and you’re not even dressed for winter weather.”
Nika looked down at himself in surprise, realizing Zoro was right.
“Oh yeah! I forgot about that.” Nika gently shook out of Zoro’s hold. Soon, he emitted a bright glow that filled the cave. When the light disappeared, Nika stood before him looking very familiar. Zoro immediately recognized this dark-haired, brown-eyed young man as the fidgeting patron from the tavern. Even in his human form, Nika’s eyes still radiated the same alluring warmth.
Zoro didn’t realize he was staring for so long until Nika's impatient fingers gently closed around his arm, an unexpected warmth seeped through his bones. Nika's touch was a magnetic force, tugging at Zoro's attention more than he cared to admit.
“Come on. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.” Nika insisted.
Zoro, unable to resist the pull Nika had on him, obediently followed. His stoic exterior hiding the subtle warmth swelling within. As they moved together, Zoro couldn’t help but notice the intertwining of their steps, creating a silent harmony between them.
“Where are we going?”
(Next Chapter)
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Chapter 5 of 14 Stones Of A Curse is up!!
Chapter 5: Amethyst Whispers
Title: 14 Stones Of A Curse
Archive Warning:Major Character Death
Fandoms:Glee,Glee Klaine,Klaine-Fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel,Burt Hummel,Sebastian Smythe,Finn Hudson,Sam Evans (Glee)
Amethyst brings them together with its calming energy, sparkling a connection that transcends words
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You can read the previous chapters here 👇
Chapter 1 , 2, 3, 4
Written for the Klaine Valentine’s challenge 2024by @klaineccfanficlibrary
A sincere thanks to @esperantoauthor and @england-would-fall for their undying support and beta work.
I hope you like this chapter.
Day 4 song prompt: Handle With care by the Traveling Wilburys
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rockitmans · 8 months
fic writer 20 questions - ask game
I was tagged by @bitbybitwrites, @special-bc-ur-part-of-it and @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion . Thank you my darlings 💖
tagging... probably a bunch of people that have already answered. @cerriddwenluna @heartsmadeofbooks @kurtsascot @backslashdelta
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Only Glee/Klaine at the moment but I teeter enternally on the edge of writing for Red, White and Royal Blue
4. top 5 fics by kudos
Spinning Out (306) Blaine Anderson vs. Valentine's Day (221) Smart With Math, Stupid With Love (215) No Take Backs (166) Witch Wanted (161)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes, although if I get distracted for even a second it will inevitably not happen. If things are out of sight they are out of mind 😅
I do like to reply because comments absolutely make my day so I wanna acknowledge that. Even if I'm just like "fanks 🤓", inside I'm screaming.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Witch Wanted has an ambiguous ending which can be read as angsty depending on how the reader interprets it. Personally I take the happy ending but either way the purpose of it is more about choosing to love each other through any challenge, however it ends up.
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the rest haha. I think Blaine Anderson vs Valentine's Day is the most straightforwardly light hearted fic. Smart With Math has the best progression. And No Take Backs is the most cathartic and hopeful.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No. I've had people disagree with some stuff like writing Kurt Hummel as a Slut in Spinning Out (he deserved a slut phase ok). Personally I always think the point of fiction is exploring other avenues for the characters but I don't mind if people disagree with that.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes and as to what kind... The kind where sex happens?? Not sure haha. I guess I tend to write bottom Blaine with slightly subby undertones but y'know I've also written possessive top!Blaine and wall sex and soft sex with a lot of ~feelings~ so I'll try anything really as long as it doesn't squick me.
I also tend towards writing sex in a way that I think fits the fanfic mold rather than how I feel it strictly exists in reality. I don't think there's anything wrong with that though. The mold is good.
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
Nah. I'm writing a Red, White, Royal Blue AU currently but it's not a crossover in the sense that characters from the book will appear. I don't currently have any plans to write one but maybe.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I'm open to it but terrible at writing to a schedule so it would have to be a patient soul to put up with me. I've written to prompts and for art though which is a different kind of collaboration that I really enjoy.
14. fave all time ship?
Klaine but I had a pretty hefty Merthur era in my youth and they still have a special place in my heart.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
I kind of intend to finish all of them even if that's entirely unrealistic. Nothing is formally abandoned that I've written more than a few thousand words for because... sunk cost fallacy.
It's possible the fic I was writing for Back to School may fall by the way side. It was competing choir directors with a lot of dumb rivalry and banter which I do really enjoy but I'm struggling to structure the story.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humour and smut. At least comfort in writing those things - it's hard to judge the quality of your own work objectively.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Exposition, capturing any emotion other than pure stupidity, and getting the guy from one place to another.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Wouldn't do it personally, I would probably indicate a character was speaking another language within the prose rather than writing it out. But to be fair the only other language I speak is BSL which does not translate well to text 😝
I don't mind reading it as long as there's translation somewhere because your boy is lazy and doesn't wanna look stuff up
19. first fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking unpublished, it was a Jack/Ianto Torchwood fic. I think Jack was the first canonical queer man I encountered in media but I could be forgetting someone.
20. fave fic youve written?
Spinning Out is my baby and I the urge to write a sequel grows daily. I love the boys' dynamic in that fic.
But from a pure reread perspective it's probably Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day. It's just light hearted silly fun and still makes me smile.
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
Flashback: Klainetober 2022 fics
Since we are back in October (and I'm feeling all sorts of nostalgic), I just wanted to reblog and share the old Klainetober 2022 fics that myself and my friend @madas-ahatters-world did last year.
We put them all together in a series called Halloween Harvest - Klainetober 2022. There were 31 prompts - and we do plan to get back to them, but here are the ones we did finish.
It was fun writing these. It was challenging to try to take a stab at horror writing, which isn't usually my thing. These fics were created last year when I first started writing fan fic - so its nice to look back on some old work and see how my style has developed in over a year.
If you haven't read any of these - enjoy!
The cover art for each story and individual story summaries are listed below the picture. (13 stories so far!)
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Day 1 Prompt - Poisoned
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Nightshade by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
An unexpected route through the Dark Forest brings a young bard face-to-face with magic, mystery, and unforeseen consequences.
Day 2 Prompt - Cage
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Vervain by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
Torn between a life of solitude and imprisonment in the cursed forest and the freedom beckoning just outside its glades, a young man is finally forced to decide which path he chooses to take. But will his choice only bring him more death and heartache?
Day 3 Prompt - Insects
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You're Buggin' Me by MadAs_AHatter
On their way home from the pumpkin patch, Blaine takes a short cut that leads them to a sketchy motel in the middle of nowhere. In their attempt to make the best of things, they come across some unexpected visitors.
Day 4 Prompt - Buried
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Graveyard Shift by MadAs_AHatter
Blaine isn's sure what Kurt was thinking when he agreed to help out at their local cemetery.
Day 5 Prompt - Trees
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Feeding Time For Woodland Creatures by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
The world has turned upside down, and Kurt is in search of the one person who will help him make sense of it all. But while searching for Blaine in the forest, he learned that timing is everything when hungry creatures need to feed.  
Day 6 prompt - Photograph
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Until The Darkness Fades Away by MadAs_AHatter
After traveling back to Ohio to participate in the dedication of the new Dalton marquee, Kurt wakes up to an empty home, no Burt, Carole, or Blaine in sight. When he starts receiving strange text messages during a freak thunderstorm, he quickly realizes that things may not be what they seem.
Day 7 prompt- Trespassing
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No Trespassing by MadAs_AHatter
Part 2 of Until the Darkness Fades Away After learning that things are, in fact, not quite what they seem, Kurt works relentlessly to find his way back to Blaine.
Day 8 prompt - Basement
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Come Into My Parlor by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
After an evening of clubbing, two men have a night neither will ever forget.
Day 9 prompt - Eyes
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Lavender by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
With Death looming all around them, two young men must learn to see what is right before their very eyes and listen to what lies within their own hearts.
Day 10 prompt - Growl
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What Lurks in the Dark by MadAs_AHatter
After a night out with his work buddies, Blaine wakes up Halloween morning to some unexpected disturbances.
Day 11 Prompt - Obsession
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My Hands Are At Your Throat (I Think I Hate You) by MadAs_AHatter
After finding out they need to fundraise for their trip to New York, the New Directions decide to hold a booth at the McKinley Annual Halloween Carnival. When an anonymous donor offers a hefty donation to the Glee Club, Kurt finds himself coming face-to-face with the last person he expected.
Day 12 Prompt - Passenger
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All Aboard by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
A trip from Paris to Prague on the Orient Express sets the scene for a meeting between a traveler and a mysterious passenger that catches his eye. Could romance bloom between them?
NOTE: Day 13 prompt - (still to be written)
Day 14 prompt - Omen
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The Child by bitbybit (puttingittogether)
While out and about running errands, Kurt keeps running into a strange child everywhere he goes. He suspects something odd is at play, but Blaine thinks he's just being a bit paranoid.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Klainebingo 2023
Thank you for hosting this event! I’m an old school reader and admittedly haven’t read much new stuff post-2016 or so, so it’s been absolutely lovely to find some new stories and authors!
1 Reverb (2018) by Fickelodeon
2 Wouldn’t Change a Thing (2020) by nontarelationship 
3 You Will Be Found (2020) by kurtswish
4 Avian Series (2020) by kurtswish (Occupation: Superhero Costumer)
5 Even Better Than the Real Thing (2020) by gleekto
6 Andante, Andante (2020) by fionapear 
7 Courting Royalty (2022) by hundredindecisions (Challenge: 3-2-1 Prompt Bang 2022)
8 (N/A)
9 Head Versus Heart (2020) by dizzywhiz (Trope: Hurt/Comfort)
Thanks for your list!!  Find them on ao3.  Rules here
1. Debut fic:  Reverb by Fickelodeon
Post-Michael thru Season 4, Blaine’s just a little unwell, and it’s not long before everyone can tell. Physical and Mental illness. Hurt/Comfort. If Robin Cook wrote for Glee and General Hospital, the story would probably go like this. Universe Expansion for Seasons 3 and 4 wherein I add some elements to canon and leave some out but manage to get everyone back to place where they can still have the endings they got in canon. Honestly, I just wanted to write H/C, but the more I hurt Blaine, the more I realized he wasn’t going to handle that very well, so I added in diagnosed mental illness. All in all, it’s everything I love to read in fic all in one epic story, just in case I don’t ever get the chance to write these characters again.
2.  Page turner:  Wouldn’t Change a Thing  by notarelationship
On the eve of his junior year at Dalton, Blaine’s dad kicks him out of the house, dumping him at the bus stop, cutting him off, and leaving him homeless. This is the story of how he survives, meets Kurt, and ultimately triumphs.
3. Need Tissues:  You Will Be Found  by @kurtswish
While on a National Broadway Tour, Kurt meets an intriguing man. With more than just miles separating them, they must make a choice. Will they go back to their different lives, or will they let themselves be found?
4. Unusual occupation: Avian Series by @kurtswish
Kurt Hummel always felt separate from his world and being the only one without a Soulmark didn’t help. Just as he is ready to end it all, something happens to change the course of his life.  Parts 1 - 3
5. Your choice:  Even Better Than the Real Thing by @gleekto
College AU/Famous!Blaine and Fanboy!Kurt - Kurt POV
Kurt really doesn’t have time to figure out the dating world between being a freshman at prestigious theatre school, LAADA, and his active but secret blogging life in the Sing!Fandom. So what if Sing! ended last year? There are still fics to read and actors to follow. Especially the uber talented heartthrob lead, Blaine Anderson. He can act. He can sing. He can even dance. He’s gay. He’s out. And he’s only 24. Kurt is willing to twiddle his thumbs and click refresh until Blaine Anderson’s next project.
He just didn’t expect the next project to be on his roommate Rachel’s new TV show.
6. Summer story:  Andante, Andante  by fionapear
Burt settles himself down in the chair of the vanity, peering up at the wall-mount TV at the movie. He fishes in his pocket for the piece of paper from the restaurant earlier. His fortune cookie fortune reads: “With time comes understanding.” It feels a little apt, even if he can’t place exactly why.
(Or: In which Burt Hummel, slowly, begrudgingly, grows to accept Blaine’s presence in his life.)
7. Written for a challenge:  Courting Royalty  by hundredindecisions  @thnxforknowingmeme
During Kurt’s senior year, his friend Rachel gets some surprising news: she’s the princess of a tiny European country, and she has a twin brother to share the throne with. The summer after graduation, Kurt visits his newly-royal friend in the country she’s heir to before they head to New York for college. Staying in a castle and rubbing shoulders with European nobility is pretty overwhelming, but the most remarkable part is meeting Rachel’s brother Blaine, the new prince who Kurt instantly begins crushing on. This summer is either going to be a fairy tale come true, or result in multiple diplomatic catastrophes.Inspired by Meg Cabot’s Princess Diaries series and the movie adaptations, but no background knowledge is needed to understand the fic.
8. n/a
9.  Genre/trope you wouldn’t normally read:  Head Versus Heart by @dizzywhiz
Blaine gets hit by a taxi and ends up in the hospital - so naturally, as his best friend and long-standing roommate, Kurt visits him at every possible opportunity until he gets to come home.
It only takes a couple of visits before Kurt notices something impossibly endearing: the beeping of Blaine’s heart rate monitor speeds up whenever his friends come to visit. At least, Kurt assumes it happens with all of Blaine’s friends, until Sam has no idea what he’s talking about.
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grlnxtdr30 · 5 months
What Kind of Events would you like to see in the Glee/Klaine Fandom in the future?
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hp-flowers · 2 years
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Time to get this challenge started!
Week 1  (October 1 - 7)
Happy October 1st! HP Flowers’ Autumn Round officially begins today! The challenge kicks off with Prompt Card #1, which has 4 flowers/plant prompts to choose from. Prompts are photo and text based. A reminder that creators have the option to choose: 1 prompt or a couple, all of the prompts (should you choose the bouquet or display route), or none of them from this prompt card. You’re also welcome to add other flowers/plants if you think they pair well with the challenge prompts.  This week’s prompts are:
1. Sunflower- False Riches
If paired with: >> Bluebell and columbine- shows humility for foolish past behaviour OR >> Lavender- indicates distrust in a business partner
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2. Crocus- Cheerfulness or Youthful Glee
If paired with: >> Daisy- for the start of a new school year OR >> Buttercup- as a gift for a charming young friend
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3. Amaranth- Immortality, Good Luck or Prosperity
Alternative: Everlasting Love or Unfading Affection
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4.  Dahlia- Eternal Love or Commitment
If paired with: >> Tulip- for a newly engaged couple OR >> Myrtle- shows love and devotion
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5. Optional Bouquet or Display: Autumn Equinox or Harvest for Balance or Growth
Use all of the flowers/plants listed above to celebrate the Autumn Equinox or a successful harvest.
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— All works can be posted to HP Flowers’ open AO3 collection. If you would like your work to be shared or reblogged, don’t forget to tag @hp-flowers​​ and #hpflowers2022. Really excited to see what everyone comes up with for this month. Cheers, and best of luck!
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the-storytellers-seer · 11 months
First Lines Tag
I wandered away for a bit, sorry about that! I've been working hard to counteract all the mostly unpaid medical leave time I had to take. Big oof there. Anyhow! I saw that both @viss-and-pinegar and @rainpebble3 tagged me in this. While I haven't been writing near as much as I ought I do have enough first lines. I'll use all unpublished WIPs.
Who hasn't been tagged? I think I'm getting to this late. If you want me to tag you, let me know!
1 - A Matter of Diplomacy (Working Title) - Unpublished, third planned story that will occur after Heirs of the Throne
Taleine Sero stared down at the body of Ambassador Elenwen with a mixture of relief, terror, and glee. The deceased, blonde, High Elf stared sightlessly up at the ceiling. Her final expression one of fear, now frozen as her death mask.
Tal belated realized she was shaking. Her entire body vibrated like some demented Dwemer invention. The quiet snick of the door opening was as loud as a dragon roar even past the blood rushing in her ears. Tal jumped about a foot in the air.
The figure in the doorway was tall and garbed in pristine Thalmor robes. It took them all of a heartbeat to survey the situation. Tal glanced up guiltily into the shocked face of Commander Ondolemar who quickly shut the door behind him. They locked eyes: his a furious greenish golden to her terrified stormy grey.
“I swear it wasn’t me.” Tal whispered in a small, breathy voice that sounded nothing like her own normal brassy tone.
2 - Dov (Working Title) - Unpublished, fifth planned story in the "series".
Kieva sat in the remains of Brother Borri’s sixty-year mead stash and let loose a great echoing belch that was similar in timbre to a dragon’s roar. It was followed by a rather high-pitched giggle. Around her, the world passed by in a dreamy haze. She was happy or damn near close to it. Happier than she’d been in months. Or at least happier than she’d be without the alcohol’s blessed numbing effects.
Perched upon a throne made of boxes and dirty laundry, she was the queen of all she surveyed. This primarily consisted of empty shelves and even emptier bottles, but at least they were subjects that didn’t expect anything of her. They didn’t look at her and see her father’s features or assume she would have her mother’s grace. And they wouldn’t be disappointed when they found nothing of the dynasty they expected to see in her behavior.
In a family of legends, Kieva Stormcrown was a failure.
3 - Untitled - Unpublished: a random prompt challenge with two OCs
The man lying before her was dying. Although Runa was in no way a healer, she’d seen enough death in her time as a mercenary and the sickly-sweet smell of decay was unmistakable. Runa sucked in her lower lip and considered just passing by and letting the gods decide. Attempting to drag the man back from death’s door would be vastly more painful than letting him slip away and there was no guarantee her attempts would even be successful. Besides all that, he was an Imperial soldier and while she didn’t expressly support Ulfric Stormcloak’s opinions, she preferred not to let the Dominion via their puppet Imperial Army gain a foothold in her home.
She might have walked on then, but the man groaned and squinted up at her. His eyes were the blue of the Winter sky, and they fought past the pain to focus on her. She felt him take her measure. Saw him catalogue her worn, fur trimmed armor, braided blonde tresses, and amulet of Talos displayed proudly on her breast. He tried to wet his chapped dry lips, failed, but croaked out, “Please…help.”
“Molag’s balls.” She swore.
She couldn’t just leave him now. She bent down and began to tug him off the road and into the woods. She didn’t mean to tug him through every sticker bush from the road to the clearing, but the man was damned heavy and if he’d wanted to avoid bushes, he ought to have picked a different savior or collapsed near a better section of forest.
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vampigeon · 1 year
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Did the "Do a strip in two hours from two prompts" challenge from Strip Search again. Today's prompts were "folding chair" and "rotisserie." Admittedly, the folding chair did not feature prominently in the end product, but they're there!
This is less of a Marvel-specific thing and more just…look, don't do marketing and PR work for a company unless they're paying you.
A comic strip. Vampigeon by Josh Jennings
Panel 1: A man with Mickey Mouse ears, Mr. Marvel, looms above another man, who is currently tied to a folding chair and turned sideways. MR. MARVEL: Comfy? CHAIR MAN: Nah. But it's fine. A True Fan never complains!
Panel 2: The view rotates to be upright. The man and chair are tied to the spinny part of a rotisserie. Mr. Marvel walks toward his own folding chair. MR. MARVEL: Exactly! You devote the one, precious life you have to enriching me, and I give you a tenuous connection to your lost youth. CHAIR MAN: Pretty good deal!
Panel 3: Mr. Marvel leans in. MR. MARVEL: Hey. Remember Spider-Man? CHAIR MAN: Sure do!
Panel 4: Mr. Marvel lights a match and holds it in front of his face with an intense expression. MR. MARVEL: People didn't make the things you love. We did. The Brand. Your Favorite Brand.
Panel 5: Mr. Marvel leans in again. The first under the Chair Man has started. He begins to sweat. MR. MARVEL: Remember Paste-Pot Pete? CHAIR MAN: Less so…
Panel 6: Angle on the Chair Man. The fire roars underneath him. He sweats, his hair and clothes beginning to catch fire. CHAIR MAN: Um…Mr. Marvel? Not to be ungrateful, but my body is being seared? By the fire?…
Panel 7: Angle on Mr. Marvel, who turns the rotisserie spit. MR. MARVEL: You know who else's body was covered with fire?…
Panel 8: Zoom in closer on Mr. Marvel's face. MR. MARVEL: A little fella…by the name of…
Panel 9: Zoom in on Mr. Marvel's smiling mouth. MR. MARVEL: The Human Torch.
Panel 10: Back on Chair Man. His face wears an expression of glee as his hair is nearly burnt off and his skin begins to melt. CHAIR MAN: Yeeeeee!!!
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very-kurtious · 1 year
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Final Getaway
Author: @very-kurtious​
Artist: @riverance​
Prompt Provided by: N/A
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: Everyone - though warning for dark themes
Word Count: 5,000
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel. Mentions of Finn Hudson and Carol Hudson.
Summary: Kurt had never been to the beach. It was a simple thing, really, something most people did as kids. When Blaine finds out, he decides that he needs to take him, before he can’t anymore. 
Genre/Tropes: fiancés, alone time, running away, beach holiday
Warnings: illness, terminal illness, sickness, major character death, passing out, anxiety, funeral mention
Author’s Notes: This was a lot of fun to write, there was no prompt, just the artwork and as soon as I saw it I got this idea. I also wanted to challenge myself more with this piece by having no dialogue throughout the story. I hope you guys enjoy, and thank you to everyone for setting the prompt bang up and dealing with my hectic schedule and everything else that went wrong for me. 
Sorry it’s shorter than 7,500, but I got as close as I could without overcrowding the story and the format I’d challenged myself with didn’t help haha. Also, beautiful artwork by Riverance, so go give them some love!
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Chapter 4 of 14 Stones Of A Curse is up!!
Chapter 4: Ruby Rendezvous (on AO3)
Fic Title:14 Stones Of A Curse
Archive Warning:Major Character Death
Fandoms:Glee,Glee Klaine,Klaine-Fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel,Burt Hummel,Sebastian Smythe,Finn Hudson,Sam Evans (Glee)
Chapter summary : Ruby ignites the fiery story of trust and friendship: seeds for the growing bright flame of love
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You can read the rest of the chapters here 👇
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Opal Odyssey
Chapter 3: Zircon Zephyr
Written for the Klaie Valentine’s challenge 2024 by @klaineccfanficlibrary
Shout out to my betas @esperantoauthor and @england-would-fall for their unwavering support and editing. Thank you guys!!
Prompt of day 3: Sh-Boom by The Chords
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
fic writer 20 questions - ask game
I was tagged by @kurtsascot - Thanks for thinking of me!💖
tagging the following to answer, only if they want to : @heartsmadeofbooks, @gleefulpoppet, @forabeatofadrum, @rockitmans, @hkvoyage @myheartalivewrites, @clottedcreamfudge @lady-divine-writes, @yadivagirl @kirakiwiwrites @scatter-the-stars @spaceorphan18, @1908jmd @little-escapist and anyone else who may be interested - jump on in!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Glee. But I'm contemplating branching out (*cough RWRB cough*) 😉
4. top 5 fics by kudos
1.) If I Can Make Your Heart My Home 2.) Under The Cover of Darkness 3.) Trick of Treat 4.) Come Into My Parlor 5.) Klaine Drabbles and Shorts
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me awhile respond, but I like to. I really appreciate when folks drop a comment. I know it's easy to hit kudos and move on, but when a reader adds just a little more, it's a nice thing to see. Like you've taken just a little extra time to let me know what you are thinking, if you are frustrated, if you're happy, if you all are getting the same feeling as readers as I do as a writer - it's nice to see and I like to acknowledge that the reader has done that.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ending? Well I seem to deposit my angst in the middle of fics - so if we are talking about endings that's a tough call. I'm not sure if it would be considered angsty . . but Come Into My Parlor doesn't really have a happy ending - so maybe that one?
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ahhhh . . most of my fics have ended happily - I don't know what the happiest one is. Maybe Under The Cover of Darkness?
8. do you get hate on fics?
No . . I mean I've had some very passionate responses towards characters and what they've done in fics - but nothing that was a disparaging take on my writing style as a whole.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
*blushing* ok . . yes. No PWP written as of yet, but I've had some smut in my fics - though I'm on the fence as to how good I am at it. 😂. I'm getting better! (or at least trying!) I've written mature and explicit scenes in fics . . dabbled a little with some bondage and D/s . . not sure how to answer this "what kind" of smut part of this question 😂
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
So far, have only written one. It was and Adams Family/Glee fic inspired by a drawing by @justgleekout called Dancing In The Moonlight. Now was it the craziest? Well it certainly wasn't a crossover I would have ever expected to write- but it really kind of made sense once I saw the artwork and thought about it for a bit.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. If anyone sees anything, let me know!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Same answer to 11. Not to my knowedge.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not at this time. More of a solo writer. I tend to take a long time to write and I think I'd frustrate the hell out of any poor person matched up to write a fic with me.
As an aside, when you talk about being paired up with another person for a challenge - like someone else provides the prompt/art and you need to fill in the rest - its both very exciting and nerve wracking for me at the same time. I've only done 2 of those so far (my current WIP - the Reverse Prompt challenge and a Secret Santa challenge.) There's always this part of me that's worried that I'm going to disappoint whoever I'm paired up with - will I live up to their expectations to what they are hoping the finished fic will turn out to be. Will my ideas go beyond what they wanted, if I have to tweak or changes to the original prompt, will they be open to it/ my interpretation of the prompt? I guess in my head if its something I'm writing on my own, I only have myself to disappoint if the finished product isn't quite right.
14. fave all time ship?
Right now I'm big into in my Klaine and Firstprince era 😂. I love those boys.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
Right now the WIP I all have I intend to finish - just gotta find the time.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Maybe dialogue. I think most of my dialogue feels very natural. I think I'm pretty good at editing. Brainstorming ideas?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling. The use of an ellipsis 😂 Timing . . .I'm horrible with deadlines.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't mind doing it. I just make sure to add some sort of translation for it somewhere. Either along side ( like having the english translation in parenthesis next to the foreign language parts ) or in the end notes of a fic.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. fave fic youve written?
I really enjoying my current WIP - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home but aside from that since its not technically completed yet, I have to say I really enjoyed writing All Aboard. It probably is overstuffed with call backs to the show, which I love seeing in any fics (call backs to whatever the source material is) - and it was fun trying to craft the story without giving too much of it away at once so the ending (hopefully) will be a surprise?
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little-escapist · 1 year
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I posted 2,958 times in 2022
95 posts created (3%)
2,863 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,910 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#glee - 567 posts
#nature - 305 posts
#klaine - 295 posts
#kitties - 262 posts
#art - 180 posts
#how to tag this - 149 posts
#blaine anderson - 129 posts
#darren criss - 128 posts
#lotr - 107 posts
#kurt hummel - 79 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#and i don't know where i am or what i'm thinking aside from wantinh to cry every once in a while and not quite able to accomplish it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fic Update: Turn Into A Pose
Chapter 30 of Turn Into A Pose is here!
From the beginning here.
Turn Into A Pose: Klaine, explicit. Fake relationship, celebrities, enemies to lovers.
Summary: Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
30 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Klaine Fic: Under the Bleachers
Rating T
1335 words
Summary: Here, under the bleachers during class, they can be whoever they are, without a mask to ensure survival.
Written for a prompt on prompt-a-klainefic on tumblr.
A/N: something quick and dirty that I wrote to escape boredom and all the things I should be doing instead. So, have some making out in secret.
Read on AO3.
35 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Chapter 34 of Turn Into A Pose is here!
From the beginning here. 
Turn Into A Pose: Klaine, explicit. Fake relationship, celebrities, enemies to lovers.
Summary: Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
37 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Klaine Fic Masterpost: Turn Into A Pose
Rating explicit.
Tropes: fake relationship, celebrities, enemies to lovers.
Word count 125,078
Summary: Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
Read the whole fic on AO3 here.
48 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: The Warbler Interview
Author: @little-escapist
Artist: @catb0ycore
Prompt Provided by: @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: E
Word Count: 7971
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, Sam Evans, Sebastian Smythe
Summary: Kurt is very excited about his first assignment as a journalist: he’ll interview the new boy band sensation, the Warblers. It means he’ll get to talk to the most handsome man alive, Cooper Anderson. 
But once Kurt meets the band – Cooper, sarcastic Sebastian, boy-next-door Sam, and Cooper’s brother Blaine – it’s the younger Anderson that steals his heart over the course of a single night.
Genre/Tropes: Meet-cute, famous/non-famous, journalist Kurt, musician Blaine, boyband
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: Writing this was a ride for sure. I'm not sure how that translates to the story itself. This was supposed to be posted in the first wave of the challenge, but life got in the way. Luckily the mods were nice and allowed me to switch to the second wave so I could finish writing this (and the word count was smaller as well!). This story was written during one of the most difficult times of my life, but at least I got it written and finally it's time to post.
Thank you to @the-lima-bean for running this challenge, for @employee00765 for helping me brainstorm this together in the early stages and for @quizasvivamos for doing the final beta reading for grammar stuff.
Read on AO3.
71 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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grlnxtdr30 · 1 year
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I posted 2,772 times in 2022
171 posts created (6%)
2,601 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 68 of my posts in 2022
#klaineccvalentines2022 - 13 posts
#youtube - 7 posts
#young royals - 4 posts
#uquiz - 3 posts
#klaine - 3 posts
#glee - 2 posts
#yr s2 - 2 posts
#young royals season 2 - 2 posts
#somewhere ohio verse - 2 posts
#blaine is a substitute teacher - 1 post
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#thin xtra marinara reg cheese pepperoni mushroom black olive pineapple artichoke hearts roasted garlic and a sprinkle of oregano
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/14 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Klaine CC Valentines Challenge 2022 Summary:
Exactly what the title says!
16 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Klaine CC Valentines Challenge 2022 Summary:
Exactly what the title says!
17 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Chapters: 2/14 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Klaine CC Valentines Challenge 2022 Summary:
Exactly what the title says!
18 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Adam Crawford, Rachel Berry, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, coffee shop AU, Fake Dating, For the Secret Santa Klaine event Summary:
Kurt discovers that his boyfriend is a two timing bastard on the day before he is set to introduce him to his parents. What is he going to tell his dad? Blaine Anderson never imagined he'd own a coffee shop in New York, but sometimes life likes to play tricks on you. When the guy he had a crush on in high school walks into his shop, is it destiny?
For @lilyvandersteen
32 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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 Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Mayday
Author: @grlnxtdr30
Artist: @gleefulpoppet
Prompt Provided by: @grlnxtdr30
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 11,094
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Artie Abrams
Summary: Written for the 3 2 1 Prompt Bang Second Wave 2022! AU; Blaine Anderson is a charter pilot who has been hired to fly a small group of people to a destination wedding on a private island off the coast of the Philippines. After a midair collision with an unknown object, the plane is forced to land on an uncharted island about a hundred knots from civilization, with a major storm bearing down on them. On board; Broadway’s darling, Rachel Berry. Grammy award winning recording artist, Mercedes Jones. Oscar winning film maker, Artie Abrams. And reclusive fashion designer, Kurt Hummel. Can they survive until help arrives?
Genre/Tropes: Pilot Blaine/Fashion designer Kurt
Read on ao3
69 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: All This Change
Klaine/CC Valentine's Challenge: Day 11 prompt song, Only You by The Platters.
Words: ~2200 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: You wouldn't think a visit to the dentist's office would lead to so many doctrinal insights. But where Kurt, a Mormon dentist, and Elder Nixon are involved, you'd be wrong.
A vignette in my Mormon!Klaine universe. This one takes place on “Day of Splits” (see Masterpost) after Perfection in Future Tense and simultaneously with some of the Blaine stuff.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
Notes: (1) Karl Högel is Carl Howell (John Stamos’s dentist character) from Glee season 2. (2) I’m not an expert in speech patterns after full anesthesia. If you are and want a more realistic portrayal, please volunteer as my anesthesiology beta for when I post to AO3.  (3) Elder Nixon is Trent Warbler. (4) As always, I welcome questions, typo identification, feedback on German spelling/grammar, and encouragement!
Only you can make all this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
The music piped in softly from the ceiling’s loudspeakers in the dental office waiting room. Kurt was maxed out on sending text messages—he'd contacted every single investigator he'd ever talked to Ingolstadt with a friendly note about English group or an inspirational verse (“Men are, that they might have joy” was a reliable fall back), plus a few he’d never met but whose names he’d found in the records kept by previous Ingolstadt missionaries. A few investigators had answered back, and he’d managed to make a couple of appointments, but eventually the phone had stopped buzzing and he needed to look for something else to do.
Kurt opened his phone to the Gospel Library and skipped through For the Strength of Youth to the part about sexual purity:
Never do anything that could lead to sexual transgression. Treat others with respect, not as objects used to satisfy lustful and selfish desires. … Do not arouse those emotions in your own body. …
Elder Anderson was right. The counsel was against arousing lusts, not against relieving involuntary arousal. But more important than that was the promise of what would happen to individuals who broke the law of chastity:
The Spirit of the Lord will withdraw from one who is in sexual transgression.
That was Kurt’s answer right there, wasn't it? He could sift for ages through the scriptures and general authority talks for the specifics of sexual purity, and it would always be possible, from one day to the next, to interpret their words with more stringency or with more grace.
But the withdrawal of the Spirit was inarguable. It was evidenced in the way a person behaved, the way they thought, and the way they loved.
The Spirit had never withdrawn from Elder Anderson. Kurt felt its presence with his companion the way he'd felt it nowhere else. The gift of the Holy Ghost was perhaps the most important privilege of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once a person received baptism and the laying on of hands, he was supposed to have continual guidance and inspiration from the Holy Ghost. But Kurt hadn’t always felt its presence.
With Elder Anderson in his life, it had become consistent and reliable, testifying to Kurt of his companion’s faith and trustworthiness, leading Kurt into deeper relationship with God.
Only you can make all this change in me
Kurt had become gentler, more patient, more open to the Spirit since he’d met Elder Anderson. He still had a problem with judging people, but he was slower to do it. He hadn't let go of his self-righteous streak, but he was starting to recognize it for what it was—defensiveness and insecurity, a fear that God didn't actually love him as much as his own spiritual experiences had testified.
The Spirit of the Lord was clearly with Elder Anderson. His habit of self-release had done nothing to dampen its power.
By the very words of For the Strength of Youth, then, the relief Elder Anderson gave to himself was not a sexual transgression. It was something else—maybe a minor trespass like getting distracted in sacrament meeting, or maybe neutral, or maybe, as Elder Anderson seemed to believe, an actual good: an expression of gratitude for the body God had given him, like dancing.
The receptionist got up from behind her desk and walked over to Kurt. “Your friend is just out of surgery,” she said in German. “He'll be awake soon. I understand you want to wait with him?”
“Yes, of course,” answered Kurt, tucking his phone back into his bag and following the receptionist down a hallway and into a small recovery room. The dentist was going over some paperwork, while an unconscious Elder Nixon sat in a recliner with a pulse oximeter and heart rate monitor attached to his body. His left cheek puffed out like a chipmunk’s, presumably from being stuffed with gauze, and a disposable bib was tied over his button-down shirt. His jacket and tie were folded in a neat pile on a side table.
“You must be Elder Hummel. Herr Doktor Högel,” said the dentist in German, pulling off his surgical mask to reveal a surprisingly pleasant face. Despite Dr. Högel being a member of the church, Kurt had never seen him at sacrament meeting. And, boy, had he been missing out. The dentist must have been as old as Kurt’s dad judging from the dates on the degrees and certifications displayed in the waiting room, but he was handsome in a way that made Kurt’s stomach flutter, with a bright smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle into crow’s feet and wavy, dark brown hair that reminded Kurt a bit of Elder Anderson’s. Dr. Högel stepped forward to shake Kurt’s hand. “But you can call me Karl.”
Kurt thought it would be best to retain more formality, given the butterflies flitting around in his gut. “Let’s compromise. How about Brother Högel?”
Brother Högel didn't exactly grimace, but he didn't look entirely pleased, either. “Sure, elder, that's fine. Your companion will be awake soon. He’ll need to rest for the remainder of the day—that means no proselytizing—and he can't have any hard foods for a few days. When you leave, the receptionist will give instructions for him to follow, but you should take them, because, frankly, he'll be totally strung out for a while. Likewise, don’t expect him to remember anything you say for the next hour or so. And he may be a little bit forgetful over the next week, as well. Don't be hard on him.”
Kurt paused. “Elder Nixon isn't actually my companion. I switched places for the day so his companion could keep working.”
Brother Högel hummed thoughtfully. “Well, then, I'll give the mission president's wife a call to make sure he's properly cared for. Elder Nixon should probably stay in the mission home for a day or two before he gets back to work. As for you, sit wherever you're comfortable. You should still have cell phone reception and Wi-Fi in here. I need to go see my next patient.” He shook Kurt’s hand again and began to leave.
“Brother Högel? May I ask you something?”
Brother Högel turned around, a resigned look on his face.
“Why have I never met you before? I've been in this mission for almost three months.”
“I guess you haven't needed any dental work.” Brother Högel forced a smile in which the whiteness of his teeth became very noticeable.
“No. I mean, in sacrament meeting. Not even on Easter.”
Brother Högel looked at Kurt, and then at Elder Nixon, and then back at Kurt, as if considering a multitude of answers. “I'm gone a lot on weekends,” he finally said. “But also, it's none of your business.”
“But it is. As a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—”
Brother Högel now grimaced without restraint, and somehow managed to continue being handsome even as he did so. “That's the other reason. So many men of all ages who constantly thrust themselves in as an intermediary between me and God. At least with the Catholics, each parishioner has to deal with only one priest. With us, the leadership chain is endless. If it gets frustrating for me, I can't even imagine what it's like for women. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really have to go.”
Kurt’s fortitude deflated as he watched the lost sheep of a dentist exit the room. If Elder Anderson had been here, the interaction would have gone more smoothly. Elder Anderson was so in tune with the Spirit, he surely would have said the right thing. Or, at least, he wouldn't have said the wrong thing and ticked Brother Högel off.
“Cahahaha snack?” Kurt heard from behind him in what appeared to be garbled English. He turned around to see Elder Nixon blinking his eyes open, a little drool forming at the corner of his mouth.
“What?” Kurt answered in German.
“A snack?”
Under the mission rules, Kurt should have steered Elder Nixon into speaking German, but given how hopped up he was on painkillers and how incomprehensible his speech was even in English, Kurt decided this case called for an exception. “I don't think so. Maybe in a bit.”
Elder Nixon said something else. It sounded like “I could really go for some chocolate-covered espresso beans”—but that made no sense for a missionary to say, so surely it was something else.
“Go back to sleep, elder. You need rest.”
“Don’t wanna though. Hate working Eld’ Claring’. Yer nice.”
“Nice?” Kurt laughed. “You must be high. No one has ever described me as nice.”
“I did.”
“You lived with me for six weeks. You know better than that.”
“Strict not mean. You love God. Kind to invesss … invesss …”
“Investitures. Funny, too. Museums an’ parks on P-day. Eld’ Claring’ doesn’ wanna do enthing fun P-Day.”
“You were a good companion, too, Elder Nixon. Sorry if things are difficult with Elder Clarington. But you know what they say. Every discomfort we experience on our mission is a lesson we can apply to enduring unto the end. And in this case, you only need to endure until your next transfer, right?”
“Too long,” said Elder Nixon with a sigh. A bit of spittle dripped from his mouth and onto his bib.
There was a knock at the door, and a nurse came in to check Elder Nixon’s vital signs and ask a few questions in German. Unlike Kurt, she was impressed by how well Elder Nixon was enunciating his words so soon after surgery, and seemed to follow what he was saying even as he bounced back and forth between German and English like a ping pong ball at an Olympic table tennis match.
She left and they were quiet for a few minutes, Elder Nixon appearing to drift in and out of sleep.
Kurt thought about how Brother Högel had said Elder Nixon wouldn’t remember most of their conversation in the recovery room, and decided to ask something he had never dared ask through their entire companionship—or any companionship, for that matter. “Elder Nixon, do you ever think our leaders might be wrong about some things?”
The peal of laughter that shot from Elder Nixon’s cotton-filled mouth made Kurt jump in his chair. Elder Nixon laughed and laughed and laughed, tears streaming out of his eyes and a chunk of gauze dropping out onto his bib.
The nurse came running in, but screeched to a halt when she saw what was happening. “I saw that his heart rate was going up. Presumably you said something funny to him?”
Kurt shook his head. “I didn't think it was funny.”
“Anesthesia humor.” She shrugged and checked Elder Nixon’s mouth, repacking it with fresh gauze, then wiped the tears and drool from Elder Nixon’s face with a damp towel. “No laughing!” she said sternly to both of them as she left.
Kurt wasn't sure if he should repeat the question, after that warning. But given Elder Nixon’s reaction the first time, Kurt was now desperate to know. “Do you remember that question I asked you, Elder Nixon, before the nurse came in?”
“What nurse?”
Apparently Kurt was going to have to repeat it. But that was a good sign. Elder Nixon had no short-term memory at all; they could speak without risk.
“Do you ever think our church leaders are sometimes wrong?”
Oh. Well. Kurt shouldn’t feel disappointed that Elder Nixon’s faith was stronger than his own, but—
“All the time.”
“Sorry?” Kurt said, though he had heard the words clearly enough. Either Elder Nixon was slurring less already, or Kurt was getting better at understanding him.
“They wrong all the time.”
Kurt wasn’t sure what answer he’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that.
“Prophet called Eld’ Claring’ as a missionary. Wrong. Prez Steele calls him to district leader? Wrong. Also, Prop 8. Wrong. Polygamy. Wrong. My old bishop was a secret polygamist and ‘married’ three single sisters in addition to his wife. At the same time as telling youth not to take sacrament for a month every time they masturbated. Wrong. The stake president who called him was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, all the way down the line.”
Kurt was stunned. Elder Nixon had never said anything like this in the time they had served together. Except for a couple Instances where he had rolled his eyes at Kurt, he had always appeared to be the epitome of obedience and submission to authority.
“You think they're completely wrong about everything?”
“No. They're wrong all the time and they're right all the time. You have to pray to figure out which is which.” Elder Nixon leaned toward Kurt. “The Holy Ghost,” he said, tapping his chest, “is your friend.”
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
(One day I will open Canva and make some nice banners, but today is not the day!)
Thanks @urban-sith and @takitalks for the tags!
I deliberated whether I should post this little snippet of e pare stella, because it might be too much/spoilery for what I usually post in these tag challenges, but also I really like this part. If Paradiso 2 was me torturing Baz, Paradiso 3 is me torturing Simon, so it was great to write something nice for him.
I was always a bit of a fighter. Even as a kid, I used to play pretend with sticks as swords. I liked roughhousing. I pretended that everything was a big challenge, just for fun. Even my jobs were challenges. I will be the one to give you the best information on northern Italy. I will be the one to mix cement as perfectly as possible. I will help the most customers in one day.
I even took on my relationship with Baz as a challenge and a fight. That makes it sound like a bad thing, but it isn’t. It’s more that it gives me a purpose and something worth fighting for. Baz jokes that I went in headfirst with raised fist, puffed out chest and tilted chin. There are rough kisses and good-mannered teasing. Our relationship and marriage is a constant thing in my life that I will keep fighting for, even when I don’t have to.
But Rosemary doesn’t need me to be a fighter. She needs me to be soft.
Still no Klaine for now. I have already encountered my first plot hole and I haven’t even started writing yet. I shall let you know. (Also rip to my Glee/CO crossover, I’m benching that since I now wanna focus on the 3-2-1 Prompt Bang.) (Benching... more like, I’m extending its stay at the hospital ward.)
Tagging @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @wellbelesbian @coffeegleek @facewithoutheart @mostlymaudlin @sillyunicorn @captain-aralias @redheadgleek @dragoneggo @otherworldsivelivedin @lilyvandersteen @snarkyhag @martsonmars @bookish-bogwitch and hi @agentsnickers it’s Yuè from Plurk, this is my writing blog! I admit I don’t really read Newsies fic but I saw that you made a post about wanting to get your writing brain going so here we are!
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