#give trolls melanin
mxmisqui · 1 year
ellsee raines edit i made cuz im the best
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nekropsii · 18 days
Small Atomic Ask Bomb!!
I've got a bunch of short asks that I'd hate to spam the dash with individually, so I'll just put 'em here, under the cut!!
Content Warning: Long, Brief Discussions of Racism, Misogyny, Grooming, Brief Mentions of Incest and Pedophilia in Fanfiction.
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I've always been a hater, and I honestly don't really think it's a bad thing - not as much as everyone says, at least! I think being kind of a bitch about things that don't matter is good for you, actually. Gets the urge to be angry out in a way that's healthier than just snapping at people in critical moments. I also just think being strong and passionate in your convictions is good for you. Being a hater gives you a spine if you do it right, and it fires a gunshot and scatters people you don't really want to be around. It also has the funny side effect of people thinking I take things way more seriously than I do, just because I'm opinionated and will state said opinions clearly. Big fan of this meme:
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This is me.
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I used to peek in there every now and then, just to be nosy. Incest at the top, always. Or straight up pedo shit. Sigh. Looked in the Mituna tag a couple times. CroTuna fucking nightmare hell dimension, always. Or KanTuna, which I also have gripes with. Or KanMiTula, which I have even more gripes with.
It is my understanding that the state of Homestuck fanfiction hasn't gotten much better since the 2010s. Everyone is wrong and no one is normal. Sad.
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I don't know if the mere act of only making Jade and Jake brown out of all the Kids is Racist on its own, per se, but it is kinda silly in the sense that, you know, John and Jade are siblings, so realistically they'd look similar. And... People absolutely do get racist about it. Like, making Jade and Jake uniquely huge, hairy, threatening, and oddly shaped - gangly in the context of Jade, buff as hell in the context of Jake. I've seen some SEVERELY racist drawings where Jade and/or Jake were the only hints of melanin in the Kid line up and... Oh my god. It can get to straight up caricature levels. Watermelons and everything. Just comedically racist.
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Genuinely one of the dumbest fucking things in the world. People will say literally anything. Saying Damara isn't Japanese is on par with calling Porrim a fucking Men's Rights Activist. It's a funny little claim people who are grievously wrong say as a condemnation of the Alpha Trolls for no reason. Why. To look smart? To fit in? Dumbass. Notice how they always have to invent bullshit lies to critique anything instead of just saying things that are true. It really frustrates me how 99.9% of Alpha Troll criticism just isn't at all legitimate when there's some real, genuine issues you could critique. It's stupid horseshit. I hate it so badly.
I don't actually care whether or not someone likes the Alpha Trolls, but at least hate them accurately. Come on.
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Everyone is so, so quick to turn a blind eye to just how violently misogynistic Kankri is, lmfao. Genuinely, I don't think I've ever seen anyone other than myself bring up the fact that he's an avid Slut-Shamer in the modern day. Other than that, I only really saw older Mituna fanatics bring it up over in the early-mid 2010s, but none of them are around these days.
Genuinely, some of the shit he says is so appalling, lol. Kankri FULLY deserves to get his ass beat.
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I have said this before but I'll say it again - I do not think a Red Romantic Relationship will fix Dirk, or even really help him all that much. Before he gets into a RedRom, he needs some therapy, a break, and mood stabilizers.
However, I'm thoroughly of the opinion that a good BlackRom could work wonders on him, way more than a RedRom would. I think a solid, established Pitch Relationship with, like, Caliborn would be genuinely great for him, both mentally and in a Character Development sense. I hold zero interest in watching Dirk and Jake badly fumble a traditional romantic relationship - that notion is painful to me. ... But I do think I could read a full Intermission's worth of Dirk and Caliborn fucking around and not get tired of it once. They have a fantastic dynamic. It'd be good for Caliborn, too, I think.
This has been my Dirkuu propaganda bit. Thank you.
Also, the Voyeuristic feel of how people handle his Mental Illness. It makes me uncomfortable.
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True. I don't have any other remarks to make about this, you're just correct. True.
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... Fuckin'... Why, though? What- what's the appeal? There's nothing there. I literally cannot conceive any way in which that would be compelling, and I'd say Hal and Kankri are pretty high up there in the list of Male Homestuck Characters I Enjoy.
People will do anything but pay attention to Female Characters for five minutes. God. Lol.
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It's literally just DaveKat 2. I don't think it even qualifies as a Crack Ship when it's just a variant of The Fandom's Most Darling M/M OTP. It's just a deeply mid RarePair. Crack Ship would be, like, Dirk Strider x Rainbow Dash.
Dirk x RD was a popular Crack Ship, sure, but it's still a Crack Ship on basis of being a Crossover Pairing.
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I can't recall any specific instances of seeing this myself, but I'll believe it. People will do anything except be normal about Vriska. People will fight the war against Vriska on the side of and against Vriska at the same time. People will call her a Huge 8itch but then call her pathetic when she stops being a Huge 8itch.
We love Misogyny, I guess.
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Well, he is based on Tumblr, after all. Particularly how dogshit the politics are on here. Of course he would. He'd do numbers on here, considering his Woke Hate Speech.
It's called Bubblr, by the way. Like, canonically. We do know what it's called.
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It's actually based on the Three Wise Monkeys. You know, that old Japanese Proverb that goes "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"? That.
Kurloz is Speak No Evil, Meulin is Hear No Evil, Mituna is See No Evil.
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Great Question. My personal guess is that he's a little too nuanced for a lot of people to be comfortable with handling. He throws out too much surface-level Bigotry that people aren't willing to ignore because it isn't Racism for many to feel comfortable making him their Blorbo. When Dave says the N-Word and talks about how fucking Racist he is and it literally never gets acknowledged or resolved, that's fine and dandy, but god forbid Caliborn be a Misogynist in the funniest way possible AND have that get acknowledged literally constantly as a problem. The fact that Caliborn isn't a Fuckable White 13-Year-Old Twink means none of his crimes are ever forgivable because he's ugly and unshippable, or whatever.
The fact that he's Mentally Disabled doesn't help. People can't fucking STAND IT when a character is Mentally Disabled in a way that isn't Cute and Consumable, much less a character who is Unconsumably Mentally Disabled AND Complicated. It's just not allowed!!
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goddesstrolls · 6 months
Troll Biology TL;DR
Since the original post is a bit of a slog, here's a TL;DR or breakdown of it:
EYES: - Irises start off grey during wrigglerhood due to melanin pigment obscuring blood color. The melanin clears as the troll reaches adulthood, revealing the blood color. Albino trolls may not have this dark pigment and young albino trolls have normal flushed eyes.
- Sclera (Whites of the eyes) contain chromatophore-like cells (Like cuttlefish skin) holding red pigment. When relaxed, they give the sclera a yellow tint, but when the troll is angered (or the eye is damaged) the sacs contract to produce a red color.
NOSE: - Trolls have keener senses of smell than humans, as a holdover from early evolution when pheromones were used to communicate.
MOUTH: - Trolls have fantastic bite strength compared to humans - Teeth are difficult to knock out, but when they do a new tooth forms in the jaw and pushes its way up. This can result in crowding and misaligned teeth; This is also why it's important to assure the entire tooth is removed when one is broken or dislodged.
EARS & HEARING: - Trolls have a keener sense of hearing, able to hear a broader frequency range than humans. Landdweller ears function more like humans' overall. - Seadweller ears are considerably different. The inner ear bones contain organs for sensing sound, gravity, and movement, giving them better spacial awareness than their landdwelling counterparts. There is also no ear-hole and no liquid like human/landdweller ears; Sound travels directly through the bones and organs. Moving the fins shifts the bones and helps the seadweller hear. - Seadwellers may also have lateral lines, extensions of the inner ear which appear like rows of tiny pits or spots which help sense movement.
SKIN: - Skin is considerably thicker and more elastic than in trolls, potentially deflecting attacks or allowing the outer skin layers to reseal and heal quickly to prevent external blood loss. - Skin is smoother and softer to the touch, though can callous like human skin. - Scar tissue is fairly flexible and less prone to developing in deeper tissues, so it doesn't impede trolls as much.
SKELETOMUSCULAR: - Highbloods have very high muscle density, much stronger bones, and strong connective tissues, moreso than lowbloods. This grants them greater physical strength and fortitude, as weapons don't pierce as deeply and their bones don't break as easily. - Extra strong bones in highbloods also helps prevent avulsion fractures from muscle pulling against bone if their strength is overused; However, there's also a subconscious barrier which prevents most highbloods from using their full strength so they don't hurt themselves. (Nebale has overcome this barrier, making him 'stronger' than the average violet at the cost of his fuckin bones) - The dense musculature also helps insulate against the cold. In lowbloods, their high body temp is their line of defense against cold external temperatures.
PULMONARY: - The troll heart sits closer to the spine, with the major arteries traveling up and down the spine so they're directly protected by it. The bones of the spine protecting the heart are particularly thick and sturdy. - The troll pulmonary system is overall fairly sturdy, with blood vessels being thicker and larger. This can result in catastrophic blood loss when major vessels are injured, but they seal up readily which can mitigate blood loss. - Major vessels lie deeper within the body, so they don't show through the skin and are better protected by the dense muscles. This gives troll skin a more uniform grey color, though the small capillaries can still widen and draw blood close to the skin, resulting in flushing. - In seadwellers, the pink pigmentation in their blood collects salt and prevents it from reaching the cells, allowing seadwellers to adapt to both fresh and salt water. The high salt content provides some protection against illness and toxins. - The low body temperature of highbloods makes them more resistant to illnesses, while the higher body temp of lowbloods makes them more prone to illness. Since lowbloods are already so warm, when their body gets even warmer from a fever, it can start killing off delicate tissues like in the brain. - Lower caste hues have proteins in their blood which stabilize psionic output, meaning lowbloods have more stable and easily controlled psionics. - Troll blood pigment proteins are produced in excess so it can be found in various functions of the body- Tears, genetic material, scar tissue, ect..
LARYNX & RESPIRATORY: - The troll larynx can produce a wide variety of sounds; Hisses, clicks, purrs, growls, and roars. It isn't fully developed in very young wrigglers and develops as per the sounds the wriggler tries to mimic- Typically speech and the sounds their lusii makes. So the exact sounds a troll can make vary depending on their early life. - Landdweller lungs function more or less like human lungs, but in seadwellers the lungs are multi-purpose. They serve as swim bladders and help push water across the gills when underwater. - In seadwellers, the gills are the primary oxygen intake (As in this is where all the oxygen-collecting cells are). Lungs just move things around. - Seadwellers also have mini heart/lung-like organs by the gills to push water or air in and out without aid of the lungs. Again, lungs just help keep things moving and aren't a necessary function. - Gills have gill rakers; Bony structures which capture debris and keep them from getting too deep into gill tissue.
DIGESTIVE & OTHER MAJOR ORGANS: - Abdominal organs are protected by a very tough, flexible lining. It helps prevent damage from slashing and piercing injuries. - Troll stomach acid is massively potent to the point of having antimicrobial properties, allowing trolls to just kinda eat whatever with no real issues. - A small section of the intestines just past the stomach is dedicated purely to neutralizing their stupidly strong stomach acid so it doesn't cause damage. This organ also helps neutralize toxins and prevent foodborne illnesses. - The liver filters toxins and binds them to blood pigment proteins and removes them via urine. Troll livers are highly efficient and powerful organs, making trolls more resilient to poisons/toxins/other bad stuff that makes it to the liver.
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psychewritesbs · 4 months
Deep Breaths...
I swear Gege better give Megumi fans a huge pay off with how much we have to endure the clowning in this fandom. Potential man this, Mahoraga jokes that. The 'all he knows is to summon Mahoraga' shit is so braindead cause like I can testify he summoned Kon, Nue and Gama far more than that melanin-deprived shikigami and my boy didn't utilize and showcase his biq and strategic mind despite his limited arsenal just so people can say all he knows is relying on Mahoraga. F that shikigami, I hope when Megumi comes back he gets to slap that thing's ass back in the shadow abyss and stomp on its ugly winged face. Even the 'Toji doesn't want to pay child support' / 'Toji hates gays so he offs himself after finding out his son's gay' is grating on my nerves. Way to bastardize an otherwise sentimental scene. Seriously, what did this manga do to deserve this kind of audience?
Melanin-deprived Maho-chan 😂😂😂
Deep breaths indeed anon!
I get it tho... normally I just scroll past the vast majority of bad takes, but the other day I woke up from a nap cranky, saw one too many bad takes and I went off... normally I'm playful when I troll but this time I wasn't nice 😅.
All we can do is breathe deep. We endure anon. We got this! It really does help remembering that people are only ever going to understand jjk as deeply as they understand themselves.
Also, gotta remember a lot of these people are addicted to the engagement and will say stuff just to be obnoxious.
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dopaminegyro · 10 months
wait the troll melanin thing actually kind of makes sense. if troll melanin causes grey pigmentation then i bet it has something to do with the eye color thing too bc melanin is what gives humans differing eye colors but if you have no melanin in your eyes the reddish color is because the blood is visible so maybe when trolls grow up the troll melanin in their eyes depletes or something. idk why it would do that though
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Afternoon Naps (myg + pjm)
AO3 Link Here!
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Relationships: Jimin x Yoongi Genre: smut Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~5.5k
Tags: Smut, Consensual Somnophilia, Vampires, Dirty Talk, Multiple Orgasms, Coming Untouched, Established Relationship, Vampire Sex, Vampire Biting/Blood Drinking, Sleeping Medication, Consensual Necrophilia (Technically), Temporary Character Death, Vampire Min Yoongi, Human Park Jimin, Bottom Park Jimin
Summary: Jimin finds out his boyfriend's biggest secret, and reveals his own biggest kink. They realize that this can benefit both of them.
A/N: Fifth Kinktober fic, day 7: somnophlia; this fic is also filling a request from ages ago. @sujigguk requested a fic with “you’re not human”
A/N 2: The fic contains technically necrophilia -- vampire lore in this fic has the vampire "dying" (i.e. heart/breathing stops, body goes cold, rigor mortis sets in) while resting in their coffins. All sexual acts are discussed and consented to by both parties prior to this.
“Jimin!” Yoongi’s voice was sharp… And not all that happy when he opened the door of his apartment. Jimin smiled sheepishly. 
“Surprise?” He said softly. 
“What are you doing here?”
Yoongi looked tense as he stood in the doorway. From what Jimin could see over his shoulder, his blinds were drawn, and his apartment was still mostly dark. Strange, given it was nearly ten in the morning.
“Did I wake you?”
Yoongi hesitated. “No.”
Jimin’s smile faded a little. “I wanted to come by… It’s been a week.”
“We’ve been texting.” 
Jimin’s smile disappeared completely. “I disturbed you. I’m sorry.” He backed up, ready to head down the hall.
“Wait, no, Jimin. Don’t go. You just surprised me, I’m not used to visitors coming by unexpectedly.”
Jimin looked at him, trying to gauge if he was being sincere. Jimin and Yoongi had been dating for nearly six months. It was great. Yoongi was always there for him, their dates were fun, and they never ran out of things to talk about. The sex was mind blowing. Sure, they fought a little, but never a big thing. The one oddity in all their time together… Was that Jimin was never invited to sleep over at Yoongi’s. Yoongi had stayed at Jimin’s a few times, and Jimin had come over once or twice, but never for more than a few minutes. 
The last time they were together in person, Jimin had hinted at wanting to stay over at Yoongi’s one night. Yoongi had seemed okay with the idea, but also a bit stiff about it. 
“I should have texted,” Jimin finally said.
“Yes,” Yoongi agreed. “But… You’re here, I can spare a few minutes.” He sighed heavily and stepped aside, letting Jimin in. 
“Dark,” Jimin commented as he entered. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.” He reached out for Yoongi’s head, only to have Yoongi jerk away.
“I’m fine.”
Jimin scowled then, crossing his arms. “What’s wrong with you?”
Yoongi blinked at him. 
“You’re acting weird. I’ve been with you half a year, I know when you’re not yourself. What’s wrong?”
“It…” Yoongi’s shoulders sagged. “It’s very hard to explain.”
“Well try. I don’t appreciate being kept in the dark. Literally or figuratively.” Jimin went to flip on a light. 
Yoongi grabbed his wrist. His hand was frigid, and his grip was tight. Jimin gasped. 
“Don’t.” Yoongi’s voice was sharp.
“Wh… What’s going on? You’re kinda starting to scare me.”
“I don’t mean to.” Yoongi let go of Jimin’s wrist.
“Why are you so cold?” Jimin went forward. Yoongi backed away but Jimin ignored him, grabbing his face. “Jesus, you’re freezing. Are you sick?”
“Not exactly,” Yoongi mumbled.
“Why won’t you look at me?”
“Jimin, please…” Yoongi leaned into his touch, his eyes screwed shut. “Please just go home… I promise, I’ll explain everything tonight.”
“No. You can explain right now, Min Yoongi.” Jimin crossed his arms and stood in front of the door, facing Yoongi. 
“It’s not easy,” Yoongi muttered. Jimin remained silent. He sighed. “Fine. I… I really wanted us to last.”
Jimin narrowed his eyes, not liking how this was sounding. Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets. 
“I’m a monster.”
“What makes you a monster?” Jimin pressed.
“Fangs? Death? Drinking blood?” Yoongi shrugged. “Any number of things. I mean a literal monster.”
Jimin laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, come on, don’t be silly. Yoongi, what is it really?” He asked. He flicked on the light. Yoongi winced visibly, raising his hand to shield from the indoor light.
Jimin’s entire body went cold. Yoongi was standing in front of him. His Yoongi – lean muscle and a sweet, round face, gentle eyes and guitar callused fingers… But not his Yoongi at the same time. The person in front of him was paler than Yoongi – his face almost grey it was so pale. His eyes were dark. Not just dark, but the pupils seemed to have expanded, filling the whites of his eyes and giving him a demonic gaze. 
Yoongi let his hand fall, his expression timid despite the horror his features implied. 
“You’re not human,” Jimin whispered.
“I’m a monster,” Yoongi agreed. “A vampire… Specifically.” He looked down. “Are you going to run away screaming now?”
“Make me, you troll,” Jimin grumbled. He let his arms fall and took a cautious step forward. 
“I’m a vampire, not a troll.”
Jimin grinned at that, seeing the curve of a smile on Yoongi’s lips. “I’ll get it right eventually… Am I in danger? Standing here like this?”
“No. I have excellent control over my feeding… Why aren’t you scared?” Yoongi looked up, meeting Jimin’s gaze.
“I am.”
“You aren’t showing it… Aside from a fast heartbeat… I can’t see any fear on your pretty face. And your heart beats fast around me all the time.”
Jimin smiled. “Flirting isn’t gonna get you out of the doghouse… Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“You’re right.” Yoongi snapped his fingers. “I always forget. When is the right date to tell your new boyfriend you died and came back as a bloodsucking creature of the night? That once a week you have to spend a day in a coffin literally dead or you get wildly sick? Isn’t it the third? Or no, the seventh?”
Jimin slapped Yoongi’s shoulder with some force, smirking when he cried out, rubbing it. “Weak for a vampire.”
“I’m immortal, not immune to my boyfriend’s abuse,” Yoongi grumbled.
“Do you drink blood?”
“Of course I do.”
“When I can.”
“From live people?”
“Is that jealousy I hear in your tone, Mr. Park?”
Jimin glared. “You lied to me for six months, I’m allowed to interrogate you.”
Yoongi smiled softly. “I’m frankly just… In amazement that you’re still standing here. And no… Not live humans, not for a very long time. You may proceed with the interrogation – but I insist on us moving out of my hallway and to an actual sitting location.” He pointed to the couch.
“Do you have anything to drink? If I open your fridge… Will I find bags of blood?”
Yoongi made a noise of offense and crossed his arms. “Of course not, I’m not some barbarian. You’ll find a recyclable bottle of that’s filled with blood. But my sodas are in the door.”
Jimin went over to the fridge and opened it. Sure enough, there were three large water bottles filled with a very suspicious reddish liquid. He grabbed a soda from the door and went over to the couch, sitting next to Yoongi.
“How old are you? I’m guessing that twenty-seven was a lie.”
“I was twenty-seven when I died. Thirty-one years ago.”
“Oooh, I bagged myself a silver fox, huh?”
Yoongi huffed once more. “I died at twenty-seven.”
“Mhm… And now you’re fifty-eight.” 
“Jimin, I’m gonna…” 
Jimin giggled. “I guess I shouldn’t tease you… You might bite me… Would you?”
“Bite you? Not unless you asked.”
“Would it turn me into a vampire?”
“No. There’s a very specific ritual for that.”
Jimin nodded. “Cool. So, what does a vampire do? Aside from drinking blood… What’s special about you? I’ve seen you in the day. You complain a whole lot, but you don’t sparkle or ignite like a firework. We’ve taken plenty of pictures together… And you eat way too much garlic. You also sleep at night, and probably too long… And you aren’t any stronger than I am.”
“You’re making me feel real great here, Jimin,” Yoongi joked, smiling as he spoke.
Jimin laughed. “Sorry—I just mean… You seem human. I’ve never… Really assumed anything was off about you.”
“The great thing about humans, is that you all really like to assume everyone is like you. You avoid the things that support the opposite. Inhuman behavior, to some degree, so long as it’s not shocking or jarring, you can brush off as an odd quirk, a funny trait. I’m close to human, yes, but I am not human. I complain in the sun because my skin is sensitive. Bursting into flames is a myth, but I do burn far easier than most humans. My skin’s melanin has decayed over the years without cellular growth.”
“Which is why you’re so pale too.”
Yoongi grunted an affirmative. “Garlic is a myth, as is the no reflection thing. I’m sure hundreds of years ago, maybe? There might have been some truth to it, but modern technology and modern mirrors work different, so I can see myself the same as you. I am stronger than you, but I do well at hiding it most of the time. Any displays of it, you either don’t see, or brush aside. I do also sleep at night, yes – because I’ve put myself on a human schedule. I do this so I can live among you all without problems. Once a week though, I must sleep during the day. Sleeping at night is akin to a human living on a series of short naps at mid-afternoon. It’s not fully restful and it’s dangerous to do long term. I compensate by sleeping through the day one day per week, in the appropriate resting place.”
“R… Resting place?”
“My coffin.”
Jimin’s eyes bulged. “Coffin?”
“Yes, I am dead. I have a coffin.”
“That you sleep in?”
“Once a week. Otherwise, I sleep in the bed.” 
Jimin nodded, his brows furrowed. 
“Gonna run yet?” Yoongi asked.
“No… Is there anything else different?”
“Well… We’re excellent in bed,” Yoongi joked. Jimin glanced up. “I mean it. We have a… Special thing about us. You’ve had sex with other men before me, right?”
“Yeah, a few.”
“Haven’t you ever noticed that when we have sex… I’m much—”
Yoongi nodded. 
Jimin pouted. “I assumed it was because I just really turned you on. It’s because you’re a vampire?”
“Well, no, you really do turn me on... A lot. But a few days after I do my daytime sleep, I get naturally more rigid. I’m not sure why – I think it has something do with… Ah, well it’s gross. But it just happens.”
Jimin sat back, sighing softly. “You’re immortal.”
“Honestly… I think that’s the thing that bothers me most about this. Not that you’re undead or drink blood or… But that you’re gonna never grow old. And I’m…”
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi whispered.
“If we work out…” Jimin began. “And stay together… You’ll turn me, right? You’d have to – for us to… Be together.”
“Not necessarily. While I wouldn’t hate the idea of someone’s company in my life… I know that a limited existence is so valued and important. It’s something that I would be willing to discuss… If we work out, and when you are older.”
Jimin nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Yoongi pressed. “That’s it?”
Jimin shrugged. “We all have secrets, Yoongi.”
“I doubt you have a secret as big as this, Jimin.”
“No… But I have one that… People have left for.”
Yoongi seemed to perk up a little at that, his brows furrowed. Despite the difference in his eyes, the sleek black, Jimin found his expression endearing and sweet. 
“I like your eyes like this… Can you change them at will?” He asked.
“No. They’re like this because I’ve not fed for a while. I have to keep myself fed and rested or they shift; they’ll be back to normal after I wake up and drink… What secret could you have that’s so big, Jimin?” 
“Well… I…” Jimin winced. “God, it’s weird as hell, I’m so sorry.”
“I won’t run,” Yoongi promised. “You’re sitting here next to me after finding out I’m a living dead monster. The least I can do is listen to your secret and try to understand.”
Jimin smiled softly at that. He nodded. “I like… Sleep sex.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like I like the idea of… Having sex with someone while they sleep or are unconscious. With their consent! I mean… I’d never… Do something nonconsensual.”
Yoongi remained silent a moment, thinking. “Do you want someone to have sex with you while you sleep? Or do you want to have sex with someone while they sleep?”
“Both, I guess. I like the idea of both. I’ve never done it. Most people stop talking to me after I tell them.”
“Why would they?” Yoongi pressed. “We all have kinks and fantasies.”
“Yeah, but a lot of them see it as a form of rape. And I get it, it’s a super grey area. You can’t change your mind while you’re asleep, so like… If you say it’s okay, and then as you drift off to sleep decide you don’t want it… Then it becomes nonconsent.”
Yoongi nodded in understanding. “Well I think that can be resolved just by open communication,” he said, touching his hand to his chin in thought. “If you trust your partner and they trust you, you two should be able to communicate what is and isn’t okay. I don’t think a kink like this is unsafe or unhealthy, as long as – like you said – it’s done with full consent.”
Jimin smiled cautiously, his heart skipping a beat. “You mean… You don’t find it gross?”
“Not at all.” Yoongi smiled. “I’m glad you shared it with me. I still don’t think it’s worse than me being a blood sucking monster… But I know it’s a secret you hold close, so I appreciate your trust. But… Would you want to try this with me someday?”
“Would I ever?” Jimin asked. He chuckled a little. “I fantasize about it a lot.” 
Yoongi smirked. He moved little closer, pulling Jimin to him. “Would you want to try it today?” He asked softly.
Jimin’s eyes widened. Yoongi continued. “Look… When I sleep… In my coffin. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t breathe. I don’t move. I am… For all intents and purposes… Dead. I don’t decay, obviously. But my body goes very cold, my lungs and heart go still… And my body stiffens, as a corpse would. That includes… My dick.”
Jimin remained quiet, processing what Yoongi was suggesting. Yoongi slid his hands over Jimin’s shoulders slowly as he spoke. “So, if someone… Say my very curious, very human boyfriend… Happened to get horny while I was sleeping in my coffin… He could climb in and use my body… Ride me… And I’d remain fully unconscious no matter what.”
“Because you’re dead…” Jimin clarified. 
Yoongi nodded. “Temporarily. I wouldn’t wake for anything, unless you shined sunlight on my body. So… If you want to do this…”
“Would you fuck me when you wake?” Jimin said quickly. “If I was sleeping, would you… Return the favor?”
“I wake in the late afternoon usually. You’d likely still be up.”
“Not if I took a sleeping pill,” Jimin suggested. “I have some, I used to get nightmares and they help. I don’t use them often, but I bring them just in case. I could take one after… And you could… Help get rid of your afternoon wood with my body.”
Yoongi shifted visibly on the couch. His tongue darted out, swiping over his lips. Jimin smirked. He leaned forward, sliding his hands up Yoongi’s thighs. “Does that idea sound good? You like it.”
Yoongi nodded. “I do,” he breathed. 
“We can do it today?”
“Yes but… Jimin… You understand what I mean. When I lay in my coffin… You will be looking at the equivalent of a corpse.”
“I understand. But you’re still you. You say you’ll only be still and cold… You won’t be decaying or rotting or anything you associate with a dead body. And you’ll be waking up and… We’ll be together.”
“Of course.”
“Would it turn you on? Knowing I used you while you… Rested?”
Yoongi smiled softly, lowering his gaze. “Frankly? That’s… An incredibly sexy thought. The thought of you climbing into my coffin with me alone is enough to… Well… I’ve thought of it more than once. I never even imagined you’d be willing to… Let alone wanting to… Do more.”
“Should I stay in the coffin with you? After I finish?”
“I’m afraid not.” Yoongi shook his head. “Waking from my rest is a very jarring thing. I fear I might accidentally hurt you. I have a bed in my room next to the coffin, you can sleep there.”
Jimin nodded. “I do want this as long as you do. And I do want you to… Do the same.”
Yoongi leaned forward, kissing Jimin gently. 
“Hey… You’re a vampire… Don’t you have fangs?”
“They retract. When I’m resting they will come out, so don’t kiss me – you could get poked. But when I’m awake I can pull them in and out as needed.”
“Can I see them?” Jimin whispered. 
Yoongi seemed to be thinking about it. He grinned then. His wide, gummy grin suddenly became something much more frightening… And sexier, when Jimin realized his canines had lengthened and transformed into sharp, deadly points. Jimin’s breath left in a rush. 
“Oh wow…”
Yoongi’s smile dropped again to a relaxed expression. “Satisfied?” He asked, his tone slightly breathier with the fangs in the way. 
Jimin nodded. “I think you need to go to bed soon,” he murmured.
Yoongi smirked, one fang peeking out of his lip. “Horny bastard.”
“Not my fault.” Jimin squeezed Yoongi’s thighs. “Should I wait out here?”
“Please. Though it’s not disturbing I do like going to sleep alone. You’re free to come in in about fifteen minutes… I’ll be resting by then. The lube is in the top drawer of the dresser in the bedroom. 
“See you in the evening,” Jimin said. Yoongi rose and leaned forward, pecking Jimin’s mouth gently. 
Fifteen minutes had never been so damn slow. Jimin finished his drink and paced around the apartment, trying to distract from the ticking clock. He took the time to explore Yoongi’s place; he’d never had a chance to before. He had quite a number of interesting trinkets that Jimin wanted to ask about when he woke up. He pulled off his coat and tugged on one of Yoongi’s hoodies, hugging himself in it as Yoongi’s scent drifted into his nostrils from the warm fabric. 
Finally. Fifteen minutes had passed. Jimin entered the bedroom carefully, letting his eyes adjust to the room, even darker than the living room. He found a lamp near a comfy looking bed and flicked it on, looking around. The light was soft, diffused by the heavy shade. In the center of the room was a large, dark coffin. Jimin approached it carefully, his heart in his throat. Inside was Yoongi, looking much paler than usual. He was entirely still, arms resting across his bare belly. He was in his boxers, his cock comically rigid, tenting the front up obscenely. He was stunning. 
Jimin hurried over to the dresser and opened the drawer, finding the lube easily. He shucked his jeans and boxers, crawling onto the bed. He set his sleeping medication on the bedside stand and relaxed into the pillow. It smelled richly of Yoongi’s scent, his cock thickening against his thigh. He moaned softly, stroking himself. He looked over at the coffin, his stomach clenching. This was really happening. He poured some of the lube on his fingers and spread it over his hole, sighing contentedly as he pushed a finger in to prep himself. 
When he was ready, Jimin rose, sliding the lube and his phone into his pocket. He went over to the coffin, taking a moment to gaze down at his beautiful lover. A vampire… He knew he’d likely have a moment of realization down the line – the understanding that this simple confession had flipped his life upside down. But he’d never been one to shy away from the macabre or bizarre, and he always wondered if supernatural creatures existed. Yoongi’s confirmation of that was… Unexpected, but not unwanted. 
Jimin carefully straddled Yoongi’s lap. He knew he couldn’t wake him, but the fear was half the fun. Yoongi was still hard, his position entirely unchanged from the first moment Jimin saw him. Jimin pulled his boxers down just under his balls, smirking when he saw the tip was a deep purple red. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked gently, surprised to find it cool to the touch. Yoongi really was a living dead person. 
A surprising twinge of arousal spiked through Jimin, making him shudder. He wondered if Yoongi could still come in this state. Only one way to find out.
He shifted over, taking the lube from his hoodie with shaking hands and adding some to Yoongi’s cock, and more to his own stretched hole. He moved over and began to settle into Yoongi’s cock, muffling his quiet gasps in his other hand. Yoongi’s cock was so hard it was almost painful. There was none of the give he was used to, forcing his ass open wide to take the tip, and sliding deep into him. He whimpered, shuddering hard when he took his entire length. 
“Yoongi,” he whined softly. Curious, he reached out, touching Yoongi’s pale, cool face. He held his hand by his nose for a moment. Nothing. No movement of air, no shift, nothing. He moaned again, reality slowly sinking in. There was nothing normal or right about this. But God, it felt good. He dropped his hand down, pulling Yoongi’s top lip back. As promised, there they were, sharp fangs, glinting dangerously. Jimin touched one, ever so tempted to prick his finger on it, let Yoongi taste him… But no. Jimin pulled his hand back. That could be discussed at a later time. He settled back on Yoongi’s stiff cock and whimpered. There was no give. He was gonna lose it fast at this rate.
Jimin began to ride him, moaning openly as Yoongi’s cock slid over his prostate. He reached into his hoodie and removed his phone, holding it up. He found his camera app and angled it to show his face first, his cheeks mottled red with arousal. He moaned openly as he pressed record, not bothering to shy away from looking and sounding obscene. 
“Your cock is so hard, Yoongi. You’re gonna break my ass in half, oh!” He shuddered, biting his lip and twisting his hips down. “Fuck, I’ve never had something this hard up my asshole, Yoongi… I’m gonna gape for hours after I’m done with you.”
He whined, his throat clicking as he struggled to swallow. He turned the camera, filming Yoongi’s body before turning it and balancing it behind him, so he could film himself riding Yoongi. He glanced back, smirking when he realized the camera was catching each long stroke, Yoongi’s cock sinking back into his ass. He spread himself and leaned forward, giving more light for the camera. He fucked himself hard and fast onto Yoongi’s cock, moaning and begging for more, not hiding the pleasure he was getting. He reached back and grabbed the phone, holding it up again.
“I’m gonna come, Yoongi,” he whined. “I’m gonna come from using your thick, hard cock, right here in your coffin. Wanna see?”
He turned the camera and lifted the front of the hoodie. His cock was bouncing with each thrust of his body, slapping gently off Yoongi’s still stomach. 
“I’m so glad you slept shirtless,” Jimin panted. “Make me come, Yoongi… Oh God, please… Fuck my ass harder…” He moved faster, whining high in his throat. It shifted to a shout when his cock began to spurt, shooting ropes of come over Yoongi’s hands and belly. He stroked himself, still riding Yoongi’s cock as he milked the last come from himself. He shuddered and giggled, moving the camera behind him as he pulled off Yoongi. He held his ass open, feeling the cool air tickle him far more intimately than it should.
“Look at that gape,” he mumbled. “Too bad it’s not dripping with your come.” He pulled the camera back as he crawled out of the coffin.
“I think I’m gonna leave you like this… Covered in my come, boxers down… Just so you wake up and know what I did to you.” 
He walked back over to the bed in the corner. “Now, Yoongi… I’m gonna leave the lube right there.” He angled the camera to show himself setting it on the nightstand and picking up the sleeping pill. “And I’m gonna take my sleeping medicine.” He angled the camera back to his face to show him swallowing it. 
“Now I’m going to sleep just like this… No shorts… And I would love it, if you want to… To repay the favor and use my ass while I sleep.” He smirked. “I wonder… Is your come as cold your body was when you first come back? You should let me know… I wonder how that feels inside me…” He shook his head. “Sleep well… See you soon.” He ended the video and sent it to Yoongi, forcing himself to stay awake long enough to hear the buzz of Yoongi’s phone in his coffin. He let himself drift off to sleep, dreams full of sexy, arousing thoughts. 
Jimin’s ass was on fire. He moaned softly, opening his eyes blearily. The first thing he saw was the coffin. He turned his head, spotting the clock… Nearly seven hours since he’d gone to sleep. 
“Morning Sunshine,” Yoongi murmured. Jimin turned, spotting him at his desk. A cup of deep red liquid sat next to him as he worked on something. “How’s your ass?”
“Sore,” Jimin mumbled, reaching back. He was met with a gush of body temperature fluids, pouring from his gaped hole. He whined. “Fuck…” His cock throbbed against the mattress. “What did you do?”
“Me? I simply did as you asked in your video… Very sexy, by the way. Would you like to watch?”
Jimin rolled over, groaning weakly. His cock was hard despite the pain in his ass. It was perfect. “Show me,” he whispered.
Yoongi rose and grabbed his phone. He went over to the bed and sat on it with Jimin, passing him the device. 
Yoongi did far less teasing and talking in his video. He set up the phone at an angle on the nightstand, allowing it to capture most of Jimin’s sleeping body. Yoongi slicked his cock, looking into the camera as he sank into Jimin with a moan. He began to thrust into him quickly, holding Jimin’s ass open as he did. He maintained looking at the camera most of the time, his eyes the same black they were when he went to sleep.
As Jimin watched himself get used on the phone, Yoongi pulled him onto his lap. He’d withdrawn his cock, Jimin could feel. He hissed and whined softly when Yoongi dragged him over and slid back into his come lubed hole.
“It’s sore,” he whined.
“You can get off then, I don’t mind,” Yoongi said, letting his hips go. Jimin smirked. He shifted to get a better angle to watch the video and began to bounce lazily on Yoongi’s cock.
On the video, Yoongi had picked up speed, grunting as he fucked Jimin’s sleeping body. He tossed his head back, shouting and baring his teeth.
Jimin moaned, catching sight of Yoongi’s fangs. He touched his own neck, a little disappointed at the lack of bite marks. Yoongi on video shuddered, his hips going still. He leaned forward, kissing Jimin’s shoulder.
“There’s my first load, Jimin. It was as cold as ice… I’ve never felt your hole squeeze me so tight. Next time I’ll do it when you’re awake… I bet you’ll squeal so pretty when it fills you…” 
Jimin moaned, leaning back against Yoongi. “I wanna feel,” he confessed.
“I’ll make sure you’re awake next time,” Yoongi promised. “Wanna see the rest?”
Jimin nodded, riding Yoongi a little faster.
On video, Yoongi picked up the pace, fucking Jimin’s ass harder than before. He used him for nearly forty minutes, filling his hole three times. Finally, he sagged his shoulders, kissing over Jimin’s back. 
“You’re so fucking sloppy, baby,” he grumbled. He grabbed the phone and angled it down. Jimin’s ass was red, his hole swollen around Yoongi’s cock. He pulled out slowly and come bubbled out, obscene sounds filling the air. Yoongi chuckled. “I’ll leave you like this. When you wake up I’ll give you one more, if you want it.”
The video went black. Jimin leaned forward, his ass aching at the new angle. “I want it,” he whispered.
Yoongi shifted, pulling out only long enough to get onto his knees. He sank back into Jimin’s  already filled ass, and they both moaned at the sloppy noises. Jimin leaned up, wrapping his arms back around Yoongi.
“Bite me when you come,” he whispered.
“You sure?” Yoongi was fucking him hard, his cock twitching.
“Yes,” Jimin promised. He reached down, stroking his cock in time with Yoongi’s thrusts. 
Yoongi was huffing erratically, holding tight to his middle. His fangs grazed Jimin’s shoulder. 
“Are you mine?” Yoongi panted in his ear.
“Give yourself to me.” Yoongi grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand off his cock. “All the way. Are you mine, Jimin?”
“Yes, yes!” Jimin moaned. 
“I’m yours as well, Park Jimin,” Yoongi whispered. He slammed his cock deep. It began to throb, spilling inside Jimin. At the same time, Jimin felt a sharp pain and then a pressure on his shoulder. Pure pleasure washed over him. His cock began to spurt ropes of come, jerking hard enough to make them land on the floor in front of him. He shouted Yoongi’s name, reaching back and holding his neck as Yoongi drank from him. 
The two collapsed on the bed as their orgasms faded. Yoongi kissed and licked at the wound on Jimin’s shoulder until the blood clotted, sliding his softening cock carefully from Jimin’s aching ass.
“You okay?” Yoongi asked, nudging Jimin’s shoulder with his nose as they cuddled back to chest on the bed.
“I’m great,” Jimin whispered.
“No regrets? Still okay with it?”
“Fully… You?”
“It was so exciting,” Yoongi admitted. “When I woke and felt your come on me… And then saw you sleeping… And that video was stunning. You were so beautiful.”
Jimin smiled shyly. “We’ll have to go easy the next few nights… I’m really sore.”
“Of course. I’ll be gentle for a while, let you heal up.” Yoongi kissed over his shoulder. “Did the bite hurt?”
“No. It felt good… How often can you drink from me?”
“I’d prefer not to often. Living human blood, not bagged, it’s… Very rich and sweet, almost like candy. It can become addictive. I’m honored you let me, but I’ll save it as a treat for myself, if you don’t mind?”
“Of course.” Jimin turned as well as he could. His gaze searched Yoongi’s face, finally dropping down to his mouth, lips pink and cheeks mottled. “It was so interesting. Seeing you in your coffin.”
“I know it can be frightening.”
“No…” Jimin shook his head. “I think it sank in… That I was looking at someone who wasn’t alive. But knowing you’d be awake soon after, it was… This bizarre sort of… Taboo but sexy thing? I’m a freak, aren’t I?” Jimin’s shoulders sagged. 
“No more than I.” Yoongi nudged him again. “We can be freaks together.”
Jimin grinned. “Yoongi?” He said softly.
“I feel gross.”
“Because of what we did?”
“No, silly.” Jimin laughed. “Because your come is gluing my ass and legs together. I need a shower.”
Yoongi laughed brightly, nodding. “Agreed. Let’s get one... It’s almost dinner, you’re probably starved.”
“You aren’t,” Jimin teased, rising slowly. “No, but I could eat. I’ll take you out after the shower.”
They walked together to the bathroom. “How does eating human food work with being a vampire?”
“Same as it works being alive,” Yoongi said, turning on the water. “It’s just empty calories for me – Which is why I never eat much.”
“There’s so much I feel like I have to learn about what you are… How life is for you.” Jimin crossed his arms as he waited for the water to warm. Yoongi straightened up and wrapped his arms around him. Now that Jimin was aware, he could feel that Yoongi was a few degrees cooler, his skin just a bit paler than human. 
“You can ask anything you need. We have time, and I’ll tell you all you want to know.”
“Yoongi…” Jimin leaned against him, hugging him tightly. He could hear Yoongi’s heart, glugging along at a lethargic pace. He smiled softly. “Can I confess something to you?”
“Hm?” Yoongi asked, resting his chin on Jimin’s shoulder. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you,” Jimin whispered. 
Yoongi went still, his heart skipping a little faster. “Jimin… Say that again,” he said.
“I… I’ve fallen in love with you.”
Jimin could feel Yoongi’s lips curve up into a smile against his shoulder. “In nearly sixty years of existence… I have never heard more beautiful words,” Yoongi admitted. “I love you too, Jimin… I feel like I’ll love you forever.”
Jimin pulled back, meeting Yoongi’s gaze. His eyes were back to their normal soft brown. He smiled. “Coming from someone who is immortal… That’s the most beautiful thing I could hear.”
Yoongi leaned forward, kissing Jimin deeply. He pulled him close, and Jimin melted into the touch. Yoongi may have cold skin, may drink blood and die once a week – but Jimin had never felt safer or warmer than he did at that very moment in Yoongi’s arms. 
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tsutsumi-kaina · 3 years
Theory: AFO Gave Tomura Decay (Part 2)
Continued from this post (link!)
Warning: This post has spoilers for both the most recent chapters of MHA (up to ch. 316) as well as spoilers for Vigilantes (up to ch. 109).
Straight to the point:
5. Tomura’s eyes and hair change color with the activation of Decay
It’s easy to write this one off as the anime making questionable choices about Tomura’s color scheme yet again (five years of baby blue hair ya’ll)— but just for giggles, let’s just assume that Horikoshi did intend for Tenko's natural eye color to be black, just like Nana and Kotaro. 
Now, there's a theory that Decay's activation destroyed all of Tomura's melanin, which is a theory I enjoy because it totally tracks (albinos lack pigmentation and they have "red eyes" because we're seeing their blood vessels rather than the actual color of their irises). I also like the “his hair went white from the trauma” and “he straight up went super saiyan” theories, because I’m a sucker that kind of specifically anime bullshit. 
But what if none of those theories are right? What if there was another reason why Tomura's hair and eyes change color? What if the change was meant to foreshadow something just a bit more... sinister?
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Presented Without Comment
Through Dabi/Touya’s story we know that quirk factors do have an effect on things like hair color, and can even change a person's hair color upon activation— when Rei’s quirk factor becomes “dominant,” we see that Touya's hair gradually begins to turn white as his body changes to become more suited to an ice quirk despite his own quirk being fire-based.
That sound familiar?
So, Tomura's change to red eyes and white hair specifically  starts to look more than a little insidious if we assume that A) AFO has always  planned to turn Tenko into a new vessel, and B) Tenko actually got his first “dose” of AFO in the form of Decay + a pseudo-vestige, and his body has been gradually changing to become more hospitable for AFO's quirk factor. Exposure to AFO’s quirk factor (and it raging around inside of him like a damn virus) may be the true cause of Tomura’s palette swap.
6. Tenko is 5 when decay manifests, even though it’s been repeatedly stated that age 4 is the latest age that quirks manifest.
This point has also been discussed to death, with people arguing that Tomura simply had to amass enough hatred for Decay to fully manifest (see point 2 on why this “explanation” was most likely just AFO being a gigantic fucking troll). I’ll instead encourage folks to evaluate this point from a narrative standpoint— Hori drew attention to Tenko’s age and his quirklessness for a reason.
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“Will he like me if I get my quirk!?”  Uhhh....
And Tenko likely having been born quirkless leads to the next point:
7. Tenko, The Quirkless Wonder (or: how having a quirkless vessel is an integral part of AFO’s plan to snatch OFA and not straight up fucking die in the process)
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Tenko being born quirkless makes him a perfect candidate to tolerate the simultaneous burden of both OFA/AFO without his lifespan getting completely drained in the process-- the nomufication surgery was more likely just a measure that was taken to make sure Tomura's body was strong enough to make use of both quirks right away.
8. You know what? *beats the dead horse anyway*
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Man, isn’t there a sale at Men’s Warehouse you’re late to???
I know I said I wouldn’t touch on this point but come the fuck on, mister twenty-four-seven biz cas isn’t even trying to hide it 
Bonus Points:
Machia's sense of smell - Machia tracks others through scent, and is somehow able to locate Tomura after the LOV has hidden themselves deep within the mountains. This is in spite the fact that they've never met before (Machia literally asks Tomura "Are you the one who succeeded AFO?"-- so we can assume he was not secretly tracking or observing Tomura from afar).  We know that if Machia's never met a person before, he obviously can't track them via scent-- we see this when he has to stop and literally ask Mina for directions during a flashback. But he still manages to track down the LOV when not even the police/heroes had any inkling of their location. So. If Machia and Tomura have never met before, how was Machia able to find him? As funny as it is to imagine AFO rubbing a pair of dirty sneakers in Machia's face like he's an overgrown bloodhound, I'll put forth the following theory-- Machia was sniffing out Decay's quirk factor rather than Tomura himself. If Decay was formerly in the possession of AFO, and/or if a part of AFO’s quirk factor already exists inside Tomura, then tracking him down is a cinch for Machia.
AFO's pasttime is villain creation - There's a whole scene in Vigilantes where AFO discusses the true nature of a "villain," then brags about being able to create villains by causing imbalances in one's quirk + giving people unsuitable quirks + stimulating quirks with a "violent will" and forcing them to go haywire. It's, uh. Fairly damning, to say the least.
AFO may have used Decay to kill Nana - This one is more conspiracy theory than actual theory, and it may seem like a huge stretch, but hear me out! In its untrained form, we see that Decay reduces people to chunks instead of dusting them-- but it leaves their hands perfectly intact. It feels far too coincidental that AFO just so happened  to leave Nana’s hand intact after killing her, and apparently decided to preserve that hand for 30 years on a total whim— and then, wouldn’tcha know it, Tenko just so happens to manifest a quirk that pulps everything but miraculously leaves the hands of those victims perfectly intact. And AFO being sick enough to give a little boy who wants to be a hero the same quirk that killed his hero grandma is a given at this point.
 - - - - - - - - -
Anyway, I get that a lot of folks dislike this theory because it takes away a lot of Tomura’s agency-- but honestly, his entire character arc has been about him trying to rediscover his true self and reclaiming his agency after a lifetime of having his identity abused out of him by pretty much everyone he’s ever met. AFO was always going to be the final boss of that character arc, which has been less about “becoming the greatest villain” (and hoo boy people on twitter are reeeeally hung up on this particular misconception about Tomura’s arc) and more about discovering his true convictions and “becoming his own person”-- Just as Izuku’s character arc is about becoming his own person and learning to actually value himself, rather than him just becoming All Might 2.0 who acts as a hero at the complete expense of his own personhood.
I don’t feel that Decay being an implant from AFO harms Tomura’s character arc in any way-- rather, confronting the lie that he was somehow “born evil” and exists as a slave to Decay’s destructive impulse feels like the next hurdle Tomura needs to overcome before he can truly reclaim his agency. 
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rrameyguerrero · 3 years
Worldbuilding: Races
There are several things I consider when building a world. When I created the world that The Age of Fire takes place in, I began with races. I knew that I wanted my main characters to be non-human. I envisioned an immortal race of Lowasii, who were stewards to the elements. They are magical beings who derive their abilities from the elements that they care for. I decided I wanted Lowasii to be divided into tribes. Each tribe resembles the element their ancestors cared for. They are vegetarian due to their closeness to the earth, and they have ears the shape of willow leaves, and their neighbors call them the “Deer People”.
I further defined the Lowasii tribes. I thought about the area that I wanted my people to live. A northern island, nestled in a forested cliffside that rolls into the ocean. From there, I decided that the most prominent elements are Water, Stone, Fire, Wood, Salt, Soil, and Clay.
For Water, I imagined a people that had birch-white skin, silver hair, and blue eyes. I called them Awat for their word for water. For Fire, they had dark skin, hair, and eyes. I called them Imbyr for their word for ember. For Stone, I had to decide what I wanted to be most prevalent in this area. I chose slate and granite. The Onryx people had skin that looked like brown slate or granite. They had dark hair and eyes. For Wood, I decided I wanted there to be dryad-creatures, not related to the Lowasii. For Salt, I chose to give them golden skin and hair for the color of the salt flats, green eyes for the sea. I called them Tassi, which means salt. For Soil, I decided they would have skin the color of dust or delta soil from the river. I called them Yerikuu. Lastly, I wanted there to be a clay element. Their skin is red-brown like clay, with dark eyes and hair. I called them Atkla, which means clay.
I wanted the element Wood to be represented on the island where the Lowasii live. I used dryads as inspiration for my Saplings. They are spirits that emerge from tree bodies. Their appearance depends largely upon the appearance of their tree. But a Birch tree might be thin with paperwhite flaking skin and long white hair and vivid green eyes.
I needed other races for my world. I thought about my favorite stories growing up. I always had a fascination with Goblins and Trolls and Giants. So I made my own versions up. Goblins are the main characters’ closest neighbors. I wanted them to be stewards of Ash. They have grey skin and eyes. Most are bald, but they choose to decorate their heads with local gems like onyx, opals, raw emeralds, ect. They have leaf-shaped ears due to their immortality.
When I thought of Trolls, I imagined great hunched beings with large bulbous noses. They carry great clubs that they use as walking sticks. Moss and grass cling to their backs, and that’s how they hunt. They stay real still like stones, until a deer or other animal grows accustomed to their presence. Then wham! They strike with their clubs and stone knives.
Giants, who I call Boulders, are relatives of the Trolls. They are nine feet tall. I wanted them to have a simpler approach. Like the Narnian Giants, I wanted the Boulders to be less intelligent. They use boulders to kill their prey, and they will eat anything that moves.
I wanted one more race that lives on the island with these people groups. A hyper-intelligent race that was poisoned and turned cannibals. They once looked like Goblins with yellow skin, but now they have bowl-shaped eyes, skin pulled over their bones, and sharp noses. I called them Sharpnosed Riverfolk.
I wanted humans to appear in my world. I looked at worldwide cultures. I decided that I would name several human settlements. I wanted some humans to become antagonists, and I wanted some to be protagonists’ friends.
I wanted an Underground race, that has taken over the entire Underground and wants to create an empire on the surface. Because they live underground, I wanted them to lack melanin like most cave dwelling creatures do. The Underlings have white hair and violet or pink eyes. They are very sensitive to the sun.
Lastly, I wanted a race of people from the Sky realm. The Painted Realm. The Lunae have skin like the night sky. They have hair and clothing like clouds, and they have wide all-black eyes that sometimes glow amethyst.
What do you do? Share in the comments.
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ask-the-jester-buds · 5 years
A Headcanon about how grubs are born within the hemospectrum....
WARNING: The following headcanon will contain buckets, mention of genetic material and some wacky explanation about how mother grubs work… In other words, troll reproduction. Though it does not contain any sort of explicit content regarding intercourse, it could be implied.
Reader’s discretion is advised. 
It’s well known that in alternia there are more lowbloods than highbloods, even when drones and highbloods themselves are sent to “control the population”, it’s still evident that lowbloods surpass highbloods in numbers. 
But why is this?
I believe that the blood color of a troll can be defined by the color of its donors. 
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Whenever a filled bucket is taken to the mother grub, this is fed to her in order to generate newborn grubs that will grow up into trolls. One bucket contains the exact quantity of material needed to generate one egg and depending on where the donors lie on the hemospectrum is the probability of the resulting color of the grub.
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Example: If the donors were a Oliveblood and a Tealblood there is a possibility that the resulting grub will be in between Olive and Teal (Aka: Olive, Jade or Teal)
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However the lower the blood the more dominant the gene and the higher the chances of the resulting grub to be born a lower color. So in this case, the resulting grub has a higher chance to be born an Olive rather than a Teal. 
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To give another example: If the Donors where a Goldblood and a Purpleblood, the resulting grub would be born in the spectrum of [Gold - Lime - Olive - Jade - Teal - Cerulean - Indigo - Purple]. The grub wouldn’t be able to be born as a burgundy or a seadweller as those colors are not included within the limits of the donor’s combined spectrum. And seeing as how the lowest blood color is Gold, there is a Higher possibility that the Grub would be born as goldblood rather and an Olive, rather than a jade, rather than a teal, rather than a cerulean an so on.
For this reason, many highbloods, like Koresh,  do prefer to have highblooded partners. This way they can ensure that more future generations are born highbloods rather than lowbloods.
There are some exceptions to the color dominance rule however:
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Jadebloods are a very rare blood color. Although they are considered Midbloods, the chances of a jadeblood being born are very small. So, even when the donors are a Jade blood and a Cerulean there is a higher chance of the resulting grub being born either a Teal or a Cerulean rather than a Jade. 
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Fuchsiabloods are the rarest blood by excellency. The chances of a grub being born a fuchsiablood are probably the lowest of all bloods. However you don’t need a fuchsia donor to have the probability of a fuchsia grub to be born. If one of the donors is a seadweller there is a very slim chance that the resulting grub will be born royal blooded. However this is a very small percent of probability, there is more chance if the donor is, in fact, a fuchsia blood.
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Limebloods are also a very rare blood color too, but not because the gene is recessive like jades, but because ever since the mass extinction of the color, The empress has ordered all Mothergrubs to be genetically altered so that they do not give birth to Lime grubs. This however is not a perfect practice and some very rare lime babies have been born. Their chances of surviving however are very slim, not only because some brooding caverns would eliminate lime grubs the moment they are born, but because there are very few lime blooded lusii that could take care of them. 
Mutants and Cuspblood mutations do not count as an exception, as they too follow the color dominance rule. 
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Cuspblooded trolls are a rare mutation in which a troll is born with a combination of two natural colors that are together in the hemospectrum. Example: Being born with a color between Cerulean and Indgo, or purple and violet, or olive and jade. It is believed this is caused by the union of two trolls merged into one like a chimera, however this has not been proven. Even if they are a mutation, they would still be born within the limits of their donors blood colors. So, if the donors were an cerulean and a violet blood, a cuspblooded mutant would only be born as a cerulean-indigo, indigo-purple or a purple-violet. 
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Mutant blooded trolls, are trolls that were born within the hemospectrum, but their blood lacks or has an excess of components that give the blood its color, causing it to have a very drastic change of hue (like how the lack of melanin causes people to be albino). This however doesn’t seem to change the overall form or abilities that a troll receives according to their place in the hemospectrum. (Like the double horns and the psionics on a gold blood, the chucklevoodoos on a purple blood, the psychics on a burgundy, etc. )
And Example of this would be Karkat Vantas, who was supposed to be born a Lime, but his mutation causes his blood to look candy red instead of the natural Lime. It is believed that his non-murderous, more friend oriented nature and his ability to calm Gamzee’s rage are all limeblood characteristics, this however has not been proven.
An overall note would be that a mutant donor does increase the chance of another mutant grub to be born. For this reason, many brooding caverns dispose of mutant grubs the moment they are born. 
As a final note I would like to remind you that aside from blood color, Trolls do not inherit any other genes or characteristics from their donors. Donors are not a grub’s parents as they have little to no involvement in the creation of a grub aside from giving genetic material, reason to why they are called “donors”. 
Trolls do not develop any paternal instincts nor do they share any connection, either in mind, soul or body, to a grub being born from their genetic material. Trolls, aside from jades in the brooding caverns, do not take care of grubs and do not partake in any parenting of their own species.
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dashnite · 3 years
I can’t believe in 2021 people are still sending you stupid anon hate. Also the fact that people don’t realize that Latinx people can have almond eyes and different skin tones than what they expect? Also, I think assuming someone’s race for any reason is so stupid? But the fact that you have stated multiple times your ethnicity and people still assume you’re white is absurd
IKR??? it’s confusing being bi-racial. i can like pass as white but my accent gives me away immediately. i honestly don’t understand where this hate is coming from, but it seems eerily similar to the homestuck anon hate where i was also called racist on top of transmisogynist (?).
fandom will always have that LOUD minority of haters that honestly just want attention and go for people they know are likely to answer i think. like, i’m not gonna sit here and let u call me racist when i have a black mother that suffered (and still suffers) racism her whole entire life. cosplaying a character that is not your ethnicity is not racist, and if you have that skintone even better, but there should be no need for you to paint your face to look like youre from another ethnicity (unless youre cosplaying idk princess bubblegum or homestuck trolls)
(unless we are talking about blackface or ACTUAL yellowface, which is WRONG, but i LIVE for kiera and mimi cosplaying white/asian ppl without compromising their melanin. my queens 👸🏿)
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kanguin · 6 years
Troll Freckles and What They Say About Troll Biology
So this post pointed out that one of the new troll call trolls has freckles.  While this may seem mundane to some and “yay I can apply my accessory trait to my trollsona” to others, this is actually a pretty significant revelation about troll biology.
The sheer fact that a troll can have freckles naturally means that their skin is actually dyed by some sort of gray pigment, and that it can build up in excess at times.  The presence of freckles also proves relative hairlessness save for on the head, as these would not show through otherwise, but that’s beside the point; it’s just a confirmation of something that should have been presumed from the get go.  Anyway, the gray pigment.  First thoughts lead to the conclusion that this pigment could take likely a similar role to human melanin, darkening the skin to provide resistance to light, but if it did, the pigment would likely not be very prevalent, if at all, in troll skin due to the entire species being primarily nocturnal.
I can’t say for sure why this darker gray pigment exists in troll skin, which just begs the question of whether it masks any other color or if their skin is base blood-tinted-snow-white in the absence of pigmentation like human skin is (see - albino people).
The most sensible reason for why trolls would have this gray pigment is so that their skin is uniform across individuals and doesn’t give away their color immediately.  This would be beneficial for a species who has different powers predicated upon what blood they have, and having anonymity externally could prevent them from becoming prey to hungry wild lusii.  While a powerless tealblood might be a tasty snack for some big lusus, there’s a chance that troll could be a blue blood and knock you the fuck out with their monstrous strength.  It’d just not be worth it.  Thus the sheer possibility that this troll could fuck you up, but might not, would deter most potential threats before they even happened.
Note that I don’t think it’s at all likely that this pigmentation is like human melanin, in that it doesn’t protect them from the sun.  As an entirely nocturnal species (by rule, there are always exceptions), they would not need to have any traits that protect them from a condition that they wouldn’t normally face.  While we know in canon that all player-species exist paradoxically just to play the game, it can be presumed that there would be some pre-rendered evolutionary lore for their biology, as that would just make sense.  And evolutionarily speaking, it’s biologically cheaper to just become nocturnal than it is to develop a defense mechanism against sunlight so intense it blinds you if you even look at it.
Since this pigment wouldn’t be activated by sunlight, trolls couldn’t tan.  IE, they couldn’t uniformly increase or decrease the shade of their skin, and again they would be biologically kept within a few degrees of every other troll’s skin shade.  However, this does open the door for conditions like melanism (or, well, dark-gray-ism, but Greek roots don’t exactly have terms for those ideas), and of course albinism.  Melanistic trolls would likely be a very dark charcoal color (and probably culled on the spot on Alternia due to the difference), and albinistic trolls would be a pale, blood-tinted whitish color.  While a vitiligo-like syndrome could exist, troll skin is already so light grey (77% value) that it wouldn’t be very noticeable if it did occur; it should be noted that as far as I am aware, melanism and vitiligo are not able to coexist, as one is the excess production of melanin while the latter is like a partial case of albinism.
It should also be noted that it’s very unlikely melanism would affect the coloration of the horns, with only albinism causing a muting of the pigment in the horns.  Places where this gray pigment are not found would be unaffected by melanism, such as the eyes and horns.
TL;DR, the fact that trolls can have freckles means that you can make freckled trollsonas, and even melanistic or albinistic fantrolls!  Bear in mind these would still be rare traits, and would not have developed like human racial features like skin coloration.  Nevertheless, the possibilities have expanded!
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Left to right: Normal (99+% of trolls), Melanistic, and Albinistic
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justasparkwritings · 3 years
Codename Cupid Chapter 18
Previous: Cricket & Bunny
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x OFC
Genre: Secret AgentAU, Government AgentAU
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Our resident P.I. finds who she's been looking for, and gets an unwelcome surprise. 
(two shorter chapters today!) 
Harboring Hoseok
Present Day
           I found Jung Hoseok.
           Let me back track that statement – After months of digging, harassing my sister for more help, using all my contacts in various bureaus, lying to Euna that I’d made progress when I hadn’t, I finally have found Jung Hoseok, Hoseok Jung.
           I know, you’re wondering, how? What finally cracked the case? How did I, the person incapable of finding Min Yoongi, lucky enough to stumble into Park Jimin, find Jung Hoseok?
           You’ll be shocked, you’ll be amazed, you’ll be dumbfounded that I stumbled into him in the most millennial way possible, because I found him on, don’t hold your breath:
           That’s right, I stumbled upon Jung Hoseok on fucking Mark Zuckerberg owned, Instagram. It was a coincidence, a twist of fate, that I was even in the vicinity of him, because we do not live in the vicinity of each other. I wasn’t sure he was even alive; I wasn’t sure if he had moved continents or countries. But, in the ether, he resides.
           Sometime after Jungkook told me he loves me, and after I created permanent scarring on his back from my too long fingernails (they’ve since been cut multiple times), I went to my favorite Barre3 studio. I’m not going to lie, I go regularly. I’m addicted. Yes, it can be cult-ish, but have you ever worked out so thoroughly your ass hurts when you stand? Or listened to a teacher relay the message that you are strong, that your body is powerful, that you can accomplish any challenge? If not, and I know this is propaganda, but like take a class. I can give you a discount.
           The point is, somewhere between sumo squats and parallel bridge lifts, I noticed this woman, stunning, who seems to come to class every day before or after she hits the gym with her trainer. The. Stamina. Can you believe? On a Wednesday, I accidentally bumped into her, spilling some of my water down her Sweaty Betty matching set. I apologized profusely, and she laughed it off, saying it cooled her down. She noticed my earrings, liked them, and ever since then we’ve been texting. We’ve even gone so far as to get coffee, which prompted me to do my favorite activity, troll her Instagram. Some people say Instagram is going the way of Facebook, which it easily could be, but it’s so damn fun that I pray every day the trend continues in its favor.
           A public figure, Genevieve Yang is the height of couture. She is at every fashion week, Milan, Paris, New York, and donates nearly as much as Kwan and Seo, combined. Leaving the spotlight to work on a smaller sect of her organization, focusing on women’s reproductive rights, specifically women in poverty, she’s rarely photographed or seen outside of said events. Instead, she works 8-5, exercises regularly and rumor has it, is vegan. She’s the eldest of three, and her siblings are a pediatric cardiologist and a Rhodes Scholar. Within the universe of the Lee’s, she’s looked down upon for being biracial, her father, a first generation Nigerian-American, fell in love with her mother, a first generation Korean American from Busan, during their study abroad stint in Italy. I’ve been dying to find a connection to the Lee’s, and here, in all her melanin glory, is Genevieve.
           In scrolling through her Instagram, I came across a photo series from a few weeks ago. To my surprise, standing with his arm around Genevieve’s shoulder, stands a man with dimples so deep and rays of sun beaming through the photo and barreling past my phone screen.
           Jung Hoseok.
           And who should be next to him?
           Lee Kwan-Min.  
           They’re in an ornate ballroom, gold ceilings and ball gowns, masquerade masks held in their manicured fingers. They’ve been drinking and dancing, as is evident in their, what Jungkook would call Asian Glow, and in the caption.
           Drink every night bc we’re drinking to our accomplishments
           A paraphrase from a Drake song, it seems to ring true as I scan through the other photos of the evening. It must’ve been Lee Enterprises semi-annual gala, masquerade theme taking turns with Gatsby or in the era of Bridgerton, Regency London. Their summer event, Polos & Picnics, is as you guessed it, a Lacoste and Perignon soaked day drinking celebration of everyone’s summer tans and Hampton houses. It’s anyone’s guess which event raises more money, or costs more to put on. Jun-Seo and Kwan-Min throw a few other smaller events, brunches and casino nights, all earnings going to their philanthropy. The galas are the hottest ticket in North America, and I am still stunned that Hoseok had made it into the embrace of Kwan-Min.
           Think Crazy Rich Asians meets the Met Ball. It’s all anyone ever wants to attend, and damn if I’m not jealous every year.
           Hoseok is tagged in the photo series, and by clicking on his name, I can see our mutual friend, and nothing more. The age-old question every millennial has to ask themselves is this, is that enough to send a follow request? I don’t know if it is, but what’s the worst that can happen? He blocks me? Alright, that gives me information that I can use. Sure following him would be the best case, but he could leave it pending for weeks.
           I send the request and text my newest friend, Genevieve Yang, who immediately calls me.
           “Oh Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?” Genevieve asks.
           “I just thought we could chat, I was looking at your Instagram and-
           “Oh my god! Do the pics from the Masquerade look good? I can’t tell if people love them, or just tolerate them, you know?” She sips loudly on what I assume is some green smoothie, her favorite non H2O beverage.
           “Sure, absolutely, I totally know,” I lie.
           “Don’t lie to me,” Genevieve scolds.
           “They’re beautiful, but I didn’t recognize who was in that first one with you,” I bait.
           “Come off it, you absolutely know,” She laughs but I swear I can hear her rolling her eyes.
           “The woman looked familiar, but I don’t know from what,” I tell her, curiosity in my voice. “I have no clue who that man is.”
           If she could see me, she’d laugh. A barely eaten sandwich, cold coffee in a travel mug I got when I was 20, and dark circles under my eyes from my inability to sleep the last few nights. The paranoia of the last letter has seeped into my subconscious, and I can’t bring myself to sleep unless Jungkook is nearby, of which, he isn’t. Gone on a business trip for the last three nights, gone for five more. How incredibly rude of him, but there isn’t much I can do when his boss could possibly be 007 incarnate. Or Danny Trejo.
           “She’s one of the heirs to Lee Enterprises,” She tells me.
           “The Lee Enterprises?”
           “Oh so you do know?”
           “I’ve heard of them, how could you not? Their parties are exclusive, and that’s putting it generously,” I respond sipping on my own beverage. Two can play ASMR phone games, Genevieve.
           “Oh, the most exclusive, top of the line guests, one year, Beyonce performed, and the next, Adele,” She regales me, tempting me to go off topic.  
           “Are you dating that guy? He’s gorgeous,” I inquire.
           “Hoseok? No, no, not for me. I think he was going to ask Kwan out,” Genevieve says.
           “Really? A new boyfriend?”
           Scoffing loudly, “Just because she isn’t like her siblings doesn’t mean she doesn’t date.”
           “None of them have a particularly stellar track record,” I remind her.
           “Does anyone?” She breathes.
           “I suppose not,”
           “Mm, anyway, Hoseok is eying Kwan, I’m single and you’re still with that guy, who?”
           “Mm, I think Hoseok might know him,” She says.
           “What?” I ask.
           The thing with being a P.I. is accepting the reality that nothing is a coincidence. There are no happy accidents, nothing is considered fate. I’ve been so, blinded, by my personal connection with Jungkook to see the larger picture. What if he is part of this? Could he be conspiring with these other men? Does he know them, like they seem to be implying? How fucking blind have I been?
           “Yeah, he said something to me later, about knowing a Jungkook and wondering if they were the same. He said that it’s not a common name in Korea, so why would it be here?” Genevieve’s soft voice pulls me back from my panic attack.
           “Yeah, say, does Hoseok know a Namjoon?” I ask.
           “I don’t know, do you want me to ask?” Genevieve sets her drink down, the sound clinking through my phone.
           “Uh, no, no, that’s okay,” My hands hastily move against my keyboard, searching Hoseok’s followers for Namjoon.
           But I don’t find him.
           Instead, my blood runs cold at who I find.
Next: Codename Miss Cuttlefish, If Ya Nasty
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Dear Fellow Black People
Life is too short and being angry about white supremacy is a waste of energy.
I'm writing this because I'm tired of watching black people trying to reason with delusional white racists on the internet.
I'm writing this because -- for the sake of our own sanity -- black people need to stop giving a shit about white people and just make the best of our lives. I'm about to tell you why it will benefit you mentally and spiritually to focus on living your life the best you can and just ignore white people. True to Universe 25, white people are kicking and thrashing against their own crumbling empire. They knew this was coming because it happened to black people first -- In fact, it's how they took over the world from us. We don't have to do shit but watch their downfall.
This is why you should stop giving a shit:
White people enjoy having white privilege and are never going to give it up. Never. Yes, even the "good liberals." Some of them virtue signal because they are ashamed of the overt racists among them (Nazis, KKK, etc) but are in reality complacent with subtle racism (Look at their reaction to Get Out) and try to normalize shitty thoughts and behaviors by saying things like "everyone is racist" (no, everyone isn't) and "humanity in general is evil" (no, humanity is not generally evil). It's an attempt to make us all as bad as they are so they can continue to be crappy people without question.
Stop explaining racism to white people. They don't understand it and/or pretend not to understand it just to exhaust you, and the ones who do understand do not give a shit. We know that racism is an IRRATIONAL hatred of an entire group of people (what have black people as a group really ever done to white people?), but white people will never see our resentment against them and all the shit they’ve done to us as rational. They will always be forever enraged that we dare to not complacently enjoy oppression even while they deny us employment, healthcare, nutrition, decency, respect, and continue to demonize us in the media.
White people are angry about Black Panther because the movie didn’t just troll us: it trolled white people too. Most white people are aware that black people (the moor) originally ruled the world and that white people were once at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They do not like being reminded of that. Black Panther acknowledges that white supremacy is coming to an end and that white people are losing everything they unapologetically slaughtered other people for. At the same time, the movie demonizes black Americans and mocks Africans by reminding us of what was lost and what we can never get back. Because clearly, China is the next world power.
White people are on a mission to take us out with them as they die, and they can not be reasoned with. They are rabid dogs so focused on subjugating and oppressing us scary, threatening black people that they can’t even see how China is the real threat. China has been slowly placing price tags on white asses for years now. Before long, they will run everything. Their population is exploding, while white people are disappearing. It would be in their best interest to kiss China’s ass, but they are too busy shitting on black people, making racist jokes about Latinos, fighting Arabs, and fighting each other.  
You can't get through to white people because they actually believe everyone else is as bad as they are. They actually, truly believe this. They lack any and all ability to empathize with people who are not white (this is why they don't care about police brutality, why they don’t understand Black Lives Matter, why the #MeToo movement was seen as “aggressive” by them because it was black-led, and why they are always "blind" to systemic racism), and the vast majority of them can't even empathize with animals. They are the only people who enjoy killing things for sport and taking pictures with the corpses. They are the only people who disrespect nature and don’t have an issue raping it dry. They are 10% of the world's population and have managed to remain statistically the most violent. They can not be reasoned with. People who see you as less than a person will NEVER listen to a thing you say.
They constantly project, and this is why they continue to brutalize, murder, and rape us with the belief that we are like them and will do it to them. This is also why they fear black people gaining true wealth and power: they think all the hate they gave will come back on them. For this reason, weed will always be illegal in most predominantly white states, and even in the states where it becomes legal, its distribution (and therefore its wealth) will still be monitored closely so that it only monetarily benefits white people: no one will be allowed to grow pot in their house.
White people are literally a different species to us. This is why they don't see us as human, when ironically, they are the ones who aren't human. White people are the only "humans" who can't trace their evolution back to Africa. This is why they are so against teaching evolution in schools but mask it behind a Christian agenda. Yet they pretend that "we are all African" to get away with the shit they do. They are not African. They are not human. They are a different species entirely, which is why they refer to our blood as "monkey blood" because it’s primate blood and theirs is not. When two people get married, they have to get a blood test to see if their child will survive. Otherwise, the fetus will be rejected by the mother's womb as if it is a disease or a foreign object. Why? Because two different species have mixed over the years that should not be mixing.
White people are a different species entirely and it's been widely believed for years that they are actually hybrid descendants of the violent and savage Neanderthals that slaughtered their way from cave to cave (Sound familiar? That's basically white history in a nutshell). They even have fairy tales of how they came here from another planet. They rationalize their existence by saying they are descendants of angels and Tall White Aliens. Even white people don't believe they are human.
What kind of race hasn’t evolved to survive their own planet’s sun? If white people were from Earth, they would not crumble in the sunlight. They would not have stories about vampires and subterranean Martians. They would not be so diseased and frail. Because they would have evolved – as we did – to survive this planet.
The fact that we are a different species has been used to justify white people’s shitty treatment of us. Bio warfare (the invention of an AIDs virus whose origins they conveniently can’t trace and/or blame on black people), discrimination, brutalization, lynching, raping, slavery. The appropriation of our culture for their monetary gain. Constantly dictating what “human” is and telling us how to dress, think, and feel. Holding us back from our dreams. Stealing our genetics like accessories but shaming us for naturally having them. You can’t wear natural hairstyles to work or school and are expected to torture yourself with chemicals (perms) to appease them, so it’s literally illegal to be black. Brainwashing our community with Christianity. Dividing us with colorism. Keeping us poor, uneducated, and desperate. Distributing drugs among our people. Murdering every. Single. Civil rights leader. We. Ever. Had. Then having the gall to use MLK to lecture us about peaceful protests that they always slaughter our people for anyway. Then at the end of it all acting innocently appalled by our anger when we don’t quietly accept being treated like shit.
Four hundred years of consistently pulling devious shit against black people have proven their hatred for us is very real and is not going to change. It doesn't matter how "progressive" some white people appear. Most are doing it for political reasons, to sooth their own egos or to separate themselves from extremists like the KKK. White civil rights activism isn't about black people at all. It's about white people and their politics. The easiest way to look good is to pretend to give a shit about black people, right NatGeo?
White people are disappearing. They are 10% of the world's population and only maintain control because they control all the wealth. We could rise and kill them all (but we won't) which is why they are so terrified. Again, they are projecting. They think we are as bad as them, that we'll rise up and kill them all when their numbers are low, so their police brutalize us, and they encourage interracial dating in an attempt to survive through our genes, and they SUDDENLY give a shit about the environment because they won't be able to survive it in about 200 years the way our melanin-induced skin can. This is another reason why they want to get melanin in their genes.
Universe 25.
White people know they are on their way out. They have known a long time. Like I said on another post, they love writing stories about their white nightmares.
The Planet of the Apes was about a world ruled by apes (black people) and the horrified white man (Heston) who finds himself a slave there.
The Dragon Age franchise talks about Universe 25 in Inquisition. Solas is an ancient elf who watched elven civilization crumble due to wars over resources and imbalances in the social hierarchy. He foresees it all happening again to humans and it’s painfully obvious in his conversations with Varric and Sera. At first, Solas encourages Sera to actually do something to fight the system, then he quickly realizes that Universe 25 – the collapse of a system built on social inequality and/or experiencing a population explosion that divides resources – is inevitable and agrees that Sera is “fine as she is.”
Black Panther is just the latest version of these white nightmares, only white people have it wrong. When white people finally succumb to Universe 25, it is not black Africans who they need look to for salvation. The end of Black Panther preaches peace between the races and uses MLK to try and brainwash us into being kind to white people when Universe 25 finally happens to them (it’s sad that they think we’re so stupid that we can’t see through that shit) but in reality, it is not black people on whose mercy white lives will depend. That’s what the racists (some of them anyway) don’t get.
White survival is about to depend entirely on the Chinese.
White people will not be able to stand up to the Chinese, which is why they are pushing interracial dating. They want to elevate biracials to white status – just as they did with the Irish and the Scots – to improve their numbers, but it won’t be enough. So they are probably going to turn to Latin people next, who already consider themselves white and white adjacent. If they stopped being dicks to Latin people, Latin people might save them. Most Latinos are so anti-black and so thirsty for white status, you bet your ass they would do it.
 The reality is, white power has lasted this long because white people have done this before. They bred with the original indigenous black people across the globe to create most of the beige races that exist today, to survive, to continue to rule us. They will continue to do it in desperation but are slowly coming to the realization that their genes are actually weak and that they are, in fact, helping to create a world full of brown people. This is why some of them – the extremists -- are actually against interracial dating.
This is also why they won’t legalize abortion: they desperately want white women to keep having white babies and they desperately want black women to keep having black babies they can use as canon fodder in their wars.
But Universe 25 is inevitable for any civilization that experiences a population boom and starts fighting for resources. White people literally caused this population boom by raping black people to create new races.
It was already predicted long ago that white people would only rule for 600 years. They have 200 years left, and if they aren’t killed by Global Warming, they will still eventually fade away because they were never meant to survive this environment.  
White people can’t be saved from themselves. Just let them slowly die out. Let them fall in the grave they dug for themselves.
Black people are dying out too. We are the originators, the indigenous people of Earth who once populated and ruled the ancient planet, but before long, we will be gone, and it will be a planet of beige-colored people, a genetic mush of multicolored eyes and hair.
I pity that future generation, the people who will descend from us and who have to clean up our mess. Everyone will probably look the same at that point, so there will be no racism. But there will still be sexism, religion, pedophilia, terrorism, war, disease, social inequality, and poverty, because the white gene and its thirst to dominate and control will survive inside the black one.
You think I’m joking or that I’m being “racist” when I say this, but it is the reality. Black people originated true equalitarianism, a concept most white people can not even begin to grasp because their culture revolves around patriarchal power structures (in direct opposition to black matriarchal power structures), competition, selfishness, greed, “might is right,” and rewarding predators.
White people are doomed to be ruled by China. And even if white people all disappeared as they fear, we would still have to live with anti-black Chinese, Latinos, Indians, Arabs, and basically anyone who isn’t black because basically anyone who isn’t black hates us.
White people can not save themselves and are determined to take us down with them.
Let white people be. Let them be. Eat popcorn. Watch their turn at Universe 25. Watch. File your nails. Laugh. Stop stressing out over shit that’s about to be over anyway.
What can black people do in the meantime? Rediscover our spirituality. Communicate with the Source. Take care of ourselves and our communities. Be good to each other (end colorism). Practice LoA to enrich our personal lives. Move forward. Don’t look back. Detach. Observe the changing world powers from a safe distance.
Nytimes and other assbackwards websites will tell you not to ignore white people. Those are the sunken black people who can’t be saved, who have no idea what’s going on, who their ancestors were, or what happened in the past. Ignore them too.
Let them go. It is not worth the stress and life is too short to spend wringing our hands over racism.
It is out of our hands.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan gives a befitting reply to trolls calling her 'Kaali' & 'ugly'; says, "I'm brown and extremely happy about it #endcolourism" | Hindi Movie News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/shah-rukh-khans-daughter-suhana-khan-gives-a-befitting-reply-to-trolls-calling-her-kaali-says-im-brown-and-extremely-happy-about-it-endcolourism-hindi-movie-news/
Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan gives a befitting reply to trolls calling her 'Kaali' & 'ugly'; says, "I'm brown and extremely happy about it #endcolourism" | Hindi Movie News
Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan has given a befitting reply to all the trolls calling her “Kaali” and “ugly” in her latest Instagram post. She shared the screenshots of her DM, comments in the post.
Along with the post, she wrote a long empowering caption which read, “There’s a lot going on right now and this is one of the issues we need to fix!! this isn’t just about me, it’s about every young girl/boy who has grown up feeling inferior for absolutely no reason. Here are just a few of the comments made about my appearance. I’ve been told I’m ugly because of my skin tone, by full grown men and women, since I was 12 years old. Other than the fact that these are actual adults, what’s sad is that we are all indian, which automatically makes us brown – yes we come in different shades but no matter how much you try to distance yourself from the melanin, you just can’t. Hating on your own people just means that you are painfully insecure. I’m sorry if social media, Indian matchmaking or even your own families have convinced you, that if you’re not 5″7 and fair you’re not beautiful. I hope it helps to know that I’m 5″3 and brown and I am extremely happy about it and you should be too. #endcolourism”
Check out the post here:
Suhana is one of the most-talked star kids of Bollywood. Though she is yet to enter the Hindi film industry, the young starlet enjoys a fan following over social media. She is back in Mumbai due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Reportedly, she is pursuing her studies at a film school in New York University. Last year, she made her acting debut in a short film titled ‘The Grey Part of Blue’.
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sleepykittypaws · 5 years
Holiday Hearts
Original Air Date: November 23, 2019 (Hallmark Movies and Mysteries) Where to Watch?: Hallmark will replay it multiple times this season, and for every season in perpetuity.
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I went into Holiday Hearts with relatively high hopes, as both Paul Campbell and Ashley Williams are among Hallmark’s most charming leads, and have often elevated so-so material based solely on their considerable charm, so, together, they should have been a powerhouse. 
Their social media sneak peeks while making the movie were as adorable as expected, but little of that natural chemistry was able to shine through in the finished film, even though you could tell both of them were valiantly making every effort. The problem is that Hallmark has dulled their scripts and storylines to such a degree, there seems like no room for any actor's “sparkle” to peek through.
I swear that I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but the set-up here is extra-dumb, even for Hallmark. Two ex-flames meet via a reindeer spotting and the world’s most mild, mutual car wrecks, where Campbell's brand new Grand Cherokee is stymied by 1-1/2” of snow. (Jeep definitely didn’t pay for that embarrassing product placement.) Then they get a call that their mutual widower friend is in the hospital, and they rush off to see him together, even though the premise is they haven’t seen each other in years, despite this tight knit bond.
Once at the hospital, it’s quickly determined, in an ER bed decorated with paper snowflakes, a poinsettia, a fully-decorated Christmas tree AND a holiday blanket—you know, like all hospitals do—that the guy tore his ACL. Which, you know, bummer, but is not a serious injury requiring a hospital stay of any kind. It’s outpatient surgery and you’re walking (not well, but walking) the same day.
Like, the whole thing makes just zero sense. This isn’t some esoteric injury no one would be familiar with. It’s super common. Lots of people would know how ridiculous this plot set-up is, but they carry on, pretending Campbell must cancel his super-important, Doctors Without Borders (though they don’t have rights to that name) interview he pretends is a vacation to Honduras, to care for the Adorable Motherless Moppet who, within minutes, is suggesting Campbell and Williams should get married. Ha, ha! 
Also, Hondoras? You know, that well-known vacation destination that is so rife with crime and poverty that thousands of people march to the U.S. in search of asylum annually. (A thing you might have heard of if you live in the world.) Definitely a top beach spot that Hallmark totally researched.
Heading home from the world’s most serious ACL tear, they pull up to a house that is, literally, twice as large as the inn Williams runs and, within a few more minutes, the daughter is introducing them to the horse she got for Christmas last year so, yeah, these folks definitely have a nanny. (Or a Grandma, or anyone other than a single guy friend to watch your child for days.) I mean, dad’s a doctor whose wife died. He must have some regular help caring for this child.
Have I mentioned the whole thing is so very dumb? As is that Williams, instead of planning this big event she’s barely started on, which is the centerpiece of her entire year, apparently, is happily hanging Christmas lights, making the world’s most cheaply CGI-ed snowman, and crafting with Adorable Motherless Moppet in their already decorated-to-the-max house. All jobs that for sure don’t actually need to be done, unlike, you know, your actual salary-earning position.
Do all these characters have head injuries?
And that’s not even mentioning the part where they go door-to-door to give away their friend's ceramic dinner plates to the two people in town with melanin, in a scene that is embarrassingly pandering, even for Hallmark. Again, this is the stuff they tell us is definitely more important than either of the lead's careers, because you can live on Christmas cookies (which are free, and come with plates!) in the Hallmark movie universe.
The 20-minute Balsam Hill ad was super subtle and totally organic to the plot. Did you know that they make trees with both colored AND white lights, Doris? What a technological marvel! (Also, an evil part of me wants to troll Hallmark’s social media with posts lamenting the fact they never show us where they find these beautiful artificial trees.)
It carries on like this with ACL-dad barely even mentioned for days on end, then Campbell “confesses” his extreme nobility (you would definitely hide stuff like well-respected charity work…makes complete sense) and Williams pulls off a perfect party with the revolutionary theme of, apparently, “Christmas,” that took her weeks to come up with, then they close-mouth kiss and…Is anyone still awake?
That Holiday Hearts is this dull and lifeless despite starring two of Hallmark’s most charming players is a real testament to the oppression of formula over story. This isn’t so much a movie, as an 83-minute montage of Christmas cliches and holiday-themed activities. 
And, hey, if 90% of your movie is gonna focus on holiday house decorating, can we at least make the decorations good? You know, instead of acres of garland and Dollar Store-quality tack. Christmas threw up on every square inch of this movie, but it didn’t look festive, it looked cheap and fake, since they reuse the decorations from locale to locale. I’m sure the set designers are just doing as they’re told, but this isn’t how any real person decorates. Seriously…They decorated the emergency room bay, y’all. 🤦‍♀️
And what made this a Movies & Mysteries film, versus regular Hallmark? It feels like they’ve totally lost any distinction the two channels once had. 
Watching this snooze-worthy film that felt 4 hours long, did make me appreciate how welcome the gentle pricking of the formula Holiday for Heroes and Two Turtle Doves undertook was. Because this one was boring, by-the-numbers Hallmark all the way. 
Final Judgement: No paws for you! (With apologies to Paul Campbell and Ashley Williams, who are still the sparkliest.)
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goldmynetv · 5 years
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#tiwasavage gives a bad belle bitter pills 💊 💊 . . ...Drags Troll Who Bodyshamed Her Tiwa Savage has never been one to cower from trolls, and when one hopped into her comment section to shame her, she dragged him. It all started when she shared her latest new photo in which lauded her melanin. And while many people had kind things to say, one troll decided to say unkind things about her breasts. And she dragged him. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2MZcJVp
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