gokul2181 · 4 years
Toll Collections In September 2020; Here's Latest CRISIL Research Reports | सितंबर में टोल कलेक्शन प्री-कोविड स्तर के पार पहुंचा, फेस्टिव सीजन से मिला सहारा
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/toll-collections-in-september-2020-heres-latest-crisil-research-reports-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%a4%e0%a4%82%e0%a4%ac%e0%a4%b0-%e0%a4%ae%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%82-%e0%a4%9f%e0%a5%8b%e0%a4%b2-%e0%a4%95/
Toll Collections In September 2020; Here's Latest CRISIL Research Reports | सितंबर में टोल कलेक्शन प्री-कोविड स्तर के पार पहुंचा, फेस्टिव सीजन से मिला सहारा
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Toll Collections In September 2020; Here’s Latest CRISIL Research Reports
नई दिल्ली22 मिनट पहले
कॉपी लिंक
सितंबर महीने में हाईवे पर कुल 11 करोड़ वाहनों का आवागमन हुआ
सितंबर में कुल 1,941 करोड़ रुपए का टोल कलेक्शन किया गया
देश के हाईवे पर एक बार फिर कमर्शियल वाहनों की रफ्तार बढ़ी है। सितंबर महीने में टोल कलेक्शन का आंकड़ा प्री-कोविड स्तर के पार पहुंच गया है। जारी रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक लॉकडाउन के बाद पहली बार हाईवे पर भारी वाहनों आवागमन तेज हुई है। इसके वजह फेस्टिव सीजन है।
सितंबर में टोल कलेक्शन साल के उच्चतम स्तर पर पहुंचा
रेटिंग एजेंसी क्रिसिल के रिसर्च फर्म ने देशभर के हाईवे पर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक टोल कलेक्शन से संबंधित एक डेटा जारी किया है। इसमें कहा गया है कि सितंबर महीने में हाईवे पर कुल 11 करोड़ वाहनों का आवागमन हुआ। इससे टोल कलेक्शन का आंकड़ा 1,941 करोड़ रुपए के स्तर पर पहुंच गया। क्रिसिल रिसर्च की डायरेक्टर ईशा चौधरी ने बताया कि कैलेंडर ईयर में यह कलेक्शन का उच्चतम स्तर है। डेटा के मुताबिक इससे पहले फरवरी, 2020 में हाईवे पर कुल 10 करोड़ वाहनों का आवागमन हुआ था, जो कोरोना पूर्व का समय था।
लॉकडाउन का असर
मार्च में वाहनों के आवागमन के आंकड़े गिरकर 8.5 करोड़ हो गए थे। लॉकडाउन के पहले महीने अप्रैल में यह 1 करोड़ हो गया, जो मई में 5.5 करोड़ हो गया था। दरअसल लॉकडाउन के दौरान इंटर-स्टेट और इंटर डिस्ट्रिक्ट सीमाओं को बंद कर दिया गया था। इससे वाहनों के आवागमन में भारी कमी देखने को मिली थी। हालांकि, अनलॉक प्रक्रिया के तहत मिल रही रियायतों के चलते सुधरती नजर आ रही है।
प्राइवेट सेक्टर को नुकसान
इससे पहले रेटिंग एजेंसी क्रिसिल ने मई महीने में अनुमान जताया था कि प्राइवेट सेक्टर को मार्च-जून के बीच टोल रेवेन्यू लॉस 3,450-3,700 करोड़ रुपए रह सकता है। लॉकडाउन के दौरान सीमाओं पर लगे प्रतिबंधों के चलते रिपोर्ट में आशंका जताई गई थी कि अप्रैल में 90%, मई में 60-75% और जून में 30-40% रेवेन्यू लॉस का हो सकता है।
इकोनॉमी में सुधार के संकेत
हाईवे पर वाहनों का बढ़ती संख्या से इकोनॉमी में सुधार के संकेत के तौर पर भी देखा जा रहा है। सितंबर महीने में ट्रैफिक का स्तर भी प्री-कोविड लेवल पर पहुंच गया है। टोल रेवेन्यू में बढ़त ट्रैफिक नंबर पर भी आधारित होता है। सामान्य तौर पर हर साल टोल कलेक्शन में 8-10% की बढ़त देखने को मिलती है, जो सितंबर में 5-6% रही है। यह दर्शाता है कि ट्रैफिक नंबर में बढ़त हुई है।
फेस्टिव सीजन से मिला सपोर्ट
जानकारों का कहना है कि पिछले दो महिनों से मैन्युफैक्चरिंग और माइनिंग सेक्टर में एक्टिविटी बढ़ी है। इससे माल ढुलाई में 65-70% की बढ़त देखने को मिली है। इसके अलावा कमर्शियल ट्रैफिक में भी एक्टिविटी बढ़ी है। दूसरी ओर फेस्टिव सीजन के चलते ई-कॉमर्स कंपनियों के कारोबार में शानदार ग्रोथ देखने को मिला है। इससे सितंबर महीने में माल ढुलाई का काम तेज हुआ है।
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Interview for Be Electrical Trainee Surat
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/interview-for-be-electrical-trainee-surat/
Interview for Be Electrical Trainee Surat
Job title: Interview for Be Electrical Trainee Surat Company: Job description: to the outbreak of COVID -19, various government… The UK is the strongest economy of the world and it is a diverse place… Expected salary: Rs.100000 – 250000 per year Location: Surat, Gujarat Job date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 04:34:08 GMT Apply for the job now!
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Micromax In Series Phones Confirmed to Come With MediaTek Helio G85, Helio G35 SoCs | in सीरीज स्मार्टफोन में मीडियाटेक हीलियो G85 और G35 प्रोसेसर मिलेगा, ऐसे हो सकते हैं दूसरे फीचर्स
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/micromax-in-series-phones-confirmed-to-come-with-mediatek-helio-g85-helio-g35-socs-in-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%80%e0%a4%b0%e0%a5%80%e0%a4%9c-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%ae%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%b0%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%9f/
Micromax In Series Phones Confirmed to Come With MediaTek Helio G85, Helio G35 SoCs | in सीरीज स्मार्टफोन में मीडियाटेक हीलियो G85 और G35 प्रोसेसर मिलेगा, ऐसे हो सकते हैं दूसरे फीचर्स
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Tech auto
Micromax In Series Phones Confirmed To Come With MediaTek Helio G85, Helio G35 SoCs
नई दिल्ली36 मिनट पहले
कॉपी लिंक
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माइक्रोमैक्स in सीरीज के तहत दो नए स्मार्टफोन्स लॉन्च करेगी
माइक्रोमैक्स के नए स्मार्टफोन की शुरुआती कीमत 7000 रुपए हो सकती है
कंपनी 3 नवंबर को वापसी करते हुए इस सीरीज के दो स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करेगी
माइक्रोमैक्स अपनी वापसी की धमाकेदार बनाने की तैयारी में है। कंपनी लगातार सोशल मीडिया पर माइक्रोमैक्स की नई इन (in) सीरीज से जुड़ी डिटेल शेयर कर रही है। अब कंपनी द्वारा शेयर किए गए नए वीडियो से साफ हो रहा है कि इस सीरीज में मीडियाटेक हीलियो G35 और हीलियो G85 प्रोसेसर मिलेगा। बता दें कि कंपनी 3 नवंबर को इस सीरीज के स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करेगी। माइक्रोमैक्स की वापसी से चीनी कंपनी शाओमी और रियलमी को चुनौती मिल सकती है।
गेमिंग बेस्ड मीडियाटेक हीलियो G85 प्रोसेसर को इसी साल मई में लॉन्च किया गया था। इस प्रोसेसर का इस्तेमाल कुछ पॉपुलर स्मार्टफोन जैसे रियलमी नारजो 20, रियलमी नोट 9 में किया जा रहा है। वहीं, मीडियाटेक हीलियो G35 प्रोसेसर को जून में लॉन्च किया गया है। इस प्रोसेसर का इस्तेमाल रियलमी C11, रियलमी 9 और पोको C3 में किया जा रहा है।
फोन के स्पेसिफिकेशन और कीमत (संभावित)
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द मोबाइल इंडियन के मुताबिक, माइक्रोमैक्स in सीरीज के तहत दो नए स्मार्टफोन्स लॉन्च करेगी। एक स्मार्टफोन में मीडियाटेक हीलियो G35 प्रोसेसर और दूसरे में मीडियाटेक हीलियो G85 प्रोसेसर मिलेगा। G35 प्रोसेसर वाले स्मार्टफोन में 6.5-इंच HD+ डिस्प्ले, 2GB/3GB रैम और 32GB ऑनबोर्ड स्टोरेज मिलेगा। फोन में 5000mAh की बैटरी होगी। ये स्टॉक एंड्रॉयड पर काम करेगा।
फोटोग्राफी के लिए 2GB वैरिएंट के 13+2 मेगापिक्सल का रियर और 8 मेगापिक्सल का फ्रंट कैमरा मिलेगा। 3GB वैरिएंट वाले स्मार्टफोन में 13+5+2 मेगापिक्सल का रियर कैमरा और 13 मेगापिक्सल का फ्रंट कैमरा मिलेगा। इनकी कीमत 7,000 रुपए से लेकर 15,000 रुपए के बीच में होगी।
राहुल शर्मा ने शेयर किया था वीडियो
राहुल शर्मा ने माइक्रोमैक्स इंडिया के ट्विटर अकाउंट पर एक वीडियो शेयर किया है जिसकी लंबाई करीब 1:52 मिनट है। इस वीडियो में वे माइक्रोमैक्स को खड़ा करने और फिर से वापसी की इमोशनल कहानी सुना रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा, “पिताजी से 3 लाख रुपए लेकर दोस्तों के साथ मिलकर माइक्रोमैक्स कंपनी की शुरुआत की थी, लेकिन फिर एक ऐसा वक्त आया जब चाइनीज मोबाइल वालों ने मुझे मेरे देश में ही पछाड़ दिया। लेकिन, बॉर्डर पर जो कुछ हुआ वो ठीक नहीं था। इसलिए, जब हमारे प्रधानमंत्री ने आत्मनिर्भर भारत का ऐलान कर दिया, तो हमने उस पर काम करने का फैसला किया।”
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Purchase Diwali 2020 Crackers Online From Website With Big Discount | दिवाली पटाखों पर लेना चाहते हैं 50% तक डिस्काउंट, तब इन वेबसाइट और ऐप्स पर अभी से करनी होगी बुकिंग
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/purchase-diwali-2020-crackers-online-from-website-with-big-discount-%e0%a4%a6%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%b5%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%b2%e0%a5%80-%e0%a4%aa%e0%a4%9f%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%96%e0%a5%8b%e0%a4%82-%e0%a4%aa%e0%a4%b0/
Purchase Diwali 2020 Crackers Online From Website With Big Discount | दिवाली पटाखों पर लेना चाहते हैं 50% तक डिस्काउंट, तब इन वेबसाइट और ऐप्स पर अभी से करनी होगी बुकिंग
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नई दिल्ली33 मिनट पहले
कॉपी लिंक
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पटाखे सेल करने वाली लगभग सभी वेबसाइट पर 50% से भी ज्यादा डिस्काउंट मिल रहा है
ऑनलाइन खरीदारी करने में दूसरे आइटम की तरह पटाखों पर भी बड़ा डिस्काउंट मिल जाता है
��स बात का जरूर ध्यान रखें कि ऑनलाइन पटाखे आपकी लोकेशन पर डिलिवरी होंगे या नहीं
दिवाली पर आपको भी पटाखे चलाना पसंद है तब हम इन पर मिलने वाली ऑनलाइन डील के बारे में बता रहे हैं। पटाखों को आप ऑफलाइन के साथ ऑनलाइन भी खरीद सकते हैं। ऑनलाइन खरीदारी करने में दूसरे आइटम की तरह इन पर भी बड़ा डिस्काउंट मिल जाता है। ऐसी कई वेबसाइट और ऐप्स हैं जो ऑनलाइन पटाखे बेचती हैं। इनमें फुलझड़ी, अनार, चकरी जैसे कई पटाखे शामिल होते हैं। आप भी ऑनलाइन पटाखे जल्दी खरीदें ताकि आपको टाइम पर डिलिवरी मिल जाए।
ऐसे खरीदें ऑनलाइन पटाखे
आपने अब तक पटाखों को ऑनलाइन नहीं खरीदा है तब आप इसके लिए आपको गूगल की मदद लेनी होगी। गूगल पर जाकर diwali crackers online लिखकर सर्च करें। जिसके बाद ऑनलाइन पटाखे बेचने वाली कई वेबसाइट्स की लिस्ट आ जाएगी। इसमें ovcrackers, goodwillfireworks, patakewala, rathnaafireworks, cockbrand, shopcrackersonline, sonyfirework, sivakasipataka, festivezone जैसी कई वेबसाइट शामिल हैं।
आप किसी भी वेबसाइट पर जाकर ऑनलाइन पटाखे खरीद सकते हैं, लेकिन इस बात का जरूर ध्यान रखें कि वो आपकी लोकेशन पर डिलिवरी करेगा या नहीं। इसके लिए वेबसाइट में अपनी लोकेशन डालकर जरूर देखें। दरअसल, कई वेबसाइट सभी लोकेशन पर पटाखों की डिलिवरी नहीं करती हैं।
50% से ज्यादा का डिस्काउंट मिलेगा पटाखे सेल करने वाली लगभग सभी वेबसाइट पर 50% से भी ज्यादा डिस्काउंट मिल रहा है। ज्यादातर वेबसाइट पटाखों की आधी कीमत पर बेच रही हैं। patakewala पर पटाखे MRP से आधे दाम पर मिल रहे हैं। जैसे यहां पर 2,250 रुपए कीमत वाली लड़ी का पैकेट 1,125 रुपए में मिल रहा है। इसी तरह 1,680 रुपए की लड़ी 840 रुपए में खरीद सकते हैं।
इन वेबसाइट पर पटाखों को अलग-अलग कैटेगरी के हिसाब से रखा गया है। यहां पर कई कॉम्बो ऑफर भी मिल रहे हैं। यानी अलग-अलग कॉम्बिनेशन वाले पटाखे पर बड़ा डिस्काउंट मिल रहा है।
ऐप्स से भी खरीदें सकते हैं पटाखे
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प्ले स्टोर पर पटाखे खरीदने वाले कई ऐप्स मौजूद हैं
गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर ऐसे कई ऐप्स मौजूद हैं जिनकी मदद से भी पटाखे घर पर मंगवाए जा सकते हैं। इसके लिए प्ले स्टोर पर diwali crackers shopping सर्च करना है। यहां पर Ov Crackers, Peacock Crackers, Meeyal Crackers, Sivakasi Diwali Crackers, Madras Crackers जैसे कई ऐप्स हैं। इन ऐप्स पर यूजर्स के रिव्यू और रेटिंग को देखकर भी पटाखे की क्वालिटी को पता लगाया जा सकता है। यहां पर भी फुलझड़ी, अनार, चकरी जैसे कई पटाखे मिल रहे हैं। साथ ही वेबसाइट की तरह यहां भी बड़ा डिस्काउंट या दूसरे ऑफर्स मिल जाते हैं।
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Priyanka Chopra Jonas' adorable birthday wish for niece Valentina is all things love | Hindi Movie News
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Priyanka Chopra Jonas' adorable birthday wish for niece Valentina is all things love | Hindi Movie News
Priyanka Chopra’s cute birthday gesture for Kevin Jonas and Danielle Jonas‘ youngest daughter Valentina is winning hearts. The star icon took to her social media handle to share an adorable picture with her niece, where the little girl is seen sitting on her shoulders. Check the photo :
The little girl turned four October 27 and her parents celebrated her birthday with a minion themed birthday party. Kevin took to his Instagram handle to share a glimpse of his daughter’s birthday. He captioned the picture with a little note which read, “Happy birthday my beautiful girl we love you so much I can’t believe you are four!! Happy birthday Valentina!!”
On the work front, Priyanka was last seen in ‘The Sky Is Pink’ alongside Farhan Akhtar. She will next be seen alongside Rajkummar Rao for a web series.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Ananya Panday’s adorable childhood video shared by mom Bhavana is too adorable to be missed! | Hindi Movie News
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Ananya Panday’s adorable childhood video shared by mom Bhavana is too adorable to be missed! | Hindi Movie News
Ahead of Ananya Panday’s birthday, mommy Bhavana’s adorable display of affection for her little girl is all things love. This time, Bhavana took to her Instagram handle to share a cute video snippet where Ananya is seen enjoying herself on a trampoline with other kids. The video was accompanied by a little note which read, “Birthday Girl !!!! 3 days to go !!!! obsessed with the camera then and now !!! love you”
In the video, little Ananya can be seen rushing towards the camera when father Chunky Panday calls her. There’s innocence in her smile while she gazes at the camera. Earlier, Bhavana took to her Instagram handle to share another adorable video snippet of Ananya from her childhood days. She also penned a little note which read, “Birthday coming up !!! love you my Aanchoo !!!! 4 days to Go. !!”
In the video, Ananya can be seen lazing on a cradle. Her eyes glisten, as the lenses capture her. She is also seen wearing a cute pink outfit. On the work front, Ananya was last seen in Maqbool Khan’s ‘Khaali Peeli’ sharing screen space with Ishaan Khatter. She will next be seen alongside Deepika Padukone, and Siddhant Chaturvedi in Shakun Batra’s untitled project.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Exclusive: Jacqueline Fernandez felt “nervous” shooting at a real location in the pandemic! Shares her experience | Hindi Movie News
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Exclusive: Jacqueline Fernandez felt “nervous” shooting at a real location in the pandemic! Shares her experience | Hindi Movie News
Jacqueline Fernandez is back to doing what she loves the most — facing the camera! The actress was spotted shooting for her project at the usually busy Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) Chowk in South Mumbai on Sunday. Dressed as a Mumbai traffic police officer, the actress was gung-ho as she was on the set after a long break due to the pandemic.
Sporting khaki pants and a crisp white shirt, she was seen rehearsing her lines. While she refrains from divulging any details about the shoot, she told Bombay Times, “I am enjoying being back to my happy place. In fact, I am just glad that the Indian film industry is getting back in action slowly while maintaining safety precautions. It feels amazing to shoot after such a long break.”
Talking about maintaining safety measures on the sets, the actress reveals, “Everyone on the sets is being extra cautious now. Besides implementing social distancing, the entire shooting crew has been in masks and PPE kits. We do tests at regular intervals to keep a check on the virus. Extreme care has been taken from start to end to ensure every person’s safety.”
However, Jacqueline does admit to feeling a sense of hesitation to shoot at an outdoor location. “Honestly, I was a little nervous initially to shoot at an outdoor location, but the production unit has taken all the necessary steps to ensure our safety. Obviously, there are no greetings exchanged physically now, all of us have to chill together by keeping some distance between us. But as the saying goes, the show must go on, and I am happy to be back on the set,” she signs off.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
China Us Trade War Benefits To India; In Which Sector India Is Better Than China? | अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड वार से भारत को फायदा, लेकिन अभी भी बराबरी करने में भारत को लगेगा लंबा वक्त
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/china-us-trade-war-benefits-to-india-in-which-sector-india-is-better-than-china-%e0%a4%85%e0%a4%ae%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%95%e0%a4%be-%e0%a4%9a%e0%a5%80%e0%a4%a8-%e0%a4%9f%e0%a5%8d/
China Us Trade War Benefits To India; In Which Sector India Is Better Than China? | अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड वार से भारत को फायदा, लेकिन अभी भी बराबरी करने में भारत को लगेगा लंबा वक्त
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Hindi News
China Us Trade War Benefits To India; In Which Sector India Is Better Than China?
नई दिल्लीएक घंटा पहले
कॉपी लिंक
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अमेरिका और चीन के बीच ट्रेड वार से चीन को भारी नुकसान हुआ है
फुटवियर सेक्टर में ग्लोबल मार्केट शेयर में चीन की हिस्सेदारी 7.5% कम हुई है
बीते एक साल से जारी अमेरिका और चीन के बीच ट्रेड वार से चीन को भारी नुकसान हुआ है। ग्लोबल मार्केट में चीनी समानों के आयात और निर्यात दोनों प्रभावित हुए हैं। इससे भारत सहित अन्य देशों को फायदा हुआ है। लेकिन, भारत के लिए चीन के साथ कंपीट करना अभी आसान नहीं है। आंकड़ों को देखें तो भारत और चीन दोनों के बीच व्यापार के लिहाज से बड़ा अंतर है।
ग्लोबल मार्केट में चीन की घटती हिस्सेदारी
ट्रेड वार के कारण चीन को वैश्विक बाजारों में भारी नुकसान हो रहा है। सेक्टर आधारित आंकड़ों को देखें तो चीनी सामानों का मार्केट में भागीदारी कम हुई है। इसका फायदा भारत समेत दुनिया अन्य उत्पादक देशों को हुआ है। उदाहरण के तौर पर फुटवियर सेक्टर में ग्लोबल मार्केट शेयर में चीन की हिस्सेदारी 7.5% कम हुई है। इससे फुटवियर मार्केट में वियतनाम क हिस्सेदारी 5.9% और जर्मनी की हिस्सेदारी 1.4% बढ़ी है। इसके अलावा भारत की भी हिस्सेदारी 0.1% बढ़ी है।
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पर्ल्स, जेम्स एंड ज्वेलरी सेक्टर में चीन का मार्केट शेयर 2.3% कम हुआ है। भारत का मार्केट शेयर 3.5% बढ़ा है। इस सेक्टर में इजराइल और अमेरिकी भागीदारी भी बढ़ी है। इसी प्रकार लेदर, आयरन और स्टील, कपड़ा और सिरेमिक सेक्टर में चीन की घटती हिस्सेदारी का फायदा भारत और अन्य देशों के हुआ है।
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चीन के साथ भारत का कंपटीशन
यूं तो भारत 1990 के दशक से ही चीन के साथ कंपीट करने का सपना देख रहा है। चीन की जीडीपी भारत के मुकाबले 4 गुना बड़ी है। लेकिन, अभी भी कुछ सेक्टर्स में भारत, चीन से काफी पीछे है, जिससे भारत का वर्ल्ड लीडर बनने और चीन को पछाड़ने में काफी समय लग सकता है। उदाहरण के तौर पर स्टील के उत्पादन में चीन और भारत के बीच का अनुपात 10:1 का है।
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इसके अलावा ई-कॉमर्स सेल्स में भी दोनों के बीच का अनुपात 40:1 का है। ऑटो मोबाइल एक्सपोर्ट, टेलीकॉम एक्सपोर्ट, ग्लोबल ट्रेड के लिहाज से भारत और चीन के बीच काफी बड़ा अंतर है। हालांकि, बीते सालों में भारतीय फाइनेंशियल सेक्टर में ग्रोथ देखने को मिला है।
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चीन पर भारत की सख्ती
इसी साल जून में पूर्वी लद्दाख की सीमा पर दोनों के देशों के सैनिकों के बीच हिंसक झड़प के बाद से ही भारत ने आर्थिक मोर्चे पर सख्त रुख अपना लिया है। इसके तहत चीनी एप को बैन करने के फैसला लिया गया। इसके अलावा चीनी इन्वेस्टर्स द्वारा भारतीय स्टार्टअप्स में ��िवेश की जांच, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक सामानों पर सीमा शुल्क में इजाफा और सरकारी रेग्युलेटर सेबी द्वारा शेयर बाजार में निवेश की जांच जैसे कदम शामिल हैं।
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Shawn Mendes shares a glimpse of his quarantine life with GF Camila Cabello | Hindi Movie News
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Shawn Mendes shares a glimpse of his quarantine life with GF Camila Cabello | Hindi Movie News
Lovebirds Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello are giving out major couple goals with their latest social media picture. The former’s adorable display of affection for Camilla is indeed all things love. Having said that, Shawn took to his Instagram handle to share an adorable picture with the ‘Havana’ singer, as they nestled together across a kitchen counter. Check this :
While Shawn rested his back on the kitchen slab, Camila stood on the floor as Mendes held her with all the love and affection. The ‘Treat You Better’ singer captioned the duo’s adorable photo with a simple word : “Reina,” meaning Queen in Spanish.Earlier, Camila also took to her Instagram handle to share an adorable picture with Shawn, which was accompanied by a little word, “heheheheheh”
Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello are one of the most adorable couples in tinsel town as well as in the music industry. The duo’s track ‘Senorita’ was a sensational number, which won them several accolades from their fans and well wishers. They are currently living together in Los Angeles.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Kangana Ranaut replies to a report of Karan Johar’s production team allegedly littering in Goa: Their insensitive and inconsiderate attitude is absolutely appalling | Hindi Movie News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/kangana-ranaut-replies-to-a-report-of-karan-johars-production-team-allegedly-littering-in-goa-their-insensitive-and-inconsiderate-attitude-is-absolutely-appalling-hindi-movie-news/
Kangana Ranaut replies to a report of Karan Johar’s production team allegedly littering in Goa: Their insensitive and inconsiderate attitude is absolutely appalling | Hindi Movie News
Kangana Ranaut took to her Twitter account to respond to a report of Karan Johar’s production team who allegedly littered the streets of Goa during their last month’s shoot with Deepika Padukone for Shakun Batra’s upcoming film.
Sharing the same, the actress tweeted, “Their insensitive and inconsiderate attitude is absolutely appalling, film units need strict rules about women safety, modern ecological resolves, good medical facilities and food quality check for workers, we need government to assign a proper department to inspect these aspects.”
Earlier in the same tweet thread, she wrote, “Movie industry is not a virus just for the moral fibre n culture of this nation but it has become very destructive and harmful for the environment also.” Tagging the Minister of Environment Prakash Javadekar, she further added, “see this disgusting,filthy,irresponsible behaviour by so called big production houses, pls help.”
See post here:
Their insensitive and inconsiderate attitude is absolutely appalling,film units need strict rules about women safet… https://t.co/YORK25hytF
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) 1603808472000
According to IANS, the waste was dumped in Nerul, a village, 10 km from Goan capital, Panaji. However, so far the production house has not yet responded to these reports.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
SRH vs DC, IPL 2020: All-round Sunrisers Hyderabad outclass Delhi Capitals by 88 runs, keep play-off hopes alive | Cricket News
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SRH vs DC, IPL 2020: All-round Sunrisers Hyderabad outclass Delhi Capitals by 88 runs, keep play-off hopes alive | Cricket News
DUBAI: Wriddhiman Saha stamped his class with a 45-ball 87 before Rashid Khan dished out a clinical bowling performance as Sunrisers Hyderabad kept themselves alive in the race for IPL play-offs with a whopping 88-run win over Delhi Capital on Tuesday. SCORECARD | BLOG| POINTS TABLE | FIXTURES Asked to bat first, splendid knocks by Saha (87), skipper David Warner (66) and Manish Pandey (44) powered Sunrisers to 219 for two. Star spinner Rashid then led a fine bowling display to end with the impressive figures of 4-0-7-3, his best in this season.
A well deserved victory for @SunRisers as they win by 88 runs.#Dream11IPL https://t.co/PqlaF6IolV
— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) 1603819990000
The Afghan bowled an astonishing 17 dot balls in his quota of four overs, helping his side bowl out the Capitals for 131 in 19 overs. Sunrisers (10 points) have now moved up to sixth from seventh position with this win, while the Capitals, who slumped to their third consecutive loss, were pushed down to the third spot with 14 points. Chasing a stiff target, it was a rather ordinary performance by the the Capitals batsmen. Shikhar Dhawan (0) and Marcus Stoinis (5), who was elevated to number 3, perished in the first two overs.
We’re running out of captions for @rashidkhan_19’s spells 🎩✨#SRHvDC #OrangeArmy #KeepRising https://t.co/A4Tebex7s6
— SunRisers Hyderabad (@SunRisers) 1603820260000
Ajinkya Rahane (26) and Shimron Heytmyer (16) quickly started the recovery work, stitching a 40 run stand, the highest for their team. The duo targeted Jason Holder, collecting 22 runs in the sixth over as Delhi reached 54 for two at the end of the Powerplay overs. However, Rashid dealt Delhi with twin blows, getting rid of both Rahane and Hetmyer in the seventh over. Skipper Shreyas Iyer (7) was next to depart as wickets continued to tumble at regular intervals. Seven of Delhi’s batsmen failed to reach double digits with Rishabh Pant (36) being the top scorer.
The perfect birthday gift 🎁🧡We #KeepRising! 💪🏼#SRHvDC #OrangeArmy #IPL2020 @davidwarner31 https://t.co/A9rz0Od3os
— SunRisers Hyderabad (@SunRisers) 1603820014000
While Rashid was the pick of the bowlers for Sunrisers, Sandeep Sharma (2/27) and T Natarajan (2/26) picked two wickets apiece. Vijay Shankar(1/11), Shahbaz Nadeem (1/8), Holder (1/46) took a wicket each. Earlier, both openers Warner, who looked in good nick, and Saha, playing his second game of the season, went after the Delhi bowlers from the word go. Fully capitalising on the field restrictions, the duo smashed boundaries (11 fours and two sixes) every over to collect 77-runs in the first six overs, the best Poweplay figures of the season. In the sixth over, Warner smashed the tournament’s leading wicket-taker Kagiso Rabada (0/54) for four boundaries and a six, helping the Sunrisers reach 100 runs in just 8.4 overs. Till Warner was taking on the bowlers, Saha played the second fiddle to perfection.
💔 https://t.co/gi3tVWSgap
— Delhi Capitals (Tweeting from 🇦🇪) (@DelhiCapitals) 1603820182000
The Australian celebrated his 34th birthday with a half-century off just 25 balls, hitting two sixes and eight fours at the Dubai International Stadium. To Delhi’s relief Ravichandran Ashwin (1/35) broke the 107-run opening stand in the 10th over as he dismissed danger man Warner, who was caught at extra cover by Axar Patel. With Warner gone, Saha hammered the Capitals bowlers all around the park. The wicketkeeper batsman reached his fifty in style with a boundary. He plundered 12 fours and two sixes before pacer Anrich Nortje (1/37) dismissed him in the 15th over. Pandey and Kane Williamsion (11 not out) continued the assault on a listless Delhi bowling unit.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
World 100m champion Coleman to miss Olympics after being banned for whereabouts failure | More sports News
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World 100m champion Coleman to miss Olympics after being banned for whereabouts failure | More sports News
World 100 metres champion Christian Coleman will miss next year’s Tokyo Olympics after being banned for two years for breaching whereabouts rules, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) said on Tuesday. Coleman, who narrowly escaped a ban last year for missing three doping tests, was provisionally suspended by the AIU in June.
The Disciplinary Tribunal has upheld the AIU’s charge and banned sprinter Christian Coleman of the USA for 2 years… https://t.co/7OABpEtwx2
— Athletics Integrity Unit (@aiu_athletics) 1603819353000
The American sprinter had claimed at the time that anti-doping officials had not followed procedure when he missed them after going Christmas shopping on Dec. 9, 2019 at a time when he had said he would be at home. Doping control officers testified before a disciplinary tribunal that they were present during the whole of the allotted hour of 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm on Dec. 9 in front of Coleman’s house. Coleman in turn testified that he had arrived home from Christmas shopping shortly before the end of the one-hour period. However, shopping receipts showed that Coleman had purchased 16 items from a Walmart Supercenter at 8:22 pm, the AIU said. “We do not accept the Athlete’s evidence,” the AIU added in a statement on its website. “It is obvious that in fact the athlete did not go home until after making his 8:22 pm purchase. We are comfortably satisfied that this is what happened.” The AIU added that Coleman’s ban would end on May 13, 2022 and that he could appeal the tribunal’s decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Three failures to properly file whereabouts information or being absent during the hour stated in a 12-month period can result in a one- or two-year suspension. Coleman, also a silver medallist in the 100m and 4x100m relay at the 2017 worlds, escaped suspension last year when the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), after receiving guidance from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on how to calculate the 12-month window for three missed tests, withdrew the charge. The sprinter, who also helped the United States to 4x100m gold at the 2019 worlds in Doha, later demanded an apology from USADA, but two of those misses have now combined with the latest failure to result in a ban.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Djokovic wins Vienna opener to move closer to Sampras record | Tennis News
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Djokovic wins Vienna opener to move closer to Sampras record | Tennis News
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VIENNA: Novak Djokovic defeated Filip Krajinovic in the first round in Vienna on Tuesday to edge closer to Pete Sampras’s all-time record of ending the year as world number one on six occasions. Djokovic beat compatriot Krajinovic 7-6 (8/6), 6-3 and needs to win his next match in Austria against Borna Coric to ensure he equals the achievement of his childhood idol. The 33-year-old Serb has been the top-ranked player at the end of a season five times: in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2018. He shares that mark with career rivals Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Sampras achieved the feat six years in succession between 1993 and 1998. Djokovic was playing in Vienna for the first time since he won the title there in 2007, and dropped serve twice in a tricky opening set. Krajinovic served for the first set at 5-4 and then held a set point in the tie-break but couldn’t take advantage. A couple of breaks in the second set allowed Djokovic to clinch victory — his 38th in 40 matches this year. “First set, I think he was the better player. He was serving for the first set and I was lucky. He missed a smash at 6/6 in the tie-break,” said Djokovic. “A few points here and there can change the momentum of the match. In the second set, I stepped it up, I played better and I am just pleased with the way I finished the match.” The 17-time Grand Slam title winner is appearing at his first tournament since his heavy loss to Nadal in the Roland Garros final two weeks ago. Djokovic is also attempting to beat Federer’s all-time best of 310 weeks spent on top of the rankings. On Monday, Djokovic began his 292nd week in total as world number one. Djokovic and US Open winner Dominic Thiem are two of six top 10 players in the draw in the Austrian capital.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Preity Zinta celebrates 20 years of ‘Mission Kashmir’, says it was the start of an 'incredible friendship' with Hrithik Roshan | Hindi Movie News
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Preity Zinta celebrates 20 years of ‘Mission Kashmir’, says it was the start of an 'incredible friendship' with Hrithik Roshan | Hindi Movie News
Bollywood actress Preity Zinta reminisces the first time she worked with Hrithik Roshan in ‘Mission Kashmir’ as her movie clocks 20 years. She took to her Instagram handle to share a beautiful video snippet, which accompanied with a heartwarming note, which read “Remembering Mission Kashmir today. One of my most beautifully shot, technically brilliant films with an outstanding musical score.
She also added, “A film about love, loss, beauty and violence in paradise. My first film with Hrithik and the start of an incredible friendship. Thank you Vidhu Vinod Chopra” The video snippet features a romantic number – ‘Socho Ke Jheelon Ka Shehar Ho Lyrics from the movie.
The film was an instant success and was well received by the audience. The movie also starred Sanjay Dutt, Jackie Shroff, and Sonali Kulkarni in pivotal characters. On the work front, Hrithik was last seen in Siddharth Anand’s blockbuster hit ‘War’, co-starring Vaani Kapoor and Tiger Shroff.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Shah Rukh Khan reveals how he spent time in quarantine with family during an #AskSRK session on social media | Hindi Movie News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/shah-rukh-khan-reveals-how-he-spent-time-in-quarantine-with-family-during-an-asksrk-session-on-social-media-hindi-movie-news/
Shah Rukh Khan reveals how he spent time in quarantine with family during an #AskSRK session on social media | Hindi Movie News
Shah Rukh Khan took to Twitter today to hold the ‘Ask Me Anything’ session with his fans where he opened up about several random things, starting from his family to his film career. SRK also revealed how he has spent his quality time with his family during the lockdown when a fan asked him about his self-isolation days and wrote, “How was your quarantine? #AskSRK”
To this SRK responded, “Full of watching movies.”
Talking about his current routine, King Khan also added that he has been keeping himself busy with his kids, workout sessions, cricket matches. Added to this another user asked the superstar if he has learned cooking during the lockdown and SRK replied saying, “’Namak kitna daalna hai’ is still a struggle honestly…”
See tweets here:
Full of watching movies. https://t.co/dYKBgAv7rL
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) 1603798905000
Children, workout, watch IPL (Feel bad/ good) children… https://t.co/goloVOsJrQ
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) 1603799478000
‘Namak kitna daalna hai’ is still a struggle honestly… https://t.co/Us63DyUw2c
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) 1603799544000
Meanwhile, SRK starrer ‘Mohabbatein’ clocked 20 years today, and to celebrate the milestone SRK remembered the iconic lines from the flick in his latest tweet. He wrote, “Pyaar aise hota hai…saying the lines once again after 20 yrs, still remember how in a small studio had recorded the same with Adi breathing down my neck & Yashji loving it. Sudden nostalgia.”
Pyaar aise hota hai…saying the lines once again after 20 yrs, still remember how in a small studio had recorded the… https://t.co/dtQEPqBZDG
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) 1603807026000
On the work front, reportedly Shah Rukh Khan has some big banner films in his pipeline as he is reading a lot of scripts for his next. However, there’s no confirmation on this. talking about it, SRK tweeted today that fans need to wait for one year to see him on the silver screen again.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
Kangana Ranaut reacts to Malvi Malhotra stabbing case: This happens to small town strugglers who don’t have connections | Hindi Movie News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/kangana-ranaut-reacts-to-malvi-malhotra-stabbing-case-this-happens-to-small-town-strugglers-who-dont-have-connections-hindi-movie-news/
Kangana Ranaut reacts to Malvi Malhotra stabbing case: This happens to small town strugglers who don’t have connections | Hindi Movie News
Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been making headlines for her strong worded statements since a long time. This time, the actress took to her social media handle to react about actress Malvi Malhotra’s stabbing case. Kangana’s tweet went on to read, “This is the truth of the film industry, this is what happens to small town strugglers who don’t have connections and proper channels, nepotism kids might defend themselves as much they want but how many of them have been stabbed, raped and killed ?”
Actress Malvi Malhotra reached out to Kangana Ranaut and National Commission for Women after allegedly being stabbed by a man for turning down his marriage proposal. The accused, who’s reportedly Yogesh Mahipal Singh, had met Malvi a couple of times before the incident, pressuring the actress to marry him, for which she allegedly rejected the proposal.
The actress is currently admitted to a hospital in Mumbai, where she told the media wanting to seeking help from NCW Chairperson and Kangana Ranaut to support her.
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gokul2181 · 4 years
SRH vs DC Live Score: Wriddhiman Saha, David Warner power Sunrisers Hyderabad to 219/2 against Delhi Capitals | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/srh-vs-dc-live-score-wriddhiman-saha-david-warner-power-sunrisers-hyderabad-to-219-2-against-delhi-capitals-cricket-news/
SRH vs DC Live Score: Wriddhiman Saha, David Warner power Sunrisers Hyderabad to 219/2 against Delhi Capitals | Cricket News
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LIVE BLOG | LIVE SCORECARD Wriddhiman Saha, David Warner power Sunrisers Hyderabad to 219/2 against Delhi Capitals Saha 87 Warner 66 Pandey 44* Highest totals for SRH in IPL 231/2 vs RCB Hyderabad 2019 219/2 vs DC Dubai 2020 * 212/6 vs KXIP Hyderabad 2019 Highest totals in IPL 2020 228/4 DC vs KKR, Sharjah 226/6 RR vs KXIP, Sharjah 223/2 KXIP vs RR, Sharjah 219/2 SRH vs DC, Dubai (TODAY) OVERS 20: Two runs off the last ball of the innings. Sunrisers post 219/2 against Delhi Capitals OVERS 19.2: FOUR! Williamson stays back and plays this gently towards deep backward point for a boundary. Exceptional shot from the New Zealander. Rabada to bowl the last over End of OVER 19: 12 runs off Nortje’s over. SRH 212/2 OVERS 18.3: FOUR! Manish Pandey gets a thick edge and the ball races towards third man region. Iyer is dissapointed. Nortje starts his fourth and last over. End of OVER 18: Good over from Stoinis. Just 6 runs off his over. SRH 202/2 OVERS 17.3: 200 comes for SRH. The Organge Army have been dominant tonight. Stoinis starts his second over. End of OVER 17: 15 runs off Deshpande’s over. SRH 196/2 OVERS 16.6: SIX! Pandey finishes Deshpande’s over with a six. Pandey smokes this over mid wicket fence. OVERS 16.5: FOUR! Manish Pandey sends Deshpande towards deep mid wicket. OVERS 16.3: FOUR! Straight drive from Pandey. That’s beauty. Both openers scoring 50 plus at strike rate of 190 plus in IPL: Chris Gayle & Virat Kohli vs KXIP, 2016 Chris Lynn & Sunil Narine vs RCB, 2017 David Warner & Wriddhiman Saha vs DC, TODAY Deshpande starts his third over. End of OVER 16: Good over for DC. 6 runs off Axar’s over. SRH 181/2 Axar Patel starts his fourth and last over End of OVER 15: 10 runs off Nortje’s over. SRH 175/2 OVERS 14.6: FOUR! Stand and deliver from Pandey. He stands tall, picks the length and launches this straight down the ground for a boundary. Kane Williamson comes to the crease OVERS 14.3: WICKET! Anrich Nortje ends dangerous Wriddhiman Saha’s stay. Saha tries to go over the top once again but fails to connect it. Iyer takes an easy catch. DC can take a breather now. SRH 170/2 OVERS 14.2: FOUR! Overpitched from Nortje. Saha didn’t spare him and sends him towards mid off. Nortje starts his third over. End of OVER 14: 9 runs off Stoinis over. SRH 165/1 OVERS 13.6: FOUR! Short from Stoinis. Saha comes forward and cuts the ball towards third man for a boundary. Clever shot from Saha. He moves to 83 now. Marcus Stoinis comes into the attack End of OVER 13: 14 runs off Rabada’s over. SRH 156/1 OVERS 12.6: SIX! Saha dispatches Rabada over deep mid wicket. Saha is on fire. He is unstoppable. Rabada starts his third over. STAT ATTACK: David Warner’s 66 is the highest score by a player on his birthday in IPL. (Previous: 54, Michael Hussey, CSK v KKR, Chennai, 2012). End of OVER 12: 15 runs off Axar’s over. SRH 142/1 OVERS 11.5: FOUR! Oh Saha! Fab shot from him. He goes on back foot and cuts it cleverly towards deep backward point for a boundary. OVERS 11.2: SIX! Saha moves to 61 with a superb hit over deep mid wicket fence. A perfect slog sweep from the wicket-keeper batsman. Axar Patel starts his third over. End of OVER 11: 14 runs off Deshpande’s over. SRH 127/1 OVERS 10.3: FOUR! Saha is on song tonight. He hits back-to-back boundaries off Deshpande. OVERS 10.2: FIFTY! Wriddhiman Saha brings up his half-century off 27 balls. He raises his bat and celebrates his fifty in style. Tusar Deshpande starts his second over. End of OVER 10: 11 runs off Ashwin’s over. SRH 113/1 Manish Pandey comes to the crease OVERS 9.4: WICKET! R Ashwin ends David Warner’s stay at 66 runs. Ashwin gets the breakthrough. Warner has done the job for SRH by giving a solid start to his team. A brilliant innings on his birthday. Axar takes an easy catch at extra cover. Highest PP score for SRH in IPL: 79/0 vs KKR Hyderabad 2017 77/0 vs KXIP Hyderabad 2019 77/0 vs DC Dubai 2020 * Highest Strike Rate in first 6 overs in IPL (Min. 400 balls): 155.11 – Jos Buttler 145.62 – Chris Lynn 144.16 – Virender Sehwag 137.95 – David Warner 137.50 – WRIDDHIMAN SAHA 100-run partnership comes up between Warner and Saha. Tushar Deshpande comes into the attack End of OVER 8: 11 runs off Ashwin’s over. SRH 95/0 OVERS 7.2: FOUR! Saha hits this straight over Ashwin’s head. Ashwin isn’t happy with this. Both Warner and Saha are set. Ashwin starts his second over. Sunrisers Hyderabad have registered the best powerplay score of the season End of OVER 7: 7 runs off Axar’s over. SRH 84/0 OVERS 6.3: FOUR! Saha sweeps this towards square leg. Axar starts his second over. End of OVER 6: 22 runs off Rabada’s over. SRH 77/0 OVERS 5.5: FOUR! DAVID WARNER BRINGS UP HIS HALF-CENTURY OFF 25 BALLS. OVERS 5.4: SIX! Warner celebrating his birthday in style. The southpaw picks the length and smokes it over cow corner. OVERS 5.2: FOUR! Another one by Warner. This time he attacks Rabada towards deep extra cover. Excellent stuff from him. OVERS 5.1: FOUR! Warner stays back and slaps the ball towards long on. Rabada starts his second over. End of OVER 5: 9 runs off Axar’s over. SRH 55/0 OVERS 4.5: FOUR! Excellent use of the feet by Warner. He slaps the ball towards deep extra cover. OVERS 4.4: 50 comes up for DC. Warner 27*, Saha 22* Another bowling change for DC. Axar Patel comes into the attack. Can he break this opening stand? End of OVER 4: 13 runs off Nortje’s over. SRH 46/0 OVERS 3.4: FOUR! Warner is on fire tonight. Birthday-boy hits Nortje for back-to-back boundaries. SRH 43/0 Nortje starts his second over. End of OVER 3: 13 runs off Ashwin’s over. SRH 33/0 OVERS 2.6: FOUR! Saha ends the over with a boundary towards backward square leg. Solid start by Warner and Saha. OVERS 2.3: SIX! Magnificent from Warner. Warner picks the length and smashes Ashwin over deep square leg. SRH 26/0 Ashwin comes into the attack End of OVER 2: 15 runs off Rabada’s over. SRH 20/0 OVERS 1.3: FOUR! Saha plays this superbly towards deep mid wicket. OVERS 1.2: FOUR! Rabada to Saha. The batsman gets an inside edge and the ball races towards fine leg fence. Kagiso Rabada shares the ball from the other end. End of OVER 1: 5 runs off Nortje’s over. SRH 5/0 OVER 0.5: FOUR! Saha is off the mark with a boundary towards deep backward square leg. Anrich Nortje will open the attack for DC. Here we go!!! David Warner and Wriddhiman Saha are at the crease. Saha is opening the innings with Warner today. PLAYING XIs: Sunrisers Hyderabad: David Warner (captain), Kane Williamson, Manish Pandey, Vijay Shankar, Wriddhiman Saha (wk), Jason Holder, Shahbaz Nadeem, Abdul Samad, Rashid Khan, Sandeep Sharma, T Natarajan Delhi Capitals: Ajinkya Rahane, Shikhar Dhawan, Shreyas Iyer (captain), Rishabh Pant (wk), Shimron Hetmyer, Marcus Stoinis, Axar Patel, Ravichandran Ashwin, Kagiso Rabada, Anrich Nortje, Tushar Deshpande CAPTAINS’ TAKE: David Warner (SRH): I was actually looking to bat first. (on his birthday celebration) I can’t understand this cake-in-the face business (laughs), it’s quite messy. It was disappointing to lose that last game with a lot of wickets in hand. Shreyas Iyer (DC): We’ll bowl first. The wicket looks dry and the dew factor coming in later is a factor. That (the trends) definitely goes into our mind but we were constantly batting first in the early part of the tournament. But the wickets have become drier and that’s affected our plans. We want to end up in the top-two, and the boys are really motivated. After some bad performances, we sat together and talked about where we went wrong. Same team. TOSS: Delhi Capitals captain Shreyas Iyer wins toss, opts to field against Sunrisers Hyderabad. Both the captains – David Warner (SRH) and Shreyas Iyer (DC) – are in the middle for the toss. It’s TOSS time, folks. Hello and welcome to the Live coverage of the IPL 2020 match between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Delhi Capitals.
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