#genderbent wednesday
reareaotaku · 1 month
I Know You Got Issues & I Do Too
Summary: Wednesday has a nasty habit of stalking that needs to be nipped in the butt Pairings: Male! Wednesday Addams x GN! Reader Tw/Cw: Stalking, Short Blurb, Gender of Reader not specified Taglist: NONE [I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THE ORIGINAL LOL. If you saw the og- No you didn't-]
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Wednesday hummed as he scanned through his notebook, before his eyes were drawn elsewhere. His eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, always looking for something... Someone. You. You fascinated Wednesday in a way not many could do. You held his attention, unlike anyone he's ever met. There was something about you... And he had to figure out what it was.
You sat perched on a bench, reading one of your fantasy books. Your eyes wandered the page, unaware of the eyes watching you. You hummed to yourself, as you turned the page smiling to yourself.
Wednesday's eyes narrowed, before he had to push some of his hair back. He wondered what book you were reading. What was going on in your mind? Was it some cheesy romantic book? Were you hoping some hero would swoop you off your feet? Or was it about the guy nobody notices finally getting the girl? Maybe it was a book with poetry from Edgar Poe; He liked those books.
A shiver ran down your spine, causing you to glance up and make immediate contact with a pale skinned man. You scrunched your eyes to get a better look at him, but you couldn't make out his face with his black fluffed hair covering it.
You think you went to school with him, but you didn't know his name. It was strange that he was there, but you were at a public park, so it's not like he was unwelcomed, but something was off.
You pushed your book in your bag, before standing up and stretching your arms. You sigh, before grabbing your phone and checking the time. It was late- Like really late- Almost curfew. You groaned, but ultimately pick up at pace and head back to the dorms.
Wednesday let out a breath of relief. He was worried you had realized he was watching you. Thankfully, you hadn't. He watched as you left the park, before realizing he too had to leave. Hopefully, you don't get too worried when realizing he's behind you. Why, you might think he's following you.
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hellhoundsprey · 5 months
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alexa, play "she knows it"
happy (genderbent) wincest wednesday 🤎! I'm whipping up one fanart for every ww of 2024—if you have any wincest-related art prompts (sfw or nsfw), feel free to send them my way!
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evilwriter37 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
From a Language of Flowers square fill. Hiccup, born as a girl in the Barbaric Archipelago, must hide her true gender and go through life as a boy. And there’s one thing she can never do…
Hiccup stood in the Mead Hall before the people of Berk. She wore a gold dress, her hair long and braided. Her baby bump was proudly on display.
No more hiding.
No more charades.
This was it.
There were murmurs among the crowd, ones of confusion. She still looked like herself, still looked like Hiccup, but this was not Hiccup the man. This was Hiccup the woman.
Stoick, Fishlegs, and the Dragon Riders all stood beside her, along with Toothless. She was grateful for that, grateful for their support.
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tellthatbrokebitch · 9 months
the premise, for those who don’t know the show castle: michelle “mike” wheeler is a famous horror author, murdery mystery type stuff. willow byers is a detective assigned to a murder case that mimics scenes from mike’s books. mike helps solve the case, is intrigued by willow, and decides her next book is going to be about a character based on willow. she uses her friendship with the mayor to invite herself along on all of willow’s cases, which willow is NOT happy about. they fall in love of course 🥰here is a snippet
Nor does she give into the urge to snatch every copy of the new book that she sees. She pre-ordered. It can wait.
Even if she’s dying to know–
Flashing her badge at one of the hovering waiters gives her an approximate location for her target, and she makes a beeline for the bar. At the far end, there’s a blonde girl who looks far too young for that glass of champagne that’s being nudged toward her – and, with their back to Willow, a tall woman in a burgundy dress, with a mass of thick black wavy hair haloed around her head.
As she approaches, she catches the tail end of the conversation. “Just once, I’d like someone to come up to me and say something new.”
Willow bites back a smile. She can certainly provide that. “Ms. Wheeler?”
“Where would you like it?” she’s already saying, turning around with a pen produced from somewhere, a broad smile on her face, when Willow holds up her badge.
“Detective Willow Byers, HPD. We need to ask you a few questions about a murder that took place earlier tonight.”
The blonde teen reaches around and plucks the pen from Wheeler’s frozen hand. She gives Willow a small, devilish grin before turning her gaze back onto Wheeler. “That’s new,” she quips before settling back onto her stool.
Willow has no idea who she is, but she likes her already.
An hour later, after letting their guest stew for a bit in an interrogation room while she gathers what she needs, Willow braces herself for a moment, calming her nerves with a deep breath, before finally entering the room herself.
“Ms. Wheeler,” she greets, closing the door behind herself and making her way around the table as she peruses the file in her hands. “You’ve got quite the rap sheet for a best selling author. Disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, public indecency…”
Wheeler shrugs. “I liked to have a bit of fun in my youth.”
“The last charge is from two years ago.”
A melodramatic gasp. “Are you calling me old, Detective?”
Willow ignores the borderline flirting tone. “But every time, the charges were dropped.” She snaps the folder closed and tosses it onto the table before finally settling down into the seat across from Wheeler.
The grin Wheeler flashes is dangerous. “What can I say? The mayor is a fan.” She leans across the table, settling into an unmistakably flirty tone as she says, “But if it makes you feel any better, I’d be happy to let you spank me.”
Willow's genial expression morphs into a smile of her own, dangerous in a completely different way. “Ms. Wheeler,” she begins, voice deceptively calm. “Maybe that kind of lazy half-assed flirting gets you somewhere with the socialites or your fangirls. But me? I’m a detective. I deal with people like you on a daily basis, and I’m very good at what I do. Now, we can either sit here while you lay some more pitiful one-liners on me, or you could help me catch a killer.”
Wheeler holds her gaze for another long moment, the beginnings of a sort of grudging respect in her eyes, then nods. “Okay.”
so in the show, the author character has a daughter and his mom lives with him, but in my version karen and holly move in with mike after karen divorces ted
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akalegos · 1 year
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uh takeritsu takeritsu 2 and a stupid mp100xWednesday AU i made that came to me in a vision (i was sober)
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kookykrooked · 1 year
Kooky's Navigation
Requests & Rules
fluff- ❀ smut- ❤︎ suggsstive- ꨄ︎
mha masterlist
Izuku midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Ejirou Kirishima, Tamaki Amajiki, Shouta Aizawa, Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi
wednesday masterlist
Xavier Thorpe, Ajax Petropolis, Tyler Galpin, Male!Wednesday, Male!Enid
soul eater master
Soul Evans, Death The Kid(DTK), Crona(Male/Amab), Black*Star.
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WIP Wednesday 9/14/2022
When Marin and Luci were small children, being a kid was certainly not all fun and games. Marin would look back on grade school days and think about playground games and snacks but he also remembered all the times he was bullied and teased, and nothing much was done about it. But Marin was a boy, even at a young age. 
Although behind every strong man is an equally strong woman, and Marin was never alone. There was a young girl with beautiful blue hair and a warm heart that would always take a stand for him. His best friend.
Even if Luci would get in trouble with the teachers she couldn’t take it anymore. But Luci was always know for righteous anger with all the injustice in the world. Sometimes she wished the heroes in the cartoons existed but right now she couldn’t wait around as she spotted two boys trying to beat Marin up.
Luci grit her teeth and ran head first before those boys could touch Marin again. Both her fists flew into their faces and landed direct hits that knocked both boys on the ground. The two rowdy boys didn’t look so tough now they were sitting on the ground rubbing their faces. Luci turned to Marin who sat on the ground looking stunned. 
But when he saw Luci smiling confidently against the bright sunlight he smiled back. And then Luci turned to the two bullies and glared at them.
"I am Marin's knight in shining armor! Don't you jerks ever forget that!" Luci cried.
With that the two boys ran away in fear and Luci paid no mind for them and gave Marin her hand.
She always was his knight in shining armor. Even years later.
Luci was never going to hear the end of it from her brother now. Julien had been ranting and raving ever since Luci protected Marin from a criminal and ended up breaking her hand. Her guitar playing hand was now in a giant cast that looked like a baseball glove, but much less practical.
"You're out of control Luci! Thanks to you we have to cancel the concert! What you did was really brave and really stupid!" Julien cried.
Even though Luci was relaxing in her bed Julien was still pissed at her. At this point she just relaxed and took comfort that her guitar playing hand will heal with time. She did not regret what she did for a moment, because Marin was her one and only muse. 
She already told Julien that she would play for the next concert but that did not ease Julien's anger.
Marin learned to just let Julien have his moment as well. Even though this moment has lasted almost the entire day. At first Julien kept on praying the injury wasn't serious in the hospital. And then denial turned to anger. Still it was a somewhat relaxing afternoon for Marin as he baked cookies and made blueberry lavender milk.
When everything was perfect Marin placed cookies and milk on a tray and walked over to the sleeping area.
"Well I hope our fans won't be heartbroken!" 
That was Julien's final say before he headed out of the sleeping area. He thought he was being effective at wracking Luci and Marin with guilt as he marched away but Marin smiled as he set the tray beside Luci. He made sure her glass of blueberry lavender milk was extra large with a long straw for her to drink out of. And Luci was super eager to eat Marin's cookies again as she took two and shoved them in her mouth. She knew she would be fine with her muse around giving her cuddles. With his cookies and blueberry milk she would heal quicker than when the doctor suggested. After she gulped down some milk Marin took her non-injured hand and stroked it softly as if he was using his non-resistant healing skills.  He gave her such a warm look with his bluebell eyes and Luci couldn't help but take her hand and stroke his round cheek. Then Marin remembered Julien.
"Julien, there are plenty of cookies and milk for you to eat as well," Marin called.
3 minutes, no answer. So Luci took a moment to give Marin a sweet kiss on the cheek. Then the sound of familiar groaning.
"Fine!" Julien cried.
Marin and Luci giggled and the two of them knew they would finally have some peace. Which was good because Marin would do anything to make his shining star feel better, but Luci's love for her muse was unwavering even though she was injured. She laid Marin down on the bed with her uninjured hand and Marin obeyed. Luci then gave him a sweet kiss on the lips before nuzzling her face on his shoulder and placing her bandaged her on his beating heart.
"I love you Luci," Marin whispered dreamily.
"I love you too, my muse," Luci whispered back.
They continued with the cuddling and sweet kisses for awhile. When the sun started to set and Luci let out a yawn Marin got off the bed and was eager to make dinner for her and and her family. But both of them heard familiar footprints from an enigmatic captain who peaked through the door and smiled.
"Captain Anarky!" Marin cried as nearly dropped the apron.
"Daddy!" Luci cried.
Captain Anarky let out a soft chuckle and Luci pouted.
"Daddy, Marin didn’t do anything wrong!” Luci cried.
Captain Anarky chuckled again. “I know Luci, but I would still like to speak with Marin alone for a moment.”
Marin gulped, Captain Anarky always approved of his daughter finding her true love in a goofball like him. But he still felt incredibly guilty that Luci got injured on his behalf.
“Yes sir!” Marin placed the apron down and followed the captain. Luci’s beautiful aquamarine eyes were full of concern but Marin gave her a half-hearted reassuring look and Luci lied back down to rest her injured hand.
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cyrathedragon · 1 year
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queenendless · 7 months
👻🦇🎃 Spooky Lovin' (Various JJK ft Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Female!Reader) 🎃🦇👻
A/N: Just my headcannon on an imagined scenario with the JJK cast celebrating Halloween together and they're all A-OK and happy and 😭🤧❤️‍🩹 There are ships/pairings in this here and there plus the costumes I thought of for them all that took forever to think of! Spooky romantic fluff. Cause writing that vampire AU 18+ piece is ... hard.
Pairings: Yuji x Megumi, Nobara x Maki, Yuta x Rika with hints of Yuta x Toge, Kokichi x Miwa, Shoko x Utahime, Nanami x Haibara, Mai x Momo, Yuki x Choso, and Satoru x Suguru x Fem!Reader at the end.
All credit for JJK cast goes to Gege.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy. And —
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🎃Yuji in a tiger onsie and his usual sneakers with black face paint on for the whiskers and the nose.
🎃Megumi as wolf boi with just a wolf ears headband on … he was willing to put those on for his Yuji bae and that's all you're getting.
🎃Nobara as OUAT Aurora with a sword because she is a cute badass.
🎃Maki as OUAT Mulan because I like her warrior armored suit. Blame the fanarts I've seen.
*Plus seeing fanart of those OUAT girls together made something click.
🎃Toge as the Mummy. Better that than automatically putting him in a sushi roll suit.
🎃Panda as Frankenstein's Monster. In the torn up black Frankenstein jacket, stitches painted on, Frankenstein bowler head wig, and bolts in the neck. It was either this or Killer bear.
🎃Yaga as Dr Frankenstein. Labcoat, gloves but with his shades still on. Makes perfect sense.
🎃Yuta as Bendy the Dancing Demon.
🎃Rika as Alice Angel
*They both start off cute then become quite terrifying but in the best way.
🎃Kokichi as Victor from The Corpse Bride.
🎃Miwa as Emily THE Corpse Bride.
🎃Nanami as Captain America cause I got the idea from @TimieTate on twitter. But he keeps said cap off. He'll keep the shield just to see the fanboy within faces Yu, Yuji and Ino come to life.
🎃Yu Haibara as Iron Man cause I like Stony and it all fits now. Also he used face paint to add in the beard goatee combo.
🎃Ino as a zombie with the usual horror makeup with green skin, bloody cuts, and he's a cutie wanting brains~
🎃Shoko as Sally
🎃Utahime as Genderbent Jack Skellington with a Zero plushie.
🎃Momo as Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Just the poofy velvety black dress, witch's hat, It was the broom's fault.
🎃Mai as Salem Saberhagen/Cat. It's just in a velour jumpsuit with an attached tail, layered choker necklace, cat ear headband, and ankle boots.
🎃Todo as a crossdressed Takada … cause why not.
🎃Choso as Netflix's Castlevania Dracula, with his hair loose to match. Also because of the whole blood thing.
🎃Yuki as Lisa Tepes also from Netflix's Castlevania cause they're both independent and stubborn and it just made sense to have them pair up.
🎃Riko as Wednesday Adams
🎃Kuroi as Morticia Adams
🎃Toji and Shiu as Sam and Dean Winchester. Just wearing leather jackets, rustic shirts, torn jeans and boots for the rugged look. Doesn't matter who's dressed as who. They can both make either roles work.
🎃Noritoshi Kamo as Hellsing's Alucard
🎃Junpei as Ash Williams. OG Classic. With detachable chainsaw toy hand.
🎃Nanako as Mitsuri Kanroji
🎃Mimiko as Nezuko
🎃Tsumiki as Shinobu
*They all got the wigs and custom made toy Nichirin swords. Also because Tsumiki and Shinobu share the same seiyuu. It was either her or Yor from SPY X FAMILY. Lord knows Gojo, Geto and Megumi would never want to see this girl in that kinda getup; overprotective they are.
🎃Mei as Disney OG Ursula. They both have white hair and do business with high rewarding profits. I had trouble figuring out a costume for Mei, okay!?
🎃Ui as a Flotsam Jetsam Mashup. Devoted brother/minion, so be it.
🎃Kusakabe as a Scarecrow. Apparently he's a fearful man that is courageous when it counts. It all fits.
🎃Akari Nitta as OG Disney Cinderella. Cause why not? It's cute!
🎃Ijichi as Zorro. Be a brave badass, my man!
*Those two are doing a callback to A Cinderella Story; the OG one, where Sam is Cindy and Carter is Zorro. Ergo, neither pair are couples.
🎃Arata Nitta as just a bedsheet ghost. He's timid as hell according to his wiki so there.
🎃Satoru as Wassup Ghostface
🎃Suguru as Viper Ghostface
🎃You as OG Ghostface
*Cause I gotta put my favorite horror character of all time in this and seeing fanart of them as Ghostface is a big turn on~! Plus Gojo gives Wassup vibes. And Viper looked so cool for Geto. And yes you be representing the OG!
🎃👻🦇 🎃 👻🦇🎃 👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃
Fall has come.
Warm colored leaves whisking in the cold blowing winds.
And so much rambunctious chatter teemed the atmosphere.
The annual Halloween carnival fair has arrived.
"Fushiguro! Let's go on that ride next!" Yuji cheered enthusiastically as the pair rode the flaming pumpkin head shaped go bumper car.
"Fine fine! Just keep your eyes on the – ACK!" Megumi grabbed those mochi cheeks of Yuji's to make him face forward, both jerking forward as they got slammed in up front by another go cart.
"Itadori-kun! Eyes on the road!" Junpei laughed.
"You two can get it on later, ya know~" Ino teased, grinning, innuendo jokes going hard.
"Ino-san, please don't egg him on." Megumi grumbled, bashfully avoiding eye contact.
"If he wants to, sure." Yuji made it all seem so simple.
"WHAT!?" All three exclaimed in shock, startling the other drivers and passerby, earning him a hard yank on his tiger hood.
Mingling outside a food booth
"Mmm, umai~!" Nobara's eyes lit up with actual stars in them as she eyed her crepe with bat and spider sprinkles paired with chocolate sauce. "Delicious and Insta-worthy~! Maki-san, what do you think?"
She smacked her lips in afterthought, eyeing the"With the black and orange dyed cone, matching sherbert ice cream gave off that spooky pizzazz to put one in the festive mood "Not bad. Too much though."
"Hmm … then finding the best cammable sweets for Maki-san is our goal for this all Hallows Night!"
"Don't go overboard, baka." Maki bopped her on her crowned head, endearingly smiling. "Cause we're burning all this sugar in our workout tomorrow."
Nobara saluted. "Yes ma'am!"
From down the road, sitting at a mini table set up outside another food both, Mai scoffs at the sight. "Maki, what do you see in that girl?"
Giving heated glares to some passerby that were giving cat calls to Mai, Momo "Your envy is warranted but not tonight. Now have a spooky berry." Momo plopped a bloody frosted one from her decorated strawberry coffin into her partner's mouth.
"Out of all the people, she chose to date … her." Mai muffled through her full mouth.
"I heard that, you know." The Kyoto pair looked up to see Mai's twin and her bae standing there; Maki a bit facially irked whereas –
"We BOTH heard!" Nobara's seething face was too close for Mai's comfort; Maki restraining her from going feral, though Mai looked undisturbed.
Oh? I didn't see you there." Mai's false smile had Nobara shooting steam out of her nostrils.
"She means well." Momo; understanding Mai's protectiveness over her twin, just sat there and ate those berries away.
The baseball struck gold as the bottle tower collapsed with ease.
"Alright Nanami-san! Perfect aim as always!" Haibara cheered, clapping before pointing at the prize he wanted hanging above their heads. "How many prize booths does that make now?" Haibara beamed, arms full of stuffed toy prizes.
"This would be the fifth one. I believe we've reached a moderate amount at this point." Nanami stated, adjusting the strap keeping the star spangled shield on his back, as they walked off with their reward.
"Yeah. This is more than enough for my sister. Thank you. So here." Picking up his latest prize, he handed the Iron Man chibi doll to his beau. "As a token to remember this night."
Nanami was so taken back by the gesture. "Then you keeping this one would even things up." He plopped that Cap chibi plush right on Haibara's face.
Haibara nuzzled the Cap plush with his cheek. "I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth … Kento."
God, Nanami's heart was getting ready to burst right outta him! "Yu …" Looking straight ahead, he shyly blushed as he kept a hand on Yu's back just in case. "I'll never forget."
On a park bench, viewing the fair from across the way, the two ruggedly dressed drinking buddies were hogging the bench.
"You know spying is a bad look for you, Zen'in."
"Shut it. It's Fushiguro now, remember?" And yet, propped against the back of the bench, Toji kept glancing at his wolf eared teen son walking with his fellow sorcerer buddies through the festive grounds evidently content regardless if he was smiling or not.
"Just go say to your kids already, you big old wuss."
Downing some booze, Toji sighed. "Nah. It's better this way. Besides, his two new papas would kill me in cold blood if I got even close."
"You're actually pissed you didn't get invited to their group gathering." Shiu drolled, getting bonked in the back of the head by Toji's half empty bottle.
"Still though, nothing like a drink and a smoke outside to spend the night away." Shiu mused, smoke slipping through his lips.
Toji's semi bored eyes suddenly became focused as they trained on a former target that now alluded to his sights after slipping inside one of the many houses of horrors littered around the fair grounds.
Holding hands tightly, Riko and Kuroi jolted and squeaked among the many other costumed attendees from every jump scare triggered by the gory horrifying figures coming every which way.
"Riko-sama, it's okay if you don't want to keep going."
"No! I can be brave through this! Just to rub it in those two's smug ass faces! I can do this – mmph!" She bumped into someone's back amiss her self encouragement. Looking up into the blackest eyes of Count Choso who bluntly uttered.
Riko's terrified screams didn't startle Choso in the slightest as she flailed, losing balance, and falling into Kuroi's arms.
"Sorry about him, Amanai-chan. Just trying to get him in the spooky spirit is all." Yuki's head popped out from behind him, apologetically smiling.
"An incarnated object … in the flesh!" She was as terrified as she was astounded at being in his presence, especially when he punched a screeching animatronic that got too close for comfort.
"Another former Star Plasma Vessel." Choso pointed out dryly.
"I chose my own path going forward of my own free will, same as you. No need to be so blunt about it." Riko stuck her tongue out at the somewhat irked hybrid man.
"Riko-sama, let's get going. We're holding up the others behind us." Kuroi cautioned.
"Yes yes, we're wasting precious time here! The night is still young after all!~!" Not wanting to get kicked out and sued by those running the house, Yuki dragged those three out to the exit, barreling through puzzled exclaiming normies.
In a mock up Haunted Mansion ride, Kokichi stayed stiff but flustered as Miwa held his hand, hugged his arm, and cuddled up next to him in their automatic carriage seat for two.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" She curiously wanted to know.
He nods, fidgeting a bit. "And you?"
"Yes … I'm with you, after all." Miwa's genuine smile spoke volumes to how true she meant it.
"Good." He kissed her cheek all feather-like, earning a glow from her face before she peppered his face all with lipstick kisses, to his dopey smiling face.
"Oh my precious students!" That alerted the two as they spotted their sensei tearing up, to which her date used her Zero plush to pat away those tears.
"Just ignore us. We'll keep mingling with our brethren, that's all." Shoko waved to them, lounging in the fake graveyard setting.
"Not if we get kicked out over it!" Utahime panicked.
"Eh, no big deal." Shoko's usual apathetic shrug.
"You promised me you wouldn't act like THOSE TWO – MMPH!" Utahime got shushed by a smooch. Zero's nose lit up red, smooshed in between them, pouting as they parted. "You don't play fair."
Shoko rubbed her nose against Utahime's, mixing her faded blue powder with her white face powder, smiling proudly. "You make it too easy."
Outside, in a corn maze, Toge was looking ahead over the tops, carried on Panda's shoulders,
"Tsuna Tsuna."
"Go right?"
"Got it. Oh, Yuta, why must you leave us in your wake!? We barely see him anymore! Now he left us behind in this maze!" Panda dramatically tearfully shouted to the heavens.
Turning this and that way, they finally found Yuta. On the hay covered ground. With Rika laying atop him.
"T–Toge! Panda! Uh … I can explain everything! I – It was just a slip –!" Yuta sweated bullets.
"He still cushioned my fall. You're always looking out for me, Yuta, my love~!" Rika gushed.
While he remained calm on the surface; that and his mouth was covered in wraps, Toge was irked at seeing his close friend being smothered by his lifelong love.
"If you two wanted to be alone, all you had to do was say so." Panda suggestively said.
"Uh, that's not – AH!" Getting pulled up to their feet, Yuta blushed at how intense Inumaki's gaze held him with such devotion. Ruffling his hair, Toge was now turning red from what those wraps didn't hide, Yuta laughed a bit at the cute sight, before Panda bear hugged them all. "I – I missed you all too!"
Leaning against the fenced borders of the exit, Kusakabe-sensei stood beside his fellow Scarecrow; a display maybe but still, staying steer clear of any unwarranted hassle.
"Kids … naively enjoying normalcy despite our true reality. As long as I don't get screwed over in the long run, I'm –!"
A clown faced balloon got thrusted in his face.
"Take one. Enjoy yourself. I mean it."
Principal Yaga, handing out spooky themed balloons to adorably costumed kids passing by with their parents, still noticed the somber fear in his eyes. Speaking of kids –
"Come on, uncle! Mom is waiting for us!"
Yaga smiled at seeing Atsuya being dragged off by his Batman dressed nephew, willing to let his guard down for the little guy, a bat shaped balloon in his small gloved hand.
Mei cackling as money rained the sky. "Thinking you can trick me out of my wits," Men with wounded pride crumbled around her. "Only to be treated to my heart's content." They should never have bet straight outta their wallets. "Now that's what I call the best treat ever~!" She was that good at the shooting ranges. And darts. And slamming the hammer to ring the bell.
"Nee-sama, on top, as always~! Perfection~!" Ui applauded in his own odd unsettling way that only his elder sister enjoyed as she laughed madly.
Noritoshi hoped Miwa and the girls' choice of costume for him wouldn't make him feel so … out of his comfort zone. And yet, the various fangirls that adored the character he portrayed had them taking him up on both sides, hugging him arms and giggling nonstop at how fine he looked. Guess letting his hair down and loose made the look really sell. Still …
"I cannot tell if this is better than dealing with curses … or worse."
Getting dragged off to God knows where, an overwhelmed Noritoshi passed the masked Ijichi-san who was mesmerized by Nitta-san as the princess she is inside and out, twirling on the bridge. "I'll make sure not to lose my glass slipper~!" She cheekily jokes.
"I'd gladly carry you should you ever lose them." Ijicji bravely offered.
"Oh thank you Ichiji-san, but I'll manage. Right, Anata?"
All she got from the tarp draped ghost of her teen brother was jerky nodding and an "Eep!"
"He's really shy. But that makes him that much more precious to me~!" She hugged her startled embarrassed tarp brother.
It brought tears to Ichiji's eyes, sniffling. "Ah sibling love … so pure!"
And for Todo. Yeah, a Takada-chan Halloween themed concert was happening nearby. And yes he got tickets to see her. Cross dressed as his #1. The man will wear it with the utmost unbridled pride and joy for his Takada-Chan. And he'd lose it seeing her dressed as the best half angel half devil in history. "Pure and forbidden to all … the perfect balance … that's my Takada-chan~" He'd be on Cloud 9 yall!
"Ooh, another one!" Nanko cheered.
"New pose time." Mimiko softly suggested.
"Okay, one more!" Tsumiki added.
Posing and taking photos with cosplayers of their fave online idols in their demon slayer outfits was too much fun for all those involved.
A Wassup Ghostface popped up above Nanako's head. Followed by a Viper one appearing between Mimiko and Tsumiki's faces. Startling away their cosplaying acquaintances.
"Our own papas giving us heart attacks, unbelievable!" Nanako complained.
"It was a good scare, though." Mimiko clapped a bit.
"It made my heart jolt right out of my chest!" Tsumiki exclaimed.
"Huh? Where's Mama, though?" Nanako asked.
"She's missing." Mimiko noted.
"I thought you three would all arrive together." Tsumiki reminded them.
Gojo pulled up his mask to beam at them. "Not to worry, girls. The Mrs is fine. Quite fine, actually~" Gojo's purring tone at how fine you looked in your costume did not go unnoticed as the girls mock gagging into their hands.
Geto also pulled his mask up to peck their foreheads. "You girls keep having fun…not too much, though." Geto wanted the best for his girls too, but not around unsavory company.
"Yes, Geto-sama." The twins kissed his cheeks before dragging Tsumiki off to rendezvous with Megumi's group.
The big question.
Where are you in all this?
Photographing the moments, of course.
Entrapping these precious once in a lifetime memories.
Looking over them all from afar, your tender smile gave way to a wave of attachment as tears pricked your vision behind that mask.
This fragile tender peace amiss this cursed world was what you sought-after.
Swaying from the overflow of sentiment, empathy and affection you felt for this found family had you shaking in your actual costumed boots.
"Tell me …" You felt his cursed energy appear immediately, hovering right behind you. "What's your favorite scary movie?"
You felt giddy, butterflies flocking your nerves, smiling nervously underneath your mask. "This one." You pointed at yourself. "Duh." You giggled as he glomped you from behind, lifting your mask off to see your red cheeked beauty. "Lord forbid I wanna remember this night, digitally and soulfully. Doing group hangouts takes lots of planning, coordination and effort – AAH~!"
You squealed as Satoru lifted you up bridal style, spinning you around, marveling at your form highlighted by the moon while the fair lights made your e/c eyes sparkle like the universe laid in your gaze. Matching his Six Eyes perfectly, hypnotized by them as ever, as he kissed you openly.
"Heaven sent … you truly are." Tuffs of his snony bangs tickled your forehead and nose as his face beamed with pride and joy, unbridled love stretched from both ends of his wide smile, all for you.
"An angel for our depraved souls," Feeling those giant clothes hands cup your cheeks from behind, your toothy smile looked up to see Suguru sharing the same twitterpated expression.
"Ghosts having guardian angels … huh. Who'd have thought?" Your attempt at joking only made them give loud, slobbering, open mouthed smooches all over your face as you became a flailing giggling mess.
"Selfie time~!" Satoru chirped as he took tons of them with his phone, lots of laughs and kisses exchanged amongst the many goofy, creepy, and ecstatic faces you three made.
When midnight would soon be upon you all.
"Looks like we're right on schedule." Suguru mused as you three saw everyone that you personally invited eventually convening where the end of the fair grounds and the park meet, fairy lights hanging among, between, and around the tall hanging trees, various spooky tune favorites playing in the background to set the mood.
"Precisely." You threw the heavy ginormous bag you brought with you.
You popped it with the signature cursed energized finger gun.
It rained candy for all assembled.
While some – Yuji, Panda, Toge, Yuta, Rika, Junpei, Ino, Nobara, Miwa, Riko, Yu, Todo cause his lovely Takada-chan's concert had ended early, Nanako, Mimiko, Tsumiki, Satoru who yes scrambled over to get some too – clamored for every piece they could get their hands on.
Others – the adults at least – had restraint or not much interest.
As the fireworks went off to signal the end of the night, so much lively chatter bounced off everyone in animated mayhem, and you could only stand there and watch in amusement, content, and peace.
You wanted to freeze this moment. As well as many others. From back then to going forward.
This world – this reality – was something else.
You found more meaning, a sense of belonging, and heart in being here.
You would shape, bend and change it all to make it the kind of world you wanted it to be.
One where you could protect the smiles of those you feel attached to. Keeping this little slice of semi-normalcy intact, this somewhat safe haven of a life.
And should any curses wreak havoc upon the city – they will be most active on this night after all – this league of sorcerers would exorcise the hell outta them.
Sitting down on the grassy grounds, you were lost in the glowing sight that you got startled as Suguru slung an arm around your shoulders, nuzzling your humming self with his own.
"Truly a memorable night. Well done, love~"
You two jumped as Satoru collapsed before you two, candy stains smearing his lips, but smiling too much to care. "Best Halloween thus far! But next year we gotta top it! We should throw a bash! At our place!" Satoru's eyes were crazed and high at that point.
"Satoru, no more sugar for you tonight." Suguru lightly scolded.
"But Suguru, I feel so good right now~!" You and Sugu sucked the sweetness right off Toru's lips. "Like that but more~! Please love~?" Those puppy dog eyes and pouty lips have you kissing his lips. "Thanks you two~"
Helping Satoru sit up enough to rest on his elbows, you three spent the moment relishing the youthful scenery. Satoru's head rested on your left shoulder, Suguru's head rested on your right shoulder, and you hummed at how warm and cozy and right it all felt.
Calling out to everyone assembled to do at least one group cheer before the clock struck twelve.
Finishing the night off with one last –
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I was wondering if you could make a
male! Wednesday Addams x demon power! reader
Or male! Wednesday Addams x shy! Reader
Sure! The Netflix show is so good. Let me try my hand at a genderbent Wednesday for you :) Aged up as usual, this is also a genderbend for all characters. Which means Enid is a boy too.
Yandere! Male! Wednesday Addams with Shy! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Threats, Possessive behavior, Mentions of wanting to kidnap, Jealousy, Dubious on if relationship was forced or not, Manipulation.
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Wednesday would probably be a yandere who takes a long time to obsess over you.
He just isn't into romantic relationships.
Also, your shy nature keeps you out of the way.
Which, let's be honest, is for the best.
Wednesday when he does find someone he likes can be rather morbid.
Others around you certainly aren't safe, either.
Due to your persona and being rather average... Enid would probably have to introduce you.
Thing also sets Wednesdsy up for events frequently (dates, parties, dances, etc.), so they'd help too.
Truthfully, Enid and Thing start this whole thing off.
You would've been fine if they didn't.
It starts with you being friends with Enid, Wednesday's werewolf roommate.
He's naturally outgoing compared to Wednesday, whom you probably meet by accident.
Enid takes you to their dorm to hang out or get you something... not knowing Wednesday was there.
"Oh hey, Roomie!"
He chirps, greeting the gothic man who's typing up another novel.
"... did you really bring someone with you?"
"Only for a bit. Me and (Y/N) will be out soon."
"Make it quick."
Your interactions with Wednesday are brief.
You do catch his brooding black eyes looking at you sometimes... yet you never think anything of it.
Turns out Wednesday thinks more about you than you think, catching chat about you from Enid.
You don't know it but Wednesday has some strange out of place fascination about you.
You don't want any attention from others, Enid's descriptions of you are sickeningly sweet, and you honestly don't get on his nerves.
When Enid catches Wednesday not regarding you with distaste, he jumps on it.
Oh the gossip he does with Thing.
"Wednesday really needs someone to talk to. Plus, think about it, they'd have the cutest dynamic!"
Which leads to Enid and Thing setting Wednesday up with you, against his will and completely to your surprise.
Your chats are very quick and brief.
You also seem intimidated by Wednesday's demeanor.
Every word from his mouth is disturbing in nature.
The more Wednesday is set up with you, the more the curiosity he has for you grows.
He'd never admit it to Enid and would break Thing's fingers before they knew about it, but your company didn't feel like fire on his skin.
In fact, he felt heated more in the face than anything.
Wednesday would be very quiet in his obsession.
Not only does he appear out of nowhere, but Wednesday is good at stealth.
He could be watching you all the time and you'd never know unless someone told you.
Wednesday also never shows jealousy, or any emotion if we're being honest.
He's blunt in his talks, confessions, and threats.
Wednesday doesn't mind being brutal if he did consider anyone a threat to you.
Someone's bullying you due to your shy nature, perhaps?
They'll encounter a nasty surprise later, courtesy of Wednesday.
He never admits to liking you to anyone.
Enid and Thing can tell because they know him.
Thing also keeps trying to send messages to you that Wednesday thinks of you fondly.
Things such as invitations, letters, all sorts of things.
All much to Wednesday's displeasure....
It's hard to keep this whole thing secret is those two keep forcing it.
Wednesday would wait forever to actually say how he feels about you.
He mostly spends his time watching you, writing about you, and threatening those who wish to date you.
Oh he's wicked when someone admits they like you.
His eyes glare daggers into them and he swears he'll do something worse than the piranha incident.
Wednesday is never going to be a yandere very upfront with his emotions.
When he does decide he should finally ask you to be his, it's blunt.
He says it more like a statement.
He'd also probably compare you to something dark, like how you remind him of a solitary raven or delicate black rose.
It's his best attempts at being affectionate.
Enid is almost squealing when he finds out Wednesday is "dating" you.
Wednesday isn't entirely sure if he wants to call it that.
Wednesday is not really an affectionate guy with his darling.
In terms of kissing, at least.
You'll feel him pull you closer with an arm around you.
That or hold your hand tightly.
Even then it's usually when others look at you, like a possessive thing.
Everyone around you can tell it would be a death wish if they came near you two.
You're like a caged raven with Wednesday.
Similar to a raven, he thinks you're magnificent and possess a beauty he admires.
Yet also like a bird... you're easily able to be caged.
Wednesday doesn't mind the idea of that.
The idea of keeping his favorite raven in a gilded cage makes him strangely... happy.
Kidnapping seems like such a dark and romantic idea to him when it comes to you.
He most likely won't... but the idea tempts him often.
Wednesday refuses to let anyone else stroke your feathers, or give you any sort of attention.
From the day he said you were his, you're his.
He observes you and holds you like his precious bird...
Caged to admire by him and him alone, listening to his commands like a reclusive pet.
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reareaotaku · 17 days
ur male Wednesday Adams fic is *mwah* chefs kiss. Plz make more in the future 🧎‍♀️
Thank you! Thank you! * Blows kisses to non-exsistent crowd* Writing for emo/dark men seems to be something I've become knowledgeable in. Here's some more just for you-
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You perked his interest, unlike anyone he's ever met/known
It's... well, annoying at first. These feelings were new to him and he wasn't fond of them
That was until he started stalking you
Originally, he just wanted to learn if you had cast some dark spell on him or something, but it slowly turned into something more
He saw it as a bonding moment between you two, even if you had no idea he was there
He writes poems about you- Poems you'll never read
He tries to approach you, but each time it seems you get scared off
He kind of likes that you're scared of him
But it's not beneficial to the relationship he wants to have with you
Might try to seem more 'friendly' to get you to like him
He doesn't like social media, thinks it's stupid, but god he's so glad for it, because you just post your whole life online without a care in the world and he stalks you hardcore
It doesn't take long before he knows everything about you- literally everything. It even bothers him a little with how much he knows about you, but he doesn't care
He feels this is the best way to romantically pursue you
I mean if you didn't want him to stalk you, maybe you should have privated your Instagram
Now, he just needs to seamlessly [Holy shit I couldn't figure out to spell seamlessly for the life of me-] start a conversation with you and at least become friends and then so much more
But how does he do it?
Wednesday scrolled through the countless photos of you that you had posted, before turning off his phone and sighing. He rubs his forehead, staring mindlessly at his ceiling. He sat up, looking around his room, the darkness of night surrounding him. He could make out the figures of his possessions, but none of that was important-
No, he was looking for something else. Something special. His eyes are drawn to the only light in the room, which was coming from a candle. Besides that candle were a few candid photos of a person from afar. You couldn't make out the features of the person, unless you looked awfully close. It was his classmate, Y/n L/n.
Wednesday had grown a fascination with his classmate, stalking them any way he can. He felt a little pathetic when stooping to such levels, especially with a shrine, but his mother told him it's a sign of his love and devotion and he was just like his father.
He knew other kids didn't do this, but honestly- He didn't care. A part of him enjoy the sick feeling of knowing you better than anyone else ever could. Maybe he was just sick... But who was anyone to tell him he was wrong when all he was was a man in love?
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 2 months
Request Guidelines:
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Main Masterlist
My Request Rules:
I don’t write smut, but I have no problem with suggestive content and innuendos.
As much as I enjoy writing romantic relationships, platonic ones deserve more love than they’re getting, so don’t hesitate to send requests in if you have them.
An age range for characters isn’t required but would be extremely helpful, particularly for Harry Potter during Hogwarts years.
I will write the following: genderbent characters, queer relationships, monster/mythical au’s, polyamorous relationships, plus size characters and any other conservatively different universe.
I have no issue with trying my hand at transgender and non-binary characters but there’s really only so much I can do as a cisgendered woman; of course, if I offend anyone or mis-concept the matter at hand, let me know and I’ll try my best to fix it with your help.
That being said, I’ll mostly take requests for fem!reader to avoid completely mischaracterising and, therefore, taking the magic out of self-inserting.
I’m posting on Tumblr to gain confidence and push myself out of my comfort zone in the hopes of publishing my own original book series sometime in the future — just for background info!
Not all requests are doable, requests are exactly as said, requested — not a required meet. An idea that gets your mind churning won’t always get mine. However, I’ll always let you know if that’s case. You’re welcome to send it in again with a note to put it on the back burner in case it inspires me down the line.
I’m not a robot. I have work, hobbies, myself and other people to care about outside of Tumblr and writing. Your requests won’t always be done quickly and it’s likely they won’t always turn out the way you’d imagined, that doesn’t give you the right to take it out on me — be kind or leave.
Formats: Headcanons. Extended Headcanons. Drabbles. One-shots.
Requests are open for:
| x reader |
Addams Family 1991/Addams Family Values 1993. ⤸
• Poly!Morticia x Gomez
Harry Potter. ⤸
• Neville Longbottom
• Luna Lovegood
• Pansy Parkinson
• Poly!Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. ⤸
• Enoch O’Connor
• Olive Abroholos Elephanta
• Jacob Portman
Twilight. ⤸
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Hale
• Jasper Hale
• Emmet Cullen
• Poly!Rosalie x Emmet
• Poly!Alice x Jasper
| character x character |
Addams Family 1991/Addams Family Values 1993. ⤸
• Wednesday Addams x Joel Glicker (any age)
• Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams (any age)
Harry Potter. ⤸
• Neville Longbottom x Luna Lovegood
• Severus Snape x Wolfstar (any era)
• Seamus Finnigan x Dean Thomas
| If you don’t have a request and would like to talk fandom lore, headcanons, or about your day, please do! It’d be lovely to talk with you guys.
If you wanted to request something that wasn’t on my list but you were wondering if I’d ever write for the character(s)/fandom you’re fixating on, don’t hesitate to send in some questions through the ask box.
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sicklegirlvanna · 2 months
Daniela: hey savannah can I ask you a question
Savannah: yeah what's up
Daniela: can you roast anyone you get mad at like you did miranda
Savannah: oh Angelina Jolie off whish
Daniela: yeah
Savannah: why
Daniela: roast me you'll never get this chance agian
Savannah: ...
Daniela: comon now
Savannah: you got a death whish
Daniela: maybe
Daniela: okay damn okay
Daniela: um no I'm good
Savannah:are you crying
Daniela(holding back tears): NO
Daniela asked Daniela received
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indilaras · 9 months
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WIP Wednesday
*blasts a beam that sapphics your cyhainos*
got a slight boost of motivation to start working on this again after seeing yet another skinny-armed genderbent Haitham. Spite is a heck of a fuel.
ID: an unfinished drawing of Cyno and Alhaitham from Genshin Impact, genderbent. Alhaitham is talking to someone off-screen while Cyno is not-so-subtly looking at Alhaitham's chest.
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f1crecs · 3 months
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WIP Wednesday - Week Seven
Landing Strips In Stars by @artifise | M | 13.1k | 3/10 | mark/seb This is a genderbent AU with a female Mark and Seb. Mark was a ballet dancer who moved across the world to further her career, until a car accident abruptly ended it. She lands a position in an orchestra as a violinist, but gets off to a bad start, and fails to impress the pretty blonde woman she had a meet cute with the night before.
Mark's life is in tatters, she's been left disabled and broke by the accident, is being controlled and condescended to by her agent and the chance at the orchestra job may be over before it starts. And what on earth is up with Seb? They got on fine the night before, yet when Mark sees her again at rehearsal, she's gone ice cold. Mark is determined to make her second career work and can't get mired in interpersonal issues.
'It’s funny how people assume ballet dancers are uptight bitches who only care about the classical world, or live their lives stuck in the minds of children, like they’re not people living in the contemporary world either. In the Before, Mark liked anything that made her feel free—hiking, dancing, clubbing, drinking. Only living in the After now makes it hard to chase that adrenaline. This is pretty close, all things considered. “You’re so far away,” Seb murmurs a few songs later, so quietly that Mark’s not sure if she’s imagining it. Anything is possible in this darkness. “You wanna get out of here?” The words manifest as a breathless growl. If she squints, she can see them pop into the air, staccato-like and dangerous.'
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grabowskibeepboop · 1 year
Just a quick genderbend Wednesday name headcanons before I forget
Wednesday stays Wednesday because it's unisex and it means something to Maurice (I could've kept Morticia since it's originally a male name, but I don't want to keep too many names, and I like Maurice, it feels ellegant. Also did you know Gomez is also a female name by origin? Anyways, I wanna change it too, so I think Gloria? is that still acceptable? For Pugsley I've searched for a while, but the perfect name was accually super close, Paisley! And that's the genderbent Addams Family for me)
Can't name Goody anything else than it's male version, It'd feel out of place, so Goodman it is ig
Enid is unisex I think, but I'm gonna go with Ennard (I don't play fnaf as for now and I'm not a huge fan, but I know of the existance of the character)
For Eugene, I think I'm gonna go with Eudora (apparently it means good gift, and he is), alltho Eugene has a female version, that'd be so basic
For Ajax, I think Imma go with Alexis, the meaning is nice and all, but I'm just happy it sounds similar
Xavier's female version is Xavia and I think Imma go with that cus why not?
Tyler is obviously gonna be Taylor, but just in case, lemme do a meaning check... yep, both are french by origin with basic meanings, checks out
For Bianca, I think Imma go with Byron, just for the heck of it
Lucas is gonna be Lucy, basic and normie
And I think the last characters Imma name are Laurel or Lawrence, and Josephine Crackstone, because what would we do without the villains? Marilyn is also a male name, so Lawrence is keeping it as a fake name
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