f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - Soulmate AUs
If your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don't forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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thank you to @wolfiemcwolferson for the request. 🤍 there are a selection of pairings here - I hope some of these will hit the spot for you!
Treading Softly in My Head by @antimonyandthyme | M | 9k After the events of Multi21, Sebastian and Mark develop an unwilling soul-bond. Beautiful characterisation and pacing - this is a world you can really get lost in.
Sebastian leans in despite himself. In school, the teachers had talked about how special these things were. Words like love and compatibility thrown around like in a song. And here they are, two people who can barely tolerate each other. Mark and him sitting in this office, having this conversation, can’t be anything but a statistical anomaly.
nsfw: A Thousand Shades of You by tianvette | E | 8k Lewis and Sebastian meet on a hike. Sebastian saves Roscoe. What follows is some of the sweetest, hottest, and most beautifully characterised Sewis that I have ever read. I loved this
'Skin pressed to skin, shadow and light. Lewis has a look in his eyes that’s almost reverence. Seb can’t believe Lewis is real. He wants to give him everything, to take everything in return.'
an evolutionary theory of the soul by @blimeycrikeygeorge | M | 28.4k Soulmates can hear each other's thoughts. Some of the most delightful Charles I think I have ever read - Anney truly is a master at capturing him! I love everything by this author.
'He wishes he could offer more than vague, meaningless words, but he doesn’t know how to ease his soulmate’s despair. He hesitates, torn between leaving and giving in to the urge to make his soulmate feel better, a need so deeply rooted in his bones that it feels vital to his own survival.'
nsfw: Twin Flame by @phebess | E | 13.7k Beautiful soulmate slowburn. Everything Phebes writes is a joy, and this is no exception. Gorgeous pace and charactersation. Really funny banter. Love!
'A wave of grief, of betrayal, of loneliness. It rolls through him, so strong that he curls in on himself in bed. It's not his pain, but something about it feels... familiar.'
nsfw: i feel so much, i feel so numb by @f1-stuff | E | 23k Charles has the name Carlos on his wrist - things get trickier as they become teammates. Gorgeous exploration of soul-mateism, familial pressures, and the relationship between teammates. Just lovely!
'Being teammates means they will have to toe the line between friend and foe, ally and enemy. Soulmate and stranger.'
nsfw: carry me in your heart (you know you're never gonna leave mine) by @pgaslys | E | 30.1k Charles can, on occasion, see through his soulmate's eyes. This is such a beautiful story that tracks their developing relationships over the years. It was such a privilege to Beta this one - I still remember the first time I read it in full. I didn't stop once. Lovely.
Charles is aware that Max is the type of driver who can recognize his own talent without any bullshit. Takes one to know one. It’s often mistaken for arrogance but it’s not about that and they both know it.
Tumblr Ficlet by @effervescentdragon | No Rating | 2.2k A world where you can feel your soulmate's heart beating alongside your own in your chest. This is, simply put - stunning. Everything Akira writes is stunning. I wish I could read this again for the first time.
'He smells so good, and Singapore is warm and wet, and Pierre is close and radiating contentment and heat, and Charles knows his heart skips a beat, and another. Before he knows, the picture is taken, and Pierre is looking at him strangely.'
counting stars in the sky by @river-ocean | T | 14k Pierre worries that he will never find his true soulmate. Just the most beautiful worldbuilding here - I could read thousands of words set in this world, it is so rich and well thought out.
'Adults around him often said that it was clear that he was an old soul -- that he had been through many lifetimes before this, and that the wisdom of those lifetimes was ingrained in him.'
it's not like I chose you, not like I tried by @wolfiemcwolferson & @duquesademiel | M | 16.7k Soulmates only begin aging past twenty-five once they've found their soulmate. I loved the concept of this one, and it was executed beautifully. Two gorgeous writing styles, together - what's not to love?
'But at the end of the day, they are Charles and Pierre, Pierre and Charles, and it doesn’t really matter what they say, because they just inherently trust each other.'
whatever our souls are made of (his and mine are the same) by @luisjuanmilton | No Rating | 17.5k Pierre and Charles are cursed to lose each other throughout time. A stunning star-crossed-lovers tale that explores devotion, friendship, and true love. I adored this!
'Realizing he was in love with Charles felt as natural as breathing, like something that had been bound to happen no matter what.'
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f1crecs · 7 months
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Fic Rec List - Our Favourite Fics
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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thank you to @talictries for this lovely, lovely ask - and for letting us share our little slices of fandom happiness!
I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce the new blog team. I hope you'll join me in showering them with lots of love! 🤍🤍🤍
nsfw: I Heard You're a Player, So Let's Play a Game by Tianvette | E | 88.8k @boxboxbrioche's favourite fic. Mark and Seb are teammates, navigating a complicated relationship. This fic is absolutely stunning! There are parts of this fic that are haunting, that I still think of often, a year after reading it for the first time. The evolution of Mark and Seb's relationship is, although messy and difficult, so natural and so well written. I come back to this fic so often - I must be on my fifth or sixth read. It's captivating.
'Turning twenty-three clearly hasn’t made any difference to Seb’s infuriating cheekiness but surprisingly, he finds his chest growing warm with something like affection, his annoyance melting away like snow in sunshine'
1999, heroes by @lilcrickee | M | 36k @ocontraire's favourite fic Top gun au that explores power dynamics, both in the context of age difference and in the more rigid structure of the military. The dynamics between friends and rivals keep me coming back to re-read this one, as well as the messy, lovely unfolding of the main relationship
'And just like that, Lando feels the wind get snatched from his sails. His chest deflates like a balloon that’s been popped unexpectedly. The easy camaraderie that he and Lewis had shared most of the night feels like it’s been reset. Lewis is his superior officer. Lewis is 14 years older than him. Lewis is someone bright and unattainable and Lando should tell his heart to get a fucking grip.'
Name It The Blood by @effervescentdragon | Not Rated | 23.5k @singsweetmelodies' favourite fic. Charles and George are nobility, and Pierre and Alex are their respective childhood best friends who love them - until Pierre and Alex both run away from the lives planned for them to become pirates. They reunite just before Charles is set to be married. This fic just has absolutely everything, from complex worldbuilding to pining (so much pining and longing!) to not-quite-doomed period romance to pirate shenanigans to heartwarming friendship moments, and it is all so so beautifully written! I reread this fic almost monthly, and there are many lines from it that I can quote by heart. It still makes me tear up a little, no matter how many times I've read it. Just an absolutely stunning fic, from start to finish.
“Tell me, Pierrot,” he says lowly. “What am I to you?” Everything, every part of Pierre screams instinctively. You are everything to me, the sun and the stars, the air I breathe, the beauty in every flower I see for the first time, the rage in every sea storm, the one I would get on my knees for and worship like a God, the reason for my existence, the love of my life, the best friend I’ve ever had. You are everything.'
nsfw: my temple will be beautiful too by @notthehardtyres | E | 6.3k @lydia-petze's favourite fic. Daniel, in his second year at McLaren, is in crisis over gender and body dysphoria issues that have pushed their way to the fore. He finds somewhere to have a breakdown over it, which happens to be an empty meeting room belonging to Mercedes. George finds him there, and eventually reveals that he himself is trans. Narrowing down all the F1 RPF I've loved to ONE seemed like an impossible task, but when I laid out my favourites to make the attempt, this is the one I kept returning to. It's stunningly good. The language around bodies, and physical reality, and not feeling comfortable in one's own is evocative and visceral - as physical as the selves it is describing. There is a recurring motif of light and refraction, and how much it can change the way we see something, or someone. George's support of Daniel is quiet and steadfast. His decision to reveal his own body is based in compassion, empathy and deep trust. .
'They don’t hear George move, either—only the sound of his deep, regular breaths. Daniel matches that rhythm for a while until their heart rate evens out and the anxious nausea recedes. The one time that they lift their head just far enough to see, George looks stoic and serene, staring at the opposite wall. He hasn’t even gotten his phone out to pass the time. What faint light diffuses through the window blinds has a cool bluish tint, and Daniel imagines that they’re somewhere under the ocean, pressed pleasantly down by the weight of the water.'
nsfw: objects in mirror by @drivestraight | E | 87.8k @blueballsracing's favourite fic. A series, in which Charles Leclerc decidedly moves to Red Bull Racing and copes with the effects of having Max Verstappen as a teammate, all while he's trying to win his first maiden World Championship. This series is one I constantly reread, because of the characterization and beautifully written moments of what having a rival and a lover is like. It's my favorite fic in the fandom, and I suggest reading the entire series.
“Max looks—his eyes are slits, and his hand is still firm on Charles’ waist. “What are you looking for?” There are a lot of answers to that question. A championship. Forever and always. A gap to overtake. The racing line. My brothers, to hold my hand. Papa, sometimes, when I’m standing up on the top step of the podium, looking out into the crowd and praying for a miracle.”
nsfw: breathe you in (like a vapor) by @fabbyf1 | E | 53.3k @frickinsweet's favourite fic. An enemies-to-lovers story of Max and Charles falling in love over winter break 2022. Choosing a favourite fic was such a challenge (it felt a bit like choosing a favourite child) – but since I could only choose one it had to be this one. Firstly, Fabby is a fantastic writer and I would rec every one of her fics if I could but this one is my comfort fic that I keep coming back to.
This fic has it all: misunderstandings, a Max that is a little bit obsessed with and unbelivably fond of Charles, a Charles having a bad time and in denial about his feelings, petnames, Charles being called pretty multiple times, bickering as foreplay – you name it, this fic has got it. Most of all I love the charactherizations, especially Max who is sort of a weirdo who cant read a room for the life of him but also refreshingly honest and unashamed about his feelings. When I first read this I was new to F1 and definitely not sold on Max/Charles but this fic showed me the light! Also the smut is superhot 🤭.
Charles suddenly snapped back into the present when Max asked, “Were you guys finished for the day? Or did you want to play doubles with us?” Charles turned to look at Arthur, giving him a look that only a fellow Leclerc brother could understand. He didn’t need to use his words. It was obvious that he was telling him: we are absolutely not going to play tennis with Max Verstappen. Arthur tilted his head at him, his eyes locked on Charles before he gave him a slight nod. Because he totally understood. It was so nice to have such a solid, strong bond with his brother. Leclercs were basically psychic! “We’d love to play doubles,” Arthur said, turning back towards Max and Brad. Charles wished he was an only child.
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f1crecs · 3 months
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WIP Wednesday - Week Seven
Landing Strips In Stars by @artifise | M | 13.1k | 3/10 | mark/seb This is a genderbent AU with a female Mark and Seb. Mark was a ballet dancer who moved across the world to further her career, until a car accident abruptly ended it. She lands a position in an orchestra as a violinist, but gets off to a bad start, and fails to impress the pretty blonde woman she had a meet cute with the night before.
Mark's life is in tatters, she's been left disabled and broke by the accident, is being controlled and condescended to by her agent and the chance at the orchestra job may be over before it starts. And what on earth is up with Seb? They got on fine the night before, yet when Mark sees her again at rehearsal, she's gone ice cold. Mark is determined to make her second career work and can't get mired in interpersonal issues.
'It’s funny how people assume ballet dancers are uptight bitches who only care about the classical world, or live their lives stuck in the minds of children, like they’re not people living in the contemporary world either. In the Before, Mark liked anything that made her feel free—hiking, dancing, clubbing, drinking. Only living in the After now makes it hard to chase that adrenaline. This is pretty close, all things considered. “You’re so far away,” Seb murmurs a few songs later, so quietly that Mark’s not sure if she’s imagining it. Anything is possible in this darkness. “You wanna get out of here?” The words manifest as a breathless growl. If she squints, she can see them pop into the air, staccato-like and dangerous.'
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f1crecs · 5 months
2. fic you reread the most times 🤟
thank you for your ask! 🤍
2023 fic rec ask game 💕
2. fic you reread the most times? answered by: @blueballsracing
i’ve reread towards oblivion by @playclock so much it’s one of my favorite fics! the descriptors are crazy good and i’m honestly hooked. i also love the sex pollen trope
also answered by: @lydia-petze
Treading Softly In My Head by @antimonyandthyme. Mark/Seb. Mark and Sebastian find themselves soul bonded after the multi21 incident. Neither one is happy about it. The gradual way Mark and Seb draw toward and care for and open up to one another, even as they're still very prickly and wary about each other, is wonderful.
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