#gender stereotype
semperardens-juli · 11 months
In it, she refuses the sinuous feminity of most of the Superstars, male and female alike, performing instead an aggressively anti-sexual androgyny, awkward, jittery and amusingly contemptuous.
The Lonely City, Olivia Laing (x)
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aliosne · 1 month
Saw a post about working class butches in physical labour jobs and wanted to make my own, so: I love you butches who do childcare or early education. I love you butch nurses. I love you butch house cleaners and janitorial staff. I love you service industry butches. I love you butches who do sex work. I love you working class butches who do “feminine” jobs you are cool as hell
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
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redditreceipts · 22 days
What are your recent Girl Moments? part II r/mtf chooses to enlighten us with their Girl Experiences (here's the first part)
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being a girl is feeling fat
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being a girl is loving scented candles and Taylor Swift and if you enjoy those things, it should be obvious to you that you are a girl, because no man ever liked those things (and if he did, he was obviously secretly a woman in a man's body)
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being a girl is shaving your legs
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being a girl is having a skin care routine
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being a girl is being concerned about your makeup after crying
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being a girl is wearing lingerie and feeling sexy
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being a girl is taking too long in the bathroom
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being a girl is checking whether your nails are still perfect
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being a girl is taking a lot of selfies
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being a girl is crying a lot about stupid things and spending a lot of money on clothes
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being a girl is going shopping
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being a girl is owning lipstick
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being a girl is taking selfies in makeup
but it's not about gender stereotypes in the end, right? gender stereotypes are not at all perpetuated by the trans community, right?
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profeminist · 2 months
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“Can we all agree that cooking & cleaning is a basic life skill and not a gender role??????” 
- @unknwns0ul (page deactivated)
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this is insane why are we doing misogyny on cats what the Fuck does girl cat and boy cat mean and why are we calling female cats annoying and mean while boy cats are sweet and handsome. we're literally never getting out. there's nothing to do you people don't want to change
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catboybiologist · 26 days
Do you now, or have you ever, called yourself a femboy?
Curious about something. The initial craze over the exact femboy aesthetic seemed to mostly be from 2019-2023 or so, and is much calmer now. For one, it does seem like it increased the overall, casual acceptance of cis gender nonconformity, but also helped a lot of people discover their own trans identities, whether they were transfemme, nonbinary, or transmascs finding new ways to relate to femininity. Obviously femboys aren't "dead", but they're not the same level of novelty that they were a few years ago.
This is going to be a very, very loose poll, and I know it won't cover every situation. I'm also sorry for making over generalizations! It's difficult to cover every situation. But feel free to let me know your own personal relationship with the term in reblogs and replies!
If these options are confusing, let me know! For example, I would choose "binary transfemme, stopped using the term when I realized I was trans"
Obviously if your experience doesn't cleanly fit in, I would like the best approximation! Eg, if there was a period of time where you used the term post transition, but gradually grew uncomfortable with it, you could choose the same option as me.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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I really love the concept of an Atsushi / Akutagawa / Kyouka trio as it was shown in Dead Apple, and I really wish it would become a thing. I think it's neat how here Kyouka's dominant color is shown being purple as balance / synthesis of blue and red. Kyouka also uses as this kind of bridge between organizations since she was a member of both at some point, and still holds a very deep understanding of how they work. I think Kyouka could really make the sskk team work as a way to find balance between these two opposites that would otherwise clash and destroy each other.
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glitter-soda · 3 months
I hate that when you see a female content creator who isn’t hyperfeminine, there’s about a 90% chance she identifies as “nonbinary”
It’s honestly just…sad
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edonee · 4 months
Having a conversation with trans-identified women gives me the same feeling as talking to a brick wall. They all go the same, so I'll just summarize a discussion I've had on here a while ago.
Socks (they/he/xe): "Oh, I identify as non-binary because I never associated with femininity, and I never felt attached to womanhood" (i.e. she doesn't like to conform to gender roles)
me: "You know womanhood isn't a feeling, right? Nobody, including myself, feels like a woman."
Socks (they/he/xe): "If you say that you should probably question your gender identity. You are probably trans. Gender is a feeling. You should read this (outdated) study about how trans people's brains are actually the opposite sex!"
me: "That's neurosexism. Also, it has been debunked. Don't you have any other arguments?"
Socks (they/he/xe): "Kill yourself TERF!!! You're probably just a trans man in denial!! Stop being transphobic!!"
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l3viat8an · 10 months
Another dumb headcanon XD
Solomon would get all fake offended if you called him your househusband, shaking his head and huffing out, “No, no! I am your house-wife. Get it right, MC.”
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canisalbus · 6 months
for the longest while i thought your dogs were lesbians for some reason
something something anthro-androgeny
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intersexfairy · 9 months
people are discriminated against - sometimes violently - for their sex traits. but not in whatever fucked up and bigotted way radfems mean that. sex and gender are different things, despite people acting as otherwise.
and there is no set of privileged sex traits. it's all dependent on what traits an individual has/doesn't have, how they identify/express themselves, and how they're perceived. any one of those things being "off" can lead to discrimination in relation to sex traits.
so as a trans intersex person, i sincerely wish this is what "sex based discrimination" referred to. it's something anyone can experience, and it's not fucking fair the phrase is taken on by bigots pretending to be fighting for women's rights.
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redditreceipts · 19 days
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me when I'm being misogynistic for a joke and people point out to me that I am also female and that my misogynistic remarks would apply to me as well
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spicyraeman · 14 days
goes into bg3 tag, sees a dogshit take, immediately leaves bg3 tag
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boreal-sea · 8 months
"This character can't possibly be attracted to women, he "looks too gay/he's a twink"-- "
Just say you're homophobic, biphobic, GNC phobic etc and leave.
Why do you think only masculine men are allowed to like women???
I know y'all think it's a funny haha joke about a fictional character and I shouldn't take it seriously but it's something I have had to directly deal with in my real life. My own parents disapproved of someone I was dating and told him to his face "you are too gay to date our daughter*", literally because he was GNC.
*this was years before I was out as trans.
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