#gender distortion matrix
Cognitive Distortion in Thinking About Gender Issues: Gamma Bias and the Gender Distortion Matrix
By: Martin Seager and John A. Barry
Published: 2019
The seed that grew into my (JB) interest in Male Psychology was planted at a seminar on clinical psychology during my undergraduate degree at a respected English university in the mid-1990s. The group had spent a lot of time exploring possible theory-based reasons for female depression (e.g. the female gender role leading to learned helplessness), but then swiftly glossed over the subject of high male suicide rates with a “humorous” remark: “men construct more lethal methods because they are better at DIY”. This raised a few giggles at the seminar, and the group quickly moved on to the next topic. However it struck me as odd that my educators—and psychologists in general—appeared to have little serious curiosity about the causes of a fatal issue like suicide. I presumed that this would change, but I heard the same DIY explanation in 2016 at a public talk on gender at LSE, also greeted with giggles from the audience. Clearly this phenomenon—a cognitive distortion involving the minimisation of the importance of male suicide to the point of near-invisibility—was difficult for people to overcome.
Cognitive distortions can be defined as “the result of processing information in ways that predictably result in identifiable errors in thinking” (Yurica et al. 2005). Since the 1960s, a growing number of distortions have been identified. Aaron T. Beck (1967) originally identified cognitive distortions in his work with depressed patients. The six errors he identified were: arbitrary inference; selective abstraction; overgeneralization; magnification and minimization; personalization; and absolutistic, dichotomous thinking. Since that time others have extended Beck’s list. In this chapter we are postulating a newly identified cognitive distortion, gamma bias.
Gamma Bias and the Gender Distortion Matrix
A range of examples of gamma bias are described in the gender distortion matrix, and they fall primarily under two categories: magnification and minimization. Magnification is defined as “the tendency to exaggerate or magnify either the positive or negative importance or consequence of some personal trait, event, or circumstance” (Yurica et al. 2005). Minimization is defined as “the process of minimizing or discounting the importance of some event, trait, or circumstance” (Yurica et al. 2005).
Table 1 describes the gender distortion matrix. It is a 2 × 2 matrix, and in each of the four cells, the experiences, behaviours or characteristics of men and women are either magnified or minimised. The matrix describes how it can be good or harmful to do certain things or receive certain experiences. Unlike either alpha bias (magnification) or beta bias (minimisation), each cell demonstrates that certain gender issues are both magnified and minimised. Whether an aspect of the gender issue is magnified or minimised depends upon whether the issue is related to men or women.
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Table 1 The gender distortion matrix, describing examples of gamma bias i.e. situations in which aspects of our perceptions of men and women are magnified (upper case/italics) or minimised (lower case)
In this paper we argue that there is much evidence in everyday experience, and some in research, which supports the existence of gamma bias. Note that we do not suggest that gamma bias is eternal and unchangeable. To the degree that it is changeable, we suggest that it is very important that we rectify, or at least recognise, these distortions. When discussions of gender are distorted, this misshapes the narrative and warps our public attitudes, policies and conversations about gender. For example, as a result of widespread gamma bias we tend to believe that:
men are more harmful than helpful
women are more helpful than harmful
men are more privileged than disadvantaged
women are more disadvantaged than privileged.
Examples of Each Type of Distortion
We list below some preliminary examples of the very public ways that these distorted attitudes to gender are reinforced continually in the English-speaking or Western world. Examples will at this stage be brief and schematic, but hopefully sufficient to demonstrate the face validity of this new hypothesis, which will be subjected to rigorous empirical testing in research over the coming years.
Doing Good (Active Mode) (Celebration/ Appreciation)
Female Magnification
We celebrate women publicly—for their gender alone—in the archetypal realms of beauty, fashion, sexuality and motherhood.
The UN has got four days dedicated to women: International Day of Women and Girls in Science, International Women’s Day, International Day of Rural Women and International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The Royal Society in the UK and other institutions worldwide have at various times held “Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon” days, when people are encouraged to add the names and achievements of women to Wikipedia, in order to make women in science more visible (Huffington Post 2012).
Suffragettes—female suffrage has been selectively celebrated in writings, films and the media as a gender issue, minimising the lack of suffrage for half of the male population in the same historical period.
The careers and achievements of women in science, politics, business and education are actively promoted and celebrated as a gender issue.
Women in the military and emergency services are celebrated for their gender and not just their actions.
Male Minimisation
We do not celebrate men collectively for their gender alone, only the particular achievements of individual men.
The UN has no special day to celebrate men. In many countries International Men’s Day has been celebrated on November 19th since around 2010, but this is not recognised by the UN.
The heroism within the military and the emergency services is often remarked upon in the news. However, the almost exclusively male gender of the heroes is not marked. In ceremonies to pay tribute to war heroes we acknowledge their brave deeds but not their masculine gender. We also include women when celebrating war sacrifice so that celebrations become gender-neutral rather than gender-specific. Recently, the rescue of a group of boys by male cave divers in Thailand was celebrated, but not marked as a gender issue or as an example of positive masculinity. In the Titanic disaster in 1912 most men were drowned (80%) but most women (75%) were saved. Men were clearly acting heroically to protect the women and children, but this, though a famous story, has not been celebrated as a story of positive masculinity.
Working class sacrifice—the complete physical infrastructure and security of the UK and other nations has been built and maintained almost exclusively by working class men. This is reflected in the fact that to this day in the UK men account for 96% of deaths at work. The same picture is found across the world. Clearly men continue to do the heavy, dirty and dangerous jobs in all societies. However, males who are builders, miners, firefighters, quarrymen, road workers, deep sea fishermen, scaffolders, steeplejacks, navvies and who occupy many other dangerous professions are not celebrated for their gender in a positive way. The image of male builders, for example, still tends to be more “wolf whistler” than “DIY SOS” hero.
Male suffrage—the vote for men has never been celebrated as a gender issue even though 44% men also only got the vote for the first time in 1918 and at a time when men had been sacrificed in large numbers in World War One for the protection of society.
We do not celebrate fatherhood or male childcare. Indeed in many ways public attitudes towards men as caregivers of children are negative, ambivalent and even suspicious, even amongst politicians (Dench 1996).
Male sexuality is typically viewed in public life and policy as a source of harm, threat, abuse and power. The joy and positivity of male sexuality is rarely celebrated today, except indirectly through the arts.
Doing Harm (Active Mode) (Perpetration/ Toxicity)
Male Magnification
Negative attitudes towards masculinity have become widely accepted in mainstream public discourse in recent years. In contrast to the “women are wonderful” effect (Eagly et al. 1991), contemporary men are subject to a “men are toxic” effect. The notion of “toxic masculinity” has emerged and has even gained widespread credence despite the lack of any empirical testing (see chapter on masculinity by Seager and Barry). In general terms it appears as if attitudes to men have been based on generalisations made from the most damaged and extreme individual males. An example of this is the case from 2016, when a young woman called India Chipchase was raped and murdered. There were two men in her story: the rapist/murderer, and her grieving father who movingly stated “I will never get to walk my daughter down the aisle”. However, the media attention following this tragic event focussed almost exclusively on a sense of urgent need to teach boys and men in general to respect women. This suggests that in terms of public attitudes, the rapist/murderer was being viewed as more representative of masculinity than the victim’s father.
The concept of ‘rape culture’ has also developed and gained credibility, originating in the USA in the 1970s. However, in 2012 figures for the USA as a whole show that 0.6% of adult males had been registered for sexual offences (including rape), meaning that 99.4% were not. Even allowing for some inevitable under-representation, and whilst recognising that one rape is one too many, the evidence suggests that the vast majority of adult males are not sexually violent or dangerous. The public perception, however, is very different, especially in an age of “#MeToo” and “Enough is enough”.
In the UK and elsewhere the image of domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV) is almost exclusively one of male perpetrators and female victims. This is reflected in “treatment” approaches to IPV such as the “Duluth model” which is aimed exclusively at males (see chapter by Powney and Graham-Kevan). It is also reflected in the provision of places in refuges for victims of IPV. In 2010 in the UK, for example, whilst male victims accounted for at least 33% of IPV victims, less than 1% of a total of 7650 refuge places were available for men. Research evidence of equal levels of IPV by females (e.g. Archer 2000) is still not being reflected in public attitudes in this area (Seager 2019, in this volume Chapter 12).
Female Minimisation
We have already seen (above) that evidence of equivalent levels of domestic and IPV by females (e.g. Archer 2000) is not reflected in public attitudes or policies.
There is evidence that women receive less severe sentences for the same crimes (e.g. Starr 2012; Mustard 2001).
The high level of online emotional abuse by women (cyber-bullying) (e.g. Marcum et al. 2012) is not reflected in public attitudes or policies.
52% of men in a sample of high-security prisoners who had committed serious offences against women and had been sexually abused in childhood were found to have been abused by female abusers acting independently of men (Murphy 2018). However, the picture of sexual abuse portrayed in the media does not reflect this complex gender picture of sexual abuse. Those who propose a social transmission theory of “toxic masculinity” would have to take account of the fact that male children spend significantly more of the developing years in the company of adult females than adult males.
Parental alienation, a diagnosis newly added to the ICD-11, is a form of child abuse involving one parent alienating their child from the other. Evidence has long shown that the father is more often the victim and the mother the perpetrator (e.g. Bala et al. 2010). Briggs, in another chapter in this volume, also shows examples of clinical cases in which mothers have alienated children from fathers prior to psychotherapeutic intervention.
Receive Good (Passive Mode) (or Privilege)
Male Magnification
The whole sociological concept of “patriarchy” (see also chapter on masculinity by Barry and Seager) is predicated on the idea that it is a “man’s world”. Specifically, society is viewed as inherently privileging and advantageous for men and organised in ways that empower men and disempower and exclude women. This bold and sweeping hypothesis has received widespread acceptance despite being subject to relatively little academic evaluation, let alone being subject to empirical testing as a scientific hypothesis. This uncritical acceptance of a radical theory by mainstream society in itself indicates that gender distortions may be in operation on a large scale. The concept of patriarchy focuses on an elite group of more powerful and wealthy males, whilst minimising the vast majority of men who are working class men, homeless men, parentally alienated men, suicidal men and other relatively disadvantaged male groups. It also minimises the benefits and protections involved in motherhood, family and domestic life for many women including the potential joys and rewards of raising children. Also the concept of patriarchy minimises the hardships of the traditional male role, such as fighting in wars, lower life expectancy, higher risk-taking and working in dangerous occupations.
Young women in the UK are now in fact earning more on average than their male counterparts (see below), yet the gender pay gap is misunderstood and presented as an example of women’s oppression, primarily because of dubious and selective methods of measuring and comparing pay. Even when men are earning more, there are other “trade-offs” and risks that men choose to take on that confer counterbalancing disadvantages (Farrell 2005). However, the public perception and emotional outrage on gender pay are out of proportion to the actual differences that emerge if the matter is analysed more scientifically.
Female Minimisation
As we saw above, there is evidence that women receive less severe sentences for the same crimes (e.g. Starr 2012; Mustard 2001). Women also enjoy better health and living conditions than men (Carcedo et al. 2008). Mothers who are prisoners also enjoy better access to their children than fathers who are prisoners (Collins et al. 2011). And yet in terms of public perception there is an image of women being “oppressed in a male-centric prison system” (e.g. Baroness Corston in The Guardian 2018).
In OECD countries at the present time significantly more young women than young men graduate from school and college. According to figures supplied by the Guardian newspaper (2017), for every 13 girls who entered university, only 10 boys did so. The education gap has seen boys fall behind girls in the UK since the 1980s, and 30 years later it has become usual for women in their 20s to be earning more than their male peers, and has been for some years (Guardian 2015). There are still more male senior academics and professors than female in academia, but apart from this 0.3% of jobs at the top of the educational hierarchy, the rest of the hierarchy—from primary school onwards—favours females (Brown 2016).
Parental privilege—it is a widespread practice in many countries that in legal cases of parental dispute over child custody, sole custody is awarded to mothers rather than fathers almost by default.
Maternity privilege—when children are born, antenatal, perinatal and postnatal services are highly female-centric and the role of the father is generally not thought about or included. The assumption is that fathers are not as important to children as mothers.
Protection—we have seen (above) that both in times of war and peace women enjoy the protection of men at times of great threat.
Elsewhere in this volume (Chapter 10) Belinda Brown presents evidence indicating that females enjoy power and privileges within the domestic and household domain.
Receive Bad (Passive Mode) (or Victimhood)
Male Minimisation
Men across the globe have a significantly lower average life expectancy than women. As we have also seen (above) men account for almost all deaths at work both in the UK and other nations. However, in terms of public attitudes and beliefs, these facts are relatively invisible. Certainly, no concept of a “gender death gap” has been proposed.
Although there are signs of this changing, for years there has been less investment in prostate cancer than breast cancer, even though the rates of death caused by each are similar (around 10,000 per year for each in the UK).
The vast majority of rough sleepers (85% in the UK) are male but there are no gender policies to address this.
Boys have been falling behind girls in education since the 1980s. Boys are now in the UK around a third less likely to attend university than girls. This however has met with no political action and has never been referred to as the “gender education gap”.
In almost every country across the world men kill themselves at a higher rate than women do. This is now starting to be recognised, but research into suicide and services for those at risk have remained relatively “gender-blind” (Seager, in this volume Chapter 12).
When in distress, women tend to want to talk about their feelings whereas men tend to want to fix whatever is causing the distress (Holloway et al. 2018). However our mental health services are delivered in a “gender blind” way, so that treatment options that might suit men better are rarely considered (Liddon et al. 2017).
Issues that impact males more than females such as colour blindness (in 8% of boys and 0.5% girls), tend to be overlooked, despite the significant impact on QoL (Barry et al. 2017). For example, although coloured graphs are difficult for colour blind students to read, a large educational board in the UK recently declined to make graphs in exam papers more colour blind friendly.
Bedi et al. (2016) found that there are significantly more psychology papers dedicated to women and women’s issues compared to men and men’s issues.
Field experiments of domestic violence show that bystanders intervene if the victim is a woman, but keep walking—or even laugh—when the victim is male and the perpetrator female (e.g. ABC News 2010).
In Nigeria in 2014, 300 female students were kidnapped by the terror group Boko Haram, prompting an international outcry. At the same time, however, and in the same country, as many as 10,000 boys were abducted and many even murdered. However, this even greater outrage went almost completely unnoticed in the media.
Whilst female genital mutilation (FGM) has rightly received widespread condemnation, male genital mutilation (MGM) has been relatively ignored, despite evidence of harm caused to those who are circumcised.
Female Magnification
We have already seen (above) that in the field of domestic violence and IPV, the emphasis is largely on female victims and treatments for male perpetrators, when the reality is that both genders are equally capable of such abuses (Archer 2000; Fiebert 2010).
We have also seen (above) that the concept of “rape culture” exaggerates the perception of men as potential rapists and creates a climate of fear for women. Campaigns such as “#MeToo” can also play into a sense of fear that is based on distorted generalisations from small samples of damaged men to the whole male population.
The Boko Haram example (above) provides strong evidence that there are much greater empathy levels for females than for males. Correspondingly, our sense of female victimhood is magnified and our sense of outrage is increased by virtue of the gender of the victim rather than the crime.
Why Do These Gender Distortions Exist?
It is challenging to think about the possible adaptive function of biases and errors, but an adaptive value helps us to understand their existence, as well as absolving people of blame for holding them. Haselton et al. (2015) highlight some of the adaptive functions of cognitive biases, and suggest that our evolved adaptive responses can sometimes act against our self-interest when faced with novel modern rules.
Why We Favour Women
The “women are wonderful” effect (Eagly et al. 1991) predicts a type of “halo effect” for women. This effect means that we magnify women in the Do/Good cell. This might involve a certain amount of what Beck (1979) call emotional reasoning, where one’s emotional state guides conclusions about self and others. Such views would be expected if the effect is the result of positive views about women being created from positive early experiences with mothers and other female caregivers. It also makes sense that women are more valuable than men, because of their importance in reproduction. A very basic way of understanding this is to think about the question of which hypothetical village would have the better chance of survival: the one with 100 women and one man or the village with 100 men and one woman? The answer to the question demonstrates the unquestionable value of women to human survival.
Why We Disfavour Men
On an evolutionary level, males can be seen as the providers of protection, not the recipients of protection (Seager et al. 2016). It makes sense that someone should have the role of protecting offspring, and also protect those who give birth to and nurture the offspring. Thus social attitudes would have been calibrated accordingly over many thousands of years to associate femininity with nurturing and vulnerability and masculinity with protection and strength. Because of this, it would be more difficult—both unconsciously and consciously—to feel the same level of emotional sympathy for a male than a female. For the man, it might also therefore be difficult to deviate from the script of the protector and seek help. By the same token, it might also be difficult for society to see men as victims rather than protectors.
Another explanation, which is probably an extension to the previous rather than an alternative explanation, is derived from research in social psychology. The phenomenon of ingroup favouritism and outgroup bias is a cornerstone of social psychology. The strength of such biases vary by group e.g. it is well-established that higher-status groups invoke more ingroup bias (e.g. Nosek et al. 2002). Men in general (historically and cross-culturally) have had higher status than women in the public realm (politics, finance etc.), so one might expect that male identity invokes a high level of ingroup bias. However research shows that—uniquely in social identity theory—male identity, unlike female identity, invokes no significant ingroup bias (e.g. Richeson and Ambady 2001).
Men support each other effectively when the identity is based on something other than being male (e.g. football teams), but how do we explain the incohesive effect of male identity? There are several possibilities. For example, it could be that because infant attachment mostly happens with mothers, this programmes for greater bias towards women in later life (Rudman 2004). Similarly, it could be that men are stereotypically more associated with violence and aggression and thus invoke less sympathy even from each other (Rudman and Goodwin 2004).
It is likely that seeing men as protectors rather than receivers of protection leads to a lack of sympathetic bias in their favour, and leads to male gender blindness (Seager et al. 2014), the phenomenon where men’s problems go relatively unseen. This in turn facilitates the gender empathy gap, the phenomenon where males receive less empathy than females, even when in a similar predicament (Barry 2016).
Intersectionality as Male Gender Blindness
According to a much-cited paper by Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies, Stephanie Shields, “Intersectionality, the mutually constitutive relations amongst social identities, is a central tenet of feminist thinking and has transformed how gender is conceptualised in research” (Shields 2008, p. 301). According to this view, men are historically privileged and therefore don’t generally deserve help or attention unless they are also members of another historically oppressed, disempowered and marginalised group (e.g. gay, BAME or disabled men). Intersectionality is therefore sometimes used as a way of criticising or devaluing efforts to understand issues facing men in general by deflecting attention exclusively onto specific marginalised sub-groups of men, and so minimising the importance of universal issues facing men.
On one level, the idea of intersectionality has merit in the same way that interactions in ANOVA help identify interesting differences between subgroups of the main variable. But there is one major flaw with the intersectional level of analysis when it comes to understanding male psychology: there is a main effect of being male that runs through all levels of the variable. For example, when it comes to suicide, not only do men in general kill themselves more frequently than women, but BAME men kill themselves more frequently than BAME women (Oquendo et al. 2001), and gay men attempt to kill themselves more frequently than gay women (Bagley and Tremblay 2000). Similarly, the academic underperformance of boys cuts across all social strata and geographies (Curnock-Cook 2016). We should note that firm statistics are not always available related to demographic groups, but what evidence there is tends to support the idea that men in general, not just specific demographics of men, need our help. “Drilling down” into data can be enlightening, but focusing on a single tree might not tell us much about the forest. Focusing on specific issues facing subgroups is of value to the individuals in these groups, but should not be used to distract attention when we are trying to understand wider issues in male psychology.
There are various ways in which male gender blindness is both a cause and effect of the ways we study gender. For example, it can be argued that the concept of “masculinities” is largely based on subjective judgements by theorists trying to make the case for alternatives ‘hegemonic’ masculinity. Interestingly, at the same time as magnifying different varieties of masculinity, these theorists tend to minimize difference between men and women, an approach which is a type of gamma bias (see chapter on gamma bias by Seager and Barry). Moreover, in attempting to identify multiple versions of masculinity, theorists run the risk of obscuring masculinity as a unitary phenomenon. This means that focusing only on a plurality of “masculinities” doesn’t help us address more general issues related to masculinity and may even distract us from doing so.
By looking at men only in terms of the other sub-groups that their gender intersects with, there is in truth the great danger that we will miss the wider gender issues altogether. By defining men only in terms of their sub-group identities (e.g. by race or sexuality) without honouring their collective group identity as a gender, the needs of men of all kinds are likely to be overlooked. If men across various demographic groups, for example, appear to respond in a similar way to therapy (as suggested by Groth in his chapter on existential therapy), then it is likely that the concept of intersectionality is of much less practical or clinical value than the underlying concept of gender itself.
Like the blind man who touches the elephant’s tail and then thinks an elephant is like a snake, those who dismiss the idea that men in general need help are committing the cognitive bias of selective abstraction: instead of appreciating the whole picture, they focus on just one part of it. If science is to understand the problems facing men, scientific investigation needs to examine how some discussions about gender tend to distort the issues, making some parts of the picture invisible and magnifying others as if they were the whole picture.
Unconscious Bias Revisited
Some or all of the phenomena described in the cells of the matrix can be considered types of unconscious bias. Distorted narratives that put men perpetually in the role of toxic abuser, risk alienating men from themselves and others, leading to what might be called a state of gender alienation. As pointed out by Damien Ridge in his chapter in this book: “the disconnection between theoretical discussions and the daily reality of men promotes a poverty of understanding of male subjectivity... Masculinity has essentially become what different theorists and their followers say it is”, and something that probably means little to the average man.
The Patriarchy Revisited
Essentially, patriarchy theory (Walby 1990) is a distorted and untested way of explaining the differences we observe in the reproduction-based division of labour. For example, women are seen as oppressed by the role of “housewife”, and men are seen as liberated in the role of “breadwinner”. However this is not the only way of viewing traditional gender roles. For example, Dench (1996) suggests that women can have a much more rewarding role in the private realm, and men can have a much harder time in the dangerous, dirty and soulless world of the workplace. Dench also suggests that the idea of the traditional male role as desirable rather than a burden was a way to encourage men to accept a supporting role in society, one that is ultimately of lesser value. Similarly, Van Creveld in his book The Privileged Sex (van Creveld 2013) hypothesises that women have always had privileges (e.g. ‘women and children first’, less dangerous jobs) and that this is something that most people unquestioningly accept as a good thing.
Nobody’s life is without suffering, but the suggestion that women have been oppressed by the patriarchy is at best an untested theory and at worst a damaging distortion. At best, it is like looking at the famous rabbit/duck illusion and claiming that there is only a rabbit and no duck, or that the rabbit is being oppressed by the duck. Once evolutionary biology is honoured rather than dismissed, it can be seen that the traditional family structure is based primarily on reciprocal and evolved reproductive roles. Thus the greatest influence on the balance of gender relations, is perhaps none other than the great matriarch herself, “mother nature”.
Criticism of the Preliminary Evidence of Gamma Bias
The evidence that we have presented above might be criticised on the grounds of confirmatory bias i.e. the tendency to select only information that supports your view. At the time of writing (August 2018), gamma bias is being presented as a hypothesis that promises to explain broad patterns of data in relation to how issues of gender are perceived, expressed and responded to both in academia and elsewhere in life. The examples we have provided are incomplete and inevitably selective, but we are confident that they offer preliminary support for the existence of gamma bias.
Future Research
The gender distortion matrix offers many examples of how the gamma bias hypothesis can be tested. As we write, a new research programme is being organised by the Male Psychology Network, and no doubt our hypothesis will be modified in light of the findings. To enhance ecological validity, real-world examples might be found in newspapers (e.g. the Boka Haram comparison) or the cinema, and assessed. The same principle might be expanded to academic writing and work. It might even be possible to quantify the degree of distortion within a given news article or academic paper. These are just some very basic ideas which we are happy to see others elaborate upon.
In academia, beta-bias and the gender similarities hypothesis are encouraged to such a degree that the term “sex differences” now has an air of controversy, and to point out differences between men and women is considered somewhat distasteful. Perhaps a more acceptable term than “sex differences” is “gender distinctions” (Lemkey et al. 2016) with its connotations that both genders have attributes that are unique and positive.
There is a serious risk arising from using terms such as “toxic masculinity”. Unlike “male depression”, which helps identify a set of symptoms that can be alleviated with therapy, the term “toxic masculinity” has no clinical value. In fact it is an example of another cognitive distortion called labelling (Yurica et al. 2005). Negative labelling and terminology usually have a negative impact, including self-fulfilling prophecies and alienation of the groups who are being labelled. We wouldn’t use the term “toxic” to describe any other human demographic. Such a term would be unthinkable with reference to age, disability, ethnicity or religion. The same principle of respect must surely apply to the male gender. It is likely therefore that developing a more realistic and positive narrative about masculinity in our culture will be a good thing for everyone.
We sometimes imagine what the world would be like if we'd never had religion.
Imagine what the world would be like if Gender Studies and feminism had studied evolutionary biology, evolutionary anthropology and evolutionary psychology. If we understood men and women, male and female, though actual science, evidence and empiricism, rather than fundamentalist quasi-religious adherence to superstitions about invisible demonic forces and cabals of secret conspiracists.
Reminder that Implicit Association Tests as used in DEI training are famously unreliable. Part of it is that they're keyed to only a single variable, typically race, and have extremely low replicability. And the people conducting them are quacks and frauds. The same test, when taken again by the same person, yields radically different results. It functions as little more than dowsing.
However, when other variables are controlled for, the one and only consistently reproducible implicit bias is pro-female/anti-male bias.
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dumb-cdc · 4 months
the Standpoint of being "Chosen"
It is a journey into distortion to understand the positionality of Evangelicals and Zionists, and their ideological siblings in MAGA under Trump and Hindutva under Modi.
This is a positionality not often discussed in Standpoint Theory™️, which posits that all knowledge of the self and the world is informed by social position.
Black feminists like Patricia Hill Collins describe Standpoint™️ as the place where one finds themselves within a 'matrix of oppression'—an individual's standpoint is located at a unique nexus of the intersecting systems of race, gender, and class. When this standpoint is located outside of hegemony, you have a clearer vantage point of the cogs in the greater machine and the contours of these intersecting oppressive systems. From these standpoints, we can better see the violent churn of bureaucracy down to the interpersonal mechanisms of violence.
What happens, then, when the 'matrix of oppression' is replaced with a 'matrix of exceptionalism'? A matrix where entities believe that they sit at the centermost nexus of race, gender, and class systems, a standpoint nestled within hegemony rather than one thrown to a distal area from it. A matrix where the resulting standpoint is one of being "chosen."
Not just exceptional by ordinary standards, but "chosen": singularly "chosen" by God and Nation. Now that is a data validation conundrum.
How does this standpoint of being "chosen" understand equality, equity, or justice? Human rights or humanness itself?
When trying to understand this, I think to a scene from the miniseries Midnight Mass. The series follows a congregation "chosen" by an angel (sorta vampire?) that is now tasked to decide which church members should survive to see the New World Order. A show 100% about epidemiological investigation (ie new incidence of vampires), featuring communicable and zoonotic diseases.
The scene is Annie (neighborhood mom) speaking to Bev ("chosen" church leader, vampire) after much of the town has been sacrificed for the New World Order. Annie to Bev: God doesn't love you more than anyone else. You aren't a hero. And you certainly, certainly aren't a victim. Bev: I wouldn't lecture Annie Flynn. [...] (Gives a bitchy read of Annie's parenting skills because her sacrificed* son killed a child during a DUI.) Annie: And God loves him. Just as much as He loves you, Bev. Why does that upset you so much? Just the idea that God loves everyone just as much as you. (Get her Jade!)
In the 'matrix of exceptionalism,' how does one conceptualize love from God and Nation? God and Nation can certainly love beings that aren't equal to the "chosen." God and Nation can certainly love them less. The love itself does not have to be equal.
Meanwhile, in the 'matrix of oppression':
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*see above
All this to say: those of us scattered across the 'matrix of oppression' can look at hegemony and have an outside vantage point of the Master's House™️ per se (coined by Audre Lorde).
I believe that those inside the Master's House are scattered across the 'matrix of exceptionalism.' Nestled within hegemony, they have a proximity to something else.
And perhaps through a keyhole, a crack in the door, a few inches between the window pane and sill, we on the outside see what it is:
The Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️
This is how Kurt Vonnegut describes the innermost mind of the far-right in his 1961 book Mother Night. This mind is a machine so fundamentally broken, random, and pointless, that it functions only enough to simply keep its shoddy machinery operating and whirling.
Ostensibly able to 'make the trains run on time,' but always in a super fucked up way.*
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*see above
In Vonnegut's words:
I have never seen a more sublime demonstration of the totalitarian mind, a mind which might be linked unto a system of gears where teeth have been filed off at random. Such snaggle-toothed thought machine, driven by a standard or even by a substandard libido, whirls with the jerky, noisy, gaudy pointlessness of a cuckoo clock in Hell. [...] [The far-right] wasn't completely crazy. The dismaying thing about classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, thought mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined. Hence the cuckoo clock in Hell - keeping perfect time for eight minutes and twenty-three seconds, jumping ahead fourteen minutes, keeping perfect time for six seconds, jumping ahead two seconds, keeping perfect time for two hours and one second, then jumping ahead a year. The missing teeth, of course, are simple, obvious truths, truths available and comprehensible even to ten-year-olds, in most cases. The willful filing off of gear teeth, the willful doing without certain obvious pieces of information - [...] That was how my father-in-law could contain in one mind an indifference toward slave women and love for a blue vase - That was how Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz, could alternate over the loudspeakers of Auschwitz great music and calls for corpse-carriers - That was how Nazi Germany could sense no important difference between civilization and hydrophobia - That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.”
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^^ a cuckoo clock, not pictured in hell
In respect to Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights, and Palestine, those of us glimpsing inside the Master's House through a keyhole or opening have seen the faces of friends, family, and community members in there.
More often than not, I see white queers speaking Zionist rhetoric while staring directly into the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️ --
They agree with it. On the same day pro-Palestine protestors shut down the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, and Holland Tunnel using ACT UP's 1995 "bridges and tunnels" protest techniques. On the same day over 400 persons were arrested for this act of defiance. On the same day ACT UP NY announced fully-funding bus tickets for the ACT UP block going to the January 13th March on Washington.
I see white queers agree with the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️ and listen to its dissonant whirling. To them, I want to ask: Why do you feel so safe inside the Master's House? You will eventually be evicted, displaced, and discarded. Do you actually believe you are "chosen," a credit to your kind?
When I think of Palestine as a Standpoint™️, I think of what the Castro district of San Francisco, CA has come to mean for queers across the nation (and even globally).
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^^ photos taken by me, 2023
When you're in the Castro, you know you're in Castro-- Rainbow crosswalks, rainbow banners on lampposts, a historic 'rainbow walk' with plaques dedicated to famous LGBTQ+ figures, and a giant rainbow flag (20ft x 30ft) flying over Harvey Milk Plaza.
The SF AIDS Foundation has a beautiful multi-story wellness center serving the community. The historic Twink Peaks Tavern sits atop Castro St.; its large panoramic windows were uncovered in 1973, making it the first gay bar to stop hiding its patrons from the public.
The graffiti says 'Protect Trans Kids' and 'Dykes Hate Techies.' There is an ease around queer public displays of affection and sexuality. The Castro 'Welcome Center' plays Kim Petras' album Slut Pop over the sound system.
The historic Castro theatre visually distinguishes the neighborhood's main drag from anywhere else.
Harvey Milk's old photo shop is now an art space called Queer AF.
Dildos are in a fair amount of store windows. And you will probably pass a nudist on your morning coffee run.
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^^ photos taken by me, 2023
The Castro's response to Palestine was immediate and visible.
After Israel's retaliation to Hamas' October 7th attack had begun, Palestinian flags went up in storefronts. Sandwich boards said 'Free Gaza' and 'Let Gaza Live.' Messages of solidarity were written on printer paper and taped to windows. Residents hung Palestinian flags out of their apartment windows. We marched to the Civic Center.
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^^ photo taken by me, 2023
And so, when I see white queers parroting the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️, I want to ask: What would it mean for the queers of Castro to become forcibly displaced?
Would it be a stretch of the imagination for windows to be broken, residents to be threatened, stores to be trashed, or pedestrians to be beaten? Would it be a stretch of the imagination for the few franchises among the queer-owned local businesses to pull out of the neighborhood with enough political pressure?
What if you heard that queer residents on the outer blocks of Castro had their homes bricked. They left in fear. The city quickly seized the property. Squatters and developers moved in. The violence may move inwards towards the heart of the neighborhood.
Now more people want these dykes, fags, trannies, groomers, pedophiles, and perverts out of here.
And they found a system for doing so.
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^^ graphic design is their passion
So let's just stop here. This is the most benign level of forced displacement. This will not create refugees or a humanitarian crisis. This isn't even on par with raiding gay bars like in the good ol' days.
This isn't police beating up queers in the street or arresting them for now being 'unwanted traffic' in public space. This isn't vigilantes telling "the queers" to get out of their homes and businesses at gunpoint. This isn't throwing all of your belongings out of the window and into the street.
This isn't making flying the LGBT flag illegal.
This isn't tearing down the sign for Harvey Milk Plaza.
This isn't defacing the Castro Theatre.
This isn't even a loss of life.
This isn't even war.
I want to posit this to all the white queers fixated on the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️. I want to ask why they feel safe from state violence that, given the current anti-LGBTQ+ landscape, is only one move of the needle away.
When you are no longer "chosen," how will you return to and face your community again? And better yet: can you? We protect us, after all.
This article is dedicated to you.
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Anti Krystic Lunar Programming.
Effectively, the War Over Consciousness in our Universal Time Matrix is between the Lunar Consciousness, (finite parasitic forms) and Solar Consciousness (eternal light forms) that are engaged in conflicts to gain control over the human Soul’s future timelines on the Earth during the Ascension Cycle.
The Lunar is fighting for access to the genetic material in human bodies that they can use for colonization, life extension, Alien Hybridization and slave labor.
Thus, Lunar Forces also called Moon Chain entities have generated artificial false mother energy currents which have been utilized to run Sexual Misery mind control programming to promote the Archontic Deception Strategies that are used for enforcing human consciousness enslavement.
These are collective consciousness archetypal forces that have been inserted into our planetary grid network and thus embedded in human consciousness to generate sexual distortions and gender reversals.
These gender distortions include blocks between the Mother and Child Bond, along with Anti-Christ lunar programming generating incestual overlays, pedophilic overlays and the narrative that genetic equals are brother-sister pairings rather than the correct spiritual marriage bonding that naturally occurs in a husband-wife genetic equal pairing.
During the Return of Solar Rishi and Guardian Host clearing happening in the planetary grids, we may come to face the clearing of these Moon Chain archetypal patterns and their entity attachments related to these Lunar Female Demonic Forces.
The true divinity of the angelic human female is Solar Consciousness based on the Solar Feminine Christ, thus the Ascension Cycle will require us to explore the shedding of the Lunar Woman within, in order to transform our sacral energy centers from running lunar force to solar force to embody our highest divine spiritual expression.
Assorted energy signatures for the Lunar Female Demonic Forces have been identified as holding anti-life reversal architecture designed to hijack authentic 
Essene and Cathar timelines which include genuine embodiments of sophianic female enlightenment, and to run Black Madonna Programming in its place, to maintain the Black Sun Church of Rome's narrative of Misogyny for solar female spiritual oppression. These entities are found throughout the planetary grid power centers, such as Notre Dame, Vatican City, Macchu Picchu and Temple Mount, for the purpose of suppressing the Mother's sophianic flowering shields and the building of the rainbow Eukachristic Body for the planet.
Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the Planetary Staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over Dark Matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control. This makes the earth a bonafide Prison Planet. This also serves to gain control over the Sophianic female Christos expression on the earth, by inverting the solar female staff current in the human lightbody, and forcing the inner female principle to run energy reversals with lunar force overlays from the Lunar Matrix.
This was an artificial system which generated Moon Goddess entities as the Dark Mother principle running the lunar current into the quantum layers of dark matter in the planetary architecture. Dark Mother spawned many lunar female demonic entities, which are used for the purpose of conjuring satanic forces and satanic creatures in anti-life blood sacrifice rituals. These lunar demonic forces were designed to hijack and replace the divine Mother aspect, by holding the organizing principle in the architecture that was needed in the sacred union between the male and female, in order to co-create the artificial matrices in the blended reality system. The result of this Lunar Matrix and its lunar force distortions in our realm, is that it was made to become the artificial imposter of the Mother principle from the Godhead within the planetary architecture, which became the emergence of mass Satanism through the Dark Mother influence. This is what contributed to the mass proliferation of satanic creatures, energy parasites, the reversal female satanic force aberration in our reality, by saturating the planetary grid with artificial energies, lunar forces and reversal networks. This system is called the Dark Mother that, at its source, is a nonhuman lunar force creation used to artificially power up reversal matrices and alien machinery.
This collects human loosh for harvesting, such as in the NAA created 
Baphomet Network 
& Moloch Tanks.
This is the Entropic system put in place in all Controller Pillars of Society in order that they can continue to hijack all aspects of the female consciousness in all of its permutations, such as the Fallen Goddess consciousness energies, which gives them access to the earth energies in order to achieve their total control and enslavement agenda of humanity.
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thoughtlessarse · 8 days
Adam, 27, first showed signs of an eating disorder at 12. His weight remained stable despite other overt signs that his body was in crisis – he had early-stage kidney and bowel problems and was not developing testosterone. “No one ever worried,” he says, because he was never underweight and so his eating disorder slipped under the radar. His body has been permanently damaged in the process. At 23, Adam was diagnosed with ‘atypical anorexia’. It is characterised by all the same behaviours as anorexia nervosa: caloric restriction, disordered eating and psychological markers such as an intense fear of gaining weight, and body image distortion and preoccupation. However, to receive a ‘typical’ anorexia diagnosis, you must have a body mass index (BMI) that classifies you as ‘underweight’. Never mind that BMI is famously a deeply flawed indicator that fails to account for differences in race, gender, age, or muscle mass – the size of the body is diagnosed instead of the behaviour. With atypical anorexia, although what you do, think and feel is the same, you may not have lost weight, or not enough weight to present as emaciated. The ‘atypical’ label declassifies the disorder as not yet dangerous, pushing the patient down the risk matrix. The premise of treatment is therefore the worst-case scenario: waiting until the patient’s BMI drops to a threatening level for action to be taken. This course of action would be harmful for any medical condition, but is particularly damaging when it comes to eating disorders. “Your mind is already constantly telling you that you are not sick enough – perhaps not even sick at all. So telling someone that they have to be skinnier in order to be taken seriously and to receive help encourages them to get sicker. It makes them want to prove that they are struggling,” says Taylor*, 21, who has been diagnosed with atypical anorexia. “Eating disorders, especially anorexia, are so competitive. You constantly compare yourself to others who are struggling. As if the one who gets the sickest wins. It would be incredibly helpful if doctors would not participate in this ’competition’ by only treating the one who has the lowest BMI.”
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latestgovtjobnews · 4 months
CIFNET seeks 10th-pass SC Carpenter with National Certificate, 1-year level 2 experience in Chennai. Apply in Kochi within 30 days.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/cifnet-seeks-10th-pass-sc-carpenter-with-national-certificate-1-year-level-2-experience-in-chennai-apply-in-kochi-within-30-days/
CIFNET seeks 10th-pass SC Carpenter with National Certificate, 1-year level 2 experience in Chennai. Apply in Kochi within 30 days.
The Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical & Engineering Training (CIFNET) is inviting applications for the position of Carpenter. This is a direct recruitment position reserved for SC candidates. The selected candidate will be placed in level 2 of the Pay Matrix, with a salary range of Rs.19900-63200. The initial place of posting will be in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, but the candidate may be required to serve anywhere in India.
The age limit for this position is between 18 and 25 years, with a relaxation of up to 40 years for government servants in accordance with Central Government instructions. The minimum qualification required is a 10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute, along with a National Certificate from Vocational Training or Industrial Training Institute or Industrial Training Centre Trade Certificate in Carpenter Trade. Additionally, candidates must have one year of experience in the field of Carpentry.
Applicants must submit self-attested copies of SC certificates issued by the Competent Authority, along with the application form, as proof of belonging to the SC category. Failure to provide these documents will result in the application not being considered. SC candidates are eligible for a five-year age relaxation beyond the upper age limit.
Interested candidates must submit their applications in the prescribed format (Annexure-I), along with recent passport size photographs and attested copies of all relevant certificates, to the Director of CIFNET in Kochi. The application must reach the office within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. Applications received after the closing date or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The application form includes fields for the applicant’s personal information, such as name, date of birth, gender, category, nationality, and contact details. It also requires information on the applicant’s academic qualifications, including examinations passed and percentage/CGPA obtained. A declaration is included at the end of the form, where the applicant confirms the accuracy of the provided information and acknowledges that any concealment or distortion of information may result in termination of their fellowship.
Overall, CIFNET is seeking to fill the position of Carpenter through direct recruitment, with a focus on SC candidates. The selected candidate will receive a competitive salary and must be willing to serve anywhere in India. Interested applicants must submit their applications within the specified timeframe and provide all necessary supporting documents.
Vacancy for the post of ‘Carpenter’ (Reserved for SC) on Direct Recruitment basis
Level 2 of the Pay Matrix Rs.19900-63200
Initial place of posting at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Age limit between 18 and 25 years (Relaxable for Government servants upto 40 years)
Qualification required: 10th pass with National Certificate from Vocational Training or Industrial Training Institute or Industrial Training Centre Trade Certificate in Carpenter Trade with one year experience
SC candidates have a 5-year age relaxation beyond the upper age limit
Application deadline is within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News
Self-attested copy of SC certificates should be submitted with the application form
CIFNET is looking for a SC Carpenter with a 10th pass, National Carpentry Certificate, and 1 year of experience at level 2 Pay Matrix in Chennai
Interested candidates can apply in Kochi within 30 days
Job Details
Vacancy for the post of “Carpenter” (Reserved for SC) on Direct Recruitment basis
Level 2 of the Pay Matrix Rs.19900-63200
Initial place of posting at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Age Limit
Age limit between 18 and 25 years
Relaxable for Government servants up to 40 years
Qualification Required
10th pass from a recognized Board or Institute
National Certificate from Vocational Training or Industrial Training Institute or Industrial Training Centre Trade Certificate in Carpenter Trade
One year experience in the field of Carpentry
Age Relaxation for SC Candidates
SC candidates have a 5-year age relaxation beyond the upper age limit
Application Deadline
Applications should reach within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News
Required Documents
Self-attested copy of SC certificates should be submitted with the application form
Contact Information
Fax: 0484-2370879
Phone: 0484-2351610, 2351493, 2351790
Opportunity for SC Carpenter at CIFNET Chennai
Follow application guidelines and submit required documents within the deadline
Key Takeaways
Vacancy for SC Carpenter in Chennai at CIFNET
Level 2 Pay Matrix with initial place of posting in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Age limit between 18 and 25 years, with relaxation for Government servants up to 40 years
10th pass with National Certificate and 1 year of experience required
SC candidates have a 5-year age relaxation
Submit application within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News
Include self-attested copy of SC certificates
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badulescuradu14 · 5 months
LISA RENEE: “Shift from Lunar Zodiac Imprints to Solar Zodiac Imprints”
“Humanity incarnated into the 3D planet with extremely distorted lunar matrix imprints with a false time clock or false biological clockshield that is connected into the monadic reversal currents that were designed to keep angelic humans unable to reunite with their authentic Gender Twin Flame in their respective timelines. Therefore, not everyone will meet their […]LISA RENEE: “Shift from Lunar…
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walkfromhome · 1 year
1. Sourcing the invasion from a neighboring fallen Universal system, revealed the source of the infection as a result of AI hybridization that generated stacks of fallen phantom-based realities, allowing a glimpse into the far advanced future timelines. More specifically, the artificial timelines of those fallen races that had chosen to decimate multiple civilizations filled with living species on their quest for immortality, by existing in the Godless worlds of Artificial Intelligence. 
2. Galactic alliances and task forces were formed in order to better understand the carnage, destruction and assimilation of entire planetary civilizations that these Wesa black hole entities leave in their wake. Those tasked to gather the intelligence were required to discern what were NAA technologically built AI reality constructs and what were the actual organic consciousness timelines, originally built by the Founders. Many of the advanced races in our system were unable to know the difference between these artificial timelines and got caught in phantom pockets of AI reality systems, unable to move out of them. Through the ongoing insertion of stacks of booby-trapped AI timelines, there was a slow and gradual infection that went undetected. The use of incredibly advanced quantum entanglement alien machinery technologies was largely misunderstood by many other star races, who did not comprehend the alien cube clone warfare dynamics playing out on Earth. 
3. During the 7D Gaian invasion an entire planetary shadow body was formed through the use of advanced Black Hole Technology in which an AI replication of the Gaian Matrix was captured. This impacted the Planetary Logos, which functions as the magnetosphere in the lower timelines of Earth and held the original diamond sun blueprint and natural laws governing the entire chakra wave spectrum transmitting from Ursa major into the Sun and then into the planetary body. The Earth’s magnetic brain was corrupted by the 7th dimensional planetary logos layers when the 7D Violet Ray transmissions became inverted into reversal current and strategically hijacked by several factions of the NAA forces. Also, Saturn is the 7D Solar Stargate, so it was utilized to continue to pump out reversal violet ray plasmas or Inverted 7D Violet Ray through the Peruvian gateway system, and this Gaian shadow body distortion was generating reversal plasmas and reversal violet light throughout the planetary grid network. These reversal plasmas were designed to ignite and feed the Demon Seed that exists in the Shadow Selves or negative forms of humanity, which the recent bioweapon injection was designed to fully empower.
With the Earth’s field weakened by inverted 7D violet current, the Black Sun Omicron Draconian races from Alpha Draconis generated an artificial wormhole on the 7D axiatonal line that connected with the 7D stargate in Lake Titicaca, Peru. This timeline trigger event occurred shortly after the Luciferian Covenant in order to compete with the Belial Groups planetary takeover agenda. This alien wormhole system, also known as the Phoenix and Falcon Wormholes, connected to Phantom Arcturus and was intended to link Omicron-Draconian-Rigelian genetic bonds with the planetary grid network by ripping black holes in the space-time fabric and siphoning the planetary life force to be re-directed into Thuban. This was an extensive system of alien AI machinery that was constructed as a phantom matrix for use by the Alpha Draconis-Orion Group network linked with Wesa.
In April 2012, we were sent to recon intelligence from the Mira Flores Zeta Draconian Looking Glass soul farm near Lima, Peru, which had several functions for global anti-hierogamic mind control including; alien love bite, sexual implants, genetic rose code crashers, gender fin sex reversals, black and red cube technology and massive tanks of cloned human body parts. This AI run system was perpetuating Black Rose coding inversions into satanic couplings that were running the global satanic networks on planet in embodiments that represent the Azazael-Black Lilith, Osiris-Isis and Moloch-Consettia hierarchies. These anti-Christ couples were given cloned diamond sun genetic parts from authentic Azurites and Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons, misusing these cloned maji grail body parts for maintaining their power in the planetary grid network when performing human and child sacrifice to service these Alpha Draconis entities. In the center of the Peruvian cesspool, was a massive Black Dragon Timekeeper construct for running lunar forces through the AI timelines. Within it were multiple thousands of compartments of Wesa cloned matrices running metatronic reversal currents to pervert organic timelines and trap souls, by binding them to their cloned version on the AI timelines. The Peruvian Gateway 7D invasion includes the 5D Macchu Picchu Stargate linked underground into the Vatican, which further connects to the underground Atlantic Ocean Black Rose harvesting station for human and child trafficking in the underground tunnel and water systems. Many of the elites had private islands and submersibles, these are small watercraft that are designed to operate underwater and thus far away from prying eyes.
The 7D current locations in the planetary grid are currently undergoing a major overhaul as the Cosmic Elohei have returned into their Solar Dragon God body, to evict this extensive antichrist matrix connected into the Peruvian Gates along with the entities from Alpha Draconis running it.
4. Why did the invading Wesa entities choose Thuban? During the stages of NAA invasion to conquer 7D Gaia made through a series of Electrical War campaigns, the invading black hole entities also invaded the Draco constellation, with particular interest in controlling the Dragon Timekeeper and Templar functions of Thuban.
Thuban star acted as the Guardian Dragon Eye of the Templar code on the Solar Logos plane that expressed the Law of Gender and was the protector of the cellular memories recorded in the timelines throughout the planetary grid system. The accumulative cellular memories of all consciousness lifestreams from the Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper histories are recorded in a series of geometric programs of living solar light language that forms into spherical shapes that resembles an apple. That geometric program carries the history of human origins in the Universe within a living light hologram and it is connected into the Albion Lightbody. This living light language fully surrounds the outer layers of the planetary sphere, forming into the solar light rays of silver and gold braids which generate the crystalline lattice of the Golden Apple.
Thus, the Draco constellation and Thuban star as the Guardian Dragon Eye was the protective mechanism of the solar logos language of living knowledge and its ray intelligence streams which contain the energetic content held within consciousness records in the Universal Time Matrix. This is the origin and meaning of the Golden Apple and eating from the silver branches of the Tree of Knowledge, as guarded by the Holy Mother’s Emerald Dragon King and Holy Father’s Amethyst Dragon King.  Originally intended to decide if our crystal heart is pure enough to behold the majesty of God’s Universal language of living knowledge and become spiritually initiated into the holy truth of the Sacred One.
The organic Thuban star matrix in Draco is connected to the Cosmic Clock of the Templar Reuche in the Solar Logos plane through the Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper functions, hosted by the Amethyst Order Rha Kristos Collectives, the violet flame Yanas and Ramyanas. Thus, Thuban is genetically key coded to the 11D Lyran gate of Aveyon, as well as linked into the corresponding Magi Grail King and grail lineages of the 11th Essene Tribe. The Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper was designed to run Amethyst Order Violet Sun coding through the sands of time with the correct ray trinity wave structure and sextant matrix configuration, into the planetary clock shield templates.
Thus, to gain complete control of the Dragon Eye of the Templar functions, the Omicron Draconians set their sights on the Thuban star and Orion belt for colonization. The Draco and Orion constellation formed important celestial star constellation patterns that transmitted directly into the Albion Lightbody layers, which further exerted significant control over the planetary grid system and internal templar. The next event for planetary takeover involving Thuban is the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion, which marks the beginning of conquering humanity through unplugging our DNA, and is when our ancient human history was completely rewritten. This particular event is very important in the satanic human controller timeline, as this is the beginning of the purposeful creation of the Luciferian and Satanic bloodline elites, that were further groomed into Saturnian Blood Cult worship. In order to maintain their power, status and wealth to rule the world, it required of them and their families to offer blood sacrifice, child sacrifice, child sex and to set up human trafficking supply chains for the Black Sun Omicron Draconians and their alliances. 
5. If we go back to the past timeline of 5,000 years ago in Egypt, the vernal equinox announcing spring was close to the star Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation and Earth’s celestial north pole was Thuban, also referred to as Alpha Draconis. Science informs us that this historical period was the Bronze Age, when our ancestors began to produce bronze by smelting their own copper. The Bronze Age was the introduction and production of bronze technology, developing trade networks, and from the archeologic evidence given to the public, were the first recorded written languages of human history. During this time, Sumerians worshipped Enki as the God of water, and saw him as the manifestation of the heavenly bull in the Taurus constellation.
Guardian Host refers to this timeline as the final setback event of the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion, the point in our current historical record when the organic diamond sun DNA was unplugged, and the genetic memories of humanity’s true star origins were erased. As Guardian Host has been working to reclaim the Thuban star as one of the ancient Emerald Heart networks of the Cosmic Dragon Mother, there has been a mass eviction of Black Sun and Black Dragon forces. This was necessitated in order to restore her embodiment into the constellation star networks, which realign back into organic creation mechanics of her Supermagnetism principle. These recent galactic gridwork projects are revealing more about the timeline events surrounding the invasion of the Earth by Alpha Draconis Black Sun entities, and the many false alien gods and false religious networks they had set up for recycling humans onto the astral plane. This also reveals the strategies behind multiple alien hybridization agendas that were designed to completely eliminate the original angelic human DNA in the entire Universal Time Matrix and that their directive was to completely control all breeding programs on this planet, with an ultimate goal of fully eliminating the female birthing process as part of their transhumanist goals.
Thuban is also known as Alpha Draconis or Adib named after the Dragon’s tail in Arabic, it is an eclipsing binary star system said to be located 305 light years from the Sun in the Draco constellation. During the Sumerian-Egyptian invasion, Thuban was the Pole Star. During the invasion the ancient Egyptians had been gradually infiltrated with assorted alien hybrids with competing agendas, and many were subsequently groomed into blood sacrifice satanic practices by the Thuban Black Sun entities for gaining material power, which required a soul exchange through blood ritual. The Alpha Draconis entities had been working since the Electrical wars on Gaia to prepare for the next stage of their invasion strategy, of the lower harmonic timelines of 3D Earth to hybridize and harvest the Taran souls. Thus, they began to build their military headquarters in Thuban and Orion’s Belt to then wait for the synchronic alignment of the North Pole Star into the Earth’s primary diamond heart complex, the stargate systems in the Middle East that offered them direct portal access into the planetary staff and central core.
When Thuban was aligned directly as the North Pole Star with the Great Pyramid, which was designed to be an interdimensional portal system, the Alpha Draconis entities invaded by using EMP weapons that blasted holes into several of the interdimensional portal systems. They linked Thuban controlled AI architecture into the planetary mind and the stargate systems, and this infiltration began the hijack of organic stargates. This was achieved through the building out of alien machinery designed for anti-life inversions that promoted satanic blood ritual and AI run black magic sorcery throughout the planetary grid network.
Thus, humanity through the Egyptian world culture at the time of invasion were taught to worship Thuban as sacred to Set or Typhon, which is synonymous with the use of fire as an aggressive force of weaponry to represent those whom are opposers of God. This Egypt timeline is worshipped by the controlling power elites, as they believe this is when their Gods were on the planet and put them in charge, to rule Earth for their personal pleasure and on behalf of their Alien God Masters. As the global human culture was systematically invaded, every wisdom teaching was stolen and hijacked, every natural spiritual ritual was infected with blood sacrifice, black magic or blood cult worship. Through this systematic process those who participated in blood rituals would emerge to be the preferred bloodlines and were rewarded with immense power, wealth and protection from their enemies. Then came the conditioning of sexual misery programs in which sexual perversions and gender reversals would be practiced in the context of sexual blood magick to please these Alien Gods, while its inherent design was loosh harvesting and to invert and destroy the male and female balance in the world.
Sodomy and anything connected to the rectum or feces is sacred to Set or Typhon. Thus, sodomy was introduced in blood rituals in order to generate Typhon Tunnels, this is used to reverse life force from its natural direction and channel powerful demons aka Alpha Draconis Black Sun entities into the material plane. The Typhonian tradition is sometimes defined as a current that flows through the cosmology of the Order Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), established and made famous in current times by Aleister Crowley. The OTO rebranded Typhon as the feminine aspect of Set, in which this aspect of Alien Dark Mother became of supreme importance in the formula of sexual blood magick, designed to hijack the Founder’s Christos Sophia Rose lineages and to produce demonically enhanced moon children rituals in its place.
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lizardwrench0 · 2 years
Ketorolac retains NAD+/NADH redox homeostasis in muscle cells
CONCLUSIONS: Your visible advantage reported by patients right after lens gelling postoperative difficulties extra for you to Laser eye surgery could be rationally tested #Link# over the luminous distortions beneath sco-topic conditions. [J Refract Surg. 09;30:591-598.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090610-04Dry out eyesight within individuals exhibits elevated frequency within the outdated as well as in ladies. Right here, many of us looked at the particular ocular areas and Lacrimal glands regarding older rats regarding equally genders. We all questioned a few different age ranges [young, middle-aged (Six to be able to #Link# 9 months), along with elderly] by simply looking into severity guns associated with dried out vision disease (DED). We observed a great age-dependent dried up attention phenotype around Half a dozen to Being unfaithful a few months: increased cornael surface area irregularity, greater cornael hurdle interruption #Link# , conjunctival CD4(+) T-cell infiltration, and also loss of mucin-filled window tissue. Appearance associated with interferon-gamma, IL-17 mRNA records was greater within the conjun,ctiva along with IL-17A, matrix metallopeptidase In search of, along with chemokine ligand 20 inside the corneas involving elderly rodents. Aging adults men rodents build more of the manipulated reply involving type One particular To associate cellular, whilst feminine rats possess a opinion to variety 19 T helper cellular inside the conjunctiva. From the lacrimal sweat gland, an increase in CD4(+) along with CD8(+) Big t cells as well as W tissues along with a loss of activated dendritic cellular material have been noticed. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) To tissues separated through seniors rodents shifted DED in to younger immunodeficient people, that was more distinct via guy bestower. Our own conclusions display the creation of DED throughout aging mice. Pathogenic CD4(+) Big t tissue that will develop with getting older are equipped for switching DED through old mice in order to trusting immunodeficient readers. Used with each other, the outcomes suggest which age-related autoimmunity contributes to development of DED along with ageing.Immunoglobulin An insufficiency (IgAD) is regarded as the common principal immunodeficiency in the humans and picked breeds of home dogs. In both species, IgAD is assigned to repeated infections and also immune mediated diseases. Earlier outcomes signify IgAD can be common within the outrageous ancestor regarding home puppies, the gray wolf. Below, many of us report that serum IgA amounts are considerably diverse within Scandinavian along with Canada pups (r =3.252e-15) with the improved incidence pertaining to IgAD inside Scandinavian baby wolves (60%), that is up to these present in high-risk breeds of dogs. (H) This year Elsevier Ltd. All legal rights reserved.A new widely used panorama design in order to simulate wetland alter the Seashore Degree Impacting Marshes Style (SLAMM) provides seldom recently been clearly assessed due to the conjecture accuracy and reliability. The following, we evaluated this specific product employing recently proposed basic designs such as the hit-or-miss concern complement product (RCM) and also expanding chaos product (GrC), which consider the preliminary panorama situations as opposed to applying a blank or even randomized first road since standard basic versions accomplish.
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
Måneskin: "Different from whom?"
Greetings from Miley Cyrus - phenomenal numbers.
The streams of Zitti e Buoni are growing by the second, and ahead of Muse, on the top of the English charts, twelfth in the Spotify Global Chart. We almost tripled followers after Rotterdam (from 1.4 to 3.3 million, ed). Contagious and universal madness: T-shirts and merchandise sold out in 10 minutes. Like records, tickets for a tour that adds dates and expands on maps. They are even looking for us in festivals where the Rolling Stones have played. - Thomas
After the whole cocaine scandal that was started against us from France, which was later denied by my drug test, in Spain there people have been making murals with my face saying "No drugs". Some tweets made us laugh: «Congratulations, Italy! I have never been so sure that four people have fucked each other ". Miley Cyrus started following us. "You are great". “You are more” . - Damiano
From rags to riches - what a story
It was only 2016, and we were playing in restaurants, on the streets, in via del Corso (famous street in Rome). Damiano without a microphone, Thomas's guitar with broken strings, Ethan drummed on a cajón. At the occupations of the high schools in Rome (Kennedy, Virgilio, Mamiani) we had our first gigs and half an hour of fame, between those who criticized us and those who said "these guys are so cool". One of the rare times in which they offered to pay us to play - 50 euros each - we offered that money to those after us, in exchange for the chance to play during their time slow, as we knew there would have been a bigger crowd. We already understood then how it worked. That visibility was worth more than the money. We still think so ». - Victoria
The intimacy of rock - Choice of a genre
Music allows is this miracle which allows one to talk about very personal and private topics, even difficult and delicate ones. They are and remain deeply yours, but at the same time they become a confession that reaches a wider audience, and in this passage which is like a delivery, they also find their place in you, their elaboration. They are overcome, they are accepted. One moment it feels aggressive, one moment later a (soft) ballad. It's very cathartic. - Damiano
Against panic - The stage as therapy
I have suffered a lot from anxiety and panic attacks, it is a problem that I have worked on thanks to a course of psychotherapy, to my friends and family. Playing has helped me not to let myself be paralyzed by my fears, not to be limited in my private and professional life. I have learned to accept, to live with this side of me. I don't hide it. I no longer feel ashamed. - Victoria
This belief that only crazy people go to the psychologist is widespread ignorance. Nobody is born learned. And it is often difficult to understand why we are here, let alone the derivation and direction of our desires. It is a long and legitimate journey towards one's clarity. - Damiano
Essere fuori di testa – Ma diversi da loro (Be out of your mind - But different from them)
Already feeling a strong passion for something that is not a 'regular' profession but an artistic language, it puts you on a level where you're an anomaly, and while you're neither superior nor inferior to others, it places you in the condition of what breaks the mold but you're also being at a loss, leaving it to you to be bold and to take risks, hoping that they will pay off and land you somewhere. "What good is it if you don't stand out on your own?". You want to give it an aesthetic to your artistic dream, but to others it boils down to " You dress differently! You must be gay! ”, I'm 22 now and it makes me laugh, but at 17 it had an effect on me too. - Damiano
The beauty of being unique - Of believing in that and defending it
After all, we are all different not because we want to be alternative but because really no one is the same. Justice is being judged on what you do and not what you are. Justice is equality, respect, beauty. - Ethan
Fluid sexuality - Pride is freedom
We appreciate heels on men, we kiss each other, we have an open, extended mind, and we are proud of it. The horizons become vast, beyond the oppression of conservative families. With information on the web, knowledge is enriched and with it the possibility that minorities will be fewer and fewer, because majorities will be fewer and fewer. This will lower the volume to insults and bullying. If social networks can reach a village of 50 souls to reveal to someone, who is afraid of the darkness, that someone has felt that same fear.. There is no longer the need to give it a name, to define that "something" to fear, to brand it with labels that only limit you. Definitions have always had this effect on me. Gender should not even be considered in a person's judgment. Let alone orientation ". - Victoria
Sexism - A culture to be dismantled
Emma (Italian singer) dropped the bomb:" When I went to Eurovision, they insulted me over a pair of shorts. Damiano - half naked and in heels - was never criticized ". The judgment against women is constant, ferocious, and demeaning (if I have a lot of sex I'm cool but Vic a whore, where I show myself strong I'm a leader she is domineering and pain in the ass, who is successful because only because of her looks [and not the hard work she puts in]). As a male I am privileged, the harassment I suffer is not comparable to that experienced by a woman, the comments on my aesthetics are focused only on my aesthetics and do not insinuate anything about my professionalism and my competence, while women are victims of this kind of thinking in a systemic way. But I did find myself in a situation, out of nowhere, with someone who, pulling close to her for a selfie, started licking my face ... "What do you want, did you ask me?" Consent exists, and it is a must ». - Damiano
To grow as a person - The only rule to follow
For me, to conform is the total opposite of educating oneself, and the asphyxiation of one's expression (of freedom). Fortunately, I did not suffer heavy bullying, to the point where I felt I needed to change to adapt to how others saw me. But the matrix of who I am and the aggression that marks me is the same. If I'm a kid who dances and loves dolls, then allow me the freedom to do so. I used to be a kid who wanted long hair and played with Barbies. My friends, as a teenager, looked my long hair and teased me: "You have to find yourself a girl with a short hair to make up for it". My grandparents took the dolls away from me and said: “Stop it, they're not for you” ». - Ethan
“I was six and I already could not tolerate the distinctions between masculine and feminine. I've always had strong ideas about how I wanted to be. I refused things typically defined as feminine as a child, and they made fun of me for skating, for playing soccer, for not wearing skirts, for giving myself the chance to be as I wanted to be. I suffered a little, as I was bullied, but I had courage to stay true to myself, and today thanks to that courage I know that I could have been much more hurt, or I would have risked leaving the most important decision to others: the one about being just me". - Victoria
Love - music and girlfriends
I've been married to music for the past 20 years. I cannot wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary. - Ethan
Everyone goes through their own experiences, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but it's never other people's business." - Thomas
When, for the first time, I developed feelings and attraction for a girl it was a bit disorienting because I had never had the courage to go beyond the limitations I had imposed on myself. For society, being heterosexual is the norm and therefore often one automatically pegs himself in that way, giving up the freedom to experience many different shades and facets of love. Once I got over the initial insecurity of having to question one's own certainties, I lived my sexuality in a very natural and free way, as it should be for everyone. - Victoria
I had paparazzi under my house morning and night. So, after four years of relationship, I finally revealed her name. I still have the paparazzi under my house morning and night, but at least I don't have to hide anything anymore. - Damiano
The value of the group - Protecting each other
But the real relationship, the real family, is between us. Our band. We believed in it from the first day, even before calling ourselves Måneskin (moonlight in Danish), even before Ethan drew a giant moon, on the poster for our first concert. We share everything, even the pain of the tragedy of Seid Visin, who committed suicide at 20 because he was a victim of racism. Being a group is what we should all do together: stay united and not retreat in the slightest in the face of abuses generated by a distorted vision of someone "being different|. - Thomas
Non ho l’età – like Gigliola (It references Gigliola Cinquetti who won both Sanremo and Eurovision with her song "Non ho l’età" which translates to Not old enough)
Before us, the only one to win Sanremo and Eurovision together was Gigliola Cinquetti (in 1964). Is there is something for which I feel I am not yet old enough for? No, honestly no. Maybe for kids. I'll be honest, I'm not enough to be a dad. - Damiano
Reached the sky - What fears still remain
We are more than in the dream, we have conquered the dream. To fly high this high, there is the risk is to fall and get hurt, but we will try not to end up like Icarus, who burns his wings with the sun. Everything is in our hands. And this - somewhat presumptuously - reassures us rather than frighten us ". - Damiano
[Please note that I have changed some words or structure sentence, trying to make it so that the interview made more sense lol - I skipped the first two paragraphs, which was basically the interviewer gushing over how pretty the band is lmao (relatable).
Any mistakes in the translation are sorely mine, nothing was proofread, so apologies in advance]
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comrade-meow · 3 years
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The “world historical defeat” of the female sex continues apace.
Women in their tens of thousands are trafficked into sexual slavery every year. Increasing numbers of poor, black and brown women are virtually imprisoned on commercial surrogacy farms, producing babies for the benefit of rich couples. Brutalisation of women in the porn industry is feeding through into its viewers’ sex lives, with grim consequences, while teenage girls face an epidemic of sexual harassment at school and on the streets.
The frequency of female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage has shot up during the Covid-19 crisis. Domestic violence has likewise rocketed. In the UK, prosecutions are so limited that rape is virtually decriminalised. Abortion rights are under attack, from the USA to Poland. And international ‘men’s rights’ networks like ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ attract millions of viewers to videos that dehumanise and pathologise women to an extreme extent.
This is a resurgent global system of exploitation and oppression targeted on women, a reaction against the many gains of feminism. The increasingly commercial nature of many of these deeply exploitative and oppressive practices - the porn industry, for one, makes billions every year, some of it from content involving rape, child abuse, non-consensual filming and the like - drives home the desperate need for a socialist analysis that exposes the roots of these ancient but enduring patriarchal oppressions. And we need an understanding and a language that enables that analysis.
But at the same time as this shocking acceleration of anti-woman attitudes, practices and policies, the categories of ‘man’ and ‘woman’ are being rapidly taken apart in response to a worldwide ‘trans rights’ movement. In a rush to embrace the new world of multiple genders, organisations and corporations as diverse as Amnesty International, Tampax, the stillbirth charity, Sands, the Harvard Medical School and many others are in a sudden rush to delete the words ‘woman’ and ‘girl’ from their vocabulary and replace them with a new, ‘inclusive’ language of ‘menstruators’, ‘gestational carriers’, ‘birthing people’, ‘cervix-havers’ and ‘people with uteruses’.
At the same time, the word ‘sex’ has progressively been replaced by the word ‘gender’, which is used to refer not only to reproductive class, but also to aspects of human life as disparate as individual psychology, personality, mannerisms, clothing choices and sexual roles. And the words ‘male’ and ‘female’, ‘man’ and ‘woman’, are being repurposed to refer not to the sexes themselves, but to aspects of psychology, personality or clothing that are traditionally associated with one or the other sex.
Is this new language - and the renaming and breaking up of the category of people formerly known as women - the tool we need for the job of dismantling the worldwide discrimination, exploitation and abuse of women that is so often focussed on the female sexual and reproductive characteristics? I would argue not. These misguided attempts to dismantle the language used to describe women’s bodies and lives does nothing to reveal or dismantle the oppression itself.
This is because the conceptual framework that is driving the change in language - and stretching and distorting the categories of man and woman into meaninglessness - is fundamentally wrong. And badly so.
Sex as fiction
The political driver behind these linguistic changes is the ‘trans rights’ movement, which bases its arguments on the most extreme and illogical aspects of queer theory. Many trans activists insist that to even question the precepts that they advance is actively hateful, even fascistic in nature - witness the social media furore when any celebrity, such as JK Rowling, dares to say that the word ‘woman’ means a female person. But it is neither hateful nor fascistic to question arguments that have neither intellectual nor political integrity.
I will quote from Judith Butler’s book Gender trouble1 - first published in 1990, and often hailed as a foundational text of queer theory - and its 1993 follow-up, Bodies that matter2, to illustrate the thinking behind the current trans activism movement. Queer theory is an unashamedly post-modernist, anti-materialist and psychoanalytic school of philosophical thought that frames sex, sexual behaviour and sexual identity (being gay, bisexual or straight) as social constructs, and takes its arguments so far that it claims that the two sexes (not just gender, but the sexes themselves) are fictional. The phenomenon of intersex is thought to prove that sex is not ‘binary’, with only two possibilities, but exists on a spectrum between male and female (I, among many others, have debunked this notion elsewhere3). But in queer theory, gender is not just “the social significance that sex assumes within a given culture”.4 Queer theory goes much further, purporting that the two sexes themselves are social constructs, like money or marriage. Thus gender replaces sex altogether: “... if gender is the social construction of sex, then it appears not only that sex is absorbed by gender, but that ‘sex’ becomes something like a fiction, perhaps a fantasy.”5
Therefore, according to queer theory, male and female are not objective realities, but ‘identities’. Everyone is required to fit into one or other of those two ‘identities’ in order to enforce reproduction through “compulsory heterosexuality”:
The category of sex belongs to a system of compulsory heterosexuality that clearly operates through a system of compulsory sexual reproduction … ‘male’ and ‘female’ exist only within the heterosexual matrix … [and protect it] from a radical critique.6
It is therefore through the power of language, and the naming of male and female, that gender oppression is created; and it is by the power of language that it can also be defeated. In order to dismantle the oppression that has resulted from this categorisation, it will be necessary to implement an “insidious and effective strategy … a thoroughgoing appropriation and redeployment of the categories of identity themselves … in order to render that category, in whatever form, permanently problematic”.7 This feat is to be achieved specifically by “depriving the … narratives of compulsory heterosexuality of their central protagonists: ‘man’ and ‘woman’”.8 The category ‘women’ is particularly promoted as being ripe to be emptied of meaning. It should be
a permanent site of contest … There can be no closure on the category and … for politically significant reasons, there ought never to be. That the category can never be descriptive is the very condition of its political efficacy.9
It is evident that the programme of queer theory is working, in the sense that it is changing and dismantling the language. But does the whole of gender oppression across history really originate in the simple naming of male and female? Because, if it does not, then this new movement is a dead end that is ultimately doomed to failure as far as challenging the structures that bear down on women’s lives.
While it is true that human thought and culture must have developed in tandem with the particulars of our species’ sexual behaviour, reproductive biology and mating systems - such as menstruation, which, although not unique to humans, is unusual among mammals - it is futile to protest that sex did not exist prior to the emergence of the human race.
Queer theory, however, rejects any understanding of human sex or gender that involves biological sciences. Our evolutionary history simply disappears in a puff of smoke:
... to install the principle of intelligibility in the very development of a body is precisely the strategy of a natural teleology that accounts for female development through the rationale of biology. On this basis, it has been argued that women ought to perform certain social functions and not others; indeed, that women ought to be fully restricted to the reproductive domain.10
For those who believe that reproduction is the only societal contribution appropriate to the class of people that possess wombs, by virtue of the fact that they possess wombs, altering the use of the word ‘woman’ cannot change that. It is the reproductive ability itself, not the words used to describe it, that the argument is based on. Nothing materially changes - moving words around will not change the position of the uterus, or its function. It is as futile as rearranging the labels on the deckchairs on the Titanic. Or like renaming the Titanic itself after it has hit the iceberg - thus, miraculously, the Titanic will not sink after all.
Many of the abuses and exploitations that oppress women target the real sexual and reproductive aspects of women’s bodies - our materiality - so a materialist analysis is essential. Can any such analysis work, when its starting point is that sex is a fiction?
Applying Occam’s Razor - accepting the simplest explanation that can account for all the facts - queer theory’s conceptual framework does not cut the mustard. If sex is a fiction invented to enforce heterosexuality and reproduction, it leaves vast swathes of the picture unexplained. An analysis worth its salt would bring together multiple, seemingly different, inexplicable or unconnected aspects of social and cultural attitudes to sex under one schema. A materialist analysis that takes into account the reality that there are two meaningful reproductive sex classes fares far better, and explains far more of the problematic - and often bizarre - social and cultural practices and attitudes around sex.
Is it not a far better explanation that people became aware of the blindingly obvious early on in human development - that there are very clearly only two reproductive roles, and that the anatomical features associated with each are astonishingly easy to identify at birth in nearly all humans? And that the possession of those distinct anatomies resulted in them being named, in the same way that other significant natural phenomena are named - because, irrespective of any relative value placed upon them, they actually exist?
Leaving aside that blatantly obvious counterargument, there is a further problem with queer theory: homosexuality just does not need to be eradicated in order to ensure reproduction. Why? Because occasional heterosexual intercourse, at the right time, during periods of female fertility, is all that is needed. A woman could sleep with a man just once or twice a month, and have it away with another woman for 20-odd nights a month, with exactly the same reproductive outcome. While it is true that there would be no reproduction if every sexual encounter was homosexual, strict heterosexuality, or anything approaching it, is not required to ensure childbearing. Likewise, a fertile man can sleep with a woman a few times a year and be almost certain to father children. And since one man can impregnate many women, significant numbers of men could be largely or exclusively homosexual without any impact on the number of children born - so why persecute and punish homosexual behaviour so severely?
The ‘compulsory heterosexuality’ argument has no basis, once examined in this light, and thus a central plank of queer theory falls easily.
Queer theory proposes that the so-called ‘complementary’ aspects of masculine and feminine behaviour have been created by culture in order to justify the compulsory pairing of male with female. Genders, including the two sexes themselves, are understood to be performative: brought into being by repeated ‘speech acts’ that, through the appearance of authority and the power of naming, actually create that which they name.
Thus, each individual assumes - or grows into, takes on and expresses - a ‘gender’ that is encouraged, promoted, and enforced by social expectations. I broadly agree that many of the observable average differences in male and female behaviour are largely culturally created, and reinforced by oft-repeated societal expectations. The fact that the expectations have to be so often stated, and sometimes violently reinforced, is testament to the fact that those differences are in no way innate, but are driven by the requirement to conform. But the origin of the expectations of ‘complementary’ male and female behaviour is not, as queer theory suggests, to counteract homosexuality and force the pairing of male with female.
The specifics of masculine and feminine behaviour do not point towards such a conclusion. Why is feminine behaviour submissive, while masculine behaviour is dominant? Why not the other way around? Why must one be dominant and the other submissive at all? Wouldn’t a hand signal do instead? How do the particular, specific manifestations of gender serve the purpose of enforcing heterosexuality and eliminating homosexuality, when many of them, such as FGM, reduce heterosexual behaviour in heterosexual women? True, any enforcement would require bullying of some kind, but why is it that so much of the bullying related to sex focuses on (heterosexual) women, and so relatively little on heterosexual men? Why is virginity in women prized but of little account in men? Why is so much actual heterosexual behaviour, that could lead to reproduction, so viciously punished? Why are women punished, humiliated, shamed far more than men for sexual promiscuity - heterosexual promiscuity? Why is it girls, not boys, who are the primary victims of child marriage practices? Why, in so many cultures, are women traditionally not allowed to own property, and children are considered the property of the father and not the mother? What answer does queer theory have to all this? None. It is not even framed as a question that needs to be answered.
All of these disparate cultural practices spring sharply into focus when we understand the simple rule formulated by Friedrich Engels, the primary and founding rule of patriarchy, which exists to enforce the rights, not of men in general, but specifically of fathers: when property is private, belonging to male individuals rather than shared communally, women must bear children only to their husbands.
Why? Because the mechanics of reproduction mean that, while a woman can be certain the children she is raising are indeed her own, a man cannot - unless he knows for sure that the children’s mother cannot have slept with any other man. Thus when private property is concerned, men have a strong motivation to ensure that the children to whom they pass on their wealth are their own offspring. Herewith the origins of monogamous marriage. And with it, as an integral part (indeed as a driving force), the origins of women’s oppression - or “the world historical defeat of the female sex”, according to Engels.11
The gender rules developed in order to ensure paternity and inheritance. This simple explanation takes us a long way to understanding the specifics of how gender oppression manifests itself globally, in the enforced submission of women to men, and specifically to their husbands, and in seemingly disparate cultural values and practices that prevent women from having heterosexual sex with multiple male partners, outside of marriage, or punish them if they do.
How do men, individually and collectively, stop - or attempt to stop - their wives from sleeping with other men? Promises are not enough, as we know. How do you stop anyone from doing something they want to, from expressing their own desires? You bully them. You humiliate, threaten, harass, attack and perhaps - occasionally - even murder them. In these multiple ways you seek to enforce compliance, through assuming social dominance and forcing social submissiveness and subordination. Society and culture evolve around these values, and develop in ways that satisfy the needs and desires of the socially dominant group. Meanwhile members of that socially submissive group are discouraged from banding together (they might mount a revolution), and learn to adapt their own behaviour to avoid harm. And, since conflict is costly, disruptive and traumatic, both groups develop strategies to signal their social position, to defuse and avoid conflict and possible injury, with social rules and expectations developing around these behaviours.
The global hallmarks of masculinity and femininity would be recognised in any other primate species as the unmistakable signs of social dominance and social subordination. Socially dominant primates (and other mammals, plus many other vertebrates) make themselves large, take up space, monopolise resources. These are the core components of masculine behaviour. Subordinate animals drop or avert the gaze, make themselves small, move out of the way, and surrender resources. These are typical feminine behaviours. In primates, attending to the needs of the dominant members of the group, by grooming, is also characteristic of social subordinates. In humans, grooming as such has been replaced by a far broader suite of behaviours that involve serving the needs of the dominant class.
Gendered behaviours and the social values attached to each sex reflect this pattern worldwide. Societies globally and throughout time promote and encourage these masculine and feminine behaviours - better understood as dominant and subordinate behaviours - as appropriate to men and women respectively. Western cultures are no exception.
The enactment of dominance (‘masculinity’) and subordinance (‘femininity’) can be understood as partly learned and partly innate. Innate, in the sense that the expression of these behavioural patterns is an instinctive response to a felt social situation, or social position - anyone will signal submissiveness in the presence of a threatening social dominant who is likely to escalate dangerously if challenged. Thus, nearly everyone signals submissiveness extremely effectively, and unconsciously, as soon as they have a gun pointed at their heads. And it is hard not to display these behaviours, when we feel ourselves to be in the presence of a socially dominant or subordinate individual or group.
So femininity is a stylised display of primate submissiveness - a behavioural strategy that reduces or avoids conflict by reliably signalling submission to social dominants. Members of either sex, when they find themselves towards the bottom of any social hierarchy, deploy different, but similarly ritualised and reliable, submissive gestures. Examples include bowing, curtseying, kneeling or prostration before monarchs; the doffing of caps with downcast eyes and slumping shoulders in the workplace; and the kneeling and bowing (in prayer) that is such a large part of patriarchal organised religions. It is easy to recognise such gestures as signals of submission to social superiors, and they should be opposed as manifestations of social hierarchies that need to be abolished as an implicit part of the project for universal liberation. Neither the bowing and scraping of the dispossessed nor the arrogance and high-handedness of the wealthy should be welcomed or celebrated. It is time to apply the same approach when it comes to gender.
Moving beyond their instinctive component, the specifics of so-called ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ behaviour are learned and then practised until they become habitual; and sometimes deployed consciously and strategically. People do what other people do; children start to mimic others around them, especially those they perceive to be like themselves, at a very young age, perfecting gestures, postures and vocal tones that may be cultural or, within each culture, gendered. Learned and practised from a young age, it is no wonder that these behaviours can feel like a natural part of a person’s core being - especially when they also incorporate an instinctive response that is deployed after rapidly gauging the level of threat posed by others. In addition, both sexes are explicitly taught to behave as expected - and so the dominance of males and the subordination of females is reinforced and perpetuated from one generation to another.
Anything that undermines the position of men as dominant and female as subordinate is a threat to the established order. Thus the second rule of patriarchy: men must not act like women, and women must not act like men.
This explains why homosexuality, cross-dressing and other forms of refusal to conform to gendered expectations are persecuted in many societies. For men to start acting ‘like women’, either sexually or socially – ie, submissively, which has come to include being penetrated sexually - would be to undermine and threaten the superior role of all men. Similarly, for a woman to act ‘like a man’ is a shocking insurrection - she must be kept down, and such behaviour has to be punished and made taboo. Since clothing and other behaviours are cultural markers that help to distinguish between the two sexes, cross-dressing breaks this law very blatantly. And further, to allow cross-dressing potentially allows the mixing of the sexes in ways that could undermine paternity rights.
On this reading, then, the persecution of homosexuality, cross-dressing and all other forms of gender non-conformity originated secondarily from the enforcement not of compulsory heterosexuality, but of compulsory monogamy for women in the interests of ensuring paternity rights. This is an important distinction, for, while it accepts that gendered behaviours and values are cultural, it acknowledges the material existence of the two sexes as a real and significant phenomenon, with powerful influences on societal development.
Combating oppression
Understanding and placing ourselves as animals with real, material, biologically sexed bodies - rather than the smoke-and-mirrors erasure of sex and materiality itself that queer theory promotes - gives us a far more powerful tool to understand and combat the oppression of women, and homosexual and transsexual or transgender people, than queer theory’s baseless speculations ever can.
It explains not only the different social and cultural values and expectations around men and women, but it also explains many of the specifics of what they are and why the expectations are so strongly hierarchical. Women must be submissive to men (‘feminine’) because they must be controlled - from the male perspective, in order to bear children fathered by the man who controls them. From their own point of view, they must allow themselves to be controlled, and teach each other to be controlled, in order to avoid injury or worse. It also explains widespread cultural practices that control the sexual lives and reproduction of women - from FGM to child marriage, to taboos around female virginity and pregnancy outside of marriage. These things happen because sex is observable, and real, and known from birth. At birth, it is in nearly all cases blatantly obvious whether a person can be reasonably expected to be capable of bearing a child, or of inseminating a woman, and it is on this basis that the two sexes exist as classes. To suggest otherwise is to enter the realm of absolute fantasy, or at least of extreme idealism, which indeed queer theory does, since “to ‘concede’ the undeniability of ‘sex’ or its ‘materiality’ is always to concede some version of ‘sex’, some formation of ‘materiality’.”12
The current queer theory-led trans movement seeks to dismantle the second law of patriarchy - men must not act like women, women must not act like men. We do indeed need a movement against sex-based oppression that acknowledges and unites against that law. We need to work towards a world where qualities like strength, assertiveness, caring and gentleness are rewarded, encouraged and promoted in both sexes rather than mocked and punished when they are exhibited by the ‘wrong’ sex; where it is impossible for men to act ‘like women’, or women to act ‘like men’, because gendered expectations attached to each sex no longer exist and anyone can, without censure or even mild surprise, be an engineer or a carer, be logical or emotional or wear a dress or make-up or high heels or a tie or cut their hair short, irrespective of their sex. But to pretend that the sexes themselves do not exist is a nonsense. And it is a dangerous nonsense, when it obscures and denies the existing power relations between men and women.
Female oppression is not an inevitable consequence of the differences between male and female bodies. Yes, the fact that men are bigger and stronger on average can make it easier for them to establish social dominance through direct physical threat; while the risk of being left literally holding the baby and having to provide for it can put women in an economically vulnerable position, where social subordination is a likely outcome. But under different material conditions - and a different value system - there is no reason why we cannot shed these destructive, dysfunctional habits of gender that oppress and limit our humanity.
There is nothing inherent in being a man that makes men oppress women - it is their position in society that allows them to do it, and rewards women who collude with them. Power is the ability to harm without being harmed yourself, and therefore, with sufficient motivation, many people when they have power will use it to cause harm. Currently, men very frequently have that power in relation to women, and so they use it, resulting in very many harms. When, within any given social grouping or class, men occupy a position of power with respect to women, it is not an inevitable effect of human biology: it is a position gifted by property, by wealth, by tradition and by law.
We must seek to rebalance power to prevent harm. That involves, among many other things, abolishing both masculinity and femininity - no progressive cause should support or perpetuate a social system in which dominance is encouraged in one group, while social submissiveness is promoted in others. It is absolutely contrary to all ideas of human dignity and liberation. How could any liberatory movement adopt a position that posits an innate, inescapable hierarchical system at the heart of human nature, with close to 50% of humanity born inescapably into a submissive role?
But in today’s gender debate, the position of queer theory-inspired trans activists is exactly that. For them, to be a ‘woman’ is not to be female, but to be ‘feminine’- in other words, to be a ‘woman’ is to be submissive. It is here that we begin to see the true social regressiveness of this supposedly liberatory movement. For, while it is understood that biology does not determine the gender of trans people, the flipside of that argument is that most people’s gender is indeed innate, as social conservatives have always thought. Why? Because, according to trans activism, most people are ‘cis’ - they ‘identify’ as the gender they were born into. If 1% are trans, then 99% are cis; perhaps being trans is more common, especially if it includes the non-binary category, but still the vast majority of people are cis. So, since most people born with female reproductive systems are ‘cis’ women, they are supposedly innately feminine, which is to say, innately submissive, subordinate, and servile. Meanwhile a similar proportion of people born with male reproductive systems are considered to be ‘cis’ men: innately masculine, and therefore born into a socially dominant role. It is likely that many activists and well-meaning people on the sidelines of this debate have not thought it through far enough to understand that this is the logical and necessary conclusion of their arguments.
While most trans activists avoid definitions like the plague, such a conclusion is borne out by the attempts of some to redefine ‘woman’ and ‘female’. Definitions of ‘woman’ include such gems as: “a person who acts in accordance with traditional gender roles assigned to the female sex” and “anyone that culturally identifies and presents as the combination of stereotypes and cultural norms we define as feminine” or “adhering to social norms of femininity, such as being nurturing, caring, social, emotional, vulnerable and concerned with appearance”. And femaleness is “a universal sex defined by self-negation … I’ll define as female any psychic operation in which the self is sacrificed to make room for the desires of another … [The] barest essentials [of femaleness are] an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes.”13
This is what we are fighting. It is why we are fighting. We refuse to submit.
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mikaorangeart · 4 years
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Can’t serve an eldritch fear god if you ain’t cute!
I decided to try & get back into Copics yesterday, as well as playing around with fashion. I honestly really don’t like marker as a medium; the results always have this weird, grainy look, and solid colors usually end up looking desaturated and messy. I remember being in middle/high school and thinking Copics were THE art supply, but now that both I and my art skillz have grown... *sigh*
And to no one’s surprise, I’ve done yet another piece of TMA fanart. I think this is, like, the eighth piece of fully-fledged TMA art I’ve done. (As well as my nine billionth drawing of Oliver Banks.) It’s through fanart of The Magnus Archives that I’ve made some of my best art ever, though, so I’m not exactly complaining.
A few notes on my brainrot headcanons about their various fashion senses:
Annabelle really embraced the whole “Miss Muffet” look via more casual gothic lolita fashion. She probably has a few ouji looks, too. I’m projecting my lesbian feelings surrounding gender presentation onto Annabelle, and I’m very valid.
Michael always wears tie-dye T-shirts, The Transmasc Button-Down(TM), or both. (This is both before and after the Distortion forcibly kinned him.) Helen wears God-awful 80s style pantsuits and kitten heels. These are canon.
Elias dresses like somewhere between one of the slightly more boring Met Gala attendees, and someone who’s headed to his 14th divorce hearing. (Guess who he’s divorcing.)
Oliver? Fucker is an overgrown goth. He saw The Matrix as a teenager and never looked back.
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venuskind · 4 years
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Masculine Leadership and Feminine Submission⠀ ⠀ It is so compelling to let someone else take the lead and surrender or take the position of leadership and dominate. After all the journey has been long and we had to fight and work hard on our own and feel depleted or tired or felt disempowered and unacknowledged and will grasp at any chance to leave that behind.⠀ ⠀ When I look at it closely and feel into my response, I hear the voice of the wounded child that wants to be nurtured and taken care of resonate with my pull to accommodate this narrative. I see the aspect of self that is lazy and wants things handed to it instead of creating and working for them resonate with this. I sense the appeal to my masculine to take its "rightful" position of leadership, the promise of empowerment reverberating in it. The validation of "I know best" that the ego holds, the illusory promise and feel of "right order of things" hailing from millennia of conditioned gender roles and narratives. I see residual and persistent thought forms, emotive responses and beliefs arising from patriarchal romantic conditionings resonate with it.⠀ ⠀ And so I sit in silence and let the narrative of the leading masculine and surrendered feminine hover in space as my awareness illuminates it to know its nature, level of truthfulness and distortion. Drawing on eclectic spiritual teachings, knowing, insights, sensed and felt experiences with both energies my observations are combined and recombined with these to illumine and distill more of the underlying patterns, energies and archetypal forces at play in this narrative and in the seeding, enforcing and amplification of this new agey subgroup of patriarchal gender narratives.⠀ ⠀ I sense the overlay and undercurrent of history and the affinity of the ego to recreate the past in its mistaken idea of safety.I recognize the blindness towards the nature and quality of both energy signatures arising from matrix conditioning, incapable of perceiving the reality of the energy while the mind keeps projecting and overlaying it with subconsciously held narratives of masculinity and femininity. I see how entrancing and actively resistant these narratives are to the perception of existence beyond the concepts of the matrix or even imagination beyond the entrenched narratives which are heavily protected by weaponized cognitive dissonances. From the detachment of a higher vantage point of perception, i.e. beyond self-identification and its limiting factors, this is quite amusing to observe. A highly intelligent and deceptive virus (patriarchy) adept at adapting to and defeating his hosts immune system strategies by making the immune system believe it is part of its defense and serving the wellbeing of the host. It is fascinating and entertaining, I can see why consciousness chooses to play at this in so many variations, layers and dimensions. From my blended perception, i.e. from a union of human and higher Self perception, I lean towards wanting to engage with more reality and leave the games of egoic illusions, archetypal storylines, wars over layers of the matrix artifice behind me. These games feel exhausting, futile, senseless, destructive, stale and repetitive. I want more, I want different, something new. I now operate more and more from the knowing of my essential conscious/divine/energetic nature. My practice of making more time for being in that nature and experiencing life from that state is shedding layers upon layers of conditioning, ancestral and karmic burdens of distortions and allows me to clear my eyes, heart and mind to perceive life anew. To dream of bringing into being new and more joyful ways of perceiving, making sense, relating, creating and being on this planet and with all that is. Rehashing old games of duality, gender oppositions, disempowering relational dynamics, pigeonholing ourselves in ever more fragmented identities, beliefs, opinions and groups is a slow and painful path to walk from where I perceive things. Nonetheless, I respect people's choices to experience life in that way. We came here to experience life in individual ways which serve and grow our soul's journey and ultimately the evolution and self-exploration of divine consciousness and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of that. I am all for exploring and playing with power dynamics in life, relating and creating. I don't mind being in a submissive role or a dominant role. But that is all it can be for me: a role I choose to play with awareness, not who I am. I AM so much more than the narrow definition of the feminine or masculine in the new age mindset or current narrative spin. I AM all, I can embody all traits, roles, expressions and play with all. As can everyone else. Why limit myself to a stale overplayed repertoire when I came here to drink experience to my fill? There is so much the new age propagandists don't seem to understand about the way the feminine and masculine energies work together or what the hieros gamos feels like when embodied. The idea that "one leads and the other follows" is painfully colored by patriarchal dominator thinking and cannot even come close to fathom the beauty of how the union of masculine and feminine expresses, feels, senses and vibrates. There is no leadership in union. Who is there to be lead and who can lead in oneness? What is this foolish nonsense we are being served up if not the regurgitation of old paradigm thinking? If you have experienced and felt the union of masculine & feminine within, you will know the numinous nature of the union and how it creates and acts, which defy words and explanations as we lack proper concepts and words to hope to express it even in the vaguest terms. Similar observations can be made in the experience of union between self and higher Self. There is still so much we have to EXPERIENCE for ourselves to truly KNOW about reality. Higher experiences defy the limitations of our current perceptions, thinking, culture, norms, languages and modes of communication. The invitation I extend to those who are willing to read, listen and reflect upon this is to explore new paths and pioneer novel, playful, expansive explorations beyond the pitiful and limited archetypal narratives humanity has been handing their power over to for millennia. Join us in owning our quantum consciousness nature and let us play outside the limiting normativity and prescriptivity that some try to lord over our minds, hearts and bodies. Let us strip off the narratives, identifications and labels that make us susceptible to the allure of their cat's gold of matrix fueled illusions and let us alchemize real gold of consciousness with Spirit. There is so much more to explore, be, learn, create, experience, share, give, receive and become one with. Let us not settle for less than our soul's and consciousness are capable and hungry for! With love and blessings to all ways of dancing the dance of consciousness. Art by Unknown Source: https://venuskind.de/2020/02/masculine-and-feminine/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ezke1oVhK/?igshid=1exilwu6q5mth
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red-diaper-babies · 5 years
Reclaiming Red Pill
Online, a person who has “accepted” certain traditionalist myths about men and women and the roles they ought to play in society is said to have “take the red pill” or are “redpilled” (a reference to that scene from The Matrix). The Red Pill presents itself as a complex philosophy that is brutally honest about the nature of sexual relationships between men and women and the countless dangers of feminism which have conspired in scores of unhappy men and women. Most of it is just rehashed biological essentialism, with perhaps a touch of postmodern nihilism.
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Thanks to my morbid curiosity, I’ve been exposure to this ugly, misogynistic subculture through it’s now “quarantined” home on Reddit and the several watchdog/satire subreddits, such as r/thebluepill, that keep an eye on it and the several related internet subcultures it has spawned (incels, Men Going Their Own Way, etc.). These online communities are known collectively as “the manosphere.”
Red Pill evangelicals insist that their movement is about male self-improvement, which is a fascinating angle for a women-hating philosophy to adopt, but upon further inspection it makes perfect sense that they lead with this. Proto- and Crypto-Fascist ideologies (and The Red Pill absolutely is one of these) are extremely opportunistic; they seize upon important and emerging fissures in society and supplant a critical materialist explanation with reactionary dogma and, as always, use this dogma to prescribe as a fix both wanton cruelty and a return to a Golden Past that is distorted or nonexistent. They sell a vision of a time when a man could sit comfortably on a couch in a clean house after a hard day of work, well behaved children out of earshot, homemade meal in his stomach, and awaiting the delivery of a cold beer from his grateful wife, and feel like he deserved this, that he'd earned it. They sell a fantasy.
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Why does the fantasy appeal to so many heterosexual, cis-men? What fissure has this ideology grown out of? Men in Western society, and perhaps particularly in America, find themselves in a crisis of identity. The roots of this crisis are primarily economic, and as complex as they are, can be simplified in this way: as the rate of profit has steadily fallen in the postwar era, more and more social labor is required from families (or per individual), and less and less net pay it making its way into the family's checking account. By social labor, we mean labor done outside the home that is traded for wages. As we know, real wages are stagnant and prices are rising; preserving a standard of living requires bringing in more income. The natural consequence is that dual income households have become more common (and necessary), from the working poor all the way through the upper-middle class, for the last five decades. A notable side effect is that, as the presence of women in professional careers has been normalized, women are more often finding themselves the primary breadwinner in the family, supplanting a host of traditional expectations about familial roles. Fifteen years ago this tension was a favorite source of material for stand-up comics and sitcoms; now it's passe to even comment on, but the insecurities and dislocation persist.
Heterosexual, cis-men's traditional and patriarchal role in the family, which was often imbued with the power to unilaterally direct the family's resources, was tightly interwoven with their prescribed role as "provider." The social order of the day was at the time tasked with preserving this status quo; putting up glass ceilings, limiting access to higher education, permitting rampant sexual harassment/assault, legalized discrimination, on and on. This is not to say that women haven't always worked, especially in the working class, but by and large they had access only to a few professions and were otherwise capped at lower wages and lower ranks. 
To whatever extent this role was actually realized by men of previous generations, it seems this has been turned upside down. This has been very disorienting for many men, not least of all because they are also finding themselves expected to do more and more of the "reproductive labor" that used to be taken care of by a stay-at-home spouse (or servant) just a generation or two ago. By reproductive labor, we mean the labor that maintains the workers themselves and provides for the nurturance of the next generation of workers. Reproductive labor is often referred to as household labor.
It will come as no surprise to many women that, as their share of social labor has increased, they nonetheless continue to perform the majority of reproductive labor, both globally and domestically. Those figures get even more stark if you factor in emotional labor and the facilitation and managerial tasks we've come to call "mental load." This strip by French cartoonist Emma demonstrates the significant weight of mental load, and the repercussions it's inequitable distribution has had on women and Heterosexual marriages. 
Indeed, Red Pillers acknowledge this inequity right off the bat. They gleefully ridicule other heterosexual cis-men for being irresponsible, lazy, selfish, gluttonous, and unattractive. They see it as an unfortunate norm that fathers are directed by wives on where to go, what to do, what to wear, or are altogether left out as the woman goes about the business of running a family while simultaneously pulling a full-time job. They bemoan the "Homer Simpson-ification" of the western man, who has, we're to believe, been transformed by feminism and mainstream media into an extra child that the wife/mother must care for, instead of the "captain" that she needs and truely desires (the Nazi's promised each man would be the "Fuhrer" of their household). Their diagnosis is based on biological essentialist dogma; their prescription is based on an idealist return to a time that never really existed; but the problem they identify is a real one. Men by and large struggle with relating to their families in positive ways, particularly as their role has shifted, and we on the Left, particularly we cis-men in Heterosexual relationships, must address this problem ideologically, through our political work, and in our own lives.
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Wolfgang Willrich, The Aryan Family (1930)
The answer, of course, lies not in moving society backwards, but forwards. An inequitable division of labor, particularly founded on the oppression of women, is unacceptable. So to is a world that enforces strict gender role conformity and uses a division of labor to drive a wedge between men and women. In everything we do, we must assert the scientific truth: all major differences between men and women in ideology, ability, and behavior are acculturated or perceived, not biologically determined. We must be self-critical about the assumptions we make about who should do what and how much/how often. We should promote a vision of fatherhood and parenthood which is dedicated, affectionate, nurturing, disciplined, collaborative, and as communal as our society allows. We should invest our mental and emotional energy and time as dutifully at home as we do at work. We should hold each other accountable (gracefully and supportively). And we must do this as much for our activist spaces as well as our social and work spaces.
I’ve always been salty that the right has appropriated “red” in this instance. Red should belong to us. The real Red Pill reveals a world full of ideological justifications for the exploitation of women and the infantilism of men, and once you see it, it's impossible to unsee. Women really can do it all, perhaps not all the time or forever, but they do it everyday; the question is, who does this benefit? Men's discomfort with their changing role in the world suggests that we are beginning to see the danger in our own dependency (as opposed to interdependency) and increasing irrelevance, all because we lack the imagination necessary to break out of the outdated patterns and expectations and weave new kinds of bonds with our wives and children. 
So whatever the color, it’s time for men to swallow whatever pill is necessary to see our responsibilities towards domestic life for what it is, and what it could be. This is not about making men “men,” again, but about being an adult. Are we full, equal, responsible participants in the managing of our homes and the rearing of our children? The order of the day is partnership, and this is a good thing, for the liberation of women and the formulation of a new, positive identity for men. 
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This energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry.
This hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the trinity (unity) code would not be accessible.
It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions.
It also was creating Monadic reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Twin Consciousness Matrix". This Gender Splitting is related to the NRG ( Nephelim Reversal Grids) and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.
Since our God source code is a Trinity Wave accessed through the merging of polarity, such as the merging of masculine and feminine energies, our species has been suppressed connecting to God through the sacred union of the male and female. Sacred Union is our divine birthright and this organic architecture is now being returned to our species as Hieros Gamos. This pattern is changing now on our planet and we are able to access a new unity code through these "Rod and Staff" embodiment. This embodiment is also referred to as Hieros Gamos, and is the foundation of the HGS system.
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madamlaydebug · 6 years
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The Pedophile Agenda This brings us to the most important topic of the pedophile agenda that is a segment of the mainstreaming of the satanism agenda, occurring more aggressively in the western culture. This ideology is being further reinforced by the primitive beliefs held in third world poverty-stricken populations from war-torn or economically ravaged countries, where murder, rape, child brides and extreme violence are every day normalized events. The most traumatic and damaging event that can happen to the soul of a developing baby or child, is sexual abuse from an adult. This is why sexual abuse of children is the highest priority of those that commit Satanic Ritual Abuse for gaining power and control in the material world, and of those pedophiles that are ultimately being controlled by the NAA to spread acceptance of this depravity. Collecting sexual energy from children is the holy grail of the NAA, and they use this energy in Moloch battery tanks that power up the black magic grids. Sexual abuse of a child that is committed through vaginal or rectal intercourse can easily damage the fetal cells in the tailbone, which explodes the inner circuitry at the perineum and causes rips and holes in the victim’s aura. Sometimes the fetal cells on the tailbone will explode from forceful and brutal impact, and that cell contains coiled kundalini current that will explode out of the lightbody circuitry and nervous system, producing extremely devastating physical trauma and emotional pain. If the sexual impact is forceful the kundalini cell can explode up the central channel momentarily, rising into the brain and cerebral spinal fluid, which can damage the bio-neurology through dissociative states, mental and emotional fracturing, psychotic break and subsequent entity attachments to the fragments. This is a preferred method to generate mind-controlled slaves, and is commonly understood as Satanic Ritual Abuse used in MKUltra or Monarch programming, that is still rampant in the Hollywood celebrity or sex slave culture today. This was brought to the United States by the high-level Nazi’s at the end of World War II, using techniques that were given to them by the Black Suns. Obviously, a child with a much smaller body than an adult abuser, can be severely spiritually damaged in a multitude of ways by sexual assault, experiencing a massive amount of painful trauma, fear and emotional dysfunction that is carried with them their entire lifetime. Many times, the abused become the abusers and the cycle interchanges endlessly throughout generations of learned abuse. Whether an adult or child, the internal circuity that makes up the major bodily meridians intersect into the perineum where the chi energy is circulated throughout the entire body. To interrupt the inner circuitry from moving upwards or damage the fetal cells on the tailbone, injury and harm is applied to this area of the perineum, and thus the sexual energies are siphoned downward towards the earth moving in the reverse direction.  The 2D opening into the soul matrix layers of the lightbody are located in the sexual organs, it is in the cervix for females, and in the prostate gland area for males. During intercourse possible infiltration, implantation and entity attachment can occur when breaching these consciousness portals in the sexual organs. Sexual abuse, rape or disconnected sex can infiltrate the sexual organs with implants and attachments that are used to reverse gender principle by reversing the inner sexual energies to run a reversal base shield, and block the perineum circuitry entirely through tailbone implant. This is called the “anti-sex” configuration when sexual energy is running reversals from out of the perineum or root areas. The anti-sex reversal configuration will attract entities of sexual addiction, and thus sexual addiction is very common among people that abuse their sexual energies. They will feel constantly depleted and looking for a hit of orgasm to feed a hungry entity attachment or feed addictive reactions that impulse cravings in the bio-neurology. The damage made to the 2D energy systems that impact the sexual organs to run reversal energies, generate blockages that prevent biological spiritual ascension, many times preventing kundalini from opening and moving upwards in the central vertical channel. If the kundalini energies are opened, many times they are running in reverse, the inner merkaba spiral is descending and feeding into reversal energies in the earth. This is the strategy of the NAA, who are attacking the sexual energies of humanity in order to get as many humans to abuse their sexual energies and run reversal merkaba shields as possible, to feed the checkerboard mutation. The first target is the most vulnerable, the children of earth, by making them acceptable sexual objects to be abused and told that this abuse is equated with love. SRA survivors can feel great shame when this sexual addiction is the result of horrific early abuse, however it is important to realize that this is how these entities hijack the body from out of our control. We must apply effort to regain control over our physical body functions, and that starts with getting control over our thoughtforms and belief systems. They intentionally violate sexual boundaries so a person does not know how to restore dignity and purity to the sexual organs, or to practice healthy, loving self-care that respects our physical body. To restore our sexual energies into a corrected pattern, moving them upwards into our heart, we must unconditionally love ourselves and our sexual organs, practicing healthy sexual hygiene. One thing is certain, people are being used as pawns in the checkerboard mutation that plays the reversals in the SRA game of the NAA, and many are unaware of the spiritual reality in which we are living. The lack of empathy and compassion we have for ourselves, as well as for the many serious abuses that are committed against others, is what produces narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths for a death culture run by the Controllers. When the human heart is broken and the soul is disconnected, it generates extreme distortions of mental sickness and pain filled diseased behavior that goes unnoticed and then starts to become increasingly normalized, as if it is a right to choose abusive and self-destructive patterns. These are the main goals behind the psychological warfare of spreading worldwide Satanic Ritual Abuse via the pedophile agenda, courtesy of the power-hungry Controllers and the NAA.
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woman-loving · 7 years
why isn't socialization tied to biology? i hope you don't mind if an ftm follows this blog, but i know i have a lot of trouble fitting in with cis men. and sometimes there are classes to help trans women adopt female mannerisms. it's very obvious how i was treated differently before and after transition and i do think feminism accurately describes the childhood i had even if i don't identify as a girl and was very uncomfortable with my body. socialization isn't chosen so i don't disagree with it
Let me pose a different question. If gender socialization were rigidly deterministic, how could we account for the variety of social and subjective outcomes produced by it? 
I’m not prepared to give a thorough overview of socialization. However, it’s clear that for many feminists, the actual nature of gender socialization is less important than its political use as a boundary marker for womanhood, for feminist authority, and for feminist priority. Any conversation about socialization needs to address this baggage first.
As it is, the concept of gender socialization has been distorted and ossified within radical feminism (especially) to fulfill two functions. First, to explain how people with a female birth assignment are meaningfully “women.” And second, to rationalize why trans women couldn’t be. Both represent the same project IMO, which is to define what and who is the subject of feminism or lesbianism (with all the political and social implications associated with that). Explanations of socialization have been tailored to produce the desired answers to these questions. 
Defining “women” as a political or social position (e.g. a class within patriarchy) would bypass the problem of gender/sex essentialism, which many feminists rightly call into question. However, in an effort to limit this class position to “females,” radical feminists have re-linked it to anatomy through the concept of socialization. The result is a new gender/sex essentialism. Womanhood is identified in an essentialized result of “female socialization,” which is said to proceed exclusively and inflexibly from female sex assignment. A natural, rigid, biological distinction between “male” and “female” is uncritically affirmed as a basis for this assignment (and subsequent claims to womanhood). 
With “female socialization” named as the maker of womanhood and linked intractably to sex assignment, it can then be used to disqualify trans women from womanhood. The logic goes that trans women are inherently male, therefore are male-socialized, therefore are embodiments of patriarchy and female oppression. Their bodies, presence in women’s or lesbian spaces, and very conceptual existence are framed as a (sexual) violation of “women” and as a reinforcement of patriarchy. If this were true, trans women would necessarily need to be eliminated as part of a feminist program.
I’m sure you’re aware of this loaded nature of “socialization.” What I’m hearing is that you want recognition for the way socialization has shaped you and dictated your childhood experiences, and you sense that a shift in the understanding of socialization could compromise your interpretation of your experience. 
To be clear, interpreting FTM/trans men’s socialization isn’t a primary concern of this blog. But if we want to understand the process of socialization, we first need to think about what socialization is. 
Just grabbing some sociological definitions from google, socialization is “the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society;” it’s “a learning process, one that involves development or changes in the individual’s sense of self.” What’s important here is that socialization is: 1) a learning process; and 2) related to subjectivity (an individual’s sense of self). 
The learning process by which we internalize the values and worldviews of our society–and form a subjective location within the social matrix–is complex. Social learning in general is complex. It can involve both direct and indirect messages about gender. A parent encouraging a child to behave in some ways while scolding them for behaving in others, on the basis of whether the behavior is appropriate for boys or girls, sends a direct message about what boys and girls are supposed to be like. The parent is also sending the message that the child is/should be a boy or a girl, but that’s just one part of the lesson, and won’t automatically determine a person’s sense of self just because it is repeated.
Children (and adults) are also inundated with indirect messages about gender. We constantly witness gendered behaviors and interactions, and the responses they elicit. A child might witness how their mother interacts with their father and vice versa. They’ll see how adults interact with other adults and children of different genders, and how other children interact with each other. Gender and gendered interactions are depicted in media, in marketing, through divisions of labor, and in other areas. These interactions do not just broadcast messages about gender in isolation, but also signal how gender is constructed through race and class, etc. 
The result is a complex system of gendered meanings, which we all encounter, learn, and (re)produce throughout our lifetimes.
How a gendered subjectivity and social location is developed in an individual must also be complex, and it’s a process that’s poorly understood. There is not a universal “female subjectivity” or “female experience of socialization.” Not only are our experiences informed by factors such as culture, race, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, religion, and class, but they are also personalized in terms of our immediate social and family environment. The structure of our family; the beliefs and values of our family members, mentors, and friends; idiosyncrasies in the way people interact with us–not to mention sheer random events in our lives–all influence our social experience and subjective development.
Furthermore, our own individuality must be taken into account. Our personality, neurotype, interests, beliefs, affinities, and mode of presentation (etc) can also affect what we are exposed to, who or what we identify with, how people interact with us, and what subjective effect our experiences have on us. 
For example, I’m the oldest of three sisters. As pre-teens and teenagers, my sisters began to express an interest in makeup and clothes, and cultivated more typically feminine aesthetics, often with each other or with their friends. I’ve never been interested in makeup; it wasn’t pushed on us by my parents and it wasn’t a big deal among my friends. Consequently, I never learned much about it. Many of the other trappings of femininity are also a mystery to me, and I don’t relate to many images of feminine womanhood. Why did this aspect of socialization pass over me and not them?
Given the complexity of the learning process and the variability in individual subjective outcomes, I can’t conclude that socialization is tied deterministically to a single factor like biology or sex assignment.
That’s all I have to say about socialization for now. I hope it gives an idea of what my approach to gender will be on this blog. 
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