#gay mormons in a closet
the-rockinahard-place · 5 months
an update to this post:
I went to the new year’s mormon dance and soldier boy ended up being there. I again spent the whole time practically staring at him until one of the last slow songs. My friend finally convinced me to ask him to dance. I had bailed earlier, but I didn’t want a repeat cinderella story, so I gathered 5 seconds of courage and asked him.
“would you like to dance?” And just like I predicted, he said
“pfft- no, go find a girl to dance with”
so even though my gaydar was blasting to me that soldier boy is gay, ig it was either broken or he’s not ready yet. either way I’m slightly heart broken. homophobia never seems to die.
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justventingok · 1 year
Closeted and questioning friends, remember that pride is for you, too. Even if it's completely private.
Scared to post about allyship this month because it might make loved ones question your sexuality? I see you.
Hurting while watching others celebrate pride publicly because you carry your secrets alone? I see you.
Embarrassed because you consider yourself part of the LGBTQ+ community, but you don't feel you belong at pride events? I see you.
Your journey is yours. Pride also belongs to you.
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bpdjennamaroney · 8 months
me and the married closeted gay republican mormon law clerk i pulled by crying in the bathroom, clocking him as gay and berating him for his religion and politics
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goosemixtapes · 8 months
max's favorite short stories & articles!
to be updated as i read new things! "articles" could be anything from political points to philosophical musings to fascinating stories. obligatory statement that i don't necessarily agree with everything in every one of these stories/articles, but i think about them a lot and want to share :)
short stories
Avi Cantor Has Six Months To Live by Sacha Lamb (@kuttithevangu) (novella) (so says the writing on the bathroom mirror. of gender & judaism & magic and t4t trans guys. cw for suicidal ideation and bullying)
Epistolary by Sascha Lamb ("The [stuffed] frog you are selling on your blog is MINE and he is NOT HAUNTED and his name is MOSHE not BILLY HOPPER.")
Chokechain by Andrew Joseph White (a trans man discovers his parents have replaced him with a robot version of his pretransition self. cw for transphobia and violence)
Sandrine by Alexandra Munck (the tagline for this one is "I dated a sun god in college" but that doesn't do justice to the sheer concept here please read this)
The Traveler Wife by yves. @yvesdot (an astronaut writes to the wife she left back home)
You Wouldn't Have Known About Me by Calvin Gimpelevich (set in a hospital ward where patients are recovering from gender-confirming surgery)
No Flight Without the Shatter by Brooke Bolander (novella) ("After the world’s end, the last young human learns a final lesson from Earth’s remaining animals." cw for climate change/extinction)
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead by Brooke Bolander (what if you had to death-match-fight a virtual version of yourself at your meanest made by your boyfriend whose life you're trying to save would that be fucked up or what. cws for guns and violence)
Hell is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang (stories that clock you in the fucking teeth in the religious trauma.)
A Serpent for Each Year by Tamara Jerée (microfiction) ("Our relationship is almost a year old when I ask Nal why she is covered in snakes." cw for animal death)
The Front Line by W.C. Dunlap (microfiction) (cited as one of the world's finest attention-grabber openings. cws for police brutality, racism, and SA)
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience by Rebecca Roanhorse (step into the simulation and gain an authentic experience! cws for anti-Native racism and alcohol)
The Husband Stitch by Carmen Maria Machado (one of the best stories ever written. once there was a girl with a green ribbon around her neck...)
The Drownings by Brenda Peynado (a rash of drownings fascinates and hypnotizes a town of preteens who dream of death and immortality)
Other Worlds and This One by Cadwell Turnbull (a brotherly relationship collides with a theory about atomic particles, space, and time)
And Then There Were (N-One) by Sarah Pinsker (a convention of alternate-universe selves--all Sarah Pinskers--becomes a murder mystery)
articles & essays
Lockhart's Lament (on how math is taught in schools. that is, badly. one of the most cathartic essays i've ever read on education)
Against Cop Shit by Jeffrey Moro (on adversarial education)
I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out. by Jennifer Coates (do you have to be out to be a woman? cw for transphobia, homophobia, and eating disorders)
Debunking "Trans Women Are Not Women" Arguments by Julia Serano (comprehensive, well-written, good to have as a reference point)
On Liking Women by Andrea Long Chu (and on the politics of desire)
Turning a Unicorn Into a Bat by Josh and Lolly Weed (on Mormonism, love, and whether a gay man and a straight woman can marry happily. cw for homophobia)
Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price (musings on motivation from a social psychologist and professor)
How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Peterson (how come everything happens so much?)
White Women Drive Me Crazy by Aisha Mirza (on the harm caused by white women. cw for racism)
Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong by Michael Hobbes (should be required reading for everyone at this point. cw for fatphobia and eating disorders)
Becoming Anne Frank by Dara Horn (on the cultural fascination with Anne Frank. cw for antisemitism)
The Ecstasy of Influence by Jonathan Lethem ([on/a] plagiarism)
On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People by Patricia Taxxon (video essay) (ostensibly what the title says, but actually a detailed musing on the essential properties of furry media and the freedom of dehumanization; changed my life a bit)
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cowboyera · 2 months
So I am planning on coming out to my mom this weekend, and this is an interesting thing since I have posted a lot about my experience of being 'closeted' (at least to my parents) and I still think this is kind of an... underrepresented experience in the queer Internet? Like certainly not absent, but something people don't talk about/experience as much as they used to. We don't even have coming out to my mom YouTube videos anymore. And the experience of being closeted is always framed in relation to eventually coming out, which I didn't do for like. 6-7 years. Anyways. Here are my still-closeted thoughts about things I want for when I come out to my mom
I want her to know that this has nothing to do with me leaving the (Mormon) church. There are plenty of queer mormons who stay in the church and there are plenty of straight people who leave. The reasons I left the church genuinely has no connection to me being gay
I want her to know that I have known for a long time, this is not a new thing. And with that,
Everything that you have said about gay people in front of me I have remembered, and you said that in front of a gay person and that hurt me. It also led me to believe you would react to me in a certain way. So I'm sure you can understand why I haven't come out before now
I want you to have the opportunity to support me, but that has to be a complete version of me, without being able to pick and choose the parts that you like and agree with and the parts that you don't.
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nerdygaymormon · 2 months
Are many of the young gay Mormon guys traveling from house to house gay? Some of them are very charming. I'm gay and have often thought about it.
I think you're referring to the missionaries. Out of the 70,000+ serving, I've only heard of a handful who are out as gay, seriously only about 5. Undoubtedly there's a number who are gay and not out.
For those who are gay and not out, they would likely deny it if they were asked. They are never alone, so one of the other missionaries would for sure overhear that conversation, and there's a lot of anti-gay bias that makes it easier in many ways for a missionary to remain in the closet. Unfortunately, part of that pressure to remain in the closet also is that a number of gay individuals think they're making a deal with God, that if I go and do this big thing and be a missionary for a few years, then God will take away my gayness so that when I come home I'll be straight, but as you know, it doesn't work that way.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Bengiyo Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those who are not aware, I have decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s Queer Cinema Syllabus and have officially started Unit 3: Faith and Religion. The films in Unit 3 are: But I’m a Cheerleader (2000), Prayers for Bobby (2009), Latter Days (2003), Blackbird (2014), The Wise Kids (2011), Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015)
Today I will be writing about
Latter Days (2003) dir. C. Jay Cox
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[Run Time: 1:48 , Available: tubi, youtube premium, amazon but you have to get a free trial to something else…I tried watching it…somewhere else but they were updating the movie so I caved and went to tubi, Lang: English] 
Summary: Latter Days is a 2003 American romantic comedy-drama film about a gay relationship between a closeted Mormon missionary and his openly gay neighbor. (from wiki)
Cast: * Wes Ramsey as Christian Markelli * Steve Sandvoss as Elder Aaron Davis 
Content Warnings because I don't really write about those parts of the movie here: this film gets to a dark place, it includes self harm/a suicide attempt, homophobia, medical torture, and a story about being left to die by a parent. Alright, so after sufficiently crying my eyes out binging Eternal Yesterday, I decided there was enough time in the evening to knock out another film from the syllabus. Today’s film was (partially) about Mormons and Mormonism. My own personal understanding of Mormonism does not extend too far beyond The Book of Mormon: The Musical. Which gave me some impression that homosexuality is a sin, but only if acted upon. 
Which, is gonna suck for our poor dear Elder Davis, when he and three other Elders roll in to Los Angeles and in to a house across from our beloved booty shorts wearing waiter. The movie seems pretty low budget, and it’s from 2003 so there are some, what I would call cheesy camera effects happening at the beginning, but I still enjoyed the way the world seemed sped up and disorienting when Mr. Mormon lands in Los Angeles from his home in Idaho. 
I love our introduction to Christian as an unapologetically queer, slutty man and not only that, but Christian has his sex life together. He remembers who he has slept with, and when, and takes fucking notes and everything. Like, he’s truly impressive. 
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gif from @bl-bam-beyond
Aaron and Christian make eye contact as every love at first sight story is wont to do, and then realize later they are neighbors. At which point a lot of decently subtle things start to happen. Aaron starts sitting outside to study his scripture in hopes of running in to Christian, Aaron and Christian talk about his mission trip, we get to see the four Elders interact, etc. and these subtler moments were aspects of this film that I deeply appreciated. 
Do not get me wrong, this film is absolutely critical of the Mormon church, (there is a scene near the end of the film where Elder Davis is getting excommunicated from the church for being a homosexual), but there are a lot of quite parts they do not say out loud around the intentional isolation that The Church of Latter Day Saints creates by sending their boys on missions trips in the first place. 
This film does not, in my opinion, explicitly discuss or state that mission trips really seem to be less to recruit new members and more to make sure their younger members don’t go running off to join the rest of society. The Elders are not allowed to see their family for two years, their families are not allowed to see them, they are not allowed to listen to music, to watch television, all the Elders in that location live together in one house, they share a room so there is no privacy, they go knocking door to door to try to spread the word only to have the doors slammed repeatedly in their face. These tactics exist to make these boys homesick, to make the outer world seem hostile, to bring the Mormon roommates closer together when the outsiders push them away. But the implication is there. 
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I have to share the quote that comes with this gif: "You're gonna come in to my house and tell me God hates homosexuals?" || "And the French!"
And actually, the thing I appreciate the most about this commentary is the fact that the Elders are aware of this, and that they are allowed to be young men. I loved that one Elder was talking to Aaron about how mission trips were designed to be difficult, and that you can tell he is generally disinterested in spreading The Word. This Elder views his mission trip as the last major hoop he has to jump through before he can marry his girlfriend and “finally nail her”. Horniness fuels his motivation to get through this mission. 
These “Elders” (and I put quotes here not to strip them of their titles but to point out the irony) are nineteen or twenty years old. They are fucking gross. Their apartment is decorated like boys live there, with bean bag chairs and all, and they fart on each other, and wrestle, and bite their bedframes to try to stop themselves from jerking off. Hell, when they first move in, Christian mistakes them for a frat house. They are homophobic, and throw slurs around, but they look incredulous at the mere thought of consuming alcohol. 
The first time Aaron is faced with the potential to give in to his gay thoughts, he tells Christian he hasn’t done anything. When Christian says it doesn’t have to mean anything and Aaron says “yes it does”, he asks “my first time can just be a little fun for you?” like Aaron was fully planning on having sex with Christian. I like that Aaron, as a young man is going 0 to 100 with the physical intimacy. 
I often have difficulty with romance stories in movie formats because I have to push past how quickly two characters fall in love. Which is the case here that Christian is confessing his love for Aaron after they have interacted like…five times total. But, I appreciate the ways they show us that Christian and Aarong would be good for each other. We see them being absolute nerds, saying movie quotes to each other. I love that we know Aaron is going to break the rules and eventually give in to Christian, just based on the fact that he gives Christian his first name. Which he is not supposed to use when he’s on his mission trip.
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gif from @bl-bam-beyond
I am not a religious person, so I don’t usually pay attention to whether or not a film that critics religion is going to take a hard atheistic turn or not. But I actually thought it was compassionate, kind, and in keeping with the nature of like, religion as spirituality, versus religion as control and fear tactic. I like that all these little coincidences happened, that Christian saw Aaron through his taxi cab window, that Aaron talked to and comforted Lila (Christians’ boss) when she was having a bad day and she gave him her card and told him to come to her restaurant for a free meal, that when Christian is looking for Aaron his random doodles end up being the phone number he needs to call, that Julie in stealing entries from Christian’s diary for her song allowed Aaron to hear it in the facility his parents put him in and return to LA, and that Aaron and Christian were reunited because Aaron cashed in on that free meal from Lila. 
And so too with the man Christian meets who is dying of AIDS, how he touches him and only sees snow. How he chalks that up to Christian being a blank person, shallow. The same way that Aaron has described Christian “there is nothing, nothing about you, Christian that isn’t skin deep”. And how we see Christian recoil from the touch, from the words ‘snow’ (and we will come to find out later, why that is the case).
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Like these can all be coincidences, or they could be chalked up to fate, or a higher power, or whatever you want. Latter Days does not reject the idea of religion, it leaves room for a religious, higher power explanation to exist. Aaron and Aaron’s faith, the way he views the world, the importance that his values hold to him do still impact Christian. I don’t know how much he believes in God, but when Aaron calls him shallow, he takes that to heart, he really thinks about it, he realizes that what has been drawing him to Aaron is the depth, the conversations, they aren’t just gonna fuck. 
Not that I think monogamy needs to happen, or that Christian needs to have calmed down the sluttiness. Just, that in a film about religion and its intersections with sexuality, when you are going to be critical of a Church that has done very very real harm. That there is a mutual exchange here. Christian gets more depth as a result of meeting Aaron and Aaron (eventually) gets freedom as a result of meeting Christian. 
BL Side Note
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I also need to say, since this syllabus is technically supposed to act as a lead up to BLs, that Latter Days has the sponge bath trope! Aaron wipes down Christian’s body with a washcloth after he faints from seeing blood. The sexual tension rises between Aaron and Christian, until they are about a fraction of a second away from kissing, and Aaron bails. 
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Gay Trifecta.
The director of Latter Days, C. Jay Cox is a gay man and a (former) fifth generation Mormon. 
This film did not hit me in the emotional place where I would normally say the films I rate as For The Queers go. But, this is a deeply personal film for the screen writer and Director who is gay and therefore it feels like it should be for gays. And, in addition I feel like they were enough casual references to things that don’t get full explanations that would read and be understood by a queer audience but maybe not by a straight audience. I think there are dimensional portrayals of the queer characters and they don’t succumb to stereotypes, and for those reasons I would categorize it as being for us. 
Favorite Moment 
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The post-sex conversation that Aaron and Christian have, where Aaron asks if Christian has ever had the experience of being cut off from everything, and we finally get some more of Christian’s backstory. Now, like I said above, there are some understated aspects of this film that I do think are really smart. Aaron calls Christian shallow at one point, and my first thought was “oh honey, you are wrong” because of how Christian spoke to Aaron earlier on in the movie about being desperate to get away from home. Sure, Christian is generally now, emotionally reserved and has some growing to do. But, Aaron vastly underestimates the weight behind a gay man saying that he left home and never looked back. Because Aaron had a good relationship to his family (before he came out). 
If the monologue wasn’t multiple paragraphs I would probably put the whole speech as my favorite quote.  But, fundamentally what makes this scene for me is that Christian is telling Aaron this, while they are both naked in bed. Aaron has just had sex for the first time, and there is just this level of casual inclusion of nudity. I am generally an advocate for increasing the inclusion of non-sexual nudity on screen. I feel like people tend to spend a lot more causal time naked than they do sexual time naked, and I think Latter Days did a really phenomenal job of shifting between sexual nudity and casual nudity in the same setting, with the same characters, at the same time. 
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When Aaron and Christian first enter the airport hotel, they are shedding their clothing with the intention of having sex. The scene is charged with sexual tension, shirts and pants are coming off as fast as they can, every movement brings them closer to the bed. But after they are done, Aaron, still naked, slides across Christian’s naked body to grab a watch off the floor, and Christian holds his leg so he won’t slide off the bed. It’s just comfortable. When Christian is talking to Aaron about his experience of being left in a snowstorm by his father, they are nude because they are being laid bare. I don’t know if I can describe it properly, but I just love that this really important conversation, where Aaron is learning that Christian understands far far better than Aaron ever could have thought about what you risk losing when you are queer, happens with literally everything out in the open. 
Favorite Quote 
“It’s early November, the same as now, and there's this storm rolling in. My dad was so determined that sissy boy was going to kill something. Snow came at us from all sides. The air, the sky, the ground they all became the same and horrible screaming white and I thought ‘we’re gonna be OK, right?” And then I saw my father’s eyes and they were that same white…and that’s when he did it.” “He did what?”  “Ran.” 
This quote comes from part of the monologue I mentioned in my Favorite Scene.
Latter Days is an 8/10 for me for a few reasons, the acting was not always the best, it was clear they did not have either the time or the budget for perfection. There were stutters that read far more like actors forgetting their lines than they did like natural pauses. I also was not thrilled with the death fake out. Like, I am very much glad we did not see Aaron self-harm, and that some of the other torture he went through gets dampened a bit by dream sequence shenanigans. I figured that they were not actually going to kill Aaron off, but they do spend quite a lot of time letting the audience think he is dead, and I am not super appreciative of that.
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battybriefs · 1 year
Remember kids, it's only grooming when it's gay.
But for real heres personal story time. Let's talk about actual grooming.
I grew up in the Mormon church in the 90s and early 2000s. Like a good child, I participated in all the church activities including the young women's program. My parents wanted me to do it, i was told the church leaders were good people so I didnt question anything.
While the guys in the boyscouts and young mens program were learning survival skills, learning woodworking, learning how to fix cars, and learning financial literacy ... we were learning to do our makeup, can food, bake bread, sew clothes, cook large meals, and learn about changing diapers. It was hammered in our heads from a young age that our entire purpose in life was to get married, serve the husband, have kids and raise a family.
I remember when I was a Beehive, around 13 or 14, our ward was invited to participate in a fashion show for one of the local bridal stores. They dressed all the young women up, did our makeup and hair, put us in wedding dresses, and invited all the men in the ward to come watch us runway walk in the cultural hall. I was a literal child. I didnt even have tıts yet. Men in their 60s and 70s in our ward came to watch us parade around in our little wedding gowns. That's straight up a pedopagent and grooming child brides, y'all, and I didn't even realize it because things like that were so normalized in the church.
I remember sitting in the bishops office interviewing for my first temple reccomend so I could participate in the young women's activity to do baptisms for the dead. He asks me if I live by the laws of chastity. I was young, naive, sheltered and didn't even know what the word chastity meant. I remember him aggressively, explicitly asking me questions about my virginity- had I ever kissed a boy, touched a boy, thought about a boy, touched myself, touched a girl, thought about a girl, felt tingly down there, had a hymen. He kept asking me over and over if I was sure about my answers, and would elaborate on what he meant like he was fishing for a specific answer. It felt so dirty and invasive. In hind sight it felt more like he was trying to get spank bank material than trying to find out if I was being a "good girl".
Fast forward a few years. Im in Junior High, probably about 15 years old. I'm a closeted homo sitting next to my girlfriend in church, trying my damndest to hold my tongue and not let people catch on that I was crying. The young woman's lesson was about a woman's worth.
They opened up by talking about how we're getting old enough to go to college in a few years and that that's great, but a career and college education should be a hobby and not a goal. They stressed that we shouldn't put our educations and careers as a priority over finding a man, getting married in the temple, and starting a family. They said as soon as we found a man, we needed to drop out and become stay at home mothers. It was the mans duty to provide for the family. We were told that the reason God sent women to this earth to serve men and raise families, and that it was a divine and sacred calling.
The second half was about how lesbians and gay people were sent by the devil to destroy families. We were told if we "struggled with same sex attraction" we needed to pray, repent and try harder to be straight. That we needed to tell the bishop so they could help us get gay conversion therapy. That even if we liked girls, we needed to find a man to marry and bear his children. They actively encouraged gay men and women to catfish straight partners and trick them into thinking you loved them with the purpose of bearing children. Can you imagine how fucking awful it would be to fall in love and marry a person thinking they felt the same way, only to find out they're gay and living a lie so they don't go to hell?
The church advocating "its ok to be gay but you have to be celibate and single for the rest of your life" was a change the church made a few years later when Prop 8 passed and their members started leaving in hoards.
Meanwhile I've been to drag shows since I was in high-school. It's just a bunch of people with great makeup skills doing lavish impressions of Lady Gaga and Freddy Mercury.
Why is a drag show considered grooming but telling actual children that theyre going to be mommies and daddies when they grow up not? Why is it grooming if a trans person is out in public doing something mundane like grocery shopping, but it isn't grooming watching television shows that has love triangle plotlines that revolve around teenagers making out and exploring their sexuality? Why is it grooming when a children's show has a character with two daddies but not grooming when the children's show character has a mom and a dad?
If people really give a shit about grooming, they need to start in their own backyard. Start by deconstructing straight representation in media. Start by asking why its ok to joke that a toddler is going to be a ladies man when he grows up. Start by asking why child beauty pagents even exist. Start by looking at how your religion teaches and enforces sexuality. Start with comprehensive and age appropriate lessons about the human body and consent with little Suzy so when uncle Bob is being inappropriate at the family reunion she has the knowlege and tools to know whats going on, to assert her boundaries, and the confidence to tell another grownup what's going on.
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the-rockinahard-place · 9 months
Being a closeted trans masc makes me what I call “a visble gay” (gay as an umbrella term) people who aren’t queer themselves it passes right over their heads, but to other queers I stick out like a sore thumb. and I love this because I’ve had so many people just come out to me. Examples: My teammate just like dropped it to me during our run that she was with her girlfriend that day, nobody else knows this. A girl at fsy told me about how the girl she tried to kiss snitched on her to the bishop and she’s been shoved back into the closet since. The guy at the mormon dance who came out to me as bi after I asked him to dance. Two younger girls at girls camp that was walking with me told me about their crushes on some other girls and how dumb their families are for not knowing their lesbians. One of my guy friends who everyone been saying is gay but he has dismissed for years was just hanging out with me and told me that he started texting a guy from another school. Like being a visible gay is the best thing in the world, I single handley provide a safe space that no one has given me before. Every time it happens It just makes my day, hell it makes my week. Being around cishets all the time is just boring. we should’ve to taken over the world already, we would make it nicer.
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south-park-polls · 3 months
South Park Song Tournament!
[also check out @votemattrey’s South Park 25th anniversary concert tournament on their blog!! <3]
I am aware the creators made an official song tournament, but i didn’t hear about it until after it was already over so I have decided to make one of my own!
This is very self-indulgent and there are a lot of south park songs to think of, especially if you include covers (which i have decided to do) so I am likely very biased in which songs i have chosen.
I have narrowed it down to 128 songs to start to give an easy number for a tournament, but if I haven’t included your favourite song feel free let me know in the notes, reblogs or tags and I will make sure to add it to the list.
Please don’t worry about whether requesting songs will interfere with the tournament numbers! I have plans to give second chances to the closest losers to ensure that there is never an odd number of songs going into the next round :)
The songs I have decided to put in the tournament are as follows:
South Park Theme Song
I'm Gonna Make Love to You, Woman - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
Hot Lava - Volcano
Love Gravy - An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Make Love, Even When I'm Dead - Pinkeye
The Lonely Jew on Christmas - Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo
Waitin' On a Woman - Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
Simultaneous - Summer Sucks
Chocolate Salty Balls - Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls
Cheesy Poofs Theme Song - Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
Underpants Gnomes Work Song - Gnomes
Getting Gay With Kids - Rainforest Schmainforest
I Hate You Guys - Jakovasaurs
Sexual Harassment Panda - Sexual Harassment Panda
Shelly, Shelly - Cat Orgy
Turds! - Cat Orgy
Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Carol of the Bells - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Christmas Medley - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
O Tannenbaum - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Christmas Time in Hell - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
I Saw Three Ships - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Merry Fucking Christmas - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
O Holy Night - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics
Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld - Timmy 2000
Fingerbang - Something You Can Do With Your Finger
Wendy's Audition Song - Something You Can Do With Your Finger
Third Grade Memories - Fourth Grade
The Prostitute Song - Fat Camp
Circle of Poo - A Very Crappy Christmas
Why Can't I Be Like All the Other Kids - Here Comes the Neighbourhood
It's Butters! - Butters' Very Own Episode
Montage - Asspen
Sea People and Me - The Simpsons Already Did It
The Ballad of Lemmiwinks - The Death Camp of Tolerance
My Future Self n Me - My Future Self n Me
Poo-Choo Train - Red Sleigh Down
Bleeding Heart Rock Protest Song vs. Pro War Country Song - I'm a Little Bit Country
Make a Run for the Border - Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Taco Flavoured Kisses - Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Jesus Baby - Christian Rock Hard
Faith + 1 Album - Christian Rock Hard
Casa Bonita - Casa Bonita
Joseph Smith Was Called a Prophet - All About Mormon
Cigarettes All Hidey Lidey Day - Butt Out
Follow the Only Road - It's Christmas in Canada
French Canada - It's Christmas in Canada
Let's Fighting Love - Good Times with Weapons
My Robot Friend - AWESOM-O
My Wishing Tree - The Jeffersons
The Future Begins With You and Me - Goobacks
Vote or Die! - Douche and Turd
I've Got Some Apples - Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Christmas Time is Once a Year - Woodland Critter Christmas
Make It Right - The Death of Eric Cartman
Love Lost Long Ago - Follow That Egg!
We Can Live Together - Ginger Kids
Trapped in the Closet - Trapped in the Closet
Hey People, You Gotta Drive Hybrids Already - Smug Alert!
Who's Got the Greatest Mom In The World? - Tsst
Dawg's Crew Theme Song - Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
Hippitus Hoppitus - Fantastic Easter Special
California Loves the Homeless - Night of the Living Homeless
I've Got a Golden Ticket - Le Petit Tourette
Imagination Song - Imaginationland
Canada on Strike - Canada on Strike
My Internet Done Up and Went Away - Over Logging
Super Fun Time - Super Fun Time
You Gotta Do What You Wanna Do - Elementary School Musical
Burn Down Hot Topic - The Ungroundable
I've Got a Ring on My Finger - The Ring
Queef Free - Eat, Pray, Queef
Gay Fish - Fishsticks
Somalian Pirates We - Fatbeard
Poker Face - Whale Whores
Minorities at my Water Park - Pee
Lake Tardicaca Hula Gal - Crippled Summer
You and Cthulhu - Mysterion Rises
Cafeteria Fraiche - Crème Fraiche
Vunter Slaush Kapushkuh - Crack Baby Athletic Association
Work Mexican Work - The Last of the Meheecans
Lemmiwinks vs Wikileaks - Bass to Mouth
Put That Heart to Work - Broadway Bro Down
Out of My Shell - Broadway Bro Down
I'm Not the Poorest Kid in School - The Poor Kid
The Jewelry Polka - Cash For Gold
Make Bullying Kill Itself - Butterballs
Jackin' it in San Diego - Butterballs
I Swear - Cartman Finds Love
The Ballad of James Cameron - Raising the Bar
It's a Beautiful Day - World War Zimmerman
A Chorus of Wieners - A Song of Ass and Fire
Princess Kenny Theme - A Song of Ass and Fire
My Bitch Ain't No Hobbit - The Hobbit
Push (Feeling Good on a Wednesday) - The Cissy
The Tale of Craig's Mom's Bush - The Magic Bush
PC Chant - Stunning and Brave
Where Has My Country Gone - Where My Country Gone
The Yelper Special (Boogers and Cum) - You're Not Yelping
In My Safe Space - Safe Space
The Ballad of Tweek and Craig - Tweek x Craig
Let's Come Together As a School - Douche and a Danish
Give Life A Try - Put It Down
Put It Down - Put It Down
They Got Me Locked Up In Here - Hummels & Heroin
Barbershop Quartet - Hummels & Heroin
A Witch Pursuit Thing - Sons A Witches
Faith In Christ - A Boy And A Priest
Unfulfilled - Unfulfilled
Colorado Town - Bike Parade
Go Strong Woman, Go - Board Girls
I Love You Social Distancing - The Pandemic Special
Mountain Town - South Park: Biggger, Longer & Uncut
Uncle Fucka - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
It's Easy Mmkay - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Blame Canada - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Kyle's Mom's a Bitch - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
What Would Brian Boitano Do - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Up There - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
La Resistance - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
I Can Change - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
I'm Super - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Mountain Town (Reprise) - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
We Are Living in the Future - South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid
We Missed You Randy - South Park: The Streaming Wars
I Got Cred, Bitches - South Park (Not Suitable For Children)
Hope you all enjoy the tournament and may the best south park song win!
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midnight-in-eden · 1 year
Sorry to bother you. I'm a transmasc exmo and my brother is inactive but intends to leave someday. He brought something to my attention, but so far I've only seen a reddit post about it, allegedly a story about a transgirl was affected by this already is on facebook, but I can not find it. It's being said that a new policy has gone to affect, that "Any one who has socially transitioned, is now excluded from baptism." In other words, transgender children can not be baptized, and neither can any other transgender individual, unless they detransition. People are confirming that this policy is going into the Handbook within the next few weeks. I don't have a big exmo support system, has anyone heard of this policy? Are they going to announce this change or are they literally just trying to slip this in and hope it goes unnoticed?
You’re not bothering me at all. Yes, I’ve heard of this. I don’t know any more than you do, I’m afraid.
I think the surface reason is this way they just don’t have to deal with transgender people. Just like they don’t have to deal with gays. Either group will still be “welcome”—as long as we don’t “act on it.” “We love you, but only if you stay in the closet and don’t make problems for us.”
I think the underlying reason is the church has elected to try and ingratiate itself with mainstream American Christianity. (I mean, it’s been doing this since it got rid of polygamy, but it’s accelerated in recent years.) That is why they’ve emphasized the church’s full name instead of “Mormon,” that’s why they’ve quietly backed off more outlandish beliefs (Kolob, exalted people getting their own planets, etc). That’s why they got rid of the various pageants showing parts of 1800s church history—and kept the Easter pageant in Arizona, redoing the soundtrack and script to be more appealing to Christians in general. And that is why they’ve dug in their heels when it comes to accepting LGBTQ people. Genuinely, I believe that this policy is meant to play out like the first Policy of Exclusion, which banned the children of gay parents from baptism until they turned 18 and could disavow gay marriage. That policy was reversed after a few years, but not before flushing out a lot of people who—up until then—had been trying to stay in the church but advocated loudly for LGBTQ acceptance. A lot of undesirables, in the church’s view. A wave of those people left when the original PoX was instituted. Another wave will leave with this one. That will leave the church with a membership that skews even more strongly conservative, that is even more acceptable to American evangelicals. They do not want gay and trans members. They want to be respectable to American Republican Christians.
(Most evangelicals are never going to accept Mormons as Christians, imho, but that isn’t going to stop the church from trying.)
My feelings on this are torn. I think it is actually better for LGBTQ people to leave/not join the church, and perhaps this will protect some trans people from the harm the church does. On the other hand, I know queer people who consider the church their spiritual home. I think everyone should have spiritual autonomy—but in Mormonism, you really don’t. Your access to every covenant necessary for salvation and exaltation is locked behind a gate that is only opened if a priesthood leader decides you are worthy. Trans people who transition are being deemed unworthy en masse and that seems like spiritual abuse to me.
We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out. Even among Mormons I know who are relatively accepting of gay people, few are as welcoming of trans people, so I doubt they’ll get much pushback from the majority of members.
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pinkorchidsinspring · 7 months
as someone else who grew up mormon, the prairie diamond ring bracelet is the biggest reach.
as some else who grew up mormon and is bisexual and had her sexuality speculated before she ever had the chance to came out, it is INCREDIBLY harmful of yall to be dedicating entire blogs to proving someone’s sexuality. how you all don’t see that is insane to me, if she IS bisexual it is incredibly gross to be trying to force her out of the closet.
taking a queer meaning from someone’s art (aka, YOUR interpretation) does not mean they are gay. trying to force that on someone you don’t know is not cool.
Hey anon, I am fully aware that that is a big reach, the person who added it knew that it could be a huge reach and openly said that if you read the post. So while I respect your opinion about my blog, and this communities blogs, I cannot respect you calling us gross for talking about our queer interpretation of her art.
We are NOT trying to force her out of the closet. You do not see us commenting on Taylor’s best friends, and “boyfriends” accounts that they need to “get married already” or commenting on Taylor’s posts “Break up with him already 😩”. That is SWIFTIES. They get all in her business and harass Taylor and her friends, all because they want more information about her personal relationship that they don’t deserve.
We as a community just want Taylor to be happy, and that means we would be perfectly fine with her being straight.
You’re right, by the way, our opinions don’t make her gay.
For an artists who loves Easter eggs, we would believe her if she didn’t constantly queer code everything. If her top artist on Spotify wasn’t girl in red. If her music didn’t constantly reference a “best friend” that she allegedly ended her friendship with in 2017 In a romantic light. If she didn’t tag her account in the middle of a rainbow on her posts. If she didn’t have a song about the street she lived on with that said best friend. IF SHE DIDN’T WRITE THE LYRIC “I DON’T WANT YOU LIKE A BESTFRIEND” OR “SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY”.
So no anon, it’s not cool to force someone out of the closet. We would never pressure Taylor to come out. Is there some accounts that probably do? Of course, but we are not those accounts. We care about her happiness, and her happiness both in love, and in general, cannot be found in Evermore, or Folklore. Nor can it be found on Midnights with songs like Anti-Hero, Lavender Haze (that 1950’s shit they want from me), You’re on your own kid, and even sweet nothing.
You’re telling me anon, that Sweet Nothing doesn’t sound like one person wanted only sweet nothing. They didn’t want ANYTHING from her at all, in exchange for their love? That instead of a contractual arrangement, she fell in love?
You’re telling me that any of her boyfriends’ names are something she can slur til’ someone puts her in a car? I don’t know about you but kar-lie sounds more like car when slurred then Joe…
So I’m sorry anon, but in this case you weren’t in the right of accusing me of forcing her into anything. She does everything on her own terms, and we can’t, and won’t change that. We want her happiness, and it clearly isn’t being evidenced in her art thus far.
Maybe you should look at your own heteronormativity and how that affects Taylor’s sexuality. Maybe you’re a part of the reason she’s in the closet in the first place… I beg of you anon, go check out some of the amazing Kaylor Blogs I follow and look for yourself how much our interpretation of her songs is the one she means. As a bisexual yourself I know you can see beyond the heteronormative window, so please, do try.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
I’m struggling tonight, friends.
Tw: death, suicide, loss of friend, homophobia
Last night a friend of mine posted a tiktok saying she was “out”, blowing the camera a kiss.
I did not understand until today that this was her suicide “note” and that she was dead, until her mother and brother posted on Facebook today.
I’m so heartbroken. She was such a kind person. She had severe chronic pain, so she was too disabled to work, and on her “good” (just meant she could move around) pain days she’d organize in the community to serve and feed the unhoused. She had regular sandwich days where we’d make food and drive around giving it to people. She organized the businesses to put these flyers up with logos so people who were homeless knew they could go on and get coffee and food.
She didn’t do these things for her resume or to get into school or something. She was already well past college and could not work. She just did it because she cared about people and she thought someone should do it.
She was so divise in town. So many people LOATHED her because she was “encouraging” homeless people to come to our town. People literally want you to arrest poor people on sight. And people harassed her all the time for it. But she fought for what she believed in. She’d go to city hall and city council meetings to fight for housing to be built and for the cops to stop hassling people.
I live in a small right wing mostly evangelical town where almost 70% of them voted for trump. So let me tell you that people either loved her (like I did) or LOATHED her.
Then to top it all off, she was lesbian. An extremely tall, butch lesbian. So when people couldn’t get her to stop helping homeless folks they’d be vile and homophobic. And I know it hurt her so badly. She just wanted for people to see that she was a good person, not the degenerate they would accuse her of being. She loved people and she just wanted them to like her too, or at least to dislike her for fair reasons.
When I first met her about ten years ago, I advised her to be careful with the people in town she was calling her friends. She was new to town, but I grew up here and am queer myself and knew all too well. I told her that these people were homophobic.
She was SO CONVINCED that she could just love the bigotry out of them. That she could just be caring and funny and be a good person and that would change them.
I watched her become slowly disillusioned when she realized that was not how it worked. People would smile to her face but turn on her fast.
We had a float in the Christmas parade for our volunteer group and her wife chose the theme of Up (the sweet Disney movie) and so we invited the scouts to ride the float with us in keeping with the theme of the movie.
So this local asshole woman posted on Facebook that my friend was trying to recruit kids to the gay agenda and warned everyone to avoid her and not go to the parade. She implied she was gonna molest these kids and make them all gay???
I don’t really know why I’m telling you guys all this. I guess I’m just angry. It’s not fair. It’s not fair that kindness isn’t valued in this world. It’s not fair that people are shit and homophobic. It’s not fair that someone who was so fucking compassionate and empathetic and sensitive was dealt such a shit hand with her chronic pain.
I guess I just want people to know about her.
And I’m so broken hearted and for some reason I want to go kick everyone’s ass who was ever mean to her and I don’t know how that would help. She got sick of this town and moved away. She moved somewhere better.
But she still had so much pain. Her chronic pain was not helped by successive operations and hope was in short supply. Plus, she had been through so much trauma emotionally. She was raised a Mormon and had spent many self loathing years in the closet after the trauma of being raised to believe she was an abomination. (I’m not sharing anything private by saying that, she did a few interviews and essays on the subject, so it’s public record)
And now she’s gone. And now I hurt all over and I can’t stop crying.
Why is it the people who feel everything have to suffer the most, while the assholes of the world who bully gay people and who treat homeless people like crap sleep like logs at night. Why are good people taught to hate themselves because of their gender presentation and sexuality. Why is so much shame and pain heaped on people for being fucking born. And all in the name of god.
I’m just so angry. I’m just so sad.
I try to keep it light on social media as much as possible but my heart is just broken right now. I’m watching her goodbye video as well as the “it gets better” video she did years ago before the illness and I’m just aching.
Anyway. Here is me and my friend at the Christmas parade. We still had a great time in spite of the fucking haters. I organized a cheering section for her and it was loud as hell when we walked by.
I loved her. She was lovable. And I wish she was still here. But I’m glad she’s not in pain anymore.
Tumblr media
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polyamzeal · 11 months
Hey I'm struggling with how to come out as polyamorous to people including my parents. Do you have any tips?
That is going to depend on so many factors. But before getting into how to actually come out I think it is important to evaluate why you want to come out. Being "out" can be awesome and relieving. But of course it does have plenty of downsides including a lot of uncertain risk. It is a gamble to stay closeted and a gamble to be out so it is important to decide which risks you are more comfortable with. Next, it is important to remember that you don't owe anyone outside of your partners to being out. If a friend or family member is not going to handle you being out well then you have no loyalty to be out to them. I see it as privileged information that needs to be earned via respect. So please don't come out if you aren't ready or just because you feel obligated to.
Alright. It really sucks but it is easier to define polyamory by what it is not. It would be lovely if we could just give the definition of what it is and be understood. But sadly there is a lot of misinformation and bad stereotypes out there. Get a feel for if they are going to jump to any of the common references like Sister Wives or Mormons or anything like that. The 2 biggest mistakes that people will make will think it is Polygamy so be sure to clarify that this does NOT involve marriage, just relationships/dating. The second is Polygyny or more accurately that it is always one man with multiple women. Depending on your gender you might need to phrase it differently but be sure to be clear that all sorts of configurations exist. Yes the media's most popular scapegoat is the married heteronormative couple that gets a bisexual third. But reassure them that often a woman has 2 boyfriends or everybody is the same gender. Also clarify that it is not limited to just 3 and more people could be involved in the polycule. Finally the last misconception is that it is all about sex. Again depending on who you are coming out to they might not bring this up but they are probably thinking about it. So you will probably need to use the narrative that gay people have had to use for decades to find acceptance by saying "It is not about sex, it is about love" so often that it sounds like they never have sex ever. Even if this might be a lie for you and maybe you do care more about the sex it would still be best to tell this white lie to ease people into accepting it.
Honestly past all the misconceptions of what polyamory is NOT, you could probably use just about any definition you find to explain what polyamory is. Because unfortunately they are only going to hear a fraction of it before their mind jumps to conclusions that you need to clear up.
Good luck
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redheadgleekfic · 1 year
Ficlet: Dear Elder Anderson
by @redheadgleek for @wowbright
Words: ~1400
Rating: General
Summary: Coming home isn't always easy.
A/N: written for and inspired by my dear friend @wowbright and their Mormon!Klaine universe. Several months ago, we were talking about what happened after Kurt's return from his mission and it inspired this idea. As Wow hasn't read this, think of it as an AU of an AU.
Other notes: this includes blatant descriptions of the LDS temple with direct wording from the endowment and sealing ceremonies. Along with a multitude of other sins not condoned by the church. If this offends, I encourage you to find something else to read.
5 August 2014
Dear Elder Anderson,
I know, it’s a little weird calling you this after so many weeks of using your first name. But now, after coming home where I can’t call you Elder Anderson to our investigators on a daily basis or hear Elder Flannigan slaughter the pronunciation, I miss it. 
I miss you.
I miss you every day. I think I miss you most in the mornings, when I think about those mornings sitting across from you as you ate your pretzel and scrambled eggs and we did companion scripture study together. But I also miss you at night when I could hear you breathe in the dark and listen to the little snort you’d make when you were just drifting off. 
It’s weird being home, weird being away from you after so many months with you constantly at my side. You’ve been my compass for so long, that now I feel adrift. I swore I wouldn’t be one of those missionaries who couldn’t have a normal conversation for months. But every time I start to share a story about my time in Germany, it always seems to feature you, and talking about you both thrills and hurts me, so I stop and I sound so awkward. 
Dad suspects something. How much I don’t know, but he asks me a lot of questions about you. He can sense something has changed. That I’m different than I was before. 
He and Carole sat down with me two nights ago. They want to be sealed in the temple next month. And they want me to do Finn’s temple work. 
I am so conflicted and I think my silence surprised them. Doing my brother’s temple work so that we could be together as a family for eternity was my primary goal for so many years. This is what I wanted. 
I feel no guilt or shame over my feelings for you or anything we did. What we have is precious and God-given. I know this with as much of a burning bosom surety as I got when I’ve prayed about the church. So I felt no guilt when I sidestepped the questions at my exit interview with the bishop and I told him I obeyed the law of chastity and was worthy to enter the temple with no hesitation. He would have disagreed with me, would have excommunicated me if I had confessed, but he is wrong. It was harder to answer the questions about sustaining the president as a seer and revelator, when I’m not sure that he really is, but I got my recommend and I’ve been determined to use it. 
And yet, when Dad brought up us spending the day at the temple, I was at a loss. Do I want to do Finn’s work any more? Will he really be lost to me for eternity if I don’t? If the church is wrong about being gay, is it wrong about the afterlife too? 
I wish you were here so I could talk to you about this. Your straightforward explanations always calmed my worries and got me out of my head. You never were afraid of any of the questions I asked. I know if I brought them up with Dad, he’d worry about it. 
On the plus side, I was able to shove all of my mission suits to the back of my closet. I went on a shopping spree and treated myself to a new waistcoat and shirts with color and jeans - jeans, Blaine, I’ve missed them so much. They look great with the bowtie you gave me - I’ll send you the pics. 
Love, Kurt
7 September 2014
Mein Liebling Elder Anderson,
Yesterday, Carole took out her endowment and she and Dad were sealed together for time and all eternity. And with me acting as proxy, Finn was sealed to them too. They were so happy. Carole looked radiant in her white dress and Dad kept hugging us both. 
It was a draining day, spiritually nourishing and numbing at the same time. 
Dad baptized me, confirmed me and gave me the priesthood for Finn. I wept hearing his name over and over. “Kurt E Hummel, I baptize you for and on behalf of Finn Christopher Hudson, who is dead.”
Kurt E Hummel, I confirm you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ for and on behalf of Finn Christopher Hudson, who is dead."
Who is dead. I was reminded over and over that he was dead.
I’ve always loved the symbolism of the temple. Perhaps because Dad was a convert and Mom did things her own way, but I’ve never minded the anointing or the endowment or found it weird. There’s something meaningful in the rituals, the way that we would all perform the same signs at the same time that felt powerful. I felt closer to God the few times I went to the temple before my mission and that’s why I’ve been so determined to keep my recommend. 
Elder St. James told me once that he almost walked out when he took out his endowments, certain that he was part of a cult. I don’t think I ever asked you of your experiences with the temple. Carole didn't seem too shocked, but I'm pretty sure that Dad filled her in on what to expect.
The endowment bothered me more yesterday. Finn was washed clean from his sins by someone who everybody else in the church would see as sinning. I couldn’t help that wave of worry that by lying to the lord’s anointed to get the recommend and doing Finn’s work, I would be invalidating it all and he would be in the terrestrial kingdom forever. I tried to ignore it as I pledged to refrain from loud laughter for my brother whose loud, free laugh could be heard across the school and made everybody around him happy. I took vows to obey the law of chastity with promises for his posterity when he never got to get married or have kids or any of that. 
There were beautiful moments too and those were almost harder. When the officiant reminded us about the meaning of the marks, I remembered stroking the mark of the square on your breast as I listened to your heartbeat. I love seeing you in your garments, seeing you as a son of God. 
And everything felt peaceful and familiar and right when I stood in the prayer circle next to my dad and stepmom. Carole was crying, tears that seeped out from under her veil and my dad was glowing in pride for what I was doing. His wish of having all of his family together. 
Dad took Carole through the veil. Does my mom mind sharing my dad for eternity? So many questions that I have no answer for. He also served as the officiant when I got to the veil too. I didn’t know that this was going to happen and I started crying when I heard his voice through the veil. Having my dad’s hand on my shoulder, holding my hand and giving the tokens, and hearing him say “Let him enter” - Blaine, this is all I’ve ever wanted. We sat in the celestial room afterwards, talking about Finn and cried together. For once, one of the temple workers didn’t try to shush us for talking too loudly. 
When it was time for the sealing, we all walked to the room together. It was just the three of us and the sealant. Dad and Carole were sealed first, and then I knelt next to them as Finn, who is dead. I looked into the mirror, and watched our reflections echoing, trying to picture my mom beside us and Finn and you. Because you belong there too in our circle of love. I wish I could kneel across from you and take your right hand and pledge before God, angels and witnesses to uphold the holy order of matrimony.
And I can’t. I won’t ever be able to do that. 
We took pictures outside on the temple grounds. I’ve always loved the simplicity of the Columbus temple. It was built when I was a toddler, and I have pictures of my parents and me at the open house, my dad carrying me because it had been a long day. 
Again, I imagined you holding my hand as we exited out of the front door to the cheers of all of our loved ones. 
I thought I could still make the church work after coming home. I’d be like John Gustav-Wrathall, faithfully attending church every week with you by my side, even if they disfellowshipped or excommunicated me. I don’t know if I can do that, because I ache so much for what I can’t have. 
But I know this. You are worth more than the eternity that the church offers. 
Love, Your Kurt
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nerdygaymormon · 2 months
I imagine that many of the missionaries are gay, but closeted. In a lot of Mormon families, men don't really get a choice if they want to serve or not, so they won't go and say "I don't wanna serve a mission, I'm gay," but will instead go ahead and serve the mission, so they aren't forced to come out, I'd imagine.
That was certainly my case.
I hope I was clear that maybe there's 5 missionaries who are publicly out as gay, but there are many who are gay but in the closet
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