#gavin x hank
sunwarmed-ash · 1 month
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
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The Eden Club-Finished!
holy fuck, can it be? can we be here???? the last chapter?!?!
Chapter 16: Take this to your grave, and I'll take it to mine
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
Ships: Hankconvin, Hankvin, Convin, HankCon Connor/OCs
Tags: Post-Revolution; Negative public opinion, polyamory, slow burn, Sex Worker Connor, Consensual sex work, Hankvin-friends to lovers to enemies to lovers, Convin-enemies to lovers, porn with alot of plot, drama, lying/deception, Evil Elijah Kamski, smut,
TW: Mention/implied SA (Ch 16 only)
The work-in-progress polycule has cleaned up, left the club, and resumed their naked, lying in bed activities at Hank’s. Sumo is laying comfortably across all of their feet, more than a little ecstatic to have Connor and Gavin back home again.   Connor’s laying on his back sandwiched between his humans, his left hand intertwined with Gavin’s.  Gavin’s free hand is holding a half-smoked cigarette, but it’s been over 3 minutes since he’s last taken a puff.  Hank’s got Connor’s other hand raised against his warm, if not a little prickly lips. Hank’s smiling, for the first time in a long time, happy, because he’s got his whole family under one roof again.  It’s quiet, but it's also comfortable. Natural, and everything the three of them hoped this could be when this all started.  For the last fifteen minutes, the trio has been content to just bask in the peaceful moments together.  “Hey Connor?” Gavin’s question are the first words spoken in minutes.  “Yes?” he chirps, turning his face to give Gavin his full attention.  Gavin’s eyes stay on the ceiling, but his spike in heart rate signals Gavin knows Connor’s looking at him.  “Can I ask you a question? Like… a personal one?”  Hank has tuned in too. Connor can feel his body shifting beside him.  “Of course Gavin.” Now Gavin is quiet. His blood pressure has risen a bit more, indicating the likelihood of a thorny question.  “Do you…” Gavin swallows, “you know, like it?”  Connor’s own anxiety simulated systems react suspiciously to the question. More due to the rawness of the last 48 hours than an impression Gavin was trying to trap him. “Do I like what?” Connor deflects, hoping to buy another few seconds.  “You know what I’m asking...” Gavin says, but his tone doesn’t indicate judgement, jealousy, or resentment. Just genuine curiosity. Which is the main reason why Connor answers the question.  “...It's complicated.”
Hey, thank you for all the love and support y'all have given this fic. It's been so fun to write and experience dbh all over again with you 💙
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fluffykiddosstuff · 1 year
My opinion about those ships in dbh part 2
Ralph x the jerry's
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A really cute rarepair in my opinion <3 I can imagine the Jerry's defending Ralph from danger and comfort him with a pile of hugs 😭 so cute
Daniel x connor
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Another rarepair! I think it could work but if we had an ending were Daniel survived or if we save him :( mah Boi is underrated and unloved
Gavin x hank
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Idk what to think about it, I'm quite neutral, enemies to lovers vibes ig? I don't really see them together tbh
Chloe x connor
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Idk why but even if it's a rarepair they could be so cute 😭 especially if you decide to save Chloe it would be adorable
Chloe x kamski
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Male wife x girl boss go brrrr
Hug cessions must be so warm and loved with all the chloes 😭 I want that too
Connor x kara
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I Don't see them together, more bff's vibes but could be cute especially if Connor turns deviant ig?
I don't have any ships idea left if yall have more please tell me so I can give my opinion on them x)
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glass-noodle · 5 months
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drift compatible
(pacific rim AU)
thanks @extraordinaryandroid for dragging me into this movie and this AU I’m dying. I’m living
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neptvnes-melody · 10 days
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I need him biblically
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blooberrytea · 4 months
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Pt: 1 2 3 4
Summary: Set in post-revolution Detroit, You've been assigned to the recently developed Android Crimes Division; and it's already off to a rough start.
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Mildly gorey description of a body, slow burn oops
There wasn’t enough caffeine in the world that could make this morning any more bearable. Connor and RK900's bickering was usually something you could handle, but after the night you just had– your nerves were shot to say the least.
“You state that you are ‘better’ than me in every comparison. I feel that’s just unlikely.”
You ignored the two androids, making a beeline for the break room. The coffee, as perusal, was lukewarm and honestly it could’ve been enough to break you. Your night had been seemingly uneventful– spent looking over casefiles and drinking some cheap wine you’d picked up at the grocery store. 
It was around 2 in the morning when a new file appeared on your laptop.
It wasn’t from the station, that you were sure about. It was just suddenly there in your personal drive, its only announcement the notification in the bottom right: “ Local Disc (C:): Unknown File “ 
“What the fuck…” You murmured, your cursor hovering over the new icon. It was dated only a few days ago and it wasn’t very large. Your gut told you to wait until the morning and have Connor look it over. 
You tapped twice on the touchpad and watched as the contents within the folder began to load in– A series of unnamed images and a single text document. That wasn’t eerie at all. 
You sucked in a breath before opening one of the images, the clicking of the touchpad one of the only noises in the apartment. Saying that you felt sick to your stomach would be an understatement. 
“Long night?” 
You looked up from the coffee pot, eyes landing on Gavin Reed. 
“Didn’t know you were capable of being here so early.” You grumbled, “Are you responsible for this gross, cold coffee?” 
Gavin snorted, “Do you not know how to work this thing? It’s ridiculously easy to make a pot of coffee these days.” 
To be honest, you’d never messed with the machines in the precinct– They were slightly more techy than the one you had at home. You usually brought a cup with you, but you’d downed it before you’d even made it halfway to the station. 
The detective nudged you out of the way before placing the empty pot in the machine and pressing a few buttons. 
“If this police business doesn’t work out, you should consider being a barista.” You teased. 
Gavin glared at you as he pressed a mug into your hand, warmth flooding through your fingers and up your arms. 
“You can get your own cream and sugar.”
You gasped and pressed your hand to your chest, feigning heartbreak as the detective walked away.
“Not only am I faster, stronger, and more resilient, but I’m equipped with the newest technology. Perhaps your analytical program is outdated as well.”
You saw Connor’s LED spin red as you approached, taking a very long sip of your freshly brewed coffee. 
“What if– And hear me out; You didn’t argue like children today?” You mumbled around your mug. 
“I’m not equipped with an ‘argumentative child’ program.” 
If you had an LED it would be red too.
“Anyway,” You started, drawing out the syllables, and setting your mug on Connor’s desk, “Can you pull up the most recent case assigned to us? Should be about an android found down at the docks. The one on Lakeside.” 
“That one’s new.” You nodded, pushing fingers through your hair as you sighed, “Yeah. Got assigned early this morning.” 
With Hank back on human homicide, you had been assigned to the new android crimes division. The Lieutenant wasn’t particularly happy about Connor being reassigned to your team, but he understood. You on the other hand didn’t quite understand Fowler's reasoning for splitting up the two. Before the revolution you had worked briefly on the deviancy cases, assisting Hank and Connor when they met a dead end or just making their late night coffee runs while they mulled over case after case.
 You thought they’d worked well together, more so when Connor loosened up. You supposed Hank was just too valuable in the human department. 
Connor pulled up the file on his computer, you and RK900 crowding around the desk to get a better look. You knew they were humoring you by pulling it up on the desktop, when they easily could’ve scanned it in their heads. 
“This file is practically empty. They don’t have any leads?”
You shook your head, “Barely anything. It’s also hard to place how old the body is because androids don’t decay like humans do. I was hoping you’d be able to scan him and get us some more info.”
“I supposed we’d better get going then, hm?”
Upon arriving at the docks, you found it blocked off with the digital, yellow tape. A few police cars were parked along the street and several officers stood around the scene. 
“Chris!” You called, “Any witnesses?”
The officer turned to meet you, giving a shake of his head. “It’s sorta creepy how this crime went without a hitch. The android’s too damaged to even reactivate or make an attempt to access his memories.” 
You let out a deep sigh as you slipped past officers, “He’s over here?”
Chris nodded.
The sight before you made you feel just as sick as last night. An android dangled over the side of the dock, ropes around each wrist and tied to the railing; his body half dangling in the water. Not only did the physical damage render him incapable of reactivation, but the water damage totally scrambled all his wiring too. 
“Fuck..” You breathed out.
Brief pressure on the small of your back drew you from your thoughts, you barely had time to register Connors hand before it was gone. 
“Hey, don’t get too far in your head. We’ll find a connection.”
You shook your hands out and gave him a small nod, “Notice anything?”
“The body is approximately two days old. But he’s only been here since last night.”
“How can you tell?”
“My scan gave me details about the water damage. If we replaced a few biocomponents back at the station, we may be able to reactivate him.”
RK900 suddenly appeared at your side, crossing his arms over his chest as he also scanned the android. You watched as his LED spun yellow. 
“Reactivation could be possible, but it’d be for less than a minute if everything.”  
A minute was better than nothing. A minute had the potential to provide you with a lead, a witness, anything.
Especially if one of them could interface and access the android’s memories. 
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jayden-killer · 1 year
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• definition of baby.boi.
• he doesn't know how to help, he genuinely wants to, but has difficulties.
• 《is everything all right, Y/N?》.
• you, of course, want just someone to listen and to help you. So you spill everything that's on your mind.
• he is processing everything, his led turning blue, yellow, blue, red.
• after elaborating all the informations, he'll do his best, starting with affectionate hugs, rubbing tenderly you hands... also, he'll make a speech about how to help you with your problems, giving suggestions, then proceeds to comfort you with sweet words.
• he'll do little acts of care, like cooking your fav meal, brining a hot chocolate/tea/chamomile to help your stress relief, a warm sheet.
• 《I cannot understand human emotions so easily, but I will do everything to make you feel as you deserve》.
• I love him.(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Gavin Reed
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• oh, this man here.
• Gavin is a tsundere.
• but that doesn't mean he won't underestimate your problem.
• 《tsk, just tell me what's on your mind now and which prick I need to beat to dead.. please》.
• after telling him your problem, he won't mind if you want to hug him. Yeah, he can be a bitch sometimes, but he still has a heart.
• Gavin will probably go to a face-to-face with the one who hurt you (which means they'll get.. a few broken ribs and a bleeding nose).
• if no one hurt you, he'll be silent and give here and there some comforting words, accompanied by his cats that will purr in your lap. He's trying his best, forgive him. T_T
Hank Anderson
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• similar to Gavin, but more soft.
• he probably will make Sumo cuddle you and lick your face until you're having the tiniest smile.
• 《Sumo, attack!》
• because if you smile, he smiles.
• 《kiddo, everything is gonna be alright. Trust me. Things are gonna change for sure》 he says, rubbing your hair lovingly.
• probably puts a movie with a bowl of popcorn to distract you from your thoughts.
• it kinda works, and you appreciate how he's trying to make you feel better.
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• she knows you're battling with something. The problem is, what?
• but when you're on the verge on tears, she understands.
• 《Hey, hey, what's wrong? Let it all out, it's okay, Y/N, it's okay...》
• purest.angel.ever.
• she's gonna give you the best hug ever. When you're done crying and you are a little more calm, Kara listens to everything that's bothering you.
• 《Hey, let me tell you this..》
• Kara is optimistic, so she'll make sure you see the light that's going to come really soon, while rubbing your back.
• 《I know you're strong, you can do it! I believe in you!》
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He knows what's going on, since you've been acting strange lately.
"This isn't surely Y/N's behaviour. Perhaps it's better I talk to them"
And when he finally does, you spill everything that's on your mind. You don't want to bother him with all your stuff, but he doesn't care. He's there to make sure you ok, by giving you a hug or rubbing your hand
Idk everyone, I kinda guess he'll do that, I'm not so good writing for Markus.😭😭
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p0lterge1stt · 1 year
i was bored and sleep deprived so i made this
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cupidstan · 2 years
my dbh boys helping you sleep
tags: insomnia, wholesomeness, cuddling, fluff
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“why aren’t you sleeping yet???”
is kinda confused as to why you’re not sleeping bc the only sleeping habits he’s used to is hank’s- who sleeps easily
after you explain a little to him he quickly connects the dots and nods a little (like that adorable little nod when he’s sat in the police station with hank omg he’s so adorable fufbdkdubffoi)
“okay… i’m gonna find some solutions and we’ll work through it.” he’s so practical-
silently searches into any sleeping pills you might potentially need but he won’t tell you that until he has all the evidence that you need medication
will go through a bedtime ritual with you even though he doesn’t need it bc he cares
isn’t huge on cuddling at first because he’s incredibly new to it but he finds that it helps soothe you back to sleep when you wake up so he cuddles you all the time
likes rubbing your back as you cuddle into him (it’s his favourite)
he’s awful at making drinks tbh but he does his best to make you a hot chocolate and other soothing beverages <3
limits your caffeine intake too
“huh? wha? oh. hey, sugar.”
literally tugs you under his arm and then falls back asleep
he fucking sucks at staying awake bc he’s getting old. he needs his beauty sleep 😭
however- like connor he will do a bedtime routine with you. doesn’t let you drink alcohol or caffeine, even limits your screen time just in case
will let you cuddle with sumo on the bed even though sumo takes up a lot of space
however, sumo will get up in the middle of the night to get some water and then flop down on his own comfy bed so you have to roll over and cuddle hank instead
makes you hot drinks and they taste amazing <3
will take you to the doctors to get sleeping pills if it’s extreme insomnia
but if it’s more mild and a broken sleep pattern he will cuddle you back to sleep every time you wake up
he’s also an insomniac so he stays up with you
the two of you passed out on the couch together most nights <3
treats you to coffee in the morning when you’re both exhausted but still have to go to work
likes spooning but also likes chest to chest, both help him fall asleep a bit quicker
likes talking about his day with you when you’re both cuddled up together and watching some shitty film that mainly plays in the background
can’t sleep when you’re separated, so you practically live at his apartment
if you both work at dpd then he’ll put coffees on your desk in passing and shakes you awake if you pass out (loves it when you do the same for him)
adores days off where you both order food and lazy around together trying to catch up on sleep
overall he’s just as sleep deprived as you but you’re helping each other <3
i hc he was a malewife domestic care robot (like daniel) before he became a deviant so he knows a lot about helping people fall asleep
will literally read you bedtime stories he’s so adorable 😭
best cuddler on the list, cuddles you straight to sleep he’s a natural
will watch over you bc androids don’t need sleep, even if you weren’t an insomniac he’d still watch over you <3
“do you want a hot bath and a nice drink to unwind?”
will get you aromatherapy sprays that you spray on your pillow to try and help <3
will also research medications like connor and suggest them to you (also suggests going to the doctor if you’re really struggling)
wakes you up with praises and a well earned coffee in the morning after you slept through most of the night bfnfksjsngkic he’s so cute 😭
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When you're just trying to fucking work, but your android bf has other plans... (ref/inspo in the comments)
No Easter themed render today, but Happy Easter to those who celebrate anyway!
(click for better quality)
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ratsonfire · 3 months
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Basically Reed900
(Reference under break)
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sunwarmed-ash · 5 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
Got something a little different for you guys this week!
If you've been following me for a while you know that I've been trying to get into digital art! Sure, I've made promo pieces for my fanfics but this is the first almost full body shot I've ever hand drawn. 👀👀 so without further ado....
Remember that 🔥🌶️ pic Gavin sends Connor in chapter of The Eden Club? I couldn't get it out of my head so I drew it.
Here's the SFW but still sexy version! The NSFW version is available NOW on ao3
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You are welcome to download and save this guy for yourself! But please do NOT repost on other sites without my permission.
If you'd like to tip me you are welcome to do so on Ko-fi!
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fluffykiddosstuff · 1 year
Their opinion on face sitting (NSFW)
Warnings : sexuals content, face sitting, handjob and many mores
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- please just sit on this androids face, he would do anything to pleasure you.
- don't mind about sitting on yours but is kind of nervous because androids are heavier so he makes sure he doesn't put all his weight
- doesn't jerk off while eating you out tho, he will just grab your tights to focus to give you pleasure
- buuuut if it's you who is jerking him off then this poor man is gone
- his skin features probably peels off whenever your skin and his touch, even tho you can't interface it's a reflex for his body.
- if you can't stop moaning his name, he will overstimulate you until you can't cum anymore
- your first time while face sitting would be after the androids got their rights, he was still a leader but he had less on his shoulders to carry (except you wink wink)
-after the androids law being accorded he had took you to an hotel, the time he could get some paperworks done before going back to Carl but.. This night wasn't about papers at all
- you took him on the bed because he was stressing himself too much and before you could know it you were already making out in the bed and seconds after he make you sit on his face
- he said it was the better reward for being the android leader
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- this poor Android doesn't understand the need to facesit, he took a while to understand that you wanted proper sex with him but if you don't say verbally that you want to sit on his face he will not initiate it at first
- when you finally said it, he makes researches whenever he can to understand what you mean by that, he tried to ask hank about it first to seem more human but when the poor old lieutenant cough so hard that he couldn't even breath he quickly got that it wasn't the best approach to get more informations
- once he collected enough data he would organize a date (I know androids can't eat but I saw a headcanon where they eat thirium food and I thought it was really cute), after the date would take you at a hotel
- "do whatever you want but not in my house kid" that's what hank said to Connor before he got to your date and after giving money for the hotel "it would be rude to take the people you date to their own house" he said patting connor's head
- once you got into the room you couldn't keep smiling and he took a room with petals on the bed forming a heart and tamised lights too
- first it was like usual, kissing, love words exetera, then he layed down on the bed after undressing you and you sat on his face
- God he didn't imagine how good it could felt for you, would maybe want to try it out but would'nt ask for it before some time
- this tongue isn't just to take samples ;)
- let's say that for the rest of the night you didn't slept
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- at first the poor boy didn't even knew what you were talking about
- sex? Face sitting? What's all of that?
- but once you explained everything calmly to him and that he got that it wasn't hurtful for any of you he accepted
- first you got to your house because doing that at the squat was.. Weird
- you just begin with little kisses on his face and scars but before you could see it, he rolled over and make you sit on his face after ripping whatever clothes was between his mouth and his goal
- you didn't knew a such precious being could be so wild but you didn't mind tho
- would ask if you could do the same for him because he wanted to know how could it feels since he saw how you were excited
- "Ralph likes y/n like this.. He wants to know how it feels too!"
- now it's one of Ralph's favorite activities to do with you
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- you were dating with hank for a little while and you hesitated to ask him if you could practice facesitting and that he would say "Jesus y/n I'm too old for these things!"
- but when you actually asked him about it, it was an another story
- if you asked him in a public space he would murmur in your ear "tonight at my house, Connor will be at Markus place" or if you are both home and that Connor is gone for the day he would say : "c'mere" and start doing the job
- he is quite experienced, he was married after all
- you would probably have red tights because of the friction of his beard but you don't mind, he finds that quite erotic too
- don't ask him that he sits on your face tho, he doesn't like that
- one or two round is enough, after all he is human and old, yes he likes it but he doesn't want to get killed by you sitting on his face (even tho he says while laughing that it could be nice to die this way)
-since of his age, he can't do things like he could when he was in his 20's so facesitting is one of his favorite things because he knows that he can handle it and make you feel good at the same time
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-wow wow wow wow hold there a second
-what are you asking ?
-would'nt be for it at first maybe says things like "na it's for pussy's anyways i like my way of holding things better"
-buuuut if you insist..he would consider it
-but don't talk to anyone about this, no matter how much he loves you he's gonna kill you if you don't shut your mouth
-actually is pretty aroused when he ears you whimper on top of him, he could cum only from that
-but don't ever tease him about that because either he will make you sexually frustrated for who knows how long or would have to punish you somehow
-if one day, ONE SINGLE DAY, he let's you eat him while he is sitting on your face, told yourself your lucky
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-would be so glad that you ask him directly, to him that means a lot and plus it's a sign of affection so why not ?
-man he is so sweet please just praise him already
-wouldn't mind to try, but if he doesn't like it he will tell you
-would be scared when you start to tremble because of overstimulation, but once you reassure him that it's all about pleasure, he is glued to you for some time
-caresses and soft words are his love language so he will most likely caress your tights and anything that reaches his hands
-he looks at you like your some sort of divinity while having you on his face, please don't stop him
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-like connor pretty confused about anything sex-like (like he doesn't know yet how to initiate it), but he would get the little hints you give him
-doesn't ask anything to anyone, he doesn't need it, he is cyberlife most avanced android right ?
-many, too many researches (even at work or at night)
-he wants you to be bold with him and sincere so don't be afraid to tell him exactly what you want (if you come with a plan or a kamasutra to show him how is facesitting, would register everything in his cpu)
-wouldn't sit on you, he isn't comfortable with that yet ( at first he says that he is made to help humans and not to be pleased)
-would close his eyes during the "processus" likes he calls it,he is deviant but that serious part of him is what attracted him to you after all
- doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it tho, every sounds, moves, spots and picture he register of you is in his cpu and whenever he is bored and want to try new things (like masturbation) or maybe just because he wants to see how marvelous you are, he will read those files
-would maybe try to tease you (i sais try, doesn't mean he is good at it) and would continue or not, depends on your reaction
-leaves marks and bruises on your legs and stomach
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-he was waiting his whole life that you ask him for that
-prepared everything in advance
-if you put lingerie or anything sexy on, oh god have mercy he will not leave you for a while
-doesn't mind receive but likes more giving
-could keep on for hours, he can't get enough of you really
-he saw you as a masterpiece, so he is honored to as you on his face
-but before or after, would ask if he can take snapshots of you and both of you, he is the creator of androids but he like these old techniques and he thinks you both look like gods from ancient greece
-he keepts these snapshots on him every single time and when he as to go for something, brings them with him to remember how much fun you will both have when he gets home
-makes you a bath and ask chloe for diner,pampers you, don't want to leave you until you are asleep
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gogogodzilla · 2 years
Criminal Analysis Masterlist
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Summary: You never pictured this life for yourself. Never pictured that android cases would start piling up and you'd be assigned to figure out why they were deviating.
You were a forensic psychologist hired by the Detroit Police Department as a consultant. You usually dealt with figuring out what made suspects tick and why they did what they did. You figured it'd be the same thing, as usual, that is until a certain android walked into your crime scene and completely turned your life upside down.
Smut = ♡♡♡
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 ♡♡♡
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 ♡♡♡
Tease ♡♡♡ ➢ The spiritual smutty epilogue to Criminal Analysis aka Connor can't wait until you get home ;)
Also available on Wattpad and AO3!
Check out some of my other works here!
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glass-noodle · 11 months
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lab merman AU part 8! 💚💙
Word gets around. Tina and Gavin won't leave Hank alone. Connor follows Hank everywhere — almost like a partner — flashing him a goofy, toothy little grin whenever Hank catches his eye. Sometimes it seems like he's moving extra slowly and sinuously through the water, letting the light catch his scales and ripple off his fins as he twists and weaves gracefully. If Hank didn't know any better, he'd say the kid was showing off.
On their breaks, Connor barely seems interested in the fish that Hank brings anymore, preferring to haul himself onto the deck and bat those huge doe eyes at Hank until he starts talking to Connor, or plays a game of coin toss with him, or shows him more pictures of Sumo. Hank knows the situation's still not ideal — Connor's still trapped in a fucking tank, after all — but he can't help but feel better than he has in a long time. Connor makes him feel better.
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[prev] Part 8 [next]
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tobbotobbs · 11 months
Yandere DBH RK800 Connor x male (deviant or human) reader
Connors mission is to find and obtain the reader, a deviant/human on the run. However when searching the house he finds reader hiding and doesn’t warn Hank. Instead he sneaks the reader out and takes him for himself. He was just such a pretty model/boy that he had to take him home for himself.
Maybe he imbeds a chip into the reader to know where he is at all times?
Either human or deviant reader, just make Yandere Conner please and thanks.
Never wrote yandere stuff before so I hope this is okay :(
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It was dark outside when M/n finally found an abandoned house where he could rest and hide for now. He had been running from the police and the dogs for what seemed like an eternity. And the fact that they were shooting after him as well, because he apperiantly couldn't feel pain and was just scrap metal with a voice, did not really made the running easier. He had to dodge thise bullets because he, in fact, did feel everytime something punctured his model. He in fact had feelings. Which was the start of all his problems actually. He had started to show some interest in his Mistress, Alina, which led her to question him what was happening and if his database was broken or needed a new update. Of course he declined and actually told her, as stupid as he was, that he had those feelings in him. They just suddenly started to appear someday and since a few days he broke through his data wall and finally acted on his own completely. After hearing her bodyguard android telling her all this, Alina of course chose to be careful and tell the android company about this situation she was in. And in no time they came and wanted to get rid of M/n. It was devastating, he had thought Alina felt something for him as well. The way she always made sure he was all cleaned up, had enough power or would be in good condition after a hard day of keeping creeps away from her on festivals or meetings. Oh, how naive the android had been. Thinking back to all this, he really shouldn't have been surprised. As long as he had no boiling blood, a beating heart and the life ik his eyes when being looked at he was worth nothing to noone.
A loud creek from one of the molting woodplanks took his interest. Slowly, M/n made his way over to the next room where he assumed the sound had come from. At closer inspection he found a few pigeons on the floor who just seemed to be sitting there and resting, just like he did. Smiling he went closer and sat down next to them, the animals not bothered by the androids appearance and deciding to just stay where they were seated, sharing the nice quietness of the room in the dark room which was slightly alighted by the moons presence outside. ,,You guys seem so peaceful...I wish I could just fly away as well. That must be a relieving feeling, go just...go", he whispered more to himself than the pigeons who only looked at him from the side in a weird manner. He only chuckled lightly. ,,Yeah...Yeah I must look a little mad right now I guess...", still talking to himself, M/n decided to call it a day and maybe dwell in the comfort of old memories on his database.
Meanwhile in the dpd, Hank Anderson and his Android partner Connor were sitting at their desks and waiting for something to come up so they could finally get away from Gavin and rk900 yelling at eachother in the office. It was literal hell for them. These idiots weren't even getting any punishment which made Hank more annoyed than he already was. It was just awful watching those two argue about some little inconvenience of their case when the real reason they've been so frustrated with eachother was in fact not the case but the sexual tension going on between them. Everyone saw it, even Connor who mostly didn't understand social clues and other things that had to do with human emotions. But really, for an Android that smart rk900 also seemed to not get it. And Gavin probably just felt too ashamed and proud to let the thought of him liking an Android slide. Poor guys, Hank thought to himself. He then proceeded to turn around in his seat and took a look at his partner who, instead of still looking at the arguing cops, stared at the wall, deep in thoughts. His little LED flickered between blue and yellow, showing that he was thinking or more like processing something which got the older man interested.
,,Connor, what's going on in that little head of yours?", he had asked smugly, already awaiting Connors dismissing reply that he actually had no real head and mind but just his servers to go through, though it seemed the Android was so deep in whatever he was doing, that he didn't even noticed Hanks question. ,,Hank, Connor! Come up here, I got a mission for you two!", the loud voice of their boss suddenly rang through the office which also bought Connor out of his processing procedure. The both of them stood up and quickly went up the stairs to the bureau of the captain of the dpd to see what he had for them. Seated in the bureau they waited for their orders. Which came quickly. A the Android of a higher ranked woman among society turned Deviant and was missed. He was classified as very dangerous because he was a bodyguard and still has weapons on him. And Hank and Connor needed to search for clues on where he was or best, find him right away and take him in. It seemed like a good and easy start into the operation, as they had already a clue on where he was last seen.
And easy it was, as it seemed. The Deviant hasn't left the area since yesterday and they just needed to check in which of all the abandoned buildings he was hiding. For that Hank and Connor decided to split up to cover more grounds. Connor, alone in an old factory building, fell into a spiral of thoughts. He was thinking about what exactly happened to the Android to suddenly turn Deviant. Captain didn't tell them any details because they needed to hurry things. He also wondered if he could ask the Deviant a few questions, personal ones, before they need to take him in and interrogate him. Perhaps he could befriend him as well to make things go easier. He threw that thought away as fast as it came. Androids don't make friends. That's what Deviants do. He was no Deviant. Suddenly he heard something. A little humming, coming from the room next to him. Slowly and carefully, Connor peaked around the corner. There, next to a lot of pigeons, the Deviant they were searching for stood and hummed a melody while dancing around a little, or more like jumping around. At the sight Connor forgot why they were here. This Deviant was dangerous? That sweet looking, humming and jumping Android in front of him? That couldn't be. He was too precious. He couldn't possibly hurt a fly now, could he? As Connor watched M/n for a while longer some confusing feelings made their way up into his system which caused to constantly show the words Software Instability in the right corner of his vision. He ignored those though. More focused on the heavenly creation in front of him. He wanted M/n. The feelings in his system were want and desire, he finally figured out.
He walked into the room, M/n still not noticing his presence as he was having fun humming and jumping around. Just as he was about to turn around, Connor grabbed the other Android from behind and held him still. He quickly searched for the deactivation button on the model to turn him off and when he did found it, he pressed it. M/n suddenly stood still and his LED blinked red for a few more seconds before it turned off. ,,I got you...now I just have to bring you home. Hopefully Hank won't notice I just left now...", Connor talked to himself as he pulled M/n into his arms and carried him away. His legs carried him to his apartment which he got while he worked in the dpd with Hank. He hadn't want to stay at the older man's home all the time so he got his own place. The way back to Connors place wasn't too long and nobody seemed to be out on the streets at this time of the day so he could easily take M/n with him. In his apartment he laid the h/c android down onto his couch and just looked at him for a little while. Then he got to work.
He searched up what to do in a situation like this and he came across some dark looking sites on the internet that told him to lock the person up, bondage them and keep them quiet somehow and be careful to not let them leave too many handprints over his place. He was confused at first but didn't look to much into it, humans were confusing to him anyways. He even got into a little discussion on one of those dark illegal site where one person recommended him, if he wanted to keep the person in control and know where they were at all times, he should put a tracker on them. That gave Connor a idea. He smiled to himself after he planned out what he would do to keep this Android, his Android, at his side. It was getting overwhelming, those feelings he had. The want grew and grew, he needed M/n at his side forever, somehow. He would do anything to accomplish that. He pulled a few arrangements over the next day, he had turned M/n's model on again which needed a little bit to restart after the abrupt deactivation, which gave him enough time to go and get the little chip he had bought online. When he came back from his little shopping spree, he had also rather impulsively bought a collar and a leash after walking along a pet store, he opened the door to his apartment slowly. The place was totally quiet, which made the Android think that M/n's model was still restarting.
Well he had thought wrong. Just when Connor rounded the cornor into the living room, the Deviant jumped at him. They both fell to the floor, Connors contents he had bought flew a few metres away thanks to the force of M/n crashing into him. ,,Who the fuck are you?! And why did you take me?!?!", the h/c Android asked, his voice shaking with anger as well as anxiety. Defensively, Connor held his hands up. ,,I'm Connor. I'm an Android, just like you. Well. Nearly like you. I saw you yesterday and...I took you. I have this feeling in me and it makes me crave for you since I saw you and now that I have you, we can live together! You don't have to worry about getting captured, tortured or even destroyed by humans! And you can jump around and hum how much you like here with me! You'll have such a kice life here with me, I promise!", he kind of maniacally smiled up at M/n. Everything he had said caught the ex bodyguard off guard. ,,Crave...me? What do you mean?", more anxious and confused now, M/n stood up and backed away from Connor a little. ,,You belong to me now M/n! I can and will give you everything yeah? This is your new home, trust me this is going to be perfect!", he stood up as well and walked closer to M/n. ,,I even got my little Deviant something~", it nearly sounded like Connor was purring those words as he grabbed the stuff from the floor. ,,Now, be good and let me put this around you yes? It will make you look so much better!", he exclaimed. His cold hands took the collar and the leash, opening it while putting it around M/n's neck, who was still shocked and couldn't really react or do anything. After it was put comfortably around the neck and closed, Connor clipped the leash onto a little hook at the frond of the collar and tugged slightly at it which made the Deviant fall forward a little and his mouth escaped a choked gasp at the sudden pressure around his throat, which turned a little white at the irritation.
Snickering, Connor tugged a little more until M/n was right in front of him. If he could breath, the other Android would've been able to feel it on his skin. ,,So good for me darling...now to my last little gift. God you look so obedient and good in this collar and leash! If I tugg you a little closer...like...this!", he pulled and M/n finally fell fully into his chest. That gave Connor the perfect position of putting the chip into back of M/n's head. ,,Darling stay still for a second. I've got to put something into you...for your safety yes? It could hurt a little but please, remember I love you and I am doing this so you'll be able to have a better life yes?", he sugar coated what he was about to do. Panicking about what was about to happen, M/n started to free himself from Connors grip, but the other had him perfectly captured between his arms. M/n felt one cold hand travel to the back of his head, where he pushed a little around before he found what he was looking for. A little plate of metal that wasn't really connected to the rest of the other parts. So he could pull it of, with force. Which he did. Agonizing pain went through the Deviants body. His eyes were opened wide while his mout let out an silently painful scream. If he could, he would fall unconscious. He wished he could fall unconscious. He didn't want to be here in the arms of some weird Android model that has gone mad. M/n didn't even care about the pain when the chip was put into his model. He just accepted it and afterwards, when the little plate was put onto it's place again, he didn't dare to look Connor in the eyes. He was scared, confused and stressed. He should've stayed with Mistress Alina, should've not told her how he felt. Oh what he would give to just be in her presence right now and get to speak a few words with her. He missed her. So much. It made him feel even worse, now that some creepy stranger took a liking on him and decided to creepy him and make him his. He didn't want that, all he wanted was to be left alone, to fly like the pigeons did.
So aorry this is actually so fucking bad I didn't know what to write exactly 'cause I've never written or really read any yandere stuff! I'm so sorry, hope you guys still kinda enjoyed it (:
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catgoblins-blog · 1 year
Gavin: *applying chapstick*
Nine: what is that?
Gavin: oh, it's chapstick that’s tastes like coffee
Nine: oh… can I try it?
Gavin: *hands over chapstick* sure
Nine: *kisses Gavin*
Nine: huh. It does
Gavin: *has stopped functioning*
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