#fuck tech bros
sylvanus-cypher · 9 months
On the one hand, Elon Musk has utterly mangled one of the most important social media sites, arguably irreparably, and has set such a terrible precedent that other wannabee tech moguls like Steve Huffman and All Those Hollywood Execs[TM] are emboldened to make the most stupid possible decisions without hesitation, further worsening the media landscape
On the other hand, now I can look at Musk stans and shit on them without hesitation, because it takes more than just having annoying personality to look at everything he's done in the past few years and still like him. It takes a special kind of cultist who's willing to pay $8 for internet clout, for one
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retroneko · 2 months
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vampirechatroom · 1 year
hearing amazon employees (not warehouse workers; i’m talking specifically about tech workers who make upwards of 100k a year doing fake fucking email jobs) talk about how their vision of the future includes “green amazon cargo ships” and a “strong green economy” is fucking laughable. actual clown shit. my vision for the future includes jeff bezos being dragged from his home and killed in the street for the destruction he’s wrought against people and planet. my vision for the future includes amazon hq reduced to rubble and a community garden/food forest being built amongst the remediated ruins. 
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personname1 · 2 months
At this point I am wondering how long myself and my other transfem friends can actually stay on this site? I legitimately don't see staff doing anything (or to give them the benefit of the doubt being able to do anything) about the actions coming from tumblr's own CEO.
I know I have no following whatsoever (to all like three people who do, I love you more than words can say) but at what point does any conversation about this tech bro in chief other than fellating him become "hate speech" or "threats of violence"?
To come here, and act like harassing trans women is the equivalent to a woman who is venting about her own abuse, is somehow equal to or worse than the systemic erasure that you have a hand in perpetrating is blatantly ridiculous.
So at what point do we get forced off the site?
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pers-books · 9 months
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Words cannot express HOW VERY MUCH I do NOT want to ever interact with fucking AI!!!!
GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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swemtpotamtam · 2 months
The whole thing about AI is so fucking annoying, disheartening and straight-up depressing. No place is safe from all of the ai and tech bullshit.
And what options do artists have? What options do I personally have?
Glaze and Nightshade everything? I personally don't have the time or GPU power to glaze billions of artworks that I made. Fucking imagine you make a quick-ish sketch and spend 40 minutes glazing it (and don't get me started on some results of that process looking like the artwork went through 9 circles of bitcrushing hell based on how artifacted it looks)
Put everything I make behind a paywall? I for sure know that only a super small fraction would pay to see whatever I draw, the rest would just not care (either for some personal/general reasons or because people are also having a financial crisis 'cause, girlie, same)
Not post at all? I guess so.
I'm so fucking sick and tired of moving from website to website, trying to have a normal place to post art on and also have a community of people to interact with but time and time AGAIN it all just goes to shit. I wish there was some way to just ban all of these shitty ai things from existing or being developed. Stop treating us artists as some fucking cow you can milk for content and then can just slaughter when we are no longer useful. Fuck AI and fuck harmful tech shit.
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angelboybreakdowns · 3 months
i haaaaaate when ppl are going on about ‘oh im so unlovable nobody likes me’ shut up everyone is lovable. it came free with your fucking humanity bitch
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serialunaliver · 2 months
if you call women interested in the workings and development of technology "tech bros" i'm killing you ok?
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mod2amaryllis · 3 months
i know vet prices are out of control expensive but it's because the world is expensive, not greed, and so every time i encounter someone complaining about it in bad faith i want to grab them by the hands with shaking, sweaty desperation and say "on average human nurses are paid 30-50 dollars an hour. vet techs, who are nurses of every department and every specialty and also janitors and mma fighters, are lucky to break minimum wage."
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momojedi · 2 months
Tech, dying:
Echo: Well, that was my thirteenth reason.
And he was never seen again.
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analog-television · 4 months
there's something to be said about how disrespectful it is when people feel entitled to an artist's works. this includes highly popular artists, especially when they probably have to deal with a lot more of that entitlement overall.
i can't help but remember how one of my favorite artists (simon stalenhag) essentially got chased off the internet because tech bros felt like they can just use his art without permission. because he's popular and draws cool machinery. the fact that nft bros fucken harassed him when he refused to make his art into nfts (and thus often stole his art to mint), and now ai bros time and time again sampling his art because they want to steal his style. its even more infuriating when you consider the context of stalenhag's art - the fact that it's very critical against capitalism and technology gone awry which harms both humans and the environment. the fact that the torment nexus fans are literally appropriating the "dont build the torment nexus" art.
it's just... why can't people respect artists more? why can't they respect the themes and messages within the art? there are so many better ways to show your appreciation towards the artist which doesn't involve such extreme entitlement.
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nixcraft · 2 months
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mutantrenegade · 2 months
Matt, Let's Talk
Hello photographer matthew, head bitch in charge of hellsite, let's have a chat. Don't worry, I'm gonna be cool about it, just calm down and take a seat, have some tea.
Matt, you did a transphobia.
I know you say you aren't transphobic and for now, i'll give you the benefit of a doubt on that one and assume it's true, but like, buddy, pallie, salt of the earth, sugar lumpkin doodles, you did a transphobia.
You probably didn't mean to do a transphobia and probably don't like that all us trannies are mad at you right now, but you did a transphobia.
I know what predstrogen said you to hurt your feelings, i get it, you aren't used to having people vaugepost about your death like most of the trans people on this site are. But see, what you do is, ignore it. Or in this case. Step back for a second and realize what's happening is a trans woman was feeling frustrated and scared because people on your site had been harassing her heavily for months on end and the lack of response from your staff made her feel like your staff didn't care about her and maybe was actively rooting for the people who wished her harm. And if you think it was unfair that she felt that way about your staff. Maaaaaaaybe it's actually a sign you need to try harder to focus on making this site safer for trans women.
Maybe if your userbase is so fast to assume your staff and you personally hate trans people, maybe you should be more worried about why we have reached this conclusion rather than being mad it's being said to your face. Because this site does feel like it doesn't give a shit about trans people especially trans women.
Maybe if your staff is working hard to ban transphobes from this site, it means you have a larger problem because transphobes are fucking everywhere man. Like they just are. Several of them have shown up in my inbox recently telling me i should harass a trans woman over things that aren't my fuckin business.
Maybe think that if you are crossing social media sites to pick a fight with the person you banned for the mean words, that you might be the one worrying to much about it especially when predstrogen does not know you nor would have any ability to contact you.
And I get that it's scary when people say violent things about you online, they've said them about me. I actually had to contact the FBI once over things people said to me online. It was leagues worse and leagues more specific than what predstrogen said to you. You need to let it go man, you are the CEO of a company, people are gonna be mad at you sometimes and you have to have thicker skin than coming off a sabbatical to dm random trans women asking why they don't like you.
Just like, say you fucked up man. Say that you did in fact do an accidental transphobia and then try and fix the things that made you think you weren't doing an accidental transphobia. It's not that hard man. Just drop the ego, admit you did a stupid, and try harder.
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breebird33 · 2 months
Just throwing out there that I am most active* on bluesky and somewhat active some other places if you wish to follow me elsewhere.
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*that is actually a lie, I scream about fromsoft games on an alt twit account A LOT
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maythearo · 7 months
College of Belas Artes using AI designs in advertisement for their courses, hm interesting, eat acid please
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
starting any new medication with intended or unintended mental effects is so weird. it’s not exactly like waking up with a whole new brain but it definitely feels like my mind got reformatted. this latest nervous system one is doing some what it’s supposed to physically (thank god) but it’s definitely doing… something to my thinking patterns and emotional responses. i’m not sure what. it has some overlap with the symptoms of an early manic upswing in the sense that the “regard for consequences” segment of my brain is sending an out-of-office message, so i thought it was that at first, but that’s definitely not it. but. something.
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