#fuck it yall might like the little guy so im gonna tag
vivalasthedas · 3 months
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Part of the 'I need to keep this fun' thing today was shoving Portabello in my pocket to take some pictures when out and about
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nyxi-pixie · 1 year
the most important thing abt noah coming out is that the people going 'hehe how does our fav strAIGHT frat boy play that fucking gayass so well??😱😱' had to stfu😁👍
#its annoying when people do it abt anyone tbh#that was so fucking irritating lmfaoooo#me omw to remind the masses of hets and chronically online 12yr old queers whove never met a gay person irl that we're not a monolith🤩#it doesnt escape my notice that yall say it more violently the second anyone so much as iMPLIES that they mighy not be straight#'speculating is bad' yes! but shockingly! yelling to the moon + back that them being not straight is impossible is not the best alternative#and perpetuates every dumbass stereotype#im so tired#also if you say hey maybe stop insisting theyre str8 for no reason every 5 seconds for a cheap joke abt the queer character they play#then everyone immediately is frothing at the mouth holding a chainsaw to ur throat#def not indirecting anyone w this😟#i dont even remember who it was but someone was always putting those stupid noah straightest man in the world jokes on my dash#n i just used to stare at them like holy shit u guys are gonna be shocked when u encounter gay ppl outside of the internet.#my tags ran away from me again#but i hope u guys Hear Me on this shit bc this happens w every celebrity ever#and then ppl turn around and pretend the problem was ppl thinking they might be queer#instead of ppl refusing to believe theyre anything other than straight#anyway.#am a little late to posting abt him i know😔 have been so ia here recently but i saw it when it happened and am vv proud of him#<33 just to get a little of track at the end here#but yeah hes lovely and i wish people who were insisting he was straight would understand him as an examole that gay ppl arent all the same#but they wont cos they immediately turn to going 'omgggg our fav slayqueen i always knew hehehehe he just looks so fruitsalad'#heed my warnings i am a conduit of rage and violence and one day im going to use it on those ppl#oh fuck this was so many tags i am an unrestrained tag menace#a tennis if you will#aha like the game#anyway#byler#(<- it isnt but this is where i was seeing 'Straight Frat Boy Noah could never be gay' posts so.)#(not most of you tho<333 just a few)#right im going back to reading this 700k word fic from another fandom when will i return to tumblr?? who knows. not me
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: dating luffy edition
— modern au!! these r so fun
— luffy x male reader <3
— i like making the pairings usernames match i think its so cute "returnto[name]" and "im[name]"
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liked by returnto[name], dni_nami, roro.zoro, and 7k others
im[name]: i cannot even sleep in peace hes lucky hes cute
tagged: returnto[name]
-> im[name]: ofc my love 😭
dni_nami: im gonna barf why r u guys being so cute on my tl i didnt ask for this
-> uso_pp: i second this
-> im[name]: yall jus b homophobic huh?
-> im[name]: LMFKAOAOAO
robinkills: very cute post of you two <3
-> returnto[name]: THANK U ROBIN HAHA
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liked by im[name], uso_pp, and 10k others
returnto[name]: i miss my bf :/
tagged: im[name]
uso_pp: "i miss my bf" yall saw each other THIS MORNING im beggin u to stfu
-> im[name]: usopp wanna come over and play games w me and luffy later
-> uso_pp: yeah im down
princesanji: i cannot believe this idiot got a significant other before me...
-> dni_nami: i can
-> roro.zoro: i can
-> skullnsoul: i can
-> SUPERCOLA: i can
im[name]: imy too lu, but we saw each other this morning 😭😭 ill b back after classes soon
-> returnto[name]: why couldnt u jus bring me?
-> im[name]: pls we cannot keep arguing abt this
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liked by returnto[name], robinkills, and 8k others
dni_nami: its crazy how the only person who can remotely calm luffy down is [name], i respect him
tagged: returnto[name] and im[name]
im[name]: hes just a little pookie cutie wootie patootie
-> dni_nami: i think i might block u
-> roro.zoro: wtf does rhis even mean.
-> dr.law: none of these words were in the bible
returnto[name]: I LOVE CUDDLING WITH [NAME] hes so comfy 🥰
-> dni_nami: we know ur loud snores were enough to show how comfy u were
-> robinkills: i was wondering what that sound was.
-> im[name]: i love u franky ur so sweet <3
im[name]'s story:
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happy 3 yr anniversary w my absolute heart (@)returnto[name] TO MANY MORE
returnto[name] replied to your story: I LOVE YOU [NAME] HAHA
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liked by im[name], dni_nami, robinkills, ans 15k others
returnto[name]: im hungry 😋
tagged: im[name]
im[name]: babe wtf do u mean by that caption 😭😭
-> returnto[name]: im hungryyyyy
roro.zoro: average gym buddy.
-> im[name]: yessiirrr
-> returnto[name]: thanks thats my boyfriend 😋
boahancock: well...this is definitely a photo
-> returnto[name]: thanks photo creds go to me because im his boyfriend 😋
purrrona: shit [name] looks rlly good here DAMN
-> returnto[name]: yeah hes my boyfriend 😋
-> returnto[name]: yes!!! thats my boyfriend [name] :DDD
uso_pp: luffy what is going on in these comments......
-> returnto[name]: nothing i just love MY boyfriend
-> im[name]: lu 😭😭😭
princesanji: why does the idiot look good here...
-> dni_nami: damn not sanji hoppin in this LMFOAOA
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Friend. F r I e N d. Your smol brother Razor hcs made my insides flippyflop. I beg, I plead...
My daughter QiQi? Holding onto my sleeve while we go picking herbs so she knows she can get home? Getting her a little bag with a notebook and pen so she always has memory?
Scolding Baizhu for letting her go herb picking when he knows she probably won't remember the way home?!?! Because Archons man like NO.
Hello!! Flippyflop??!! Over my writing ??!! 🥺🥺 <3
Also srry im rlly slow getting to yalls asks i promise it will come and i love u all for giving me asks <33
(*´▽)ノ✨️ NOW LETS GO ! ! ✨️
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(Now before yall come at me, I am aware Baizhu does care about her, but BUT, he still is studying her/canonically has ulterior motives, and lets her pick herbs when she may not be able to find her way back, also he doesnt strike me as the type to be super affectionate/parental, as cute as it is to write him that way)
What a b l e s s e d ask, this is so cute i love all the kids in genshin their adorable
So... im kinda a consistent Sagau writer, and i love requests like this! But also, im not sure if u guys want me to still apply Sagau/Isekai setting to these requests on top of what was initially asked??
So i will pretty much always make all requests will be SAGAU/ISEKAI Reader based, UNLESS YOU STATE OTHERWISE IN THE ASK!!
Oh Qiqi, another child product of ✨️traumatic events✨️
(Future me after finishing this: oh god what monster have I unleashed upon the world, upon the sagau tag, upon my innocent followers...)
Damn ur lucky u didnt land in Jueyun Karst or nothin
Or on one of the many mountains/cliffs all over Liyue
Its honestly more a shock u arent on a mountain bc theres so many,,
Ur pretty close to Liyue Harbor luckily, not in town, but sort of at the base of Mt Tianheng by the looks of it, almost behind it
Its about sunset too, WOW
Liyue Harbor is hella bigger than in game, holy fuck its actually a huge port city
Should u go into the city??
Ur not sure, do they speak English??
...Wait u dont got a single mora
U cant even get an inn rn RIP
?? Should u just? Find a cave?? To sleep in??
But what about monsters??!
(Call Xiao? Nah he'd freak tf out on u, Shenhe maybe? She is the only option u can think of that seems like she would possibly take in a random homeless traveler from another world, mostly bc she could beat ur ass no matter what)
So,, Shenhe? Maybe? Ur still not sold on the idea but maybe u could gather something out here to sell on a street corner?? Or to Wanmin maybe for fresh ingredients?
Yeah sure why not,
With that, u just wander around the area, checking out all the plants and animals
The fennec foxes are so adorable
Oh shit some mint and sweet flower, finally
Oh hell yeah a sunsettia, u got food now 💪
U hold onto some of it to sell (including a low violet grass hell yeah)
Crunchin and munchin ur way thru Liyue now, it isnt until u find a particularly wooded area that u hear ur first sign of human life
Stand corrected,
A soft hum, almost a lullaby, comes from Qiqi as she picks up other flowers youve never seen before (ooo new liyue plants)
Should u just leave? She seems busy and u dont wanna distract her bc she might forget to go back to her task..
Wait a minute.
On the other hand,
Now you can finally achieve one of your many goals in Genshin that you couldn't as a player.
Help Qiqi collect herbs and guide her back,
And scold Baizhu. >:)
(whats he gonna do?? call the milieth on you??? for some rude person who doesnt like the way he makes a child wander off, who has memory issues and cant find her way back??? thats what you thought)
Approaching the tiny zombie girl, you purposely step on a branch to let her know ur there
...she doesn't even flinch, instead she vvveerrryy slooowwwlllyyy lifts her head up from her bent position
Her big doe eyes 🥺
They dont look empty, or dead just kinda dreamy
She tilts her head, the adepti paper covering an eye
Qiqi: "...do I know you? ..you feel... familiar..."
Oh this is crazy, she sounds exactly like in game, but instead of in a screen, her voice is in front of you
You respond "Oh I don't think so?" You introduce yourself,
"Are you alone out here? The sun is setting..."
It didnt strike you until now, but the zombie girl is so... so... tiny
I mean, you knew the kids were small, but not 5-6 year old small!!!
Qiqi stands, and you see her holding a basket in the crook of her other arm, full of greenery
(some u recognize like violet grass, horsetails, but others are completely new, wow u gotta wander around Liyue after u find somewhere to sleep tonight to check out how much more fleshed out it is irl...)
The little cryo user is the picture perfect image of sweetness 💝✨️
The paper falls to the side, and both of her gentle pink eyes look up at you (💔)
Qiqi answers slowly, "...I messed up my routine, I forgot to get herbs this morning...so I couldn't make the medicine for today... I'm getting them now instead.."
She turns to the right, then left, and blinks a few times (💔💔💔)
She kinda looks like she forgot the way back,, you figure you might as well ask
"Do you want help getting back to town? The pharmacy right?"
Qiqi looks back at you, and nods, "Okay...thank you..."
She takes YOUR HANNNDDDD 😫😫😫💔💔💔
Her small fingers are cold, and they wrap around only two of your fingers
Trying to hold the squeal inside urself, you turn and begin to walk off together, following the path around Mt. Tianheng into town
After hearing about your homeless situation, Qiqi and Baizhu offer the guest room for the night, also partially as a thank you for helping Qiqi (thank fuck theyre that nice)
After talking on the way over,
Turns out that Baizhu lives just out of town of Liyue, (not found in the game, was is it with not showing characters houses...) that way he has some greenery around his house, and has a garden out back :D 🌱
Baizhu just gets this strange familiar feeling from you (it almost reminds him of,, seeing a regular customer that has been to see him hundreds of times...) that convinces him to offer you a job at the pharmacy, in exchange for living in the guest room for awhile ! ! WOO
Literally on the first day out ur like,, Baizhu.
My boss, my friend, my buddy, my homie, my guyyyyy
U gotta let me go with Qiqi from now on, she will literally get lost hoe. 😐
Tapping ur foot at him and everything,
He's a little intimidated tbh bc ur so upfront about it, and agrees
U lowkey shame his parenting (and he actually feels quilty wow)
"Since we first met, I have had a warm feeling inside. Not the kind of warmth that makes me feel rotten. The other kind of warm. The one that happens inside my heart. Thank you. I am happy. Sadly I only recognize the current you. If I forget you... No. I will order myself to remember you."
(Once again, if u read my Razor post, another person who can't quite articulate what you are as the Creator, but just has a feeling about you that ur cozy and safe :')
(U help her press flowers in it to both leave inside as a pleasent surprise when she forgets about them, and attach some to the front 💖)
In the morning, she goes herb picking, then makes medicine, and then does stretches at the end of the day before bed
(At least im pretty sure thats it, it was like 3 things so she could remember easily)
And she even says "...I started memory training exercises recently. So don't worry, I won't forget who you are." 🥲💘
Qiqi seemed excited to tell u all the plants u dont recognize and what they do in medicine,
U mostly think that bc she walked and talked a little faster,
her emotions arent super obvious bc apparently her facial muscles arent super flexible... :/
(she later on after she trusts you more, will sometimes let u rub her little cheeks and massage her face to let her have more range, she looks like a content kitten those times 😭😭)
But when ur not out and about Liyue's nature with Qiqi,
U do little odd jobs around Liyue, like dog walking, delivering peoples' medicine, and u even registered w/the Adventurer's Guild so u could take on small commissions :D
U used ur money to buy ingredients to cook food for urself and the household (bc Baizhu cant make anything besides soup and tea apparantly srsly how is this man alive)
And thru a series of trial and error (and consulting Xiangling..)
U made coconut milk!!! ✨️🥥🥛
Qiqi loved. It. Every. Time.
She's not tall enough to reach the kitchen counters w/o a stool, but she can peek her little head over it and put her fingers on the edge, which she does everytime u make it 😫😫🥺🥺
She has a 6th sense for everytime u make it, no matter where she is in the house/nearby lol
It was also one of the things she wrote down in her notebook that she didnt wanna forget LMAO
Next to a reminder that she knows you + other facts abt u, is "can make coconut milk"
You can bribe her with it too lol
Shes already Baizhu's assistant, so she is great at cutting, chopping, and prepping ingredients
She insists on helping u everytime, she'll even delay her morning routine for u to make breakfast <3
(U also make sure to remind her to eat and hydrate consistently, bc thatd be hard af to keep track of w/ memory issues, i would know 💀)
U also used ur money to buy clothes for urself and her!! <3
Also apparently u still have access to the character menu? And ur inventory?? And quests???
(Her outfits show up in her outfit screen!! theres just kinda a hologram button hovering over her chest at all times..)
She seems rlly fond of upgrading her, her weapon, and artifacts bc she likes to be a stronk 💪girl to protect ppl she loves aw <3
She also likes to help u out with commissions too, it brings her some variety in her day that shes become fond of!!
(Shes also become fond of you and all the exciting things ur doing)
Ur quests menu is rlly helpful for you but also her!! U just gently reroute her or remind her everytime she needs it :)
(she has slowly gone from asking you what she forgot/what she was supposed to be doing, to just... LOOKING UP AT YOUUUUU FOR THE ANSWERRRR W/O SAYING ANYTHINGGGGG 💔💔💔💔💔💔)
Bc u got jackshit all else to do in ur freetime, other than exploring, u started picking up some hobbies thatll benefit the both of you!
U bought some fabric and whatnot to make Qiqi a backpack!! So she doesnt have to carry around the herb basket anymore
(the ones being sold were too expensive, and werent quite right for her anyway, but u did stab urself enough times that Baizhu gave u bandages..)
You give it to her on her birthday!! (she also remembered yours!! She gave u herbal medicine and a necklace of gemstones she handmade like noctilous jade and cor lapis cries)
It has lots of pockets, bc Qiqi also likes to get interesting rocks or non-medicinal flowers to give you while yall are outside <3
She loves the backpack, u saw her make the
Smile ever, which made it even cuter to see
(She also just, held it to her chest the whole day 😭)
ALSO BC SHE STRIKES ME AS A SLOW BURN TYPE OF PERSON TO LOVE SOMEONE (idk if u get that feeling but thats what it seems like to me esp with her memory needing time to remember a new person, she apparently canonically cant always remember Baizhu's face??)
Was that your soul leaving your body? Maybe 🤷‍♂️
But when yall r in a crowd of Liyueans and tourists, she straight up latches onto ur hand like a vice grip
She WILL NOT lose you, and ur holding back just as hard, you WILL NOT lose ur amnesiac child!!!
She likes to come into town with u when u go bc while shes not a fan of crowds, she can deal with them a lot better when ur there 🥺
Plus she wants to be able to look out for you!!
When u asked why she didnt like crowds the first time yall went SHE SAID
"Some people want to take advantage of me. Others are terrified of me. But you... You are not like any of those people."
Ok so she was already pretty strong before you, but now esp since u started upgrading her-
Qiqi is hella strong and has great stamina
U saw this in action in real time when Hu Tao was strolling down the path near where yall were herb picking off to the side
Hu Tao and Qiqi like... locked eyes-
U were looking down at plants but noticed Qiqi not moving, and looked up to see the most intense staring contest ever LMAO
it was kinda shocking to finally have ran into him (bc u figured there was no way he would come down to see some rando human, even if u had almond tofu)
Top ten most disturbing images: Xiao face first on the ground, out of it
And while ur like panicking "omfg how tf am i gonna carry this mf all the way back to the pharmacy, omg what happened, oh jesus this is insane its literally XIAO and he's PASSED OUT-"
Qiqi in the background like, "hup"
And just arranges him in a piggyback carry, his legs and arms sticking straight out in front of her, his ass almost touching the GROUNNNDDD😭😭😭
You: *shocked pikachu face meme LMAOOO
Bonus: Zhongli has been going in-fucking-sane trying to locate where u are lol, Hu Tao literally made him take a few days off bc he was pacing around the harbor so much 😭
He always seems to get to where you are, just as you leave the area (apparently Qiqi's deathlike presence throws off ur very full of life one)
Literally as soon as you landed (woke up?) On Liyue soil, he was hyper aware of you
The other adepti are searching the rest of Liyue just in case ur someone where else
Lol wonder how long it took him to realize u were just workin at Bubu Pharmacy LMAO
Tell me what to write! :) ♡
Reminder: A 100+ Followers celebration POLL!!
I hope u enjoyed this fucking monster anon sob-
oh my god im actually shocked you guys, i just scrolled up and down this thing-
I can't even like, flick it once and let it scroll really fast and reach the top u know what i mean?? 😟😰🙂🙃🥲
I just,, i had so many ideas, and as i typed and tried to get them all down i-
uh,, aNyWaY,,, enjoy yalls week guys...😟😃 distantsobbing
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza
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wanderingpages · 7 months
Chapter 6??? Already?????  Im gonna cry…but also i trust you peach…not to leave this on hiatus indefinitely ahem 🥰😛
“when it started as a tease, but he kept quiet after seeing the panic and distraught look on my face.” aww he eased up that day… i love the small tidbits we get from that day ngl its like a little puzzle fr
“Like I had wished back then, I wish now to open the car door and fling myself into oncoming traffic.” omg Jude, no!
I love that he just lets her fuck around and be nosy with his car like thats couple behaviour sir u better stop before i propose.
“One is shaped like a curved hardware nail, the other like a star with a pearl dangling from it. ” curved nail - girl he got cartier just layin in his car??? ( i got side tracked and tried to google the other earring bye i know that bitch not from target) wait omg 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 he said u like em? Keep em 😌😌😌😌 and she said bet
Aww jude said fuck the money - you literally lived this close to me for HOW long????? Noooo this is so sad like what if they really had met before asha and madoc???? Like whattttttttttt naurrrrrrrrrr i am so sad about this new set of information 
🙈🙈🙈 anyways damn whats up w asha treating cardan like glass or smthn feels fishy 😠👀 (Trust NO one ..Not even YOURSELF) god my skin has goosebumps like jude is really calling him dad and cardan really calling her mother and those two are really married and yall kids is finger poppin each other in diners like wow. I forgot this was tagged taboo lol u got me there peach… we love sinning and being sinners 👁️👄👁️
“If I think about it too much now, I’ll see the erratic behavior for what it is and maybe stuff Cardan has told me before, about how unfit his mother was, would start to make sense. But it was her way of coping, which is no worse than my scarred fingers or my willfully ignorant father.” — ohhh not her her just slipping in her madoc being a dick right here.
Goddamn  asha’s betty homemeaker getup grinds my gears i know shes hiding something!!! If cardan dont trust her neither do i !!!!!!!
Wait shut up peach not the three stuffies she had in the books awwwww i love all the easter eggs 🥰
Oh wow asha keeping cardans room like a shrine is insane considering this is the first time hes stepped foot in this house (hot girl math time ) one year since the wedding, one year of engagement and im just gonna assume one year of dating, so 3 years abd this si the first time mans is stepping foot in the house wow. Peach i think Asha might be delulu. 
Peach is it the same cross from the dressing room thats in their kitchen?? Peach… peach. lmao
Damn not cardan doing a jumpscare, sir it is 3 am (Im lying idk what time it is but for my own headcannon it is 3am)
“His thumb reaches towards me, and he swipes down the corner of my lips, rubbing away the smear of red and brown, making my knees feel weak because suddenly, I'm in that booth at the diner again and I want him to paint me as red as those cherries.” - stoppp peach…. Your writing…. Ugh
“I stick my middle finger up at his back, annoyed that he can switch his emotions around so easily, annoyed that he plays this game better than I do, annoyed that I had even given him the green light so many months ago, thinking I could best him somehow.” - omg i … TEA🤪
Omg i love her friendship with Vivienne bless her
“At the end of the day, Asha isn’t my mom, but she’s done more for me in three years than my real mom has done in five.” first, my hot girl math was right!!! Im so slay for that fr! But second TEA but i knew . cus i read between th e lines. I pick up what u put down. 😌😌
““Don’t ‘what’ me – the car ride, you dick,” Vivienne huffs and it’s funny, so I can’t help but giggle. “With Mr. Oh-no-step-bro-I’m-stuck-under-a-table,” She elaborates. “Dude… I can’t help but live vicariously through you right now – like are you guys fucking? In the same house your parents are fucking? That’s so gross,” She snorts, and I make a face.” I SCREAMED! ALSO JUDE UR A LIAR TO SAY NO ONE IS FUCKING ANYONE cus … YET OK YET
““Just be safe, ‘cus it’s going to be super weird when Jude Jr. pops out and you have to explain that her daddy is also her uncle.”” - so vivienne is my everything absolutely unconditionally 
Aww babygirls a runner shes a trackstar 🥰🥰 i also like this tidbit of character. Send that bitch to the olympics peach
Oh mentions of Fand…foreshadow? 
Jude being sad about her fingers 😔😔😔😔 baby….baby gurl….
“Therapy might help, but Dad is against it. I guess he doesn’t want to know what the root cause of it is – doesn’t want it said out loud, at least.” oh its on site madoc… ON SITE ACROSS EVERY UNIVERSE 
“Why had I put myself through torture to steer clear of him when I feel so at peace now next to him?” – girl we wondering the same things fr twins.
““Why is it that we live together now, and I see less of you? Are you avoiding me?”” – hes so blunt about everything involving her lmao its truly incredible
“”I am. Avoiding you. My heart beats faster around you. My palms get clammy and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. It hurts to breathe sometimes,” I explain my anxiety, twisting the joint to read the words, wondering if it says something profound. “Can’t mean anything good,” I mumble. “It’s like walking across a narrow bridge with nothing beneath to catch my fall.”” – I GOT THIS REFERENCe !! – “ “Are you scared of me, dear sister?” ” AHHHH
““I think you’re prettiest when you're honest.” Cardan reaches his hand to ruffle my hair. I try to bat it away, but his fingers dig in a little tighter, weaving through and under the bun I’ve haphazardly attempted earlier. He doesn’t really need to tilt my head to face him, I do it for him. If the stars are bright tonight, his eyes are even brighter. “I’m not avoiding you,” he tells me after a long while. “And you’re not, by the way,” he is so close to me now, that our breaths mingle and turn to fog between us, “Out of my system, I mean.” My eyes widened at the answer to my question that seemed like eons ago. He releases my hair and tweaks my nose almost affectionately. He takes the roll from my fingers, but I catch a few words where our fingers touch, morbidly reminding me of Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam.” – THIS IS SO GOOD EVERYTHING THE HAIR THE HONEST LINE THE FACE TILT THE STARS THE ANSWER THE CREATION OF ADAM!!!
Shut up omg she said you cant smoke bible pages and i had to reread the last two lines bc “Oh my god!” and him responding “Yeah, i guess so” is INSANE WHAT
BIG G???  - 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 hell. Thats were were headed.
Stop the nose kiss???? Freckle under the eye?? Putting the joint in her mouth the moment she breathes in lmao hes a whole clown and im the circus w how much i want him in me 🙈
““Something in Proverbs. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk… far… from your… lips.”/ “God, you’re sick,” I tell him. “Jesus, Cardan,” I manage; I feel unnerved and his lack of reaction makes me feel like I’m going crazy.” - peach i am actually going into cardiac arrest oh my god why are they so unserious 
“You’re a fucking menace,” I mutter. ” – she says wstill pulling him into her room girl u just as delulu ❤️❤️❤️
Also… hush,hush ref? : “id love to hear you scream.”/ “I dont scream” like so patch and nora coded fr 
Lol him being nosy in her room but her reaction being nervous while when she was in his car doing the same thing he was like so blase about it lmao the duality… beautiful. Also he totally just wanted to smell like her. Bet hes never washing that shirt now, weed scent and all 😌
Lol not jude comparing her fear of the exorcist to her anxiety around cardan and realizing her fear of the movie is UNPLEASANT as opposed to how she feels w her big step bro 🥺🤪
I love him playing with her hair yOUR HONOR HES IN LOVE also “I can have you screaming in other ways” SIR THIS IS A WENDYS (ur parents house!!!??)
Omg not her saying fuck off but the getting on top of him, judes so real for this
God not him being a lagged and high and groggy and just letting her have her way with him!!!
““What if,” I continue, softly, “I want to make you scream?”” BITCH ME!! IM SCREAMING ME ITS ME!!
““Look at you,” I say in a hushed tone as our fingers interlace. ” - SKIP THE APPLICATION INTERVIEW SWEET LIKE MARABU
““Look at my big brother,” I bite down on his earlobe, tugging the metal loop he’d left in tonight. “So needy…and …all… for… me.”” JUDE !!! MAAM!!! ….do continue😃
Lol not him being fixated on her not telling him that she missed him before lmao boy!!
You know dry humping shouldnt even be called dry humping if we out here getting WET
Oh my god peaccchhhh pls foreplay shouldnt be this hot im sweating (I am under three blankets)
Ok I lied THIS might be the longest ask 😭
lol no not a long hiatus, I do have a substantial amount written, I just am not in the mood to edit/rewrite these days 😔
lol other earring is Dior 🤭
Actually her rummaging through his car was so I could highlight the lighter and rolling paper so ur not toooo bamboozled when he’s smoking a joint on the roof 😭
U know my friend said the same thing about them living so close, I didn’t realize how heartbreaking that sentiment actually is 😭
Lmao not finger poppin 😭😭😭 but yes this is in fact a taboo fic 🤭
Anyways no that’s not the same cross 💀 yess those are the same stuffies lol, your hot girl math was totally right, viv is my fave too lol
Sending Jude to the Olympics is a completely different book now 😭
I wouldn’t call fand a foreshadow but more like a set up, so it doesn’t feel left field when she’s actually introduced
The creation of Adam was insane of me next to the Bible blunts 😭😭 I am going to burn in hell
Lmao not the circus bye
Yes!! Hush hush ref lmao you got all my references ❤️❤️❤️❤️
lol Jude comparing her actual fear w her preconceived fear is when it hit her sense ass fr
🎶give me a call if you ever get lonelyyyy ill be like one of your girls or your homies🎵 (i love troye and he fed the blue neighbourhood girlies with that)
Anyway yes thats it for now 😭 thank you for your commentary it really made my whole week lol
0 notes
toruvi · 2 years
LEY HONEY!!! I’ve been putting off sending something for some hours now cause every time I think of something, I see someone else asked it or mentioned it and my questions are answered aisknfjd BUT NEVERTHELESS I HAVE SOME THINGS I WANNA SAY
1. I wanna thank you for making this sugar daddy Levi as he now just haunts my mind 24/7 alongside Liv’s percolate Levi and have combined together when I think about my fwb who reminds me so much of Levi to begin with?? like this is all my stupid little mind can think about and both of you spoon feed it repeatedly and it doesn’t help that this little fwb of mine decided he wanted to give a relationship a try because it’s me ?? LIKE SOME OF THE THINGS HE SAYS I SAEAR IVE READ THEM IN BOTH OF YALLS FICS AND I CANT HELP BIT THINK “does he read them too? or does he listen to me so well when I talk to him about these fics because he actually cares??” OTS UNHEALTHY HOW MY THOUGHTS ARE JUMBLED UP AT THE MOMENT BECAUSE OF THIS (sorry for this little rant, I had to get it out)
2. Now for the good part, HOLY SHIT LEy the TALKING OF THE TOYS ??? If you do one of those where he has full control of it and they’re somewhere like say the event that he was going to ask her to join him to (was it a ball of sorts?? I already forgot!!) but I’m just thinking of them doing this there and him watching her lose her mind while she’s trying to manage a conversation with maybe Erwin or even Hange or just anyone!! and he’s watching from afar until she just excuses herself and he follows in pursuit and when he catches up to her tells her something like, “who said you could just leave when I’m having fun?” (IDK MY MIND ISNT GREAT AT THINKINN OF LEVI THIS WAY BUT I CANT STOP THEM)
3. If it is someone else who said hello upon answering the phone call, i won’t hate you and I’m sure none of us will (it’s your story, you do with what you will!!) BUT OMG THE AGONY ILNGOING TO FEEL !!! unless it is Levi and he said it in a question because they haven’t talked in like a week and she’s suddenly calling so he’s confused and worried ??! (I know my comment on ao3 showed a different perspective on this but I’ve had time to think okay??!) if I knew how to hack your computer, I would just so I could see what you have planned out next for these idiots!! I JUST NEED LEVI TO GET HIS SHIT TOGETHER AND KISS HER OR FOR HER TO JUST SUDDENLY KISS HIM AND WHEN SHES ANOUT TO LULL AWAH FOR JIM TO GRAB HER AND KEEP IT GOING !!!!
4. I forgot what else I wanted to say/had in mind so uh, I’ll leave it here and just tell you to have a good day!! You deserve it!! Take your time with the next chapter/s, we’ll all be patiently waiting for whatever you’ve got up your sleeve!! 🤧💕 I just hope my heart won’t be broken 🥲💔
god okay let me just say Liv's percolate Levi...i am both intimidated but also in love with him. i am so fucking in love with her depiction of him bc it's very similar to how i view him actually shhh don't tell her. or do idk djkfhsdk
also her moodboard for him i have not forgotten and fdhfjkhs i lowkey had some of the same pics for reference in my pinterest for paychecks levi uwu
YOUR FWB WTF omg I'm?! VERY HAPPY FOR YOU WHATG THE HELL IF HE'S TAKING NOTES IM-GIIIIRL he better treat you right <3 you deserve it <3333 PLEASE IM LIVING FOR THIS I truly love that for you :')))
oh my god i--i have IDEAS. WAY TOO MANY FUCKING IDEAS and it's gonna be so hard to weed them out. i honestly might have to just make oneshots after paychecks ends because of the possibilities jfkhsdfjkh "who said you could leave" GOD PLEASE you're only feeding more into my ideas holy shit.
I CAN'T WITH THE PHONE THING LMAOOO i really don't know how to respond to it when you guys bring it up but i will just casually slip in the reminder that there is a light angst tag on this story (tho idk how accurate it is anymore) and a happy ending tag so :) take that as you will <3
and not to sound ominous but next chapter is another one i've been looking forward to working on so much, it's probably one of the more cathartic ones that i've written so far. <333 i love the change in your perspective though!!! it's so interesting to see how just a little bit of time can shift things sdfjhksdkj
BESTIE if you SAW the draft it's a complete MESS BUT bc i love you im going to offer the smallest of crumbs and to any1 who bothered to click the readmore HAHA (ill put it at the end in case you don't wanna read it)
bb as always thank you for reading and offering me such wonderful input and your thoughts, truly live for them bc the same way HAHA GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR MANS BTW OMG dsjhkf ROUTING FOR YOU<3
It’s loud. Unbearably loud. Levi has Hange to thank for that. They’re rambling at an unnecessary noise level, completely inappropriate for the setting that they’re in.
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poipoya · 3 years
As a manga reader, can we like... stfu (tl:dr at the end)(ep 5 spoilers)
I mean, Norman was a fan favorite, I can get why they'd bring him back so early. Am I happy about it? Hell no, but I can kinda get it. Should we be recommending anime only watchers to read the manga? Sure, as long as we arent being aggressive with it or saying its the only way to enjoy the series. Are we allowed to talk shit on the anime and be upset? Fuck yea, we were very much cheated.
Should we be actively discouraging people from watching the anime simply cause we don't like the direction or feel its worse than the manga? No. Stfu. Let them enjoy their shit
Of course I'm upset but we have to remember that not everyone reads the manga. Not everyone feels the same. From the looks of it, anime watchers that aren't letting manga readers ruin their experience are extremely happy about this. Im not saying all anime watchers are happy. Many are confused (rightfully so, a lot of worldbuilding is missing), but some are happy about this. Let them enjoy this moment. Plus, reading ain't for everyone. Forcing people to only read the manga/shitting on those who don't is a very asshole move to do (and lowkey ableist but thats a whole different rant)
Manga readers for certain fandoms can be some elitist assholes and yall are very much borderlining on that label. Hell, yall dont realize how much shit you guys have spoiled or ruined for anime only watchers unintentionally. Certain jokes are funny and dont really spoil anything (vague joking about the ending being sad, making fun of the fish scene, etc)
(Manga spoiler) A big one I can think of is the yuugo reveal. Did we all just collectively forget that his name was only revealed like a few chapters after he died??? And just learning his name was a BIG thing too from what i remember!!! It wouldnt have had that impact on anime watchers. Why? Cause yall been shouting his name all over the general tag without spoiler warnings or anything. ()
At this point, im trying to be positive but I feel like theyre gonna black butler or tokyo ghoul this(both of which i havent read the manga :) ). Im just treating it as a spin off or completely different show with similar characters at this point. I dont think theyre gonna cut out everything completely (there's little hints of manga characters scattered a bit thoughtout the opening song) but we shouldn't expect the same character development at this point. Sad move yea but yk 🤷🏾‍♀️ youre allowed to not watch it, just dont be an asshole about it
Tbh, I feel like if we're gonna shit on the show, we might as well do it in a whole different tag now cause yall dont know how to act in the general tpn tag 🖕🏾 go get yourself together
Tl:dr - Despite the changes and disappointment manga readers are having, we shouldnt be actively discouraging people from watching it. Youre allowed to shit on it ir stop watching but yall are on thin ice because a lot of you have turned into some manga elitist assholes and youre not fun to interact with
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postmodern-blues · 4 years
first listen to rhys and ianto’s excellent barbecue: a saga
I’m just gonna put all my thoughts in order while I listen to this audio and do my homework. I’ll tag it for spoilers, but I’ll also put everything below the cut in case you haven’t listened to it yet <3 um also i do a lot of swearing be warned...
last warning, yall, lots of spoilers and quotes ahead:
Rhys’s friends call him RHYSIE and I Am So Soft For This.
“I’m making my Special Sauce” god if Jack were here....
I love how Torchwood writers can’t even find a way to write RHYS in a straight way. He’s so cute and AHSDHGHFDAS I LOVE THIS SO FAR
the meat jokes.... already.... let’s hope serentiy Ianto does not resurface
IANTO! my god I have missed my boy. HE IS BACK
Oh my god... oh my fuck.... he’s so CUTE i might need to take a breather.... dude....
Gwen looking out for Ianto, inviting him to Rhys’s stuff. DID SOMEONE SAY FOUND FAMILY HMMMM
“Jack’s sorry he couldn’t come” hhhhhhhh one sausage comes off the barbecue and he’d be like “this is quite homoerotic” HAIJFODHS
Rhys come on,,,, baby,,,,, do not be homophobic about this
I get the feeling I might be going too crazy about this,,, WE’RE ONLY FIVE MINUTES IN
Ianto brought Chardonnay....
“Except Banana boat, he’s a bit thick” AGFDKHDGS R H Y S
oh shit alien things are happening
“yes, RHYS, I know how to discuss my TOP SECRET work at a social event” he’s fucking ICONIC
“you have an inability to call each other by your proper names” my sister is just like this tho... she calls all her friends by anime character names.. little bit better than ‘sticky jeff’ but not much
Ianto being oblivious to Rhys’s gender role shit is just,,,, I STAN HIM
If Ianto and Rhys do not take a ride in the pink car by the end of this audio I’m suing
jkjk but that would be so great wouldn’t it
godDAMNIT i love this audio
"we.... don’t” yet again, it is the 21st century, and torchwood is sooo not ready
“It’s the BOYS’ barbecue” rhys and his friends seem like they have a very cute queerplatonic relationship. wonder if they wear socks when they’re doing “barbecues”
who the fuck is steven.... whAT IS GOING ON
“I don’t know him THAT well, but there’s no way he would call me love” u sure abt that rhysie
“if u run headfirst into an invisible wall, at least let me FILM it on my phone” these two i stfg
this ‘time bubble’ concept has SO MANY FIC POSSIBILITIES why is big finish spoiling us-
jack and gwen going for pizza instead of being at work AHHDOFDGSHK 
oh my GOD THE CALLBACK TO DISSECTED!!!!! this is like when gareth called back to The Last Beacon in Dinner and a Show AHHHH
I am reminded about martha and gwen,,, i am happy,,, the PARALLELS
these two arguing dude the TENSION.. the SUBTEXT
“god help you if you ever hear about pink wine” SFIHOJADHGF 
i swear half my commentary here is me quoting something funny and then keyboard smashing
Ianto is fucking ANNIHILATING Rhys here and by extension gender roles. Goddamnit THIS is the conversation we needed. I love him so much can you tell
“you LOVE each other” I’ve only had this audio for about half an hour but if anything fucking happens to it, i’ll kill everyone in the room and then myself
i don’t think you understand how goddamn adorable rhys is about his friends
“thank fuck none of them are here right now” mate my man badger calls you RHYSIE i don’t think it would affect them
I am so thankful Jack isn’t here because oh my g o d this would be an hour long block of innuendos. this whole audio is just exposing the very prominent homoerotic tendencies of straight men
sometimes, and by that i mean all the time, i wonder if my family hears me listening to big finish and wonders if i’m actually just watching porn. and honestly I think it would be a whole lot less embarrassing if i just told them i was watching porn instead of “yeah it’s this scifi thing these characters are trying to make a hole in an invisible time force field thing. are they gay? no, well, i mean, yes, but not like that! welllll, a little bit like that, but it’s NOT PORN”
“what the hell was that rhys? You Absolute Idiot.” AHHH THESE TWO
“let’s stuff it full of sausages” 
“back pocket” THIS IS SENDING ME BACK TO MY SHERLOCK FANDOM DAYS (fucking remember john getting sherlock’s phone out of his coat that he was wearing? that’s what this is)
Rhys pretending to be Steven (Stephen?) is,,,,, oh my god,,, this is too fucking intense
god i feel so bad for rhys,,, seriously
this took a serious turn I was not prepared for
also gwen wanting rhys to talk to ianto is,,, ughhhh i ship gwen/rhys sooo hard
rhys- baby- oh my godohmygodohmygod
“I DO love them” hhhhhh
the special sauce thing is sending me im sorry
“can we rescue the beer?” RHYS
‘Ianto you beautiful man, you did it!” THEY!!! THEY!!!!!!
i wanna make it clear that i don’t ship rhys and ianto but i think they are so cute as friends
guys im in tears right now
the way rhys goes from not wanting ianto here to not wanting him to leave,,, um its a simple arc but i’d also do anything for it
“OH HE’S ADORABLE WHATS HE CALLED?” me when i first saw Ianto Jones onscreen
“he’s a colleague of the missus,,,,,, and a friend” why don’t you just shoot me in the head hm
rhysie,,, baby,,, holy shit you need to go to therapy,,, just like,,, have a chat with janet the weevil and see how you feel after
funny how rhys fucking williams is handling loss so much better than ANY of torchwood. like jack got PREGNANT after losing owen+tosh. Ianto started having sex with his immortal boss after losing his girlfriend. healthy coping mechanisms? who is she?
they let rhys say fuck a lot in this audio and that is Very Sexy of Them
“bunny has run away with my tie” h e s s o f u c k i n g p r e c i o u s
“lads lads lads” AHHHHHHHHH
this audio. is. so good. so cute. so sad. BIG FINISH YOU DID IT AGAIN YOU SEXY BASTARDS YOU!!!!
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hiirunakaarchive · 4 years
– to act in haste (pt. 4)
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↳ preview
Dr. Sakurai, between acknowledging her company and putting on a smile for the press, let her eyes flit away momentarily from whoever it was she was shaking hands with at that moment. Her lips were pursed in a tight smile in an attempt to keep herself collected amongst the overwhelming attention, and her eyes wandered outside of her immediate surroundings.
And he recognized it. The moment her face fell and her smile faded, he realized that Haruna’s eyes had already met his. 
Her lips parted slightly and then back shut at the sight of him, as if to stop herself just before reacquainting with the feel of Dr. Ramsey’s name on her tongue. 
↳  (pt 1), (pt 2), (pt 3)
◇ pairing: ethan ramsey x mc (haruna sakurai)
◇ genre: angst, a lot of yearning, maybe a little break in between :/
◇ word count: 3.3k+
◇ tags: @aworldoffandoms, @perriewinklenerdie, @jooous​, @senseofduties​, @moteestro​, @haesselnut​, @princessfuzzy12​,
◇ author’s note: to the very limited audience who actually enjoy this fic: thank u for ur patience!! this chapter was so mf hard to write and FOR WHAT. after a couple months of sitting on google docs at 4am trying to update this fic instead of doing my schoolwork like i was supposed to, it turns out this chapter is not the finale at all🤡 ive considered incorporating smut into this since those seem to get notes but that’s one of my literary shortcomings so im gonna refrain and save face✨ feedback appreciated, yall know the drill xoxoxo luv u guys
chapter four
Diamonds. Oh, how that woman loved diamonds.
Carbon atoms arranged in a tetrahedral structure. The hardest natural substance on Earth. Yet another natural phenomenon upon which mankind had imposed their shallow, materialistic beliefs. 
But he bought one anyway; kept that damn two carat, marquise cut ring in the bottom drawer of his bedside table for five years. The velvet box sat in the dark that entire time, unworn and collecting dust, thus Dr. Ramsey couldn’t help but wonder if it was still suitable for the hospital heiress it was intended for. 
“Dr. Sakurai will be present as the keynote speaker.”
Harper regarded Ethan carefully when she said it, far too aware of his and the younger doctor’s history. Ethan met her pensiveness with a simple nod of his head.
“I see. She’s made quite a name for herself.” 
“You’re taking this surprisingly well.” Dr. Emery observed, raising a brow, “I was expecting a bit of protest in attending, but you seem fine.” 
But Dr. Ethan Ramsey was not, in fact, fine. 
“Have you seen her?” Harper continued, 
“Aurora ran into her in Manila, doing some philanthropy it seems. She looks different, might be the afterglow of success. Might be that boyfriend she brought along too.”
That what? 
It didn’t necessarily come as a surprise, but he still stopped listening. He’d tuned Harper out, something about the boy being on Haruna’s research team in Japan, a prodigy that interned at the WHO when he was only fourteen; Harper said they were a good match, but Dr. Ramsey, as a final form of consolation, hoped he’d heard her wrong.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, because Dr. Ethan Ramsey was far too old and far too calculated to rely on something as subjective as a “marriage pact”. Blurted on a whim, didn’t keep in touch, hell, he wasn’t even sure if he still remembered her face. That shallow promise they made five years ago came with too many uncertainties, and far be it from him to be bitter over her newfound happiness.
So his silence spoke for him, living a life of 52 seconds before Harper noticed he’d gone quiet. He earned a glance from his colleague, Dr. Emery trailing off and sparing him a thoughtful look. Her gaze softened in realization, and she bit her lip regretfully.
“Oh, Ethan, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you still-” 
“I don’t.” He snapped. 
He released a long, drawn out breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, collecting himself. But the damage had been done, and nothing he could say would wipe the suspicion off Harper’s face. The rueful shake of her head and the sympathetic pat of his arm told him all he needed to know. 
“I mean it.” Ethan said, the excessive sternness of his tone taking away the credibility of his statement.
“Dr. Sakurai is…”
A pause. 
“She’s nothing to me.” 
And he was so damn wrong.
Ethan and June boarded a flight to Kyoto two days later, and for the entire duration until the conference, Dr. Ramsey was concerned at his own indifference. 
Concerned, but desperate to believe it.
He wasn’t sure what to expect out of seeing her again, but some sick part of him wanted to have fallen out of love with her. Then that meant he wouldn’t have to care at the blatant reminder that she was with someone else. He wouldn’t have to admit that she was probably better off with someone that wasn’t him. Most of all, he wouldn’t have to pretend that the idea of them never getting a second chance didn’t absolutely shatter him.
But it wasn’t that easy. It was never that easy. 
Because there he was, standing on the outer circle of a ring of reporters and conference guests that demanded the young doctor’s attention. Like the crowd, Ethan was completely and wholly entranced by her and it was in the moment that he realized–
Haruna Sakurai still meant everything to him.
Her hair had been cut short, its length reaching her chin and dyed a shade alike to walnuts. She wore glasses now and on the bridge of her nose rested thin circular frames that accentuated her ovular face, Haruna’s features fixed in a permanent smize as she charmed the crowd with a polite smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. The woman trickled in ivory and quartz from head to toe, and Ethan’s breath caught in his throat at the memory of how much he loved her.
How much he still loves her.
Dr. Sakurai, between acknowledging her company and putting on a smile for the press, let her eyes flit away momentarily from whoever it was she was shaking hands with at that moment. Her lips were pursed in a tight smile in an attempt to keep herself collected amongst the overwhelming attention, and her eyes wandered outside of her immediate surroundings.
And he recognized it. The moment her face fell and her smile faded, he realized that Haruna’s eyes had already met his.   
Her lips parted slightly and then back shut at the sight of him, as if to stop herself just before reacquainting with the feel of Dr. Ramsey’s name on her tongue. 
She looked at him like he was some figment of her imagination, breathing his name like saying it was an anchor to keep the man from disappearing. Dr. Ramsey could almost feel himself unravel if not for the deadwood that entered the scene.
Satoshi Date.
The boyfriend.
God, her fucking boyfriend.
He was stuck to her like glue, a hand protectively encased around her shoulder as Haruna caught herself and resumed in indulging the crowd. She smiled proudly and crossed her arms, everything but her wrists and beautifully manicured hands hiding underneath the cape of her white pantsuit. Her male company, just as charismatic and smartly dressed, entertained the representatives of Big Pharma. 
From what Ethan could see, Date was young. Bright. Approachable with an award-winning smile that was almost too friendly for his liking. Together, the doctor and scientist looked invincible and Ethan found himself for admitting that they actually complimented each other.
“What a tool.” He couldn’t help but scoff. “...Spit it out, Hirata.”
Beside him, June’s shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. She brought a hand up to her mouth and turned away, responding between giggles she tried to suppress. Ethan rolled his eyes.
“I apologize, it’s nothing. It’s nothing. Don’t let it bother you, you and Sakurai were always the better- pft.” 
Dr. Hirata failed to contain herself and released a snort, shaking her head as she walked away to scout for their seats in the lecture hall. Ethan’s irritant gaze followed her retreating form and his chest bubbled with annoyance as he remained clueless towards the reason behind his colleague’s laughter.
He looked over his shoulder one more time to where Haruna and Satoshi stood, close as ever, and the jealousy weaved knots in Dr. Ramsey’s stomach to the point that he settled in looking for his assigned seat instead. Ethan glanced at his watch; fifteen minutes before the official start of the conference, and from his peripheral vision he could see Haruna beginning to make her way backstage to prepare for her speech. 
Finding his spot beside Dr. Hirata, Ethan looked up to the stage, sat in the very front row and directly in front of the podium.
The lights finally began to dim at ten o’clock, and Dr. Sakurai, clad in white, appeared on stage. 
The woman’s presence commanded the attention of the room as she made her way to the centre in a powerful stride. The anticipant stillness of the crowd broke and Haruna’s entrance was greeted with a light smattering of applause as she enveloped the audience in warm welcome and a dazzling smile. Ethan watched her with bated breath, wondering when she had become this beautiful. 
“It warms my heart to see so many familiar faces.” She began. 
Her kind eyes scanned the audience and Dr. Sakurai’s gaze fell momentarily on Dr. Ramsey, conflicted, before getting to the punchline of the joke.
“Forgive me when I say I wasn’t expecting so many of you to still have a full head of hair the next time we met.”
The next 45 minutes passed that way, with Haruna completely and wholly engaging the crowd as she shared knowledge and humour, establishing a pleasant tone for the remainder of the conference. Ethan could sense the nearing end of her speech as Haruna began to smoothly transition from the central theme to her concluding words.
“A very important person to me once said that as doctors, all we do is delay the inevitable-” 
Ethan leaned back in his seat, arms crossed and with a valiant effort, careful not to let his emotions betray the nonchalance in his face. The reminder of that lesson he taught her so long ago revived something in the older doctor that he thought had died when Sakurai left for Japan. 
Then he remembered her obsidian hair dipped in red. Her long delicate fingers that he held in his when they first met, steadying the tremor before saving a life. He remembered her downcast eyes when he reprimanded her over a patient, and the embarrassment in her voice when she admitted to crying in the storage room.
Now here she stood, six years later. Confident. Unshaken. A poetic opposite of the young intern he once knew.
“—to healthcare professionals,” The sound of Haruna’s voice interrupted his thoughts, “one word immediately comes to mind when discussing the inevitable.” She said the words with air quotes.
“Death. Mortality. Demise. I always found it ironic how we, doctors who so value life, were the very crowd who imposed such negative connotations on the word.”
“We follow the paved path of the Inevitable because it’s the only one we know. It provides a definitive answer. But inevitably, we grow tired of this tedious destination. We inevitably seek more, strive for more and thus deviate from that paved path and become drawn to the unexplored dirt road; you find that it leads to so much more. My research team has offered me invaluable guidance on this road to the unknown, which is why I’m proud to officially announce that the Sakurai Medical Centre has discovered a cure for multiple sclerosis.”
And a stunned silence instilled itself into the audience. 
Ethan stared at her in silent disbelief. Hirata’s jaw hung open before she threw her head back in proud laughter and clapped. Suddenly, a frenzy ensued with the commotion of the crowd, the entire room suddenly engulfed in cameras and flashing lights and the vocal disbelief of the fellow doctors around them. Haruna held up a hand and the guests, still buzzing with excitement, toned down to audible murmurs. 
“I will answer any questions anyone might have about this medical feat throughout the day, but as I conclude this speech I’d like you all to do one thing–”
“Question yourself. Question the world. Challenge the things thought to be set in stone, and when all is said and done, ask yourself-”
Haruna looked meaningfully at the hundreds of people seated in front of her, a sharp tension emanating in the room as her cat-like gaze scrutinized the crowd. Her eyes finally fell on Dr. Ramsey, and the hold of her stare made it clear that this was no accident. She directed her query at her former lover and in a voice dripping with purpose demanded an answer.
“Is the inevitable really as dreadful as we might think?” 
And he could do nothing but applaud. 
The continuous ticking of the clock in Ethan’s hotel room was the only sound that intercepted a dead silence. Alone yet with his thoughts, he packed his luggage in preparation for his flight the next morning, pondering his weekend in Japan. 
They met at the evening reception. Purely coincidence. She stood alone at an accent table, her back to him with a flute of rosé, and he approached her in an honest mistake. 
“June.” Ethan sighed exasperatedly. “It wouldn’t have killed you to wait two minutes instead of making me scout you out in this crowded room for your damn blue dress-“
“Hey, I happen to like this damn blue dress.” 
Then he found himself met with pearls and a gown of charmeuse silk. She came to him in the shade of blue orchids, her gown pooling at the floor like a blossom at its prime and Dr. Ramsey remembered just how perfect she’d always been. 
They spoke. Briefly. Awkwardly. Watching their words like untested waters though the two were the furthest thing from strangers. 
Was what she said.
Was how he responded. 
Then he couldn’t look at her. She was within arms reach, too easy to pull towards him and trap against his chest. Too easy to blurt out something he’d regret with her just close enough to hear it. Too easy to meet her eyes and remember that she was with someone else.
So he brushed past her, putting as much distance between himself and Dr. Sakurai before he lost himself. Before the crushing weight on Ethan’s chest pressed on until the words piggy-backed the next breath he released.
I still love you.
And he should have let it, because he hasn’t seen her since. 
Zipping up his luggage and setting it upright, the sudden sound of Ethan’s default ringtone reverberating through the room made him jolt. He snatched his phone off the bedside table, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, only to relax as he saw Naveen’s name flash across the screen for a FaceTime call.
“You have work.” Ethan observed, unimpressed upon recognition of Naveen’s office from the background. 
“Which starts in an hour, I’m simply early! Speaking of work, administration wants you to bring back souvenirs.”
“By administration, you mean yourself.”
“Humor me a little. Dr. Tanaka tells me they have exclusive KitKat flavours and I’m absolutely beside myself with curiosity. Pick up a pack or two, your retirement gift to me.”
Ethan sighed in surrender.
“...What flavour do you want.”
“Dr. Tanaka recommends Hokkaido melon with mascarpone cheese, but I also recall June mentioning sakura matcha latte. I’ll leave it up to you.”
“What? You can’t possibly expect me to find such arbritary— hello?”
So fate let him out onto the Kyoto streets, into a grocery store, towards the snack aisle and right in Haruna Sakurai’s line of fire. She was on her way to the cash, he was still searching for those fucking KitKats, and they lightly bumped shoulders before meeting each other’s eyes for a polite apology. 
“Ah, I’m sorry-“
“My apologies-“
And they both froze.
At first, they refused to acknowledge the familiarity in each other’s voice. She spoke in Japanese, but he recognized her assertive tone. Firm but pleasant, like running your hands across a velvet seat. She had a unique accent given her history of travel, and Ethan remembered how much he used to love hearing her talk. 
It was the English for her. They weren’t too far off from the hotel where the conference was held, so Haruna immediately deduced that the stranger was one of the guests. But she knew Dr. Ramsey’s voice. All too well. His words uttered in low timbre, deep and rich like fertile soil that only further nurtured her adoration for him. The articulate nature of his speech that would substantiate the validity of his advice. Intimidating delivery of his words that grabbed her attention in fistfuls. It wasn’t until Haruna had her own intern that she became aware of how much she had begun to sound like him, and it was then that she realized she loved hearing him talk too. 
“Dr. Ramsey.” Haruna didn’t bother to mask the surprise in her voice. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” 
The collectedness in Dr. Sakurai’s voice almost irked him. She looked nothing short of amicable, pretending like Saturday evening never happened where he fled from her after a one-word exchange. And her nonchalance, amidst Ethan’s struggle to find words, rapid heartbeat and sandpaper-dry throat, was only further confirmation that she moved on from their past. 
“We’re on the same boat, Dr. Sakurai. I wasn’t expecting to be here but you know how Naveen is.” He struggled to maintain the apathy in his voice. 
“Let me guess, KitKats?”
“Right on the nail. He’s looking for–” 
Ethan stopped himself as Haruna turned to the shelf on her right, dragging a finger across the plastic wraps before swiftly plucking several packages out from under each other and tossing them into his basket. He peered into his bin of potential expenses and looked up at Dr. Sakurai as she tossed one more his way. 
“Rook- Dr. Sakurai, Naveen is going to end up with diabetes.” 
She retracted her hand from another pack and glanced at him once, then to his near-full basket in something alike to realization. Then she laughed. Like, really laughed. Her disciplined features melted into a toothy grin, replaced with something youthful. Something real. Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose to hide his own smile beginning to form. 
“Oh, I’m sorry-” Haruna gathered herself as she breathed out a chuckle. “You know how much of a sweet tooth he has.”
She tilted her gaze up to meet Ethan’s eyes, an almost distant look brewing on her face until she caught herself and her smile faded. 
“But it wasn’t all for him.” 
Ethan raised a brow, and the female doctor’s attention flickered to the pack she last threw into his basket. He looked down, and his forehead creased with inexplicable conflict. 
“That one’s for you. Didn’t you really used to like those back then?”
Yuzu flavoured KitKats. She used to love those, and he wondered if she still did. They were saved for special occasions and only shared with special people, but those “care packages” Haruna’s doting parents sent every once in a while from Japan never lasted. The original five that shared the penthouse used to come with snack sized versions, and Dr. Ramsey had to hide his in the drawer of his desk. 
She would loiter in his office sometimes during her break, sitting across from her mentor as they passed the time talking. 
“Snacking in my office? I’ve grown too lenient with you, Rookie.”
She popped a piece into her mouth and grinned with full cheeks. 
“So you have.”
“Yeah… your influence– don’t get ahead of yourself.” He rolled his eyes good-naturedly as Haruna pressed a hand to her chest in faux flattery. He failed to suppress a smile and she returned her own, the awkwardness and the tension slowly alleviating between the two of them. 
They grew silent, but it was a comfortable silence. The two doctors shifted on their feet, waiting for someone make the first statement, and Ethan racked his brain for words to say. What could he say?
“I meant to congratulate you,” He settled.
“These past five years have been good to you, Haruna. You’ve accomplished something great.”
Her smile widened at her ex-mentors praise.
“Thank you, I had an amazing team behind me.”
And as if on cue, the shrill marimba ringtone sounded in the air and made them both jump. Dr. Sakurai’s recognized it as hers and patted around her sweatpants, fishing her phone out of her pocket. Looking at Dr. Ramsey apologetically, she accepted the call and pressed her phone to her ear. 
And the bitter reality settled back in. She turned her back to him, mumbling in rapid Japanese and Ethan breathed in deeply. Starting towards the cash register, he snuck past Haruna quietly, squeezing her shoulder in goodbye. A subtle alarm weaved itself into her features, and her gaze followed his back, unable to leave the call. Ethan rushed through the payment and took long strides out of the grocery store, pulling on the collar of his sweater as his throat began to constrict. 
Get back to your damn hotel and finish packing your things. You’re going to get on that plane tomorrow morning, start work the day after and start forgetting about Haruna Sakurai. 
He exhaled in a long breath. He could do this. 
“Dr. Ramsey…?”
He could do this. 
“Didn’t you really used to like those back then?”
He could do this. 
“Is the inevitable really as dreadful as we might think?” 
He couldn’t fucking do this.
Ethan slowed to a stop, and he cursed at himself. For developing feelings towards the one person he shouldn’t have fallen for. For being the root of the cause in this mess they entangled themselves in. For loving this woman so damn much that his own medical expertise couldn’t suffice in explaining the tight feeling in his chest whenever he missed her. Whenever he saw her.
Dr. Ramsey looked up to the sky, met with a streetlight hovering above his head and despite himself, he laughed. 
He just couldn’t forget about Haruna Sakurai. 
“Christ, I’m too old for this.”
And back towards the direction he came from, he began to run.
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The White Wolf’s Dance; Chapter 3
Request; I needed some heat between the two and a bit of a dramatic cliff hanger. 
Words; 3,022
Warnings; Nudity, cursing I think, LOTS OF FEELS, and geralt is very hard to read. Nothing else really?
Pairing; Geralt X Elf/Reader and oh boy spiceee
Notes; I don’t know when I will have chapter 4 up. I haven’t even started writing it but hopefully it will be within a day or two. Im trying to be good and write a lot more. But in the future it might take even longer idk. Tuesday-Thursday are gonna be the days I probably can update the most cause I don’t work so bare with me guys. Im try and keep up with at least 2 chapters a week though if not more. I love yall so much!
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(I do not own anything witcher or any gifs, all rights to the creators.)
TagList; @yuminyg @andyl394 @grumgoblin
(If you wanna be on the tag list comment below or drop an ask un-anon. And I got you.)
                       *Chapter 3; Gates Of Temptation*
When you came to, you were in the last place you expected, laying in an unfamiliar bed, half-naked and all stitched up. Your head was pounding and your body felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. How long had you been out? Your hand shot to your head but there was a bandage wrapped around your head hiding your ears.
At that moment an unfamiliar face walked in before shouting down the hall. “she’s awake.” The unfamiliar female was a gorgeous blonde and soon left the door. Geralt appeared in the doorway shortly after, arms crossed.
“S-so I guess you know my secret now..” you chuckled dryly before trying to reach for the water on the side of your bed. Geralt was across the room in a second holding the cup to your lips. You take a deep drink.
“I told you not to die on me kid.” He sighs and sits beside you on the bed.
“Well last time I checked I’ve still very much alive. Bleeding but alive.” You smirk and look over him. “Thanks though.. for uh. Carrying me down a mountain and..” your fingers lingered in the headdress on you. He gave a short nod before staring at the floor.
“I’ll be in this town until you heal. Jaskier.. uh. Wants to stay close to make sure you’re okay. Seems you’ve had quite the impact on him.” Geralt stands up and starts heading for the door.
“That why you’re in here and not him?” You smirk before lifting your hand to make a gush of breeze whip through his hair. “I see you’ve taken a bath. Any chance I can?”
“Can you do it alone?” His voice was challenging but you just smirked and let your eyes roam over him.
“I’m sure I could manage. If not I know a certain Witcher who could carry me out.” You throw him a wink before closing your eyes and relaxing back against the pillow. Geralt grunted before shutting your door.
“So.. how is she?” Jaskier asked as he rounded the corner. “doing okay?”
Geralt nodded before looking over him. “she wants a bath. Why don’t you go get it ready? I need an ale.” And with that, Geralt headed out the door and towards the local inn.
Jaskier went to open his mouth but Geralt was already gone, he walked upstairs to the bathing room and began to fill the wooden tub with water. Once it was all set up Jaskier knocked on your door with a smile. “Y/N your bath is all set up.” He hummed out.
“You can come in.” You hum as you finish putting on your robe sitting on the edge of the bed. Your hands tie the band around it as the door opens and Jaskier struts in.
You glance up at him with a smile before holding out your hand to him “Be a gentleman and help a lady up. No magick this time I promise.” You hum softly. He wastes no time and walks over taking your hand and helping you up. Your hand wraps around his shoulder and his around your waist. “As long as you don’t try and seduce me again all will be well.” He teases before slowly helping you to the bathing room. “Geralt left in a rush what did you say to him?” He questioned glancing at you.
“He questioned my ability to take a bath on my own, I told him if he was so worried he could join me. Upon that he left. I can quite well handle myself, but yet he seems to doubt my ability to bath alone.” You chuckled softly before squeezing Jaskier’s shoulder. “Guess he can’t take a joke huh?”
Jaskier chuckled as well before shaking his head “He probably isn’t used to the teasing. Most find him rather,” He thought for a moment on what word to use. “Strange..” Though what people actually said about him was very different.
“Strange indeed, but surely, the woman can’t keep their hands off of him. He maybe a little scary but he is attractive under all the blood and dirt.” You smirked at the idea of Geralt truly all cleaned up and dressed in something other than black. He would look rather gorgeous.
“Oh no,” Jaskier helped you into the room and sat you on the edge of the wooden tub. “Don’t tell me you have feelings for our dear Witcher.” He teased before laying out a few towels for her.
“Oh Gods no,” You rolled your eyes at the thought, though you might feel a little something towards Geralt. Jaskier unquestionably did not need to know that about you. “Just saying if he actually took a bath more than once a month and honestly spoke. Women would be falling at his feet. Not many men like him in this countryside.” You twisted on the edge of the tub so your feet were now in the water. Slowly pulling your robe off as you slid into the tub.
Jaskier didn’t turn around under you gave him the okay. The water hid your body under the water. Not like you would mind Jaskier seeing you naked, he just wasn’t your first choice.
“That may be true, but Geralt. He’s well,” Jaskier paused to think a moment before sitting on a stool. “He’s difficult. Doesn’t need anyone, or so he says. If he didn’t need anyone I wouldn’t have had to apply a cream to his rear end before.” He chuckled at the memory.
“Oh, I would have paid to see that.” You laughed at the thought of the mighty Witcher asking for help with something like that. You ran your hands up through your hair. “Can I get a little help?” You asked pointing at the water pitcher on the other side of the room.
“Anything for the lovely lady.” He chimed before grabbing the pitcher and filling it with her bathwater before slowly pouring it over her hair. “I wouldn’t mention this to Geralt though. He might think you were trying to seduce me again.” He teased as your hands raked through your hair, washing out the grime and dirt.
“Oh, I didn’t plan on it.” You hummed before relaxing into the warm bath. Jaskier chuckled before setting the pitcher by the tub. “I’ll be back, the kitchen has no good booze and I think we could all use a drink this evening. Think you can manage for a little while without me?” He teased before leaning on the doorway to make sure you would be okay without him.
“I think I’ll get along just fine. Hurry back though. Once the water goes cold I might need help getting out.” You throw a playful wink his way before he puts his hand to his heart pretending to swoon.
“Anything for the darling Y/N” He sighed out dramatically before chuckling softly. “What’s your favorite poison?”
“Anything strong,” You smile at him before closing your eyes to rest int he tub. “Oh and Jaskier?” You open one eye to glance up at him. “Thanks.” He grins and offers you a playful bow before shutting the door and leaving you in the room and home all alone. Though you don’t mind. You softly sing out as you wash the layers of dirt and blood from your skin. “Toss a coin to your witcher, oh valley of plenty. oh, valley of plenty. Ohhh Ohh oh oh.”
After a while, you can see the water turned a deep brown from the dirt and blood coming off of you and decide it’s fitting time to get out. “Jaskier you back yet?” You call out loudly but after no answer, you shrug it off. Surely you could get out by yourself, after all, you had gotten in alone.
Putting your hands on either side of the tub you try your best to lift yourself out, but just as you almost had it a loud tear rips out in the room and you cry out in pain. Falling back down into the tub. Your hand flies to your shoulder were you could feel blood running from the wound there. “Of course I ripped my stitches. What’s a girl gotta do to get a good doctor nowadays.” You mumbled through the tears and sighed. Surely Jaskier would be back soon, he had to be.
Just as you were about to try and get out again you heard the door open and someone walks in. “Oh! Jaskier! Up here!” You yelled, your voice rather full of pain.
You here running up the stairs before looking to the door as it opened to reveal Geralt himself. Your eyes meet his as you mentally curse the gods for doing this. Sure you talked a big game, but he had made it pretty obvious he wasn’t interested.
“Fuck.” He murmured before walking over to you, kneeling beside the tub looking over your wound. But he didn’t say another word. You did your best not to look at him, but when he was this close and you could feel his breath on your bare skin it made you shiver.
He gave you a strange look before you sunk a little in the water, “It’s cold. Been in here a while.” You mumbled before glancing at his hands on your shoulder. They were big and strong and you could only imagine the things they could do to you. You clenched your jaw trying not to think like that. You weren’t sure if it was the excitement from him being able to catch you naked or nervousness since your heart was about to pulsate out your chest.
“Your heart rate is high, you’ve already lost a lot of blood. I got to get you out and stitch you up again.” He didn’t even give you a chance to process his words before his shirt was coming off and arms dipping into your bathwater.
“Hey! Oh hey! Watch your hands!” You nearly scream out, your hands on his bare chest to stop him from getting any closer. Your heart was racing now, your eyes glued to his. Knowing if you looked at his chest you would most likely lose your mind. “In case you didn’t notice I’m naked.”
“I did.” He stated flatly before moving his face closer to yours. “So you’d show yourself to the bard but not to me to save your life?” His eyes seemed to almost twinkle with his smirk.
You looked away from him a moment thinking it over before sighing loudly. “Only Jaskier never saw me naked.” You scowled at him trying to seem like you would end his life if he dared but you knew he could feel your heart racing. “Close your eyes.” You whispered.
“Are you kidding me?” He started, shifting back a little his eyes wondering to your shoulders curious to see what the bloody water hid.
“Either you close your eyes or I shall wait for Jaskier to return. He at least is a gentleman!” You half screamed at the white-haired man. Your arms moving to cover your chest and sink a little lower into the water. His eyes on you excited you but you were not about to give in to what he wanted.
“Fine.” Was the only word he said before closing his eyes and sliding his arms under your legs and around your waist. His arms were warm despite the chilly temperature of the water. You found yourself leaning onto his chest as he grunted and lifted you out of the water. Your arms clinging around his neck your eyes tracing out his facial features. The strong curve of his jawline, the subtleness of his facial hair, the plumpness of his lips. And that only made your heart pound faster and your head gets light. He stood there just holding you for a minute, his warm embrace felt like nothing you could describe. It was almost like coming home after a lengthy journey, you inhaled his scent as a smile smeared across your lips. Even covered in sweat he never smelled bad.
“I have to open my eyes to get you to your room, you know that right?” He questioned, keeping his eyes closed for the moment being. “Unless you wish for me just to hold you naked until Jaskier comes back?” His voice had a playful tone and you almost had a heart attack. The witcher had a sense of humor?
“I.. um- oh.” You muttered to yourself before looking around. Spotting the towel Jaskier had so kindly laid out for you. “Take one step to the right and three forward then slowly set me down. Jaskier left a towel on the stool for me.” Geralt’s brow furrowed but he did as she said gently. It was different not being able to see as he tried to move around the wet floor. His footing was almost lost a time or two but he managed.
Once at the stool he slowly leaned over and set your legs down on the floor tracing up your thigh to your hip to steady you. Another shiver ran up your spine as you bit your lip to hold in a gasp. But he didn’t seem to notice. You bent over to grab the towel, accidentally pushing your backside right into him. You let out a pitiful yelp before standing up and wrapping the towel around you in a quick sloppy manner. A hot blush covering your cheeks.
His eyes opened at the yelp but thankfully you had thrown the towel on fast enough for him to catch nothing but a glimpse at your bare back. “I can see how you got Jaskier to fall in love with you, with your accidental brush-ups. Watch yourself.” his eyes narrowed at you before wrapping an arm under yours and helping you back to your room. You didn’t say a word, utterly mortified.
He sat you on the bed and grabbed a pitcher of water to pour on your wound to clean some blood away. Then grabbed a needle and thread. “This is going to hurt.” His voice was monotoned, and without waiting for a response he started to stitch up your wound again.
It took everything in you not to move, not to scream. Your hands grasping the towel around you until your knuckles turned pale, your teeth sinking into your lip and your jaw clenching so hard you were unsure if you could open it again. A blast of wind flew around the room making the sheets flail a little around you, your hair blowing almost straight up and Geralt’s all in his face.
He stopped his hands pushing you back to lay on the bed. “You need to get it together. If you can’t I will have to put you under.” He snarled his tone sounding threatening. You nod and grit your teeth together forcing your magick to control its self. Trying to take your mind off the searing pain you open your eyes and watch Geralt. His face is in pure concentration as he fixes you up. You study his face, a rush of tranquility overtaking you.
Before you know it his amber eyes are staring straight back into yours. A blush crawls back over your cheeks as you open your mouth to say something, anything. His face is dangerously close to yours and he hasn’t moved away. Maybe just maybe you had a chance. Your eyes darted to his lips before back to his with an almost neediness. His eyes soften as his other hand rested on your forearm as if he was debating to pull you closer to him.
And you would have found out if he would of but at that moment Jaskier walked in the room with three bottles of ale. “Y/N I’m back- oooh oh oh what do we have here?” His self-satisfied smirk kills whatever might have been happening. Geralt stands and walks towards Jaskier then around him to the doorway.
“See to it she’s not left alone again. She tore her stitches.” He mumbled before leaving.
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until then, a long sigh left your lips as you let your head fall against your pillow. “So, what did I walk into miss I don’t have feelings for him?” He chimed as he walked over to look at your new stitches.
“Jaskier- I” You groaned out in annoyance before covering your face with your hands. “I don’t like him. He was fixing me up after I was stupid. That is all.” You murmured into your hands but you could feel Jaskier’s smirk.
“Oh, I’m sure that was all. And perhaps care to tell me why he was shirtless?” He teased before popping open a bottle and nudging it against your arm. “Here you need this.”
You pulled your hands away from your face to take the bottle and take a long sip. “It’s nothing leave it be. Though he did say you were very in love with me?” You smirked a little wiping your mouth on the back of your hand.
“Not with you, but with that rather visionary lady you had me spend the night within my dream.” He rolled his eyes before patting your head. “She was wonderful, you’re a little dangerous though.” That made you giggle softly before taking another swig.
“Good to know.” You hum before handing him back the bottle and sighing. “I think I need a nap now. It’s been a long morning.” You whisper, Jaskier happily takes the bottle and nods. Making his way to the door before turning around to you.
“I’ll wake you in a few hours. Geralt wanted to discuss something with all of us. Probably the coins you owe us but now I’m not so sure.” He taunted before closing your door and leaving you to wonder what. Especially after everything that happened in the bathing room.
You sighed softly and closed your eyes, you would deal with what it was when you awoke right now you needed to regain your strength so you could heal yourself faster. 
Chapter 4
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Best friends.. but more💕
Takanobu Aone × fem!reader
Tags: NSFW,, biting,, daddy/princess petnames,, heart break
Tw: drinking, drunk sex,,
Word count: 1800+
Im a wee bit drunk atm if yall find any grammar errors or would like tags or tws I could add message me and let me know. Other than being drunk Im also new to tagging stories so sometimes I don't pay attention 😅
NSFW under the cut♡
It was sometimes rather odd being best friends with Aone. Everyone else in your class and well the whole school seemed to think he's so intimidating. Which is kinda funny considering its based on his height. When in reality hes just a big ol teddy bear.
You were rather glad no one really knew him like you did. Still he wasn't very talkative when you two hung out but you could tell by his body language that he always had a good time. Especially when you two played games together. Who would imagine this very stiff, quiet guy actually gets angry when he loses at video games. It wasnt very noticable until he'd always makes an excuse to go get snacks every time he would lose. You caught him quietly fuming to himself in the kitchen after a couple times. Which turned into many times of sneaking out of his room just to watch him and having your heart race trying to make it back so he wouldn't know that you essentially were stalking him in his own home. It was then you realized maybe your feelings toward him were for more than just friendship. A thought you'd never have expected to have towards your best friend. So you shook it off everytime you felt it a little more not wanting to hurt your relationship.
After graduation things stayed the same mostly. The only real difference was after you two had gotten jobs and places of your own and it was a bit harder to spend time together. So when you two had time to spare you were either at his house or him at your apartment. It was never abnormal for you two to stay the night together. Most of the time you'd drink and play games together. Which really wasnt very often lately because your boyfriend didn't like another guy spensing the night.
It didnt matter how many times you told him that Aone is just your best friend and nothing more. He never believed you. Finally after countless texts and calls of Aone asking to come over you decided to go to his place. You got drunk and vented to him about everything, eventually passing out. Being the sweet guy he is Aone helped you to the couch and covered you up. The very next day you woke up to multiple calls and messages from your boyfriend. It was clear he was pissed but you shrugged it off and stuffed your phone in your pocket. You explained the situation and Aone offered to drive you home. It didnt seem like too big a deal that was until you made it home. Your boyfriend standing next to his car outside your place. Seeing you with Aone made him furious. "I guess Im gonna go sort this out. I'll text you later." you said before exiting the car.
Immediately your boyfriend dragging you up to your apartment. Not even two seconds inside and he berates you with questions. "Were you at his place last night? Is that why you weren't home this morning? Did you fuck him? I cant believe-" you stopped him right there and told him plainly "No. I didn't fuck him. I missed my best friend and I got drunk and passed out. If it werent for that I'd have come home last night." None of it seeming to have any bit of a difference to him. He shook his head with a deep scowl on his face, "We're done." he said and walked out the door. You didnt try to stop him and just let him go.
It took a while for the sadness to hit but when it did you got pretty depressed because you actually really liked the guy. But in the end you werent going to give up your best friend time for some guy no matter how much you liked him.
A couple days after the break up you had went out drinking with your work and got absolutely shitfaced. Thankfully one of your coworkers got your phone. "Dont worry y/n I called a friend to come get you. He should be here any minute." You were barely coherent to what she said and ended up face down in your food crying.
Aone finally showing up, and everyone being in awe of his demeanor towards you. They all drunkenly tell him how good a boyfriend he is. He didnt correct them, just thanked them for calling and said that he'd take care of you. He rubbed your back and leaned down to say "Y/n Im here to take you home. Hop on my back Ill carry you." Your coworkers cheering him on yet again for being so sweet. You being wasted beyond belief got entirely too excited at the idea of a piggy back ride. It took a couple tries but you eventually got on his back.
The walk to his car was kind of cold and your nose was especially suffering. "Aoneee~ my nose its- *hiccup* c-cold." You said right before you snuggled your face into his warm neck. The smell of him almost making you melt. You leaned up into his ear "aoneeeee," you said with such a pouty tone, "A-o-ne Ivee got a seeecret.. I think I might like you.. e-even in high school." You lean back down to nuzzle your face into his neck not noticing how much the tall silent man was blushing. He didn't really say much back and honestly you didn't really notice from how drunk you were.
You hadnt even realized that at some point he had put you in his car. He decided to just take you back to his house since it was closer. You ended up falling asleep blabbering about how hot you were and trying to take off your clothes. Pulling up you were still out of it and thankfully clothed since you were too drunk to get them off. He picked you up and carried you inside up to his bed. Normally you would sleep on the couch but with how things were tonight he'd take the couch.
He laid you down and gathered up a tshirt and some of his sleeping pants, which were way too big. He woke you up enough to have you change clothes and tuck you in. "If you need anything at all Im right on the couch." He stood up to walk to the door. Only to have you grab his hand and pull him down over top of you. "don't go." You said in barely a whisper almost whining. Looking down at you in this way causing his body to react to you like it never has before. Almost making him leave immediately, seeing as how you werent in your right mind, but the way you tugged at him he let you win. He moved over to the other side of you whispering back "okay but once youre asleep im going to the couch."
He laid there looking at you thinking about what you had said when he picked you up and this overwhelming feeling of wanting you filled his mind. You in search of warmth rolled over to cuddle your back against him. Your body kind of going on its own at this point from your drunken and slightly horny state. He had no idea what to do and felt a panic wash over him before you grabbed his arm and wrapped it around you. Feeling the neediness of how his hand held your waist your ass began grinding against him. His hand gripping you tight trying to keep his composure forcing a low moan out of you and the words flowed out of your mouth, "Aone please♡ touch me please." Thats all it took for him to break. You could feel both hands now on your waist pulling you into him grinding his hard cock against your ass. Every thrust and his tightening grip forcing a moan out of you.
The pants he gave you slowing riding down leaving you in just his shirt. He freed a hand to roam over your body and leaned down just barely breathing over your neck before running his tongue along your skin to find the most sensitive spot. You gasped at how good it felt. A little further he thought, just a nip right there in that sensitive little spot. Grabbing your hips as you grinded against him begging for more. "Pleasee Aone more.. bite me more mmm please" gasping between every word. He obliged and sunk his teeth into you. He immediately felt your body tense up as you moaned for more from him "Aone♡ fuck- fuck me please."  "You sure?" He said back. Your hand reaching back to grab his lengthy throbbing cock "yesss~ mmmm fuck you're so big" stroking it listening to his quiet moans in your ear turning you on even more. Enjoying the feeling of your small hands fondling him so needily. Pushing him so close to his climax he had to remove your hand before wound up cumming all over your backside. The pleasure overcoming his mind he rolled you over to your back legs falling off to either side of him he looked you over as you watched him pull off his shirt, his muscles gleaming from all the sweat. "Fuck.." you gasp breathlessly.
"Like what you see, princess?" His words like honey to you. "Mmm fuck yes daddy, I like every.. last.. bit of what I see~" Barely able to get your words out before he thrust his big throbbing cock inside you. "Mmf♡ fuck~ oh fuck~~" Your moans fueling his lust filled mind as he went harder just to see your expressions as the pleasure took you over. Your words jumbled as you barely were able to get out anything between moans. The squelching between your legs at every thrust on top of the low moans coming from his lips driving you mad as you felt him hitting the deepest part of you. "Mmmf♡ i-i.. fuc- i-mmmm im cu-" your moan cutting you off as you came all over his thick cock. The feeling of your walls tightening around him sending him over the edge he grunted grinding himself deeper inside you painting your insides in his juices. His moans stifled by your mouth as you pulled him down into a deep kiss. Neither of you having the want to move just laid there intertwined. Exhaustion taking over you both passed out almost simultaneously.
You woke up to an empty bed and your clothes folded neatly on the dresser. Only remembering bits and pieces from the night before but enough to know what had taken place in this bed right where you were laying. Your face as red as a beet you pulled the covers up over yourself, almost wanting to squeal. You heard the knob twisting and you laid back down pretending to be asleep. You could hear him walk in closer and closer until it felt like he was right over you and your eyes snapped open. His face directly above yours he leaned forward and kissed you and scooped you up with the covers you were rolled up in. Your face hot and embarrassed as to the suddenness, " Wh-what are you doing??" He smiled down at you continuing on, "Don't worry princess, Im just taking you to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up.. unless of course you want to continue last night?" Every bit of the night before flooded your head as he sat you down. You almost couldnt believe it. Slightly embarrassed you knew if you didn't take this chance now you'd hate yourself for it later. Dropping the blankets you pulled him into the bathroom. "You helped make the mess now you can help clean it." A tiny smirk crossed his mouth and you knew you were going to get way more than you bargained for.💕
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lexiy-dreyar · 5 years
missing friends
{{little side story for you all ok?
{im too tried to say who’s OC's belong to who ima just do the tags imto sleepy
{{i think that's everyone?
((edit i redrew everything
The blonde layed there, bruised and broken, beaten to a pulp, watching the culprit getaway, holding her sister, and her child, both badly injured bleeding, the other blonde sister had taken a big blow to the head cracking it open, shattered bones in the arm's, with cut-up legs, she could only imagine her pain was less than hers, her dull eyes shifted to her child, being carried over the shoulder, blood dripping out of her mouth, shaking out of shock and pain.
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 She couldn't take seeing them both hurt, she tried to get up but could barely move her arms to lift her body off the ground a bit, her arm covered in cuts shooting with pain, her legs shattered, slowly going numb. Lex blinked away the tears of pain, pushing herself to move her arms and legs, she refused to give up and lose,  the two she cared about the most, trying to ignore the pain, with a scratchy voice she called out to the captive, "put them down...and..come and fight me…" she growled still struggling to get on her feet "I may be buried but I'm not beaten!!"
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 She shouts soon coughing her lungs out "tch d-dammit" she groaned in pain "you look like your done..I'm not wasting my power on you.." the said turning to look at her "heh...you scared that I'm gonna kick your ass!" She smirked, trying to egg them on so they drop her loved ones "hmmm how about I end this" they said letting star go raising his arm aiming his attack at the struggling blonde "and here I thought you were supposed to be strong, with the power of a guardian angel running through you, as well as the power of a dragon.. pathetic." They smile darkly as they launch their attack at her. 
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She didn't have a chance to move, the attack hit her head on, 
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amplifying the pain tenfold, causing her to scream out in pain, knocking her out as she hits a tree, "maybe if you tried harder you would have had a chance" was the last words she heard. 
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As she slowly opened her eyes she was blinded by bright lights "huh...Where am I?" She mumbled trying to sit up, she felt a burst of pain from her arms, and they felt Heavy, she looked at her arms noticing there in casts, she looked at them confused before looking around the room " what the...where am I..a hospital??" She asked herself, there was a knocking on her door, she turned her head to the door as it slowly opened to see one of her friends peaking "hey she's up"
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 Pandora said opening the door more as her friends enter the room "glad to see your up" Sayaka said bluntly "yeah you gave us a pretty bad scare" Tenshi said softly placing a plate on her nightstand,
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 "Sorry about that…" lex mumbles, "how did I get here?" She asked looking at her friends "nkita managed to call me and the paramedics by the time we got there, you nkita and void were about to be picked up by them" Julianna answers her question
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 "about that do you know where star and amaniz are? We tried calling the-" Pandora stopped halfway through her sentence when she noticed lex's shocked expression "they really got them.." lex mumbles trying not to cry "about that care to explain why you went to go fight when you were still recovering from you last job" azale asks her "I had to.. they were hurt...I had a bad feeling if I didn't" she sighed trying to move her legs, but felt they were in the cast too "what about nkita and void how are they?!" Lex asked panicked" were not sure yet we checked up on them yesterday but they were knocked out, " Devon said.
"Lex...I think you should tell us what happened" azale pointed out "or at least tell us what the attacker looked like" Constance chimed in "I….I" lex tried to tell them but her memory was hazy. All she got were little flashes of what happened.
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 Her breath got shakey, as she remembers how much she messed up, using a big attack out of lack of judgment, trying to let amaniz and star run to safety. Letting herself go trying to learn the attackers' magic, and how they fight, but she failed to pay attention, worrying too much about her family, leaving herself wide open, letting them get a good shot near her chest. Slowly mumbling to herself about how stupid she is unable to protect her sister and child as her eyes slowly turned back to normal, losing their dullness as her eye’s filled with tears “they were right there...and I couldn't do anything...I'm pathetic"
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she cried "...then let's go get em," Cole said walking to the blonde's bed "huh…" "let's go get them back..once your Heald up we'll go looking for them" Cole answered "what! No way if the guy managed to fuck up lex nkita and void that bad there's no way we could stand a chance" Cherry shouted, "Well your wrong if all of us go together we can get them back!!" Obara shouted at her "hey now let's not fight..we should be careful though it might have been the same person who tried to kidnap Azusa,..and-" Sayaka was interrupted by a knock at the door "Sorry for interrupting but I need to talk alone with lexiy" a doctor said ".....alright let's go check on the others"Lizzy patted Devon's shoulder "good idea get better soon lex" Tenshi waved as the left the room.
{Mini time skip}
You should be able to move your arms and legs a bit now but I have to advise you to not use your Maley attack's for a few months so that the tissue heals...and about your lacrima heart we replaced it with a stronger one it should last you 5 years or so." The doctor said wrapping up her leg 
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 "also you need to take it easy..your body is still recovering from the shock your lucky your friend gem was able to recover the badly damaged parts..you can be disregarded in a few days...but if you lose feeling in your legs take one of these" he hands her a few bottles of pills "lose feeling in my legs??" She asked "yes your leg bones were shared to pieces with a lot of internal bleeding your Nevers weren't connected either I'm surprised you manage to push through the pain" the doctor said in shock standing up "you should rest we'll call in gem to come and heal you some more..who knows if your lucky you can be discharged in two days" he said leaving. Lex looked down swinging her legs a bit "there's that bad feeling again..I need to go make sure everything is o-" she couldn't finish her sentence after being whacked with a massive amount of pain-causing her to pass out...
Everyone got home to a surprise that night. “Julianna looked around the mansion in shock “what happened here,” she said in shock the mansion was a mess there were blood patches everywhere. Shu sniffed around “that's Viktor and Elias blood I smell” he sai quitely “what!” devon shouted quickly rushing to his sister's room noticing the doors broken “Elisa?” he looked in her room seeing scratch marks and bloodstains, his breathing became uneven. It soon hit him she was taken. Julianna looked around noticing there was a big blood puddle “it isn't like Viktor to up and leave like that...unless he was taken too” she said in disbelief “where’s azusa..” ruki said “kanato’s missing too” laito added “was it the same person who took star and amaniz” reiji question as the front door slammed open “WHERES ANYA!!” Subaru shouted in a panicked state with Tenshi following right after him
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 “huh, you couldn't find her either huh,” ayato said “not to mention valla and athenia are missing too,” Tenshi said trying to calm her breathing. “We should head out to the others and make sure their saf-” glasses didn't even get a chance to speak when pandora kicked the front door open “WHERES GREMLY AND TCUP!!” 
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she screamed with furfur right behind her “them too huh?” cole said walking through the busted up doors with Elina right behind him "manu and soon-bok went missing too" Elina sighed "so someone's targeting all of us" Simon said causing most of them to jump from his random appearance "so who do we know who could be doing this?" Lys asked
"I say chara.. she's the only one of us that can beat any of us easy without dying.." Devon mumbled in a rotten mood "who the hell is Chara" Pandora asked "I'll explain on our way back to the hospital" Devon's said walking out the door, with the others slowly following behind him.
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groundramon · 6 years
Homph I finished tri and I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching because I had too many funny shitposts and nobody to share them with bc charlie hasn’t watched tri yet
PS i wont be reblogging tri spoilers (besides MINOR stuff like, digivolutions of already confirmed digivolution lines or non-spoilery shitposts, but I’ll try to tag shitposts as #tri spoilers anyways [digivolutions specific to tri ill tag as well but not ones that were already basically confirmed]) for a while so ur safe here!  I’m just gonna like everything/most things because then I can rb em to hisyaryumon lmao (also u should check out hisyaryumon....its me n charlie’s digimon blog)
EP 1:
- ok. alright. ok. good. they’re dealing with kari’s emotions now instead of just. nothing.  ok. alright. cool.  Still dont like how obscure/”artsy” they’re being with it, this is digimon not kagerou project, but ok.
- Also. I stand by tk and kari being one of the few good straight ships in digimon.  just saying.
- kari: this is my fault... me: god damn it shut up you little brat also me: god relatable ALSO me: ill take whatever display of emotions i can get
- I love how nobody believes tai is dead like.  They’re upset and worried but they’re also like “nah. he cant be. that fucking asshole just left us in our time of need” (actually only matt is the last one)
- Gabumon i would die for you also im crying and I think that’s the first time tri managed to make me fucking CRY
EP 2:
- I had thoughts but then the 02 kids happened and I entered another plane of reality.  I don’t feel real right now
- the only one I can remember is evil!gennai being a dumbass and being like “SUFFER AND SQUIRM YOU PATHETIC HUMANS AS YOU FIGHT OVER THE LAST SEAT” 1. humans are KNOWN for their ability to care for others you dumb obvious fuck and 2. is. is the entire tube going? because that tube can fit too people if they squish.  This isn’t a joke I’m serious it can.
- oh yeah also when i saw whomstever the fuck his name is (adult guy who i love but fuck names) and he was all bloodied i was like “its a cold day in hell when i see blood in digimon” (I think there was blood in an earlier ep but shh idc)
EP 3:
- didn’t nishijima start off as a fucking life coach to these kids.  What the fuck he was supposed to help them find a career not emotionally scar them by bloodily dying in front of one of them
- im realizing that the reason hackmon was always in his cloak, in the shadows, standing still is that they cannot animate him in any normal position for the life of him.  I drew him with better anatomy when i was 14 and didn’t have a tablet.  No seriously, look:
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I didn’t say it wasn’t bad, you guys are just underestimating how bad the anatomy on this poor creature is.  Why cant ppl draw dracomon or hackmon correctly imma cry
- ordinemon has the best reaction faces
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the best part about these two screenshots is that they literally cut one to the other, first the first one to the second one and then it cuts back to the first one.  They were really proud of these stupid ass expressions.
- I started overcoming my dissociation shock from the second episode and my hypercritical mind was analyzing the shit out of everything that happened (it is Not happy) but then evil!gennai called kari and evil goddess and idk if he’s exaggerating to make her feel bad or if she’s literally a fucking god of chaos and destruction and either way im like
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she did kinda like.  Watch wizardmon die, watch tai die, watch gatomon get absorbed.  The dark ocean is just a metaphor for depression and honestly if 02 wasn’t all over the fucking place I think Kari would’ve had some pretty decent development in it.  Actually you know what, I’m using that as an angle to approach Tri at now, wish me luck bc i might actually give it more leeway now
EP 4:
- I’m not dissociating but I forgot to say anything again and I already forgot what happened
- Cant believe mei is fucking dead
EP 5:
- I like to imagine that Tai got there like a few minutes ago, but he was like “well damn guess yall figured it out without me.  alright ill just. see if I need to do anything” and then meicoomon was Still Bad so he waited for when she struck just to make the most badass entrance possible.  Fucking extra ass bitch
- I forgot to write anything again but uhhh I wasn’t satisfied so anyways lets just get into the Juicy Details
Originally I was actually planning to be kinder to Tri than I expected.  Was very invested during it.  ‘Round the end of the last ep I realized hmmm no this isn’t working out.  Where are the 02 kids.  You should’ve brought them in to save the day.  That would’ve been SO cool and SO fun.  Fucking cowards.
god I’m kinda tired so I’m going to address a couple things I still had problems with, note that this isn’t everything it’s just everything I felt comfortable yelling about without rewatching past eps.  Like I forgot nishijima was all bloodied and presumably died in the last part until they brought it up and I was like “????” ALSO DID THE LADY WHO WAS HIS PARTNER OR W/E KILL HERSELF WITH THE GUN SHE FOUND, I JUST REALIZED LITERALLY AS I WAS TYPING THIS THAT SHE FOUND A GUN AND THEN I THINK IT CUT TO BLACK AND I’M
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anyways my problems:
1. They did joe. really dirty.  I’ll write a more proper rant on this sometime later (mostly bc charlie is MUCH better at talking about joe than I am) but basically I can tell you that his character development in the movies squandered his OG character development.  He’s basically an entirely different person.  Like Tri joe isn’t bad, besides being largely neglected (yes he has a whole half a movie to himself, no that doesn’t make up for it all), its just...not OG joe.  He’s a fine character just not the same character, and its NOT fine when you put the two together.
2. THEY DID THE 02 KIDS EVEN DIRTIER IM SO BITTER sorry you nostalgia-blind, money-hungry fucks at bandai, but the 02 cast is PART OF THE ADVENTURES UNIVERSE.  The only people who hate 02 are ones who like the characters but hate the mess of the storyline at the end, or are completely irrational and elitist about their love of the digimon series and would greatly re-evaluate their opinions if they watched the original series and 02 back to back.  They couldn’t even show them in some kind of group montage at the end??? Standing in the background when they call Mei???  Why couldn’t they call mei from a home phone also, but that’s a less important problem idc that much.  It was a cute scene besides the lack of 02 characters.  Whatever.  AND THE PROBLEM IS LIKE kari and tk?  This entire time???  Were like “oh they disappeared. oops” instead of being frantically searching for their lost friends???  Like i get tk and kari probably have fucking ptsd and can’t express any emotions because they watched important people die in front of their eyes at an incredibly young age but also 1. they didn’t address the ramifications of ptsd, so fuck that theory/excuse and 2. THAT??? WOULD ONLY MAKE THEM LOOK HARDER??? and put on a brave face as they look, but inside they’re so scared and so worried.  Not just “oh sweet, they were found/saved, theyre in the hospital but that’s fine” like WHAT theyre fucking assholes if that’s what they’d canonically do lmao.  God I am SO bitter over the ENTIRE thing with the 02 kids, it would’ve been BETTER if they were deleted from the fucking canon entirely.  Would I have still been bitter?  Yes.  But at least I wouldn’t be madder at TK and Kari too.
3. I stand 100% by the notion that Digimon is not and will never be cut out to be an adults’ franchise.  It wasn’t designed for adults, and it can’t be skewered towards adults.  These particular characters were designed for kids to relate to and find entertaining.  They do not work when placed into an adult setting.  Like, can you imagine a character like Ed from FMA going to the Digimon world?  I guess in a way that’s just Marcus but like.  Just imagine the FMA cast in Digimon Adventure.  It doesn’t work.  Digimon Tri is basically that except real.  Also Data Squad was darker than Adventure so my joke doesn’t even work.
I guess my primary point is that Tri isn’t mature enough of a setup for an adult audience.  It puts a focus on being “complex” and “philosophical” instead of working within Digimon’s constraints and making something good and adult out of that.  Like!  Digimon is a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL.  Don’t give me messages about the futility of human life.  I want bad puns and emotional characters.  That’s what Digimon has ALWAYS been, and ideally always will be.  Tri could’ve made itself more mature by dealing with the ramifications of the Digital World’s events, how it affected the kids psychologically and dealing with healing old scars.  It would’ve been a more mature take on a story we loved and would use things we loved about the story already - the fact that it took so much time exploring characters’ emotions and was surprisingly mature for the time - to make itself better.  You need to take the aspects that drew adults to the show and amplify them, not just slap on a complex story and unfunny dialogue and be like “oh this is fine, right?”
It’s not that Digimon can’t exist as an adult property, its just that if it repeats what Tri did, it’s got no merit and in my eyes the franchise is dead.  If it survives I guess I’ll be happy that people can still enjoy it but I find it unsustainable and unsatisfying to fans of the older series.  Tri is just a fuckfest of highly specific nostalgia that tries too hard to appeal to old fans without capturing what made the original series so magical, and in part thats because the original series WASN’T FOR ADULTS.  I don’t know about the Digimon Story games, bc they’re T-rated so perhaps they’re a better take on an adult Digimon story than Tri?  But you either need to make your own characters and lore specifically for an adult-oriented Digimon season, or perish.  Also, please make it a series and not a group of movies.  Getting four eps every 6-9 months was hell.
I stand by saying Appmon is a more faithful Digimon season than Tri to Digimon’s original spirit.  I believe it holds more potential for success than Tri and better embodies the spirit of the older Digimon seasons.  It’s dumb, its corny, it has horrible puns, but I LOVE it because it also has a deep dark story and emotional moments.  If you dislike Tri and you agree with things I said that make it unlikeable, I highly recommend giving Appmon a chance - if you watch a few episodes and think “oh yeah, I guess this is decent” you’re going to like it.  It’s everything Digimon has always been and hopefully always will be, just with a different concept.  And hopefully the end of the series doesn’t leave a sour taste in my mouth and I have to redact this statement haha since I’m not done with it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it so I’m hoping not so.
Overall, if you watch Tri, don’t get your hopes up.  It resolves everything okay-ish but it’s a pretty forgettable anime on its own and simply doesn’t work as part of the Digimon franchise.
I am, however, pretty interested in what evil!gennai said at the end about Diaboromon and Daemon.  It raises interesting questions about the timeline too.  We know Daemon is in the dark ocean, so perhaps that’s a hint at a future project?  (They did confirm a future project btw, in conjunction with tri being over)  But what about Diaboromon?  I dont believe that Our War Game (I think thats what its called?) took place after Tri, based on the outfits and ages and stuff, but I also don’t remember the movies that well.  Could Diaboromon still be out there too?  It’s interesting.
However, because of the lackluster performance of Tri, I don’t have my hopes up and I really hope that this “next project” goes in a different direction.  Although I guess if they include the 02 kids, I’ll be somewhat less salty...
Side note, did they ever explain why the gennais went evil?  Like ?  That’s a pretty important thing.  The gennais helped SAVE the human world in 02.  And I get that apparently Tri is ignoring 02′s ending but still.  It’s shitty, because Gennai was still a good guy in the original too (and also they cant just keep is younger look and act like 02 never happened)  MAYBE its something I missed but I dont think so.  God there’s just.  So much wrong with Tri.  I’m very displeased and very bitter and I wanna get back to Appmon asap.
It’s got good moments, its got bad moments, I dont know, I don’t care.  There’s nothing wrong with you if you like it, there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you flip flop and are split like me.  I just wish Tri fulfilled its potential instead of becoming a boring mess.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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azrielsiphons · 7 years
I didn’t want to make an entire reading thread like I did with Lady Midnight (which was kind of popular for my typical stuff, I still don’t know why, it was just a lot of flailing) because LoS is still so fresh and I’m afraid to spoil anyone who might not have the tags blacklisted. So under the cut, IN ORDER AS I READ, is my genuine LoS reactions. Enjoy my flailing.
Kit you precious little bean don’t steal daggers you should know better
He just had to go and name drop Will in like the first five pages I am C R Y I N G 
Oh Julian is being ‘scrupulously polite and kind’ over you and Mark’s “relationship”? IS HE EMMA? IS HE REALLY?
Ew Mark kissing Emma’s cheek made me want to throw up blood too, Julian 
Take a shot every time I think to myself “ugh, Perfect Diego”
Awwwww Ty my precious son you’re so concerned for Kit
I love Mark so much my sweet faerie child 
Cassandra Clare let me make something clear if you ever kill my daughter Clary Fray I will SET THIS WORLD ON FIRE 
so clary is having dreams of her and emma and cortana and she knows she’s gonna die uMMMMMMMM????? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? IF MY GIRL EMMA HAS TO KILL CLARY FOR WHATEVER REASON YALL CAN CATCH ME 6 FEET UNDER THE GROUND 
Mark and Cristina Mark and Cristina Mark and Cristina MARK AND CRISTINA 
God bless America I forgot how much I adore Jace Herondale but then at the same time he makes me miss Will and when I miss Will I want to DIEEEEEEE
take a shot everytime someone says something to the effect of “we can’t involve the Clave”
lol jace “i’m just going to haul clary off to *wink wink* get chinese food *wink wink* be back in 20 *wink wink*” 
oh wait they actually just got chinese food wtf i need me a man like that 
More of Ty and Livvy’s relationship pls i love sibling bonds 
“Smug bastard. Hair’s too good. I don’t trust people with hair that good.” KIT MY SON IM ADOPTING YOU IMMEDIATELY 
Julian slamming the door in Emma’s face made me slam MY face into a door
“She refused to hurry her steps — not for anyone.” Note to self: be more like Cristina 
okay real quick these centurions talking shit about my father magnus bane are about to find my six inch stilettos up their tight assholes bYE 
okay these nazi centurions are CANCELLED 
oh my gosh my smol son ty smiling at kit kill me NOW 
wow who would have thought i would like gwyn damn (also gwyn x diana??? im??? here for it???)
wait but… but kit and ty… but he just kissed livvy and they’re cute too… gdi 
i hope emma and/or cristina rips zara’s head right from her shoulders 
w h a t
W H A T 
jk it wasn’t her dad gdi 
Diana is my mother now since she just SHUT ZARA TF DOWN
oh shit yall it’s the ‘oh no we have to share a bed’ trope and i am LIVING 
julian hiding his boner is my aesthetic 
emma you can’t just casually mention my father luke garroway wtf 
Julian just snapped at Emma and I have never been more uncomfortable please stop fighting mom and dad 
“neither julian nor emma slept well that night, though each of them thought they were the only one troubled, and the other one was probably resting just fine” real quick i just need to go drink a gallon of bleach to get over this 
all these references to will and jem are really fucking me up 
“Tessa used to come and ask me too. She wanted to know where Will was.” WHAT THE FUCK A LOT OF PAINFUL THINGS ARE HAPPENING ALL VERY QUICKLY 
“I want you to be proud of me.” SHIT FUCK HELL DAMN FUCK 
Real quick Bridget imma need you to stop alluding to jem and will and also tell me how TF YOU’RE ALIVE 
oooOOOOoooo a compartment to themselves??? HMMMMMM 
Mark x Kieran x Cristina did you mean Lito x Hernando x Daniella? 
I love my father Magnus Bane 
Alec talking about Jace you bet your sweet ass I’m crying 
On a serious note — props to CC for this representation of autism through Ty, and how Kit treats him so damn well. Very, very cool.
My domestic fathers Magnus and Alec are saving my life 
All Magnus wants to do is adopt every sad downworlder alive and I LOVE HIM ALL THE MORE FOR IT 
Don’t worry Emma I too live on the Sexy Thoughts River and the Sea of Perversion 
Mark just had a sex dream about Kieran in the library I’m laughing so hard 
Actually wait I change my mind fuck you Kieran that wasn’t cool of you 
DAMN can CC write so freaking well holy shit 
but are Cristina and Mark kissing because they love each other??? or because of the binding spell?????? will the world EVER KNOW????
Kit and Ty are … the … most adorable thing… in the whole world… 
“It's a burden being sarcastic” I’M CHOK ING TO DEATH 
Jaime is evil I can smell it 
Julian appearing out of nowhere sitting on a boulder in the pouring rain completely Unbothered™ like name a more iconic entrance 
Gdi Dru 
Wait... shit is Jaime actually a good guy? DAMMIT 
MAGNUS CAUGHT THEM LOLOLOL he isn't even concerned though bc he knows parabatai love each other extra hard bc he witnessed Will and Jem's love firsthand lol BYE 
Who tf is Ash? I mean he's Dru's age and they just had a "coincidental meeting" so CLEARLY he's a love interest but 
Gwyn is the actual love of my life 
"Pyromania interests me" Ty, my son, I love you
Dad!Julian makes me WEEP
Coincidentally, Dad!Alec ALSO MAKES ME WEEP 
Emma referring to implied polyamory as a sexy weirdness is ME 
Pffffffft Kieran calling Diego the "very handsome stupid one" is ALSO MEEEEEEE 
"The bad things can't matter more than the good things" Cristina....... my daughter........ 
Kieran ain't got time for your SHIT Robert 
Sassy!Alec defending his man and not dealing with Bigot!Zara's bullshit I’m so wet 
Livvy isn't dead
No livvy isnt dead 
No no 
Wait what the FUCK 
W H A T T H E F U C K 
BYE forever I'm going to go live in a world where Livvy is alive and well because fuck all this BYEEEEEEEEEE
so like 2019…. where u at
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nicomrade · 7 years
i was tagged by @the-space-enby! thank you 4 taggin me bub!
In general:
Real name: lmao im not 100% confy
 w/ my birth name anymore so ye. yall should really really call me moki tho
Nicknames: except for the shit based on my birth name/moki i am sometimes known as, birb 

Sexuality: pan/aro ayyyyyy

Preferred pronouns: they/them baby. he/him is acceptable if you dont have cool neutral pronouns like english does tho no prob friendo i dont mind

Are you a morning person?: i have to be up in the morning or else im gonna have a shit day but morning is for doin nothin on the interwebs and eating your noon at 11am. im actually super productive at 12pm/1pm so ill say not at all a morning person? like early afternoon? also night is super great if im hyperfocusing on something or else its just the time when im being Sad

When swimming, do you prefer to do it in the ocean, or in a lake?: pool all the way baby. i swam in a lake once (1) and i remember it being cold so if its Hot why not but ayyy those good ol man-made pools full of piss are the way to go
On tumblr:
Anyone you would like to meet in real life?: mmm @vava-chan-take-over-the-world ??? we gotta meet up next time you come to europe bub

Anyone you have met in real life?: like the irl friends i bullied into getting a tumblr ye but that doesnt count
When did you first join? How old is your current account?: im too lazy to check but my meme memory should be enough here. i joined few months before that “i crave that mineral” meme so fall 2014 i believe

Any peeves?: people using the wrong aro flag :( i dont wanna call them out or make an actual post about it cause if youre aro and use the yellow or the orange one then go you!!!! do your thing!!!! and like some artists put time & effort into art themed after the wrong one and i dont wanna be that guy so i shut up but please!!!!!!!! please try using the green/green/white/grey/black one?
Unpopular opinion: not only bigots but bigots-sympathizers should get punched in their ugly, bigoted faces. if youre helping the spread of hateful ideologies because its “freedom of speech” or “looking at all the point of views!!” then im going to personally break your knees regardless of what you actually believe in.
Do you easily get jealous?: not really jealous?? but like, left out & unloved. its mostly when friends seem to be closer to each other than to me but like whenever im third wheeling my current girl crush i die a little more inside

Do you easily get angry?: i think im p chill? like im the one messing with others and making them angry without meaning to usually. but when im in A Mood and i Need to be Alone im gonna snap and want to kill whoever’s in my space while im lowkey freaking out 

Are you easy to cheer up?: depends??????? on what i need???? some times any of my friend can cause i need to think of something else but othertime its, you say the wrong thing im gonna block you, steal your cat and when you eventually find out ill be like “do u hear that too kitty? it sounds like this place’s haunted or something i keep hearing a voice but i cant see where its coming from”

Are you good at hiding your emotions?: i wrote a book called “how to make your friends think youre mentally doing great when youre actually in the middle of a 3 months long mental breakdown” so i’d say, via text hell yes, in person i think my mood shifts are pretty obvious
What’s the very best way to cheer you up?: invite me to your house, come to mine even tho i said no, take advantage of my surprise and knock me the fuck out, put me in my bed and go home. ill wake up thinking it was one of my fucked up dreams and feeling better cause Night Time is Hell Time but Noon Time is I’ll See How This Day’s Going Time (ISHTDG Time)
Are you currently in a relationship?: nah
Do you currently have a crush on someone?: i think i still have that crush on that dude from my class though the year’s finished and my girl crush i mentionned earlier. im aro tho so the meaning of crush varies

If yes, might that someone be reading this?: lmao neither have a tumblr i hope not
Do you kiss on the first date?: my aro ass says whats a date but my touch starved ass says i’ll kiss on the minus 2nd date???
Do you prefer going out, or staying home, when it comes to dates?: whats a date lol
Favorite drink: its the unhealthiest of all its coke ayyyyyy 
Favorite food: lasagnas?? strawberry pie???? fucking pineapple pizza???
Most calming place?: i dont give a fuck about the place whats important is: are there any people around? nobodys there?: chill af, anyones there?:.im already sensory overloading m8
Most stressful place?:  anything that reminds me of a Bad Time

Most prized possession?: im a man of many loves dont make me choose. im a bad commie being attached to material stuff but thats the way i am & marx can kinkshame me anytime
i tag like @fullmoondagger if he wants to & @creepycreampuff if they dont mind also
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