#fuck gender essentialism
thevamplelio · 9 months
Seeing a frankly disturbing influx of T.ERFS on this site, so here’s a reminder that TERF and alt right fascists are one and the same, it’s always ethical to punch both. I am a they/them, genderqueer, bisexual (on the spectrum of ace, varying from day to day), I am brown, androgynous and the foppish, well read, bi Quaintrelle your parents warned you about. I’m not male or female, I am a threat, and the moral panic is about me. Lastly, to all T.ERFS, it’s on site if you come near me, have fun getting ideologically torn to shreds and blocked. Respect trans people or gtfo.
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Also, Anne Rice championed bisexuality and transgender rights until she died. You do her a disservice coming near me.
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hollowwraith · 5 months
"I don't mean to generalize, but why do certain people *cough* [insert gender here] *cough* ALL do xy thing?" Should not be as accepted as a starter for jokes/arguments as it is.
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deandraxon · 8 months
“MeN dEsErVe AlL tHe HaTe ThEy GeT”
Eat glass.
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scentedluminarysoul · 4 months
"ADHD presents in males more as hyperactivity and in females more as inattention"
I... don't believe that? That sounds like gender essentialism
I thinks it's more a case of what is notice *by other* people
Hyperactivity is easily noticed by others, seen as a problem needing to be fixed. Inattention is more something the person themselves suffer from
People just never cared about women/females, really
And maybe hyperactivity gets *expressed* differently, according to gender roles
I just don't believe this gender essentialist BS of "men this, women that". Why would that be a thing even? Hormones? Then what would happen if someone transitions? And what about non-binary folk?
I'm obviously no expert, but I'm just not buying it. This sounds as dumb as "girl autism" and "boy autism"
Oh, and then why did my therapist, who sees me as female, was so skeptical because I wasn't the correct kind of hyperactive?
Because hyperactivity doesn't just mean you go for a run every day or whatever. It also means just needing something to do all the time because your brain just *won't stop*
And different people express that differently, surprise. Some play sports and jump around, some sit still and play video games while watching videos
This standardization and checklisting is so shitty
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auressea · 1 year
we've always been here...
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Star of the Heavens. We remember you.
We FIGHT! We call upon you for justice. We stand strong against our oppressors. Goddess of the Fearsome Divine Powers -
Salt of the Earth, you are in our stories still. Come home. Rise from the underworld and Return to the fields and gardens. Help us flourish and thrive.
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I offer you Blood and Ash. Beans and Grain.
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pinkiewitchcraft · 6 months
I refuse to use the word “girlies” now when it comes to femininity because being a girl does not automatically make you feminine. Some girlies are in fact masculine or androgynous or nothing at all. And it’s honestly frustrating still seeingpeople continue to hold onto gender roles and gender essentialism despite claiming being inclusive. It’s important to actually think about why you use the words you’re using and if you still associate them with specific things.
Like assuming all girls are feminine and all boys are masculine. Some boys are, in fact, feminine and some girlies are, in fact, masculine. And yes you can be a masculine girlie. I’m one of them.
The first time I made this blog I was using exclusive shit like “ladies” and “girlies” despite the fact that not everyone who likes femininity is a lady or a girly. Some of us are dudes, some of us are genderless, some of us are all of them and more. And you know what? Dudes deserve to be included as well.
So I wrote down feminine words, and they work way more than ladies and girlies, since gender doesn’t equal appearance, not to mention they convey exactly what I want this blog to convey.
Saying lovelies, dollies, sweeties, cuties, flower names, etc instead of gendered words will always be way better than falling back into old habits we’ve been brainwashed to use just because they’re comfortable, and alienating people as a result. I refuse to do that.
I just wanted to talk about this again because we’re so used to saying certain words and doing certain things that we don’t sit down and think about why we do them, or where they come from. It’s okay to just sit down and question things. It’s okay to realize a lot of things are very narrow and not at all welcoming to people.
Which is why so many people say “Sorry, I can’t be feminine because I’m a boy” after hearing a content creator mention only the girlies and the ladies when talking about femininity. And then that same content creator immediately jumps to saying “Nooo!!! You can be!!! Femininity is for everyone!!! Anyone can be a girlie and a lady!!!”
But you’re not actually sitting down to think about why you automatically assume girly and lady equal femininity, and why you’re alienating people who love femininity.
Why, in this day and age, do people still assume the dudes and the boys can’t be feminine? Why, in this day and age, do people not include the dudes and the boys in their femininity talk? And this goes for any gender or genderless person, but I’m focusing mostly on men since it’s still controversial for men to be feminine in any way. Especially hyper feminine. Especially straight men wanting to be hyper feminine.
If you want someone to feel welcomed, perhaps think about your words and think about why you assume what you do, and why it makes people feel not welcomed. Think about why you still hold onto gendered words even after all these years of “diversity” and “inclusivity”. If you’re not actually doing any work to make change, those words mean absolutely nothing. Yes you can still use girlies and ladies, that is your right, but don’t assume that those two words equal femininity.
Don’t assume that everyone will be welcomed when you only address one demographic, as well as assume that everyone in that demographic loves femininity. And, believe it or not, tomboys and masc women/butches exist.
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draconifay · 5 months
Ngl as an abuse victim i hate this idea radfems and terfs spread that men are these "Vile, Disgusting, Ireedeemable Monsters by Blood whose chromosomes make them Evil by Default"
Aside from the ways they use it to justify their transphobia / transmisogyny, it's also an extremely flawed and harmful way of viewing things. Not only is it not fucking true because A.) Even if the patriarchy lets male abusers slide a lot of the time, there are plenty of non-shitty men out there and plenty of men who are willing to learn to be better, and B.) There are plenty of men who have been abuse VICTIMS and making this implication that they're doomed to be like their abusers is an incredibly cruel and anti-recovery thing to do. Not only are you hurting victims - you're also not helping stop abuse at all.
That, and: it leads to this implication that women, by contrast, are "Weak, Demure, Confused Little Creatures who can Do No Wrong" which, aside from how infantilizing that is, makes it seem like women are incapable of causing harm to others - which is ALSO not true. Everyone is capable of being incredibly cruel if they're not careful, and that includes women. And spreading this idea that women are "weak little creatures" not only harms abuse victims who were abused by women by delegitimizing their experiences- you're also giving a free pass to female abusers to not change and keep being shitty people. Not only that, but setting this precedent that they can do no wrong and that they will be protected just because they're women and their abuse is "not serious" (just look at the way authorities handle abuse cases where women are the perpetrators. So many times they don't take it seriously at all. It's vile.)
Abuse is a choice - it is not ingrained in someone's DNA. And making steps to improve yourself is also a choice. And, once again, everyone has the capacity to hurt others whether intentionally or unintentionally - which is why we have make the choice to be kind and make things better. You are not helping anyone by putting people into a box because of circumstances out of their control, and you are CERTAINLY not helping abuse victims nor are you helping women by saying "X gender are Monsters By Blood and need to all die"
(Don't even get me started on how their "evil by their DNA" rhetoric can so easily bleed into eugenics and this idea that certain people are 'undesirables' because of their DNA. I see so many ableist terfs who use disability to hurt others so it doesn't surprise me how their bigotry bleeds into ableism, too.)
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Even tho I don’t generally bring up/post about current events past the extent that jst does, I do think as a bigger blog I have a responsibility to make sure people are/feel safe being around me, which includes stomping out the kinds of people who work against that
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thesockghost · 3 months
Astral body lore that I have gathered from vague things that Castor and Pollux have said. First created on 2/15/2024
1. If Castor or Pollux dies, then the other dies as well.
From what Pollux said in the episode ‘Castor CONFRONTS Stitchwraith?! in VRCHAT’, and I quote: “cuz if you die then I die, and I don’t want to die.”. This brings in the question of whether or not if one of them just gets hurt, does that mean that the pain/injury gets translated to the other twin as well? Or does it just transfer over when the other twin dies?
2. If an astral body dies, then they do not truly die, they just respawn.
From what (Castor? Gemini? Idk) said in the episode ‘Lunar is FLUSTERED around Gemini in VRChat’. Some of the astral body’s have died. But that brings in the question of why Pollux is so scared of dying if they just respawn? I asked this question in the comments and someone pointed out that they might lose their memories if they die (thx for that btw if your reading this :), but there’s also the possibility that it’s just extremely painful for them to regenerate.
3. If Castor and Pollux are separated from each other for a long period of time, they will die.
From both the episodes ‘Earth Learns LUNAR'S DARK SECRET?!? IN VRCHAT’ [the episode of which the Gemini twins first appeared] and ‘Lunar Needs Castors HELP in VRCHAT’. This is very self explanatory, the only question or note I have on this part is how long does it take for them to start dying? Like a day or 2 I’m guessing? Idk man I just work here.
4. The astral body’s like things to be on schedule/Pisces and sagittarius are more kind than the other astral’s (?)
In the episode ‘Castor and Pollux's PLAN for LUNAR?! in VRCHAT’ Castor and Pollux said this: “everyone’s getting angry! I mean- they like things to be punctual! They like things on their own timetable.” “Those two are very awful about it.” (Note: in this scene the twins are complaining about how the other astrals are rushing them on find out if lunar’s a threat or not, and their complaining about Leo and taurus in particular.) *sigh* “Pisces and Sagittarius are likely doing their own thing.”. I looked up what the personalities of Pisces and Sagittarius, and they generally seem like they’d probably be more nice (if google is correct), and I might be jumping to conclusions on this one, but I think that they might be friends, due to the way that castor mentioned them together, and google says that they have a very high friendship potential.
5. The really fucking weird system of how Gemini works.
In the episode ‘Earth Learns LUNAR'S DARK SECRET?!? IN VRCHAT’, apparently the original plan that Castor and Pollux had for wandering around earth, was to turn into Gemini so they would look slightly less strange because their Gemini form looks more human. And during that part of their conversation, Pollux says: “when we have to do work, you can take over!”, and in the episode ‘Lunar DATES Gemini in VRCHAT’ castor decides to take a nap while Pollux and lunar hang out. But in a previous episode (I forget which lol) Castor said that they don’t sleep??? Does that mean that Castor just doesn’t like to usually sleep??? Whatever, that part at least makes more sense than what I’m about to say next, since it seems like at least they kinda have what sun and moon had when they shared the same body. But in the latest episode ‘Earth and Monty's SURPRISE DOUBLE DATE with Lunar and Gemini!’ They say something along the lines of “when we’re Gemini, we are one. Whatever one likes, the other one likes as well.”. SO UHHH, I kinda remember Castor mentioned at one point when they were talking about their Gemini form “when we’re like that I want to do my job less…” so like- how does the personality bleed system work???? Because whenever they’re Gemini, it seems like Pollux is just the exact same as she usually is. SO IS IT ONLY CASTOR WHO GETS A PERSONALTY???? I mean I guess we wouldn’t really know the difference since we never really get any info on his likes and dislikes in the show, BUT POLLUX IS JUST NORMAL!!! HOW DOES THIS WORK????
Side notes: it’s also been demonstrated that in the episode ‘Lunar is FLUSTERED around Gemini in VRChat’, they share a headspace, and actively have conversations in their head when they’re Gemini. Also it’s kinda confusing because sometimes it seems like they slip into one person for a second, but then go back to being two different people. So is Gemini (the person) real??? Or am I just verbally hallucinating???? Also I’m not going to go into this in detail, but…..wtf is Gemini’s gender??? Because castor takes on a more masculine form and uses he/they and Pollux takes on a feminine form and uses she/they, So what’s up with Gemini??? I mean they obviously use they/them because they’re literally 2 fucking people, but flag wise, what is their gender??? Nonbinary? Trans? Gender-fluid? Bigender??? WHAT IS IT SHEEPOLE????
Update: 2/18/2024
6. Taurus, Leo, and Libra, destroy planets.
Once again this section pretty much explains itself. Mentioned in the current latest episode of S.A.M.S ‘ECLIPSE is CONFRONTED in VRCHAT’, my assumption of why this is, is because the astrals (from what we know) are all about protecting the laws of the universe, and because all things must eventually come to an end. So my theory is that some of the astrals must destroy planets to keep the balance of life and death, and kill old planets to make way for new ones (sorry that this section is poorly worded, I just don’t know how else to explain it lol.)
7. The antimatter is sentient (?)
Once again mentioned in the episode ‘ECLIPSE is CONFRONTED in VRCHAT’, castor mentioned how there are “anti constellations” (which the way castor said it makes sounds like the beginning of the plot of a really shitty marvel movie, but that’s besides the point), aka the antimatter and also not are not his kin. And also mentioned how the wither storms are like demented children of the antimatter. And I quote “did you think when you made negative star power, there’s no such thing as a negative constellation? One that draws on that power? One that wants to bring the end?” “I thought that was the damn storm?!?” “It is. The storm is…sort of like its child. It chooses to foster.” Which the way castor explained it didn’t make them sound like an unstoppable force, more like an unstoppable person (if that makes sense).
Update: 04-23-2024
As of writing this, the lovely Gemini twins have made a brief appearance in the current latest episode ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’ and have brought a small bit of new lore with them :)
8. The astrals have their own unique culture and manners
Mentioned in the current latest episode as of writing this: ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’, Gemini mentions that the stars have their own etiquette, but never really gave any context beyond that since they thought if they told lunar, then it would break his mind, WHICH IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR. BESTIE I DO NOT CARE IF IT MAKES ME INSANE, IN CASE YOU COULDNT TELL FROM ME WRITING THIS ENTIRE ESSY, THE ADDED INFORMATION WILL ONLY MAKE MY HYPERFIXATION STRONGER. *cough cough* so anyways yeah this section is basically just a place holder till we get more info on their culture.
Honorable mentions that I think are too small of facts/too obvious to get their own sections:
Since the astral body’s are made out of light (mentioned multiple times throughout the show, but I think the first mention is in ‘EARTH and POLLUX Become BEST FRIENDS?! In VRCHAT’) they can move through walls and most physical structures and surfaces.
(Updated 03-11-2024. got a bit distracted so this update is 2 weeks late from when the episode with this info was first released.) The astrals can for some reason not be seen by colorblind creatures??? Mentioned in the episode ’Lunar Is FRIEND ZONED! in VRChat’, because there was a deer standing near lunar and Gemini said “it must be comfortable in your presence” and when lunar asked why they didn’t care about Gemini, with which they responded with “no we are more or less invisible to them. See?” Then they started to run around the deer. And when asked why by lunar they replied with “most animals on your planet are colorblind. We are light. If light can’t reflect the way it’s meant to, then we kinda just come off as invisible.” WHICH MAKES NO F*CKING SENSE AT ALL!!! Cuz like yes. they wouldn’t be able to see them in their full glory, but if an animal were to look at them they’d at least see a glowing figure towering above them!!! So yea, it was probably just a bit to explain why a deer would be standing so close to them, but it still makes no sense.
Castor and Pollux take on the left brain and right brain atriabuts of a human being. Castor taking the left, while Pollux takes the right.
The astral body’s can naturally produce star power without creating any anti matter. (Mentioned in the episode ‘Moon is THREATENED by GEMINI?! in VRCHAT’ I think.)
The astral body’s are actively fighting the anti matter (somehow).
Castor has the power of telekinesis, and Pollux has the ability to control lightning (telekinesis demonstrated in the episode ‘What is CASTOR HIDING from LUNAR?! in VRCHAT’ and Polluxs lighting/storm (?) powers mentioned in the episode ‘Lunar Needs Castors HELP in VRCHAT’ I think.)
I’m a bit unsure about this part, but there might be an actual space court where lunar’s trial is currently taking place. once again mentioned in the episode ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’……… what-
And lastly, and probably the most obvious of all, the astral body’s do not need to eat or sleep, since the astral body’s are made of light.
UPDATE: 05-06-2024 They have apparently downgraded the astrals powers, and have made it so only castor can do the whole seeing everything all at once thing.
Yeah idk why they decided to do this, maybe it’s because it would be a bit too over powered and godlike for them, but they already mentioned that the astrals only have one power (‘What is CASTOR HIDING from LUNAR?! in VRCHAT’), and even when Castor and Pollux are gemini they have a different power, SO DOES THAT MEAN THAT IT JUST KINDA COMES WITH THE WHOLE TELEKINESIS THING NOW??? OR IS THE PART WERE THEY CANT HAVE MULTIPLE POWERS JUST NOT CANNON NOW???? AND IF IT STILL IS THEN, BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE CASTOR AND POLLUX HAVE BEEN GEMINI THIS WHOLE TIME DURING THE TRIAL, THEN HOW WOULD CASTOR BE ABLE TO SEE LUNAR GETTING KIDNAPPED IF THEY HAVE DIFFERENT POWERS AS GEMINI??????
I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal that they red-conned a part of their lore, but just remember I’m the mad-man who’s been keeping track of their lore since day one, so I’m legally allowed to have a stroke any time they change something :) just like the astrals have a stroke whenever lunar uses his powers
Will update if any new information pops up! Please tell me if I missed anything!
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
It's still fucked up to go "why can't people accept trans men as men when they act JUST LIKE cis men," and it (at best) is putting trans men in a shitty position wherein we have to prove ourselves suffieciently enough and at worst is actively just transphobia reliant on gender essentialism, which affects all trans people and then some.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#nonbinary#transphobia#transphobia tw#i've honestly found that people have held me to a much higher standard than cis men and i imagine that is multiplied tenfold among TPoC#the conversation about how we (general) make TPoC into a Threat is not mine to have. i have seen this discussion pop up multiple times#and the way gender is racialized absolutely affects PoC and TPoC#it runs me the wrong way precisely because of the gender essentialism and how much of that is rooted in transphobia 👍#like i feel as though people will read past the transphobia i'm talking about to go 'oh classic man whining' but...#...transphobia is transphobia even if it is 'gender-affirming' transphobia#my manhood isn't affirmed when you assume i'm a danger or that i am bound to be a fuck-up yknow?#because i *do* actually try my best to be good to the people around me and i *do* my best to protect others#and i am confident in the fact that the people around me irl will know that i don't fuck around when it comes to wanting to have their backs#like i have made it clear that i am willing to go apeshit if i'm told somebody is not safe#anyway i just want people to be mindful about how they talk about trans people and how playing into gender essentialism won't save us#i want people to know that they're still hurting trans people even if they think they're somehow punching up at us#talking about this because it's weirdly something i see so often when people even look at a trans man (only slightly hyperbolic)#people assume trans men have no idea what women and gender expansive people go through when it's like...??? HUH???#(also going off earlier my manhood doesn't even *need* to be rooted in protecting others and being a shield for me to be a man)
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welleducatedinfant · 2 months
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auressea · 1 year
Inanna-- 𒀭𒈹
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Star of the Heavens. We remember you.
We FIGHT! We call upon you for justice. We stand strong against our oppressors. Goddess of the Fearsome Divine Powers -
Salt of the Earth, you are in our stories still. We invoke you! Ease our paths. Help us flourish and thrive.
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bisexualseraphim · 9 months
People who see entire demographics of humanity as “the enemy” are so baffling to me, whether they’re incels/misogynists or racists or radfems or whomever I just look at them and wonder why you’d choose a life of such misery. People of a certain gender, sexuality, race or whatever demographic are not inherently your enemy just because they are part of said demographic. Gender and race essentialism is incredibly dangerous and untrue and it especially confuses me when people who claim to be trans allies abide by the former because that mindset is especially dangerous to trans people.
People are individuals, not a hive mind. Society as a whole has massive issues, and some groups may benefit from them more than others (like how the patriarchy hurts men but they still benefit from it far more than women ever will because it has men in mind, albeit only a certain type of man), but individuals are individuals. And what a depressing life it must be to instead navigate the world believing that millions of people are beneath you before they’ve even spoken a word.
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bitegore · 1 year
I also really want you all to know that I don't think Motormaster is doing gender roles. The only actual women he knows are like, Nightbird and Arcee and both of them kick absolute ass, as far as he's concerned "woman" is a special ev-combat classification and he's pretty sure they store extra explosives in their chest kibble, and the only women he's ever seen on TV are like, fully in sexy-lamp positioning so he doesn't really have any proper misogyny in him, he's not picked up on that properly. He's just also really stupid and HAS gotten all the sex jokes and taken them just a little bit too seriously and now he is bad at thinking about it. if you told him you were a woman he would be like "no you're not, you haven't even killed anyone" and ask you when you graduated from your woman certification classes
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lord-radish · 11 months
imagine thinking that trans men are inherently bad or evil or predatory on the basis of gendered privilege and societal power structures. cringe
#transmasc discourse#like the idea that trans men gain male privilege and kick down the ladder to beat on the queer community is astonishingly stupid at best#the idea that transphobia or queerphobia as a whole doesn't affect them because they're Assimilating With The Oppressors is like#man fucking what is up with people yknow#gender essentialism is fucked up and it's the same force that's beaten down on bi ace and transfem people#the fact that this has turned into 'trans rights but only for the women' by some dumb-fuck shitstains is awful#no. trans rights for all.#like let me explain what I mean here: trans men aren't seen as men by transphobes#it's not 'oh you're a fella? crack a cold beer and let's bash some gays'. passing as a man has just as much risk to it as passing as a woman#because a man who will attack a trans woman as someone who is not a woman will most likely attack a trans man he does not see as a man#with the same violence he might level against a cis woman#that's just on the masc side. i can't speak for any violence against trans men by cis women but I can see how cis women discredit trans men#by claiming them as Lost Lesbians and Sisters In Arms who've been lost due to the Trans Agenda#like people shit on bi people because they have 'passing privilege'. but we know that bi people face homophobia#and other issues about their orientation. the idea that trans men get their Boys Will Be Boys card is to focus on a tiny selection#that *potentially* has the power to he a shithead - like a queerphobic asexual person or a malicious bi person#and paint an entire group of diverse people as literally the worst interpretation you can imagine about them#like consider that you have your own issues and/or biases in regards to people you like and want to hang out with#and stop calling entire groups of people invaders and oppressors whose entire goal is to upend the community#and turn the power of queer people against them#i understand how it feels to feel powerless and to have somewhere where you feel supported and safe#but if you're going to see pain and hate in every group who shares your experience but gives you an ick for whatever reason#there's a solid chance that the Righteous Crusade against them is - in fact - your own personal dislike wielding a modicum of power#that essentially functions the same way that hetero- and cis-normative standards and people have rejected you.#it is essentially you becoming the bully. and just like bi and ace and transfem people before I won't stand for it#trans men are my people.
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shrimplovercat · 7 months
something something, transphobia has regressed feminism so much that we’re at a point where if a woman expresses a Single inkling of being “masculine” there will be people freaking out about how “women aren’t allowed to be feminine anymore”
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